Mutter indian porn

4 years ago
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Das Winterabenteuer

Nachricht vom Author: Hallo zusammen, dass hier ist meine erste Geschichte die ich veröffentliche. Daher habt bitte etwas Nachsicht. Da ich fast alles mit meinem IPad schreibe, habe ich immer etwas mit der Autokorrektur zu kämpfen. Für konstruktive Kritik bin ich offen und freue mich auf Rückmeldungen. Ich werde versuchen die Geschichte hier regelmäßig zu aktualisieren. Viel Spaß beim Lesen euer Uwe ************************************************************* Mein Name ist Ben Müller und mein...

3 years ago
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Die Gartenparty

Es ist ein warmer Sommertag Ende Juli. Die Bewohner der Buchenallee sind bereits in ihren Häusern, obwohl es erst 19 Uhr ist. Denn heute steht um 20 Uhr die alljährliche Nachbarschaftsparty auf dem großen Gelände der Familie Meier an. Die Familie Meier hat das größte Haus in der Buchenallee und damit auch noch den größten Garten, welcher sich über viele hundert Quadratmeter hinter dem pompösen Anwesen erstreckt. Eine Terasse hinter dem Haus erstreckt sich weiträumig, der gepflasterte Bereich...

4 years ago
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Mama und Jana im Sexshop

Alle Personen in dieser Gesichte sind über 18 Jahre alt. Über Ideen, Anregungen und Kritik würde ich mich sehr freuen. Viel Spaß beim lesen. Erzähler: Ich bin Tim, der Sohn von Marianne und der Stiefvater von Jana. Zu meiner Person ich bin 46 Jahre alt, 190 cm groß und 110kg schwer, das Haar schwindet langsam und die Haarfarbe wechselt von blond zu grau. Ich bin mit einem normal großen Penis ausgestattet, jedoch spritze ich sehr oft und sehr viel. Außerdem bin ich extrem Dominat und Sadistisch...

3 years ago
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It Started with Disney Deutsche bersetzung

Read the original story: Man sagt, Disney World sei ein magischer Ort und der glücklichste auf der Welt noch dazu. Man sagt, wenn man zu Disney World gehe, sei es ein magisches Erlebnis, das das Leben und dich als Person verändere. Aber in meinem Fall hatte Disney mein Leben ganz eindeutig verändert. Ich war eigentlich die höchstangesehene Ehren-Collegestudentin mit der Aussicht auf einen Abschluss, vielleicht sogar mit einem cum laude. Das...

3 years ago
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Internat f r Schwererziehbare

Prolog Ich beobachtete wie meine Mutter mit Itami, meinem Stiefvater sprach. “Denkst du wirklich, dass es gut für Kagome ist, sie auf ein Internat zu schicken?“, fragte meine Mutter. Itami versucht schon seit Beginn der Sommerferien sie davon zu überzeugen mich auf das Kyoiku-Internat für Schwererziehbare, in dem er auch arbeitet, zu schicken. Bisher war er aber erfolglos. Dachte ich zumindest. “Sie ist in einer schweren Phase. Wahrscheinlich glaubt sie, Ich will ihren Vater ersetzen, deshalb...

4 years ago
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Artifical Twin s

Die meisten von Katjas Freunde hatte nach den Abitur bereits mit dem Studium oder einer Ausbildung begonnen. Nur Katja ließ sich Zeit. Zum einen weil sie sich nicht entscheiden konnte was sie letztendlich Studieren soll und zum anderen hatte sie auch keinen Druck seitens ihrer Familie. Ihre Mutter sagte immer das Katja das Leben erst einmal genießen soll. Katja hatte sich daher entschieden erst mal eine Auszeit nach der Schule zu nehmen und Verwandte in den USA zu besuchen. Das war vor zwei...

4 years ago
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Ein Pornostar und ihre Familie

Tom surfte im Internet. Der 19jährige war schon seit langem regelmässiger Besucher einschlägiger Internetseiten, und liebte es sich die verschiedenen Frauen, allein oder beim Geschlechtsverkehr abgebildet, anzusehen. Auch heute Abend war er wieder unterwegs im Netz mit der rechten Hand an der Computermaus, mit der linken an seinen Schwanz. Wie die Seite hiess, auf der er das erste Mal auf diese Frau gestossen war, wusste er nicht. Aber die Bilder zeigten eine um die dreissig Jahre alte...

2 years ago
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Als DWT von Mama uuml berrascht

Meine Freunde sprachen mich schon immer auf meine hübsche Mutter an. Und obwohl wir seit Jahren immer wieder Herrenbesuch in unserer Wohnung empfingen, blieb keiner von ihnen länger als ein paar Monate.Mittlerweile ist meine Mama eine wirklich heisse End40erin. Nach wie vor schlank und genau um ihre Attraktivität wissend. Wir haben ein super Verhältnis, helfen uns wo wir können und haben keinerlei Geheimnisse voreinander. Zumindest nur eines von dem sie nichts weiß - ich stehe auf...

3 years ago
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Die Gummi Lesben Teil 6

Als sich mich dann um Dreiviertel sieben auf den Weg zu Anna machte freute ich mich schon auf unser Anal Spiel. Angezogen hatte ich meine Latex Leggings, darüber den Keuschheitsgürtel und darüber eine Jeans damit keiner sah was ich wirklich darunter trug. Als ich bei ihr ankam klingelte ich. Kurze Zeit später kam Anna dann zur Tür und öffnete mir, im Vergleich zu mir war sie komplett nackt. Sie sagte mir, dass wir jetzt in den Keller gehen und zeigte mir den Weg. Als wir im Keller ankamen...

4 years ago
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Netzfund Meine Frau

Ich war 18 Jahre alt und lebte zusammen mit meiner Mutter und meinem 18 Jährigen Bruder zusammen in einem kleinen Dorf in Schleswig Holstein. Wir lebten sehr einsam in einem sehr kleinen Haus, 2 Kilometer außerhalb eines kleinen Dorfes. Mein Vater der vor 2 Jahren verstarb hatte dieses kleine Haus gekauft und fertig gemacht und als sein Werk getan war wachte er eines Morgens nicht mehr auf und wir mussten sehen wie wir alleine zurecht kamen. Meine Mutter tat alles was sie konnte und arbeitete...

2 years ago
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Lena Teil 1

LENA Kapitel 1 - Vorgeschichte Ich wurde als Christian Lennart 1962 geboren. Nach einer Handelsmatura machte ich schnell Karriere im mittleren Kader einer kleineren Firma in unserer Stadt. Ein gutes Einkommen, anst?ndige Manieren und gute Zukunftsaussichten machten aus mir einen begehrten Partner f?r die M?dchen. Eine hatte es aber besonders auf mich abgesehen: Gabi, eine 5 Jahre j?ngere mir unterstellte Mitarbeiterin, die auch ich sehr nett fand. Sie verstand es, mic...

2 years ago
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Der Dachboden 5

Der Dachboden 5 Die Situation war schon eigent?mlich genug. Ohne etwas sehen zu k?nnen, war ich extrem gefesselt. Ich konnte nichts bewegen, weder Arme, Beine, noch Kopf. Und irgendetwas ber?hrte meinen nackten Po auf h?chst erotische Weise. Nur mein eingesperrter Penis verhinderte, dass ich einen Orgasmus bekam. Trotzdem lief ein Schauer nach dem anderen durch mich. Schlie?lich h?rte es auf. Wer auch immer das machte, er oder sie musste zu Tim gegangen sein. Ich h?rte ihn durch die ...

2 years ago
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Andy 3

Meine f?nfzigste Geschichte. Ich h?tte nie geglaubt, dass es so viele werden k?nnten. ---------- Montagmorgen. Grrr. Muss man noch mehr sagen? Wenigstens hatte ich eine Hose an. Obwohl sie sich merkw?rdig anf?hlte, ohne Haare an den Beinen. Und dieser Pulli kratzte tats?chlich. Oder war zumindest rau. Die Satinbluse von gestern war da etwas v?llig anderes gewesen. So soft. Ich sch?ttelte den Kopf. Ich musste diese Gedanken loswerden. Wie sollte alles je wieder normal werden, w...

2 years ago
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Der Flaschengeist Teil 8

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webs...

3 years ago
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Jimmy s Dem tigung

Jimmy hatte den Bus schon wieder verpasst. Egal wie schnell er es versuchte seine Schulb?cher zu packen und sich von seinen Freunden zu verabschieden, es war zu sp?t. Es war fast als ob der Fahrer es genoss zu wissen, dass er 4 Kilometer in der K?lte zu Fu? nach Hause laufen musste.Seine einzige Jacke war d?nn. Es war ein Geschenk zu Weihnachten, das er vor 2 Jahren erhielt. Sie passte nicht mal ?ber seine Schultern und an seinen ?rmeln war sie viel zu kurz. Es war ihm peinlich sie zu tragen.Seine Jea...

3 years ago
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Family business

Kapitel 1?Willst Du zu Hause geschult werden? Ist es das was Du willst?? fragt Georg seine 17 j?hrige Tochter. ?Deine Mutter und ich haben das oft genug mit Dir diskutiert, denke ich!??Nein, Sir.? Antwortet Jamie mit Tr?nen in den Augen.?Dann gehorche unseren Regeln, oder dies ist genau das was ich tun werde.? Knurrt Georg ver?rgert. Einmal mehr war seine Tochter einige Stunden zu sp?t aus der Schule nach Hause gekommen, etwas  was ihn wirklich ?ber alle Masse ver?rgert. Er tolerierte keinen Ungehorsam vo...

4 years ago
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The Fire Brand Outcast

1. “The Priest Hydra is in the clearing up ahead, it appears to be rather large.” The hunter informs me softly patting the head of his soul bound hawk. Priest Hydras are nasty things, they have a body like a lizard, six snake like heads that have hoods that look like the hoods of a Priest, the source of the Hydras name. You have to be careful when fighting any kind of Hydra because the blood of a Hydra is highly acidic to the point that it can burn through most things. Hydra bites...

3 years ago
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Die Mobberin meiner Tochter

Mein Name ist Marion, ich bin 36 Jahre alt und die Mutter von einer 18 jährigen Tochter. Emilia kurz Mia ist wohl die beste Tochter, die man sich wohl als alleinerziehenden Mutter nur wünschen kann! Ich war damals selbst gerade einmal so alt wie mein kleines Mädchen, als ich Mias Vater kennengelernt haben. Ich damals so unglaublich dumm, aber Liebe macht eben blind! Ich hab nicht bemerkt, dass der damals 25 jährige Junge mich nur ins Bett bekommen wollte. Er hat mich damals so lange bearbeitet...

3 years ago
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Angelique and Francoise

Angelique and Francoise Chapter 1 A Caribbean Holiday?? Basic statistics first. My wife and I had been married for 7 years. Happily married with a normal sex life, nothing spectacular but a very pleasant existence. We normally holidayed for two weeks in the summer in the sun somewhere. Neither of us had any particular hobby nor belonged to any outside interests. We live in the UK near Manchester. My wife Jennifer is 5 ft 2, slim build with mousey coloured hair. Very petit, grey...

3 years ago
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Sharing is Caring when you re at work

I wake with my pussy drenched. My fingernail lightly dragging over the lips of my mound. My bedroom bathed in an eerie green neon light from the building across the street from my apartment. The frost on the window catching all the lights, making intricate patterns that my mind cannot make out.  I’ve other things on my mind this morning than light patterns.  A rouge finger slips between the lips of my pussy, I feel my heat. I feel my wetness. Shivering with the icy temperature of my finger,...

3 years ago
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Sugar Rush Chapter 1

You sigh, “Can’t the world just leave me alone?” The doorbell rings again. “Damn it,” you mutter to yourself under your breath. You heave yourself out of your computer chair and start waddling to the front door. The doorbell rings again. “Coming!” you yell at the door. Your pace is slow. You are a very obese man. Your sedentary lifestyle and your indulgent diet have contributed greatly to your obesity. You live alone by yourself, and you work remotely for a government-funded research...

1 year ago
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A Game of Basketball Pt 3

Without my phone, I had no way to contact Nicole and I desperately wanted to talk to her. Not for any reason in particular. I was lovesick and she was the cure. I sent her probably 8,000 emails. That was a bit of an exaggeration, but that’s what it felt like. And of course, no one checks their student email over the weekend. Without much to do, I spent most of my time with my mother when she wasn’t at work. Apparently, she had a fun time with Miss Crandell. I knew they were friends, but I...

4 years ago
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The Winston Family Adventures pt 05

The young man is assigned to the ward for the indigent on the 3rd floor along with three other patients as roommates. His only privacy is a curtain to shield his view from the other three patients in the ward. He is now dressed in a hospital gown and has a couple of IVs started along with a heart monitor and an EKG. There is an elastic bandage on his dislocated right shoulder. Cindy takes his vital signs and is the first nurse on that floor to notice the young man has a larger than average...

3 years ago
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Fuck Buddies Part 1

This story is true. The names are not. This story may not have happened to me, it may have. My names damien, im 16 years old, I have black hair thats cut to the emo look, last week I put a little red on the ends, it looks really cool, I work out, alot. As a result of that, and the almost constant wanking I do, I have perfectly chiseled abs and in all modesty a great 6 pack, I play golf, rugby and tennis and excell at all of them, im not that popular in school, I have my own select group...

3 years ago
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Jay and Amy part 4

Introduction: Thanks for waiting and enjoy. Jay and Amy part 4 Open your eyes baby, I try snuggling back into the warm spot but then Im move onto my back. Baby, youre killing me, why does Jay keep talking while Im sleeping. Babe, I finally I open my eyes and Jays above me with a strain expression. Whats wrong? I ask. Jay doesnt answer me but looks down so I look down too, and I see that both my hands are on Jays dick and I have a very firm grip of it. Um&hellip,..sorry I mutter to Jay. Baby,...

4 years ago
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Long Awaited Love

With a start I wake up, sweat soaking through his tattered old t-shirt. I look around my pitch black bedroom, my eyes lingering over the right side of the bed, where he should be. The room lights up with a strike of lightening and the house seems to shake with the following rumble of thunder. I tug the string on my bedside lamp, but the power seems to be out. With a sigh, I swing my legs over the side of the bed and slip on a pair of gym shorts that I left on the floor yesterday. I traipse...

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I moved to a new city with my friend and her husband, I needed a fresh start and they lived in a great city. I was living there a few months and hadn’t found any friends of my own yet. I was never really outgoing and I’d had only a few boyfriends. Being only 23 I was in no hurry, but I was hoping to find a nice guy to date, and maybe help me fell like the city was my home. Liz was a few years older than me but had been my best friend since she was a senior in HS and I was in 7th grade. Well I...

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Let s Go To The Bahamas Pt 5

You lay back and have me sit between your legs with my head on your chest. You look at Beth and say, “Why don’t you and your sister show us what you do when you’re together?” Julia smiles and says, “Oh, we like to put on shows.” She has Beth kneel over our legs on her hands and knees as she slides on the strap on and grabs a dildo. She lubes the dildo and her sisters ass then slowly starts working it inside. Once it’s buried in her ass, she positions the strap on at her sisters pussy and starts...

4 years ago
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Poor Petra 1

I’ve just turned nineteen and am excited about going to university. It’s something I’ve been looking forward to for ages. Okay, I’ve had to give the kiss off to my hometown boyfriend Mark, but that wasn’t so tough. I’ve been cheating on him like a slut anyway. I am sex mad. On the first day, the freshers are paired for accommodation and I get roomed up with a girl called Petra. She’s a bit older than me, but she seems alright, and we draw a nice bedsit with kitchenette and bathroom. There’s...

Group Sex
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Amber s Sex Day The Final Chapter

Amber straightens herself up after saying goodbye to Marcus. Her sexual appetite is kicking into overdrive. She’s now ready push the boundaries of her free day to new limits. Amber considers going back into the casino and talking to the cute guy at the blackjack table, but she also ponders the fun that could be had at Tim's party. She then thinks about what her husband Matt would like her to do. She reminds herself that the deal was she got to choose whatever she wanted. Amber wants both to...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Round and Round

They all tell us about it and we say we believe them, but we don’t truly understand. They call it being a zombie. And it may take a week or so, until it happens but then you do truly understand. When you get here you’re just too busy and too excited and then you get your first glimpse, that’s it, you’re frozen, hence ‘zombie’. And you do believe you could look at it forever, but you have work to do and within the week you begin to notice it less and less. Then sometimes, and it happened with...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Service Girl Stephie

Service girl Stephie does Deepthroat & More! Stomach tickling Deepthroat on her back Tied flat and tormented Whipped and Clothespinned Wax and Dildo’s Twitching Orgasms Several weeks later only exchanging smiles and glances with Stephie at the coffee house I finally get my drink and grab some napkins, I step back and brush a blond person and she goes “watch where you're movin”. I turn to her and I lean in and growl softly and she discreetly pats my ass then whispers she is...

3 years ago
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College Party Girl

"Hey, would you like to dance?"My first college party. Over a month into my freshman year of college, and this was my first party. It was at a senior student's penthouse apartment, just a few blocks away from the apartment I shared with my sister Kayli, adorned with expensive furniture and filled with dozens of students.I found myself standing next to a circle of cute girls that were drinking and giggling next to a table in the kitchen. I had asked a girl named Natasha, whose name was given to...

4 years ago
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Consequences A New Life Part Eight

Thanks to Robyn, Emily and Cressar for all their support : ) and to all of you who have kept reading and leaving comments. Knowing you are enjoying the exploits of Emma and Co keeps me writing. Part 8 I stand there gobsmacked. "Jessie, what are you doing here?" Jessie struggles to her feet, she looks thin and unwashed. "I came here to see you!" her voice is broken and uneven. "You came to see what you did to me." I clench my fists. "You came to laugh!" "No!" Her voice...

2 years ago
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Elven Flame

This story takes place in an alternate universe, medieval times, where elves are part of society. Also, if you're just looking for the sex part, then scroll down a ways. If not, then please enjoy what I have to offer.... There she is. I catch myself thinking of her again. Across the bar, serving ale to the men, is Leana. Her blonde hair falls down past her shoulders, glittering like only elf hair can. Her ears are pointed, cutting out of her hair and standing lean on her temple. Her blue eyes...

2 years ago
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I moved to a new city with my friend and her husband, I needed a fresh start and they lived in a great city. I was living there a few months and hadn't found any friends of my own yet. I was never really outgoing and I'd had only a few boyfriends. Being only 23 I was in no hurry, but I was hoping to find a nice guy to date, and maybe help me fell like the city was my home. Liz was a few years older than me but had been my best friend since she was a senior in HS and I was in 7th grade. Well I...

Group Sex
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Laura s Ordeal

Laura looks at the ?stakes? with mixed disgust and anger Laura?s ordeal Part One 31 04 2089 Laura looks at the ?instruments? with mixed disgust and anger. She turns to face the executioner, a big man in his mid-fifties and almost literally spits at him: ?what have I done to deserve this?? The executioner shrugs. -?Don?t you know it? You?ve been arrested and found guilty of theft. Therefore you?ve been condemned to receive the present corporal punishment. Wasn?t the judge clear about it? I...

2 years ago
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Summer Fun Chapter 2 One Thing on My Mind

Riding home from the Fairlawn Apartments that afternoon, I was in a state of bliss. Even the simple action of peddling the bike was causing just enough repetitive movement between my legs to arouse me. My teenage brain is on fire and sorting out what happened just a few hours ago. Which, of course, is: I had sex today! I had my first, real, sex today! My penis was all the way inside Renee’s pussy! Wow, do I ever like hearing myself think that; so much so, I’m gonna slowly repeat it… My...

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I have a high sex drive and thrive on sexual excitement, be it dressing and undressing to please my man and our guests, flaunting my naked body to turn on people I have just met, the visual turn on of other naked bodies, the foreplay (or lack of it), to receiving and giving sexual pleasure, not to mention verbal interaction. I am Sarah, of French descent, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from my man, bi-sexual, though I didn’t...

3 years ago
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I have a high sex drive and thrive on sexual excitement, be it dressing and undressing to please my man and our guests, flaunting my naked body to turn on people I have just met, the visual turn on of other naked bodies, the foreplay (or lack of it), to receiving and giving sexual pleasure, not to mention verbal interaction. I am Sarah, of French descent, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from my man, bi-sexual, though I didn’t...

4 years ago
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I have a high sex drive and thrive on sexual excitement, be it dressing and undressing to please my man and our guests, flaunting my naked body to turn on people I have just met, the visual turn on of other naked bodies, the foreplay (or lack of it), to receiving and giving sexual pleasure, not to mention verbal interaction. I am Sarah, of French descent, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from my man, bi-sexual, though I didn’t...

3 years ago
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Size is important for me and I love being teased and licked. Around once a month I love having a second man to pleasure me, before I pleasure him while my man watches, and often he will pleasure my man: oral sex only – no intercourse is the rule. To be fair to my man we share another female sometimes which we both enjoy. My man Roger and I are in our mid-forties and have had sexual adventures many people would be envious of: some incredulous of even. For both of us there is making love,...

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My man Roger and I are in our mid-forties and have had sexual adventures many people would be envious of: some incredulous of even. For both of us there is making love, straight out fucking and our ultimate sexual experience, a third person for us to share. I have a high sex drive and thrive on sexual excitement, be it dressing and undressing to please my man and our guests, flaunting my naked body to turn on people I have just met, the visual turn on of other naked bodies, the foreplay (or...

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Around the same time my then current man took me to a club where we watched one man blowing another man. They were both incredibly attractive and very talented. And the man having his cock sucked had the biggest erection I had ever seen at that stage. The first time I had two men was not long after that when I met them in the bar after a business conference a long way from home. They were both five years younger than me and real studs. The first time I had two men while another woman...

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“My man and I are around twenty-years older than you. As you can see we are both exhibitionists. We are gender fluid and we both have voracious sexual appetites,” Sarah told them as they ogled our almost naked bodies. “Would you like to hear some details of our sex life?,” she teased as she had them eating her every word as she passed me the bottle of oil and stood so I could smear some on her body. Her nipples became erect as I teased them with an oily fingertip as she smiled at the...

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Size is important for me and I love being teased and licked. Around once a month I love having a second man to pleasure me, a full on tongue fuck, before I pleasure him, then give him a blow job while my man watches and masturbates while he talks to me, very exciting for three people. Often that man will pleasure my man, a blow job, while I watch, talk to him and tease him with my lips and fingers: oral sex only – no intercourse is the rule. To be fair to my man we share another female...

2 years ago
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Size is important for me and I love being teased and licked. Around once a month I love having a second man to pleasure me, a full on tongue fuck, before I pleasure him, then give him a blow job while my man watches and masturbates while he talks to me, very exciting for three people. Often that man will pleasure my man, a blow job, while I watch, talk to him and tease him with my lips and fingers: oral sex only – no intercourse is the rule. To be fair to my man we share another female...

2 years ago
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Alex and PeterChapter 7 Peter

I'm still yelling at him. I started once I was reasonably sure that he would live. I'll stop soon, I'm sure - maybe when I stop shaking. "What was I 'posed ta tell yo' momma?" I think I'm repeating myself 'cause I'm pretty sure I said that already. "Hey Aunt Stacy - guess what Alex done today?" "Shudda le'me drown." He mutters. His speech has been getting clearer the whole car ride home, which has me almost convinced that he wasn't under long enough for any permanent...

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“Would be wonderful if another very hung man was watching. You know I love having two men pleasure me. Haven’t had that in Australia, yet anyway.” Nina is taller than most women with a very good and sexy athletic body. Long legs, well-formed thighs, 34B tits with long nipples when aroused and stunning good looks. She is the complete, beautifully spoken lady in public, though very articulate and verbose while having sex. “Don’t stop what you are doing. Love the way you lick my cunt, I am to...

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Lessons 3

Well, here it is, I hope you enjoy... As we sit on the couch in the early evening the movie we are watching has just ended and we are curled up together. I run my hand down through your hair, giving it a light pull when my fingers reach the end and whisper quietly, “I have a surprise for you tonight, one I am sure you will enjoy.” Then, as you look up at me, I can’t help but grin and pull your hair a little more, causing you to arch your head back so I can kiss you and, give...

2 years ago
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Part I Her I'm late...and yet as I hear your key in the lock, I'm still not ready to go. My sense of time has escaped me tonight. It does that sometimes...and now with your new boss and his many stuffed minions awaiting our arrival I've done the inexcusable once again. I hear you settle heavily on the edge of the bed as I finish pinning my hair and applying my and understated. I turn. You are resplendent in your new suit. Italian. Tailored....

3 years ago
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I had met you, Ronnie, in the office and, while you were getting coffee, I had a quick look in your diary and was not really surprised to find references to a whole new personality. You seemed to have a feminine side which you referred to as ‘Jacquie’. I smiled to myself. With your delicate build and features you looked as much a ‘Jacquie’ as a Ronnie!!! When you returned I greeted you as Jacquie and you paled with shock. You were so frightened of your secret getting out that you agreed...

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Introduction: hope you enjoy this Small Mercies Part I Her Im late…so late…and yet as I hear your key in the lock, Im still not ready to go. My sense of time has escaped me tonight. It does that sometimes…and now with your new boss and his many stuffed minions awaiting our arrival Ive done the inexcusable once again. I hear you settle heavily on the edge of the bed as I finish pinning my hair and applying my lipstick…pink and understated. I turn. You are resplendent in your new suit....

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Last Stop Bubbles A Lost Blondie Verse Tale Part Three

I. Jitterbug Stand clear, doors closing.“Ya think Sting ever really thought about all the unspoken moves behind Every Breath You Take?”I don’t look up. I try to focus on getting this quick sketch just right. Shading. Light. Blending. But you’re like that lone fly that gets in when you leave the sliding door open too long. Zoom! And it hides like a stain you don’t even notice until you do. And when you do it prickles like a bad case of OCD. And this fly, it’s buzzing out and around your head at...

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What she can t get at home

The doorbell rang halfway through the morning, and i knew exactly who was ringing it.On the other side of that door was a young, recently married woman called Tilly.I had met her on line, got chatting with her and it turned out, after a little coaxing, she was very inexperienced in the art of love making.She had only been with one man, her husband, who she had met and fallen in love with at university, and now they were both happily five years married, well educated people with their own...

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How I Met My Wife

Being a Civil Engineer, graduated 1 and half years ago from university I was working my ass off to climb up in the professional ladder. I'm not saying that my salary is insufficient. It was more than enough for me. But still I was desperate for a better salary and that made my social life almost non-existent. I had my share of girls in high school and the university, but since then my sex life was drying up along with my social life. I didn't have much time for female company and to add to the...

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Immortal Sins Part four

Ella I breathe in, enjoying the warmth radiating throughout my body. I open my eyes and come face to face with blue orbs, flashing with electricity. I am completely mesmerized by his beauty. The stubble on his jaw and the dark circles underneath his eyes are very noticeable. Realization dawns on me; I must have fallen asleep after Max and I had let go of all the physical tension between us. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep. Here, I'll leave so you can actually sleep comfortably," I say...

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I had met you, Ronnie, in the office and, while you were getting coffee, I had a quick look in your diary and was not really surprised to find references to a whole new personality.You seemed to have a feminine side which you referred to as 'Jacquie'. I smiled to myself. With your delicate build and features you looked as much a 'Jacquie' as a Ronnie!!! When you returned I greeted you as Jacquie and you paled with shock. You were so frightened of your secret getting out that you agreed to do...

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play time

Watching the neighbors dog"Nicole!" My mom hollered up the stairs"What""Jake called. He wants to know if you can watch Booth tonight."Jake was our next door neighbor and booth was his Doberman.Pausing the movie I was watching. I run downstairs turning the corner to see mom holding the phone, her hand impatiently on her hip."Well?" She asks rolling her eyes"What time?" I grumble trying to hide my excitement.When I was 14 Jake ,who was 18 at the time,moved into the empty house next door. Coming...

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Betting Night

*Warning, contains rape theme at the end of the story.* Betting Night By J. Setak I wouldn't say that I had a problem with gambling; it was just my way to get a kick out of life. It was great. Usually, on a Friday evening I would go to the casino with my friends and lose some money on the poker tables or roulette. I loved one of the Casino's that was near me called, "Tyler's Casino", purely out of superstition. I had won the most amount of money that I had ever done at this place...

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The steam in the mirror the fog from the sea part2

Monday Maybe what keeps us on our course is fearing how the shock of change will shake the people whom we know. Let your hair grow long, too long, then cut it short, and watch the flicker of reaction in others' eyes, whether or not they say anything -- though we all know most will say something. It's not really the way a friend might react, nor parents, brothers, sisters -- the ones who know us best, who may even love us -- they aren't really those we fear to shock. Other...

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Depraved Fun

****WARNING**** There be tentacle sex in this story! If that is not something you like leave now or don't complain!****WARNING**** As per usual with my stories this story is complete and utter smut, if that is something that will bother you then please do not continue reading! If however that is what you're looking for or are even ok with them rejoice and read on! Note: I can not improve my stories if I don't get criticism, I like it because it actually shows that people are reading...

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Making an Amateur Strap On Video

This trip wasn’t all that different from the typical business trip thus far. I was stuck at an airport hotel for several weeks while I served my client. I was terribly bored, although this time I had rented a car so that I wasn’t stuck. To ease my boredom, I had rented a couple videos from a local store, watched them, and was returning them. The variations that did exist from my typical trip, however, made it seem quite different. Instead of being stuck in a business hotel near the...

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“When was the last time you had sex?” “Do you like oral sex?” “Do you shave or wax?” “How big are you?” “Are you bi?” “Would you like to be?” “I am,” Angela told me with a big smile and I thought little of it. A lunch date the next day, then back to her condo. We were both naked one minute after we walked through the door. Wonderful sex as we fucked like rabbits. I was impressed with her gorgeous, fuckable body, wonderful thighs and a magnificent ass. She with my thick, nine-inch...

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That was before Ada asked me to work for her ‘exclusive agency’. “We have a wide ranging client list, males and females, and lots of constant work,” she told me as she auditioned me. “And we provide for some very kinky people with lots of sexual fetishes.” When I arrive at their hotel suite I quickly decide the pics Ada showed me do not do them justice. They are both around their late-thirties, obviously a professional business couple. I soon leant despite their French accents they both...

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“When was the last time you had sex?” “Do you like oral sex?” “Do you shave or wax?” “How big are you?” “Are you bi?” “Would you like to be?” “I am,” Angela told me with a big smile and I thought little of it. A lunch date the next day, then back to her condo. We were both naked one minute after we walked through the door. Wonderful sex as we fucked like rabbits. I was impressed with her gorgeous, fuckable body, wonderful thighs and a magnificent ass. She with my thick, nine-inch...

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“Would be wonderful if another very hung man was watching. You know I love having two men to pleasure me. Haven’t had that in Australia, yet anyway.” Nina is taller than most women with a very good and sexy athletic body. Long legs, well-formed thighs, 34B tits with long nipples when aroused and stunning good looks. She is the complete, beautifully spoken lady in public, though very articulate and verbose while having sex. “Don’t stop what you are doing. Love the way you lick my cunt, I am...

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That was before Ada asked me to work for her ‘exclusive agency’. “We have a wide ranging client list, males and females, and lots of constant work,” she told me as she auditioned me. “And we provide for some very kinky people with lots of sexual fetishes.” When I arrive at their hotel suite I quickly decide the pics Ada showed me do not do them justice. They are both around their late-thirties, obviously a professional business couple. I soon leant despite their French accents they both...

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My Girlfriend s Sextape

I discover my Girlfriend’s sex tape. I’m not in it. ‘See you tonight,’ I say and kiss my girlfriend goodbye. She’s off to work in the café, and has just come by to drop some stuff off. We don’t live together, but we have been seeing each other for four years, so we probably are soon. I take her backpack and watch her ass as she runs down the stairs with her bleached blonde hair dancing around her shoulders. A few hours later as I’m watching a Simpsons episode I have seen a thousand times...

3 years ago
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Der ganz spezielle Frauenarzt

Wir befinden uns im Jahr 2092. Die sexuelle Aufklärung hat nunmehr Formen erreicht, die niemand für möglich gehalten hätte.... Frau Dr. Tiller betreibt eine erfolgreiche Frauenarztpraxis in einer europäischen Großstadt. Sie hat sich auf ein Gebiet spezialisiert, dass vor ein paar Jahrzehnten noch undenkbar war. Sie führt eine so genannte "Gynäkologische Fachpraxis für Hymenkunde, Deflorationstechnik und Insemination". In ihrer Praxis arbeiten ausschließlich Frauen. Das ist zwar nicht...

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Wie es begann hellip hellip hellip

Hallo Freunde der Disziplin und der brennenden Körper.Heute, im Alter von fast 50 Jahren könnte ich hier Bände mit Geschichten füllen. Ich weis nicht wie oft mein Körper dran glauben musste und derartig durchgestriemt wurde das ich tagelang nicht sitzen konnte oder keinen BH tragen konnte. Ob auf der Arbeit oder Privat, ich scheine den Männern, und Frauen zu signalisieren, bitte benutz mich auf die harte Tour und bring mich zum Schreien. Hier möchte ich mich aber einmal darin versuchen euch zu...

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My Girlfriend s Sextape

I discover my Girlfriend's sex tape. I'm not in it."See you tonight," I say and kiss my girlfriend goodbye. She's off to work in the café, and has just come by to drop some stuff off. We don't live together, but we have been seeing each other for four years, so we probably are soon. I take her backpack and watch her ass as she runs down the stairs with her bleached blonde hair dancing around her shoulders.A few hours later as I'm watching a Simpsons episode I have seen a thousand times before,...

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Frauen party Teil 2

Frauen(?)party 02 bymic70©Wir zogen uns beide aus und duschten erst einmal ausführlich. Beide hüllten wir uns in flauschige Bademäntel und Silke erneuerte unser Makeup. Also war der Abend wirklich noch nicht zu Ende. Wieder im Schlafzimmer fragte mich Silke „bereit für ein neues Outfit?" Natürlich war ich bereit. Aus den Päckchen, die immer noch neben dem Bett lagen, nahm Silke eine weiße Corsage und einen weißen Slip heraus. Es folgten weiße halterlose Strümpfe und weiße Pumps. „Das sieht ja...

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Rotk?ppchen Ich sa? endlich im Bus. Zum Ferienlager. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Teens freute ich mich riesig darauf. Ich bin Stefan Gerhard, und 14 Jahre alt. Seit der Scheidung geht es bei uns finanziell problematisch zu. Meine Mutter macht, was sie kann. Aber es bleibt nicht genug ?brig. Urlaub war schon lange nicht mehr drin, und dieses Ferienlager eigentlich auch nicht. Aber ich hatte die ersten Wochen der Ferien gearbeitet, und wir hatten eine Unterst?tzung bekommen. Und so kam ich ...

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VORWORT Die Idee zu dieser Story kam nach einem Bericht ?ber junge Transsexuelle im Fernsehen. Danach habe ich mich zu dem Thema ein wenig im Web umgesehen. Viele junge TS trauen sich nicht etwas zu ihren Problemen zu sagen. Oft gibt dann ein Crossdressing Ereignis erste Hinweise, ab dem die Dinge ihren Lauf nehmen, und schnell zu riesigen Problemen f?hren. Einiges des hier geschriebenen ist so ?hnlich tats?chlich passiert, ich habe es mit ein wenig Fantasie verbunden. Das Ergebnis ist...

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Altered Fates Gl ck und Glas Teil 1

Altered Fates: Glueck und Glas, Teil 1 by T:M in 2005 Achtung: In dieser Geschichte gibt es Szenen mit expliziten sexuellen Handlungen. Au?erdem wird geflucht, und das nicht selten! ***Prolog*** Eigentlich war alles wie immer: Ein typischer Samstag Vormittag. Das "Venice", ein kleines Eiscafe, welches nach 22.00 Uhr auch eine ganz passable Szenebar abgab lag am Rande der malerischen Altstadt, direkt neben der Rossmann-Br?cke, dem Markenzeichen des Ortes, welche ?ber einem ...

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Andy 4

Meine Per?cke mit den Z?pfen lenkte den Blick geradezu auf meine Ohren. Ich konnte nicht fassen, wie auff?llig die zwei winzigen Ohrstecker waren. Und der Kristall glitzerte stark. Dabei war es ein kaum sichtbares Teil, nur den Bruchteil eines Millimeters gro?. Wie kann ein so winziges Teil so funkeln? Die Kette st?rte mich nicht so, denn die konnte ich problemlos wieder abnehmen. Das Schlimmste war, dass sie mir so gut gefiel. Wenn das irgendwie Sinn macht. Ich ging zu Frau Weber in di...

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Andy 6

Ich genoss den Sonntagmorgen und schlief lange. Als ich endlich in die K?che ging, war es schon Mittag. Mom war nicht zu sehen. Ich fand einen Zettel auf dem Tisch: Hallo Langschl?fer, Moni hat mich angerufen und wir unternehmen etwas zusammen. Es ist noch etwas von deinem leckeren Gulasch da, w?rme es dir auf. Bis heute Abend - Mom. Beim Lesen merkte ich, dass ich immer noch rosa Fingern?gel hatte. Und, wurde mir pl?tzlich bewusst, auch das Makeup von Alice. Ich hatt...

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Der Flaschengeist Teil 29

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webs...

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FKK Urlaub 7 Teil

Der unerwartete Besuch entpuppte sich als Freunde aus den Niederlanden, die sie schon lange kannten, aber nicht erwartet hatten. Es gab ein großes Hallo mit vielen Küssen und Umarmungen. Dies gab mir die Gelegenheit die Gäste genauer zu betrachten. John, der Vater, war ein richtiger Hüne. Er überragte sogar Onkel Willi um eine Kopflänge. Sein Körper war von einem sanften Braunton und ließ einen ehemaligen Athleten erkennen. Das Lachen und seine einnehmende Art machten ihn sogleich sympathisch....

1 year ago
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Familie Inze macht einen Urlaub auf den Bahamas

Der kleine Propellerflieger fliegt über einen türkisen, schier endlosen Ozean hinweg. Ich schaue gelangweilt aus dem Fenster und rufe dann meiner Mutter zu: „wann sind wir denn eigentlich endlich da? Mir wird echt langsam langweilig.“ meine Mutter lächelt gnädig zurück: „Bald, keine Sorge! Es dauert nur noch ca eine Stunde.“ „Eine Stunde? Wow das ist ja noch ewig.“ echauffiere ich mich fast etwas zu viel. Alex lächelt wieder und sagt dann zu meiner Schwester: „Vicky Schatz. Lenk doch deinen...

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Geld regiert die Familie

Mein Name ist Mike Müller und bin 20 Jahre alt. Ich bin 1.83m groß und sehr schlank. Mit meiner Akne bin ich nicht gerade ein Blickfang für die Frauen. Dennoch hatte ich bereits drei, mehr oder weniger ernste, Beziehungen. Die längste davon hat gerade mal ein knappes Jahr gehalten. Seit einigen Monaten hatte ich allerdings kein Mädchen mehr in meinem Bett. Wenn ich mir nicht regelmäßig einen von der Palme wedeln würde, hätte ich inzwischen Eier wie Bowlingkugeln. Wie viele Jungs in meinem Alter...

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Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor

Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor Chapter One -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the sun crept into the smallest bedroom in the house at # 4 Privet Drive, Harry Potter fought the urge to wake up. Harry was having a nice pleasant dream. He dreamt that he was sitting on the shore of the ocean with his feet in the cool water, while reading a book about lighthouses. Two odd things about the dream stood out for Harry. The...

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Unfinished business

It took a whole day to prepare. I wanted it to be a special day in lots of different ways, one that would create strong memories, the kind that stay with you for life. Earlier, I had gone shopping for ingredients to make a good chicken stirfry, free range chicken, fresh vegetables, and cashew nuts. Also fruit so we could make a fruit salad together. I finished the photograph I mounted for you of a Madagascar ring-tailed lemur looking you right in the eye, that I took in Nosy Be, and placed it...

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This Crazy Little Thing Called SEX part 2

Part 2.It was Saturday afternoon and I was back scrabbling in my wardrobe with my mom standing outside watching me."A date?" she asked, surprised. I could tell she was slightly concerned with this sudden change in our routine.I came out grasping a black sparkly top and black pleated skirt. "Do you think I should wear tights?" I asked as I slipped out of my top and jeans. "Or stockings?" I was already wearing black underwear. I gave a little squeal of impatience. Nope. No tights or stockings. Go...

First Time
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The Cunt Plumber

Mrs. Jacobs was dry again. Her husband, Harold, rubbed her pussy with his thumb while gliding his other hand over her tits and belly. "How's that, honey? Do you like that, huh Gloria?"Gloria was in her late 30s, had a big, round ass, a wide set of hips, a pot belly, and a large set of tits that Harold loved to see bounce around while he fucked her. Gloria had a mature face. She was not a beauty queen or a fitness model. She looked more like a teacher, or a maid. She had a body that was not...

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Everything Old is New Again

I want to send a HUGE amount of thanks to Carol Collins. Her words of encouragement helped me finish this first story, and her comments helped to improve it; she graciously shared her time and expertise with me for no reason other than to be nice. She also has given me the encouragement I needed to be "brave" enough to share it with the list. Thanks a thousand times over, Carol! Enough of my prattling . . . on with the...

3 years ago
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Bill Gets Boobs

Bill gets BOOBS! By Bad Irving {Disclaimer- Dis story is here-by claimed, through dis claimer. Now all you claim jumpers go away! Especially if under 18 or if you work in a mine. I don't want miners reading dis story. Certainly not coal miners, you'll get dust on it! Well, ok, if you are a gold miner its ok to read the story as long as you get gold dust on it and mail to [email protected] . But all you other miners or minors stay away!} It was a dark and stormy night. The windshield...

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It s Not What s Wrong It s What s Right

It's Not What's Wrong, It's What's Right Belladonna As the livery cab made its way along the highway, Daniel's eyes saw the towering buildings that made up the familiar skyline that he so rarely saw from a distance. His parents rarely took him beyond the borders of the borough of Manhattan. The last time he had seen the skyline was when he had left the city a few days earlier to spend the summer with his Aunt and Cousin. Daniel's mother felt that a summer in suburban exile would...

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Girly Days

Girly Days Alessandra Durante "I'm going out, Mom," Martin shouted to his mother. "Be safe," she replied as she watched him leave. It was not long after he pulled away from the house before Kay got into her car to drive to the pool hall that Martin was going to meet with some of his friends at. Her planned intervention had to go smoothly, and she knew that paying one of Martin's slacker friends to trick him into going to it was worth it. While Kay drove towards the pool...

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The Changeling Part Three

The Changeling, Chapter 3 Inches I woke up topless, in a cardboard box in an alley somewhere downtown. It was after dawn, but not by much. A ceiling of ominous grey clouds blocked the sky, and I shivered as my skin was pelted by a light spray of needle rain. There had a momentary pang of elation when I had first come out of my dream, a nightmare of gang rape and murder. This blissful feeling evaporated the moment I realized that the soft pillows on which I had been resting my...

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The Replacement Part three

Acceptance of who we are, is something we all struggle with. sexuality can be difficult to navigate. What is considered normal is blurred in the eyes of some but so clear in others, To be so strong and find yourself submitting to an-other's will is a powerful thing , That moment your life changes, that moment you understand who you really are... Sara's moment was fast approaching. That moment Emily placed her lips on mine, and I reacted without hesitation, the butterfly feelings swept...

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BecChapter 27 Late Friday Evening Part 2

We were only about five minutes from home when Dan’s phone started ringing. He pulled over to the side of the road and answered it. His side of the conversation made it really hard to figure out what was going on. After a bit, he turned and looked across Pearl at me. “It’s Mum. She says Tara hasn’t come home yet. She was supposed to be at the mall and it would’ve closed ages ago. Mum’s asking if you know where Tara would be. If you do, we’re to collect her and bring her home.” I bit my lip....

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Book 2 Bitsy s StoryChapter 10 London Town

The next day a very green around the gills, Bitsy, sat watching Rav sleep. She looked at Katrina, "Didn't your father have a house in London? Kat" Smiling, Kat nodded, she hadn't thought of that house in a very long time, she remembered the times they had taken trips to town and her father taking her to a puppet show and buying her a sweetmeat because she had been so good. "Would you mind very much if I used the house, for awhile? I'm going to go to London shortly." Kat who had been...

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A Stranger in the Hotel

The strangest thing happened to me a little while ago. I thought I would never tell anyone what happened either but I kinda like the idea that guys will jerk off as they read my story. I admit, while I am writing this I feel aroused a little and oh how I wish I could watch you wanking or even feel your shaft.I'm not gay they always say. I don't care much for gay men. I always think gay and straight are measured by how they behave. I like women’s bodies and football and dirty jokes and pints of...

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Version 13

Version 13 ByThe Gray_Man Caution! The following is a work of pure fiction I have been thinking about writing for some time.? If there are any similarities between the names, characters, places and actions of this story and those of the 'real' world then it is 100% coincidence.? There is a great deal of violence, and other sensitive subject matters here.? If you are under 18 years of age or this material is considered illegal where you live then do not read any further.? It is not my...

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Wishing and Hoping Part Two

Wishing and Hoping - Part Two By: Light Clark Synopsis: Vali's greatest wish has been granted, but it wasn't her only wish. Hoping to achieve another, she has confessed the feelings that she has long kept secret, but will she get the answer that she was hoping for? Chapter 29 What was I thinking? What had I done? Those two questions echoed in my brain, crowding out every other thought, and yet, I could not convince myself to do anything to resolve them. I just stood there...

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