Altered Fates - The Medallion Comes To Fairview: Part II. High School Hijinks free porn video

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Altered Fates - The Medallion comes to Fairview Part II. High School Hijinks Previously: Justin Donovan and his Dad moved back to Fairview after Justin's Dad (Sean) retired from the United States Marine Corps. Justin began his senior year at Fairview and quickly fell for Laura. Laura's friend Becky in an attempt to make her boyfriend jealous went out with Todd, the school drug dealer, and was raped. Knowing Justin's ability as a fighter Becky got Laura to help her in a three way body swap. Becky and Laura changed into copies of Justin while Justin ended up in Becky's body. There was one big difference between the changes while Laura and Justin got new physical copies. They didn't get any of the mannerisms, memories, or skills of the original person. Becky on the other had made sure she got a full set of Justin's skills and memories. She then used these abilities along with the medallion to ensure that Todd would never rape another person. While this was going on Laura and Justin went into Mobile and visited the mall in an attempt to make sure that Justin had an alibi. During their day together despite being in different bodies their attraction grew. Returning to Justin's house to swap everyone back into their correct bodies, they were interrupted by Justin's Grandparents who stopped by to check up on Justin since his dad was out of town for the weekend. Only Laura was able to return to her original body. It was now almost 9:30 pm as Justin guided Becky's Honda through the suburb following Laura's directions. Justin tried not to replay the scene in his mind of his Grandparents walking into the house only to find Justin with a couple of 'friends' over. This was clearly a violation of his grounding and even though Grandpa Donovan had politely asked the 'girls' to leave Justin knew that Becky would be getting a tongue lashing. "Becky turn here," Laura said. Justin kept on going until Laura shouted, "Justin turn here!" Startled out of his reverie Justin hit the brakes and spun the wheel hard. The sound of screeching tires and the feel of this strange body being thrown to the left as the car turned hard right brought Justin back fully to the here and now. "Justin, you haven't been listening to anything I've said for the last five minutes!" Laura accused. "You're going to have to get used to answering to Becky's name, at least for tonight. So pay attention!" Justin looked over at Laura. "I know it's just that this is not easy. How do you drive with breasts? I keep bumping into them every time I try to move the wheel!" "Look Becky's house, no YOUR house is right there. Pull into the garage," said Laura. Following Laura's instructions Justin pulled into the garage and then followed Laura into the house. "It looks like Becky's parents are still out. Come on I'll show you to your room." With that Laura led the way through the kitchen toward the front of the house her shoes clicking on the hard wood floors. Near the formal entry was a set of stairs that led to the second level, Justin followed Laura up the stairs and couldn't resist checking out Laura's backside. "God, she's got a great ass," he thought to himself. Once at the top of the stairs they continued down a hallway to Becky's room at the far end. "Becky's parents' room is on the first floor, so up here it's just you, a computer room, and two guest bedrooms." Justin nodded and followed Laura into Becky's bedroom. It was easily twice the size of his room, with its own private bathroom and huge walk in closet. "It's getting late and my parents are going to start worrying about me soon. I really need to get going. Just do what Becky suggested. Any of her clothes should work." Seeing Justin's worried look, Laura continued, "You'll be fine. Her parents are both doctors and hot shots in the local social circles. That's why they are gone so much, either at work, charity, or social events. If you go to bed in the next 30 minutes you probably won't even see them." Justin took a deep breath and once again was startled to feel the way it pushed his breasts out against the fabric of his top. "You're right, I'm sure I'll be fine. I'll call you tomorrow okay?" Laura smiled displaying brilliant white teeth and leaned forward at the waist to hug Justin in that female way that allowed them to hug without squishing their breasts. Justin walked Laura to the front door and watched as she climbed into her yellow. Justin was tempted to explore the house, it was quite a bit larger than the house that he and his Dad owned but after a moment he decided against it. "First things first," Justin thought, returning to Becky's bedroom and going straight to her closet. "God, I hope this works," he muttered as he looked through the racks of clothes Becky had accumulated. "How much clothes does one girl need?" His eye was drawn to a light red top. Justin remembered seeing Becky in that at school. He also remembered thinking that she had great tits when he'd seen her in it. Taking the top off its hanger he walked back into Becky's room and retrieved the medallion. He put it around his head and checked the alarm clock beside Becky's four poster bed and saw that it was now 10 pm. Lying down Justin took the top and pressed it into the medallion. The familiar spark told Justin that the magic was invoked, so he closed his eyes and just tried to relax. After a while Justin looked over at the clock surprised to see that he'd been there for twenty minutes. Suddenly Justin wondered if there was a danger in obtaining too many of Becky's memories. Would he forget who he was? Would he become so comfortable as Becky that he wouldn't want to switch back? He quickly separated the top from the medallion and sat up. He didn't feel any different, hmmm... well maybe her breasts were a little sore. Now that she thought about it her shorts were feeling a little tight. "God, I feeling bloated," Justin muttered. With that she got up and dropped the medallion onto the top of her dresser. She pulled out a fresh set of panties and a teddy for sleeping and walked into the bathroom. Not bothering to look at the mirror she quickly changed into the bed clothes and went through her normal bed time routine. Brush teeth, no makeup to remove, wash face, brush hair, and lastly sit on the toilet to pee before going to bed. As Justin was sitting there she was struck by how normal and natural everything felt. Wiping from front to back Justin saw a couple of drops of blood on the tissue. For several seconds she just sat there staring at the tissue paper. "This can't be happening, I'm having Becky's period!" A flood of memories washed over Justin, that red top, the last time she'd worn it was the second day of her 'monthly' the flow was at its heaviest. Digging under the bathroom sink Justin pulled out a pad and with the practiced movements put it into her panties and then pulled the panties up and returned to her bedroom. Justin glared at the medallion sitting on the dresser wishing that the damn think had never come into her life. Remembering where Becky kept the medallion was simple. Justin went to her pantie drawer and digging under the garments found a zip lock bag. She dropped the medallion into the bag and returned it to the drawer. Justin then turned out the lights and climbed into bed thinking that there was no way she'd ever be able to go to sleep. However within a few minutes she was deeply asleep. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sunlight streaming through the window caused Justin to stir from the strange dream's she'd been having. In the dream she had been to a sleepover at Laura's and when she'd arrived she saw that Becky was already there. The three of them agreed to play spin the bottle and when Justin spun it the bottle landed on Becky. Laura had clapped her hands and exclaimed, "Goody you get to be Becky!" In the dream Justin and got up walked over and sat down in Becky's body, across from Justin he could see Becky settling into his body. "What a weird dream," Justin sighed drowsily. Reaching up to brush blonde hair from her face she realized that her bladder was full. With a soft moan she threw back the soft comforter and bounced out of bed walking toward the bathroom. When she turned on the bathroom lights and saw Becky's face staring back Justin froze. "Oh, crap! It wasn't a dream. I'm really in Becky's body." Justin sat on the toilet and put her head in her hands. "Why do I feel awful?" Glancing down at the pad in her panties she connected the dots. "It must be Becky's period. My breasts hurt, my back hurts, and I feel bloated! How do women deal with this every month?" Sunday morning's in the fall were a favorite time for Becky. The days were still quite hot getting into the upper 80s or lower 90s but the mornings were cool. Since she and Justin would be switching back later today Becky decided to get up early and get a run in while it was still cool. Setting a pace she would never be able to sustain in her body. Becky marveled again at the power of the form she wore. Not having to deal with a sports bra and breasts made the whole experience easier. Although the huge tool in her shorts got in the way at first. I guess that's why men's running shorts have liners they need the extra support she thought. As she worked up a sweat Becky pulled off her shirt getting a thrill out of her temporary ability to go topless. The run was not a long one according to her borrowed memories but five miles was further than she normally went. Returning to Justin's house Becky started stretching once again amazed it the flexibility of this body. It must be all the years of martial arts training she thought. Finally with the workout complete she headed off to Justin's room to get cleaned up. Searching Justin's memories she figured that Justin's dad wouldn't be home until late afternoon or early evening so there should be plenty of time for the swap. Although Grandpa Donovan had made it clear last night during the lecture that she was expected to be at their house for Sunday lunch. Becky fixed a quick breakfast of eggs, toast, beacon, hash-browns, sausage, and juice. I can never eat this much in the morning she thought amazed at her voracious appetite. After breakfast Becky began to wonder if she should call Justin. They needed to figure out a good time to swap. Thinking about it for a minute she thought that Justin might be at church. Becky decided to try one of the video games that her memories told her Justin enjoyed instead of being a pest. I've never understood what boys see in these games she thought turning on the x- box. Soon Becky was absorbed in the game and lost track of time. Suddenly the doorbell rang. "Damn," exclaimed Becky pausing the game. She got up and walked to the front door. Becky felt a chill run up her spin when she spotted her own body standing on the door step. "I'm really hot," she thought as she opened the door. "Justin, why did you ring the bell?" Becky asked. "Because you don't have a key and the garage door clicker is in my Mustang," Justin answered with a slight pout. Becky stepped back to allow Justin to enter the house noting the cute flower print sun dress and two inch heels Justin was wearing. "Are you ready to change back?" Justin asked as soon as the door was closed. "Are you sure want to change back?" Becky asked. "I mean you look so hot in that dress, your hair is perfect, shoes, everything. Wouldn't you rather go out and show off that great look?" Justin felt her face turn red. "No I'd rather switch back. I tried to sneak out earlier but Mom, .... I mean your Mom caught me and wanted to know where I was going at 7:30 am on a Sunday looking like a slob. She insisted we go to church so I had to go to 9 am Mass that's why you see me dressed like this. I thought she was going to make me got to the country club after service for brunch. I barely escaped." "You must have taken my advice and used the medallion last night because you look totally natural today. This is so weird it's like looking into a mirror only better because I can see me from every angle." With that Becky walked a slow circle around Justin. "I must say Justin you look great as me!" Crossing her arms under her breasts Justin glared at Becky. "I know you're having fun teasing me but let's get this done." Taking the medallion from her purse Justin walked down the hallway to his room and pulled a t-shirt from his dresser. Becky followed Justin back to the bedroom and stood in the doorway leaning against the frame watching. Justin slipped the medallion over her head and pressed the t- shirt into it happy to feel the spark the medallion seemed to give off when its magic was invoked. Within a few minutes Justin was two inches taller and the dress was starting to get tight. Looking in the mirror Justin watched as his hair started to turn red and shrink into his head. Then suddenly the changes seemed to reverse themselves. Her hair returned to its blonde color and flowed back down her shoulders, and she shrank back to Becky's normal 5'10". "Wha, ... what's going on," Justin stuttered. Becky looking alarmed walked forward. "I don't know. The websites I used to research this artifact indicated that it would return the user to their natural form with only a couple of exceptions." "What exceptions?" Justin screeched looking wide eyed and worried. "Well the first is if you're pregnant, which unless you had sex last night should be impossible. The second is if you're having a period you can't transform until it's complete. But that should be impossible as well. I started my last period 21 days ago so I should have another week." Looking at Justin Becky could see something she'd said hit a nerve. "What were you wearing the last time you had your period? Oh, never mind, I pulled a red blouse from your closet last night and used it to help with memories like you suggested. I started your period almost as soon as the transformation was complete," Justin said sitting on the edge of the bed looking like she was about to cry. Careful not to touch the medallion Becky gave Justin a hug. "I'm sorry I didn't think to warn you about which clothes to pick." Wiping a tear from the corner of her eye Justin asked, "So how long will this last and when can we swap?" "I'm pretty consistent, so about 4 days. We should be able to change back either Wednesday or Thursday," Becky answered. "I'm going to have to go to school as you," Justin stated not really looking for an answer. "This is so embarrassing. Laura is going to laugh herself silly when she learns that I'm having the 'full' female experience!" "If you're worried about Laura we could just tell her that we swapped back. You've got my memories and mannerisms so fooling everyone into thinking you're me should be simple. The same is true for me. We can make this our secret and then later in the week switch back," Becky replied rubbing Justin's shoulders trying to make him feel better. "I suppose that's better than having her know about this." Justin gestured vaguely at herself. "Since we can't switch today you should probably leave. I've got to go to your no MY Grandparents house for lunch. You can call Laura and explain we switched back. Alright?" Becky looked into Justin's eyes to make sure she agreed. At Justin's nod Becky helped her back to her feet. They walked to the front door and Becky couldn't help thinking, "That dress really shows off my body!" Calling Laura and explaining that she had swapped back was both easier and harder than Justin thought it would be. It was easy in that she just let Becky's personality take over and Laura didn't seem to have a clue that she wasn't really Becky. The hard part was that Justin didn't really like to lie and felt particularly guilty lying to Laura. When Justin got back to Becky's house she realized that she needed to start thinking of this place as home. Her memories told her that her parents would be at the club for several hours so for now she had the place to herself. Returning to her, temporary, room she noticed Becky's book bag. Knowing that she would have to go to school as Becky and that none of the assigned home work had been started Justin let out a sigh. She turned away from the homework and looked at her reflection. "This is so strange," she said to the empty room. Here I am a beautiful girl, and part of me is surprised every time I see this reflection but another part expects to see it and is totally comfortable with it. Justin kicked off her shoes and twisted both arms behind her back to find the small zipper to the dress. Changing into a halter and a pair of comfy pink sweat pants Justin picked up her book bag and settled onto her bed. At least this should give me something to do today she thought. Laura hung up the phone with Becky and felt almost giddy. Having everyone back in their own proper forms was a huge relief. She had felt horrible about her role in tricking Justin, not that Becky had given her all that much choice, particularly since she really liked him. This week is his last week of being grounded would it be too pushy if I asked him to about a movie for Friday? Making up her mind that she was going to do everything possible this week to hook Justin, Laura skipped happily down to the kitchen. Talking her Mom into a shopping trip was never that tough and a couple of new outfits would be perfect for this week! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Monday morning was almost a blur for Justin, she'd over slept and had to rush getting ready and then at the last minute chose to grab the medallion and put it in her purse. Justin just didn't like not having the necklace with her. The weather had turned cooler today and the light silk blouse and matching skirt provided almost no protection from the wind as Justin walked toward the school. She felt her nipples hardening against the breeze and hurried into the school. She only shared one class with Laura (gym) and none with 'Justin,' and wasn't sure how she felt about that. As soon as Justin got to her locker she felt a strong set of arms hug her from behind causing her to drop her book bag. "Hi, gorgeous!" said Paul pulling her tightly against him. "I missed you this weekend. But it'll be worth it when we beat Orchard Lake on Friday!" For a second Justin's mind went blank, and then the explanation came to him. Turing around and placing a hand on Paul's chest to push him back she said, "Hi, Paul I'm so glad you had a fun weekend playing with the boys!" "Come on Becky, don't be that way. We needed to get in extra film time and then did some seven on seven drills. This is a huge game and if I'm going to get any scholarship offers I've got to play my best," Paul said sounding a little aggravated. Justin turned around to face her locker and opened it trying to ignore Paul. "Look, I know you're mad at me because I've been spending so much time with the team. I'll make you a deal babe Saturday I'll take you into Mobile and we can spend the whole day together." Before Justin could answer the first bell rang. "See ya at lunch," Paul said kissing her on the top of her head and dashing down the hallway. I hope Becky wants to go to Mobile on Saturday Justin thought sourly as she headed to her first class. Seeing Laura during second period had left Justin feeling confused. First of all he'd been in the girl's locker room, a place of mystery and delight, in the minds of most boys. All of those naked and partly naked girls and it had done nothing for him. Then there was Laura. One part of him, the part he had let take control, had giggled and hugged Laura and talked about everything except what they had done that weekend. The other part of Justin was thrilled to be with her and wished she could hold Laura's hand like they'd done at the mall. All in all it had been a very confusing period. At lunch Justin had spotted his usual table and started to move in that direction only to realize that it was already full with the usual group. Feeling extremely jealous of Becky sitting there in his body HOLDING HANDS with Laura! Justin made up his mind to put a stop to that when she felt a set of hands settle over her eyes. "Guess who?" said the strong male voice of Paul. "Hmmm, ... some jock or other I suppose," Justin replied cattily. "Well, see if this jogs your memory." And with that Paul spun Justin around, cupped her chin in one hand while keeping the other hand behind her head and kissed her firmly. Justin was so startled that she didn't realize her body was already responding. The hand that wasn't holding her lunch reached up and tangled fingers in Paul's long dark blonde hair. Her mouth opened and her tongue darted between Paul's teeth tasting the peppermint gum he had been chewing. "What the hell," Justin thought trying to pull back while fighting her body's impulse to press itself up against Paul's 6'2," muscular frame. Coming up for air at last Justin was able to take a step back but Paul caught her free hand and started pulling her toward a table at the other end of the cafeteria. Too shocked from the strong physical reaction of her body, and still a little out of breath, Justin allowed herself to be led to the table. She quickly realized that this was where she usually ate with three of Paul's team mates and a short red headed girl her memories identified as Molly. Sitting down next to Molly Justin was relieved that there was at least one other girl at the table. Laura nudged the fake Justin. "It looks like Becky and Paul have made up!" Becky looked over in time to catch the tail end of the kiss and smirked. "She seems to be having a good time," said Becky. "If I wasn't still grounded I'd ask you out tonight. But I won't be ungrounded until Saturday. Would you like to have dinner with me and then see a movie Saturday?" Laura couldn't believe it the Justin she was used to was way too shy to just ask her out in front of everyone. Maybe spending a day as a girl helped him to come out of his shell she thought. "I'd love to," Laura answered feeling a slight blush and not caring. Justin had her next two classes with Paul and had not been able to escape until the last period of the day. Being around Paul in Becky's body, Justin decided, was way to intoxicating. Her body seemed to be attracted to everything about him, from his shoulder length blonde hair, blue eyes, and strong chin, to his powerful arms and masculine scent. Everything about him made her feel warm and tingly. There was a particularly odd warm sensation in her crotch that Justin didn't even want to think about. Standing in front of her locker Becky switched books and suddenly feeling worried she took a quick peek into her purse to make sure the medallion was still there. Satisfied she started to return her purse to the locker when a voice said, "Hi, Becky!" Justin jumped and then quickly put her purse away before turning to see Tommy. "You asked to borrow my notes from government," Tommy said holding out a folder to her. Justin noticed that Tommy's eyes were glued to her chest. Laughing to herself she took the notes from Tommy and, on an impulse, decided to make his day. She leaned in and kissed Tommy on the cheek. "Thanks Tommy you're a life savior," and with that Justin turned and headed to her next class being sure to walk with an exaggerated rolling hip movement. "Wow," said Tommy "she has got to be the hottest girl in the school! Paul is one lucky guy!" Looking down Tommy noticed that there was a strange looking necklace on the ground next to Becky's locker. I bet she dropped this Tommy thought scooping it up and turning to shout for Becky. Just as he opened his mouth he heard the bell signaling the start of the seventh period. Tommy headed to his next class still thinking about Becky. The class was senior honors study hall. Never a very big class and this semester it was particularly small. The school had moved it into a room about half the size of a normal classroom in the back of the school library. Instead of having regular desks the room was carpeted and had couches and thickly cushioned chairs. Along the back wall there were four computer work stations. The room was normally used by the school librarian for teaching incoming freshmen how to use the library and as a place for students to do research quietly. Walking into the room Tommy headed toward his usual seat. There were only six students in the class so the teacher Ms. Stevenson usually just checked to see if they were all present and then left them to work on their own. The only thing the students had in common was that they were all straight A performers. Paul was already sitting down pulling out his AP calculus. Tommy felt a surge of jealousy Paul was tall, athletic, and smart. He was one of the most popular kids in the school and lastly he was Becky's boyfriend. Next was the Goth girl, Cindy, she had naturally light blonde hair which she had dyed midnight black. She wore layers of purple and black makeup and kept her hair straight. She also had a body that Elvira would have approved of and a wardrobe to match. Next was Ruth, she was the daughter of the town's Southern Baptist minister. Her hair, a light brown was always pulled back giving her face a rather severe appearance. She never wore any makeup. Tommy had also never seen her in anything other than a dress or skirt. She was actually very pretty but seemed to spend most of her time trying to ignore this and focused on school. The last two students were Steve and Tracy, two of Tommy's best friends. Tracy was skinny with glasses, tightly braided blonde hair, and small high breasts. Steve was nearly as tall as Paul but shaped more like a pear. Not fat per say but definitely pudgy. As Tommy was heading toward the seat next to Steve Cindy spotted the necklace still in his hand. "Hey Tommy what's that?" Holding it up Tommy said, "I was giving Becky a copy of my notes from government and I think she dropped this." Tommy turned to Paul whose head came up at the mention of Becky's name. If there was one thing that Tommy really liked about Paul it was that he was not the jealous type. Putting his calculus book down Paul got up and held out his hand for the necklace. When Tommy passed it on to Paul they both felt a spark. Looking the necklace over Paul said, "I've never seen this before. That doesn't mean it's not Becky's. I'll swing by her place after practice and ask her if you want?" Before he could put it into his pocket Cindy had stood up and walked over. "Can I see it?" Shrugging Paul dropped it into her outstretched hand. Looking the necklace over Cindy spotted what she assumed was an angel. Knowing that Ruth never wore any jewelry she decided to have some fun. "Hey Ruth check this out it's got an Angel on it. It would look perfect on you." Moving over to Ruth she tried to drape the chain around Ruth's neck. Ruth let her but then caught the medallion while it was still in Cindy's hand. They both felt a slight tingle. Looking at the Angel she scrunched up her nose in a very Ruth gesture of puzzlement. "I don't recognize this picture. I don't think it's an Angel," she said. "Can I see it Ruth?" asked Tracy coming forward. Ruth pulled the necklace off and tossed it to Tracy who promptly dropped it. Steve reached down retrieved the necklace and handed it to Tracy their hands brushing as the necklace was exchanged. Again there was that strange spark. "Ouch," said Tracy "did you rub your feet on the carpet?" Turning the medallion over a couple of times Tracy said, "I can't tell if it's an Angel or not. It looks kind of cheap though. Not something I would expect Becky to wear." Standing up she walked toward Paul to return the necklace when the bell rang and in walked Mrs. Jones. "Alright students Ms. Stevenson had to leave early today so I'll be taking roll. After that I've got to get back to my class. I understand, from Ms. Stevenson, that this study hall is well behaved and doesn't need much supervision. Tracy what is that?" Before Tracy could answer Tommy said, "It's a necklace that Becky Murphy dropped. I was going to give it to Paul to give to her after school." "That's not necessary," said Mrs. Jones. "I have to walk past the office on my way to my room. I'll drop it with the secretaries and they'll see that it's returned." Tracy walked up and dropped it onto her hand. Mrs. Jones quickly read off the list of student names and then hurried out of the room. The six students settled into their respective seats pulling out books and began working on various assignments. Why does my shirt feel too tight thought Tommy pulling at his shirt. I wonder if I'm getting sick. I feel really strange. Each of the other students were also squirming in their seats trying to get comfortable and feeling weird. Mrs. Jones hurried through the library noting that it was deserted at this hour. It was the school librarian's free period. Walking into the main office Mrs. Jones spotted Mrs. Stone sitting behind the front counter. "Hi, Cathy," said Mrs. Jones, "can you see that this is returned to Rebecca Murphy, she dropped it earlier." "Of course," replied Mrs. Stone pulling an envelope from under the desk and holding it out to Mrs. Jones. The necklace was dropped into the envelope and Mrs. Stone wrote Becky's name on the front. "I'll send a note to her teacher and she can pick it up after school." Back in the honors study hall chaos reigned. "This is impossible!" screeched Tracy discarding her ripped blouse and bra, her belly hanging over her skirt which looked like it was about to burst apart as well. Books were scattered about the room along with parts of clothes. Tommy had pulled off his shirt before it ripped. His pants hung loose at the waist although they only reached past his knees since his 5'5," frame had shot up to Paul's 6'2," height. Paul on the other hand was swimming in clothes that no longer fit. He was also having a hard time seeing and kept shaking his head and mumbling to himself in disbelief. Cindy and Ruth didn't have as much of a clothing problem since they were originally close to the same height. Cindy at 5'7," and Ruth at 5'6," but Cindy had a lot more chest which had caused Ruth's blouse to burst the top button and put a serious strain on the remaining buttons. "QUITE!" shouted Cindy and all at once silence descended. Tracy stood awkwardly looking around at her fellow students, arms held across her now hairy chest and legs pressed together. "What happened?" she asked. "I don't know. But this is impossible," said a shaken Ruth. "It must be magic," said Cindy stating the obvious. "There's no such thing as magic," Tommy replied looking down at the girls for the first time in his life. "Oh really," said Cindy, "a famous person once said that if you eliminate the obvious, no matter how improbably, what remains must be the truth. Can you scientifically explain this," she continued gesturing around the room. Just then Paul seemed to come out of his daze. "This can't be real. I must be dreaming." "Here," said Tommy handing his glasses to Paul, "put these on and you're not dreaming." "I know what's going on," said Steve who was now standing dressed only in the dress shirt he had been wearing earlier. The shirt came down past his knees and his pants had pooled around his ankles. "We are all having a group hallucination. The school or the government has slipped some gas into the room and we're being watched as test subjects." Tommy shook his head. "That just doesn't make sense. First why would they choose us? Second once word got out about this kind of a government experiment heads would roll. Third did anyone smell anything? It's like this hit us all at once. If it was gas logically one person should have started hallucinating first and then the rest," he finished. Ruth looked over at Cindy. "I think Cindy's right. It has to be magic. But why us?" she asked. "I think that's the wrong question to start with," said Cindy who was by far the calmest of the group. "I think the first question is how. From there we can proceed to who and why." "The necklace," gasped Tommy. "When Paul and I touched it there was a spark." "I felt the same thing," said Tracy looking over at Steve for the first time. Cindy and Ruth were both nodding. "Okay if it was the necklace then we have the how and the 'who'," said Cindy. Paul looked at her. "I don't understand how do you know who it was that did this to us?" "Well the necklace was Becky's so she is the one who either did it or will know how to undo it," said Cindy. "First things first," said Tommy, "this is our last period but we can't go find Becky after school in these clothes. We need to swap into the clothes of the person whose body we're wearing." "No way am I wearing girl clothes," said Steve folding his arms across his chest only to yelp and shift them so they were below his new breasts. "So you want me to walk around like this?" asked Tracy gesturing to the remnants of her female attire. "Look either we all try to pretend that nothing happened until we can find Becky or the whole school will know something weird happened. Think about it there's no way anyone is going to believe that we all suddenly switched bodies. They'll either think we're all crazy and throw us in a mental institute. Or that we're playing some sick joke and possibly suspend us," said Cindy taking charge. Looking at her class mates she could see that they were scared and confused but willing to follow her lead. "Okay, Ruth, Paul, and Tommy come with me we are going to stand over here by the door with our backs to Tracy and Steve. You two face away from each other if you must but swap clothes! We don't have much more time until the bell rings," she ordered. After Tracy and Steve had changed clothes, which included some creative use of safety pins from Tracy's backpack, it was Cindy and Ruth's turn. They completed the swap much faster which gave Tommy and Paul plenty of time to change. "What now?" asked Ruth obviously looking to Cindy to continue for leadership. "Tommy you as 'Paul' know Becky the best. You should be able to meet her at the office when she picks up the medallion. Bring her to the school theater. I'm in the drama club and we don't have any productions going on yet. There shouldn't be anyone back stage. Once she's there we can get to the bottom of this." Just as they finished making their plan the bell rang indicating the end of the school day. Justin was sitting in English Lit when a messenger from the school office passed a note to Mr. Burns after a quick glance he passed the note to her without breaking his steady mono tone. Justin felt a chill run through her. How had the medallion found its way to the school office? As soon as class was out she rushed down to the office and retrieved the medallion. The secretary made some smart remark about costume jewelry and doing a better job holding onto her things. Justin simply nodded and accepted the envelope. Once she left the office she started toward her locker when Paul stopped her. "Becky I really need to talk to you and to show you something," he said. Justin had a sudden uneasy feeling but nodded "sure." It took a few minutes to get to the theater. The biggest problem was all the students clogging the halls that and all the people who wanted to talk to either Becky or Paul. Paul however fended them off with a single minded purpose that made Justin certain something was wrong. Once they arrived backstage Justin saw that there were five other people waiting for them. "So what's going on?" she asked. "You know damn well what's 'going on'," said the person Justin thought was Ruth. This surprised Justin because her borrowed memories told her that Ruth never swore. Looking up at Paul Justin said, "Could you give me a clue?" "It's your medallion," said the apparent Tommy, "does it have magic powers?" Justin felt her heart sink. "Oh no, tell me what happened." At this all six teenagers started talking at once but it didn't take very long for Justin to piece it together. "I can't change you back," she stated silencing the cacophony. "At least I can't change you back for 12 hours. The artifact that changed you is called the Medallion of Zulo, it has several properties one of which is the ability to cause people to exchange bodies. One of its limitations is that you have to wait 12 hours before you can use the medallion again." Justin continued, "I'm so sorry this happened to you. But I'm afraid you all stuck until about 2 am." None of them looked happy at this news. "There's no way this will work," said the fake Tracy. "I suck at acting and you're telling me that I've got to pretend to be a girl!" "You may not have noticed but for the next eleven hours you are a girl," said Justin. "Look there really isn't a choice. Exchange as much personal information as you can and then go home. Pretend to be sick and stay in your rooms if you have to. We'll all meet back here an hour before school tomorrow and I'll change all of you back." "Why in the hell did you bring that thing to the school in the first place," snapped the apparent Ruth in a very un-Ruth like tone. "Because I did some online research and read that it has a tendency to disappear. I wanted to keep it close so I wouldn't lose it," Justin replied. "Good job with that," said the faux Paul, "if you hadn't dropped it by your locker I wouldn't have picked it up." "Look I'm sorry this happen, okay, and I promise I'll fix it as soon as I can. But for now you're all going to have to cooperate or you may never get back to your real bodies." Sullenly each of the pairs started exchanging information. "Tommy you're going to have to go to football practice for me today," said Paul looking up at his former body. "Football, I hate football!" exclaimed Tommy. "I don't know anything about it." "It won't be so bad, today is Monday so we'll be putting in the game plan," Paul said trying to sound reassuring. "We'll warm up and then run some drills a couple of seven on seven's and then the position coaches will talk us through the game plan. After that we might walk through a couple of plays but it won't be too tough today. Just show up and do what everyone else does." "So do you have my brother and sisters names?" asked Ruth for the second time. "Yeah, I've got it. Damn you parents sound like control freaks," answered Cindy. "Don't swear or you'll find out what soap tastes like. Now what do I need to know to be you?" said Ruth. "Well my old man is a trucker and he's on the road right now so you won't have to worry about him. Mom is a lush so she'll be passed out when you get home. Just pop in a microwave dinner do some homework and stay out of my stash. You'll be fine," replied Cindy. "That's horrible!" said Ruth. "Why do I have a headache?" "You probably just need a cigarette," said Cindy grinning. "You smoke!" exclaimed a shocked Ruth. "Well, not any more," Cindy said with an evil grin. "There's no way I can go to band practice for you," Steve said in a tone of finality. "Fine! Then just go to my house pretend you're pre-menstrual and go to bed. My Mom won't be home until after five. My Dad left a couple of years ago. So it'll just be you and my little brother Tyler." "Yeah I've been over to your house remember? I like Tyler he's a good kid," said Steve. Tracy rolled her eyes. "He's a troll. It helps that we've been friends at least we know a little about each other." Steve nodded. "Once you get to my house, you can just tell my Mom that you've got lots of homework, and head straight to my room. My Mom will leave you alone until dinner. But you'll have to eat with the family, my Dad is big on that, just eat quickly and then make an excuse to get back to my room. After that you should be good for the night." Figuring it was safe to escape while everyone else was busy, Justin slipped out of the room and headed to her locker. Loading up the books she'd need for that night and collecting her purse Justin headed toward the main entrance. Not far from the doors she spotted Becky standing there like he was waiting for someone. "If you're looking for Tommy he should be along in a minute. I saw him talking to Paul a little while ago," said Justin. Becky nodded and asked, "So how are you doing?" Justin shrugged. "It's been a strange day." "You looked like you were having a good time at lunch," Becky smirked. Justin felt her face turn red. "He's your boyfriend, I just didn't want him to think anything was wrong unless you want me to break up with him?" "Of course not," said Becky. "Oh I got you a date with Laura for Saturday. We should be able to switch by Thursday so you can thank me later." "I need to go, ta-ta," said Justin pushing the door open and heading toward her car. Ta-ta? He thought good grief I've got to get back to my body soon. Tommy was miserable. He had thought that being Paul would be really cool. Practice had started out fine. He'd lined up with everyone else and run through the calisthenics and stretches exercises. He enjoyed his new size and power. But then they'd started tackling drills. He'd done okay carrying the ball using his size and strength to run over tacklers. But it seemed that all the skills Paul had developed at this had stayed with him. When it was his turn to tackle he'd failed embarrassingly. The coaches kept yelling, "Hit, stick, wrap, and lift." What the hell does that mean anyway he thought. Then the passing drills were worse. He got yelled at for his form, for not hitting the receiver, and for not following the Coaches directions. Half way through practice Coach Kelly told him angrily to hit the showers. Coach Kelly had made it clear that he'd better have his mind on practice tomorrow or his starting job gone. The only good thing about the situation was that it let him get changed and out of the locker room before his teammates. Tommy got a bit of a smile back as he walked to Paul's car a 2011 Doge Challenger. Paul's Dad, a lawyer, had bought it for him that summer and Tommy was going to get to drive it for the first time. Steve walked into Tracy's house and realized that she had the house to herself. This was pretty good since she needed to change out of her destroyed outfit. Having been in Tracy's house before was helpful but Steve had never been in her room. Opening the door to the first bedroom she came to Steve realized it must be Tyler's room with posters of power rangers and toy race cars on the floor. The second room she tried was pink and white with a full sized bed filled with pillows of all sizes and shapes. Guessing this was her room she went in and opened the closet. It wasn't the biggest closet but there were more clothes than Steve was used to seeing. Picking a set of baby blue sweat pants that said CHEER on the butt in white letters and a light yellow cotton t- shirt Steve started changing. Once she had her original clothes off Steve stopped. There in the mirror staring back was a skinny girl with small breasts. Knowing this was his only chance to see Tracy naked Steve watched as the girl in the mirror slowly dropped her bra and panties to the floor. Turning sideways Steve glanced back at the mirror striking a pose. Tracy is really pretty! Why have I never noticed that before Steve thought. Ruth was appalled! Cindy had dropped her off at her doublewide since she had missed the buss. The trailer was not too bad from the outside but once she got inside it was obvious it hadn't been cleaned in weeks. Dishes were stacked in the sink. The small kitchen table was covered in bottles of Boones Farm, Bacardi, and Jack Daniels. The whole place reeked of cigarette smoke. Exploring the trailer only took a few minutes' two bedrooms, a full bath off the hallway, and a bathroom off the master bedroom in the back. Lying passed out, just as Cindy had predicted, was a woman Ruth took to be her Mom. How can anyone live like this she thought it's so sad. Well I may be in a different body but I'm the same person I've always been and with that thought in mind she started to clean. Paul walked up the steps to Tommy's house feeling nervous. He'd never been here before and if Justin hadn't dropped him off he wouldn't have known which house was his. He felt awful he had tried to take the steps two at a time, like he normally would have, and felt the roll of fat around his waist bounce with each step. Also the steps were higher. In fact everything was much bigger. Paul hadn't been 5'5," since 7th grade and in some ways felt as insecure now as he had back then. Cautiously opening the front door he was greeted by a playful black Labrador. "Easy there Luther," said Paul happy that he had remembered the dog's name. Hearing the noise Tommy's 5 year old little sister came to see who was there. "Tommy," she shrieked and came running with raised arms. Not knowing what else to do Paul scooped her up and then tossed her into the air. Laughing and clapping Nattily said, "Again, again." Feeling somewhat light hearted Paul tossed her into the air a couple more times until he started to feel the strain in his arms and back. Holy shit, he thought, I'm really out of shape or rather Tommy's out of shape. "So where's Mom?" asked Paul. "There," Nattily answered pointing back into the house and then ran off after Luther. Guessing she had meant the kitchen Paul decided to avoid it and headed to the second floor hoping to find his room before anyone else noticed him. Tracy knew that Steve's folks had money but she was always surprised when she visited. Their house was just down the street from Becky's house and must have been at least 6,000 square feet. Steve had two younger brothers one in 8th grade and the other in 4th grade. Parking Steve's truck Tracy headed through the kitchen and then into the great room. The house was shaped like an L with all three boys rooms in one wing and the parents in the other. "Steve, how was school?" asked Steve's Mom having spotted Tracy as she attempted to sneak through the house. "Okay but I've got a lot of homework," Tracy answered. "Alright, hey I need you to take Charlie to boy scouts for me tonight. I'm meeting with the ladies group from church and your father is working late. I'll just order a pizza for dinner." "Okay Mom," said Tracy wondering how she'd find her way to the Boy Scout meeting. Closing the door to Steve's bedroom behind her she realized all she'd have to do is send Steve a text asking for directions. Oh, God thought Cindy as she parked Ruth's car in the driveway. Ruth's house was just way to cute. Right out of Southern Living Cindy thought sarcastically to herself. Ruth was the oldest with a brother and two sisters each two years apart. As she got out of the car she could hear Ruth's Dad in the detached garage talking to Ruth's younger brother Peter. They were working on rebuilding an old Dodge Charger. When she entered the house the smell of freshly baked bread filled the kitchen. Cindy spotted a rather plump middle aged woman pulling a loaf of bread out of the oven. "How was your day dear?" Ruth's Mom asked in a pleasantly distracted way. "Um, okay but I've got a lot of homework tonight. So I think I'm going to get started on it," Cindy replied. Following the directions she'd memorized from Ruth Cindy went to Ruth's bedroom. It was neat and painted in light pastels. Closing and locking the door Cindy sat down on Ruth's bed and started to cry. Justin walked into Becky's home which was more and more starting to feel like her home. She noticed that her Mom was home, for once, and rather than avoid her Justin decided to say hi. Her Mom had an office on the main floor of the house and Justin knew from Becky's memories that would most likely be where she could be found. Becky's Mom was an older version of Becky, tall and blonde, with a great figure that had ripened as she matured. She was one of those women who simply looked better and better as they got older. She also had a Ph.D. in psychology and would sometimes work from her office at home. "Hi, Mom," said Justin from the doorway getting a lump in his throat when he realized he hadn't been able to say those words for over four years. Not since the accident in Japan where his Mom had been killed. Looking up at her daughter Mrs. Murphy sensed something was wrong and hurried over to give Justin a hug. "Are you alright dear?" she asked. "I'm fine, I just needed a hug," Justin answered giving her his best Becky smile. "One of your Father's patients is due tonight so it's just us girls. I've got to finish reading this patient file and taking notes. How do you feel about take out Chinese for dinner?" Becky's Mom asked already heading back to her desk. "Sounds great Mom," Justin replied backing out of the office and heading up to her room. Becky's memories told her that her Dad was an OB-GYN and it was not all that uncommon for him to get stuck at the hospital at odd hours. Retreating to the sanctuary of Becky's room Justin returned the medallion to its zip lock bag and hid it at the bottom of her underwear drawer. God my back is killing me she thought. She had taken a Pamprin earlier but the pain had returned. Another awesome experience had been using a tampon for the first time. Someone up there must really hate me he thought. Knowing from Becky's memories that a bath sometimes helped Justin headed into the bathroom and started to fill the tub. Tossing her clothes into one corner Justin looked into the bathroom mirror. He no longer felt surprised when he saw his reflection. Instead he simply thought he looked bloated and that his breasts were swollen. Slipping into the bath with a sigh of relief he wondered if he'd be able to change back tomorrow. Cindy sat quietly at the dinner table as Ruth's parents and siblings talked, to, at, and at times over, each other. Dinner had started uncomfortably for Cindy when Ruth's Dad had taken her right hand and Ruth's brother her left and they had all bowed their heads while he said grace. Once that was done everyone seemed happy to dig into the home cooked meal it wasn't anything fancy just spaghetti with meat balls, bread, and salad. But the enthusiasm and the laughter around the table touched a place inside Cindy that she never knew existed. Tracy had enjoyed the pizza and was astonished at how much she'd been able to pack away. Fortunately Steve had texted the Scouts address to her phone and with its GPS and map app she had no trouble finding the location. Charlie had been happy enough to run inside which meant she had an hour to kill. Across the street Tracy noticed that the public library was open. She figured it would be a good place to do homework while she waited for Charlie. After Tracy crossed the street she spotted a couple of teenage boys leaning against the wall smoking cigarettes. Normally she would have been intimidated but when they just nodded to her she realized that in this body most people would be afraid of her. Ruth had cleaned the kitchen and the living room. It really hadn't taken very long since both rooms were relatively small. It took longer to pry open a couple of windows to air out the trailer. Cindy's Mom must have been really out of it because the sound of the vacuum hadn't even caused her to stir. When Ruth had cleared all the empty bottles off the table she had seen that there were still several partially filled bottles and even a couple that hadn't been opened. Making a quick decision she dumped all the alcohol into the sink and put the rest of the bottles in the garbage bag with the other trash. She had then carried all the trash to the dumpster. This had taken several trips and in the process Ruth noticed a couple of guys hanging out two trailers down. Every time she walked by they either whistled or said something. Feeling safer back in the trailer Ruth found a can of chicken soup in the pantry. Digging through the refrigerator she found some cheese and settled on chicken soup and toasted cheese sandwiches for dinner. After eating Ruth went back to check on Cindy's Mom again and discovered that she had rolled over and was now on her back snoring. Feeling sorry for the woman Ruth gently tugged Cindy's Mom's shoes off and draped a blanket around her. Figuring it was time to do some homework Ruth settled into Cindy's bedroom humming happily to herself. For the first time, ever, Ruth felt like she was in control and it felt good to take care of someone even if it wasn't really her Mom. Tommy had retreated to Paul's bedroom as soon as he got home saying that he had lots of homework. Once in Paul's room Tommy figured he needed a shower and tossed Paul's dirty workout clothes into a hamper in the bedroom. Darting across the hallway with a towel around his waist was easy. In the bathroom he stopped to stare into the mirror. Paul's handsome face stared back. Tommy reached up and touched his nose. The guy in the mirror copied the movement exactly. Tommy couldn't resist flexing. He was so much bigger and stronger now. I wonder if I could take Justin in a fight. With that Tommy turned on the shower. He'd stayed in Paul's room until Paul's Mom had called him down for dinner she'd made steaks and had left a plate for Paul. Tommy knew from his quick conversation with Paul that his Mom and Dad had divorced 3 years ago. His Dad was a high priced lawyer and his Mom worked as a nurse. Tommy could hear her in the family room watching the news on the flat screen. Tommy grabbed his plate and walked back to Paul's room settling in front of Paul's computer to do a little research. Steve sat cross legged on the floor with Tyler playing PS3. When Tyler had gotten home from school Steve had instantly challenged him to a game. A little surprised but happy to have someone to play against Tyler had accepted. Tyler was even more surprised when he lost several games. The only thing that interrupted their game was when Tracy's phone had gone off with a text from the fake Steve. Tracy's mother had arrived after 5 pm. Seeing the apparent Tracy spending time with Tyler confused her but she decided not to bother them and went to work on dinner. After dinner Steve explained that she had homework and escaped to her room. Steve finished most of Tracy's homework quickly. They had almost the same schedule so it was pretty easy. Looking at Tracy in the mirror Steve figured this would be his only chance to see what a shower as a female felt like. He walked across the hall shut and locked the door to the bathroom. Adjusting the shower for the right temperature Steve stepped into the stall. The hot soapy water felt so good on his breasts Steve continued to explore his new curves until his hands found their way to his vagina. For the last several minutes there had been a kind of hollow feeling down there that had gotten more and more intense as Steve played with his breasts. He slowly started rubbing the outer folds of his pussy the sensation sent pulses of pleasure through her whole body. Steve slowly inserted a finer, rubbing the clitoris with her thumb she pushed her index finger inside. As she stroked and rubbed she felt a sort of aching pressure building and building until all at once the orgasm exploded causing her to sit down in the stall and let the hot water cascade down on her. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The sound of her alarm jolted Justin from her dream. In it she had been chasing Becky but Becky had been in Justin's body and he'd been in her body. Becky had been taunting him, "You've got to catch me if you want me!" Walking to the bathroom Justin sat down on the toilet and noticed that the pad she'd worn over night only had a small amount of blood in it. Running her hands through her hair Justin stretched hearing her spine pop and realized that her back didn't hurt. "Maybe this damn period is almost over!" Knowing that she had to be to school early Justin hurriedly went through her morning routine. The crack of thunder caused Justin to look outside. It was pouring down rain while thunder and lightning arced across the pre-dawn sky. Great what a crappy day Justin thought all this rain will ruin my hair. As she rushed about getting ready it never occurred to her that this was an odd thing for a 17 year old boy to think. Justin was slightly late arriving back stage at the school theater. Five anxious teens waited for her as she walked into the room heels clicking. "So is everyone ready to switch back?" Justin asked. Looking around the room Justin quickly figured out that the fake Paul was missing. "Where's Paul?" "I wish I knew," said a worried looking Tommy. "Has anyone tried calling or texting him?" Justin asked. "Yeah I got a text saying that he wouldn't be able to make it but would see me later. That nerd better not have done anything to my body," exclaimed Paul. It was so incongruous to hear the apparent Tommy call Paul a nerd that Justin couldn't help giggling. "Alright is everyone else ready to change?" Looking at the other four teens Justin could tell that they were not all eager. "Tracy, Steve are you two ready?" Justin asked. "That's just it," said Cindy interrupting. "I did some research on the medallion of Zulo last night. It appears that if you hold it along with a piece of someone's clothes you turn into their doppelg?nger. The longer you maintain the contact the more or perhaps the clearer and more detailed the copy." Turning to face Ruth, Cindy said, "I know this is asking a lot. But would you be willing to let me stay as you for a few days? Your family is so nice and well I've never had much of a Mom." Ruth was already nodding. "I was going to ask you the same thing. I love my family but they can be kind of, suffocating, ya know? I have so many rules to follow. You have the freedom to pretty much do what you want. I don't want to trade forever but a short vacation from being me? Well that sounds pretty good, let's say until Friday morning." Hearing this Cindy gave Ruth a hug. "Thank you so much!" Justin noticed as the two separated that the new Cindy while still wearing mostly dark colors had eased up on the makeup. It was much more tastefully applied and the outfit while still dark wasn't all black. Justin now faced Tracy and Steve. "Well," she said holding out the medallion. "Um," said Tracy looking over at Steve, "I've been thinking and well if you're game Steve I'd kind of like to stay this way until the end of the week as well. I've never been big or strong and it's kind of cool to be able to go out at night and not have to worry." Steve clasped her hands together in surprise. "Really because I was thinking the same thing. I mean about delaying the switch. Your Mom's cool and this body is so different I kind of like the sound of taking a vacation from being me." Justin was shocked in just over 12 hours four of the six people had agreed to remain longer in each other's bodies. Yesterday they had been ready to attack her and demanded to be changed back. Now they want to experiment? Is there a side effect to this magic that helps people adapt emotionally and mentally to the changes it brings? "Okay if you're going to keep this a secret you're going to need some of each other's memories. We don't have that much time so I suggest that each of you holds the medallion along with a piece of clothing for 15 minutes. That will take a full hour for each of the four of you to have a turn. Once your turn is done I think you should leave so we're not all seen exiting the theater at the same time," Justin said. With that he handed the medallion to Cindy. "There's no reason for me to stick around here," said Paul. "When I find Tommy I'm going to kick his ass," and with that he stomped off. Can this day get any weirder Justin thought hurrying to her first class. She was already late but it had taken longer to get all of the changes done with the medallion. She barely noticed Becky and Laura holding hands as they walked into their home room. At lunch Justin found the fake Paul who grabbed her and pulled her to one side. "Listen I'm sorry about missing everyone this morning. This body is a bear to wake up in the morning. Give me the medallion, I'll grab Paul, and we'll swap back during lunch," said Tommy. Justin had a bad feeling about trusting the medallion to anyone else but looking into Paul's gorgeous blue eyes she found it hard to say no. Come on Justin thought this is Tommy I can trust him. "Okay but I want it back after lunch. Paul and I have the next two periods together so send it with him, understand?" Seeing Tommy nod Justin hurried to her locker and retrieved the medallion. Finding Paul was easy and suggesting that they head back to the theater was something Paul was eager to agree too. Tommy followed Paul back stage feeling guilty but he was determined. Still behind Paul Tommy took a quick step forward and slammed his fist down heavily on the back of Paul's neck. This caused Paul to stumble forward dazed. Not wasting any time Tommy jumped on Paul and hit him several times until Paul went limp. Knowing he had to be quick Tommy pulled a pair of gym shorts he'd retrieved from his former locker earlier. Tommy pulled on a pair of plastic gloves took the medallion in one hand and pressed it along with the shorts into Paul's cheek and glanced at his wrist watch. Time seemed to drag by however Tommy was sure the magic was working because the bruises he'd left on Paul's face had faded. Paul moaned a couple of times and tried to twitch away once but Tommy stayed focused. After a full thirty minutes he stepped away. It looked like Paul was coming around. Well this is it he thought. "Ugh why does my head hurt?" said the new Tommy. "Dude you slipped and hit your head. Do you need me to get you to the school nurse?" asked the former Tommy. Looking confused Tommy reached up and adjusted his glasses. "Paul, you're Paul? Who am I?" asked the new Tommy. "Man you really must have hit your head hard. Take a deep breath. Do you feel like you're going to be sick?" When the new Tommy shook his head the new Paul continued, "I'll ask you a couple of easy questions. We do this in football to see if a player has a concussion. What's your name?" "Tommy Wheeler," came the reply. "Where do you live?" "1207 Oak St," said the new Tommy. "What class do you have after lunch?" "Lit," he answered without hesitating. "Alright now I'll ask you a different question," said the new Paul. "In the power I formation, the coach calls a 32 dive, what does the tailback do?" The new Tommy sat there feeling confused he felt like he should know this like the information was just out of reach. But then how could he know it when he was Tommy Wheeler and had never played football before. Shaking his head the new Tommy looked up at the new Paul and said, "I don't know." Grinning the new Paul reached down and helped Tommy to his feet. "Lunch is almost over you'd better get to class." Still feeling confused the new Tommy slipped out of the theater still to groggy to wonder why he'd been there in the first place. After Paul had left Tommy sat down and pulled out Paul's football jersey from last week's game. I won't go back to being a small, weak, pathetic nerd but I don't want to completely lose myself. Glancing at his watch and knowing he'd be late to class Tommy touched the medallion to the jersey. Justin was worried, neither Paul nor Tommy had returned at lunch. Wh

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Altered Fates 2065 AD

In the year 2065 the United States is a theocracy in all but name, and at the center of the system sits the Medallion of Zulo.... ALTERED FATES: 2065 A.D. by BobH (C) 2013. (Note: While not essential to your understanding and enjoyment, you will get more out of this story if you first read my tales 'Altered Fates: The Cult', 'The Chapford Wives', and 'Amazons', on which it draws quite considerably. All are available here on FM.) 1: Ray Standing at the altar before...

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Altered Fates The Things we do for Friends

Altered Fates: The Things We Do For Friends part 1 of 5 By Morpheus I stood in the school bathroom with my half soapy hands underneath the water faucet, grimacing as I rinsed them off. Then pausing for a second, I looked up and into the mirror that was hung on the wall in front of me. The same familiar 14 year old boy that I always saw looked back at me with a sour expression. His messy brown hair was in need of a cut and his nose still had blood dripping from it. "Shit."...

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Altered Fates A Complicated Affair

Altered Fates: A Complicated Affair By Theunknownauthor Everything you are about to read is true! Every person, place or thing that is mentioned in this account is real, although I am changing the names and not giving any exact locations. I am doing this so that readers won't try to verify the validity of this story on their own. This isn't an easy story for me to tell, but I feel that I need to get it off my chest. For almost a year now I have been reading various accounts...

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Altered Fates A Special Mothers Day Gift

(Thanks as always to Steve Zink, he makes me look good. This story is dedicated to Morpheus, who writes such great tales of understanding between parents and children, and Femur for his great site. Also, a nod to Raven's great story 13.) Altered Fates: A Special Mother's Day Gift By Eric Part 1 Mother's Day, 1975 Gloria was smiling. It was Mother's Day, and her kids and grandkids were coming over to celebrate. She remembered a card she got from Jeff the year before. It said,...

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ALTERED FATES: THE X-FILE REOPENED by BobH. (c) 2003 For those of you interested in continuity, this story takes place during the first half of the final season of The X- Files. It's a sequel to my story ALTERED FATES: THE X-FILE in the sense of being set after that tale and making reference back to it, but you don't need to have read that one to follow this one. MARRIOTT HOTEL, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND It was her walk as she strode into the main bar that had first...

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Altered Fates Project Zulo

(Author's Note: This story provides a finale to all the Altered Fates tales I've posted here to date. It contains spoilers for, and resolves dangling threads from, most of those eleven stories. I wrote them out of sequence, but I always knew where each of them fitted in the overall scheme. Read in order, the larger story should all fall into place with what might have seemed stray characters and random bits of business all connecting up. Even if you read the individual stories as they...

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Altered Fates The Missing Episode of the Fugitive

As always, any comments or criticism is welcome. Feel free to email me at [email protected]. This story is dedicated to the creator of the Altered Fates Universe, Jennifer Adams and to the cast and crew of the 60's television series The Fugitive, still perhaps the finest drama series made for television. I also want to thank Steve Zink for his editing and general story help. Author's Note: Thank you to the original creators of the Fugitive TV series. Below is the cast, mostly...

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Altered Fates Lost and Found

Altered Fates - Lost and Found by cj Permissions: Archival and/or sharing of this story, along with derivitive works - WITHOUT profit from reselling/repackaging, are permitted as long as the story remains complete, unchanged, and correctly attributed to its original author "cj". These permissions are to be included with shared or archived story, and extended to any derivative works. Written permission from the author is required for any "for profit" use. Special Thanks: Thank you,...

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Altered Fates A Christmas Tale

ALTERED FATES: A CHRISTMAS TALE by BobH (c) 2012 Ed Geraghty sat down heavily on the changing room bench and sighed. He felt every minute of his fifty-six years, and then some. Any positive effect on his health of thirty five years pounding the streets delivering mail had been more than offset by the same number of years spent drinking hard liquor to excess. Not that this was an option open to him any more, given the precarious state of his liver. He was not a bad man, and had...

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Altered Fates The Hitman

Altered Fates Story This story is copyright 1998 by the author. It may be posted and archived on any free site. If you wish to post on a for-pay site, contact the author. Altered Fates: The Hit Man By Ran Dandel I couldn't believe my good fortune. After countless hours following-up various leads, rumors, and downright lies, I reached my goal. I had located the fabled Medallion of Zulo. This prize would ensure my reputation, and insure that I would reach the pinnacle of my...

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Altered Fates Milkshakes at Midnight

Altered Fates: Milkshakes at Midnight by Bashful [email protected] This is the tale of a young married couple, the husband's brother, and how the Medallion of Zulo altered their fates. Frank and Debra Walker had been married for close to three years when Frank's brother Ed moved in. Ed had lived with his parents until they retired and moved to Florida. Ed was frequently out of work and living with his parents had taken the stress out of finding a permanent job. Now Ed was...

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Altered Fates Auntie Em

I originally had no intention of making this an Altered Fates story. However, after my first two drafts turned out horrible, I decided to try a different angle with it. This is what resulted. Altered Fates: Auntie Em By Morpheus Corey winced as his foot went into the puddle of water, muttering "Damn" to himself. He was already completely soaked through from the heavy rain, which gave no sign of letting up. Shivering in his wet clothes, Corey really wished that he hadn't ...

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Altered Fates Babysitting

I've had this story in mind for quite awhile, but the first time I started writing it, Eric came out with a very similar Altered Fates story called The Baby-sitter Caper first. Because of that I put this one on hold for awhile. Well here it finally is. I know that the ending leaves a lot that could be done afterwards, but I left off where I was on purpose. Perhaps I'll do a sequel, or perhaps I'll just leave the rest to the readers imagination. Altered Fates: Babysitting By...

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Altered Fates Chris and Marissa

Hello I've submitted stories before as Lisa, Alyssa's Magic, Strings, and the Gift of Dreams here is a story that has been on Jennifer's site for a long time and I'm finally submitting it here, It is an Altered Fates Story. Altered Fates: Chris and Marissa By Rena Marissa Moore was having a bad week. She had just been laid off from her job as a receptionist for a small software company. It wasn't a great job, but it paid the bills. The company had been purchased by a slightly...

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Altered Fates Prom Date

If anyone wishes to archive this story they may do so on the conditions that it is provided free and that the story contents are not altered. Altered Fates: Prom Date By Morpheus Furious, Josh wanted to lash out, to kick the chair next to him or do something that would let out his anger. Instead he forced himself to stand still, glaring at his Mom. Here he was 15 years old, and still treated like a little kid. It just made him furious. He had been planning on going to a party...

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Altered Fates A Favor for Anna Part II Temptation

Altered Fates: A Favor for Anna, Part II "Temptation" Author note: I'd just like to say thank you to Eric for beta reading and offering suggestions on this story, you've undoubtedly made it better! - Cheers Zapper ++++ Chapter 1 "Curiosity killed, ......swapped the cat" ++++ It was a cold Friday afternoon in February as Tom looked out his living room window at the snow covered backyard. The scene showed several trees coated in ice and a...

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Altered Fates The Mistakes of Others

Altered Fates - The Mistakes of Others By KathyB Learn from the mistakes of others; life is too short to make them all yourself. Chapter #1 Jim Collins was nothing if not methodical. An engineer by trade and obsessive compulsive by habit, he carefully planned his day's activities so as to minimize wasted effort. He rose routinely at 5:00 am, tended to personal hygiene as the situation warranted, poured a cup of hot black coffee from his...

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Altered Fates What are friends for

"Altered Fates: What are friends for?" - By Flyover State. Synopsis: Tiffany and Ryan are best friends. As young kids, the two girls meet Tyler, a kid new to the neighborhood. Now in high school, Tiffany and Tyler are dating. Ryan's love for Tiffany has grown more than sisterly, and she knows it won't be reciprocated. Follow Tyler, as Ryan brings her plan to fruition, and the aftermath of his choices thereafter. Multiple changes occur (other characters) age regression,...

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Altered Fates The AfterEffect

Altered Fates: The After-Effect Written by Liam Slade Published originally on Fictionmania, to be reprinted with author's permission. *** For starters, let me tell you that I never felt different. It's an old clich? that someone in my scenario might have grown up differently than the other boys, but the truth is I loved playing G.I. Joe and Cowboys and Indians. I couldn't have cared less for Barbie dolls and easy-bake ovens. I liked baseball a l...

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Altered Fates GIBlues

Authors note: This story was inspired by Femur's Lovingly Modified Romance Comic covers, specifically af054.jpg. I wrote it when femur asked me for a story. This was the one I originally intended to start with but, for various reasons, I ended up writing other stories first. ALTERED FATES: G.I.BLUES By BobH. (c) 2003 For John Geddes this five day furlough could not have come soon enough. Six days from now he and his unit would be shipping out to become part of a...

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Altered Fates What Friends Are For

Altered Fates : What Friends Are For! By Paul1954 Clare looked across at her children, Ginny aged 7 and Jack aged 10, and sighed. She returned her attentions to the mirror in the hallway and finished touching up her lipstick. It was a typical Saturday morning at the Walter's home with Clare's husband Des sleeping off the results of a Friday night drinking spree spent with his co-workers and her children glued to the television watching the trash that passes for children's TV...

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Altered Fates Scenes From a Marriage

(Thanks to SteveZ for his Selfless Editing. The Altered Fate62 on Femur's great site inspired this story.) THIS IS AN EXPERIMENTAL STORY. After each scene, your imagination will be needed to fill in the blanks. Altered Fates: Scenes From a Marriage By Eric 1. The Discovery Janet was worried. Jack was being a jerk, and refusing to even set a date for their marriage; she had already bought her gown and EVERYTHING! God, how she hated it when he patronized her. She felt like...

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Altered Fates A Quick Study

Authors note: This is another story whose initial inspiration was a situation depicted on one of femur's Lovingly Modified Romance Comic covers, specifically af017.jpg. ALTERED FATES: A QUICK STUDY by BobH. (c) 2003 Sitting in his large, elegantly-furnished CEO's office, Eric Peyton Wayne gazed sadly at the framed photograph in his hands. It showed him and Tommy Clark in happier times. They had been fourteen and indestructible when the picture was taken, during that long,...

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Altered Fates Tempest

ALTERED FATES: TEMPEST by BobH (c) 2004 Authors note: This story was inspired in part by femur's Lovingly Modified Romance Comic covers, specifically af011.jpg. These can be seen at 1.Janice: "'Loose' for 'lose'," said Gina Carter, dark eyes flashing, "'breath' when it should be 'breathe', and not knowing the difference between 'affect' and 'effect. Not to mention 'adverse' and 'averse'. I swear they've given up teaching basic English in American...

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Altered Fates The Girl with the Rose Colored Tattoo

This story is intended for the entertainment of adults only. Copyright (C) 1999 by Maryann. All rights reserved. Permission Is hereby granted for non-commercial use of this complete and unaltered text. Electronic storage of unaltered copies for personal use is also permitted. Any other use of this text is a violation of copyright. No hardcopies may be made without written permission from the author. Altered Fates- The girl with the Rose Colored Tattoo. By: Maryann ...

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My Medallion Experience

My Medallion Experience - by: Jason Sommers It all began when I was driving home from work. I pulled into my driveway and was pulling into the driveway when I noticed something shining out of the garbage can so I put the car in park and got out and then went over to the garbage can only to find what I been looking for my whole life THE MEDALION OF ZULO!!!!!! I immediately reached in there and retrieved it. I stuck it in my coat pocket and closed the garage door and went into...

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The Legend of the Medallion of Zulo

The Legend of the Medallion of Zulo By Ellie of Dauber (c) 2003 A little something I found doing research. From _Gruswald's Encyclopedia of the Occult_ volume 11, Ly-Mor (Isham Gruswald; Oxford, England; Oxford University Press; 1964) MEDALLION OF ZULO: One of a set of an estimated fifty transformative devices created for self-defense by the M'barduu tribe of Central Africa in the ninth century. The expanding Islamic empire of Timbuktu began to encroach on M'barduu...

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Altered Fates Hollywood Agent

ALTERED FATES: HOLLYWOOD AGENT Chapter 1: Laura Jenson was tired. At least she acted as if she was tired, and those who knew her well knew that even though she was the star of over ten highly profitable movies over the last five years, that Laura couldn't act her way out of a paper bag. Laura thanked her lucky stars everyday that the director's and the film editor she chose to work with, knew her acting faults and were only too glad to cover them up and make a ton of money from...

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Altered Fates Study In Childhood

Altered Fates: A Study In Childhood - By Innocent Guilt Hi, my name is Jeffery Smith. If you stumbled onto this little story of my life then I hope it helps save you from the fate I am in now. Well, lets go back to where it all started. It was my first days of college. I was a freshman at Undeclared Medical College. I was head strong, naive, stupid, and thought I could take on the world. I had just finished high school as top of my class with some off the wall theories in the...

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If I found the Medallion of Zulo

If I found the Medallion of Zulo (revised) You've found the Medallion of Zulo. Now what? This story tries to follow "realistically" what I'd do. ***** Since in real life I'm married with kids, I've set this a few years in the future. 60 years old and in good health. Kids grown up and left home. Estranged from my wife. (This is much harder to do if I was still married - that might be the subject of a future story. But in my current situation, with kids in my care, I just...

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Altered Fates Disguise For Life

Altered Fates DISGUISED FOR LIFE by Jennifer Adams ©Jennifer Adams Bob had everything he and his children would need packed into the trunk of his car when he went to pick them up for the week-end. He had planned it all out. He would pick them up from Shelly like it was going to be a normal week-end visit. Then instead of taking them to his rented house they would just go west and start over, just the three of them. It was a desperate act, he knew, and if he were caught...

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Altered Fates Glck und Glas Teil 1

Altered Fates: Glueck und Glas, Teil 1 by T:M in 2005 Achtung: In dieser Geschichte gibt es Szenen mit expliziten sexuellen Handlungen. Au?erdem wird geflucht, und das nicht selten! ***Prolog*** Eigentlich war alles wie immer: Ein typischer Samstag Vormittag. Das "Venice", ein kleines Eiscafe, welches nach 22.00 Uhr auch eine ganz passable Szenebar abgab lag am Rande der malerischen Altstadt, direkt neben der Rossmann-Br?cke, dem Markenzeichen des Ortes, welche ?ber einem ...

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Altered Fates The XFile

(Author's Note: For anyone concerned with continuity, I figure this story occurs somewhere around the middle of the run of the X-FILES.) ALTERED FATES: THE X-FILE By BobH (c) 2002 FBI TRAINING FACILITY, QUANTICO, VIRGINIA. With her usual methodical efficiency, FBI agent Dr. Dana Scully had carried out a full post mortem examination of the two bodies that had been shipped to the morgue here at Quantico. Her partner, FBI agent Fox Mulder, had asked her to do the autopsies so he...

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Altered Fates The Book Dealer

Altered Fates - The Book Dealer by KathyB Paul Mortonson was from Palo Alto. He was born there. He was raised there. He went to school there, college too. He met a girl from there, got married there and settled there. He even worked there. Paul owned and operated a small, independent book store. His specialty, and his passion, was rare and collectable books. Palo Alto, for those who do not know, is a community of some 60,000 people. It sits in the northwest corner of...

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Altered Fates Domestic Tranquility with The Nanny

As always excessive praise is always welcome No copyright infringement intended. The rights belong to CBS and Childhood Sweethearts. CJ and I are just having fun not meaning any harm. Altered Fates: Domestic Tranquility with The Nanny By Eric and Caleb Jones Fran Fine's annoyingly nasal voice hammered at Maxwell's ears like a sledgehammer. She was sexy and lovable but oh, that voice of hers. Perhaps he should insist she go to a voice training class, but every time he hinted at...

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Altered Fates The Daughter

The Medallion of Zulo was a powerful instrument of fate, but sometimes the fate it brought was death. ALTERED FATES: THE DAUGHTER by BobH (c) 2014 I woke screaming, lurching upright in bed as that scream subsided into great, wrenching sobs. It was the sounds again, those terrible cracking and snapping sounds I couldn't escape. The bedroom door burst open then Carol was there, taking my tiny body in her arms, rocking me back and forth, my head on her breasts,...

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Altered Fates 3rd Strike And Your Out

Following my debut story last week (Lord's Prayer), along with the feedback I've received (thanks Eric Bloodstone, Jennifer Adams, Mindy Rich and all the others) I have gotten the bug ! This is a spin-off story from Lord's Prayer which, I hope, wraps up this episode. If found that, although this started out at an even pace, it turned fairly dark about half way through as the story took on a life of it's own and reflected the mood I was in at the time. Hope that some still enjoy this...

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Altered Fates Sisters Revenge

ALTERED FATES Sisters Revenge by Kathryn Nelson Copyright - Kathryn Nelson, 2001 Kyle Emerson was 18 and had just graduated from high school. Finally, he was free from those teachers he thought were weird and all the studying his mother made him do. He was registered to go to a local community college in the fall but he now had the summer off to enjoy himself. His mother had saved up the money for him to go to college but he needed to pay for his own car and all other...

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Altered Fates Stabbed in the Back

Altered Fates: Stabbed In The Back By: Regina Lawson I may have been selfish; in fact, I was selfish, I knew it. I wanted so much to make some sort of difference in the world that I overrode my wife?s objections and took the diplomatic position offered to me anyhow. I was to take up a minor position at our embassy in Panama which was responsible for American tourism, but that put me in touch with intelligence assets in the Central American region. My name is Stuart Barnes...

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Altered Fates Chimera Pt1

Altered Fates: Chimera, Part 1 By Elliot Reid I stood at the window, peering out into the cold morning light. I waited a full five minutes, face squashed against the glass, feeling my nose get uncomfortably cool. The trees in the avenue were in full leaf and I couldn't see far down the street, however much I squinted. I saw a vehicle move. Was that my parents' SUV gliding back along the road? Nope, false alarm. I was paranoid my folks would return. It was known to happen. Mom...

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Altered Fates Chimera Pt3

Altered Fates: Chimera, Part 3 By Elliot Reid I slept fitfully that night, back at home in my own bed. I was exhausted from my lovemaking with Simone, who since her transformation had almost limitless demand for sex inside Ayesha's lithe body. But even though I felt sucked dry I was jazzed by the experience. I was on a high. It was late when I'd left Simone. My parents would raise Cain if I stayed out too long. But before I walked out the door we talked over Simone's plan to turn...

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Altered Fates Glck und Glas Teil 2

Altered Fates: Glueck und Glas, Teil 2 by T:M in 2006 Achtung: In dieser Geschichte gibt es Szenen mit expliziten sexuellen Handlungen. Ausserdem wird geflucht, und das nicht selten! Und noch ein kleiner Hinweis: Die ersten zwei Abschnitte sind bei allen Teilen der "Gl?ck und Glas" Geschichten identisch, da die Geschichten das Geschehen aus verschieden Perspektiven beschreiben und nicht aufeinander aufbauen. So kann jeder Leser, ganz gleich mit welcher Geschichte er auch...

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Altered Fates Chimera Pt5

Altered Fates: Chimera, Part 5 By Elliot Reid Jase and I were both victims of the Medallion of Zulo; something we discovered the first night we slept together. We became close after that. We weren't in love or anything, but I welcomed Jase's support, his understanding. He knew what it was like to have your life turned upside down by a change of sex, of identity. Jase looked in the mirror each morning and saw a borrowed face. He'd been through the struggle of reinventing...

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BBW High School Hijinks

As I stated already, my wife isn't exactly adventurous. But all the same, she has had the occasional fun experience, like most girls. This next story takes place during the summer between her junior and senior year. And like her last story, this one she told to me and as far as I know is true as well. Because she always worked hard in school, she had worked her way up to some advanced classes. During this particular summer, she was part of a school program that let advanced high school...

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Altered Fates Dennis

Altered Fates: Dennis (I know, its not the greatest name, but it works) By Morpheus ([email protected]) Walking home from work, I happened to look down, and saw a small brass colored medallion sitting in the gutter. Curiously, I pulled it out and held it up examining it. When I'd seen it, I'd hoped that it might be worth something, but as I looked at it, I realized that it was only a cheap piece of costume jewelry. Probably for kids or something. I noticed that there was a...

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Altered Fates Auntie Em II

When I wrote Auntie Em, I had no intention of writing a sequel to it. However, after I finished it I started thinking about a few other ideas I had for the main characters and decided to use them as well. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you look at it, this one turned out quite a bit longer than I'd anticipated. For those of you who haven't read Auntie Em first, I suggest that you do before reading this. Altered Fates: Auntie Em II By Morpheus Emily felt bored....

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Altered Fates A Promise Kept

Altered Fates: A Promise Kept By Jennifer Adams "Mike! Where have you been?" Connie asked. It was more of a demand rather than a question. She had been waiting and wondering where her husband had been for several hours. He wasn't normally a man who left and didn't come home. At least not until SHE came back to town. SHE was Mike's childhood friend. They had been neighbors growing up and played together all the time. Her name was Dana. "I'm sorry dear. I was over at Dana's...

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Altered Fates Lyles Story

Lyle's Story by Grendel There are two sides to every story. Most of us would prefer to see the world in black and white, but the decisions we make are never as clear- cut as that. I know that I've made some enemies in my life, and perhaps with hindsight some of the pain that I've caused could have been avoided, but I've never deliberately acted with malice. I've just made some bad choices. I grew up in the shadow of my elder brother, Ken. He was the Golden Child, the...

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