Great Shift: Four Going On Thirty-Nine free porn video

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Author's Note: Please read Great Shift: A Changed Morning before this one. Thanks! It was a pleasant Saturday afternoon as sunlight streamed through the glass windows of the large two-story house. In a large nicely decorated and furnished kitchen John hummed to himself, his new high-pitched voice still being odd to him, as he pulled out the ingredients for sandwiches. It was the lunch he and his wife had agreed upon for the afternoon, and who was he to argue. As he opened the fridge and pulled out the ingredients before shutting it, John caught a glimpse of his new reflection in the fridge and pondered it for a moment. Looking back at him was a Latina woman in her mid-20s with a bob cut hair style. He had done it himself to help adjust after it all. While some other men, like some of his friends, were resistant after ending up in women he never was...entirely. Sure, he still dressed masculine, hell right now he had on jeans and a football jersey, and the new parts were weird...he still felt odd clenching his crotch and not feeling the familiar little friend there not to mention the boobs on his chest in addition to his large ass. However, for him the weirdest element were the little things. Like how he now had tanned skin rather then his pale. Or the small hands and feet, he thought of as he looked at them. Though despite that...he was adjusting well. He had accepted that his body was a woman's now, the bra and panties he had on underneath sure confirmed it to him. Didn't mean he had to act like one though. He was more grateful that everything after the shift had gone over pretty well considering....well mostly. Him, his wife, and his daughter had been out on a walk past the college when it struck. He had shifted with one of the college students there, as had his wife. She remained a woman while he became one. Thankfully however, their new bodies were bisexual. It was a real help getting used to being a woman when you have one besides you. While getting used to being in a lesbian couple was...something...he was glad their marriage had stuck together unlike that of many other's. Their daughter however...well that was a different story. They were glad she ended up close by and was found quickly...but she was in the body of a 38-year-old woman. Getting used to having a daughter being 4 going on 39 was...a struggle. Less so for her, she had adapted quickly all things considered and they both had helped her, but more for them to get used to and cope with. She was now older then both him and his wife. It say the least. It was with that thought that John realized that with him here and his wife gardening outside, no one had checked up on Lena. While she was a well-behaved kid, she was still a kid. They got up to things no matter what. John put aside the sandwich stuff as he walked towards her playroom. As he peered in, as expected, there was a mess...or well bigger then usual. Beyond the scattered toys, books, and various other things in the center of the wood-paneled room was a massive fort, constructed out of all the towels, sheets, and blankets they had in the linen closet. John sighed in his new high-pitched voice before he spoke. "Lena, come out now," he asked, expecting her to listen. As he said it, from beneath one of the blankets was a 38-year-old woman with tan skin with a beaming smile. Her hair up in pigtails and a giant adult-sized Pikachu onesie pajama covering her. As she stood up to her full height, that of which being somewhat taller than John was now, he sighed internally. Life sure was different now. "Hi, daddy," Lena responded with a childish giggle, it contrasting heavily with her mature voice, something which John would never get used to being called from that body. Though in general she didn't much match her outward appearance, now on the inside of the grown woman's body she was in was her five-year-old spirit. He knew it frustrated the former owner of the body, a formerly grown woman named Mary who was a mother. They had kept in touch with each other, partly as a form of healing though there had been awkward moments. Like the time on video call when Lena was dressed in an adult-sized princess dress and Mary had seen it, or the worst of which being when Mary was over visiting, and Lena had decided to run naked through the house leaving Mary mortified. It experience that was for sure. "What are you up to sweetheart?" John asked, realizing he sounded more like a mother then a father with everything. "Oh nothing! I was bored so I made a fort!" she yelled out excitedly before she scampered back under it as if to show him, getting on all fours as she did so. "Since I'm so tall now, I can make it all really easily," she continued to explain from her fort before she popped out again, quickly standing up. As she did so, her now sizable chest bounced slightly. John remembered being thankful for how easily she got used to wearing a bra. It was a godsend. Though despite it all, even if it were more difficult, he was glad she was still with them. A lot of other people weren't so lucky afterwards. Either their kids were lost, or they were in bodies that couldn't care for them any longer. Not to mention considering their bodies now, Lena would be the only child they'd have with each other at this point even if she was no longer in her original body. "I'm bored now though! Can you do dress-up with me daddy! Pleaaaase!" Lena begged, the childish pleading and look on her face still being funny to John. "Ok pumpkin we can do it, but let's clean up first ok?" he replied. As he did so Lena considered it quickly before responding. "OK!" she yelled excitedly as she hurriedly grabbed everything in her now larger arms. "Ok, ok let me just fold it and make it nice," John said in response, laughing slightly at how it looked. It was a few minutes later that they were done, and dress-up was ready to begin. Ever since the shift, dress- up had been something Lena loved doing with him. While John would humor her before, it was never to this extent. Now it would-be full-on fashion shows, at least how it seemed to him. According to his wife however, it was always like this and he just never had to deal with it. Well, he was dealing with it now. Lena had requested they do two kinds of outfits, the first being princesses. While they had taught Lena how to put on clothes better then she could before, she still needed help which is why John was here helping her undress and put on the dress. While at first it was awkward to be doing this, John had gotten used to it especially after the class they took. Lena was now more of the equivalent of a child-minded adult then a true one, which was indeed accurate. As he looked over her now slender and sleek but curvy adult body, her underwear being Pikachu frilly yellow panties and a Frozen adorned princess bra. With that out of the way, he helped her into the dress as she then looked at herself in the mirror, a grown woman wearing a frilly blue dress with fairy wings. As she squealed in joy at the sight she hugged her dad. "I look so pretty daddy!" she yelled in glee. John smiled, despite it all he was glad she kept her childlike sense of self and wonder. She had been deprived of so many years, he was content letting her have this bizarre childhood she was cursed into. "Ok now it's your turn!" Lena yelled as she handed John a yellow princess dress. John sighed, even though he was a woman physically now he still wasn't huge on dresses...but if his (fully-grown) princess asked it of him he'd do it. "Alright sweetpea, I'll be right back," he said as he went into the bedroom upstairs as he undressed himself and looked in the mirror. Staring back was a slim and slender Latina woman with dark tan skin, her breasts clad in a red bra with matching red panties. As he ran a hand over his leg, he felt the freshly shaved skin. Something his wife asked him to do and he obliged. She always looked nice for him, he felt it was only fair. As he looked at his feet and hands, he saw the black nailpolish he wore now, also for his wife. It was their deal. He could wear what he wanted and keep his hair short but make-up and shaving was essential. It was something that turned his wife's new body on. Sighing John put on the yellow princess dress before going down the stairs. At the bottom his thrilled daughter squealed in excitement again. "You look so pretty daddy!" she yelled out in glee with her new adult voice. John only smiled as he walked awkwardly in the dress. For all the times she made him do this, he still wasn't used to moving in this. Though as he walked down the stairs he saw someone else at the bottom of the stairs. "I think you look pretty too," his wife, Rachel, said with a smirk on her face as he made his way down the stairs. Rachel had ended up in a college girl as well, going from white to black. Her straightened black hair going to her shoulders. "Ha...thanks," he said, trying not to seem too emasculated as he kissed her gently on the lips. It was odd to get used to, for both of them, but they were making it work. "Though weren't you supposed to be making lunch?" Rachel replied after breaking from the kiss, her own smile growing larger. "Yeah, yeah yeah....I guess it is time to get back to that," John said with a joking sigh as they convinced their daughter it was time for lunch. As they went back into the kitchen, Lena sat at the table eagerly awaiting her sandwich as John and Rachel prepared it. Despite being in an adult body, Lena seemed to still enjoy her old favorites. According to some studies, child brains had rewired adult taste buds. A few moments later they sat down and gave Lena her favorite, plain turkey and cheese with mayo and a side of Doritos. As she greedily dug in while John and Rachel ate their sandwiches, they both knew it'd be messy. Lena hadn't grown out of that yet. It made the one meal they shared with Mary very awkward when Lena consumed the spaghetti and meatballs with her hands and got it all over herself...which had led to the bath that finished with her running nude through the house. As they finished their prediction was proven accurate as mayo was all over Lena's face, her fingers covered in Dorito dust. Sighing, Rachel got up and wiped mouth and hands to Lena's protests. With Lunch done, Lena ran off back to her playroom where she turned on the Disney Jr channel to her favorite show, Sophia The First. Looking at the grown woman watching a preschool cartoon in the crisscross position, barefeet and all was always odd to John, but at this point what wasn't. With Lena distracted, it was time for some alone time with him and his wife while they cleaned the dishes as an air hung around them. "So how's your family doing?" he asked. It was a common question now in a post-shift world, asked by people who knew each other and those who didn't and were meeting for the first time. For those who were with each other though, it was a way to get an update on how they were coping. "Well as always, my parents are doing pretty good. They're enjoying being young again and being in the bodies of that Indian couple. They weren't swapped around gender wise either," Rachel began remembering the photos her parents had sent of them in Miami. Her mom wearing a bikini showing off her new dark skin and her dad walking shirtless showing off his abs. "As for my sister, well she's still coping with being in her 40s now. Going from early 20s to 40s is hard like I've mentioned. She's glad she's still a woman but she's trying to live life now," she continued, thinking of the long phone conversations she'd had with her sister over this. "How are yours doing though?" Rachel asked, knowing his family wasn't so lucky. "Well my mom's continuing to get used to being a man now. She's still roughly the same age but that comes with its own difficulties," John began remembering the awkward conversations he'd had with his mother now. Mainly with what to do with her new manhood. "My dad's still not really too pleased with being a teenage girl, especially after having been stuck in China for all that time. He's still trying to relearn English so they have a translator to help," he continued, remembering what happened to his dad. It was a phenomenon which happened to many people shifted overseas where the new language would supplant the old one if they didn't speak to people in their original language enough. With how strict China was initially, it had hit his dad. He was making progress though. "As for my sister, her new life at the nursing home is rough. It's hard accepting that you're in your seventies not knowing how much longer you have," John said, sighing. He tried not to focus on his sister too much. She went from having her life ahead of her in her 20s to being at the end of it. He felt horrible for her husband and kids. Her husband had ended up in their 7 year old son, while their two daughters ended up in a student teacher in her 1st grade class and another girl in their class. Without their parents to care for them the kids had to be put into new post-shift homes for kids. He would've adopted them but Lena was work enough. "Yeah it''s tragic..." Rachel said looking sad as she remembered it all. A lot of stuff after the shift wasn't fair, though it just made her grateful for what she was able to hold onto and keep. It didn't take long after this conversation for them to finish dish washing and for Lena to want to be entertained again, though John was able to convince her to let him change first. The boardgame they played was fun, though the imagery of a 38-year-old woman being heavily invested in Candyland wearing a princess dress always got John. By the time they were done, it was dinner time and already which they decided to just be lazy about. The Dominos delivery person was a white woman who the app said was named Ron, John had a feeling something big had changed for him after the shift the way it had for him. Their dinner followed much the same beat as their lunch had, with Lena getting pizza sauce all over her face and having to be wiped down, with her finally starting to crash after dinner. While Rachel bathed Lena, John made his way to their room to wait for her to be done and put Lena to bed. As he waited, John took off his shirt, pants, bra, and panties and looked in the mirror like he tended to. His breasts were on the smaller end, but for him they were big as he gently picked them up and stared at them. The brown areola and nipples blending with his overall tanned skin. His butt stuck out somewhat, but not as much as it did on his wife's new body. He didn't look at his new equipment too much however, not that it made him uncomfortable anymore but now it was just...his. The bush covering it no longer being appealing or forbidding the way it might've been when he was in his male body. Doing one last look at himself, John sighed and made his way to bed. He used to sleep with pajamas or something similar, but in his new body something about sleeping naked just worked for him. He wondered if it was just a way to get used to it that had now become second habit for him. Who was to know? As he laid down, pulling the blanket over his sensitive nipples he saw the door open as his wife walked in, in her silk pajamas looking exhausted. "I had to explain to Lena about her 'funny feelings' again," Rachel said, collapsing on the bed. John sighed in recognition at what it was. A phenomenon that many had foreseen but didn't want to deal with had cropped with kids in adult bodies. As an obvious result of being in adult bodies, post-pubertal feelings of attraction were popping up. The simplest way to handle it was to explain to kids that it was something for when their minds were adult but it was still hard especially with how physical kids liked to be. "What did you say to her?" he asked, flipping in bed to face his wife. "I told her the usual and that was enough. Hopefully it won't reoccur for a while," His wife answered, slumping in bed tired. "Yeah..." John responded as a thought crossed his mind. "How's Mary doing by the way? I know you're closer to her then I am," he continued, asking about the woman who was inside Lena's body now. "To be honest...she's struggling with all this. Beyond her own end, which has her husband having his own boyfriend now she also has to see all the stuff Lena does in her body," Rachel began. "Like at Lena's birthday party alone it was embarrassing for her. Running around barefoot outside in her princess dress, seeing her body dressed up in an adult-sized kids' one piece for the pool part, wrestling with other kids in the trampoline, and shoveling her face full of food. She had to see her body with ketchup dripping down her face from burgers one second and then covered by cake the next, not to mention she ate the cake with her hands," Rachel concluded sounding tired. "I know she's helping us because she knows it's not Lena's fault but... it's hard," she said, adding one last detail. "Yeah...yeah it is...." John replied.

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The Great Shift One Mans Opinion

GS: One Man's Opinion By Tanto Two fifty-five. Five more minutes to go, I thought, as I glanced once again at the clock on the wall. It was Friday. I was in my last period of the day, World Geography, taught by the closest thing to a witch I'd ever met, a fat, ugly old hag who loves to torment us by giving us bad grades on the most spurious of grounds. To my left was Courtney Bitz, a blonde sophomore, who's a good friend of mine. To my right was the other Courtney, Courtney...

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Third Shift

"I slapped her tits with my cock, rubbed my balls on her nose, and sprayed all over her face." That's the reason no one liked working with Leo. Not that he was a bad guy, he just had no filter when it came to speaking. Lines like that, to Leo, were as normal as "Good morning," or "Extra sugar with my coffee please." The early fall was the busiest time of the year for the factory. They would often run a first and second shift on the production floor and a second and third shift in the warehouse....

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Julian And Jadzia Meet Seven Of Nine

Kira opened the door and rushed out just as Seven of Nine was walking by inthe corridor almost knocking her down. Always curious, Seven of Nine stoppedat the open door and walked in.She stopped and stared at Jadzia who was on a sitting on a couch with herStar Fleet uniform open down the seam showing quite a bit of skin and spots."You are a member of species 4219" she stated. Jadzia looked at her andsmiled, "Actually I am a Trill" she said "and I can give lots of thrills asJulian here knows."...

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The Great Shift In the PBR

My Stories may be added to Any Archive with similar content as long as the content is not modified and this notice and the copyright are maintained. Direct comments and email to: [email protected] Forward I had to look back at the original Genesis story by Morpheus to make sure I could get away with this one. I suppose most people will write these stories using the great shift having people pass out at the moment of the shift. In the original story when the shift...

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The Sabacc Shift

A wise old man once told me that in this galaxy we inhabit, there are only three universal truths. First, there’s nothing more dangerous than arguing with a Wookiee. Second, there’s nothing more foolish than gambling with a Jedi. And finally, there’s nothing more alluring than the dance of a Twi’lek. But I came to learn the last of those truths is only half true, and that lesson ended up changing my life in ways I never imagined. In any case, I’m getting ahead of myself. My name is Kyp Grant....

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The Wish Shift Part Three The Heat of Her Summer

The Wish Shift Part Three The Heat of Her Summer Wish shift: Chapter Twenty Three Dreamscapes Year 1 A.S. Day? The first thing I noticed was the reek all of the flowers. The smell of them made the air noxious with their scent. It surrounded me and seemed like it was impregnating even my clothes. It was in my hair and lingered like a thick blanket in my nose and mouth. It was sweet and warm. I could feel soft satin covering me...

4 years ago
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Shift Happens Kiara

Shift Happens: Kiara by Kaitlyn Autofield Prerequisite - Shift Happens: Lionel *****One Hour Before The Shift***** Kiara's hand slid down Jake's leg as she sipped down her Martini, a devious smile painted on her lips while the others flirted with one another. ?Silvia seemed distracted, although Tom continued making his moves on her while Hannah helped to shield Tom's advances. "Should we...?" Kiara flirted and giggled, running a hand through her vibrant red hair; her green...

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Finding Janine

Finding Janine By BobH (c) 2003 They say it takes a year. In terms of dealing with the first phase, with the raw, open wound that is your grief, that's about right. After a year, the initial pain dulls to the point where you begin to occasionally smile again, and going on with your life seems like more of a possibility, but the sense of loss never truly goes away. Janine Fox was my wife, and she was my life. Every day with her was a joy. I could hardly wait to get in from...

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Diane and Janine

Janine had come to Davidson, Saskatchewan with her college roommate. Diane was from this sleepy little town, she grew up playing in the fields playing with the cattle and riding horses. Janine had grown up in the heart of Saskatoon, nowhere near horses, cattle, or any fields of any kind. There was something about this small town that made her feel like she was home, she didn't know if it was Diane’s parents treating her like she was family, or what it was, but she would soon find out. They had...

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Perfect Nine

I phoned Jen to apprise her of our situation. "We've set down in Denver. The pilot says we'll be on the ground about an hour before another plane can be made available," I explained, trying to make the conversation a brief one, not knowing how long I could hide the anguish gnawing at my insides, like heartburn, only more painful... "Oh, my god, what was wrong with the plane you were on?" "Someone said they saw flames from engine number three but I doubt if he even knows which one...

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Darren Performs the Shift

Darren Performs the Shift Part One It's a day after my nineteenth birthday, and I'm admiring how great my ass looks in my very first pair of thong underwear. It's my very first thong because I've only really had the kind of body to make use of one for mere hours now. I mean, all told, I've only been a girl for about 7 hours, so I think I'm making pretty damn good progress, wouldn't you say? So the story goes like this: I won't say that I'd never given a thought to what it must be...

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Dildo Shift Knob

My sister obviously knows that I am taking auto technology in high school, that’s why she asked me to put a really big silicone dildo onto her transmission gear shift stick. Her car has the shift lever on the floor with five forward speeds and one reverse speed. I said, “That thing is huge!” Ashley said, “Yes it is!” Then Ashley smiled. I had seen that smile before and knew that she had fucked herself with it already. I asked, “Does it really fit in your pussy?” Ashley said, “Oh...

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The Great Shift Genesis

Some of you may have noticed that I have a tendancy to do a lot of body switching stories. I tend to enjoy the idea, as well as messing with families a lot, due to the multiple relationships suddenly changed. Because of my fondness for body swapping stories, I decided to create the ultimate body swapping situation. And as a result, I came up with a story challange/open universe. This is one that I'm calling the Great Shift. The premise is that somewhere in New Mexico,...

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Wish Shift Reactions

Wish Shift: Chapter Seven Reactions Year 1 A.S. Day 45 Kira saw Jenny's big black truck pull up outside the restaurant. Bob's Country Kitchen was a small local chain that specialized in quick lunches, but served breakfast and dinner as well. The menu was a regular rotation of specials with a standard menu that didn't vary much. Between the prices and the general quality it had been a successful enterprise for the family that owned it. They had decided that they would meet there...

4 years ago
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Wish Shift A Woman Named Amy

Wish Shift: Chapter Thirty-Three A Woman Named Amy Year 1 A.S. Day 170 Amy had a busy day. They had left the camp earlier this morning and gotten on the road to go home. The other ladies there had gathered around her before they left, to pray the Lord strengthen her and her husband, as they ventured out into the world of the tribulation. It would not truly be safe for the Lord's people yet, but it had to be done. While she and her sisters in faith prayed, Joshua had gathered with...

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The Great Shift Jeremy

Some of you will notice an inconsistency in the Great Shift world's timeline. Most of the stories I've written of the Great Shift, I tended to use summer as the time when the Shift occurred. The inconsistency is in when I wrote the story School Daze, and had it occur during the school year, showing the effects in schools. I am aware of these inconsistencies, and have created them only in an effort to assist the plot of the particular story I was working on at the time. So far,...

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Wish Shift Crossing the Rubicon

Wish Shift: Chapter Nineteen Crossing the Rubicon Year 1 A.S. Day 103 Bob's was a little bit busy this morning for a Thursday. Derek had picked Jenny up at her house at the regular time for her appointment, but they still had more than an hour or so to kill when they walked into the restaurant. Bob waved to Jenny and Derek as they came in the door, but he didn't come over. There were too many people cycling through the place at the moment. Jenny was pretty sure that if he got a...

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Wish Shift Home Sweet Home

Wish Shift: Chapter Four Home, Sweet Home Year 1 A.S. Day 41 Jenny shifted a little on the new fabric. She was still not used to the truck's new seats. It had taken some effort to find a body shop that was open, but it wasn't impossible. One of the guys that dad used to work with at her shop had started his own place after he left and they threw each other work from time to time. The smell of the new upholstery flavored the interior of the cab now, giving it a whiff of new car...

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Wish Shift Zai Jian

Wish Shift: Chapter Eleven Zai Jian Year 1 A.S. Day 58 Night Jenny sat in her room. She had taken all of the clothing that she would not be wearing anymore and piled it on the bed. She reached for the first empty box and started to fold pants and t-shirts and carefully put them away. It was quiet now. Mom and grandma had already gone out the pop-up to go to sleep. She was by herself now, there was only the light in the room and the darkness outside her window to keep her...

4 years ago
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MIranda and Janine

Miranda was a good looking browned haired nineteen year old girl who was on holiday. After a couple years of holiday trips with friends she had decided to spend a trip with her family again. It was the first night in their fancy hotel. Miranda was sharing a room with her best friend Janine. She had been allowed to bring a friend. Miranda had sometimes hated Janine’s guts but most of the time she had loved her. Janine was always regarded as the most outgoing of the two. Miranda was getting ready...

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Aunt Janine

I had just turned 14, when my aunt Janine came to stay with my mother and I. My mom and dad had divorced the year before, and now it was Janine's turn. Since her and her husband didn't have any kids and they had lived in an apartment, she had no place to go, so my mom had her come out to Ohio to stay with us until she got on her feet. Aunt Janine was by no means a super model or anything like that, she was a few pounds overweight, not fat but I guess you would classify her as pleasantly...

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Shift Happens Hannah and Tom

Shift Happens: Hannah and Tom by Kaitlyn Autofield ****An hour before the Great Shift**** "Nice place you got here," Tom began flattering Silvia as they walked into her apartment, "You'll have to forgive Jake. ?He just got out of a relationship." "Well," said Silvia, "he certainly has taken Kiara's fancy." "Kiara seems to take every man's fancy," Hannah muttered trying to get Tom's attention, "And I wouldn't be surprised if there were a couple women in the mix." "Hannah!"...

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Wish Shift Tabula Rasa

Wish Shift : Chapter Ten Tabula Rasa Year 1 A.S. Day 56 Before they went to Dr. Waverly's, Kira and Dianne took her to get a couple of new sets of clothes. Jenny had already apologized to them for being angry with how they reacted to her risking herself and the twins, but there were still some dark feelings swimming around them. She was still out of sorts herself as well. She was wearing the last of her inherited bras and in the last couple of days it had been much too tight for...

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The Great Shift The Cursed

The Great Shift: The Cursed? By Jennifer Adams The strangest thing happened to me that I just had to write it down. This is what happened to me during The Great Shift, as I'm sure you are all well aware of. I'll give you a little history first. I am a thirty-two year old man. Twice divorced. I have two children, a boy and a girl by my first wife. She also saw to it that I had no visitation with them through the courts. Plenty of people told me that I should get a lawyer and...

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The Great Shift Feeling The Power

This is my first attempt at this type of story universe. Great Shift: Feeling The Power By Paul G. Jutras As John came walking into the house he kicked off his mud covered boots and socks. Brushing off flakes of hard lava ash from the ancient lava flows near his house, his mother scolding him once again for tracking mud and hard lava into the house. "But mom, it's so much fun scrambling over the rocks." John pleaded. "I wish I can find a way to stop you from playing...

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Wish Shift Template

Wish shift: Chapter Six Template Year 1 A.S. Day 45 Danny had just finished sliding the last of the cubed potatoes off of the cutting board into the pot of boiling water. She glanced across the kitchen at Sam. She was slicing tomatoes and laying them out on the split loaf of Italian bread over the lettuce. Danny reached for an onion and started dicing it. Danny was more than a little proud of Sam the last couple of weeks. Jenny coming home had been a good influence on her in some...

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Wish Shift Revelations

Wish Shift: Chapter Twelve Revelations Year 1 A.S. Day 65 Sam looked around the outside dining area at Java Jolts. "You know I don't usually go to places like this," she said. The outside area was pretty simple, just some small white painted metal tables with some white wicker chairs around them. The tables were pulled up close to the plate glass of the front window and on the edge of the sidewalk there were some planters with greenery spilling over the concrete sides. "I know,"...

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Wish Shift The Wind in Her Hair

Wish Shift: Chapter Twenty The Wind in Her Hair Year 1 A.S. Day 112 Jenny was sitting outside at her usual table when she finished up at the institute. It was getting pretty hot, but there had been a nice wind blowing today so she just decided to walk to Java Jolts instead of calling Derek to let him know that she had finished a little earlier than she expected to. She had seen when Mindy had ducked back into the office to let Derek know when she sat down out front and he was out...

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