Extase indian porn

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Fick im Heu

Fick im Heu Es war ein wundersch?ner Sonntag Nachmittag und ich und mein Freund George verbrachten den Tag am Land, bei seinen Eltern. Er hatte mich ihnen vorgestellt, weil wir nun doch schon seit fast einem halben Jahr ein Paar sind. Bis jetzt glaube ich, dass seine Eltern mich ganz gern haben. Aber ob das wohl auch noch so sein w?rde, wenn sie mein kleines Geheimnis herausfinden w?rden? Denn was George ihnen verst?ndlicherweise verschwiegen hat ist, dass ich in Wahrheit eine S...

2 years ago
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Conte de Noel 2017 Chapitre 2

Conte de NoëlChapitre 2:Premier Défi Quand Maîtresse Xaviera revint dans le salon-donjon, elle était habillée d'un ensemble formé par une jupe de latex fuschia ultra courte sur le devant et tombant à ses chevilles sur l’arrière, assortie à un caraco qui couvrait ses épaules, sur lesquelles quelques mèches de son chignon ébouriffé noir de jais tombait en cascade mélangées à ses longues boucles d'oreilles en chaîne gros maillon assorties à son collier à trois rangs, qui laissait également tomber...

1 year ago
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brasilianische Uuml berraschung Teil 4 Finale

brasilianische Überraschung - Teil 4 - FinaleGlücklich unseren kleinen 'Fick-Zug" mit einem großen Knall in den Bahnhof gefahren zu haben stand ich mit zitternden Knien zwischen den Beiden. Mein Schwanz pochte immer noch in Luisas Möse und Angelas Schwanz steckte noch immer in meinem Anus. Alles vibrierte und der Schweiß rann uns allen dreien über die nackte Haut.Angela war es, die meine Gedanken aussprach, "Wir bleiben einfach so stehen... wir frieren diesen Moment einfach ein... für immer......

1 year ago
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Kleine versaute Biester Teil 2

Sonja konnte sich jetzt nicht mehr zurückhalten. "Komm schon, leck mir die Fotze du Sau!" Erst jetzt merkte Nicole, dass Ihre Freundin eben so ein geiles Biest ist wie Sie selbst."Zieh dich aus, setzt dich auf den Sessel und spreiz schön die Beine für mich." Erst jetzt konnte Sie Sonjas Körper in ganzer Pracht sehen. Schlank und durchtrainiert, kleine feste Brüste mit harten, beidseitig gepiercten Nippeln und einer glatt rasierten Fotze. Als Sie ihre Beine nach oben streckte konnte man schön...

2 years ago
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Sag es nicht meinem alten Herrn

Peter ist vom Beruf Altenpfleger und ist bei einem privaten ambulanten Pflegedienst tätig.Mit seinen 55 Jahren sieht er noch gut aus. Das dunkelblonde Jahr ist immer noch voll, keine Geheimratsecken, keine grauen Strähnen. Der kleine Bauch steht ihm eigentlich sehr, wenn Peter auch etwas anderes manchmal darüber denkt, wenn er sich nackt im Spiegel sieht. Wenn er sich aber genauer im Spiegel betrachtet, so denkt er immer, dass er für sein Alter doch noch recht gut aussieht. Die paar Falten die...

4 years ago
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Hoofdstuk 1. Ik heb een baan gevonden. Eindelijk. Het is wel niet bij ons in de buurt. Maar helemaal in Den Haag. Dus ik moet op kamers gaan wonen. Weg bij mijn ouders in het kleine dorpje ergens in het zuiden. Ik ga naar de grote stad. Dus zet ik een advertentie in een krant. Koop een paar kranten en ga een paar adressen af. Maar het is niet veel bijzonders. Op de advertentie krijg ik een paar brieven. Weer een paar adressen langs. Maar nee, het loopt niet erg. Maar dan komt er...

4 years ago
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Die Rache

Die Rache (BDSM Hardcore) von anonymThema: F/Vergewaltigung/Fesselung/sado-maso/Folter/BruesteSeit fast 3 ? Jahren bin ich dabei diesen Plan ausreifen zu lassen und ihn zu perfektionieren.Immer wieder habe ich Kleinigkeiten gefunden, welche alles zunichte machen k?nnen.Immer wieder war die Angst gr??er als der Mut.Nun war es aber soweit, zu lange musste ich warten und zu lange wurde ich gedem?tigt.Wenn ich mich kurz vorstellen darf, ich bin Sven, 24 Jahre alt und Leiter einer Werbeagentur die ...

2 years ago
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La femme du gouverneur

La femme du gouverneur Ch 1 Grand Prize – The Governor’s Wife! Coulybaca /Black Demon ? ? ? ? ? -???????? Quelle belle salope ! Grogna ? voix basse,  Cecil Benson, ? l'adresse de deux de ses hommes, connus en tant qu’agents de recouvrement charg?s de r?cup?rer le prix de ses services aupr?s de certains consommateurs qui r?clamaient sa protection. Ce commerce de la protection rapproch?e que dirigeait Cecil l'amenait ? fournir des gardes du corps arm?s pour les clients qui faisaient des affaires dans la banlieu...

2 years ago
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Fous de la chirurgie

Fous de la chirurgie par BlowMuP (c)2002 "Alors? Qu'est-ce que tu en penses?" demanda Marie-?ve en sortant du bureau du chirurgien. "Je les adore, j'ai tr?s h?te de les essayer," r?ponda Martin "Les essayer? Tu n'es qu'un pervers, Martin Fraser, indomptable petit cochon," le r?primanda-t-elle avec un sourire en coin. Martin Fraser et Marie-?ve Rivest s'?taient tout les deux trouv?s une passion commune pour la chirurgie. Leurs salaires respectifs leur permettant, le couple se mit ? jou...

2 years ago
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Mon week end chez Monica

Chapitre 1 Sur la sc?ne, une brune voluptueuse faisait valser ses ?normes seins nus au son de la musique disco. Sans beaucoup de gr?ce, en fait, mais le public n'en demandait pas tant. Moi non plus, il faut l'avouer : plut?t timide en de tels endroits, j'?tais terr? dans un coin sombre de la salle, les yeux riv?s sur le spectacle de la danse scabreuse, sans oser regarder les autres clients, mais sans chercher pour autant ? cacher la formidable ?rection que provoquait en moi la danse des chairs, sur la sc...

3 years ago
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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 10

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 10 Par Loulou Note: cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. ***** Chapitre 41 - Totalement Samantha Dans les affaires que lui avait offertes Jessica, Samantha d?couvrit des choses toutes plus jolies les unes que les autres. Des robes, des jupes, des chemisiers et pleins de tops et chaussures... il y avait m?me des sous-v...

4 years ago
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YONI EGG TANTRA PRAXISThis introduction I wrote to my dear friend Niki in Austria, to give her some basic information and suggestions with the aim to get her going and enrich her feminine sexual energy..The Tantra yoni exercises are developed through ages, and have a proven and exceptional result. First of all, if you do practice, you train the vaginal and vulvic area, which involves the first and second chakra, in which subtle but very powerfull energy can be awakened. As you know, the...

3 years ago
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Aunt little faggot

I never had a real mom, mommy had pass away when i was young and i got under her sister careI was 17 when she had to help me shower after a ski accidenti will always remember how shy i was , my little 5inch all hard in the bath my aunt washing me not saying a word about it taking it in her hand and cleaning my little cock before asking me to get bend overthe first time i did i wasnt expecting ither finger teased me open fill of soap my head down trying to restrain from moaning''there you go all...

1 year ago
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Jimmy probeert bullchat Deel II

Deel 1: https://nl.xhamster.com/stories/jimmy-probeert-bullchat-513306Jimmy staarde vol ongeloof naar het kattebelletje dat Ronny had achtergelaten. Wat wou hij nog van hem? Hij probeerde een reden te vinden om niet te moeten gaan en brak z'n hoofd erover. Hij ging terug aan z'n pc zitten en las het skype-gesprek nog eens opnieuw. Hij zag ook weer de foto die Ronny had genomen en besefte dat hij tijdens hun ontmoeting ook vaak met zijn smartphone in de weer was geweest. Hij vroeg zich af waarom...

3 years ago
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Ein Sissyabend in der Ouml ffentlichkeit II

Ein Sissyabend in der Öffentlichkeit IIDies ist die Fortsetzung vom ersten Teil.Teil 1: http://xhamster.com/stories/ein-sissyabend-in-der-ffentlichkeit-759614Nach dem geilen Erlebnis von vor zwei Tagen, wollte ich den Reiz wieder ausleben, als Sissy erwischt zu werden. Ich hatte wie sonst auch erstmal geschaut, welchen PP ich anfahren könnte. Unweit vom ersten PPwaren zwei kleinere aber beleuchtete Parkplätze auf jeder Autobahnseite. Da ich schon öfters berufsbedingt dort gehalten hatte, kannte...

2 years ago
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Pony durch Lotto

Meine Freundin und ich hatten schon lange unsere Vorliebe für Gummi und Rollenspiele im Ponyplaybereich entdeckt. Nur waren unsere finanziellen Mittel leider eher bescheiden, sodass wir die aufwändigen Anzüge, Hufschuhe und Masken nur sehnsüchtig im Internet betrachten konnten. Zu einem einfachen selbstgebauten Zaumzeug und einem Pferdeschweif zum Anhängen hatte es dann doch gereicht. Doch ein Tag sollte alles ändern.Christina (meine Freundin) hatte im Lotto gewonnen und dabei ganze 30.000 Euro...

1 year ago
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Serap 12 Sex bis an die Grenze

Serap 12 Liebe Leser! Wenn Ihr die ganze Geschichte von Serap, Jutta und mir verstehen wollt, dann lest Kapitel 1-11. Ansonsten viel Spaß!!!!…..................Ich packte mir Serap und flüsterte Ihr zu: „Du schläfst heute bei mir!“ Das glückliche Paar wird schon etwas mit der leeren Wohnung anzufangen wissen. Wir verließen die Party und machten uns auf den Heimweg.Eigentlich hatte ich gar keine Lust nach Hause zu fahren und Serap ging es genau so.Jutta war zwar auch zu der Party eingeladen,...

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Intimit auml t oder die Freuden des WG Lebens

Liebe Leser,heute möchte ich Euch eine Erfahrung mitteilen, die wir als Paar vor einigen Wochen machen durften. Um uns kurz vorzustellen: Wir sind Alex, 24, und Anna, 22, aus dem sonnigen Süden Deutschlands. Wir studieren beide noch und wohnen seit zwei Wochen zusammen. Die folgenden Ereignisse haben sich allerdings einige Wochen vor dem Umzug abgespielt. Damals wohnten wir noch in getrennten WGs, ich mit zwei Mädels und einem Mann und Alex mit einem guten Freund von ihm. Die beiden hatten eine...

1 year ago
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Im Garten

Es ist Sommer. Die Sonne scheint mir herrlich ins Gesicht und es duftet im Garten nach Lavendel. Es ist angenehm warm, nicht zu heiss. Es ist still, so dass man nur die Vögel zwitschern hört. Ich habe es mir bereits im Liegestuhl bequem gemacht während Du Dich noch in der Wohnung aufhältst. Eigentlich wollte ich ja lesen. Du sagtest, Du willst noch kurz duschen und Dich schnell umziehen. Währenddessen sitze ich in der Sonne und lasse mir schonmal ein kaltes Bier schmecken. Das ist Entspannung...

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Die Antwort an Phil Teil 2

Die Antwort an: Phil! - Teil 2Es geht weiter mit dem zweiten Teil der Story und sie knüpft dort an, wo der erste Teil aufgehört hat. Bitte beachtet, dass diese Story nur Sex als Thema hat. Allen, die sich mit einer reinen Sexstory nicht zufrieden geben rate ich nun eine andere Story zu suchen. Ich hoffe, dass euch auch dieser Teil gefallen wird. Besonders dir Phil, wünsche ich viel Spaß beim Lesen ;)Für alle, die Teil 1 noch nicht gelesen haben und dies tun möchten:...

2 years ago
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Rachael The Babysitter

"Mais maman!" Je plaidé. "Je ne ai pas besoin d'une baby-sitter! Je ne peux pas simplement rester moi-même cette fois? »Mais elle ne bougeait pas. Pour l'amour de Pete, je avais quatorze ans. Tout simplement parce que mes parents ont dû sortir de la ville pour le week-end, pourquoi ai-je avoir quelqu'un rester avec moi comme si je étais un petit enfant!«Regardez Jeff, je ai entendu tout ce que je vais vous entendre. Je reçois la fille de Mme Walker, Rachel de rester avec vous, et ce est tout ce...

3 years ago
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LE FELIN par Redcode

Ce soir-là, cette nuit-là je fis cette découverte d'un homme chat, d'un homme lion... UN FELINLe tremblement de tes couilles sur mon visage, le face sitting masculin, une vibrance sans égal de me retrouver le nez dans ton entre jambes ainsi. Le mouvement de va-et-vient de mon front à mon menton, ma bouche tentant de t'aspirer à chaque mouvement de reins. Accrochée à tes cuisses, ta virilité fermement appuyée sur ma face m'excitait follement ! Je percevais ton souffle...

3 years ago
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frensh man and muslim nikab woman

L'histoire commence d'abord sur le premier jour de l'été . Ma première année de collège vient de se terminer et je suis enfin à la maison pour les vacances d'été . Le jour où je suis rentré , j'ai rencontré nos nouveaux voisins de l'autre côté de la rue . Depuis que je vis dans la maison en rangée est honnêtement un deux pas de chez moi. Ils étaient un couple musulman , sa femme était dans un jilbab et le niqab sur donc je Son visage était couvert d'un voile . Je ne pourrais pas dire si elle...

2 years ago
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Adam and Mike Part 1

Adam was alone, living in the of London. He walked the streets with eyes constantly searching the crowds, picking on guys with handsome faces, fantasising about what it could be if he could just have them.At the age of 30 Adam, failed to get any relationship. He was handsome himself. With a mediterranean look, black hair, brown eyes and sun kissed skin, he had a body fairly well shaped with his work, his long walks roaming the city and his frequent incursions to the gym.But Adam didnt feel...

4 years ago
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African Lust For Married Woman

Hi people I am new here… Sorry for mistakes… This is a true story. My name is Shalini… I am from Mauritius… I am 25 married since two years to a business man… I am considered a very beautiful woman… Even a trophy wife… I am 5 feet 5 48 kgs 34d breast slim 24 inches waist and 36 firm and round buttocks… Am fair with light hazel eyes… I do travel sometimes with my husband… I must add i was a virgin till my wedding night… And i do enjoy sex with my husband. After two years however my body seems to...

4 years ago
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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 6

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 6 Par Loulou Note : cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. ***** Chapitre 23 - Un matin enchant? Sam eut toutes les peines du monde ? ouvrir les yeux et de plus, il avait une affreuse migraine. Il regarda autour de lui mais pas moyen de se rappeler comment il ?tait venu jusqu'? sa chambre. Quel jour d?j?? Ah oui, samedi... il a...

2 years ago
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Die Sammlerin The Collector

Die Sammlerin (Teil 1 - 4)===============================================by Alphatier, © 2014/2015"Mein Ziel ist es, den Besuchern die wunderbare Komplexität des menschlichen und tierischen Körpers lebensnah aufzuzeigen. Hierbei soll das Plastinat auch an die eigene Sterblichkeit erinnern, indem es gleichsam augenzwinkernd zu den Betrachtern spricht: Ich war, wie Du bist: lebendig Du wirst sein, wie ich bin: tot Jedoch kannst Du auch sein, was ich bin: ein Plastinat."- Gunther von Hagens...

3 years ago
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Die Eselswirtin

© Petiteepona 13.2.1997 Die Eselswirtin Ich der Eselsknecht Nar, des Kaufmann Haglisch aus Ur, war auf einer Reise mit meinem Herrn zum Goldland Poot. Wegen unseres Ziels, edle Metalle zu kaufen und Gesch?fte zumachen, war mein Herr reichlich mit M?nzen versehen und wir allesamt gut bewaffnet. Nach sechs Wochen Reise und verschiedenen Stationen kamen wir zu einer Sch?nke.Schon vor unserer Ankunft h?rten wir weithin das kr?ftige I-A Geschrei der Esel. Offenbar eine Eselszucht. Zahlr...

4 years ago
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Was darf es denn sein junge Frau

Was darf es denn sein junge Frau? 0Elli war auf einem Wanderurlaub mit ihrer Freundin, die draussen wartete, und beide hatte Appetit auf etwas Leckeres. aeh, eigentlich wollte ich nur ein paar Frikadellen haben. Aber sie haben so leckere Sachen hier. Elli deutete auf zwei Schweinehaelften die an einem Haken an der Wand hingen. Alles von Tieren aus der Umgebung hier? Der Metzger laechelte. Natuerlich. Alles was hier verkauft wird stammt aus der Gegend und wird selbstverstaendlich auch hier...

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Famille Vendue

Famille Vendue        By chabaLa vie r?elle et nos fantasmes constituent deux mondes distincts et qui doivent toujours le rester. Texte tr?s cru et histoire tr?s hard (violence / inceste). Merci de passer ? autre chose si vous n’?tes pas certain d’avoir envie de lire ce genre de r?cit. Commentaires bienvenus/comments welcome sur [email protected] 1 - La capture.Le monde d’Evelyne s’?tait effondr? il y a deux semaines. Deux semaines depuis leur enl?vement et le d?but de l’ignoble dressage. Et demain, on leur ...

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Wochenende german

Wochenende?Schon als Alice die Haust?re ?ffnete wusste sie, dass es ein, f?r sie besonders sch?nes Wochenende werden sollte. Ihre Eltern waren bei Verwandten und ihre kleine Schwester Svenja sollte wohl bei einer Freundin sein. F?r Alice bedeutete dass vor allem eines, ein leeres haus. Alice war kein Topmodel, aber auch keine H?sslichkeit. Sie hatte schwarze schulterlange Haare und leuchtende graugr?ne Augen. Alice f?hlte sich wohl in ihrem kurvenreichen K?rper der nichts gemein hatte mit den m...

4 years ago
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Das Treffen

Das TreffenAuf dem Weg zum Bahnhof, ?berpr?fte sie noch einmal pflichtbewusst ihr Outfit. Er hatte es sich so gew?nscht, als sie sich zu diesem Treffen verabredet hatten. Lange hatte sie gez?gert, und dann doch endlich zugesagt. Vor Monaten hatte sie sich endlich getraut sich anzumelden. Lange hatte sie gez?gert. Die Sklavenzentrale. Allein der Name war schon respekteinfl??end. Irgendwann kamen sie ins Gespr?ch. Dieser unbekannte Dom und sie. Viele Mails sp?ter, nach vielen intensiven Gesp...

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Tecnical Stopover French

„Mesdames et Messieurs nous avons commencé notre descente surl´aéroport de Bruxelles National, veuillez maintenant attachervos ceintures de sécurité !". Claire la maître decabine de ce Boeing 767 charter aux couleurs belges, sortit de son sac a mainun petit miroir et son rouge a lèvre. Elle se reconnut évidemmentet l´instant d´une seconde le vide s´était á nouveauxfait dans sa tête: "quel voyage, comment une telle chose puisse m´êtrearrivée." Elle avait 37 ans, blonde aux cheveux mi-court et...

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Une chaude prof asservie

Une chaude prof asservie 1 Hot teacher enslaved 1 Coulybaca / Auteur inconnu    Madame Lucy Harper, du haut de ses 43 ans ?tait fi?re de ses formes acad?miques. Faire classe ?tait sa vocation ! La semaine pr?c?dente elle avait pris un de ses ?l?ves ? tricher lors d'un test sous les sifflements admiratifs de ses condisciples lorsqu'elle tourna le dos. Elle avait l'habitude de ces sifflets d'admirateurs m?les lorsqu?elle se d?hanchait devant eux en rentrant chez elle. Il n'y avait pas de miracle, son 95 c faisait t...

4 years ago
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Sex during my tour

Hai ISS readers This is romeo again with different experience.By the way i take this opportunity to thank the ppl who had responded after going through my story screwed my horny maid.Infact i had got lots of replies especially with ladies( married and unsatisfied) which led to any amazing sex experiences which I will share later Just for the new browers I will introduce my self ,I am an Engineer beloning to southern part of India i.e Chennai (Tamil Nadu).I am always a admirer of women.I always...

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Hypnotized at Work

A Short Story, Inspired by Lesbian Pussy by Kelly M. I liked that story premise. The idea of a woman forced to do something that she despises to have an orgasm is delicious. Plus, I’m at least half lesbo, so I love lesbian stories. I also love BDSM, heavier on the Dom/sub aspect than the Dom/slave or getting beat to a pulp to experience multiple orgasms. Not that I have ANYTHING against being tied up and beaten, I think its great fun, but not every day. There are some others that I totally...

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My Girlfriend s Rival Ch 3

Intro: Literotica.com author en_extase crafted three fabulous characters in his 2 part story, but left the second part at a cliffhanger. This is how I imagine it to have continued. Please read his amazing stories here: http://www.literotica.com/stories/memberpage.php?uid=688377&page=submissions That was weird. Jennifer, my girlfriend, said to stop by her place just before noon, and sure I was a little early, and she'd said to just come in since she would leave the door...

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The Poem Of Ecstasy

Performances of Scriabin’s “Le Poème de l’extase” have always been extremely rare. Madeleine listened enraptured to the solo trumpeter. He had a gorgeous tone and immaculate timing, obviously helped by a good ear. He was a natural. She admired the way his long fingers danced on the valves of the instrument and imagined those same fingers playing on her breasts. She admired his lean, athletic figure and his smart attire. The brass buttons of his navy blazer caught the spotlight and seemed to...

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Catching Up Part 4

A poem by another of Fen’s and my favourite French poets begins with a couple of lines about languorous ecstasy and amorous fatigue (the whole poem, C’est l’extase langoureuse, has been beautifully set by Gabriel Fauré). “Amorous fatigue” – yes, that was Gemma and me in spades by the time we had got back to her place and showered and changed. Neither of us felt like cooking, so Gemma phoned out for pizzas, and we sat at her kitchen table eating them with our fingers and drinking beer straight...

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The Poem Of Ecstasy

Performances of Scriabin’s “Le Poème de l’extase” have always been extremely rare. Madeleine listened enraptured to the solo trumpeter. He had a gorgeous tone and immaculate timing, obviously helped by a good ear. He was a natural. She admired the way his long fingers danced on the valves of the instrument and imagined those same fingers playing on her breasts. She admired his lean, athletic figure and his smart attire. The brass buttons of his navy blazer caught the spotlight and seemed to...

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Une escale pas banale

Juliette et Gabriel venaient d'arriver à l'aéroport de Casablanca. Une très longue correspondance dont ils auraient bien pu se passer. Mais malheureusement, pas d'autres options. Les vols directs pour leur destination étaient complets…. Comble du désagrément, leur billets leur avait coûté plus cher! Mince consolation, lors de leur enregistrement à l'aéroport de départ, leur compagnie aérienne leur avait offert un accès VIP à leur salon. Un petit prélèvement de salive pour leur offrir un service...

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Elle, je l’ai rencontrée chez moi. Elle s’appelait Maud. C’était une copine de fac de ma fille et elle était passée plusieurs fois à la maison. Beaucoup de filles et parfois de garçons défilaient chez nous, sans que j’y prête trop attention.J’étais par mon travail d’enseignant en biologie à l’université plus souvent à la maison que ma propre épouse, mais l’habitation bourgeoise dans laquelle nous vivions au cœur de Lyon était suffisamment grande pour permettre ce genre de cohabitation sans...

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libertinage et autres agrave bonne entendeur

En couple, Nous avons décidés de pimenter notre couple après une vie correct, au lieu de tromper pourquoi pas libertiner...La trentaine deux enfants, j'aime boire. lolApres inscription sur différents sites, on faisait les difficiles concernant les couples.Le feeling, les attentions, l'expériences etc... apprendre a se connaitre et plus si affinité....Seulement voila après avoir échangé différents dialogues avec un couple de saint pierre qui nous tapait a l'oeil, l’expérience commence à devenir...

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Eiffel eacute pisode 3

Eiffel – Chapitre 3Je passe les jours suivants sous antidouleur. Tous les jours, je vérifie l’état de mes blessures car je ne pourrai pas inventer un autre mensonge pour différer mon retour à la maison. Je n’ai qu’une crainte : que mon épouse voit les traces évidentes de mes déviances. Déviances que je me repasse en boucle sur la télé, me délectant en me branlant de me voir livré aux trois hommes comme la dernière des putes. Je suis fasciné par mon visage tantôt extatique, tantôt déformé par la...

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Ma premi egrave re sodomie

Cette histoire m'est arrivée quand j'avais 19 ans. Elle a probablement contribué à influencer toute ma vie sexuelle.Je venais de passer mon bac et fatiguée par les révisions je m'étais invitée chez ma tante Jacquie, à Grenoble, pour passer des vacances. Comme j'avais besoin d'argent, elle m'avait dégotté un petit boulot de serveuse dans une brasserie du coin qui commençait quelques jours plus tard.Je pris donc mon billet de train, 8H de trajet entre Bordeaux et Grenoble, quelques bouquins et un...

3 years ago
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Eiffel eacute pisode 1

Eiffel – Chapitre 1Cette histoire qui a changé ma vie se déroule à un moment où j’enchaîne des missions d’audit pour un grand éditeur de logiciel dans le coin du champ de Mars. Provincial et pas forcément très liant avec les employés de l’éditeur du fait de mon travail, j’ai pris l’habitude le midi de déjeuner en flânant vers la tour Eiffel et le Trocadéro.J’y observe avec amusement le jeu du chat et de la souris entre les policiers et les nombreux vendeurs à la sauvette africains qui tentent...

3 years ago
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la r eacute v eacute lation

Je n'avais pas encore 18 ans et je vivais une adolescence plutôt chaotique.Entre les conneries d'un garçon de cité HLM, les petits vols (emprunts) de mobylettes et une situation scolaire catastrophique. Je n'étais franchement pas le plus épanoui des garçons de mon âge !Toujours puceau, je ramassais râteau sur râteau de la part des filles qui m'aimaient bien pour la plupart mais comme copain pas plus. Il faut dire que j'étais le roi de la déconne et des bêtises et çà m'attirais une petite aura...

2 years ago
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Blog with success

Blog / success Y a-t-il un vrai homme, qui jouirait de transformer une ?me soeur encore englu?e dans une enveloppe masculine dans la femme de ses r?ves? Je serais vraiment partante, si un vrai amour et le contexte le permettent. Is there a true man who would enjoy to transform his soul mate still emprisoned in her male body in the woman of his dreams ? I am really ready to go all the way if there is true love and if the context makes it possible. Qui prend ma vie en main ? Jan ...

3 years ago
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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 9

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 9 Par Loulou Note: cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. ***** Chapitre 36 - Deux Mamans Inqui?tes La nuit fut assez calme et le personnel soignant ?tait pass? plusieurs fois afin de s'assurer que tout aller bien dans la chambre 127. Samantha ?tait bien plus fatigu?e qu'elle ne l'avait imagin? et elle s'?tait endormie tr?s rapidemen...

4 years ago
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Histoire d un fan de transformation partie 1

Cette histoire a ?t? faite avec l'aide de Xavier (dit Chlo?) Cyrille et Aur?lie (vous pouvez trouver ces histoire sur fictionmania). Vous voulez m'envoyer vos critiques, m'envoyer des captions, vous avez les m?mes go?ts que moi ou tout simplement vous voulez me transformer, envoyez moi un mail ? Chapitre 1 Par quoi commencer? Tellement de choses se sont d?j? pass?es. Assis nu sur cette chaise, mes pieds pendouillent. Tout est devenu si grand, si mena?ant. Tout semble m'?chapper maintenant. Si j'essa...

1 year ago
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Les grandes vacances d Arnaud

------------------------------------------------------------------------ Les grandes vacances d'Arnaud ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapitre 1 : la rancune de Maria Dans l'avion qui volait en direction d'Alicante, en Espagne, Arnaud ?tait sur son ordinateur. Il r?digeait un rapport pour son patron. - Arnaud, tu ne peux pas d?compresser un peu? Je te rappelle que nous sommes en vacances! Alex pous...

2 years ago
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Un souci avec les cellules grises

Je n'?tais pas loin d'avoir touch? le fond. Le coin n'?tait qu'une l?pre oubli?e dans la ville, o? venaient ?chouer les brutes et les ?clop?s, refoul?s comme du pus chass? d'un corps. Moi, je logeais au dernier ?tage d'un immeuble ? mis?re, dans une pi?ce grise dont la porte ne fermait plus. Les seuls meubles, c'?tait un matelas pos? au sol et une lampe dont je devais retirer l'ampoule chaque fois que je sortais, pour ne pas me la faire voler. Le palier n'?tait qu'une succession de petites chambres identiques ? la mienne, p...

2 years ago
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Omar French

Omar ? Premier jour de croisi?re Omar ? Le premier jour de croisi?reCruise Ship ? Day 1Coulybaca / Black Demon    *******************************************Cette histoire? se suffit en elle-m?me,Cependant elle est aussi la suite logique de :Omar - Viols lors de la croisi?re inaugurale (Cruise ship captives) ************************************************* Omar Shoron ne pouvait d?sirer meilleur poste que le sien, il ?tait ma?tre d'?quipage sur le navire de croisi?re "Isle of Pleasure".Il avait fait son c...

2 years ago
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Maa Ko Hariya Kaka Ne Choda

Meri Maa Ko Hariya Kaka Ne Choda My name is Shanky. Mei MP se hun. Mere ghar mei sirf 2 log hi hai. me n Mama. Meri mama actually meri dad ki eklouti choti sali hai matlab meri massi. Unone shadi ni ki thi kyunki mere Dad ke saath unka affair tha. ye baat meri asli maa ko pata ni thi. Mei bachpan se hi unko mama bolta hun aur legelly unhone mujhe adopt bhi kar rakha hai. mere dad k saath unka 2 sal tak tagada affair chala aur mere bap ne meri mama matlab unki saali ko 2 sal tak achee se rakh ke...

3 years ago
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Emily s Home Life Changes Pt 1

by Vanessa Evans This is the continuation of Emily’s First Solo Holiday and I suggest that you read that before this. Part 01 I finished the last part of my story shortly after I’d got home from my first solo holiday and agreed to the blackmail demands of my apartment mates, Jack and Oliver, that I be their slave like I had been the slave of the 3 guys on holiday. The truth being that my total character had changed whilst I was on holiday and on the flight back to England I was totally...

1 year ago
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Cheerleader Sluts

My name is Jade; I am a 23-yr. Old white female. I have shoulder length black hair and light green eyes. I must admit that I am a very pretty girl, A bit more sexy than sweet. I have the body of a whore and the face of an angel. I use both to my advantage. Let us just say that I am an experimental type. I have a 38D chest, with large light pink areola’s and slightly darker sensitive nipples. I can cum from just having my nipples played with. Hmmm, sorry drifted off there in fantasy a moment. I...

Group Sex
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The Good Girl

The Good GirlGoing down memory lane, aka the spank bank, I remember a girl I dated as a young man. She was a clerk in a store and we struck up a conversation as she rung up my purchase. We set up a date when she got off from work and I picked her up at her car behind the business. Let me tell you about Andrea. She was about 4’11”, blonde with green eyes. She had the fairest skin. She was around 104lbs so she was a well-shaped petite woman. She was working between her senior year of high...

1 year ago
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Educating the Capo Ch 02

I wrapped the bathrobe around her and led her into the house. This had all of a sudden become a real security issue, so I led her into the library, which doubled as my office. I sat her down on the leather couch opposite my desk, and quickly poured her another scotch, which she took with trembling hands. The tears were flowing freely now and I sat and watched as she sobbed silently. Loath as I was to disturb her I had to get a couple of quick answers from her before I could proceed. “Honey, I...

3 years ago
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Prey For Me Ch 03

Pt. III: Mysterious Disappearance Several weeks after her strange encounters of the sexual kind with Danel, Laurie had some unusual but familiar feelings. She went to the local drug store and purchased an ANSWER PLUS home pregnancy test. Purple haze. On the way to the store she sang … ‘Purple Haze all in my brain, Many things just don’t seem the same. Acting funny but I don’t know why. ‘Scuze me while I kiss the sky. Purple Haze, all around. Don’t know if I’m coming up or down. Am I happy or...

3 years ago
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My Sexy Mommy 8211 Part III

I am Raju and I’m 22 years guy lives with my mother Rekha. My Father had passed away when I was just 9 years. My mom is very beautiful lady. Although she is 42 years in age but she looks like 32 years only. She is 5.2 tall, extra fair complexions and her figure is 42 32 36. She looks dam sexy in sari low at navel and off sleeves blouse with deep cut in neck. We got house of our own at Dehradun with two bed room and one drawing cum dining room. Although our room is separate from mom but now I...

3 years ago
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How I Made My Nerdy Brother Popular

I graduated high school a couple of years ago and haven't done a whole lot since. Once I'd graduated, I realized that all I had was my looks to rely on. With my perky tits, skinny waist and round ass, I got myself a respectable job as an assistant. I blow my boss twice a week and he gives me Fridays off and passes my work on to his secretary. All I have to do at the job is get him coffee and look good, but I get pretty bored. My brother Jon is a complete nerd. He only has two friends, and...

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Taste of What you Want

By Allison When I tell people I am a lesbian they think they know me. They think I listen to the Indigo Girls, that I cut my hair short because I'm acting like a man and they think I liked the TV show 'Ellen'. People assume lesbians are a separate species. They either think we are girls having endless orgies with each other or they think we are women who have yet to meet the right man. Some think we all write poetry while others think I must have had a tattoo by now. People might think...

1 year ago
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"Come on in." I greeted my niece and nephew, "I've just put the kettle on, and you go and unpack while I make us all a cup of tea.""Coffee for me please." Martin grinned."And me." Tina added."Coffee it is then." I replied.Martin and Tina took their bags upstairs while I headed for the kitchen to make the coffee. As I waited for the coffee to percolate I wondered what the k**s and I could do for the next two weeks that they would be visiting me; I had the same problem every year, what to do....

1 year ago
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Spizoo Katrina Jade Perfect Blowjob

This brunette beauty does not wear the “slut” tattoo on her juicy ass for no reason. Katrina Jade is one of the leading ladies in the adult industry, and for good reason. This slut loves to suck cock, and she came to the home of world class adult entertainment to prove it. You are in luck though. She will be sucking YOUR cock in this hardcore POV BJ. This girl cannot get enough cock in her mouth. Just when you think she cannot deep throat you, she takes the rest down the...

2 years ago
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Sexy wife and I continued

Hello My suzie and I have been together going on thirty years it has been a great ride . I have written about our adventures in the laundry and in the yard on the deck our dining room of our new house and our date to the erotic drive in on our third date, She was a hottie then and still my hottie we love it when we do have time and the wanting to have sex some awesome hot wet sex! We use to have swimming pools some only a foot and half deep a k**dy pool we use to lie in it on a warm summer...

2 years ago
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I Told You

“No, please…” I barely audibly whispered.“Shut up you little cum whore!”“So... ohh god, no... Fuuuuuuuck,” the words leaked through my painted lips.“You want that hole filled too, you little cocksucking bitch?”“No, please! God, just stop please…”“You’re so ready… I told you you’d be my bitch,” she taunted.Of course, there wasn’t much I could do to argue with her. Regardless of the obvious physical advantage I would normally have over her, there was the small problem of being helplessly slung...

3 years ago
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C Tennant Concierge

It was me, Charlie who came up with the plan of how Connor and Curt was going to have lots of sex in this hell hole of a place that dad agreed to sent us to so we would learn responsibility. It was dad's bright idea that we needed to begin to fend for ourselves, and only took me an hour to pervert his plan to include my brothers. Going to dad with my idea of making me a concierge at his newest adult only condo called Bayston by the Beach in Greenville Bay. He fell for it hook, line and sinker,...

3 years ago
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The Road to ChaosChapter 7

While I spent the next 31 days working on the boat and learning how much I didn’t know ... the girls spent. Every day they came in exhausted ... sore footed and sunburned, having been hiking the shops in the mornings and exploring the beaches in the afternoons. I was expecting an enormous card payment ... but ... no. Zoe was buying deepwater safety gear while Cyn was buying ... dental floss and gun patches and referring to them as bathing attire. When we finally dipped the hull and reset the...

2 years ago
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My First Meeting of my Sexy Cousin

I remember the first time I met her, she was only 17 years old, and I was 25. I was shocked to even find out I had an attractive female half cousin but, after the small talk I knew for a fact this was my type of gal! Let me explain a little about me, I am 6'2, 275 lbs, with good muscle definition, brown hair, and brown/green eyes, and have always been athletic. Heather (my half cousin) was in my home town with my uncle for a softball tournament, and I am a sucker for a gal that can smack some...

4 years ago
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Chocolate Goodies

one day we where watching a classic porn movie about a young girl upducted by several BlackMen.Well my wife was getting horny normally if she watches porn loves the ones with a story line> I rather have action but thats me lol.After we watched she was horny and suggested she someday like to try a Blackmale.We have swinged before was a couple we meet through online Adult site. She enjoyed but was afraid to say that she has a hunger for dark meat. Well after that we searched the internet and...

3 years ago
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Albany to Albania A Tectonic Story

She giggled to herself as she opened the gift wrapped package waiting for her at this hard-to-find scenic overlook and found its contents.  She was freezing, her toes numb after the short walk from the parking lot along the unshoveled path.  She thought it would be warmer here near the Mediterranean. There was a map, marked with a small red X, a blindfold, and a note.  ‘I needed to be sure you were alone.  I am most likely looking at you right now from far away, excited to finally meet you.  At...

First Time
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The Mediterranean Guesthouse Chapter 1

All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. *******************The Guesthouse – chapter 1The flight had arrived on time, but the luggage was taking ages to arrive. It was already midnight, and I was feeling tired after spending full day at work and then flying to Cyprus. I was just waiting to get to the guesthouse and get in a good nights sleep. Watching the other passengers I could tell this was what other...

1 year ago
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Milk addiction

I am the regular reader of this site. And I am happy to share my experience with you all. This is true story of mine and was happened a week back, like others it was not just a fantasy story. I am Lucky and am working as computer professional in Kochi. I am 36, 5’7” tall, athletic body. This is the story of my experience with a lady, who is about 32 yrs old and is working with me, she was a Muslim ,tall, fair and very gorgeous lady. I heard that she had some sexual affair with some other in...

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Runner s MoonChapter 2

Walt had been rather cryptic in his comment about Josh's mother; he couldn't have said much more, what with Chris and Danny sitting there. But, Josh pretty well knew what he was talking about, and he had plenty of time to think about it as he and Danny ran K-Pit down to Camden. It wasn't anything new, after all. Simply put, Sarah Archer didn't want her son to be a railroader. She wanted him to go to college, and make something of himself. He and Walt had been able to sell her on the...

4 years ago
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rich boy love 60

so a few hours later we woke up again for the final time and got into the shower together i looked at harveys dick and noticed it was a little brused i said to harvey "did i do that baby?" harvey cuddled me and said "yeah but i know you didnt mean to" i gave harvey a lovingly kiss and said "im really sorry baby" harvey smiled at me and said "its fine babe honestly" so me and harvey got dressed and harvey went to go see his mom and i had nothing to do for once so i sat in the living...

2 years ago
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A King and His QueenChapter 29 Raven s First

After the evening meal, Andrew walked into the sex room expecting to find Cat waiting for him. Instead, he found Raven kneeling at the doorway. She was looking down at the floor in a very submissive posture. He could see that she was trembling out of nervousness and fear. Raven was naked. For the first time since she had arrived, Andrew was able to see her whole body. He'd seen her in a modest swimsuit in Hawaii. Despite the minimal material, it had still covered the important bits. Now she...

3 years ago
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A Billionaire s LifeChapter 6 The Houseguests

SEPTEMBER "Can you really believe it's been a year?" Taylor smiled and tilted her champagne glass back for a sip. But halfway to her lips, her hand froze and she squeezed her eyes shut, moaning softly. I glanced down to where Cassandra was kneeling between Taylor's legs, slurping my cum out from my wife's saturated pussy. Taylor herself was reclined in a bucket seat on the jet, fully naked and covered in sweat. When Taylor opened her eyes, the deep blue pools were unfocused and her...

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SandcastlesChapter 35

I could have panicked. An underage girl I barely knew and had accepted responsibility for had just left for parts unknown and I had only one clue where she might have gone. Her mother lay unconscious in my guestroom, beaten senseless by my lover. The unconscious mother would have to be tended by the daughter of the woman who had just brutalized her. What, me worry? After checking on Nicole, I went up to Janey's room. She was already getting dressed, her eyes still puffy and swollen from...

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After the Reunion Ch 19 a

Saturday morning, October 14, 2028I watched our new van with my wife driving turn the corner and pass out of my sight. I wasn’t kidding her when I said I was terrified. This situation is so different than anything else we’ve done, sending her off, encouraging her to fall for another guy, a young, probably good-looking, eligible guy. Stupid, stupid, stupid! But I know I couldn’t have stopped her or even myself from wanting this. Maybe I’m totally sick, but I was hard as a rock thinking about...

Wife Lovers
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Andy TaylorChapter 16

Early in the Carlson's visit Andy had called Barbara Cumings and arranged for her to come over for dinner and bring Terry Williams with her. It was arranged for the next night. When she told Ellie that she would have to be dressed, the woman commented, "Prudes! Andy Taylor, why do you always have to invite prudes over here for dinner?" Then she told Andy how much she and Sam had enjoyed the previous few days. Andy saw Ellie's expression change and she asked about it. Looking guilty the...

4 years ago
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How I Started as a Diapered Sissy

How I started as a diapered sissy By [email protected] I was born and raised in southern California with a sever foot deformity. I spent the first 10 years of my life in hospitals or at home with both of my feet and legs in casts or braces. At this time I could not walk by myself or get to the bathroom by myself so I was kept diapered with cloth diapers and rubber pants. To get around I was pulled around in a red wagon or pushed around in a wheelchair by my parents or my...

1 year ago
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The Game First Time Sex Part 12 Presents

Please read chapters 1 - 11 in order to get absorbed into the plot up to this point in our adventures. Simply search on "The Game" to find the stories to read in chronological order. Chapters 1 - 6 have been revised but not posted. I am sorry that the better editions are not available on the website, so please overlook typos, logic errors, and tense mismatches in those stories. Thanks in advance for reading and leaving reviews. We just got back from the High Sierra Music Festival, and I can't...

First Time
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My latest lover

It’s no secret that I’m a self confessed whore for a cute black guys. Every time I see a guy who catches my eye I immediately stare at his crotch looking for the tell tale bulge of his hidden secret. I met a guy in a jewellers in a shopping centre. I’d gone in there with my sister to look at some necklaces when I saw him. He was a security officer. He was tall dark and handsome. Very athletic looking and I loved the definition of his arms in his crisp white shirt. The contrast was amazing as...

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BackroomCastingCouch Serenity 01 07 2019

When we asked 20 year old Serenity for her wildest sex story and basically got a blank stare, we knew her quest for new experiences was legit. That being said, she has a lesbian girlfriend and has already done a threesome, so at least she’s on the right track. She prefers lesbian porn, so we pretty much know where her head is at. Not the retail type, she raises reptiles (not kidding!) and has a love of snakes, which probably explains why she was so into Vince’s slithering cock....

4 years ago
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Canine Therapy Chapter 3

Knowing she was now officially a patient under Dr. Conseil Amy felt herself shudder at the thought of continued therapy. Try as she might, she couldn’t help but wonder what was in store for her on Friday. It was gnawing at her, filling her with a morbid curiosity. Throughout the week she kept up with her normal life as best she could. It was a struggle to attend her Sports and Physical health lectures as well as gymnastics training, but she was doing her best to at least show up. That was...

2 years ago
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My Wife Her SlaveChapter 44 The New Client

Nina wasn’t feeling any ill effects after being fisted at the bar the night before. She had slept extremely well, chalking that up to the number of orgasms she had experienced and the dancing. She was actually feeling really good as she grabbed breakfast and got ready for work. She also remembered to pack a small suitcase since she would be staying at Gretchen’s for the night, and would need clothes for work the next day. She had just settled herself at her desk and was opening her e-mail...

2 years ago
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Coven Encounter

Coven encounter "I should have known before I even tried that the coven had thought of everything," I thought to myself. I had stopped on my way home and bought makeup remover, nail polish remover, a pair of hair clippers, and a set of male clothes, but they all proved useless. The makeup and nail polish survived my attempts to remove them without so much as a spot, and while I was actually able to cut my hair, it regrew in seconds. The clothes were much the same. I could...

3 years ago
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Family Wedding

I was attending the wedding of my cousin and for the first time I saw his bride Paula. Not particularly a pretty girl but she had an interesting face. What she did have was an outstanding figure. It was one of the Italian ones, big up top, big hips but with a small waist. The wedding reception had being going on now for some time and I had sunk a few beers and needed a pee. I wandered about upstairs in the hall looking for the loo when I open a door and there was the bride in the middle of...

3 years ago
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Best Friend Fun

You live in a dinky little town with not much to do (except fuck) and your best friend comes to live at your apartment. Only problem you only have one bedroom, one bed, AND worst of all one bathroom. Now you can be a girl with a guy best friend, a girl with a girl best friend, a guy with a girl best friend, or a guy with a guy best friend. Which will you choose?

2 years ago
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La detective

"Signor Giuli mi dispiace ma questi sono i fatti" - ero nel mio studio e stavo mettendo al corrente un mio cliente degli ultimi aggiornamenti sul suo caso: tre mesi fa la figlia era stata rapita durante una crociera nel mediterraneo la polizia non ha mai trovato niente, allora si era rivolto alla mia agenzia, mio marito aveva lavorato diverse volte per la sua società e quando lo informai che mio marito era rimasto ucciso ed io avevo preso il suo posto nell'agenzia era rimasto sorpreso ma mi...

Group Sex
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Going Nova ch 13 Sick Day

Midway through an 11 am meeting, his phone buzzed in his pocked. He pulled it out and saw a text from Hazel. Along with it was an attachment. The text said, “For your eyes only. Sound up! ;-)” The thumbnail was too small to discern, but Warrick concluded that his wife had sent him something racy. After that, he couldn’t pay attention for the rest of the meeting, so he was thankful that it ended early and with no additional work required from him, either. He dismissed himself and went to his...

4 years ago
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The Dance Final Chapter

She looked absolutely gorgeous as I turned to watch her walking slowly up the aisle on her father's arm, I had to stifle a grin as mum blew her nose and gripped Helen's mother's hand.Next to me, Danny whispered that she looked radiant and I smiled again."Why don't you just say that she's fucking gorgeous?" I whispered."You're in a church Lenny," he hissed back at me, "Have some fucking respect.""Bollocks.""Fucking twat.""Are you sure you've got the ring?""Oh fuck," he exclaimed. "Oh shit Lenny,...

3 years ago
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Sarah Sean and his wife

He was tall, handsome and older, a lot older. She had met Sean in a bar where they started flirting and then he took her home with him. They had steaming hot sex. Sean had fucked her hard from behind, missionary and from an angle only a flexible 21 year old could pull off. When they finally fell asleep they were both exhausted. Sarah woke up around noon and noticed that she was alone in the bed. She decided to go into the kitchen to look for him. She put on her panties and a long shirt that...

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The Couple Swap Between Two Hot Couples

Hello friends, this is raj here back again with another incident and today I am narrating a true incident of my life. Any girls/ladies in germany or gujarat want to have a discreet friendship/share secrets or stories with a 27 year hot guy den email me at I am 6 feet and had quiet a few affairs. I travel to gujrat frequently and stay in germany. Any of you hot bhabhis interested please email me. If a couple wants to swap they can message me as well. I will share my experiences later of wife...

2 years ago
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MFM Experience In Bangalore

This is Rahul 26 staying in Bangalore. This is my first story ISS which is a real incident i am putting it here with the permission of the other 2 persons involved. Any mature female or couple want to try a discrete relationship please write to me on The relation i am sharing is 4 month old. In the September i returned to Bangalore from my US trip and I just had my first mfm with a Indian cpl there for 2 months. I will share about my US experience in a diff thread if you guys interested in...

2 years ago
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Submisive girlfriend

I love the idea of you telling me what you want to do and how you want me to do it. I would love being really submissive for you and pleasing you in whatever way you want me to. I can dress up for you in my white lace basque and lace topped stockings with white high stiletto platform heels and a tiny lacy thong. You would be sitting on the bed watching tv and thinking I was in the other room, wouldn’t expect me all dressed up for you. You would turn to look at me and just stare at me, not being...

4 years ago
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Sherry in Public

Sherry and I have become an adventurous couple in the last couple of months. It all began one evening when we went to dinner at the local Chili’s Restaurant, right across the street from the football stadium at the local university. We had played around a little with Sherry showing off some to truckers. Once we even got down to both of us being nearly nude. She got on her knees and began giving me a blow job on the freeway. I reciprocated by reaching over and fingering her pussy as we drove...


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