Kollegin indian porn

3 years ago
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Gefangen und Verraten

Andrew_K„Sei doch leise“, sagte Mike. „Wieso? Hier ist doch keiner, die wird doch eh diese Woche abgerissen“, sagte Jan. „Muss doch trotzdem keiner Wissen, dass wir hier einsteigen“, sagte Lisa, die Mike unterstütze. „Ich hab keine Lust von der Uni zu fliegen, nur weil wir hier erwischt werden.“ „Selbst wenn sie uns hier erwischen, glaub ich kaum, dass wir von der Uni fliegen. Schliesslich ist von dem Ding in einer Wochen nur noch ein Berg Trümmer da“, warf Kati ein, die für Mike und die...

2 years ago
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Die 500 Mark

Die 500 Mark Eine Geschichte von Claudia Monroe Er hatte die Kleinanzeige der Zeitung zugesandt. Es hatte ihn lange ?berwindung gekostet. Fast ein Jahr hatte er daran geknobelt, bevor er sie abschickte. Er hatte sie der Zeitung zugeschickt, damit ihn niemand sah. Die Best?tigung kam aber umgehend und das Geld wurde p?nktlich von seinem Konto abgezogen. Alles schon fast automatisch. Nicht eine Anzeige in einem dieser Sex-Bl?ttchen oder Monats- Veranstaltungs-Magazine. Das kam ihm zu bill...

3 years ago
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Zwei Schwestern auf der Couch

Zwei Schwestern auf der Couch Heute mal ich, Kristin, der weibliche Part von uns beiden, und ich werde von einem Erlebnis mit Caro, meiner Schwester, erzählen: Mittlerweile waren Max und ich schon einige Monate zusammen. Neben anderen Gemeinsamkeiten, wie gut Essen gehen, ähnlichen Musikgeschmack und Reisezielen, lagen wir auch was Sex angeht absolut auf einer Wellenlänge. Missionarsstellung oder einfach nur im Schlafzimmer auf dem Bett waren natürlich die allerersten Erlebnisse, aber wir...

3 years ago
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Daddys heimliche Geliebte

Daddys heimliche Geliebte Meine Mutter vermutete seit Jahren, dass mein Vater sie mit einem, wie sie es nannte, billigen Flittchen betrog. Sie meckerte ständig darüber, dass er es im Bett nicht mehr brachte. Mangelnde Aufmerksamkeit, darüber konnte ich (19 J) mich wirklich nicht beklagen. Während sie ihren Schwestern brühwarm erzählte, dass es der alte Bock nicht mehr brachte, fickte er mich im Fahrradschuppen hinter dem Haus. Ich bekam jede Menge Aufmerksamkeit, selbst wenn ich nicht willig...

3 years ago
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Die verfickte Tagung

Ach, mal wieder eine Tagung. Eigentlich nerven mich solche Veranstaltungen ziemlich. Irgendein überbezahlter Trainer, philosophiert den ganzen Tag über irgendwelchen Mist und wenn er ganz lustig drauf ist, muss man auch noch irgendwelche Gruppenübungen oder gar kindische Spiele machen, auf die niemand Bock hat. Wäre da nicht der Umstand dass ich im Vertrieb tätig bin - und unser Vertrieb arbeitet streng nach dem Prinzip Sex Sells - das bedeutet das sehr viele, sehr gutaussehende Frauen anwesend...

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Die geile Milfkollegin

(Vorwort: der Name der Milf ist custom! Also wählt einen Namen aus, bevor ihr lest, sonst bekommt ihr die Abenteuer der Maria Mustermann zu lesen!) Schon seit ich in der Abteilung bin, stehe ich auf sie: Maria Mustermann, die geile Milf, die direkt vor meiner Nase sitzt, tagtäglich mit ihrem Knackarsch an mir vorbeistolziert. Sie sieht für ihr Alter (40) extrem geil aus. Sehr sportlich, wie schon erwähnt, ein Knackarsch den sie nicht zu verstecken braucht und mit hohen Schuhen so geil wirkt,...

1 year ago
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Polizistin auf Streife

Es war eine warme Nacht in Hamburg. Katja und ihr Kollege Dirk fuhren in ihrem Streifenwagen durch ein Industriegebiet im Süden der Stadt und kämpften gegen das Einschlafen, was um 3 Uhr morgens nicht verwunderlich war. Mit ihren 26 Jahren war Polizeiobermeisterin Katja Metz eine wahre Schönheit die selbst ihre Polizeiuniform nicht verbergen konnte. Ihre festen großen Brüste brachten ihre blaue Uniformbluse nahezu zum Platzen. Ihr langes blondes Haar war zu einem Zopf zusammengebunden und die...

2 years ago
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Wer glaubt noch an den Teufel

Rainer sass seit zwei Stunden in seinem Stammlokal in einer stillen Ecke vor einem allmählich schal werdenden Bier und stierte wütend vor sich hin. Seine Eier taten ihm weh, und das nicht zu knapp. Nicht nur, das sie konstant schmerzten, alle paar Augenblicke spürte er noch dazu einen Stich wie von einer Nadel. Das verdankte er Jennifer, seiner … nun Freundin wäre wirklich zu viel behauptet. Sie war eine Bekannte, eine Arbeitskollegin. Wenn es nach ihm gegangen wäre hätten sie Freunde sein...

4 years ago
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In der Hand von Gangstern

Vorwort : Ich bin eine heute 28jährige Frau. Zu dem Zeitpunkt war ich 24, noch bei der uniformierten Polizei, war und bin bildhübsch, hatte schulterlange, gewellte tiefschwarze Haare, ebenso schwarze Augen, einen 75B Busen, eine Wespentaille, einen knackigen Po und herrliche, lange, schlanke Beine, meine 69kg verteilten sich auf 185 cm. Ich hatte schon meine Lehrgänge abgeschlossen um zur Kripo zu kommen und wartete auf die Versetzung. Doch vorher geschah noch etwas anderes, und mein Leben...

3 years ago
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Sklavin gesucht

Sklavin gesucht! Sabrina Schmitz saß an ihrem Schreibtisch und studierte die Kleinanzeigen in der Tageszeitung. Nicht, das sie etwas spezielles für sich suchte, sie las alles eher aus beruflichen Gründen. Als Kommissarin der Polizei in Aachen, verfolgte sie mit ihren Kollegen im Kommissariat für organisierte Kriminalität alles was ihr ungewöhnlich erschien. So konnten sie im letzten Jahr eine internationale Hehlerbande dingfest machen, die über Kleinanzeigen Fernseher und andere elektronische...

2 years ago
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Die unbestechliche Staatsanw ltin

Nora, die 32jährige, 1,65m große, wohlproportionierte Staatsanwältin hatte es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht den größten Drogendealer und Menschenhändler Hamburgs endlich in den Knast zu bringen. Und sie war sich sicher ihn diesmal zu bekommen. Es hatten sich schon einige Kolleginnen und Kollegen daran versucht, einige hatten einfach aufgegeben, andere waren korrupt und hatten sich abgesetzt, wieder andere waren einfach verschwunden. Verbissen hatte sie sich in die Arbeit gestürzt und hatte Beweise...

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Spa nach der Betriebsfeier

Seit ein paar Monaten bin ich in einem mittelständischen Betrieb beschäftigt. Am heutigen Abend sind wir von der Firmenleitung zu einer Betriebsfeier in ein Gasthaus eingeladen. Nach dem Abendessen hält der Chef zunächst die üblichen Dankesreden an seine Mitarbeiter. Nach dem offiziellen Teil unterhalten wir uns zunächst recht angeregt miteinander, obwohl ich meine Kolleginnen und Kollegen noch nicht so gut kenne. Da sind auch ein paar sehr hübsche Mädchen dabei, allerdings sollen diese wohl...

4 years ago
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Sklavin gesucht

Sklavin gesucht! Sabrina Schmitz saß an ihrem Schreibtisch und studierte die Kleinanzeigen in der Tageszeitung. Nicht, das sie etwas spezielles für sich suchte, sie las alles eher aus beruflichen Gründen. Als Kommissarin der Polizei in Aachen, verfolgte sie mit ihren Kollegen im Kommissariat für organisierte Kriminalität alles was ihr ungewöhnlich erschien. So konnten sie im letzten Jahr eine internationale Hehlerbande dingfest machen, die über Kleinanzeigen Fernseher und andere elektronische...

2 years ago
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Ueberfall auf einen Supermarkt

Michael war extrem angefressen. Vor ein paar Tagen hatte er eine Abmahnung bekommen, seine Freundin hatte ihn verlassen und die Bank gab ihm kein Geld mehr. War er vielleicht sauer. Miriam hatte ihm gesagt er taugt nichts, weder im Bett noch im Leben. Und dabei hatte er sich extra in Schulden gestürzt, um ihr etwas zu bieten. Und das war nun der Dank. Und sie war nicht die einzige, auf die er eine Wut hatte. Die Bankangestellte hatte ihm freundlich aber sehr bestimmt gesagt er bekäme kein Geld...

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Dianas Verderben

Dianas Verderben Der Weg vom braven Girl zur perversen Schlampe Er hatte die Macht über sie. Es hatte lange gedauert, aber er nun hatte er den Weg gefunden. Den Weg zur ihr, den Weg in sie. Er war ein Teil von ihr und sie ein Teil von ihm. Keine Fragen mehr - nur noch Antworten. Kein zurück mehr - kein zögern. Das Spiel kann beginnen... Diana war sechs Jahre alt, als sie mit ihren Eltern und ihrer zwei Jahre jüngeren Schwester aus Polen nach Deutschland kam. Zwar verbanden sie noch einige...

2 years ago
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Polizistin auf Streife

Polizistin auf Streife Es war eine warme Nacht in Hamburg. Tanja und ihr Kollege Dirk fuhren in ihrem Streifenwagen durch ein Industriegebiet im Süden der Stadt und kämpften gegen das Einschlafen, was um 3 Uhr morgens nicht verwunderlich war. Mit ihren 23 Jahren war Polizeimeisterin Tanja König eine wahre Schönheit die selbst ihre Polizeiuniform nicht verbergen konnte. Ihre festen großen Brüste brachten ihre beige Uniformbluse nahezu zum Platzen. Ihr langes braunes Haar war hochgesteckt und die...

1 year ago
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Behandlung beim Zahnarzt

Geschafft! Der Brief mit den Prüfungsergebnissen lag nach Wochen des Wartens im Briefkasten. Die Lehrzeit war beendet, alle Prüfungen mit Bravur bestanden. Zum Glück durfte ich sie aufgrund meiner guten Leistungen auch verkürzen. Dabei hätte ich in Theorie beinahe noch versagt, nicht weil ich unvorbereitet gewesen wäre, nein ich hatte während einer Prüfung Kreislaufprobleme bekommen und konnte mich nicht mehr richtig konzentrieren. Mein Arzt hat mir dann bei der Untersuchung am nächsten Tag...

1 year ago
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Hochzeitsorgie Teil 1 Die Ank uuml ndigung

Holger, 47 Jahre, 188 cm, 90 kg, kurze dunkelbraune Haare mit leichtem grauen Schimmer, keine athletische Figur aber sportlich schlank, kam am Freitagnachmittag gegen 16:00 Uhr von seinem Job als Ingenieur der Produktionssteuerung eines Anlagenbauers nach Hause.Holger und seine Frau Heike, 43 Jahre, 163 cm, 47 kg, glatte schwarze schulterlange Haare, zierliche sportliche Figur, liebten es zu Hause nackt zu sein. Seit dem ihre Tochter ausgezogen war, hatten sie es sich angewöhnt, noch bevor sie...

3 years ago
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Mein Schwager Teil1

[Netzfund Autorin: Anke Hahn]Es war ein verregneter Montag im November und man hatte den Eindruck als würde es überhauptnicht hell werden. Ich war früh aufgestanden, bereits kurz nachdem mein Mann zurArbeit gegangen war. Ich hatte in der letzten Nacht nicht viel geschlafen, da mein Mann undich uns am Tag zuvor heftig gestritten hatten. So war ich aufgestanden und wischte mir dieletzten Tränen aus den Augen um mich in die Küche zu begeben und zu Frühstücken. Ich warenorm wütend auf Roland,...

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Der Busfahrer mit dem Riesenschwengel

David wohnte mit seinen Eltern in einer ‚kleinen’ Großstadt irgendwo in Süddeutschland in einer soliden Mittelklassegegend. Sein Vater war Busfahrer beim städtischen Nahverkehr während seine Mutter als Oberschwester in der hiesigen Uniklinik tätig war. Er selbst war noch auf dem Gymnasium und der Abiturstress machte sich zusehends bemerkbar aber er war ein guter, leistungsstarker Schüler. Leider litt sein geliebter Judosport unter dem zunehmenden Zeitmangel. Seine beiden älteren Geschwister...

4 years ago
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Anne und Janine 2

Zweiter Teilhier gibt es den ersten (http://de.xhamster.com/user/J0ANA/posts/478027.html)In dieser Nacht hatte ich so gut geschlafen wie schon lange nicht mehr. Och hatte wunderbar geträumt, ich träumte von Anne und mir. Ich träumte, dass wir beide heiraten würden und im Rathaus darauf warteten, dass uns der Standesbeamte herein holte. Ich hatte in diesem Traum einen dunklen Anzug, ein weißes Hemd und eine Fliege an und Anne ein langes weißes Kleid, ihr Gesicht war verdeckt durch einen...

1 year ago
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Ohne Willen

Die folgende Story ist nicht von mir sondern ein Netzfund und lediglich als Fanpost zu verstehen. WICHTIG! Diese Geschichte, basiert nicht auf wahren Begebenheiten, sie ist also nicht geschehen. Sämtliche Charaktere existieren nicht wirklich. Allerdings spiegelt sie meine am meisten ersehnten Fantasien und die Vorstellung meines Sex Lebens sehr präzise wieder. Ich bin jetzt 20 Jahre alt und auf der Suche nach einer Frau (Hübsch, schlank, 18-29Jahre [Am besten so wie der Charakter Simone in der...

2 years ago
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2222 7 B rohelfer 1

2222 Sekret?r 1 Nach Beendigung der Schule schickte mich meine damalige Herrin zur Weiterbildung als Sekret?r. Ich lernte den Umgang mit dem Computer, die englische und franz?sische Sprache, perfektes Styling und das Gehen im Fesselrock. Die Ausbildung schloss ich mit "Sehr Gut" ab. Mit Beendigung der Ausbildung wurde ich im Internet inseriert. Das Inserat lautete: abzugeben: Jungmann, 15 Jahre, 174 cm, 72 kg, blond, blaue Augen, gesund geschult: Sekret?r, PC, Englisch, Franz?sisch, ...

3 years ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 4

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 4 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH , welches bei fictionmania.tv zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...

2 years ago
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Aus Marc wird Marcy 6

Marc h?rte in seinem Kellergef?ngnis durch einen ge?ffneten Entl?ftungsstein, wie sich von drau?en ein Auto n?herte. Mehrere Personen stiegen aus, wie er meinte, jetzt mindestens drei, denn zum vertrauten Klicken der Abs?tze von Petra und Birgit war jetzt noch etwas hinzugekommen. Seltsam, dachte er, dass Petra seit einigen Tagen nicht mehr arbeitete. Hatte sie sich Urlaub genommen? Nach einigen Minuten wurde seine Zellent?r ge?ffnet und Marc sah seine Vermutung best?tigt: eine dritte Frau, g...

4 years ago
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Ich werde Mutter Teil 1

Irgendwie kann ich es noch gar nicht glauben ... ich bekomme ein Baby und werde Mutter! Ich bin so gl?cklich ... auch wenn die Schwangerschaft nun wirklich nicht die angenehmste Zeit ist. Aber jedes Mal wenn ich sp?re wie sich mein Baby bewegt k?nnte mein Herz zerspringen vor Gl?ck Und das obwohl ich vor f?nf Jahren noch ein Mann war! Ich f?hlte mich schon mein ganzes Leben weiblich und wollte immer ein M?dchen und sp?ter eine Frau sein ... aber das es einmal so weit kommt ... das h?tte ich ...

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Tanja Teil 1

Tanja - Ankunft in Toronto Mein Name ist Franz. Ich habe vor zwei Wochen meinen Master in Computer Science gemacht. Einen Arbeitsvertrag habe ich auch schon. Allerdings will ich noch einmal vier Monate nach Neuseeland reisen. Eigentlich war geplant, dass mich meine Freundin begleitet. Leider haben wir uns vor vier Wochen getrennt. Egal, dann fahre ich alleine, dachte ich. Eigentlich ein guter Plan. Nur habe ich ziemliche Flugangst und nach Neuseeland fliegt man eine Weile. Von...

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Das Spiel des Lebens

Das Spiel des Lebens (Ka-Do *2012) I Einleitung Schon so lange ich denken kann habe ich immer davon getr?umt ein M?dchen zu sein. Wie oft habe ich mir heimlich Kleider von meiner Mutter oder meiner Cousine angezogen und bin damit zu Hause herumgelaufen. Niemals w?re ich so weit gegangen mich als M?dchen auf die Stra?e zu wagen. Nat?rlich w?re ich lieber ein M?dchen gewesen, war es aber leider nicht. Durch das gro?e Internet fand ich die M?glichkeit mit anderen Transvestiten zu kommunizieren. Au...

4 years ago
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Ein neuer Job

Ein neuer Job Wie konnte es nur so weit kommen? Jetzt stehe ich hier und begleite meinen Chef als seine Assistentin zu diesem Business-Event ... und das obwohl ich ein Mann bin ... na ja mehr oder weniger noch bin. Alles fing damit an, dass ich meinen Job verlor. Damals dachte ich noch, dass ich schnell was Neues finden w?rde, aber die Monate vergingen und ich bekam nur eine Absage nach der Anderen. Eines Tages kam meine Frau Bianka nach Hause und meinte: "Bei uns in der Firma sucht...

1 year ago
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Business Trip German

Sie war sch?n und sie war rothaarig. Das gen?gte, um in mir ein unb?ndiges Gef?hl des Verlangens zu erwecken. Aber ein ganz spezielles Verlangen.Ich sah sie zum ersten Mal, als ich eine Gruppe von ausl?ndischen G?sten meiner Firma in ein altes Gasthaus f?hrte, wo w?hrend des Essens und Trinkens mittelalterliche Darbietungen stattfanden. Die Kellnerinnen waren wie ihre m?nnlichen Kollegen in mittelalterliche Kleidung geh?llt, so wie sich G?ste die Arbeitskleidung von Wirtshauspersonal im 15. oder 16.Jahrhund...

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Luzufers heimt ckischer Eros

Key-words: FemDom, Oral duty, cunnilingus anilingus, dirty, golden shower, consensual bugging & sex, cheating, pregn,. Luzifers heimt?ckischer Eros Von MASOSTUD ? 2010 by Masostud Alle Rechte vorbehalten / all rights reserved.  Inhalt/ Summary: Martin k?mpft um seine Arbeitslosigkeitsunterst?tzung, denn er f?hlt sich von einer hinterlistigen Frau ruiniert, deren Rache seine Existenz vernichtet hat. Aber zuvor muss er seinen ungew?hnlichen Werdegang mit sexuellen Perversionen bekennen.VORWORT: Das ...

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K ein Abschied

K -Ein AbschiedDie letzten TageDies ist nun mein langsamer, aber endg?ltiger Abschied. Die nachfolgenden Zeilen schildern nicht ganz einen chronologischen Ablauf, das kriege ich nicht mehr auf die Reihe.  In den letzten Wochen und Monaten habe ich mehr und mehr meine Eigendemontage betrieben. Ich hatte f?r mich Szenarien entworfen bei denen selbst hartgesottene Sadisten sicher dankend abgelehnt h?tten. Letztendlich habe ich jedoch, wie immer, meinen  Willen durchgesetzt. Es ist eben die gro?e Ku...

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Wie alles begann

Wie alles WIRKLICH begann - unter der Erde.1945. Fr?hjahr, aber kein wirkliches. In der ausgesprengten H?hle tief in den Bergen, in der sich die drei M?nner ein letztes Mal treffen, ist davon nichts zu sp?ren. Beton, eine Reihe trostloser Strahler an der Decke, Maschinenteile, Kisten mit Dokumenten.Gerade hatten sie gelost, nun weiss jeder der Drei, wohin seine Reise geht.Der Mann im tadellosen Anzug zuckte die Schultern. "Gut, ich werde mich also den Siegern im Westen stellen... Vielleicht ist d...

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Abh ngigkeiten

Krk Abh?ngigkeiten von Patrizia Panther [email protected] Krk?Bringen Sie mir noch einen Kaffee!?KrkWie hei?t das magische Wort mit zwei T?, dachte Janina bitter l?chelnd.Krk?Aber flott!?KrkGenau das, wie hatte sie das nur vergessen k?nnen!Janina stand seufzend von ihrem Schreibtisch auf, schlenderte zur Kaffeek?che und goss eine weitere Tasse Kaffee ein, wie sie es in der letzten halben Stunde bereits zweimal getan hatte. Sie lie? sich Zeit und steckte sich eine Zigarette an, die sie l?ssig ...

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Sylvia ist eine Arbeitskollegin von mir. Max mochte sie schon immer sehr. Und seine Zuneigung zu ihr erhielt nur kurzzeitig einen Dämpfer, als ich ihn aufklärte, dass sie eher auf Frauen steht. Mit ca. 170cm und nur knapp über 55kg ist sie nicht weit weg von mir, außer, dass sie dunkle Locken hatte und ihre Haut auch dunkler ist als meine, und dabei hat sie wunderschöne, rehbraune Augen. Mit dieser hyper-schlanken Figur, und den Proportionen genau an der richtigen Stelle passt sie einfach zu...

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Alles Gute zum Geburtstag

Es geht um den 27. Geburtstag von Thomas. Thomas war bereits voller Vorfreude, gleichzeitig zog es ihn aber auch etwas herunter, dass er schon wieder ein Jahr älter geworden war. Club 27! Am Donnerstag stand sein Wiegenfest an, da sollte es aber nur einen gemütlichen Restaurantbesuch mit seinen Eltern geben. Die richtige Party sollte am folgenden Samstag steigen. Spätestens mit 25 war Thomas klar geworden, dass es nicht immer so toll ist, ein weiteres Lebensjahr zu erreichen. Naja, letzlich kam...

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Zugegeben, manchmal habe ich Ideen, die andere schräg nennen würden. Max, meinen Freund, überrascht das nicht mehr, dazu sind wir schon lange genug zusammen, und oft genug animiert er mich auch und kitzelt es aus mir heraus. Seit wir uns kennen - oder zumindest schon kurze Zeit darauf - haben wir unser gemeinsames Interesse an Ungewöhnlichem entdeckt, zumindest würden es Andere wahrscheinlich so nennen, die auf Sex nur im Schlafzimmer stehen, und dabei am besten noch bei: Licht aus, unter der...

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Endstation Harem

Es war Freitagabend meine Freundin Sabine und ich wollten endlich Mal gemeinsam eine Diskothek in der Großstadt Frankfurt besuchen… Dadurch, dass ich vor ein paar Tagen Ende Mai endlich 18 geworden bin und auch bereits schon meinen Führerschein bestanden hatte, wollten meine ebenfalls 18-jährige Freundin Sabine und ich endlich mal richtig die Sau rauslassen! Endlich auch mal raus aus unserem Dorf, ab in die Frankfurter Gegend und die dortigen Diskotheken unsicher zu machen… Endlich mal was...

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My Niece I Part 2

I worked hard that day, but my mind was racing with what had happened with my niece. Fuck, she and I made out on the couch and she gave me a great blowjob, but what was to happen next and did she or I want more. I had stopped for a break when my phone rang, it was Ashleigh. “Hi there” she said, “working hard?” “Yeah, but just having a drink. What’s up?” I replied. “Mum wants to know if you would like anything special for dinner”? “You would be nice” I laughed. “Ha ha, maybe for...

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Kate Pt 02

I hope you all enjoyed the first part of this tale, my editor certainly did…and yes, I finally found a good one and I’d like to thank her in advance so, ‘Thanks Chris.’ This is going to be the last thing I post for a while as I’m going to try and finish up my third book. However, it doesn’t mean I’m going to quit posting stories here, it means that my some time near the end of May. I’ll tell you what the name of it is after I post my next story, also some time near the end of May. In the mean...

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Hot Housewife With Driver And Strangers

My name is Aarati . I am married for two years. My Husband is a big businessman. He works in his own personal office along with his staff from where he manages all his business empire. Today I was going to visit my friend travelling in my car. I was sitting alone in the backseat and our young driver was on the steering. The temperature was too hot. My husband was in his office. He called me to check where was I going. We lived in our posh locality. Our home had large lawns and a garage where we...

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Sex With My Fantasized Sexy Aunty

Hello Readers, Hope you are all doing well and enjoying the stories that are submitted by the writers here. I really enjoy reading them as they are real and very erotic in nature. I am going to describe you the incident that I have fantasized from a long time. I love to have a secret affair with the aunties and girls who really want to enjoy the sex and keep everything secret.I am Sahar(Name changed for the privacy purposes) from Bangalore.So anyone who want to have the same please contact me...

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Hydrodynamics cybernetics It s In the Programming

Hydrodynamics cybernetics: It's In the Programming by Galadriel Authors note: This is my first contribution for an extremely long time; my aim was to try and write as much of the story in a single session to see if it improves my writing quality. Update December 2013: This story is a bit of a pet project; I am finally happy enough with the updates after heavy revisions, including the use of tenses and the ending in the hope it flows better. If I receive reasonably positive...

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the ultimate cuckold

The ultimate cuckoldIt's coming up on the one year anniversary that this hot young couple have been going out. Both 20 and actually similar build, small and petite. They could almost be twins. She is a bit smaller but nice tits and ass, smooth all over, both blond. 10 months going out and not only has she not put out yet, she is still a virgin and teases him all the time. Though he is very horny and tries to get her to cave in and let him into play all the time. She is so hot so he waits for...

1 year ago
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new and nervous

Looking for comments please She sat down on the bed I didn't know if this was just a strange coincidence or something she had been wanting as well or if it was only fueled by the lengthy day spent together now dwindling into the early morning hours. Had reason left us and tomorrow we would see it starkly different? I couldn't pass up the chance, knowing it may not happen again, to fulfill my curiousness a desire I'd hidden that could now be given in to. We looked at each other unsure how...

1 year ago
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Skin Deep II Chapter 14

Chapter 14 Second Wind The next morning Michelle sat at her dressing table preparing to attend the memorial service arranged by William's peers. She was wearing a simple black dress. It was taking her what seemed an incredible amount of time to finish preparing for what had to be done today and again tomorrow. She slowly picked up the string of pearls that Gary had given her just last year as an anniversary gift. There was something about them she felt she should remember but...

3 years ago
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Whipple Island

SEAN: Good gravy it was hot! Oh, sure, there's hot, but then there's the hot you get in the summer in the Midwest. If you didn't grow up here, you wouldn't know what I'm talking about! It's the kind of hot where the humidity is higher than the temperature. Your clothes stick to you. The air doesn't move. You keep hoping to find shade on the trail ahead, but when you get in the shade, it isn't any better. So far, this Independence Day weekend was the hottest weekend of the year. It...

2 years ago
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Bitte Papa nicht reinspritzen

Sie war immer sehr schüchtern gewesen, besonders gegenüber Fremden. Daher war es für ihre Mutter eine ziemliche Überraschung, als sie ein Gespräch mit dem älteren Ehepaar anfing, das neben ihr saß, als das gecharterte Fischerboot auf dem Weg zur See war. Es war schön zu sehen, wie sie sich mit unbekannten Leuten unterhielt, auch wenn die alt genug waren, um ihre Großeltern zu sein. Wenn sie es nur schaffen könnte, sie dazu zu bringen, mit ein paar netten jungen Männern zu sprechen! Cassidy war...

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Chrissie The Saga of a Lovestruck Sissy Maid

Chrissie by c.w. cobblestone BOOK ONE "Mrs. Martin" Part I My right leg had a mind of its own. Rebecca frowned. "Why you keep bouncing like that? What's wrong with you?" "Um, I ... I ... nothing." "Bullshit, nothing. Something's up; you been acting weird ever since we got back from Paris. What the hell's going on, Chris?" I balled my fists. Clenched my jaw. Closed my eyes. Drew a breath. Took the plunge. "Okay. Okay. It's just ... well, now that we're...

3 years ago
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Girl FagChapter 22

It was getting sorta late, like around ten when I got on the computer. I didn't use it a whole lot. It just seemed kind of boring usually and the games my brothers liked either freaked me out, like that Doom game that Mark played, or just didn't make a lot of sense, like the Black and White game that Scott enjoyed so much. He had a really big cow that would dance with his villagers. What kind of game is that? Steve used it just so he could check out his muscle girls and Henry, well, who...

1 year ago
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Mistaken Thoughts

My wife and I have been married over fifteen years now. Three kids later and settled down into a somewhat normal life. I work the afternoon shift at the factory and she works day shift over at the insurance office. I usually get home around midnight and she is usually asleep. Sometimes she waits up for me if she can. She told me her hectic schedule makes her tired and sometimes she just needs to relax. If she's awake, I lay with her for awhile and talk. If she's asleep, I usually go on the...

4 years ago
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Sex Fantasy TV A Play Sixth Stab

Sex Fantasy TV, A PlayScene 1: A television studio set sometime in the future. Three couples are seated in front of the main TV camera. The show's host is standing in front of them with a stage behind the host. On the stage are prizes for the contestants. A studio audience is observing the goings on.Characters:Peter Long: Sharply dressed middle-aged man. He is the host of the show.Debbie: Shapely, young woman in a sequined dress. She points to the prizes on the stage.The Announcer: Deep male...

2 years ago
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Poojitha 8211 Seduced By Me For Ever

I am Naren. 34 years from Bangalore working in a pvt company. I had a heart attack during Feb 2014 and had to rest for 45 days. So I was sent to Mysore. My brother and SIL work in a Nationalized bank and have a 20 year old daughter, Poojitha, studying engineering. To be free from tensions and pressures, this was the ideal place. But I never had imagined that Poojitha would occupy space in this time. Bubbly, youthful, everything was perfect in her. Every day, bro and SIL used to leave at 8.45 am...

4 years ago
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Real Power pt 1

Anyway let me begin with who I am and what I look like. My name is Edward Steel, or Eddie, or Edd, I'm a few minutes away from my 18th birthday, meaning that in just a few minutes I am no longer a child. I'm quite average actually, for a white, soon to be 18 year old that is. I'm just under 6ft, short brown hair, blue eyes and an average frame. I consider myself alright looking; I'm not girl’s heart-throb though! Don't get me wrong, I've had girlfriends, just nothing to shout from the...

3 years ago
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iWant To Go Further 3 iCome Out

[Carly and Sam are still early in their relationship. When the more experienced Carly wants to go faster, how will Sam take it?]"Carly? Principal Franklin called. He said that if you and Sam wanted to stay home today, he'd understand," Spencer yelled up.So the principal heard about it too. Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. For neither the first nor the last time that morning, Sam wished cruel and violent death on Freddie's mother.Once again, Sam knocked on Carly's bathroom door and pleaded for...

3 years ago
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Once In Aavdai

It happened 2 years back and I was 24, working in a hospital near Aavadi, in Chennai after my studies. I was staying with my friend who is a male nurse in same hospital in room given by hospital, which was bit far from hospital, in a lonely place and story starts from the day some nursing students came to hospital for training in another 2 days. I heard that one girl in that group enquired about me to my colleagues. I found that girl, let us call her Anitha, 19, just completed her diploma in...

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SylvieChapter 2

What I have come to think of as "Our Big Change" happened a couple of months after Sylvie gave me the present of the pen set. The start of The Big Change came about because our copy machine broke down. I thought since the day of Sylvie's gift there seemed to be a subtle change between the two of us; I felt when she talked to me her voice was a littler softer than it used to be and the difference was especially noticeable when compared to how she spoke to Richard. I noticed she always came...

2 years ago
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Sarah in the Spa Pool

Sarah in the Spa Pool By Karen A. I’d had a nightmare day at work. The big deal I was on the verge of pulling off had gone horribly tits up all around me, and it looked like it was going to require a huge amount of work to get it back on track again – assuming I ever could. The day had gone steadily downhill and descended into an unending series of desperate phone calls in a vain attempt to salvage six weeks of painstaking work. By the time I finally left the office and braved the freezing...

3 years ago
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The Perfect SolutionChapter 14 In Delay There Lies No Plenty

"Christine?" "Yes, Erik." "Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" Reluctantly, he disentangled one of his arms from her and he nonchalantly slipped his hand into the picnic basket. His eyes never broke away from hers as his hand felt for and then found the object he desired. Withdrawing the treasure from the basket, his full attention returned once more to the silent woman he held cradled against his chest. Her lovely eyes stared into his, but it seemed as if her mind were...

2 years ago
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Naruto Lemon Series Part 9

You heard your alarm go off as you groaned picking it up while you threw it across the room and flipped over. You heard the alarm go off again as you growled and flipped the covers off grabbing a baseball bat and whacking at it until it was in pieces. You rubbed your eyes and looked at your handy work as you sighed. Guess I went to far this time...You sighed picking up the pieces and throwing them away as you took a quick shower to wake up then got dressed. There must be a reason I was suppose...

1 year ago
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Shasta s TaleChapter 4

It took a full ten-day before the DeSiso household was able to settle down to any resemblance of normality. Nesho was up and about within a day and pronounced herself fit for duty within three; a remarkable recovery she credited to the healing properties of her salidin and Dent's overly solicitous hovering around both her and the baby. One day Shasta overheard her wondering if she should test the salidin's protective power by taking a broom handle to his head. This was after chasing him out...

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The Vampire s KissChapter 9 Vampiric Hungers

The demon Jezebel lurked in the depths of Father Augustine's soul. Her corrupted priest drove the gray church van into the slumbering city of Chicago. In the back, amid the weapons designed to fight vampires, lay the three enslaved women dominated by the priest. They were both his whores and his unholy champions. Demonic powers lurked in the souls of the women. They would kill the vampiric threats to Jezebel's client Faust. The powerful vampire had bargained with Jezebel for protection...

1 year ago
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Growing Up with a whore

Contrary to what most people believe, growing up with a prostitute for a mother is not so bad. Most are good and take good care of their c***dren. They keep the young k**s protected by locking them up in a room while they service their clients. Most clients don't even know that the whore they are fucking has any k**s.As the k**s grow older, they start realizing that their mother is not normal. She doesn't socialize with other c***dren's parents and hardly participates in any after school...

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Rookie Cop

It was an average day for Bella Keith who sat at her corner desk regularly signing and sorting stacks of papers. It wasn't what she wanted when becoming a cop, but she eased into the job. On that average day, out of the blue, the Chief assigns her to be on the field. Containing her happy dance, Bella grabbed her cap an ran out to the departments parking lot. She chose to drive the new cruiser that was closest to the exit, a dodge charger XL. Starting up the engine was exhilarating, bringing her...

2 years ago
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Niomi s TearsChapter 4

For the next week and a half Hyota did not speak to his mother. He came and went silently rebuffing her efforts to apologize for having slapped him. Like most modern Japanese Niomi was familiar with western customs and in such cultures she would have had every right to slap her drunken son, but Niomi had been raised traditionally and women were expected to be subservient to men even when the man was obviously in the wrong. Although Arora had never actually struck her, his obnoxious drunken...

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pool time for Wanda

Hello, my name is Wanda and I am writing about what happened at the beginning of what I call my summer of dirty fun that happened last year. First a little about me, I am 37 5'6 and around 190 to 215 pounds with above the shoulder brown hair and brown eyes with a 38DD chest in case you were all wondering. I'm not in the greatest of shape but not completely flabby either but after two k**s my boobs aren't nice and perky like they used to be. I am married and we live in a nice subdivision that...

2 years ago
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A Massage With added extras

Steph went to the spa to cash in her 45 minute full body massage one of her friends gave her for her birthday a few months ago. As well as the massage it gave her use of ‘other facilities’ as the receptionist said, after enquiring about these it was use of the pool, sauna, and gym. She met the lady masseuse who briefly told her what she does and how the session will go. She reassured her that lots of people fall asl**p during the massage as it is so relaxing. Steph got changed (well not exactly...

3 years ago
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Bellas Journey

Introduction: A story about a wet nurse named Bella. Bella loved being pregnant. She also loved having full and milky breasts. Bella had quickly realized after her first pregnancy that she was happiest when she was pregnant, and her breasts were full of milk. When her body was in this condition she felt amazing. Not only did she feel incredibly beautiful and sexy, but she also felt extremely sensual as well. Bella simply adored all the wonderful sensations she felt coursing through her body...

4 years ago
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A Forbidden Sexual Taboo

***A captivating account of a son's lifelong love for his beautiful Mother. Told from a third person perspective, this story traces an eighteen year old's initial admission of his unrequited love for his 34 year old Mother. From his initial admission, the story traces how a forbidden fantasy evolves into a fully matured romantic love affair between Mother and Son. Scrupulous details depict their ascent toward marriage, and sexual rapture between the two.***This story is entirely fictional. The...

1 year ago
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Digital Playground

DigitalPlayground. That has to be one of the most creative names for a porn production company I’ve ever come across. It’s the perfect description of what a good porn site should feel like: an online place to play, a well-deserved break from all of the other bullshit in day-to-day life. After a long day at work or another fight with the wife, come to Digital Playground to let loose a little. Don’t mind if I do.DigitalPlayground.com is one of the oldest porn studios that is still active today....

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3 years ago
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World Piece

A few years ago we were moving out of the area. We had the k**s staying at their grandparents as we prepared the house.Before we had k**s we would share May once in awhile during vacations. She enjoyed the attention and the occasional strange cock and I loved watching her enjoy herself. Gave us a lot of fuel for fantasies when we were back home. May is a beautiful asian woman. She has great tits and nipples as big as your thumb. When we would go out she would turn heads in bars as she walked by...

4 years ago
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Be Still My LoveChapter 6 A Little Off the Top

There was an exact moment when Hamilton Bahn's world began to piece itself back together and he started to detect the things in his surroundings. Before he even opened his eyes he could perceive that he wasn't able to move his arms or his legs because his wrists, elbows, ankles, upper torso and knees seemed to be bound to the wooden chair he was sitting in. He didn't want to open his eyes but did so anyway. The first thing he noticed, as his vision cleared, was that he was totally naked...

4 years ago
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Rose s video series Chapter 7 Rose Watches And Discovers

POV: RoseI walked around my room rather quickly and rubbed my face. "I swear, I love my mom, but she is just a sexual and loving nightmare," I whined, putting my arms out. "Why did I have to have sex with her? Is it just because I love her so much?" I questioned myself before I halted and paused. "I don't know. Now that has been a few weeks, but all of a sudden..." I said, clenching my fists.I bit down hard on my bottom lip and just vibrated a bit too. I couldn't wrap my head around her...

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Accidental WerewolfChapter 6

Sara headed home by way of the main street in their town and thought more about what Chiu said. Maybe she did just need to get fucked again. She had had sex a few times before, but it was so different. There was much more fumbling with buttons and fasteners, more worrying about getting caught, much shorter, less intense. The boys she’d been with were always asking if they were hurting her, if it was OK if they did that, could she please do this. Fucking Cameron had been nasty, instinctual,...

1 year ago
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Her brothers friend part 1

Emily sat on her bed and glanced around mthe room to make sure no one was looking. It was a pretty good room if she had to say so herself. When you'd walk into her room, to your left were three white pearl shelves filled with books, accesories and shoes. She had a huge king sized bed and her own bathroom and lived in south California on the edge of an amazing beach. It was a friday night and her parents had gone for vacation to Hawaii and her older brother was talking care of her. Good thing it...

3 years ago
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Friend s 21st Birthday 1

It was a Friday and it was my friend, Jeni’s birthday. I have known Jeni for over ten years, and was pretty pumped up for her 21st celebration. Being a good friend that I was, I offered to be her DD for the night. The plan was to get dinner and hit up a friend’s hotel room near a club where we had a bottle reserved. Jeni and I were never very close, but we hang out regularly with a bunch of other friends. She was shy, insanely cute, and recently single. I’ve always had a fantasy that...

2 years ago
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A Night to Unwind

Matt threw his briefcase into the backseat of the car and got in, finally homeward bound. The only thing he wanted was to get home to his beautiful wife and unwind from a long day at work. It seemed as though he would have never gotten through that stack of paperwork on his desk. He loosened his tie around his neck and pulled out of the parking lot. He called his wife to let her know he was on his way home and she picked up on the second ring. ‘Hey Baby, I’m on my way home.’ he said as he...

3 years ago
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Free food from the grocer

Introduction: young Doreen is introduced to sex and helps her mother keep their heads above water Of course this is just a story and not true. Nothing like this should ever really happen but I am afraid that it does. Please read it just for your entertainment. The publishing rules say that everyone in these stories has to be at least 16 so even though the story is totally fiction, everyone in it is at least 16. Enjoy. ...

1 year ago
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The Enjoyable Robbery

This a story I had published on a different site under a different name. Please enjoy.I approached the adult store with my girlfriend's words ringing in my head, "Pick me up something for me to play with when your not here, and don't be embarrassed, everyone visits these store". I had been with Jenny for a few months now and she certainly wasn't like any other girls I had been with before; confident, self assured and extremely sexual. She had taught me a thing or three!! Little did I know this...

2 years ago
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A week in May Part Two

May woke at five-thirty in the morning. She wore black laced panties with a see threw black bra. She stretched and kissed her husbands cheek. ‘I’ll be back later tonight to fix dinner Allen,’ she said slipping out of the covers to go dress in her work clothes. She hopped in her car and drove off to work, eager to see what Ranston wanted to do with her. May had on a black long sleeve work suit and a soft frilled white shirt under. She wore a tight mini skirt, it hugged her thighs perfectly...

3 years ago
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My adventure

I was then only 18 and was just learning to notice the changes that my body was undergoing so fast. With the advent of puberty, hair started to form all over and soft hairs covered my pubic region, armpits, face and partly my chest. My penis grew bigger and all of a sudden it started getting hard and erect. The foreskin which was tight so long had loosened quite a deal and it could be drawn right back, exposing my bright red cock head. At nights I started getting erotic dreams and my cock used...

4 years ago
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HaremChapter 2

When we reached home we were silent I got into my room and sprawled on the bed and started thinking what aunty told whether he has any relation with outsider, he hardly goes out other than shop from shop he never stops in between to house except any shopping he hardly that also, either servants or we people do it. Then the only chance he has is when he is out of station that too mainly Bangalore where he goes frequently, and every time he is eager to go or is he impotent. If he got married...

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Nurse Deana Chapter 1

His name was Jack Powell, a tall muscular man; age sixty-five, with a prominent chin, long broad nose, blue eyes, and black hair speckled with gray. In her mind she was thinking, “For an older man he is quiet handsome and sexy.” Deana quivered clear to the center of her womanhood, hoping this time she would remain calm, because she’d always went beyond regular care and relieved many of the men’s sexual urges, after all they were suffering. She tapped on the door and heard Jack as he...

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My Neighbor Aunty Geeta

Hello, everybody, I am from Bangalore and an avid reader of ISS and also a big fan. I have finally decided to share my story of how I got attracted to my neighbor aunt and fucked her. This happened in the year 2010 when I was in graduation. Now let me start the story, this story is about my neighbor who used to stay right in front of our house her name is Geeta, she was a Tamilian, tall, dark complexion and also had well-hung boobs. She had one girl child and her husband was daily wages...

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The Wanderer

"So here I am" David thought to himself as he stood at the terminal waiting for his luggage, "Let's hope these people are a little bit more open minded when it comes to fun, than my hometown". David had just arrived in a brand new city, in a brand new country, and he had come there for one reason, and one reason only: sex. Sure, he could get sex back at home, but there was just something exhilarating about landing in a foreign country and immediately setting to work on teaching all the local...

3 years ago
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Becoming My Friends Slut

I always knew one of my three friends was bi. I just never knew about the other two. I'm writing this story to make sense of a situation that happened that is both embarassing, and erotic. Maybe someone can relate. But it's a secret I've been carrying for a little while. Maybe because of another situation I had this was my punishment. Or maybe it was just a way of me finding a way to...I dont' want to give any names so I'll just call them Friend 1, Friend 2, and Friend 3. I am a very...

2 years ago
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Her Mother Told Her

  I was startled when the phone rang. I went over and picked it up, “Hello?” It was my youngest step daughter. We had always been very fond of each other. Her mother and I, having been married for 13 years, were separated for the last two and a half. You know where that was going. At the young age of 17, she had moved out of our house in Phoenix and had gone to LA to seek fame and fortune. Well, not exactly. She was cute, but certainly not star material. She knew that. She was petite,...

4 years ago
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I like you in your bikini best

It was a cool night, the windows were open and we were in bed. We had just finished having sex and I was a mess. Jason didn’t seem as eager as I was for sex tonight so it was over with pretty quickly. I was surprised I had even gotten off since he was only at the most, semi-erect. I was exhausted after doing most of the work and I couldn’t understand what had gone on. He used to jump my bones anytime he saw me. Usually it was the first thing he did when he got home and he often would even try...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Blake Blossom 02 08 2022

Maze has decided to sell his house and is interviewing Agents to find the right one to sell his house. They shake hands in the patio area and she tells him what a nice backyard he has and makes some chit chat and she sees how nice it is and says she wants the Real estate agent job. He says he still has a few more interviews to go before he decides who will get the house, then they go through the primary bedroom back door into his bedroom and she says, “well usually I like to show my...

2 years ago
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Make Up Sexathon

(episode 20) follows Pas de Deux Anal Rendez-vous Rekindled love over the 2006 Christmas holidays sets a sexual marathon into action and there is no place too risky for a good hot fuck! It was late fall at the University of Georgia and final exam week was upon us. My friend Brittany handed me an envelope just after one of our tests one morning. I did not know what to expect. I never knew what to expect from Brittany though. For quite awhile she had been withholding information on my old...

3 years ago
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Date Night Part 2

As I lay in bed, I was thinking that everything was happening way too quickly. It turns out that reason Brenda came home early is that her boss had summoned her back one day ahead of time to let her know that she had been promoted to a regional manager position. She was going to be in charge of five offices and almost a thousand employees. She wanted to tell me the good news in person, not because we were married, but because she considered me one of her best friends. But now, she knew...

1 year ago
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The Hunter and the Druid

It wasn't long before they came upon her, a dim shape moving between the trees on a rise, her sleek dark blue-violet form silhouetted in the moonlight. Rubbing wantonly against a tree, the crescent-marked cat gave out a howl, loud, longing and beckoning. Mecawyn quickly gripped a tuft of fur, holding back his cat before it gave chase. He couldn't release Lyrah, because now he knew for certain... Kaldorei. The feline shape crested the rise and moved out of view. Mecawyn stepped...

4 years ago
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Fun Times With Frank Bill and RonChapter 8

I promised to continue my weekend fun at the caravan... After I had cum off quite heavily, it was my turn to have some fun with the guys cocks... I stood up and got the two of them to sit side by side on the settee area. I then alternated between their throbbing members, lovingly sucking and licking their shafts up and down... I continued sucking them off, wanking the other as I sucked on one ... whilst doing so I was on my knees ... I then stood up and walked into the bedroom area and got...

2 years ago
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Face the Strange Chapter 2 11 Risky Business

FACE THE STRANGE by Crazy Baron Chapter 2: Risky Business The breakfast at 1630 Revello Drive on the following morning was a thoroughly routine affair, except for the fact that I was even more mentally absent than usual. Joyce was having toast with bacon and coffee, Dawn was busy consuming corn flakes soaked in milk with some orange juice on the side, and I mostly sat deep in thought and stared in front of myself. The others chatted as they usually did, which primarily entailed Dawn...

1 year ago
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Hashoah by shalimar You might have heard of the holocaust that occurred during the Second World War. You probably heard of the six million members of my family that died in places like Babi Yar and Auschwitz. That number is fairly accurate. What you may not know about is the other five million. That five million include two groups that were decimated on a per person basis worse than us. The second worse decimated group was the Jehovah's Witnesses. A higher rate of death occurred...

1 year ago
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Sex with sister

First off all i should thank all the iss readers for giving a good response for my stories and it was so surprising to get lot of mails from both males and females. It was nice reading some mails and some people were asking for the email id of the gal and telephone number. In fact to be honest, i did not realize that there was lot of sex starved women in India, especially in Hyderabad also. Sister still had her eyes closed. I mustered up my courage and bent on her. I had my eyes towards her...

4 years ago
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Normally, I enjoyed the Friday night dances at the works when I was the duty manager. All I had to do was to ensure there was no trouble and to make sure the bar shut at 10.30 and the room was clear by 11.00pm so that security could release the guard dogs. I loved to dance, but tonight all the best girls seemed to have partners. But then my attention was drawn to a young lady dancing with one of the single men, she looked utterly bored and the glance she threw me as she passed close by me...

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