Fim indian porn

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Somebody sent me a link to Fim Fiction this morning, and I’ll be honest, I was pretty fucking confused at first. The headline at the very top of the page warned of The Expansive Dangers of Dodgy Potion Sellers, so for a second, I thought there’d been a recall of the sketchy boner pills I recently ordered from China. I scrolled down a bit and saw the posts weren’t limited to warnings about the village apothecary. There were stories of princess wrestling, dragon weight gain, as well as...

Sex Stories Sites
3 years ago
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A aposta

Notas: 1 - Aqui n?o tem desculpa, portugu?s ? minha lingua materna, se houverem erros, s?o meus mesmo. 2 - Existe sexo, mas minhas est?rias s?o escritas para investigar como as pessoas se comportariam em uma situa??o de troca de sexo, no presente caso trata-se de se tornar uma pessoa melhor. 3 - A est?ria se passa na Alemanha, por volta da virada do s?culo, varios detalhes s?o historicamente corretos (como o fato de que 13/08/1999 era uma sexta-feira, ou que Ulm e Freiberg jogaram naquele domingo). A escolha...

4 years ago
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Um Menino Vira Menina

Part I Jessinho entrou de f?rias, e como sua m?e n?o conseguiu tirar f?rias tamb?m naquela ?poca do ano, ela lembrou-se de Ana, a sua irm?, que tinha uma filha e moravam na cidade vizinha. "Por que n?o mandar Jessinho para l?'?", pensou ela, "ele tamb?m tinha a prima que n?o v? h? anos". Um pensamento tamb?m passou na sua cabe?a, "ele tamb?m pode aprender umas coisas com ela, faz tempos que t?nhamos combinado umas coisas e agora ? um bom momento, ele est? j? com dez anos e j? come?a a olhar para as garotas da idade dele com um o...

3 years ago
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Uma lenga Grega A Greek Legend

Uma lenda grega Cap?tulo 1: O anel Eu sempre fui fascinado por mitologia grega. Est?rias de deuses, semideuses, her?is, monstros me acompanharam desde a minha mais tenra inf?ncia e mantiveram minha imagina??o ocupada. Sendo "um vagabundo", como minha m?e costumava dizer eu tinha bastante tempo para dedicar a este hobby. Na verdade eu era "um vagabundo sortudo", pois um tio havia falecido e deixado DM 500.000,00 de heran?a que eu mantinha em uma conta de investimento. Eu n?o era exatamente rico, mas ta...

3 years ago
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Vento Sobre o Mar in Portuguese

16/12/02 Sucker love is heaven sent You pucker up, our passion's spent My body's broken, yours is spent Still there´s nothing else to do Every me and every you Placebo Sala de aula. Oito horas da manhã. Aula de filosofia. O professor tinhasaído por alguns momentos, e a maioria dos alunos estava escrevendo,alguns estavam conversando e uns poucos estavam dormindo. Virgínia sentavalargada na cadeira, olhando para a janela. Um vento frio soprava lá fora,o dia estava cinzento, talvez chovesse...

3 years ago
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amant de meserie capitolul 2

17 ianuarie 2007 – 12 iunie 2007 O lipoveanca de 28 de ani pe care am intalnit-o pe mirc. Era 17 ianuarie. Locuia intr-un satuc din judetul Tulcea, in care comunitatea lipoveneasca era majoritara, Jurilovca. Fizicul sau era bine proportionat, rotund pe alocuri,exact asa cum imi inchipuiam ca poate fi femeia perfecta in viziunea mea. Avea ceva specific, o frumusete pe care o poti intalnii doar la rusoaicele autentice. Rosul pe care il observi in obrajii lor, il avea si Corina. Sanii sai erau...

3 years ago
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Legaturi periculoase II

Trecuse deja mai mult de un an de la acele intamplari si ma convinsesem ca Ildiko avusese dreptate. Devenisem si eu sclavul sexual al directoarei. Cel putin o data pe saptamana ma lua cu masina, sub diferite pretexte, direct de la birou, fie dimineata, la pranz sau dupa program si ma ducea intr-un apartament din centrul capitalei ca s-o fut. Devenisem dependent de sexul cu ea, ca de un drog de care esti constient ca nu-ti face bine dar de care nu te poti debarasa. Femeia asta era incredibila,...

3 years ago
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Um Negocio Lucrativo Portuguese

UM NEGÓCIO BEMLUCRATIVO Geraldo AntonioLelis de Freitas UM OSimca Chambord estacionou na Pracinha do Araçatuba Clube, aquela doColégio das Irmãs, vizinha da Praça 19 de fevereiro.Carro novo, cores tradicionais de vermelho e amarelo, linha impecável,conforto até exagerado. No radio tocava Neil Sedaka, "You mean everythingto me", sucesso romântico. Olocal estava deserto. Deserto era modo de se dizer: alguns carros passavampelas ruas Duque de Caxias e Carlos Gomes. Um "biribeiro" gritou um...

2 years ago
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Um casal muito interessante

Dia seguinte, sol quente, e às 10 horas da manhã com nossos respectivos maridos ainda dormindo. Desço para a piscina e já encontro Marla tentanto recuperar o bronzeado perdido em muito tempo na Dinamarca . Ficamos ainda algum tempo reclamando alegremente dos nossos corpos doloridos e trocando impressões sobre a noite anterior como se fossemos amigas a longo tempo. Trocamos mil confidencias a respeito de nossas aventuras sexuais , dentro e fóra do casamento, e logo nossas risadas nervosas...

4 years ago
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Acompanhantes garotas de programa e escorts em Li

Fotos certificadasCom TD positivosCom vídeoAplicarbela acompanhante de luxo em limeira, uma das mais requisitadas da região. - anúncio de sexo em LimeiraLimeira34 anosR$ 200De luxoPeitudasBisexuaisHora marcadaChuva douradaBela acompanhante de luxo em Limeira, uma das mais requisitadas da região. bela acompanhante de luxo em limeira, uma das mais requisitadas da região. - anúncio de sexo em LimeiraLimeira34 anosR$ 200De luxoPeitudasBisexuaisHora marcadaChuva douradaBela acompanhante de luxo...

3 years ago
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Schimb de dame

Povestea urmatoare este uluitoare si poate unora le va parea neverosimila. Am scris-o bazandu-ma pe fapte si intamplari reale. Subiectul este destul de sensibil si de controversat, asa incat le recomand cititorilor s-o trateze ca pe o simpla fantezie. Sper totusi ca o sa va placa! Enjoy it!……………………………………………………………….Numele meu e Sergiu, am 32 de ani, sunt absolvent al facultatii de Drept si in momentul de fata sunt angajat ca jurist la o societate comerciala din capitala. Sunt saten cu ochi...

2 years ago
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Miss o Marte

Cap?tulo I Mesmo com todo o avan?o tecnol?gico que o futuro trouxera, o mundo ainda n?o havia se livrado de um antigo problema... O desemprego. Eduardo estava desempregado h? v?rios meses. Algu?m que por v?rios anos conheceu oi sucesso agora enfrentava cobran?as, contas atrasadas e estava preste a ser despejado de seu apartamento. Para completar a desgra?a, sua namorada o havia abandonado. - Melhor assim - pensou ele - pelo jeito ela s? estava interessada na minha conta banc?ria. Bem que me disseram que mul...

4 years ago
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Viajante no tempo

Notes: 1 - some reviewers of the original pointed what seems to be flaws in my description of the past. I suggest these are no flaws, but intentional, the reason is that Jeremias is describing his story, so there is no reason why he should be honest, actually I believe he is lying in the whole text and that he already knew what he would do in Helena's body in the past. Helena is also lying when she says she was a lesbian, most probably she had some tendencies towards homosexualism, but...

3 years ago
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8 Mrs Wild Anne Hotel Meat

Anne checked into the hotel. She and Jason hadn’t stayed here for a few months now, but it was a nice hotel, cheap and in a good location.Jason couldn’t sleep over, but they would still get a few hours together. In a way Anne felt lucky, as her company was paying for this hotel. She had a training session in the morning, and the venue was deemed to be too far away.Jason had told Paula he was late back as he was meeting up with some old friends.This was how they had been for eighteen months now,...

3 years ago
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8 Mrs Wild Anne Hotel Meet

Anne checked into the hotel. She and Jason hadn’t stayed here for a few months now, but it was a nice hotel, cheap and in a good location.Jason couldn’t sleep over, but they would still get a few hours together. In a way Anne felt lucky, as her company was paying for this hotel. She had a training session in the morning, and the venue was deemed to be too far away.Jason had told Paula he was late back as he was meeting up with some old friends.This was how they had been for eighteen months now,...

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NC-17 Slash/Incest Disclaimer: I did not create and do not own any readily recognizable media characters. I have no agreement, legal or otherwise, with the creators or owners. This is purely for entertainment--I have not made, do not seek, and will not accept any profit for it. This story is in no way meant to reflect on the lives or life styles of the actors/actresses who originally portrayed the characters. I have nothing but fond affection and respect for them, for giving me so much...

4 years ago
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My Little Pony FiM

You are a person from a world much like our own, but over three hundred years in the future. By that time holographic simulators have gotten so advanced that 90% of the population basically lives their whole adult life in virtual reality, and the advances in automation mean that almost no one has a 'job' any more, we all live on the planetary "Basic Living Stipend" protected by our benevolent pseudo-goddess "Lady Macintosh".* *(The name the singularity chose for itself.) You however are in...

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Craigslist crossdresser

It finally happened. I got a response! I’d been corresponding with him on Craigslist, but then suddenly Craigslist personals were banned. I tried to reply to the Craigslist generated email that I thought was his, but I’d deleted all of his email’s in a moment of weakness. Now I had no way to get in touch with him. He’d posted about hosting crossdressers and providing a safe, relaxed place for us to fulfill our fantasies. He said he would be gentle. I’d told him who I was, that I liked to wear...

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Escapadinha no Douro Parte 3

Parte 3- Boa! Exclamou o J, que logo se refreou um pouco perante a minha quase indiferença.- Excelente ideia I, concordou o P, e como temos pouca roupa em cima de nós acaba num instante. Risos.- Não sei não…disse eu, tentando reverter a decisão que parecia tomada.- Qual é o problema? De qualquer forma já nos vimos todos nuzinhos hoje à tarde! Argumentou o J.Estava-se mesmo a ver onde eles nos queriam levar, mas perante tanta insistência e concordância, não seria eu a estragar o barato. Tb era...

2 years ago
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Valeria CD e o amante incentivador

Valéria CD e o amante incentivador – relatoEste relato, do início da minha vida como fêmea crossdresser (cd), começa quando conheci o César num chat gay. Eu entrei com o nick Passivo procura/RJ e ele com MILITARKERFEMEA. Naquela época eu já gostava muito de usar cuequinhas bem sexies, bem cavadinhas, mas não eram calcinhas. O nosso papo evoluiu e começamos a nos comunicar numa intensa troca de e-mails diários em que César queria ser o meu amante, mas antes de mais nada me incentivou a me tornar...

4 years ago
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Secured helpless and loving it Chapter 3

" Come stand on the chair"It was the words she had been waiting for since she first walked into the room and saw the swing suspended from the celing with the four strong heavy chains dangling towards its black leather. The chains met n near the swing to attach it to the four straps that made the swing able to operate. Two came strait down while two others came from a angle.Standing on the chair she grew more and more excited and when instructed leaned into the leather harness and carefully...

3 years ago
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Lapte de mama 9 10

Lapte de mama (9). O femeie rasfatata.Autor: Desir Ardent(9.1) Romanta intre o mama si fiul sauDiana avea capul pe pieptul lui Doru si i-a soptit la ureche planul sau despre Costi, care il va ajuta sa se integreze mai bine in grup, sa nu devina invidios, etc, etc. Euforic fiind, chiar de 69 de ori euforic!, in urma terapiei sexuale primite de la Diana, Doru l-a acceptat imediat si a repetat scenariul ca sa probeze ca l-a inteles:- Deci eu imi fac de lucru in bucatarie si dupa ce treceti voi in...

2 years ago
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Sex in trei

Buna, ma numesc Denisa, sunt studenta, am 20 de ani si sunt maritata de un an cu Alex. Sotul meu are 26 de ani si este Sales Manager la o multinationala din Bucuresti. Locuim intr-un apartament cochet si ne intelegem de minune ; ne iubim la nebunie si nu ne refuzam unul altuia nicio dorinta care sa ne faca placere sau care sa ne faca sa ne simtim bine. Facem sex in fiecare zi, cateodata si de mai multe ori pe zi, am experimentat toate fanteziile sexuale care ne-au trecut prin cap si pot spune...

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Aventuri montane

Va redau in textul de mai jos intamplarile traite de un barbat cu ceva timp in urma. Nu-l cunosteam si nu stiu nici acum cum naiba a aflat de mine si nici de la cine, cert este ca a reusit sa ma contacteze si a insistat sa-i ascult povestea, apoi m-a rugat s-o scriu eu si s-o public aici, pe site-ul asta. Mi s-a parut interesanta si am decis ca merita a fi scrisa si postata. Daca am avut sau nu dreptate, va las pe voi sa decideti! Enjoy it!…………………………………………………………..Numele meu este Alin, sunt...

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Turbulente I

In vacanta de vara a anului trecut am hotarat sa mergem pentru vreo 15 zile in Delta Dunarii. Motivele au fost diferite: eu nu mai fusesem niciodata pana atunci in acel colt de natura pura, unic poate in Europa (eram curioasa); sotul meu Alex este un impatimit al pescuitului si saliva la gandul “monstrilor” pe care-i va captura cu mana lui din Dunare; mama mea Elisa ne insotea pentru ca nici eu si nici Alex nu ne imaginam o distractie de vacanta fara ca ea sa fie prezenta “trup si suflet” (la...

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Sotia mea cu alt mascul

Salut dragi cititori,doresc sa va povestesc o intamplare din viata mea,viata noastra. Sunt casatorit de 4 ani cu sotia mea in varsta de 28 de ani,amandoi find de aceasi varsta. Ne iubim foarte mult si cu sexul stam foarte bine. Suntem fericiti si impliniti,facem orce in pa,tot ce ii mai bun si frumos. Noi locuim intr-un oras mare in Italia. Sotia mea arata foarte bine,ma excita doar din priviri. Este putin plinuta si foarte bulanoasa,cur bombat-rotund,tate mari cu niste sfarcuri foarte bune de...

3 years ago
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The first times

Names have been changed to protect the horny. Jenny and i first started fucking then love making around 6 years ago. We were both in loveless marriages through no fault of our own. At one stage she left hers and wondered what it would be like i guess to have a man that treated her right. We were talking one day in my kitchen and i said that i to had often thought what it would be like to be with someone that enjoyed sex and was keen to explore the world in a more sexual way. A little about her...

4 years ago
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Dogging no cinema Porno

Confesso que não sou grande fã de assistir a filmes porno, mas a ideia não me saia da cabeça.Ir a um local apenas frequentado por homens devia ser vibrante. Saber que está a ser projectada na tela uma grande vaca a ser comida por vários gajos, e os espectadores completamente excitados. hummmmcomo seria a excitação deles ao saberem que estava ali uma mulher ao lado deles? devia quadruplicar.As minhas idas ao cinema sempre foram normais, na maioria delas, até fui sozinha. Compro pipocas e lá vou...

3 years ago
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Comida pelos vizinhos

Quando conheci aquele casal simpático e delicioso, estava longe de imaginar as aventuras deleitosas que me aguardavam.Gostava de partilhar convoscoa melhor noite de sexo que já tive. Jacinto é o nome do homem com quem partilho o meu apartamento. Gosto dele. É um Homem trabalhador, honesto, carinhoso, etc. Mas isso para uma mulher fogosa como eu, não chega – pois ele na cama não satisfaz minimamente os meus desejos e fetiches, então encaro-o como um bom amigo apenas.Fico frustrada com os seus...

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Mama ma iubeste

Inceputul meu cu mama... Salut! Numele meu eate Dragos,am 18ani si m-am decis sa va poveatesc cum am inceput sa fac sex cu mama mea. Mama mea ,o femeie frumoasa cu niate forme bine definite,un fund rotund si bombat si niste sani rotunzi si marisori. Mama m-a facut la o varsta frageda,avea 17 ani cand a ramas gravida cu mine,ceea ce imi da de gandit ca de tanara ii placea sexul. Locuim la tara,intr-un sat aproape de Timisoara.Tatal meu este plecat in Italia,eu fiind singur cu mama mea. Trebuie...

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Orgasm total

Cat de important este sexul in viata de familie? Sunt casatorit cu o superba femeie. Dincolo de alcatuirea trupeasca fara cusur, Miriamin cucereste prin trairile interioare pe care si le exteriorizeaza fascinandu-i pe ceilalti. Ea este, deopotriva, naiva si cocheta, copilareasca dar frivola, are gesturi pline de eleganta, insa, subtil presarate cu parsivenie. Creaza, permanent impresia ca se simte, o doamna din lumea buna si, in acelasi timp, tarfa de lux. Deseori, amicii mei, dupa un pahar in...

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O noapte fierbinte part 1

Eu si Alina suntem casatoriti de 10 ani. Ne iubim foarte tare, dar relatia noastra s-a transformat, in timp, doar intr-una de prietenie. Viata noastra sexuala a intrat intr-un fel de letargie. Am constatat acest fapt impreuna si ne-a cuprins ingrijorarea. Am cazut de acord ca trebuie sa incercam ceva nou, care sa ne aprinda din nou. In doi am incercat cam totul asa ca ne-am gandit la o relatie cu alte cupluri, cu atat mai mult cu cat amandoi aveam fantezii cu mai multe persoane. Am inceput...

4 years ago
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Prima data cu o femeie de 34 de ani

Ce-ti poti dori la 19 ani cind vezi femei frumoase la tot pasul? Unde sa te duci pentru prima data cind te simti super-excitat de experientele erotice mai mult sau mai putin inflorite ale colegilor de serviciu? Oare ce trebuia sa fac? Doream din tot sufletul o femeie coapta, sa o am, sa ma ia si sa faca ce stie mai bine cu mine....Nu aveam decit 19 ani, ma masturbam din cind in cind, dar nu reuseam sa sparg gheata. Nu ma asteptam ca Mihai, prietenul si colegul meu de serviciu, un tip bine, la...

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Sex in trei

Buna, ma numesc Denisa, sunt studenta, am 20 de ani si sunt maritata de un an cu Alex. Sotul meu are 26 de ani si este Sales Manager la o multinationala din Bucuresti. Locuim intr-un apartament cochet si ne intelegem de minune ; ne iubim la nebunie si nu ne refuzam unul altuia nicio dorinta care sa ne faca placere sau care sa ne faca sa ne simtim bine. Facem sex in fiecare zi, cateodata si de mai multe ori pe zi, am experimentat toate fanteziile sexuale care ne-au trecut prin cap si pot spune...

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The Entertainment

The smell of the leather was quite strong, but not unpleasant. the mask he had been given to wear covered up his eyes and nose.Apart from the leather boots he was wearing, and the mask he was naked. He had oiled himself as instructed, and was waiting for a signal from the hostess hat the “show” would start. “You’ll see” was all she would say broadly smiling when he asked what would be required of him. She had seen his profile on an adult site, admired his large cock, tight balls, arse and...

3 years ago
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Not The Last Fuck At Fifty 8211 Sex With 5 Women

It is recommended that readers go through my previous experiences before reading this one because the characters in this episode are from my previous narrations. I thought that after Pranitha and Nirmala and Malini, I would have had enough. I had decided that no more of outside the family. I was actually quite happy with my life with my wife and Vani. But it seems that my past was not so easy to let go. While I wanted so, my desires were repeatedly being fueled by fate and once again I landed...

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the sun is setting we have had a great holiday really relaxing we flyhome 2moro we walk alng the shaw line holidng hands (aww) ur whitesummer dress getting wet at the bottom as the warm water laps at ourfeet, we head up the beach to the lil bar its quite busy we stop nhave a drink im slip my flip flop up as we sit on the bar stall n letme foot wander up ur tanned legs my toes creeping up tickling u as itgoes up. I know that under that dress ur r naked as a studied u hardas u got ready to come...

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A Vida de Uma Barbie 1

A Vida de Uma Barbie 1 Um impertinente raio de sol atravessava a pequena brecha entre as cortinas escuras e banhava o quarto com seu brilho t?o inconveniente numa manh? de s?bado. O garoto que estava deitado naquela cama espa?osa e confort?vel j? havia pensado in?meras em se levantar e dar um fim naquilo, mas sua cama estava especialmente espa?osa e confort?vel naquela manh?. Ele examinou seu rel?gio que estava sobre no m?vel ao lado da cama, ainda faltavam oito minutos para as nove horas, o garoto praguejou ...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 20

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 20 For the Smith family, it was clear that their 16 year old son was disappearing, physically anyway. In his place was appearing a 16 year old girl with all the usual girl interests and a keen interest in motor cars. Paul had acquired a set of hairbands from a hair accessory shop plus some ponytail loops. Though his hair was still too short to use them, he still wanted some. He arrived home pleased with his new items, which included a black dress...

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Minha primeira vez

This is the Portuguese version of my story previously published story called "First ttime" (the second "t" was a typing error), so if you want to read it in English, please visit that story. If you can read Portuguese, however, I really recommend to read this version. I rely deeply on mundane language and this increases the "realism". I also give a more colorful description of S?o Paulo and, if you are Brazilian, you will sure recognize some of the street names and the d...

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Aisi Behan Sabki Ho

Hello mera naam bilz hai ye meri pehli story hai frnds i hope ki sab ise enjoy karenege me punjab ka rehna vala hu me bcome 2nd year me padta hu mera rang saaf height 5’8 or penis 7″ hai meri ek behan hai jiska naam liza hai wo 12 th class me padti hai meri behan bahut hi sexy hai uska figure 36-28-36 hai jo bhi use dekhta hai uska lund khada ho jata hai wo school me ek choti c skirt or shirt dalti hai jiski upar k do button khule hote hai or hair bhi khule chod deti hai ek dum blue film ki...

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Young Generation

Mein ek girls college mein Professor hoon. Aaj mein apni jindgi ka sabse khubsurat lamha aaplogo ko battle jar aha hoon. Muje wo din aaj bhi yaad hai Jab mein B.A part II ka Pahla pahla class lene class mein gaya. Ek ladki first bench per baithi hui thi. Uski umar ka aap lok andaj laga hi liye honge lagbhag 20-21 sal ki. First day maine jayda uski tarabh dhyan nahin diya. Lekin agle din wo mere se milne mere department mein kuch dosoton ke sath aaye. Usne us din pink colour ka salwar suit pahna...

4 years ago
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Comida de Fato

Comida de Fato. Este n?o ? o meu primeiro conto; penso muito em sexo e gosto de escrever. Mas ? o primeiro onde ? tudo, tudinho verdade. Sou uma crossdresser de arm?rio e posso me considerar uma sortuda, sou pequena clara e lisa. Ao natural tenho peitinhos por causa de ginecomastia, efeito colateral de um rem?dio na adolesc?ncia. Cal?o s? 39, sempre acho sapatos e ainda sou bastante bem servida de pernas e bunda. Penso tamb?m que a maioria das pessoas desconhece a diferen?a entre penetrar em algu?m at? gozar e...

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Rabi Ne Apni Soteli Maa Se Liya Badla 8211 Part IV

Hello friends me Ashu phir hazir hoon Rabi ne apni soteli maa se liya badla ka 4thd part lekar. But us se pehele me ap sab ISS ke readers se mafi chahata hu ke mene ye 4th part ap sab ke pas bhejne me der kardi, is liye I’m sorry. Magar me apne kam me itna busy tha ke age likhne ka time hi nahi milta tha. Is bitch mere sare ISS ke doston ne mujhe itna meil kiye aur insist kiya age ki story likhne keliye ki mujhe apne busy shidul me se time nikal ke likhna pada. Roz mujhe 100 se zyada mail ata...

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Aahhh Bhayia Doodh Nahi Piyoge Mera

By : Samita Hello friends’ main apki pyari si aur chulbuli samita ajj ek bahut dino baad apko apna experience batane ayi hoon pehle to sory k main kisi k email ka jwaab nahi de paai. Email mein jiyadatar log likhte hain jaise love you Samita ek baar dedo ya phir kehte hain k mera ek baar choos lo koi kehta hai mera 8” ka hai koi kehta hai 7” ka hai sach kahoon to mujhe bhi aise email bahut ache lagte hain. Ab to koi mujhe gaalian de gandi gandi to aur bhi majaa aata hai pataa nahi kion...

2 years ago
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Pyasi Anita ki pyaas bujai

Kaise hai aap log mai rahul from Valsad (Gujarat) My ID (guru4you.929) se apni real stori batane jar raha hu mai ek pvt. Firm me kam karta hu or mai vapi me kam karta hu mai roj subah office chala jata hu meri stori pichhle sal ki hai garmi ki sijan thi api me vaise hi industrial areas ke karan garmi jyada rehti hai mai garmi ke karan mai do pahar me cold drink pine ke liye ek pan house pe jata tha roj jata tha isliye pan wale ki daukan ke malik se meri pehchan ho gayee thi ek din mai nahi jata...

4 years ago
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My Birthday Treat

Last Saturday was my birthday and I went to visit a very goog friend of mine - Sarah,  for a drink before heading out into town. Well at least that was the plan initially. When I arrived at Sarahs, she told me to wait in her bedroom whilst she brought me a Glass of wine and my Birthday gift. I have known Sarah for a few years now, and given that she is ver kinky I thought she was going to bring me a vibrator or something and that she might be up for some fun herself, which I would have had no...

Group Sex
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Vingan a desejada Story writen in Brazilian Portuguese

Ela entrou no carro e j? disse "Abaixe as cal?as at? o joelho e a cueca tamb?m". Obedeci e segui o caminho para o motel dentro do carro, n? da cintura pra baixo. Achei que ela iria me tocando no caminho mas nem sinal. Ao chegar no motel, quis colocar a roupa mas ela n?o deixou. Felizmente a mo?a da recep??o n?o tinha o ?ngulo de vis?o correto, com exce??o talvez quando chegamos quando ela talvez possa ter visto pela frente do carro. Isso pode explicar porque ela parecia um pouco inquieta. Ao chegarmos na gara...

4 years ago
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Mars Demands Women

k "Mars Demands Women" A Piece of Fiction by Traveller   Chapter: 1 The alien up on the screen carried the buxom blonde as she shrieked in a way that would embarrass every b-movie actress working in Hollywood. The movie's director Walter, a gambler who made a fortune out of it and got into the movie business, sat next to the actress gracing the screen. Tina Wray was a former burlesque performer turned stag fim favorite turned b- movie actress. Her lack of acting talent was very well...

4 years ago
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With South Actress Skashi Sivanand

Hai,This is kumar again.This is a real incident about sexy actress sakshi sivanand.Everybody knows how hot she is.Those were the days when telugu movie collector garu shooting was going on.Mohan babu was the hero of the film and sakshi was palying a role in the film.Everybody knows Mohan babu is fond of girls and he never leaves any heroine with out fucking.When mohan babu saw her first time his eyes expanded by seeing her curvy shape body and beautiful face.He decided to fuck her soon.But some...

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Sexy Muasi

My name is Dr. Shahid Akhtar, 25 years old handsome guy with 7”long cock &4” in diameter I live in Patna, bihar. This story about my Mausi (Khala) her name is Pooja who is 30years old & wants to become a Model but never made. She has a great stats just like model but I never know why she never made a model. She is my sister because most of time she spent on our house &Mom & Dad treating as their child & she treat with me as a sister. When she came our house she sleeps with me. She know that I...

3 years ago
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A Game of InchesChapter 8

I woke up the next morning to the sound of rain pounding on the roof. I looked over at the clock, it was almost eight in the morning. I sat up in my bed, suddenly the night’s previous conversation came rushing back to me. It was going to be very awkward to be around Ashley from this point on, that was for sure. I got up and made my way to the kitchen, I could smell the coffee brewing. Ashley was already seated at the table when I walked in, she was still in the short robe from the night...

1 year ago
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My Niece and I play

Note : This story is completely fictional! This happened a few years back. My , the daughter of my wifes sister, has always been a favorite of mine. I have been around her for most of her life and watched as she grew into a young woman. She was like my own daughter. Her father was not much of a male example for her. He was lazy and did not work all that much. I took her fishing a lot and out on my boat. Her family lives with us for a short period of time when they first moved back to the city....

3 years ago
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The Courier Ch 25

Chapter 25 — The Equinox Two days after her release from the Royal Residence, Maria Elena returned to her job at the university. There was plenty of work for her because the leaves of all the trees on campus had started to turn and already the grass needed constant raking. Criminal # 101025 knelt in front of the university gardeners and was promptly issued a rake. With no further ceremony she stood up, walked to a section of lawn near the campus administration building, and began gathering...

3 years ago
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A Bride For The Whole Family 4

Part 4A Bride For The Whole Family by James Elliott (c) 1991Chapter 10 "What in the hell is going on here!"It was Michael's voice, her Michael's voice, that boomed through the pleasure glowing cloud of her satisfaction. Diana's body suddenly went rigid.With the same suddeness, Bryan's rigidly embedded cock went limp. In one second it was packed fully up her ass, still oozing the last traces of his release. Then in the next moment, it went limp and slithered from her body in a hasty withdrawal....

2 years ago
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Mrs North

When i was younger,  I loved in a small block of flats. On our floor lived an older woman, just a few doors away. Mrs North. Back then she must have been in her 50s I'd say, but still had a good figure. She was medium build with a hugh bust. She was always impeccably dressed, normally in classy dresses that would show off her figure. On occations the dress would be slightly see-through, revealing her sexy lingerie underneath. We got to know her quite well over the years. Everytime l seen her...

4 years ago
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I guess I was always a pervert, but I did realize that I really had a problem until she caught me jerking off to pictures of her on the internet. Now just let me ask you, if you came across pictures of the same girl that you have been fantasizing about on a regular basis on the internet bent over with little pink panties around her knees and that perfect tan round butt sticking up in the air, you can't tell me that you couldn't help but whip it out and beat it like Micheal. So there I was about...

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Mami Meri Jaanu

Yeh story hai mere aur mere mami ke beech…mail at search in fb with mail id. hello friends,mera naam dipak hai.maine baut si kahaniya padi hai.kitni to acachi thi to kitni kamjoor thi.main gujarat main rehta hoon maine meri mami ko kafi bar choda hai,aur unko har bar maza aaya hai.meri mama mumbai mein rehte hai. mama ke ghar mein mama,mami aur unke thin bacche hai.main aapko baut bor nahi karonga yeh kahani karib 4 saal juni hai. Main kuch dino ke liya mama ke ghar gaya tha.meri mami baut hi...

4 years ago
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The Assassination of Mr Black

?? ? ? ?I am waiting in the shadowy confines of a stone corridor leading along the side of the ancient stone temple in Northern Thailand, near the Golden Triangle. The temples here have a decided Burmese flavor. The air is close and humid, and my white tee shirt is soaked with my own sweat. My fingers nervously massage the grip and barrel of the Baretta automatic I hold in my hand. In the room next to me, a row of impassive Buddha's look on. Them means nothing to them. I am waiting to kill a...

4 years ago
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An educated fine lady

An educated person, her beautiful manners attracted me at the bar, only for old ladies.  I was impressed at the way she spoke some words into the microphone.   But now she was moaning, saying broken words into the head of my dick!! %%%% I felt like if my cock could reach to the bottom of her old pussy while she rode wildly on top of me.  She took her tits out of her bra for me to suck them, nipples really hard for so much  lust.  While I did this to her, she moaned loudly and stroked her boobs...

1 year ago
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Burning Skin

Paul had returned to his London Office for a few months as his project was not going well. At 39 years old and the big 40 looming we were not getting on to well and he was always away working, and I decided to stay on the Island and give us a break. News reached me that he was seeing someone in London and I was not getting many calls from him. A week without calls and I decided to take the boat out to one of the islands for the day,I packed some lunch and headed to the jetty. The young boat...

First Time
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Fondled by a friend

Note : This story is completely fictional! My wife Barbara has a rather full figure and when this 'affair' started it was in 1990 when she was a size 14 with 38c boobs. We had gone on holiday in 1990 with another family. Mick & Sally and their children, between us our children were all between 4-8 years old so we had rented a big house with a pool for 2 weeks. I thought we had a normal happy relationship with everyone until one morning Barbara came back to bed to tell me that Mick had touched...

3 years ago
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The Commission

I’m a thirty-one-year-old Filipino female married to a fifty-six-year-old American man named Michael (Mike). Mike is a good man who treats me well and is financially secure. He is a financial Business Manager with his own business. He also has done very well in the stock market. We live just north of Dallas and have a nice home there on the lake. Our house is huge, and we have a small dock, swimming pool, and a yacht further down the lake parked at some country club docks.My name is Rosalie...

Wife Lovers
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Mrs Wild 3 Mrs Davis Short Red Skirt Part 2

Anne slowly opened her eyes and was feeling a little drowsy.Glancing across to her left, she saw Andrew lay next to her half-asleep; she didn’t know how long she had been asleep for and slowly turned to her side, got up and walked out from the cupboard and into the laboratory.Suddenly, she felt the cool temperature on her naked skin.Still feeling half awake, she could make out a giggling childish sound in the background, coming from outside the laboratory and then, the sound of the laboratory...

2 years ago
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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I couldn't say a word as all I could do was stare at Sheila. Shaking my head I tried to wrap my mind around what I'd seen. {I love you Roger. Please don't leave me.} She loved me? How was that... I stopped as I remembered just how complex the emotion program had become. I tried to say something though I seemed to still be in shock somewhat. True I had started to feel something for her but love?!...

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ElevatedChapter 17

Corvus managed to gather his inner circle in his rooms just before his motorcade to the elevation ceremony was about to leave. Once they'd all arrived, he said, "Senator Rufius has requested I provide him with an appropriate escort for the wedding tonight. It's in seven hours. I need ideas." "He's not going with Widow Iunius?" Dorsuo asked. Corvus shook his head. "I'm going with Widow Iunius. It's been planned for weeks, but that apparently gives him the right to demand I find him...

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S H E I L AChapter 14

I couldn’t say a word as all I could do was stare at Sheila. Shaking my head I tried to wrap my mind around what I’d seen. [I love you Roger. Please don’t leave me.] She loved me? How was that ... I stopped as I remembered just how complex the emotion program had become. I tried to say something though I seemed to still be in shock somewhat. True I had started to feel something for her but love?! I wasn’t so sure after all I really had no actual idea what love felt like. Sure I could write a...

3 years ago
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Mrs Wild 1 Uncovering The Truth Revelations And The Agenda

From the view of Mrs Wild.I got out of my car and went inside to set up the experiments as well as my own first experiment. I was wet with excitement.It was about six months ago when my journey started and I became, who I am now. It was a change I enjoyed. I felt like a new woman and with humiliation and payback on my mind. * Six months earlier, I was driving to my meeting with Michelle. She was a couple of years younger than me, must have been in her early sixties now. We met when Michelle was...

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1 Mrs Wild An Alter Ego is Formed

From the view of Mrs Wild.Alone in my own annex, and in my special secret laboratory. All set out as planned.I sat with a sense of great satisfaction and mulled over the documents in front of me.It was a year ago when my journey started and I became, who I am now. It was a change I enjoyed. I felt like a new woman and with humiliation and payback on my mind.*Six months earlier.I was driving to my meeting with Michelle. She was about a decade younger than me and must have been in her early...

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4 Mrs Wild Denise The First Affair

Dan had the body of an athlete, so tight and ripped; Denise couldn’t get enough of her latest PA.Denise lay on her back, admiring his six-pack and grabbing onto his tort bum, as Dan used all his stamina to ride Denise.He was much smoother than her other PAs, well, in terms of his hair. He was hairless, apart from some hairs on his legs.Forty-five minutes, this extra session had already gone for and Denise still wanted more.With a sly nod and smile, Denise indicated, that she wanted to go on top...

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Sub cunt 2 on Omegle

Stranger: f 34 belgiumYou: i'm edwardYou: and you are/Stranger: KarenYou: hello karenYou: are you submissive?Stranger: yesYou: any limits or taboos/Stranger: noYou: **** or worse? can i hurt you?Stranger: yes you canStranger: just no visible marksYou: pity, i'd like to leave lots of marks in fantasyYou: what do you look like karen?Stranger: in fantasy everything is possibleYou: yesStranger: very sexyYou: very sexy indeedYou: any more pictures?Stranger: yesStranger:...

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Pahtanoo ka big hard strong lund

Hi gayes i m asim . Mere 1st stroies app loggo ni pahtii moghe acha responce mila are acha laaga ki app ko mere 1st rayal stroies pasand aye . Aj app ko apni 2sre sachi kahni sonane jaraha ho . Apko pata hi ki mere age 23 hi are me karachi mi rahtya ho . I m mahjir urdu speek are me jaha job karta ho wha panjabi are [pahtan mard hotee hi . Are sref 3 fimails are 3no har mahnii cahng hotee hi . Kiyo ki wo pandoo are pahtan mard kohb poree mahnii unhi facuk kartee hi pihr dosree fimail ko us ki...

2 years ago
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Pahtan boos ne mom ko jam ki cohda 3

Hi gayes i m asim . Apka dost yakeenan mere 2nt stories bhi apko pasand aye ho gee . Aj me app ko apni 3rd rayal sachi stroy sonane jaraha ho . Gayes app logg to mere baree me jantee hi hi .pihr bhi me dobara apna intro… Karwadeta ho apni nwe dostoo ki liyee . I m asim 23 m karachi i m mahjir urdu speek . Me jis office me job karta ho waha saree panjabi pahtan mard hi are 3 fimails hotee hi jo 3no mahjir hi hotee hi . Wese mere gahnd bhi 1st timi mere pahtan boos ni hi maree thi bohad maza aya...

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Sheila 22

------------- Ruslan (short blonde hair, 6'7'') - Leader Serafima (dark red head) - support/medical Karina (blonde Hair) - Sharpshooter sniper Timur (Dark hair 5'2''} - computer/hacker expert Egor- Electronics expert - killed in fire fight Stas - Explosives expert - killed in fire fight Pibald group ------------ Evelyn (Auburn hair) - Leader former wife of General Gance/sniper Christine/Chris (blonde) - personal combat expert- Evelyn's daughter Trina (red head) -...

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America Mastered

America Mastered Introduction: A secret organization, known as the Fanatical Islamic Master Operations sect,or FIMO came into existence half a century ago as a result of the strugglefor world power seen in World War II. Often referred to as ?The Masters,? thisexclusive ?sect? of Islam has rapidly become the most dangerous and organizedterrorist group the world has ever seen. The Masters claim Islamic superiority,and through carefully constructed propaganda, have led most of the Arab Worldto...

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S H E I L A 13

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sheila and I walked away from the Mounties as calmly as we could. No sense upsetting the men if possible. Sheila took me to what appeared to be an abandoned cabin on the outskirts of the city. [We're going to have to make sure we have all the proper credentials before we try again.] I thought to Sheila. [I concur,] returned Sheila's thoughts. [This is a different country we have to go...

4 years ago
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My Neighbour Soon to be Lover

Jacob Fimmel was the man of my dreams. Not many 21-year-olds would say that about a guy that’s three times their age but then again, Jacob wasn’t just some guy—he was the guy. I took my bottom lip into my mouth as I peeked at him through the curtains knowing he couldn’t see me. I knew he was coming home around this time (around six p.m.) and I’d waited impatiently for his arrival, vaulting over the couch the split second I heard his car door slam shut. Dressed in a dark blue business suit,...

Mind Control
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My Neighbour Soon to Be Lover Chapter 1

Jacob Fimmel was the man of my dreams.Not many 19-year-olds would say that about a guy that’s three times their age but then again, Jacob wasn’t just some guy—he was the guy.I took my bottom lip into my mouth as I peeked at him through the curtains knowing he couldn’t see me. I knew he was coming home around this time (around six p.m.) and I’d waited impatiently for his arrival, vaulting over the couch the split second I heard his car door slam shut.Dressed in a dark blue business suit, Jacob...

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Panjaban unty ni plastic ki lund se mere 6

Hi gayes i m asim gayes yakeenan app logo ko mere stroies pasand aye hogee wese mene last timi 1 stories likihi thi jo un campleet thi aj wahi storiyes app ko poree sonane jaraha ho jiss ka nama taha ( panjaban ni placstic ki lund se cohda ). Gayes jise hi us ni moghe dehka moghe dehk ker bolee ye mahjir mard etne big age tak gahnd marwatee hi jabhi enki fimails plastck ki lund se bhi maze se cohdwaletee hi hi bass etna kaha are moghe boliye cahl gandooo mundee zara pint utar . Mene kaha unty...

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------------- Ruslan (short blonde hair, 6'7'') - Leader Serafima (dark red head) - support/medical Karina (blonde Hair) - Sharpshooter sniper Timur (Dark hair 5'2''} - computer/hacker expert Egor- Electronics expert Stas - Explosives expert Pibald group ------------ Evelyn (Auburn hair) - Leader former wife of General Gance/sniper Christine/Chris (blonde) - personal combat expert- Evelyn's daughter Trina (red head) - Tall muscular, armed combat, Chris's lover...

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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sheila seemed to be momentarily distracted after we had stopped. Sitting there I waited for her report when she was done. Timur was rolling on the ground feeling like his face was on fire. He also noticed that his left arm and cheek hurt like hell. Still he held his right hand tightly closed. {"Proklyat'ye! Kusok der'ma!"} (Damn it! Piece of shit!) He was repeating over and over. Ruslan was...

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Chapter 20 Lipstick on A Hotel Window Tisk Tisk

With Vixen sated by hubby, my heart and mind cleared. I was ashamed for flirting with Elliot but pleased to escape the snare of his bachelor pad. I drove past the golf course without glancing toward it again and again. Elliot didn’t perk up in my mind except as a seduction clown. After two weeks, however, I involuntarily glanced toward the golf course driveway and to the pro shop, when I drove past. The thought of him positioned behind me, guiding my swing, flashed. Vixen squealed. She wanted...

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Samir Ne Meri Randi Banake Chudai Ki

Aapne 1st part pada hoga. Samir ne 1li baar meri gaand mar di thi. Us din ke baad pura 1week ho gaya. Samir mere kebin me aake bola, sir aaj raat aap mere ghar aaoge kya? Maine pucha kou? Kuch kaam tha kya? Ha thoda ‘kaam’ karneka tha. Samir miskil aawaj me bolo. Mai samaj gaya, uska kya ‘kaam’ hai. Ab muje bhi samir ki lund ki pyas lagee thi, to maine bola thik hai mai raat 8 baje aajaunga. Jab mai samirke ghar gaya to samir meri raah dekh rahatha. Mai jatehi usne door band kar diya, bola aaj...

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7 Mrs Wild Anne Big Jugs

Anne was putting her bag together for her overnight stay that she had arranged with Jason. She smiled at the thought, as that was how they first started their affair, around eighteen months ago.She thought back to that time.*Eighteen months agoAnne had been married to Neil for a few years following a tough divorce; in fact, Neil had been married before too.Paula was Anne’s best friend, and they grew closer following Paula’s divorce, which was just as tough and involved two teenage children as...

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S H E I L AChapter 12

S.H.E.I.L.A. - synthetic, humanoid, enlightened, inquisitive, living, android Sheila seemed to be momentarily distracted after we had stopped. Sitting there I waited for her report when she was done. Timur was rolling on the ground feeling like his face was on fire. He also noticed that his left arm and cheek hurt like hell. Still he held his right hand tightly closed. {“Proklyat’ye! Kusok der’ma!”}(Damn it! Piece of shit!) He was repeating over and over. Ruslan was rushing back to the...

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S H E I L A 18

------------- Ruslan (short blonde hair, 6'7'') - Leader Serafima (dark red head) - support/medical Karina (blonde Hair) - Sharpshooter sniper Timur (Dark hair 5'2''} - computer/hacker expert Egor- Electronics expert - killed in fire fight Stas - Explosives expert - killed in fire fight Pibald group ------------ Evelyn (Auburn hair) - Leader former wife of General Gance/sniper Christine/Chris (blonde) - personal combat expert- Evelyn's daughter Trina (red head) - Tall...

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Chapter 19 Tee Time Golf Lesson s Close Encounter

By the summer of 1985, most of my new, higher-income friends were conservative, middle-aged women with children, like myself, plus a group of older women who, like me, enjoyed cooking. From cooking, they got me to play cards and eventually dragged me on to a golf course.It was seventeen years since my Motel 6 honeymoon night, ten since crossing Edward’s threshold, six since walking out on Enrico and three since visiting Darryl’s kiln. At thirty-five I was on the cusp of middle age, an...

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Chapter 4 Parochial School God Loves Me Maybe Not

Mom enrolled only me at Saint Clare’s, a Catholic parochial school, two blocks from Washington Elementary and Santa Clara Intermediate/High, public schools that my brothers attended.Baptism, according to Catholic Church tenets, leaves an indelible mark on one’s soul. The nuns inculcate catechism lessons etched one on my mind.The second sacrament after Baptism, First Communion, is a major Catholic event. It occurs when one has attained the age of reason, the ability to sin or not. At Saint...

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Aquela noite

Era noite lá fora. Talvez fria e chuvosa, mas não lembro ao certo. Como poderia? Só me lembro do que aconteceu dentro do quarto. Ela apareceu numa lingerie lilás, salto preto e o tempo parou. Bem, eu parei. Ela estava linda, sensual, matadora. A única luz acesa no quarto apontava pra o seu corpo. Saboreei aquela visão com paciência. Primeiro apreciei seus lindos pés, perfeitamente encaixados no salto alto fino. Subi às suas pernas e me senti convidado por aquelas coxas grossas a um banquete....

5 years ago
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Erotic Comic Orgy Series Chapter XVII

Erotic Comic Orgy Series – Chapter XVII“The One Where Everybody Swings”, featuring Rebecca (based on a Giovanna Casotto art), Virginia (from ‘The Pearls of Love’, Georges Levis), Bernie (from a art from Joseph) and Robert (based on a André Provot art)(Virginia: Robert: Bernie (the guy in the left: Virginia and Robert were married for a few years and their marriage was always beautiful. They loved each other as...

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Summer of Love

I was just your average teenage girl growing up in the bay area of California in the nineteen sixties.It was a turbulent time in our country.There was war, protests, gay rights, and lots of drugs.My dad was in the military and spent a lot of time abroad.My mother was a lush and could barely speak two words without slurring them.When my dad was at home, they were always fighting, and I could not stand my home life, I would go out and do as I please.I was a top student in high school and a model...

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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Timur was still cursing when they pulled off the road. "Comrade? What has you so agitated?" Timur's head snapped up as he looked at Ruslan with a startled look. "I have encountered something I have never seen before." Timur said with great confusion in his voice. "That is no small thing for you." Ruslan told the smallish male a hint of concern in his voice. Timur was nodding as he wasn't...

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Chapter 13 Edward s Upscale World Impossible Love And Goodbye

Tuesday and Thursday noon times at Edward’s were rushed. Past the apartment door, he displayed his latest branding item, attire or jewelry. After putting it on, he undressed me but retained on me the newest acquisition, then took me in a fury. Finished, we snacked, I redressed, then rushed home to greet the kids as they returned from school. It was short-time branding, a quickie and return to mom and wife. Usually, the new acquisition stayed behind in his apartment closet or dresser, parts of...

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List of Cum Tribute Artists on xHamster

Ultimate List of Cum Tribute Artists on xHamsterHere's a list of guys on xHamster who make cum tributes. So whether you're looking for someone to tribute your photos, you want to see your competition, or you just like seeing pictures of random women and celebrities splattered with cum, this is the place for you.Add this post to your favorites to help spread the word!If you do tributes and don't see your link below just message me and I'll add you to the list.Also, if you find any dead links or...

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summer with my hot aunt

At that time I was 21 and my aunt 45, I was staying at her beach house for the summer as it was closer to my work. One evening after dinner out at restaurant she was a bit drunk, when we got home she just removed her dress and crashed on the bed with panties and bra, after a while I started to get excited by her perfect ass.First I was caressing her ass, it was amazing the feel of her soft and big asscheeks, then I got bolder and taking out my now hard dick I started brushing my dick on her...

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Liliandra Teil 1 Entdeckung der Schlampe

Diese Geschichte entstand aus einem Rp mit Liliandra.In der Story Geht es Perverser und Versaut zu Sache und ist nichts für jeden geeignet.Da es ein Laufendes Rp ist kommen noch Fortsetzungen.MarcelEntspannt lenke ich den S4 den meinen Eltern mir zum 20. Geburtstag geschenkt haben durch die Sonnen beschienen Straße des Vorort´s.Es ist gerade 12 Uhr als ich den Wagen in eine der vier Garagen Parke .Das ich heute so früh daheim bin liegt daran das bei mir 2 Vorlesungen ausgefallen.Die ersten zwei...

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Moms have fun

Just as I was able to spend a few more days at home each week Cindi decided to start working again. She needed the daily ruoutine and human interaction. It has been great for me. I've been able tp catch up on reading and exercise. I'm probably in the best shape of my life. It also also allowed me to spend some time at the neighborhood poolMy second time at the pool turned out to be very rewarding. When I entered the grounds I noticed many attractive soccer moms around the pool. Most of them...

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