Einleitung indian porn

3 years ago
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Wie das Leben doch so spielt

Titel: Wie das Leben doch so spielt Autorin: Karin (bzw. Katrin Elisabeth) Hauptpersonen: Bub: Herbert bzw. Karin Faltenhauser Stoffbaer: Peter bzw. Petra Vater: Papa Mutter: Mama Lehrerin: Fr. Ruth Ballettschule: Ehepaar Maierhofer Inhaltsverzeichnis: =================== HINWEIS VORWORT GESCHICHTE Einleitung Hauptteil Kataloge Veraenderungen Orthopaedenbesuch Maedchenunterwaesche Weihnachten Kinderkleidermarkt Psychologe Schlusskapitel, nein...

3 years ago
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Ein Urlaub der keiner werden sollte

Ein Urlaub, der keiner werden sollte... ( Katrin...2017) Teil 1 Einleitung Als ich nach getaner Arbeit meinen Arbeitsplatz verlie?, wusste ich damals nicht so genau, was mich im Leben noch so erwartet. Mein Urlaubsantrag war genehmigt worden, von der Gesch?ftsf?hrung und auf die Sp?tteleien, meiner Kollegen, wegen meines femininen Aussehens, reagierte ich schon lange nicht mehr. In meinen Gedanken fragte ich mich immer, was w?re eigentlich, wenn die w?ssten dass ich ein Transvestit, mit T...

4 years ago
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Tiny die Traumfrau

Zunächst möchte ich Euch die Austriebe meiner Fantasie präsentieren. Ich verhehle nicht, dass sich der ein oder andere Rechtschreibfehler, Fehler im Satzbau bzw. in der Grammatik eingeschlichen haben könnte. Der erste Teil wird zunächst als Einleitung Verwendung finden. Die nachfolgenden Teile werde ich versuchen, ausführlicher zu Formulieren. Ach ja, alle Beteiligten sind 18 oder älter, teilweise wesentlich älter. 01 Nach der Liebe kommt das Verlangen Johannes, genannt Jo (184 cm groß, 85...

4 years ago
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Lara Croft

Bevor wir beginnen, möchte ich kurz drei Dinge klären, die mir durchaus wichtig sind. Erstens: Sie ist vieles - Abenteurerin, Grabräuberin, Schatzjägerin, Heldin, Retterin der Menschheit, Sexsymbol, feuchter Traum einer ganzen Generation von Nerds... was auch immer. Aber eine Sache ist sie ganz sicher nicht: eine Archäologin. Wo zur Hölle hat diese Frau studiert? Wer hat ihr beigebracht, historisch gesehen unermesslich wertvolle Tempelanlagen mit Dynamit und Pistolen zu erforschen? In dieser...

3 years ago
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Harem des H uptlings

Einleitung Es ist gut, der Häuptling zu sein. Natürlich gibt es Schattenseiten, wie die Verantwortung für den gesamten Clan zu übernehmen und vielleicht von einem eifrigen Usurpator getötet zu werden. Aber ich bekomme den größten Teil der Beute von unseren Überfällen, und die erste Wahl beim Essen und Trinken und natürlich die meisten Frauen. Ich war nicht immer der Chef. Ich musste erst Chief Hanzan töten, um seinen Platz einzunehmen, so wie er meinen Vater Chief Ubrecht getötet hatte. Der Tod...

4 years ago
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Verschmelzende Welten

Einleitung Da wir uns hier in einer Comic-Welt befinden, darf es ruhig mit der entsprechenden übertriebenen Comic-Physik zugehen, sowohl was den Sex als auch eventuelle Action-Sequenzen angeht. Ich tendiere dazu, auch die physischen Proportionen der auftretenden Charaktere entsprechend klischeehaft und übertrieben zu betrachten. Darüber hinaus bevorzuge ich eine dunkle, pessimistische Comic-Welt ohne strahlende oder gar quietsch-bunte Figuren und ohne die klassischen Stereotypen von gut und...

2 years ago
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Aus Rache Erpresst

Vorbemerkung: Die Geschichte entwickelt sich langsam und BDSM Elemente sind zwar von Anfang an ständig präsent aber es wird hauptsächlich damit gespielt, ein tatsächliches Ausleben beginnt erst Stück für Stück, wohl ganz explizit erst mit dem 9. Kapitel des Hauptstrangs. Außerdem neige ich dazu meine Hauptfiguren zu ironisieren, insofern ist diese Geschichte sicher nicht typisch für Erpressungsgeschichten, sie spielt mehr mit dem Bösen als das sie es ist. Ab Kapitel 11 teilt sich die Geschichte...

4 years ago
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Einleitung : Ich heisse Monica Bellucci und meine 58 kg verteilen sich auf 1,72, trotz meines Alters sehe ich noch sehr jugendlich aus und sehr hübsch, meine leicht gebräunte Haut war seidig, meine braunen Augen sanft und meine dunkelbraunen Haare glänzten. mein kleiner, fester Busen mit kleinen Vorhöfen, Nippeln und Warzen leitete zu meinem flachen Bauch über, die Wespentaille ging in einen knackigen, wohlgeformten süßen Knackarsch über, schließlich vervollständigten sehr wohlgeformte Schenkel...

2 years ago
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Arzthelferin wird gekidnappt

Einleitung Regine ist eine 20jährige Arzthelferin aus München. Sie ist etwa 1,80 m groß, hat lange blonde Haare, blaue Augen, einen weichen vollen Mund, Titten der Größe 75C, ein schön geschwungenes Becken und unglaublich lange schlanke Beine. Sie ist also eine Frau, nach der sich die Männer umdrehen. Aber sie reagiert verstört und abweisend, wenn ein Mann sie anspricht. Denn im letzten Winter hatte sie ein Erlebnis, dass sie für ihr Leben gezeichnet hat....

2 years ago
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Game Part 1

Dies soll eigentlich mehr ein Spiel als eine Story sein, mal sehen was daraus wird. Ich wuensche euch aber auf jeden Fall viel Spass. Einleitung Sie sind Mike Roberts. Ihr Auftrag lautet:“ Finden sie ein bestimmtes Maedchen, einzige Anhaltspunkte sind... 1...sie soll zurzeit im Maedchenpensionat „Gray Adams“ wohnen, in dem nur Frauen zutritt haben. 2... sie soll dort eine der beliebtesten sein. 3... sie soll einem Mitglied in einem der Sportklubs sein. Und am wichtigsten!! Das Merkmal...

1 year ago
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Poker 2

Den ganzen Sonntag dachte ich dar?ber nach, was ich nur machen sollte. Mir fiel nichts ein. Am Abend ging ich zum dritten Mal mit dem Teddy schlafen. Ich hatte mich schon richtig daran gew?hnt. Aber irgendwie schien es mir nicht richtig, nur in der Unterhose zu schlafen. Ich zog einen Pyjama an. Mit klopfenden Herzen ging ich am n?chsten Tag zum Bus. Ich musste dem Fahrer meine Monatskarte zeigen. Mit gro?en Augen sah er mich an. Das gab mir einen guten Vorgeschmack auf das B?ro. Ich ar...

2 years ago
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Das Haus am See

Autor: Elana Adra Thema: TS, Shemale, Romance Rating: X Dist.: Diese Geschichte darf von jedem der es will, auf welchem Medium auch immer gelesen und vervielf?ltigt werden, solange der Inhalt inklusive dieser Erkl?rung unver?ndert bleibt. Diese Geschichte darf niemals als solche verkauft werden, oder andersartig kommerziell vermarktet werden ausgenommen von der Autorin selbst. Erwachsenenchecks die im Internet gebr?uchlich sind und ?ber Kreditkarten funktionieren oder auf andere Weis...

3 years ago
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Das Erbe

Intro und Danksagung: Eigentlich h?tte ich nie gedacht, dass ich mal aufraffen w?rde und eine Geschichte f?r fictionmania schreiben w?rde, aber die wunderbaren Geschichten von Transbonder haben dazu gef?hrt, dass ich mich nun doch hingesetzt habe und einen kleinen Roman zusammengebastelt habe. Noch mal an dieser Stelle, vielen Dank Transbonder, du bist die Gr??te. Die folgende Geschichte ist ein Test und k?nnte der Auftakt f?r eine ganze Serie sein. Daf?r m?sstet Ihr mir aber Feedback ge...

3 years ago
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Andy 26

Ich war stinkesauer auf Sarah. Wie konnte sie nur so Grinsen? "Ach komm, Andrea, zieh nicht so ein Gesicht. Eigentlich hat deine Mom recht, auch wenn ich dich dazu ?berredet habe." "Sei froh, dass sie das nicht geh?rt hat. Sonst h?ttest du ganz schnell statt mir das Kleid an." Sarah schaute zerknirscht. "Ja, ich h?tte dich damit nicht aufziehen sollen. Entschuldigung." Sofort verflog mein ?rger. "Ist schon gut. Komm, du musst sowieso leiden. Ich kann in dem Kleid kaum kochen, du wirs...

4 years ago
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Bestellt und Geliefert

Diese Geschichte handelt von einen jungen Mann, der von seiner Schwester in die weibliche Rolle gedr?ngt wird, weil er als IT Spezialist keinen Job hatte. Sein Lebensweg f?hrt ?ber Liberec nach Budapest, und dann passiert etwas in seinen Leben, was theoretisch m?glich ist, in Europa, er wird entf?hrt von skrupellosen Verbrechern... Stichw?rter: TV, gro?e Liebe, unfreiwillige GaOP, Versklavt als Zofe und... Bestellt und Geliefert ( Katrin*2012) Teil1 Einleitung War es wi...

3 years ago
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Das Spiel des Lebens

Das Spiel des Lebens (Ka-Do *2012) I Einleitung Schon so lange ich denken kann habe ich immer davon getr?umt ein M?dchen zu sein. Wie oft habe ich mir heimlich Kleider von meiner Mutter oder meiner Cousine angezogen und bin damit zu Hause herumgelaufen. Niemals w?re ich so weit gegangen mich als M?dchen auf die Stra?e zu wagen. Nat?rlich w?re ich lieber ein M?dchen gewesen, war es aber leider nicht. Durch das gro?e Internet fand ich die M?glichkeit mit anderen Transvestiten zu kommunizieren. Au...

2 years ago
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Die Forschungsreise

Die Forschungsreise (Katrin *2013/ 2014) Teil 1 Einleitung Die Schule war vorbei und ich hatte mal wieder Semesterferien. Mein Studium besch?ftigte sich mit den Mythen und Sagen der verschollenen Mysterien, die sich um die Mayas rankten. Das hatte mich schon immer fasziniert und aus diesem Grunde, hatte ich an einem verregneten Sommertag einen Termin in der B?cherei unserer Hochschule. Die blonde Bibliothekarin kannte mich inzwischen als B?cherwurm und begr??te mich, wie immer, wenn ic...

2 years ago
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Der Seitensprung in eine Katastrophe

Der Seitensprung in eine Katastrophe (Ka-Do 2017) Teil 1 Einleitung Es war mal wieder einer der verregneten Tage. Ich surfte im Internet, auf einem sogenannten Dating Portal und bastelte an meinem Profil. Am Anfang ?berlegte ich noch, ob ich die Wahrheit schreibe oder nicht. In diesen Portalen wei? man ja nie so genau, was einen erwartet. Eine Weile brauchte ich schon f?r meine ?berlegungen und dabei half mir zwischendurch ein kleiner Schluck Rotwein. Nach dem vierten oder f...

2 years ago
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Eine Fahrt ins Blaue

Eine Fahrt ins Blaue (Katrin*2012) 1.Einleitung Manchmal kommt man in seinem Leben auf dumme Ideen. So, war es damals, als ich der Idee nachhing, einen Sommerurlaub, als Transvestit oder Frau zu verbringen mit einer Fahrt ins Blaue. Zu dieser Zeit war ich noch jung, z?hlte 23 Lenze und hatte noch Rosinen im Kopf. Mein Auto, das ich besa? war relativ alt und es war schon ein gewisses Risiko, damit auf gro?e Fahrt zu gehen. Es sollte Quer durch den Osten Deutschlands gehen und dann nach ...

1 year ago
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Hazienda eine Sklavin im Folterstudio german

HaziendaDiese Geschichte ist reine Phantasie. Sie hat keinerlei realen Hintergrund!PrologIrina war Ende 30, 170 cm gro?, schlank, mit den f?r Russinnen typischen wohl geformten gro?en Br?sten. Ihre kupferfarbenen Haare reichten bis auf ihre Schultern. Sie hatte wunderbar lange Beine und eine atemberaubende Taille. Irina h?tte gl?cklich sein k?nnen, aber sie brauchte Geld, viel Geld. Sie hatte in Kiew eine Absprache mit einem lokalen Mafiaboss nicht einhalten k?nnen und der forderte nun eine Summe vo...

2 years ago
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Sophies neue Welt

Sophies neue Welt von Satan_KlausDieser Text ist eine erotische Fiktion von Satan_Klaus. Die Erstver?ffentlichung erfolgte auf: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/newpaofficeStory codes:Hauptthema: M/f , D/s , B/D , slavery , spanking , slow , heavy Nebenthema: toys , teen , M/ff , F/f , chastity belt Alle Rechte vorbehalten. F?r Kommentare, Kritik, Dankesbriefe und Schm?hschriften bin ich unter der folgenden Adresse erreichbar: [email protected] Sophies neue Welt Einleitung: Wie ein G...

2 years ago
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Die Zauberin Spiegelbild german

******************************************************** Die Zauberin ? Spiegelbild(das Gegenst?ck zu ?Die Zauberin? (Sollte ich jetzt wohl zu ?Die Zauberin ? Hasso? umtaufen)********************************************************I BegegnungEs war nicht mein Tag...Heute hatte ich das Haus verkauft. Dort in Raukfurth war ich die letzten Jahre zu Hause gewesen. Und jetzt hatte ich es verkauft - weit unter Wert. Wie unversch?mt der H?ndler gewesen war; allein daf?r h?tte ich ihn schon verfluchen solle...

2 years ago
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Lehrk rper german Story

Geschichte – LehrkörperTeil 1Ich kramte in meiner Handtasche, um nach meinem Autoschlüssel zu suchen.  Der Parkplatz lag bereits im Halbdunkel des anbrechenden Abends. Jetzt, mitten im Herbst, wurden die Tage sehr schnell viel kürzer. Auch die Bäume warfen zunehmend das bunte Herbstlaub ab und der Wind schichtete an Büschen, Bordsteinen und Hauswänden die Blätter zu imposanten Haufen auf.Endlich bekam ich den Schlüssel zu fassen und zog ihn aus meiner Tasche. Ein kurzer Druck auf ihn und mein...

3 years ago
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Wer von uns hat sie noch nicht erlebt, die kleinen erregenden Momente, in denen uns die Lust auf Sex plötzlich überkommt. Gelegenheiten, die ohne viele Worte auskommen und in denen es schon nach kurzer Zeit spontan und unkompliziert zur Sache geht. Aber wer von uns redet schon öffentlich darüber? Hier kommen nun endlich all jene zu Wort die ihrem Drang nach schnellem Sex nachgehen und diesen einvernehmlich zulassen. Zeit, Ort und Situation spielen dabei meist nur eine untergeordnete...

2 years ago
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Nicoles Tittenbingo

Mein Mann Andy und ich fuhren von einem langen Messetag zurück nach Hause über die Autobahn. Es wurde schon langsam dunkel und auf der Straße war kaum etwas los. Wir bekamen Hunger. Es war aber weit und breit keine Raststätte zu sehen. Von der Autobahn aus erblickten wir allerdings ein kleines Städtchen mit maximal 10 Häusern. So dicht an der Autobahn? Da muss es etwas zu essen geben. Wir fuhren die Autobahn ab und nach einer kurzen Landstraßenstrecke erreichten wir dann auch das Dorf. Wir...

1 year ago
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Week 3 Class 1

Week 3, Class 1 (Body Decoration) As she strolled across campus, Meredith was considering the myriad of class project proposals she received last class. Most were just tame variations on some of the themes she hoped to cover in class during the semester. But some others had real promise. One of them, from one of her freshman girls no less, was a comprehensive investigation into homosexuality, that proposed interviews with gay men and women, an evening at a gay club, and ultimately a homosexual...

2 years ago
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Boys Night With Dad

Sam woke up naked and hard. His young, hairless dick was pulsing with need. At fourteen, this was a highly common occurrence. Normally, he’d just stroke his four and a half inch boner until he came on himself, but with Linc sleeping over it would feel so much better to get his best friend to do it for him. Except Linc wasn’t in the bed where Sam expected him to be. The boys always shared a bed when they slept at each other’s house. Each being the son of a single parent, Sam’s dad and Linc’s mom...

3 years ago
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Curse of the Blue SpiritChapter 55

Honolulu daylight savings time: 7:18 AM Tuesday, October 20, 2044 West Virginia time: 12:18 PM Tuesday, October 20, 2044 (EST Aina baseline) Aina time: 3:29 PM day 173 of 1451 Mayoni grunted softly, lifting her legs up higher so that her knees were almost touching her breasts, providing Keona deeper access into her. Mayoni was lying on her right side, and she lifted her left arm up without thinking. So in tune with Mayoni's desires that he wasn't even conscious of doing it, Keona left...

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California Who Says Revenge Isn t Sweet Revised Addition

Prologue: I’m attempting to write an ending to the continuing story series about a California business/vacation trip taken to Southern California by Stacy and her husband. In the series, he has to go for work and she is going to “visit” with her sister Laura and enjoy herself, and boy does she. Read the series by solipsistic starting with “California – The Introduction”. In California, Stacy eagerly gets naked and lets her sister’s boyfriend fuck her and do other sexual acts with her while...

1 year ago
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The Loan Lady

I got a call from Lucy saying that she was sorry that she missed the appointment and would like to meet me after she got off work to go over the loan papers, she was doing this a favor for me, after all she was my cousin and was getting the mortgage for Pablo. I said of course where and when? We agreed to meet at my restaurant for dinner and she would bring all the papers that were necessary and had to be signed.I arrived early got a booth in the back away from everyone else so we could have...

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The Coffee Shop trainee

On this particular day we were in the usual coffee shop but we were served by the trainee, he was a young lad, Lee, 22, and just out of university, as he lived somewhere close to where we lived, Helga asked us if we could give him a lift home, we said we could and Donna and I sat at a table. She said to me "We could knock another off the list here", I said "Ok".As we got in the car Lee was chatty about his life, saying he was working at the coffee shop to earn money to go travelling. Donna said...

4 years ago
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Night Sounds

Night SoundsbyW. L. Telford        An overheard chance remark made by another passenger at the beginning of a long flight captured my imagination.  When we landed thirteen hours later on the far side of the world, this story was written in my mind.  Since then I’ve only polished it a bit.         This is the complete story.  There is no more.                                WLT        ?Oh!  Oh!  Oh!  Yes!  Yes!  YES!?        Connie Porter woke and rolled over to glance at the digits on the...

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Masi shen EvolutionChapter 25 Big Surprise

The group, assembled in the main room of the estate house, found themselves speechless at what they'd just heard. Andrei shook his head and smiled his big Russian grin in wry acceptance, as if to say, Why didn't I see this coming? "So, Michael! I'll bet you never in your life expected such words, no? From the mouth of the adder comes not the forked tongue of death, but the sweet voice of gratitude and apology! You heard it, but can you believe it?" Andrei laughed. "Grin, you old...

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Black Widow

Natasha Romanoff AKA Black Widow is a fearsome member of the Avengers. Her hand-to-hand combat skills trump those of any other Avenger, except the Hulk, of course. She is also by far the most beautiful person in the MCU. Her red hair flows over her perfect breasts. Her shapely ass shakes suggestively from side to side as she walks. And now she is yours to do what you want with her. Which way would you like to see her ravished. Would you like to see her anally destroyed in hardcore BDSM? Would...

2 years ago
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Not Her Husband

Beth was home after visiting her sister who lived two-thousand miles away. She was very tired. She couldn't sleep on the plane because the woman sitting next to her just kept talking and talking. Now, Beth just wanted to soak in a hot bath, relax, and then go to bed. She knew she had the weekend to herself since her husband was off on a fishing trip with some of the guys.When she entered the bedroom and saw the items on the bed, she knew the bath and sleep was out of the question. The ball gag,...

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We went to bed spooned, as we often do, but this evening I just couldn’t seem to fall asleep. My mind wouldn’t relax, and my body, though comfortable, wouldn’t really let go. You know how that happens sometimes. The mundane niggling events of the workday just wouldn’t leave my head. I tried to distract myself with songs, memories, even sheep for goodness sakes, but nothing worked. I was about to excuse myself from the bed and go to the den to read or watch the tube or something, but stopped...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Eva Yi Wasabi Little Me

Eva Yi is a tiny wisp of an Asian girl with perky little tits. Shes hanging out on the deck, enjoying the sunshine in her sheer white bathing suit. Our stud gets there and shes happy to see them. He takes her back to his bedroom to have his way with her. He handles her roughly, wrapping his hand around her throat and playfully choking her. He pounds her tight Asian pussy hard and makes her moan loudly in ecstasy. After he blows his heavy load all over her face, she keeps sucking on it,...

3 years ago
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Daughter with my friends

Peter my friend from early times before marriage, lived with Swan, his wife, his son Jonathan & daughter Ginger while Robin my recent friends that is to be precise – after marriage friend – was still a bachelor. My wife Jenny and daughter Jasmine looked much older than they were. Jenny was the type who gets beautiful day by day after marriage making their husband look old & ugly within 2 years. Jasmine had her mothers figure with a voluptuous ass. Her ass was the most attractive feature....

1 year ago
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GirlsOnlyPorn Ophelia Dust Ryana She Wont Wait

Ophelia Dust is trying to get some work done, but her girlfriend Ryana wants her attention. Ryana is bored and horny, but Ophelia tries to stand strong. Ryana tells Opehlia she’s going to start without her, then peels off her thong to make good on that promise. When Ryana throws her thong to hit Ophenlia’s computer, that’s all Ophelia can handle. Closing the computer, she crosses the room and goes right for Ryana’s tits. The girls are soon exchanging kisses as they...

2 years ago
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My Mom the minger

Preface: Incest stories really get me horny but every time I think about MY involvement then its an absolute turn off! Here's why... I came home from a hot afternoon trying to get layed by a new girlfriend. She had let me finger fuck her until she came but was not interested in returning the favour or any other form of sex that involved me! I had come home as horny as hell and was thinking about laying on my bed and wanking off to get some relief. I slumped down in the armchair opposite...

1 year ago
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Put my panties down

"Put my panties down you sick fuck" I walked into my apartment to find the caretaker of my building on his knees with 2 pairs of my panties, one around his cock and the other pair held up to his face. I had complained earlier in the week that the sink in my en-suite had kept blocking and that I needed it fixing, he knew I would not be in that day and took his opportunity. However, I had finished work early so he had not been anticipating my arrival. I opened my bedroom door to be greeted with...

3 years ago
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Justice ResurrectedChapter 13 The Rites of Blest Children

"No!" Illyana cried, grasping Jonar's arm. Before anything else could be said or done, Lord Meketre stepped forward. "And before you leave, I claim grievance against you for breaking my betrothal to Illyana Brashklarsdaughter." With that, the young warrior stepped forward and ritualistically spat at Jonar's feet. Jonar jumped back as Meketre whipped his massive weapon up at the boy's face. Myka pulled Illyana towards Gnusyl as Jonar dove backward, rolling toward his tent and coming...

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The Accidental GigoloChapter 5 The Accidental Dominant Part Two

I figured that it would take me a little less than an hour to wash and wax my dad's car to my mom's satisfaction. That would still give me five hours or so to get online and learn everything I could about Mrs. Stone's unusual, er, preferences before she arrived. That was the theory, anyway. Subtracting the time that my mother insisted I spend mowing our lawn so that it looked nice when Mrs. Stone was going to arrive — arrive after dark, mind you — left me with three and a half hours....

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Incest Neighborhood Ch 01

Things were about to get extremely naughty at 574 Forest Hill Drive. As she tidied up her daughter’s brand-new room, Karin Towers was perplexed. The 38-year old blonde was at a total loss as to what she could give her daughter Krystal for Christmas. Now that she was Assistant Manager of the Bank, she could finally afford to give the 18-year old anything she wanted, but Krystal hadn’t indicated there was anything special she wanted. Not yet, anyway. There had been a lot of lean years for...

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Halloween House

Halloween House By Xspy4u Those of you who have read the Rebecca and the Victoria series will recognize some of the themes in this story. I will warn that it is a departure from those. I have blended my usual genre as a supernatural horror writer with my new erotica writing –call is Erotic Horror if you will. I must also warn that it takes about 5400 words to get to the sex, but trust me it is worth it. The story is almost 14,000 words long – I wrote it all at once, so you get it all at once -...

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Dun and Dusted Part I Book 7 of Poacher s Progress Chapter 3 Journey rsquo s End

Terminus of the Kennet and Avon Canal. May 7th 1832 “Ja, ja, ja, ja – jetzt, JETZT -- aarrghh.” Gerda howled in ecstasy as another orgasm savaged her. There was a moment of deafening silence before she spoke again, this time in a much quieter and huskier tone of voice. “Mein Gott, Humphrey, das war wundervoll, fantastisch.” Mimi raised herself on her elbow and regarded me with a frown on her brow. “Sometimes I wish you had not given Humphrey any of Professor Potter’s potion. Gerda’s screams...

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Swimmer Boy

I and eleven other teen boys walked into the locker room, dripping wet, and towels draped over our shoulders. We’d just finished the last practice of our training camp, and all the guys were joking with each other and horsing around, relieved that we had three months before swim season started. Even though I was a sophomore, and in my second year on the team, I didn’t really join in on the joking. Most of my friends were girls, the only boys that I was close to were boys I had a crush on. Even...

1 year ago
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Older Woman in Coffee Shop Part 7

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- TURNING THE TABLES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- James listened as Angella's orgasm drew closer. By now he'd heard her cum enough times that he knew the signs. Knowing she was both distracted, and in the position he’d been waiting for, he slowly began moving his hands down towards her hips. For six weeks James had known she'd handcuff him to her bed, but he’d also...

4 years ago
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Halloween Cheerleader Fantasy

Halloween is supposedly a good time to be a TGirl, a time of year when society seems OK with a guy dressing and acting like a girl. Several times on or around Halloween I have walked through Macys or a mall and had salesladies call out "Nice Costume". Or, I as I go into a 7-11 or supermarket, and a couple walks by, the woman will smile and say to her boyfriend, "Hey, next year, let's dress you up as a girl". What's that all about? On the other hand, if my wife and I are invited to a...

1 year ago
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PureTaboo Judy Jolie A Taste Of The Good Old Days

Rick (Marcus London) and Glen (Jack Vegas), two buddies, are kicking back and enjoying the game on television. Even though they are both married and have families, they reminisce about the good old days where they could get with girls as pretty as the cheerleaders they’re watching. Everything was so much simpler back then… That’s when Sally (Judy Jolie) shows up to study with Rick’s daughter. After she excuses herself, Glen and Rick are dismayed about how they’re...

1 year ago
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turned my wife into a cock sucking slut continued

Once she felt my cock buried deep in her it was the start of her kinky side being released.Coming from a strict family she was held back from some of the most intimate feelings and had to keep her thoughts to herself. I myself had had some experiences and figured I would help her find out how good sex could be, I just didn’t know how far she would go. From the start I found that she really liked exposing her nice body .She wasn't embarrassed at all knowing someone was checking her out. She...

4 years ago
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The Ten of Them Chapter 8

Early morning Mom finds me exactly where she left me the night before; my eyes have not close longer than a blink. Mom says, “JJ you need a shower make it a long one. You want to be very clean on your wedding day. Don't dress in your tuxedo yet. Breakfast will be ready in an hour.” As I reluctantly move from the window it's almost as if I can feel Kathryn having to do the same. I am thinking how I am going to survive when she's in the hospital nine months from now. What if they don't...

1 year ago
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Love Life

The wedding was beautiful just like the other four she had been to in the last three months. But what the hell did she expect the women getting married whether they were her friends or not had great taste. And it probably helped that they all look like supermodels. ‘I can’t be jealous of them, they are happy, they are finding the happiness that I have asked God to give all of the people I know. I should be happy for them, not have the green eyed monster jumping out of my eyes every time I...

2 years ago
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Alien a ion

John felt like a long drive would help to clear his head. He had a particularly stressful week and now found himself alone for the first time in many years. His f****y had decided to take an extended weekend trip to visit the in-laws. He stayed behind to work. ‘Work’ he thought, ‘it was always his work that ruled his life and kept him from having fun’. He tried to relax as he drove into the mountains hopeful the beautiful scenery would help boost his spirits. He knew this train of thought was...

3 years ago
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Tusition main sex

By: raj Hi!ISS readers i am raj,i am 24 years old this is my second story on this site,i hope u like the story. please meri gentian apne Lund aur choot par mat lena,ladkiyan usey lund ka cum samajh kar pi jaye aur ladke usey choot ka love juice samajh kar chaat jaye. yeh ghatna 8 saal pehley ki hai jab main 10 class mein tha,meri didi ki ek saheli thi jiska naam Parul tha,uski umar tab 26 saal thi,uski tab shaadi nahin hui thi.woh thodi saanwli thi,uski height 5’9′ thi,woh thodi healthy...

3 years ago
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Not Your Average JoeChapter 9 The Mandate

When we arrived at school, Major Johnson excused himself to use the restroom. He’d already witnessed a demonstration of my self-defense skills, so he knew I could take care of myself if the situation called for it. I assured him I’d be fine standing out in the hall for the few minutes it took him to “do his business.” My father had been training me in martial arts sparring for years and, even though I didn’t particularly enjoy it, I still learned how to defend myself well enough to keep him...

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Slut Brandi and the BBC part four

From this point onward, I (Brandi) will narrate the story as for most of it hubby was a distant spectator and only saw what the cameras caught and believe me there was quite a bit the cameras never saw. Hubby had been working all day Thursday and most of Friday morning, setting up four go pro cameras in various parts of our bedroom, all cleverly hidden, and one fully remote video camera with a very powerful zoom lens. I insisted that I didn't want to know where the cameras were located as I...

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The plane ride

I love reading stories - not so sure I'm a writer - 1st attempt: Hi, my name is Kelli. I am used to dry spells when it comes to sex. I made the decision after college to put career ahead of men for now. Thus far, I have been successful at rising up the corporate ladder, but have had to work harder than my older male colleagues to do so. It's not that I don’t love a nice hard cock – I do! Once a month or so - when my toy just doesn't do the trick, I'll hit one of my old college bars and bring...

2 years ago
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The Simpler They Seem The Wilder They Are

Hi, this is Amit again. The appreciation from all of u has promoted me to share another wonderful experience of mine. I’m from Mumbai, 35 yrs, married, 5’10”, athletic built, quite handsome, with attractive eyes. I am adventurous and have a fairly high sex drive. This incident happened around 4 years back. I used to travel a lot and during the evenings, to kill time, I enrolled myself in dating sites. It was fun interacting with females, although most of them were professionals, but u did find...

4 years ago
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Finding a girl for Ben to Creampie

I've had this wild fantasy for awhile to watch Ben make a pussy cum wild on his dick, and for him to cover with creampie. While he always makes me cum like crazy, and creampie all over him, he constantly tells me how sexy it is when I cream on him and I tell him "Well, I can't see it!!" so that got me thinking...and making a plan. Hoping we would find someone before the new year, I was not disappointed. The new years eve festivities are not short of women who are feeling wild because of the...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Athena Faris Truly Enjoys Codeys Romantic Cock

Athena Faris knew just what she was doing when she picked Codey Steele to fuck for her Cherry of the Month. Codey works his magic kissing all up and down her body making sure to take her sweet time once he gets that pussy of hers bare. She tastes so sweet as his tongue works all around that sensitive clit. Athena can only take so much before she needs that hard cock of his deep down her throat! She takes him all down enjoying the feeling of every inch being within her mouth. Athena really wants...

3 years ago
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Daddy comes home from work pt 7

It had been a few days since Daddy and I had been able to fool around. I was so horny for him that I wanted to rape him every time I saw him, but Mom was usually around and I know she would freak out at the minimum if she knew what we did. I did take every opportunity to tease him though. One day we were all making dinner together and I made sure to rub against him a little every time we passed each other and I rubbed his crotch with my hand a couple of times when I was sure Mom wasnt looking....

1 year ago
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Fuck a furry

"Hello, thank you for calling "Furry Fulfillment" for your furry friend needs. Please follow the instructions and answer clearly when prompted. If you have any questions press 9# to talk to one of our staff members. First question..

2 years ago
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Fantasy Vacation Chapter 05

Chapter V Mike immediately left the houseboat and headed up the dock to the van. He knew Terri would look there first to see if he had returned early so he backed up the narrow drive and parked out of sight. When he figured she had had enough time to get back on their boat, he drove back down the road parked the van and walked to the cruiser. When he stepped inside the cabin, Terri was standing there clad in her bathrobe with a fresh towel underneath her arm. Mike suspected she was going to...

Wife Lovers
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Sissy Sisters

This one was written in response to requests made in reviews of some of my other stories, like USELESS SISSY HUSBANDS, FORCED INTO IT and HE MARRIED NORA. I initially titled this YUMMY WUSSY HUBBYS, but decided that might be too much for some readers. Anyway, the current title fits nicely and describes the husbands' new identities well. SISSY SISTERS by Throne It was a party night and the feminized husbands hated that. It was so shameful to be dressed in their sissy finery and...

4 years ago
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He gives me and ORAL encounter

Introduction: This is a true story of the first time my ex boyfriend ate me out The night that we met, I got dressed, putting on scented lotion and perfume. Making sure that my hair was in place, my outfit was sexy but not revealing and that my toes were lotioned and polished due to the fact that I was wearing opened toed shoes. I drove up to his friends apt complex, passing him up although we were on the phone and he was sitting on his friends car outside. I backed up, he stayed were he was...

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Femboy Autocracy

In 2027, a mad horny scientist unleashed her diabolical weapons in an attempt to turn the world into her sexual paradise. She released two custom-made viruses. one that would affect men, and one women. They rapidly spread to the entire population, brining their effects with them. For women, the effects caused futafication, causing all women to grow massive dicks, the smallest of futa dicks are around 16in, and they can grow up to even 36in and beyond in some cases, with balls to match the...

1 year ago
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Phoenix Rising the Immortality CurseChapter 6

Ariel had an awkward amount of time. Even after she took a much-needed bath, it was still early morning in game. Yet because of time compression, it was in the middle of the night in the real world. Sleep in game was refreshing, so David didn’t need her to log out and sleep. However, she doubted the Whores Guild were early risers. She had picked up Elemental Water Magic at level 6 and learned Ice Shard. She decided to spend some time practicing her new magic along with stealth. Ariel made...

2 years ago
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Flubberguts and MeChapter 5

The front screen door flew open about 10.30am and in came the walking natural element herself. "Hey, Mr P did you know all your carpets wet out here?" she shouted. I came to an unspoken agreement with myself a couple of years ago. If Flubberguts was still available when she was of marriageable age, no matter my feelings about women in general and marriage specifically, I'd marry her. She was as uncomplicated an individual that you would ever like to meet, not an iota of spite or mischief...

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My Girlfriends Family

I started seeing my girlfriend Hannah when we were in college, she was a hot redhead with a few freckles on her nose, a great toned body that she kept fit with regular trips to the gym, and a nice cleavage that you could sit a beer bottle between, although she will belt you for doing it.Now, I had met her parents briefly a couple of times when they had come to visit her, and both of them seemed really nice, her father Rob Green was tall, well built and funny, and her mother Zoe Green looked...

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Massaging Jana

After years of giving her shoulder massages while at work, I'd convinced my co-workre and , Jana, to let me practice doing a full body massage on her. She is a good massager herself and many times have given me a good massage, so I was quite interested in hearing how my skills compared. I was on my way over to her place now. When I got to her place I grabbed my duffle out of the car and headed up to the door. Jana opened the door and hurried me inside as it was close to freezing outside. She...

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Sanyukta 8211 The Woman Who Gave Me Happiness

Early January ,one year, I met someone and that someone stole my heart away, right there right then the moment I saw her… I crossed a popular cards and gifts gallery and there she was ….Buying a big teddy, really big and cushy teddy from the store for her younger sister. Her smile just pierced through my heart as I saw her more and more. I just stopped. Called my secretary and told her to cancel all my appointments for the day. I simply did not want to miss out this moment..She was giggling...

1 year ago
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The FavorChapter 39 The Cheerleader

Rachel came into my room late one afternoon and handed me a jewel box. "What is this?" I asked. "It's a present for you," she said as she walked out. "It's long, but try and watch it tonight if you can, and watch it alone." I shrugged, but finished what I was doing so that I could watch it. I sat down and popped it in my DVD player. There were no menus; the video just started. A gorgeous blonde appeared on the screen, and I recognized her. It was Brittany Douglas from my school....

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 65

The riders were indeed Horse People. They rode in at a gallop, kicking up grass and dirt as they did, and they only reined in their mounts at the last moment, when their lead rider spotted me waving them down. “Greetings, riders!” I called out to the men as they brought their horses to a halt a few feet away from me, falling back on my rusty knowledge of their language. “What brings the Horse People off the great plateau into this valley? Are you hunting, or are you looking for someone?” My...

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Hot Mom An Uber Driving SlutChapter 9

Melanie patiently scratched at her son’s bedroom door like a Dog begging to piss outside. She knew puppies weren’t supposed to speak, but since Brock hadn’t officially made any rules or even accepted the moniker of head of the household, she felt it appropriate to shout when he didn’t answer “Brock? Sir? May I come in? I need to ask your guidance!” Nicole was sitting in stunned silence watching from the kitchen table as her sister begged entrance into her nephew’s bedroom. It was so...

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A Gift From Bhabhi 8211 Part IV

Hi friends….This is abhay.Me ek normal physics wala 21 yr ka ladka hu….mere lund ka size 8 inch he….Thank you so much jo apne meri pahli story A Gift From Bhabhi Part 1, 2, 3 ko pasand kiya….or me apko bata du meri bhabhi bilkul kareena kapoor ki jaisi lagti he….unka figure bhi usi k jaisa he….unka figure 36-34-36 he Aj me apke liye uska fourth part laya hu ki kaise mene bhabhi k sath apni pahali aniversery celebrate ki…..If you like my story so plz mail your feedback on my mail id Agar koi...

3 years ago
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Catch Me If You Can 8211 Part I

Hi married women and girls especially and this is Wildman from Hyderabad, India. It was June 2010 when i came to Hyderabad. I use to live in a independent house of 5 portions where along with my portion there are other families. I work in a Engineering college as assistant professor and got married. We have a good home and life as usual went and it is boring. Let me tell you about me I am a very handsome man just 27 years and very fair that is how many girls and women use to look at me when I...

4 years ago
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Sex resort in Brazil with my wife

Cindi, my wife, informed me we were off on a 10 day vacation. Destination unknown. She’s 25 years old, we met in college, 5’6” and 110 lbs. Short blond hair and smallish firm titties. She tans all over and shaves/waxes. Her athletic body is capped by her awesome muscular butt. She’s frisky but is conservative at our home town. When we leave the state she gets risqué. I’m 6’3” 215 pounds and I keep myself in shape. I work during the week so my body is not tanned like her.As we boarded the plane...

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Mrs Denver Spanks Mother and Daughter Part Two

Please do read Part One first: Mrs. Denver spoke very clearly and firmly, “Mrs. Howe, you will be first now, the strokes will be more spaced out, and I repeat they will be rather harder than the first six.” Mrs. Denver smiled when she remembered of course she had given both ladies seven strokes, the seventh being the penalty they both had to pay because Mrs. Howe had stood up after the first stroke, a definite no no, and an act everyone knew was never tolerated by the Principal. Olivia had...

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TangentChapter 7 Escape and Evade

Tanda Havra tried not to let anything show on her face, even though her entire body ached with the need to spend a few minutes talking to Manistewa or Chief Verkan, anyone from Home Timeline at all. In the fight for her life, there hadn't been time to pay attention to small details. But in the conversation afterwards, she realized the man she'd fought carried an Out Time weapon. She realized he was just learning the language and that too was a surprise. Everyone spoke Zarthani, or one of...

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Robert Knows Best

Wow, naked, naked in front of her son Robert. She thought she would be embarrassed but it was thrilling and it made her feel alive and tingly. Seeing her son naked was exciting, watching him masturbate was erotic, but then she had just let Robert watch her masturbate. Totally naked, shaved pussy naked, fingers in her pussy naked, spread eagle masturbating naked, climaxing in front of her son naked. What Susan feeling was hunger and being sticky. Susan slowly rolled to her hip and sat up on...

1 year ago
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VogoV Autumn Falls Wet Pussy Seduction

There are many ways of cooling down on a hot day. Many people adore spending time at outdoor pools and others get rid of their clothes completely to let soft breeze caress them. Autumn Falls tries all those things but they do not help her. Yes, she takes off tiny bikini, swims naked in the swimming pool and pours cold water right on her boobs and yummy nipples. This is when squirting comes into her mind. So, Autumn Falls goes inside the house and asks her man to fuck her so hard that she...

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My Hot Mother Malini and Me

Dear readers, I am P N abhi Ram a very handsome man of 33 years. This is an actual account of mine that happened 10 years back, I.e. when i was 23 years old. By the title of this story you know that this a incident that took place between me and my hot mother. So let us go that period. Actually this thought had occurred me in my mother tongue that is in telugu. I am writing this in English for the benefit of readers but now and then particularly some conversation I may write in telugu. For...

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Her Need For An Older Man Part 2

Amber gets up off of her knees and kisses John on the cheek. She then slips out of the room to go shower and begin making or ordering dinner. She knew John would be finishing his work and didn't want to bother him. She began to remove what little clothing was left and turn the water to their shower on. She looks at herself in the mirror as she ties her hair up. She looks happy. It had only been two years since she walked out on her old life. She doesn't even miss it.She remembers the day she...

2 years ago
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After the Concert with Mila

‘Do we really need to get there this early?’ I asked yawning. ‘What the fuck you yawning for? It’s noon!’ Andrew said sounding surprised. ‘Aw come on! This surprises you?’ I asked. ‘I know! It shouldn’t but your laziness never ceases to amaze me.’ He answered with a stupid smirk on his face. ‘Shut your face and go get me a big mac!’ I shoved him as we passed a McDonalds. ‘Get it yourself!’ ‘Hey! You’re the loser with no friends, but me, that’s dragging my ass to watch this faggy band...

3 years ago
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Teen lured into sex 3

When Jaya madam told her one day that Rekha madam has asked her to go to her flat, Pooja expected Vicky. Rekha never allowed them to have personal communication."Whenever you want to fuck, you can come to my flat, it is safe" She wont mention that it was actually Vicky's money that was important for her. But Pooja says, Rekha never forced her, she was very loving. Real seduction.Jaya couldn't join her that day, so Pooja hired a taxi and reached Rekha's place. Though Pooja refused to accept any...

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JulesJordan Angela White Angela White 8217 s Dark Side Her Biggest Gangbang Ever Double Anal Triple Penetration

Angela White’s BIGGEST GANGBANG EVER! Angela shows her Darkside when she pulls out all the stops in this 11 guy gangbang with double penetration, double vag, double anal and TRIPLE PENETRATION! She’s having a dinner party but she’s the only thing on the menu for these hungry studs. Dressed in a black latex dress, which matching jacket, thigh high boots, and gloves, Angela makes her way to the dinner table and crawls on top before spreading her legs to show that she’s not wearing any underwear....

2 years ago
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Got Lucky And Had Sex With My Neighbours Wife

My name is gavin I am 19 years old doing my first year. I recently moved to a new duplex house. It started when I first saw my neighbours wife on the roof which is directly facing my bedroom. She would come up here almost everyday between 4 -5pm weekdays and 12pm on weekends. Mostly to wash clothes or hang them for drying or just to clean the terrace. She has one daughter age would be about 4. Her husband works in an it company and goes early and comes late at night. I was just browsing through...

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Three Generations Of Pussy

by po469 I made a suggestion that made my company millions of dollars and they gave me a $50,000 bonus. I spent hours and hours deciding what I was going to do with it. I finally invested $40,000 of it in my retirement account and decided to have fun with the rest. But how? My name is Bud. I am a 58 your old horny, divorced white male. For years now I have had a fantasy that I decided to see if I could make come true while I am still man enough to enjoy it. The fantasy is to have...

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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 33 Training Plans

My ladies actually backed off after I walked over to the dining table and sat down to eat. I could see that they wanted to fawn over me, but refrained. The open worship was nice, but I welcomed an evening where I was not being pressed to perform. It turned out that their restraint was even more welcomed once I started receiving calls from my crew. It seemed that having time to go home and think had definitely inspired several of my crew to come up with training program ideas. The biggest...

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Two sisters meet for the first time

I’m looking for a guy who likes to fuck from the backside. my asshole is perfect for a pounding. Come onand give me a good hard beating. Please help if you can!if you Real Then Contact Me Now :www.miamalkova.websiteI'm sitting here at my desk at work, when someone walks through the door behind me. I turn around and see this gorgeously hot woman standing there. I know she's not a member of the gym I work at, so I spring up from my chair to help her. With a smile on my face, I rush over to help...

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Masi shen EvolutionChapter 49 Doctors Without Borders

Doctor Eberhardt Schmidt was a small man, past middle-aged, balding with a dark gray fringe of closely-clipped hair, who wore silver-rimmed glasses with small round lenses. His magnified eyes stared intently at Jon'a-ren and Michael sitting across from him at the Masi'shen Embassy conference room table. "I am aware that your forces have been providing air cover and ground support for several months now, assisting the United Nations aid mission in central Africa," Schmidt stated. "That...

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Beyond Stilettos and Spotlights

The girls were all finishing the night in the dressing rooms, taking wigs and eyelashes off, wiping five layers of makeup off, and changing out of the 5” heels. Mainly they were trying to decide where to get breakfast at 4:00 a.m. As everyone was putting street clothes on, I looked around and saw a new YSL bag, a new diamond bracelet, and I had seen clothing tags over the last two weeks from Gucci, Balenciaga, Dior, McQueen, and more. WTH is going on? I dance at the same burlesque house as all...

Quickie Sex
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co workers soles

Recently I was on a business trip that would last up to 3 weeks. Usually my wife is able to come with me to take care of my sexual needs on this trip being a perv I still need my balls drained multiple times a week or even a day. This particular time my wife wasn't able to come since some of her family members were in town. So I could either wait it out while I was gone or just beat off each morning until I came back. I made the decision that I would wait it out then come back and just have a...

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Drunnk Lesbians Experience Their First Time Togeth

Drunnk Lesbians Experience Their First Time Together The strobe light flashing, lights off, me and my two drunnk friends were dancing in my bedroom. The girls were topless and Sierra was unhooking my bra while leaning over to kiss Kara as she whispered, ‘I’m so horny.’ I just didn’t care who I fucked, just as long as I was fucking somebody… Anybody… And… Damn… Body. I found myself laying on the bed, Kara was completely naked now and Sierra pushed herself on top of me, winding her tongue...

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cuckold lifestyle 57

The Halloween party. Well Saturday evening we strated getting ready to go to Ann's for her Halloween party. I had to shower first so my wife could pick out my costume. I was told to shave everything totaly bare. Guys I don't know if you have ever shaved yourself totaly but I can tell you it's not easy. I shaved from my legs all the way to my hair line on my head. After I finished ( a good hour ) I went into the bed room to get dressed. All I had to wear was a pair of old motorcycle boots ,...

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