Socken indian porn

2 years ago
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Entf hrung und Einkerkerung in Strumpfhosen

Ich bin 54 Jahre alt und lebe allein. Wenn mich niemand sieht, trage ich Strumpfhosen. Das geilt mich ziemlich auf. Ich habe immer verschiedene Strumpfhosen, einen kurzen Rock und schwarze Pumps im Kleiderschrank. An einem Herbstabend schellt es an meiner Wohnungst?r. Dummerweise mache ich sofort auf. Ich stehe zwei M?nnern gegen?ber, die mich sofort in die Wohnung dr?ngen und die T?r schlie?en. Der gr??ere hat ein Messer in der Hand. Ich beschlie?e, keinen Widerstand zu leisten. Ich muss vor ihnen ins...

2 years ago
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Die Zauberin Spiegelbild german

******************************************************** Die Zauberin ? Spiegelbild(das Gegenst?ck zu ?Die Zauberin? (Sollte ich jetzt wohl zu ?Die Zauberin ? Hasso? umtaufen)********************************************************I BegegnungEs war nicht mein Tag...Heute hatte ich das Haus verkauft. Dort in Raukfurth war ich die letzten Jahre zu Hause gewesen. Und jetzt hatte ich es verkauft - weit unter Wert. Wie unversch?mt der H?ndler gewesen war; allein daf?r h?tte ich ihn schon verfluchen solle...

1 year ago
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Die Zauberin german

********************************************************Die Zauberin - Eine Fantasygeschichtea fantasy story about a man who fall into the hand of a sorceress and learn to esteem her power********************************************************1Vor kurzem hatte ich die Stadt verlassen. Mit nichts als meiner zerlumpten Kleidung auf der Haut. Nicht, das ich in den letzten Jahren wesentlich mehr besessen h?tte. Aber als Tagel?hner bekam ich viel zu selten Arbeit um mir etwas vern?nftiges leisten zu k...

3 years ago
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Die Negerhure german

NegerhureEndlich! Endlich war das Wochenende da! Die ganze Woche ?ber hatte ich im Friseurladen meiner Chefin Haare geschnitten, gef?rbt, Dauerwellen gelegt und mich die ganze Zeit ?ber schon auf das Wochenende gefreut. Nun also, war es endlich soweit!Es war Samstag Nachmittag und ich machte mich bereit um in die Disco zu gehen. Klar, ich wollte auch etwas abtanzen, aber in erster Linie wollte ich mir wieder mal einen Kerl aufrei?en und mich endlich wieder mal so richtig durchficken lassen. Nein, i...

2 years ago
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Sklavenalltag bei der Russenbande

Sklavenalltag bei der RussenbandeDie PennerDie Geschichte spielt in einer gr?sseren Stadt, Berlin, Hamburg oder so, und erhebt wirklich keinen Anspruch, wahr zu sein, nicht einmal, ann?hernd so passiert zu sein. Samstagnacht, 2.00 Uhr. Ein j?ngerer B?rsianer, korrekter Haarschnitt, gepflegt, gut gekleidet, arrogant, vorlaut, Vegetarier, Nichttrinker, Nichtraucher, ist mit seinem Auto auf dem Heimweg von einer After-Work-Party. Er hat eine kleine Panne, sein angeberischer Jaguar will nicht mehr. V...

2 years ago
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Sommerferien in Oberbayern GERMAN

1. Kapitel Wir wollten an diesem wundersch?nen Sonntagnachmittag mal wieder etwas Aufregendes erleben. Deshalb hatten wir uns in unser Auto geschwungen und waren - zun?chst auf's geratewohl ins Blaue gefahren. Das es dann so aufregend werden sollte, hatte sich keiner von uns beiden gedacht. Aber der Reihe nach. Wir, das sind Sabine und ich. Wir beide sa?en also in unserem Auto und fuhren ?ber die Landstra?en. Sabine  hatte  -  dem Wetter angemessen  -  ein  leichtes Sommerkleid an. Wie ?blich hat...

2 years ago
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German Bedtime Stories

German Bedtime Stories © Gentle Master Arme(e) Frauen Du bist Army Sergeant, altgedienter Vietnam-Veteran, und gerade dabei, Dirim Anwesen Deines Majors in Florida ein kleines Zubrot zu verdienen, indemDu seinen Rasen mähst, den Swimmingpool sauber machst und all die sonstigenArbeiten erledigst, die in einem so großen Anwesen, wie es Dein reicherVorgesetzter hat, eben so anfallen. Der Major ist ein netter Kerl, so nettjedenfalls, wie es Offiziere eben sein können, und Du wünschst Dir,Du...

4 years ago
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Sex unter Freunden

Flo unterhielt sich mit seinem Kumpel Ben: „Mara die neue Schülerin hilft mir mit den Bio Sachen.“ Ben hörte nicht richtig hin er starte auf eine der Schülerinnen, mit einem enorm kurzen Rock. Also fragte er: „Hmmm wer?“ Flo sah die lüsternen Blicke seines Kumpels und sagte: „Mara, die Freundin von Sabrina und Kim. Und das Mädchen, was du anstarrst, ist übrigens Anastasia die Tochter von Frau Kaiser.“ Ben lies von ihr ab und sagte, ja jetzt wundert mich nichts mehr. Am Nachmittag klingelte es...

2 years ago
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Kleidungs Kontrolle

In deinem Traum kommt ein großer muskulöser Mann auf dich zu und sagt: "Du bist die erste Test-Person. Von diesem Moment an, kannst du kontrollieren, wie eine Person sich anziehen muss. Es gibt drei Arten der Kontrolle: Die erste Art besteht darin, Regeln für die Zukunft festzulegen: 'Du musst grüne Schuhe tragen.' Wenn eine Person sich nur in einer bestimmten Situation auf eine Weise kleiden muss, sagst du zum Beispiel: 'Du musst bei deiner Arbeit ein weißes Hemd tragen.' Wenn eine Peron nur...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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Die erfolgreichen SWAT Girls

Angela Mancuso, die 28jährige brünette als Topmodel durchgehende Leiterin ihrer weiblichen S.W.A.T.-Einheit war mit ihrer Truppe höchst erfolgreich im Kampf gegen Zuhälter, Menschenhändler und Drogenschmuggler. Ihrer Einheit gehörten noch weitere 5 Topgirls an. Maria Gonzales, 25 Jahre, schwarzhaarig mit ebensolchen Augen, man sah ihre mexikanischen Vorfahren deutlich. Die blonde, blauäugige Jennifer Connell, 24; die 23jährige brünette, langhaarige Shauna Frazier mit den sanften braunen Augen;...

3 years ago
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Der erste Besuch eines Pornokinos

Ich hatte meine Ausbildung beendet, hatte meine Stelle und zum ersten Mal durfte ich meine Gleitzeit in Anspruch nehmen, so nahm ich an einem warmen Freitag im heißen Sommer das erste Mal Mittags frei und fuhr ins Pornokino im Hbf. Köln. Angezogen war ich mit einem T-Shirt, meiner knackig sitzenden blauen Cordjeans, einem Slip, Tennissocken und normalen Halbschuhen. An der Kasse war vor mir ein Boy, und der machte mich schon direkt heiß, er hatte eine knackig enge braune Jeans an und wackelte...

2 years ago
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Die Magd

Seine Blicke fanden keinen anderen Halt. Das am Boden hockende Mädchen zog seine Begierde auf sich. Der Kaufmannssohn, Eike Kerkhof, sah der jungen Magd beim Scheuern des Dielenbodens zu. Anna reizte ihn. Seit die Mutter das Mädchen in den Dienst genommen hatte, fand er keine Ruhe. Das sommersprossige Gesicht, das rötich schimmernde Blond der Haare. Es betonte das Kindhafte in ihr. Keine Nacht verging, in der ihm nicht ihr Bild erschien. Er hatte sie einmal heimlich beim Waschen beobachtet. Ihr...

1 year ago
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Am falschen Ende der Stadt

Hey Leute, ich bin Cameron, eine 28 jährige Highschoollehrerin, mit schulterlangen, naturgelockten schwarzen Haaren und ebensolchen Augen, bildhübsch, mit kleinem, festen Busen, Wespentaille, unendlich langen, schlanken Beinen und einem knackigen, festen Po. Bei 1,78 Größe wiege ich 62 kg und meine Pussy ist rasiert. Ich bin seit 6 Jahren mit meinem lieben Mann verheiratet, doch es ist schon Tristesse im Sexleben eingekehrt. Eigentlich wünschte ich mir mal härteren Sex bei dem ich dominiert...

3 years ago
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Sch lerin und Lehrerin

Ich möchte nun mal eine wahre Geschichte schreiben. Ich bin 27, habe blonde schulterlange Haare, blaue Augen, einen 75B Busen, eine Wespentaille, Knackpo und unendlich schöne, lange, schlanke Beine, bei 1,70 wiege ich 52 kg. So war es auch schon vor 5 Jahren, da passierte mir nämlich das nun von mir beschriebene. Es sollte mein ganzes Leben verändern. Es war an einem warmen Sommertag, Samstag, und ich hatte mich gerade geduscht und wollte etwas im kleinen Garten meiner ebenerdigen Wohnung...

3 years ago
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Mias Welt 07

Sie hatte mich gefragt ob ich da bleiben möchte .Nachdem ich mich von diesem unglaublichen Orgasmus erholt hatte . Ich kauerte zusammengerollt wie ein Embryo in dem schönen Sessel , sie stand neben mir und streichelte meinen Kopf . In dem war alles durcheinander geraten .Da war nichts mehr wie es sein sollte . Meine Gedanken waren wirr und unsortiert . Seit drei Tagen schüttelte irgendwer mein Gehirn herum wie eine Kinderrassel . Ich hatte sie angestarrt , wie schön sie war . Was für herrliche...

1 year ago
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Als der Wecker klingelte, dauerte es eine ganze Weile, bis Maike sich aus ihrem Traum reißen konnte. Denn wie so oft hatte sie von ihrer Leidenschaft getraumt. Maike wünschte sich nichts sehnlicher, als das dieser Traum einmal in Erfüllung gehen könnte. Aber bis jetzt war an ein Ausleben der Gefuehle nicht zu denken. Bis auf die Aktionen mit ihrer Schwester. Aber das stand auf einem anderen Blatt. Ihre Schwester provozierte sie nur, wenn ihre Gefuehle ein Ueberdruckventil brauchten. Sie wachte...

1 year ago
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Zum Diktat Kerstin Sch tzchen

Zum Diktat, Kerstin, Sch?tzchen Thomas lehnte sich in seinem Sessel zur?ck und seufzte zufrieden. Es war ein harter Tag im B?ro gewesen. Der Arbeitstag war fast vor?ber und er freute sich schon auf den Abend. Er verschr?nkte seine H?nde hinter seinem Kopf und ?bersah sein 'Reich'. Er l?chelte bei dem Gedanken, ein wohlwollender Leiter zu sein. Er ist bef?rdert worden und steht jetzt einer jungen Abteilung vor. Anf?nglich hatte er Schwierigkeiten, aber nun, nach ein paar Monaten hatte er es ...

2 years ago
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Andy 20

Frau Weber war erstaunt, meine Mom zu sehen, aber Mark um so mehr begeistert ?ber mein Outfit. Er strich mir ?ber die zart gl?nzenden Beine, w?hrend Mom sich mit Frau Weber in der K?che unterhielt. Als wir dann in der K?che ankamen, kr?hte er fr?hlich, "Ich will auch so einen Rock mit Falten. Und so glitzernde Beine." Ich verdrehte nur die Augen. Dann erinnerte ich Mark daran, dass seine Lieblingssendung lief. W?hrend er fasziniert dem sprechenden Schwamm zusah, erz?hlte ich den zwei Frauen, wa...

1 year ago
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Der Flaschengeist Teil 1

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webs...

4 years ago
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Der Flaschengeist Teil 4

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webs...

2 years ago
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Der Flaschengeist Teil 5

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webs...

4 years ago
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Der Flaschengeist Teil 25

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webs...

1 year ago
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Convention Kapitel 2

Ich trat unter die Dusche und stellte die Dusche erst mal auf br?hend hei?, gerade so, dass ich es aushalten konnte, um sie nach ein paar Minuten sp?ter auf eiskalt zu stellen. Das war ein ebenso guter Wachmacher wie Kaffee. Da ich meine neue Bekanntschaft nicht so lange warten lassen wollte, seifte ich mich entsprechend ein und begann mich zu rasieren. Ein paar Stellen waren tricky, aber ich hatte den Vorteil, genauso wie ich nicht die Statur von Dwayne 'the Rock' Johnson hatte, nicht be...

3 years ago
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Max und sein Vater

Max fing an zu zittern als er die T?re aufgehen h?rte.Man h?rte deutlich, dass sein Vater wieder ziemlich dicht war. Er stolperte geradezu in die kleine 2-Zimmer Wohnung, in diesem Hochhaus, das sich in einem ziemlich ?blen Stadtteil befand, wo er und sein 16 Jahre alter Sohn lebten.Seitdem die Mutter von Max die kleine Familie ?ber Nacht verlassen hat und spurlos verschwunden ist, lebte er mit seinem alkoholkranken Vater ganz allein.Zur Zeit sind Schulferien. Immer wenn der Alte das Haus...

2 years ago
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Lehrk rper german Story

Geschichte – LehrkörperTeil 1Ich kramte in meiner Handtasche, um nach meinem Autoschlüssel zu suchen.  Der Parkplatz lag bereits im Halbdunkel des anbrechenden Abends. Jetzt, mitten im Herbst, wurden die Tage sehr schnell viel kürzer. Auch die Bäume warfen zunehmend das bunte Herbstlaub ab und der Wind schichtete an Büschen, Bordsteinen und Hauswänden die Blätter zu imposanten Haufen auf.Endlich bekam ich den Schlüssel zu fassen und zog ihn aus meiner Tasche. Ein kurzer Druck auf ihn und mein...

3 years ago
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In der Kuche der Teufelin German

Es roch nach Zigarettenrauch, Schweiß und Pisse. Sehen konnte der Gefangene nichts, denn sein Kopf steckte unter einerdunklen, schmutzigen Kapuze. Handschellen fesselten ihm die Hände aufden Rücken und seine Arme befanden sich im eisernen Griff zweier brutalerWachen. Man zwang ihn vorwärts und lachte über seine vergeblichenVersuche des Widerstands, während er zum x-ten Mal das Last-Minute-Ticketverfluchte, dass ihn in dieses kleine lateinamerikanischen Land gebracht hatte- zwei Tage vor einem...

3 years ago
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Toys for TootsChapter 3

The girls were trapped but they could just see Jeff and me gesturing towards the ladies' room as obviously as we dared and they got the hint of our desperate plan. "Ok, we'll do whatever you want, but first let Amy go take a piss and let me get this monster of a plug out of my ass. I can't even walk let alone fuck with this huge thing in me." We heard Toots loudly say in what had to be a stage whisper meant for us. It didn't give much time to get our plan underway, but it was better...

3 years ago
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Blood LustChapter 24

Once back at his apartment, Tom had no idea what to do with himself. Part of him was relieved that all responsibility had been torn from his shoulders, but, even more, he was worried that the feds, with their refusal to accept the impossible truth, were really going to fuck things up and get a lot of people killed. He rooted around in his kitchen drawers until he found a long abandoned ashtray, and then, lighting a smoke, he settled on the couch to watch the news. The only thing new that he...

2 years ago
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Damp Encounter My Boss Part 1

When I started my new job I couldn’t help but notice how sexy my supervisor was. Although he talked incessantly about his wife I would feel myself flush every time he would call me into his office. I started fantasizing about him often, and continually played different scenarios over in my head each time we would find ourselves alone together. Riding in the elevator, late night meeting, all the typical circumstances. Although these thoughts kept me satisfied on Sunday nights when I took my...

2 years ago
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Seductive Sister In LawChapter 6

Betty Howard stood up from the love seat nestled in the corner of Jake Roberts' living room, searching through the crowd for her husband who had disappeared just after the two men and the woman had come to orgasm. The lewd spectacle had, in spite of her resolve to stay cool, worked her into a frenzied pitch of excitement and the mixture of hashish and Pernod had contributed to her generally dazed state of confusion. She had even let Bob's hands stroke her pussy and she had fondled and...

4 years ago
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Sexy Chandra

Hi, hello friends, I’m back with a new story. I’m happy that my second story also got published. I feel really happy because I never knew that my stories would become so popular and I would get friends from various parts of the world. Before, I used to write a lot of stories but it was really frustrating because I couldn’t share them with anyone but now it is not the case, there are people waiting to read my stories, Thanks to This incident happened few years before. When...

3 years ago
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The Powder Room Job By Adam Brody

Story The Powder Room JobJuly 18 1992 I was called to a house very early one morning. A middle age woman opened the door. She showed me the way to the bathroom and told me the shower was leaking. It was a beautiful day and the morning was hot already. As I was fixing the tap she came in with a nice cold drink. She introduced herself. Her name was Christine. She was wearing a nice bathrobe. Being so early in the morning I didn't take much notice of her appearance. Because she was much older then...

2 years ago
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House Hunting Is Fun Sometimes

Hello Readers, This is Rahul, This happened when I was house hunting in Hyderabad, I was to visit and see a house that was advertised half way through it began to rain and by the time I reached the place I was totally drenched. The door was opened by a woman about 50 years. She saw me totally drenched and said “You must be very cold! Come in and wipe yourself.” She led me inside, and the lady, told her name was Sheela, asked me to dry myself with a towel. I did this after Sheela left, with my...

4 years ago
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Double Trouble

As Friday night goes, it hadn't turned out as I had planned and me my girlfriends ended up at a local bar. And as the night wore on, I had had one too many to drink and decided I had better head for home. I bid my girlfriends goodbye and stepped outside the bar into the warm night. I knew I shouldn't be driving, so I stood by my car, smoking a cigarette, debating on whether to call a cab. When in the distance I could see someone walking my way. It was an old friend of mine and his buddy. ...

4 years ago
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A Afternoon Quickie

I came home early from work, not in the best of moods. So I decide to take a hot shower and relax my nervous a bit. It was a hot July afternoon. I got out the shower and dried off and laid across the bed to take a nap. I was in a deep dose when I felt a warm hand on my thigh. A sweet smoothing voice called my name. I thought I was dreaming. Until he pushed my hair out of my eyes and there sat my baby,Jesse. He said nothing just gave me that mysterious glare that he does so well.As I raised up...

3 years ago
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Magic FingersChapter 3

Then, I felt her soft wet lips slide down over the head of my cock onto my shaft to begin sucking up and down. It was stunning, absolutely the best thing I'd ever felt in my life. "Oh, my god, Lauren, that is so good, oh, man," I groaned as my hand went up to caress her butt while she slowly sucked me. Her pussy was right there looking at me; I had made it so happy that I was drawn to it once again. I moved my hand over to wipe my pointer finger along her damp slit which made her moan. I...

2 years ago
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Earth s CoreChapter 24 Kloky rsquo s Decision

“A fourth level Martial Mortal?” Kloky was so bewildered that he could not believe. “Where is he or she? Can he sense us?” Whether it was true or not, it was more important to stay safe. “It’s a He, surprisingly a Bishop of the church. I thought unless they receive permission, Martial Mortal members of the five powers aren’t allowed to intrude on each other territory”. Zax said as he concentrated on making sure his dark attribute energy enhanced Soul Sense remains at an undetectable...

2 years ago
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Like a Good Neighbor Chapter 17 and 18

The next two days were hectic as Kate shopped for last minute Christmas presents and Jennifer helped me clean the house. That morning the caterers arrived and Kate laid out all of the food on tables in the large dining room. Most of the food was set up in stainless steel chafing dishes which Kate would light the warmers up about an hour before. There were two pans of turkey sliced, one ham sliced, and one roast sliced. Mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn on the cob, eggplant casserole,...

4 years ago
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An Angel in the MoonlightChapter 14

Brian volunteered to drive and I had the kids with me when he pulled up in some kind of vintage convertible. It looked like it was a mile long and was painted bright yellow. He laughed at my expression. “It’s a long story. I got it from a former client who offered it as partial payment for my services. I think the real reason was to keep it away from his ex-wife. I always meant to sell it but just can’t seem to get around to it.” We got the kids into their seats in the back and pulled out...

1 year ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 93 Getting to know you getting to know all about you

Lieutenant Commander Ryan Murphy pulled off his flight helmet and relaxed back in the seat of his Claymore fighter. Running through the shutdown routine, he powered off the engines, then deactivated the rest of the impressive new fighter’s systems. He’d just spent the last two hours on another test flight, this time shooting up agile target drones. Although he was still in love with the highly advanced craft, which was a huge upgrade over his old rapier, the initial awe was wearing off and...

2 years ago
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Change of Guard

Few mums, I am sure, have gone through being put in their places as readily as I did. Fewer still must have liked it. If you ask me, my daughter has done me the greatest favour by subjugating me; for with that, I have realized the true purpose of a mother's being, and that is to ensure that her daughter always get the best man available. If that means her husband... so be it. I suppose I should start at the beginning. My name is Heather, but nowadays, I go by the name that my daughter...

4 years ago
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Amanda s ChoiceChapter 2

Frank nearly knocked the alarm clock off the top of the night stand in his grogginess, groping several times for the "off" button before finally just slamming his hand on the top of the infernal thing several times before managing to hit it. He covered his eyes with his hand, rolling onto his back. The constant low throbbing pain still lurked under his temples. He always hoped that just one good night's sleep would finally knock out that headache, a headache that a half a bottle of...

2 years ago
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In the Family TraditionChapter 5

Ellen and I had been apart for almost four months when I finally decided that I should start moving on with my life again. It wasn't any one thing that decided me, but rather a combination of several things. First, I had gotten tired of living by myself and having no life other than work and worry. Second, Ellen had made absolutely no effort to open any kind of communication with me. I knew she was in touch with Theresa and Sandy, but our only communication was me sending a check to her...

1 year ago
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Axe VictimChapter 3

(two more days have passed) What a day, Donovan sighed, pulling his black pickup into his driveway. He couldn't believe the stuff Keys came up with this time. It was trite schlock. And he told them so in no uncertain terms. Barrier Riff had never fought in the studio before. This one was a doozy. Keys was right about two things. The record company wasn't going to wait forever, and Donovan had nothing better for them to play. There was no way his name was going on an album with that...

2 years ago
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Twins Enter High School

Madison sat on her bed, naked, cross-legged Indian style, looking at the small student handbook, her free hand twiddling with her left nipple, stretching it out and letting it spring back. “This stupid dress code stinks,” she said to her sister who lay on her back on the bed beside her with her battery-powered vibrator deep in her tireless snatch and its attachment tickling her clitoris. She alternately tensed and relaxed her PC muscles, eyes closed and forehead furrowed, concentrating on her...

1 year ago
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A Sensual Incest Sex Between My Mami And Me

Hi and hello to all the Indian Sex Stories visitors, here i am going to narrate is a real and fictional story that how me and my Mami had sex to our fullest. Myself I am Raj(20) from India’s garden city then now garbage city Bangalore, about myself i am doing my 2nd year engineering in Bangalore itself and i am an well built average athletic guy but little shy in nature, and about my mami she is good looking having two small kids both are girls aged 5&2, and about her structure she is having...

3 years ago
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A Farewell to Last

Oh God, Brad is moving to the west coast.  There was so little time left, and work was bound to interfere with what I had in mind.  I had had a crush on him from the time I met him.  It had turned into a wonderful friendship, but he was more like my brother.  I was going to miss him, that is for sure, but I was also determined to have my way with him before he left for the coast.    He was out there now, finding a place to live, and finalizing his job.  I called him on his cell phone, and I...

Straight Sex
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Educating Bobby and Debbie part 2

Part 2 Debbie and Diane Introduction: My fourteen year old son Bobby has been seeing a fourteen year old girl named Debbie, for the last few months. I had given them a good education on the real sex between two people that schools won't teach and all teens should learn, as they gave their virginity to each other. Last week my brother Larry invited my son Bobby to go to a Nascar racing weekend at the Texas motor speedway. They left on Thursday morning, and wouldn't be back until late...

2 years ago
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Spring Broken

Spring Broken We drove into Fort Lauderdale about an hour after dark. My name is Candice Hubbel. Candice, never call me Candy. My husband, Dave Girard was asleep in the passenger seat of our rental Challenger. Dave had just worked out his notice with his old firm in New York City. He was going to start at his new job in Wichita Falls, Texas in 4 weeks. Neither of us had the money when we were in college to attend spring break. We had some money set by now that we were in our early...

4 years ago
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Turned in the Islands

I am a normal, everyday housewife, with a husband who loves me and a beautiful daughter. My name is Megan, and I still look very good at 32 years old, being 5'5" tall and weighing 125 pounds, with shoulder-length, natural blond hair and sparkling green eyes. My husband Ed is 35 years old and works as an editor for a book publishing house in New York City, and he always tells me how pretty and sexy I am. I am trim and fit from frequent workouts at the gym, and I have full and firm DD-cup breasts...

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Hey Jude

I had been thinking about it for some time. I was in upper management at my company. My salary was six figures and I was enjoying the fruits of many years of hard work and dedication to my job. My only problem was my wife, Judy. We would be celebrating 25 years of marriage soon. She was a beautiful girl when we met. Her figure was absolutely incredible! She was smart, energetic, supportive, loving and faithful. In short, Judy was the perfect wife. That was then and this is now. After two...

1 year ago
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Contractual ObligationsChapter 19 Man About The House

Allison looked up in response to the buzz from the front door of her flat. She had been worrying about the evening. She wanted to continue with her relationship with Lionel and she wanted to continue to explore her interests in dominance. She was also determined to stay in control her own reactions. It was going to be a difficult balancing act, she knew, combining her amusement with Lionel’s. She had thought hard about the evening, remembering June Calloway’s advice to plan things out. She...

2 years ago
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Battle of the mid lane

The fight between these two is nearly done. Looks like this fight goes to Katarina, because she has Lux pinned down to the ground, denieing her ability to fight back. And there was Katarina, on top of Lux, holding her in one place. As this fight was about to end, as Katarina was about to secure the kill, something strange happened. All the hate and bloodthirst in her body were surpresed by Lux, Katarina felt the warmness of her body, beat of her heart, the sweat smell of her hair. All that made...

1 year ago
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BangPOV Sasha Yamagucci Fucking an Asian Webcam Girl

What would you do if you caught your girl webcamming? I mean, is it really cheating if it’s a job? Sasha Yamagucci was putting on a webcam show for when her boyfriend came home. Of course he was shocked. Most men don’t want to share the pussy. Especially a shaved tight one on a sexy busty asian piece. She explained that webcamming was paying the bills, but he didn’t want to hear it. That is until Sasha’s fans started throwing down money (tips) to see her suck his big black dick. She...

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Brother and Sister Show Her How

Kelli Jenkins considered herself lucky to be going over to the Caldwells' house. Elaine and Eric Caldwell were the most popular kids in school. Eric was eighteen and a senior. Elaine was fifteen and a freshman, like Kelli. Elaine had invited Kelli over the day before, and Kelli had dressed carefully before leaving home to go to the Caldwells'. She was wearing a green corduroy skirt and a matching oversized sweater with ankle boots. She hoped she was dressed nice enough. Elaine opened the...

2 years ago
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The StormChapter 8

When we got outside I stopped and turned to Jennifer. “When we get to the General Store, I’ll introduce you to one of the ladies that run it, either Elizabeth or Helen – most likely Elizabeth. I’m going to tell her that you need some stuff and that whatever you want to buy, she can put it on my bill. The ‘drug store’ part of the store is way in the back. I’ll wait in the truck while you go in and get whatever you need. Look and see if there’s something that you’d like to read if you...

3 years ago
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Pyas Meri Bujhti Hi Nahi

Merea naam baby hai meri umra mai sabko maan karta jo dil kahe bas kar jaye like…(“thoda ruko” ) Age 22y f 4rm a small town Mai sabse pyar se baat karti thi to sab ise mouka hi samajhte the mai karti bhi to kya karti mari niyat to hamesha saaf hi rahti thi par log kutte hote hai mujhe bhi kutiya bana hi diya Hi im lucky ye uski aap biti hai jo usne mujhe battai thi karib 10 saal pahle. Aap log kahoge itni purani baat yaad kaise hogi. Mujhe par kya kare kuch log hote hai jo bhulaye nahi bhulte...

3 years ago
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punk meat

Wow. So here i go...I had the best sex of my eniter life last weekend, with a man who ive known for years now...sort of odd at first, well mainly the day after, but then with the second incounter it was even more amaizing. Probably becuase we wernt shit face drunk. Any who, He ate my ass, first time for me, and all i can say is wow! I want his toung in my ass again, it felt so good, he stuck all his finers inside me and almost a whole fist. He fucked my wet pussy and ass until dawn, and then...

2 years ago
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The Fan ClubChapter 2

June and I fooled around for a good half hour or so after I caught up with her. It mostly consisted of us kissing and groping each other, not to mention a few more incidents of chasing. For some reason, I always pursued her and never vice versa. I got the impression that she had a different, playful nature at odds with her calm and professional workplace demeanor. She came across rather kinky that night, with a submissive side that she hid well from me before. By then, I craved a snack and a...

3 years ago
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Daddy s Helper

"Tell me a story, Daddy." Martina was settled in next to me on the sofa, snuggling and cuddling after our dinner, in the mood not for a television show, but one of my stories. "Tell me a fun one!" By that, she meant a naughty one. She liked those. Our bedtime stories and after-dinner time had become more and more intimate since we'd been living on our own. "Tell me the one about when Yvette was your helper at that concert.". . . . . Oh yes. I recalled. That was the day I played a 4th Of July...

2 years ago
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WBDP Valentine s in Vegas 10

When my cock was clean, Marcia removed her hand from her sex, an embarrassed half smile on her face."Shall we get down to business," Brianna said, "now that the fun is taken care off."She snapped her fingers and Zoe came into the room, bringing some of Brianna's tools in a surgical tray. Brianna pulled out an interesting piece of equipment from the tray, a stainless steel device with one handle equipped with a trigger, going to two arms whose width could be adjusted. At the end of each arm was...

4 years ago
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Jay and Chris at the Wedding

It wasn't that they were tired of each others' bodies. Jay was shorter than Chris, had chestnut hair, hazel eyes, a tan, and was a tennis instructor, so he had a great body: six-pack, adonis belt, the works. Chris, taller with blond hair and blue eyes, had a lean swimmer's body, thin but built. No, they did not tire of seeing each others' sexy builds, but they both began to feel that their fucking was too routine. They needed more to keep their passion going. Then came the wedding. Jay's...

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Bad Seed 7

An almost satisfied smile, came to her lips as she watched her brother's ship go dark. "Open a channel Trigon." Wren said. "Channel open Master Wren." Trigon responded. "Hey idiot! What's wrong? Can't take it when someone is far better than you? Plus, they have far superior equipment, power and need I say looks? Oh yeah, that's right that's why you have so many followers, you're so damn ugly." Wren taunted her brother. 'You little bitch! You'll pay for that! I want all...

2 years ago
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Violett 5 I Star in a Sex Show

At the age of twenty-two I started getting my kicks through exhibitionism. It started after I landed my first job and moved in with a biker chick who picked me up at a rock concert. She was a tall, muscular blonde, a Nordic war-goddess who worked out twice a day, loved leather and had the strongest tongue I have ever known. She enjoyed showing me off and she bought me these very revealing costumes of satin and suede and then cruised around town with me on the back of her bike. We would go on...

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Dire Wolf and FangChapter 25

Through the rest of that summer, I stepped up my patrols. Twice more I was one of the first on the scene, but I never again saw the man running away. And by October, his count had reached a dozen. Then, the killings just stopped. Our new apartment was perfect! It overlooked Chinatown, and I could even see the back of the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association from it. And they were still doing the work to put the elevator inside one of the structural supports that ran to the basement....

3 years ago
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Makin An Asian

I could barely believe my luck...You see, I was bored one day, and tired of watching the crap on TV, so I had gone on the Omnibus Meetup website just to see what was out there. I put in my Adult Friendface ID to log in, and I started looking around.Within a few minutes, I suddenly got a message about a girl I probably would like to meet. She had gotten on recently, and apparently she wanted to meet a slightly older white guy (like myself) for some strings-free sex. And here's the kicker: she...

2 years ago
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Pornstar Concubine

Your mind was racing. After the long drive from Baltimore you were finally turning into your new development outside of Los Angeles. Its exciting to be moving to the City of Angels with all the glitz and glamor. The new promotion and transfer into the entertainment wing of your management consulting firm that your grandpa had found is an added bonus. However, it is also extremely nerve racking. Despite losing two days in New Mexico due to car trouble- the movers who were supposed to arrive...

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Confessions of a West Palm Slut Part 1

Upon moving to West Palm Beach from Florida I was able to secure a job as a waitress with no experience.  Needless to say it took some adjusting.  To be honest I had never held a job other than being a swim instructor growing up.  Waitressing was a fun job but very stressful at first - especially for someone who has bouts of anxiety such as myself.  Top it off with having to make new friends and living away from my family and I was a certifiable mess.  One of the things that I found solace in...

2 years ago
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Daddy s cock bulging hard

Nothing like coming home at the end of the day after a long shift. Sitting back in the chair, jeans and work boots still on, and HER coming and crawling into my lap, while we sit and talk and and watch tv for a little while before she goes to bed. Her little nighty on, and her little bum in my lap. My arms holding her close to me as I cuddle her. She moves around a bit so she can get comfortable. The feel of her little legs and bum rubbing against my crotch area, makes me hard instantly. My...

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My Daddy

Julie lay in her bed, curled in a ball. As tears rolled from her eyes, she listened to her Mom and Dad fighting. "I wish they'd stop," she whispered, knowing what the argument was about. Over the last year or so, her Mom had lost all interest in sex, leaving Julie's poor Dad in agony. "Poor Daddy," Julie sobbed, thinking of her handsome father. She wished that she was his wife. She'd keep him happy, she thought to herself. He'd never want for anything again. "I love you so much,...

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Side Effects

"I'm sorry, Mr. Brody, my test results confirmed the first set; cancer has spread throughout your body." Doctor Cynthia Peters wisely waited until the big man composed himself, pausing to make sure he was still listening to her words. "At this point, treatment is not only useless but would take away any time left to wrap up your estate." Brock Brody struggled to control his emotions as he ran his fingers through his thick long hair. The doctor’s office smelled like a hospital; he hated...

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Broken Angels Two Moons Sonata 3

Chapter 1 - Awakening A young blonde woman named Daisy had woken up from a drug-induced coma. A few weeks ago, she had overdosed heavily on heroine. She didn't do it with the express purpose of killing herself, but she had done it knowing full well even though she knew it was a possibility. Her life had fallen apart and she just wanted the high, and to not feel anything anymore. When she awoke, the nurses at the rehab clinic told her that she would have died if it weren't for her best...

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kalynns ass part 3

Saturday night Mom and I had a talk about it. “Kalynn, I want you dress nice nothing to showy, something nice and casual, I think he would be taken back, if you dressed to much like today’s teenagers.” I took that as to mean don’t look slutty, I didn’t tell Mom that but I got the picture. “Okay Mom, I won’t”, Sunday came and went. Monday morning I got up early, Mom help me pick out a nice navy blue skirt; it went just below my knees, black pumps, and white button down blouse. I had on under...

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Megan s WorldChapter 2

Megan held the Gucci purse possessively with her free hand. She felt self-conscious as they descended in the elevator but a part of her mind constructed an elaborate fantasy - she was a wealthy heiress on an expensive dinner date, her fiancé at her side. She added detail after detail as they exited the elevator - she would dine with him and then they would take the motor launch out to his yacht anchored in the Marina where they would make love under the stars. They walked across the lobby to...

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The Leatheress 101 Poker Night

I hadn't gone to Bruce's house that night with any expectation that I'd be finishing the night by blowing him on his black leather sofa, but that is the way it turned out. Don't get me wrong; I'd had an interest in him ever since the first time I saw him a few years before that, as a live reporter on my local evening news, but it's not like I truly ever had envisioned a scenario where such an interest would grow to become anything more. It is just funny how things work out, sometimes.I guess we...

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A Day in the Life of a Witch Part 1 of 2

My Miss, Melanie, is a well-respected witch.She spends much of her time in conversation not only with fellow humans but with the rivers, trees, and mountains, as she is well versed in communication as well as with transformation. She also is a mentor to the many young witches who frequently come to visit us.We have been living together for about six years.Since I am inclined towards the herbals, I tend the garden, making many tinctures, potions, and teas. People often come by in need of...

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Neighbourhood Sissy

Your a young man in his late teens. Average build, average height, brown hair, green eyes. You know the type never stood out in a crowd for your good looks but never scared children when you went to the store either. Having just finished high school ou decide to start doing odd jobs around the neighbourhood to raise some money. Maybe it was college, maybe it was for a new car, or maybe it was to take out that girl you liked on a first date. It doesnt matter now, any dreams you may have had...

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womanly experience 3 NYE

It's not a secret that I have a fetish for pads. By my 22th birthday my father gave up on punishing me for menstruation simulation so I "had" my period each month. I still have the menstruation calendar I use to track my periods so I know when will the next come. And buying tampons and pads also helps keeping my sex change more real and believable.It was spring and I just passed 22 years that winter so I was really enthusiastic about my newly earned freedom (at least in this). It was Friday and...

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B J Jones the Story of My LifeChapter 179

While we were waiting on Cindy to call back we tackled the map again. I drew in a guard shack at the main gate with a tag scanner. I penciled in a fence separating the traditional college from the industrial buildings that the college had acquired with another guard shack at the one entrance from that area. There were multiple street entrances to that area. Those entrances would have to be reduced to one and I felt that would be a tall task to get those public streets closed. A security...

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Vanished Ch 11

My brown nipples were suspended. I looked at them in horror as tension on the rings was causing the recent puncture wounds to elongate. I closed my eyes, I couldn’t watch. I felt ill. I felt the bed move, someone was moving. Suddenly my ass was pulled off the bed as Buddy drove into me. My eyes flew open. “NOOOOOO. No.” “Oh man, Geoff is she hot, so tight….. very wet …. Gawd she’s juicy. She hugs my cock like I was made to fit in her. You sure she isn’t for sale? Name your price.” It finally...

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Blood LustChapter 4

Arthur strolled through the city's cultural district, feeling a tinge of excitement for the first time in decades. It wasn't the upcoming show that had him in this state, although he was curious to find out what passed for opera in this backwater. It was Mia. The girl had always been something of a disappointment. Even after a century, he still had not managed to purge her of such mortal conceits as compassion and mercy. So, he had abandoned his plans to make her his eternal companion and...

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The Futa Fairy Futa MILF s Harem Wish Chapter 1 Mrs Fatima s Forbidden Desires

Chapter One: Mrs. Fatima's Forbidden Desires By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 “Have a good night a work, husband,” I said formally in Arabic as I embraced Tarik, fighting my disgust at the sour reek about him. I was glad to see him leave, even if he'd return in twelve hours. Once, when I was a girl of nineteen, I thought I loved him. But at forty, I knew differently. Especially after my encounter with Dr. Rita, a woman who had a huge cock and who healed me with her magical cum. Just...

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Reunion Party Hostess

Reunion Party Hostess Back when we were still in college Kelly and I knew a guy who worked for a catering company. They would stage different types of parties like holiday business parties, class reunions and such. This guy would be in charge of hiringus college k**s to work as waiters, busboys and bartenders. Kelly and I would often work as hostesses for some of theseparties. It was easy work and we always got paid in cash under the table. I want to tell you about the time we were...

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Got One for You

"Got one for you," the familiar voice said, I pushed the girl clinging to my legs off the side of the bed and tossed her clothes at her as I crossed the room to use the secure phone. She whimpered, licking her lips. I couldn't believe she wanted more. "Go on," I said as she crawled across the floor, still naked, my spend leaking from her young quim and smeared across her mouth, begging with her eyes. The stupid cow was married to a friend of mine, and they had only been wed a year or so....

1 year ago
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Exotic 4K lets you know right in the title that they’ve got a little something more than the usual vanilla flavors you find on your typical paysite. Not that I have anything sexy white girls, who made their way into my masturbatory fantasies at least a dozen times this morning. Still, sometimes you get a craving for something different. Call it yellow fever, jungle fever, or whatever the fuck you want, but the symptoms include blue balls and an unquenchable thirst for dark skin and pink...

Premium Interracial Porn Sites
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Black male straight story

Marie carefully checked her dark hair and smoothed her night gown before reaching reaching for the front door knob and opening the door!!! "Marie," asked the tall black man with a dazzling white smile, "I'm James Gobbel, you were expecting me!?!" "Uh, please come in, Mr. Gobbel," Marie said nervously, "I'm so glad you could make it!!!" James Gobbel moved smoothly into Marie's well appointed apartment, and after giving it a quick once over, turned back to Marie and said softly, "I'm glad you...

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sequill to a Lesson i love Getting to Colorado

Getting to Colorado.The cab arrived. I was feeling sick to my stomach. My brother wasn’t fucking around. I begged him “please Mark”. To know avail. He just said, “Shut up crack whore and do as I say”. He grabbed his bags and we walked out to the cab. I noticed the dildo in my ass would be an issue. Not only did it hurt but it felt good too at the same time. It made me walk pinching my ass cheeks together. It made and kept my pussy wet. My eyes were teary; but the dildo it was really a relief...

2 years ago
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Moni and Aaron

By my hubby MarcMy buddy Aaron called me up last Friday night and asked if my wife and I would like to hang out. He said he wanted to check out a new martini bar located down town and that he wanted to hang out at his place first. He mentioned that it was an upscale bar so to dress accordingly. I knew that Aaron had a thing for Moni and this would be a good opportunity for him to flirt with her and get a real good look at her all dressed up. I put on a sports coat and looked pretty sharp but...

3 years ago
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Hearing my parents

Last night I woke up in the middle of the night and heard my parants having sex... At first i wasnt sure but then it got really obvious. They were really load my dad moaning and mother screaming.I felt like i couldnt breathe for some reason i couldnt help but listen, and its really bad but i got a raging erection.I dont think i had ever been more turned on. They were fucking for what seemed like an hour and i just kept getting more and more turned on... Evenyually for some reason i got out out...

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Pushing the boundaries

She saw a woman in the supermarket one day wear a short skirt that barely covered her arse and a top so low cut her boobs were almost falling out. “Look at that” she whispered “would you like me to dress like that?” Of course while happily perving on the woman in question there was no way I wanted my wife to show herself like that in public. Apparently that was the wrong answer because not two weeks later we were going shopping and she came out of the bedroom dressed almost identical. I told...

1 year ago
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An Introduction to BDSM

I had been in contact with Nicole for a few weeks on one of the sex sites, and as we got to know one another better we found that we were both interested in the idea of restraints and mild BDSM. I had enjoyed a few months with my own Scottish sub a couple of years earlier and we had, had a great time exploring new and exciting practices together, but the distances were just too large so we had had to break it off. Nicole however had found herself turned on by the 50 Shades series of books and...

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The Becumming of a Sissy Part 1

Tonight is the school play of Moulin Rouge!, and i get to dress up as a beautiful woman. Make-up. Dress. Stockings. The lot. Drama was never the most popular class for the final year, so they needed the extra woman character to be filled by one of the boys. Me. It's not a big role, i don't have many words because my acting sucks. But its going to be a great chance to explore that little more. My mum and her brother (Uncle Gareth) and sister (Aunt Carol) will be coming to watch so i got to...

4 years ago
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Time Scope Part 1

“You may go in Mr. Connor.” It started with a certified letter that the postman delivered to my home. After signing for the letter, I took it inside and opened it. Mr. Jebidiah Connor: The Last Will and Testament of the late Mr. Charles Connor has named Mr. Jebidiah Connor, the grandson of Mr. William Connor, as one of the beneficiaries of Mr. Charles Connor’s estate. Please contact this office at (123) 555-6798 if you are Mr. Charles Connor’s great nephew and wish to claim the...

2 years ago
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Meeting on a train

I was on my way home with the train when two girls seated themselves across from me in the stall. I said hello to them, both of them lit up and giggled a hey back. We talked for an hour on the train, and really hit it off. They were 18 and on a trip to the capital; and very interested in talking to a college guy. The most chatty of the girls was Carly. She was a skinny brunette, very skinny, and tall; probably close to 175 cm. She had about shoulder long hair - or that's my best guess because...

3 years ago
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EleanorChapter 6

Eleanor considered her future as she contemplated her journey through menopause. She alternated between anger and despair that she could not control or at least manage her tomorrows. Would it be an easy passage lasting only a couple of years or would it be a long, protracted process lasting many years? She was conscious of some recent weight gain and she was unhappy with her appearance after all those years of almost automatic satisfaction with her looks. She tried hard not to dwell on it...

1 year ago
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What are friends for 3 Suspicious Minds

"It's alright, Teddy. You go right ahead and tell, Mr. Brian." Brian smiled across from the two ladies in front of him. He had already met Mrs. Katarine a few days ago. She had told him everything already, but Brian wanted to hear it firsthand. It was an interesting situation. Mrs. Katarine was beautiful, but her husband put her to shame. He was a blond bomb-shell. His make-up was delicately done in a 50s style. His wig gave him an appearance of a blonde Bettie Page. His...

4 years ago
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Morning In The Park

After nearly 20 years in a rather unexciting marriage and finding myself single again at the age of 45, meeting Joyce seemed a bit like a dream come true. She was a rather leggy 23-year-old with perky breasts only a woman her age could possess. Like a lot of younger women, she wanted to try it all, including being with an older man. I was only glad to help out. She said she liked my maturity and the fact that I took my time in the bedroom. Heck, it was probably more middle age than any real...

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