Weiblichen indian porn

2 years ago
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Die Zauberin Spiegelbild german

******************************************************** Die Zauberin ? Spiegelbild(das Gegenst?ck zu ?Die Zauberin? (Sollte ich jetzt wohl zu ?Die Zauberin ? Hasso? umtaufen)********************************************************I BegegnungEs war nicht mein Tag...Heute hatte ich das Haus verkauft. Dort in Raukfurth war ich die letzten Jahre zu Hause gewesen. Und jetzt hatte ich es verkauft - weit unter Wert. Wie unversch?mt der H?ndler gewesen war; allein daf?r h?tte ich ihn schon verfluchen solle...

1 year ago
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Ein Nachmittag im Lenz

Ein Nachmittag im Lenz- ? by Metternich 1773 - Der Fr?hling hatte Einzug gehalten und lie? die Natur in ?ppiger Pracht wieder auferstehen. Leuchtende Farben erfreuten das Auge und intensive s??e D?fte erf?llten die Luft. Victoria Adams war dies alles nur allzu bewusst und mehr noch, ihr Herr hatte sie in eine Lage gebracht, in der sie einerseits ihrer K?rper intensiv sp?rte, andererseits auch v?llig hilflos und seinem Willen ausgeliefert war. V?llig nackt lag sie festgebunden von dicken H...

2 years ago
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Der ehrenwerte Pastor German

Der ehrenwerte PastorDienstag Die 15-j?hrige Karola lag in der Badewanne und genoss das hei?e Wasser. Sie war mit ihren Freundinnen Eislaufen gewesen. Es gab einen kleinen See unweit des elterlichen Hauses. Etwa 250 m lang und 70 m breit war er nur. Im Sommer nutzen sie und ihre Freundinnen ihn zum Baden, im Winter zum Eislaufen.Karola ist eine wahre Augenweide. Lange schlanke Beine. Fester Po und stramme Schenkel. Und was f?r Br?ste. Mit den Ma?en 86-57-88, bei einer Gr??e von 1,65 m, ist sie schon ...

2 years ago
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Das Abitur German

Das AbiturAls ich von der Abendschule zur?ck nach Hause kam weinte ich. Ich hatte den letzten Test wohl ordentlich vermasselt. Der Test war sehr schwer gewesen. Doch ich brauchte unbedingt das Abitur, oder ich w?rde meinen Job verlieren. Mein Chef hat mich f?r ein halbes Jahr vom Dienst freigestellt, und das bei voller Bezahlung. Er wollte sichergehen, dass ich gen?gend Zeit zum Lernen hatte um mein Abitur nachzuholen. Mein Mann sah mich als ich die K?che betrat und er fragte mich, warum ich...

3 years ago
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Marie German

MarieMarie, eine wundersch?ne 19-j?hrige junge Dame, wurde mit allen Attributen eines Models gesegnet. Bei ihr musste der liebe Gott ein Auge zugekniffen haben, als es hie?; Bitte anstellen, Sch?nheit, Anmut und Grazie werden verteilt. Die junge Frau musste mindestens zweimal in jeder Schlange angestanden haben, so perfekt war sie gebaut. Sie war 170 cm gro?, hatte K?rbchengr??e 75c, leicht gebr?unte Haut und schulterlanges blondes Haar. Wenn die Sonne darauf viel, glitzerten ihre Haare wie ein golden...

1 year ago
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Die Zauberin german

********************************************************Die Zauberin - Eine Fantasygeschichtea fantasy story about a man who fall into the hand of a sorceress and learn to esteem her power********************************************************1Vor kurzem hatte ich die Stadt verlassen. Mit nichts als meiner zerlumpten Kleidung auf der Haut. Nicht, das ich in den letzten Jahren wesentlich mehr besessen h?tte. Aber als Tagel?hner bekam ich viel zu selten Arbeit um mir etwas vern?nftiges leisten zu k...

3 years ago
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Hotelsklavinnen Hotel Slaves

                                                          Hotelsklavinnen Teil 1, Freitag Lass mich erst mich selber vorstellen, ich bin ein Mann in bester alter und Eigent?mer und Gesch?ftsf?hrer von einem gr??eren mittelst?ndischen Unternehmen mit Sitz in dem s?dlichen Teil von NRW.  Ich lebe im Moment alleine als ich mich vor guten 5 Jahren von meinen Frau getrennt habe, wir passten lange nicht mehr zusammen und am Ende wurden der Ehe nur zu einen Qual f?r uns beide.  Vor ein par Jahre war ich au...

2 years ago
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Das Kostuemfest

Das Kost?mfest(german/deutsch) M/f, MMFF/f, reluctant, bondage, anal, toys, costume, modification, spanking, bestiality, humiliation, exhibitionSynopsisKatrin ist der Meinung, ihr Leben l?uft an ihr vorbei: Nur Arbeit, w?hrend andere Leute spannende Sachen erleben und auf rauschende Feste gehen. Da ist nat?rlich ihr Beziehungspartner gefragt, der die undankbare Aufgabe erh?lt, wieder etwas Glanz in die gemeinsame Freizeitgestaltung zu bringen. Eine n?rgelige Freundin ist das letzte, was er...

2 years ago
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Timmys Tageb cher German

Timmys Tageb?cher Timmys Tageb?cher------------------------------ Kapitel?bersicht: I) Auf der Schule??????????? - Kapitel 1: Der Spion??????????? - Kapitel 2: Die Dusche ??????????? - Kapitel 3: Der Hausmeister ??????????? - Kapitel 4: Das erste Mal II) In der Klinik??????????? - Kapitel 5: Die Anw?ltin ??????????? - Kapitel 6: Die Klinik??????????? - Kapitel 7: Die Maschine III) Im Jugendheim:??????????? - Kapitel 8: Die Leiterin des Jugendamtes    Kapitel 1: Der S...

3 years ago
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Helga und Maria GERMAN

Helga und Maria Ehepaar und Tochter werden von dem sadistischen Arbeitgeber des Ehemannes und Vaters gefoltert.   Teil 1: Marias erste Sitzung. Nachdem der Brand im Studentenheim gel?scht war, wurden die ausw?rtigen Studenten in Hotels evakuiert. Die Studenten, deren Eltern in der N?he wohnten, wurden gebeten, dort solange zu wohnen, bis das Studentenheim wieder bezugsfertig war. Maria fuhr also zu dem Haus ihrer Eltern, dass nur knapp eine Stunde von der Uni entfernt im Gr?nen am Rande de...

3 years ago
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Lex Maya german

Lex Schambereich Lex Maya Der folgende Text ist humoristische Abhandlung. Er ist nicht als ernst gemeinte politische oder gesellschaftliche Aussage zu verstehen, sondern lediglich ein Gedankenspiel wie die Welt sein k?nnte, wenn eine der gr??ten M?nnerfantasien wahr w?rde. Das Licht im Fernsehstudio wurde heller, die Musik schwoll an und auf den Bildschirmen glitt der computergenerierte Titel der Sendung ins Bild: ?Ein Jahr Lex Maya - Sch?ne neue Welt?Die 28-j?hrige Moderatorin stand mit ihren ...

2 years ago
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Sommerferien in Oberbayern GERMAN

1. Kapitel Wir wollten an diesem wundersch?nen Sonntagnachmittag mal wieder etwas Aufregendes erleben. Deshalb hatten wir uns in unser Auto geschwungen und waren - zun?chst auf's geratewohl ins Blaue gefahren. Das es dann so aufregend werden sollte, hatte sich keiner von uns beiden gedacht. Aber der Reihe nach. Wir, das sind Sabine und ich. Wir beide sa?en also in unserem Auto und fuhren ?ber die Landstra?en. Sabine  hatte  -  dem Wetter angemessen  -  ein  leichtes Sommerkleid an. Wie ?blich hat...

2 years ago
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Part One   Schwestern  ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????  Unschuldig und st?rrisch waren sie, wie alle zuerst unschuldig und st?rrisch waren, bevor er ihnen die Werkzeuge zeigte und erkl?rte. Es machte ihm immer besonderes Vergn?gen und er sah es als eine Art erregendes Vorspiel, seinen Opfern? genau und ausf?hrlich auszubreiten, was sie erwartete. Er liebte es mit ihnen zu spielen, wenn sie zur?ckwichen, wenn sich ihre Augen entsetzt weiteten, w...

2 years ago
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In den H nden der Geheimpolizei german

Dienstagsfolter In den H?nden der Geheimpolizei Vorwort Ich bin von zwei inzwischen guten Freunden aufgefordert worden, ihre Erlebnisse einer breiteren ?ffentlichkeit mitzuteilen, und komme dem hiermit gerne nach. Es handelt sich um zwei Mitglieder der Geheimpolizei, die aus Sicherheitsgr?nden dazu verpflichtet wurden, ?ber ihren Berufsalltag strengstes Stillschweigen zu bewahren. Sagen wir also einfach: Die Geschichten spielen in irgendeiner fiktiven Diktatur, in der Schergen der St...

3 years ago
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Montagsfolter german

When I saw the first time the cartoons of Robert, Damian, Quoom, Archimboldo (which I still adore), in my fantasy the scenes b Montagsfolter (deutsch) Gl?cklich ist, wer Hobby und Beruf verbinden kann. Sie kommen am Montagmorgen etwas sp?ter in die Zentrale, weil sie Wochenenddienst gemacht und sogar ?berstunden bis sp?t in die Nacht geleistet haben. Aber es war auch zu sch?n gewesen! Allerdings nicht f?r ihr Opfer, eine dunkel gelockte, sehr ansehnliche junge Frau. Nun ja, jetzt nicht mehr seh...

3 years ago
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Der Flyer am Anschlagsbrett des Supermarktes weckt sofort dein Interesse. In bunten Farben wird für ein neu eröffnetes Fitnesscenter geworben: "Nudefitness" Sei aufgeschlossen für Neues. Befreie dich von all deinen inneren und äußeren Zwängen. Bewege dich bewußt im Einklang mit deinem Körper. Wir bieten dir eine völlig neue Form des Fitnesstrainings. Werde aktiv und nutze das einmalige Angebot eines kostenlosen Probetrainings. Unsere geschulten Fitnesstrainer beraten und unterstützen dich gern....

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Abenteuer auf dem Reiterhof

Caroline Wismar saß gelangweilt auf einer kleinen Bank vor einer der Pferdeställe und blätterte lustlos in dem Modemagazin, welches sie sich in weiser Voraussicht mitgenommen hatte. Pferde und Reiten war nie ihr Ding gewesen und sie konnte daher die Faszination die viele Menschen, insbesondere Frauen für den Reitsport hatten nicht teilen. Im Gegenteil, die großen prächtigen Pferde machten ihr auf der einen Seite Angst, auf der anderen Seite bedauerte sie die Tiere, da sie als Sklaven für die...

2 years ago
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Adventskalender 2020

Sonntag, 29. Dezember 2020 -1. Advent Malerisch schmiegt sich das märchenhafte Berghotel "Schneeflocke" in die verschneite Alpenlandschaft. Es ist ihm nicht anzusehen, dass es von einer drohenden Schliessung bedroht ist und viele Mitarbeiter um ihre Existenz bangen. Aufgrund äußerer Umstände steht das fünfstöckige Hotel nun seit fast einem Monat leer und blickt in eine ungewisse Zukunft. Als unabhängiger Hotelprüfer bist du von einem grossen Finanzinstitut beauftragt worden, in den nächsten...

3 years ago
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Sonntag, 29. Dezember 2020 Es ist der 1. Advent. Malerisch schmiegt sich das märchenhafte Berghotel 'Schneeflocke' in die verschneite Alpenlandschaft. Es ist ihm nicht anzusehen, dass es von einer drohenden Schliessung bedroht ist und viele Mitarbeiter um ihre Existenz bangen. Aufgrund äußerer Umstände steht das fünfstöckige Hotel nun seit fast einem Monat leer und blickt in eine ungewisse Zukunft. Als unabhängiger Hotelprüfer bist du von einem grossen Finanzinstitut beauftragt worden, in den...

4 years ago
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Zum Vertragsabschluss nach Dubai Teil 1

Zum Vertragsabschluss nach Dubai Teil 1 Es war einen Monat nach meinem Ausbildungsende. Ich hatte B?rokaufmann gelernt, war 19 Jahre, hie? Manuel und dachte, jetzt liegt mir die Welt zu F?ssen. Ich habe wirklich gedacht, jetzt kann ich alles und bin der perfekte Verk?ufer und Gesch?ftsmann. Das lies ich auch gern raush?ngen. Ich war sehr gro?spurig, lies in jedem Moment mein "Wissen" raush?ngen und hatte auch gern mal macho-hafte Z?ge. Und das, obwohl mein ?u?eres nicht gerade dem gleich kam. B...

1 year ago
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Miss Red

Ich möchte euch die Geschichte von Bianca erzählen und wie sie damals mein Leben verändert hat. Das Ganze begann im Sommer 2013. Ich war gerade 18 geworden und verbrachte viel Zeit mit Dates und Freunden. Ich hatte mir gerade eine bekannte Kuppel-app heruntergeladen und sah mir die weiblichen User an als mein Blick auf ein bestimmtes Profil fiel. Auf dem Bild war ein zierliches Punk-Girl mit Roten kurzen haaren zu sehen dass frech in die Kamera grinste. Sie war mir direkt sehr sympatisch und so...

2 years ago
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VORWORT Die Idee zu dieser Story kam nach einem Bericht ?ber junge Transsexuelle im Fernsehen. Danach habe ich mich zu dem Thema ein wenig im Web umgesehen. Viele junge TS trauen sich nicht etwas zu ihren Problemen zu sagen. Oft gibt dann ein Crossdressing Ereignis erste Hinweise, ab dem die Dinge ihren Lauf nehmen, und schnell zu riesigen Problemen f?hren. Einiges des hier geschriebenen ist so ?hnlich tats?chlich passiert, ich habe es mit ein wenig Fantasie verbunden. Das Ergebnis ist...

1 year ago
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Der Wille von starken und h bschen Frauen

Der Wille von starken und h?bschen Frauen Es war einmal ein arroganter, eingebildeter und sehr ?berheblicher Macho. Dieser betrachtete alle M?dchen und Frauen nur als Popp-Objekte! Frauen haben dumm zu sein, grosse Titten aufzuweisen und sollen grossen Spass daran haben, M?nnern einen zu Blasen und ihre s?ssen Muschis von grossen Schw?nzen verw?hnen zu lassen. Eines Tages aber trafen die M?dchen und Frauen, die es satt hatten, sich st?ndig auf ihre Br?ste und ihren Po glotzen zu lassen, den Ent...

4 years ago
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SleepwalkerChapter 37 New Friends

Soon it was time to go. The girls hugged both coaches to thank them for their special efforts and attention. Lynn looked at me with surprise when she found me in line for a hug. "Hey, if a beautiful woman is handing out free hugs, I'm getting in line." I hugged her briefly and continued, "Besides I learned just as much as the girls did." I then hugged Melinda as well. "Hey, you're not my teacher and I like hugging my friends." They took us home and we began getting ready for our...

2 years ago
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Glory Glory Hole

Glory be... Suz was drunk, Jenn was close behind, and their 'friends' were encouraging them to find this fanciful fantasy that was rumoured to be close. The fantasy was a Glory Hole that had a signal sent to guys when it was occupied. Teresa was an alleged expert because she had used it several times. It moved around but was always close to parking. "It was really cool ... the only catch is that it only lets you back out after a set number of guys! I don't know how it counts but I had to...

3 years ago
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Christine s Night Out

It was a slow day at the Deli. As the afternoon rolled in, there was only one customer in the shop. Chris needed to keep busy, so he walked out from behind the counter and started to sweep the floor. He glanced at the sole customer in the shop. She was a 16 year old classmate of his. She was wearing a long skirt, and he thought that she was pretty. He would have asked her out, if he didnct already have a girlfriend. Chris adored his girlfriend, but other girls still caught his eye....

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B la Book 5 New BeginningsChapter 1

‘Fire all around! I’m burning up!’ Forcing herself to remain in the teleportation zone, even though her skin was blistering and her hair was on fire, she cried out one last time. “Lisa? Where are you? Béla? Please! Answer me!” She gave up, her ability to concentrate overwhelmed by the unbearable heat as her body began to blister, the nuclear fire so intense that, even through her time shield, it was unbearable. ‘So hot!’ Tabatha shrieked as she awoke, sitting straight up on her sick bed....

4 years ago
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The threesome

The people in the story are real, names are made up but this nearly happened and it has remained a fantasy ever since!I have always had threesome fantasies but never had a willing partner, it’s always great in theory but in reality? It would cause problems I suspected. None of my girlfriends knew that deep down; I wanted to suck a cock with them. I would look down at my own and wonder what it tasted like often! I had seen lots of videos on Xhamster of bi MMF fun and daydreamed what it would be...

3 years ago
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I masturbate for my sister then fuck her

I went to a naturist camp for a three-week holiday and very much enjoyed seeing naked girls walking about with no sense of embarrassment. I returned home with a good sub tan all over. My sister, Edna, who lives near me came to visit me and I told her about my holiday and said I was brown all over. She wanted to see it so I undressed in my lounge. I had no inhibitions about being seen naked by my sister because I had become used to being totally nude and being seen by girls. Even so, I began to...

1 year ago
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Full Moon Syndrome Chronicles Cedric s Story

(Long story short Jan our hero gives into his sexual urges and pretty much rapes our 13yr pedo-magnet Cedric. Jan passes out and the following morning Jan wakes up to find that Cedric is okay with this. Jan decides to test Cedric durability and pain tolerance as well as his control. Jan decides to put Cedric to the ultimate test of tender sex.) Sorry if the last part didn’t make sense there is very little blood going to my head right now, giggity (YES I know I am sick freak.) If you...

4 years ago
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Haye Meri Choot 8211 Part II

Haye meri choot ka yeh doosera bhag heyjis mien us ladrki ki dastan hey jiska kanwara pan us waqat aik derzi ney loot liya jab woh sirf 9th class mien padrhti thi.Agey ka haal usi ki zubani suniyee. Meri izat lut chuki thi.Meri nanhi choot phat chuki thi.Mien is terah ho gayee jaisey koye pagal dewana ho.baat abhi tak gherwaloon mien hi thi.Aour der yeh tha key ager baher nikal gayee to sarey periwar ko iska khimiyaza uthana hoga.Isi karan kisi ney us derzi ko kuch nahien kaha key uska kiya woh...

3 years ago
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Samantha Grandma s GiftChapter 2 Cleaning up the Mess

I slunk off into the bathroom to clean the jizz out of my boxers before Mandy decided to react poorly to what I had just done. It was hard to regret the experience. The idea of someone's grandmother turning them into a sex bomb was very strange to say the least, but Samantha seemed happy with the results. I had certainly cum hard. There was a big wet spot on my boxers and big globs of cum matted in my pubic hair. I grabbed a wad off toilet paper and wiped a drop of cum from the tip of my...

3 years ago
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Meeting My Probation Officer

My name is Andy, and I have totally fucked up. I’d never been in trouble in my life before. Then a lad I knew asked if he could stick some gear in my garage because his girlfriend had kicked him out and he needed somewhere to stash it until he was sorted. Like a mug, I said ‘yes’. I’m a mug because I know what he’s like, and I’ve always avoided him in the past, so I didn’t get involved. This time, for some stupid reason, I believed him. Next thing I knew, the cops were round with a warrant...

3 years ago
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Julie and Tom Part 1

Julie lay on her bed. She felt confused and ashamed. The shame was for many things. It was for the loud orgasm she just had, for the pictures on the laptop screen, and for getting wet from the comments that men had posted below the pictures. She felt like crying. She should not have looked without her husband. But ever since she knew that Tom had posted naked pictures of her on ‘adultism’ she kept checking the site. Three times per day Julie counted the likes and read the comments. Three times...

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Gaping my wife 0

Well anyway she was a bit shy And not very adventurous in the bedroom. Hell it took me almost 6 months to finally fuck her and after I bursted her cherry she just couldn't be satisfied. Soon after we were pregnant with our son which made things even better for me. She just wanted a raw fucking Every time I walked in the door. It seemed like she was getting more daring in her sexuality the bigger her belly swelled. She started telling me of one fantasy after another which made for a good cum...

4 years ago
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Akavai Appa Oothar

Enaku ippozhuthu 19 vayathu aagugirathu, en siru vayathil en thanthai akkavai eppadi oothar enbathai nan intha kathaiyil ungalidam solugiren. Naangal mothamaaga veetil 5 per irunthom, athu nan en akka thambi pin apppa matrum amma. Naangal nala jollyaana kudumbam aanal en thanthai oru kaama virumbi adikai en ammavai padukaiyil kasaki konde irupaar. En amma kathal seithu kondu thirumanam seithu kondaargal, en appa veetil kathal thirumanathirku samathika villai thanaal oodi vanthu thirumanam...

1 year ago
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The CEOChapter 9

Becca threw herself into the job of pulling the proposal together. Carl greased a few wheels and got her in touch with the many French government agencies that she needed to convince to guarantee the construction loan for the factory building complex. She immediately ran into a brick wall. The French refused to back the loan. She went to the start-up, which was to be called FMI for France Micro International, and got the number of French jobs the chip factory would employ and went back to the...

2 years ago
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Exploring My Sexy Fantasies

I am Ramya and this is my first story. I am going to write this story in parts so that I won’t be wasting my time if no one likes it. I think this story, at least this first part is not going to have a lot of penetration sex scenes if that is what you are looking for. I am going to focus on the part how I transformed from being a very shy Indian girl who wears dupatta whenever around guys, into a girl who wanted guys to look at my body all the time and comment on my body! I craved to show them...

3 years ago
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Blind Date

I was feeling excited and nervous as I donned my mask and stepped into the club, I suppose I was feeling more than a little foolish too and I wondered what I was doing there. It had all started as a joke, a way to fill in a boring few hours. After all, I was only twenty-five and attractive enough to have any man I wanted without having to resort to answering ads in contact magazines, well, one ad in one magazine. Now I was getting ready to meet a man who I did not know, in a place I had never...

3 years ago
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My First Threesome Experience

This happened after a week I fucked Sita aunty. That night me and my friends were playing cards and teasing others… while we are playing suddenly gopi told “guys you know Bala’s story? He already corrected that aunty and that’s why he is avoiding coming to collage” I told ” dudes its Nothing like that, it was boring going to collage” Gopi-“Dai Machi we know about you da…. if it’s boring you should have gone home… why unnecessary sitting here” ME -“Machi, mom and dad went out of station da”....

1 year ago
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Lt Elisabeth Hall Pirate Adventures

HMS Brilliant has been in the South China sea for the last few months carrying out anti piracy operations. The duties like those of the blockade around the Balkan states was becoming tedious. Lieutenant Liz Hall was detailed to lead a four man team from the Brilliant to the Tanker "Siam Xan Xai" it was early evening. The tanker had departed Singapore the day before and was bound for SongKhla, Thailand. She hated duties like this. The Captain had an attitude about Women in the Navy, He always...

2 years ago
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Bayonetta s Abuse Chapter 11 Inferno

The temperature gauge drew ever closer to the red line. A large trail of dust billowed behind Bayonetta's GTO as it raced down the long dirt road. An occasional patch of trees and stretch of dry grass were visible here and there, but vegetation was increasingly rare as they proceeded into the badlands. If the pattern held, soon there would be nothing but boulders, scorched Earth, tall rock-faces and desolate canyons. The sun beat down on the yellow sports car mercilessly as Cereza and...

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Tia Lopes was a freshman at a lousy community college in a seedy part of San Diego, just above the Mexican border. With her dark looks she fit in well. Whether because she loved suntanning, or because she had a bit of ethnic blood everyone had assumed she was Mexican and treated her as such. Since most people in her neighborhood were hispanic it meant she fit in fairly well. Jacob Wright was her boyfriend. Tall, muscular, rich, a famous playboy and the son of the mayor, he was an incredible...

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Uncle Bob s Tractor

Lori had always teased her Uncle Bob mercilessly. She'd flirted with him endlessly too, ever since she was about ten. He made it easy for her, of course, because he always gave her hugs and kisses and treats and presents. He always told her she was his very favorite niece. When Lori began having boyfriends, Uncle Bob usually looked them up and down and pushed out his chest and made vague statements about how he won the Golden Gloves when he was younger, and he mentioned that he was an...

2 years ago
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Gloryhole with Jo part 3

………………………….. I leant forward and started sucking it, it was already rock hard, from I imagine the excitement of finger fucking the dirty girl behind the wall to orgasm. As sucked on his cock I thought with all this cock sucking and wanking I could do with a cock in my aching pussy.I let the cocks in my hands go and grabbed handy with my left hand and stopped sucking him, I stood up pulled my panties off with my right hand, turned round so my back was to the wall and stuck my bum out reversed...

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Dommy Mommies and Chastity Belts

      Dommy Mommies and Chastity Belts!              TJ Ryder         The 15th Annual DommyMommy Ball!    Briarcliff Academy     Jan 15  7 PM***********************************   Terrence/Terri P stood in the foyer of thefamous and also notorious feminization school for select young males and stared at the announcement onthe bulletin board.   "That figures!" he half smiled.  Going back upto his room since classes were over for the day hesaw his upperclass roommate doing some sewing wearingonly...

3 years ago
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Sex With A Reader

Hello, people, this is Raj again with a new and a true story which happened to me with one of my ISS readers. Let’s call her Reena. She was in her early 20’s and have a figure to die for. Surprisingly she was also from the same city as I am. This all happened when Reena read one of my stories. She pinged me on hangouts stating that she read my story and like it a lot and also got wet after reading my story. I was happy to know that. I just replied as thank you. There was no message from her...

2 years ago
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Business Epilogue

Alex and I went home and lived happily ever after. We got married 3 weeks later. We didn't even wait to graduate. We kept building up our company for about a year and would probably still be doing it except for a slight changing our plans. Alex somehow got pregnant, go figure. Anyway we sold DanAlex for a retarded amount of money. Alex wanted to be a stay home mom, and she insisted that we stay home together. Dana never recovered from the incident. A few months after it happened, I was...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Kyler Quinn Sis Loves A Man In Uniform

Kyler Quinn is looking fine as fuck in a bikini. Her stepbrother, Codey Steele can’t keep his eyes off of her. Too bad for Codey that Kyler only wants a man in uniform. She belittles her stepbro while simultaneously giving him hints that if he were to become a real man she might think better of him. Codey does go ahead and enlist. A year later, when he’s fresh home from boot camp, Kyler approaches him wearing the same bikini but with a different attitude. She asks Codey if he...

2 years ago
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Easy Amy 2

"One… Two… Three…" Amy Haynes was doing pushups in her room. Repeat sets of 10 in her gray-pink sports bra. It did little to support her breasts and in fact made her task more of a challenge, threatening to spill her all-natural D cup tits over the carpet. She kept her legs straight like she'd learned in Cheer Squad, her pale pink toes scrunched into the carpet. The ex-cheerleader finished her third set, her focus still sharp when Greg Larkin barged into her room. "You ready to go?" He made...

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MisfitsChapter 7

Sometimes the enormity of an event is too big for a person to understand. It isn't real because it's beyond imagining. You have to see it a little at a time and just a tiny fraction, once believed, is still too much. As soon as I saw the ruins of Los Angeles, and that word is much too generous, I felt something dying inside me. "What did you do?" I asked, blinking at the rush of hot tears filling my eyes. "I used to live there," Talis said softly. "My name was Kevin and I had parents...

1 year ago
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Dad son play with my younger friend

II know Adam just for 1 month. My friend Lucas took him to our private party because Adam is bi curious. We had really nice time and I was happy to hear a week ago from Adam who said he really liked and that we could meet in privacy. He said he'd love to play some situation where I will be his dad because Im 44yo and he is only 25. I told him it's great idea. We made situation that Adam is just 18 yo and has bad school results and i must punish him that he doesn't behave properly. I said : “...

2 years ago
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Sexy Louise the Naughty Boy

Introduction: Online sex talk leads to a meet at Louises Flat… Only someones lied about their age? What will Louise do? Due to lack of sexual excitement with my fiancé,e Duncan, our relationship ended a few weeks ago. My names Louise, Im an attractive blonde, 29 years old, 58 with 32dd large breasts but those arent even my best feature, best by far is my big curvy backside, my girlfriends are always complimenting my ass. Anyway, Im used to describing myself like this because Ive been...

3 years ago
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risedale secrets

Well this is were my story begins, it was a monday first lesson of the day and i was already bored to death, mr jordy are geography teacher was once again ranting and raving about us not having completed homework......bla....bla. Who cares. I noticed a girl opposit me shaking a little, i had a look over to find her desprately trying to hold a laugh down, now im not a pervert but my eyes didnt follow her shoulders or head, but her perfect round tits jumping about like a dog on speed. While i was...

1 year ago
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Fuck Buddies

Margo and I met shortly after her daughter became my neighbor. She would come to babysit her grandkids and we bumped into each other at the mailbox a few times. Some flirting took place and it was soon apparent to both of us that we would be fucking soon. I have a sort of steady girlfriend but we both have the freedom to indulge with other people and Margo is currently single. Neither one of us was looking for anything serious and it didn’t take too long before we were naked.I’m old school,...

4 years ago
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Helping a coworker

this starts at work in the post office years ago. I have worked there and with this women for over 25 years her name we'll say is D. She was Married I was a widower losing my wife five years earlier. D was always very friendly and touchy feely but she was a little depressed for a long while and after asking what was wrong at least a dozen time she finally told me one day in the parking lot. She said her husband was totally ignoring her after their daughter left for college and they work...

4 years ago
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The Tides of WarChapter 15

The lights of the Fort reminded him so he told the Lance Naik to draw two oil lamps from the stores for when the returned to the Pass. This was the same four-man detail that had driven the first herd down to the Fort and were anxious to get their own horses back. David smiled at the bond the men had formed with their mounts. He took the ropes of the other three packhorses as the men took the herd to the paddocks. As he reined up inside the gate, Subedar Major Para’s office men were running...

3 years ago
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Caught By His Mum Twice

Caught By His Mum, Twice Tim ran the scarlet red lipstick slowly across his lips. He paused for a moment before gently pressing them together, the way he had seen his Mum do countless times before when applying lipstick. He stared directly into the large mirror which dominated one wall of the front room of his house and allowed himself a moment to reflect on his transformation. He had certainly taken things quite far. As well as his beautiful lipstick he had applied a light layer of...

4 years ago
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Stranger in a Limo

Mark stood at the window looking down at the waiting limo below.   His date for the evening, Charlotte Hansen, had arrived to pick him up.   He dreaded this night, but he knew he had to do it.   She was very rich and influential, and if he treated her well, could bring him business.   Not that he wasn’t doing well already, but cultivating women like Charlotte was the reason he was doing well, and he knew he must continue. Mark was 50, fit, well groomed and good looking.   Women like his 60...

1 year ago
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Harry Potter As One War Ends Another Begins Part 5

Part 5 Sunlight crept through the bedroom window onto Ron Weasleys face causing him to wake up with a start. Ron's eyes adjusted to the bright light as he took in his surroundings. He was lying in bed, Harry must have already woken up and gone for breakfast because his camp bed was empty. Checking his bed side alarm clock he realised that his first quidditch match for the Chudley Cannons youth team was in 5 hours time. Normally Ron would be forced to spend the night before matches at...

3 years ago
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Where the Mountain RisesChapter 9 Upper Hand

January 10, 2028 Clark and the girls woke up on the morning of Katie’s sixteenth birthday utterly surprised when they looked out the window. The overnight snowfall had turned into a blizzard leaving a blanket of two feet of fresh, unmolested snow. The companion wind had carried and dumped snow onto the porch, making it impossible to exit the front door. The chicken coop was practically buried under a snow drift. Katie had all but adopted the chickens as her own and treated the situation as...

4 years ago
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Patty the Second Time

I saw Patty in the parking lot before work, she had come early as I asked and I told her to stay in her car, a silver ford mustang. I got into the passenger side and Patty looked over at me, she wasn't dressed in the burger places uniform yet and before she could say anything, I reached over and took her hand. I asked her if she had fucked her husband and she looked down and said yes with a faint smile.I smiled and asked her when and she said last night and this morning and admitted that she...

2 years ago
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A Rainy Day In The Old Barn

"Gerald, Is that you?" a familiar female voice asked from somewhere behind me. Turning, I just barely recognized Jenny Wolf. She had been one year behind me in High School. She was also one of the prettiest girls in the Junior class the last time I had seen her. Now all grown up, she was, in a word —stunning! The last time I saw Jenny was over two years ago. Since then, I had been half way around the world. At the moment, I was home on leave from the Navy. With my leave almost over, I had...

2 years ago
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Bees by Bryony Marsh "New kid, eh? I'm Baker. Stick to me like glue today, and you'll be OK." The new worker stood out prominently, his clothing yet to be stained by the pollen. He looked excited, and anxious. "Is it true about the bees?" he asked. "I mean, you hear things, but... if they sting you...?" "It's not a sting; it's a bite. And of course they're not exactly bees - although close enough. If they bite you, they'll inject you with a poison that makes your nuts shrink....

1 year ago
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Rugby Players Find Accomodation Part 4

It was the strangest thing to try to resume where I had left off in my work the previous day. Since about 6 pm the day before my whole life had changed and here I was at 9 am the following morning trying to organize my mind around work! It wasn’t as if it was first thing in the morning and I could think of yesterday as just some fantastic dream. Barry and I had just fucked each other’s asses in the shower less than an hour ago! When I settled my account with the B&B lady she had casually...

1 year ago
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Time Stopped

Laura Lenne and I were best friends from the day we first met. My family had just moved into the area due to my dad changing jobs and, with me being at that awkward age, I'd turned sixteen a month ago, I wasn't looking forward to being the “new” k** in school. Fortunately, I'd gotten partnered with Laura in our tutor class, she was sort of like my welcome package, we just clicked.We began to hang out all the time, just the two of us, we did almost everything together. It wasn't long before we...

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Smitha My Loveable Darling

Hi all, this is Shyam (name changed) am a 28yr old male having a decent look as most of the girls used to say with tall and athletic body. This is my first story in iss and i am going to share a real experience which happened 7 months before. Let me straight away coming to the incident which has changed my life a lot. The incident which i am going to narrate happened with one of my friends in Chennai a few months back. I work in a MNC and my friend also works in the same company and we are in...

2 years ago
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Washed UpChapter 48

"Well, Captain, you can try to take them by force, but there are a couple of things you should consider. First off, we outnumber you. If you try to take them by force, some of your men are going to be killed. Secondly, if you did manage to kill off enough of us that you could take the horses, how is it going to look to your commanding officer when he finds out?" I asked. "It is none of your business what my commanding officer would think, Mr. Hill. Things happen when you're at...

3 years ago
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Tara 3 DogsChapter 6

Darcy went and unpacked his backpack. He removed all the items he had collected for his kitchen at the other house and checked out what was still in this one that he could use. He was delighted that the items he found had familiarity and guessed he didn’t need much replaced or added. Darcy accessed the cold and dry stores to put away his supplies. He wasn’t sure if the food left in them were still good so he decided for now he would use what he had brought with him. They still had a lot of...

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Confessions of a West Palm Slut Chapter 6

It was a rainy Saturday in mid-January.  I had worked the night before and I was dead tired.  I would have loved nothing more than staying under these covers and napping the day away. I slowly climbed out of bed and stumbled to the bathroom.  Looking in the mirror, I saw the worn face of a twenty-five-year-old who had spent too much of the last three months working and partying.  Today would be no different.  It was Jimmy’s birthday and while the rain canceled the daytime bar crawl that was...

3 years ago
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Wife swapping by old couple

Hello viewer’s main ISS ka permanent reader hu. Mujhe sexy aap beeti padhna bahut achha lagta hai. Isliye mai bhi apni sachchi story suna raha hu aap ko pasand aayegi. Mai 56 saal ka aur meri wife 53 saal ki hai. Mera naam Lalit aur meri wife ka naam Sushila hai. Meri height 5’-5” weight 75 Kg aur wife 4’9” wight 60 Kg hai. Mere baal khichdi ho chale hai Sushila bhi hair die lagati hai. Shaadi huwe 32 saal ho gaye. Hamare Do bete hai jo bahar rahte hai. Shaadi ho gai hai. Wife shakal se gori...

4 years ago
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His Best Friends Girl

This is one of those ‘almost true’ stories. It’s something that should have happened, even though it never did . . . or did it? ******* “Hi Pete, its Lisa, Matt’s girlfriend.” I said into the phone. “Hi Lisa, How are you? You do know Matt is out of town right?” You said. “No, I know he and his dad are out of town. I was just wondering if you had any plans tonight. My parents are at a concert and I’m home all alone. I figured you might want to hang out or something.” I was so nervous. I...

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The reason why I Fridagirl love sex

Six months into my marriage and the sex was better than great, it was robust, vocal, and dirty. I had always been a very sexual girl during my teens, I don't mean screwing around but sexually aware of my potential as a sex object.I was into sex toys, my collection was seven and I knew how to use two at a time. I loved performing oral sex, as some men could attest, if they knew me, which I made sure they did not as I went out of town to have my sex, where nobody knew me and I could relax, safe...

2 years ago
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Its happen to me

We live in Hyderabad in a apartment and my parents both are working busy people but nothing wrong since I had all my lively hood, I had a neighbor aunt named Deepa, who was a widow and that time she was 35 yr old, and she was the one to take care of me from since c***dhood in absence of my parents so naturally I had some right or authority to go to her flat often and whenever I feel like and she was also affectionate on me as she didn?t had c***dren and she was really very fond of me. We were...

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Monica MechanicChapter 16 Return and Consequences

Pēteris, his Companions, and his Damsel stayed at Turtle Haven long enough to visit, settle in their new families, and sort through and maintain their equipment. Robyn spent most of her time with the young healer, Robinblue, discussing their soon to grow medical school. Nights were spent with a very lovely, amorous, and exceedingly horny covey in Pēteris bed. Items to be placed in bank boxes were packed, final baths taken, and a small convoy set out for the town’s bank. There, Pēteris was...

3 years ago
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Lucy s Beginnings

No unauthorized reproductions or distributions of this work, without the consent of the author, will be tolerated. Lucy's beginnings By A.J. [email protected] "She'll be home soon," I think to myself. I finish clipping my stockings to my garters, check the seams, and step into my heels before walking down to the kitchen to serve dinner. I don't like to cook in my uniform, but I must always wear a satin French Maid's uniform on while in Her presence, lest I bear the brunt...

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LoveHerFeet Yorgelis Carillo Language of Lust

Lust is a strong emotion that can even break the language barrier. Despite speaking a different language, Yorgellis Carillo and Renato still maintain a strong connection built around their lust for each other. Yorgellis suddenly gets bored while at home, so she calls Renato while he is still at work. Hearing the soft voice and tantalizing accent of the gorgeous Latina is enough to make Renato want to come home as soon as he can. The horny bloke doesn’t waste any time at all when he...

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The Audition Part One

And so began my screening interview and my first adventure into the world of adult films. Once I got past all the legal bullshit the questions were kind of fun to answer.Had I ever had gay sex before?"Everyone in the room seemed gay and happy about what I was doing to them at the time."********************************************************************************There was a guest speaker for the monthly meeting of the Pleasant Town Trans-gender League. This guy was so full of shit it wasn't...

3 years ago
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Online Adventures to Reality

A little information about myself. It wasn’t too long ago about 9 months ago. I was 19. Believe it or not I had a slim body and slightly toned build because of that. A Twink if you would. I have an extremely curious nature and are always seeking answers to any questions I have. One of those was what would it be like to hold another guys cock. Maybe even suck one. Since I love holding my own cock, why wouldn’t I like another’s? So I did a little bit of search for a chat site to accommodate gay,...

4 years ago
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Life Changing Getaway

I was an ever eager worker at my company & climbed relatively quickly to a great position, but of course had far higher goals. I went to school, got degrees & certifications, even worked as a handyman to gain more experience to make me over qualified for almost all positions at hand yet every slot that opened up I got passed by so I went on holiday. A day here & there, maybe a week max at a time, but never planned a full month far away. For some odd reason I felt the desire to go to...

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Breeding Mommy Chapter III

I knew the time would come when we’d have sex so I decided to go on birth control just in case. In the meantime, it was business as usual. I’d regularly tease him in my tight, form-hugging clothing; letting him stare at and grab my butt and breasts. I wore high heels more often, four-or-five inch ones, not the ones that barely get you off the ground, and began wearing fluorescent pink lipstick, which certainly got a rise out of him, both emotionally and physically. His cock got so hard the...

1 year ago
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Cynthia Palmer s New LifeChapter 8 Party Aftermath

The first thing that LaTesha did was go to the closet of her room and grab several long strands of rope that she kept there to play bondage games with Susie. She brought them back to Rob and said, "These two obviously have a thing going so let's make sure they get to know each other real well. I want them bound so they can't move their faces from each other's cunt. Position them so that Susie's nose is in Molly's cunt. I'll do the same with Molly's." Rob and LaTesha spent the next...

2 years ago
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One gorgeous spring morning strolling into the kitchen my other half hands me a cup of coffee and says a beautiful weekend for a first run on the bike ,looking over the rim.of my cup smiles a weekend away with you sounds heavily when we leaving finish your coffee I will make you breakfast then we will pack the the bike.We are ready dressed bike is packed asking him any place in mind he says we will let the bike decide ,the bike comes to life vibrating with anticipation on our destination ,lift...

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Ajay My Student 8216 Filled 8217 My Home

Hi all I am Ritika, I am a 36-year-old married lady working as a lecturer at a prominent college. I give you a brief introduction of myself and my family before writing up the incident. I am married to a handsome and good-hearted man named Akshay for 13 years. Even though ours is an arranged marriage, we soon bonded well with each other that we live happily even though we are not blessed with kids for my husband’s biological problem. Knowing the fact about my husband’s biological problem, we...

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Risky Endevors Vol 1

There are a number of things I've always dreamed about doing but never had the courage to try or ask my wife Beth to try. I'm sure most people (including Beth) have similar lists. She always asks me if there is anything I want her to do or if there is anything I want to try, but I usually just smile and say "I love everything you do". Every once in a while my courage level goes up enough to drop a hint or get a little adventurous, and through the years I've found that she is almost always...

2 years ago
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Fun With Stephanie

This story is about a guy in a van picking up an oversexed girl and having fun with her. FUN WITH STEPHANIE by boompsee Deara Douche` was like any single mother with a hot-body daughter, she was tired from work, tired from trying to pay the bills, and tired from trying to keep her seventh grade daughter out of trouble. At thirteen years old, Stephanie Douche` liked the way men looked at her. I first saw her walking out of a trailer park wearing short-shorts,...

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Bare Handed

I made it to the top of the stairs again. The cardiologist diagnosed me as having a severe atrial arrhythmia which, as far as I could tell, meant that my blood didn't circulate efficiently to my lungs and back. That and weighing three hundred pounds made my future existence pretty bleak. Still, I soldiered on, not having any alternative. I was still huffing and puffing, making my way down the hall to my office door. I was fumbling my keys much worse than normal. I felt like somebody hit me in...

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a ion Day 3

I woke slowly and noticed the smell of bacon cooking. I just lay therewith my eyes closed, enjoying the feeling and remembering yesterday. Mynose itched and I went to scratch it but couldn't! My eyes snappedopen, and I saw I was tied to the bed! What the hell was this? I pulledas hard as I could, but the ropes held. I hollered at them and Cathycame into the room with a large smile on her face."I see that you are finally awake." She said. "We decided that it wouldbe only fair if the tables were...

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Techno CultivatorChapter 19 Release the Dragon

-Monolith at Midnight- Setting the scene of this romantic rendezvous, or rather, this prince rescuing the princess moment, the night’s sky was beautiful. The dual moons were high in the starry heavens, bathing the world beneath them in a calming and harmonious mellow glow. The stars shone in strange and bizarre patterns, like ripples being created by rain drops. Not a cloud could be seen Apart from James, garbed in his new handsome light blue robe and the little blue ferret sleeping...

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Easy Money more easy cash

The water cascaded down his body, drenching me as I continued to suck his cock. James had texted me late yesterday to tell me he'd be in town, if I fancied meeting up. £200 and the memory of our last encounter prompted me to make an excuse to my boyfriend; and so, less than 24 hours later, he was fucking my mouth, the head of his prick battering the back of my throat. I looked up at him, kneeling before him in the shower. I could tell he was close to coming. He put one hand on the back of my...

Straight Sex
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Consuming You

I've been screaming your name in my head all day. You've just finished giving me an earth-shattering orgasm with your very talented mouth, and now I'm straddling you. My hands are in your hair, my tongue is in your mouth, and my hot, wet pussy is grinding against your cock. You feel so damned good , so hard and slick with my juices. I could take you inside me in half a second, fill myself with your hard shaft to the hilt and ride you until you scream. I have other plans, though. I grip your...

Straight Sex
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Oral and foot sex with my cousin

So after our first encounter where I was able to "accidentally" cum in front of my cousin I really hoped we would be able to have more fun before she left. The night before she was leaving her parents and mine were going out to a fancy dinner and left us home to fend for ourselves with some pizza and snacks. The only snack I wanted was her however. I told her I was going to take a shower and then we could watch a movie in my bedroom when I was done. When I finished my shower she was already in...

2 years ago
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The Orphanage BluesChapter 5

Meg should have noticed, when they left the bathroom, that all four of the other women seemed to have something to do in the dining room, but she was too busy trying to act completely normal. "I see you fared a little better tonight," said Mavis, looking at Meg's dress, an odd look on her face. "Yes, Bobby is a good boy, and learns very quickly," said Meg. She saw Sally looking oddly at her too, one eyebrow raised, but ignored her rather than ask what was troubling her. Instead she...

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Fair Trade Man Is Forced To Watch His Wife Fucke

Fair TradeByMichele NylonsDavid Cashmore sat at the wheel of his Ford Explorer watching a geyser of steam erupting from under the hood; his wife Michelle sat in the passenger seat fuming. He imagined a similar geyser bursting from her ears; she looked at him contemptuously, what he saw in her eyes was beyond anger."You had to listen to your pals at the sports bar didn't you? 'Don't worry Chelle, it's a back road but it's fine and will cut thirty minutes off our journey.' Which numb-nut told you...

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The Making of a SlutChapter 2

I smiled as BJ sank to her knees and, tears streaming down her cheeks, started to crawl toward me. My cock, so soft after just fucking her, was coming erect just from the thought of what I was going to do to her until her husband came home from Baghdad. I was betting that I had at least six months before that happened and I fully intended that she was going to be my slut even after he came home. BJ didn't know that my threat of sending her husband a video of her gangbang was a bluff. I...

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Sex With Kate

Wife Ashley and I have been married for several years. She has a younger sister named Kate that is 19 and always in trouble. She’s been picked up shoplifting, with drugs, drinking under age and other stuff. Kate was attending a college about an hour from our house, and I use the term “attending” very loosely. A little while back Kate was at our house for the weekend as she is every once in a while. Her and Ashley have fun together shopping and stuff. This time it was a Saturday morning and I...


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