Drogue indian porn

3 years ago
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La femme du gouverneur

La femme du gouverneur Ch 1 Grand Prize – The Governor’s Wife! Coulybaca /Black Demon ? ? ? ? ? -???????? Quelle belle salope ! Grogna ? voix basse,  Cecil Benson, ? l'adresse de deux de ses hommes, connus en tant qu’agents de recouvrement charg?s de r?cup?rer le prix de ses services aupr?s de certains consommateurs qui r?clamaient sa protection. Ce commerce de la protection rapproch?e que dirigeait Cecil l'amenait ? fournir des gardes du corps arm?s pour les clients qui faisaient des affaires dans la banlieu...

3 years ago
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Une chaude prof asservie

Une chaude prof asservie 1 Hot teacher enslaved 1 Coulybaca / Auteur inconnu    Madame Lucy Harper, du haut de ses 43 ans ?tait fi?re de ses formes acad?miques. Faire classe ?tait sa vocation ! La semaine pr?c?dente elle avait pris un de ses ?l?ves ? tricher lors d'un test sous les sifflements admiratifs de ses condisciples lorsqu'elle tourna le dos. Elle avait l'habitude de ces sifflets d'admirateurs m?les lorsqu?elle se d?hanchait devant eux en rentrant chez elle. Il n'y avait pas de miracle, son 95 c faisait t...

4 years ago
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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 31 Lost in a Gale

September 1813 The weather, being inclement already, took a turn for the worse on the next day. Thomas was quite happy about this since it would make things easier for Rourke and his volunteers. Thomas spent the day performing his various duties, mostly at his desk with young Mr. Leeds in attendance, but he was also able to take his meals in the presence of his female companions. The thought of Mirabel returning to England was weighing on his mind nevertheless and the resentment it created...

2 years ago
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Petites soeurs

Petites s?urs. Je ne vais pas tarder ? faire mon entr?e solennelle dans l'?glise. Maman est ? mes cot?s. Plus nerveuse que moi, elle ne cesse de r?ajuster ma coiffe. Elle veut que je sois parfaite pour mon mariage. Mais en ce moment, je suis nerveuse pour d'autres raisons... Et d'abord, parce que Daniela, ma s?ur, est en retard... Comme toujours. Pour la dixi?me fois en moins de deux minutes, je demande ? maman de me donner l'heure. J'entends la marche nuptiale qui d?bute, je vais faire mon entr?e, et t...

2 years ago
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4 soeursopi g es

4 s?urs pi?g?es Ch 1 Decived Sisters 1 Coulybaca / MercySlayer ? ? *************************************** ? Droits d'auteur 2002 MercySlayer Vous pouvez poster librement cette histoire sur des sites non-commerciaux ou sur la partie gratuite de sites commerciaux. Vous ne devez pas d?naturer le texte ni omettre les informations concernant l'auteur. Je vous remercie d'accepter ces conditions. ? **************************************** ? ? Jeannette et ses trois s?urs pr?paraient leur vir?e ? Atlantic-City d...

4 years ago
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Le Retour partie 3 sur 3

Maxime resta tr?s longtemps dans un demi-coma. Ou, tout du moins, il le pensait. Des images allaient et venaient. Des personnages apparaissaient devant lui. Il ne pouvait pas voir leur visage, mais il les entendait parler. Parfois en fran?ais, parfois en anglais. Il se sentit avoir froid. Puis chaud. Puis froid ? nouveau. Et faim. Et chaud. Plusieurs fois il voulut ouvrir ses yeux, mais il n'y parvenait pas. Lorsqu'il ouvrit enfin ses yeux, il ?tait dans une chambre d'h?pital. Toute blanche, toute...

2 years ago
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Un destin boulevers

Un destin boulevers?. R?cit d'Evan. Que m'est-il arriv?? Des mois apr?s le d?but de cette histoire sordide, je n'ai toujours pas compris. J'ai beau essayer d'expliquer que c'est une erreur, que quelqu'un m'a fait une blague de mauvais go?t, personne ne me croit. J'en suis arriv? ? douter de moi-m?me. Mes meilleurs amis, le coach de mon club de foot, et m?me ma famille m'ont trait? comme si j'?tais un monstre. Emilie, ma copine, que j'aimais par-dessus tout, m'a aussi laiss? tomber! C'est un c...

4 years ago
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The Sole Survivor

“See? All you have to do is push these two buttons at the same time, and it will deploy.” Oscar pointed at a pair of buttons four centimeters apart on the controller device in my gloved hand. A wire ran from it to a connection point inside one of my suit’s arm pockets. “I don’t take it off first?” I looked up at him through my open helmet. “How does it wrap around me?” “The shell is a memory shape composite. Once it starts to unfold, it snaps everything into place. You need to curl up as...

3 years ago
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Parler?! Raconter vite?! Dire ce qui m’est arrive parce que tout ? l’heure je sens qu’ils vont venir et que ce sera mon tour. La fin du chemin d’une pute.La rencontre C’?tait il y a ... Je ne sais m?me plus pr?cis?ment. J’ai perdu le lien, le sens m?me du temps qui est pass?. Dix ans?? Je dois avoir environ 36 ou 37 ans maintenant. Peut ?tre? J’?tais un jeune ing?nieur, un jeune cadre, r?cemment sorti d’?cole. J’ai trouv? un travail imm?diatement, tr?s correctement pay?, ? Lyon, dans le centre ville. Une grande entreprise intern...

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Le Journal de Thomas

Le Journal de Thomas. Cette histoire est racont?e principalement ? partir de l'extrait de deux journaux. Celui de Thomas, et de Nicolas. Journal de Thomas - 31 Ao?t Aujourd'hui, je suis arriv? en ville pour le rendez-vous avez l'agence. Ils avaient trouv? pour moi une location parfaite. Ni trop loin de la boulangerie, ni loin du bus qui m'am?nera au lyc?e pour les cours. Mais je devrais pr?ciser qu'il s'agissait d'une colocation. Et quelle colocation! Il s'agit d'une grosse et vieille maison, je...

2 years ago
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J appartiens Snake d sormais

Brian est appel? en Irak Ch 1 Coulybaca /? Vulgus Le texte de Vulgus ?tant tr?s long, je me suis permis de le diviser en plusieurs parties afin d?en faciliter la lecture  Premier chapitre : drogu?e, viol?e, film?e.  Pour la premi?re fois depuis le dpart de Brian pour l'Irak,? je m'accordais une petite sortie. Son unit? de la garde nationale avait ?t?e appel?e pour une p?riode de service actif, et, avant m?me que nous r?alisions, il ?tait partit en Irak. Cela faisait trois maintenant mois qu'il ?tait parti et je crevais d'en...

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Fantasy Island

The reviewing officer at the graduation parade of my entry was Air Chief Marshal Sir Walter Dawson, K.C.B, C.B.E, D.S.O. who, at the speechifying and prize giving ceremony later that afternoon, told us ‘we would be welcomed with open arms’ when reporting to our new stations. I think the Air Chief Marshal may have had one too many postprandial brandies in the Officers Mess at lunchtime and was exaggerating slightly; in fact a damn sight more than slightly as my welcome was not exactly wide...

2 years ago
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M tamorphie

M?tamorphie 1. Les vacances Par Forestier Enfin! Le dernier jour avant les vacances. Et quelles vacances! R?ma ?tait certain que sa copine appr?cierait ce qu'il avait secr?tement pr?par? pour elle; apr?s tout, au prix qu'il avait pay?, elle ?tait mieux d'appr?cier! Comme la translation devait avoir lieu en milieu d'apr?s-midi, de mani?re ? profiter du souper ? l'h?tel en d?pit du d?calage horaire, R?ma quitta le travail plus t?t que de coutume. Vers 14 heures, il mit fin ? sa derni?re consultation. Par chance, il n'avait ...

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Hugo Chapitre 4 5 Face au Miroir

Chapitre 4: Face au miroir ********* Vendredi 6 f?vrier Hugo s'habilla, alla chercher son eau comme chaque matin, se lava, comme d'habitude, puis se pr?senta ? 10h comme pr?vu. Julia ?tait seule. Elle avait l'air tr?s excit?e de le voir. Il devait lui dire. - Aur?lia! Aur?lia! - Coucou, Julia! - Ohhhh, comme tu es bronz?e! Je suis trop contente de te voir! Alors raconte la Guadeloupe! C'?tait bien! - Oui, c'?tait super! Mais je dois te di...

2 years ago
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Skydive Sky Clad

"Honey, let's do something exciting next weekend. Something risky, adrenalin-gushing fun and NOT a vid game." "Oh, you mean like a beach snooze risking maximum skin cancer by catching some rays naked? How about we drive around topless - you and the car?" I didn't think she'd go for that, but I had to ask. "You'll have to drive so, while you pretend not to notice, I can watch your cute little titties bounce along with all the gawkers. I know you love exposing yourself. Just let ME call...

3 years ago
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Surprise Melody FlintkoteChapter 19

Maybe someday someone will invent a cat who won’t puke on my sleeping bag. I only do it because I like you. I sat straight up in my bunk. I was off watch and catching up on much needed dreams. KERWHACK! “OW!” You should remember your cabin has low ceilings. That’ll leave a mark. “MARK MY ASS, CAT! I’m bleeding!” “Surprise? What the hell?” Cyn took one look and went for her sewing kit. When she came back, she stitched me up ... after she shaved off half of my hair. She was fairly...

3 years ago
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TimeChapter 47

Eventually, with enough mathematics and a super computer, it would be proved that a large celestial body once struck the earth. The iron core of the intruder, being heavy, sank into our core and the granite mantle had been flung off. Being hot, they formed back into spheres again and the granite section stayed within our gravity well. We traded places and jobs and each of us had a chance to ride the rover. We had pictures of Sally planting the Stars and Stripes in the shallow soil. Hindsight...

3 years ago
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The Rask RebellionChapter 15 Redacted

The Courser drifted idly, Borealis little more than a sand-colored marble hanging against the inky backdrop of space, lit by the glow of its parent stars. At such a great distance, the swirls of white clouds, and the shimmering of its blue lakes were almost impossible to make out with the naked eye. Well, naked was perhaps not the best description of Lieutenant Brenner’s eyes. He had lost his organics long ago, seared away by Bug plasma weapons, his organs replaced with prosthetic...

2 years ago
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Faerie IV Love is where you find it part 3

Hard choices The cameras came back on right on schedule but McCallum wasn't satisfied. Butler was on watch, and McCallum put on a headset, switching to the encrypted channel. "Trav, any explanation as to what Lampier wanted?" The man was an excellent poker player, but was that a twinge? "We're still discussing it, control." "Discussing what?" "Lampier seems to be suffering from delusions. He claimed he'd seen something alive up here. Something that isn't...

4 years ago
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comment j ai baiser ma mere

Je vais vous reconter comme j’ai baiser ma mère Je m’appelle John j’ai 18 ans plutôt sportif et voila maintenant quelque année que je suis attiré sexuellement par ma mère une femme d’une quarantaines d’années, elle a certes de petit seins mais son cul lui est rebondis, énormes et je vous cache pas que j’aimerais y enfoncer ma bite, cela fait maintenant plusieurs mois que je récoltes des photos, image de ma mère pour pouvoir me branler dessus, quand je prend les photos je me sens bien et le soir...

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Bless me Father for I have sinned

Awakening. The priest had heard the door shut quietly and settled into a comfortable position, ready to hear the usual liturgy of minor transgressions that would be forgiven with his scale of “Hail Mary’s” by way of absolution. Twenty minutes later, and having received an education in the emergence of one of his parishioners from drudge to the exalted woman she now was, he was, for the first time in his life, unable to dispense a suitable punishment and suspected that the occupant of...

4 years ago
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Le ripou et la fliquette

La banlieue de Paris. 2022. Depuis que la nouvelle présidente a été élu, c’est le bordel. Enfin, plus qu’avant. Les émeutes sont quotidiennes, la drogue coule à flots, les bandes criminelles vont la loi dans les quartiers. Plus les choses changent… Mais il y a une personne pour laquelle tout va merveilleusement bien : Jean. Jean est un homme ordinaire. Brun, un peu gras et pas très grand ; rien ne le différencierait du tout venant. Mais il a un atout dans sa manche : il est policier, et il n’a...

2 years ago
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Samia 5

Sur la route. Samia. ******** La bonne me dit: — Merci et bon voyage, Mademoiselle. Entendons-nous, je n'ai pas fait ça par intérêt pour la bonniche, mais pour tester mon pouvoir sur Julien. On redescend. Son père nous attend. Qu'est-ce qu'il a décidé, le gros? Il donne des billets à Julien en disant: — Voilà ta semaine. Sa semaine? Il n'a plus 12 ans, quand même! Enfin si, par certains côtés. Julien me donne aussitôt l'argent. Bien... Je dis au père: — Au revoir, Monsieur. On sera là dans un...

4 years ago
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Les f minisatrices 1 Nicole

Nicole Les f?minisatrices - Episode 1 Ma vie changea l'ann?e de mes quinze ans. Depuis que mon p?re ?tait parti, je vivais seul avec ma m?re dans un petit appartement. Maman n'?tait pas souvent ? la maison. Elle travaillait ? la caisse d'un supermarch?, et comme son salaire ?tait insuffisant, elle faisait le m?nage pour des personnes ?g?es. J'?tais donc souvent livr? ? moi-m?me, et je d?sesp?rais ma m?re en faisant l'?cole buissonni?re et en participant souvent ? des actes de petite d?linquance. A cette ?poque, je faisais p...

3 years ago
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De haut en bas Part 4 Fin

Bonjour, Toute cette histoire est un pur travail de fiction. Toutes ressemblances avec certaines personnes ayant exist?es sont purement fortuites. Vous voulez nous faire un feedback : [email protected] ou [email protected] Vous voulez rejoindre la plus grande communaut? fran?aise de TG caption et TG story? Envoyez- nous un mail avec une histoire (minimum 2 pages) ou une TG caption ? [email protected] ou [email protected] avec les noms des transform?s : Arnaud et Alex. --- La propositi...

2 years ago
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Determinisme Naturel

D?terminisme naturel ? son retour Solange vit tout de suite que Marc ?tait tout chamboul?, et il ne lui fallut pas longtemps pour lui tirer les vers du nez. Solange ?tait une personne g?n?reuse, et elle ?tait sinc?rement heureuse que Marc ait pu trouver du travail. Elle tenu ? f?ter ?a, et elle annon?a que ce soir ils d?boucheraient une bouteille de cidre pour la circonstance. Solange questionna Marc en d?tail, et tr?s vite elle donna des conseils "Mon chou, les entreprises de publicit? il y a beaucoup d'argent,...

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La th rapie

La th?rapie Depuis toujours, Marc, 14 ans, n'avait connu que sa m?re Elise ?g?e de 39 ans. Elle l'?levait seule depuis la mort de son mari mais ne manquait pas d'argent. Elle avait toujours dit qu'elle n'aurait plus de compagnon, tellement affect?e par la perte du p?re de Marc, et basait tous les espoirs de r?ussite en son fils. H?las depuis plusieurs mois, celui-ci semblait renferm? et parlait de moins en moins. Lui qui, petit, ?tait si enjou?, sa gait? avait disparu petit ? petit avec la pubert? et il s'enfer...

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Alice et sa maman

Alice et sa maman Par BMC (byBforbeMformyCforcunt)R?sum?. St?phanie est inqui?te, elle s'absente pour le week-end et a du confier sa petite fille ador?e, Alice, ? son voisin inqui?tant monsieur Pr?dat. Qui est vraiment monsieur Pr?dat, Thor de son pr?nom; qu'elle ne connait pas tr?s bien? Un type bien et incompris ou un pervers. Qui est vraiment St?phanie? Une maman aimante et attentionn?e ou une m?re indigne et une tra?n?e. Qui est Alice? une gentille fille ou de la graine de salope en train de germer pr?te ? entamer une desce...

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Paris Partie 1 sur 3

Ce jour-l?, Maxime Lamothe eu 17 ans pour la premi?re fois de sa vie. Bien s?r, il avait eu 16 ans, aussi, et 15 ans avant ?a. Mais ces ann?es-l? ?taient encore porteuses d'espoir. Il avait attendu, attendu, mais il s'?tait jur? que si ??a? ne changeait pas, il irait voir quelqu'un. Au cas o?. C'?tait maintenant. - Ecoutez, jeune homme...je ne vois rien d'anormal. Votre taille ne devrait...plus tellement changer. Vos parents ?taient d?j? petits eux aussi, apr?s tout. Mais c'est vrai, g?n?ralement...enfin....-...

3 years ago
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La verite sur les contes Les 3 petits cochons

La v?rit? sur les contes : les 3 petits cochonsIntroductionsIl etait une fois, dans un petit village occidental au moyen age, un jeune homme de bonne famille qui avait obtenu la charge d'assistant inquisiteur. Sa famille avait longuement oeuvr? pour obtenir cette nomination. Cela avait cout? assez cher mais avec la chasse aux h?r?tiques, il etait possible de rapidement se rembourser en prenant sa part sur les biens confisqu?s par l'?glise. Ce jeune homme brun, ? la chevelure non maitrisable, aux gros sourcils,a...

2 years ago
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Pour sauver son mari

Pour sauver son mari ? Coulybaca / Bedo ? Chapitre 1 ? ? -???????? Que t'est-il arriv? qu'est ce que ces marques sur ton visage ? Demanda-t-elle affol?e. -???????? Oh,  r?pondis-je m'asseyant tout penaud ? ses cot?s... J'en prends plein la gueule... Les gardes les laissent faire... Il regardent, certains s'en vont lorsque ?a d?marre.... Encore 32 jours et je pourrai sortir... Tu dois m'aider ch?rie... -???????? Je ne crois pas pouvoir le faire... Sanglota-t-elle ?perdue. ? -???????? Sanderson, de quoi parles-t...

2 years ago
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Pour sauver son mari Time served Part 1 French

R?duite ? l'?tat d'esclave Pour sauver son mari Chapitre 1 Auteur : Bedo Email : [email protected]   -      "Que t'es -t-il arriv? qu'est ce que ces marques sur ton visage ? ..." demanda-t-elle affol?e.-      "Oui " r?pondis-je m'asseyant tout penaud ? ses cot?s...? J'en prends plein la gueule...? Les gardes les laissent faire...... Il regardant, certains s'en vont lorsque ?a d?marre...... Encore 32 jours et je pourrai sortir....... Tu dois m'aider ch?rie......"-      "Je ne crois pas pouvoir le faire.....

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A Well Lived Life Book 10 The WifeChapter 39 Twenty Two Part I

April, 1985, Chicago, Illinois Later on Saturday, Dave, Cindi, Julia, Elyse, and I got together in my office and hashed out our plans for getting started. My broad-strokes ideas were agreed to, and Julia said that she’d work out some timelines and basic project plans. She asked me to set up a meeting with Gerald Brown for very early in June and I promised that I would. All in all, it looked like everything was coming together nicely, which pleased me. On Saturday evening, I didn’t feel like...

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Oysterville A Love StoryChapter 5

When Amy and Ernie got close, they let go of each others hand and when they saw us watching them, they had the good grace to look kind of sheepish. I stood and said. "Hi, you two. It looks like you had fun, come on board and tell us all about it." "You are right, we did have a nice weekend. We went over to Ellensburg and sampled some of the wares available, it was too early in the season for the fruit and vegetables to be ready, they did have some that had been trucked in. We got some...

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The Mars Company AnthologyChapter 6

Xi Pegasi Planetary Survey Site Six April 5, 2057 Hollis Reid clutched his pack to his chest and gritted his teeth as the bottom dropped out of his seat for the hundredth time. The seat bottom slammed against him despite his seatbelt as the shuttle staggered through the sky. His team was crammed into the cargo area next to their vehicles and other equipment. They were each laden with survival gear, their personal pack, and two parachutes scavenged from the planetary survey equipment...

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Of Aliens and Barbarians an Aerocities AdventureChapter 2

Jeffrey the Bold was relaxing in his compound's redoubt, his favorite wife beside him, when Benito the Shaman burst in, his eyes wild. "It is gone," he wailed, "The Vessel from the Stars is gone. Our ancestors have returned and taken it away!" "What nonsense is this," Jeffery growled, arising from his bed of furs, "How do you know of this, Benito?" "A woodcutter told me," was the reply. "He had ventured near the Sacred Place searching for Ironwood when he saw it was gone. It is...

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Mes fr res et Mes s urs

Mes fr?res et... Mes s?urs! Pr?sentation Je m'appelle Margaux. J'ai seize ans. Je vis dans une famille recompos?e de quatre enfants. J'ai deux grands fr?res et deux petites s?urs. Avec moi, vous direz que cela fait cinq. Mais non. C'est cette ?tranget? que je vais vous raconter. Le r?cit qui suit est ?crit ? partir de mes souvenirs, du journal intime que j'ai tenu depuis mon enfance et des informations que j'ai collect?es aupr?s des diff?rents protagonistes que vous allez rencontrer. Peut-?tre que certains d...

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Alexia en mission

Alexia en missionChapitre 1 : recrutementBim Bang Bam Boum Bim Bang Bam Boum !Une jolie petite main fine se tend vers le t?l?phone pour arr?ter la sonnerie de cloche ?manant du t?l?phone pos? sur le chevetd'une chambre de la r?sidence universitaire de l'universit? de lettre de M. .- Ho la la ! Il est d?j? l'heure de se lever ! Vivement les vacances !Un second bras surgit de sous la couette pour proc?der ? un long ?tirement, pr?c?dent une la belle frimousse d'Alexia.La petite brune, 1m57 pour 42 kg, majeure depuis peu, ...

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Famille Vendue

Famille Vendue        By chabaLa vie r?elle et nos fantasmes constituent deux mondes distincts et qui doivent toujours le rester. Texte tr?s cru et histoire tr?s hard (violence / inceste). Merci de passer ? autre chose si vous n’?tes pas certain d’avoir envie de lire ce genre de r?cit. Commentaires bienvenus/comments welcome sur [email protected] 1 - La capture.Le monde d’Evelyne s’?tait effondr? il y a deux semaines. Deux semaines depuis leur enl?vement et le d?but de l’ignoble dressage. Et demain, on leur ...

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Californie Partie 2 sur 3

Le vol dura des heures, et pourtant Maxime n'en pouvait plus d'excitation. Une heure environ avant d'arriver, il se rendit aux toilettes, et se changea pour prendre sa tenue habituelle - jean, baskets blanches, queue de cheval -. Il se sentait ? l'aise ainsi. C'?tait ainsi qu'il comptait vivre aux USA. Galvin lui avait dit que tout ?tait pr?t pour lui, et qu'il n'avait plus qu'? arriver. Son logement, son contrat de travail. Un v?hicule l'attendait ? l'a?roport et devait le conduire ? l'embarcad?re puis jusq...

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my first time with Kira Rodroguez

I met Kira Rodriguez in the early 90s. the Adult video company I was working for hired her as an assistant video editor. The editor who was doing the Compilation videos quit and we needed another one. One day the Boss walked in said here is our new editor who will be cutting the comps, teach her how it’s done. Then he left. We introduce our selves. I asked her if she had any video experience she said she had so I gave her the nickel tour. Then I showed her where her office was, next door to...

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Mon week end chez Monica

Chapitre 1 Sur la sc?ne, une brune voluptueuse faisait valser ses ?normes seins nus au son de la musique disco. Sans beaucoup de gr?ce, en fait, mais le public n'en demandait pas tant. Moi non plus, il faut l'avouer : plut?t timide en de tels endroits, j'?tais terr? dans un coin sombre de la salle, les yeux riv?s sur le spectacle de la danse scabreuse, sans oser regarder les autres clients, mais sans chercher pour autant ? cacher la formidable ?rection que provoquait en moi la danse des chairs, sur la sc...

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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 5

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 5 Par Loulou Note : cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. Chapitre 21 - Une jolie secr?taire Sam se r?veilla en pensant que jamais il n'avait si bien dormi. Comme Chris dormait encore, il prit son petit d?jeuner en silence. Quand il entendit Chris arriver derri?re lui, Sam leva la t?te pour recevoir un baiser. "Sammy, tu as l'air...

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Arnaud en voyage d Affaire Tokyo

Chapitre 1 - Arriv?e ? l'hotel Arnaud arriva ? l'hotel en fin de soir?e, ?puis? de sa journ?e. Il entra dans l'hotel puis se pr?senta devant le receptioniste. "Bonjour Monsieur. C'est un tr?s un grand honneur de vous accueillir dans cet hotel de Tokyo. Sachez que tout le personnel de l'hotel est la pour rendre votre s?jour au Japon le plus agr?able possible. Nous vous avons reserv? la chambre 47, j'esp?re que que vous l'appr?cierez. Bon s?jour ? Tokyo Monsieur.." "Tres bien mon brave. " dit Arnaud en regardant ...

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Bangkok aller simple

Bangkok, aller simple. J'attendais ce voyage avec impatience. Nous sommes dans l'avion pour la Tha?lande, avec ma petite amie Chlo?, sa tante St?phanie et sa m?re Sandrine. Je tiens la main de ma copine. Elle est moite. Je sais que Chlo? est morte de peur, m?me si elle ne le montre pas. Oh, elle n'a pas peur de l'avion, enfin, je ne crois pas. En r?alit? c'est le but de notre voyage qui l'angoisse. Chlo? va subir une op?ration de changement de sexe. Elle va devenir une v?ritable jeune femme. En effet, m...

2 years ago
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Terreur T n rife

Terreur ? Tenerife Coulybaca / Vulgus ?  Bien que cette histoire de Vulgus soit d?une seule traite, j?ai pr?f?r? la couper en plusieurs parties afin d?en faciliter la traduction et la lecture.  Chapitre 1 : Notre h?ros et sa femme Jenny profitent de leurs vacances ? T?n?rife, ils explorent tout d?abord les lieux consacr?s aux touristes? Puis sur le conseils d?autres vacanciers ils vont s?int?resser aux lieux plus interlopes ?.. Ils vont rapidement d?chanter ! ?. Le long voyage depuis l'Angleterre ?tait termin?, et ...

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3 am mature anal

At 3 am, I'm just getting out of a 24 hour gym. I get a text message from Susan. "Come over" is all it says. As soon as I got that message, my fat cock throbs and comes to life. It hangings low and full, blood gorging to my manhood. I respond with "I'll be there in a few minutes." I head for the off ramp and into Susan's neighborhood. The security guards wave me pass as Susan calls ahead to let me right in. I pull up to her house and into the garage, park next to her long roll of Corvettes,...

4 years ago
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Sam 24

Surprised Sam replied, {I'd have thought you faster with as many of the minds that you have making up the triad.} Sam replied still wondering what in the hell Triot was up to. Queen Triada shook her head, {we have to gather before we act. We had detected Triot approaching, were almost ready when you struck out.} Sam nodded that he understood though again he felt a little foolish, knowing that the queen couldn't see him. Sam walked out heading toward where his parents were. A smile slowly...

3 years ago
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Discovered Bound

Riley grunted into the makeshift gag as she tried once again to free her hands tied behind her. Sitting on the floor in the living room, arms tied behind her and ankles tied in front of her, she had been struggling to free herself for over an hour now. When that didn’t work she went about asking, then sternly demanding, and then threatening, and then begging the children to release her. The children she was babysitting; sweet innocent Blakley, well she looked innocent for an eight year old, and...

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BRIDE'S SCHOOLErica and I lived together at the Novotel Resort in Surabaya for about 9 months during the mid 1990’s. Erica was a mamasan at a karaoke bar and part owner of a very low rent bordello that catered to local customers special interests.We have many adventures in sex – here’s one.____________________________________________________________________________________I closed the door behind me, getting back to the apartment a bit later from work, than usual.“Hi honey! You here somewhere?”...

3 years ago
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A Welcomed GuestChapter 13

Cast of Characters Bast - Goddess of cats, protection, joy, dance, music, family, and love Sekhmet - Goddess of fire, war, and dance Hathor - Goddess of the sky, dance, love, beauty, joy, motherhood, foreign lands, mining, music, and fertility. Serket - Goddess of scorpions, medicine, magic, and healing venomous stings and bites Maat - Goddess of Truth and Justice Tefnut - Goddess of Rain, Air, Moisture, Weather, Dew, Fertility, and Water Mut - Queen of the goddesses and lady of heaven Isis...

2 years ago
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“She really does,” said Daniel, a second man behind the puffy train of the wedding dress. He was specifically talking about her round ass, which he was always absentmindedly slapping and groping. Today it looked bright red surrounded by pure white tulle. He had not seen her face in a while, barely remembered it, in fact. His dick was also to the hilt inside her. “Thank you,” Stephanie replied. She didn’t actually say the words, more a throaty gluck, but Steven and Daniel had learned to...

4 years ago
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Schoolgirl Reunion

The three young women giggled like the schoolgirls they once were in the front room of Corrine's small house. This was the first time she had seen Judy and Phillipa since they had left St Mary's private school for girls almost three years ago. The giggles and reminiscences were all associated with their time there when they were three inseparable friends who played together and were punished together at the small boarding school. "Remember old Mr. Magee?" Corrine initiated. "Fetch my slipper...

1 year ago
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Moving back home

100% fiction! I had gotten laid off from a good job, and was given a heck of a ceverence package, and with what I had in savings, I had a couple of years to play with. I decided to move back home and help mom and dad on the ranch, and see if we could get it back up to what it was befor I left home. Dad and I went to work on the ranch, one of the things we did was turn the loft of the barn in to an apartment for calfing and foaling season so we didn't wake mom up at night and didn't bring mud...

4 years ago
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A New Town and a New Girl

Introduction: A high school boy from San Francisco moves into a small town and meets a girl My name is Phil and I was 15 when my dad got a promotion at work to manage a satellite office of the company he worked for and because of that, we had to move to a new town. Im Chinese and from San Francisco so the move was a bit hard for me. We moved to a small town where it was mainly white people, most of whom have never seen an Asian before. Most of the people at school were either ignorant or just...

2 years ago
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my freshman experience

This was first experience with a guy. From the age of 6, I always knew I had an attraction to guys. During my high school, I would walk around the hallways, cock watching looking for thick bulges. I would even take my time after football practice ...just to watch some of the players undress and shower. As I grew older, my sexual urges got stronger and stronger. My first experience with a guy took place my (second semester) freshman year of college. I am a junior now...but I remember my first...

4 years ago
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My New Bull Part 10

The ride home left me some time to think about what the hell I was doing and every bump I hit on the road reminded me of what I was doing by moving the butt plug in my ass. I really needed to end this thing with DeSean. The longer it goes on the sooner someone is going to find out about it. Be it people at work or heaven forbid Brian. Yes I had made up my mind. Tomorrow I will call DeSean and end it. From now on it will be a strictly professional relationship. To start though I need to get this...

3 years ago
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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 206 In dull darkness

(The smoke blows forward, obscuring Kenshin and Enishi from view.) Kaoru: Kenshin! Kenshin! Megumi: Idiot! Get out of here! Sanosuke: We'll take care of Kenshin! Megumi, take the girl and run! (Enishi picks himself up, spitting out blood.) Enishi: "I won't allow this"... Good. The more you burn to protect her, the greater the shock when she's gone-- (Kenshin punches him in the stomach. Another blow to the chin sends him flying against a wall.) Enishi (thinking): Where is he...

4 years ago
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Diversity 2

Diversity 2 by Angela Collins Just to show willing, I asked her for the names of her contacts and she said she would e-mail them to me. Though, I had little thought of contacting them. I certainly had something to think about while leaving the office. I really wanted the job. I also needed the job. My redundancy money was not going to last indefinitely and my mortgage payments were eating into it fast. If I did not get a job soon I would have to start thinking about downsizing. ...

1 year ago
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Watching each other masterbate and then fuck

Tracy and I have been together for over 4 years now and we visit each other whenever one of us is in the other's town or when we can both get away for a few days and vacation together. She loves to have her pussy sucked and licked and I love the taste of it. I love to have her tight body fuck me and give me sex with a passion and desire I know most women don't have or won't display. She is game for most anything we can think of and/or anything a little crazy. I can sit in front of her and watch...

2 years ago
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Wot Happened After He Split Up Wiv His Girl

All characters and terms including boy and lad refer to people age 18 and over My mate Jez, he gets my cock well fucking hard. I get my hardest erections when I think about Jez. I only have to think about him and it throbs up into the most unbearably stiff hard-on ever. My erections are well hard full stop but when I think of Jez they’re rock solid. I don’t know what it is about him that makes me feel the way I do. He’s just got this presence about him, this aura. Whenever I’m in his company I...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Orgasm Control

You've recently gained a strange power. You can control when others orgasm. You can "lock" someone out of cumming, set certain conditions that they can can't cum without, set conditions that will force them to cum, or simply command them to orgasm. You can also control what turns them on. You can change someone's fetishes. That doesn't change their personality of coarse. A prude who secretly has a fetish for exhibitionism and humiliation won't suddenly jump to have sex. On the other hand that...

Mind Control
4 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 10

Leroy looked at Ed puzzled by his insistence that he meet this Tom person. Time was short that day, he had to be at the University in a couple of hours to meet with his professor. This was an important meeting as he expected to be told that he was ready to start writing his dissertation. It was about time since he had collected data over two full years. George came down from the security center and opened the front door. The odd looking man, Tom Hardy, stood at the door looking over the...

1 year ago
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Cousin Introduces Me to Gay Sex

100% fiction! Ever since I was boy, I was consumed by sexual thoughts, but I had never, not even once, fantasized about being with another guy. That all changed at a Christmas party at my uncle’s house. I was in college and had come home to Indianapolis for the weekend and event. Sometime during the previous year, my uncle Ed had remarried, and his wife had three sons; he held the party at his house as a way of introducing the extended family to his new wife and sons. At the party, at one...

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Double Mistaken Identity

Jack was determined to fuck Donna, the mother of his daughter's boyfriend. He just got mixed up a bit. Author’s note: Every character in or referenced in this story is 16 years old or older. Sometimes in real life people lie about their age. In the same manner, these story characters may lie about their age, stating that they are younger than 16. But I am stating here and now, as the author of this story, that every single character is at least 16 years old. Any reference to an age...

4 years ago
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Stepson 2

As I looked at them in the mirror and all I could think of was “Mommy tits”. That's what I had now. They were still big, some might say huge. My areolas had gotten even bigger. At least 5 inches across. My nipples were long and thick and always hard. They were a dark pink color. I had not been out in the sun in awhile and my skin was very white and pale. There were blue veins crisscrossing just under my skin all over my breasts. Alan said it looked like a road map. Looking at them I thought...

2 years ago
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Watching my Father fuck his young Secretary

As Deborah bends over at the filing cabinet, John glances up from his desk and admires the view. The coffee-brown, wrap-around dress she’s wearing today highlights her stunning, statuesque figure, her long shapely legs, womanly hips and well-proportioned behind. Its late and there’s no one left in the building and John’s son is not due from the train station for at least another hour… He gets up and wanders over to stand behind his voluptuous secretary. As she rises back up from the filing...

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My real life story Part 7

I’m now 27 years old, 5.95 feet height, athletic body and average looking. I have my Own Business and I’m a Martial Arts and Yoga Trainer in Bangalore, Hyderabad and Chennai gyms. (Why so many places you will know in the stories. People who may know me might study these stories so I want to keep my identity undisclosed. I’m writing these stories with the permission of few ladies with whom I’m in contact with. I had Sexual encounters with aged, middle aged, married and many sex starved...

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The Master WarriorChapter 16

We broke off observation of the building well before sunset. Grace had heated water for our evening meal of freeze-dried food, and we would have more of the roasted venison also. The moon had risen that morning and would set just before midnight tonight according to the data that I had. Again from the same data, Astronomical Twilight would be just before 9:30 tonight. Since the moon was four days past new moon, it would provide some light for part of the night to see by. We would be starting...

3 years ago
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InsubordinationChapter 5

I was at the bar before Richard Taylor arrived. I don't know why it is, but human nature seems to be that people are suspicious of those who arrive after them, not those who are already there. I had peeked in a few times before and seen Taylor sitting at the bar in the same spot. I had also done research on his family. My plan was to be as scary as possible. He sat down at around ten minutes to six and asked me to pass the nuts. I had moved them when I sat down so he would have to ask me...

4 years ago
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CastleChapter 3

I spent some time researching the kitchen before I had anything done to it. I had a clay tile floor with drains installed, otherwise it was pretty much empty, save for the large sinks. That and the finished electrical was done before Autumn arrived home. She had been through the worst of it, so knew exactly what she was seeing. She took the grand tour before she fell exhausted into the bed. I suppose it was a combination of the work being almost completed on the castle and our forced...

4 years ago
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Maza Liya Badi Aurat Ke Sath

hi readers.mera naam satish hai meri age 19 yrs hai,iam from ahmedabad, mera lund 7 inch lamba hai mujhe badi age ki aurat ko chodna bahot pasand hai .Yeh meri pehli true story hai hope apko achi lagegi .yeh story meri teacher ki hai jisko mene backmail karke choda tha .ye story tab ki hai jab mae 11 mae tha.Meri teacher ka naam mrs shrinivarsan hai unke bahot bade boobs aur unki gand tau kya batau sexy . unki age 40 yrs ki hai woh hamesha silk ki sadi pehanti hai sab ladke unke boobs ko jakh...

4 years ago
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Donna learns from Mom and Dad

Introduction: Donna does not want to lose her boyfriend but he wants sex and she wants to wait. After supper Donna and her mother went into the den because Donna had asked to talk to her in private. Mom, you know that I have been dating Sam for several months now and that I really like him. Yes, and I think hes a great kid. What did you want to ask me? Lately he has been pressuring me to have sex with him. I really dont want to do it till I get married but I dont want to lose him to some girl...

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Andee Goes Away With Lauren

I’d been away with Lauren before, and we always seemed to have shared this mutual interest for each other. But since neither of us had ever really experienced a same sex relationship, the mood just seemed to remain sexually charged but reserved.  This weekend would be a little different, however. Usually a few of us attend the annual pharmacy conference and share a hotel room. But this time around our co-workers had opted to skip it and stay home. Personally, I was looking forward to it. It’s...

3 years ago
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Your name is it important? I guess it could be. IN realms there are some places where you have great way of working out on range, sometimes not so fortunate you get stuck in place too long your surrounded by monsters and they choose to vore you or worst case scenario world decides to change your fate and end up in different fate. Names I offer to whom it concerns: Prince Dawn(25) luckless with ladies Caroline Wheat(18) immortal Sarah Hastings(18) naive virgin Thomas Basking(21) virgin unknown...

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The Culling Lottery

The Culling Lottery ©2004 C. Smith 1. Arrival of the Candidates What a difference forty years makes! musedthe C.E.O. as she watched the Candidates tumbling excitedly out of the limos.Tiffany Boylston had been a child when the news first leaked out that a companynamed JFA — Justice for All — was not only selling the internalorgans of executed prisoners for transplants, but was also butchering the carcassesand cooking the meat for private "snuff" banquets. She remembers her parents'reaction,...

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A Well Lived Life 2 Book 8 NIKAChapter 57 Due Diligence

May 13, 1995, Chicago, Illinois “My temperature is correct,” Michelle said on Saturday morning. “I need to call Doctor Robertson and go for a treatment.” “OK,” I said. “Let’s see if the second time is the charm.” “You didn’t say anything yesterday or last night, but are we staying together when we travel?” “Yes. We’ll be at the InterContinental in Dallas, but at Hiltons in Reno and Raleigh. Assuming you want to, that is. I can call Barney to change the reservations if not.” “Do that and...

2 years ago
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FamilyStrokes Willow Winters No Girls Except Your Stepsis

Brick has a big game coming up and coach could not have him losing focus. He called up his mom and pleaded with her to not let him have any girls over. She agreed to help with this and also enlisted her hot daughter Willow Winters to be part of the team too. Once she heard what she had to do, the mischievous little WIllow was ready to set stepbro up for disaster. She waited in the living room in some skimpy clothes, and as soon as Brick walked in Willow pushed him up against the wall and...

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Mature ISS Reader Parul Ki Chudai

Hey guys! Thank you for such a overwhelming feedback that you gave me. Your precious feedback just compelled me to write another story. Those who don’t know about me, I will tell you about me. My name is Rocky, and I am 23 years old. I am living in Delhi. I have a 6’1″ height with lean athletic body, and with toned abs and a monstrous 7.5 inch cock. Now get your cocks out and put hands inside your panties, and I wish you a happy cumming. To kahani kuch aisi hai ki meri pichli kahani ki wajah se...

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The Neighbors Suck Like Us Chapter 3

As soon as they were parked at the drive-in, toward the back and in the shadows, Jerry slid his arm around Debby's shoulders. She snuggled up to him. But then he didn't do anything else, being a bit bashful on what, after all, was his first date with the lovely girl. Debby was a bit bolder. When he made no further moves, she took his arm and drew his hand down onto her thrusting tit. Encouraged by that, the virile boy lost his reluctance and began to knead her firm mound and pulled at the...

4 years ago
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Tampon wearing 2

I returned in with the teas on a silver tray and place it on the table next to a ash tray which was rather full,I poured the milk into the cups, then picked up the tea pot and poured the tea.I asked Celia if she took sugar two please she said, do you like being a school girl her eyes looking me up and down from my face down to my white socks as she puffed on her cigarette , yes I replied as I passed her the cup of tea.Pass me the ash tray she demanded , I held it in front of her she tapped the...

3 years ago
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A Well Planned Seduction

I looked into the full-length mirror and sighed, feeling a shiver of anticipation. I knew I looked, and I certainly felt, incredibly sexy, especially as Megan ... Mistress Megan I corrected myself, had directed me to dress like this, it just felt so embarrassing, it wasn't a way of dressing that I was used to having strangers see me. I took a deep breath and opened the door. I had been phoned earlier that morning and been told to present myself at Mistress Megan's apartment at 6pm. 'What...

4 years ago
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Service SocietyChapter 8 The Date

“Hello, Janet.” “Hello, Dexter.” “Hello, Janet,” Dexter repeated feeling like an idiot even as he did it. There was a long moment of awkward silence. Finally, Janet asked, “Why are you calling?” “I thought ... I was wondering if ... Would you go somewhere with me ... Thursday night?” Dexter asked. Confusion evident in her voice, Janet asked, “Where?” “I thought we’d go to a restaurant, and then to a jazz club,” Dexter answered. “I ... well ... you mean ... would it be like a...

2 years ago
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BadMilfs Sandy Love Malina Melendez I 8217 ll Teach You How To Pleasure Him

Malina tells her stepmom Sandy how grateful she is to have her as a stepmother because she’s been taking care of her and her dad really well. Malina then opens the fridge and finds a big, thick zucchini, so she starts sucking it as if it were a dick! Sandy sees this and tells her off, so Malina confesses that she’s very inexperienced when it comes to pleasuring men. Sandy takes this chance to undress her and teach her a few things with some spanking. Later, Malina’s new boyfriend Nicky pays...

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Making the RevolutionChapter 8

It was late in the afternoon when they returned to boobook’s house. He was talking to the gathered children, telling them about Galaru. He stopped to address Patrick and Jos. “The schoolteacher told the children that the dam had failed and that the water had flooded the Ord valley. I had told them of the Rainbow Serpent and now I talk of Galeru.” “Galaru is the sky-snake personage associated with the more dangerous aspects of cyclonic rain and lightning,” said Patrick. “You know much,”...

2 years ago
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TwinsChapter 4 First Time

I was in the second hour of my two-hour shift. I had gone into a private chat with an older lady. Her name was Goldenmom, She had deposit 5 bitcoins, each coin is worth 5 dollars, and for one minute each, so she spent 25 dollars for a 5-minute masturbation show. I’ll get 25% of that. Plus if she wanted me to do extra stuff, she can tip me to do more, and the tip money is all mine. She had put in 5 more bitcoins in my tip jar. She said, “Summer,” (that’s my name on the website) “I want you to...

4 years ago
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Caught in panties

It was Saturday and I needed to go into the city to get some new clothes. As I opened my underwear drawer a flash of pink grabbed my attention from the back. Ah my stash..... You see after my last girlfriend dumped me, she had left some of her underwear behind. At first I was going to throw them away, but for some reason I kept them. She was a size 8 and I knew from trying these things on before when we were together for giggles they would fit me. I rummaged around and pulled out a pair of pink...

3 years ago
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PART 2 whith My Friends Uncle

On the way to his place Bill kept looking at me, and when we got to a spot that I had been to before with another man. Turning to me bill said I was turning him on and as his new girlfriend he need to do something about it, I smiled and he automatically took this to be an agreement as he moved closer to me, and kissed me still with the seat belt tight around me making me helpless to repel his advances on me, which I found rather exciting. Soon I was at Bills mercy as he lifted my frock and...

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Travel Adventures

The hostel is smaller than what it looked like online – just one single building in what looks like a suburban part of the town. You're lucky that the town is small enough that nowhere is particularly far from the centre. You sigh, but remember that it was the only hostel with free space you could find on such short notice. At least you can console yourself in that you're not paying a lot per night. You open the door, put your bag down in front of the reception area, and ring the small bell in...

2 years ago
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Jimmy s Discovery

This particular week went by just as normal as any other that is untill friday. Usually every friday my mom has a weekend schedule put up on the fridge and I need to adhere to. This week however there was nothing. I went up to my mom's room and went to walk in to ask what was going on. I opened the door and my mouth dropped. There was my mom sitting at her computer in a bra and panties playing with herself!! I guess she was really intent on what she was reading cause she didn't hear the door...

1 year ago
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The Road Trip

Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is David and I am 19 years old. I’m 6 feet tall and 213 pounds with an 8 inch dick. Let me tell you about Sarah before the story begins she is 18 about 5 feet 4 inches tall with 34c breasts. This is the story of the road trip we took together to Indiana last summer. Sarah Suggested that we take a road trip before we went to our separate collages after the summer was up. After a few hours of arguing about where we should go we decided to go see...

4 years ago
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Great Maui Young Couple

I had been working very hard for about 8 months and Cindi, my wife, finally tole me she had booked us for 12 days in Maui. We live the high life, our house is in a gated community, we have country club membership and we enjoy any amenity we desire. This all requires money and I spend long hours at work.We have a modern design house with a pool and tennis court. There is a pool house and we enjoy entertaining. Often times we end the day swimming naked in the pool. We finish with sucking and...

3 years ago
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Cruel Intentions

Jake stretched out on the bed in the motel cabin where he was staying for the weekend. He was pushing into his mid thirties but still had a rugged chiselled look that caught some women's attention. He was a little taller than average 5ft8, average built and a fairly average life. He had his own business on the outskirts of the city, but even that would get a little stressful, so every so often he'd retreat to a different part of town and stay at a cheap motel-- just like he was...

4 years ago
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Two Boys Caught

Chapter 1 Yes, caught, caught masturbating. Well, not each other, just ourselves, me doing my dick, Robbie doing his. But, still. We were sixteen, yes, horny every moment we were awake, both virgins, not even with steady girlfriends, up in my room, each with a copy of Playboy open, pants and briefs on the floor, stroking as we dreamed of fucking one of the beauties in the magazine spread before us when my door swung open and there was my mom with an armload of clean clothes. She looked,...

3 years ago
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06 HomeChapter 8

The night after "The dinner" Present – Yasmeen and Zarika – At the cabin Yasmeen The very mean Jennifer lady is forcing us to clean the kitchen with a toothbrush. I look at Zarika but she glares at me when I question, "Zarika, I think the two of us could attack the mean Jennifer lady." Zarika doesn't respond, I hear a zing and feel one of the rubber bands as it hits me and raises another red spot on my beautiful skin. The very mean Jennifer lady orders, "I said no talking and...

3 years ago
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Sarah and The babysitter

Introduction: Sarah 9 Jillian 16 My name is Sarah, I have long auburn hair, hazel green eyes, Im 5ft1 short and slim with pale white skin and freckles on my cheeks and arms. I was 9 when my life utterly changed. My family was moving to Toronto from Montreal, we were listening to led zeppelin of course, it was my dads favorite band, when the moving truck spun out of control and hit our car into a roll causing my parents to die from a broken neck and spine. I was found curled up into my mothers...

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