Zimmermädchen indian porn

4 years ago
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Mein neues Leben als spanisches Zimmerm dchen Maria

Mein neues Leben als Zimmerm?dchen Maria Bevor ich wieder zum Dienst in meine Apt.-Anlage muss, m?chte ich mal kurz meine Entstehung, die Erschaffung eines Zimmerm?dchens, der Maria, schildern. Eigentlich fing ja alles damit an, dass mir diese spanischen Zimmerm?dchen in ihren kleinen gr?n-gestreiften Kittelchen mit Sch?rze und kleinem H?ubchen so sehr gefallen haben. Immer, wenn sie fr?h um 8:30 Uhr zur Arbeit kamen (das war vielleicht jedes Mal ein Gegacker und ein Kichern) habe ich sie ...

2 years ago
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Das Zimmerm dchen

Ich bin 48 und etwas dominant veranlagt, ich bin analgeil und mag es geile Ärsche zu ficken und zu versohlen, allerdings müssen Striemen nicht unbedingt sein. In einem Familienhotel in der Nähe von Bremen arbeitet die Schwester des Inhabers als Zimmermädchen. Dort übernachte ich ein Mal im Monat für eine Woche und die superhübsche 28jährige Sonja, zweifache Mutter, mit ihren schulterlangen, rötlichblonden, naturgelockten Haaren mit ihrer Traumfigur, kleine, feste Brüste, lange, wohlgeformte...

3 years ago
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Hausm dchen

Meine Name ist, nein, war, Johann. Ich bin 25 und arbeitete als Student nebenbei in einem Callcenter. Mit 19 habe ich damals meine Freundin geheiratet und seitdem waren wir glücklich. Na ja, nicht ganz. Ich hatte immer den Anspruch, mehr aus meinem Leben zu machen. Während meine Frau schon eigenes Geld verdient, muss ich noch schauen, wie ich die paar Kröten zusammen bekomme. Neben dem Studium zu arbeiten und trotzdem noch nicht mal ein Viertel von dem zu Haben, was die Frau verdient, ist...

3 years ago
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Hausm auml dchen

Meine Name ist, nein, war, Johann. Ich bin 25 und arbeitete als Student nebenbei in einem Callcenter. Mit 19 habe ich damals meine Freundin geheiratet und seitdem waren wir glücklich. Na ja, nicht ganz. Ich hatte immer den Anspruch, mehr aus meinem Leben zu machen. Während meine Frau schon eigenes Geld verdient, muss ich noch schauen, wie ich die paar Kröten zusammen bekomme. Neben dem Studium zu arbeiten und trotzdem noch nicht mal ein Viertel von dem zu Haben, was die Frau verdient, ist...

2 years ago
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Hirst Hall German

Hirst Hall (German)Anmerkung des Autors: Dies ist die deutsche Fassung des englischen Originals von Hirst Hall. Hirst Hall hat mich von Anfang an so in seinen Bann gezogen, dass ich Surtea einfach um die Erlaubnis bitten musste, dieses meiner Meinung nach meisterlichen Werkes, in die deutsche Sprache ?bersetzen zu d?rfen. Leider sind meine Englischkenntnisse sehr bescheiden, so dass dies keine 100% ?bersetzung wird. Aber ich denke, zu 90% werde ich es hinbekommen, zumal Surtea die ?bersetzung v...

2 years ago
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Black Forest Vacation German

Ein Urlaub im Schwarzwald Erster Tag Du hast Dich auf meine Anzeige im Internet für einen BDSM-Switch-Urlaubim Schwarzwald gemeldet. Von allen Nacktfotos, die mir zugesandt wurden, habenmir Deine am besten gefallen. Du hast eine Figur wie eine Sanduhr, volle, fleischige,ein klein wenig hängende Brüste mit rosa Warzen wie zwei kleine Fingerhüte,eine ultraschlanke Taille, die so gar nicht zu Deinem ausladenden knackigenArsch zu passen scheint, und kleine zierliche Füßchen. Dein dichterBusch ist...

2 years ago
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Eine Fahrt ins Blaue

Eine Fahrt ins Blaue (Katrin*2012) 1.Einleitung Manchmal kommt man in seinem Leben auf dumme Ideen. So, war es damals, als ich der Idee nachhing, einen Sommerurlaub, als Transvestit oder Frau zu verbringen mit einer Fahrt ins Blaue. Zu dieser Zeit war ich noch jung, z?hlte 23 Lenze und hatte noch Rosinen im Kopf. Mein Auto, das ich besa? war relativ alt und es war schon ein gewisses Risiko, damit auf gro?e Fahrt zu gehen. Es sollte Quer durch den Osten Deutschlands gehen und dann nach ...

2 years ago
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Das Fetisch Resort

"Das wurde mir gestern gesendet", sage Miriam Weber, meine neueste Klientin. "F?nf Tage nachdem er verschwand." Ich sah auf das Smartphone, das sie mir gegeben hatte. Dort war eine Person zu sehen, die mit Ausnahme des Gesichts vollst?ndig schwarz gekleidet war. Es war ein Selfie, wie man an dem ausgestreckten Arm sehen konnte. "Auf dem kleinen Bildschirm kann ich nicht genug erkennen. Bitte leiten Sie die Nachricht an meine Adresse weiter." Sie bediente das Telefon und meinte dann: "...

1 year ago
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Andy 5

Svenja konnte es kaum erwarten, dass die bestellten Sachen eintrafen. Ich freute mich vor allem auf die Brustprothesen. Damit konnte ich auch einmal einen Knopf an einer Bluse auflassen, wie es alle M?dchen machten. Das war n?mlich etwas, was ich in den letzten Tagen immer mehr machte: Andere M?dchen beobachten. Vor allem, was sie anhatten. Aber auch, wie sie bestimmte Situationen in einem Rock oder mit langen offenen Haaren managten. Mehr als einmal wurden meine Beobachtungen bemerkt, und ic...

4 years ago
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Poker 1

"Dieter, es tut mir leid. Ich kann heute Abend nicht kommen." "Warum? Dir macht Kartenspielen doch viel Spa??" "Ja, Spa? schon, aber mir fehlt das Geld." "Wo wir doch immer nur um kleine Summen spielen?" "Ja, aber die Zeiten sind schlecht. Ich hatte viele unerwartete Auslagen. Ich muss sparen." "Komm doch heute Abend trotzdem. Vielleicht k?nnen wir ja andere Regeln ausmachen, oder ohne Geld spielen." "OK, dann komme ich." * - * Die a...

1 year ago
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Ich w nschte es w re eine Liebesgeschichte

Ich w?nschte, es w?re eine Liebesgeschichte.Patrizia Panther Based on a true story.Wann immer Sie mich beobachten, schauen Sie hinauf. Und wann immer ich Sie beobachte, tue ich das von oben herab. Selbst wenn Sie sich hinter dem Vorhang des Lehrerzimmers im ersten Stock verstecken und auf den Schulhof hinunter schauen und sich unbeobachtet f?hlen, sehen Sie nicht wirklich auf mich herab, sondern haben ein schlechtes Gewissen, bei dem, was Sie tun. Wo immer Sie sich befinden, Sie sind irgendwie u...

2 years ago
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Ein halbes Jahr im Leben eines Detektivs

Auf meinem Schreibtisch t?rmten sich die Rechnungen. Es war ein Fehler gewesen, in dieses B?ro zu gehen. Es war sehr Schicki-Micki, und viel zu teuer. Ich hatte mir mehr davon versprochen, Auftr?ge von einer besseren Klientel. Und ich wollte diese ?berwachung von Ehem?nnern loswerden, denn das war fast ausschlie?lich mein t?glich Brot gewesen. Im Auto stundenlang vor einer Wohnung zu sitzen war nicht unbedingt das, was ich mir als Detektiv ertr?umt hatte. Meine Sekret?rin war ich mittlerweile lo...

2 years ago
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Polizistin von einem Vergewaltiger und M rder

Ich bin Ina Zimmermann, eine 1,76 große, blonde, gut gebaute Oberkommissarin, 43 Jahre alt. Ein Kollege war ans BKA abgestellt, mein Chef und ein weiterer Kollege hatten scheinbar ein Geheimnis und arbeiteten an einem wohl lange zurück liegenden Fall. So kümmerten sich eine Praktikantin und ich uns um den brutalen Mord, nach einer Vergewaltigung, an einem Zimmermädchen. Bald stellte ich eine Verbindung zu einem brutalen Waffenhändler her, der in dem Hotel abgestiegen war, in dem das...

2 years ago
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Mandy soll Leihmutter werden

George Nelson war gerade dabei, die Sträucher in der Nähe des Haupteingangs der Villa zu trimmen, als er die große schwarze Limousine vorfahren sah. George beobachtete, wie sich die Tür öffnete und der Chauffeur aus dem großen Wagen stieg. Abu war der Chauffeur des Mr. Coleman und ich denke, Sie könnten ihn als seinen persönlichen Leibwächter und Assistenten betrachten. Abu ging an George vorbei und nickte mit dem Kopf, als er durch die Eingangstür ging. Abu sprach nicht viel und wirkte sehr...

2 years ago
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Octavia Chapter 5

Wochen vergehen. Inzwischen bin ich richtig gut als dressierte Strumpfhose bzw. Mann-Objekt-Wandler auf Befehl. Heute hatte Octavia mich nach dem Ausziehen weder in Ernst Schmied verwandelt noch in den W?schekorb geworfen. Sie stellte mich einfach in eine Vase mit Wasser. - ? - Irgendwas habe ich verpasst, aber nun richte ich meine Bl?te langsam gegen das Licht und nehme gierig das Wasser in meinen Stiel auf. Meine zwei Bl?tter richten sich auf. Octavia sagt "Gut" und zieht mich aus der Vas...

4 years ago
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Suse wird erwachsen

Suse wird erwachsen Inhalt I. Der Vertrag............................................................................................................... 1 II. Der erste Abend....................................................................................................... 2 III. Der Abend geht weiter............................................................................................ 6 IV. Der erste Tag...

3 years ago
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Das verfickte Hotel

Das riesige Hotelresort hat sich einen Namen gemacht für ausgelassene Ferien. Die Freikörperkultur wird nicht nur verlangt, sondern auch gelebt. Das Hotel ist dem entsprechend gebaut und bietet auch alles was die Gäste sich nur erträumen können. Das Personal wird sorgfältig ausgesucht und auf die Wünsche der Gäste getrimmt. Nichts darf als unmöglich dem Gast vorenthalten werden. Die Gäste erkennen das Personal sofort an der Haarschleife bei den weiblichen Angestellten und an der Krawatte um...

1 year ago
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Urlaubserinnerungen Teil 2 Fr uuml hst uuml ck

Als ich aufwachte fiel schon die Sonne auf ihre makellose Haut. Sie schlief noch. Nackt lag sie zwischen den Laken, die immer noch etwas feucht von der Nacht waren. Sie hatte einen festen Schlaf. Unbemerkt hatte ich uns Frühstück auf Zimmer bestellen lassen. Fünf Minuten später kam das Zimmermädchen in Sicht. Ich hatte mir eilig einen Morgenmantel übergeworfen, den ich etwas verkrampft zu hielt, um die Morgenlatte zu verbergen. Als ich das Tablett in Empfang nahm, hoffte ich nur, dass nichts...

1 year ago
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Die Stiefschwester

Amelie war müde. Der Tag war anstrengend, obwohl sie doch jetzt endlich frei hatte! Gestern war sie aus dem Internat nach Hause gekommen und hatte jetzt einige wirklich entspannende Tage in Aussicht. Ihre Eltern sind nämlich heute in den Urlaub aufgebrochen. Sie und Maximilian waren mittlerweile zu alt um mit ihnen mitfahren zu wollen, Daher blieben sie und ihr Stiefbruder im Elternhaus. Ihre Mutter war deshalb heute nicht nur im Kofferpackstress, sondern musste ihr auch noch alle Neuigkeiten...

2 years ago
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Die Zauberin Spiegelbild german

******************************************************** Die Zauberin ? Spiegelbild(das Gegenst?ck zu ?Die Zauberin? (Sollte ich jetzt wohl zu ?Die Zauberin ? Hasso? umtaufen)********************************************************I BegegnungEs war nicht mein Tag...Heute hatte ich das Haus verkauft. Dort in Raukfurth war ich die letzten Jahre zu Hause gewesen. Und jetzt hatte ich es verkauft - weit unter Wert. Wie unversch?mt der H?ndler gewesen war; allein daf?r h?tte ich ihn schon verfluchen solle...

1 year ago
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Amelie sexuelle Freiheiten

Diese Story ist ein Spin Off - so nennt man das wohl - der Ronja-Triologie um das schüchterne Kindermädchen Amelie. Ihren ersten Auftritt hat sie in der Story Ronja der Familienmensch https://chyoa.com/story/Ronja-der-Familienmensch.32994 im Kapitel 28: https://chyoa.com/chapter/Amelie.858994 Und die Fortsetzung der Story Amelie entdeckt den Sex https://chyoa.com/story/Amelie-entdeckt-den-Sex.33227 Ich bin Amelie und mittlerweile 20 Jahre alt. Bei Ronja und Viktor, den Nachfolgern in der...

3 years ago
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Coming to NurembergChapter 5

Dieter did his best to satisfy Gisela sexual needs. Her libido finally abated in mid-Juni, as her belly grew bigger. Dieter waited on her but wasn’t called on to fuck quite as often. The Leck Schar started producing pure Aryan babies at the beginning of Juni. Hannelore Voss gave birth first to Paul Ernst’s son, Michael Paul Ernst on 1.Juni. The following morning Margot Kalbfleishch birthed Rudi Schmidt’s twins – Anders and Wilhelm Schmidt. Rachel Schröder produced Werner Sommer’s son Georg...

3 years ago
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Octavia Chapter 7 Der Zirkel der Monde der Lofn

Octavia Chapter 7 Der Zirkel der Monde der Lofn von Ricky Zimmermann Wir stehen auf dem Innenhof des Schlosses und warten auf das Auto, welches uns in das Hauptquartier des Zirkels bringen soll und ich geniesse, wie ich seit langem das erste Mal wieder mehr als nur Beine, Schuhe, Rocksaum und Bodenbelag sehen kann, wenn ich mich draussen bewege, beziehungsweise bewegt werde. Wir (das heisst Octavia als meine Unterw?sche und ich in ihrem K?rper, der von ihr kontrolliert wird, inzwischen n...

4 years ago
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Wars das

Titel: War's das? (Original-)Dateiname: war's-das.txt Geschrieben am: 2001-10-22 (da war ich wohl nicht so gut drauf *grins*) Autor(in): 'Lisa (17)' bzw. 'Katrin Elisabeth' Copyright (abgekupfert von Debbie Sanderson): "Feel free to pass it around, archive it, repost it... Please don't alter it, or charge for it. Thanks." Auf Deutsch (quasi woertlich uebersetzt): "Nimm dir die Freiheit und reiche die Geschichte herum, speichere sie, schicke sie weiter ... Bitte aendere sie...

3 years ago
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eines Abends in der Wirtschaft

Eines Abends in der Wirtschaft Von Ricky Zimmermann Peter Grassky hatte sich den Verlauf des Abends nicht ganz so einschneidend fuer sein weiteres Leben vorgestellt. Prof sitzt fuer seine Verhaeltnisse eigentlich schon ziemlich lange mit seinen Dienern Wilhelm und Ernst in der Wirtschaft. Ab und zu steht einer von Ihnen auf und kaempft sich durch Mief und Dunst. Entweder an der Bar oder auf dem Weg zur Toilette werden mit irgendwelchen Leuten Sprueche geklopft. In der ganzen Kneipe...

2 years ago
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Drei Freunde I

Drei Freunde I Ein magisches Rollenspiel von Ricky Zimmermann Schliesslich spuert auch Rob die Muedigkeit und den Hunger und folgt Carlos und Steve, die durch die unverschlossene Tuere in die Halle treten, obwohl ihr Klopfen kein Erscheinen eines eventuellen Butlers oder sonst eines Hausbewohners bewirkt hat. Irgendwie scheint das Gemaeuer bewohnt, denn eine schwach leuchtende Lampe erhellt den Raum, der von dem Duft einer koestlichen Mahlzeit erfuellt ist. Sie folgen nun...

1 year ago
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Drei Freunde II

Drei Freunde II Ricky Zimmermann "So koennen wir nicht nach Hause!" entscheidet Steve. Sie setzen sich zur Beratung vor das Zelt und beginnen zuerst mit einer Dreiviertelstunde des Schweigens, dass nur von wiederholtem Seufzen unterbrochen wurde. Carlos nestelt verstoert an seinem Pullover herum, der die aeusserste von all den Kleidungsschichten darstellt, mit denen er sich nach dem Schock bedeckt hat. Natuerlich nuetzt alles nichts. Obwohl man jetzt bei ihm nichts weibliches ausser...

2 years ago
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Patricia Rhomberg

Patricia Rhomberg (September 15, 1953 in Vienna, Austria – ) is an Austrian actress. She appeared in a limited number of adult films in 1970s but she achieved a significant reputation. She used to work as a medical assistant when she met German film director Hans Billian. She started a relationship with him. In 1975, she acted in the first German hardcore full-length feature film Bienenstich im Liebesnest (soft version named Im Gasthaus zum scharfen Hirschen, also known as Zimmermadchen machen...

3 years ago
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Patricia Rhomberg

Patricia Rhomberg (September 15, 1953 in Vienna, Austria - ) is an Austrian actress. She appeared in a limited number of adult films in 1970s but she achieved a significant reputation.She used to work as a medical assistant when she met German film director Hans Billian. She started a relationship with him. In 1975, she acted in the first German hardcore full-length feature film Bienenstich im Liebesnest (soft version named Im Gasthaus zum scharfen Hirschen, also known as Zimmermadchen machen...

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My brother busted my cherry

This is for all you men and women out there that like some taboo stories.Chapter 1Cathy Jones, walking home from school, felt a secret tingle in her pussy. She had done something at lunch time she shouldn't have done, and now she was busily trying to hide the knowledge of it from herself." Another day, another night of study," she muttered to herself. Lost in her thoughts, she wasn't aware of the heads she turned.She was only sixteen years old, but she was a traffic-stopper. Her youthful hips...

2 years ago
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The Cuckold Test Part I

Danny drained the remnants of his beer from the bottle, his eyes and thoughts on the attractive blonde stood at the beach bar a few yards away. A sudden breeze opened her wrap around skirt briefly allowing him to get a flash of tanned thigh and panties. There were others sat around tables as the evening sunset began to take hold but no one else seemed to notice the sudden flash of naked flesh. The barman who was serving her didn’t get a look either, it was difficult from his vantage point...

2 years ago
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Election BetChapter 3

I spent a quiet Saturday at my place. I slept from the time I got home, until four that afternoon, making up for the very late night that Evelyn and I had spent together. Sunday, Rick came over and he and I watched the Raiders lose miserably to Carolina. He kept asking me questions about Evelyn, but I told him again that nothing had happened. On Monday, Evelyn came by my work cubicle and spoke with me for five minutes. It was mostly just small talk, nothing at all about what we'd done on...

3 years ago
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Sara Saves The Earth

It was cold and wet outside, but inside, it was warm and dark, the bed was nice and soft, and Sara was in a horny mood. Her long curly red hair cascaded over the down pillows. She wriggled herself down into the feather bed, feeling the sheets sliding over her 38-DD breasts and enjoying the feeling of her nipples inadvertently hardening. This was almost a perfect evening at home, she thought. Only one thing missing... She began to think about that one thing missing, and as...

2 years ago
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Going on Vacation

Please allow me to preface this story by saying that I didn't write it. I hope that is not a problem and doesn't constitute abuse of the site. I just found this story quite good, and extremely erotic. I myself have dabbled in partying and playing in the past, including shemales, so this story is something I can certainly relate to. Perhaps one of these days I'll take the time to write down my own stories and share them with everyone here...It was 2002 and I was on vacation in Phoenix,...

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Frat Boys Next Door

DECEMBER 5, 2006 Sandy and I were drying each other off, after taking a post-sex shower. We'd spent most of the morning swimming and sunbathing naked. We were so lucky to live in a warm weather climate. We spent the afternoon in bed together, pleasing each other in just about every way one women could please another, except we didn't use the dildos today. Sandy was still amazed at my story. "That was fascinating. The things I missed not joining a sorority." "We took some pretty...

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Hannibal s Kink

Panama City-Tocumen Airport Road at 8.55 pmHannibal put the time card into the machine and pulled it out after he got his stamp. Putting it back in its slot he hefted his little backpack higher up onto his shoulder and walked the short distance to the manager’s office. The night was heavy with looming rain and thunderstorms but the skies hadn’t opened up yet. It was a Friday night and it was payday which meant the Happy Orgasm push-button hotel would be busy.In the office, he hung his backpack...

2 years ago
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The Rock Star

I was up there, on stage, and as usual I’d been pounding away at the guitar. This was another concert. Now first off I want to mention that I’ve been married for just under three years. As for my past…it too is history. I no longer go out searching for women as in the past but I’m still the regular attraction at the concerts. There’s only one girl for me now, a woman by the name of Suzanne. She’s my wife of course and while I’m doing it to my guitar she’s at home, across the country, taking...

4 years ago
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Tara 2 CuttailsChapter 10

Kat and Trae spent a second night in the hut. Trae had packed most of the meat in his preservation room in the cart. He would give it to Mitch Bones. He mostly smoked the older male’s meat. It being a bit tougher wouldn’t matter and the shukra should make it taste sweeter. He would grind a lot of it up later for his travel bars. Kat had him strip and checked his wounds. They were healing and since she already had him half-naked, he decided to get her in the same state. He didn’t find a lot...

4 years ago
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The Rescue of HMS BeverlyChapter 11 The Capitulations

When I got there were 34 women waiting for me, 22 ladies for the ritual and the 12 10th tier ladies. Tina had the Order birch in her hand. It was quite the scene, the passage way was packed, but there was a 3 foot empty circle around Tina. No one wanted to get close to the birch. It would have been funny if the situation was not so serious. I started the holodeck program then led them in. I went to the front and said, "Ladies we all know why we are here. This is being done for your safety...

2 years ago
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Octogon Amateurs

James did what he did every night. He headed to the Octagon website. He had been doing that since it before it changed its name from Six of the Best after the scandal. Its format was simple. Four men trained four women. All eight were in Ando bodies which meant they looked spectacular and that their real bodies would not be damaged. As a patron (50 dollars a month) Andy got to influence events rather than simply watch. Tonight he was late, a delivery driver at work had got lost, and it...

1 year ago
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Autumn Leaves

She looks at me with love. Her deep blue eyes are a little unsure but she knows in her heart that there is no one but me. I glance back at her giving a small smile. She blushes for being caught staring at me, while a strand of her dark hair falls to her face. She looks down being embarrassed. I take her soft chin in my hand and gently tilt it up so her eyes match mine. I brush the soft hair away so I can look at her completely. We stare deeply into each other for a long time. I glance at the...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilm Adira Allure Lacey London Fucking The Neighbors

Charles Dera comes home to his beautiful wife, Lacey London. To his surprise, Lacey has a guest with her: their lovely nextdoor neighbor, Adira Allure. But the excitement doesn’t stop there, because Adira tells them that she just got back from Europe, where she attended sex parties and other wild events. She wants to keep the fun going at home, so she invites Lacey and Charles to attend a swing party at her house on the weekend! They all agree to attend the party, but they also agree that...

3 years ago
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Status Update

“What’s on your mind?” The vertical line strobes repeatedly demanding my response; the vast empty whiteness of the digitalised box awaiting the dancing of my fingers across the soft receptive keyboard and the expression of the jumble of thoughts pressing at my mind. But, what to say? What to communicate? What to share with the assorted collection of friends, acquaintances and “God knows whos”? What is on my mind? My eyes flit to the top right as another important update crawls itself onto the...

3 years ago
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When my older sister got dumped

One day I was home alone in my room doing my homework when I heard the door slam. Jen went quickly past my room. I could hear he crying loudly. She went into her room and slammed the door. I could still hear her crying. After a couple minutes I had to go check on her. I slowly opened her door. "Jen, are you OK?" "That son of a bitch, Nick. I caught him making out with Jessica. He had her big fat ugly tits out sucking on them. I'm never going to speak to him again." Then...

2 years ago
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Big Tony Goes Crazy

Chapter 1 It was in the early Spring in 1961, when Theresa's father, Big Tony Contino, started acting strangely. He was a big man, running to fat and hairy all over. He was a baker out at Electic Boat and had been a close neighbor to my parents for many years. Close in the sense that he lived fifty feet from our front door, not because he socialized with my parents at all, because he didn't. Having said that, there was never any bad feelings between the two families either. The Contino's...

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wife goes black

It all started a few years ago. My wife came home early from class one night and saw me watching porn on the lap top. No big deal she didn't see what it was just heard the moans. I was embarrassed and she got mad at me, said she felt betrayed. That I shouldn't have to watch that kinda stuff. She never asked me what it was or what was going on. I told her I was lonely and just needed to get off , that it was normal. She has never even seen porn. Well other than that on HBO. We talked...

4 years ago
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Future Wifes exp with cousin

Few weeks before my future wife gone to her native which is 400 km far from here and return with her cousin brother.she explain that her cousin brother was failed in board examination and he was depressed in that.so she bring him for a vacation.i accepted. the next day night she told, she caught him while he watching porn videos and mastrubating too.i think she was was serious abt that.but the next sentence from her is "he has big black cock".she was interested in that.the same night she told...

1 year ago
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MonstersOfCock Kira Perez Step Daughter 8217 s Bikini Sex

Step daughter Kira Perez comes into the living room with the skimpiest bikini I’ve ever seen. It highlights her nice ass and perky tits when she walks. Step dad Jonathan doesn’t approve of this but Kira assures that she’s just going to the beach. He still doesn’t like it so he sits her down and talks about other boys getting dirth thoughts because of her. That’s when she notices her step dad was having dirty thoughts because his dick was hard! Kira gets up and says...

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Author note : This is my first story ever so please forgive me for anything I have done wrong. Hi my name is Kevin and I have a story to tell you. It started off to be a day like no other get up in the morning and do my regular cleansing and nourishment well like everybody does. Only thing this was not quite like any other morning I had two beautiful babes here with my mom was like most other she treats me like I am three when really I am 17 she insisted that I had my sister Vanessa stay with...

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Horny jewel thief gang banged

The young beautiful lady we caught red handed stealing jewellery in our store turned her head over her shoulder and saw the wicked smile on my face. And then she saw Abdul at the desk empting her purse on the table. As he was looking through her wallet, he found her driver’s license. “Her name is Priyanka and married?" he said. “Your husband will have to come to bail you out, after we call the police.""No!" Priyanka pleaded. "Don't....Please don't do that."I grabbed her wrist and twisted it...

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Grange Hall 2 0

Grange Hall, the ancestral home of Earl Brudenell is a fine example of a late 16th century country estate, set in magnificent gardens, designed by Capability Brown, nestling six miles from Stamford, in the gently rolling Northamptonshire countryside. It’s the venue for this years “Game and Country Fair” a gathering of horse aficionado’s, fishermen, hunters, falconers, gun dog owners, and farmers alike, not the haunt of tree hugger’s and fox lovers, but a haven for those who’s tradition...

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Janice Lester Star Trek The Undiscovered Opportunity

Andi told me the other day that she would have liked seeing Captain James Kirk, in the body of Janice Lester (i.e., played by Sandra Smith), take command of the starship _Enterprise_ and wallop a few Klingon ships. I confess that the thought of a woman sitting in the famous Captain's chair in a gold mini-dress appeals to me as well. Ah yes... "Turnabout Intruder", the last episode of ST:TOS and the great unrealised opportunity. If only it had gone differently... Janice Lester - Star...

4 years ago
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Affair I Remember

I am a cuckold. My wife had an affair with another man. It has been over for several years now, but it still turns me on to think about it. When I first found out about her affair, I was simultaneously numb with shock and sexually excited. It took a while to get over the shock and I didn't take advantage of the situation to its full erotic potential. Looking back at it now, I can see the opportunity I missed. Here is what happened, starting with a little background. Jo and I got married at...

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Quotes by ANAIS NIN on Sex Love Life and Intimac

(1903 ▬ 1977)A great role model for women in her an future times.This well advanced Frebch - Cuban lady, wrote and applied into her life what she wrote on the topics of Sex, Sexuality, Life, Love, Intimacy writer lived what she wrote. Anais, Rest In PeaceThank you for your outstanding contribution.[If you like these quotes, please vote and write a comment]♥♥♥♥♥ Quotes by Anais Nin ♥♥♥♥Good things happen to those who hustle.There is not one big cosmic meaning for all, there is only the...

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Back home and boxing day

Back in Johannesburg after a great matric holiday in Plettenberg Bay my stepsister Amy arrived back a few days later, and the four of us spent a lovely Christmas day together, exchanged and opening presents and a lovely meal.The next day Boxing day our parents made plans to go see their friends leaving Amy and I alone together for the first time in 3 weeks. We had lots of catching up to do and knowing we had lots of time as our parents said they would be home late.Amy and I sat down together at...

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Ameiliee s Stories the Wardance

Timeline: Late in first era, during the early days of the elf-orc war. About 1400 years before Luvirini's Journey Some people always seem curious about the "Elven warmage dance" or "shift dance" as it is commonly known among the mages nowadays. It was indeed my mother who invented it in the early days of the war in a desperate situation. She later told me the story about it. It happened during one of the first years of the war, after the orcs had unhealed their armies of goblins,...

3 years ago
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Satisfied A Girl On The Way To Delhi

Hi friend kaise ho ho app log. I hope sabhi log thik honge. Mera name sexy boy hai, meri age abhi 28 years hai. Mai bachpan se chandigarh me raha hu or yeh desi hot sex story mere delhi visit ki he hai. Mai average body wala boys hu.. Mere lund ki size 6.5 inch hai.And mera samina bahut hai jo ladki ki bas kra deta hai. Security and dignity of the girl is important so heroin ka name kalpa (name changed) agar story pasand aye to feedback () pe den and koi bhi ladki ya married girl secret...

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Jason s TaleChapter 16 Steady as She Goes

I slowly became a clearinghouse of sorts, for the other Heros who took missions in my corner of the world. Sir Tony dropped by a couple of times to let me know what he, King Tom, and their friend Lord Paul were doing. They were all friends where they lived in London, so it was easy enough for the three of them to talk over a glass in the evenings. Tony was an engineer, back on Earth. He was full of ideas on how things could be done, and I got a lot of value from his discussions. He also...

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Franks Lucky Run

This is my first story. Please tell me what you think, harsh or otherwise! I was running on the park trail one sunny afternoon when I saw the figure of a goddess. She was almost one hundred feet ahead of me but I could see the amazing ass that swung with each step. I picked up my pace hard and in no time I pulled up behind her. Her figure was sleek, she had a taught fantastic body that willed men to follow, and I was no exception. She was a brunette, her hair tied in a ponytail, with black...

4 years ago
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Discovery On Mommy With Me And Uncle

My uncle Mahesh is around 38 and is married. His sister my Mom is 44 years old and is supposed to be very decent looking woman. Mahesh is known to be bullish in his village and it is said that he rarely misses any woman in his village from being mounted by him. It is also said that once someone allows him to get between their thighs she would be his permanent customer. He used to visit our house to stay here for a week or so. By the by, I am Krishna aged 18 and my sister Kumudha was 22 and yet...

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TangentChapter 28a Once More Unto the Breach

Judy stood next to Tuck, watching the ranks of soldiers toiling along the road that led up the ridge. After weeks of this she knew how much it would take out of the soldiers to reach the top of the ridge. She grinned to herself and then turned to Tuck. "What's it like to fight in the plains?" "It's not any fun. It's easier to make a mistake. They can come at you six ways from Sunday. It's harder to conduct an ambush, unless you're in broken country; that is, with some hills and the...

2 years ago
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Widow Aunty

Hi everybody, welcome to you all. Read my real sex story and enjoy. I’m not that good in English. If any thing wrong please forgive me. I’m Hemant 28 yrs guy, 5.9 in height. Brownish skin with good physic. Live in Delhi. This is my first experiences. This happened last month. Next to my house stays a good looking Aunt by name Neha who is 40 yrs old and she is a widow and she has two twin daughters. . She is white skin have sexy milk boobs and well shaped body. Approx weigh is 59 kgs. Was...

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Room board and

Introduction: Hired help with benefits Room, board and &hellip,&hellip,.. My wife Beth had been away for several days when someone came to the door. When I answered it there was a young guy standing there and he introduced himself as Tom. He went on to say that he had met my wife Beth and she had said we were looking for some help and that he was looking for work and would do it for room and board. I asked him in and said I would need to talk to Beth as she had said nothing to me so I called...

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Beware the Roasburies Chapter 10

Friday 27 August to Thursday 22nd October 1970 Harriet had always been going with Kieran when we were playing Bridge with Colette and Zena. She and I never actually interacted very much. She always seemed rather aloof. Now I was sitting in a pub at six in the evening waiting for her to turn up. I had been set up, or rather we both had been set up by our two friends. I wondered if she would resent it. I had no idea what sort of TLC was wanted. My plan was to let her take the lead this...

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I guess I m a cuckold 1

Recently after my wife was at work I was looking through various Xhamster photo sets and came across photos of my wife and I didn't take them. She was trying to hide her identity but with the search parameters and if you take photos in our own bed room I'm going to recognise it, if it was a hotel room I would have missed her initial photo, they had been posted the week before. She was dressed in a very sexy, tarty way with suspenders, stocking and high heels and had obviously been drinking. My...

1 year ago
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A Tortured SoulChapter 15 Angry Drunk

I was so numb as I left Vanessa’s room that I didn’t notice Imogen standing in her doorway waiting for me. I walked right past her without a second glance and barely registered her calling to me. “Paul? What did she say? You asked her out again, right? What did she say? Paul? Paul? Paul Robertson don’t you walk away from me.” As I reached the door to the stairs, I heard a door open and Imogen ask, “Ness, what the fuck did you say to him? It’s like he’s one of the walking dead or...

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The coffee at this restaurant was said to be good, and it might be for someone used to the usual American coffee. I am from Europe, and I am used to GOOD coffee. My favorite is Mocha Java, the coffee I brew at home. Most visitors gladly accept the mini carafe of hot water I serve them with their cup of coffee so they can dilute the taste and the color.But Freddie and I were not here for the coffee. We had just met at the hardware store and decided to share what was new in our lives. He was...

Wife Lovers
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Remote Control SlavePart 2When my time at the mall was finished, I made a quick exit. Perhaps it is my paranoia, but it seems to me a mall security guard follows me all the way to the highway.I had survived Master’s latest test, neither under arrest or physically harmed.Master took over my life six months ago after I commented on an online photo he had posted showing a young man, naked other than a studded leather collar. He is kneeling in front of his master, his mouth is open, and he is...

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The Writer s Secret Chapters 9 10

The Writer's Secret by Ann Michelle (http://annemichellesworld.blogspot.com/) Chapter 9: Laura's Mall Odyssey Loren was sweating bullets by the time Stephanie finally parked the car. He expected they would go home. They hadn?t. Instead, they were parked outside Raycine?s, a department store at one end of the Valleyview Mall. The mall was only five miles from their house and they shopped here occasionally. ?I can?t go in there.? ?You don?t have any choice,? she said with...

2 years ago
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First Time with Jerry

First Time With Jerry Penned by: Miss Deborah Leigh Johnson It was a rainy afternoon, a hot summer afternoon. I was with my friend Jerry. Jerry and I were both sixteen. But that was the extent of our similarities. Jerry was tall, about 5' 8", while I was almost 5' 4". Jerry was stocky. I was lithe, in fact, I was often teased for looking more like a girl than a boy. Jerry was a jock, no surprise there. I was not. I compensated for my lack of physical prowess with an alert...

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adult theater fucking

I had been out drinking with some friends and on my way home decided to stop at an adult theater. It was a small theater with about 40 seats and a large screen for straight porn. It also had two smaller screens along the walls with trans porn. I came in and stood along the wall for my eyes to adjust. After a couple of minutes, I could see the back row was filled with guys just sitting there. The next row up had 2 guys with their cocks out stroking them and another guy with a guy sucking him.I...

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The Unexpected Client Chapter 4

Part four of Sexy Serena's seduction of horny Phil. Serena smiled, then reached over and grabbed a pillow propping it behind her head. “Let me make that cock of yours nice and slippery, and you can tell me what you would like to do to me”. Phil eased his hips further forward and felt her moist lips yield as she allowed his head to enter her warm waiting mouth. She sucked and licked, her tongue swirling around the sensitive underside of his shaft. As she looked up at him, seeking his approval,...

Straight Sex
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Four Teens

It all started with a phone call. Dean was working on his blog, and suddenly he felt his cell phone begin to vibrate in his pocket. He pulled it out, and read the text. It was a message from his girlfriend, Kate, telling him to call her, as Ashley, a mutual friend, was staying the night. He called, and was greeted by his girlfriend's laughter. “Ashley has a question,” said Kate. “Okay.” Ashley greeted Dean, then explained the situation. “So Kate said her back hurt, so I...

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Vacation time from work

It's a Friday Morning and my Neighbor asked if im up camping again? I told him I'm on Vacation and told yeah I'm free of course can't forget what happened last time in my last story. And yes these are true! He told me we weren't going tent style were going motor home style, I said Cool! So later around 3pm, The motor home arrived and it was pretty good size! His friend came out and Cute as fuck with a ass that don't quite, round in those tight jeans. We Packed And we were off to the campground...

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Confessions Evelin Stone Taking Her Massaging Skills To The Next Level

Evelin Stone loves to be a masseuse. She meets so many interesting people. She loves when she has to make house calls to one gentleman as she can’t stop fantasizing about what his cock looks like. She gets a chance when Charles robe slips open. Opportunity knocks and she takes it by the balls… literally! Who wants a foot massage when they can get a cock massage?!? Evelin takes him all down her throat but wants so badly to feel that hard shaft deep in her pussy! Charles wastes no...

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Breaking Out Breaking In Part 2

(M/F/f, teen, inc, bond, cons, oral, anal) by BD Long [Note: I had a free weekend to edit, update, rewrite, etc. Part 3 may be a long way off, since I have another story in progress (more along the lines of "Lust From Space!", but I'm open to suggestions as to where things should go from here. Enjoy!] ~~~ “Dude, are you kidding?” Carrie asked from the doorway to the bedroom, rubbing her forehead in frustration. It was still hot, and the air conditioning in the small house we rented...

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Imagination 9

Imagination 9 This time, I had just half an hour to sort out the intricacies of a rather complicated pantie-corset which seemed to have much more in the way of lacing, straps, clips, bones, hooks and clamps than were really necessary. It certainly held Sister Sarah's voluptuous body very firmly indeed with all the right bits sticking out and the other bits firmly in control. I couldn't imagine her actually putting it on by herself but that was something I never found out. "There...

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Mera Shashank Aur Anamika Ka Pehla Threesome 8211 Part 2

Hello friends, main Vickey Jacob (25 years) lekar aaya hoon aap logon ke liye ek nayi kahani. Ismein main aap logon ko bataunga ki kaise meri wife Aditi ke lover Shashank Chopra (27 years) aur maine (25 years) mere hotel ki manager Anamika Malhotra (24 years) ke sath Shashank ke ghar mein sex kiya. Agle din subah 8 baje main apne ghar se nikla. 9 baje Anamika ke ghar ke gate par pahuncha jahan. Woh mera wait kar rahi thi. Anamika ne us din grey blazer, black full sleeve shirt inside, grey pant...

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My side love

My woman On one cool evening I just came back from work, my wife is an around so I decided to take a stroll.When I saw this beautiful with big back side, though I know her before we use to talk.I said good evening she replied me were are you going and how are you doing. Can we have a little talk she said no problem, we started talking with each other and we take little stroll, and exchange numbers I went my way and she left.I call her before I sleep we discuss and I told her can we go out...

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Aly the Tease Part 1

It was a nice sunny day when Mike woke up that morning. He stretched, yawned and rubbed his eyes as he looked over at his alarm clock to see what time it was. The clock read 8:34. Thinking it was time to get up, he rolled out of bed and headed for the shower. What should I do today? He asked himself as he stepped into the shower after testing the water. Dan, Linda, Rachel and Brett, were talking about going to the aquarium, that could be fun. He sat under the running water while pondering what...

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Fucking Neighbour Nymphomaniac Aunty

This is Sameer here. 1st time I’m writing the story. Please feel free to comment either positive or negative. I am from Mangalore, Karnataka, South India. I am a fan of ISS. For 5 years I’m reading iss stories. I’ll not waste your time and directly go to the story of my nymphomaniac neighbor. I’m an average guy, fair 5.4″. Many girls stare at me coz of my smile and my handsome face. Recently I shifted to a new apartment. One evening while returning home, I saw a beautiful South Indian lady on...

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Hell Hath No Fury

Introduction: I warn you now, this is long and there isnt much sex. I really took time to develop the plot and characters. Hope someone enjoys it, because I loved writing it. Ive already completed Ch.2 and am working on Ch.3. It takes a lot of time putting them up as I tend to write free hand then copy to the computer. Feedback is always appreciated. [b] Hell Hath No Fury&hellip, Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, as they say. Perhaps this isnt true for all women, but for some it proves...

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Instant Sex With Schoolmate

Hey friends I am Vikram, Virk from Panipat, Haryana I am a average looking guy. I am a regular reader of iss, 5.9 inch height and athletic body; please send me feed back at This story is about Priya (name changed) who I fucked during my board exams. I knew Priya by coincidence as we sat together in our pre board exams she was of medical stream and I was from arts. She has a height of 5.3, big boobs, round face and a cute childish smile; in sort she was a sex bomb. She was the talk of the...

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A Maid s Bet

I was at my gym working out on a Thursday morning when I ran into Mike. Mike grew up in the house directly behind mine. He was twenty years old and had just finished his sophomore year of college. He has a full ride scholarship as a linebacker at a Division II school. He is six-feet, five-inches, two hundred forty-five pounds, and all muscle. He kept his head completely shaven claiming it made him “high speed - low drag”.I couldn’t help but watch him. His workout was brutal. Well, he also...

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E100 Somethings borrowed

During the fall, Donald’s obsession with Emma’s feet and toes seem to grow.  Often when they sit on the couch reading or watching a show, he will have her lean against the pillow at one end of the couch, with her feet on his lap.  Totally content, Donald massages her feet for hours.  From time to time, lifting one to suck on each toe and lick her soles.  He finds himself spending more and more of this time with her big toes in his mouth, sucking contently as he runs his tongue between her nail...

Love Stories
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My Night With The Cop

     Ryan was someone I wanted to do everything with the moment I laid eyes on his photograph.  Tall, dark, and handsome.  He was half italian, half white, but his eyes and hair were jet black.  He was a police officer and that made my cock even harder.  Ryan in uniform was a sight to behold, but look of authority he had even in his every day clothes pushed me almost into an obssession.  My cock craved him.  I knew come hell or high water, I would have him one day.  Soon.  Only problem was,...

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Looking Through the LensChapter 1 Down by the Seaside

The Sea, once she casts her spell, holds one in her net of wonder forever. - J.Y.C. Thump, thump, thump, thump... “Turn that crap off!” I yelled at the guy in my dream. I rolled around in bed for a minute before figuring out that I wasn’t dreaming. Something really was pulsing my room like a cheesy dance club. As the sleep evaporated from my eyes, I caught sight of my sneakers on the floor beside my bed. Since they were within arm’s reach, one of the shoes ended up flying across the...

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Nature Sent Blessing

Nature Sent BlessingBy: Londebaaz Chohan It was so normal. Anzor Lithify had a curiosity about trying to have sex with another man of very young legal age only. Like majority of men, he always believed being heterosexual and never had the nerve to pursue or act on his fantasy. The fact was that whenever he was pussy fucking or fantasized about sex, it involved being with another young boy of not more than 20 at the most. Having had enough sex with women, he did not have to wonder, what it was...

4 years ago
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The Protector Red RageChapter 8

"What do you think Joe?" Jonas asked quietly in his mind. The sun was nearly touching the top of the trees in the distance. "I think you have put together an excellent plan," Joe replied. "I think it was especially smart of you to warn everyone what to expect. I know that many of the men with you don't believe the demon description but at least they won't be completely surprised when Carlos Cruz shows up." Earlier in the afternoon, Joe told Jonas about another innocent being killed...

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18Eighteen Foxy Di Celine Noiret Foxy 8217 s First Three Way

Foxy’s grades haven’t been so hot this semester, so she visits the school administrator’s home to discuss her options. His sexy, older wife happens to be present, and both she and Foxy have the same idea in regard to doing extra credit. After all, a young little thing like Foxy can learn a lot from an older woman. Like how to suck cock and ride it. She may have done poorly in a lot of her classes, but this is one lesson Foxy won’t forget. After sharing cock-sucking...

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Melody at my cottage

4-14-2011 Jonathan It's early December and snow lightly falls, covering the bare trees and the grass. I have been dating Melody since that magical day in the summer at the waterfall. Things have been going amazingly and the sex just gets better every time. I invited Melody up to my cottage in New Hampshire for a weekend. She should be here soon. I do have to admit, I am a little nervous. I'm not quite sure why. My thoughts were interrupted by a light knock at the front door. I...

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In the Year of Our Lord 1684

I. Sometimes during the course of history, unforseen events help shape the future of a country that otherwise might have taken longer to happen or never would have occurred at all. Such was the case of a little country called Ruudania, which was nestled in the vast Krumea valley and bordered by the Zaxon and the Mandes Rivers during the 17th century. It was during the year of our Lord, 1683, when this little tale begins. Ruudania was at peace with all its neighboring countries during this...

2 years ago
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First sloppy seconds with Jess

In the locker room after hockey practice I noticed my friend Zack had a HUGE dick. Perfect long and thick with a big head, even when soft it looked about 7inches and hung low, you could tell it was heavy. I’m not gay but I couldn’t help but think often about that cock. Me and him and our group of friends were always hanging out with a lot of different girls and we all seemed to get plenty of action. We typically would hang out in the basement of our friend Andrews house. He had a pool table...

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fictional bookstore encounter

This is a completely fictional story of an encounter that I have thought about for some time. I use to masturbate a lot to porn magazines and in doing so got turned on by the thought of having sex with a shemale, since there are a lot of ads in the magazines concerning phone sex with shemales showing very nice pictures of shemales and their beautiful packages. Where I live there is only one place that I know of that have shemale magazines with stories and pictures to masturbate to. Everywhere...

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Maxine Stone s New LifeChapter 265 Boring

(out of story note: Thought you might find it interesting that this site will have 50K hits by 9pm. The sol site has over 68k hits. The Maxine soap opera has over a 110k hits. Of course I wanted to say thank you) (Also the orthopedic guy said I was good to go finally) The weekend came and went with nothing of interest happening. Monday I attended the meeting with the savings and loan officer. He made me an offer and I made him a counter offer based on the cost and amount of work to renovate...

3 years ago
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Soccer Mom Conquest 3 The Outdoor Game

So it's been months since my adventures with Kristie and Summer began and I have enjoyed great times with both of them. It had surprised me when Summer had told me Kristie had revealed the secrets of our rendezvous. But word was spreading throughout the soccer group. How did I know? Well it is a little obvious when you begin receiving explicit texts from another soccer mom. Mandi was one of those soccer moms that I hadn't really thought about sexually but it isn't to say she isn't desirable....

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Interracial Bill of Rights

1. Black men have the ABSOLUTE and inalienable right to have sex with you. It is your natural duty to sexually satisfy the Black Man in any way possible. It is your duty to perfect the art of fellatio, and practice vaginal muscle control to please a black man’s penis. It should be your PRIMARY purpose in life to sexually serve the superior Black Man. 2. White men are always, ALWAYS, ALWAYS second to Black Men. If you happen to be in love with a white man it is still your duty to always put...

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