Ambre indian porn

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Nouvelles sensation

Premier thread Fabienne est une belle jeune fille. Elle a 19 ans, blonde aux cheveux mi-longs. De beaux yeux noisette, un joli corps qui fait se retourner les hommes sur son passage, un joli minois avec un teint mat, une poitrine plutôt grosse, sans être imposante, ferme comme le sont les jeunes poitrines de sportives. {first_name] est une jeune fille sérieuse. Etudiante en droit, elle travaille durement pour réussir. Ce n’est pas une jeune fille guidée par l’ambition, bien qu’elle n’en...

2 years ago
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Histoires Dont Vous tes Le Gros P nis H roique

Tu ouvre les yeux, tu est à l'intérieur d'une pièce sombtueuse;Ta chambre. Tu est couché dans ton grand lit, seul. Tu regarde sous tes draps et constate que ton gros pénis d'un pied de long est bien prêt à servir. Tu as envie d'une femme. Tu est le Prince Lugh, un grand guerrier. Réçament tu as délivré ton royaume, Datnorwig, du terrible jourg du Dragon Zathvey en le provoquant en combat.Ton père, le Roi Tseryak III, les armées et la plupart des homme sont partis en croisade contre nos...

1 year ago
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Caroline S Assoit Sur Toi

Ton nom est Philippe Legrand, tu est un grand, fort et beau jeune homme. Tu as la chance d'avoir un pénis d'un pied de long et de pouvoir éjaculer autant de fois que tu le désir, ce qui te donne certain avantages avec les femmes. Tu demeure toujours avec ta mère, Jessica et ta soeur, Virginie.En passant, comme ça, tu as été adopté par ta mère lorsque tu avais 3 ans, ta soeur en revanche est la vrai fille de ta mère, elle a 18 ans. Pendant que tu reve aux gros seins de ta mère, couché dans ton...

2 years ago
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My wife Chrissy

She was gorgeous, I spotted her across the bar, sitting at a table on her own , trying to make her drink last. I don’t think she saw me, but then again I didn’t care if she did. She was blonde, tall I’d noticed, with a figure to die for. She wore a blue floral dress, the design swirled around her curves, enhancing them. Her bust, I estimated was 36D. She looked around, as if looking for someone. She paused for a fraction when she looked in my direction, then her eyes moved on.I looked around...

3 years ago
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Romance of Lust part 12

That morning I purposely arranged that we should be late in entering the school-room. The doctor sternly reprimanded us, and told us we must attend him in his private room after twelve o’clock. Poor Dale turned pale as he heard this, dreading the punishment to come of which his experience was so recent and so severe.At twelve we, apparently ruefully, entered the doctor’s sanctum sanctorum. He had preceded us by some few minutes, and had already donned his long dressing-gown, by which I was...

4 years ago
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Romance of Lust part 9

About this time Miss Frankland, who had become a great favourite with mamma, obtained permission to take possession of the spare bedroom, with an understanding that she was to cede it to any visitor who might come. Of course, this circumstance made my desire to get into her good graces doubly strong, inasmuch as the opportunity of sleeping with her afterwards could be so easily effected. I determined to watch her when retiring to bed, and try to get a view of her naked form. For this purpose I...

2 years ago
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memory of my youth In English and French

I grew up in a city on the outskirts of Paris where there were a lot of Muslims and my mother was a social worker who formed a fully liberated couple with my father ...In short she had lovers and fuckers with the full agreement of my father, and as part of her work and to have peace in this work she quickly agreed to make love and fuck with Algerians and Moroccans whose social files they followed, and they quickly treated her like the white whore that she became for them, so satisfied by them...

1 year ago
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Labeur des Cerisiers 5

Finissant ma journée au verger me préparant pour aller me doucher. Retournant à mon logis me faisant accoster par Heather une amie d'Elaine. Discutant un peu sachant déjà instinctivement qu'elle voulait s'attirer des faveurs de ma fervente jeunesse. Ces dames d'un âge avancé toujours assez subtiles avec leurs approches. Heather n'en faisant pas exception. Coiffeuse de profession remarquant que j'avais les cheveux un peu longs. Me proposant de venir chez elle me fixant un rendez vous un...

1 year ago
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Le petit ami de ma fille 2

Que dirais-tu de me montrer cette jolie petite soit que tu portes sous ce ce petit chemisier et sans attendre ma réponse il déboutonna un par un les boutons de mon chemisier dévoilant les contour de ma poitrine où la couleur de mon soutien-gorge rouge vif était apparentEt le pire fut quand je sentis le creux de sa main absorber mon sein droit assez fortement , et là malgré ma colère je ressentis une grande bouffée de chaleur dont je ne pouvais pas dire si elle était causée par la honte et...

3 years ago
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Amour interdit

Melwyne prenait sa douche. Gabrielle entra dans la salle de bain pour prendre sa brosse afin de se donner du plaisir avec... mais depuis que son copain lui avait prouvé à quel point sa soeur était bonne, il était vrai que Gabrielle aimait regarder le corps nu de sa soeur. Elle en profita donc pour matter sa soeur.Melwyne était jeune, fine et grande, avait de beaux yeux bleus et de magnifiques cheveux blonds, longs. Elle avait des plus gros seins que sa soeur... ce qui rendait Gabrielle jalouse....

2 years ago
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La fess eacute e ou la cravache

Quand tu arriveras pour me rejoindre dans l’appartement, je t’attendrais bien sagement à genoux devant la porte d’entrée, ne portant qu’un porte-jarretelle sans string avec des bas et un soutien-gorge en dentelle très transparent… Je tiendrais dans la main droite la cravache et dans l’autre les liens pour que tu puisses m’attacher comme bon te semble, me soumettre au moindre de tes désirs…Tu commenceras par me relever en posant ton index sur mon menton, forçant ma tête à se redresser pour te...

2 years ago
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Retour de d eacute placement

Il est 07h00 du matin un jeudi, mon avions vient d’atterrir, je m’empresse de prendre un taxi pour rentrer chez moi et faire une surprise a ma femme qui croit encore que je suis encore en Inde pour un déplacement, mais mon travail finis j’ai pue rentrer plus tôt. Dans le taxi le long du chemin je pensais déjà à plein de choses coquines que je vais lui faire . J’arrive à la maison, personne pour m’accueillir, en même temps je ne l’ai pas prévenue, elle a du surement faire des courses, je prépare...

2 years ago
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SOUMISE La premi egrave re rencontre

Nous voilà le jour J, Nathalie a passé une semaine qui oscillait entre joie quand Amant lui écrivait, déception si il ne lui répondait pas, angoisse face au jour qui arrivait et excitation de le revoir.Toutes ces émotions la rendaient imprévisible et nerveuse. Elle ne savait si elle serait capable d'aller jusqu'au bout, de franchir le cap de la tromperie. C'est une femme honnête avec des principes et des valeurs. L'adultère n'en fait pas partie. Elle essaya à plusieurs reprises d'aller vers son...

1 year ago
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Kassy 2

Je me réveille avec le téléphone qui sonne... - Allo, répondis-je.- Oui c'est Michel, ton collègue je suis en bas de chez toi tu m'ouvres? Mais comment Michel a bien pu savoir ou j'habitais, je n'hésitais pas et lui ouvrit.Il arriva à ma porte, je m'étais habillé simple avec une culotte et un t-shirt qui moulait mes tétons durcis du matin. - Bonjour Michel ca va? lui demandais-je, en ouvrant la porte, comment as-tu eue mon adresse et mon numéro? continuais-je. - Avec les bonnes relations au...

1 year ago
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L infirmi egrave re

Souvent, les histoires parlent d'aventures sexuelles réussies, mais il ne faut pas oublier que pour beaucoup, il faut se taper pas mal de râteaux, pour connaître quelques succès. Dans la catégorie "humour", on pourrait en mettre quelques-uns, particulièrement carabinés.A propos d’aventures ou d’expériences, aussi catastrophiques que pittoresques, je me rappelle une anecdote, digne des bronzés ou d’un scénario du même genre. Bien des années après, autant que ça en fasse rigoler quelques un(e)s… ...

4 years ago
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Mon mari cet animal domestique

Je suis une quadragénaire mariée depuis 20 ans avec le même homme. Afin de maintenir toujours la même intensité amoureuse et sensuelle à l'intérieur d'un couple, il faut n'avoir de cesse de se stimuler mutuellement sur le plan sexuel en intégrant si possible une dimension ludique.Hier soir, mon mari et moi avons mis en pratique cette théorie en donnant pour thème à notre soirée : mon mari a****l domestique.Etant à l'initiative de ce charmant projet, il m'incombait d'organiser la ‘mise en...

3 years ago
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Mon oncle

En ce temps-là j'étais espiègle. On ne me tenait pas. Cependant jen'avais vu venir le coup du mariage. Mon mari et moi nous avions voulufaire plaisir et comme pour nous débarrasser on avait dit oui décidés audébut de l'été de faire la fête. De toute façon on n'y couperait pas.Tous les copains nous avons chacun invité à leur mariage. Le cercle serefermait inéluctablement sur nous. Nous prîmes cela en bonne part. Jene regrette rien hormis qu'on aurait pu attendre encore quelques années.Je...

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Milla la travestie soumise Partie1

Coucou, Hihi! Je voulais vous raconter quelques petites choses intimes de Milla la travestie soumise en formation pour devenir salope.Il y a quelques temps, Milla fait la rencontre d'un homme séduisant sur un réseau social. Plus la discussion avance, plus l'excitation envahit Milla. Et plus elle se livre à une soumission de plus en plus complète. Lui, apprécie beaucoup les propositions et encourage la soumise à dépasser encore davantage ses limites. Elle mesure 5'6 avec un poids de 150lbs, 28...

2 years ago
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Claire naissance d rsquo une domina fiction part 7

Bonjour à tous, Pour des raisons professionnelles, je passe une nuit par semaine, 1 fois par mois chez ma belle-sœurAprès quelques séjours, elle me domine maintenant complètement, elle est ma princesse et je lui dois donc une obéissance absolue.Elle reçoit l’aide et les conseils de Clélia, sa meilleure amie dont le petit copain, Marc, est un hardeurClaire, Clélia et Marc se sont retrouvés après que Claire m’ai sodomisé dans sa chambre.Claire avait besoin d’en parler avec des personnes de...

3 years ago
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Wham Bam Thank You Sam

My darling husband and I were gathering dust one night, watching reruns of NCIS and eating Hungry Man dinners, when Donald sighs between audacious bites of backyard barbeque, and says, “Our sex life needs a little something.” “It already has a little something, I replied. Your penis.” I’d already had a couple of wine spritzers. “I don’t believe that my size, or lack thereof, has any bearing upon my present supposition.” “Well, if it isn’t your quantity, are...

2 years ago
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i te entre soeur

Méléna vient de confesser qu'elle couche avec le marie de sa soeur ... et sa soeur participe.Bonjour a tous et toutes je m'appelle hėlėna j'ai 25 ans et je suis acro à mon beau frère qui est en couple avec ma soeur . Régulièrement je partage leurs lit pour mon plus grand bonheur. Et celui de ma salope de soeur qui aime me voir devenir de plus en plus cochone.Je suis une blonde 1m65, 56 kilos. J'ai un petit cul et je fait un 95 D .Ma soeur, elle est comme moi mais en bien plus salope la seule...

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frensh man and muslim nikab woman

L'histoire commence d'abord sur le premier jour de l'été . Ma première année de collège vient de se terminer et je suis enfin à la maison pour les vacances d'été . Le jour où je suis rentré , j'ai rencontré nos nouveaux voisins de l'autre côté de la rue . Depuis que je vis dans la maison en rangée est honnêtement un deux pas de chez moi. Ils étaient un couple musulman , sa femme était dans un jilbab et le niqab sur donc je Son visage était couvert d'un voile . Je ne pourrais pas dire si elle...

2 years ago
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Tanja by Tanja I would like to read comments via the review system. I'm not a native speaker (in English at least). Bang! My parents had died in a horrible car crash returning home from Vienna where my stepfather had some business talk. He was the director of a large powerplant and went there often. That unlucky time my mother was with him as Aida was actually on the schedule at the state opera. In the meanwhile I stayed with my step-grandmother as usual, as she was my...

2 years ago
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Effet Papillon Part 1

Effet Papillon. par Ness Coquine 1. Il suffit parfois de peu de choses pour voir changer le cours de son existence. A mon arriv?e ? Paris pour terminer mes ?tudes, je pensais mon chemin tout trac?. Quelques ann?es me suffiraient pour enfin obtenir mon dipl?me en sciences ?conomiques, une fili?re bouch?e mais qui me laissait esp?rer un emploi tranquille dans une banque ou une administration quelconque. Avec un peu de chances je rencontrerais qu...

2 years ago
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Effet Papillon Part two

Effet Papillon - 2e partie 3. Les campagnes de publicit? visant ? vous d?courager de boire de l'alcool ont tout faux. Plut?t que de parler de s?curit? ou de sant?, les spots feraient mieux d'?voquer la gueule de bois et les remords du lendemain. Pour ma part, la gueule de bois n'?tait pas ma premi?re pr?occupation. Bon, mes premi?res minutes de r?veil ressemblaient ? mauvais trip tourn? enti?rement en flou. Mais ce n'?tait pas ma t?te qui me faisait mal. Je ressentais une g?ne, pas vr...

3 years ago
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Effet Papillon Part 3

Effet Papillon Par Ness Coquine 3e partie. 5. Apr?s avoir joui en moi, Franck ne mit pas bien longtemps ? reprendre des forces. Il faut dire que Elodie n'avait pas tra?n?. A peine rentr?e, elle s'?tait vite chang?e dans quelque chose de plus confortable, un ensemble de lingerie tr?s ?chancr? qui ne cachait rien de sa superbe anatomie. Franck se jeta sur elle avec la m?me ardeur que celle qu'il avait manife...

3 years ago
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Effet Papillon Part 4

Effet Papillon. 4e partie. 7. Les gens sont souvent cruels entre eux. Surtout lorsqu'ils sont encore jeunes. Je craignais la r?action des autres ?tudiants face ? mon nouveau style vestimentaire. Je ne fus pas d??u. J'avais l'impression que tous les regards se portaient dor?navant sur moi. Ils s'accompagnaient de petits rires en coin, de messes basses plus ou moins bien cach?es, de rictus haineux devant la ? folle ? qui confondait les amphis avec les discoth?ques. J'eus m?me le droit...

2 years ago
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Tel le est pris e qui croyait prendre

Tel(le) est pris(e) qui croyait prendre... Les sauna mixte et club ?changiste, est un de mes passe temps favori, de m?me que je ne suis un habitu? d'aucun des ?tablissement que je f?requente tellement je varie mes visites. Mais voil? maintenant un mois je me suis rendu au "club myst?ria" c'?tait un apr?s midi, ce club est situ? dans le centre ville d'une grande ville et en ce samedi apr?s midi de d?but d'?t? les gens ne se prom?ne pas trop dans les centre ville de bord de mer, comme vous l'aurez devin?, ils pr?f?...

4 years ago
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Les vacances de Marcia

Quand j'ai rencontre Cindy, je ne savais pas ce qui allait m'arriver quelques semaines plus tard. Je m'appelle Marc et j'ai rencontr? Cindy en boite de nuit. Elle ?tait magnifique et tr?s f?minine. Comme je suis timide j'ai eu besoin de quelques verres pour l'aborder. Le lendemain j'h?sitais de l'appeler, je me disais qu'une fille comme elle ne s'int?resserait pas ? moi plus d'une soir?e. Mais finalement on s'est revu et on a commenc? une relation. Je n'avais pas beaucoup d'exp?rience, mais Cindy savait ut...

3 years ago
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L ducation de Dominique 2

Le conseil de famille ?tait unanime, cela devait cesser et, je dus citer les filles avec qui je parlais. Elles s'?tonn?rent du nombre ?lev? de filles diff?rents que je c?toyais. Elles allaient durant ce cong? veiller ? m'apprendre ? ne parler qu'? bon escient ou quand cela m'?tait demand?. Je voulus parler et ma m?re se leva, prit un ba?llon boule noir qu'elle me pla?a car mon avis n'?tant pas requis, le silence ?tait de bon aloi. Le dimanche tant attendu arriva, Marie venait nous rendre visite. J'?tais tellement heureu...

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L ducation de Dominique 3

Arriv?e ? la maison Marie prit cong? et me fit une bise sur le front. Maman me dit alors en se retournant vers moi, tu as vraiment de la chance d'avoir trouv? une fille comme elle. Elle est vraiment amoureuse de toi et veut ton bonheur. Le reste de la semaine, Marie me serra de pr?s, ne me laissant pratiquement aucune opportunit? d'?carts mais en ?change, elle ?tait plus douce et c?line avec moi. Le dernier jour, ? la fin des cours, elle m'emmena dans une salle de classe vide, me prit les mains, me les ...

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L ile des vierges

L'ile des vierges Forestier Malgr? la fatigue de la journ?e, j'avais de la difficult? ? dormir. La pleine lune illuminait notre baraque, et cela r?veillait en moi trop de mauvais souvenirs. Cette pleine lune qui r?gentait la vie sur cette ile damn?e! Tout avait pourtant commenc? par une id?e si brillante! === ?tant le troisi?me fils d'un comte -- ne vous trompez pas, malgr? le titre de noblesse, nous ne vivions pas riche -- mon avenir n'?tant pas des plus brillants. Mon fr?re ain?, bien entendu, succ?derai...

3 years ago
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De haut en bas Part 4 Fin

Bonjour, Toute cette histoire est un pur travail de fiction. Toutes ressemblances avec certaines personnes ayant exist?es sont purement fortuites. Vous voulez nous faire un feedback : [email protected] ou [email protected] Vous voulez rejoindre la plus grande communaut? fran?aise de TG caption et TG story? Envoyez- nous un mail avec une histoire (minimum 2 pages) ou une TG caption ? [email protected] ou [email protected] avec les noms des transform?s : Arnaud et Alex. --- La propositi...

3 years ago
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Domestication of a Parisian Bourgeois

THE DOMESTICATION OF A PARISIAN BOURGEOIS Full story-Feb13 By Monica Graz Author's Note The story is happening in Paris of the early 1970s and is based on real facts. At the time Portugal was still a very poor country and not a member of the European Union. Lots of poor girls and married women were coming from there to work in France as factory workers, cleaners and maids. Many of those girls were working as live in maids in...

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La dette de Julien envers Alex

Chapitre 1 - Julien et ses probl?mes financiers "Promis Monsieur Durand, je vous promet que je vais tout mettre en oeuvre pour r?gler ce d?couvert sur mon compte le plus rapidement possible. Je suis en train de n?gocier pour un nouveau job me permettant de doubler mon salaire et en finir avec ces petit probl?mes financiers... Laissez moi juste un peu de temps!" Le banquier regarda Julien un peu rassur? mais ce m?fiait un peu. Ce n'?tait pas la premi?re fois qu'il avait convoqu? Julien ? cause de son compt...

4 years ago
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Alexis devient Anne

Alexis devient Anne "Je sens qu'on va se plaire ici Alexis! Je suis vraiment contente de m'installer avec toi dans cet appartement et que l'on puisse enfin vivre ensemble, sans nos parents! " "Oui, c'est le d?but d'une nouvelle vie Jessica! " Alexis enla?a sa copine dans ses bras et l'embrassa langoureusement tout en lui touchant d?licatement les fesses. Sa copine, Jessica, de son c?t? caressait sa poitrine muscl?e, excit?e de ressentir contre elle le corps si viril de son petit ami. Comment p...

4 years ago
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Trois petites histoires de TG

L'?trange voyage de Julie de Granlac Julien occupait un emploi aux archives, pour l'?t?. Il n'y avait pas beaucoup de travail, parce que qu'il n'y avait pas beaucoup de visiteurs et le jeune ?tudiant en histoire ?tait un peu d?moralis? par l'atmosph?re fig?e des lieux. ?a lui donnait l'impression que tous ces t?moignages du pass? ?taient venus mourir en s'?chouant dans ces rayonnages, o? ils n'int?ressaient plus personne. Enfin, presque plus personne. Lui, Julien, adorait fl?ner parmi tous ces tr?sors oubli?s. Sou...

4 years ago
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SHAGA tudier sur le terrain

S.H.A.G.A. - ?tudier sur le terrain CHAPITRE 1 Un mauvais coup - Tr?s bien, Alexandre! Prochaine question, que signifie S.H.A.G.A.? - Trop facile, c'?tait... Je fermai les yeux pour mieux me concentrer - Syndrome Humain d'Alt?ration G?n?tique Acquis... - FAUX! - Comment, faux? - Acquis, c'est pour le Sida! Le SHAGA, c'est artificiel. D?courag?, je laissai retomber ma t?te sur mon bureau. - Je n'y arriverai jamais! L'examen est demain et je n'arrive m?me pas ? me rappeler d'une des questio...

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Oedipus complex 10 01 04 FR

L'innocence de la premiere fois...Je devais avoir une dizaine d'année lorsqu'un soir, après avoir vu un film (La maison du Diable en noir et blanc, je m'en ****lle comme si c'était hier :p) je me réveillai d'un cauchemar. Tout effrayé, je sortis de ma chambre et entendit la télévision jouant au salon. celui-ci n'était d'ailleurs éclairé que de par la lumière du poste jouant l'un des derniers programme de la nuit... Tout cela serait tout à fait sans interêt, si ce n'est le fait que mes parents...

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D terminisme naturel 5

Marc ?tait dans un ?tat second en pr?parant le caf? r?clam? par Amandine. Il ?tait sous le choc de l'exp?rience qu'il venait de vivre. Etre autoris? par la femme de ses r?ves ? lui donner du plaisir en caressant et en l?chant sa douce intimit?, c'?tait mieux que ce qu'il s'?tait autoris? en imagination. La situation ?tait de plus terriblement excitante, lui dissimul? sous le bureau de sa d?esse, elle essayant de faire abstraction du plaisir pour essayer de travailler. Et mon dieu, c'?tait donc ?a un orgasme f?minin? Cette onde ?lectr...

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Histoire de Sandrine

Histoire de Sandrine (1)Par Perverpeper le 15/05/08F/f F+/f F/f+ F+/f+ teen enema exhibition WaterSport bestriality BDSM feet hair slavery scatology college hightSchool job slow reluctant humiliation blckmail torture nc HeavySynopsis?: Sandrine est une jeune lyc?enne. Quelques jours apr?s avoir f?t? ses 18 ans, alors que le baccalaur?at n’est plus qu’? quelques semaines, elle est enlev?e par une femme richissime qui l’initie aux peines et aux joies de la soumission.Adressez-vous plut?t aux passions qu’aux vert...

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La Condamn e

Tous les personnages de cette histoire sont fictifs, majeurset ?g?s de plus de 18 ans. Toute ressemblance avec des faits ou personnages ayant exist? ne serait que pure co?ncidence. Il s’agit ici de fantasmes. ? Ceci est l’histoire de mon avilissement, de ma descente aux enfers, de mes d?sirs d’humiliation et de d?gradation. Je m’appelle?Samantha Endersson; ? 45 ans je suis une femme pulpeuse, une chevelure ch?tain qui tombe en larges boucles jusqu’au milieu de mon dos, une bouche aux l?vres ourl?es, un visage fie...

3 years ago
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Alexia est malade

Alexia est maladeL??t? se terminait. Les vacances s??taient bien d?roul?es. Alexia ?tait partie s?amuser une dizaine de jours en bord de mer avec une bande d?amies avant de profiter ensuite du bon air de la montagne. Elle en avait profit? pour parfaire son bronzage qui sous des latitudes plus au nord perdait de son ?clat pendant ses longs mois d??tude. Elle ?tait rentr?e en forme et ne s??tait pas m?nag?e donc ? son retour. Elle avait d?cid? de terminer ses vacances ? faire la f?te avant de devoir se reconcentrer sur ses ?tudes. Ce ...

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Allie et Nicole

Allie et NicoleF/f F+/f F+/f+ exhibition ados uro BDSM esclave lyc?e humiliation r?ticenceAvant-propos?:Ce conte enti?rement fictif est l’adaptation fran?aise de l’?uvre am?ricaine d’un auteur dont le pseudonyme est "Annie the slick". ( Elle a publi? deux autres textes?: "Modern Maid" et "L.E.Z. – The Lesbian Sorority". Apr?s avoir contact? Annie par email, elle m’a donn? l’autorisation d’adapter son texte en fran?ais et de le publier. Si cette adaptatio...

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Tango at the Vingt Deux

The Vingt-Deux is an intimate club just behind the Rue Fénélon.    It’s really a night club, but for those in the know, the bar is open during the afternoons except for Mondays.    Whatever else we might be at the Vingt-Deux we are discreet. Although I work with the band, on this particular Tuesday afternoon I was behind the bar instead of Henri, our usual barman.   Henri is a good friend, and I was happy to help him out when he needed the afternoon off.   Tuesdays are always very...

3 years ago
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EDUCATRICES . Coulybaca (Texte personnel)   Chapitre 1 : Fran?oise   Ce jeudi vers 18 heures, Fran?oise, suivie de son groupe de jeunes filles p?n?trait dans le hall de la piscine de la ville voisine, la chaleur torride qui avait r?gn? toute la journ?e l'avait amen?e ? bousculer l'emploi du temps pr?vu .  Depuis midi, les filles l'avaient press?e de s'y rendre afin de profiter pleinement d'une si belle journ?e. Affal?s sur le ventre, autour du bassin d?couvert, les a?n?s, les gar?ons du groupe 6 semblaient les y attendre, to...

4 years ago
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Une mouche pour Ancilla

Une Mouche pour AncillaC’est l’?t? dernier, par un de ces jours chauds, quand l’orage peine ? ?clater. Ancilla est en formation. Son Ma?tre l’a confi?e ? un organisme qui doit lui permettre de  perfectionner son cursus de soumise. Ancilla ?tait, Ancilla est toujours tr?s motiv?e pour progresser, m?me si elle reste toujours tr?s anxieuse de donner le meilleur d’elle-m?me Ancilla n’en est pas moins motiv?e de r?ussir cette ?preuve pour le respect et l’amour de lui. Les journ?es sont tr?s p?nibles, et les nuits encore plus. Il ...

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Omar French

Omar ? Premier jour de croisi?re Omar ? Le premier jour de croisi?reCruise Ship ? Day 1Coulybaca / Black Demon    *******************************************Cette histoire? se suffit en elle-m?me,Cependant elle est aussi la suite logique de :Omar - Viols lors de la croisi?re inaugurale (Cruise ship captives) ************************************************* Omar Shoron ne pouvait d?sirer meilleur poste que le sien, il ?tait ma?tre d'?quipage sur le navire de croisi?re "Isle of Pleasure".Il avait fait son c...

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Luke Violet 4

Then of course getting to fuck other chicks too. I am a young horny guy partying it up on Spring Break, and it was another great memory this week. Violet had the first few days off from work but eventually had to return. Not that she complained, as she worked from home. She would spend the afternoons down by the beach with her computer and a frozen cocktail completing her work tasks. While she was busy, I did my own thing hanging out with Jacob and the guys and of course meeting other...

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There are defining moments in life that I am sure we all look back on and remember. The day I was hitchhiking and a car stopped to give me a ride, would become the most defining moment of my life. The reason I found myself in this situation can be summarized as follows:I was a below-average student at school and knew I would never attend college. Knowing that I would end up in an ordinary low-paying job and eking out an everyday existence, I decided that when school ended, I would embark on an...

Gay Male
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Elderly by Choice Part2

Elderly by choice Part 2 Lady Portia "Hello, could I speak to Judy Askin please, it's Ruth More." "Putting you through." "Ruth, how are you?" said Judy. Asking, "I haven't heard from you in a couple of weeks, I was going to call you because one of my "special" friends has a yen for ladies raincoats and when I mentioned your business he was very interested." Judy, it should be noted, had a small coterie of transvestite admirers whom she adored and escorted on a frequent basis...

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Taking Dzjinna To A Party

I walked around the girl standing firm on her silver stilettos. I admired her endless legs and high, tight ass... her bare, painted tits and silver hooded skull. Her pale soft throat was encased in leather. "Something's missing", I whispered under my breath. "Arnold will be waiting for us in the limousine, but something's missing..." I circled her again on my precarious heels. The soft tip of my riding crop caressed her body... kissing the aching nipples. They pointed dark and silvery...

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Same Route 50 Years Later

Part One “Look what I’ve got,” giggled Bron, Always the quickest of the two in spotting, noticing, thinking, doing and acting on things. Triumphantly she held up a noisily sealed package and tossing them to Tina, who caught them deftly. “Gosh well done, Paper knickers, I’d forgotten about those” Tina snickered reading the blurb on the plastic and keeping the surprise package out of sight of several people around. “One size, fifty in there, that’s enough, we’ll divide them later. Cyril...

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Unholy MasterChapter 6

The Embassy had provided them with pleasant lodgings on Rue St. Lazare, not a great distance from the Place De l'Opera, and with all of the conveniences a young, new American wife might expect in Paris. It was an apartment, but spacious, and the other tenants seemed to be upper- bracketed Frenchmen. Paul was not discontented with the quarters... he was simply at a loss to know how to cope with this affliction that plagued his beloved Janet. Christ, he was yet to consummate his marriage......

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Zugzwang Part 2 ZeroesChapter 13 Hypnotist Show

Nobody was supposed to get hurt. I looked up at the poster with Demetrius's face on it, haphazardly splayed on the plaster wall, advertising the hypnosis show. Well, nobody ELSE was supposed to get hurt. Beyond the stage, the restaurant was dark - the house lights had gone out earlier, the bulbs exploding like fireworks. The place was bathed in flashing red, blue, and white lights coming from outside, like Independence Day was a guest that had overstayed its welcome. I had a headache. I...

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Unholy MasterChapter 11

Paul had followed Leduc's automobile for the past hour, staying a safe distance behind in his own rented vehicle as they traveled the slick wet streets of Paris, crossing the fabulous city of sin. He had not believed the Doctor nor his wife when earlier in the evening at dinner, they had told him of Janet's worsened condition. But they had substantiated his greatest fear... she was addicted, yet to what particular drug Leduc had not said. My poor, sweet darling... Damn, he had wanted to...

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Unholy MasterChapter 12

Paul had no difficulty gaining entrance into the Palais de Plaisir once he showed proof of identity and paid the exorbitant fee. Inasmuch as the establishment only catered to notables and people of wealth, the ugly looking Frenchman at the door seemed pleased to welcome a guest from the American Embassy. He was immediately handed over into the care of an extremely attractive young Moroccan girl, whom, he was certain, would not have been yet fifteen, and whom, he felt sure, he recognized from...

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Ultimate Submission Jacqueline s Story Chapter 16 Confessions

The restaurant was empty. All of France was at home, watching the national soccer team play Greece for a place in the semi-finals. The soccer fans would probably dine a little later tonight. Right now, we had the restaurant to ourselves. As expected, Ramon had agreed to my suggestion to try the Korean barbecue restaurant which had opened recently in the neighbourhood. The restaurant had been Caroline's idea; I knew as little about Korean food as Ramon. Just like Caroline had told me, each...

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Death and Damnation Book 2 of Poacher s ProgressChapter 9 Annette Blanchard

A warm beam of sunlight played on my face, and under its benign caress I swam slowly up from a deep sleep. For a moment I could not recall where I was, but then realised I was lying in the four-poster bed in Annette’s boudoir. It was the most comfortable bed I could ever recall being in. The thick luxurious mattress, stuffed with eider down, was both supportive to my body and yet comforting. I sat up. The pillow next to mine was rumpled, and on pulling back the sheet saw the unmistakable...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 48 Ideology

If the Count of Monte Cristo had been for a long time familiar with the ways of Parisian society, he would have appreciated better the significance of the step which M. de Villefort had taken. Standing well at court, whether the king regnant was of the older or younger branch, whether the government was doctrinaire liberal, or conservative; looked upon by all as a man of talent, since those who have never experienced a political check are generally so regarded; hated by many, but warmly...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 52 Toxicology

It was really the Count of Monte Cristo who had just arrived at Madame de Villefort's for the purpose of returning the procureur's visit, and at his name, as may be easily imagined, the whole house was in confusion. Madame de Villefort, who was alone in her drawing-room when the count was announced, desired that her son might be brought thither instantly to renew his thanks to the count; and Edward, who heard this great personage talked of for two whole days, made all possible haste to come...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 55 Major Cavalcanti

Both the count and Baptistin had told the truth when they announced to Morcerf the proposed visit of the major, which had served Monte Cristo as a pretext for declining Albert's invitation. Seven o'clock had just struck, and M. Bertuccio, according to the command which had been given him, had two hours before left for Auteuil, when a cab stopped at the door, and after depositing its occupant at the gate, immediately hurried away, as if ashamed of its employment. The visitor was about...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 69 The Inquiry

M. de Villefort kept the promise he had made to Madame Danglars, to endeavor to find out how the Count of Monte Cristo had discovered the history of the house at Auteuil. He wrote the same day for the required information to M. de Boville, who, from having been an inspector of prisons, was promoted to a high office in the police; and the latter begged for two days time to ascertain exactly who would be most likely to give him full particulars. At the end of the second day M. de Villefort...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 78 We hear From Yanina

If Valentine could have seen the trembling step and agitated countenance of Franz when he quitted the chamber of M. Noirtier, even she would have been constrained to pity him. Villefort had only just given utterance to a few incoherent sentences, and then retired to his study, where he received about two hours afterwards the following letter:-- "After all the disclosures which were made this morning, M. Noirtier de Villefort must see the utter impossibility of any alliance being formed...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 84 Beauchamp

The daring attempt to rob the count was the topic of conversation throughout Paris for the next fortnight. The dying man had signed a deposition declaring Benedetto to be the assassin. The police had orders to make the strictest search for the murderer. Caderousse's knife, dark lantern, bunch of keys, and clothing, excepting the waistcoat, which could not be found, were deposited at the registry; the corpse was conveyed to the morgue. The count told every one that this adventure had happened...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 86 The Trial

At eight o'clock in the morning Albert had arrived at Beauchamp's door. The valet de chambre had received orders to usher him in at once. Beauchamp was in his bath. "Here I am," said Albert. "Well, my poor friend," replied Beauchamp, "I expected you." "I need not say I think you are too faithful and too kind to have spoken of that painful circumstance. Your having sent for me is another proof of your affection. So, without losing time, tell me, have you the slightest idea whence...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 98 The Bell and Bottle Tavern

And now let us leave Mademoiselle Danglars and her friend pursuing their way to Brussels, and return to poor Andrea Cavalcanti, so inopportunely interrupted in his rise to fortune. Notwithstanding his youth, Master Andrea was a very skilful and intelligent boy. We have seen that on the first rumor which reached the salon he had gradually approached the door, and crossing two or three rooms at last disappeared. But we have forgotten to mention one circumstance, which nevertheless ought not to...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 99 The Law

We have seen how quietly Mademoiselle Danglars and Mademoiselle d'Armilly accomplished their transformation and flight; the fact being that every one was too much occupied in his or her own affairs to think of theirs. We will leave the banker contemplating the enormous magnitude of his debt before the phantom of bankruptcy, and follow the baroness, who after being momentarily crushed under the weight of the blow which had struck her, had gone to seek her usual adviser, Lucien Debray. The...

4 years ago
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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 106 Dividing the Proceeds

The apartment on the second floor of the house in the Rue Saint-Germain-des-Pres, where Albert de Morcerf had selected a home for his mother, was let to a very mysterious person. This was a man whose face the concierge himself had never seen, for in the winter his chin was buried in one of the large red handkerchiefs worn by gentlemen's coachmen on a cold night, and in the summer he made a point of always blowing his nose just as he approached the door. Contrary to custom, this gentleman had...

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Conqueror s RewardChapter 5 The Great Awakening

Diun wandered all day touring most of the city. As the sun began to set his thoughts turned back to Dana and the short time they had spent together. What was it about her that he couldn't get out of his mind? Was it her smile? That in itself warmed his heart, or was it something much deeper? Standing in an empty parking lot he wished to be alone with his thoughts away from the distracting sights and sounds of the city. In the blink of the eye he found himself in the middle of a...

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My Dearest Becky Pt 01

This is the follow up to Becky’s Marine. I’ve received much feedback concerning the series and many requests for it to continue. This is the beginning of that continuation. Thank you all for your support. This is a series mainly centered on Marines on deployment. There might be some not so PC things said here (and definitely in part 2). Please do not take offense to this, I’m just trying for an accurate portrayal. ******* It had been a long night, taking my turn as Sergeant of the Guard....

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The twins 2

“The Twins” Since time immortal, the twins had been in each other’s pockets so to speak, each knowing as to the other’s movements no matter as to where they were, together or separated. Judy was the oldest by around five minutes. They’d made a pack with each other; whatever one had the other had it also, from sweets to clothing. Both had been brought up by their father on the family farm just outside of Taunton in North Devon. Their mother had died when they were only seven years...

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Worked Up Ch 02

First and most pressing was the soreness that all but dominated his body, he was, after all, recovering from a very intensive ‘workout’ in the Gym that morning that had left him feeling particularly spent. The other source of his discomfort, however, was a little bit more difficult to place. Glancing back from the window he took a sip from his coffee, the sweet milky latte bringing strength to his tired frame as he looked across the small table as the muscled blonde woman opposite...

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MY DATE P 13 16

My Date-Part 13 New Years EveFor Christmas, I got many spanking implements from Jane’s family and coworkers. I also proposed to Jane, and Jane accepted. Jane also got a spanking apparatus from her sister. I also got spanked by all the women in Jane’s family, as well as all of the other men in Jane’s family. So to me, it turned out to be a different type of Christmas.Now it was time to celebrate the New Year. Jane and I decided that we would celebrate it together, just the two of us. We...

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Making Amy Beg Part 2

Amy's legs wobbled as she walked away down the corridor. I bit my lip and suppressed the urge to jump with glee. She was clearly flustered. Her little dress was crumpled and out of shape, having been on my floor all night. Every few steps, she'd stop, pat down the creases, and pull at the hem to prevent it from riding up her juicy thighs.Whenever she moved, I gazed at the firm little humps of her ass swaying under the fabric. I wondered whether her cheeks were still pink from all the spanks I'd...

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The Trailer Park The Fourth YearChapter 68

Grounded. Sent to my room like a two-year-old. I couldn't believe it as I paced back and forth. For the record: the bedrooms in mobile homes are not designed for pacing. Not when you have furniture in them anyway. It had been a good week until this morning. Last Saturday, we'd had girls in every event. Miranda had surprised herself by making the finals on beam, then surprised herself again by finishing forth. Stephy took second on floor and Kelly fourth on bars. But the big news was...

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Sorority Sisters Service Project Hormones and House Rules

Sorority Sisters' Service Project - Hormones and House Rules By Lenal Samantha found Brody sitting on her bed, clutching a ruffled pink pillow against her chest. She knocked on the door. "Okay if I come in?" Brody looked up, her eyes red and watery. "Not like I can stop you, Your Majesty." Samantha walked in and put her arm around Brody. "This is your room now: if you don't want me here, I'll leave. Do you want me to leave?" Brody sniffled. "No," she said finally. "What's...

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Twelve Days a Slave Part 5 of 13

After the woman is convicted, a “sentence negotiator” gets her sentence reduced to a public day of repentance followed by eleven days of public punishment. Following that, she is to serve one year of penal servitude. This story deals with non-consensual punishment, pain, and involuntary slavery. If such topics offend you or upset you, I would advise skipping this particular book. There are thirteen chapters to this story. The chapters can be read on their own, but the story is much...

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Streets Of Kolkata The Untold Story Part 3

*Opps…! I didn’t introduce myself I am a boy of 18. In my last year schools. Resident of the city of Joy, Kolkata. Till now I had fucked only my sister. And waiting to suck more pussies and fuck them hard. I found ISS two years ago and reading stories on the site since then. But now I found that they all lack in almost everything. So I started writing. Boys and girls get in your room, because today you will be reading best sex story in town. Feedback me at: * “So, what you’ll be wearing for...

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Valentine of my parents

The night before Valentine I caught my parents in the living room. I noticed some noise when I was already in bed. I was sure what’s happening in there so I sneaked to the door. Saw dad’s naked ass between mom’s spreaded legs. He was fucking her like a youngster. Fast and hard. Both of them were breathing heavily and mom moaned a little bit. She spanked his ass and begged him for more. She played with his hair and nipples and dad liked that. I was standing behind the corner and jerking of my...

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Mausi ki choot mari 8211 I

Ab mera lund poora tan gaya mausi ne jat se mera lund appne muh mein ley liya aur choosenay lagi, lund mota hone ke karan mausi ko poor muh khool kar lund ander lena pad raha tha. Kuch hi der mein mausi ka muh dard karne laga to mausi kharee hoi aur mere lund ko sidha kar us per appni choot ko ungli se phila kar bathe gayi, lund dhere-dhere mausi ki choot mein poora sma gaya. Ab mausi ka muh meri tarf tha aur hum dono ek deep french kiss karne lgey jo ke kreeb 5 min tak chala. Ab mausi boli ke...

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BrattySis Danni Rivers Kiara Cole St Patricks Day Sex

Justin Hunt has offered to take his stepsister Danni Rivers and her friend Kiara Cole to a St. Patrick’s Day party. They’re all decked out, but when they spot Justin rocking some beads the girls instantly want for themselves. Justin tells them that they know what they need to do to get them. Kiara is cool with showing her breasts to her friend’s stepbro, but Justin wants to see Danni’s, too. Danni is initially grossed out, but she really wants those beads. Once Justin...

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In My Life Ch 03

Vern Jordan was there with Bob and Cathy. He spoke to Emerson. ‘These two are everything to me and the missus. They are old enough to be on their own, but as parents we worry. I know the sort of things that are in front of you. We made a few drives in Texas over the years. I want you to know you have my permission to spank either one of them as the need arises.’ Vern showed a smile, ‘I couldn’t ask for a better crew for them to trail with, or a better boss. I know you will do your best.’ Cathy...

4 years ago
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TJ MorgChapter 58

At Officer Call, next morning, Clare raised the question of the new 'puter again, "Just how offside does this make GEC?" "The jury's still out" Cedric answered; "it is an admittedly experimental model and came with basic manuals on file but no mention was made of the data collection and dump. That makes me very suspicious but if I put my suspicions aside, I can appreciate that the unit would have a definite place in, say a squadron, with the flagship receiving the data. If that were...

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HandsOnHardcore Yasmin Scott Masseuse Double Stuffing Two Studs Fuck Brunette Milf

Today’s episode of DDF Network’s Hands on Hardcore is a masseuse double stuffing scene, packed with two studs fucking brunette milf Yasmin Scott! The Australian hot babe with brown eyes and a tattoo gives Mugur a massage. Her soft hands slowly glide underneath his shorts and she feels his hard dick. Vinny Star could need a cock massage too and while the beauty blows Mugur and sucks that hard-on deep down her throat. Within seconds, Vinny’s dark hose disappears inside her mouth while she keeps...

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Tara 6 CrossroadsChapter 34

The dracolings were having a good time. If the dinner guests nearest the girls were unhappy at watching dracolings eating raw meat in the middle of the table, they didn’t mention it. From what Ricky could observe, most at the table were more fascinated than apprehensive or upset. He was amused when Peridot stalked down the table and stopped in front of one of the women. She had some crab from her appetiser on her fork. She stopped from putting it into her mouth when Peridot sat in front of...

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Best friend s mother f f

Susie couldn’t remember the last time she’d got into any serious trouble. She had just turned 17 and was growing up fast. She was beginning to enjoy going out and meeting boys, wild (ish) parties and generally doing what a normal teenager does!However, this time she had, by her own admission, overstepped the ‘mark’ somewhat. She knew that when her parents found out what had happened, she would be grounded for at least a week, probably more.Susie was staying over at her friend Jenny’s house....

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One Last Look

Once upon a time my family lived in the truly idyllic town of Greenhills Ohio, just above Cincinnati. In the middle and very heart of this town was a school. The name of the school's main structure was the Community Building. I went to school there from the 1953 to '59. By the sixth grade, before we moved away, I had been literally every place in the school, except one. It took me a full fifteen years to finally see that one last place. No, it wasn't the girls' locker room; I'd seen that...

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ElevatedChapter 20

Corvus had managed to live in Gaius Gallicus's house for more than a month without knowing it had a dungeon. Once the subject came up, it seemed rather obvious. The place had been a fortress once, a final redoubt built for the first New Roman settlers to fall back on if Rio were ever overrun by an enemy. Even now, a thousand years after it had been built, the estate maintained a small farm, emergency generators with massive reserve tanks, an underground spring, and dozens of cisterns for...

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Sylvia at Gerald s

My mom and I were "stuck" at Gerald's fabulous penthouse fro weeks after Al was shot. Gerald was so afraid that thee mob guys were looking for me, to kill me and get their money back, that he wouldn't let me leave. He was so sweet, and his place so wonderful, that, most of the time, I didn't feel as if I had to. Mom and I were talking about her friend,Mrs. Harada, the sixty year old Japanese-Brazilian massage lady, also a frind and lover of my friiend and lover,Rosalie, who had been married to...

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Grace and the Longest TieChapter 14

“No, Paul,” I said again. I was frightened. I know I had just given a blow job to my other two sons. All three had just watched me screw a dog and I had had licentious thoughts about being intimate with them. Yet, somehow, this didn’t seem to be the right time to go all the way. Writing this now makes no sense but this was my feeling. I did not want it to happen like this. Go me, it wasn’t love, it was just sex. Paul was going to use me not as a lover but a whore. Just like the dogs used me....

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Corina Chapter 5

Now the hot kinky stuff starts!!!ENJOY!!!Things got hotter three weeks later. It started one night while we were watching TV and sitting on the couch together while we would kiss once in a while. Corina had a long white thick robe on and I held her in one arm when we weren't kissing. Suddenly Corina got up and went into the kitchen and called me in there to her. I went and Corina said someone was watching us and I asked her where. She said he was a floor up and almost straight across from us on...

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B day gift to little sister

Hi friends.i m milind.i m a zigolo by profession.i have so many stories to tell as i go regularly with females.but those stories are simple.they wont excite i m telling u my story with my own sister.she is of 18.she has complied 19 on last 26th june.i planned a surprise party for her in a hotel.i invited all her frnds without her the evening i told mom n dad that we will come late in the night.and mukta will be with me as today is her bday.when we reached at hotel,she was...

2 years ago
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Ex Girlfriend Fucked In All Holes 8211 Part 1

Guys this is my first attempt and having some trouble as I’m using a android tablet which is not showing the page properly any ways my name is Tejas I’m Mumbaikar, 26 years old, 5’6″ tall, average body, black hair, green eye, fair and smart looking above average looks. This is the story of my ex girlfriend Seema. She is one of the most beautiful girl and her skin is milky white with no mark on her face and big brown eyes, silky dark brown hair, 5’1″ tall, her body is athletic 32 C 28 34. She...

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BlacksOnBlondes Ana Foxxx Alexa Grace 04 03 2018

Ana Foxxx and her Hubby run a hustle…and Alexa Grace needs a job. It’s a simple hustle, too: advertise you need a “housekeeper”, put the ads online, and wait for the ladies to answer. It all seems legit, but when the potential housekeeper — in this case, Alexa Grace — goes into the bedroom to try on the “required uniform”, Ana and Hubby know they’ve “caught” another white girl! When Alexa reappears, in the skimpy French...

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Rite Of Passage

You learn a lot about someone by the way they act after you tell them you love them, or at least tell them that you love something about them. The next day, things could have gone in a very serious direction.Amy’s twenty. I didn’t fuck around with twenty-year-old girls even when I was twenty. (There’s more to the Aunt Judy story than I told Amy. Let’s just say Judy had me over a lot that summer and she gave me a lasting taste for older women. We’ll get back to that.)Would Amy latch on to that...

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Sex teacher part on chapter 6

Introduction Christine may have been the Woman who had took my cherry and made me a man But the next young lady that we going meet along our sexual Journey hold a very special place in my heart for various reasons that we will get into along the way. I respectfully refer to her as my sex teacher for from our one sexual encounter that we had I learned many valuable lessons in what it takes to please a woman and experienced many things with her for the...

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