Reflection That can t be me
- 4 years ago
- 75
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Chapter 2
She could stop traffic, five foot seven mousy brown hair that caressed her shoulders, pale gray eyes, a mouth slightly receded from her jawbone a mouth that could reduce most guys to an instant drool every red blooded males pin up girl she was Tina. Many a male ego lay dead and broken at her feet and many would kill to reach the unattainable that was Tina. This girl could feature in Wankers Weekly every week and still have a satisfied readership.
Saturday mornings "the crew" would arrive to watch the girls and Tina get off the bus and walk the hundred or so yards to where she worked. Main Street was very wide and had angle parking on both sides of the street and parallel parking in the centre, this is where we were found every Saturday morning hung over or not this was our spot. Elite deviates six of us in all the only stipulation was; you had to sit in your own car no car, no perving. Some would argue when confronted that they were only checking out their shocks and not doing the obvious. After Tina had gone into the building the usual meeting was held on what we would like to do if she were ours.
Friday night was pub night and that was where I met Debbie. I sauntered over to her and using my only opening line I had way back then "this seat taken?’ no answer "excuse me is this seat taken?" "What seat?" Looking and realising there wasn’t a seat where I was pointing I felt like a real dick and Debbie was looking at me as though I’d just rolled off a garbage truck I said "mind if I just sit at your feet then?" That got a giggle but not for long the somber look had returned and then realised I had better do something fast or risk being dismissed so I sat on the floor at her feet.
She looked down at me a questioning look in her brown eyes as to say what are you a dick head? I didn’t wait for the question I just blurted out "some thing inside said I would regret the rest of my life if I didn’t try to get to know you". I let it sit there for a moment and saw she was about to say some thing and beat her to it. "I guess this is a little strange but you see, I was so nervous and I wanted to meet you" a smile broke out "yes" well if you can find a seat you can sit "but there are two chairs on your side that ok?" "No" Ah shit. I’m saving them for my sister and her boyfriend. Ok if I don’t find one you can sit on my lap then (second thought introduced himself and implied dick head you’ve groveled this far want to blow it now?) the somber look returned like the closing of a door. Sorry, please understand I’m still a little nervous the door opened Ok. (Lucky son of a bitch second thought declared) Seats were not an easy thing to come by as the place was crowded. I managed to grab one and was christened a hippie wanker by a rather large neanderthal masquerading as a biker tough guy.
Second thought gave me a pat on the back for restraining myself and warned against using the brain too much don’t want to cause an injury remember it’s not used to being used that’s why you have me. I sat down a respectable distance from her when she looked behind me rolled her eyes and muttered "Christ" The room had gone quiet and could now hear the juke box was just finishing Rosegarden by Lynn Anderson. I turned to follow Debbie’s gaze and found out why nearly every one in the room had stopped talking over the jukebox. Almost every males eyes were glued to Tina the crowd had parted, (I wondered what it would be like not be forced to push your way through a crowded room) in strolled Tina with James tagging behind. Up close to this woman with the perfect tan very little makeup wearing a top and mini skirt exposing her midriff western style boots with tassels she could take your breath away. The brain immediately went to neutral and I could feel a drool coming on but second thought stepped in and knocked brain back in gear. Tina arrived at the table and the room returned to normal and some one turned up the jukebox it seemed their queen had arrived and now it’s party time. Debbie introduced me to James and Tina as her sister and she bent over and came up close her face so close and those lips made me want to reach out and touch them and said what was your name again I didn’t get it. Debbie piped up "back off bitch are you always on heat or what?" A little embarrassed smile appeared on that mouth and widened to show a perfect set of teeth except for the left eye tooth was just a little forward of the others, I think I smiled back I know I was warm under the collar I didn’t have.
Debbie stared at me was I in the shit already I didn’t know or did I just make a fool of myself with Tina and didn’t know? Time to try and change the subject. I asked Debbie if she wanted to dance, now it was her turn not to be able to hear. As she turned in her seat in such a way her legs opened a little (being one of the elite perverts I was ready and smiling for the camera as the white flash of knickers came into view, yes!) "What?’’ I motioned to the dance floor a place I only ventured when I’d had enough to drink and all the women were a ten. She didn’t seem too interested in the idea and then Barry Ryan came on with his song Eloise. In the song Barry was belting out "I’m on my knees and I said please," so being a dork I mimicked it and she laughed and said, "Get up your embarrassing me." "Not until you say yes" She was up and I’m still on my knees getting my photo taken again, smile please, I love a short mini.
As we made our way through the crowd Barry was finished with Eloise and we stood there awkwardly and I was trying to think of something clever to say when second thought advised against it. I could see the records turn and stop, the arm accepted the record and then Richard Harris and McArthur Park the short version unfortunately so we gyrated on the floor for a while and then decided on holding up the bar. I wanted to wait for some thing a little slower then I could punch the time clock and start work on her. The night progressed quite well and she was warming up nicely and second thought piped up saying not a chance to night sunshine you may as well shake hands with the unemployed that’s as far as you get tonight, up yours I know what I’m doing.
Debbie decided it was Ok for me to drive her home, so in the front seat of my old pride and joy we went "straight home " was the direction. We arrived outside her place with James and Tina parked behind and it was time for the acid test. Debbie had moved towards the middle of the seat not quite on my lap but close enough to be encouraging. Best mate was making movements and I could feel he was becoming anxious grumbling it’s about time sunshine, so I moved over and her eyes flared a little and second thought came to the rescue "slow and easy does it" she settled and then relaxed. She moved over and bent her head towards me and our lips met and she almost washed my tonsils clean. I could feel best mate jump to attention "Private Johnson reporting for duty sir!" Executing a snappy little salute.
As we explored on each other’s mouth it was time to go wandering my hand touched her knee and she broke away eyes blazing (best mate retreated and then reappeared dressed in flack jacket and battle helmet). "What do you think I am I just don’t go and jump on the first person I see well think again I’m not that type, if that’s all your looking for you won’t get it here." Second thought in the background laughing his guts out and then he said, need some help? "No" Now it was my turn "how dumb do think I am?" Debbie regarded this for a moment and said, "care to rephrase that" the moment was over the tension gone. She smiled, seemed genuine I could see a fine gold filling in her front tooth in the passing car lights, didn’t notice it before second thought said too busy getting your photo taken? Tomorrow then we could go to the drive-in if you like or the pub there is a midnight till dawn Dracula movies? "No" Ok what then "Well go out with James and Tina next week." Ok and with that she was gone, seemed to be the signal Tina got out as well so I took off and then James was behind me flashing his head lights.
James stopped behind me and appeared at the passenger side opened the door and got in. "Made some brownie points tonight with Debbie." "Really?" "Yeah you remember the jerk off at the bar?" "Sure" "well you showed great restraint by not getting in to a fight with him." "Big son of a bitch it might not be much but I like my face the way it is thank you." "Well that was Debbie’s ex." While we were holding up the bar this neanderthal started glaring at Debbie and moved down the bar until he was next to her and said he could still give her a big blue veined junket pumper up the front bum. I actually started to say something even after second thought had advised that plaster casts could become uncomfortable Debbie had said not to pay any attention and grabbed my arm and we disappeared into the crowd and back to the table. At the table she said, "well I’m going home." "Can I see you again?" "Yeah right" a little sarcasm bummer "don’t tell me you are interested in me and didn’t use tonight to get an introduction to my sister" "didn’t have the first idea honest" this was true by the way. Debbie doesn’t seem to close to Tina does she? James said, "Tina is always giving her heaps about still being a virgin." "Really?" " Yeah no shit" So what was with the biker well he tried and she told him to piss off I think it was Tina ragging her so much that she dumped the guy.
The week rolled on and the work tease continues her routine of annoying me. My workbench was near the ladies. She would go in and spend at least ten to fifteen minutes in there and come out making sure no one was watching and look directly at me then slip her fingers into her mouth and then wash them in the hand basin outside the ladies. Little did she know that behind the wall to the toilets was a small corridor used for dumping stuff no longer needed. The corridor was longer than the toilet and on the corner where two walls met there was a crack since only the inside walls were lined this provided excellent perving potential. I would when ever possible go down just for a rummage you understand and find myself glued to the hole in the wall. Today I was actually rummaging when I heard the door close so I took my position she was just standing there rubbing her tits and moved her right hand down to her crotch a lingering rub between her legs as her left hand moved up to pinch her nipple through the fabric. She stopped lifted her dress and took her knickers and stockings down fuck it missed seeing the bush and she sat on the toilet and started an in depth examination of her knickers must have been picking off the crusty bits. Finishing her pee she took a swatch of toilet paper and wiped she stood and started to undo the top of her blouse took it off and hung it on a hook on the door I couldn’t see and proceeded to take off her dress. She then bent down to take off her purple knickers with white flowers on them matching her bra. She reached behind a dropped her bra revealing a nice set of tits no more than a handful and a nicely trimmed bush. I had already released best mate from his confines and was slowly stroking the length hoping she would hurry up and finish what she was doing because I wouldn’t be able to last very long. Now totally naked she faced the wall and touched it with her nipples and made a back and forth movement along the wall while her hand had moved down between her legs. I could hear her breathing I just hoped she couldn’t hear mine and the noise my prick made as the corridor was very hot and the perspiration on my hand was making a little sucking noise when I got to the end of my prick.
Darlene turned around and sat on the toilet seat and leaned back resting on the cistern and opened her legs wide sliding her fingers over her clit and then inserting two fingers inside her nice tight snatch. Her hand started to move faster and she pinched her nipples and I couldn’t hold it any more and unloaded a huge wad all over the wall and then she started to come and stood up quickly turned around with her back to me her right arm still making quick movements and she let out a small moan and I heard sound as though she was taking a piss. It dawned on me that she was a squirter I could start to feel myself becoming hard again but had to let this go I would be missed soon so I had to leave her and get back to work.
This had been going on for about a month and then I was told one day to get the smoko orders a real pain in the arse. So I did and had to get them to the lunch room before ten so I wandered down to the shops picked up the order and got back just on ten. Darlene said about time as every one filed in. There were bench seats in the room and she sat opposite me, I was a bit pissed at her and not interested in being teased she would sit there and do the smiling bit yeah,yeah. It wasn’t until she opened her legs and took my photo that I started to change my mind. Well everyone deserves a second chance, smile for the camera. I wondered if she would react differently if she knew I have seen more of her than she was trying to tease me with anyway the game is on.
The next day I was back with the orders at five to ten and she was in there apparently she had been given the job of boiling the jug a highly complicated position I guess? Then a dare turned into tonsil hockey and she really gave mate a pressure rub. Let me tell you back then it was fashionable to wear "I know what your thinking shorts" when every one started filing in for smoko I had to grab a seat quickly or show off my hard on, bitch did it on purpose. Coupled with her photo taking smoko only went for ten minutes makes it difficult to get every thing back in order so one can stand up. We kept this up for the rest of the week and I managed to get my fair share of gropes in to match until one day she came out of the ladies and came up to me and said "like to taste the honey?" and offered up her hand. The boss rounded the corner and asked why she wasn’t at her desk and with a flourish produced a work order and made out she was checking on a delivery date sneaky bitch. With that she gave me a quick grope and took off before I could get close enough to repay the favour. I was going to get her or so I hoped.
Friday night rolled around and my flat mate was in a bitch of a mood his girlfriend wanted to move in and wanted me to move out and naturally he would support her I thought she’s in for a rude shock. Any way James picked me up and off we went I had no idea where we were going didn’t care it was Friday. We rolled up to the girl’s place and I had to go in and meet the parents. As it turned out to be parent Mrs. D. apparently Mr. D had decided some years ago to piss off and leave her holding the bag at nineteen with two kids. She was remarkably well preserved for her age, which made her around thirty something. From the front door you were in the lounge room to your right was a lounge and from it you could see straight into Mrs. D’s bedroom. A kitchen to the right and behind that at a guess was the laundry. Around the corner was a corridor wider than most and then I discovered it had been a verandah now closed in at the end was another bedroom pretty small place who cared now that I figured Debbie and Tina shared, shit happens.
At the drive in all was getting cuddly until half time when Tina decided she and James would have the backseat that put paid to any further friendly grappling. Debbie got pissed when Tina went down on James from where I was sitting I could just see the action Tina’s luscious mouth would just take in James’s helmet so slowly it was painful for me to watch wanting to change places and then she would descend the entire length of his prick again with agonizing slowness and then it started Tina didn’t get to finish James off. "It’s your fault if your still a virgin don’t ruin my fun, why don’t you go and hump him and get it over and done with" "Do you think I’m just going to grab anyone and screw them just to satisfy you?" "No offence to you " "None taken" I said with a grin this was getting interesting. That was how the night continued Tina was really into her "you frigid bitch don’t know what you’re missing etc, etc". Later when we had dropped the girls off James said Tina was going to make sure Debbie got laid soon and was happy I was about because Tina told James if she couldn’t get her laid he was going to have to do it. He didn’t seem to keen on the idea which is bullshit any port in a storm I said to James, yeah but Tina said she wanted to be there when the deed was done. That put a new slant on things.
Saturday night was a bust Debbie didn’t want go out so I was in town with the elite deviates perving on anything decent when I decided it was time for food. Coming out of the pie shop thinking about crazy bitches, the one at work, the storm child, the jumper, I’ll have you anywhere Liz and Tina. I ran into another of the human race and said "why don’t you watch where you’re going" and a voice said "I would if I could see!" oh dog shit good one dick head. I turned to see this woman squatting on the ground arm outstretched feeling the ground and I saw a cane with a ball on the end of it. "Sorry let me help you" " I don’t need your help I’ve done well so far without your help believe it or not." I placed the cane in her hand and tried to help her up but she refused it. "Look I’m sorry my fault had a lot on my mind and didn’t see you" no response ah stuff it who needs this shit anyway.
"Can I buy you a coffee or some thing?" " I don’t want or need your pity or your coffee" " I didn’t mean" "no, no one ever means anything I get sick of people who all of a sudden decide you’re a cripple of some description and decide it’s their duty to help just to ease their conscience." "No it’s just that well" "I’ll tell you what come here closer to me" "Why?" A look came over her face of frustration so I decided to step up to the mark as it were.
She reached out and placed her hands on my face her fingers were cool to the touch and started to explore across my eyes down my nose across my lips. As her fingers roamed through my hair she murmured clean at least and long. "Hair this length needs looking after it’s very wavy" "It grows." I mumbled looking into her John Lennon style glasses her eyes seemed to have no emotion, if and eye can have emotion I don’t know just seemed a little off putting she grasped my hand and started exploring it with hers. She tried for the other one but that held my pie and she wasn’t getting any. It was becoming slightly erotic and then the hustle of the street came back and I realised we were still in the middle of the foot path with people walking around us and the deviates were yelling out some thing I couldn’t make out. "I’ll make you a deal". "Really?" "Instead of your coffee you can take me to the drive in movies I’ve never been and I would really like to go?" "Sure but" " Well you are going to describe what the actors are doing and I want to go when Love Story is on Ok. Shit that movie sucks and second thought came on line Time to pay the piper son, yeah thanks. "Ok it’s a deal" Her name was Odette she gave me her address and said I would let her know when the movie was showing and arrange to meet. "We’ll see" she said and was gone into the night. At that time I had no intention of taking her to see the movie I had things to do places to be.
Sunday morning found James and I at the girls place and Debbie’s demeanor hadn’t changed still pissed wouldn’t talk to any of us so I decided time to hit the road when her mother asked if we were handy "at what?" The front door sticks and I thought one of you may be able to fix it. Well Laurel and Hardy we were James jammed my toe under the door, I got him in the head with the door handle. After two hours and two screws short for the hinges the door was back on and seemed to work properly at least it didn’t jam any more but wouldn’t lock another hour put that right and I was off.
Debbie didn’t even come out of her room to see me off, stuff it. At least her mother was friendly enough, nice smile. Parked outside my favorite pie shop I was busy digging into the best pie in town when I saw Odette and I slid down in the seat of the car realising what a dick I was, she can’t see remember? I watched the confident way she moved and saw her really for the first time every thing seemed to be in the right place she wasn’t any raving beauty but then she hadn’t fallen out of an ugly tree either.
She had stopped a few feet past the car and cocked her head and stood there. I was just tapping the steering wheel to the Push Bike song by Ted Mulray and wondering why she would stop there, the song ended and she started to move on. Was she listening to the song? Couldn’t, must have pretty bloody good hearing if she was, stuff it I got out of the car and went to catch up with her when she turned and said "hello" (bullshit she can see) how did you? She said I can hear yeah me too but how? I remember the way you walk, you like to make the heels of your boots echo on the pavement. I saw you stop "and you decided to watch me did you, kinky?" well I was just in my car eating a pie and listening to the radio "Push Bike song?" That’s right "I like that song " she said. You must have pretty good hearing "like I said I can hear, you haven’t learnt to hear is all" "what do mean by that" "your radio isn’t on the station properly"
It’s fine thank you "can I show you?" I thought you could show me anything you like she smelt like strawberries. Back at the car she leaned over and searched the dash with her hand and found the radio and tweaked the tuner, I guess she was right and then again proceeded to tell me I hadn’t learnt to hear yet. The silence that followed was becoming loud in it’s self and then she said Ok I’ll see you around. "Wait, the movie is on tonight" "Damn" she said "what?" " I lost that bet" " what bet" " I bet myself you wouldn’t go through with it no one does." "Well if you don’t want to go." "No I want to go." Ok six thirty then "Seven would be better." Then she said to pick her up from a different address. She explained the first address she gave me would put me in front of a church and said just because she was blind didn’t mean she was stupid and she wanted to bring a friend we’ll go dutch, great, shit.
I rolled up at her place it was a two story looked like four flats and she was on the top floor, this was smart? The door opened and she asked me in and left with "back in a tick". Every thing was neat and tidy a radio was playing some where in another room no TV some photo’s on a coffee table probably of her family. Strange why keep photos if you can’t see second thought arrived well they don’t do photos in Braille dick head, OK and she was back with a dog following her, "you like dogs right?" The appropriate answer was yes so I agreed I did. She motioned for me to go and I said "ladies first." "No I have to turn out the lights I don’t usually have them on except when I have visitors and you don’t know your way around here." It fell out I couldn’t help it when I said "not yet" She smiled and said, "your quite sure of yourself aren’t you?" Odette refused to be helped down the steps and out to the car and the tan coloured Labrador made it’s self at home on the back seat.
As I pulled out into to the traffic I asked why the dog and she reminded me smart not stupid I hardly know you. (Well were going to the right place to find out sister) As I parked she said this is in the middle of the lot I don’t want to be to far from the restaurant. We had a van on her side (that’s not rocking yet I know that van and it won’t be long I’ll bet) and a car on my side. The movie started a John Wayne movie she wasn’t interested in westerns so I put the radio on and we started to talk, apparently she had lost her sight to a virus when she was five years old. "Must have been a bitch" "You get used to it when there are no other choices." As we talked she made herself comfortable half turning towards me (you could do that in the old cars) and I had done the same as our knees almost touched we were aware that some thing was happening it was a more intimate feeling. As the credits for the movie started to roll the van beside us started to rock squeaking on old springs I thought he had taken his time tonight must be a new girlfriend.
Odette considered the sound for a moment and said "I believe were away he’s been working on that poor girl most of the night." "How do you know" "Remember I can hear I might be able to teach you depends on tonight. " I didn’t get a chance to ask what she meant by that, when this god-awful smell manifested it’s self from the back seat. It was putrid she turned to open the door but couldn’t find the handle so I reached over to help fumble in the dark. Two things happened she found the handle and pushed on the door as I was leaning over to help and we both went out the door. I lay on top of her the van beside us was rocking and then stopped. I thought I heard "please help us" come from the van. I helped her up she accepted the assistance and then started laughing it was catching "please open the rear door as I did the dog jumped out and she said "go!" the dog disappeared "don’t worry she’ll be back. I realised that we had invaded each other’s territory as I was holding her she seemed unsteady and that put us very close. Odette’s laughter started to die down fairly quickly as she realised it as well she turned her face up to mine and then I heard this voice again "please help us", shit the moment was gone.
The lights came on it was half time and people started getting out of cars and heading for the restaurant when Odette said do they need help in the van? I walked over to the driver’s side of the van and said, "hey Paul what are you up to?" "Up to my balls in trouble" "Why" "Were stuck" "Stuck?" "That’s it why don’t you broadcast it to the whole fucken drive in" "What are you talking about" "I’m stuck in her." "That’s pretty obvious I didn’t think you were trying out the springs in this old heap of shit to see if they worked." The girl asked if I was alone and I said I wasn’t and then she asked Odette to come around the back of the van. The way Paul had set the van up you could lie in the back and watch the movie so I had been talking to his feet all this time. I opened the rear doors for her and was told to go away, marvelous.
Odette was back, apparently they were getting it on when she dried up and they just stuck, "that’s bullshit" No according to Odette they’ve been at it all day and she had just finished her period and if she isn’t excited enough. "Yeah I get the picture." Back at the van I said "Paul just whip it out " What do think I’ve been trying to do it hurts man?" "Wait for it to go on the slack and have another go" "It is" "Shit you must be hung Paul" "This isn’t funny arsehole" ‘ok I’ll go and ring an Ambulance. The girl said "no way my father is an Ambo and he’s on duty tonight." Odette said will you go and get us something to eat "Yeah good time to eat" She pushed me and said "Go" second thought arrived hey she talks to you the same way as the dog coming up in the world?
As I left I turned to see her get in the drivers side of the van so I turned back didn’t get far when she said if you were heading in the right direction the first time you aren’t now "Go." When I got back the girl and Odette were in the front of the van having a good laugh so I opened the rear doors and Paul still lying in the back. "How’s it hanging." "Piss off." "Well what happened Odette fixed it." "How" "Doesn’t matter and if you ever say anything you’ll have to stick your tooth brush up your arse to clean your teeth." The girl piped up and said "interesting choice of words there don’t you think Pasty" "Shut up it’s all your fault anyway" " Men!" was the comment from the front seat.
The funnies were over and the movie was starting so we migrated back to my car and I asked how she fixed them. "Breathing" "What?" " I got them to concentrate on breathing and relaxing and he just slipped out" "She had tensed up a lot and closed her legs to stop him moving and when he tried to moved he had pain." Then she went into an explanation about muscles tensing and all that type of shit seemed to know what she was talking about, logical I guess.
The movie had started and I was describing it for her as agreed and for a movie I hated I saw it in a different dimension. She wanted to know the facial expressions as well and I had a ball when they were going at it and was told to behave. I started to get a little on the warm side and turned to face her and try to figure out a plan of attack. Keeping the screen in view I started to move to her side and she said "concentrate" I was sure she could read my mind then again there was only ever one thing on my mind probably wasn’t to difficult to figure out. Every time I turned to face her I was told to concentrate. It had turned into an interesting evening indeed. On the way back to her place I still hadn’t really got past first base a little disconcerting but what the hell it was worth getting the goods on Paul the guys are going to have a ball with this.
I walked her to the door and was prepared given the short shift when she asked if I wanted to come in. Inside the street light filtered through the windows there really wasn’t any need for lightning it was enough to see by. She made shitty coffee but drinkable and then she thanked me for a memorable evening one she wouldn’t forget. I wasn’t sure which way to go as the dog was just lying on the floor and I could feel it’s beady little eyes on me. Odette stood and put her hand out towards me and I thought well that’s it for the night I know I’ve been in this position before I stood and she came into my arms. Tonsil hockey is a fairly good pastime it got best mate out of bed grumbling about false alarms and standing at attention for no bloody reason half the time and threatening to find gainful employment else where.
Odette said "would you like me to teach you to listen and feel." Best mate was gone back to where he came from. (Who gave a shit I could already hear) "Well ok" I knew if this turned into bullshit I was going to be out the door no sweat. She took my hand and we walked through the flat it was rather large and you couldn’t fall over anything that was a bonus for me especially. Into her bedroom she stopped and said, "what can you see?" "Should I see anything in particular?" "No can you see anything at all" "yes the light through the curtains lights up the room what did you want me too see?." "Shit forgot about them." When she pulled them closed it was pitch black (a fast forward replay of a month or so ago with the storm child sent shivers down my back) my imagination raged. Why so dark what the hell is she playing at second thought scared the shit out me and said she? Meaning what arse wipe second thought was gone gutless wonder.
She (hopefully) was at my side and I started to say what are you doing and I was confronted with "concentrate no talking" oh shit. Her hands were on my shoulders and then slowly moved them down my front and stopped on my chest. I just stood there not knowing what she wanted as tonsil hockey was out I already tried that. Minutes seemed to go by so I put my hands on her shoulders and started to move them down when she opened her arms so my hands would go down her front and I rested them on her breasts they were real second thought was going to get his. We stood that way for a while listening to each other’s breathing and sensing each other. Her hands went to my waist, best man was back out reporting for duty, I mimicked her movements as she undid my belt and stopped. "Go!" "Not you the dog." A sound of nails scraping on the timber floor and silence. She had a different type of buckle on her pants making it difficult to undo second thought arrived slipping up are we "piss off" you know the rules hell you made them. Item, check out what they are wearing, make sure you can get it off or ask how it works before you stuff up like now its called conversation. The buckle came open two piece clasps ok.
The bedside clock told me it was twelve fifty shit we’ve been like this for over half an hour and we’ve just got our belts undone "concentrate" ok. By one thirty we were finally naked and on the bed facing each other on our knees. The object this time was to trace each other’s body without touching and she had blindfolded me just in case I could see anything. Using both hands to move around each other’s body with out touching isn’t easy to start with until your senses come on line and your hands start to detect body heat and hear each other’s breathing. Of course it’s near impossible to keep doing this without touching but when I did I tried to make it the best bits Best mate at attention was leaning against her stomach but she would move back this is classed as touching.
To follow the contours of her body and then moving to each other’s right with one hand moving up and down our front and between our legs. This was surprising her breathing was starting to get heavy and internally I’m screaming touch me! Her breathing was becoming heavier and faster then she fell forward on top of me and we kept going back on to the mattress. How’d she do that? Best mate almost embarrassed himself without being touched she seemed to have enjoyed herself. With out missing a beat she turned around and was on top of me presenting her self for some pussy chewing and best mate taken by surprise as he found himself buried inside her mouth and he planning immediate mass evacuations there was no way this could be stopped through the night I had wondered what that mouth would feel like know I knew pretty fucken good. The rest of the night not a word was said there was rest, there was sex, school was definitely in and I didn’t want it to end.
A cloudy sky blanketed Malibu; the clouds threatened to break open at any moment. I lay in my Reflection hammock, watching the sky and listened as the waves crashed onto the shore with a dangerous vengeance. My daughter and I never missed Reflection day at the end of each month. It had been hard not to push my beliefs off onto my daughter as I raised her, but I had managed to let her find her own way in life. However, Reflection day is something she and I both agreed on. It's an important day...
Author’s Note: This story is a continuation of a story from several years back, ‘Reflections from the Snow.’ That story was conceived as a freestanding work. Yet, like the story’s hero, I have been unable to quite let go of Beth. ‘Reflections in the Snow, Chapters 2 and 3’ continue the story begun in the original ‘Reflections.’ I have decided to let the original stand as I first titled it, so there is no official ‘Chapter 1.’ Nonetheless, you may regard that earlier story as chapter 1 of these...
Reflection By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers I can hardly believe I'm about to post my 100th story on fiction mania, so to celebrate a little I decided to go back in time and reflect on how it all began for me. I'm often asked how I got started down this winding path that at first I thought was so narrow yet realized over years how truly wrong I was. In today's internet and social media era you understand right away that you are truly just one of many but more than two decades...
Alyssa and Austin were inseperable from the time they were born, unlike normal siblings they never fight, come to think of it they never argue either. Both like the same things: style, music, fashion, video games, movies, and...eachother. Alyssa is the younger twin: dark raven black hair that cascades down her back, bright blue eyes accentuated by her dark gothic make-up, nice sized breasts, and a slender curvy figure that she doesn't cover up to well with her various mini-skirts and corsets....
IncestReflection 2 - You'll always remember your first By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers So with my 200th story as I promised I'm writing about men and my first date. You love them. You hate them. You are one or for some were one. Even though you think you know things from a male perspective, once you get close to a kiss or a hook up or a date.... Only thing I can I tell you for sure is you never do know what you think you know! That's for sure. So I love all my fans and thank...
Thank you to those who are following this story. A couple of chapters to go. Again I would like to thank Estragon for editing this story and making it a much better read. * I would like to go back and repeat some of the things I have mentioned previously. My name is Bud Brown. I’m sitting here in the church office and reflecting on my life. I was married for a year to a cheating woman and can say I never thought I would marry again. At this point in my reflections, my kids have grown up and...
Reflections CBA Oh god, I don't know if I will ever truly get used to this. But I dutifully laid back on the bed and let my head hang back off of the side. Just the way he liked me to. In a matter of moments his hard cock was positioned a hairs breadth from my lips, and so I opened my mouth to dutifully accept him. He gingerly placed the tip inside while at the same time taking ahold of each of my sizeable silicone enhanced tits in each hand. I knew what was coming next, but...
I would like to go back and repeat some of the things I have mentioned previously. My name is Bud Brown. I'm sitting here in the church office and reflecting on my life. I was married for a year to a cheating woman and can say I never thought I would marry again. At this point in my reflections, my kids have grown up and now are in college. Financially, I am a wealthy person. Money can buy you a lot of sex, but it can't buy you love. I've dated throughout the years but never came across...
This is the final chapter. Thank you for those who stayed with me on this one. As always a big ‘Thank You’ to Estragon for his editing and making this a much better read. * ‘Why do you want to go to college?’ I asked Vicky. I do have to say it bothered me. I wanted to trust her but because of my past, I was also worried. ‘I’m taking a citizenship test to become an American citizen. I have to go twice a week for the next six months. My travel visa will expire in nine months.’ ‘You know if...
REFLECTIONS By dharmon As I sat naked looking at myself in the mirror, I had to admit that, for a thirty year old housewife, I didnt look half bad. At 5 feet tall 115 pounds, Im very petite and can usually pass for much younger than I am. In fact, just last week, I was out of town at a bar and they carded me at the door. I only have a thirty-four inch bust but very well defined nipples. In other words, when theyre hard you can see them from a half mile away. Ive been married for 11 years, no...
This is a little bit different from some of my other works, bit more story driven but this is Chyoa so some fucking still does occur. Please let me know what you think. I was eating kind of bland applesauce when a man walked into my hospital room and reached out to shake my hands. I just looked down at my hands so wrapped in gauze they looked like a cross between a mummy and toilet paper rolls stuck on hands and just kinda looked back up at him. I should say I was still eating the applesauce...
Reflections A short story for Valentine`s day - - - The mirror on the wall sees all and hides nothing. Here he comes again he looks sad and seems to have lost his way and all interest in life. Standing in his bedroom the one door of the wardrobe is missing altogether the other hanging on for dear life by it last remaining hinge, the hanging rail sloping with his suits and jackets crushed together. The drawers of the small bedroom unit all open with items in total disarray...
REFLECTIONS by CutePatti (3/2018) I have written and posted 31 stories on Fictionmania since the year 2008. I've also had a break from writing for several years, suppose it's maybe writer's block...but in actuality it's been more of a 'reflection' on myself as an author. Pausing to give myself a break and to consider other more important things in my life. And there have been many including a new marriage and health issues. So maybe it's time for me to share with all of you how I see...
Reflections on a Bondage Session by kimmie hollandMaster is at the kitchen sink making himself a pair of matching ham sandwiches with the fixings I rushed out to buy after work, along with the Perrier water and strawberries, also as per his orders. I’m kneeling on the tile floor, in a pair of black see-through panties, a bra, and black fishnet stockings. I’m wearing the candy-red high heel pumps he had me buy the week before. Nothing else. It's a Thursday night. My wrists are bound tightly...
You and the stranger both like Roleplaying. Stranger: hi I'm Marcus 22 m US You: Ok so Im your son's girlfriend, Alex. 5'5 Wavy red hair, Nice tits D-Cup. You hate me because you think im only dating your son for his money. Your son is on a trip and asked me to check on the house. You come home and find me sitting on the couch in a tight, white tank top, a lacy red bra, and shorts that barley cover my ass, which has nothing but a black thong on it, doing my nails and reading fashion...
Today is Sunday and your 18th birthday. You have never had sex or seen a naked girl in real life. When the day is over, you fall asleep and start dreaming. It is pitch dark and you cannot feel your body. You hear a voice start talking. You cannot discern any qualities about it, even its volume. "I have given you the abillity to stop time. You can now stop time whenever you want by wishing it. When you stop time, people will do everything you tell them to. In addition, people's bodies will...
TeenI don't need reminding I'm different from the other kids, but they do it anyway, eroding my self-confidence like waves pounding the headland. Sure I wear black jeans, trench coat and eyeliner. Docs, not Converse. Trivium on my playlist over Bieber or Swift. But so what? Dad understands. Says I should live each day in the moment. Carve a niche in the world and to hell with what others think. Mum would have hated such spontaneity. The dark irony being the day she deviated from habit, Travis...
Fantasy & Sci-FiFor the past 5 years my friend Sam and his grandmother Barbara have been taking a trip to Vegas for 2 weeks to just hang out and enjoy life. Barbara has had the Timeshare for about 10 years and used to go with her husband Sam's grandfather Fred before he passed away. This year Sam invited me and my grandmother Alice to join them. I thought it would be a great time to get granny out the house and since the Time Share is already paid for that makes it even better.My granny Alice is 72 and Barbara...
It was the 14 February 2011 st valentines where many couples try to flatter the other partner to end up haveing long and hard sex with them. this was no different for 16 year old carl, Carl was physically fit young guy; who has a shy personality to go along with his short brown curls. Carl was walking along the warm avenue where his sexy high school girlfriend lived. He had flowers, cards and a lucky durex in his back pocket just In case things went well. HE knocked oh the large red door to...
Matt had no reason to feel particularly proud of his 'accomplishment.' All he had done was put an extension on the browser of a public library computer that collects passwords and forwards them to his email, but it still felt rather thrilling to suddenly have such intimate access to other people's lives. He wasn't sure what would come of it, or if he would even do anything with the information. One particularly boring night, he decides to pop into one of the dozens of accounts he had managed to...
TranssexualI drove a regular route through the Ozarks and frequently stopped for dinner at a little family-type restaurant. Food and prices were good and I got to know the people who ran it. The boss seemed to be a woman they called Grannie, although I wasn’t sure why. She looked barely old enough to maybe be my mom. One night the weather looked grim and I was debating whether to drive into the night. Grannie came over and said she’d just heard from the state police that the roads were getting closed. I...
“Who is she?” I ask myself. She looks a little like my ex-wife, though she doesn’t act like her at all. I haven’t seen my ex-wife in several years, but I’m pretty sure I could still recognize her, so I don’t think it’s her. Maybe she is a stranger who has inexplicably taken a liking to me, an attractive face in the crowd. Maybe I remind her of someone. Maybe I am a totally random choice. My therapist tells me this is the most likely possibility, though I am not so sure. Sometimes I think she...
ExhibitionismI held her tightly against my body, encouraging her. "Let it out, Keira. I have you." My eyes never left hers in the mirror. "Release for me, baby."Her legs straightened, toes pointed, and her back arched as she screamed, "James!"Is there any bigger compliment than a woman screaming your name as she cums? She panted with her orgasm, thrusting against my hand with each spasm. Her pussy squeezed my fingers as her release ripped through her. Dear God, my cock almost exploded in my pants! My eyes...
Oral SexMany thanks go to PapaGus for his assistance in preparing this story for posting. Have you ever wondered why they usually have mirrors behind bars? I have! It's something that's bugged me for many years now and I've been offered many different explanations as to why those damned mirrors are there. I've been told that they are there:- To make the bar room itself look larger then it really is. To make the actually stock behind the bar, look more extensive than it actually is. So that the...
One night while sitting on my back deck my mind was drawn to a sweet memory. After spending more than 2 decades as a high school teacher I had taken on a whole new challenge in my career and I sat outside reflecting on the many experiences some good and some not. A memory that has been in my mind from the start of my teaching career came drifting back into my mind. It was the first Saturday after school let out for the summer; graduation had been the evening before. I had been asked to get...
..... Sheila shakes her head... --- I am a nice girl, a good Christian girl and I need a body guard. What a --- Sheila sits in her suite, # 804..., feet up..., sipping on her coffee..., black... and hot. ......She always stays at this hotel when in this city. Gino-s people have the security contract here so her security is the best. Room 804 has been especially wired and reinforced to for her specifically... No one else stays in this room. ...No one would believe a man like Gino, an...
This is a story about an older man reflecting on his life. It could go in several different categories. I’m posting it in chapters due to the length. I hope you stay with me on this one. Thank you to Estragon for editing it and making it a much better read. Chapter 1 I needed a few minutes to be alone. I went into the office at the church to reflect upon my life. I have had plenty of ups and downs in my life and made a lot of mistakes. I also did some things right. I’ll tell you a little...
“Leonius … Leonius” … his name rolls so easily off my tongue but even now, I dare not speak it. Instead, when my lips form the words, all that comes forth is “Master”. I’ve spent the last two years trying to drive the haunting, yet comforting image of him from my mind and heart and thought I was doing pretty well. In the few times I have been at his feet since his return, I have been painfully reminded that I have failed in this endeavor. His existence as the driving force in my life still...
Chapter 1: A older man reflects back. It's hell getting old. Not as much getting old as losing your friends and loved ones. My wife passed away last year of the dreaded cancer. I'm a little mad at God for that. I went up to the alter many years ago and told God that I would do my best to live a good Christian life if he would do me one favor. I wanted to die before any of my kids or my wife. I later went back to the alter and included the grandchildren. I just didn't want to be one of those...
With the aid of the long vine from up above, we lowered all the hides down the long rock slope a lot faster than I would have thought possible. The three women and five girls were all eager to help and get over to the portal. The place where Sheryl was talking about was right next to where we’d been dumped here originally, and it took us only an hour or so to get there. There were clouds moving in and we hurried to get all of our belongings piled close. We wanted to be able to dive through...
Clarissa On the way to her condo, Julie read me the riot act. "Damn girl are you stupid? Do you want him to walk out on you? If yes, just tell him you're done. Don't play with him. He doesn't deserve that. He'll give you his last dime, the shirt of his back, anything you ask but you have to leave him his dignity and some resemblance of male pride intact." "You pull another stunt like you did earlier with talking about outing his being a cuckold and he's gone and I for one...
Carissa went to open it, sure enough it was the guy I had seen her kiss down in the lobby. The kissed again before walking arm in arm towards me. He had a shit eating grin on his face. "So that is hubby who can't hack it in the sack. What's the matter cuck? Hmm, not a pencil dick. Actually respectable. Must be quick on the trigger or worse can't get up even with help of the little blue pill." "Stop it Roger, he does just fine in the sack as you so delicately put it. The problem is...
*This isn’t my usual style, but it comes from the heart – I hope you enjoy!* The wind howled across the plains as the wolves sang their woeful evening song, making the desert sand seem endless. The warrior closed his eyes and let his mind go. Soon he was aware of her presence. Although he knew it was only a dream, it was a dream he was very familiar with. He had been having the same dream his whole life. And this time was no different. He felt her beneath him, his long dark hair falling around...
Chapter 1 I saw the flicker of the television in my peripheral vision while looking at her trying to figure out the best strategy to get into her knickers. Sitting next to her on the sofa she, totally engrossed in the lame television show was a little annoying to say the least. My arm draped around her shoulders trying to caress the top of her breast I thought this a better idea the other way under her skirt almost resulted in a broken wrist. The tussle for the prize resulted in a quite...
NovelsI remember every touch … every word, just as if it had happened yesterday. Even as I sit here alone contemplating all that he ever said to me, I ache to hear more. “How did you first meet him?” seems to be the most common question when I dare to speak his name. And as I try to think back, I can’t really answer. It is as if I always knew him and him, me. We were as one. Those that saw us knew. They could see our paths set in the same direction even though mine was at his feet. We were going in...
So I eliminate names and numbers from my black book. My black book now contains the names and numbers of women 26 to 40 that hunger to be in my lair. These women are frustrated both emotionally and physically with men, they have dated and attempted to have a relationship with. They know entering my lair requires commitment to multiple animalistic sessions, but the results are multiple orgasms and sexual euphoria. After the sessions they are emotionally and physically satisfied, their bodies...
You may want to read the previous chapter before this one. Thank you to Estragon for editing my story and making it a much better read. * The separation and divorce went much better than I had expected. The moving company came the following day and took the kids’ things and my personal things to my parents’ house. I’m not sure if I mentioned that my parents did have servants, but my mother did ninety percent of watching the kids when they were there before the breakup. She loved kids and...
We’re nearing the end of the story. Thank you to those who are still with me. A special ‘Thank you’ to Estragon for his editing and making this story a much better read. Chapter 5 Our time every week was living out a fairy tale. It was like the prince finding Cinderella, or finding Snow White and living happily ever after. I was never a dreamer, I worked hard and expected results. Vicky showed me how to stop and smell the roses. Our time together was full of discovery. I didn’t know how life...
There is some sex in this story, but it isn’t the main focus. Sorry! Thanks for reading – your feedback and votes are always appreciated. ~Rach * * * The scent of roses wafting in through the open window brought a brief hint of a smile to her cracked lips. With a pang of melancholy, it reminded her of the glorious days of summers long since passed. Endless weeks of cornflower blue skies and lazy hours spent walking, laughing, and most of all, loving. It all seemed an age ago now. Like...
As my eyes start to close, I have one last thought, a prayer almost. I pray that when my eyes close again… I find peace. But not the peace of dreams. Please, if anyone is listening… no more dreams. And then my eyes flutter shut. — ‘Hey, Dad?’ ‘Dad, wake up.’ ‘Dad… DAD… we’re there.’ I open my eyes wearily. I was dreaming and…what was I dreaming of? My son parked the car, and reached over to undo my seat belt for me, the arrogant shit. ‘You think I can’t get myself out of a damn seat...
You may want to read the previous chapters before this one to know what’s going on. As always a special thank you to Estragon for his editing and making my story a much better read. Chapter 3 I arrived at the airport in France along with one of our financial officers and his wife. Max Riley has been with the company as long as I have and we were good friends. I was the best man at his wedding to his wife Deanna. They made a wonderful couple. They also had two kids, both of whom were also now...
“Who is she?” I ask myself. She looks a little like my ex-wife, though she doesn’t act like her at all. I haven’t seen my ex-wife in several years, but I’m pretty sure I could still recognize her, so I don’t think it’s her. Maybe she is a stranger who has inexplicably taken a liking to me, an attractive face in the crowd. Maybe I remind her of someone. Maybe I am a totally random choice. My therapist tells me this is the most likely possibility, though I am not so sure. Sometimes I think she...
She had wondered and wondered about contacting him, it had been three years. Three long years of self loathing, wondering how she could still want him so badly after the way he had treated her, that last night together. Why after their years together had he treated her so badly, demeaning their relationship? Her mind often, quite often lately, went back to the good times. When passion ignited at barely a remembrance of the previous encounter. Smelling him could and would set her off into a...
Love StoriesIt was a dark night as I made my way quickly down the cobbled street. Figures, the moon would be hidden tonight, hell a full moon at that. Turning I could swear that there was someone following me. Shit, now wasn’t the time to get caught out without my protection. Hurriedly I made my way to the door of my flat. Phew, at least here I was partially safe. I could feel the magic influence and my wards. For a moment just a moment I thought I caught the sight of a female. That was all I needed was...
He once told me I'd probably kill myself before I was 40. When I realized "my god" as he referred to him had indeed forsaken me. We always had this discussion in a bar, mostly as he nursed the last beer he rushed to order as the bartender yelled last call. As we discussed his bleak prediction of my doomed future, his hands ran up and down my thighs under my short sun dress, never quite going high enough for my taste. "You're wrong." I laughed. "You see, God made me disabled so I can...
Taylor Laurent sat in the booth waiting for the clock to hit 7:30, when the ticket office for Cabaret would open. blink Suddenly she was back in his condo the night before---against that very wall; the one with the Edward Hopper painting, New York Movie hanging so crookedly on it; the one behind her back when she enthusiastically kissed him good night. blink Back to the booth and hoping that the first customer, a heavy-set woman with a fur wrap on a 92° evening stood waiting for the window...
“Let’s get this booty into the house, then we’ll go there now.” “Mr. Sandusky, will you? I will be your slave for life, and Juana will also, if we are together again. She loves me like a sister and I love her so much.” “There will be no slaves in this family, though I may make you pretend,” I laughed. “I love to pretend. Make me do something now, Mr. Sandusky.” “Get on your knees and suck his cock like I showed you, Monica, make him give you a big load of his sperm and swallow all of it,...
“I think we need to lock the place up, turn on the security system and hit the road in the RV. We can have fun, show Juana and Monica the highways, cities, and the open country, while we think of what to do with our loot and if we really want to keep this up,” I offered. “Let’s hit the road, Dad. We’re packed and we can stop to buy Monica and Juana some clothes, at least enough for us to go in places to shop and eat,” Annie laughed. “Will we go back into the mirrors to do this?” Juana...
When we came to the campground at the lake, I slipped some sweats and a shirt on to register. We were in luck, there weren’t many campers during the middle of the week, and it was already time for school to start too. I asked for a secluded spot in the RV section and the young woman at the park desk smiled. “You should have all the privacy you need, Mr. Sandusky. Most of our part time help has gone back to school, and we’re on a minimum detail until we close later this fall.” “Thanks for...
When Linda moved her pussy away from my cock, I felt like pulling her back and fucking her right here in the lake. I looked to see Addy smiling at me, her flat chest waiting to be like her cousin’s and having a fine pair of .32 caliber handguns mounted on it. I waved to Annie and she swam over to us as Linda kissed and sucked my mouth, hunching her slick pussy on my cock until she got another cum. “Annie, Linda wants to learn about girl love now; she and I are going to fuck tomorrow. First,...
“Mr. Sandusky, I love your big cock. I got three cums when I was sucking you, and when you and Kayla got your cums just now, I got as many as she did. I want you to fuck me deep like you did Kayla and shoot cum in my pussy like you did hers,” Kylie said, as she stood facing me. “Get up here on Daddy’s legs, Kylie. We’re going to fuck that sweet little pussy and make it get as many cums as your sister did,” Annie told her, as she held Kylie’s hand. I looked over to where Jared was still...
I went into my bedroom. Yes, I was already thinking of it as mine – no longer ours – to plan my next move. What did my one uncle once tell me? He is a retired drill instructor in the Marine Corps. He said we take a raw recruit, break him down mentally and physically and then put him back together and at the end we have on tough SOB marine. Is that what I have to do with my baby? I don't know. Well for now let him stew for a while. I'm going to fix myself something to eat and a cup of...
There, first seed of 'servitude' was planted. I didn't have to work. I took the team out to dinner. We did talk for a bit about a marketing strategy for a new product line – just long enough to qualify the dinner as business expense before heading home. I'm going to slowly tighten the screws and if he doesn't balk along the line, I'll give him a bit of wank time in two or three weeks. "Hey babe, I just got off the highway, should be there in a little while." Disconnecting the call...
"Baby, why don't you fix me a night cap after you strip. You can have a one ounce shot of cognac but then I want you between my legs while I watch this new movie the girls in the office have been raving about." That's how we spent that Friday night. When the movie was over... "Thank you baby, that was wonderful. Come turn around. Your neck must be hurting. Let me give you a little massage to ease those muscles." After a while – "OK, I'm tired. I'm going to bed. It's OK if you...
I had gotten instantly hard when she came into focus on the computer screen. That outfit was hot but then the erection slowly faded as she sucked on that obscene dildo and by the time she started to berate me, it was gone. I guess I'm not voyeur type – certainly not via web cam. I was pretty sure I could get out of here tomorrow right after lunch. Frank could handle the rest. The customer was happy that I had made the trip and that is all what counted. I just wasn't ready for a...
Terry I was still uneasy about the whole thing and not really sure if I wanted to go through with this. But in the end my love for Clarissa and desire to please her won out. We were ready to go down to dinner when Clarissa walked up to me and embraced me. "Babe, are we good? You know that I love you and only you. It's just this compulsion that I have to try this cuckold thing." She chuckled, "we are a fine pair of pervs. I want to be the slut and while you may not really want to be a...
Terry Wednesday was incredible. I left the office early to stop at the fish store for some fresh salmon filets. The rest of the stuff we had home. I had all my preparations done when the two ladies showed up. Clarissa gave me one of those tonsil probing kisses and Julie a chaste peck on the cheek. Instantaneously, my dick was hard in that unyielding plastic prison. I guess she had not come from the office but from her home because she looked hot with plenty of cleavage. After the...