Ivre indian porn

2 years ago
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Conte de f es diverses

Conte de f?es diverses Chapitre 1 La chute Charles ?tait assis dans un coin piteux de l'auberge, sirotant le plus lentement possible son vin coup? a l'eau, sans doute de l'eau de lessivage vu la t?te de rat pingre de la rombi?re qui tenait le mis?rable ?tablissement. Le moral de Charles ?tait aussi noir que la salle ?tait crasse. Fini les bons moments d'insouciance de sa vie d'estudiant a Paris, les journ?es d'oisivet? bienheureuses et les nuits festives semblaient bien loin maintenant, plus que jama...

3 years ago
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A aposta

Notas: 1 - Aqui n?o tem desculpa, portugu?s ? minha lingua materna, se houverem erros, s?o meus mesmo. 2 - Existe sexo, mas minhas est?rias s?o escritas para investigar como as pessoas se comportariam em uma situa??o de troca de sexo, no presente caso trata-se de se tornar uma pessoa melhor. 3 - A est?ria se passa na Alemanha, por volta da virada do s?culo, varios detalhes s?o historicamente corretos (como o fato de que 13/08/1999 era uma sexta-feira, ou que Ulm e Freiberg jogaram naquele domingo). A escolha...

3 years ago
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Parler?! Raconter vite?! Dire ce qui m’est arrive parce que tout ? l’heure je sens qu’ils vont venir et que ce sera mon tour. La fin du chemin d’une pute.La rencontre C’?tait il y a ... Je ne sais m?me plus pr?cis?ment. J’ai perdu le lien, le sens m?me du temps qui est pass?. Dix ans?? Je dois avoir environ 36 ou 37 ans maintenant. Peut ?tre? J’?tais un jeune ing?nieur, un jeune cadre, r?cemment sorti d’?cole. J’ai trouv? un travail imm?diatement, tr?s correctement pay?, ? Lyon, dans le centre ville. Une grande entreprise intern...

3 years ago
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Stories of Patriarchy French

HISTOIRES DU PATRIARCAT INTRODUCTION : UN MONDE NOUVEAU Dans un univers parallèle au nôtre, ou, qui sait, dans le nôtredans quelques années, le Patriarcat a été rétabli.Du moins, c'est ce qui est dit officiellement. Mais en fait, jamais, au coursde l'histoire connue, les femmes n'ont été maintenues dans uneposition aussi inférieure : non seulement le droit de vote leura été très vite retiré, puis peu à peu tousleurs autres droits, mais elles sont considérées toute leur viecomme des mineures...

2 years ago
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Um Negocio Lucrativo Portuguese

UM NEGÓCIO BEMLUCRATIVO Geraldo AntonioLelis de Freitas UM OSimca Chambord estacionou na Pracinha do Araçatuba Clube, aquela doColégio das Irmãs, vizinha da Praça 19 de fevereiro.Carro novo, cores tradicionais de vermelho e amarelo, linha impecável,conforto até exagerado. No radio tocava Neil Sedaka, "You mean everythingto me", sucesso romântico. Olocal estava deserto. Deserto era modo de se dizer: alguns carros passavampelas ruas Duque de Caxias e Carlos Gomes. Um "biribeiro" gritou um...

3 years ago
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Pleins pouvoirs

Je n'ai jamais été normal. Quand un individu lambda rencontre des ennuis dans la vie, des gens désagréables, une nana qui refuse ses avances, il prend sur lui et continue comme si de rien n'était. Pas moi. J'ai ce pouvoir depuis des années. Ne me demandez pas comment je l'ai obtenu, ce serait trop long à expliquer. Tout ce que je peux dire, c'est que j'ai eu une vie assez facile depuis qu'il est apparu. Ma proprio réclame le loyer? Je lui touche le front et l'instant suivant, elle rampe à mes...

Mind Control
4 years ago
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Ice and Icing

Words hurt, but a knife wounds with the sharper pain.He had admired the Russian Sami people for creating two hundred words to describe snow and ice. That eloquence used to impress; less so now her lexicon of inadequacy had grown with use and he was on the receiving end of hailstorms of stinging criticism.They hurt. More so when others heard, especially if they asked, “What did you do to provoke her?”Of course, it would have been worse had her throwing arm been more accurate. For her emotional...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Blog with success

Blog / success Y a-t-il un vrai homme, qui jouirait de transformer une ?me soeur encore englu?e dans une enveloppe masculine dans la femme de ses r?ves? Je serais vraiment partante, si un vrai amour et le contexte le permettent. Is there a true man who would enjoy to transform his soul mate still emprisoned in her male body in the woman of his dreams ? I am really ready to go all the way if there is true love and if the context makes it possible. Qui prend ma vie en main ? Jan ...

2 years ago
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A Well Lived Life 2 Book 7 SakurakoChapter 44 Maturity

April 24, 1994, Chicago, Illinois Sunday was an insanely busy day. I was at the dojo with Mitsuko right after breakfast, went to Jesse’s hockey game later in the morning, went directly from there to Sensei Ichirou’s house for lunch, and, finally, went out to Norway to watch Matthew drive a Go-Kart. We had our family dinner, after which I took Jesse, Matthew, and Michael to see D2: The Mighty Ducks, the sequel to the first movie. I didn’t think it was nearly as good, but the boys loved it and...

4 years ago
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The Wolves of Paris

-Charles Dickens, "A Tale of Two Cities" *** Gévaudan, France, 1769: In the village, a man was dying. Antoine Chastel drew water from the well and went inside. His father lay in the inn's largest room, a single candle lit, Bible open on his lap. He slept feverishly. Antoine wiped his brow with a wet cloth and Jean Chastel's eyes opened. He spoke between labored breaths. "I thought…you had left." Antoine shook his head. "Not until you're well." "I will not be well...

3 years ago
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Une semaine avec mon Maitre 5

Je n’ai pas dormi de la nuit. Attaché comme ça avec la peur au ventre. Je ne vois rien et au moindre bruit me fait sursauter J’ai tellement froid. Quand je commence a voir les premières lueurs du jour, je suis soulager. Le livreur n’est pas venu et mon calvaire va être fini. Je commence a sentir le soleil me réchauffer la peau et commence a somnoler. Il me réveiller avec l’eau de la hose. -Et puis salope passer une belle nuit. Moi j’ai dormi comme un bebe -Oui maitre j’ai passé une belle nuit...

4 years ago
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Escapadinha no Douro Parte 3

Parte 3- Boa! Exclamou o J, que logo se refreou um pouco perante a minha quase indiferença.- Excelente ideia I, concordou o P, e como temos pouca roupa em cima de nós acaba num instante. Risos.- Não sei não…disse eu, tentando reverter a decisão que parecia tomada.- Qual é o problema? De qualquer forma já nos vimos todos nuzinhos hoje à tarde! Argumentou o J.Estava-se mesmo a ver onde eles nos queriam levar, mas perante tanta insistência e concordância, não seria eu a estragar o barato. Tb era...

2 years ago
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Gina Men Casting Can Male Amateures Act L

Gina Men Casting - " Can Male Amateures Act Like Pros? " ... Sara & KlausAnecdotes et remarques sur le film :La Dame au cul blanc assume son penchant exhibitioniste pour son plaisir et le notre. Probablement une de ses première scène sous le pseudo de Sara. On sent que ce n'est pas la premiere exhibition assumée par la belle. Cette fois-ci, c'est pour les amateurs de porno, ses futurs fans ... C'est comme ça que commence les légendes ! De petit rien, d'une exhib... Les débuts de Sara...

3 years ago
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Partie 1Il est une heure de l’après-midi quand Caroline me rejoint dans la chambre que nous partageons depuis six mois. Sans un mot, elle déboutonne son jean, qu’elle tire à ses chevilles, dévoilant une culotte fuchsia qui prend le même chemin. Le tout atterrit sur le sol. Elle se glisse souplement sur le lit, dispose ses jambes à l’équerre. Provocatrice, comme à l’accoutumée, elle me jette :— Allez, salope, viens entre mes jambes, je sais que tu n’attends que ça.Et c’est vrai. C’est notre...

3 years ago
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Milla la travestie soumise Partie1

Coucou, Hihi! Je voulais vous raconter quelques petites choses intimes de Milla la travestie soumise en formation pour devenir salope.Il y a quelques temps, Milla fait la rencontre d'un homme séduisant sur un réseau social. Plus la discussion avance, plus l'excitation envahit Milla. Et plus elle se livre à une soumission de plus en plus complète. Lui, apprécie beaucoup les propositions et encourage la soumise à dépasser encore davantage ses limites. Elle mesure 5'6 avec un poids de 150lbs, 28...

2 years ago
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Reconnaissance agrave une Putain

Je conçois qu'on nous enferme dans la catégorie des veules et deslâches. Un mâle est prêt à tout pour obtenir une femelle. Depuislongtemps je convoitais la femme de mon meilleur ami. Je savais ce genred'infidélité et de frasques assez banal et pour le coup sordide. Je nepensais pas qu'un jour je m'abaisserais à un si bas étiage. On devraitêtre plus humble. Les abjects ne sont pas si loin des nobles. Je fus cejour-là une canaille. Pour ma défense la miss en question n'était pas enreste. Je lui...

2 years ago
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Une beurette Ce cachait en Moi

Hiver 2001 j'avais 18 ans je venais de découvrir le tchat sur internet je n'avait Pas d'ordinateur à la maison Alor j'allais dans un cyber quand J'avais le temps puis de fil en aiguille je me suis laisser aller à ce jeux de séduction sur Voila tchat avec de nombreuse filles et Pa mal de rencontres avec affinité et parfois seulement amical ma fois cela marchais bien .. Et un jour je me suis mis à me faire passé pour une fille arabe pour rigolé et la de nombreux Mec Me parlai et au final j'ai...

2 years ago
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Um casal muito interessante

Dia seguinte, sol quente, e às 10 horas da manhã com nossos respectivos maridos ainda dormindo. Desço para a piscina e já encontro Marla tentanto recuperar o bronzeado perdido em muito tempo na Dinamarca . Ficamos ainda algum tempo reclamando alegremente dos nossos corpos doloridos e trocando impressões sobre a noite anterior como se fossemos amigas a longo tempo. Trocamos mil confidencias a respeito de nossas aventuras sexuais , dentro e fóra do casamento, e logo nossas risadas nervosas...

4 years ago
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LE FELIN par Redcode

Ce soir-là, cette nuit-là je fis cette découverte d'un homme chat, d'un homme lion... UN FELINLe tremblement de tes couilles sur mon visage, le face sitting masculin, une vibrance sans égal de me retrouver le nez dans ton entre jambes ainsi. Le mouvement de va-et-vient de mon front à mon menton, ma bouche tentant de t'aspirer à chaque mouvement de reins. Accrochée à tes cuisses, ta virilité fermement appuyée sur ma face m'excitait follement ! Je percevais ton souffle...

2 years ago
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Effet Papillon Part two

Effet Papillon - 2e partie 3. Les campagnes de publicit? visant ? vous d?courager de boire de l'alcool ont tout faux. Plut?t que de parler de s?curit? ou de sant?, les spots feraient mieux d'?voquer la gueule de bois et les remords du lendemain. Pour ma part, la gueule de bois n'?tait pas ma premi?re pr?occupation. Bon, mes premi?res minutes de r?veil ressemblaient ? mauvais trip tourn? enti?rement en flou. Mais ce n'?tait pas ma t?te qui me faisait mal. Je ressentais une g?ne, pas vr...

3 years ago
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Tel le est pris e qui croyait prendre

Tel(le) est pris(e) qui croyait prendre... Les sauna mixte et club ?changiste, est un de mes passe temps favori, de m?me que je ne suis un habitu? d'aucun des ?tablissement que je f?requente tellement je varie mes visites. Mais voil? maintenant un mois je me suis rendu au "club myst?ria" c'?tait un apr?s midi, ce club est situ? dans le centre ville d'une grande ville et en ce samedi apr?s midi de d?but d'?t? les gens ne se prom?ne pas trop dans les centre ville de bord de mer, comme vous l'aurez devin?, ils pr?f?...

1 year ago
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Eacute vangeline vierge d eacute flor eacute e

Les aventures d’Évangeline, vierge défloréeCette histoire fût créée par moi et un Français, avide de sexe et bien cochon. Pour ceux et celles qui désirent apprendre comment faire un bon texte érotique enligne, prenez la peine de lire ce fantasme. Je vous assure qu’il saura alimenter l’appétit sexuel. Bonne lecture,MoniqueSynapses :Ce beau Français se rend au Canada pour des aventures bien coloriées. Sa deuxième journée lui permet de faire rencontre avec Évangeline, une jeune fermière...

3 years ago
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Dever Ko Garam Chut Chakhayee

Meraa naam Vinod haa . Mee delhi may rahtaa huu. Meraa mail id haa- apnee Orkut net friends see baat kar ke unkee sex encounters kee baraa mee zaankaree haaseel kartaa huu aur us par ek story develop kartaa huu. Meree saree stories sach haa ap manee yaa naa manee yee aap par nirbhar kartaa haa. Niche likhee story bhee bilkul sach haa. Mee us story kee nayikaa Simran kee munh see uskee garamaa garam mote lund see chudeeyee kee story sunvataa huu. Meraa naam Simran haa. Mee 25 saal kee .Meree...

4 years ago
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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 7

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 7 Par Loulou Note: cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. Chapitre 25 - M?tamorphose Comme maintenant tous les matins, Sam se r?veilla dans le lit de son cousin et la nuit avait ?t? encore une fois merveilleuse. Il sourit et l'embrassa pour le r?veiller. "Chris, c'est d?j? lundi, il faut se lever." Chris ouvrit p?niblement les ye...

4 years ago
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Aakhir Papa Ka Lodaa Kavita Kee Chut Mee Chlaa Gyaaa

Hi! Mera Naam Vinod haa par mee apnee nickname yunghelper (mail id: ) se apnee nett dostto (hot gals ) see chat kartaa huu. Voo apnee chudeeyee kee story mujhee brief mee batatee haa ferr mee us chudeeyee par ek story develop kartaa huu. Meree saree stories sach haa readers manee yaa naa manee ye un par nirbhar kartaa haa.My hot and horny readers see ek appeal haa- padnee see pahlee ladke apnaa lund pakad lee aur ladkeeya apne chut mee unglee dal lee takee story padne mee zyadaa maza aayegaa...

2 years ago
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Conte de f es diverses II

Chapitre II L'initiation Le bordel des fleurs ?tait bien moins frais que son nom pouvait le pr?sager, les fleurs en question ayant connu moult butinages. C'?tait toutefois une maison de passe correcte, bien au-dessus des sordides trous ? catins en bords de Seine, tout pr?s des ?gouts, ou de ceux des Portes : de vulgaires cabanes o? camelots, soldats et autres voyageurs d?penaill?s se vidaient les bourses en autant de temps qu'ils en mettaient a pisser. Myl?ne poussa devant elle Charles par une d...

1 year ago
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Mein Zweites Leben 2

Mein Zweites Leben (2) - Die Schule Die ist die Fortsetzung von Mein Zweites Leben (1) (http://www.fictionmania.tv/stories/readtextstory.html?storyID =1382959938277653391). Ich empfehle, zuerst den Anfang zu lesen. Die Schule Ich halte kurz an, als ich die Einfahrt passiert habe. Vor mir liegt ein gr??eres Anwesen mit einem Haupthaus und zwei Nebengeb?uden, alles in freundlichem Wei? gestrichen. An der Seite ein kleiner, gut gef?llter Parkplatz, den ich dann auch vorsichtshalber ans...

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Alexia Jeux de vilaines

Alexia : Jeux de vilainesChapitre 1-        Salut Pauline-        Salut AlexiaLes deux jolies brunes s?embrass?rent sur les deux joues. Alexia la plus petite des deux et aussi la plus p?tillante, jalousait quelque peu l??norme poitrine de son amie. Pauline avait deux beaux melons ? la place de ses seins alors qu?Alexia avait une jolie petite poitrine ronde.Cela faisait quelques temps qu?elle ourdissait un plan pour exploiter les seins de son amie. Lui faire payer ses avantages qu?elle jugeait injustifi?s ...

3 years ago
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La verite sur les contes Les 3 petits cochons

La v?rit? sur les contes : les 3 petits cochonsIntroductionsIl etait une fois, dans un petit village occidental au moyen age, un jeune homme de bonne famille qui avait obtenu la charge d'assistant inquisiteur. Sa famille avait longuement oeuvr? pour obtenir cette nomination. Cela avait cout? assez cher mais avec la chasse aux h?r?tiques, il etait possible de rapidement se rembourser en prenant sa part sur les biens confisqu?s par l'?glise. Ce jeune homme brun, ? la chevelure non maitrisable, aux gros sourcils,a...

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La soumission de Candy

La soumission de Candy Chapitre 1Ce n'est pas parce que vous ?tes parano que personne ne vous en veut. Je me suis toujours un peu m?fi? de mes semblables et, quand j'ai cr?? mon entreprises de conseil, j'ai trouv? tout naturel de mettre en place tout ce qu'il fallait pour surveiller mes employ?s. Enregistrement t?l?phonique, copie automatique des emails re?us et envoy?s, etc.N'ayant pas que ?a ? faire, je ne passais pas tout mon temps ? ?couter les conversations et lire les ?changes de courriers. Et surtout, en respect d...

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La femme du gouverneur

La femme du gouverneur Ch 1 Grand Prize – The Governor’s Wife! Coulybaca /Black Demon ? ? ? ? ? -???????? Quelle belle salope ! Grogna ? voix basse,  Cecil Benson, ? l'adresse de deux de ses hommes, connus en tant qu’agents de recouvrement charg?s de r?cup?rer le prix de ses services aupr?s de certains consommateurs qui r?clamaient sa protection. Ce commerce de la protection rapproch?e que dirigeait Cecil l'amenait ? fournir des gardes du corps arm?s pour les clients qui faisaient des affaires dans la banlieu...

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EDUCATRICES . Coulybaca (Texte personnel)   Chapitre 1 : Fran?oise   Ce jeudi vers 18 heures, Fran?oise, suivie de son groupe de jeunes filles p?n?trait dans le hall de la piscine de la ville voisine, la chaleur torride qui avait r?gn? toute la journ?e l'avait amen?e ? bousculer l'emploi du temps pr?vu .  Depuis midi, les filles l'avaient press?e de s'y rendre afin de profiter pleinement d'une si belle journ?e. Affal?s sur le ventre, autour du bassin d?couvert, les a?n?s, les gar?ons du groupe 6 semblaient les y attendre, to...

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4 soeursopi g es

4 s?urs pi?g?es Ch 1 Decived Sisters 1 Coulybaca / MercySlayer ? ? *************************************** ? Droits d'auteur 2002 MercySlayer Vous pouvez poster librement cette histoire sur des sites non-commerciaux ou sur la partie gratuite de sites commerciaux. Vous ne devez pas d?naturer le texte ni omettre les informations concernant l'auteur. Je vous remercie d'accepter ces conditions. ? **************************************** ? ? Jeannette et ses trois s?urs pr?paraient leur vir?e ? Atlantic-City d...

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Viols l universit Les premi res proies

Viols au lyc?e 1 – Les premi?res proies High School Rape Club – I Coulybaca / Black Demon ? ? ? ? ? Prenant place dans leur planque favorite au fond du lyc?e, ils surveillaient pour s'assurer qu'aucun prof ne s'approchait les emp?chant de terminer leur derni?re cigarette. Ils n'?taient pas vraiment volontaires pour fr?quenter le lyc?e, mais c'?tait toujours mieux que le centre de d?tention qu'ils avaient d?j? tous visit?s. Cependant ils devaient admettre d'?tre surveill?s, cependant le lyc?e s'av?rait aussi un excellent v...

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Podridao Portuguese

GERALDO ANTONIO LELIS DE FREITAS PODRIDÃO CAPÍTULO 01 UM AMBIENTE SOMBRIO Era uma tarde quente, ensolarada, sem nenhuma brisa que amenizassea temperatura. Céu esplendorosamente azul, sem qualquer resquíciode nuvem. As árvores altas que circundavam toda a clareira permaneciamestáticas formando uma densa cerca de troncos úmidos da própriaseiva e uma coivara entremeando atrevidamente. Bem no centro da clareira esverdeada pela grama rasteira encontra-seuma casa de dois andares, até certo ponto...

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Pleasures And Shame Of A Socialite French

PLEASURES AND SHAME OF A SOCIALITE Viviane est une femme très distinguée, élégante,sûre d'elle et de son charme. Veuve à 33 ans, elle a de nombreuxprétendants, qu'elle tient éloignés avec une gentillesseun peu hautaine. Mais en même temps elle est incapable de s'opposer à celuiqui la traite avec autorité, voire avec une certaine brutalité.Celui-ci peut alors la prendre n'importe quand et n'importe où, se contentantd'ouvrir rapidement ou de baisser les vêtements qui couvrent son sexepour...

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Bikini Office

Bikini Office ?Au travail! On ne vous paie pas pour regarder vos sites pornos favoris.? dit Amelia Norton ? deux de ses subordonn?s, Mike Smith et Luis Delgado. ?Mike, voici la liste de clients ? contacter d'ici ce soir. Luis, je veux votre rapport sur mon bureau d'ici 16h.? Amelia Norton est une des plus jeunes cadres de l'entreprise Baker&Orgov, et aussi une des plus belles. Cheveux blond platine qui descendent presque jusqu'aux cuisses, un tailleur chic qui met en valeur son corps...

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finding mom s toy

Me voila je m'appelle John j'avais 18 ans au moment des fait j'avais déjà eu des rapprochement avec ma mère mais jamais je n'aurais pensé un jour pouvoir me glisser aussi profondément dans sont intimité. Ma mère est une femme qui a su ce conserver assez bien car elle a aujourd'hui une quarantaine d'année et elle a toujours de jolie formes, elle s'habille bien et prend soins d'elle pour rester... attirante ou du moins jolie je pense. Elle n'a pas de gros seins mais ses fesses elle sont un...

2 years ago
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La Belle et La Bete Belle s Discovery

The woods held a special place in her heart. Since she was little, she could feel it calling out to her. Like someone constantly calling her name. There was a siren song to it that drew her thoughts back to the woods all the time. These tall, majestic oaks surrounded their little village, like stalwart protectors that held the wilderness at bay. An unmoving wall of trees that would stumble even the strongest army. Unfortunately, not many in her village shared her outlook. To them the woods...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 64 The Beggar

The evening passed on; Madame de Villefort expressed a desire to return to Paris, which Madame Danglars had not dared to do, notwithstanding the uneasiness she experienced. On his wife's request, M. de Villefort was the first to give the signal of departure. He offered a seat in his landau to Madame Danglars, that she might be under the care of his wife. As for M. Danglars, absorbed in an interesting conversation with M. Cavalcanti, he paid no attention to anything that was passing. While...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 81 The Room of the Retired Baker

The evening of the day on which the Count of Morcerf had left Danglars' house with feelings of shame and anger at the rejection of the projected alliance, M. Andrea Cavalcanti, with curled hair, mustaches in perfect order, and white gloves which fitted admirably, had entered the courtyard of the banker's house in La Chaussee d'Antin. He had not been more than ten minutes in the drawing-room before he drew Danglars aside into the recess of a bow-window, and, after an ingenious preamble,...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 17 The Abbe s Chamber

After having passed with tolerable ease through the subterranean passage, which, however, did not admit of their holding themselves erect, the two friends reached the further end of the corridor, into which the abbe's cell opened; from that point the passage became much narrower, and barely permitted one to creep through on hands and knees. The floor of the abbe's cell was paved, and it had been by raising one of the stones in the most obscure corner that Faria had to been able to commence...

4 years ago
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Arab Invasion of india

And when the full moon rose on a hot and humid South African night, this timid and petite young 19 yr old Hindi girl found herself overcome by the charm of the 45yr old married large round and hairy Mr Razzak who spoke to her over bbm while she lay on her 23 yr old boyfriend Anesh's lap in the chill room of the rave club while they both rushed on xtc pills and had me very emotional. I messaged Razzak to say how I'd love to see him now while feeling this way and disregard my words in the past...

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The Adult Baby Diaper School Epilogue and Ancillary information

The Adult Baby Diaper School ~~ Epilogue and Ancillary Information So, our story has come to an end, I think the author did a decent job in telling it seeing how she too is permanently regressed to a little girl. The author, pansy Gronski, (as far as I know) had no previous writing experience, and she even was a student here at the school a while back. Her and her Master, Al John now live off-world, however. So, before I ramble any further, lets get caught up to date on some of...

2 years ago
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Yellow Blue Green and Red Orange Purple and Black too

Mum was right, his blaze was sweet; but, for fuck’s sake, calling him, Sugar, was character assassination. Even as a gangly foal, his face screamed white lightening.In utero, he was my mother’s horse, but the devil-may-care fire in those newborn eyes drew me in. Shamelessly, I played the daughter card; pouting, even stamping my foot, until my parents caved in.What twenty-two-year-old notices their father’s smirk when finally saying yes? Even if I had, I wouldn’t have put two and two together...

3 years ago
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Rachel s Debt Chapter 5 Poker Night

Swinging into the grocery store on my way home, I bought two jars of salsa, several bags of chips, a bag of pretzels, and two cases of beer. I had a kegerator in my game room, but after a boozy month in which I tried to drink away Amber’s death I hadn’t refilled it again. I made it back home about twenty minutes before my guests would start arriving. Technically, cards didn’t start for another 50 minutes, but Derek and Jeff were almost always a half hour early. I brought the beer in first,...

1 year ago
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Caller Unknown Chapter 1

Willow emerged from the morning scrum at the cafe counter clutching her ritual espresso in one hand and her bag and phone in the other. Luck was with her when she spotted her favourite bistro table vacant by the front window, and she hurried over to claim it. Dropping her bag on the chair, she then moved around to the seat backing the wall.As she sat down, she felt something bump against her backside. It turned out to be a cell phone. Its sleek marbled-crimson case caught her eye immediately...

4 years ago
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A Taste Of Candy

The athletic department party was a tradition at the State University since 1950. As usual, it was held in the large dining commons near the dormitories at the edge of campus and all team members were supposed to attend. Even players from minor sports like archery, fencing, field hockey and water polo were expected to make an appearance. At the college, tradition was followed almost as closely as law and a twenty-five-year-old tradition was virtually unquestioned. The party had barely...

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A Beautiful Black Wedding

My friends call me E.T. but my real name is Eric Theodore Jr. A six-foot-two, lean and ruggedly handsome young Black man living in the city of Ottawa, Ontario. I was born in the city of Cap-Haitien, Republic of Haiti, but raised in Boston, Massachusetts. Later, I moved to Canada. Recently, I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Criminology from Carleton University. Also known as Canada’s Capital University. Graduation Day was one of the happiest days of my life. However, it pales compared to...

4 years ago
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Soul to the Highest Bidder Ch 04

I awoke to a faint clanking noise. It was my maid — Melanie, I think — taking the tray off my desk. She smiled apologetically for waking me. I just smile and told her that I was happy to wake up. I had had such a wonderful sleep. My weary bones and sore muscles were refreshed and aching to move. I wanted to walk, everywhere. I couldn’t help but romanticize the idea of just endlessly walking around and exploring this country, but, winter might pose a bit of a problem with that. Melanie left my...

2 years ago
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Red Wine Kisses

If I close my eyes, I can see her face and the sultry smile that warmed the coldest of days. If I concentrate, I can feel her skin, run fingertips over its silky smooth surface and smell the light floral fragrance that lingers upon it. And, as I conjure that fragrance, I recall the heat of her body and the electric tingle that arced between us when we kissed. Romilly. I need her, I want her, and if I close my eyes…“Mum!”Snapped back to reality, I see Emma standing, hands on hips, one eyebrow...

3 years ago
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Drive In

It was deep in summer now and the katydids sang every night, it seemed.  The air was thick and humid on the night.  The coolness only came to the earth in the late hours of early morn.  Often, a faint, gentle fog would settle along the ground of the drive-In.They were in Rick's turquoise and white '56 Chevy.  Even in the dark, it was radiant.  The pride of his life, it was.  She was fairly certain that he loved it more than her.  Yet he was good to her.  She wondered if that was love... being...

First Time
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Clare and James Part Three All Those Men

At this hour, the hotel bar is almost deserted, has the air of a third world airport V.I.P. lounge. Its lingering weekend clientele consisting of couples bored with the night, bored with each other. They are refugees from their rooms awaiting an intervention, some miracle to airlift them from the tragedy of their lives.  Clare eases herself onto the barstool and tries to settle her bum. But it still hurts down there, the aching a nagging reminder of James's cock and the protracted pounding she...

Wife Lovers
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Jingle All The Way

Good gods, it had been a long night.He chuckled to himself, knowing that he said that every time, but it seemed a little truer this time. In fact, the whole project had taken a lot more out of him than usual.Was he getting too old? Was there too much on his plate? Had he lost his joie de vivre?He certainly hoped not, because a new project would start in a matter of days and he needed to be ready.As he gathered the will to get out of the rig, he looked at the house and smiled.Little fairy lights...

2 years ago
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“I do not have a companion anymore,” I told the organizer over the phone. “My husband left me for his secretary.”“I am sorry to hear that.” She sounded sincere.“May I come on my own?”“Of course.”“Won’t that throw your numbers out?”“We always welcome a unicorn. Besides, we cannot have the festival without our guest speaker.”“I am glad to hear that.”“I have just one question.”“Yes….?”“Will you participate?”“I would love to, if anyone would find me sexy enough.”“Oh, Dr. Valerie, you will blow them...

4 years ago
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Home Remedy Daddy s Cock

Mom welcomes her daughter, “Pammy, baby, come on in. I’ve got your coat. Daddy, Pammy’s home! Let’s go into the kitchen. Dad made some decaf for you.” Mom and Pammy take chairs from the table. Dad turns from the stove, “Hi, Pammy Honey, what’s happened? Here’s some decaf.” Dad pours and Mom follows with the cream. Pammy is 5’3” at 120 lbs with short blonde hair and a 36 C chest. Her red lipstick is applied to lips which look as if they had silicone ejections but they are natural. ...

2 years ago
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Office Junior

Please feel free to comment on my stories. All comments both positive and negative are welcome or feel free to email me with your comments or ideas for stories on [email protected]. Office Junior Having been with Robert’s Call Centre a few months as a temp I quickly noticed her, as did every other man in the place. Robyn was, and is, fucking delicious with a body to die for and looks that could kill. God know why she isn’t Miss Ireland! Anyway I am a single hot...

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by Oediplex 8==3~ His two aunts discovered his big tool, and he drilled mom too! [My thanks to Robbie for the first edit pass and Bill Morgan for the excellent second edit, true OediPals both. God and my regular readers know I can always use it!] The Sisters Savoy they were known as, when they had their nightclub act. They sang and danced and told funny stories about growing up triplets. They were each as beautiful as the other, even though they were never that famous. I broke up...

3 years ago
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Daddy s Boy part 3

By Depraved Fucker It was a miserable drive back to the city although Justin was back to his usual perky self as if my fat ugly brother had filled him with joie de vivre instead of puddles of incest cum. I suppose I should explain at this point. Sure, I'm a pervert who loves fucking cunt and female ass, the younger the better, and had been known on occasion to fuck boycunt if there was none of the real thing around, but it had always been someone's else's kid, not my own. And...

2 years ago
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A Holiday in Paradise Chapter 2

Inevitably her actions raised some suspicion, although her parents were willing to cut their daughter a little slack as she was bubbly & communicative when she was with the family. However, Jim Junior was desperate to know where his sister was going and began to make his own plans as to how he could find out. Amy guessed she had found a friend, maybe even a boy, but as her daughter was so content she did not pry further, relying on Lindsay’s innate common sense to keep her out of...

4 years ago
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Eavesdropping on Eve

Well, two out of three wasn't bad. The boss at Waterman's was only too pleased to advance my career if I put in the hard work, he almost doubled my pay in one fell swoop but, with a team of just seventeen, most of whom were guys, something told me it was time to put career above sex life. First appearances can be so deceptive! I wasn't reckoning on the one beacon of hope on the female front, in the shapely guise of Eve Palmer, fulfiling my fantasies. She was, after all, way out of my...

3 years ago
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The Governess

The manor house sat high atop a rolling hill amid the lush green countryside. From the upper story of the sprawling limestone mansion, members of the Parkes family could see for miles, spotting the farms and woods that dotted the hilly rural area that their family controlled. Adam Parkes was in his study reading when he heard the crush of gravel outside, signaling the arrival of a coach at his residence. He closed the book and stepped from the room. The doorman was already escorting the...

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Feeding an addiction Part 2 Ch 8

Scarsdale, New York: Early evening Sunday 14th January 2018Sanguine is one of those great words. I’m not smart or academic enough to know if it really counts as onomatopoeic. But I still think it’s a pretty great word that captures how Sue and I were feeling that Sunday evening.We’d arrived back from Lagos in the early hours of Sunday. This time we were Mr. and Mrs. 8A and 8B for the eleven and a half hour flight. Sue’s three rings safely back on her ring finger, placed there by her nervous...

Wife Lovers
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Caroline Ch 08 01

(Hi, If you are new to this series please read the intro to Ch 01 so you’ll know what to expect. It isn’t strictly necessary to read the earlier chapters but some of this won’t make sense if you don’t so I hope you will! Some new characters are introduced. Just a little bit of sex about halfway through. Incidentally, I know nothing about IVF so most of what is written about that should be treated with caution – it is primarily for plot development.) Caroline’s Tale Bernardo’s and the...

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Mulligatawny Soup

This is a copyrighted original work of fiction. All rights reserved. All characters featured herein are at least eighteen years of age, even if not expressly stated. Any resemblance between actual persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental. Many thanks to editor Tom Graham of Girls_cum_first. He suggested that I extend the story. I did. * My neighbor Julie sat on a stool at my kitchen counter making us ham and cheese sandwiches. Topless. I sure as hell hadn’t seen that coming. I live...

4 years ago
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An Englishwoman in Japan Ch 06

I glanced around me, marvelling at the hustle and bustle. The two kilometres Avenue des Champs-Élysées was one of the most famous streets in the world and after a long day’s shopping, Luciana and I were enjoying a martini and a slice of cake outside of the Restaurant Le Fouquet’s Parisian brasserie. Each of our shopping bags was tucked away under our table. There was hardly room for them all. Had we really spent that much? We’d flown to Paris in Orochi’s private jet, although Luciana’s...

2 years ago
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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 63

Not only had I never worked this hard, I hadn’t even imagined working this hard. The amusing thing was I wasn’t working for grades. I didn’t want to embarrass myself, but, given that, they were of little concern. My primary motivation was I wanted to learn and I felt way behind because I hadn’t put much effort into the learning part of my education. To my complete astonishment I was exhilarated by learning, whether I thought it would turn out to be useful or not. No wonder Jeff had so much...

2 years ago
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My Improbable Romance Ch 01

ONE: The appointment was set for 9am but the traffic and weather delayed me by ½ hour. When I arrived, the receptionist informed me that my attorney assigned a junior associate to meet with me. Apparently he was due in court at 10 am which left little time to discuss the merits of my case. I was seated in the conference room when an attractive young woman introduced herself as Ms. Brenda Thomovich and proceeded to discuss my impending lawsuit. During our discussion, she seemed to scrutinize...

3 years ago
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A Holiday in Paradise Chapter 2

Introduction: The secret is out.. The next week passed in a whirl for Lindsay. Each afternoon she would slip away from her family and run to the oddly shaped rocks. More often than not she would find Luis and Anna Maria and the three of them would make love for hours. Lindsay was ecstatic each time seemed to be better than the last and all she feared was the end of her holiday and the breaking of the spell. Inevitably her actions raised some suspicion, although her parents were willing to cut...

2 years ago
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A Masterful Weekend Getaway

This story is a followup to A Masterful Seduction by the Book  and  Masterful Surprises . All George told me I needed for the weekend was casual clothes, a bathing suit, and beach sandals. I assumed sunscreen would be important … and my hair dryer, a brush, toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss, makeup, shampoo, soap … Before I knew it, my carry-on suitcase was packed to the gills. I wondered if men had any idea what kind of project it was to pack just to spend the night somewhere, especially at...

3 years ago
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Worshipping Willy

It was one of those serendipitous moments confirming that nothing in life occurs by chance. I was on my way to a conference in New Orleans, a favorite place for fun and frivolity. While it rarely happens, that day the plane was over-booked and they accepted volunteers to wait for a later flight through Miami. As I wasn’t expected in New Orleans till that evening, it was no loss and some airline travel dollars gained. Several hours later we landed in Miami and transferred to the New Orleans...

4 years ago
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Daddys Boy part 3

Introduction: Father finds not just his son is a slut DADDYS BOY PART 3 By Depraved Fucker It was a miserable drive back to the city although Justin was back to his usual perky self as if my fat ugly brother had filled him with joie de vivre instead of puddles of incest cum. I suppose I should explain at this point. Sure, Im a pervert who loves fucking cunt and female ass, the younger the better, and had been known on occasion to fuck boycunt if there was none of the real thing around, but it...

4 years ago
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The Last Chance

Mature Gentleman seeks travel companion. Requires younger cultured woman as a travel companion for a trip to Europe and beyond. NSA. Applicants will be judged on personality and culture. All expenses paid and an end of trip bonus of $10,000 per month will be offered. Apply by Email to WethersfieldR@ Wethersfieldassocs.com giving a brief apercu of yourself. Only candidates judged suitable will be contacted.I insert the ad in the Globe Classified section to run for a period of a weekend and sit...

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Everything changed after I died. Three times. Tough day, that. The first two times they worked furiously to resuscitate me, restore a heartbeat, respiration, CPR, the basics… it was sausage factory emergency medicine at its finest, with unsung heroes stubbornly refusing to let death win. The third time, however, I was truly dead. Or so they say – all the best medical minds with all their monitors and other gadgets agreed that there was no way back, not from an alpha coma.They were just waiting...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Une famille dans la pr carit

(WIP renommage des personnage avec le "nouveau" systeme de variables) Julie vivait dans un petit appartement avec ses parents : (Bruno) Bruno et (Valérie) Valérie DURAND. Au lycée, Julie n'était pas la plus jolie fille, mais elle n'était pas non plus dans la catégorie des moches. Ses parents s'étaient connus à l'époque dans ce même lycée d'ailleurs. Le couple resta amoureux, même si quelques temps après la grossesse de Valérie n'était pas prévue, et ils se marièrent avant la naissance de Julie,...

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Les vacances familiales infernales de Lisa Simpson

"Je dois y aller, maman, sinon je vais manquer le train. D'accord, d'accord, Lisa. On se revoit demain matin. Lisa ? Oui maman ? Quelle grosseur ?" Lisa soupira. "Maman, tu sais que je n'aime pas trop discuter de ça... Quelle grosseur, Lisa ?" ... Gros comment, maintenant ? Je... je ne sais pas vraiment. Tu sais, c'est du sur mesure. Dans les magasins, ils n'ont pas... Gros comment, Lisa ?" Lisa, gênée, mal à l'aise, roula des yeux avant de répondre. On m'a dit... on m'a dit...

4 years ago
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Les aventures de Martine

Martine est une jeune fille de bonne famille élevée dans un milieu puritain ou parler ou même évoquer le sexe créait un scandale. Martine a aujourd'hui 18 ans et à cette occasion, ses parents la laisse partir deux semaines chez la soeur de sa mère, une tante qu'elle aime beaucoup et chez qui rien n'est tabou, ni les gestes ni les paroles. (cela les parents l'ignorent). Je dois tout d'abord vous décrire Martine, c'est une petite brunette d'1m75, pour 60 kg, elle a une poitrine 90C, de longues...

3 years ago
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Stalkings and Lace

The trade show was over. Long Beach had been a blast. Who knew there was so much fun to be had once I lost the shy, quiet me? Oh my, oh my...the sexy stories I can tell. I cannot wait to see what possibilities await in the land of surf and sea. So, San Diego, here I cum! Well, fingers crossed at least.At the rental desk I waited patiently while the associate helped the man in front of me.  He kept glancing at me and smiling, then glancing again.  "I'll be with you in just a minute."Laughing, I...

2 years ago
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French Kiss

November 1995 Montreal, CanadaThe envelope was addressed in bold print and looked quite official. It said: Miss Elizabeth St. Jacques 9373 Maurice-Duplessis Boulevard #16 Montreal, QC, H1E 6P2 Lizzy glanced at the return address. It was from some lawyer in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania named Mr. Ben Foster. Lizzy had never heard of him. She was more interested in getting indoors, out of the cold, than in investigating the contents of the envelope. And so she did, dropping the letter and the rest...

3 years ago
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Damaged goods

Ryan stamped on the brakes and cursed loudly, skidding to a halt inches behind the bumper of the jet-black VW Golf. It exuded signs of the quintessential boy-racer; fat exhaust, lowered suspension, and custom transfers, including one that read "Low n Wide" in case there was any doubt. A perfectly good car ruined by bad taste and money.Until that point, the journey home had been just like any other Wednesday, trying to find a station playing anything other than adverts, watching for police speed...

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A Boat Beneath the Darkening Sky 1 The Cottage by the Wood

The house looked little like my memories. I’d expected to find a sprawling mansion rather than a rather ordinary sized cottage. That said, there was a quaintness about it, not surprising as it was nestled away on the edge of a secluded wood some many hours north of London. Grandmother had always been a bit… well, eccentric. Victoria thought she was crazy. Then, again, my posh and proper sister thought I was crazy as well. Myself? I thought she was kind of cool. I should mention that she wasn’t...

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The Young Barista Part 1

A lazy, warm mid-July morning... “Good morning, Josh!” Sam beamed at me. The glint in her green eyes, matched the sweetness of her smile and it made my day just that much brighter. “So, the usual? Chai Latte?” “Yes!” I smiled back and continued the little flirtation we'd shared since the beginning of the summer. “You know me so well” I joked. “Well, you are just sooo predictable that way, ”she playfully retorted. The morning rush had filtered out and the coffee shop was now mellower. A few...

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Making Love to the Mrs

“Have they made it,” asked Damita Burton.“I just talked to De-John. He said they bout a half hour out.”“Excellent, honey. I’ll be leaving work soon. Do you need me to pick up anything from the store?”“I think I got everything I needed.”“Alright, sweetie!”“You know what? Grab some frozen French fries. The k**s might want them.”“I sure will,” replied the psychiatric nursing assistant.“See you soon. I love you, baby,” the 63 year-old husband said.“I love you too, Willie!”The couple got off the...

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Frankie and Gianni

Frances had done what was expected of her for most of her life: a good student, private school, art classes, and a degree from a top university. Now, finally, she had gained her independence and was living life on her own terms. Her friends and colleagues called her Frankie now. She had a job as a project manager in a design firm, had rented her first apartment, and was dating someone her father would disapprove of if he were to know. Her mother would probably secretly envy her not carrying on...

Love Stories
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Worshipping Willy

It was one of those serendipitous moments confirming that nothing in life occurs by chance. I was on my way to a conference in New Orleans, a favorite place for fun and frivolity. While it rarely happens, that day the plane was over-booked and they accepted volunteers to wait for a later flight through Miami. As I wasn't expected in New Orleans till that evening, it was no loss and some airline travel dollars gained. Several hours later we landed in Miami and transferred to the New Orleans...

Straight Sex
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Liliane chapitre 3

Avant toute chose, désoler pour la longue période entre le chapitre 2 et 3. Ce chapitre n'est qu'un fantasme.chapitre 1: https://fr.xhamster.com/stories/liliane-chapitre-1-le-commencement-543564chapitre 2: https://fr.xhamster.com/stories/chapitre-2-la-face-cache-de-liliane-544413 Le soir Liliane et ma mère rentrèrent de leur journée shopping. J'étais très gênais mais en même temps excité je n'arrêtais pas de regarder Liliane d'avantage lorsqu'elle vidèrent leur sac d'emplette Ma mère partie...

4 years ago
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Het koningskoppel wordt geserveerd puur Deel IV

“Tafel 1, diner is served!” roept de ceremoniemeester. Hij pakt je bij de hand. Je ruikt naar zaad. Zaad en seks. Je eerste stappen voelen een beetje raar. Nu pas zie je het publiek. Je hijgt na van je lust en toch kruipt schaamte weer je lijf binnen. Je deed het net vier keer, schaamteloos voor al deze ogen. Een vreemd gevoel maakt nu van je meester. Iets van bewust worden. Je blik gaat naar de grond. Alsof je weer toekomt in deze zaal met iedereen rond je. Je hoort m’n fluister woorden “Wow...

2 years ago
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A Gulf Coast Welcome Conclusion

I awoke in the morning as the light streamed in through the window. As I opened my eyes, Caren was watching me."Good morning, darlin'. I like watching you awaken. You were sleeping so deeply but then you made a little smile and rolled over. What a nice way to wake up."I mumbled something as a response but without that first cup of coffee, I don't think anyone could understand me, let alone Caren."I just had the best dream before waking. I was dreaming that you were going down on me and as I...

Group Sex
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Stanley Gets A Heart On

This story is only available on Lush Stories!Stanley was a writer, a bloody good one, as it had turned out. It was almost as if there was some smutty guardian angel watching over his shoulder, prompting his fingers as they tapped out sexy prose. Whilst at university, he'd been working on his dissertation when he'd met the woman who was to become his muse, Elsa. As a result, he had discovered his knack for writing and not just erotica, although that’s where his main talent seemed to lie. Elsa...

Wife Lovers
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A Masterful Weekend Getaway

This story is a followup to A Masterful Seduction by the Book  and  Masterful Surprises . All George told me I needed for the weekend was casual clothes, a bathing suit, and beach sandals. I assumed sunscreen would be important … and my hair dryer, a brush, toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss, makeup, shampoo, soap … Before I knew it, my carry-on suitcase was packed to the gills. I wondered if men had any idea what kind of project it was to pack just to spend the night somewhere, especially at...

4 years ago
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Nice Naughty Niece Nunia 1

Nice Naughty Niece Nunia, Big Brown Beauty, Young Yummy Virgin, Tasty Tight TeenSexualy shy was awesome Ania, as much she looked lovely and tasty as a teen for so many years.I got to know a lot of her private parts and the sexy start of her love life at our apartment.She never realised how much I got to know her over those ten teasing tasty years, young yummy.I know all the steps she took before finally having sex. In this short series I will tell all!I met Nunia for the first time when she was...

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Sexy Sara kisses Kimberly

Sexy Sara longs to kiss Kimberly. The slender sexy beauty writes the tender teen cutie.Sexy Sara plans a pretty opportunity in Summer in France when she works there at a camp.Sexy Sara invites the shy tasty teen for a full week as she knows how unexperienced she is.Sexy Sara likes to take her time with cunning Kimberly. Who was never before with any girl.Sexy Sara picks up Kimberly from the airport in beautiful Beziers, an hour drive from Valras.Sexy Sara is very nervous herself to see her...

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The Married Man s Trial and Conviction

She was there the next day. Standing at the railing. Looking at the water. Drinking her coffee. Aware of my presence as I drank my coffee. As I also drank in her presence. I sat on the bench and admired the view, as I had the day before. It was only one day after we first melded our minds through brief eye contact. Two occurences create a pattern. Patterns signal the beginning of habits. Every work day for the next few weeks, we saw each other. When we were buying coffee. When we were crossing...

Love Stories
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A Cautionary Tale

A Cautionary Tale by Raven Once upon a time there used to be a manchild, with the heart of a poet, who imagined himself to be a great lover. Unfortunately, the world did not agree with him. He was a lover without anyone to love. However, the universe is a funny thing. Chance tends to draw together two souls that are compatible. So it was that one day, a girl named Ariel came into Trystyn's life. For awhile they, were together as one. Trystyn felt as if he had found his reson...

2 years ago
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Fous de la chirurgie

Fous de la chirurgie par BlowMuP (c)2002 "Alors? Qu'est-ce que tu en penses?" demanda Marie-?ve en sortant du bureau du chirurgien. "Je les adore, j'ai tr?s h?te de les essayer," r?ponda Martin "Les essayer? Tu n'es qu'un pervers, Martin Fraser, indomptable petit cochon," le r?primanda-t-elle avec un sourire en coin. Martin Fraser et Marie-?ve Rivest s'?taient tout les deux trouv?s une passion commune pour la chirurgie. Leurs salaires respectifs leur permettant, le couple se mit ? jou...

3 years ago
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Summer Student

Summer student ? by: Jennifer Stewart Chapter 1 - A Money Making Proposition Billy Chambers was a 19 year old student in the Department of Physics at Stanford. He was exceptionally talented and, would begin postgraduate work at an important national laboratory in two months time. His career was on track but he was wretchedly poor and had few prospects of raising his income to the point where he could enjoy some of the comforts of life that he had enjoyed when living at home....

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Sugar and Spice

Sugar and Spice (c)2004 By Cherysse St. Claire This is my most difficult story to date; difficult to write, difficult to read. The sex is intense; the violence, more so. Most men will not have the patience to sit through it; it takes too long to get to "the good parts". Most women will not have the stomach for it; in places, it hits too close to home. I don't know whom that might leave as an audience, but I felt it was a story worth telling. While this may be a work of fiction, its...

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