Entführung indian porn

2 years ago
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Erziehungsmassnahmen einer Mutter Teil 1

Erziehungsma?nahmen einer Mutter Kapitel 1 Manche w?rden es als pervers beschreiben - andere w?rden mich jedoch f?r meinen Mut loben. Ich komme mit beiden Meinungen zurecht, wenngleich ich pers?nlich eher zwiesp?ltig dem gegen?berstehe, was ich getan habe. Alles begann damit, dass ich wieder am Rande eines Nervenzusammenbruches war. Christian, mein zw?lfj?hriger Sohn, brachte mich wie so oft in Rage. Sein penetranter Ungehorsam mir gegen?ber lie? mich an meinen Erzie...

3 years ago
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Meinen Mann zur Sissy erzogen

Achtung diese Geschichte ist noch voller Rechtschreib- und Gramatikfehler. Jeder der m?chte kann diese Geschichte als Vorlage nehmen und sie verbessern. Jetzt reicht es mir. Ich hatte die Internet Seiten meines Freundes gefunden. Er surft also st?ndig auf Adult Baby Sissy Seiten. Ich hatte mich schon l?nger gefragt warum er im Bett nichts zu Stande bringt. Das kann er haben, ich werde ihn einfach in ein kleines Babym?dchen behandeln bzw im Grunde verwandeln. Er war eine Woche zu einem al...

4 years ago
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Meine Freundin

Der Regen prasselt leise gegen das Fenster, dunkle Wolken bedecken den Himmel. Alles in allem passt das Wetter zu diesem trostlosen Sonntag. „Noch eine Tasse Kaffee, Marc?“ reißt mich die hohe Stimme von Marion, Nicoles Mutter, aus meinen Gedanken. „Hm? Ach ja, ein Tasse nehme ich noch“ erwidere ich und reiche ihr meine Tasse, damit sie nach schütten kann. „Du gefällst mir heute gar nicht. Stimmt etwas nicht?“ fragt sie, während sie meine Tasse nachfüllt. „Ach, alles bestens. Es war in...

4 years ago
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Nadjas Schlachtung Teil 2 Netzfund

Mein Name ist Nadja. Ja das hatten wir schon. Ich bin 175cm gross, habe weibliche Rundungen, einen klasse Arsch und mit 80c auch ordentliche, feste Brüste. Mich ziert langes rotes Haar und ausser meinen Augenbrauen ist das auch schon alles Haarige an mir. Von daher wurde ich auch mit der Güteklasse A- ausgezeichnet. Das Minus da ich leider ein paar Probleme mit der Leber habe. Nichts gefährliches, aber die Leber ist entsprechend nicht zu gebrauchen. Auch das hatten wir schon.Was wir jetzt aber...

3 years ago
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Barbaras Weg

Mein Name ist Barbara, ich unterrichte am Gymnasium Kunst und Englisch, bin verheiratet und da ich keine Kinder habe verbringe ich meine freien Tage mit Sport oder besuche Museen. Mein Leben ist eher ruhig, ja fast langweilig zu nennen, auch sexuell läuft alles in sehr geregelten, normalen Bahnen. Eines Tages sollte ich an einer Fortbildungswochenende teilnehmen das für Lehre aus dem ganzen Bundesland veranstaltet wurde. Für die Lehrer unserer Stadt wurde eigens ein Reisebus gemietet , denn das...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Football kann das Leben ver ndern

Die Highschool war eine wunderbare Zeit gewesen. Du warst einer der besten in deiner Football-Mannschaft und hast trotzdem deine Probleme gehabt ein Stipendium für das College zu bekommen. Da deine Eltern nicht die finanziellen Mittel haben, um dir das College zu bezahlen hast du die Highschool nur trainiert und gearbeitet um dieses Stipendium zu bekommen. Leider hat dein privat und Sexualleben sehr darunter gelitten. Mit deinen 18 Jahren hattest du bisher nur sehr wenig Sex, doch hoffst du das...

2 years ago
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Die scharfe Lehrerin

Es war der erste Tag nach den Sommerferien. Tom war neu an die Schule versetzt worden. Er kannte hier niemanden und sein Wohnort war gut 50 km entfernt. Er schaute er sich erstmal im Lehrerzimmer um, um vielleicht doch irgendwelche bekannen Gesichter zu entdecken. Er stellte fest, dass er mit Mitte 30 der jüngste war - die meisten waren so zwischen 50 und 60 und schienen ihm nicht besonders interessant. Dann blieb sein Blick an einer Frau hängen, die sich angenehm von den anderen abhob. Er...

2 years ago
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Tante Gerti lsquo s Beichte Teil 3

Teil 3Diesmal haben Tante Gerti und ich uns nicht in ihren Wohnzimmer verabredet sondern zu einem Spaziergang. Die Tante ist ja trotz ihres fortgeschrittenen Alters noch richtig gut auf den Beinen. Ziel ist ein kleines Ausflugsgasthaus das ein bis anderthalb Stunden weit entfernt ist.Paul: Na, wie war das jetzt mit deinem Schotten. Du kannst ja kein Englisch, wie habt ihr euch verständigt?Gerti: Als erster sind ja die Franzosen bei uns im Ort gewesen. Wir waren wohl eine der ganz wenigen...

2 years ago
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Italienische Gro szlig familie Teil 4

Fortsetzung des 2. Teils,wenn ihr den noch nicht gelesen habt, holt das unbedingt nach:https://de.xhamster.com/stories/eine-italienische-gro-familie-teil-2-sklaven-sein-722891Federico war verwirrt und aufgewühlt. Vor wenigen Tagen erst hatte seine ältere Cousine Caterina, von deren Traumkörper er schon seit langem träumte, ihn unerwartet beim Masturbieren erwischt und fotografiert. Das Foto diente ihr jetzt als Druckmittel um ihn in die Rolle ihres absolut willenlosen Sex-Sklaven zu zwingen,...

4 years ago
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Barbie-FrustEssen, Montag, 14. März 2011 12:45 UhrNoch zwei Stunden und fünfzehn, jetzt vierzehn Minuten. Bin ich das, die so laut und schnell atmet? Die Zeit vergeht quälend langsam. Qualen und Zeit kann man messen und erleben. Zeit ist immer gleich, aber die Warterei macht mich noch verrückt. Manchmal frage ich mich, wie lange ich das noch aushalten kann? Mir ist heiß und kalt zugleich. Ich bin nervös und meine Hände zittern. Der Tag ist kurz, und so viel ist noch zu tun, aber ich muss warten...

4 years ago
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Der Busfahrer mit dem Riesenschwengel

David wohnte mit seinen Eltern in einer ‚kleinen’ Großstadt irgendwo in Süddeutschland in einer soliden Mittelklassegegend. Sein Vater war Busfahrer beim städtischen Nahverkehr während seine Mutter als Oberschwester in der hiesigen Uniklinik tätig war. Er selbst war noch auf dem Gymnasium und der Abiturstress machte sich zusehends bemerkbar aber er war ein guter, leistungsstarker Schüler. Leider litt sein geliebter Judosport unter dem zunehmenden Zeitmangel. Seine beiden älteren Geschwister...

2 years ago
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Annas Abrichtung

Annas Abrichtung - Teil 1([email protected])Die folgende Geschichte ist beinhaltet die detaillierte Darstellung unterschiedlichster erzwungener sexueller Handlungen. Sie ist als eine Fantasie f?r Erwachsene und darf nicht von Minderj?hrigen oder solchen Personen gelesen werden, die sich durch solche Darstellungen verletzt f?hlen. Ich weise ausdr?cklich und aus meiner vollen ?berzeugung darauf hin, dass ich solche Handlungen in der Realit?t als verabscheuensw?rdig empfinde und die strafrechtliche V...

3 years ago
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Hausm dchen

Meine Name ist, nein, war, Johann. Ich bin 25 und arbeitete als Student nebenbei in einem Callcenter. Mit 19 habe ich damals meine Freundin geheiratet und seitdem waren wir glücklich. Na ja, nicht ganz. Ich hatte immer den Anspruch, mehr aus meinem Leben zu machen. Während meine Frau schon eigenes Geld verdient, muss ich noch schauen, wie ich die paar Kröten zusammen bekomme. Neben dem Studium zu arbeiten und trotzdem noch nicht mal ein Viertel von dem zu Haben, was die Frau verdient, ist...

2 years ago
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Das erste Mal

Die Charaktere Marco ist ein 18 jähriger unscheinbarer Junge von 183, mit leichtem Bauch, blauen Augen und kurzen dunkelblonden Haaren. Er ist schüchtern und hat noch keine Erfahrungen mit Frauen gehabt. Er ist schon länger in Ann-Maire verliebt, hatte bisher aber noch keinen Mut sie anzusprechen. Ann-Marie wird von ihren Freunden Amy genannt ist 158, schlank, B-Cup, hat grüne Augen, Brille, schulterlange Rote Haare und eine Zahnspange. Sie hatte schon einen Freund, ist aber auch noch...

1 year ago
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Polizistin auf Streife

Es war eine warme Nacht in Hamburg. Katja und ihr Kollege Dirk fuhren in ihrem Streifenwagen durch ein Industriegebiet im Süden der Stadt und kämpften gegen das Einschlafen, was um 3 Uhr morgens nicht verwunderlich war. Mit ihren 26 Jahren war Polizeiobermeisterin Katja Metz eine wahre Schönheit die selbst ihre Polizeiuniform nicht verbergen konnte. Ihre festen großen Brüste brachten ihre blaue Uniformbluse nahezu zum Platzen. Ihr langes blondes Haar war zu einem Zopf zusammengebunden und die...

4 years ago
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Zuviel Rotwein

FMM, bi, dom, cuckZuviel Rotwein, Gazonga, Winter, 2018Ich machte die Bekanntschaft von Thomas per Internet. Oft schon hatte es mich sehr erregt, wie fremde Männer meiner Frau den Hof machten. Mit den Möglichkeiten im Internet nutze ich die Chance Bilder von Ihr, die ich heimlich gemacht hatte, sympathisch wirkenden Interessenten zu zeigen. Auf den einschlägigen Internetseiten zeigte ich sie vor und erhielt fast immer überschwängliche Antworten von Männern, die oft derb beschrieben wie sie...

4 years ago
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Benutzt und unterworfen

Dies ist eine wahre Geschichte. Sie beschreibt mein erstes Mal mit einem Mann. Zu mir: 18Jahre, 172cm, 66kg.Alles begann damit, dass ich über Internetseiten Kontakt zu Männern aufnahm. Mein Fokus lag auf älteren, dominanten Herren die einen jungen Boysklaven suchen. Es dauerte nicht lange und mein Briefkasten war voll mit Anfragen. Leider waren viele davon Faker, aber ein paar wenige stellten sich als real heraus.Mit einem dieser Männer begann ich intensiv zu chatten. Es stelle sich sehr...

4 years ago
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Meine Fickmama Fortsetzung www

Teil 6Da Wochenende war konnte ich mich mal wieder ausschlafen, gegen 10 UhrKlingelte mein Handy und Heidi war dran.„Guten Morgen mein Süßer, kommst du heute zum essen! fragt Heidi mich„Ja so gegen zwölf Uhr kann ich da sein, antworte ich.Nach dem Frühstück räume ich endlich mal wieder meine Bude auf packe die schmutzige Wäsche für Heidi in einen Korb. Wie versprochen bin ich gegen Zwölf bei Heidi, die mich heißersehnt erwartet. Sie hat sich für mich deftig herausgeputzt, aus ihrem weißen...

3 years ago
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Hausm auml dchen

Meine Name ist, nein, war, Johann. Ich bin 25 und arbeitete als Student nebenbei in einem Callcenter. Mit 19 habe ich damals meine Freundin geheiratet und seitdem waren wir glücklich. Na ja, nicht ganz. Ich hatte immer den Anspruch, mehr aus meinem Leben zu machen. Während meine Frau schon eigenes Geld verdient, muss ich noch schauen, wie ich die paar Kröten zusammen bekomme. Neben dem Studium zu arbeiten und trotzdem noch nicht mal ein Viertel von dem zu Haben, was die Frau verdient, ist...

3 years ago
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Andy 26

Ich war stinkesauer auf Sarah. Wie konnte sie nur so Grinsen? "Ach komm, Andrea, zieh nicht so ein Gesicht. Eigentlich hat deine Mom recht, auch wenn ich dich dazu ?berredet habe." "Sei froh, dass sie das nicht geh?rt hat. Sonst h?ttest du ganz schnell statt mir das Kleid an." Sarah schaute zerknirscht. "Ja, ich h?tte dich damit nicht aufziehen sollen. Entschuldigung." Sofort verflog mein ?rger. "Ist schon gut. Komm, du musst sowieso leiden. Ich kann in dem Kleid kaum kochen, du wirs...

3 years ago
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Lex Maya german

Lex Schambereich Lex Maya Der folgende Text ist humoristische Abhandlung. Er ist nicht als ernst gemeinte politische oder gesellschaftliche Aussage zu verstehen, sondern lediglich ein Gedankenspiel wie die Welt sein k?nnte, wenn eine der gr??ten M?nnerfantasien wahr w?rde. Das Licht im Fernsehstudio wurde heller, die Musik schwoll an und auf den Bildschirmen glitt der computergenerierte Titel der Sendung ins Bild: ?Ein Jahr Lex Maya - Sch?ne neue Welt?Die 28-j?hrige Moderatorin stand mit ihren ...

2 years ago
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Polizeimeisterin Kathrin Melzer war heute nicht zum lachen zu Mute. Polizeimeisterin - klang eigentlich nicht schlecht! Eigentlich war sie ganz schön stolz als sie den Titel tragen durfte, als sie sich das erste mal mit ihrer Uniform im Spiegel sah. Selbst in der Kampfmontur die sie jetzt trug gefiel sie sich. Sah ja schon beeindruckend aus, mit Helm, grüner Montur, breiten Schultern durch die Protektoren, Schlagstock und Schild, den schwarzen Boots, sie merkte schon dass selbst die Machos...

3 years ago
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Geiler Heels Spaziergang mit Maria

Geiler Heels-Spaziergang mit MariaCiao, da bin ich wieder..der Ficker der geilen Nachbarin Maria.Ein wenig Zeit ist vergangen, wir haben oft gefickt, uns gegenseitig verwöhnt, an allen Körberteilen in allen Löchern hab ich sie ficken dürfen. Viele Positionen ausprobiert alle Körberteile bespritzt. Und natürlich ich in ihre Heels gespritzt. Ich hatte die Ehre mit ihr ab dem ersten Date Schuhe kaufen zu gehen, ein ganz besonderes Vergnügen für mich. Aber oft hat sie mich auch überrascht mit ganz...

3 years ago
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Die Nymphomanin Kapitel 2

Es war ein ganz normaler Mittwoch, ich gammelte nachmittags gemütlich am PC in meiner Studentenwohnung und zockte Battlefield mit Freunden, als ich eine Kurzmitteilung von Muriel erhielt. Zugegeben, seitdem ich sie auf der Studihausparty kennengelernt hatte ging alles drunter und drüber in meinem Leben, die unvergessliche Nacht mit ihr schwebte mir immer noch im Kopf rum und obwohl schon ein paar Tage vergangen waren und wir uns ständig SMS schickten, hatte ich weder eine Ahnung was das Ganze...

2 years ago
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Das Tagebuch

Netzfund ...eine der geilsten Geschichten, die ich je gelesen hab!Patricks Tagebuch - erster EintragHeute stand wieder einmal das Schwimmbad auf dem Programm; ich liebe es über alles, weil ich da so viele sehen können, wie stark ich bin.In der Umkleidekabine war ich leider allein; dafür war die Männerdusche gut besetzt. Ich mache mir immer einen Spass draus, entweder in der Kabine oder in der Dusche meine Badehose auszuziehen und die anderen mit meinem riesigen Ständer in psychische Krisen zu...

4 years ago
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Ich war mir nicht sicher, ob ich richtig gesehen hatte. Hatte sich die Figur etwa doch bewegt? Jeder kennt diese alten Brunnen, die auf Marktpl?tzen zu finden sind. Aus Steinen gebaut, und oft mit einer Figur obendrauf. Eine G?ttin der Gerechtigkeit etwa, mit verbundenen Augen und einer Waage in der Hand. Hier war es allerdings ein - nackter - J?ngling. Nicht besonders gro?, so knapp einen Meter, und aus einem r?tlichen Stein gehauen. So etwas kann sich nicht bewegen, sagt einem der Ve...

2 years ago
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Der Flaschengeist Teil 5

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webs...

3 years ago
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Der Flaschengeist Teil 31

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webseiten, ...

4 years ago
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Mein bizarres Sex Leben als devote Sklavin

Ich verliebte mich in meinen Arbeitskollegen. Der Mann meiner Träume ist extrem dominant veranlagt. Für mich eine völlig neue Erfahrung. Doch ich kann meinen Meister total vertrauen und erlebe inzwischen als devote Dienerin wahre Momente. Ich sitze im Büro. Heinz, mein Kollege und Geliebter, sitzt mir schräg gegenüber. Ich merke, dass seine Blicke streng und fordernd auf mir ruhen. Doch ich darf ihm nicht in die Augen sehen. Es gehört zu unserem Ritual. Dann ist Feierabend. Ich folge Heinz zu...

3 years ago
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Der Po brennt

„Waren wir uns nicht einig? Jeden Tag eine Stunde Training, das war deine Aufgabe! Warum kann ich mich nicht einmal darauf verlassen, dass du deine Zusagen einhälst?“ „Wie kommen Sie darauf, dass ich…?“ „Technische Überwachung macht es möglich. Und das Ergebnis der Überwachung beweist, dass es richtig war, dein Verhalten zu kontrollieren. Nicht einen Ton hast du gestern geübt! 10 Tage vor deinem Vorspiel vor der gesamten Schule! Ich erwarte eine Erklärung!“ „Für andere Fächer musste ich auch...

2 years ago
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W auml hrend andere sonntags in die Kirche gehen

Als ich mich mal wieder in den Untiefen des Internets verlustierte, stieß ich auf einer einschlägigen Plattform auf die Anzeige eines bereits etwas älteren Paares aus dem Ruhrgebiet. Annonciert wurde von dem Ehemann, Frank, der mehrere Männer für eine "spezielle" Runde mit seiner Frau suchte. Geplant war im Detail eine kleine Bukkake-Runde. Dabei sollte seine Frau mit verbundenen Augen präsentiert werden, eine Gruppe von Herren der Schöpfung dann ihre Oberweite "verzieren". Zudem wollte Frank...

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Die Nachhilfelehrerin

Als ich meinem Mann durch die riesige Glasscheibe des Abfluggates ein letztes Mal zuwinkte, merkte ich zu meinem Entsetzen, dass ich mich frei fühlte. Ein halbes Jahr würde er nun auf einer Großbaustelle in Brasilien verbringen, die er als Bauleiter beaufsichtigen sollte. Oft hatten wir über seine Abwesenheit gesprochen, und nun, als es so weit war, spürte ich nichts von Traurigkeit. Als er durch den schmalen Gang, der zu seinem Gate führte, verschwunden war, drehte ich mich um und genoß die...

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Partyfolgen 2

Vorwort Dies ist eigentlich eine Femdom Geschichte, wurde mir erstaunt klar. Wo ich doch Femdom nicht mag. Aber da sind vor meinem geistigen Auge die unz?hligen Geschichten, wo eine Frau ihren Mann knechtet. So eine Geschichte ist dies garantiert nicht. Trotzdem - ein Mann wird feminisiert. Nicht freiwillig, aber auch nicht so richtig gezwungen. Er wird manipuliert, stolpert von einem Ereignis ins n?chste. Aber ist nicht so unser ganzes Leben, manipuliert von der Werbung? Tina ...

3 years ago
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FKK Urlaub 7 Teil

Der unerwartete Besuch entpuppte sich als Freunde aus den Niederlanden, die sie schon lange kannten, aber nicht erwartet hatten. Es gab ein großes Hallo mit vielen Küssen und Umarmungen. Dies gab mir die Gelegenheit die Gäste genauer zu betrachten. John, der Vater, war ein richtiger Hüne. Er überragte sogar Onkel Willi um eine Kopflänge. Sein Körper war von einem sanften Braunton und ließ einen ehemaligen Athleten erkennen. Das Lachen und seine einnehmende Art machten ihn sogleich sympathisch....

4 years ago
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Ein neuer Abend mit meinen Br dern

Ich bin Erkan und bin 18 Jahre alt. Ich lebe mit meinen 3 ?lteren Br?dern auf dem Bauernhof meiner Eltern in einem verschlafenen Nest am Ende der Zivilisation in der T?rkei.Wir Kinder werden nach sehr strengen Richtlinien erzogen.Ein neuer Abend mit meinen Br?dern.Ich bin sehr fitt, gro? und muskul?s wie alle meine Br?der. Haupts?chlich durch das gesunde selber angebaute essen und die harte Arbeit auf dem Feld. Aber als j?ngster bin ich trotzdem der "Sklave" meiner Br?der.Unser Vater legt wert dara...

3 years ago
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Grausame Gedanken zur Dressur sch ner fetter Frauen

Betrachtungen ?ber die Dressur sch?ner DamenDiese Fortsetzngs-Geschichte ist ?brigens den Autoren "darkreal" gewidmet, deren sch?ne Geschichte ("Der Million?rsclub") hoffentlich bald eine angemessene Fortsetzng bekommt. Ich bin schon sehr gespannt?Und nun zu den Betrachtungen: Ich wohnte vor einiger Zeit in einer Ein-Raumwohnung im 6. Stock eines gro?en Mietshauses in der kleinen Stadt H.  In die gro?e Wohnung direkt nebenan ist vor 2 Wochen eine Frau mir ihrer Tochter  eingezogen. Wir Hausbewohner ...

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7 Mrs Wild Anne Big Jugs

Anne was putting her bag together for her overnight stay that she had arranged with Jason. She smiled at the thought, as that was how they first started their affair, around eighteen months ago.She thought back to that time.*Eighteen months agoAnne had been married to Neil for a few years following a tough divorce; in fact, Neil had been married before too.Paula was Anne’s best friend, and they grew closer following Paula’s divorce, which was just as tough and involved two teenage children as...

1 year ago
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Submissived Mila Marx Missing Teen Gets Found And Fucked

Mila Marx was missing for days and all of the local police officers were on the lookout for this young helpless teen. She was spotted by one of our detectives walking in an area known for heavy vagrant traffic. She was apprehended swiftly for her own protection, and offered a special program by the officer to convince her never to run away again. She reluctantly agreed and boy was it rigorous. First she was restrained and stripped with great power. Then her mouth was stuffed with the officers...

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Farmer Gilbert

Layla was a barwoman. She grew up in a medium-sized town and after graduating from high school she got a job in a motel running their pub. The pay was okay but her tips, fortunately, were very good. Layla was rather attractive and men being what they are, well… no need to elaborate. Her life, however, felt like it was in a rut. She had an on-off relationship with a boyfriend who drove her crazy and she found that still living in the small town where she was born, really gave her the shits.She...

Straight Sex
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A Whole Load Of Fucking 8211 Part II

By: Rod-6969 Hi every one, I’m Shekar here and I’m back with part 2 of my experience with Reema (stats 32B 26 30) please read 2 sisters and whole load of fucking” to understand the story so far. In short I’m 32, 6 feet tall and 77 kgs with a 7.5 dick. Anyways back to the incident. A few days later I was of to the airport to drop rekha and sonam, who where going home on a months vacation. I was anxiously waiting for this opportunity to get together with Reema (that night was so vivid in Memory...

2 years ago
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Ferrero With My Physics Teacher

Dear Readers, A bit about myself- I am a newbie in Ahmadabad, and only here for the next four months. New at writing here, but been reading since a long while! Am a horny chubby cute guy with great sense of humor and always horny! Mail me: The Story is about when i was in school in my 12th grade and final exams were coming nearer. I used to be too involved with partying with friends late at nights and playing sports. I hardly every studied. Now, my physics teacher used to always be very close...

4 years ago
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Moms fucking their bulls a collection of stories

Story 1: Mom’s BBC Hookup at WeddingThe following is based on actual events. I just recently created an xhamster account because I feel like my story needs to be told. I still can’t believe what happened…My mom and dad are open swingers. I have known about their swinging lifestyle since I was in high school. Today I’m 22 years old and in college. This past weekend, we all attended my cousin’s wedding in Las Vegas. My mom, who is in her mid-40s, wore a tight leather dress to the wedding...

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Maternal Instinct Chapter 3

Chapter 3 As the limo rolled down the road Denzell offered Marybeth some champagne. He advised her she really should drink a bit. Marybeth did a little bit and felt it hit her like a ton of bricks. Aargh empty stomach. Denzel offerd her some light snacks which she ate to overcome the alcohol. Marybeth got up the courage to ask why this was happening. Denzel smiled his big toothy grin then told her that his employer had picked her when he watched her and her spoiled brat daughter. He...

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The Scat Island

This is not an advertisement for the scat island, but instead description and narration of activities and events that take place there. Somewhere in pacific, there is this island not shown in any maps and can hardly be seen on google-maps! The island has a rim of narrow yellow sand beach and in the middle it is mainly green. On one side the island is slightly elevated like a small hill, and where this elevation starts, there is a small plain strip where woods are less and if you look down...

4 years ago
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Underground Drilling

My name is Chuck. I fly P-51 Mustangs over Germany and France in the 1940's. My story isn't about all of those missions that I flew, but the time that I got shot down. It was October 15, 1943, coming back from a bomber escort mission over Berlin, when I was suddenly jumped by a German Messerschmitt Bf109 F that shot the Mustang right out from under me. I jumped and the Mustang disintegrated. I was parachuting into the Alsace-Lorraine Region of France. I knew that I would have to seek out the...

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Dragon Clans Bk 01 Pt 25

Nicholas watched from the top of the cliff. The moon was just starting to rise beyond the distant horizon. The gentle wind that blew up and over the edge of the escarpment had the hem of the long cloak that he wore dancing at his feet. He watched the bonfire being lit, watched as people moved off, heard the lilting sounds of ancient songs being played, their notes and melodies drifting on the breeze. ‘Enjoy the evening Ian, enjoy these last few breaths of your life. Tomorrow you shall meet...

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The Mercenary s Shadow Ch 3

I felt such a strange sense of deja vu then, but it was quickly hushed by my stomach started growling, so I decided to get up and find some food. I swiveled my legs from underneath the blankets, found my clothes plus a jacket that looked like it could fit me on one of the chairs, wrote a small letter to Lyra and Silva to tell them where i'm going and headed out the door. The town looked kinda nice at night and I felt good, great actually. I felt so light that I could fly! And since when was...

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Charlene s Not So Non Nude Angels Ch 04

‘Good Lord, Wanda,’ Debbie Romani said, ‘they look amazing.’ ‘Oui, ils sont incroyables,’ Jardin Découpage agreed. Wanda Soldado, their friend and until recently fellow non-nude model, stood in front of them holding her blouse open. Her once all-natural tits had been enhanced at the suggestion of their agent, Damian Nicholson, and she now proudly showed off the result: two gorgeous, round fake tits that were bigger than her originals, bringing her up to the same size and shape as those of...

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Mia Pt 2

Mia – Part Two – Not close enough for comfort I took my wife’s advice to heart, and between the weather turning cloudy and cold limiting the use of the garden as well as business picking up keeping me away from home for days at a time, it was over a month before I saw Mia for more than a few seconds in passing. Her own life as well as my eldest son’s had also got increasingly fraught with the approach of their exams, and although both had more time at home, most of that was used for revision,...

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Energizer Bunny 2

This is kind of a diary of what happened over five days with a much younger guy…There are some random thoughts in here, these were notes to a friend. He knew that the Vietnamese guy I call ‘The Energizer Bunny’ was coming back for a visit. If you read the first story you know that on his first stay (a month ago) he was a 25 year old virgin. He’d never even had a blow job before. He does have a lot of sexual energy and a lot of energy in general! He showed-up last Friday night, we got...

4 years ago
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Daughters Friend Part 3

“Time?”“Not sure, but… going by how it’s looking outside…. I’d say it’s around 4 am.”“Wow. Oddly specific. Oh, fuck!”“What’s up?”“I think we’ve found my sweet spot.”“Nice. Should we stop?”“Have you cum?”“No…”“Then keep fucking me, Mr. Kane.” Alex was right, we did not get much sleep that night. After having sex in Claire’s bed, we moved to my room and went at it all night until the early morning. We had to stop once or twice because Alex passed out from having too many orgasms. It happens. I’m...

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Hot Aunty in Apartment

Hi everyone being a regular reader of iss erotic stories i know how interesting it gets knowing others ½ experiences or fantasies and then imagining yourself in those situations Here I am sharing my experience – the fun I had during my college days Let me describe myself I won ½t say I have a very muscular body but athletic-definitely yes and pretty good looking (something my female friends always pointed out to me) I am writing about the incident when I was studying in Hyderabad. Having gone...

2 years ago
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Teaching Sex To My Innocent Cousin Sister

Hey guys! This is Shiva from down south with a personal sexual experience which happened like 6-7 years back during a school vacation time. About myself: I am 24 years young, 172 cm tall, well-built, medium dark skin tone, bearded guy, football player, and gym fit. But I was very thin during the time this incident happened. About my cousin: She is 2 years younger to me. 155 cm tall, very fair, petite, just blossomed, cute small tits which had just started to develop and a thin waist and a small...

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Chris and Nena s Big Day Chapter 11

Chapter 11 Day 9 Monday. Down in London the defence department are getting worried. In London the Defence department minister of defence was a very worried man. The minister of Defence was scared by the build up of navy ships on the east coast of Britain. There had not been such a build up of naval ships since the end of the Second World War. He had messages sent to the British fleet already there to find out what was going on. At the same time he decided it might be advisable to...

1 year ago
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Living room

I walk into the livening room and see you asleep on the couch upon closer inspection you left you or blouse wide open and your boobs were basically hanging out of your shirt silly I say and was about to walk of when suddenly in your sleep you start to say dick please then I stop stopping unsure what I heard turn around and you say it again dick please I walk back over to you and the you say dick now so I walk over me being only in a house coat you reach up and start rubbing my thigh then you...

2 years ago
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Mother Model Son In Sweet Lingerie Part Two

Lisa swept into the room just as Frankie was stepping back into his panties and easing the white sateen garment with its three wide rows of delicate lace and the lavender ribbon and bow up to his waist. "Well," she said gaily, "it seems I got here just in time to make sure Frankie uses this panty liner. She smiled and handed the liner to Valerie. "Oh Frankie, you were so anxious to put on your panties," Valerie said in voice filled with ridicule, "that you forgot all about your...

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Smokey Mountain Man

I’ve done a lot of stupid things in my eighteen years, from the day I was born almost. I won’t go into a lot of detail, but lets just say I gave my folks more gray hair then any parents deserve. My name is Benji, and no I ain’t some cute little puppy with big eyes and a lot of scraggly fur all over my body. I have no idea why they named me that, they never would tell me, but like that little mutt from movie fame, I do have a way of getting myself into some moments, and this is one of them. ...

3 years ago
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Sarah humiliated

You wake up, exited for the big day, but also worried about what you bully has in store for you. *Side note: This story is public, please feel free to add any chapters or storylines that you want.

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Gypsy Pride

Gypsy PrideBy Sonya Esperanto [email protected]: About a gypsy high schooler who had fallen to the trap of a bunch of skinheads, who decide to teach this Roma a lesson about manners and what gypsies ought to be good for.Story:Classes were over.  But even if it was, to Tom and Jerry, it meant nothing.  Tom and Jerry were two skinheads who came to school and even hid the truth from their teachers, that they listened to white power music and hated blacks and mulattos. Tom and...

2 years ago
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I love you sis PRT4

Before he opened his eyes, Charles could already tell that his usual morning wake-up routine was different. First, he felt the cold chill of the room on his naked skin, which means at some point he had lost the bed covers normally protecting him at night. Secondly, in that coolness, he could feel a warm presence next to him, close to his left side, and knowing it was his sister Karen, it lead him to discovering the feeling that somebody was playing with his now rapidly growing cock. Charles...

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Pantyhose Town

This story takes a bit to get to the action, so just go with it during the setup.Imagine if you will, a society that did not regard sex as negatively as yours does. Abstinence only sex education was laughed at and teen pregnancies rarely occurred. Stores that openly sold lingerie, sexual stimulants and toys were found in every town and city across America. How you dress didn't label you a tease, slut, whore, or any of the other terms you might use. Rarely did anyone complain about lingerie...

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The Costume

You stand in the costume shop and cough, the heavy smell of incense and potpourri overpowering your fragile sinuses as you gaze at the mounds of multi-colored clothing piled in huge masses all over the cramped shop. You hear a voice come from somewhere in the back of the shop, “Just a minute please.” It is a feminine voice, sounds like a slightly older lady. It reminds you of the voice of some of your grandmother’s old bridge club friends, the blue hairs that always pinched your cheeks and...

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Girlfriends week end Hunt

Girlfriends weekend hunt – part 1I’m Erica and my friends are Lisa and Alison. This is the story of something we planned and did together. But it didn’t turn out the way any of us thought it would.The 3 of us were all accomplished fighters, and we all had some hunting skills too. We became acquainted in an internet group, and decided that an ?in-person? meet in the ?real world? would be a fun thing. We all were very competitive, and LOVED competing with, and defeating other women. Mostly in...

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Sisters Pantyhose Christmas

I’ll start by explaining the situation. My parents divorced when I was 1 and my dad got re-married and had two daughters with my step mum. So they where really my half-sisters but we were so close that I always thought of them as my actual sisters. They lived with my dad in Scotland whereas I lived with my mum down in Sussex, so I might only see them twice a year. I was always closer to Chelcie who was the older of the two. This story happens at Christmas when I was 18 and Chelcie was...

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A Binding RelationshipChapter 47

I sat at my desk thinking about every thing that had happened in the last twenty-four hours. I couldn't believe what all we had been through. I was tied to the bed and being pleased by Nick while Shelly was being beaten by a son-of-a-bitch that thought that it was what she wanted. Who was beating her for his pleasure. The more I thought about it the more I figured that we must have been tied at the same time. I suddenly think about the guy that works at the adult bookstore. Oh my God, I...

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Don t Sleep in the Subway Part TwoChapter 19

Those of you that have already read Book One of this Trilogy probably have deduced my unease with the swelling regard for the French assistance in this uniquely American struggle for independence in a world that was decidedly against the rights of the average Joe in all corners of the world. There was a point in my thinking after the battle of Ticonderoga that we could probably win this thing without turning to the French for their help. I knew that Mister Franklin and Mister Adams were...

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My lover my mother Her satin my sin

My Mother, my Lover. Her Satin, my Sin by: Georgina The house was quiet and still. I was on my own and the evening shadows were lengthening as the sun sank in the west. We, mother and I, lived alone since father had left us two years before, to find himself, as he intimated to me, but as far as I was concerned that brutish, oafish and generally awful man could stay lost for ever. We were very happy in our solitude and had drawn close together after the awful times we went through till...

3 years ago
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Bipasha ko chod hi liya

Hi dosto I am back after a very long foreign tour.mere sare bahut pyare pyare story readers aapko sach bataoo is baar bahut dino tak kam se desh ke bahar rahna pada.ek or jaha dilli ke haldiram ki garam jalebi roj yaad aati thi wahi dusari or apne desh ki deshi chooto ki yaad ne mujhe ek bi raat chen se nai sone dia.haa ek baat bilkul sach hai ki chahe jo bhi ho jae mai waha bhi roj iss read karta tha aur kai videshi hasinao ko bhi maine iss ka chaska laga diya. Apko ye to mein pahile hi bata...

2 years ago
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I am Her Bitch Now

Right when we were in the middle of great sex, I told her how good I thought her pussy would taste after I came in her and told her I'd love for her to make me her bitch and insist I eat her to orgasm and clean her messy pussy out. She was grossed out by the idea and wouldn't let me do it. I don't know why I have the urge to eat cum from my wife's pussy, but I know I'm not the only man to have this desire.A number of drunken nights later, my wife learned that after I came I really didn't want...

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The King in Yellow Chapter Eleven

There was a long silence. Dmitri sat still and composed, despite the dull steel chains restraining him in his chair, but Katya shifted nervously and struggled to control her breathing. They both waited until she trusted herself to speak; she stared blankly into the middle distance and the papers hung limp in her hands. At last she spoke. “You killed four women just to make a theatrical performance out of Rosa’s death” she said, absently. “A woman who finds the Yellow Sign is called to give...

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RUNAWAY Chapter 19 Toke and Relax

"I see you are awake Sleeping beauty. Time for a stop, smoke and a couple hours of sleep don't you think Senorita" he asked? "Sure" she agreed with a yawn. They both got out of the truck and she headed to the ladies room for a potty break. When she got back he had the two chairs out and he was seated smoking a joint and also had a cooler out and a beer in his hand, "Would you like Cerveza" he asked holding up a green can with two large green letter X? Sammi wasn't sure what it...

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Traitor Book 1Chapter 9 Luscious Ladies

Jason spent an enjoyable late afternoon with Robert and Marie the Chefs in their kitchen, first preparing a menu and then helping to cook. Jason loved the cooking technology in the kitchen. All food preparation was automated and cooking had progressed a long way past microwaves. They could roast, fry, barbecue, and boil food in no time at all. Timing was done to the microsecond and food was weighed by each machine to fractions of an ounce or gram. They also had installed many of Earth’s...

1 year ago
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College Week 2

When I got up in the morning, I tried to think of a way to get out of going to college. Then I remembered that freshman girl.I showered, then nervously picked out some clothes that I could remove without much fuss. I wore blue sweat pants that unzipped at the bottom, and a pink short sleeved sweat shirt. I walked to college, avoiding the other students. Even going to college, I felt awfully conspicuous. I went to the main entrance. There was an old mailbox there, with a sign above it, "For use...

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Dorothy s Dream

Dorothy's Dream One night, as I lay in bed, I began to dream ... I found myself walking along a trail with a group of girls, who laughed and smiled at me as we walked, and I felt very comfortable in their company. Then we came to a fence, and I climbed over it, only to discover that the other girls had found a gate in the fence that allowed them to enter. One of the girls hugged me, and said, "Always doing things the hard way, huh?" I could only blush ... We continued up the...

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Maa Ke Sath Suhagraat

Hi dosto main Karan fir ek baar hazir hu aap ke beech ek aur real chudai ki kahani leke. Iss kahani ki heroine hai meri sexy maa Shilpa aur hero hu main khud. Main, Karan, 21 saal ka hu Delhi se. Mera lund 8 inch lamba aur 4 inch mota hai. Meri maa Shilpa ek bohut hi mast maal hai. Shilpa ki age 42 years hai. Shilpa ki figure 36-30-36 hai. Rang gora kisi ka bhi lund khada kar sakti hai. Mere dad Dubai mein rehate hai, saal mein bas 2 baar hi Delhi aate hai. To ab main apni kahani pe aata hu. Ye...

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The Life and Times of Natasha Knight Part II

I stumbled up the stairs and pushed myself into my room. My parents had gone to bed long ago, or so it seemed. It was dark in the house and they were good at going to bed at way to early of hours. I was glad they were asleep though, they would not have to see me as I was now. Taking off all of my clothes, I shoved them into the back of my closet and ran to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and stood in front of the mirror as I waited for the water to heat up. I looked over my body and could...

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Wife s New Boyfriend

WIFE'S NEW BOYFRIEND by Throne The first year of my marriage to Beryl was unexciting. I mean, it was great to be wed to the woman of my dreams. Taller than me. Overly full curves like you wouldn't believe. And she dressed to show off that zaftig figure. But our sex life was rather dull, with intercourse once a week, routinely on Friday night. She also had a habit of running my life, which included assigning me chores, regulating what I watched on TV, and dictating foods I...

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In Her Service

In Her ServiceBy X XThey had written back and forth, as well as met in person, and discussed their views on power exchange. He expressed his yearning for helplessness as best he could, how he wanted a true exchange of power. That he wanted to be useful and didn't expect it to be all play. While her concerns were that she didn't want to invest time only to have one or two meetings. Not necessarily long term, although that was possible, but at least ongoing. He said that he would be willing to...

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The Family Room

Note : This story is completely fictional! I think I was quite lucky to have found my husband, Josh, since he is just the kind of man to fit in perfectly with my family. After attending my college classes, I would usually go to this little diner where he worked. At nineteen, I had never been allowed to date. This made starting college even harder on me. For the prior three years, the only sexual contact I had was with my father, my three brothers, and my grandfather. Obviously, incest is taboo...

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Best Friends 14

Brady Harrison and Liam Chandler met each other in the sixth grade and became best friends. They played on the same football team in junior high school and high school. Brady and Cassie, Liam's younger sister, first met at her brother Liam’s 16th birthday party. It was love at first sight but neither revealed their feelings toward the other because of Brady's and Liam's friendship. Cassie was 12 years old at the time of Liam’s 16th birthday party and was just beginning to develop an...

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Cell Phone Ka Kamal 8211 Part II

Mayra nam Gurya hay, aaj may 1st time apni aik private story aap logo say share karnay ja rahi hoo. Mayri kosish to hay k apni bat aap logo tak pohcha sakoo laikin Q k yeh mayri pehli write-up hay is lea is may jo b mistake ho for that I apologize with all of you. Sub say pehlay may apnay baray may aap ko batati chaloo k may aik slim 27 yrs ki pure mashriqi larki hoo aor abi tak virgin hoo. Mayra size 32 hay lakin bilkul tennis ki ball ki tarah tight. Aaj say aik mahinay pehlay tak mujay sex k...

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Caught My Wife CheatingChapter 2

My Daughters Involvement The girls broke free of the two men and ran to me. We held on to each other, looking fearful at the casino boss. 'Well what are going to do about this problem," he asked me. 'Don't hurt them, they are still young and did not mean any harm by this, ' I pleaded with him. 'You are so far behind in your interest payments, maybe what you need is some help in making those payments up, ' he said. 'No, I won't let you do it. I will quit. I will go to...

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Dancing With Destiny

To many I am quite mild mannered and sort of quiet, but my friends on the Internet see a different side of me and this is what inspired this story so I'd like to thank my dear friends for this story. Conrad Lee Dedicated To: Michael one of my friends in the darkness. Dancing With Destiny By Conrad Lee Tara sat quietly at home awaiting the arrival of her husband Martin from work. He was late as usual so she decided to take in a little television while she waited, all she...

1 year ago
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I helped my brother get laid

Note : This story is completely fictional! I could hear him moan as my tongue slowly circled his balls. I felt him quiver as my lips sucked each ball into my mouth. I could see the thin sheen of saliva as I pulled back, his had lightly pressing my face back. Then as I slid my tongue up the under side of his cock I heard a quiet gasp, this time it seemed to come from behind me. Of course he never heard that, his panting was loud enough to cover any noises he wasn't making. I pressed his cock...

3 years ago
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New To Sex With A Girl But Loving It

I was a bit surprised by how much I liked the taste of Kaylynn’s pussy. She watched me as I dug my tongue into her, enjoying the satin smoothness inside her lips as the soft hairs of her landing strip tickled my nose. I'd never gone down on a girl before, and honestly had only fantasized about it a few times. So, I drank in the new experience, the way her pubic mound sloped away from my nose, the way she tasted fresh out of her panties and the growing note of vinegar in her flavor as I made her...

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The Sacrificial Boy Chapter 7

Aislin leaned back suppressing a sigh, with a mug of red-leaf tea in her hand; its warmth slowly seeped into her bones. Only moments before, she had awoken unhappily to find herself in the Castle's Solar. Right off the Great Hall, the Solar was the entrance to Lord Kelvin and his family's private residence; with its warm atmosphere and beautiful furnishings, it was a living area in which the family could find peace from the hectic work going on inside the castle. The same space...

2 years ago
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A Birthday Party to Remember

****RING****RING****RING**** Amanda woke up and rolled over. She had a huge hangover from the night before, when her friends had taken her out to pre-party and struggled to find the alarm clock. After fumbling around for a minute, she finally found the "off" button and hit it. Glad for the ringing to finally end, she rolled over and contemplated going back to sleep, but then she remembered it was her 18th birthday and she didn't want to miss any of it. So, she sat up and brushed her long blonde...

4 years ago
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Hot Fun With Co actor In Film Shoot 8211 Part 3

Hi dear Indian sex stories readers! This is gokul back where I left of. Thanks again for warm feedbacks. Anything contact me on Folks my story will take time to start the fire so be patient and read through, you will not be disappointed. The last part ended on erected dick under blanket along with renuka. The bus reached kodaikanal early morning and it was still pitch dark outside. All were getting ready to get down. I was packing my dick inside my jean. Renuka seemed to sleeping, I shook her...

2 years ago
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Vacation gang bang

I rolled on to my back and saw that a lot of older men and collage kids had arrived, I sat up and rubbed some sun tan oil on my legs, tummy and boobs, my husband kept pointing out that an older man kept watching me and he had to adjust himself a few times, I started to keep an eye on him and tease him a bit, I spared my legs a bit wider than normal so he had a good look at my pussy he was enjoying the view, hubby jokingly said remember that time we were here and you took that one guy in the...

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The Yellow Sundress Ch 16 Washing Up

16 -Washing Up Late that evening when Adam returned Judy quizzed him. So he told her that he had organised a s?ance with Heidi, but not the sexy details. Nevertheless when she showed interest in sex for herself he protested tiredness, and that classic excuse - he had a headache. She had her suspicions, and they were confirmed when the next day in the village a young mother sought her out. Introduced herself as Lauren Daly. "Excuse me, I believe you have a young lady called Eve s...

4 years ago
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The Perfect Date Gone Wrong

The leader spook to Daniel "Leave now" as they walked closer to them. Daniel refused, and two guys came up to him, grabbed him and held him near the wall, I knife held to his neck. "DANIEL!!!" Sarah screamed as she ran to help him, but before she could take two steps the leader grabbed her and was holding her tight to his body, also with a knife you her neck. "Be a good girls, and do what you're told, and I wont kill you." the leader whispered into her ear. And he gave a nod...

3 years ago
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Modern Renaissance

It was late when I arrived in Jersey. I was to meet a friend at a renaissance festival to be held at the Smithsonian in New York the following day. I decided to stop at a hotel near the G.W. Bridge, which crosses over into New York, for the night. I had the vallet take my things up to the room I purchased and headed to the hotel bar for a martini before turning in. I sat at the bar for sometime sipping martinis and chatting with other travelers at the bar. One of the gentleman at the bar caught...

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Hunt for White Pussy

It was quite like any other business day in the summer, and I was out of office on a field trip hunting for a new supplier as our company was tired of the hassles in working with our old furniture supplier. I had been to several suppliers already by the time I met Sable, and none of them had what her company seemed capable of delivering, nor the service facilities needed to deliver when, and where we needed. It may have been because they didn't expect a black representative, I'm not sure, but...

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Best Friends Share

Chelsea and Tami were best friends and had been for as long as they could remember. They even lived next door to each other, which facilitated their various conspiracies against their fathers. After all, a girl who is being raised by a single father has to use various ruses to get her way. Dads just don't understand like a mom would, or so the girls convinced each other when they were planning to get something or do something their fathers might not approve of. So Chelsea and Tami were...

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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 196 The Wolf s Blue Smoke

Kamiya Kasshin school succession technique attack Hawatari! (As Otowa falls backwards Yahiko is thrown over is head. Otowa's face is frozen in a huge mad grin.) Yahiko (thinking): I... got him... No! He's still not out. I have to get up. (pulling himself to his feet) If I stay down--I'll lose... (He slumps forward, but Kenshin catches him.) (A little later. Yahiko is stretched out on the ground, and Megumi is tending his wounds.) Megumi: It's all right. The wounds missed the tendons...

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Sex Studio Secrets 25 Lauren 1

Lovely Lauren looks lovely: a slender sensual sexy sweet beautiful blond baby curious to cross bordersLovely Lauren longs for her first ever spanking of her bare bum by an erotic expert in the tasty treatLovely Lauren looks lovely: I invite her for a free visit to my sex studio and an intimate inspectionLovely Lauren longs to learn pleasures I promise her in my invitation to try my sweet sexy seduction!Lovely Lauren learns first how to properly present herself to me for intimate inspection as a...

4 years ago
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Carnal Urges of a Lady Boss

Hey there a dear reader your JJ back with a bang, late is late nothing to feel sorry the new assignment is taking my time away. No fuss here is what I have scribbled for you. ‘Yes’ you are right mature passion again, my god why do these women older to me drive me crazy? To understand this concept you need to go through this heavenly journey. A day at the office as a new joiner nothing much to do and it was driving me nuts to just sit there and do nothing. Like always I started to scribble these...

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