Gts indian porn

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Chapter 12 Serving Two Men Betraying Both Panty Assault Branded And Penis Cake

Darting between two men’s fluttering guppy tails assured my desirability. While empowering, shifting back and forth to reciprocate their attention was stressful. The anomaly of segregating my faithful wife persona from cheating adulteress caused exposure paranoia.Hiding the good wife from Edward was easy. He knew I was married, wasn’t interested in my family life and only demanded devotion the brief times when with him. I obediently wore attire, cosmetics, and jewelry he selected as proof of my...

4 years ago
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Coming up Short s

 Pulling away from the UT of Austin campus in my F-150, I was already dreading the drive home. I'd just visited my girlfriend Ali who was just settling into her college dorm. Ali is a tall, 5'6 112lb blond-haired blue-eyed ex-cheerleader. She was at every game I played in high school basketball. She became the love of my life two years ago when we were both Juniors and now, I was… leaving her on her own so that she could move up in the world. Ali was majoring in Chemistry/Biology and had her...

2 years ago
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07 Home 2Chapter 8

Flashback – Masha – At the hospital I saw the car as it approached the hospital and realized the Spetsnaz had unfortunately reduced their situational awareness (again). I quickly began running as fast as I could. I barely made it out of the blast zone when the car exploded! Upon my return to the site, I viewed a very touching scene: My Jack was looking at what was left of the idiotic CCCN news crew and was crying. Ben and Tatiana were beside him and I swore they also shed tears. I...

3 years ago
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06 HomeChapter 46

Flashback – Major M – Undisclosed base I was still waiting for the message from the Sgts. to decode when I received another e-mail from my Mossad contact - and I about crapped my pants. He informed me that one of our communication devices had been "found" by the Sedankina bitches. They turned it over to their handler who was almost killed by the auto-destruct mechanism. It was too bad it wasn't the Sedankina monsters who were injured. The e-mail from the Sgts. finally showed up. At least...

3 years ago
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La mont e du d sir

Ce premier chapitre, présentant les acteurs et les circonstances des fâcheux événements qui s'ensuivront est peu chargé en véritables descriptions sexuelles, de fait l'auteur semble avoir voulu mettre en évidence la montée du désir entre deux personnes amies qui ne de prime abord ne se convoitaient ni l'un ni lautre. * C'était la dernière semaine que Chris passait avec Lisa e Dave en tant qu'invité. Il avait déjà passé deux semaines de bon temps avec eux. Dave était un grand ami...

3 years ago
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Sollicitation G eacute rontologue 4

Quelques jours passés prenant ma douche au matin. Une dame entrant reconnaissant Céline prenant place dans la seconde. Sortant dix minutes plus tard une serviette à la taille comme Andrée me l'avait suggérée auparavant (texte no 2). Céline arrêtant le jet d'eau pour s'essuyer et ensuite remettre sa petite culotte. Ouvrant le rideau à ma grande surprise apparaissant seins nus. Venant devant l'évier tout près de moi sans gêne. Me regardant un bref instant pour m'adresser la parole. La madame de...

1 year ago
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Annabelle vides couilles professionnel

Bonjour, je m'appelle Annabelle, j'ai 25 ans, je mesure 1m65 pour 48 kg, je suis très fine, j'ai des cheveux longs, de couleur rouge avec une mèche qui cache mon œil droit, j'ai les yeux de couleur gris clair, petite bouche avec lèvres pulpeuse, petit piercing a ma lèvre inférieure, j'ai des petits seins, et un petit cul bombé.Je travaille dans un sex-shop, et oui un boulot rêver pour une petite salope comme moi, j'y travaille en temps que vendeuse et conseillère sur les sextoy de la boutique,...

2 years ago
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SOUMISE La premi egrave re rencontre

Nous voilà le jour J, Nathalie a passé une semaine qui oscillait entre joie quand Amant lui écrivait, déception si il ne lui répondait pas, angoisse face au jour qui arrivait et excitation de le revoir.Toutes ces émotions la rendaient imprévisible et nerveuse. Elle ne savait si elle serait capable d'aller jusqu'au bout, de franchir le cap de la tromperie. C'est une femme honnête avec des principes et des valeurs. L'adultère n'en fait pas partie. Elle essaya à plusieurs reprises d'aller vers son...

2 years ago
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Rosy au bureau

Nous sommes en décembre ,il fait un froid de canard . Ce matin j'vais deux rendez vous ,le premier à 8 h 30 vient de se décommander , le second est pour 11 heures , mais cela m'ennuie vraiment d'attendre jusque là ! Je vais donc essayer de me rendre à l'adresse indiquée ,peut être y aura t'il quelqu'un !J' arrive devant le bâtiment , l'endroit est désert . Avec ce brouillard , l'ambiance du lieu est plutôt sinistre .Il n'y a pas de numéro 8 dans cette rue . Je vais attendre un peu dans la...

3 years ago
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A cette époque, j'avais 18 ans, je m'étais bien rendu compte que je n'étais pas attiré par les filles. Au contraire, j'étais émoustillé par les hommes, quand j'en voyais dénudés à la télé ou plus rarement dans la vie de tous les jours....Et je fantasmais sur d'autres, comme mon prof de sport que je trouvais charmant, le petit copain de ma grande soeur que j'essayais d'espionner dans la salle de bain quand il restait dormir à la également mon oncle Damien, le petit frère de mon père...

2 years ago
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Sexe avec mon coquine belle m egrave re

OK je avais 19 ans et je voudrais donc à peu près ne importe quoi et baiser tout ce qui femelle avec une impulsion.Ma famille ne était pas à court d'argent, mais le compromis est que je ai perdu mon père, la plupart du temps par des engagements de travail. Et quand maman en avait assez de lui je lui ai perdu trop. Elle a fait ses valises et est parti.Je ne me plains pas, beaucoup d'argent a elle bénéficie, mais ils ne remplacent pas une famille et on devient égoïste. Je suppose que son singe...

2 years ago
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Fous de la chirurgie

Fous de la chirurgie par BlowMuP (c)2002 "Alors? Qu'est-ce que tu en penses?" demanda Marie-?ve en sortant du bureau du chirurgien. "Je les adore, j'ai tr?s h?te de les essayer," r?ponda Martin "Les essayer? Tu n'es qu'un pervers, Martin Fraser, indomptable petit cochon," le r?primanda-t-elle avec un sourire en coin. Martin Fraser et Marie-?ve Rivest s'?taient tout les deux trouv?s une passion commune pour la chirurgie. Leurs salaires respectifs leur permettant, le couple se mit ? jou...

2 years ago
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Les f minisatrices Episode 2

R?sum? de l'?pisode 1: Nicole Nicolas avait quinze ans. Il ?tait un petit d?linquant sans projet d'avenir, au grand d?sespoir de sa m?re. Sa vie fut boulevers?e le jour o? il rencontra Agathe et ses s?urs D?borah et Alexie. Par amour pour Agathe, il accepta petit ? petit toutes ses fantaisies: du port de petites culottes f?minines ? un travestissement plus complet. Doria, la m?re d'Agathe, proposa ? la m?re de Nicolas de s'occuper de lui, ce qui impliquait une f?minisation plus pouss?e, y compris avec l'utilisation d'...

1 year ago
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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Part 1

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 1 Par Loulou Note: cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. Introduction - Samuel, Christopher et leurs Mamans Erica Porter et Susan Merrill ?taient deux s?urs tr?s proches, d'environ 40 ans, qui vivaient seules en faisant de leur mieux pour ?lever correctement leurs fils. Susan ?tait divorc?e de son mari, Richard Bennet, depu...

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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 3

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 3 Par Loulou Note: cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. Chapitre 12 - Rentr?e des Classes pour Chris Pour des raisons diff?rentes, les deux cousins ?taient tout aussi inquiets. Chris faisait sa rentr?e dans la l'?cole de beaut? et Sam avait mis ses nouveaux v?tements et esp?rait plaire ? Jessica. M?me s'il avait dit le contraire ? son cou...

3 years ago
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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 4

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 4 Par Loulou Note : cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. Chapitre 17 - Nouveau look Assise ? son bureau, Jessica se demanda comment Sam serait habill? ce lundi matin, elle trouvait qu'il avait un gout tr?s s?r pour coordonner ses v?tements. Il avait tellement chang? depuis trois semaines qu'elle se demandait si c'?tait bien le m?me ...

1 year ago
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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 8

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 8 Par Loulou Note: cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. ***** Chapitre 29 - La Nouvelle Fille de l'Agence Le soir venu, Samantha rentra chez elle et attendit impatiemment Kathy. Quand elle arriva, elle trouva Sam si adorable dans son ensemble rose bonbon qu'elle ne put r?sister ? la tentation de la caresser. Comme Chris...

3 years ago
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Histoire d une poup e Partie 1

Pour nous contacter : Cyrille ([email protected]) Aur?lie ([email protected]) ------------------------- M?MOIRES D'UNE POUP?E ------------------------- UNE ?TERNIT? DE PLASTIQUE Mod?le ? Lola ? Cyrille r?ajusta son badge sur sa blouse blanche. Il regarda bri?vement les membres de son ?quipe d'ing?nieurs. Tous ?taient assis sagement derri?re lui, et attendaient qu'il parle. Cyrille pensait ? toutes les heures de travail acharn? que ces gens avaient fourni, sous sa direction. Ils s'?taient donn...

2 years ago
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Histoire d une poup e Partie 2

------------------------- M?MOIRES D'UNE POUP?E ------------------------- UNE ?TERNIT? DE PLASTIQUE Tant de vigueur sexuelle malgr? l'?ge Il me chargea sur la banquette arri?re de sa voiture et d?marra. Alors qu'il conduisait, il se mit ? me parler, jetant dans le r?troviseur des petits coups d'oeil amus?s dans ma direction. - Tu sais Lola, si tu es aussi bonne qu'ils l'affirment, je crois que je ne vais pas regretter mon achat. C'est que, ? toi je peux le dire, les femmes en g?n?ral me les br...

3 years ago
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Hugo Chapitre 1 5 La pi ce au bout de l escalier

Chapitre 1 : La pi?ce au bout de l'escalier Samedi 1er Mars. Prologue. ?a n'?tait plus possible. ?Hugo, repose ceci imm?diatement, et calme toi.? Cela faisait presque 10 fois qu'elle devait r?p?ter cette phrase. ?Je ne veux pas ranger ma chambre! C'est HORS DE QUESTION! JE NE VEUX PLUS T'OBEIR! GROSSE PUTE!? Hugo avait 12 ans. Ses yeux verts lan?aient des ?tincelles, et ses jolies boucles n'en ?taient pas moins venimeuses. Il causait grand soucis malgr? son jeune ?ge. Col?rique, capricieux, agr...

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Paris Partie 1 sur 3

Ce jour-l?, Maxime Lamothe eu 17 ans pour la premi?re fois de sa vie. Bien s?r, il avait eu 16 ans, aussi, et 15 ans avant ?a. Mais ces ann?es-l? ?taient encore porteuses d'espoir. Il avait attendu, attendu, mais il s'?tait jur? que si ??a? ne changeait pas, il irait voir quelqu'un. Au cas o?. C'?tait maintenant. - Ecoutez, jeune ne vois rien d'anormal. Votre taille ne tellement changer. Vos parents ?taient d?j? petits eux aussi, apr?s tout. Mais c'est vrai, g?n?ralement...enfin....-...

1 year ago
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Alexia en mission

Alexia en missionChapitre 1 : recrutementBim Bang Bam Boum Bim Bang Bam Boum !Une jolie petite main fine se tend vers le t?l?phone pour arr?ter la sonnerie de cloche ?manant du t?l?phone pos? sur le chevetd'une chambre de la r?sidence universitaire de l'universit? de lettre de M. .- Ho la la ! Il est d?j? l'heure de se lever ! Vivement les vacances !Un second bras surgit de sous la couette pour proc?der ? un long ?tirement, pr?c?dent une la belle frimousse d'Alexia.La petite brune, 1m57 pour 42 kg, majeure depuis peu, ...

4 years ago
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Nouvelle demeure nouveaux voisins

Nouvelle demeure, nouveaux voisins Our First New Home Coulybaca / Vulgus ? ? Le texte de Vulgus ?tant particuli?rement long, j’ai pris la libert? de le couper en plusieurs parties afin d’en faciliter la lecture. Chapitre 1?: Notre premi?re orgie chez nos voisins ? Je me tenais avec mon ?poux sur l'entr?e de notre nouvelle maison savourant l'instant o? nous allions p?n?trer pour la premi?re fois dedans. C'?tait une belle grande maison, situ?e dans une banlieue haut de gamme. Elle ?tait b?tie de pierres et de briques ...

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Chapter 32 Hi Honey I m Home To Stay It s The Over When It s Over Epilogue

With my secret puppet shadow permanently in the memory trunk, Succubus securely trussed, I devoted myself, as promised on my wedding day, to husband and family, those betrayed for so long.Life has turning points, transitions, milestones. Call them what you may, but they’re real. Some are written herein. After seven years of re-committed faithfulness since the last gasp, another occurred. I became a great-grandmother, a blessing but an unmistakable old age signpost. Everyone knows, great-grandma...

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Chapter 17 A Potter s Spinning Wheel Birds Sing Approval Then It s Over Again

With my mind and heart nixing bar hopping, Vixen out of control, I compromised and sought trophy quality, so I told myself.Annually our community held a summer Pacific Northwest Art Fair. It excluded the trinkets found at Saturday Markets and was reserved for artists who made their wares, a good place to find a trophy lover.To attract one, I displayed my art and wore stressed Levi hot pants, cork wedge, platform pumps and a louse, pink blouse tied at the waist sans bra with an exposed navel.I...

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Chapter 16 Chaste Pacific Northwest Rain Country Western Bar

In 1979, with trophy ring memories, I followed hubby to the Pacific Northwest, part of a periodic lemming rush north, propelled by and paid for, by California’s home equity.  I was twenty-nine. Our modest twenty-five-year-old Mountain View home’s sale price moved us into a new upscale Northwest house with no mortgage. Our new home’s subdivision was nicknamed “California Hill” reflecting the number of ex-California residents. I became a stay at home mom, committed to again being a super mom and...

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Chapter 9 Cobra Belly Dances 1970s Sex Liberation And Silicon Valley Cultural Shock

I’d enjoyed soapy showers then sex with hubby but didn’t feel sexy while caring for babies. Sex was another domestic routine, a chore for his horny rush. I didn't care. It was duty booty. I accepted his need, was pleased he wanted me, was happy to give it but just didn’t feel sexy. If aroused I had to get mine on top first but usually was too tired and laid back and let him have it, pleased he wanted it.As the kids grew out of diapers and choo-choo train baby talk ended, however, we began to...

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Chapter 6 Girls Night Out And Wayward Kiss

In the summer of 1967, just after my engagement, I got a job cleaning dishes at The Tropicana Gardens Bowl, with fibs I was eighteen and was out of school.The pay was much better than baby-sitting or picking fruit. At the start of my senior year, I confessed and quit with enough saved to buy a neighbor's car for three hundred dollars, a two-door, 1956 Desoto, hardtop. The Desoto, a tank with tail fins, rumbled when driven. Inside, it had big front and rear bench seats, power window controls, a...

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Chapter 1 The Door s Threshold

It was long ago but for me, not so long ago. On an October 1975, evening, I crossed a forbidden threshold. Although twenty-five-years old, married and mother of two, I was young, a girl, not yet a woman.That evening, I backed out of our home’s driveway, glanced from the rear-view mirror to the kitchen window and saw him, my husband. He watched me leave, just like Mom did when Dad drove off. At the curb, I looked away and drove off too, uncertain but determined not to turn back.As I sped off, I...

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Exploring sex in young years third part

Next morning I woke up early, and the sun was shining. I thought about what I saw last evening at Ullas house. I felt my bald pussy and directly I could feel the wetness beteen my legs. Had a quick breakfast and went after a towel and jumped in a dress, and took off with the bike, heading to the river. It was still and not more than the birds singing when I drove down the road passing Ullas house. From distance I could see an old car standing by the river, and first I thought about to turn back...

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Exploring sex in young years part 2

When we got home, both of us still half naked,it was a strange feeling after what just happend. Bengt went to his room, and I went to mine. I started to think it over, and realized I just had analsex with my own b******r, and on top of that with some spectators. Was a bit worried that someone should get to know about it, but it did also turn me on a bit. Once again I inserted the buttplug, and I could feel Bengts load leaking out of my anus. I couldnt resist touching my self a bit, before I...

4 years ago
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First Time of with my student

Prologue: This will be the first for me to write down one of my fantasy-very-possible-to-happen experience. After the graduation I have applied my dream job and started as a research assistant at a very respectable university. After one year later I have married. At first, I thought everything would be normal, 'cause everythin was happening as I planned. However, there was problems with my wife and we were unable have sex. But I still love her, and try to support her as much as I could. But,...

4 years ago
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My Perfect Life

Warning! As usual, this story contains hypnosis, mind control, involuntary actions, smoking fetish, sex, etc. If you are offended by anything then please read no further! Story "I've got a few other people to interview and then I'll make my decision," I said as the guy walked off down the path. It was my standard line to avoid having to tell him that he had no chance of moving in. Yet another loser who wouldn't become my housemate. Did he even KNOW how bad he smelled??? I...

3 years ago
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Mrs Wild 2 Mrs Davis Short Red Skirt Part 1

Mrs Davis, a week earlier, was a senior Biology teacher at a prestigious school. She had all the men eating out of her palm, and was in a secure relationship.Working in an all-boys school and being in a male-dominated staff room, she had used her pretty face and womanly curves to keep the boys well behaved in the lessons and gained promotion after promotion.For the past few months, she had enjoyed an affair with her boss, which had given her another promotion, as well as some excitement with...

1 year ago
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08 TogetherChapter 30

Flashback –Ben and Jack – The trip to hell ... Ramadi The Corporal took us to our room and I was shocked that we had a real room, not a cot in the barracks! I made a mental note to thank Colonel Maggie when I got the chance. We walked into the room and I saw the cases of ammo I brought for my new rifle. As we stowed our footlockers I asked, "Corporal, where are the showers?" He replied, "Sirs, if you get your towels and change of clothes I will show you where the showers are." Jack...

2 years ago
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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsAfterword The Glencoe Concert and Chapter Title Songs from Book 3

I’ve put together web-links for the Glencoe High concert from Chapter 50, and all the chapter title songs included in this 3rd Book of The Energists series. I have not including a web-link to songs that I included in the ‘concert playlist’ for the Glencoe concert in the chapter list. If I used some special videos of a song to help with writing this story, I have include it in either the concert or chapter lists. I’ve also included any ‘extra songs’ I used in this book, such as: Lost in Love,...

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The Jade DragonChapter 7

Elizabeth couldn't stop touching Taipei as the tears streamed down her cheeks, she kissed him over and over again, murmuring his name repeatedly, She'd waited so long for this moment, at times it seemed an eternity, now it didn't matter, all that mattered was he was here, his arms wrapped around her, his lips on hers, her name purring into her mouth from his lips. He licked the tears from her cheeks, nuzzling her with deep rumbling purrs of pleasure to have his exquisite one once again in...

4 years ago
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06 HomeChapter 32

Flashback – Jack – On the way to Russia Now this totally sucked! After a nice as hell trip back stateside, during which Banzai 'took many for the team', everything turned ugly. We had just touched down when the Major became a major prick. He gave us our briefing, (Banzai was remarkably accurate in his WAG of the situation) then we barely had time to clean up, get into uniform and grab our gear when we were headed to Russia - only this time it was on a fucking commercial airliner. I...

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Le petit ami de ma fille 2

Que dirais-tu de me montrer cette jolie petite soit que tu portes sous ce ce petit chemisier et sans attendre ma réponse il déboutonna un par un les boutons de mon chemisier dévoilant les contour de ma poitrine où la couleur de mon soutien-gorge rouge vif était apparentEt le pire fut quand je sentis le creux de sa main absorber mon sein droit assez fortement , et là malgré ma colère je ressentis une grande bouffée de chaleur dont je ne pouvais pas dire si elle était causée par la honte et...

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Epilation a quatre mains

J’ai découvert l’épilation intégrale il y a quelques années et depuis je ne peux plus m’en passer. J’ai commencé par de la crème dépilatoire, puis ma tendance exhibitionniste m’a poussé vers les salons d’esthétique. Et je me suis vite aperçu que beaucoup d’hommes s’y rendaient, et les salons sont de plus en plus nombreux à proposer cette prestation pour homme. Pour les femmes c’est plus ancien mais pour les hommes la partie « maillot » est plus longue à réaliser et donc le prix proposé est...

3 years ago
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Gr ecirc ve de train

Aujourd'hui, voyager s'annonçait compliqué. Je m'arme de patience et de zen attitude. Mon quai de départ s'affiche et comme d'autres voyageurs je suis le mouvement.Devant moi se trouve une demoiselle en détresse avec une valise immense (et sûrement lourde) avec une poignée cassée. Je lui propose mon aide avec un grand sourire, elle accepté volontiers et je la monte (la valise !!! Pas la demoiselle ;p ).Une fois sur le quai on bavarde un peu, je la mate discrètement : belle petite brunette avec...

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Ma premi egrave re baise

Je me présente je suis Camille à ce jour j’ai 18ans, je vais vous raconter mon histoire avec un de mes collègues quand j’étais en apprentissage.Quand j’ai commencé j’avais 16ans je faisais un bac pro tourneur-fraiseur, je sais c’est rare pour une fille mais mon père m’avait donné son enthousiasme pour ce métier. Physiquement j’étais plutôt petite du haut de mes 1m52 et assez fine je ne pesais que 41kg à cette époque, j’avais des cheveux longs châtain m’arrivant au milieu du dos, j’avais une...

2 years ago
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vendredi 16H

Vendredi à 16h, Angela, Mélanie (ces deux femmes sont tante et nièce car Marion sa fille n’a pas pu venir) et moi, nous arrivions chez Fred. Nous étions toutes les 3 surexcitées car c’est la 1ère fois que nous allions faire l’amour à 4. Angela et Mélanie sont allées avec Fred au salon. Moi je suis allée déposer dans la chambre divers objets, godes ceintures, plug anal, menottes et fouets rigides. Quand je suis arrivée au salon, je me suis assise sur les genoux de Fred. Nous les femmes nous...

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Bon d eacute but d apr egrave s midi au sauna

Je fréquente régulièrement un sauna gay d'où je ne repars jamais déçu.Un jour j'y arrivais, comme d'habitude, aux environs de 13 h 00. Après m'être déshabillé, seul dans le vestiaire, j'allais prendre une douche et passais dans une cabine, dite de repos, pour m'enduire le cul de gel lubrifiant. Ainsi, si un mec me passe une main dans la raie, il sent mon cul bien lubrifié et, en général, je sens au moins un doigt me pénétrer, souvent suivi d'un sexe bien dur.Après m'être donc bien lubrifié, je...

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Ma brune secr eacute taire

Je fais un sale métier que je dois assumer. Je vous rassure, je n'en eupoint la vocation. On ne s'extirpe pas du ventre de sa mère en criant :« Je veux être huissier ou rien ». Convaincu qu'il n'est point malgrétout de sot métier je n'en souffrais pas du moins d'un juste préjugédont j'étais alors victime. Je ne répandais sur ma route queconsternation et désolation. Je ne vous cache pas que cet étatretentissait parfois sur mon bien-être et ma santé. Aussi n'était-cequ'en de rares occasions que...

4 years ago
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Une rencontre sexe m eacute morable

J'ai rencontré cette sexy girl à l'époque ou je surfais sur quelques sites de rencontres et autres bien connus. Quelle tuerie cette brunette orientale, un visage et une bouche humm... Je bande rien qu'en y repensant, mais bref... donc, Une grosse touffe ondulée, un corps pulpeux et ferme a la fois, des seins monstrueusement perfect en forme de pommes, ronds comme jamais, tétons rosés, juteux et attractifs, trop même !Une ravissante Chatte épilée douce et sucrée, je peux dire que j'en ai vu un...

3 years ago
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Un gyn eacute co pour Porcinette 2

-Bon, on va voir de plus près ta petite salope, Caroline, parceque visiblement, ton mari n'a d'un mâle que l'apparence... J'ai des doutes sur ce qui ressemble, apparemment, à un sexe masculin. Je peux déjà affirmer qu'il n'appartient pas à l'espèce humaine telle qu'elle est décrite pour nous, les médecins ...... et il se masturbe ! Il vient de juter et il a encore envie ! Ça te plaît de de te branler devant nous ? De nous montrer tes couilles, ta bite et ton cul.-Oui...-Aller, grimpe, on va...

1 year ago
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Eiffel eacute pisode 3

Eiffel – Chapitre 3Je passe les jours suivants sous antidouleur. Tous les jours, je vérifie l’état de mes blessures car je ne pourrai pas inventer un autre mensonge pour différer mon retour à la maison. Je n’ai qu’une crainte : que mon épouse voit les traces évidentes de mes déviances. Déviances que je me repasse en boucle sur la télé, me délectant en me branlant de me voir livré aux trois hommes comme la dernière des putes. Je suis fasciné par mon visage tantôt extatique, tantôt déformé par la...

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Eiffel eacute pisode 1

Eiffel – Chapitre 1Cette histoire qui a changé ma vie se déroule à un moment où j’enchaîne des missions d’audit pour un grand éditeur de logiciel dans le coin du champ de Mars. Provincial et pas forcément très liant avec les employés de l’éditeur du fait de mon travail, j’ai pris l’habitude le midi de déjeuner en flânant vers la tour Eiffel et le Trocadéro.J’y observe avec amusement le jeu du chat et de la souris entre les policiers et les nombreux vendeurs à la sauvette africains qui tentent...

2 years ago
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i te entre soeur

Méléna vient de confesser qu'elle couche avec le marie de sa soeur ... et sa soeur participe.Bonjour a tous et toutes je m'appelle hėlėna j'ai 25 ans et je suis acro à mon beau frère qui est en couple avec ma soeur . Régulièrement je partage leurs lit pour mon plus grand bonheur. Et celui de ma salope de soeur qui aime me voir devenir de plus en plus cochone.Je suis une blonde 1m65, 56 kilos. J'ai un petit cul et je fait un 95 D .Ma soeur, elle est comme moi mais en bien plus salope la seule...

3 years ago
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Rachael The Babysitter

"Mais maman!" Je plaidé. "Je ne ai pas besoin d'une baby-sitter! Je ne peux pas simplement rester moi-même cette fois? »Mais elle ne bougeait pas. Pour l'amour de Pete, je avais quatorze ans. Tout simplement parce que mes parents ont dû sortir de la ville pour le week-end, pourquoi ai-je avoir quelqu'un rester avec moi comme si je étais un petit enfant!«Regardez Jeff, je ai entendu tout ce que je vais vous entendre. Je reçois la fille de Mme Walker, Rachel de rester avec vous, et ce est tout ce...

4 years ago
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La nouvelle

Il est 9 heures ce lundi matin, la journée s'annonce délicate, je croule sous le travail, après une semaine de vacances rien d'étonnant.Mon chef vient me voir accompagné d'une très belle jeune personne, je ne la connaissez pas, mais sa beauté m'éblouit et je tombe sous son charme. Mon chef m'annonce que je devrai, en plus de mon travail, la former à mon poste et aussi à tous les autres postes. J'avais deux jours pour la former avant qu'elle parte dans un autre service.Sa voix est douce et...

3 years ago
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Les f minisatrices Episode 3 Michelle

R?sum? de l'?pisode 2: Yvette Nicolas se lia d'amiti? avec Yvette, la bonne, qui s'av?ra ?tre en r?alit? le mari de Doria. Yvette lui raconta son histoire, ce qui encouragea Nicolas ? accepter sa f?minisation et sa nouvelle vie. Agathe, sa petite amie, lui faisait d?couvrir de nouveaux aspects de l'amour. M?me sa m?re semblait accepter, et m?me appr?cier cette situation. Petit ? petit, Nicole rempla?ait Nicolas, et ses doutes semblaient ?tre oubli?s. Jusqu'au jour o? Michelle, la petite amie de D?borah, la s?ur d'Agathe, ar...

3 years ago
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L ile des vierges

L'ile des vierges Forestier Malgr? la fatigue de la journ?e, j'avais de la difficult? ? dormir. La pleine lune illuminait notre baraque, et cela r?veillait en moi trop de mauvais souvenirs. Cette pleine lune qui r?gentait la vie sur cette ile damn?e! Tout avait pourtant commenc? par une id?e si brillante! === ?tant le troisi?me fils d'un comte -- ne vous trompez pas, malgr? le titre de noblesse, nous ne vivions pas riche -- mon avenir n'?tant pas des plus brillants. Mon fr?re ain?, bien entendu, succ?derai...

2 years ago
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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 5

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 5 Par Loulou Note : cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. Chapitre 21 - Une jolie secr?taire Sam se r?veilla en pensant que jamais il n'avait si bien dormi. Comme Chris dormait encore, il prit son petit d?jeuner en silence. Quand il entendit Chris arriver derri?re lui, Sam leva la t?te pour recevoir un baiser. "Sammy, tu as l'air...

3 years ago
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La dette de Julien envers Alex

Chapitre 1 - Julien et ses probl?mes financiers "Promis Monsieur Durand, je vous promet que je vais tout mettre en oeuvre pour r?gler ce d?couvert sur mon compte le plus rapidement possible. Je suis en train de n?gocier pour un nouveau job me permettant de doubler mon salaire et en finir avec ces petit probl?mes financiers... Laissez moi juste un peu de temps!" Le banquier regarda Julien un peu rassur? mais ce m?fiait un peu. Ce n'?tait pas la premi?re fois qu'il avait convoqu? Julien ? cause de son compt...

4 years ago
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Trois moments de la vie de Camille

Cette histoire est inspir?e d'une histoire vraie. C'?tait un 28 avril. C'?tait un samedi apr?s-midi. Deux personnes arriv?rent sous une pluie battante ? l'?cole Delacroix, prot?g?es sous un parapluie rouge et blanc. La femme ?tait jeune, ? peine 30 ans. A c?t? d'elle, une petite fille de 5, 6 ou 7 ans, peut-?tre, dont la natte brune rebondissait ? chaque petit saut qu'elle faisait pour ?viter les flaques et dont le cir? vert pomme contrastait avec le gris des murs. Brune aussi ?tait la m?re, avec des yeux bleus ...

2 years ago
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Un souci avec les cellules grises

Je n'?tais pas loin d'avoir touch? le fond. Le coin n'?tait qu'une l?pre oubli?e dans la ville, o? venaient ?chouer les brutes et les ?clop?s, refoul?s comme du pus chass? d'un corps. Moi, je logeais au dernier ?tage d'un immeuble ? mis?re, dans une pi?ce grise dont la porte ne fermait plus. Les seuls meubles, c'?tait un matelas pos? au sol et une lampe dont je devais retirer l'ampoule chaque fois que je sortais, pour ne pas me la faire voler. Le palier n'?tait qu'une succession de petites chambres identiques ? la mienne, p...

3 years ago
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L ombre du pass

L'OMBRE DU PASSE Coulybaca   Chapitre 1  Clothilde Marsac, au balcon du premier ?tage guettait le passage du car ramenant ses enfants du lyc?e. Il ?tait dix-huit heures trente, comme souvent au mois d'octobre la temp?rature ?tait douce, elle ?tait l?g?rement v?tue, le soleil couchant lui caressait les bras. Tout ?tait calme? dans ce quartier r?sidentiel de Moulins, largement en dehors du centre ville. Depuis maintenant un mois ils habitaient la grande b?tisse, allou?e par la pr?fecture ? son directeur des services. Apr?s avo...

3 years ago
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Pleins pouvoirs

Je n'ai jamais été normal. Quand un individu lambda rencontre des ennuis dans la vie, des gens désagréables, une nana qui refuse ses avances, il prend sur lui et continue comme si de rien n'était. Pas moi. J'ai ce pouvoir depuis des années. Ne me demandez pas comment je l'ai obtenu, ce serait trop long à expliquer. Tout ce que je peux dire, c'est que j'ai eu une vie assez facile depuis qu'il est apparu. Ma proprio réclame le loyer? Je lui touche le front et l'instant suivant, elle rampe à mes...

Mind Control
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The Chameleon 7

AUTHOR's NOTE : Hey guys! I know I'm late. But here's the next chapter. For all those who are reading this, I request you to please let me know what you think of the story by leaving reviews or comments. CHAPTER 7 "Fine," Mr.Rover said smiling, "let's begin." That was 2 months ago. When he said 'Let's begin' Jake thought he was going to teach him how disguise like a woman. But all he makes him do is exercise. Starting early morning 5 AM with jogging, then skipping, yoga and...

2 years ago
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Beautiful Shreyashi s Nightmare

This is from the original author of this story. This story is absolutely a work of fiction, written only as per the author's imagination. Resemblance to any character or incident is purely coincidental and unintentional. This is only for adults and the author do not support any relation to reality....

3 years ago
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The Chameleon 8

CHAPTER 8 "I'm coming with you," Jake insisted. "No, you're not," Anika said. Max had already shed Sylvia McCord's body and had worn Anika Wallis's body. "I can help." Jake still had the mask on, on which he had been practicing the make-up sessions. He looked weird with girl head and a boy body. "Jake, stay here. You'll be safe," Anika said typing quickly on the computer keyboard. She was trying to pinpoint Ivy's location by tracing the phone call she just got a while...

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Story frome my fan girl

I know I'm not the best looking girl on the planet. I wasn't back then neither. I was flat chested with boyish looks. I was friends with my crush Kyle and he treated me like one of the boys and not one his girls. Kyle wasn't a pimp but girls seemed to fall head over heels for him and I was one of them. He was gorgeous and resembled Keanu Reeves as the years gone by. Kyle seemed to be drawn to girls with large boobs. I barely fitted into an A cup while growing...

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SRU Operation Sucker Punch

SRU: OPERATION SUCKER PUNCH by Laika Pupkino "Hold back the edges of your gowns, Ladies. We are entering Hell..." -William S. Burroughs >>>>>>> 1.) THE BLOODSUCKER DOXY The shades were drawn, blocking off the magnificent view across midtown Manhattan. What light there was in the board room poured up from within the depths of its large conference table, a featureless slab of translucent white resin, which gave the faces of those seated around it a strange...

1 year ago
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A Wedding Story Chapters 8 10

Chapter 8 Who are you, I really want to know! The next morning, I arose to the sounds of paula actually moaning in pleasure quietly as not to wake me I would imagine. We are early risers normally waking up before the alarm sounding off is nothing new for either of us. Like most men, paula would wake up scratch herself down there maybe then head to the shower. She often slept without covers, as she was sleeping. I have seen her "hold on for dear life" down there too. Like it was...

1 year ago
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Death by E MailChapter 1

-Gabbygirl- Glenn had just left with the young ones for some fishing at the park and Gabriella had feigned illness so she could be alone with Snuffher. She had read his story a half dozen times, but she couldn't wait to reach wetporn.orgy, Snuffher's own erotic story web site. As soon as the family car disappeared, she went up to the bedroom, stripped down to her bra and panties, and sat down at the computer. In her thirties, she still looked like twenty-something. Gabriella's ancestors...

2 years ago
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Hypnosis and foot fetish story RP

6:23:11 am: Hello there.6:23:13 am: Hi6:23:25 am: I like to do hypnosis roleplays.6:23:34 am: So do I. 6:23:57 am: I'm usually the hypnotist and I like to use a pocket watch in my RP's.6:24:17 am: That works for me. I like anything where I end up nice and obedient.6:24:29 am: What is your name by the way?6:24:38 am: Allison.6:24:46 am: Such a nice...

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one night at work

Being a security guard turned out to be a great gig. I had been low on cash and took the job out of desperation. My past career as a cop helped me get the job pretty quick, and all I had to do was patrol the 30 story skysc****r that was in the process of being built. Walking around all night and getting paid $20 an hour to do it was alright. Add to the fact that it was one really nice building with televisions and computers already installed; basically all I did each night was watch tv or surf...

1 year ago
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one ass of a night

Being a security guard turned out to be a great gig. I had been low on cash and took the job out of desperation. My past career as a cop helped me get the job pretty quick, and all I had to do was patrol the 30 story skysc****r that was in the process of being built. Walking around all night and getting paid $20 an hour to do it was alright. Add to the fact that it was one really nice building with televisions and computers already installed; basically all I did each night was watch tv or surf...

3 years ago
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Chatting with Sapphire

Chat Night Guest: Sapphire Creator of Sapphire's Place On Friday: May 21, 1999 6PM PST Edited by Anne-Mal We socialize a bit before the chat. Do you mind if I keep the chicken story from last night in Steve's Log? Not a'tall! Why should I mind? Chicken story? Liz had a little problem on Mindy night! + Mindy has arrived. MOM! HIDE!!! ...

2 years ago
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Mindy s EscapeChapter 2

The first thing he did after work every night was to check his email. The erotic writer receives countless emails from fans--mostly women with rape and snuff fetishes. Their stories are almost always the same--they fantasize that some serial killer would rape and murder them. While most of them have been sufficiently sane to admit, after a few rounds of e-mails, that they don't really want to be murdered by a serial killer, most had dropped subtle hints that if the erotic writer should...

3 years ago
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Winning a bet against Mom

I am including the picture of his mother, which whe posted and allowed as well (my best guess is that the risk of discovery turns him on)>summer of 2009>dad was deployed overseas >I had just graduated from high school >already had college ready to go >lived in Georgia >college was in California >mom and I go on cross-country trip alone together to get to my new home >we get to our first motel of the trip >get settled into the room >I take out a bunch of cans of...

1 year ago
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The neighbor s and my wife

When the neighbors asked Tim to feed their cat while they were on vacation, he happily agreed. Tim had been looking for a way to do a little snooping in his new neighbors house. He fantasized about finding some of sexy Jodi's nude pics! Jodi and her husband Bill had moved in about 5 months ago. Tim and his wife, Sloan had gotten along with them well from the beginning. Jodi was incredibly sexy to Tim. He began to lust after her immediately....

3 years ago
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The neighbor s and my wife

When the neighbors asked Tim to feed their cat while they were on vacation, he happily agreed. Tim had been looking for a way to do a little snooping in his new neighbors house. He fantasized about finding some of sexy Jodi's nude pics! Jodi and her husband Bill had moved in about 5 months ago. Tim and his wife, Sloan had gotten along with them well from the beginning. Jodi was incredibly sexy to Tim. He began to lust after her immediately....

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roleplay 2

hey 23 f sweet 22/m cool WHAT DO YOU LOOK LIKE? oups caplock soz brown eyes and hair, tan, athletic build, 55 5'5 sexy! 6'1 145lbs blue/gray eyes light brown hair slim athletic fit with a thick 8 inch surprise ;) very nice...

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Chatroom 2

lonely baby? how'd you know � you look lonely....come sit next to me okhard4you sits next to you so what brings you here tonight? looking to have a little fun, yourself? same....rubs your leg what kind of fun do you enjoy? brushing my hand against your arm i like a man who likes to take who will just throw me down...

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one hot chat

hey ;D 19 female california and you? 22/m/canada how r u? i am good thank you. how are you? same thanks gooooood what do you look like? i am short, petite. with long brown hair, light brown eyes hot! hehe i'm glad you think so anything to make you happy sweetheart :) hehe...

4 years ago
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A brother sister 3

But by the afternoon, she found herself flat on her back on her bed, the skirt she was wearing pulled up around her waist, her panties discarded and her sleek silver vibrator buried in her bald pussy. She slid it in and out of her wet hole, moaning. Images of massive cocks passed through her mind as she pleasured herself. She kept building her pleasure, allowing the vibrating toy to graze against her clit before sliding it deep inside her, working it around, wondering what it would be like to...

4 years ago
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Alchemy and Essence

"Nature does not know extinction; all it knows is transformation. Everything science has taught me and continues to teach me, strengthens my belief in the continuity of our spiritual existence after death..." ~Werner von Braun =>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=> ALCHEMY AND ESSENCE by Laika Pupkino =>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=> DAMN! They really got us packed in here, don't...

3 years ago
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When things go too far a mothers comes unstuck p

John missed his new girlfriend Natalie when they where apart but hehad his memories and she was so photogenic! As he chatted online fatewas rolling its strange dice and life would never be the same againfor both him and Natalie.Initially she had been shy about letting him film their exploits buthad warmed to the idea and had even gone so far as to let him publisha few of her pictures on an internet site. She got a thrill out oflooking at them with him and reading peoples comments when they...

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Foreword: I wrote some of my past stories by request of my fans. In a way, I could also say that this story was written by request. However, it would probably be more accurate to say that this story was provoked than requested. Part 1 of this story is true. Some militant feminist recently started sending me flame mail accusing me of hating women because I write about submissive women enjoying rough sex. When she sent me a computer virus by munging her email address to make it seem like it came...

4 years ago
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Delta Developements Chapters 7

Chapter 7. That's when I heard something rustle behind my seat. There had been some blankets in the back but I didn't pay any attention to them when I got into the car. Now I heard a voice coming from directly behind me, a voice of a man! Suddenly a man just popped up and said, "Hello Ladies! Now just stay calm and drive like there isn't an escaped criminal with a loaded gun pointed at you. Just to let you two babes know, I escaped from prison earlier today. One of you fine...

4 years ago
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SRU Kobayashi Maru

SRU: KOBAYASHI MARU by Laika Pupkino [While I knew the importance of Starfleet Academy's Kobayashi Maru test, as I sat down to write this I could rememer nothing about the details of the battle scenario itself. With no access to the internet that week I took a wild guess, and wound up getting it all wrong, even the fact that they weren't ON BOARD the Maru but were attempting to go to her rescue.... But since these mistakes aren't important to this story and because I liked the...

1 year ago
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A Wedding Story Chapters 1 3

I began my love of Fictionmania in the early part of the year 1998. The internet was just a baby back then, yes it was a long time ago! I am grateful for the dedicated volunteers who have kept this site alive. There was a period of time many years ago, I can't recall the year, the server crashed and we went for months without this site. Then like magic it returned and it has been here since! If I had one wish for myself, it would be this. Be reborn a female, grow up to get married to a...

3 years ago
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Linda 1 Premium Bukkake Interview Before End After

Hi Linda.200:00:05.360 --> 00:00:06.520Hi.300:00:06.560 --> 00:00:07.880How are you?400:00:07.980 --> 00:00:09.360I'm fine.500:00:09.400 --> 00:00:11.880You look great!600:00:11.890 --> 00:00:13.160Thank you.700:00:13.200 --> 00:00:14.640Let´s talk a little bit?800:00:14.680 --> 00:00:15.440Of course.900:00:15.480 --> 00:00:18.400Tell me something about yourself.1000:00:18.440 --> 00:00:21.120What do you like doing?What is your passion?1100:00:22.000 -->...

3 years ago
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God Hates The Warners

In March 2014 the Westboro Baptist Church announced that their 85 year old founder Fred Phelps Sr. had passed away due to natural causes. But did you notice how they never held a funeral for him? Most folks assume that this was because they didn't want a million people showing up to pay them back with the same kind of vicious harrassment they have dished out to so many grieving families, but the truth is far stranger. This is what REALLY became of Reverend Phelps, who now goes by the name...

4 years ago
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Hungry For Suzy

KENT TENNIS CLUB During a pause in the game, the umpire took the opportunity to give a summary, "Ladies and gentlemen, we are in the third set tie-break between Miss Suzy Smith and Mrs Jane Porter. In the first set: Smith, four; Porter, six. In the second set: Smith, six; Porter, three. Final set currently being decided by tie-break, first to ten points. Score - Smith, seven; Porter, seven." Jane brushed her red hair out of her face as the umpire read off a summary of the championship...

2 years ago
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Mother in law pantyhose

Mother-in-Law in PantyhoseMy wife's mother is a beautiful lady. Ever since I met her, we would flirt lightly with each other, many times right in front of my wife. My Mother in-law also is in a position at her work that requires her to dress very classy. She wears pantyhose nearly everyday and I often wondered if she had some sort of fetish for pantyhose, since she often talked about them.My...

3 years ago
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((((( I'm always fiddling with things I've already written so when I noticed that all the photos I'd used for this story had been deleted, I rewrote.)))))It was sometime between midnight and dawn. By the light coming through our window I was watching as the man above me grimaced and slammed into my pussy with hard, slow thrusts to spill deep inside me.I'd been awakened by the need to piss and my getting out of bed and then returning had woke the man sharing the bed with me. The man who'd just...

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It was sometime between midnight and dawn. By the dim light coming through our window I was watching as the man above me grimaced and groaned as if in pain. Rapid jabs of his cock between my lips slowed into hard thrusts as he slammed his cock deep into my pussy. Even that movement ceased as he ground his groin against my swollen lips. His gasps and final moan told me that he was coming. I doubted he had much cum left in his balls at this point to spill inside me. That didn't concern me though....

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The Affairs

Introduction: not so sexy > The 1st Affair>> A married man was having an affair> with his secretary.> One day they went to her place> and made love all afternoon.> Exhausted, they fell asleep> and woke up at 8 PM ..> The man hurriedly dressed> and told his lover to take his shoes> outside and rub! them in the grass and dirt.> He put on his shoes and drove home.> "Where have you been?" his wife demanded.> "I can't lie to you," he replied,> "I'm having...

2 years ago
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Watching Me Watching You Strange Relationship Ve

Tuesday, the morning after the lunch before. I’m still tingling from my encounter with my boyfriend’s son, but thankfully it’s balanced by the headache that the same encounter also left me with. What I really needed was a nice quiet day at work, I had a hundred simple tasks that I could do that would take my mind off everything. The last thing I needed was to get an email from Ben. It said simply this: Log into the instant chat messenger. Not even signed. I knew it was from him of course,...

4 years ago
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Strange Relationship Version X Chapter 007

Tuesday, the morning after the lunch before. I’m still tingling from my encounter with my boyfriend’s son, but thankfully it’s balanced by the headache that the same encounter also left me with. What I really needed was a nice quiet day at work, I had a hundred simple tasks that I could do that would take my mind off everything. The last thing I needed was to get an email from Ben. It said simply this: Log into the instant chat messenger. Not even signed. I knew it was from him of course,...

3 years ago
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A brother sister 4

>hornylady> Anything I can do to help u to show me that wonderful thing cumming again? >Soccer_Steve> Do you have a dildo or something that I could watch u put in ur pussy? >hornylady> I do actually. >Soccer_Steve> will u do it? >hornylady> sure.Steve saw the panties removed and then the lady disappear for a moment before he saw a silver vibrator in the view, being run gently up and down the wet pussy .>Soccer_Steve> push it inOlivia pushed the vibrator into...

4 years ago
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Watching Me Watching You Strange Relationship Ve

Tuesday; the morning after the lunch before. I’m still tingling from my encounter with my boyfriend’s son, but thankfully it’s balanced by the headache that the same encounter also left me with. What I really needed was a nice quiet day at work, I had a hundred simple tasks that I could do that would take my mind off everything. The last thing I needed was to get an email from Ben.It said simply this:Log into the instant chat messenger.Not even signed. I knew it was from him of course, not...

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Strange Relationship ndash Version X Chapter 007

Tuesday; the morning after the lunch before. I’m still tingling from my encounter with my boyfriend’s son, but thankfully it’s balanced by the headache that the same encounter also left me with. What I really needed was a nice quiet day at work, I had a hundred simple tasks that I could do that would take my mind off everything. The last thing I needed was to get an email from Ben.It said simply this:Log into the instant chat messenger.Not even signed. I knew it was from him of course, not...

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