A Conflict Of Interest free porn video

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‘And whatever you,’ cautioned our instructor at the parole and probation academy, ‘don’t become socially involved with any of your offenders. Big no no.’

Twenty-two years old and just out of college,I thought that being a P&P agent struck an ideal balance between social work (wanting to help people) and law enforcement (keeping our community safer). The pay wasn’t bad, the medical benefits were good and the job offered the type of flexibility I craved. We made field visits, testified in court, wrote reports, etc. We weren’t tethered to our desks all day, a welcome change from my previous part time job as a telemarketer.

For my first few years on the job, I hadn’t given much thought to the instructor’s lecture on the social taboo when it came to offenders. After all, common sense told anybody with, well, common sense, that keeping a professional distance was vital. Interacting socially with people on your caseload could not only compromise your position, but open yourself up to blackmail. Sure, I had supervised a number of attractive young women, admiring their assets. But I was discrete doing it. Some were your classic manipulators, the ones who knew they were hot and tried in subtle—and sometimes not so subtle ways to flirt if not seduce. It didn’t work with me, no matter how horny I was or attractive they were.

That is, until I laid eyes on Lindy Danielle Stevens.

She was sitting in the office reception area, a large room with several rows of benches. Armed with basic information from her case file, I still didn’t know what she looked like, only that she was a twenty-one year old college student on probation for marijuana possession. She had reported per my letter. ‘Lindy Stevens,’ I called out amid the mass of people waiting to see their agents.

A soft, pleasant voice answered. ‘I’m Lindy Stevens.’ She raised her hand, holding a copy of my letter. ‘Are you agent Brad Renshaw?’ Awestruck, it took me a few seconds to respond. In a room filled with mostly street-hardened druggies, she stood out like a rose in a trash dump.

I led her into my cubby hole of an office, a ten by ten foot space filled with a desk, Dell laptop and file cabinet. I tried hard not to stare, to not look like every guy who spots his ‘image of the girl he hopes to find,’ to quote a lyric from that old Safaris ballad (Image of a Girl). How to describe Lindy: wavy, dirty blond hair that dropped to the middle of her back, high cheek bones, lovely skin, hazel eyes. She stood about five-five, about average height for a woman, and well proportioned. I recall what she wore that day—a white blouse and a blue denim skirt hemmed just above her knees. Movie star, Michelle Pfeiffer kind of gorgeous she wasn’t. Rather, she was very cute, adorable, I thought. In her own unique way, Lindy was just as cute as a young Sally Field or Meg Ryan. It was all I could do to keep it together, to get on with business. What was a nice looking girl like her doing in a place like this? A cop had pulled her over for a blown tail light and found marijuana on the front seat of her car. Long story short, she was found guilty of possession and placed on one year probation. The judge ordered regular drug testing.

‘But I don’t have a drug problem, Mr. Renshaw, so I don’t see why the court wants me tested,’ she whined, clearly irked that she’d be required to pee into a cup every time she reported.

‘But the judge thinks you do,’ I said, ‘and we might as well start today.’

‘Fine,’ she mumbled, shooting me a look of resignation and contempt.

While a female agent took Lindy into the ladies room to take her urine specimen, I mulled over the situation. Here I was, madly attracted to a girl that I was forbidden to pursue, forbidden to express any emotion or sentiment unrelated to the job. Could I handle that? I reckoned so, mindful of the discipline that had allowed me to obtain an advanced academic degree, that kept me in the gym several times a week to insure that my six-foot plus frame stayed hard and muscular. At age twenty-nine, I weighed a solid two-hundred pounds, the same as my senior year in high school. Never married, I was a single guy playing the field, a couple years removed from my last ‘serious’ romance. Emotionally, I felt ready for another deep, long-term relationship, but with a woman out on her own and closer to my age, not someone like Lindy, a twenty-one year old college student with a drug charge under her belt. Okay, a misdemeanor drug charge, but still…

Lindy returned to my office and stood by my desk, arms folded against her chest, all attitude. ‘Well, is there anything else?’ I gave her reporting instructions, then told her to expect a home visit. Per agency policy, agents were required to verify an offender’s residence. ‘Hmm, interesting,’ she said, and began to twirl a strand of her hair. ‘What should I wear? I mean, you might catch me in the buff.’ She giggled.

‘What you have on will do,’ I said, trying not to look too eager at the thought. ‘Don’t worry, it will be during normal business hours.’

And it was, too, around nine in the morning a few days later. She lived with a student roommate in Walton Woods, a garden style apartment complex filled with students from her college. Probation agents are the last people offenders want to see at their door. Some express that with a nasty look, while others flash a phony smile. Lindy gave me the smile routine, though I couldn’t deny that it looked more genuine than others I’d seen. A good actress, I thought. ‘What a pleasant surprise,’ she beamed. ‘Do come in.’

She had just eaten breakfast and was dressed for a late morning psychology class. Well, if you call tight white shorts hiked to mid-thigh and a pink halter top dressed, though not atypical of what college girls wore on campus in warm, late spring weather. I loosened my tie as she led me into the kitchen. We sat face to face less than a foot apart at her kitchen table, and I tried mighty hard not to stare at her slender, shapely legs and bare midriff, not to mention her nipples pressing against the thin material of her halter.

‘Well, you can see that I live here,’ she said, propping her elbow on the white Formica, chin in hand. ‘Listen, can I get you something to drink? I’m stocked with all kinds of juices. Apple. Orange. Toma—’

‘No, but thanks,’ I said, now positive that her warm welcome was no more than a game of manipulation. Agents aren’t allowed to accept paperclips from an offender, much less food or drink.

‘Well, okay,’ she said, leaning back and crossing her legs. ‘By the way, I like your blue tie. It matches your eyes.’

‘So tell me about your major and where you hope to find employment,’ I said in an awkward attempt to change the subject. She smiled, seemed to enjoy my discomfort. Then she gave me a brief rundown of her plans, how she would be graduating in another month with a degree in psychology and had already been accepted into her school’s master’s program starting in the fall. Come summer, she’d be doing what she did the last few summers, lifeguarding at a community pool. Agents weren’t supposed to reveal personal information. However, having majored in psych myself, I fell easily into a discussion of my own academic resume. We discussed the work of Freud, Jung, Pavlov, Skinner, et al, people that all psych majors are required to study. Lindy was obviously smart as well as beautiful, a chick I wouldn’t hesitate to pursue under different circumstances.

She followed up our academic discussion with more flattery. ‘You look in great shape. You work out, I bet.’ After telling her about my gym regimen, Lindy revealed that she was an aspiring triathlete. She swam and ran, and was shopping around for a bike. I was getting more impressed and attracted to her by the minute—my professional façade was starting to wilt.

I got up to leave. ‘Well, it’s been a nice visit, but now it’s time for me to get back to work.’

Lindy stood and said,
‘Before you go, you might want to check out my bedroom.’ She paused for effect, then added, ‘Just to show you I don’t stash any weed in there.’

‘I don’t think that will be necessary,’ I said, now aware that I was becoming aroused. ‘Really, I’ve got to get going.’

‘Oh, come on,’ she insisted. Then she grabbed my hand and led me down a narrow hall to her bedroom. She obviously knew I couldn’t find drugs in there even if I wanted to. Typical of the controlled chaos of a college student’s dorm room, things were scattered about, clothes on the floor, books piled high on the desk. I stood in the doorway while she sat on the edge of her bed and crossed her legs. ‘I just wanted you to know I’ve got nothing to hide,’ she said. ‘Not drugs, anyway. ‘

‘Oh, something else I should know about?’

‘Maybe you already know.’ She shook her hair out of her eyes, then slid her tongue seductively across her lower teeth.

It was becoming nearly impossible to conduct business as usual is what I knew, watching this sexy college girl giving me not so subtle hints that she was prepared to offer me more than just fruit juice. Discretely, I placed my hands over my crotch to hide my throbbing hard-on. ‘Well, whatever it is, Lindy, make sure it’s legal. Meanwhile, I’ve really gotta go.’

She pouted. ‘Aw, so soon? Well, okay, I’ve got to get ready for class anyway.’ Barely thinking rationally, I could hardly resist the urge to hug her at the door as we said goodbye. Another home visit like that, I thought while pulling out of the parking lot, could land me in some real deep shit. Then again, unless she moved, I wasn’t required to make another home visit. My contacts with Lindy for the duration of her probation would be in the office.

Or so I thought. Only days later, early Saturday morning, I was driving to the gym on a route not far from Lindy’s apartment building, when I saw a female runner in green shorts suddenly collapse on the shoulder of the road and grab her foot. It looked like Lindy, though I wasn’t sure until I pulled up in my black Chevy Camaro. ‘Lindy, is that you?’

‘Mr. Renshaw?! Fancy meeting you here.’ She told me she stepped on something and twisted her ankle. Wincing in pain, she tried to stand, then sank back to the concrete. She began to cry in frustration after realizing she forgot her cell phone and therefore couldn’t call her roommate to pick her up.

‘No problem,’ I assured her. ‘I’ll drive you home. But you might want me to take you to the ER first.’ She rejected that idea, mindful of the long wait in emergency rooms. Bending down to get a closer look, I could see the ankle beginning to swell. ‘Well, at the very least, you need to get an ice pack on that thing.’ She wiped away her tears and nodded. After I helped her up, she leaned against me, standing on one foot. I wrapped my arms around her, inhaling the sweet sweat glistening from her body. On impulse, I gave her a quick peck on the neck. She began to turn her head to face me when I scooped her into my arms, carried her to my car and settled her in the front seat. An awkward silence followed in the few minutes it took to reach Walton Woods. ‘I feel really safe in your arms,’ she finally said as I carried her up a few steps into her apartment.

Her roommate, a tall, slender girl named Samantha, gasped at the sight of Lindy in the arms of a strange man. Lindy introduced us, then described what happened: ‘And Mr. Renshaw, my chivalrous PO here, was kind enough to take me home. He rescued me.’ Had we been alone, I might have done more than just kiss her. Instead, I helped Samantha prepare an ice pack, then left.

She limped into my office the following week on her scheduled report day. She showed me her ankle, still swollen but obviously on the mend. She looked relieved after I told her that her urine had returned from the lab clean. ‘See, I told you I was keeping out of trouble. Well, last Saturday excepted,’ she added, drawing her mouth into a mock look of embarrassment. Then she confronted me: ‘Speaking of which, right before you carried me to your car, you kissed me, didn’t you?’

Normally honest, I hesitated, unsure of where she was going with this. She might be thinking blackmail, I surmised, a way to coerce me into letting her court-ordered conditions slide in exchange for keeping her mouth shut. It could be my job if management got wind of what happened. I hemmed and hawed. ‘Well, I, I…’

‘Come on, admit it,’ she prodded.

I looked away for a second, then turned back to face her. ‘Yes, I kissed you,’ I said grinning, feeling like a boy caught with his hands in the cookie jar. Then I turned serious. ‘Look, you were in pain and scared, and I did what anybody might have done if—’

‘There’s no need to make excuses or apologize Mr.—can I call you Brad?’ I nodded. Folding her hands on my desk, she looked me straight in the eye. ‘Truth be told, Brad, I was about to kiss you back. But then you turned away and lifted me up, so the moment was lost. But maybe now it’s time we admit there’s something going on here irrespective of my legal problems.’

‘Huh huh, and what’s that?’ Still guarded, I played naïve.

‘What’s that? Something called chemistry.’ She gave me one of those looks that said, AS IF YOU DIDN’T KNOW. ‘You feel it as well as I do, from your sexy blue eyes to your big broad shoulders.’

‘Think so?’

‘Come on, dude,I picked up on it the first time I reported. The way you looked at me, your body language. That kiss only confirmed it.’

‘You’re on probation, Lindy, and I’m your probation agent,’ I said, squirming in my seat. ‘It’s taboo for agents and offenders to socialize, much less date. You have to know that.’

‘Fine. Then we’ll forget the dating part. Let’s just sleep together.’ We both roared, and it came as a welcome relief from what had been a tense moment. ‘But seriously, Brad,’ she said after we calmed down, ‘it wouldn’t hurt if we got together for lunch, would it, one little lunch?’

‘Well, that WOULD count as a community contact,’ I said, watching her face light up. In addition to office and home contacts, management gave Brownie points to agents who saw their offenders at least once in the community, though meeting for lunch was a stretch. I could picture Mr. Lewis, my supervisor, cringing in dismay. Nevertheless… ‘Okay, where do you have in mind?’

We both agreed on Applebee’s, nothing fancy but it had the right atmosphere, light and casual. One can rationalize anything to absurdity, and I did, picking a week day during normal business hours. This was, after all, ahem, a ‘community contact.’ Right? Anyway, Lindy showed up wearing a short yellow dress with a cleavage-revealing neckline. Her hair was up, a change from her usual down-the-back doo. I wore dress-down casual, khaki pants and a form fitting white nylon sports shirt. As always, Lindy looked beautiful and sexy and from the leering looks she got, I wasn’t the only one who thought so. We both ordered the Oriental salad and a small bottle of Zinfandel. Initially inhibited by the taboo factor, I loosened up by the second glass of wine. Technically, this was socializing, though I still felt on safe ground as long as it didn’t go any further. In fact, my afternoon itinerary called for more field work, all home visits. All in a day’s work, I reasoned, including this ‘one little lunch’ with Lindy. What I should have anticipated or at least thought about was that pesky little law of unintended consequences.

This became clear after I walked Lindy to her car, an old blue model Civic. ‘I had a great time,’ she said. ‘Thanks for lunch.’ The next thing I knew, her lips were pressed against mine, her arms wrapped around my waist. Pulling away was an option I lacked the discipline to choose. She felt too good and tasted too good and smelled too good for that. We smooched close to a full minute on the parking lot, the bright May sun beating down, making us hot in more ways than one.

‘My roommate’s
in class and I’m free this afternoon,’ she said. ‘If you know what I mean. And I think you do.’ I did. I also knew I had home visits to make, not to mention the insane risk involved in taking her up on her offer. But then I figured if management found out, I could always plead temporary insanity, an accurate prognosis in light of what I did next, namely, follow Lindy back to her apartment.

‘This time,’ she chuckled, ‘I hope you’ll actually come IN my bedroom instead of standing in the doorway.’

‘Lead the way,’ I said, my cock rising in anticipation.

‘Well, before I do,’ she said, placing her hands on my shoulders, ‘I just want you to know that I have no ulterior motive for bringing you here, other than you get my juices flowing. On several levels, I might add.’ I nodded, relieved and grateful that she sensed my concerns. By then, though, the taboo factor no longer scared me. On the contrary, it enhanced the turn-on.

She drew the shades, leaving the bedroom in shadows and soft light. Then she pulled out her barrette and shook her head, letting her long locks fall down her back. I held her face and kissed her, then ran my hands through her hair, then dropped them to her butt. ‘You’re not wearing anything,’ I said, feeling no panties through the material of her yellow dress.

She smiled, lifted her dress and placed my hand over her pussy. ‘If I was, they’d be soaked by now.’ She moaned and her legs buckled when I gently pushed my middle finger inside her. Her wetness felt more like a deluge. Reaching behind, she unzipped her dress and pulled it off in one fluid motion. Then, after snapping off her bra, she reached for my belt buckle. I threw off my shirt, kicked off my shoes, then stepped out of my pants. Fully disrobed, we kissed another couple minutes before bedding down.

She stroked my fully erect cock, then ran her fingers over my six-pack. ‘Your abs feel almost as hard as that shaft of yours,’ she quipped. That shaft of mine, eager as it was to get busy, would have to wait while I explored her body, athletically firm, yet feminine. Extreme musculature in women, while aesthetically interesting, didn’t do much for me sexually. But that wasn’t Lindy. She had curves and breasts and great skin—tan, satin-smooth, baby-soft. She also had runner’s legs—no surprise there—long and firm, yet smooth and shapely, the sort of gams made for the track as well as the bedroom. She wrapped them tightly around my waist as I unleashed a tongue lashing over her entire body, working my way down from her nipples to her pussy. Her delicious feminine scent, a mix of her natural aroma and a trace of sunscreen, gave me an olfactory thrill that I’d never before experienced. Her moaning as I worked over her clit drowned out the soft hum of the AC.

‘Now Brad! Give it to me now!’ she demanded after about five minutes of that. Spreading her legs further, she guided me into her, then clamped her legs around me once again. Somehow I had the presence of mind to wonder if she was using protection. Caught by surprise, I’d left my Trojans home. It was tough to relax while thinking of a tactful way to ask. Then, much to my relief, she said, ‘I’m on the pill, by the way. Just in case you’re wondering.’

‘It did cross my mind,’ I admitted. ‘Thanks for the heads up. No pun intended.’ She laughed, then lost herself in the moment. I could have come anytime, but held out while we changed positions. She seemed to like topside best, where she had more control, if not greater feeling. With my hands on her hips and buttocks, I lifted her up and down, adding additional thrust to her own turbo-charged rhythm. Like I said, the taboo factor enhanced the whole experience. Agents were supposed to keep a professional distance from their offenders. And here I was, humping one of them in her own bedroom. Somehow I held back, watching her come, watching her shriek with delight, her face a picture of orgasmic wonder. Then I shot my own load.

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ConflictedChapter 7

I was wide awake more than an hour before my alarm was set to go off, and I was utterly unable to get back to sleep. Over and over again I'd thought about the real possibility that my sister had been drugged at the college party, yet I had failed to find any evidence. I'd called Katie again, and she'd told me that Jennifer didn't really remember much of the sex, but she'd admittedly been pretty drunk by that point. With that lead a dead end I'd convinced Kelsey to finally call Stacey...

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ConflictedChapter 8

I was having a wonderful dream involving Kelsey and Amanda sucking my cock when someone jumped right on top of me. I sat up with a startled snort, looking around in confusion while rapidly blinking my eyes to try to clear them. "Wakey wakey!" Kelsey grinned, giving me a quick kiss. She was wearing a small pair of white, lacy panties and a deliciously skimpy, cut-off T-shirt that managed to cover her boobs and not very much else of her sexy body. "Damn it, sis, you scared the crap out of...

1 year ago
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ConflictedChapter 9

I was practically delirious as I followed Kelsey and Amanda into our house. What had happened in Stacey's car had completely blown my mind, and now I'd just found out that that wasn't even what my sister and my girlfriend had originally planned for me. Just thinking of what other things they might have in store for me made me grin stupidly in anticipation. Mom looked up from behind the kitchen counter when we came inside, and I had to suppress a grimace of disappointment. I was happy to...

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ConflictedChapter 10

I had amazing dreams that night, visions of Amanda and Kelsey sucking my cock and fucking each other over and over again as we lay in bed together. The dreams seemed extremely vivid and almost lifelike, making me extremely horny. When I woke up, I blinked several times in confusion, unable to figure out where I was at first. It finally dawned on me that the three of us had tried to sleep in my bed last night, but we'd quickly figured out that despite the fact we loved being really cozy and...

4 years ago
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ConflictedChapter 12

My heart pounding, I sat straight up in my bed, having awoken with a start. I'd been having a disturbing dream in which both Mom and Dad were yelling at me for things that weren't my fault, and I could feel chills running down my spine. "Hmm ... Damon? Are you okay?" Amanda's voice came from beside me, and I looked over in surprise. How had she gotten here? For that matter, how had my bed suddenly gotten so large? Slowly the fog lifted from my mind, and I began to remember where I was....

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ConflictedChapter 13

Standing outside Amanda's house, we waved at Carynne as she took off in her Spider GT Convertible, which Amanda told me had been a gift from her dad for her sixteenth birthday. The wonderful brunette was on her way to Stacey's house to show off the new panties she'd gotten for the squad. Afterwards, she'd go visit Mikaela as well, and she'd vowed that all five girls would be wearing the new panties for my swim meet. I had no doubt whatsoever that they would; somehow I figured Carynne...

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ConflictedChapter 15

Of all the times I'd woken up in my life, none of them had ever been as awesome as waking up on Stacey's bed, surrounded by four incredibly beautiful, naked girls. I'd watched the four of them fuck each other passionately and insatiably for over an hour, loving the experienced ease and wild abandon with which they made each other cum over and over again. After a short rest, I'd joined back in, fucking both Stacey and Kelsey before finally sliding my cock back inside Amanda's...

2 years ago
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ConflictedChapter 16

Understanding is a three-edged sword. Your side, my side, and the truth. -J. Michael Straczynski. The monotonous whir of the breathing machine was like a needle in my brain. It fluttered at the edge of my consciousness, always there. Every four seconds, the fucking thing would inflate and release, inflate and release, inflate and release; an endless cycle. I hated that goddamned machine more than I had hated anything before in my life. Not because of the way it simply annoyed me,...

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Mixed Interestsby Max Chase ([email protected])***A mother asks her friend who works at an employment agency if she can help her 18 year old son find a job. But when her son and her friend finally meet up to discuss jobs, things take a dramatic turn in a different direction. (FF/M-teen, inc, bi, mast, oral, anal, orgy)***Chapter OneSunday morning Lindsay Pearce left for the shopping mall at 9:30. She was going down to meet up with her friend Trudy McLamore. They had planned this little...

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Common Interests

This is a story brought about by friendship of a woman of my acquaintance. Though it is purely fictional, it was not conceived without reason or thoughts of the adventurous tale told of a bond that should never be, regardless of how much the glory of fulfillment might drive friends to seek it. It had been a year and more since I met her at work, her name, though I will change it to protect the innocence of her reputation will be known as Brenda. Mine, as usual is rarely the same twice in a...

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My Best Interests

MY BEST INTERESTS By Geneva A young man is captured intruding into the ancient Amazonian realm of Genoria. He is changed by a magic book and made into a slave girl to its queen. When the queen develops a mental illness the girl is caught up in intrigue and warfare. START The sun had set behind the low hills over to the west and the gloom was getting too much for me to see my way. Then, when I slipped into a cold stinking pool in the marsh, up to my knees in water and slime, I...

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fun at work with naughty work friend gets interest

so this is about true evemts a good 10 years ago .i worked for a large company in uk.lots of people worked there .it had dress code etc. similar to police .so i was pretty close to a few women and a few of the guys .one women was so fine and very flirty ,she always had on heels and tights hold ups ,i hoped for suspenders..after a few works doos etc we had interesting chats .she mentioned she was after a fwb .which turned me on as she was engaged to an older guy who worked for our company..so we...

2 years ago
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How I met my slave part 1 if there is interest

Greetings my name is Dan I am 31 years old and have had a long interest in BDSM, but little activity. Honestly I have fantasized about being both a dom and a sub, the fantasy of being a dom was the one that got fulfilled and this is that story. When I first met #1701 she was then called Lisa. She was approximately 5'7 slightly chubby Hispanic woman with very large breasts, 32 EE. She was a co-worker of mine at a local restaurant chain. Generally intelligent and often forward about her sexuality...

4 years ago
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An Ordinary College Sex LifeChapter 21 Conflicts of Interest

BEN MARCH 29, 2004, SOPHOMORE YEAR "Good morning, Ben." "Dawn!" I exclaimed in surprise. My gorgeous best friend had clearly just woken up and just as clearly spent the night here. Her sunny blonde hair was clipped into a loose ponytail. The blouse she was wearing was the same as yesterday. And she seemed to be going without a bra, her nipples hardening beneath the sheer fabric. "Still here?" She nodded with a smug grin. "Spent the night with Adrienne." I arched an eyebrow and...

2 years ago
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Common Interests

This is a story brought about by friendship of a woman of my acquaintance. Though it is purely fictional, it was not conceived without reason or thoughts of the adventurous tale told of a bond that should never be; regardless of how much the glory of fulfillment might drive friends to seek it. It had been a year and more since I met her at work, her name, though I will change it to protect the innocence of her reputation will be known as Brenda. Mine, as usual is rarely the same twice in a...

3 years ago
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Similar Interests

Similar InterestsI had run an ad at a spanking website that I was an older male disciplinarian spanker that was looking for women in the area that needed a good spanking. About two months after the ad ran, I got a response from a woman who lived in the same city I did. Her name was Vivian, and we first got to know each other via email. Then she told me about using instant messenger, and that got us talking to each other in real time. I also write spanking stories, and I shared a few of them...

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Similar Interests

Similar InterestsI had run an ad at a spanking website that I was an older male disciplinarian spanker that was looking for women in the area that needed a good spanking. About two months after the ad ran, I got a response from a woman who lived in the same city I did. Her name was Vivian, and we first got to know each other via email. Then she told me about using instant messenger, and that got us talking to each other in real time. I also write spanking stories, and I shared a few of them...

1 year ago
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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 7 Jeffs New Interest

Back home, things settled down a bit after the wedding. The first couple of weeks, while Greg and Allison were on their honeymoon in Hawaii, were a little difficult, because they had left Lissa to watch Jeff and Brit. She had the phone number of the Beauforts, a couple of empty-nesters who lived at the bottom of the hill, in case there was trouble, and Greg and Allison called in once a day to make sure everything was all right, that the kids were doing their homework and getting to bed on...

4 years ago
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A Relation In Mutual Interest

Hello Everyone, This is Rajeev from Bhopal. Age 29, married. If any girl/lady wants to have a secret relationship, reply to my E-mail. Let’s not waste time. I’ll directly come to the story. One night I got a poke from a girl on Facebook. I saw the profile and poked her back. We started chatting. She told me that she’s interested in seeing my profile. I asked her what she does. She said she works in a BPO in Bhopal. Didn’t chat much that night. She asked for my number and I gave it to her. The...

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Gaining Controlling Interest

Copyright© 2002-2003 There once was a floozie named Annie Whose prices were cosy--but cannie: A buck for a fuck, Fifty cents for a suck, And a dime for a feel of her fanny. The first time I saw it, I could not believe it - but soon understood it as the path to my salvation. It was not any overt action on the part of my step-son James, simply a look. In that one kilometre long gaze I saw his lust and desire for my wife, his mother, Mary. My first instinct was humour, and almost...

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Loosening Up Book 4 RevelationsChapter 13 Expressions of Interest

Tan was lying on top of Dave. Her small Oriental body weighed less than a hundred pounds, and she was stretched out to maximize body contact with the man that had just made love to her, and made her one step up from a blathering idiot. Dave’s engorged cock was still inside the gorgeous Asian woman. Even to an outside observed, they could see the twitches and ripples over her skin from the aftershocks of the mammoth orgasm he’d induced in her and then the lovemaking they’d shared. Tan...

1 year ago
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Youngsville Part 4 Expanding interests

During the days after my arrival, I got better acquainted with my new household, learning about the Day-Sea’s routines and getting used to the farm. The girls took very good care of me and helped me with anything I needed or wondered about. The girls found a way for me to repay them too, which I thought was more of a treat than a debt.After they returned from their long working hours I would find them at their usual resting areas. The first one who had free time was Jill. All of the girls left...

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The Nature of the Game3 Shared Interests

Jacob lay against the headboard while Taylor sat on the edge of the bed, studying the room. “You’re sure into Star Wars, aren’t you?” “Yeah, I’m a bit of a fan boy. Go ahead and mock me. I’m used to it. I get plenty of it already.” “Actually, I’m into it too.” “Really? Tell me, what do you think the proper order to watch the films is?” Taylor laughed. “Personally, I’d avoid the prequel trilogy entirely. Not only is Jar-Jar ... jarring, but it introduces an incredible amount of confusion...

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A Debt Repaid Plus Interest

Disclaimer: I do not own Dragonball z and am making no profit from this work. All of the Characters in this fiction are 18 or older. ***** It had been exactly one year to the day since the events at the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament, when the Z-fighters faced off against the wizard Babidi, and destroyed his evil monster, Kid Buu. To celebrate the anniversary of their victory, Bulma was hosting one of her famous parties. It was an event of special magnificence and the heiress, having...

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Meeting my online interest

Cindy and Ben had been developing their relationship online for several weeks when Cindy took the plunge and drove up to stay with Ben for a weekend. She arrived on Friday afternoon around 4 pm. Ben greeted her at the door, kissing her passionately. As soon as the door was closed behind her, she was ordered to strip. Ben immediately put ear muffs and a blindfold on her, so that she had no idea of what was going on. He led her to his bedroom where he had set up her torture chamber, complete...

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A Conference of Interest

I have always hated conferences and training courses. No matter how many I have been on I have found very few of them rewarding, professionally. Having said that, this particular course was a lot more rewarding than I ever thought it could be. I had been married for about two years and although we were happy enough in every other aspect of our relationship, it had become stale, sexually. When you get to that point it’s difficult to re-kindle the physical aspect of a relationship. When my wife...

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Favour returned with interest

Margaret had left and I was all hot and steamy. I douched myself and then had a shower with my favourite large butt plug in place. I could feel it stretching me. As I withdrew it in the shower a small amount of s**t escaped. I pushed my fingers in my anus and feeling the warm water more s**t escaped. I pushed my hand further and further and soon my whole hand up to my wrist entered my wanton tranny pussy. I pushed and withdrew several times and then let the warm water wash my ass pussy clean. I...

2 years ago
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Wife Swapping Without Interest

Hello, Indian sex story readers. I’m Payal and my husband Rahul, we both have a fantastic life as ours was a love marriage and we have a decent sex life. My husband is party freak and he takes me to all his parties. Since I have come from a rural middle class this culture is completely new to me. I trust my husband like a good wife. About me, I have a perfect figure with fair complexion and my stats are 32 28 36. This makes every guy staring at me. Since my husband is a party freak he takes me...

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Simple Interest

Hi friends and me Sahdev from Delhi basically from west Bengal and I have been coming to this site since last 4 years. I have been a fan of this site since then and I never thought of submitting but without the permission of the person with whom I had lived my fantasy. I was not able to share this tremendous feeling. Two major character of this story me Dev 18 5’9” in height athletic build up and my maths teacher Chabi name changed 23 5’4” in height and Build up lady of my fantasy yet and just...

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Mary And Lucy Discuss A Mutual Interest

The public caning that sixty-year-old Lucy Hogarth had been a twofold success in her view because it raised funds for the local Women's Institute and it brought Lucy sexual pleasure. It had also caused sexual excitement for some other ladies present, one of whom was Mary Littleton. Prior to the evening Mary, who was some three years younger than Lucy, had never had any serious sexual thoughts regarding the application of corporal punishment but she had found the occasion hugely erotic, so much...

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Girl RefurbishedChapter 6 Conflict of Interest

Joe Dolores was sheepish when she showed up in my office on Monday. "I'm sorry about the call, Mr. Dresdner. I ... I was with my old high school friends. It was girls only, a real pajama party. I was so happy, I had to call you. You made it possible." "Don't apologize. You may not believe me, but your call made my day. Next time, you better call me while you are still sober. I was thinking of having Sheriff Cramer perform an alcohol test on you, Ms. Jorgensen." She froze for a...

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YakimaChapter 5 A Person of Interest

The divorce would be final on December 29th, just before New Year's. Between now and then, I had to establish a permanent residence suitable for the children and I had to work out a visitation schedule for them as well. Whether I liked it or not, I had to deal with Reese. "I thought we should get together to discuss the shared custody arrangements," I said when I called my soon-to-be ex-wife." "Yes ... all right. When do you want to do that?" "Could we meet at the house on Friday...

4 years ago
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SleepwalkerChapter 53 This should be Interesting

Allison had brought up some interesting questions. Looking at it now there was a lot we still didn't know just because we hadn't really been making any effort to study and discover what I could do. Somewhere along the line we had stopped trying new things. What she was asking seemed like very simple and basic things. I made a mental note to talk to her and Bob about setting aside some time to discover things like this. Shannon may have some insight as well. I didn't want to involve Rebecca...

2 years ago
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Collecting Clothes Can Be Interesting

Collecting Clothes Can Be Interesting When I came home three days early from a month long trip to Europe for my company I didn’t expect much because I hadn’t told anyone that I was coming early. I wanted it to be a surprise. It certainly was a surprise. I had taken a taxi from the airport. When I entered the house the first thing I found was a blouse on the floor just inside the front door. I picked it up. Then I found another blouse and another one, going down the hallway. As I...

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