EMS: A Great Shift Story. free porn video

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The siren split through my head like a razor and the lights shone off of the wet street and the rain on the parked cars, flashing into the cab of the ambulance like an epileptic dreamscape. It was two hours past our off time and yet here we were racing towards another code 3 call. Allie, my partner, drove as always while I navigated from the passenger seat. We had worked together on the same ambulance for the past three years. Allie was one of the best EMTs in the business, and one of my closest friends since I moved to the US from England. We called her Mighty Mouse, she was 5 feet tall with a slightly heavy frame, big curves and long, sandy blond hair. Allie was not Hollywood beautiful, but was very attractive in a strong, physically fit way, a small but powerful and confident woman in her mid 20's. We pulled up outside of the address on our dispatch notes and found a police car already on scene. I grabbed a Jump bag and we pulled the gurney from the back of the ambulance and headed inside. The house was a nondescript cookie-cutter suburban home in the middle of 100 other identical homes.We walked past the police officer in the doorway who directed us to leave our gurney outside and just proceed to one of the back bedrooms. Thankfully unlike most of our after hours calls this house was brightly lit and warm on the inside. The house was neat and tidy looking almost like a show home, almost as if no one lived there. And in a way, that would be a correct assessment. In the back bedroom we found the owner of the house. He had obviously died much earlier in the day. The man in his late 70s or early 80s life peacefully fully clothed on his bed. He looked in no distress, as if he decided to take a nap and simply passed away. From the stiffness in his bones and muscle, the mottled look of his pale skin we knew there was nothing we could do aside from wait for the coroner We hooked up our equipment to double check his heart, and after finding no signs of life notified the corner and then packed up the equipment to go and wait in the ambulance. While sitting outside the house we tried to lighten the mood with some jokes and discussions about what we were planning on doing the next day. Allie was planning a date with her, on again off again, boyfriend. I had planned to spend the next day with my wife and two young daughters tidying the house, maybe going to the park, grabbing some food. Just general family stuff. At 35 I wasn't looking for much excitement from my days off. Just a quiet day with my happy little family. "Honestly I'll just be glad when we get to go back to the station and I can take this fucking bra off," Allie said, shifting uncomfortably attempting to readjust herself in the drivers seat, "it's been driving me crazy all day!" "Maybe that is what you should be doing tomorrow, shopping for bras that fit you, instead of wasting your time with Steve," I replied. I had never liked Steve he always seemed like he wasn't good enough for Allie. He always seemed like he was just hanging around until something better came along, which made me furious. Allie deserved so much better. She was a wonderful funny person with a bright future and caring heart. "Yes, you might be right, I've been benching a lot more weight at the gym recently and none of them fit comfortably anymore but I've spent all of this time planning a romantic day out with Steve that it seems a shame to waste it just to go shopping." She said half heartedly. I knew we were about to launch into the same old conversation that we would always have regarding Ally's relationship with Steve. I thought he was a waste of time and while she agreed, Allie had confidence issues and was a little insecure about her looks. In her mind she was five feet tall with a little extra padding, which was highlighted by her short stature and that made her "short and fat." However, anyone who had met her for more than five minutes could tell you what a catch she is. While not necessarily the most conventionally beautiful woman she had a spark and enthusiasm that was extremely attractive. However, she felt that Steve was the best she could hope for and nothing anyone could say would change her mind. I was about to give her my opinion for the hundredth time when I noticed in the rearview mirror a bright white shining light. "Looks like the coroners here," I said and then everything went black. When I awoke my first thoughts were that I was tied up. It felt like I had a rope tied tight around my waist and another around my chest. But when I opened my eyes I discovered I was sitting behind the steering wheel of the ambulance. I looked around to find, myself, or at least my body, stirring in the passenger seat. I didn't know what to do I just sat and stared open mouthed at my body sitting in the passenger seat. "When did I get that belly," I thought to myself in shock. "When did my hair get that thin?" My body moved and stretched as it opened its eyes. I looked myself up and down. I was around 5'8," 38 years old but in reasonable shape. I had a little paunch but wasn't fat or oafish looking. My hair was dirty blond....and thinning faster than I realized, apparently. "Wow, I guess I was more tired than I thought," my body said in a distinctly American accent. Very jarring against my usual east London accent. My body coughed, clearing its throat. "Sorry, my..." my body paused. "My voice sounds..." My body cleared its throat again. "What the fuck is wrong with my voice?" my body demanded as it turned to look in my direction. As I gazed into the blue eyes I had seen a thousand times before in my bathroom mirror, the world returned to darkness. When I awoke again I was laying down. And this time I was tied down. I could tell from the noise and the movement that I was laying on the gurney in the back of the ambulance as we drove down some street or another. Swerving from side to side every now and then. The back of the ambulance was lit gently by the running lights and the occasional passing streetlamp. I've reached out in the dark and undid the safety buckles which secured me to the gurney. I struggled to sit up, I felt heavier somehow, and all of my clothes felt too tight and restrictive. I swung around in the dim light and looked through to the cab. I could see myself driving. In the rear view mirror I could see the track of tears running down my face. "Hello?" I mumbled, the sound of my voice sounding high pitched and wobbly, like frightened child. I tried again. "Hello?" My face turned to look at me in the mirror. "Er...hey," my body said to me, quickly wiping the tears from my eyes with a sleeve. Something about my body now talking to me washed me with fresh terror and I struggled to remain calm. "Who are you and what the fuck is going on?" I asked, my voice still shaking. "I'm Allie, but I don't normally look like this. I normally look like you. But when I woke up I looked like this...err....like my partner, Ryan," my body explained. "I'm Ryan," I replied. "What the fuck is going on?" Allies shoulders, or rather, my bodies shoulders sagged as if all the air had been let out of my body, then she began to sob. "I don't know how this happened, I just woke up like this and I saw you faint, so I put you in the back to lay down. But I didn't know what to do, the radio says it's not just us this has happened to and to stay away from the ER unless it's life and death, so I just started driving back to the station..." "Woah, slow down," I tried to soothe Allie, "we'll get this sorted out. You did the right thing. Does the radio say what's going on?" Allie sniffed and wiped my body's eyes again. "Not really, just that people have swapped bodies but it's all over for now. No one knows what's happening. But they declared a state of emergency." "Fuck," I said. "Ok, I guess we just try and stay calm, head back to the station then work out what to do from there." "That's my plan," Allie mumbled, annoyed. I looked at my body driving. It was the craziest thing to watch yourself do something without you. I guessed it wasn't really my body right now, but it felt weird to think that. I noticed Allie looked uncomfortable and was shifting in the drivers seat as she drove. "Are you ok?" I asked, concerned. "I need to go to the restroom," she replied. I remembered that while we had been waiting, the need to piss had begun to rear it's head. But I was gonna hold it until after the coroner arrived. I guess that had been a while ago now. "How long were we out?" "Best I can tell, only a couple of minutes. But then you fell out again and that was about 45 minutes ago," Allie explained as she began to pull the ambulance to the side of a quiet street. "Sorry, I can't hold it anymore." Allie stopped the ambulance and climbed out. Suddenly, the side door opened and the back of the ambulance was flooded with light. My body stood there looking nervous. "Hey listen, this is weird but I really need to go, but I don't wanna touch your....thing.... without permission," Allie said sheepishly. I paused for a second. I mean, what a question to be asked? I guess its ok? What's the alternative? "Err...sure, I guess that's ok." I stumbled over the sentence. My body smiled in response. "Ok, thanks." I watched as my body awkwardly unzipped my pants and began to fish around in inside my boxers. "Hey dude, can I get out of the splash zone first?" I found myself saying. Allie stopped grasping for my dick and moved out of the way of the door to allow me to escape. "Sorry, Ry. But I really gotta go." Allie smiled nervously. I scrambled out of the back of the rig. When I dropped down to the street I noticed two things. Firstly the ground was a lot further away than normal. Secondly the weight on the front of my chest jostled under my uniform uncomfortably. I unconsciously reached up to hold them still. "Hey, what are you doing?" Allie asked mid stream. I felt my face flush red as I pulled my hands away from her breasts. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I wasn't thinking, they just bounced and I grabbed them without..." I stammered. "Haha, don't worry about it. They do get pretty bouncy when they're as big as mine are, I know how that works" Allie laughed as she put my penis back inside my pants. "But Listen, I've been going over this. We don't know how long this will last, so let's just agree that whatever body we're in now is 'our' body and we can do whatever we need to it. Within reason." It made good sense, rather than constantly asking for permission from each other. "Ok, sure. But can we go home please. Your body is really uncomfortable." I smiled. Allie balked, "MY body is uncomfortable? I sat on YOUR balls earlier and thought I was gonna vomit and die!" We both laughed. But I knew that if we didn't laugh and hold it together, I was liable to fall to pieces. I turned and climbed into the passenger side of the ambulance. Being so much shorter now, it really was a climb. As we drove quietly back to station I marveled at the evening. The neighborhood we were in was surprisingly calm. Although, with a mostly elderly community in this part of town I didn't expect riots and burning cars. There were just the odd car stopped and abandoned in the road. A few time we saw people wandering the street seemingly lost, but we realized there wasn't much we could do and no one seemed injured. We just drove on slowly, looking around. Everything looked bigger. Even the seat I sat in felt huge. I had never thought of how the world looked to Allie but now I knew first hand. It was weird, like being a child again. "You seemed pretty calm," Ally said as we drove through the night. I thought for a moment. "Yes, I guess so but then that's what we're trained to do isn't it?" I replied thoughtfully. "We're supposed to be the calm heads when all around us are losing theirs." "Well yes," Allie said, "but this is a little bit more unusual than most situations we deal with. I mean, I never thought today would be the day I would wake up with a cock between my legs." "Yes I wasn't expecting to go home with these tonight," I said reaching up and grabbing my large breasts for added emphasis. "Yeah, I think Anna's gonna be about as pleased with them as Steve is gonna be with this thing down here!" Allie grumbled and nodded down towards her crotch. "Ah, shit. You're right," I agreed as I thought about how I was going to explain this to my wife. "I should call her." I reached into my back pants pocket only to discover that I could barely get my hand into it. My pants were so tight it made the pocket almost useless. "What is wrong with buying pants that fit you properly, Allie?" I grumbled. Allie looked over at me fumbling with her butt. She looked shocked for a moment and then smiled "Yeah, good luck with that. It's not easy finding pants that fit my big bum and short legs. Almost impossible, in fact. I hope you like wearing maxi dresses because they're gonna be your best friends." "What the fuck is a Maxi dress?" I asked alarmed. "And where's my phone?" Allies laugh was illuminated briefly by an oncoming set of headlights. It was very strange to see my face laugh, with my voice, but Allies feminine laugh. Very strange indeed. "Well, your phone is here," she said, pulling my cell from her cargo pant pocket. "And I've gotta say, men's clothes rock! So loose and comfortable. It's like I'm at work in my pajamas. Haha." Allie shuffled her but around the seat to highlight the comfort of her male wardrobe. "I'm getting that, but I feel like I'm wearing the smallest size they had, but then they shrank during the day!" I retorted as I dialed my wife's number. "Bingo!" Allie exclaimed. "Welcome to women's fashions." The phone rang and I waved Allie to be quiet. The phone suddenly picked up and Anna's voice answered the phone. "Hello? Who's this?" the voice said. "Anna? It's me Ryan," I responded, "listen, I know I sound weird but something happens and..." "Hello, wait, wait, I'm not whoever's phone this is. My name is Lisa. I went to bed and then there were babies crying and I was an old woman. I don't know where I am." The sound of my wife's voice sounding so panicked was worse than anything that had happened so far tonight. I managed to stay in crisis management mode and think for a second. "Ok, Lisa, is it?" I held on but my need to break down and cry was so strong. "My name is Ryan. Those are my daughters and it seems like you are in my wife's body. Listen, I'm a paramedic and I'm on my way home to help you. But I'm gonna be another hour. Have you ever looked after children before?" I asked and crossed my fingers. "Yeah, sure. I babysat my neighbors kids in the summer," Lisa replied. I released the breath I'd been holding. "That great. My girls are good kids. Just grab whatever snacks you like and put a cartoon on for them and I'll be back as soon as I can. Please, don't leave the house. It could be dangerous. I will help you get home as soon as I get there. Does that sound ok?" "Sure thing, ma'am. I'll look after them until you get back." Lisa said. The woman on the phone calling me ma'am made me mentally stumble for a moment but I recovered quickly. "Great! See you in a little while. Call if you need anything." I said and hung up. "Oh fuck, Anna's swapped too and some kid is in her body with my kids." Allie looked over at me concerned. "Ok, wanna give the station a miss and go straight home? I can drive us there, no problem." I thought about it, but we were almost outside the station now so we decided it was better to just grab our cars and split up. So we turned into the station and parked up next to the row of other ambulances. "It's my turn for a toilet break," I announced and I jumped out of the rig. "Ok, I'm gonna call Steve, and move my gear to my car but I'll wait until you get back before I leave," Allie called back. "And don't forget to wipe front to back, I don't want a UTI!" I winced at the reminder of my new plumbing but I figured it was a good point. Despite having been in this body for almost an hour, I felt so weird walking across the parking lot. My short legs took almost ridiculously tiny steps and it felt like I was almost running to travel at my normal walking speed. Added to that was the roll of my hips, which combined with my new shapelier ass meant that my buttocks shook slightly with each step. The whole thing was very distracting. I reached the door to the restroom and had to remind myself to use the women's. Although, it hardly seemed to matter at the moment as the station was empty. I moved into a stall and unfastened my pants. They were so tight I had to shimmy my butt and hips to get them off at all. Once they were down around my knees I sat down and relieved my full bladder. Despite what Allie and I had agreed, that this was my body for the time being, I tried to respect the body and not look at Allies crotch while I was in the restroom. But It shocked me, the force which erupted from my new vagina. No real effort at all and then It was over. I took some paper and reached to wipe myself off. When the paper touched my outer lips I almost jumped off of the seat. But ultimately I regained my composure, dried myself and forced myself back into Allies ridiculously tight pants. When I walked back into the crew area Allie was waiting for me. "Hey listen, I can't get hold of Steve but I'm sure he's fine. He told me he was hanging out at home today. So I've decided to drive up with you and make sure you're all ok," Allie told me. "No, don't worry about me. I can take care of myself," I replied. Allie walked towards me and for the first time I realized how much bigger he was compared to me now. "That's the thing, I'm not sure you can. You're in my body now, the rules have changed." She said "What do you mean?" I asked. "Look, you're used to being a big tough guy, right? No one really messes with you. But now you're a little blond woman. That's a whole different ball game. When you are small like I am, you're someone that can literally be picked up and stolen, you'll need someone to make sure you don't get in any trouble until you're used to the situation," Allie explained. "Haha, I think I can drive home ok by myself, Allie. I'm in your body, I'm not disabled." I laughed. "I'm still coming with you," Allie said. I sighed. "Fine, but I'm driving." Allie laughed, it was odd to hear my laugh from the outside. Allie then reached around my back and, in one swift move, and unstrapped the bra I was wearing. The straps that had been digging into my shoulder instantly released and the relief was instant. "Oh my god, I didn't even know I could feel that much relief with such a small gesture" I exclaimed as I rubbed where the bra straps had been digging into my shoulders. "Oh yeah," Allie smiled. "That's the best part of my day!" I smiled back and continued to rub. "Ok, let's go change and then we can drive out to my place. Meet you back here in five?" "Sure thing, my locker is 34," Allies said as she tossed me the keys. "Mine's 57," I replied catching them, "45,20,35 is the combination." We walked into our respective locker rooms and I opened Allies locker. Inside I found a pair of leggings, a fleece jacket and some running shoes. The leggings were black but the jacket and shoes were hot pink. I hate hot pink, I thought as I undid the uniform shirt I was wearing. Once it was off I also removed the bra from under the T-shirt I had on. Wow, that felt better. I peeled off Allies pants and struggled to get the leggings on. Once I was dressed I bent down to tie my shoes two things happened. Firstly I fell in love with the feeling of freedom I got from wearing the leggings instead of the tight work pants I'd had on a moment ago. Secondly I had my first taste of life with large breasts. Without the bra holding them, when I bent over forwards to tie my laces, they swung violently out and forward causing me to almost fall on my head from the change in weight distribution. I luckily caught myself against the locker and the decided to take a seat before making another attempt. After pulling on the jacket I returned to the crew area feeling way more comfortable. Allie was waiting there for me. "Typical women, taking forever to get ready!" She smirked. I laughed and then we headed out to the car. We walked towards my truck, an old Mitsubishi 4x4. I climbed into the drivers seat and found my legs didn't reach the pedals. "Fuck, you're short," I grumbled. "I know, right?!" Allie laughed. "You'll just have to adjust the seat way forward, like I have to." I struggled with the seat for a moment. Even this seemed heavier and harder to do. Finally I got my feet to the pedals but then had to move the seat back fully upright to see out of the windscreen. We pulled out of the parking lot and headed towards my house. As we drove I discovered that in this position the wheel stuck uncomfortably into my stomach and hit my breasts when I turned the wheel. How did Allie cope with this everyday, I wondered. The roads were still pretty empty although the radio was reporting widespread chaos all over. I felt very relieved to have moved away from LA last year. We drove in silence until we reached my home. The lights were on as I pulled up the driveway. "Are you gonna be like ok?" Allie asked quietly as we approached the front door. "I think so, as long as the kids are ok and we can find Anna, I'll be fine," I replied as I opened the door with my key. Inside my young daughters sat with the woman in my wife's body, watching TV. The all turned and my girls shouted "Daddy!" And jumped off the couch, running over and grabbing Allie by the legs in a hug. She looked surprised but happy at the strange event. Both girls then turned to me and said, "Hi, Auntie Allie." I realized that this was going to be a tough thing to explain to two toddlers. I just smiled, knelt down and gave them a hug. When I stood I turned to Allie and said, "So, you said you were going you read the girls a story before bed tonight?" It took Allie a second by then said, "Yeah, right! Ok, come on girls!" She lead then skipping of to their room and hopefully, to sleep. Giving me a moment with my "wife." "Hi Lisa, I'm Ryan," I extended my hand to her. She took it cautiously and shook it. "Are you ok?" "Not really, I'm in someone else's body and I want to go home." She started to tear up. "You're doing great, Lisa. You did an awesome job looking after my girls and I'm gonna do everything I can to help you," I tried to sooth her. "You're in my wife's body. She is 30 years old, how old are you?" "I'm 14," she replied. "I don't wanna be old. I wanna go home." Internally I laughed at Lisa's idea of old but decided to let it go. "Ok, where do you live?" "12334 Hope street," she replied. I was relieved. "That's the next block over. We can call to make sure your family are ok and then drop you back. Would that be ok?" Lisa began to cry and nod her head. I gave her a hug to comfort her. It was a very odd feeling, my wife's body was a good foot taller than Allie. So I ended up with my head pushed against her breasts when she pulled me in. I just hugged her back and listened to her sobbing. I felt bad for her. Allie coughed as she returned to the lounge. "They're both out cold. The must have been really tired. But other than that they seem like normal" Allie stated and took a seat on the sofa. "That's a relief," I breathed. While I gave Lisa my cell to call home, I explained to Allie what was happening and the plan. She agreed it would be better for her to drive Lisa home. As Lisa hung up the phone there was a knock at the door. I began to walk over but Allie stood and blocked my way. I understood, it might be better for her to get the door. Just to be safe. She slowly opened the door and a beautiful young woman with golden red hair threw herself through the doorway and hugged Allie. "Oh thank God you're here! I think I would loose my mind if you weren't," the woman cried. "I was watching TV and then everything went black. Next thing I'm backstage at a strip club. Everyone was running around crazy, I got out and ran home!" "Anna?" I asked from behind Allie. The woman lifted her head from Allies chest and looked at me for the first time. She was beautiful. The make up she wore was obviously for the stage, very glittery and colorful but through that the woman had soft natural beauty. She blinked at me. "Allie?" she asked. "Why are you here? What's going on?" I gulped, my mouth suddenly dry. "Anna? It's me. Ryan. Allie and I swapped bodies. Everyone has aside from the kids." The woman seemed to loose focus for a moment then turn to look at Lisa. "So who has my body?" she asked accusingly. Lisa looked nervous. "My name is Lisa but I didn't ask to take your body I just woke up like this..." "Stay calm, my love," I said. "Lisa is just a kid. Also she kept the girls safe until we got back." A sudden realization crossed Anna's new face. "My girls!" she exclaimed, pushed away from Allie and ran to the girls room. As she ran I got a first full view at her. The body she now inhabited we slim and toned, with light colored, freckled skin. Her very large breasts were obviously fake but tastefully done. She was wearing what I could only describe as 'stripper attire'. A sequined bra and panty set with a lace robe over the top and 6 inch heels that clicked as she ran. She arrived at the kids door and, opening it quietly, peered inside. Her hand came to her mouth and she cried. I walked over to comfort her. Again realizing how much shorter I was I just put my hand gently on her back. She immediately spun around and embraced me and cried. The height difference wasn't as huge as with her old body but the combination of the height differences and the fact that we both now had large breasts made the embrace awkward and weird. But we held each other until she calmed down. We pulled away from each other slightly and looked at each other "Well this is awkward." I smiled weakly. "Yeah, it is. It's weird hugging Allie like this," Anna said. "I'm not Allie though, it's still me in here," I pointed out. Anna shrugged. "Yeah, I guess but you still look like Allie." I suddenly became worried. "Yeah....but.... You still love me though, right?" "Of course," Anna exclaimed. "I love you no matter what you look like! Do you still love me?" "Yes, Yes!" I blurted out. Anna smiled for a moment, then laughed "I bet you do, with these big boobies" she nodded down to her chest. We both laughed at the absurdity of the situation. But then my cell beeped from inside my jacket pocket. I stepped away from Anna and read the text. "It's Allie, while we were checking on the kids, she decided to take Lisa back to her house. She was getting impatient to go home, I guess that's understandable. She'll make sure she's ok, get contact details and come back later." "Oh that's weird. Someone has taken my body and left with it," Anna said thoughtfully. I reached and touched her arm. "But she'll be back and we know where to find her when this all goes back to normal." Anna shock herself out of her dark thoughts. "Yeah, you're right," she said. Then another thought seemed to cross her mind. "I need to get out of these clothes. This is the most uncomfortable thing I've ever worn, its pitches in the crotch and it feels like something is taped to my ass" I laughed and then followed her to our bedroom. It seemed wrong somehow following a strange woman into our bedroom but then again, the strange woman was my wife. She just looked very different. As did I. Sitting on the bed, I kicked off the running shoes I had been wearing. Anna went over to the full length wardrobe mirror and looked herself up and down. "What do you think? Do I look Irish to you?" she asked. "Yeah, maybe. The red hair is obviously dyed but you could be," I replied. "That's what I thought too. It's weird but it is nice to be in such a fit body," she said absently as she ran her hands up her stomach. Then she reached behind her with both hands, undid the clasp and removed her bra in one Practiced movement. "Holy crap, these things are huge!" she exclaimed, turning this way and that to view her new breasts from different angles. "Gotta say, these will take some getting used to, mine were never this big, even when I was breast feeding!" "How do you think I feel?" I grumbled as I motioned down to the large breasts on my chest. Anna turned around, looking as if she'd forgotten I was sitting there. "Oh right, yeah. That's gotta be weird. But at least yours are real, I look like a plastic Barbie doll. My boobs will arrive five minutes before I do." She laughed. "How are you doing, it must be weird to be in Allie's body?" "I'm ok so far. To be honest I haven't had time to think about it much and it helped having Allie around. It somehow made it feel almost normal. Like a weird dream," I answered. "That's good, I just remember panicking and then by the time I calmed down I was half way home. Thank god it was a warm night or I'd have frozen wearing this crap," Anna explained. "In the end I just concentrated on getting home. It's so nice to be back here and know you're all safe no matter who's body I'm in." "My biggest concern, now I know the kids and you are safe, is I'm worried about how it will effect us. I mean, you're straight, I'm straight and Allie is straight too. So where does that leave us? I don't wanna lose you because we're both women now." Anna looked thoughtful, "Well, obviously everything's messed up right now and my minds not really on that kinda stuff at the moment. But if it helps, I still feel attracted to you. I mean, you're still my husband and I'll always love you but I'm also not totally turned off if I think about kissing you. Normally I would be but maybe because we love each other, it's kinda mitigating the physical changes?" I just smiled in agreement and thought about how crazy it all was. "But I have to get these goddam panties off!" Anna almost yelled as she began to pull down her bottoms. I smiled and nodded, I was distracted for a moment by my feet again. Aside from the pink polish on each nail, I was struck by how tiny they were. They we're like a child's feet. Maybe a size 3 or 4. Shopping for boots would be tricky. I was brought back from my daze by Anna. "Er.... Ryan. What's this?" she asked worriedly. I looked up and saw that between my wife's legs she seemed to have gaffer tape stuck to her crotch. From where I sat it also seemed to go between her legs and up between her butt cheeks. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god..." she was muttering under her breath. "What is that stuff?" I asked concerned. She didn't answer but began pulling the tape off slowly. I couldn't see what she was doing as she had her back to me and her hands blocked the view from the mirror. A small pile of tissue paper and tape ended up at her feet. "Oh no, oh no, please no...." she continued to mutter as she became more frantic. "What, What is it? Are you ok?" I asked, jumping up from the bed and moving beside her at the mirror. "It's a cock, I've got a fucking cock!" she almost screamed at me. "Why do I have a cock? I'm a woman!" I jumped up and grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her to face me. "Calm down! What are you talking about?" I looked down to her crotch and there it was. Past the giant fake tits was a penis, still covered in bits of tissue. "Holy shit! You're a.....a shemale!" I exclaimed. "I'm a freak!" Anna cried. "I can't believe I'm a fucking stripper freak!" I tried to comfort her but she shook me off and threw herself on the bed. She immediately gasped in pain and rolled into her back, clutching her breasts. "Damnit! These stupid fucking tits won't even let me lay down properly," she sobbed. I sat down on the bed. Keeping my distance. "I'm sorry, this is really fucked up. But at least we're together." Anna let go of her breasts, took in a breath to start shouting something and at the same time grabbed her crotch for emphasis. I winced at the force she used. "Owww!!" she cried. "Fuck fuck fuck! I don't wanna be a dude!" "Well, you're only kinda half a dude, technically..." I quipped, trying to lighten the mood. Anna swung her arm to swat at me and managed to bullseye my right breast. Pain exploded in my chest and I immediately lost my breath. It hurt so much, all I could do was grab my sore boob with both hands and roll onto my side. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." Anna rolled onto her side and held me. "Christ, I've only been a man for an hour and I'm already beating my wife." "Can you stop that please," I struggled to say through the pain which was already subsiding. "You don't look like a man to me, and honestly you look kinda weak even for a girl. You just got a lucky shot." "Hey, don't make me beat you again, woman," Anna said in a mock deep voice, which still didn't sound like a mans voice. I looked up at her face and burst out laughing. She laughed too. "I'm sorry," she said, "it just took me by surprise. I've never had a cock before. But I guess it's only for the time being, until they work this all out and we go back to normal." "That's ok, I've never had a cunt before." I smiled. Anna made a sour face. "Oooh, never the C word, my love. Pussy, vag, flower, whatever. But never the C word." "I'm sorry, I've got a lot to learn." I felt myself blush. Anna let go of me and sat up on the bed. "Ok, now that my huge diva like tantrum has been ruined by your attempts to upstage me, I guess I have to cowgirl up and get dressed before Allie comes back." She stood up and grabbed a spaghetti strap top and a pair of my sweatpants. She pulled the sweats up over her womanly hips but they got caught on her cock. After some adjustments she got them on. The top barely stretched over her huge new boobs and the end result made her look like a stripper in her pajamas, which I guess she was. Because of the fact that she didn't put on underwear meant that the outline of her new penis was obvious through the front of her sweats. I couldn't help but stare, not only was this sexy looking woman in- front of me Anna but she also had a cock bigger than mine had ever been. It was s strange thing to think about. I suddenly felt a warmth spread across my breasts and what felt like tiny erections in my nipples. I looked down to see my new, much bigger nipples poking through the thin fabric of the T-shirt I had on. "You like what you see, do you?" Anna asked with a cheeky grin. I blushed again and covered my nipples with my hands. "Hey, my eyes are up here." Anna laughed. "Don't flatter yourself, I've still got more than enough to look at myself." We both laughed but I couldn't help feeling self conscious. I thought about asking Anna for a bra but realized that she wouldn't have anything in my size. In the end I followed her out of the bedroom and back to the lounge. When we arrived I received another text from Allie. It said Steve had texted and she would go and check on him then be back in the morning. She also sent me the contact details for Lisa. It made me slightly nervous, to think of Allie out in my body too. I understood Anna's concerns from earlier. "Do you wanna drink?" Anna asked as she walked to the kitchen. "Sure," I answered as I worried about Allie traveling alone in my body and slumped down on the sofa. The violent movement on my chest brought me back to the present. The whole house looked different, I felt like I'd had this thought a lot since the change but the world really looked strange from my shorter vantage. Anna came back from the kitchen holding two tumblers of whiskey cocktail. As she walked towards me my eyes were drawn to the bobbing outline of her cock that was very obvious in the front of her sweatpants. I felt the warmth flush my chest again but also a warmth spread to meet it from the direction of my vagina. I wanted to be disgusted but it felt so nice I couldn't bring myself to freak out. Visions of Anna's old body flashed into my minds eye. My mouth felt dry and I licked my lips. Anna coughed. My eyes instantly snapped up to her face. She had a mock angry look. "So now who's staring at who?" "Sorry, I got distracted by..." I stammered and trailed off when I realized what I was admitting to. Anna smiled and said, "Don't beat yourself up, every red blooded woman has a little day dream every now and then. Let's watch the news and see if we can work out what's happening." She sat down on the sofa next to me and handed me a glass. The whisky tasted stronger than my usual nightcap but the warm tingle as it went down felt comfortably familiar. The news showed a rough mix of reporters from all over the world. They mostly looked disheveled and slightly panicked. There were even a couple of children giving relatively professional reports on some channels. But all of them said the same thing. We don't know why it happened, we don't know what caused it, we don't know when things will go back to normal. No one knew anything. Obviously there were the usual nuts who pop up when this kinda thing happens, telling people it was Gods will or aliens. But the general impression was, nobody knows anything and we all have to just get used to it and carry on as normal as possible until things change back. I downed the rest of my whisky as the reports circulated back to the beginning of the story again. What were we going to do? The whisky was relaxing me at least. I suddenly felt a strong desire to be held, comforted. I moved around, wrapped my arms around Anna's waist and lay my head on her shoulder, the way she would do to me. I felt her arms shift as she laid a hand on my arm and the other went to stroke my hair. The touch made me feel instantly better. If I had been a cat, I think I'd have purred. I was almost asleep in Anna's arms when she shifted to get up. I moved and she stood and went to the kitchen. She came back with another two whiskys. Taller than the last. "Are you trying to get me drunk?" I teased. Anna looked shocked. "What? No!" she stammered. I laughed. "I'm joking, silly." She blushed, It was strange to see such familiar faces and mannerisms being pulled by a total stranger. "I just thought, you usually have two in the evening and I fancied another one, so..." I just reached up with a smile and took the drink. "Thanks, now come back here and hug me some more." She smile again and sat back down. We regained our position and she continued petting my hair. It felt wonderful. Sometime later my phone rang. It was Allie. "Hi ya, how's it going?" I asked. "Well, Steve is in the body of his 5 year old sister and is currently throwing the mother of all tantrums, so his family asked me to leave. I was upsetting him apparently." I couldn't believe Steve still lived with his mom and dad. "Wow, that's tough. You gonna go stay at your place or are you coming back here." "I'm gonna go back to my place and sleep. I'll be over to you bright and early. How are you both doing?" "We're fine. A couple of little issues but now we're just sishing in the sofla and watching the news." I cringed at my slurring. I suddenly felt very drunk indeed. "Sishing on the sofla?" Allie laughed. "Have you two been drinking?" I panicked and tried to change the subject. "Why do my nipples keep getting so hard?" Anna spat a mouthful of whisky across the lounge. Allie laughed loudly at the other end of the phone. "Haha, they just do that sometimes. If you're cold or you rub them on something or you get excited. Honestly, I'm easily excited so you might be dealing with that. Seriously though, if you've been drinking, that'll get my motor racing too. Plus it doesn't take much for me to get drunk so be careful." "You're joking right? You're saying I'm horny?" Anna shifted around and looked at my like I was an idiot. "Yes, dummy." Allie laughed. "Girls get horny too." "I know that! I have met women before," I snarked back. "Yeah, but you still had to ask. Also, I've been told I have a very high sex drive so just think of that as a bonus." "No much of a bonus considering we're all straight," I pointed out. "Am I?" Allie pondered. "Am I, really? Interesting." "What does that mean?" I asked. "Nothing. See you in the morning!" And with that, the line went dead. "Grrr, Allie is such a brat sometimes!" I growled. "You know she's learnt that from you, right?" Anna scoffed "She was just a sweet and innocent girl when she started working with you." "Nope. Always been a brat." I crossed my arms, or attempted too. I found that my arms were too short to cross over my breasts. I moved them lower and crossed my arms under them which only resulted in pushing the two mounds of jiggling flesh up under my chin. "Don't laugh, you probably can't cross your arms either," I grumbled. Anna just collapsed into fits of laughter. After we stopped laughing at ourselves, Anna got up to use the toilet and I made us a couple more drinks. As I was pouring, Anna called me from the restroom. When I walked in I saw why. Anna was standing up, in front of the bowl and pissing like a racehorse. "Check this out!" She smiled. "This is kinda cool I guess. Seeing things from the other side a little." "Yeah, very cool" I smirked. "But you're missing the bowl a lot though. Anna swayed around trying to hit her target. "Well, it's hard to aim. Especially with these things in the way." She leant forward to see past her breasts and pissed on the floor at her feet. "Shit shit, sorry" I laughed and told her to make sure she cleaned up after herself. Back on the couch I sipped my third whisky. I figured this should be my last but three wasn't bad. I can usually drink way more. So I'll quit while I'm ahead. Anna returned and said, "It's been a rough day, let's just finish our drinks and go to bed." I agreed and we watched another 20 minutes of news and finished our drinks. When I stood to walk to the bed the whole room span and I almost fell. For a moment I wondered if it was the swap thing happening again. But I didn't pass out, Anna caught me by the arm and helped me walk to the restroom. She helped me peel down my leggings and sit down to pee. My much wider butt cheeks hung off either side of the seat. It was a very odd feeling to be suddenly so thick down there. I had always been slim and, though Allie was in good shape, she also had a very full figure. I relieved myself and wiped up. When I bent down to pull up my underwear I fell forwards off the seat with a crash. Anna came running in and helped me up. I could barely help, I felt like I hadn't been this drunk since I was a teenager. No wonder Allie wasn't a big drinker If three shots made her this messed up. As Anna helped me up her cock behind her sweat pants came very close to my face and I suddenly had an urge to push my face into it. I stopped questioning the impulse almost immediately and just went with it. When I did, Anna jumped with surprise and dropped me back on the floor. "What are you doing?" she demanded. I looked up from the floor and said, "I don't know, I just felt like it. I'm sorry." Anna looked very flustered. "Er, that's ok. But maybe warn me or something before you do that. This is really weird and I'm not sure I can cope with that kinda thing yet." I was surprised that I felt disappointed at her words. Was Allie's body really affecting me that much. Was it making me this horny despite myself? "Ok, I'm sorry." She took me by the hand and helped me up, then took me to bed. I wriggled out of my leggings and climbed under the covers. When Anna lay down next to me I snuggled up behind her. Again, the height difference made it awkward to spoon this way and when I lay my hand over her I found that my hand rested either on her breasts in some way or within brushing distance of her dick. Either way it was uncomfortable. But eventually I drifted off into a alcohol induced slumber. I dreamt fitfully. My head filled with odd images and thoughts as my mind attempted to make sense of the day before. I dreamt of suddenly and randomly becoming a woman at the worst times imaginable. During a job interview or at dinner with my family. Then trying to explain that I didn't ask for it. That it just happens sometimes. I dreamt of being chased by unknown figures who towered over me. I woke up terrified and sweating. But Anna, or the body Anna was in, slept quietly beside me. In the dim light of the room, with most of her make up removed, she looked like a sleeping princess from a fairy story. I just couldn't believe she was a man between her legs. So crazy. That thought brought back the tingling warmth but I tried to ignore the feeling and return to sleep. My dreams, after I fell asleep, were different. More colorful, lighter. But with a definite sexual undertone. I dreamt of being in my old body again. I was holding Anna in her old body. We snuggled and both became aroused. I stroked my cock as it became erect but it didn't feel right. I was stroking and stroking but all I felt was a building warmth down there. Only a slow build but nothing close to what I should be feeling. I continued to stroke but began to become frustrated. I sped up my movement with no improvement. "What are you doing?" I heard Anna grumble. In my dream I yearned for release. "I'm so horny, I need to cum," I replied earnestly. "But, I don't know if this is such a good idea...." Anna weakly protested. But in my dream I was so close, I just needed something to push me over the edge. Anna moaned. The sounds was familiar but different. As she moaned she began to buck her hips slightly. Suddenly, through my frustrations I felt a hot wetness on my fist. "Oh, my god!" Anna exclaimed as her bucking slowed. My dream world was shattered as I came fully awake to realize that the penis in my hand was Anna's. I pulled my hand away like it was burning, sending a rope of jizz across the room and onto the wall. Anna was on her back panting, her huge breasts heaving with every ragged breath. "Oh my god, that was amazing! But where did that come from?" Anna gasped. I was shell shocked, I had just given my first handjob. I couldn't believe what was happening. I burst into tears. "I was dreaming....I..." I sobbed. The tears were from embarrassment but also from my frustration. I felt so horny and, despite my best efforts, was no closer to satisfaction. "It's ok. Don't worry about it. I've done that sorta thing in my sleep before" Anna soothed as she moved to hug me. "Well, maybe not that much but still..." Vomit bubbles up into my mouth. Then my stomach did a flip and I found myself running for the restroom. I narrowly avoided puking on the floor and hit the bowl. I just knelt there sobbing and spitting the taste out of my mouth. At some point Anna came and sat with me. She stroked my back and held my hair back. "How are you feeling?" she asked. "A little better," I said truthfully. I had managed to get a grip on myself. "With time to think about it, the whole thing wasn't so bad. Just a little gross and unexpected." "Well that's very....magnanimous of you." Anna smiled. "I have to admit I never understood how you could go down on me when I was a woman, not that I'm complaining, but I guess the body wants what the body wants, huh?" "Mmm," I mumbled an agreement as bile rose in my throat again. "You're gonna need a shower now," Anna said. "You have some vomit in your hair." "Damnit, do I have to?" I grumbled, even as I stood to turn the shower on. "Fuck yeah, you do. You're not coming back to bed covered in vomit, missy! Handjob or not." She mock lectured me as she helped me off with my clothing as I stood there shell shocked. How could my subconscious betray me like this? Why didn't I stop it? Why did it feel so natural? I mean, I had never been homophobic. In fact I never saw the fuss about it, you're just attracted to whatever you're attracted to, right? I love women but I can appreciate a good looking dude without getting weirded out about it. Women admire other women all the time without being called gay. Why can't a guy do the same? As I was drunkenly thinking about this, Anna reached and pulled my shirt over my head. The action pushed my vomit covered hair into my face. The smell made me wretch again. I knew Anna was right, I needed a shower. I set the water the way I liked it, almost scalding and stepped in. Two things then happened very quickly. I discovered that Allies breasts are way more sensitive to heat than my old chest. And I was still unsteady and drunk. I landed with a wallop on my butt in the shower. Anna came running back in to find me sitting in the tub sobbing. "Oh sweetheart, are you ok?" she asked. I nodded. "Maybe just use the shower sitting down this time?" she said, passing me the shower head. I nodded again and took it from her. This time I was more cautious and turned the hot down before directing the spray towards myself again. This time the warm water felt nice. I wet my hair and then rubbed shampoo into it like I'd seen Anna do a hundred times before. I made sure the vomit areas got extra attention. Then rinsed off the soap. Then I took the sponge and scrubbed myself down. The sponge felt like sand paper against my skin, I decided to just use soap and my hands. I lathered up the soap in my hands and the massaged it onto my skin. This felt amazing, my skin became like the softest smoothest silk. I rubbed my legs and reveled in the smooth gliding feeling of my hands against my thighs. The warmth between my legs increased again. My hand strayed towards my groin and the soft folds of my vagina. The feeling of my fingers brushing against my lower lips was electric. They were slick with my natural lubricants. I was suddenly over taken by sense of guilt. This wasn't my body and, despite Allies assurances, I didn't feel right touching myself like that. I moved my hands away. I looked down to see if my vagina looked as different as it felt right now. But the large breasts resting on my chest blocked my view. I brought my hands up to cup them. The same silky smooth flesh greeted me. The soap on my hands made them slip and slid in my grasp. The feeling was nice, not as intrusively sexual as the brush of fingers against my pussy but erotic in a way I had never experienced before. I continued to slowly massage my breasts. The feelings increased gradually but strongly. I lay back into the tub and continued to touch my chest. My thumb found a nipple and I felt an electric shock shoot through my body. I gasped in shock and felt my body quiver in excitement. Suddenly the shower door slid back and Anna's new face looked in concerned. "Are you ok in there?" she asked. I felt my face flush red. "I'm fine, the hot water made me feel light headed so I laid down for a minute," I lied. Anna smiled. "Ok then, you coming back to bed tonight?" I scrabbled to sit up. The combination of soap and unfamiliar weight distribution made it a tricky feat. But I managed to pull myself out of the bath. As I bent down to pick up the towel from the drying rack, Anna slapped my bare ass with her hand. "Hey!" I jumped in surprise. Anna smiled again. "What?! How am I supposed to not have a feel when you stick your butt in my face?" I smiled a little. "I didn't stick it in your face." "Girl, you got so much ass you just stuck it in everyone's face! Besides you smack my ass all the time," Anna teased. Strangely, the joke about the size of my ass stung a little, although I couldn't argue. "Just help me to bed, pervert." I laughed. "Hey, I'm not the one giving out midnight handjobs, dude," Anna challenged while holding out her hand the me. I just took her hand and let her lead me back to bed. I put on an old T-shirt and fell into a dreamless sleep, finally. The next morning was interesting. I woke up with hair in my face and pain in my chest. The sound of Anna swearing was coming to the bathroom. I jumped out of bed and went to check on her. She was wrestling with a huge erection as a steam of piss covered the toilet and floor. As we tidied up the mess I explained the delicate process of trying to piss first thing in the morning with morning wood. Anna did not seem pleased. When the girls woke up we made them breakfast and, while they ate, we tried to explain what was going on. In the end it came down to "Something magic happened and now Mummy looks like this and Daddy looks like Auntie Allie. This happened to a lot of people but everything is going to be fine." The girls took it all in their stride the way only a 2 and 3 year old could. Their main concern was that now they had two Mummy's but didn't have a Daddy. We told them that I was still their Dad even though I looked different and they could call me whatever made sense to them. They decided that they would still call me Daddy. We spent the rest of the morning cleaning up and talking to the girls about what had happened. Anna and I had to spend most of the day in what we had slept in as we discovered that aside from some of Anna's leggings, most of our clothing fit neither of us anymore. Around lunch time Anna said, "Holy crap, I never thought I'd say this but I wish I was wearing a bra, these things are killing me." I thought about my aching shoulders and back. "Is that why my back hurts?" I asked finally putting it together. Anna nodded. "Yup, it's one of the downside of these things being so big." "Right, and my breasts were really sore when I woke up this morning too," I complained. "Well, that's more to do with you sleeping on your front. I don't even know how you managed to do that without waking yourself up, but I'd try and avoid it in the future if you don't want sore tits every morning" Anna laughed. Around 3pm there was a knock at the door as Allie arrived. She was wearing, running shoes, a pair of board shorts and a tight T-shirt. She was holding a large target bag and a duffle. She asked us how the evening went and we gave her a vague but positive response. She told us about her evening, about how Steve had reacted to her and being essentially thrown out of the house by Steve's father in Steve's older sisters body. She told us how she'd then gone back to her apartment and had an uneventful night and morning, but had decided to stop off at target to grab some things and found it mostly deserted, she figured it was a lucky break and did some shopping for us. She then emptied out the bags. The duffel had a decent selection of her old clothes for me and the target bag contained a number of different sized bras for Anna to try and a few workout shirts and leggings for her to try on. "I also bought some emergency provisions too, water, canned foot and stuff, just in case. That's still in the car," she said. Anna and I grabbed the clothing and headed to the bathroom to wash and get dressed. After a quick shower I got dressed. I struggled to put on a bra but managed it in the end, after all I'd seen Anna do it enough. When I returned to the front room I found the kids watching tv and heard voices from the bedroom. When I opened the door I found Anna and Allie in fits of laughter. "What's going on here?" I asked. Allie looked over and through tears of mirth said, "Oh, you know, guy stuff" and the both relapsed into fits of giggles again. I must have looked confused and Anna explained the situation. Anna had been trying to find a bra that fit from the selection Allie had brought. Allie had been helping, because that's what girlfriends do. But, without noticing, while Allie had been hooking the back of the bra Anna has been trying, Allie had gotten an erection. Anna felt it press against her buttock and jumped. But they had both laughed at the situation and began to chat about how weird it was to have cocks now. During the convention Anna took off her bra to test the next size up which had made Allies hard on double its efforts. Allie had made a crack about not knowing that she was now a grower instead of a shower. Anna has replied that she was in fact a "shower" and then Proved it by pulling her pants down slightly and giving Allie a look at her cock. At this point she also became erect and they both collapsed in laughter which is when I walked in. "That's not guy stuff, that's just weird and gay," I told them. "Where's all the homophobia coming from recently, homophobe?" Allie challenged. I felt bad, "I didn't mean it like that....it's just...well, it's weird," I mumbled. "It's all weird, Ryan." Allie admitted, "I mean, I came all over my own face this morning. I mean, I've had that happen before but not from my own dick!" I was shocked, Allie had masterbated in my body? I guess she wasn't kidding about treating the body like our own until we changed back. "34GG!!" Anna proclaimed. "These things are fucking 34GG! Can you believe that? Trust a man to get the biggest boob implants he can find. Now I have to heave these things around with me till we get our bodies back." Allie and I turned and looked at Anna. She was standing now, turning this way and that, viewing herself in the mirror. The bra that now supported her breasts was a simple black number. Nothing fancy, purely functional. "Does it help with your back?" I asked. Since putting on my bra just now, I had felt a large amount of relief but almost immediately I became aware of the straps digging into my shoulders, heralding an new pain to come later in the day. I unconsciously rolled my shoulders to relax them. "Yeah, it feels much better but I'm not looking forward to spending anymore time with these things." Anna complained into the mirror. "How do they feel?" Allie asked. "Like do they feel more natural than they look?" Anna thought for a moment. "Well, I've never had breasts this big, so it's hard to tell," she said as she hefted them up with her hands. "Can I touch them?" Allie asked. In reply Anna simply moved around to face Allie and dropped her hands to her sides. Allie moved closer and reached up to hold Anna's breasts in their cups. It was an odd sight to see my body touching another woman's breasts. But then she wasn't doing it in a sexual way, I noted, purely scientific. She cupped them, weighed them and then squeezed them before removing her hands and stepping back. "It's weird, they feel warm like breasts and squeeze like breasts but there's something about the stiffness of them, they're too perky. Like when my breasts first grew, before they relaxed and dropped a little. They don't seem as heavy as the should be either," Allie considered. "Really? They seem heavy," Anna replied while looking down and cupping her breasts again. "Seriously, they should be way heavier at their size," Allie said. "Here, feel my breasts." Allie suddenly spun around, put her hand under one of my breasts and lifted it. Anna moved over next to me, eyes locked in my other boob and did the same. After a moment, she began gently bouncing it in her hand. "Yeah, I see what you mean. Ryan's boobs aren't as big as mine but they weigh almost the same. Weird." All the time I just stood there in shock as two people held and judged my chest like I was a prize heffer. I coughed. "Do you mind?" They both immediately looked embarrassed and removed their hands. Allie tried a halfhearted "We're all girls here" but it sound strange in my deeper voice. We all returned to the lounge. My girls both jumped all over Allie as they would have done to me. Allie got her first taste of why men protect their groins so fiercely as my eldest landed a foot directly into her new balls. She looked like she was going to vomit. I couldn't t blame her. Anna called Lisa to make sure everything was ok. Lisa seemed fine, her family had not changed that much and with her returning home last night they were happy to be together. Anna told her we would get together and sort everything out as soon as possible but to call if she needed anything. I went to the fridge to get a beer while we chatted. Allie asked for one too. We sat and watched the news. The world was in chaos, but was bouncing back surprisingly quick. But much to our dismay the reports all said the same thing, no one knew why it happened and most of the scientific community who were still active agreed that they had no idea when, or even if we would all change back. "So," Anna said quietly. "We're stuck like this?" I looked over at her, the trace of tears flowing down her face. I shifted next to her and put my arm around her shoulder. "It's ok, babe. We'll get through this," I soothed. "We will?" she asked. "How? I don't even know if we're a straight couple or a lesbian couple right now?" I smiled, she always had a habit of finding the funny in the darkest moments. "Let's just be a couple, we can worry about labels later." She moved around and hugged me closer. We then cried in each other's arms for a little while. When we pulled ourselves together we turned to face Allie. She was trying not to disturb our moment but was gazing thoughtfully at the TV with both hands holding her chest. "Are you ok?" I asked. "You seem to be taking this in stride, or are you just better at covering you freak out than we are?" Allie turned to us and spoke softly. "You know, I never told anyone this before but I always kinda hated being a girl. Being short, didn't help. But the whole deal never sat right with me. Boob sweat, period cramps, pregnancy, sexism. I can't say I'm too disappointed with this change." She averted her eyes as she spoke, the words just pouring out of her. "I was too short to be a firefighter, too bitchy to be management, not intimidating enough to be taken seriously as a cop. But now, now I do whatever I want. Im tall, fit strong. I can finally be the person I always wanted to be. It's not fair on everyone else but, for me, I'm happier than I've ever been. Does that make me a bad person?" I was shocked, I'd never known about this side of Allie. I knew she found her height to be a source of irritation but I never knew to this extent. "You mean you we transgender?" I asked. "No, no, I wouldn't say that but now that I'm magically a man, I can't lie and say I'm upset. It'll take some getting used to but it does open up a bunch of new possibilities to me," Allie said. "What about Steve?" Anna asked, wiping tears from her eyes. Allie finally lifted her eyes to look at us again. "Steve? Fuck that guy, he always treated me like his own personal fuck doll anyway. He's the last of my worries. Maybe now he's going to grow up to be a girl, he'll learn how to treat women with respect" She gave small smile. We laughed. It was a nice relief of tension. I understood now why the girls had been so quick to laugh at their adventures while trying on bras earlier. We talked some more while the news droned on in the background. It seemed that none of us had any desire or motivation to leave the house. We cooked comfort food , drank wine and ate chocolate to "cheer us up." The day went on and became evening and then night. Allie decided to sleep on the sofa and we all retired to bed. We all felt tired but a little more relaxed after our day of discovery and debate. The following morning Allie was awake and cooking when I woke up I'm Anna's arms. I couldn't help but notice that as we lay on our backs side by side, our breasts spread slightly to the side and touched. It was a nice, extra, feeling of closeness that I decided to appreciate for a second before I decided to get up. I untangled myself from her arms and walked to the toilet. I used the restroom, without falling off the toilet and brushed my teeth. When I went to the kitchen I found Allie shirtless while making eggs. When she saw me looking, She must have been able to tell what I was thinking. "Do you know how long it's been since I could wander around topless without jiggling all over the place?" She smiled. I laughed but I also felt a little jealous. Anna and the girls joined us and we chatted over breakfast. At some point, the subject of Anna's bodies identity came up. Obviously Alli and I knew who our bodies belonged to but Anna didn't. She just knew her body was that of a transgender stripper who liked big boobs. We decided that Allie should stay with the kids and Anna and I would drive back to the strip club that Anna woke up in and see what we could find out. The drive was uneventful, we took side roads all the way because Allie told us some of the main roads were blocked with accidents that hadn't been cleared up yet. We stopped off at Lisa's house and left her a big duffle full of Anna's old clothes to wear. When we arrived at the club we were surprised to see it looking open. We had half expected it t be closed for business. The place looked pretty plain. Just a squat black building with a sign out from in leopard print font saying "gentlemen's club." We went inside to find the place almost empty and the lights up. There was a young girl behind the bar looking through paperwork. She looked to be in her early twenties, she wore a men's vest top with no bra, sweatpants and had her hair cut into a men's short back and sides style. She looked up as we entered. "Billy? Is that you?" the girl asked. "No, I'm Anna. I'm looking for the person who's body this was. Is that Billy?" Anna replied. The girl looked disappointed. "Oh right, yeah, that's Billy's body," the girl said. "But we don't know where Billy is now. She wasn't in one of the other peoples bodies who were here. I'm Frank by the way, I own this place." "Hi Frank." We both said, like we were at an AA meeting. We walked up to the bar and Frank held out his hand to greet us. We both shook. "Like I say, I'm Anna and this is my husband.... er....wife, well, this is Ryan who is my husband. We're married," Anna stumbled. Frank smiled, "Yeah this is all very confusing. A few days ago I'm a old, outta shape, Italian guy and now I'm a skinny, young waitress. But I gotta say it's nice being young again. My back doesn't hurt nearly as bad!" "So, you've got no idea where Billy is?" I asked. Even in the cute young girls body, Frank gave me the creeps. Especially as he was quite openly staring at, and talking to, our chests. Frank shook his head. "nope, as soon as the club calmed down we all started trying to work out where everyone had ended up. We knew you had bolted so we assumed you went to your place but we talked to Billy's girlfriend and she hasn't seen you...or him." Anna looked as confused as I felt. "Wait," Anna said. "Him? Girlfriend? I thought Billy was transgender?" Frank smiled, "Yeah, he's...she's a complicated person. She's one of these new millennial, pansexual, gender fluid types. It's all a little nuts, if you ask me. Nice enough kid though." I was confused. "I'm sorry, I don't think I understand most of what you just said." Frank laughed a laugh way too big for his now petite frame. "Yeah, I don't understand young people now a days either. Basically, and this is how Billy explained it to me, she... he is a man who likes to appear to be a women but doesn't want to be one, just look like one. He still likes sports, cars and beer, oh and he doesn't want his dick cut off. And is still attracted to women but will basically fuck anyone he's attracted too." "And that's how Billy explained it to you?" Anna asked suspiciously. "Pretty much." Frank grinned. "So you keep calling Billy 'he' and 'she', what's that about?" Anna pressed. Frank put his hands up. "I ain't trying to be disrespectful. It confuses me, is all. He, Billy, still thinks of himself as a man most of the time. Calls himself a female impersonator. So most of the time he like us to call him 'he'. But if he's performing, then it's 'her' and 'she'. Like he's two different people. It's tough to get it right sometimes and he/she can be a bit of a prick about it sometimes, if I'm honest." Anna laughed. "Well, for someone who still thinks of himself as a man, he certainly didn't hold back in the 'female attributes' department." She pointedly looked down at her giant fake boobs. "Yeah, that was his girlfriends idea actually. The hormones too. Billy was happy enough being a normal drag queen. Until he met Claire. She's got a thing for girls with big boobs. I think she's just too proud to admit she's not as much of a lesbian as she likes to pretend. She's rich and bought those things for Billy last Christmas," Frank said, now openly staring at the boobs in question. "Billy let his girlfriend put these on him? Wow!" I said in shock. Frank turned his attention back to me. "I know, right? He says he loves them but some of the other dancers say he is secretly not the biggest fan of actually tits that big. But I guess, they can always remove them once he graduates law school." "Law school?" Anna questioned. "Yeah, he's in ya second year. He works here to pay for his tuition," Frank replied. "Wow, well this isn't the way I thought this meeting was going to go. It seems I'm a very complex person, or at least I have the body of a complex person. Did Billy leave anything behind, like a bag or something that might give us a clue as to where he is now? Anna said. Frank showed us to a dressing room back stage. In a locker on the back wall was Billy's stuff. A backpack full of books, a couple of bottle full of pills and a change of clothes. Anna fished out Billy's cell phone, which was password protected and his wallet. The drivers license has a picture of Billy in all his feminine glory in it, but the gender still said male. Anna put that in her pocket, slung the bag over her shoulder but handed the phone and wallet to Frank. She also gave him a scrap of paper with her cell number on it and told him to call if her heard anything or get Billy to call. As we walked back to the car Anna said, "A female impersonator? This is a pretty convincing impersonation." "I'll say, but it sounds like it wasn't all his idea," I replied. "Yeah, if I ever meet the bitch who bought him these things, I'm gonna punch her in the tit," Anna declared angrily. We drove back to the car marveling at the complexity and strangeness of some peoples lives. We decided to stop at the store. The baby needed new diapers and we decided to try and stock up more food just in case. Especially now it seemed like Allie would be staying with us. The food store we stopped at was busy, not crazy but definitely busy for a mid week morning. As we walked around we saw others attempting to cope with the change. Women waking hunched over in large baggy shirts and hoodies, men in dresses trying their best to act natural. Adults throwing tantrums while toddlers told them off and tried to calm them down. When we went down the personal hygiene isle there were around a dozen women looking nervously at different sanitary products. It suddenly occurred to me that I would be having a period at some point too. "Er, do you think I'll need some of this stuff too?" I quietly asked Anna. "Funny, I was just thinking the same thing. I guess so, but I have stuff at home you can use. But, guess who won't have to use this shit anymore?" She smiled evilly. I grumbled and we turned around and went back to food shopping.we picked up more food, water and alcohol. We figured if we were going to be stuck inside, we should try and make the best of it. We also got flashlights, candles and extra propane Incase things got really bad. We loaded up our car and started back to the house. But a few blocks down Anna pulled into a little strip mall. "What are we doing here?" I asked. "This is going to sound crazy, but with everything going on, it's possible that things will get worse before they get better. I think we should get something to protect ourselves with." She replied while looking past me. I turned to see what she was looking at. A gun store. "Is that the best idea?" I questioned. "Better to have one and not need it than to need one and not have it," she reasoned. I nodded and we both got out of the car and headed inside. The store was clean and the young man behind the counter sat up when we entered. "Morning ladies, what can I do you for?" he asked in a drawl. He was around 30 with sandy blond hair and an easy smile. "Well, we're looking to buy a weapon for home defense," Anna told him. "You're in luck, Missy. I heard the government are gonna put a temporary freeze on gun sales till this bullshit blows over but I ain't had official word yet, so I figure I'm still in business" he grinned. "Now, y'all ever use a gun before?" "I've had training," I replied. "Alrighty then, what can I show ya," he said turning to me and very unsubtly gazing at my cleavage. I made a mental note to wear a high neck shirt next time I went out. "Show me some 9mm pistols and that Mossberg 500," I told him. "And my eyes are up here." He looked up from my boobs and smiled. "Ah, ya caught me. Can't say we get many women as beautiful as you two in here much. I forgot my manners. My apologies, little lady." I bristled at being called 'little lady' but nodded and he turned and pick up the Mossberg and placed it on the counter. He then collected a few pistols and laid them on the counter too. He went through all the weapons one by one. He explained each one like he was talking to a child. By the time he got the the Mossberg I was irritated beyond belief. He half heartedly showed us the shotgun but then told us he wouldn't recommend it for two small ladies. It was too much gun in his opinion. I felt Anna's hand grasp mine and squeeze gently. I must have looked as angry as I felt. "So what do you think?" the store owner asked. "I think, you've only put out compacts. Where are your full size pistols?" I said. "I don't think you're hand will fit a full size," he reasoned. He lent down and pulled a full size glock from the case. I picked it up and immediately realized he was correct. Allies hand looked like a child's holding her dads gun. I put it down and tried a compact. It fit much better. Anna and I talked between us and decided to take a Glock, the Mossberg, some ammunition and spare magazines. "So I just need your ID to run a background check and you're good to go." He smiled at my tits again. I paused. I hadn't thought of that. My ID wouldn't work. But then I remember Allie had given me her purse Incase we got pulled over. I ran out to the car and grabbed it from the glove box where I left it. Handing Allies license over, the clerk looked at it and said, "Allie, that's a lovely name." I wanted to vomit but I simply smiled and looked away as he ran the check. While I was trying to distract myself from vomiting, he turned his attention to Anna. "I feel like I've seen you before? Have you ever come in here?" he asked while leaning over the counter to get a better look. "Nope, We're new in town. Sorry," Anna replied. "Now, don't be sorry, sweetheart," he creeped. "You two just brightened my day, so welcome to the neighborhood." The check came back and he rang us up. The total came to almost $1200. I prayed that Allie wouldn't mind us using her card, we'd pay her back of course but still. The card went through and he handed me the slip to sign. I suddenly realized that I had no idea what Allies signature looked like. I signed it in a flowery way, like I imagined Allie would. But then my heart sank as he lifted the card to examine the signature strip. In a fit of panic I suddenly lent over the counter, squishing my boobs even further out of my neckline and said, "what's that gun there?" I pointed at one down in the case right in front of my heaving cleavage. His eyes snapped first to my boobs, the to the gun I was pointing at, them back to my boobs. "Er, that's a Springfield 1911. Nice gun, but you're better with what you've got here." He faulted to find the right words while never breaking eye contact with my tits. "Oh, ok. It's kinda cool. Say, can you help us out to the car with all this?" I smiled sweetly. He snapped back to reality and mumbled a yes. After the man helped us squeeze our new guns into our food stuffed car he asked for my number but I told him I had a boyfriend, in the same tone I'd heard on tv, the tone that left no doubt what his chances were. Anna started the car and we began to drive home. Suddenly she started laughing. "What the fuck was that?" "What?" I asked defensively. "You might as well have flashed him, you almost fell through the counter trying to show him Allies boobs!" She laughed. "He was going to see that the signature on the card didn't match. That was all I could think of!" I defended myself. "You are such a slutbag, Mr Fulcher!" She was almost crying with laughter now. "Well what else was I supposed to do?" I mock huffed. "Show him your dick?" Anna laughed so hard it made the car swerve. "What's crazy is, you can clearly see that I have a dick through these leggings but no one has looked past these fucking tits! I almost feel like I could rob a bank and no one would be able to give a description of my face, just these things!" We both laughed and were still in high spirits when we arrived home. Allie help us in with the purchases and we set about making dinner. We explained the situation with Billy, Allie was as surprised at the tale as we had been. "It takes all kinds, I guess," was her only comment. She laughed when Anna told the gun store episode. "Yeah, they can be pretty useful like that. But don't try it too often or you'll get a reputation," Allie warned. After our show and tell Anna went to start making dinner. Allie and I sat on the sofa watching the kids watch TV. "Hey, listen this is a super personal question but..." I began. Allie cut me off. "I like girls, I like boys as well but girls turn me on too. Sometime more than boys. But you know how religious my folks are, so I stuck with Steve." "Wow, ok. That's good to know, but I was going to ask you about periods," I explained. Allie laughed. "Ok, I just leapt out of the closet then didn't I? Oh well, you'll start your period in about a week. That's probably why you feel extra horny. I always get like that right before my monthly visitor." "Great." I sulked. "You're boobs will be getting bigger and sore in the next few days too." Allie advised. "I am so happy I don't have to go through that anymore." "Bigger? How much bigger?" I panicked. Allie laughed again. "Just a little. Nothing crazy." Anna came back from the kitchen to tell us dinner was ready. We all sat and ate, talking about the weirdness. Allie admitted that having the kids call her Daddy was making her feel slightly uncomfortable, like she's stolen my children but I told her that was ridiculous. The kids are just too young to understand. That seemed to make her feel better but I didn't add that I had the same pangs of regent when I'd heard them call someone else Daddy, like I'd lost them a little. I knew it was silly but I understood. The next few days slipped by without much event. We fell into a kind of rhythm, with Anna, Allie and I sharing the chores around the house and looking after the kids. It struck me a strange how normal it felt at times. When you were busy with a task you forgot all about how upside down the world was right now. The news still didn't give us any more idea of what had caused the event or when it would change us back. But little things seemed to be getting back on track. Our bosses boss called me, I had to explain that I now sounded like Allie, to let me know that we would be on paid leave, and for a little while longer too. Despite the initial panic, the army coming in to assist and no one knowing who anyone was, work was chaos. There had already been problems with medicine going missing, our little ambulance station was being closed down until identification could be sorted out. I was kinda disappointed but also slightly relieved. Because if I was honest, I wasn't ready to go back to work as a woman. I didn't mention my feelings to the others because they seemed to be doing well and I didn't want to rock the boat. Lisa dropped over for a visit one afternoon. Anna and her had gone and sat in the yard and discussed 'personal questions' that Lisa had for Anna. Overall she seemed like a good kid and was definitely going to make something of her future. But when it came time for her to leave, It still felt odd to see her walk out the door in Anna's body again. I found myself crying gently. "What's wrong, MyLove?" Anna asked moving in front of me. "I'm not sure, watching Lisa leave in your body suddenly made me really sad, even though I know you're right here next to me. It's silly, I know," I blubbed as Anna put her arms around me. "It's not silly, it's strange for all of us," she soothed, pulling me closer to her. "Let it out, it'll be good for you." Without a conscious thought about the words, a wave of tears flooded me. I cried and cried, uncontrollably as Anna held me. I hadn't sobbed like that since I was a child. I shook as the tears poured out. After what seemed like an hour I slowly got control of myself and felt so much better. The tears and sadness passed like a rogue storm cloud. Lifting my head from Anna's chest I noticed that on the fabric of the T-shirt, between Anna's breasts was a soggy imprint of my face. I couldn't help but smile at the situation. "I'm sorry, I've ruined your T-shirt." I smiled. Anna moved back and looked down, "yeah, well if you feel better, it was worth it." "I do feel better, thank you." I smiled up at her and hugged her as tight as I could. I noticed at this point how tricky even hugging my wife was in our new bodies. Standing up, with the height difference, my breasts slipped directly underneath hers and my head was nestled between them. It was a nice feeling to be so close to her again but I knew that we'd draw some odd looks if we were in public. "You're welcome, I'm always here for you and I love you no matter what." Anna smiled down at me. "I love you too," I smiled back, "so much!" Anna then leaned down and kissed me. We hadn't really been overly physically close in the last few days, just hand holding and quick touches, no kissing at all. So the kiss took me slightly by surprise. My immediate thought was how odd it felt to be kissing someone so much taller than me. But I was quickly lost in kiss. Her soft lip on mine and the breath from her nose brushing my cheek. It felt like heaven. I wanted it to last forever. I felt my face flush and my chest become warm. It felt like the most incredible kiss of my life. My breathing increased as I felt Anna's pulse quicken. It was so strange to go from crying my eyes out to suddenly being as aroused as I had felt in years. But I felt safe here, and very sexual. I parted my lips and teased her tongue with mine. Anna let out a small moan and two things happens at once, firstly I felt my pussy become wet and I felt Anna's cock spring to life and push insistently into my abdomen. Normally feeling a penis against me would have turned me off. However, my arousal overcame my disgust. To my surprise I found that I wanted to touch it, caress it, make it mine. It was my cock and I wanted it. I can't explain it, I had never really thought of men sexually before but in this moment I knew without a doubt that this is what I wanted. I moved my hand down and rubbed it through the material of her shorts. It felt huge to me. Bigger than mine had been for sure. In my mind I was battling myself for a split second, knew what I wanted to do but it went against everything I had felt as a man. The battle lasted moments and my new female hormones trounced my masculinity without breaking stride. I didn't just want this, I needed this. I broke off the kiss and while maintaining eye contact began to lower myself to my knees. "Hey momma!! Come and see what Allie-Daddy found!" my eldest daughter shouted as she rounded the corner into the lounge. Anna and I jumped out of our skins and I ended up almost falling over. I caught my balance and turned to look at my daughter. Anna, on the other hand, turned away to hide the erection silhouetted in her tight shorts. "Sure baby, we'll be out in a second!" Anna called. The girl smiled and the turned back the way she came. Anna turned to me red face and laughing. "We probably shouldn't have done that in the lounge." She laughed. "Well I didn't plan on doing that right then, it just happened." I giggled in reply. "Yeah, holding you close just suddenly got my blood racing. And I couldn't control my little friend. Is that what it's like for a man?" she asked. "Yeah, it can be like that sometimes. But then I felt the same, like how that felt when I was a dude. But different, like I was wanting to do different things but the same kinda thing... I don't know. It's confusing but it felt great." I was babbling as the last of the excitement eased away. Suddenly Anna looked serious, it worried me for a second. "Were you going to...you know, before we were interrupted?" "Yes....yes, I guess I was." I looked at the floor. "How does that make you feel?" she asked. I thought for a moment. "Disappointed" I answered truthfully. "Disappointed?" Anna asked with a worried look. "Yeah, if I'm honest, I'm disappointed that I didn't get to finish." Anna looked at me for a long moment. "Well, if that's what you really wanted to do.... we could try again later, if you still want to?" She smiled. I smiled back and gave her a hug again. "You know what, I think I'd like that." The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. The kids and Allie showed us the opossum and it's babies that she's found while doing yard work. Allie had really gotten into the physicality of being a man. She used my weights more than I did. Any spare minute to herself and you could find her lifting weights or doing a manual task around the house. There were times when I could swear she was just moving a pile of heavy supplies from one pile to another and back again. She wore an old vest and jeans around the house and had let my beard grow out. Even I had to admit she wore my body very well. That evening, after the girls were in bed, Allie decided to go to the movies. She asked if either of us wanted to join her but I think it was mostly just to be polite. Anna and I sat on the sofa and watched some TV. After a while I curled my feet up underneath me and snuggled into Anna. I found I felt safe and comfortable the closer I was to her. She, in turn put her arm around me and held me close. As the tv played she began to absently stroke my ear. I was immediately turned to jello, it felt like heaven. My head slipped from the crook of her arm down and rested on her breast. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sensations. The feelings of arousal were much different to when I was a man, slower, more subtle. They seemed to build over time like a distant whisper slowly becoming a roar. I felt hot all over. I noticed my nipples straining through the top I was wearing. Anna noticed too and reach down to gently stroke them. The sudden jolt of pleasure almost made me jump out of my skin. "I'm sorry, too soon?" Anna questioned. "No, no just a shock is all. I was so relaxed, I didn't expect such a strong sensation," I replied as I relaxed back into Anna. "Do you want me to stop?" she asked earnestly. I thought for a second, was I ready? I lifted up slightly and kissed her. "No but I need a shower before we continue. I haven't had one today. I'm feeling a little gross" I didn't know why I was suddenly a little nervous. Why was I stalling when I was so horny? I stood and walked to the bathroom, she moved position and watched me from the sofa. I turned on the shower and was about to close the door behind me when I saw her looking. I left the door open. I'm not sure I even knew why. The steam from the shower began to fill the room. I turned away from Anna's gaze and looked at Allie's body, myself in the mirror. I paused for a second. Allie's, my face was flushed. I noticed I was breathing a little fast, causing my breasts to heave and a pleasant sensation as my stiff nipples rubbed gently against the material of my bra. I had been in this body for days now, it still didn't feel right to be using it to get off but I was so turned I could barely think straight. And, not only had Allie said it was ok, but she's been using my body to get off, right? I looked back over my shoulder at where Anna sat. I could only see her beautiful face over the top of the sofa, she looked totally different now. But it was my wife under it all and I loved her. Somehow these thoughts just made me more turned on and thus, more sure what what I was doing. I began to pull off my clothing but then slowed down. I felt sexy knowing she was watching me. I wriggled out of my sweatpants with my ass facing her, then stretched as tall as I could and gently tugged my top over my head, tussling my hair in the process. With my back to the door I reached up and undid the bra clasp, then turned around to face her. I let the bra fall down my arms and then brought my hands up to cup my breasts. I couldn't help but give my nipples a tiny pinch between my fingers, the sensation was electric and almost caused my legs to give out for a moment. Her eyes were drinking in my striptease and the attention was making me drip with anticipation. Finally I turned my back to her again and slowly bent forward, sliding my panties off and exposing my glistening pussy for her satisfaction. I felt amazing, I had never felt so sexy in my life. Never so powerful. I stepped forward through the cloud of steam and into the shower. The feeling of the water against my aroused skin was incredible. I felt like I would orgasm from washing myself alone. Taking the soap, I lathered up my whole body, starting with my arms out of habit. Feeling my small hands run up and down my slim arms was alien but nice. Next I moved to wash my chest. I looked down and watched my boobs move and gently jiggle as I soaped them up throughly. The feelings were so relaxing. I closed my eyes for a moment and just drank in the sensation. "Can I join you?" Anna's voice was almost a whisper and I opened my eyes to find her naked and standing just outside the shower. Without conscious thought, my eyes glanced down her body. It really was magical, so feminine that it was almost impossible to believe that she was physically a man. Except that her large cock standing erect and proud from under a neatly trimmed patch of pubic hair. That was hard to ignore. "Please," I replied and watched her step into the shower. She slowly approached me as if scared I would run. I was looking up at her, so much taller than me, I felt for a moment that I might do just that. But she gently reached up and took my face in her hands, drawing me in for a kiss so sensual and filled with promise that I thought I would faint right there. As she drew me closer I could feel her breasts press and slide against my own. We were both so big in the chest that we could barely reach each other's lips. Emboldened by arousal I moved closer, squashing our tits between us and held her close. The tip of her hard cock now pressed into my stomach. I reached down and moved it to one side. I'm not sure if it was the movement against my stomach or the touch of my hand but Anna let out a heartfelt moan in appreciation. "Does it always feel so.... insistent?" she whispered. "Yeah, it's pretty much got a one track mind." I smiled back. "I'm doing everything I can not to rub it against you. But all my body wants to do is rub it and...thrust," she said. "That's normal," I said but then paused. "I can't get the idea of holding it, touching it out of my head, is that right?" "That's kinda how I used to feel when I was really turned on, yeah" she replied. I stopped fighting my urges and reached down. Grasping Anna's stuff cock in my hands. Her breath caught in her throat but I continued and began to gently stroke it up and down. The action was familiar but my muscle memory felt wrong, like I was doing it with my non dominant hand. Anna began kissing me and then to moan softly. I felt her hands on my tits, massaging them softly. Every time she brushed my nipple I saw stars. But I noticed she was only using one hand. Using a brief break in our kissing, I glanced down to see her other hand playing with her own boobs. "I've never been so turned on by boobs before, I just wanna touch them." She admitted sheepishly when she noticed me looking down. In response I reached my other hand up and began to play with her chest. Anna's breast felt different than they used to, not just the obvious size differences but more the texture of it. It felt slightly stiff. Not as malleable as they had been. In the back of my mind I wondered if it was because they were fake. For a moment I took my hand off of Anna's breast and placed it on my own. The texture was definitely different. My boobs were not as perky as Anna's, they hung down slightly under their own weight. They also squished and rolled differently. "Does that feel nice?" Anna whispered. I opened my eyes and saw she had noticed me touching myself. "Er....Yeah, it does but I was just noticing the difference between our boobs," I answered. "Well, yours are big and natural, and mine are huge and fake. There's gonna be a difference," she said. "Do you not like my boobs?" "No, no, l love them! They're very nice." I smiled, moving my hand back to cup her breast. "Oh, I'm glad. It would be a shame if you didn't." She smiled. "I've never really payed much attention before, but suddenly I find myself watching your boobs whenever I get a chance." She pinched my nipple gently. "Ooh... just my boobs?" I moaned. She kissed me on the lips, slipping her tongue against mine. I was so turned on I thought I would explode. I quickened my ministrations on her stiff cock and she broke off our kiss with a long moan of pleasure. "Oh my god, that feels incredible!" she exclaimed but then continued, "Not just your boobs. I've never been attracted to other women before but now I find myself so turned on by how you look. The way your boobs bounce with every step, or how your butt wiggles as you walk. When you smile it makes me...hard." "Really, your attracted to Allie?" I broke our embrace and looked up into her eyes." "Never before but, now it's you in there and I'm like this, yeah. You may look how Allie used to look but there's no mistaking that it's you. All your mannerisms are the same as they used to be, except now you're a cute, blond, little elf girl," she told me in earnest. "You say the sweetest things," I swooned. Anna smiled and we kissed again. She pulled me closer and our bodies slipped and slid together, the sensation of my skin against hers made me mad with desire. I wanted her close to me, needed her to hold me and never let go. I continued to pump her cock, which only seemed to get bigger and harder as it throbbed in my hand. I kissed down her neck, which she seemed to enjoy. Worked down to the boob I had been playing with, lifted is slightly and began to suck on the nipple. "Oh, holy fuck! How are these thing so much more sensitive than my real ones?" Anna moaned. The sound of her enjoying herself made my heart beat faster. I was so excited by the cock in my hand and the breast in my mouth. I was now pumping Anna's cock in rhythm with her moans. "Suck it harder," she panted. I increased my efforts on her nipples and was rewarded with a hot, sweet taste in my mouth. But as this happened, I felt Anna's cock twitch and throb as she came. Shooting ropes of thick jizz up my stomach and onto my tits. "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!!" she screamed as she came. Her breast was tugged from my mouth as her knees buckled. I tried to hold her up but in the end, only managed to assist her in sitting down. The water rained down on us as Anna panted and tried to compose herself and I crouched beside her gently stroking her hair. "Wow, that was intense. I wasn't expecting it to be like that. It felt so good, then I was feeling a pressure in my....balls, I guess and then whammy!!" she tried to explain. "I know, it's kinda a shock sometimes," I soothed. She turned to look at me, then looked down and smiled. "Did I do that?" I looked down and saw that my breasts had a few streaks of white cum glistening against the water. "Yeah. But I guess it's only fair after all the times I've cum on you over the years." I laughed. "True. But I don't think you ever got any on my forehead." She grinned. I reached up and wiped my forehead but didn't feel anything. "I don't think there's any on my.... ooooh" the brain turned to mush as Anna expertly took a nipple into her mouth and began teasing it, while simultaneously using a finger to gently stroke the outer lips of my pussy. My legs turned to jelly and I crouched down. When I opened my eyes again after being assaulted by the sensational feeling, Anna was gazing up at me, still sucking and teasing my breast, with the sexiest glimmer in her eyes. My head was swimming in pleasure. The feeling of her lips and tongue teasing my nipple while her fingers gently stroked and played with my vagina was too much. I couldn't think. I couldn't talk. The pleasure just kept rising and rising. Every time I thought I was getting close to coming, I would burst through to another level of bliss. I realized I was now on my hands and knees kissing Anna as she sat in the shower, fingering me. In a moment of clarity I broke the kiss. "Fuck me, please," I said, locking eyes with Anna. Anna looked shocked for a moment. "I'm not sure I can, he seems to be asleep." She replied, gesturing down to her cock. "Leave that to me, just follow me to the bedroom," I told her. It was one of the hardest acts of fortitude I'd ever performed but I managed to move myself away from Anna's teasing fingers and stood. I pick up a towel and took Anna by the hand, leading her, naked to our bedroom. Once in the room we slowly dried each other off while kissing passionately. Moving down her body with the towel, I played briefly with her boobs, sucking both nipples and again tasting that strange sweetness that I had before. Thinking nothing of it I continued down until I was kneeing in front of her. Her limp cock still looked bigger than mine had, I ignored the pang of jealousy. I teased it, tested it with my tongue. I looked up while doing this but realized that I couldn't see her face from where I was because of her breasts. I decided to just continue. I thought about all the stuff I like to have done to my dick and tried to do those things. Anna was soon moaning again and squeezing her breasts. I felt her cock flood and become hard, growing stiff in my mouth. Soon I could barely fit it in at all. I started to just lick it like an ice cream cone. While this was happening my other hand had found its way to my clit and I had been exploring it like a new toy. It was almost too sensitive to touch but I could lightly brush it and it felt awesome. Anna had her fingers brushing through my hair but then gently encouraged me to stand. I felt disappointed as her beautiful cock moved away from my lips. She leant down and kissed me as I stood. "Do you still want me to?" she asked carefully. I knew instantly that I was certain I did. I nodded, moved over and lay on the bed. Looking up at her I marveled at her beauty. Whatever road her body had taken to get here, it was stunning. I watched as she moved towards me. Instinctively I opened my legs for her. As she lay down her breasts rested on my own. My male mind silently appreciating the view and committed it to memory. I felt the tip of her cock slide against my sopping wet pussy. I shivered in anticipation. "Ready?" she asked quietly. "As I'll ever be." I smiled in reply. I felt the tip of Anna's cock press into my vaginas outer lips and it was like I just opened up. Suddenly, there was a cock inside me. The sensation of being stretched open down there was amazing. I lay as still as I could for a moment, savoring the delightful yet alien feeling. After a few seconds I was able to relax. I was just about to ask Anna if she was all the way in as I wasn't sure what exactly I was feeling, when in one smooth motion she gently slid the remaining, what felt like miles, of her cock into my hungry pussy. I gasped at the sensation of fullness. It was like I'd been missing something my whole life and had just found it. "Are you ok?" Anna asked while lifting herself further upright on her hands. Even this movement changed the position of her cock in me and the best I could do was whimper. "Do you want me to stop?" she asked worriedly. That idea made me focus. "Don't you dare." Anna smiled and began to slowly move in and out of me. I closed my eyes, savoring the sweet friction of my wife's cock against the lips and walls of my vagina. Every so often her weight would press against my clit and the combination of the two sensations would take my breath away. I opened my eyes and saw Anna smiling down at me. "This. Feels. Amazing," I gasped with each thrust. "It does," she panted in reply. She sped up slightly. The change was nice but I wanted that rubbing motion against me. I reached up and took her ass in my hands, my fingers sank into the soft flesh as I pulled her into me. In this position the head of her cock was bumping something kinda uncomfortable inside me, my cervix I guessed but at the same time the stretching feeling and the increased stimulation of my clit made it more than worth it. Anna began to moan. The sound drove me wild with desire. My hips thrust up to meet annas, driving her deeper inside me. I began to shake.i was a little scared at what I was feeling but I couldn't stop. I brought my hands around to cup and hold Anna's tits. I squeezed them, she moaned. I teased her nipples and she began to squeal in delight. "Oh my god, don't stop," she moaned. I continued to use the minuscule amount of brain power I had, that wasn't drowning in the feelings of bliss warming my whole body, and did everything I could think of to lavish attention on her boobs. At one point she lowered herself slightly and I pushed my arms together so that our nipples would brush together gently. The moment they made contact I knew I'd fucked up. I began to shake violently and an uncontrollable wave of orgasm washed over me. I tensed up, every muscle had a mind of its own. In the background I could hear Anna screaming. Her thrusts had slowed but the force had doubled. I felt like she was trying to fuck my into the next room. As I came down slightly I could feel the now familiar feeling of hot jizz landing on my chest, but then also I could feel the cock inside me throb as Anna shot her load deep into my pussy. I opened my eyes to see Anna looking down at my chest. I tried to collect myself and see what she was looking at. "Well, what do you know," she muttered. "These things aren't just for show ." She was right. With every slowing thrust a drip of white fluid dropped out of each nipple and onto my heaving chest. I experimentally squeezed her breast and the drip became a jet of milk. "Wow, that's pretty crazy, considering." I panted absentmindedly as I considered the milk dribbling across my tits in little streams. "Considering I'm a man?" Anna stopped moving and questioned quietly. I saw the sadness in her eyes. And my heart broke. "You're not a man. You're my wife and I love you. No one asked for this to happen, but it did. Would you rather you still had your own body and us be lesbians?" I asked. "Mmm maybe, but this is ok I guess. It just feels weird and I have all these extra parts now. I guess I just want to know you still find me attractive," she said, tears appearing at the corner of her eyes. "I truly do! I love you so much and even though you look totally different, you're still very sexy and I'm still attracted to you." I promised her. "Even with my....extra part?" she asked. I thought about the cock, still buried in my new pussy. It was beginning to soften but it still felt nice. "You know, I never thought I'd say this to you in my life. But I think I like your cock, a lot!" I smiled. Anna smiled and rolled off me. The sensation of her cock slipping out of my pussy was both sad but also sensual, like a parting kiss between lovers before a long separation. She slid her arm under my neck and snuggled up next to me. It was slightly awkward but familiar, a comfortable strangeness. We just lay in each other's arms and enjoyed the closeness. "I love you," I said shifting slightly onto my side in order to hold her closer. "I love you too," she replied sleepily. Looking up I saw her eyelids dropping down over her eyes. I was about to say more but then I decided to let her rest. I felt tired myself. So we drifted off to sleep together in each other's arms. I woke to a soft knocking on the door. It was morning. Sunlight speared through the curtains. Anna was still sound asleep. I groaned as I heaved myself out of bed and walked around to the door. I thought how Anna had always been cute while asleep but with how she looked now, she more resembled some kind of pornographic angel. I opened the door to find Allie standing there in shorts and an old T-shirt. "Morning lazybones," she smiled, "The kids want to go to the park. I wanted to check with you guys before I took them" "Yeah, that's fine. What time is it?" I yawned. "We just finished lunch," Allie said pointedly. "Oh wow, sorry. I must have forgotten to set an alarm" I apologized. "No worries, I'll only be gonna take them for a while. Maybe you can make dinner to pay me back?" She smiled. "Sure thing!" I replied. "Cool, see you in a while." Allie turned to leave but then turned with a grin on her face, calling over her shoulder. "Nice tits by the way" I looked down and realized I had opened the door completely naked. My hands reflexively flew up to cover my breasts and crotch. I felt my face flush red. "Oh, come on!" She burst out laughing. "You're hiding yourself from ME?!?" "Jerk!" I called after her and closed the door. But I quickly realized that I really needed to use the bathroom. I waited for the front door to close and then sprinted to the bathroom. I felt gross and sticky between my legs. I now knew why Anna had always been so quick to visit the bathroom and wash off after our love making. I sat on the toilet and let loose with a full bladder load. That helped a little but once I'd finished I stood and ran a shower. I stepped in and stood under the spray. It felt delightful to wash off the nights sleep. Showering was so much more sensual in this body. My skin felt a million time more sensitive. Finally I came to wash my vagina. I cleansed the outside with the warm water and some soap but when it came to the inside I didn't really know what to do. I thought about waking Anna and asking but decided I could work this out myself. As a guess, I lifted my leg up onto the side of the tub and brought the shower head down to spray between my legs. At first it was too rough but I directed the spray slightly down and began to use my fingers to wash cum from off and out of my vaginal folds. As I did so I began to daydream. I thought about last night and how wonderful it felt. My fingers took on a mind of their own as my mind ran away with me. I was horny again. I found that it wasn't the visual of last night that excited me as much as the memory of how I felt, emotionally and physically. I felt like I was wrapping myself in a deliciously warm blanket. I moved the spray up to bounce against my clit and the feeling was amazing. Slowly I lost myself in pleasure and when the orgasm eventually hit, my knees wobbles and I almost fell. Once I came down from my fun, I shakily put the shower head back and toweled myself off. I decided that the after glow of a female orgasm was far superior to the sleepy contented feeling I remembered having after a male orgasm. I returned to the bedroom and put on a T-shirt and some sweats. After a moment of thought, I also put on my bra. As much as I hated to admit it, the thing really did make a positive difference to my comfort. For the most part. Soon after I made myself some toast and sat down, Anna emerged from the bedroom. She had also pulled on an oversized T-shirt, which was still stretched to the point of being see through, and a pair of my old workout shorts. "Morning, beautiful," she said as she kissed the top of my head. "Morning, MyLove," I replied. I watched her as she made herself a cup of coffee and some eggs. She grumbled about her "stupid boobs" as she tried to maneuver them around the kitchen without knocking them into anything. I had to admit, I'd done much the same. "So, do you want to talk about last night or just ignore it?" she cautiously asked as she sat down. "What's to talk about? I only lost my female virginity to my wife's huge girl-cock," I replied nonchalantly. Anna almost spat coffee across the table. She smiled as she fought to swallow the coffee. "Seriously though, last night was very nice. Thank you." I laughed as she cleaned herself up. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. For me It was different but nice. Would you be interested in doing it again sometime?" Anna asked hopefully. I thought about the question for a second. "I'd like that very much. But not right now, I've only just gotten myself clean. Although the cleaning up was also quite enjoyable. If I'm honest." I grinned. "It's a date Mrs Butler." She smiled. "Yes it is, Mrs Butler," I replied. We sat in silence for a moment. "Are we gay now?" I asked. "I have no idea. But we're something," Anna replied and reached over to hold my hand. An hour or so later Allie arrived back with the kids. They had had a wonderful time and all three looked absolutely exhausted. Allie slumped down on the couch and was almost immediately asleep. "Now who's the lazy bones?" I mocked quietly and stuck out my tongue. "Damnit woman, you are so cute I wanna just eat you up!" Anna said from behind and then reached around and hugged me. We fell into a rhythm for the next week. Just pottering around the house. We tried to continue some of our diy projects but I found that I would tire quicker than normal and Anna had serious issue doing carpentry without getting her chest in the way. It became very frustrating. Anna had already taken off the false nails that her body had been wearing and the big hair had been pulled back into a messy bun but she still looked absolutely amazing. I could barely take my eyes off of her. I felt constantly horny and we would make love most nights. I began to fantasize about Anna sliding her cock into me almost constantly. For Anna's part I noticed that occasionally I would catch her staring at my ass or tits while I was working. She would try to play it off but the rod tenting out the front of her pants would invariably give her away. Once or twice I surprised her with a quick blow job in the workshop, which I found I now also enjoyed. One afternoon Allie and the girls were watching a movie in the lounge and we were out in the workshop goofing around with some project or another when, while leaning over the workbench trying to find a correct sized bolt, I felt Anna's hands grasp my ass through my jeans. She began kissing my neck which she now knew drove me wild. My heart was pounding and my pussy began to get wet. She reached around and undid my jeans, sliding them down to my ankles. I instinctively spread my legs as far as I could and stuck my butt out. "You are so fucking sexy," Anna whispered into my ear while gently rubbing her rock hard shaft against my outer lips. "You say the sweetest things." I smiled. "Now are you going to fuck me with that thing or just tease me, beautiful?" In answer she slightly shifted position and slowly slipped her cock into my hot, moist folds. I saw stars. My legs went weak. Anna began pumping in and out of me while playing with and teasing my breasts. The feeling was amazing, I felt some primal part of me loved getting bent over and fucked like an animal. Something so easy about being dominated. I had to lay down and held the bench, squashing my boobs but able to stay upright and claim my prize. I heard Anna moaning louder and louder. The noise drove me wild and I rapidly climbed to my own powerful orgasm. With one final thrust I felt Anna's load splash inside me and I had to hang on for dear life to stop me from collapsing. Suddenly the door burst open and Allie was starting opening. "Hey, so how's it going out...." Allie's smile changes to a look of shock as her eyes adjusted to the dim light in the workshop. Anna and I froze. I felt Anna's cock quickly go limp and slide partially out of my pussy. Allie went bright red and began to back out of the door and apologize. "Wow, I'm sorry I really wasn't expecting to walk in on you. I'll just go back inside, it wasn't important, I'll talk to ya later." As she disappeared from the doorway, I hung my head. For an instant I felt shame but then began to laugh. How ridiculous was that? Allie just walked in on her body getting fucked by a shemale stripper! Anna began to laugh as well. I turned around and faced her, still laughing. "This is pretty fun but maybe we should try and restrain ourselves until we're in the bedroom with the door locked?" Anna giggled. "Sounds easy enough, until I get a good look or you brush agains me with your sexy ass, then I can't keep my hands off you!" I laughed and reached up and gave her boobs a playful squeeze. Two round, dark, wet, circles sprang up on her T-shirt. Anna shivered. "Yeah, easier said than done." The following day I was in the kitchen making lunch for everyone when Allie came in. She was dressed in a tight tshirt and sweatpants. "How's lunch going?" She asked. "Fine." I said absentmindedly as I worked around the sideboard. "Hey, I wanna talk about something," she said. I simply nodded as I moved. "Something personal" she added "Yeah, sure." I turned to her, sensing that she wanted my full attention. "So, I've been thinking. After the other day and everything...." she said slowly. I felt my face blush at the memory. "Sorry about that, but you were right, your sex drive takes some getting used to." She laughed, "That's kinda what I wanted to talk to you about. I've got no problem with you having fun. But I was thinking, my period should have started a week ago and I wanted to check that that was happening?" My world stopped. "No, it hasn't." "Have you had any cramps at all?" she asked. "No, I haven't. I feel fine," I replied tonelessly. She slowly reached up and squeezed my boobs through my top. "Are these sore at all?" "Nope," I whispered. "Have you been using my birth control? Or a condom at least?" she asked. I shock my head. Tears began to flow down my cheeks. "Ok, don't panic. I....you might just be late. But we should get a test," Allie soothed. An hour later I was sitting on the edge of the bathtub, holding a positive pregnancy test and sobbing. Anna moves closer and brushed my hair with her hand. "Oh my god, I'm pregnant. What are we going to do?" I cried. "It's ok. Being pregnant isn't so bad. We'll be fine," Anna soothed. My mind was a whirlwind of images of my tiny female body, bloated to bursting with a baby. The fear of the impending pain froze me to the core. How could I have been so stupid? The next months to come would be very interesting indeed.

Same as EMS: A great shift story. Videos

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My Stories may be added to Any Archive with similar content as long as the content is not modified and this notice and the copyright are maintained. Direct comments and email to: [email protected] Forward I had to look back at the original Genesis story by Morpheus to make sure I could get away with this one. I suppose most people will write these stories using the great shift having people pass out at the moment of the shift. In the original story when the shift...

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The Great Shift From Girl To Man

The Great Shift: From Girl to Man by Chrissy Do you remember the day the Great Shift happened? Well of course you do. No one shall ever forget that day. It must be fifteen years ago now when it happened. I remember it all too well. I was just five when it happened. A little girl playing in the park innocent to the world. I notice you did not look surprised when I told you this man before you in his thirties was once a little girl. Nor should you be surprised. After all many...

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Great Shift Four Going On ThirtyNine

Author's Note: Please read Great Shift: A Changed Morning before this one. Thanks! It was a pleasant Saturday afternoon as sunlight streamed through the glass windows of the large two-story house. In a large nicely decorated and furnished kitchen John hummed to himself, his new high-pitched voice still being odd to him, as he pulled out the ingredients for sandwiches. It was the lunch he and his wife had agreed upon for the afternoon, and who was he to argue. As he opened the fridge...

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The Great Shift Kylie Part 2

The Great Shift: Kylie - Part 2 Part 1 here: http://www.fictionmania.tv/stories/readtextstory.html?storyID =134768335997310897 ** DAY 2 ** The toilet paper roll was finished. Kylie checked the cupboard under the bathroom sink, after all that's where mummy and daddy kept the spare rolls. Nothing. Either Stephen and Jess kept their spares elsewhere or there was no more toilet paper. "Darn" Kylie whispered. "Darn, sugar, doggy doo, stink, vomit..." She paused and then...

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EMS Encounters Leah

I got to work only a couple minutes early for my 8am shift. I’ll be honest, after the previous day’s 16 hour shift I was still pretty tired. I know I am not as young as I used to be. I have been a paramedic for going on 18 years now. There are some grey patches in my beard lately and some mornings the joints are pretty achy. I was scheduled with a guy that was a real loudmouth braggart today. I wasn’t really looking forward to it. Although today’s shift was only supposed to be eight hours...

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The Great Shift Teens

The Great Shift: Teens By Brad Miller Part 1 Ah The Great Shift. It was a great shift indeed. It totally changed my life, along with the rest of the world. So I'll start from the beginning. My name is Steve. I'm your average 15 year old kid. Not to popular, but not a loser. In fact I'm far from a loser, so lets move on. Many girls at school think I'm cute but I got my eye set on someone unparticular. Her name is Rachel. She's a cute latina about 5'7, brown hair with...

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Great Shift A New Day Dawns

The Great Shift: A New Day Dawns By The Rebel I swear to you that this story is true; it's a real life tale of good and evil, of shame and redemption. It's Jared's story. I will tell it to you as I heard it long ago on that long night under the stars. Jared at 24, a good-looking guy, tall and sandy haired, all the women for miles around near swooned when they see his bronze muscles. Jared was living with Linda Day his fianc?e and live-in girlfriend when all this took place. She w...

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Flight 428 The Great Shift

Flight 428 : The great shift by Eric Flight 428 startled prosaic enough. The usual average group of passengers were finally struggling their way on board. The only exciting thing was the presence of Clint Eastwood and Sandra Bullock in First Class - . The passengers' gawked for a moment then filed on pass to fight for overhead space for the luggage they should have checked. An obvious honeymoon couple were laughing and holding hands. He was very large and she was endearingly...

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The Great Shift The Perfect Crime

The Great Shift: The Perfect Crime by DC I sometimes wonder how my life would have went if my wife had not been cheating on me. I would have still had a drinking problem, but I wouldn't have gone into the jealous rage that caused me to attack her lover. I honestly went there to talk, well okay yell, at him but he set me off and the next thing I knew, I snapped his neck and he died instantly. That wimp didn't stand a chance. I have military training in hand-to-hand combat...

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Memsaab aur betiyaan

Hi, My Name is Rahul, ye baat koi 5 saal pahle ki hai jab meri umar 18 saal ki thi. Meri badan ek dam ghatha(TIGHT) huaa thaa. Main apne gaon se apni Padaee puri karne Delhi aaya tha, us waqt mere pass jayda Paise nahi hone ke karan sath me koi kaam dekh raha tha. To munghe ek Rich family me ek nouker ka kaam mil gaya. Main wahan par safai, Gaddi dhane ka kaam karta tha. Meri umar ko dhekte hoye mugh se jyada kaam nahi liya jata tha, aur mera poora dhyan rakha jata tha. Unke pariwaar mein kewal...

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The Great Shift Cute

My first Great Shift story didn't go over too well because I had it too cluttered, and with not enough attention on the main character, so I decided to do another one, without the clutter. Great Shift: Cute By Morpheus I screamed at my sister Allie to get out of my room, slamming the door as she raced out. Angrily, I locked it, sitting back down. Just because I was moving out in the fall was no reason for her to keep barging into my room already. My name is Steven Farrel,...

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The Great Shift Why I Hate Wrestling

Why I hate Wrestling ( a great shift story) by Eric A supplement to Raven's Tale :The Great Shift: The Shift Hits the Fan I fight my way through the crowd of sub-human creatures who like wrestling. It was almost as bad as being at a National Political Convention!! How did I ever let Steve talk me into this - damn silver tongue lawyers!? Before you know it up is down and bad is good and morning is evening! I stand in line for beers. To think we could be having a evening of culture...

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My Brothers Wedding a short Great Shift story

Part i Thomas Carter walked down the isle of the church, with Maria Garcia Miranda Estrada, everyone called her Maria Estrata though. Thomas was my brother, he was 16 years older than me. I am Alex Carter, I'm a bit on the short side for 13 years old, but it never bothered me. I have short red hair. I was a classic 'nerd', large thick glasses, and acne that could stop a train. Thomas was wearing a tuxedo, and he was the captain of the regional rugby team and kept in very good...

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Great Shift A Changed Morning

An alarm blared from a white iPhone, encased in a decorative rose protection cover that sat on a nightstand as light streamed through the singular window of the two-story house. Contained on the bed next to the nightstand was what looked to be a small girl, no older then five who gently rubbed her eyes as she got up and smacked the alarm off. Mary sighed as she threw her short legs off the side of the bed and yawned, stretching her arms as she looked around her room. She had only...

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The Great Shift Kylie Part 1

The Great Shift: Kylie - Part 1 DAY 1 ** Kylie shut her bedroom door with a slam. It wasn't fair. She'd promised Sophie that she would be able to come to her sleepover. Promised and sworn on her grandmother's grave and everything! But then Mummy had to say "No". Kylie opened her bedroom and slammed it again. "KYLIE!" her mother yelled from the kitchen. Kylie slammed the door a third time, then a fourth. "Kylie," called her mother, "you stop that this instant, or you'll...

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Sex Education In The Wake Of The Great Shift

Mindy may archive at fictionmania, others please ask first if you wish to archive so I know where it is at night :) All rights reserved, all copyrights apply, this story is not to be sold by anyone but the author who presents it for free for now, as of 7/4/99. If someone charges you to read this, let me know, please. Because it's time for a few more stories in this universe, I proudly present... Sex Education In The Wake Of The Great Shift By Caleb Jones "Good afternoon,...

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The Great Shift Be Thy Neighbor

The Great Shift: Be Thy Neighbor By Island Riter What had begun as a dull ache in my lower abdomen coming upon me slowly at first, had quickly escalated to full-blown distress. Running across the backyard dodging land mines (love nuggets Julie liked to call them) that Tiny, our 105 lb Lab mix, had deposited with the care and precision of an Army munitions expert, I began to wonder if I would make my final destination without an intestinal version of a land mine exploding in my...

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The Great Shift Hard Work If You Can Get It

The Great Shift - Hard Work If You Can Get It (aka - The News Must Go On ) by Caleb Jones "This is Susan Wallaby for WCTR-TV reporting live in front of the Atlanta City Hall where over a thousand homeless families have gathered to protest reductions in the state's food stamp program. There is the Mayor. Let's see if we can get an interview with him." he pretty young woman ran down the steps after him. Jerry Wanamaker watched from the street. He was here to help the...

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Tales of The Great Shift

On a other-wise average day on planet Earth, a strange force of energy passed through the planet. This force was The Great Shift, A supernatural that shifted the minds of 90% of the worlds population into different, random bodies. Say, an 80 year old man is shifted into the hot college co-ed down the street and his old body now has the mind of a twelve year boy from Japan. That is just an example of the kind of chaos the world was thrown into. Luckily, the chaos didn't last long. After a couple...

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The Great Shift School Daze

If anyone wishes to archive, please contact me. Great Shift: School Daze By Morpheus Stevie laughed along with the rest of his class, as Davie tossed another pencil at the ceiling, sticking it in by the point. So far, 4 pencils dangled that way, leaving most of the class wondering how many more Davie could get in. Stevie stopped laughing, then sat forward, as Ms Foster, their teacher came into the room. Davie was in trouble now, he was sure. Ms Foster sighed...

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The Great Shift Voices In Her Head

Permission for posting TSA list, archive and webpage. Permission to post given to mindy for her list, website and archive. All other rights withheld. personal copies for individual noncommercial use permitted. The name Volger's Syndrome is invented for the purposes of this story. The condition it describes however is real, but thankfully rare. This is the complete text. replace part 1 with this. The great shift: Voices in her head. by nanomage The set up was elaborate....

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The Great Shift Snot Nosed Punks

The Great Shift: Snot Nosed Punks By Morpheus Harold gripped his cane tightly as he slowly made his way across the busy mall parking lot. He ignored the ache in his hip with a long practiced ease, keeping his attention instead on the cars that were zooming through the parking lot around him. Harold snorted in disgust as he watched one car tear around a corner so fast that it nearly slid right into woman and her son who were walking nearby. "Damn punks!" he snorted, and then...

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The Great Shift Travails of Love

The Great Shift: Travails of Love By Radioactive Loner CHAPTER ONE The Windy City was living up to its name that day. Anyone who had lived in Chicago through at least one winter knew that the gales that made their home in the skies above the Windy City (which seemed to, unfortunately, abandon its residents during the hot, sultry summers when they would be most welcome) made Chicago's winters most particularly cruel. That was nothing, however, compared to the cold that was blowing...

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Wish Shift Dramatis Personae

The Wish Shift Table of Contents Prelude: Wish Shift Part 1: The Winter of Her Heart Chapter 1: Reunions Chapter 2: Deflection Chapter 3: Armistice Chapter 4: Home, Sweet Home Chapter 5: Examinations Chapter 6: Template Chapter 7: Reactions Chapter 8: Pathways Chapter 9: Confrontation Chapter 10: Tabula Rasa Chapter 11: Zai Jian Part 2: The Blossoming of Her Spring Chapter 12: Revelations Chapter 13: Confessions Chapter 14:...

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The Great Shift The Theater Experience

The Great Shift: The Theater Experience by Brad Miller I was talking to my friend Sarah on the phone. We were discussing plans to go to the movies later today. Sarah was such a sweet girl. People were always saying that we should hook up, which is something I wouldn't mind doing, but she's not attracted to me. I really like her. I like her a lot. I mean I've met some girl in my life but if there's anyone I like the most its Sarah. We can talk on the phone for hours about nothing....

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The Wish Shift Part Four

Part Four: Her Autumn Tears Like Rain Wish Shift: Chapter Thirty-Five The Stromium Connection Year 1 A.S. Day 191 Danny and Sam took the drugs that Danny had taken from Amy's bathroom with them to the police as soon as they left the advocate's office. After telling Kira and Dianne what they saw, Danny didn't have much argument from her. She had noticed it a couple of times as well and just thought it was odd that they were being so agreeable. She hadn't seen them take the...

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Wish Shift The Stromium Connection

Part Four: Her Autumn Tears Like Rain Wish Shift: Chapter Thirty-Five The Stromium Connection Year 1 A.S. Day 191 Danny and Sam took the drugs that Danny had taken from Amy's bathroom with them to the police as soon as they left the advocate's office. After telling Kira and Dianne what they saw, Danny didn't have much argument from her. She had noticed it a couple of times as well and just thought it was odd that...

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The Wish Shift Part One The Winter of Her Heart

The Wish Shift Prologue Year 1 A.S. Day 16 The office had very little decoration. A couple of framed prints on the walls of mountains that could be from anywhere in the western U.S. but existed only in the printmaker's imagination. There were no family pictures on the desk's surface so the young Chinese woman who was presently sitting in one of the two chairs facing the desk knew that this was no one's actual office. It was just an interrogation room. Small, windowless and...

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Tales of The Great Shift Imprisoned

Tales of The Great Switch: Imprisoned! By Caleb Jones You can't let emotions get in the way when you are in law enforcement. Warden Jennifer Reagan got out of her car. She had been warden for this prison for seven years but today felt like her first day on the job all over again. Under the new security measures enforced by local authorities, she had just undergone a three hour interview with the local police in order to get identification that matched her new body. She had...

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Wish Shift Prologue

Wish Shift Prologue Year 1 A.S. Day 16 The office had very little decoration. A couple of framed prints on the walls of mountains that could be from anywhere in the western U.S. but existed only in the printmaker's imagination. There were no family pictures on the desk's surface so the young Chinese woman who was presently sitting in one of the two chairs facing the desk knew that this was no one's actual office. It was just an interrogation room. Small, windowless and furnished...

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The Wish Shift Part Two The Blossoming of Her Spring

The Wish Shift Part Two The Blossoming of Her Spring Wish Shift: Chapter Twelve Revelations Year 1 A.S. Day 65 Sam looked around the outside dining area at Java Jolts. "You know I don't usually go to places like this," she said. The outside area was pretty simple, just some small white painted metal tables with some white wicker chairs around them. The tables were pulled up close to the plate glass of the front window and on the edge of the sidewalk there were some planters...

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The Sabacc Shift

The Sabacc Shift A wise old man once told me that in this galaxy we inhabit, there are only three universal truths. First, there’s nothing more dangerous than arguing with a Wookiee. Second, there’s nothing more foolish than gambling with a Jedi. And finally, there’s nothing more alluring than the dance of a Twi’lek. But I came to learn the last of those truths is only half true, and that lesson ended up changing my life in ways I never imagined. In any case, I’m getting ahead of...

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Wish Shift A Whisper of Spring

Wish Shift: Chapter Forty-One A Whisper of Spring Year 1 A.S. Day 212 Day 257 of Jenny's Pregnancy Danny looked over the old photo and handed it back to Jenny. "And you say he mailed this to you?" he asked. "Yes he did," Jenny said. "It came a few days after the mail started running again."The petty bastard actually took the time to send it to me." "So what did you do when you saw it?" Danny asked...

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Wish Shift The Sun Shines on My Face

Wish Shift: Chapter Twenty Two The Sun Shines on My Face These things are good: ice cream and cake, a ride on a Harley, seeing monkeys in the trees, the rain on my tongue, and the sun shining on my face. These things are a drag: dust in my hair, holes in my shoes, no money in my pocket, and the sun shining on my face. -Rocky Dennis Year 1 A.S. Day 120 Jenny was slowly pulling apart a cinnamon roll. She had bought a package of them with her from home and was taking her...

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Third Shift

"I slapped her tits with my cock, rubbed my balls on her nose, and sprayed all over her face." That's the reason no one liked working with Leo. Not that he was a bad guy, he just had no filter when it came to speaking. Lines like that, to Leo, were as normal as "Good morning," or "Extra sugar with my coffee please." The early fall was the busiest time of the year for the factory. They would often run a first and second shift on the production floor and a second and third shift in the warehouse....

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The Orchid The Storyteller

This story is an allegory of a real life relationship that developed in my life. It helped me cope with disappointment, and to perhaps be better able to accept the reality that had crashed upon my infatuated fantasy. I cope with the friendship better now, having decided that staying a part of her life is better than nothing, yet there are times when the attraction is still magnetic. I’m sure there are many of you out there who have experienced such a thing and perhaps this will give you a...

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