Vorbereitung indian porn

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Die Sammlerin The Collector

Die Sammlerin (Teil 1 - 4)===============================================by Alphatier, © 2014/2015"Mein Ziel ist es, den Besuchern die wunderbare Komplexität des menschlichen und tierischen Körpers lebensnah aufzuzeigen. Hierbei soll das Plastinat auch an die eigene Sterblichkeit erinnern, indem es gleichsam augenzwinkernd zu den Betrachtern spricht: Ich war, wie Du bist: lebendig Du wirst sein, wie ich bin: tot Jedoch kannst Du auch sein, was ich bin: ein Plastinat."- Gunther von Hagens...

3 years ago
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Die Aequatortaufe Germann

Die Aequatortaufevon blumchen100PrologDie junge Frau in der schicken dunkelblauen Navyuniform kuesste ihren Begleiter beilaeufig auf die Wange. "Danke, Schatz, das war wirklich ein sehr netter Abend. Aber jetzt muss ich ins Bett. Morgen geht’s frueh los.? sagte sie mit gleichgueltigem Ton.?Aehh, ich dachte, wir koennten noch einen Drink in deinem Zimmer nehmen. Schliesslich bist du eine ganz Zeit lang weg und ich vermisse dich jetzt schon.? erwiderte der gut aussehende, dunkelhaarige junge Mann...

3 years ago
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Rahel Erziehung einer Jungfotze

Rahel - Erziehung einer Jungfotze (Teil 1 - 27) =============================================== by Alphatier, © 2014/2015*         *kopieren, ausdrucken, reposten ist alles erlaubt Entgleist       Alles begann, als meine Frau mir vor drei Monaten heulend erklärte, dass es aus ist. Einfach so hatte sie plötzlich mit ihrem kleinen blauen Sportrucksack in der Küchentür gestanden und mich mit einer Mischung aus Schuldbewusstsein, Vorwurf und Selbstmitleid angesehen, während ich nur zitternd am...

2 years ago
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Die Hoffnung ist eine Fata Morgana German

Wir fuhren gen Norden. Wie ?blich zu dieser herbstlichen Jahreszeit Ende September am Nachmittag, die Sonne ging bereits unter, war es ungem?tlich und windig. Seit zwei Stunden, wir passierten gerade die D?nische Grenze bei Flensburg, sa?en wir nun schon im Auto und seit knapp einer halben Stunde ohne Unterhaltung. Davor tauschten wir Oberfl?chlichkeiten und Belangloses aus. Nur ich kannte das Ziel der Reise und den Zweck. Es war f?r uns beide eine Reise ins Ungewisse.Geplant war ein langes Woch...

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Schloss Gr nwalde

Schloss Gr?nwaldeTeil 1 – Kapitel 1-13Synopse: Gr?fin Verena von Grunwald nimmt in ihrer Verzweiflung finanzielle Hilfe von Robert Geldern an und willigt gleichzeitig in die Ehe mit ihm ein. Die zwei T?chter der Gr?fin macht er sich ebenfalls Untertan. Bei der 16-j?hrigen Komtess Tabea hilft er mit einem speziellen Serum nach. Bei der 13-j?hrigen Komtess Tamara stellt er schnell fest, dass sie eine ausgepr?gte masochistische Ader hat.Kapitel 1Tabea von Grunwald griff mit zitternden Fingern zum Telefon.?...

4 years ago
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Was darf es denn sein junge Frau

Was darf es denn sein junge Frau? 0Elli war auf einem Wanderurlaub mit ihrer Freundin, die draussen wartete, und beide hatte Appetit auf etwas Leckeres. aeh, eigentlich wollte ich nur ein paar Frikadellen haben. Aber sie haben so leckere Sachen hier. Elli deutete auf zwei Schweinehaelften die an einem Haken an der Wand hingen. Alles von Tieren aus der Umgebung hier? Der Metzger laechelte. Natuerlich. Alles was hier verkauft wird stammt aus der Gegend und wird selbstverstaendlich auch hier...

4 years ago
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Fumikos perfider Plan

Fumikos perfider PlanProlog: VorbereitungenFumiko war zufrieden. Es hatten sich 17 M?dchen auf ihre Anzeige gemeldet, von denen mindestens 10 in die engere Auswahl kamen. Wie jedes Jahr bereitete sie eine kleine, sehr private BDSM-Show f?r solvente Kunden vor und suchte ?blicherweise ?ber Internetanzeigen nach unverbrauchten Modellen. Die Show sollte dieses Jahr in ihrer Heimatstadt Tokio stattfinden, jedes Jahr wanderte die Show um die Welt, die kleine und ?berschaubare Anzahl von G?sten blieb all...

3 years ago
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Die wahre Geschichte von Tanja

Die wahre Geschichte ?ber Tanja by Thomas Ich habe nun lange ?berlegt ob ich die ganzen Geschehnisse der letzten Jahre zu Papier bringen soll oder es lieber f?r mich behalten. Nachdem nun aber einige Jahre vergangen sind, m?chte ich auch euch diese Dinge nicht vorenthalten. Vielleicht findet der eine oder andere ja auch Spa? daran. Um mit der Geschichte beginnen zu k?nnen, m?ssen wir einige Jahre in der Zeit zur?ck gehen. Ich war damals 24 Jahre alt und Single. Ich genoss mein Leben mit einem ...

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Die wahre Geschichte von Karina German

Die wahre Geschichte ?ber Karina by Thomas Ich habe nun lange ?berlegt ob ich die ganzen Geschehnisse der letzten Jahre zu Papier bringen soll oder es lieber f?r mich behalten. Nachdem nun aber einige Jahre vergangen sind, m?chte ich auch euch diese Dinge nicht vorenthalten. Vielleicht findet der eine oder andere ja auch Spa? daran. Um mit der Geschichte beginnen zu k?nnen, m?ssen wir einige Jahre in der Zeit zur?ck gehen. Ich war damals 24 Jahre alt und Single. Ich genoss mein Leben mit ...

3 years ago
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Ein ultimativer Job

Diese Geschichte ist pure Phantasie ohne jeden realen Hintergrund!Ein ultimativer Job PrologAnita war Ende 30, schlank, mit gro?en, nicht mehr ganz festen Br?sten. Sie hatte zwei Kinder zur Welt gebracht, die jedoch bei ihrem geschiedenen Mann lebten. Sie jobbte, wenn sie Geld brauchte als Serviererin in einem Schnellrestaurant und verdiente sich gelegentlich ein gutes Taschengeld, indem sie sich f?r eine SM - Website misshandeln lie?. Sie war nicht die J?ngste, hatte nicht die tollste Figur und ...

4 years ago
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Hotelsklavinnen Hotel Slaves

                                                          Hotelsklavinnen Teil 1, Freitag Lass mich erst mich selber vorstellen, ich bin ein Mann in bester alter und Eigent?mer und Gesch?ftsf?hrer von einem gr??eren mittelst?ndischen Unternehmen mit Sitz in dem s?dlichen Teil von NRW.  Ich lebe im Moment alleine als ich mich vor guten 5 Jahren von meinen Frau getrennt habe, wir passten lange nicht mehr zusammen und am Ende wurden der Ehe nur zu einen Qual f?r uns beide.  Vor ein par Jahre war ich au...

2 years ago
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Der Eingang in s Paradies

Einige Tage lang hatte ich immer wieder die Anzeige gelesen, hatte angefangen, darauf zu antworten - und mich dann doch nicht Einige Tage lang hatte ich immer wieder die Anzeige gelesen, hatte angefangen, darauf zu antworten - und mich dann doch nicht getraut. Nach f?nf Tagen schlie?lich raffte ich all meinen Mut zusammen und schickte mein "Geschreibsel" ab. Danach schaute ich immer wieder meine emails nach, ungeduldig und ?ngstlich auf eine Antwort wartend. Drei Tage mu?te ich war...

2 years ago
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Converted from "Simona_01.txt" on 21-Nov-2005 by AscToHTM 5.0 SimonaSeinem Rang entsprechend hatte Drusus direkt hinter den Senatoren seinen Platz eingenommen. Frühzeitig hatten sich die Ränge der Arena gefüllt, denn heute war der erste Tag, an dem die Anhänger der neuen Sekte ihrer gerechten Strafe zugeführt werden sollten. Flüchtig dachte Drusus an seinen Freund Licutus, der ihn erst so richtig aufdiesen Beginn der Spiele aufmerksam gemacht hatte. "Das werden die grausamsten und...

2 years ago
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Black Forest Vacation German

Ein Urlaub im Schwarzwald Erster Tag Du hast Dich auf meine Anzeige im Internet für einen BDSM-Switch-Urlaubim Schwarzwald gemeldet. Von allen Nacktfotos, die mir zugesandt wurden, habenmir Deine am besten gefallen. Du hast eine Figur wie eine Sanduhr, volle, fleischige,ein klein wenig hängende Brüste mit rosa Warzen wie zwei kleine Fingerhüte,eine ultraschlanke Taille, die so gar nicht zu Deinem ausladenden knackigenArsch zu passen scheint, und kleine zierliche Füßchen. Dein dichterBusch ist...

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K nig Phallus

Janet und ich trafen uns bei der Arbeit. Wir waren beide erfolgreiche junge ManagerInnen und hatten beide Beziehungen, und es würde scheinbar nicht zwischen uns passieren. Wir verstanden uns sofort und in kürzester Zeit hatten wir beide unsere alten Beziehungen zugunsten der neuen Beziehung aufgegeben. Das war vor drei Jahren. Alle in unserer Firma schwärmten davon, "wie perfekt Tom und Janet zueinander passen!" Jetzt heiraten wir und in unserem Leben hat sich viel verändert. Die Hochzeit war...

4 years ago
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Zum Vertragsabschluss nach Dubai Teil 1

Zum Vertragsabschluss nach Dubai Teil 1 Es war einen Monat nach meinem Ausbildungsende. Ich hatte B?rokaufmann gelernt, war 19 Jahre, hie? Manuel und dachte, jetzt liegt mir die Welt zu F?ssen. Ich habe wirklich gedacht, jetzt kann ich alles und bin der perfekte Verk?ufer und Gesch?ftsmann. Das lies ich auch gern raush?ngen. Ich war sehr gro?spurig, lies in jedem Moment mein "Wissen" raush?ngen und hatte auch gern mal macho-hafte Z?ge. Und das, obwohl mein ?u?eres nicht gerade dem gleich kam. B...

2 years ago
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Alles Gute zum Geburtstag

Es geht um den 27. Geburtstag von Thomas. Thomas war bereits voller Vorfreude, gleichzeitig zog es ihn aber auch etwas herunter, dass er schon wieder ein Jahr älter geworden war. Club 27! Am Donnerstag stand sein Wiegenfest an, da sollte es aber nur einen gemütlichen Restaurantbesuch mit seinen Eltern geben. Die richtige Party sollte am folgenden Samstag steigen. Spätestens mit 25 war Thomas klar geworden, dass es nicht immer so toll ist, ein weiteres Lebensjahr zu erreichen. Naja, letzlich kam...

4 years ago
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Anna Schicksal einer Lehrerin

Bevor ich beginne: In diesem Forum habe ich diverse Geschichten gelesen, die davon handelten, dass eine Lehrerin zur Nutte gemacht wurde. Meistens geschieht dieses mit viel Gewalt. Dabei wird vergessen, dass sich diese Frauen wehren werden. Nicht nur körperlich, sondern auch juristisch. Der Versuch die Frauen zu erpressen kann nur so lange gut gehen, solange die Frauen etwas zu verlieren haben. Gerne möchte ich nun den Gedanken aufgreifen, dass eine Lehrerin durch einen Hausbesuch bei einem...

Mind Control
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‘My First-time dogging’So, ‘From camming to fucking’ ended with my husband ‘Adrian’ sharing me with his married friends, and I and him enjoying all that came with that…All in all, he had nine men who were interested in sharing me for sex, a tenth failed to join in, even though he actually wasn’t married at the time. I knew he fancied me, he had known me for over thirty years, and all the time that I had been married to Adrian, and I had often caught him staring at my body. Over the years he had...

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A Cute T Girl Named Jessica

WARNING: This story is strictly for adults! If you are a minor or offended by BDSM, torture, talking about or inflicting serious pain, don’t read any further. Please keep in mind that this story is a pure work of FICTION. Nothing more.This is Kapitel Drei, A Girl Named Jessica, of Somalia, One Way Only: Was bisher geschah?Kapitel Eins / Somalia, One Way Only: http://www.bdsmlibrary.com/stories/story.php?storyid=8093Kapitel Zwei / A Girl Deluxe:...

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Damsel In Distress

I have been divorced for over a year after twenty one years with one man.   Now, here I am at 43 and alone for the first time in my adult life. It had hurt when he told me that he was seeing a younger woman and wanted to be with her.   It hurt even more when I happened to see the two of them together.   I was walking past a local bar and saw the two of them having drinks, laughing, holding hands.   He had not held my hand in years.   I felt even worse when I looked at her.   I thought...

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HedonistsChapter 2

Dave's self control slowly began to return. At first he was afraid he might have hurt the beautiful woman with his maniacal fucking, but her caresses soon put him at ease. He nipped her soft neck. He kissed her ears. His tongue slid smoothly into her open lips. Their tongues mingled and danced. Her breasts pressed firmly into his muscular chest. He hadn't gone fully soft before their after sex enjoyment was bringing his cock back to life. He gently hunched his cock into her pussy. Vicki...

4 years ago
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Idle HandsChapter 6

Dey didn’t look away from the mass of computer components – and as DuBois stood and looked smug, she started to go through everything she knew about AIs to try and figure out what the fuck was going on. Generally speaking, there were three kinds of AI. Four, if you were a science fiction writer or fan (and Dey, being someone who grew up in a world with aliens, rayguns and spaceships, was a sci-fi fan.) The first kind was the general purpose “autonomous” intelligence. The things that ran...

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Extended Layover 2

We barely had the hotel door closed before we were locked in a long passionate kiss. My new friend Sofia was even hornier than I imagined and she was all but ripping my clothes off as we stumbled toward the bed. My blouse hit the floor followed shortly by my bra. I stepped out of my pumps and unzipped my slacks. Sofia pushed me backward onto the bed and was immediately pulling down my pants. I was squirming my way further onto the bed when she grabbed the sides of my panties and roughly pulled...

2 years ago
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my BEST friend

‘Fucking Bastard!!!’ I screamed at my phone as I stared at his text. ‘You no how it is baby, I cant just fuck you when you want, im married remember’ it had said. Fuck you then, you go and shag that fat wife of yours, ill find someone else. I thought. I was pissed off, and horny. A combination that should not mix. He was turning me down again. I hadn’t meant to fall for him, but after a year of amazing sex with this man it was kind of hard not to get attached, I was only human right?!

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Late Night Licks

On warm September nights like this, I sit in my darkened, moon-lit room and remember a similar night many years ago. It was a pleasantly cool night, as it is now, and not a wisp of a breeze disturbed the partially open curtains that hung over our bed. My job often required me to work long into the night, and on this particular evening, I had not made it home until well after midnight. Not wanting to wake my lovely Teresa, I showered in the guest bath and was clean and completely naked when I...

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Wonderful crossdressing shopping experience

Following is a true account of my recent experience of shopping for clothes (crossdresser, no sex). I just wanted to share a couple of very pleasant experiences I had shopping at the Natick Mall near Boston. It was the first time ever that I managed to shop with confidence and without any stress. I really want to give compliments to lovely women who made this possible (in case any one of you ever went to shop there, tell them about this story). The first experience I had was at a small...

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Probation Violation

6/18/2005 Probation Violation   Margaret Falls loved her job. She had been a probation officer withthe county for 5 years as of May and she could see herself retiring as aprobation officer. What wasn't to love about the position? The job gave Margarettotal power over the men and women who came under her care. With the simpleflick of a pen she could send someone away to prison for years. Yep. Youhad best not violate your probation terms with Margaret at the helm. Mercywas a word with no...

4 years ago
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Horny Wife Wants More Sex Part 1

Please give feedbacks on email Any horny females or gay boys want to “connect” me can ping me on hangouts Hi, It all started in a small house party that happened at our house hosted by me and my sexy wife. We had been married for two years, no kids, and we partied on with my other young friend couples at the office at one place or another that even included sometimes single studs. It was all beers for men and chitchat on wine for ladies with an occasional dance. Since we lived in Mumbai, a...

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OopsChapter 2

It was just another day, that worthless lump I was married to had tottered off to work, leaving me with the dishes from last night. The trash was coming today and he hadn’t taken it out, again. I had been talking to the neighbor, Lucy. She had thrown her hubby to the curb a year ago and the divorce was finalizing next week. She was getting the house, Half of his paycheck for alimony and another $1000.00 a month in child support. We talked for a while and then she suggested we go out for...

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Kenny Ch 08 09

Chapter 8 Barb looked back and saw that they were out of sight of the doors. ‘Let’s go ahead and get you taken care of Mr. Jacobs. It will take them quite a while to get the shit back there cleared up. By the time they get to looking for us we may be done. X-ray is down this way.’ Barb then noticed that she and Ken were not alone. ‘Pardon me miss, may I help you?’ ‘I’m staying with Ken, every time I let him get away from me bad shit happens.’ Barb looked over at Ken with raised eyebrows,...

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He removed the stress

Here it is Friday night and I’m sitting at the house feeling like shit. Most likely because of all the built-up tension from my work week. I wasn’t planning to go out but I was pretty hungry and didn’t feel like cooking. So decided to go to a local place that my wife and I frequent and grab me something to eat. While sitting there I decided to go ahead and grab a drink hoping that maybe that would ease the tension and my headache. The bartenders at this place sometimes are irritating and...

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A good anal sex with Dirk

Monday afternoon, while I was shopping at the mal, I received a message from Dirk confirming that we were still on for Tuesday and that he had booked a little guest house in a nearby area for us.I replied saying that it sounded perfect for me…Dirk continued sending messages; asking finally what we would need for the anal sex he was planning to have with me. Then I replied back saying we would need only some lube…I added not to worry; I would bring some lube with me.After that last message, I...

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Light The Sexual Flame Baby

My first intimate experience was back in high school and it was horrendous. Not as magical as I imagined it to be and the guy was a complete asshole. I told him I only want a kiss, but he wanted a lot more. I ended up slapping him across the face during our make out. Did I mention that, that was my first kiss? He was one of those popular jocks and in spite of getting slapped he spread rumors about me being a slut. This led to me having no intentions of getting intimate with anyone whatsoever,...

2 years ago
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Cheerleader CampChapter 16 Our Family Grows Again

About a week later the weekend was upon us and I had five tickets to a ball game in the astrodome. We were in the front row where the view was tremendous. To this day I don't remember who was playing or what the score was since I was preoccupied with something more important. You see, I slipped away during the first part of the game and went to the media control room. A ham buddy of mine worked there and was director for this game. I handed him a CD and told him what I wanted him to do. He...

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Campers Delight chapter 2

by TW, A.K.A. RatFink Chapter 2 This is a work of fiction describing oral and anal sex between men and sexual encounters between women too. If any of this is not your “cup of tea”, I recommend you read no farther. If your not old enough to be reading stuff like this then don't. Marsha was watching the 10:00 news, with George snoring away in his recliner, when the phone rang. It was Henry from Colon’s Camp calling to let Marsha know the Halisburgs had just called. They wanted to know if...

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Me My Life and Sex

When I was fourteen and I was helping our neighbor Mrs. James with some spring cleaning and we were changing the beds when I had to pee. I asked if I could use the bathroom and Mary said sure but leave the door open and don’t flush the toilet. At the time I didn’t think much about it and when I finished we went back to cleaning. We were done in the bedroom and it was time to do the bathroom. I was scrubbing the shower and Mary was cleaning the toilet and sink. I looked over at her and she...

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Wife Sells Shoes And More

Recently my wife starting selling clothes online - pants, tops etc. Even some of the kids clothes they grew out of. I told her maybe she should get rid of some of her old shoes and boots too, make room for some new ones. She really had no interest so I told her I would sell them for her. She thought I was just being perverted so she shot me down. After a few weeks of her listing stuff and not really selling, I offered my help again. This time she seemed interested but I told her there would be...

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A Happy School Life Part 4

Last night was a great success I thought to myself as I lay in bed. I checked the time on my phone and it was just after half nine. I had work at the store today but didn't need to be there till eleven. I decided to kill some time and phoned Marc, after a few rings he answered;"Sup man?" I asked"Nothing much b*o just getting ready to head out." He says down the phone."Where you off too like?""Mums dragging me to see ma nan, fun times I know!" He complained."So what happened last night??" I a...

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This story describes my sexual encounters with my cousin’s mother. When I was living as paying guest with them. For my fourth semester holidays, I got an internship in a company. My parents sent me to my uncle’s place to stay as his home was nearer to the company. I reached my uncle’s home and he greeted me warmly. I dropped my luggage and asked for the bathroom to use as I was controlling my bladder for a long time. He told me where the bathroom was. I reached the bathroom and turned the door...

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Honey Girl

Honey Girl By Marci Manseau Chapter One - Missing Mom Hi! I'm Andy. I bet you don't know many boys who like to be girls. I'm going to try to tell you all about me here. I hope you like my story. -~- Linda, my best friend, and I were at my house after school and we were bored, as thirteen year-old kids frequently are, so we began to roam around the house. We were in my dad's bedroom when Linda opened the closet that used to be my mom's. "How come all your mom's clothes...

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Coincidentally, I had been worrying about today, my first day being a senior in high school. Last year, I had taken both of my entry exams and passed them with flying colors and gained every credit I needed to graduate. I only went to school to socialize and meet new people. My friends say they love my humor and it always brings a smile to everyone. I’m addicted to making people happy. My boyfriend, Antonio, had moved away since about 3 months ago. He was graduated himself, and he was well...

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"Well, I wasn't going to say anything about it...her...but now that you mention it I could sort of tell she might be kind of wild in...in the sack. She sure does talk a lot of trash when she's high." "Joy likes to brag a lot to. I'm sure you've noticed," I replied. "Especially when it comes to her bedroom antics." Jeff tried to play dumb by replying, "Brab? About what?" I turned from my driving duties as we rocketed down the interstate long enough to give him a smirk...

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The Beginning of the Domination of Randi

 Chapter One:Mike approaches his neighbor, Randi It was a very warm and beautiful morning, so I decided to take my morning coffee and go sit on my front porch, to read the paper and enjoy the start of my day. As I sat down, I saw my neighbor’s wife, Randi, was out tending her flowerbeds. She was dressed in a bikini top and short shorts, that framed her heart shaped ass beautifully.A little bit about myself might help here. My name is Mike, I am 66 years old, and a dominant male, who enjoys...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Summer Day Full Service For The Nerd

Logan Long had a tough night at the club the night before. Despite doing everything in his power, he couldn’t just seal the deal and bring a girl home. Not wanting another disappointing night, he calls his favorite massage parlor to see if they can come by. Summer Day recommends the NURU massage and Logan is intrigued by her proposition. Once he finds out they can be there within the hour, he books his appointment immediately. When she starts taking off her clothes in front of him, he...

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Cheating Blonde Hasbian

It was January when Melissa and her long term girlfriend Ruth moved into their new apartment in the city, they were out to all, they we're both in their early 20's, we're both tall and athletic with long blonde hair, people who knew them thought that they we're the most beautiful lesbian couple they'd ever come across, Melissa worked in a shoe store and Ruth was a lawyer, they we're already planning their wedding. Also they planned to start a family. One afternoon Melissa, who'd just got home...

Straight Sex
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The Mouse That Purred

My sex life mostly consists of sucking Sam off on a Sunday morning. We do fool around a little first. We kiss and Sam feels up my boobies a little and fingers me a bit, but it always ends up with me sucking him off. That’s what he wants and I thought that, as his wife, it was my duty to fulfil his desires. My own desires didn’t come into it because for lots of years, I literally didn’t have any. I’d never allowed that side of my nature to develop and thought that sex was something for men to...

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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 28

Like her mother, Kelly Ann had woken up that morning feeling extraordinarily horny. Masturbating before she got out of bed hadn’t scratched the itch; if anything it had inflamed her appetite. In this condition the sight of Samantha, looking sexily disheveled with her white robe askew and just-been-fucked hair, got Kelly’s juices flowing immediately.Kelly followed Samantha into the kitchen, where she was putting the finishing touches on a blueberry pie, and sat down on the counter. The outfit...

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BlacksOnBlondes Adria Rae 03 12 2019

It’s not unusual for a popular location — or “shoot house” — to have more than one production in progress, and when that’s happening, there’s a lot of wait time. And the wait can be long and boring. Just ask Adria Rae. The beautiful brunette has been sitting on that couch for hours…just waiting for her scene to start. Which is when Rico Strong makes his move. Rico knows all about wait times, and he’s always horny. He’s in luck, too,...

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College Teacher Chapter Five

I won’t say it was a relief to be back at the Manor but it was nice to once again cuddle up to Kit and have the pleasure of his loving of me. Thankfully, the M.P. had returned to London and the vicar, wife and daughter had gone too so that there was just the six of us for the next week at the dining table. We got to know Lady Elizabeth and Sir George a bit better and learned that the title was heredity and so Thomas would in later years take on that mantle. It was Monday morning that Thomas...

First Time
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A good fuck

This story will contain : bdsm, fantasy and sifi elements, gay sex, sissifacation, transformations and various other kinky things. You have been warned. First a description of the world this story will take place in: In this world things are simple, there was a natural order to the way the world worked: real, strong, masculine men were at the top and then as you go further down the chain of society you reached the lowest of the low the bimbo sluts whose bra size was bigger than their IQ. The...

2 years ago
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Feminised by My Boss Part 3

She didn’t stay the night with Mr Albert but they had dinner at a nice Italian followed by some amazing sex in his bed. She had an important day on Monday as it was her medical with the company doctor. After her shower she sat in pink bra and panties to do her make-up. She then put on sheer black hold-ups with sexy lace tops. A back mini skirt reached just below her stocking tops and she wore a pink nylon blouse. She slipped her dainty feet into 4” heel black scrappy sandals. The journey on the...

3 years ago
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hi babe, I was just thinking about you and wanted to say I love you She couldn't help but grin a little bit. Only he could make her feel better at a time like this by saying something simple and heartfelt. Feeling a bit better, she shot him a message back. and just what were you thinking about? Setting the phone to the side, she went back to work on the report her boss had been so insistent on getting completed today. It wasn't going to be hard to finish, Miley just hated having someone...

2 years ago
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Wally World DelightChapter 4

I had less than an hour to convince the momma that her best decision was to leave the girls with me. If she cared about them at all, which I didn't believe, it might take the whole 45 minutes. If all she cared about was money, well I didn't think it would take very long to convince her that she would be money ahead to give the girls to me. The only two acceptable choices were the girls going to HRS and her going to jail or the girls going with me and her bowing out of their lives. I also...

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First ABS run

A couple of summers before I graduated college, I worked at an auto dealership in Syracuse. It was a great job. I learned a lot about automotive repair. Most of the time I was on the road delivering parts, but occasionally I would work the parts counter looking up auto parts. Eventually I got pretty good and was on the counter the majority of the time. But being only 19, I was the low man on the list, and still had to take the occasional delivery.Then one of our drivers retired and that put me...

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lil sians lil boobs touched for the first time

Only a short story for my first experience, as my first experience was very short!Young girls are supposed to be all sweet and innocent, but I doubt many are, I know I yearned for attention in my very early teens and when finally I started growing boobs, I couldn't stop looking at the tiny little swells that were forming and would constantly feel them while laying in bed, even in school, I would sometimes have to run my hand over my blouse to make sure they were still there! When my mum first...

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Secure Bust

---- Secure Bust ---- George sighed as his beeper went off. It was time to for his rounds. With a sigh, the security guard stroked his scruff, put on his glasses, grabbed his flashlight, and ventured off from his desk. For most people, the empty halls of the museum after hours could be considered creepy. Not George. He loved the dark corridors filled with the collective works of previous generations. And besides,...

3 years ago
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First time at the bathhouse

My name Lisa and I am an experienced and slutty crossdresser. I started to crossdress when I was 20 because I wanted to know how it would feel like to be like one of the porn sluts I was masturbating on. It started with dildos and a dress and very quickly I moved to real dicks and eventually multiple at a time. The following is the true story of my first visit to a bathhouse and first experience with multiples dicks. Enjoy and feel free to leave comments.It took me two years to finally find the...

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Future Porn Star Chick

If you have been following my stories then you know that they are 100% true because they are sexual encounters I have had before. So here it goes… When I was in high school I use to try and get girls every which way I could. I knew this hispanic guy at the school that all the hispanic girls were in love with. So I told him to tell his girl to get me some girl to hook up with. Like two days later his girlfriend called me with one of her friend’s numbers so i could text her. I texted her the...

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Ceras at another Batchlor Party

From the darkened kitchen, I had a pretty unobstructed view of the goings on in the living room. One young guy was seated in a comfy chair against the far wall. On either side of him there was a matching chair and another man sat in each. The chairs appeared to have been arranged for just this night.I sipped my beer and watched with interest as my wife, Ceras, swayed side to side in front of the young guest of honor, Andy, who was seated in a wooden chair in front of her. His back was toward...

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Catching my sister in law

I couldn't believe my eyes there she was with his cock part way down her throat as she sat on his face. Let me gave you some back ground to start. I'm married to a woman who was very passionate until the wedding band went on her finger, then in 8 years she has give me maybe 2 blow jobs but not to the finish and anal sex is totally out. She goes to bed wearing some old t-shirt of mine which goes to her knees and when we do have sex she on her back waiting for me to get off. It's like she loved...

4 years ago
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Identical Twins

They were identical twins. One was Paul and the other was Gary, this much I know, but if you asked me which one was which I'd be at a loss to say. OK, it's sunny Queensland, hubby is off on some golf course doing what he loves the most, chasing those little white balls, and his sometime loving wife takes a trip to the local club to sit with the oldies to play bingo, with little success. It's approaching lunch time now, I'm on the club's wide terrace, and the view of the beach and the sea under...

Straight Sex
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Our friend Kay

It was a rainy night in Japan. I left Yokota Air Force base in the middle of a thunderstorm in a hurry to get to my little japanese girl friend in Fussa. I arrived at her apartment just in time to see her going in the front door with her friend Kay. By the time I got to the door and took off my shoes at the entrance the two women had already went into the bathroom and removed thier wet clothing. I stepped into the bedroom, took off my wet uniform, hung it up, an lay down on the bed. I drifted...

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You wanted it

  I woke up crying, well whimpering, sobbing, not really too sure, I can say it was ‘just one of those things.’ My arms were tied out to the sides of me, with thin rope, they were stretched tight, painfully so. My legs were tied spread apart too. The bed I was tied to was black cast iron, each of the four posts hosted a knob, about the size of an apple. The bedspread beneath me was red, and felt like satin. I was cold, naked and very scared. I did not know how I had got here, the last thing I...

2 years ago
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A Vision of Pure Beauty Pt 4

After our last hotel encounter things seemed pretty good between us everything is going well. We have been talking and text messaging each other along with a few naughty videos and images. Your birthday was coming up and with numerous hints from yourself I knew I had to make it special seeing as for the past year you have been working so hard organising the world events. :-) It would be 32 years since you have graced this rock we call earth so McDonald's with a quickie around the back was out...

3 years ago
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Evil Office Girls

Evil Office Girls by Silvy Richards Sharing a large office place with four young and beautiful female coworkers, Ron loved his job being a high end real estate agent. Himself and the four women he worked with, were also known as the 'Fantastic Five' in their corner of the business world. They each had their own makeshift cubical, where they did most of their transactions over the phone. The competition between them was fierce, considering all the crazy...

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The Eighth Warden Book 1Chapter 3

Seventeen years earlier... “No, she isn’t!” five-year-old Corec said to his half-brothers. “Yes, she is,” Toman insisted. “Your mother’s buried in the crypt. Father’s just never taken you down there because you’re too little.” Corec couldn’t remember his mother, but there was a portrait in the sitting room with Father, Isa, and Mother all together, dressed up in their finest clothes. Isa was Father’s wife, and she was also Toman’s and Branth’s mother. Corec liked to look at the portrait...

4 years ago
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Within Your CrowdChapter 4

Mom was happy to see me but dad acted like he was mad at something. Not really mad but not happy either. After a couple of days, I'd had enough and drove him to a small bar in Johnson City, gave him a chance to have a beer, then asked, "Okay, Dad, what's on your mind?" He looked somewhat abashed, and said, "Hell, I didn't think I was showing anything. Well, I hate to admit it, but the ranch is getting too big for me. If you don't come back pretty soon I'm gonna have to hire a...

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understall at the mall

I like to visit the mall and spend time in the restroom checking out the guys in the next stall. I will often suck or be sucked but usually I am only allowed the opportunity to masturbate another guys cock.I was sitting in the stall on the day in question and about to leave for lack of action, when I heard the door open. the urinal was being used, so I figured nobody was coming in. I stood up and was pulling up my jeans when I heard the stall door click next to me. I sat back down and glanced...

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Easy Edie

As she lay beside the snoring whoever-he-is, she fingered her wet pussy. He was the third one today, and the sixth different male organ in the last week who got her vagina wet with semen, some of them unloading in there on more than one enjoyable occasion. The next morning, after a quick screw with and dismissal of her first-name-only guy, she drew herself a hot sudsy bath and sat soaking, sipping on coffee. Nothing was planned so she just took some time to look inside herself more than she...

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ShawnChapter 40

A week later a large ship pulled into the harbour with all the parts I asked Saudi Arabia to provide. When they went into storage I found each piece to be as good as I had demanded it to be. That night I called King Faysal and invited him to come to Japan to see his son fly the first section into orbit. We discussed many things including my telephone/computer system and how it would help his people. He would come and see for himself what could happen with most of his family. The prince's...

1 year ago
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TeamSkeetClassics Paige Owens Tricking My Pervy Stepbro

Originally released in May of 2019, this Team Skeet Classic features bombshell Paige Owens and Oliver Flynn. This scene does so well because it combines excellent fantasy and comedy, and the actors shine here. As a longtime fan favorite, we’re happy to have selected this scene for our Team Skeet Classic series. Paige Owens is always teasing her watchful stepbrother, Oliver Flynn. When her stepdad goes away for the afternoon, Paige finally catches Oliver alone and takes full advantage of the...

4 years ago
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A Duet upon a Balcony

You stand at the open balcony, the wind billowing the drapes around you, covering you in a silver river for but a moment. You hear me approach behind you in the dark, but by the time you turn your head my lips are at your neck, asserting my pent up lust. Your hands slide around me, one reaching down and grabbing my hand, pulling it up,near your heart, between your breasts; the other reaching back to grasp the back of my head, pulling me closer in. I move downward, biting your bare shoulder, the...

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Green Acres VII

"Green Acres VII" The next day, mid-morning, Mrs. Foster knelt beside the wide sweep of a white satin wedding gown and lifted the hem of the gleaming satin skirt. She seemed mesmerized as she reached underneath and gathered the voluminous layers of petticoats and fluffed them out to their maximum fullness. The sounds of nylon, satin and crisp taffeta filled the perfumed room with rustling, whispering zips. "Nine petticoats in all, all so lovely, and so deliciously feminine!" She...

2 years ago
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Black List I GhostsChapter 10

“We’ve just got a report of an assassination attempt,” Donna Michaels, one of the analysts says as she bursts into the office. Spencer and Samantha are sitting, going over evidence, reports and files that the FBI has turned over to them covering the terrorist group known as Ghost and their confirmed activities. “The president?” Sam asks, feeling a surge of instant dread. “Oh heaven’s no,” Donna says appallingly. “This was on a banker. Gerrard Kloser, international banker with an office...

2 years ago
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She Is Beautiful Chapter 10

The wedding was beautiful and mercifully short, humorous and sweet. Sam and I hung out with Bryce as we all acted friendly and courteously to all the faces we didn’t know – which was ninety-five percent of the people there. The reception and dinner were fun with excellent food, good wine and a great DJ who knew how to throw a party instead of one of the rote boring DJs to be found at so many of these events.Suddenly, during a slow dance, Bryce was by our side. “So sorry but I have to take off –...

Group Sex
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The Class Project Chapter 9

The Class Project By Janice Dreamer Chapter 9 "Brad?" Robyn asked, feeling a little thrill course through her heart. She fought to dispel her sleepiness. "Yep, it's me," he replied. "How're you doing, Sweets? I hope I didn't wake you." She shifted in bed slightly, moving the phone to her other ear. "No, you didn't wake me," she lied, "I was just lying here resting my tired feet. Cathy took me shopping and nearly walked me to death." "Are you too tired to come over," he...

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Jogging Turned Me From A Boy To A Man

Hi I am jack from Bangalore, I am 25 year old ,highly educated and work multinational firm, 6 feet tall,brown eyes , fair ,straight hairs ,broad shoulders and nice firm body.I do have a 8 inch monster, I trim my pubic hairs, while ma chest is completely shaved.I have always been fascinated by sex. Even I college ,i did fondle boobs of my batch mates, seniors alike.I had even spanked few asses,moved ma fingers over those hairy pussies,milked and sucked those brown juicy nipples. But I never had...

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Escape From LexingtonChapter 7

Tuesday April 11, 1843 Twelve days later After having the Niobrara River as our traveling companion for almost two weeks, today we turned southwest, away from the river. The weather had turned cold again, with half the nights below freezing. We were all tired this morning, having gotten up shortly after midnight to cross-tie the wagons between nearby trees. The rope we had left from using the raft came in handy. Still, the wind howled much of the night, making the wagons rock worse than...

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Center Piece

Autumn looked out the window into the season that was her namesake, twirled a finger through a curl in her long brunette hair, and sighed. The final leaves falling from the maple tree after a strong gust of wind reminded her of the last few months of her life, as piece after piece of it had crashed to earth. First, her boyfriend of two years had lost interest in sex and grown distant. Her hormones had decided to go into overdrive at almost the exact same time, making it doubly torturous. After...

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I only wanted a job Chapter 3 Its show time

I ONLY WANTED A JOB Chapter 3 - It's Show-time! Finally the night came when both Simone and Annie declared that I was ready to perform en-femme. Annie helped me get dressed and finished off putting on my makeup - my hands were shaking too much. "You will be fine," she told me severely. "You know the music backwards and have practiced playing in heels, so there is nothing to worry about!" Easy for her to say; harder for me to believe! But there I was; standing behind the stage...

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Pussy hounds at the lingerie store

I gravitate to older men, because they are such blatant pussy hounds. I like to tease them. Suggest the possibility of some fun fooling around. Let them know that I MIGHT be interested. I have an older Daddy who takes care of me, spends a lot of money on me. In return, I keep him entertained. I'll do anything for my Daddy. Calls me his little sex pot. Unless I've been naughty. Then I get spanked. I cheat on him all the time. He knows it and likes to watch. He thinks up lots of crazy shit for me...

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REQUITAL by Geneva Guiseppe steals a magic book from his employer. He uses it to make money, but his greed and deteriorating domestic situation ultimately lead him to disaster. This is a black story. There are no heroes. The minor character of the Contessa Anna in this story also appears in my story "Strange World", and is the major character in "Nun So Lovely". START From M. Robert Dumarche, Chief Warden of the City Prison, City of Marseille. To Chief ...

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What Hayley did

Last week I went to see a friend in Peterborough and ended up coming back to London on a late train. It was pretty quiet in the carriage and I was reading my book – nothing rude – when I started to feel a bit horny. I looked at some stories on Lush, on my phone and the itch got worse. That feeling in my tummy of sexual excitement, that dampness in my knickers. The motion of the train didn’t help and there were only one or two other people in the carriage. I had a dress on too…

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Porn, I like it! Reading erotica, pictures, webcams and video. I don't use porn to replace anything. I just like  looking/reading to feel alittle joy and pleasure. I'll scroll thru the different categories on an adult site, stopping at different folders, jerking off taking myself close to cumming but stopping. When I do cum, I like watching it spurt out and sometimes licking up my own cum. I also would like to sitting back with my lady watching porn and masturbating the other. Or maybe be...

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Blue balls

I can gladly say that I was lucky to mostly have good sex, better said great sex. Unfortunately I don’t have many memories in my mind, just a few. This story is one of the few I still have in mind. It happened six or seven years ago, still I can recall it very vividly I even watch myself lying there as if I stood outside my body.My girlfriend at the time was different from the others. She didn’t hold back, not even the first time we had sex. She was riding me like it was the last sex of her...

Straight Sex
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The Ohlympics

It was the event they had been working towards for the last four years. They had dedicated every moment of their lives the getting here; disciplining themselves, waking up early to train in all weathers and even on Christmas day, avoiding the foods they love and having to say no as others scoffed down cake or candy in font of them, missing out on nights out and spending time with friends and family to go to the gym or get to bed early, travelling all over the world from anonymous hotel to...

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Whatever It CostsChapter 50

Before the summer we had one more incident involving Melissa. Due to the problems she had to face after her father's death she had hardly managed to finish high school. Partly because of those bad memories, she was not very interested in continuing her education, though both Lindsay and I patiently tried to convince her otherwise. Her lack of interest in developing herself irritated Lindsay even more than me. "But what do you intend to do then?" I asked. "I want to be the best possible...

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My Wife And I Made A BDSM Sex Slave 8211 Part 9

Hello, my dear reader. Sorry for the long gap. The next part will be the ending. Please shower your support to Please read the previous stories before this one about the BDSM sex slave. All 3 reached the parking lot. Sujith opened the car’s trunk, and Sandhya immediately got in without uttering any word. Vidya patted on her back and got to the driver seat while Sujith sitting next to her. The car went straight home, and Vidya made her kneel in the hall. Both went to a different room and packed...

2 years ago
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Sethy Part Eleven My Humiliation

AUTHOR’S NOTE – This story is partly fantasy, partly true. For best effect, read parts 1-10 before this part. The main character, Sethy, is based upon a real woman who is an active member of the XHamster community, and much of Sethy reflects the true woman. The photos included in this story of Sethy are of the real Sethy and are here with her permission. This story is the property of the author and cannot be copied or used in part or in entirety without express written consent of the author....

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A wife doesn 8217 t like the way her husband acts in bed

I love my husband. Except for the few times when Bob gets carried away in bed, he is an excellent husband. I can’t understand what happens. Most of the time our love making is fantastic. He is considerate, and kind, but then every once-in-awhile, he just goes off the deep end. About four months ago, we started making love. Things were going good. All of a sudden, he ordered me to suck his dick. I’m not too fond of performing oral sex in the first place, but the way he ordered me...

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Jilly was a bleach-blonde, bubble-headed bimbo. A lot of my girls could barely stand to have her around, but there were a couple of clients who wanted to fuck the dumbest chick possible– presumably the ones who would feel threatened by a girl with a brain. I usually send Tammy, who fakes idiocy well, but there’s something to be said for a natural talent, and one guy in particular favored Jilly nearly exclusively and very frequently. After he was arrested (on completely unrelated charges, I...

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The ParkersChapter 42 Free to please who they want

That Friday night, the Parker kids had all the freedom they could want. Each and every of the eight of them had tried incest, and bisexual incest, but they knew that, if they wanted to keep doing it (and they did), Roger and Lucy should never find out anything about it. In their minds, their parents wouldn't understand it. But, that Friday night, Roger and Lucy had left. So the Parker kids were free to do anything they wanted, with anyone they wanted, at any time and place they...

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My Dream Man 8211 New House New Ways

Hey everyone! Devil back here. With a New Three Part Story: My Dream Man. Do read the Story and mail me all your feedbacks, comments and suggestions on Coming to the Story… Salma is the Main Character of the Story. A recently Married 25-Years Old Lady from Lucknow. Read on further to know more about her… In Salma’s Words… Finally we were here at our New House in Nirala Nagar (Lucknow). My dream had come true of having our own house with my husband and my loving in-laws. So Maa and Baba in...

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The Family Slut Part 2 Mommy Dearest

Introduction: After Lizzys confession, her mom takes immediate control of the situation… Did you like it? mom blurted out after I had just finished letting the horror of everything that had just transpired flow out of me like my dignity. What?! Well did you like your birthday present or not? I fucking hope so, because youre gonna get lots more where that came from at your uncles this weekend. Its about time you got in on our little trips, and uncle Tommy doesnt like to fuck virgins. Bloody...

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The Trailer Park The Fifth Year Part 1 Words And MusicChapter 54

"Have you talked to her?" Beside me, Tami shook her head. "Damn!" I said as I pulled my car into the middle school parking lot. I parked next to the gym. We got out and headed inside. I hadn't seen Robbie since the play Saturday night. She'd missed three days of school, which was one more than she'd missed in the last three years. I'd called several times, but her dad said she wasn't feeling up to taking calls. This was not Robbie. "So who goes over tonight and barges in, you or...

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