After Shift Surprise free porn video

entire crew had been working non-stop, trying to get everything back in order
aboard ship. Those who had been busiest were namely, the Bridge crew and
Engineering. Adam's shifts had felt interminable lately and with good reason.
They were. And his mind's drifting hadn't helped much either. For the past few
weeks his thoughts had been turning to the more... pleasurable aspects of ship's
life, but there hadn't been time for things of that nature lately.
Striding down the corridor of Deck 8, he headed towards his quarters, looking
forward to putting on his robe and going to bed. Although the chronometer at
the end of his shift had said that it was only 2200 hours it felt like much
later. He mentally cursed these 16 hour shifts as the doors hissed open,
granting him access to his quarters.
Surprisingly, the sitting room was illuminated with half lights, and Adam
couldn't remember leaving them on when he left earlier that morning, and they
hadn't been set on an automatic brightening schedule due to the problems there
had been with the Computer as a result of the invasion. Too tired to think
about this, he walked over to the replicator and ordered a drink, but set it
down on the table without sipping from it when he realized that something else
was not quite right in his quarters. The door to his bedroom was open.
In fact, it was more than just slightly ajar. Adam usually left that door
closed, due to the fact that he rarely made his bed, and knew that his unkempt
'bachelor pad' was already somewhat of a legend and he took enough good-natured
ribbing about it as it was. Adam walked slowly to the door and peered around
the corner. If there was someone in his quarters and the tell-tale hiss of the
door opening did not already alert him/her to his presence, Adam wanted to keep
the advantage by keeping them off guard. It was Striker, however, who was caught
off guard when he more fully opened the door and stepped into the room. Sighing
with relief as a smile broke out over his bearded features, Adam approached the
bed quietly, this time for another reason. He paused at the foot of his bed,
savoring the sight before his eyes.
Apparently he wasn't the only one with the idea of relaxing in his quarters
after a long days work, because laying on top of the rumpled covers which he
had so hastily tossed over the bed, was the most amazing woman in the universe,
although to look at her now, someone besides himself probably wouldn't realize
Wild black curls were flowing in all different directions over the covers and
pillowcase, half hiding her exquisite features and lovely face, which was
propped slightly on her arm. And she was wearing... of all garments, the blue
velvet robe he had been coveting during his shift. It all but swallowed up her
slender form, save a pair of tiny feet peeking out from the hem, and one
shoulder was revealed, where the mammoth robe had slipped off her body.
Adam just gazed at her, still surprised that she was here, (She had told him
that she had appointments scheduled past midnight and it was obvious that she
had been sleeping soundly for quite some time) and thrilled that she had chosen
his quarters to come to, rather than hers right next door.
Sensing his presence, even in sleep, Eve McEllen stirred and her eyelids
fluttered. Slowly awakening she opened her eyes fully and sat up, looking
directly into the brightest pair of blue eyes she had ever seen.
'I should have known better than to try and sneak up on an empath huh?" He
asked, speaking for the first time since entering his quarters and sitting down
on the edge of the bed.
"Yes, you should. Especially this empath, Commander." She scooted closer to
him and hooked her arms around his neck, completely oblivious to the fact that
robe had slipped further down on her arm, now revealing the swell of one creamy
breast. Adam noticed, of course, but did not draw attention to it.
"I thought you were working late." He said, tangling his fingers into her
silken hair, and noting with pleasure that it was still damp. She had probably
curled up on his bed right after her bath, and if he hadn't been working that
damn double shift he would have been more than happy to wash her back, as well
as the rest of her incredible body.
"Well one of my appointments was canceled, another rescheduled and the third
finished earlier then I had expected, so I came here. I hope you don't mind."
"Are you kidding? Eve, you can come here whenever you want, you know that."
"I know, but still..." She trailed off as she felt the warmth of his hand
against the skin of her shoulder, slowly sliding up and down, and easing the
robe further down her arm. Eve shivered, and moved out of his reach.
"Adam, what do you think your doing?" She asked, drawing the robe back over
her shoulder.
"Well I was planning on wearing that when I came off my shift, you know." He
said neutrally, standing up once again at the foot of the bed. Eve quickly
followed, standing with one leg slightly forward, as the folds of the robe
allowed her long leg and shapely thigh to be visible from within the material.
"Really? And you were planning on putting it on over your uniform?" She
inquired, her tone just as even as his had been, except for the slightly raised
eyebrow. Adam tried hard to keep his expression calm, although he knew exactly
where her thoughts were leading, and that she knew that he was aware, as well.
He stroked his beard slowly, as if considering the possibility.
"Tell me, Counselor, what did you have in mind?" He lowered his voice
conspiratorially as if she was going to share a top security federation secret
with him, and he'd just gained enough clearance to receive it.
"Hmmm, since I'm sure that you weren't planning on that, we'll compromise."
"Compromise?" He echoed, trying to figure out what she was talking about.
"Yes. You take off your uniform and I'll give you back the robe." Her
inflection did not change, it was as if she was discussing something as mundane
as personnel reviews with him.
"You're serious?" He asked, studying her intently, his hand still on his chin.
"Of course." She replied. "Why wouldn't I be? Besides, you still want to wear
the robe don't you?"
"I had been planning on it, yes."
"All right then. Go ahead."
"Right here?" He asked, momentarily losing his composure. A slow nod was his
"Right now?" He asked. Another nod, accompanied by a beautiful, playful,
"What's the matter, Commander. You don't think you are... up... for the
challenge?" She paused and her gaze drifted slowly downward, as her tongue
darted out and licked the corner of her lips. She had caught Adam slightly off
balance and that pleased her, it was so rare that she was able to do so.
"Oh, I didn't say that." He said, understanding exactly what she was getting
at. He was enthralled, it had been quite a while since he had seen her so
aggressive and it was extremely stimulating. As if to prove his point, he bent
over and removed his boots and socks. Eve just lounged against the night
table, not saying a word, and waiting for him to continue. Eve straightened
again, and looked into her sparking onyx eyes.

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