Ocean Friends free porn video

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Ocean Friends Part I By alexis brooks [email protected] 'The smell of the ocean would do me good,' he thought to himself. His job had kept him very busy for the past three months. Not one weekend without some sort of appearance, performance, or mass of paperwork. This change of scenery would be the first for him since almost Christmas. It was the best chance he had at relaxing in a long time. Traffic was light that afternoon. Or at the very least, light for summer beach standards. The sun shone brightly through the unusually blue sky. It was mid-June and the sky usually was coated with a milky haze. Not today. Just a few small white puffs were off in the distance. Of course, by being at the oceanfront, there were the obvious tourists, running from one side of the street to the other with all sorts of beach chairs, sand buckets, large bags, and body boards. Most of the locals always 'boarded' farther south on the beach. This would afford them the luxury of being far enough away from the tourists that they could enjoy the sound of the ocean without hearing the parents scream for their children or listening to the traffic hurry down the avenue. Then... there... just in front of him, as he stopped at a light, was the best reason to come to the beach... the bikini! She stood 5'8" tall with long blond hair. She was not a Goddess to most, as her weight and form were never going to grace the cover of any magazine. That was not the type of woman that interested him. She was plump in all of the right places. He was not a butt-man or a leg-man. His main desire was the breast. And to put it simply, this woman was very well stacked in that department. This was a woman that would not break in half under the rigors of sex. Her form wiggled past his bumper from left to right with just a slight jiggle as she jumped on to the curve, causing those same plentiful breasts to sway gently. This made the traffic worth the effort. He pulled into the parking lot of a favorite spot on the oceanfront and stopped his car in the usual spot. He had come here many times in his past as part of his ritual for visiting the beach. It was a great place to have breakfast and watch the well-toned trophy wives of the richer aspects of society make their way to the pool and eventually to the beach itself. However, today he was not there for just that. His late breakfast was also serving as a meeting point for someone he had met online. Although they had only talked a few times, she had been very pleasant to talk to. She had never really gotten into deep conversations with him, but he could tell that there was an abundant sexuality about her. Her words always seemed to grasp him and fill him with fire. For this reason alone, he had to meet her. Doris, his "usual" waitress, came to take his order just a little after his arrival. He informed her that he was going to wait as he was meeting someone and wanted to put the orders in at the same time. There seemed to be an abundance of women at the pool this morning, so his wait wasn't completely without distraction. Doris' voice startled him back to reality asking for his order. He was about to answer when a voice came from over his shoulder. "He will just be having some milk today," the voice said warmly. Her voice was firm, yet had a little playfulness with the end of the statement. The waitress simply smiled and turned to leave the two new friends. He turned towards the voice and came to meet her warm and gazing eyes. She was dressed in a very sheer drape, under which was a one-piece bathing suit, which seemed to be made of a shiny black material. A pair of black leather sandals fit her feet perfectly. "Hi, I am your new friend, Jessica." she said in a low and sultry voice. "Hello," he replied almost choking on his words. The two sat and talked for almost 15 minutes about nothing in particular, just making small talk. That's when she made her move. "So which one of the women out here do you find the most appealing?" "I have had my eye on the blonde laying on the lounge next to the base of the stairs." "Why so?" "She has rolled over a few times and seems to have a perfect tan. As well, she seems to always lay with her legs spread, as if her ankles were tied to the ends of the lounge. Instead of her head lying to one side, it always seems to be perfectly straight down as if there were a hole in the chair. On the way in here this morning, I passed her in the lobby and she seemed to have a few marks on her wrists and neck that seemed to be from a constriction of leather or rubber, not rope. Besides that, she has refused to look every woman who has approached her this morning in the eye. She has always kept her eyes, and when possible her head, lowered. Interesting poses for someone who is on a relaxing vacation." "Hmmmm. I didn't notice that. Why does that interest you?" "I am guessing that she probably has some training in the arts of the scene and that her Dom or Domme is watching her right now. I am guessing that it is part of some 'humiliation' scene or as a test to see how far she is willing to go in public." "Very interesting. And you have figured all of this out while sitting here for 15 minutes this morning?" "Yepper. Kinda hard not to notice her in comparison to all of the other women by the pool." "Okay then. What do you notice about me?" "A subdued sexuality that is begging to come out and scream. Otherwise you wouldn't be wearing that drape, you would just simply be down here in a rubber bathing suit. This also means that you want attention, but not everyone's attention. Just the attention of those persons who might understand the meaning of your dress." "And what is that meaning, pray tell?" "That you are in the scene and have a discretion enough not to be a target for the fearful. Yet you have a desire about you that cannot be stopped, it can only hoped to be contained." She stared into his eyes, licking her lips gently and sensuously. He just stared right back. His eyes did not waiver from hers, but his peripheral vision did notice the gentle movements of her tongue. "So from what you can tell about me, would you say that I am a sub or a Domme?" "I would say that you are a switch. You like having a man control you at times, but at others, you like to have control of men and women to pleasure you." "How would you know this?" "Well, it's a guess. But I would have to say from your outfit, that you are sub to man. He enjoys you being his eye candy and his 'slut'. However, from your eyes, questions, and outfit, you like to impress women through your power as well." "Okay. That is very interesting. Are you trying to say that you find my rubber impressive?" "Yes, I do. It is not a usual material for a bathing suit. At least not here and with this class of people. But I do like it. Rubber has such a wonderful sensuality to it. It almost lets everyone around you know exactly what you look like without the suit on. Almost. It keeps a little to the imagination of the vanilla world." "I have more than just this. But I thought it the only thing appropriate to wear to breakfast. The rest of my outfits are 'main course' kinda deals. I am sure that your mind could make a great deal out of them." "I can only imagine." "Well, I am going to go back to my room. I need to relax a little more before things get busy for me today. I am going to go for a swim and then I will be in my room. You are more than welcome to join me in an hour or so. I am in room 1400 at the North End Sheraton. This key will get you into the left door in the hallway. I will join you there about noon. When you come in, make yourself a drink and just relax. And remember, no need for breakfast. Okay?" "Thank you. I will see you there." As she strode away, she kissed him on the cheek and left through the door to the pool. He watched her wrap blow about her in the breeze on the pool deck. She approached the blonde that they had discussed earlier. The girl immediately sat up on the lounge and looked at the woman directly. Her back was a straight as an arrow and her hands had melted to her sides. The woman gently bent down to the girl and kissed her on the lips. The girl seemed to wilt a little and then rose back up. The Woman said something to her and rose from the lounge. The girl quickly fell into place behind Jessica with everyone at poolside watching. He quickly paid for his glass of milk at the counter and handed the money to Doris. "Kind of a dominant one isn't she?" He kinda smirked and said, "I don't know. Maybe." He made his way north up the beach to a plush yet conservative hotel on the beach's north end. As traffic got lighter, he knew that his destination was coming up soon. This part of the beach narrowed quite a bit and the old highway was still intact, looking almost identical, as it had been in the 1950's. On the right side, a massive hotel rose out of the sand dunes. The hotel had recently been through a massive renovation and now had a new parking garage. He found a spot on the fourth floor and took his time walking inside. The interior of the hotel was new and sparkling. He walked down the restaurant and walked around the pool deck. The women here were just as perfect as the large crystal blue water of the pool. It had always seemed quizzical to him having a pool this large so close to the Ocean. Wasn't the purpose of coming to the beach to go and play in the surf? Couldn't you swim in a pool at home? Nonetheless, he kept on walking around the deck and detailing each of the women and their suits through his reflective sunglasses. Nowhere did he see Jessica or the girl from the other pool. He grabbed a lounge near the corner of the deck so that he could inconspicuously watch the action without being spotted. There were benefits of being a beach kid. You just figured out how to watch people in skimpy outfits without being labeled as a pervert. After about fifteen minutes of people watching, he made his way back into the hotel itself and found an empty elevator. On the keypad of the elevator there was no number 14 to push. There was a number and a vertical slot to its left. He took out the key that Jessica gave to him and slid it into the slot. The elevator slowly lifted and climbed through the twelfth floor. The number "14" appeared in the display and the doors slowly opened. In front of him were two sets of doors, 1400 and 1401. Each room number had a door to the left and the right. He remembered her words and slid the key into the leftmost door with 1400 on its placard. A small click was heard and a green light showed on the doors locking plate. He opened the door and found the room to be dark. He fumbled for a light switch as the door shut blocking out all light in the room. He finally found the switch and the room illuminated to find a plush room with a bedroom at the other end. In the first room, a wetbar was on the right side with a thick leather sofa in the center and an entertainment center on the right wall. He walked through the first room to find the bedroom with a king sized bed and a large balcony opening to the ocean. There were floor to ceiling windows so that there were no obstructions to the view. This room was the nicest he had ever been in. His stomach started to growl while he looked over the ocean, reminding him of just how empty his stomach really was. Yet, he remembered her words about no breakfast. He slipped back to the front room and poured himself a rum and coke. His first instincts were to fix himself a long-island iced tea but he figured that might make him too drunk on an empty stomach to be a gentleman to such a beautiful woman. He took a seat on the sofa and clicked on the TV. He felt a great relaxation wash over him and his eyes became heavy. He was really quite calm despite the nervousness of an hour ago. He switched TV channels and found something of interest. A very attractive brunette was dominating a rubber covered blonde, who happened to be strapped down to a leather covered table by several thick straps at key points. Just as the woman began to unsheathe the blonde's breasts, he eyes fell again. "Damn it, need to stay awake for this." No use. He was asleep. He awoke a little groggy and light-headed. He was now completely vertical and could feel something funny over his feet. It wasn't a blanket per se, but it did keep him warm. He went to open his eyes to look around and found a blackness to the room. The room was completely dark. His hands instinctively went to wipe his eyes, but he found that he couldn't move them at all. He then tried to rise up and found the same problem, no movement possible. He began to panic but found his breathing to be regulated. He could hear a clicking just in front of his face. That was when he noticed the object in his mouth. It was large, round, soft, and somewhat pliable. However, it could not be forced out of his mouth as his tongue was pinned by the object to the floor of his mouth. He attempted to move his head around, but found the familiar pinnings of a posture collar at the corners of his jaw. His entire body seemed to be covered in some type of binding. His fingers could not feel each other, but at least they had a little bit of movement. His balls seemed to be pulled away from his body and separated. He couldn't tell if it was rubber or leather but he knew that something was spreading him apart. The shaft of his cock was encased in something that was pliable and was held upright. The two of these sensations combined gave him a feeling of displacement, as he could not tell how he was restrained. As well as being blinded, he couldn't hear anything. The room was painfully quiet. Every movement he made seemed to cause no sound. This was very unusual. He tried to retrace his steps to figure out how he got here. He remembered the breakfast "milk". That couldn't have been tainted. He remembered the drive to the hotel, the pool deck, the elevator. Nothing out of the ordinary. No peculiar smells or odors. The walk out on the deck, TV, the drink. Oh, the drink. That had to be it. Who ever had done this, must have coated his glass with some kind of sedative. And it had worked. Then it hit him. Music came blaring through his ears. The jolt from the silence was abrupt. Whatever was on his head, must have had speakers built in. Some sort of loud rock tune was deafening him. He almost had drifted off to sleep several times, but the music always woke him back up. If this was kept up all night, there would be no way for him to get any sleep. The music was playing for almost 45 minutes before anything new had happened. Just as he thought that he could take no more, the music abruptly stopped in mid phrase. The unexpected noise still echoing in his ears was almost as loud as the music itself. Just as the music had faded to a deafening silence, he felt a pair of lips on his left nipple. Then came a pair of lips on his right nipple. Hands began to roam about the covering on his body. All he could feel was faint sensations, but the nipples seemed to have no covering between them and the lips. His cock seemed to enlarge instantly to its full size. Then just as suddenly as the lips appeared, the lips stopped. A click was heard in his ears and he prepared himself for more music. The music never came. Instead, a voice from earlier in the day was heard through the headphones. "Hello slave. This is Mistress Jessica. I will be controlling you for the next few moments of your life. You have no choice but to trust me. I am in complete control of you and your bodily functions. You can choose to enjoy my torments or you can elect to hate them. It won't concern me either way. You chose to be here and you chose to drink. Next time, make sure the glasses are clean. Now, you will stay this way until I desire to change you. I control just about every aspect of your existence, from your breathing to your stool functions to your sexual arousal. You will come to learn many new things about yourself. I will turn you inside out and allow you to experience things you have always dreamed of. Should you displease me, the punishments shall be severe." "I love pleasure. I love giving pleasure." As he hears this, a warm sheathe slid down his shaft. "I can make you see stars or I can turn them off. It's up to you." What he guesses is a mouth moves faster and faster on his shaft working him into a great frenzy. "I can tell that you like one of my other sluts. What a wonderful mouth! I can tell that you are enjoying it as well." The mouth works quickly to make him hard and on the edge of orgasm. He tries to whimper, but only a soft moan can be heard outside of his 'cell'. "Oh, are you ready to come for Me, slut? Well that will only happen after I have had a chance to torture you some more." With those words, the mouth ceases and disappears. "Let me tell you how you got here. I am sure that you have the time." "This afternoon, you came into my suite and made yourself a drink at the bar. What you didn't know was that all of the glasses were coated with a sedative. The sedative is very powerful and is currently hooked up to your left arm. Should I need you to be still or sleep, I can turn a little knob and out you go. I don't suggest that you make me angry. "Anyway, once you were asleep my slut and I placed you onto the floor and removed all of your hair, beard, body, pubic and all. Your hair on your head and your eyebrows are still there, don't worry. Once this was completed. A very thick, and expensive, moisturizer was applied all over you body and you were allowed to dry. We toweled off the excess and then prepped your body internally. This was specifically why you were not allowed breakfast this morning. "You have been given two enemas to clean your insides out. The enema system is still inside you. There are two bottles hooked up to the system. One is a bottle of wine and the other is a bottle of champagne. Both will make you VERY drunk. But one of them produces a very curious effect on the insides of the body. "Your cock has an external sheathe so that you may urinate at your leisure. Your helmet has a feeding tube that goes past your tongue so that you may be fed without tasting what is being fed to you. The head of this tube cannot be compressed and is large enough to get many things past your teeth. There is also a plug that can be inserted into the head of the tube to shut off breathing through your mouth. I can also fit an inflatable gag through this plug to make sure that NO sound emanates from skull. Your nose has tubes for breathing that can be closed at my whim. "As you already know, your ears have been plugged and you now have headphones glued into your ears. Yes, glued. I want to make sure that you hear nothing that I don't want you to hear. Your entire body is sheathed in a wrapping that will compress your body as heat is added, giving you a wonderful shape training. Finally, your limbs are restrained to the corners of the frame so that you cannot grab anything. "Two neat little things about this setup: "Should you anger me or need punishment, the end of the catheter can be routed back to your feeding tube. "I have a neat little mask that can be fitted over your helmet to make your face, and in particular your mouth, appear to be a pussy. "I will tell you more about your setup as we go along. Now, we are going to go out for dinner. There will be someone in the next room. If you get into trouble, press the button under your right thumb and they will cut you out, remove all of the tubing, and then they will knock you back out through the IV in your arm. Then when I return, we will discuss it. I will make my decision at that time whether you are to be dismissed or not. I am going to fit you with several things before I leave. Enjoy your evening, slut." With that he felt several things being fitted about his hands, knees, and something compresses his head and then covers his mouth. The final feelings he has are something compressing his cock. "Oh, by the way. I put the pussy mask on your head and two more on each of your hands. The sheathe on your cock will have a delicious effect on you. And trust Me, I won't miss a thing even though I am not here. Bye, my sweet slut." The speakers change from Her sweet voice to white noise... static. He then feels his eyes go heavy and he is out cold again. With the addition of the helmet, the tubing, the headphones, and the IV, all sense of time had been lost. It could have been a couple of hours, it could have been a couple of days since he was ensnared by Her. He couldn't figure out what time it was or hear the ocean only mere feet from his body. The noise had stopped. 'Hey wait a sec. I am thinking. I must be awake,' he thought to himself. As if on cue, the music came screaming through his ears. "Erotica" by Madonna was blaring his consciousness back to the front. It was just about then, that he felt some hands running over his body. Something was being placed over his nipples. He felt something cold that began to warm quickly. They pushed the covering down onto his chest firmly. His chest felt funny, like there was a weight on both sides of his chest, directly over his nipples. "Did she place fake breasts on me?" he asked himself. A few minutes had passed and the hands had disappeared. He felt two hands grab the sides of his head and tilt it backwards. His cock began to vibrate and someone began to tongue his balls, still spread. Just about the time he began to moan. Something jilted the mask and it began to wiggle side to side. The object came to rest on his tongue and continued down his throat. He thought that it might be another medical device, but it was very warm. It filled his throat completely and then it retracted. It repeated this process several times. He finally figured that someone was fucking the pussy on his face. There was a cock in his mouth!! The cock continued fucking his face and instinctively his tongue rose to meet the shaft as if there needed to be some more sensation for the cock to enjoy. The vibration on his own cock ceased and was replaced with a very hot mouth. It only lasted what seemed like a few seconds but was probably a few minutes. It then was replaced by someone sitting their pussy down on his shaft. The cock in his "pussy" began to twitch and he felt his chest being slapped. The hot cream blasted into the back of his throat and slowly slid down to his belly. Just as the last load hit his "pussy," he exploded into the pussy riding him. He saw stars and couldn't believe how much this had turned him on. Being the object of a couple had been a dream of his for a long time. That was when the lights went out again. He found a deep sleep for the third time today. If it was the same day. He awoke to the Sunday morning edition of Sports Center, sitting on the leather sofa in the first room, holding a glass of coke. He just kinda stared at the glass, unsure as to whether or not to drink. Just as he put the glass to his lips and started to drink, Jessica appeared to his left. He nearly jumped off of the sofa when he saw her. "Now that's the first time someone has jumped upon seeing me." He just stared back at her. "Well, I will wind things up for the moment with a gift. You came to us with a fantasy and we made it happen. You have had your dream. You now have to pay the price for your dream. You will be our beach slave. You will do as we say and meet with whomever we wish, ourselves included. This will be the most unreal summer of your life. Just so that you know how serious I am, here is a copy of videotape. You may take it home and view it just so you know I am for real. Should you not follow through on your 'repayment' of your fantasy, I will mail this tape of you and your 'pussy' to a certain friend of mine. They would be very interested in seeing this. "Now, on your way. I have several friends to meet with tonight. You will be staying in room 1200 until Tuesday morning. You will need no clothes and you may order room service for food. You may visit the pool as often as you would like. When I need you and your 'pussy' I will be in touch." And with that he walks to his new home for the next few days. "God, am I hungry."

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Oceans Apart

I remember the day as clearly as if it was yesterday. I had been living in Florida with my wife and son on what was meant to be a year long sabbatical. We had enjoyed a wonderful, restful 4 months in the sunshine, swimming, fishing and sunbathing. On this particular night my phone rang and woke me from yet another erotic dream at 4 in the morning. The graphic detail of the dream was intense. I was in a seedy nightclub toilets, with my trousers around my ankles and the tall, muscly German guy I...

2 years ago
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As the dying light of another Saturday faded into oblivion, parents, devoted teachers and giggling school children began to head for the parking lot. The art fair I'd set up for my classes of elementary school children seemed to have been a rousing success. Since the fair had been my project, I suppose it was only to be expected for there to still be a crowd of people waiting to speak to me. Okay let's face it, there were always people waiting to speak to me and there had been for all of...

2 years ago
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OceaniaChapter 2

A splitting headache crushed Karl's skull. He looked across at the wall clock and panicked. "Shit. Shit. Shit," he gasped aloud as he registered that his daughters were due out of school at any moment. Karl fumbled around for his car keys but realized he was far too intoxicated to even consider driving. After a few minutes of internal debate, he shuffled out of the house and knocked on Kathy's door. The woman looked a little perturbed at his condition, until she realized what was...

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OceaniaChapter 3

The wine drunk during the meal left Karl slightly tipsy. He stretched lazily as Kathy cleared away the dishes, her tolerance for alcohol evidently a lot higher than his own. She seemed to have almost taken up residence over the past few weeks, accepting much of the domestic load and allowing him to focus on work and spend more time with the girls. He'd just received a promotion to team leader and welcomed the extra money that accompanied it. Kathy had made a play for him the previous...

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OceaniaChapter 4

Grace's popularity had peaked and plateaued; she now entertained clients less often than most of the other girls due to the high price Mason demanded for her services. Mason had started dealing with a new slaver and had been acting secretively for several days. He'd intimated for some time that he was in the market for a new girl; one that would set him apart from his few competitors. Rumours soon abounded about the latest acquisition but no explanation was offered as to why she remained...

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OceaniaChapter 5

Lieutenant Greg Bennett drew in a long breath as he reviewed the bloodbath in the Birdcage's lounge. Terry Mason was one of his target criminals but he'd never managed to gather enough evidence for the prosecution service to issue an arrest warrant. Bennett mused this would now be irrelevant. The last of the corpses from downstairs was being photographed prior to loading onto a waiting gurney for transfer to the police morgue. "What have we got Pete?" he asked Detective Sergeant Sands,...

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OceaniaChapter 8

Sands wandered along the polarized glass atrium of the Department of Engineering Science within the University of New Arizona. A pretty receptionist directed him to a room on the second floor where the esteemed research professor, James Hawthorne, maintained his office. A lanky and greasy-haired undergraduate emerged from the doorway just as Sands approached, a scowl written indelibly across his face. Sands tapped gently against the open door to announce his arrival. "Come in," a neatly...

4 years ago
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OceaniaChapter 9

The detectives worked late. Sands poured over a printout of five years worth of Government contracts whilst Bennett attempted to make sense of Syntel's tax returns. "What are you seeing?" Bennett asked. "Lots of big capital projects: defence communication systems, logistical support systems, battlefield simulators. Smoke, they do almost everything." "Anything stand out?" "Not really. The only thing in common is the signature on the bottom." "Who is it?" "Senator Payne. He...

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OceaniaChapter 10

Claire was edgy. She waited nervously in the empty classroom until the door opened and both her daughters crept in. "What's she doing here?" Hailey protested indignantly. "Hailey, listen to me," Ruth replied, pausing for effect. "It's Mum." "What? Where?" She looked at Claire and realization dawned. "No way." "It is me sweetheart," Claire told her softly. "This isn't right. You're dead. This is some sort of sick joke," the girl cried out in denial. Claire moved towards...

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OceaniaChapter 11

Leonard had delivered everything Claire requested except for the EMP generator, which he hoped to obtain by the end of the weekend. He made up for it by providing a GR7 machine pistol and a pair of electronic field glasses. She hugged him passionately before loading everything into the luggage compartment of the SUV. It was the evening before the camping trip and she was aware that if things went badly, they may never see her again. They sensed her concerns and made a fuss of her. Laid naked...

2 years ago
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OceaniaChapter 12

Simmonds sat in his office with Henderson and Hodges. Henderson had just informed him that the observation team on Karl Savage had missed two contacts in a row. "Maybe their Sat Phone is busted?" Hodges suggested hopefully. "I've dispatched another unit to investigate," Henderson added. Henderson's other news was alarming. "Let me get this straight," Simmonds reiterated. "The cops have analyzed the supplement and linked it to the girl. She's been caught on camera compromising an...

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OceaniaChapter 13

Simmonds stared incredulously at Henderson as he delivered the situation report. "Alpha Team is totally lost. Bravo Team is down to just the two Infiltrators that called for extraction and clean-up." "What about Charlie Team?" "They pursued the four tangos in their patrol vehicle. We tracked their transponder to the outskirts of the city near the end of one of the drainage canals before it went offline." "This can't be happening." "We had two dead HKs in the main stairwell and...

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OceaniaChapter 14

Following the mountain road down from the Facility, Valerie finally linked up with the main Saragosan highway. The traffic was light and she made good time into the centre of New Arizona and headed straight for her apartment. Felix snarled disapprovingly at being left to his own devices for several days. She suspected he'd spent the time foraging for scraps of food in the dustbins of adjacent properties. "I'm sorry boy," she cooed, lifting the cat up, scratching underneath his chin and...

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OceaniaChapter 15

As they sat in the crowded bistro, Greg discussed his childhood but Valerie felt disinclined to relate the fictional upbringing constructed to support her cover. She tried to imagine him as a young boy, living under the shadow of a generation of cops and following his destiny at the earliest opportunity. She found herself developing a healthy respect for the man. He'd avoided the familiar trap of corruption and surrounded himself with similarly like-minded people. They both forswore...

1 year ago
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OceaniaChapter 16

Having reached a stage with Janus where she could get free access to him, Emily did not feel she could press him for details of his involvement with extremism without arousing suspicion. Whilst determined to spend more time around him, she refused to accept the only logical course of action that would bring them close enough to persuade him to draw her into his confidence. Greg had come to the apartment that evening and Valerie had cooked dinner for them all. She watched as the pair flirted...

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OceaniaChapter 18

Emily returned to the apartment but stayed only long enough to gather all her belongings into a holdall together with several flasks containing her meds. She'd miss staying with Valerie but vowed to try to let her know her new living arrangements as soon as practicable. She thought about leaving a note but didn't want to run the risk of it falling into the wrong hands. On returning to Janus's house, she found that he'd already reserved space in a wardrobe and freed up a drawer for her...

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OceaniaChapter 19

Henderson stood behind two technicians as they remotely powered up the Nexus and watched as a list of arcane messages scrolled up their monitors. "Power established," one of them interpreted. "Self test complete. Boot sequence underway." "I've got telemetry," his colleague added. "Communication initiated," the first man stated, "I'm seeing traffic to all outlying nodes." "Everything okay?" Henderson asked. "It'll take some time to repopulate the routing tables but we...

4 years ago
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OceaniaChapter 20

Greg leafed through a thick file: the names of all students that had suddenly dropped from sight on campus. None had contacted their families since the night of the fire or picked up any of their belongings from their accommodation. It was almost as though they'd disappeared off the face of the planet. "Where are they?" he asked Valerie rhetorically. "My feedback is that Syntel hasn't killed them. They're as desperate to find them as we are." "I wonder if they discovered about the...

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OceaniaChapter 21

Natalie edged closer to the ship, her heart beating heavily as she gathered her courage. "Are you sure about this?" Steve asked. "This is the big one, isn't it?" "Players from all over Oceania are converging on this spot. The stakes will be orders of magnitude higher than anything we've dealt with so far." "You're sure that we can get in?" "Fifty grand each buys us a seat at the top table. We can take them for a fortune if we believe it can happen." "I know. I know. I just...

2 years ago
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OceaniaChapter 22

The situation with Hailey had yet to resolve itself. After several days of carefully avoiding one another, Claire discovered her eldest daughter playing with Timmy within the confines of the surrounding woods. She watched the girl repeatedly throw a gnarled stick and the dog obediently rush to retrieve it. Hayley sensed her presence and turned to stare at her position of partial concealment. The youngster sat down on the stump of a fallen sapling and waited whilst Claire approached and...

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OceaniaChapter 23

Helen parked on the grass verge adjacent to the path that led to the malfunctioning communication relay. For the past few days, she and Vanessa had travelled alone without HK escort, enjoying all the freedom that accompanied it. They performed their assignments perfunctorily, always leaving time at the end of the day for some unscheduled stop to enjoy a tender moment together. Elisabeth always seemed to cast them a disapproving glare whenever they were together in the Facility but had...

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OceaniaChapter 24

"It's done," Hodges informed Simmonds. "Janice confirmed it." "Do you think that Valerie had developed an attachment to him?" the CEO asked. "There was something there but she carried out her orders regardless. She used her relationship to destroy him." "That's all we can ask. I'm going to configure twenty of the new Hybrids, leaving the rest for replacement parts. We're going to need them all in the coming months once the President puts his plans in motion." "So...

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OceaniaChapter 25

Sands stepped out of the taxi and paused on the threshold before venturing inside the darkened apartment. A distinct smell of antiseptic and cleansing solvents hovered in the air and fuelled his curiosity. In the kitchen, every surface was spotlessly clean and as he moved from room to room, he became aware of exactly how Janice had spent her time in his absence. Making his way upstairs, he observed a chink of light escaping from underneath the bedroom door. He pushed it open and stared in...

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OceaniaChapter 26

"We may have an opportunity to finally eliminate the insurgents," Henderson told the CEO. "Explain." "We believe that another supply truck has just been hijacked." "Can we no longer protect our internal commerce?" he sighed. "We've not been trying that hard. They've been picking off deliveries every week and it was only a matter of time before it happened again." "How does this help us?" Simmonds asked. "The cargo is littered with homing beacons." "How did you know...

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OceaniaChapter 27

In the middle of the night, a persistent beeping dragged Janice from sleep. Leaving Pete to his slumber, she followed the sound to where the screen of her mobile phone was flashing insistently. She keyed the respond button and took the call, listening while a voice left her with no will to disobey. Managing to scratch a hasty note for Pete, she dressed and walked out to her car. A general recall was unprecedented but as she drew closer to the Facility, it became clear that something serious...

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OceaniaChapter 28

Natalie approached the deep crater where the command trailer had stood. Beside it, the tractor unit was ablaze, dark plumes of thick smoke rising thirty metres into the air. "What are we looking for?" one of her reluctant assistants inquired. "A black ovoid about the size of a large grapefruit. It will have an array of small, shiny contacts dotted over its surface." "What is it?" "All that's left of my sister," Natalie replied sadly. "One day, we'll use it to bring her back to...

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OceaniaChapter 29

Life in Oceania slowly returned to a semblance of normality now that Armageddon had been averted. It was Huxley that brought the next crisis to Emily's attention. "Walk with me Lieutenant," he requested. The Major's use of her rank reassured her. She appreciated the man's respect and would have felt diminished if he'd referred to her by name. "Are you still okay with me Major," she asked. "Man or machine, I don't much care Lieutenant. Just so long as you do your job and don't...

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OceaniaChapter 30

"It's time, people," Huxley shouted. "Fall in and assemble into your platoons." Men and women sorted themselves into two groups of about twenty, awaiting Talbot to distribute their equipment: body armour, weapons and ammunition. Each platoon was further subdivided into three squads of seven, each containing a sectional leader and a radio operator. Valerie, Emily and Claire each carried an autocannon whilst Talbot had claimed the M120. The rest of the men carried automatic rifles or...

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OceaniaChapter 31 Epilogue

Elisabeth stood beside Shepherd, gathering the courage to take the first step across the bridge. "Take your time," Shepherd told her. "I'm scared," Elisabeth replied. She slowly placed her bare foot on the first slat, feeling the coarse texture of the wood against her skin. The next step was easier but she still turned back towards Shepherd for reassurance. He smiled at her. The timbers creaked under her weight and she vaguely recollected the previous crossing, just after she was...

1 year ago
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Oceans Caress

Elaina awoke slowly, hearing a discussion near her. She was on a soft bed, nestled among the softest blankets that she had ever felt. She wondered idly what they were made of as her mind tuned into the conversation. “You’ll do? I cannot believe you said ‘You’ll do’. What did you get that from?” A voice that carried the volume of a waterfall commented. “It worked, didn’t it?” The second voice answered, a voice that sent tingles through Elaina’s body. “Rahsa, I do believe that if she had been...

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Oceanfront housemates

I live in a rented house in Manly an oceanfront suburb of Sydney; I share the house with two of my friends Gail & Roxanne (Roxy). My name is Erica. I love living here because we have an absolute waterfront view, the sea breezes keep the temperatures down to a pleasant level. There is a verandah leading off the two upstairs bedrooms to the front. Each morning as the sun rises it streams into my bedroom so I am awake before dawn most mornings, there are curtains but I prefer to be woken that way....

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Oceans Song

Elaina stood on the cliff, gazing out at the ocean that roared constantly, singing a song to her. She had never belonged anywhere before; she usually wandered the world, doing as she pleased. However, she always found herself returning to this place. There were voices in the water, onces that told her of love and belonging. She craved the completeness of it, and often thought of jumping into the crashing waves, defying death. She never did thought. Always she left, and always she returned....

Erotic Fiction
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Sarah Carerra 231 Golden Friendships

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By Megan Campbell (Released: April 11, 2011) Chapter 31 - Golden Friendships I had hoped to sleep in on Tuesday morning, since it was the only day I had off. But Emily wasn't going to let that happen. It was the first day that we both had off in several...

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I love my boyfriends. I love to fuck. I love to fuck my boyfriends. Some days I fuck one boyfriend. Other days I fuck two, three or sometimes all four of them. They are not jealous because they sometimes know each other and they know I like all of them the same. And they know that if they get jealous they cannot be my boyfriend any more. I am 21 now and have been fucking since I was 18. I agreed with my mom and our doctor that I should not have babies so they fixed me so I won’t get pregnant....

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Making New Friends

Her gorgeous tan breasts heaved as she moaned. She couldn’t believe how good her innocent little sister was at eating her out. “Oh... Yeah... Don’t stop Jacinta... IM SOOOO CLOSE!” Alex moaned so loud that the whole house would’ve heard. On any normal day she would have been much more cautious about moaning, however tonight her parents were out for dinner and given how late it was, were probably doing something similar. Jacinta continued too eat her sisters bare cunt just as she had been begged...

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Me Mom and Lots of My Friends

This story involving my Mom is true having begun many months ago. I’m writing only because I have no one else to share it with. All the names are real, although I’ve made up some dialog to enhance the story only because I don’t remember exactly every word that was said in each situation. As bizarre as this sounds, if it wasn’t for my friends, I would never have fucked my Mom. Let me explain. At the time, I was an eighteen year-old college male, in- between my freshman...

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A Beautiful Friendship

Lance's girlfriend Gina has another surprise for him. Group Sex It had been almost two months since the weekend when I lost my virginity and things had never been better. Gina and I were getting along great. Every chance we got we snuck away to some secluded place and attacked each other. After years of wondering why my friends were so fascinated and daring about sex, my raven-haired beauty was showing me what I had been missing. Every day I got to know her body’s mixture of hard muscle and...

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Strange Friendship

Strange friendship By Jennifer Adams I had to finally sit down and write this out to get my life into prospective. It has been several weeks since I last saw Micheal, my now ex-boyfriend. He said he had to move on with his life and find a nice girl who could give him children. I told him I understood and that I supported his decision. I have been crying ever since and I think I have finally cried myself out of tears. As my tears began to fade, my mind began to clear. I slowly began to...

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Childhood Friendship Turned Lustful Friendship

Hi folks. Hand shake for boys and boobs shake for girls. This time I’m going to narrate a fictional story. This story is about how I and enjoyed sexual relationship with a friend without actual vaginal intercourse. It is not a real story. Guys, hands on your cock and girls, on your pussy now. I had a childhood friend called Sonakshi (Sonu). During childhood, we played together, went to same school and relished our childhood. Our families were friends too. It so happened that Sonakshi’s family...

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