Schwängerung indian porn

3 years ago
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Ein Urlaub der keiner werden sollte

Ein Urlaub, der keiner werden sollte... ( Katrin...2017) Teil 1 Einleitung Als ich nach getaner Arbeit meinen Arbeitsplatz verlie?, wusste ich damals nicht so genau, was mich im Leben noch so erwartet. Mein Urlaubsantrag war genehmigt worden, von der Gesch?ftsf?hrung und auf die Sp?tteleien, meiner Kollegen, wegen meines femininen Aussehens, reagierte ich schon lange nicht mehr. In meinen Gedanken fragte ich mich immer, was w?re eigentlich, wenn die w?ssten dass ich ein Transvestit, mit T...

2 years ago
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Zur Hure erzogen

?So gehst du mir nicht aus dem Haus!?, klingt mir die Stimme meiner Mutter noch in den Ohren. Dabei hatte ich doch ohnehin einen Rock an, der knapp ?ber dem Knie endete. Aber wenn man eine Hure sein soll, ist das nat?rlich viel zu lang. ?Sollen die Leute denken, dass du eine Nonne bist??, schimpfte meine Mutter. Sie w?re mit so einem langen Fetzen nie aus dem Haus gegangen. Als stadtbekannte Nutte wusste sie, was sie ihrem Ruf schuldig war. Und sie wollte nur das Beste f?r mich. Und das war, d...

3 years ago
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Der Seitensprung in eine Katastrophe

Der Seitensprung in eine Katastrophe (Ka-Do 2017) Teil 1 Einleitung Es war mal wieder einer der verregneten Tage. Ich surfte im Internet, auf einem sogenannten Dating Portal und bastelte an meinem Profil. Am Anfang ?berlegte ich noch, ob ich die Wahrheit schreibe oder nicht. In diesen Portalen wei? man ja nie so genau, was einen erwartet. Eine Weile brauchte ich schon f?r meine ?berlegungen und dabei half mir zwischendurch ein kleiner Schluck Rotwein. Nach dem vierten oder f...

3 years ago
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Eine Fahrt ins Blaue

Eine Fahrt ins Blaue (Katrin*2012) 1.Einleitung Manchmal kommt man in seinem Leben auf dumme Ideen. So, war es damals, als ich der Idee nachhing, einen Sommerurlaub, als Transvestit oder Frau zu verbringen mit einer Fahrt ins Blaue. Zu dieser Zeit war ich noch jung, z?hlte 23 Lenze und hatte noch Rosinen im Kopf. Mein Auto, das ich besa? war relativ alt und es war schon ein gewisses Risiko, damit auf gro?e Fahrt zu gehen. Es sollte Quer durch den Osten Deutschlands gehen und dann nach ...

3 years ago
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Anjas Weg nach Ghana

Mein Weg nach Ghana beginnt im zarten Alter von 17 Jahren. Bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt verlief mein ganzes Leben vorgeplant und eigentlich ereignislos… vor allem sexuell. Meine stinkreichen Eltern haben mich schon in jungen Jahren in ein Internat abgeschoben. Und im katholischen Mädcheninternat im Süden Bayerns bekommt man zwar schon einen theoretischen Einblick, was die Welt zwischen den Frauenbeinen mal zu bieten hat, aber an der praktischen Erprobung hapert es dann doch gewaltig. Jetzt im...

3 years ago
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Sommerferien in Oberbayern GERMAN

1. Kapitel Wir wollten an diesem wundersch?nen Sonntagnachmittag mal wieder etwas Aufregendes erleben. Deshalb hatten wir uns in unser Auto geschwungen und waren - zun?chst auf's geratewohl ins Blaue gefahren. Das es dann so aufregend werden sollte, hatte sich keiner von uns beiden gedacht. Aber der Reihe nach. Wir, das sind Sabine und ich. Wir beide sa?en also in unserem Auto und fuhren ?ber die Landstra?en. Sabine  hatte  -  dem Wetter angemessen  -  ein  leichtes Sommerkleid an. Wie ?blich hat...

3 years ago
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Schwarz Weiss

Aus schwarz mach weiss Gelangweilt sah er die Bewerbungen durch. Zu jung, zu alt, sieht scheisse aus… Oh Mann dachte er, sollte ich nicht die Bewerbungen nach Qualifikation durchsehen? Leise lachte eine kleine Stimme in seinem Kopf: mach ich ja, fickbar oder nicht? Dann fasste er einen Entschluss, vier Stellen waren in der Produktion ausgeschrieben. Alle im Niedriglohnsektor. Aber in dieser Stadt waren diese Stellen dennoch heiß begehrt. Genau deshalb hatte er hier die besten Chancen. Wenn...

4 years ago
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13 Ausflug mit Uschi 3 Tag Unsere mega geilen

Am nächsten Morgen wache ich mit einer richtigen superharten Morgenlatte (Flöte) auf.(Flöte: Während der Schlafphasen insbesondere bei erotischen und sexuellen Träumen ganz spontan auftretende Erektionen, und zum zweiten ein Druck auf die morgens meist noch gefüllte Harnblase. Durch den Harnblasendruck bleibt eine Erektion dann auch länger und bis zum Aufwachen, auch wenn der erotische Traum längst vorbei ist. Eine stark gefüllte Harnblase drückt auf die Blutbahnen im Penis, so dass das Blut...

4 years ago
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Der Club

So langsam war absolute Ebbe in meiner Kasse. Keine Ahnung wie ich die nächste Miete zahlen sollte. Warum hatte ich auch nie sparen gelernt. Aber wozu auch. Meine Eltern schwammen im Geld. Dumm war nur, dass ich mich mit ihnen total zerstritten hatte, als ich an meinem 18. Geburtstag von zu Hause ausgezogen war um mit meinem Freund Bernd, der mein Vater hätte sein können, zusammen zu leben. Der Altersunterschied von 28 Jahren und die Tatsache, dass er noch verheiratet war, waren einfach zuviel...

2 years ago
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Die Forschungsreise

Die Forschungsreise (Katrin *2013/ 2014) Teil 1 Einleitung Die Schule war vorbei und ich hatte mal wieder Semesterferien. Mein Studium besch?ftigte sich mit den Mythen und Sagen der verschollenen Mysterien, die sich um die Mayas rankten. Das hatte mich schon immer fasziniert und aus diesem Grunde, hatte ich an einem verregneten Sommertag einen Termin in der B?cherei unserer Hochschule. Die blonde Bibliothekarin kannte mich inzwischen als B?cherwurm und begr??te mich, wie immer, wenn ic...

3 years ago
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Ich hatte einen sehr stressigen Job, und so suchte ich f?r meinen Urlaub etwas sehr Ruhiges. Keine St?rungen und kein Handy-Empfang. Nur Ruhe. Angeln vielleicht, aber das war auch schon das Stressigste, was ich geplant hatte. Ich fand was ich suchte in Skandinavien. Finnland kam mir zuerst in den Sinn, aber dann erfuhr ich von den vielen M?cken. Norwegen schien das bessere Ziel zu sein. Und ich mochte Berge, deshalb war ich dort richtig. Ich hatte eine kleine H?tte an einem Fjord...

2 years ago
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Harter Gangbang mit Schw ngerung

Hannah geht zum Geldverleiher in einer deutschen Grenzstadt. Sie kommt zu einem großen Haus in dem der Mann wohnt, der ihrem Vater ziemlich viel Geld für den Umbau eines kleinen Betriebs in der polnischen Nachbargemeinde geliehen hat. Die Rate von 1.000 Eur für diesen Monat hatte er aber nicht begleichen können, weil zu viele seiner Kunden ihre Rechnungen noch nicht beglichen hatten. Leider war das jetzt schon im dritten Monat so. Er hatte das Geld bei dem Finanzhai Großholz geliehen weil er...

Group Sex
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Zuchtstuten Teil 5

Teil 5: Der PostboteEin paar Wochen waren vergangen, seit Vanessa erfahren hatte, dass sie schwanger war. Noch war nicht allzu viel davon zu sehen, höchstens eine ganz leichte Wölbung ihres ansonsten flachen Bauches. Bei ihrer Mutter, die ja zwei Monate Vorsprung hatte, war dagegen schon eine deutliche Rundung zu erkennen.An dem Fick-Arrangement hatte sich durch Vanessas Schwangerschaft vorerst nichts geändert. Sie wurde weiterhin von Thomas und Marc regelmäßig gefickt. Und auch Sandra wurde...

2 years ago
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Kurzurlaub in London

Ich war jetzt schon einige Wochen mit Monika befreundet, aber es ging nicht so recht vorw?rts. Sexuell meine ich. Ein bisschen K?ssen und Schmusen, und das wars. Dabei war sie ausgesprochen attraktiv, fast so gro? wie ich mit pechschwarzen Haaren, die ihre Schultern umspielten. Dazu kontrastierte die bleiche Haut, die fast unwirklich hell erschien. Ihre zarten Augenbrauen waren zwei perfekte Bogen, und die Wimpern waren sehr lang. Wegen ihrer schwarzen Haare brauchte sie kein Makeup, um ih...

2 years ago
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Interview mit PORNOLIFE

PORNOLIFE: Wann hast Du deine ersten Sex-Erfahrungen gemacht? Andrea: In der Schule lernte ich viel, aber Sex lernte ich von den Jungs. PORNOLIFE: was bedeutete dies für dich? Andrea: Das Lusterlebnis war bestimmend für mein Selbstvertrauen. Ich war begehrt und deshalb stolz auf das, was ich als junge Fickstute tat. PORNOLIFE: Und nach der Schule? Andrea: Ich hatte weiterhin sexuelle Beziehungen zu den Jungs und deren Familien aus dem Maghreb, wo ich wurde zur Hure abgerichtet wurde. PORNOLIFE:...

4 years ago
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Switch Part 1 Der Herr

Die hier beschriebenen Ereignisse sind etwa ein Jahr vor verfassen der Geschichte geschehen. Die Dame aus der Geschichte wird im Folgenden auf eigenen Wunsch als „Arschhure“ bezeichnet. Ich kann mich aber noch sehr gut dran erinnern, als meine Arschhure mich zu sich bestellt hat. Draußen war es kalt und es lag eine matschige aber dichte Schicht Schnee auf der Erde. Ich hatte an dem Tag Zeit und Lust mich mit ihr zu treffen. Sie sagte ich solle einfach ins Treppenhaus kommen und an ihrer Haustür...

4 years ago
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Poker 1

"Dieter, es tut mir leid. Ich kann heute Abend nicht kommen." "Warum? Dir macht Kartenspielen doch viel Spa??" "Ja, Spa? schon, aber mir fehlt das Geld." "Wo wir doch immer nur um kleine Summen spielen?" "Ja, aber die Zeiten sind schlecht. Ich hatte viele unerwartete Auslagen. Ich muss sparen." "Komm doch heute Abend trotzdem. Vielleicht k?nnen wir ja andere Regeln ausmachen, oder ohne Geld spielen." "OK, dann komme ich." * - * Die a...

2 years ago
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Armin und Lea Teil 8

Am nächsten Morgen saßen Armin und Lea sehr früh am Frühstückstisch. Dann tauchte auch Jochen auf, er begann sofort an Armins Freundin herum zufummeln. Die haute ihm aber lachend auf die Finger. „Nichts da, die Schule ruft und außerdem müssen wir erst noch bei mir zuhause vorbei, Ich brauche doch noch meine Schulsachen“ machte Lea Jochen klar, dass es heute Morgen keine sexuellen Spielchen mehr gab. „Und wenn ich euch fahre, dann spart ihr mindesten eine halbe Stunde“ bemerkte Jochen, der schon...

3 years ago
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Einreiten einer besamungsunwilligen Stute

Es war so ein typisch kalter Wintertag, an dem ich mit meiner besten Freundin Beate bei mir zu Hause auf dem Sofa lag. Wir haben uns aus Langweile auf einem Erotikportal unserer Stadt eingeloggt und uns gegenseitig private Kontaktanzeigen vorgelesen. Bei einer Anzeige die Beate mir vorlas bekam ich augenblicklich eine Gänsehaut und es kribbelte in meinem ganzen Körper. So sehr hat mich diese Anzeige berührt. Die Anzeige lautete: Willst Du Deine Ehestute endlich fremdschwängern lassen von einem...

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eines Abends in der Wirtschaft

Eines Abends in der Wirtschaft Von Ricky Zimmermann Peter Grassky hatte sich den Verlauf des Abends nicht ganz so einschneidend fuer sein weiteres Leben vorgestellt. Prof sitzt fuer seine Verhaeltnisse eigentlich schon ziemlich lange mit seinen Dienern Wilhelm und Ernst in der Wirtschaft. Ab und zu steht einer von Ihnen auf und kaempft sich durch Mief und Dunst. Entweder an der Bar oder auf dem Weg zur Toilette werden mit irgendwelchen Leuten Sprueche geklopft. In der ganzen Kneipe...

4 years ago
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Pornostar verwirklicht sich

Ich, der bekannte Pornostar Rude Ordano war gelangweilt von der Idiotie und den Grenzen die mir Pornofilmszene setzte. Ich wollte etwas neues „Echtes“. Da kam mir die Idee für eine eigene Serie. Ich nannte sie einfach "Rudes Produktionen". Es ging darum unschuldige Mädchen zu überraschen und ficken. Mit allem was einen richtigen Fick auszeichnet. Ich konzentrierte mich auf harte illegale Pornografie, So öffnete ich bald eine neuen Horizont für ein weltweites Publikum. Mein einziges Credo war:...

4 years ago
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Chance ein Super Hengst zu werden

Kapitel 1 Der große Gesundheits-Kick Eines Tages beschloss ich schließlich, mit dem Rauchen aufzuhören, mein Trinken drastisch zu reduzieren und zu versuchen, ein gesunder Muskelkater zu werden. Ich war fest entschlossen zu wissen, wie es sich anfühlte, noch einmal Sex zu haben, bevor ich starb. Zunächst kaufte ich mir eine Kraftmaschine und trainierte meine Muskeln, bis die Schmerzen jedes Mal unerträglich wurden. Seltsamerweise fing ich bald an, den Schmerz wirklich zu mögen und bekam jedes...

3 years ago
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Jungfrau will ein Kind

Kat war eine Jungfrau. Zumindest bis vor ein paar Minuten. Sie war 18 und hatte bereits das Gefühl, ein Baby zu wollen. Tatsächlich hatten das Stechen einige Jahre zuvor begonnen ... es war gerade jetzt, als sie sich wirklich bereit fühlte. Sie wollte nicht nur die Berührung eines Mannes zum ersten Mal spüren, sondern auch fühlen, wie er in ihr explodierte ... ungeschützt, fruchtbar, mit der vollen Absicht, ihr ein Baby zu machen. Es dauerte eine Weile, bis sie die richtige Person fand. Es gab...

3 years ago
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Das Schw ngerungsritual

Der Club / Übertragung aus dem englischen – Autor General X Ordus Orbis, der Orden des Kreises soll schon im Alten Rom gegründet worden sein. Das Ordenskennzeichen war seine Geheimhaltung und Widerstandsfähigkeit, die ihn den Niedergang der Zivilisation überleben ließ. Die Versammlungen sind auch heutzutage geheimnisvoll, zurückgezogen und exklusiv. Seine Existenz war nur den Mitgliedern und denen bekannt, deren Lebensaufgabe im Dienst darin war. Diejenigen, von denen bekannt wurde, dass sie...

2 years ago
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Bound to Happen

Bound to HappenLisa had always been shy. She had grown up in a house where her father was the dominate force. She along with her sister and mother had all strived to do whatever he wanted. Lisa remembered being instructed by her mother on the importance of taking care of the man of the family. Now she was away for her freshman year of college and frankly she felt disoriented as there was no one telling her what to do and when to do it. Frankly Lisa was miserable!The first month she did nothing...

4 years ago
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Snowed in at the Ski Lodge The First Day

The idea was for us to spend new years at my on and off girlfriend Melinda's father's ski lodge near Idre Mountain way up in the North of Sweden, not far from the Norwegian border. It was Melinda, me, Davina, her boyfriend Alex, as well as their shared lover Martin. Tina and Jill were there too. We arrived at the lodge late on the 29th and would thus have an entire day to get started on preparations for the party on the last day of the second decade of the 21st century.We were all pretty...

Group Sex
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Rite of Passage

That little Long Island scandal that hit the papers recently could only happen in today's society, where the media tries to create their own news. My college football buddies and I were at this pre-season party, reminiscing about those 70's parties - the ones just before the discovery of aids! One guy, an assistant coach today at a well kown Midwestern college, told us about the Rite of Passage they used to have, there, and the ironic twist of fate that ended it. There were no media...

3 years ago
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Picking Up the PiecesChapter 30

Like all airline terminals the last few months, it wasn't possible to meet arriving passengers at the gate. Like most airports, the Indianapolis airport had made inadequate provisions for people waiting to pick up an arriving passenger. The area near the baggage pickup was small, crowded and rather confused. It was well after dark, long after the scheduled arrival, but Dave knew from a phone call earlier that the flight from Denver would be delayed for several hours, so there wasn't much he...

4 years ago
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Filling in the Gaps Part Three

After the first few weeks and making some interesting connections, my work schedule took precedence over my sexual adventures. With almost no time for clandestine meetings, I suspended my ad in the personals. Work went into overdrive so even a long lunch for a quickie blowjob wasn’t feasible. The lie of working late that I’d told my wife was now the truth. Instead of sucking the cocks of strangers in their cars I was at my desk, alone, sometimes into the night. In a couple of weeks our project...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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First ejaculation

I was in fifth grade and my two best friend were two years older than me. Joe was the real intellectual one and Larry was the jock. One Friday afternoon after school we went to Larry's house to practice . Larry was very good at it because his dad use to coach wrestling. Larry had his own wrestling mat in the basement of his house. I didn't know what jacking off was at this point in time, but I was about to find out. All I knew was my dick would get hard but I didn't know why or what to do about...

First Time
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Confession Part 2

This is the second part of a 2-part story. I strongly suggest you go back and read the first part before moving on to this. For those who have already read and are looking forward to the conclusion, I hope you enjoy it. For those who don't want to go back to the first part, a quick summary:The narrator is married to Gina, a very beautiful woman (Winona Ryder lookalike). They have been married a couple of years and he is devoted to her. She is shy and awkward and he has fantasies about how she...

2 years ago
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Dog Day Afternoon Chapter 7

Dog Day Afternoon - CHAPTER 6 By Beverly Taff Thus our lives continued for the next month. Billy regularly serving me and guarding me as our puppies grew within me. It was the start of the second month that I really began to show! At first I felt the odd tiny twitch inside me then eventually there seemed to be a whole football match going on. I started to give little gasps at odd times then sagged with delight, as the whole litter seemed to rearrange themselves and send my belly...

3 years ago
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 25 Dealing With Sophia s Past

Three weeks into the school year, Sophia couldn't believe how well things were going. She had all new teachers, except one, and they didn't know Sophia Daniels, Troublemaker, so she got a fresh start-and she was taking advantage of it. She was studying, trying to do well, because dating Warren for 6 months had made her realize something-she wanted a future. Now that it looked like she could have one, she wanted one. She had read up on meteorology, and found that she had to do well in math...

2 years ago
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Uncle Bob BluesChapter 29

Bob and I said, "Oh shit!" at the same time and then experienced the Fourth July as we went over the edge, which meant that I squealed again and Grandpa yelled out that he was coming and in the next instant was banging on the bathroom door. "Maggie Girl?" He hollered. "You in here?" "I'm okay, Grandpa! I'm just rehearsing a scene." "Sounds to me like you're -- Where the hell is Bob?" I glanced at Bob who had collapsed on the toilet. He shrugged and buried his face his hands....

3 years ago
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Red Part III Back to School

“Mom, Dad, I’m home.” It was almost midnight when Sara came through the front door. The trip from Richmond had taken almost 9 hours, and she was exhausted. It wasn’t the drive that had worn her out, but the two hours she spent getting fucked by the blackmailing truck driver at the truck stop outside of Philly. She’d been talking on the phone with her boyfriend, Brian, and he’d worked her up into a quaking orgasm while she was sitting in stopped traffic on I-95, waiting for an accident to clear....

2 years ago
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EvilAngel Kyler Quinn Anal Fuck

Cute, slender Kyler Quinn flaunts her tight body in red lingerie, probing her butthole through a heated masturbation intro that leave her fully prepared for Jax Slayher’s big cock. The young girl greets him by opening her sphincter. Jax jams his prick up her ass, with Kyler talking dirty as he drills her rectum. Decadent anal action includes raunchy, ass-to-mouth fellatio and nasty bunghole gaping! Kyler talks dirty and gives a drooling, POV-style blowjob, choking as Jax ferociously fucks...

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Teasing the Neighbor

I have always been an exhibitionist. As far back as I can remember I have always hated wearing clothing and always enjoyed being naked. Once I got my own place I wouldn’t hesitate to walk around the house constantly without a stitch of clothing. I realized that I found it quite thrilling that someone might catch me in this state of undress and take advantage of me, which only made me want to do it more. To add to this addiction to be nude all the time I also had an ever increasing desire to...

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The Solitary ArrowPart 21

Harlen awoke with a start, realizing that he was alone in the bed. He sat up, casting his eyes about searching the darkened room for Hyandai. When his eyes fell upon his beloved, standing in a long, flowing gown of rich blue silk, they stopped and widened. Hyandai radiated beauty and affection toward him. She was just standing from a small desk in the corner of her room. A miniature calyondo shone light down upon the desk from a wooden stand. She had been writing. "Harlen, all is well,"...

2 years ago
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Her Sensuous SearchChapter 4

The next day was Friday. When Hub got home from work, Doug was studying in the living room and Sue was setting the table for the evening meal. "Hi, Hub. How'd it go today?" Doug greeted cheerily. "You two go wash your hands," Sue called from the dining room. "Supper's almost ready." Ignoring Sue, Hub walked over to Doug. He took out his wallet and handed Doug a twenty-dollar bill. "What's this for?" "I want you to take Sue out tonight. Go to a movie, and make it a double...

1 year ago
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Monica my ex and fun with her pt 4 Room service maid fucking

We had never played like this before, so even though she knew very well what I looked like, I felt uncomfortable for a while that my hard cock was expanding from above and I was standing straddling her head. But soon the strange feeling passed when I felt her hands on my buttocks and she started to press lightly so that I could drive my long cock into her mouth. I started to like it. I was even more surprised when, while licking her pussy and pushing my cock from above into her mouth, I felt...

4 years ago
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An Acquired TasteChapter 7

Jack had wriggled free from Margot’s erotic attentions; her control over him had diminished due to his office status; but she was still matriarch of the Estate which employed him. But in his new role Jack was no longer based in Margo’s bunkhouse with Jamaker, so he missed her company through his working day. Absence had made his heart grow even fonder for Jamaker; he was sort of in love with her. Yet it was Mr Guy who was clearly courting her. It was Mr Guy who had introduced her to horse...

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The Desert Tulip 8211 Part 3 Sam Desert And Hotel Desert Tulip Jaisalmer

Next day we were to leave early morning to Jaisalmer where the ad agency wanted to take few shooting in Sam desert during sunset. They said they would also shoot at place called Bada Bagh, Ludrawa etc. Night halt would at Prince Desert camp in luxury Swiss cottages. We returned by four in the evening and I was thinking if both sisters would be able to come with me to Jaisalmer. I thought the elders in the house may not agree but wanted to take a chance. Only Shruti had mobile number and I gave...

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He ate my sweet honey pot

I’ve prepared my black boyfriend his favourite meal. I show him the meal and tell him to sit down so I can serve him. I set the food before him and tell him there is something else want to give him. While he is eating his delicious food, I tell him I want to kneel under the table and suck his cock. He agrees and we begin. I kneel in front of him under the table and unzip his trousers. I reach in and pull out his placid cock and his balls. I take his burning cock in my hands. I tenderly...

3 years ago
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Kettle full and bubbling, Matt sat and played the piano to her. Mia loved it when Matt played; it made her feel part of something special. The couple made their way upstairs. Mia took the lead so she could let Matt get a good look at her sexy, curvalicious body. She knew this would get his mind racing. As usual she took a long look in the mirror trying to re-do her windswept hair, although she knew there was no point as he loved her hair natural in every way. Matt crept up behind her and...

Straight Sex
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It was a bright Saterday afternoon as the sun gave a generous shine over the campus. In one of the many apartments of the campus, you blink once more with your eyes. Live has smiled upon you. Not only didn’t you pass any problems in finding this apartment, you were sharing it with the two most beautiful beings on earth. One of the girls was Carly Shay. She is the more caring girl of your roommates. Her girliness, optimism and tendency for having good moods were what you most like about her. You...

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Sex with wife 8217 s virgin cousin

Hello to all like minded people. This is Sameer from Mumbai writing about a true incident that happened lately with one of my wife’s cousin. Her name is Pradnya and she is 18 yrs of age. I am not sure from where do I start but yes to maybe describe Pradnya, definitely not having the best of assets, but whatever she had used to arouse me for some reason or the other. She was more on the slimmer side with dark complexion, a good smile and somehow I felt that she had a good figure hidden behind...

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The Anniversary Present

Dropping my towel as I lay down on the bed, I am still thinking of the conversation with my husband about having a professional photographer take nude pictures of me. I told him I couldn't do something like that. However, maybe I could have some pictures taken of me in lingerie but definitely not fully nude. He said it would be the hottest thing I had ever done for him. I start to wonder how he would reward me if I actually went through with it. Our ten year anniversary is coming up and I would...

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Mabel s StoryChapter 3 A Knotty Problem

"What do you think happened, Mike?" "Happened? What do you mean, Delores?" Mike and Delores were lying side by side in bed as they often did after they made love at night. They preferred early morning fucks because the extra burst of testosterone that men typically have in the morning made it better for both. It also left them both relaxed for a day's work but for several nights Mabel had been getting in bed with them sometime during the sleeping hours. "She's been getting in bed...

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KennedyChapter 15 Friends of Friends

Kennedy and Mr. Glastonbury walked to his car, parked in the school pickup area. There was a traffic ticket on the windshield. One of the patrolmen who'd been on duty inside the school saw them and noticed the ticket. He walked quickly over and picked it up. "I'll take care of this," he told Mr. Glastonbury. "I'm sorry, Miss. I really screwed up." "Yep!" Kennedy agreed. "I've screwed up, Mr. Glastonbury has screwed up; God knows, Larkin is a total screw up. It's not that you make...

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Fool s Utopia Preston s New World

Preston hadn't expected this . Well , he had daydreamed about it and lusted for it , but not this soon . He was so close . His hips moved like they were one with Yolanda's mouth . Yolanda felt it , too . She inhaled deeply and gtabbed Preston's ass with both hands . Preston just let her have it . Resistance was futile . The first spurt felt like it would last forever . Yolanda sank carefully to the ground with Oreston on top of her , still flinching in her mouth . He felt Yolanda's hand on his...

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Rebel in the SouthChapter 31 Lucinda

The last river I had to cross was a nameless, northern tributary of the Broad. Winter had finally arrived with day after day of cold rain blowing in from the northwest. The fords were high and I kept going upstream until I found an operating ferry. I beat on the keg intended as a signal drum and a person finally emerged on the far side, waved at me and went to the flat-bottomed barge. Across the roiling stream it came, bobbing up and down, and I loaded my two horses aboard and tried to help...

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Something Special

It all started when I was walking home one day in hot Florida from the grocery store. I had gone there because I needed a couple of folders for school. I was still walking out of the parking lot when some weird guy in a large tan truck drove near to me and offered me a ride. He said sweet things to me, one in particular I remember is that he said I looked like an angel. Perhaps it was bullshit but back then I believed it. I actually rejected his offer and told him no thank you. I continued on...

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Virgin Teen Deflowered By Drunk Uncle

Hi, I am Raj. I am from Kerala and currently studying in Pune. Some of the ladies already know me because we have had some great sex chats. I am writing this story with the permission of my reader. The story is in her perspective and is about her first time. Let’s call her Ria. She is a young and very horny teen. Now, in her words. My father died when I was young. He had already remarried before and my stepmom was pregnant. Although my father was rich, he had taken a very big loan. And when he...

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Resolute Love

Next to me, my beautiful wife Flarni drifted along in her fugue state. The specialty drugs she was on now were much longer lasting then the laudanum she normally consumed. I tried to wake her. I don’t like what it does to her no matter how much she insists. “Hey honey look at that.” I tugged on her to look out at the fields of light snow that covered the fields. “The sun came out, spring is just a few weeks away honey.” Outside Lafaust, there was no snow. Here, just a half days...

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my wife get preg

I am 35, my wife is 26. We’d been married for about 3 years. It was my second marriage and my wife was a very horny girl.After we were married about a year, Rena told me all of her fantasies. Her biggest one was to be tied to the bed, blindfolded, ear plugs a hood over her head, total sensory deprivation. She didn’t want to see, hear, or be able to move. And she wanted me to do this early in the morning and come in every hour or two and do anything I wanted to with her.She also said that she...

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Keily s PlantChapter 2 The Worm

When Keily woke up, it was almost dusk. She had slept practically all day. A little woozy, she sat on the bed and the feeling of her panties rubbing against her clit made her body shiver with pleasure. She was puzzled as her clit had never been so sensitive before. In fact, she realized that she was in such heightened state of arousal, that she could hardly hold back the need to jump on the bedpost and impaled herself on all of its length. Keily put on a small bathrobe and walked out of her...

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Teaching Takumi

Introduction: An erotic boy/woman incest story written in tribute to Japanese straight shota hentai. Hana Nakamura made a sound of disgust and scornfully tossed aside her nephews sex education pamphlet. What a joke, she thought. No wonder his teachers are too embarrassed to discuss the material in class. She began playing with the loose ends of her kimono belt as she thought about what to do. Her sister Tori had asked her to have the talk with her nephew Takumi. His father had died several...

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Attacked at home Nicks POV

Introduction: was asked to write Nicks POV so here it is hope you like it As we wait for the Chinese to arrive I Lay on the sofa with my girlfriend, her arm rests softly over my stomach while her head sits on my chest. I pull her closer stroking her hand while we watch Donnie Darko. I lower my eyes to her head as I notice her breathing become longer and deeper wondering if she has fallen asleep but I can see a smile spreading over her lips, Im not sure why but she does this quite a lot when we...

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The BastardChapter 4 Love

It's hardest at night, when there's nothing to distract me. In the night I'll remember sleeping with Elizabeth, or not sleeping. I'd be on my side and she would push herself up against my back. I'd be almost asleep and then I'd feel her breathing, first her chest, then her stomach, moving rhythmically against me. Sometimes her face would touch me straight on, and her breath would heat a spot in the middle of my back. Her breath was the warmest thing in the bed. She wasn't always like...

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Femocracy A Sissy Maids Tale

The year is 2050 and women rule the world. I should really follow this statement with a sinister laugh but there was nothing sinister in the current situation. There was no bloody coup by women to overthrow man, there was no war waged by man to wipe himself out, no it was mother nature who took a hand in helping women find there rightful place. Things started changing from the year 2012. Gradually women began to realise that they could read minds. They could easily read the mind of a man...

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The Point of No Return

My wife, Lucy and I were on holiday and had become friendly with another couple, Helen and Pete, who were slightly younger than us but were both very much on our wavelength. It happened one night, that we were back at their rented villa, enjoying a few drinks and a tipsy chat. I was seated next to Lucy, and facing us, Helen next to Pete when the topic of conversation moved somehow from politics to sexuality: ‘So Tony’, Pete piped up. ‘What’s your view on bi-sexuality?’ He asked forwardly. I...

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Hard Won Attraction Ch 02

Cadee was momentarily stunned. Images flew into her mind, if her mother had put the boy up to this, or if this was some prank on her dad’s part. Then she saw a look of utmost expectation on his face and realized that the boy sincerely meant what he said. She decided to be merciful and shoot down his little fantasy gently. ‘Well I don’t know, how old are you?’ she asked amusedly. ’13,’ he replied proudly. ‘Well I’m 23, are you sure that you want an old maid like me as your wife? Wouldn’t you...

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CommuneChapter 19

Bev looked across the table at Ella and Frau Shultz. The elderly woman looked upset about something. Bev asked, “What’s the matter with Frau Shultz?” “She’s upset because Abby won’t take care of Jack,” Ella answered. Frau Shultz said, “Sie sollte ihn ins Bett holen.” “What does that mean?” Bev asked. “She says that she should take him to bed with her,” Ella answered. “Why?” Bev asked wondering what had caused this sudden concern for Jack. “He got a job at the college,” Ella answered...

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Age Not Always an Issue

CHAPTER 1 Fired at the age of five-four as part of the vehicle assembly plant’s downsizing to ride out the economic downturn, Carson Kline was living alone because his wife had gone to live with her eighty-seven year old mom. Sara had found Carson’s increased demand for sex since being out of work intolerable, not that she’d been much interested way back when becoming pregnant for the third time. Anyway she was tired of him and called him ‘over-active’. Carson missed the sex and thought of...

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Sex with Hot Gym partner

Hello readers, thank you for liking my other stories. Your love is the real motivator for me to write more. I am here to present another incident which initial sounds funny but later it turns out to be a very hot experience. This incident is about a hot gym partner whom I met in my gym and I was paired by my gym coach to be his gym partner. Initially, we were gym partners and later we were intimate partners. This all started when I started the gym and my coach introduced me to this guy called...

Gay Male
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Tight Tiny Teeny Getting A Bump In Her Belly Part One

A young Japanese Teen lay on the bed in the ryokem nude her tight little teeny hole dripping with a salarymans cum. Lucky for her he was sterile. The Yakuza who’s “business” this was enjoyedtaking advantage of disenfranchised youth to attract businessmen from near and far to his establishment. For anyone who doesn’t know, Japanese Girl’s “were” the original babymaking girls of Asia all throughout the 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s long before Thai Girls took said mantle. I had grown up in Germany and...

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The Simpsons Movie 2

After an hour with three-quarters of the supplies left, Lisa, Bart and Maggie were lying stationary on their mother. Lisa said in pain; ``Mom, my belly is stuffed and painful and I can’t get up.” Marge rubbed Bart and Lisa’s swollen bellies. Marge said; ``Kids, just lie down and rest. We’ll be home soon.” Bart said; ``I don’t think Maggie will rest, mom. She wants to explode herself.” Bart and Lisa watched big-belly Maggie sucking more breast milk from her mother. As they arrived home and...

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Editing Reality Book Three Naughty Fantasies UnleashedChapter 13 True Names

Linda Davies Elation rushed through me. My husband had it. He would edit Sandalphon. We just had to make it to Midnight. Nine hours to go, and then our family would have all the power in the world. I shuddered, squirming on my husband’s lap. I shifted how I sat on him, straddling him. I pressed my breasts into his chest. My nipples throbbed and ached. I slipped my arms around his neck and pressed my forehead against his head. I squirmed, my pussy juicy, eager to fuck him and ride...

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Pulled Over By Ex Wife

It was 2:15 P.M. and I was driving my white Corvette ZR 1 down Tramway Blvd. in Albuquerque when I saw the blue and red lights in my rear view mirror. I looked at the clock and thought to myself damn it’s Friday night and all the bars just closed and the cops think I’m a typical drunk on his way home after drinking all night. I was not drunk but I was driving a brand new Corvette ZR1 the fastest production Corvette made and it always drew the attention of the police. I pulled over and as usual...

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A Changing Life Chapter 7

Chapter 7 I made the tea and placed the 4 cups on my round silver tray, pausing to stupidly straighten my apron which, in reality, was just an attempt to delay before bringing it upstairs to them. Hesitating, I was terrified of what I would find in side, I eventually reluctantly knocked softly on their bedroom door. "Come in." Donna's voice was as authoritative as ever. I opened the door quietly, the three of them were sitting up in our king size bed Donna to the right in her...

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honeymoon in thailand part 1

Introduction: couple goes on honeymoon in thailand and finds a rare sex convention for the upper class. they get caught in part 2…. To begin, let me tell you a little more about me. im 23year old Asian female. 55 135lbs. naturally attractive without make up and long long black hair. my husband is a white male about 6 and 200 lbs. blue eyed and he works for the military. Weve been married for less than half a year and my husband finally has some time off of work to take me on our honeymoon. im...

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The Safeway Cashier BBW

This is purely fictional and fantasy but if the cashier does see this hopefully we can make it a real story.I live by myself I'm quite fit and i go too the gym regularly I usually go for skinny girls but one day. As i was driving home I remembered I needed to go too the store and pick up some food for my diet I was a few weeks out from a bodybuilding competition. So i had to buy a bunch of healthy food for my diet to make me look more lean. As i walked into the store i noticed a bbw it was a...

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Alex and Justin discover their love for each other

Introduction: Story is by no means true, but Justin is based on me and Alex is based on a friend I know It all started about two years ago when Justin was a sophomore in high school. He just got his license and was stuck driving his younger sister, Carla, around. She was in the 8th grade and was just like any regular 8th grade girl, bubbly, full of life, and always hanging out with her friends. Part of the agreement Justin had with his parents was that if they bought him a car, he would have to...

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Part 47 A Family Affair

Introduction: john and holly head to her parents house after they become engaged… Episode V Of the Adventures of John and Holly Part 47: A Family Affair I had previously met Hollys parents, but that was when we were boyfriend girlfriend. Its a little different when we are engaged. Meet the Parents comes to mind, so I as hoping against the disapproving in-laws. To start our post college lives we put our resumes out there, and decided to take a few months off unless we got good job offers. We...

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Isabelle and mr B te ch 05

‘Good morning, Isabelle.’ Jean-Marie said as she walked into the kitchen. ‘I see you’ve woken up on time, very good.’ ‘Good morning, Mr. Bête.’ she said. ‘I did remember to set the alarm this time.’ ‘Jean.’ he said, smiling at her. ‘Sorry?’ she said, afraid she missed something. ‘Well, you called me that last evening.’ She went through the memories of the party and remembered calling out to him. ‘I did, didn’t I?’ she said. ‘I didn’t mean to-‘ ‘I don’t dislike it, so when we’re in private...

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His Wife s Birthday Gift

Hubby: Hello. May I speak to the owner of The Gentlemen’s Club please? Owner: Yes, I own the club. What can I help you with? Hubby: My wife would like to have an evening experience working at your club. When I told her how much I enjoyed a recent visit to a parlor in Europe she said she’d love to work a night. Owner: Well that is a first for us. I can do it but she has to follow some rules. Number 1) it won’t cost you anything, 2) all money she takes in belongs to the business except...

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lesbian desires

Upon waking Carrie felt complete and total horror, she was naked, her hand’s were cuffed and pulled to her front, and she was face down with heavy leather straps running around her upper thighs and ankles spreading her legs leaving her private parts visible for the world to see. Basically face down and ass up, Carrie tried twisting to find some sort of escape but there was none ,she pulled against the cuffs till her wrists were raw., screaming seemed to have no effect, as what seemed like...

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Rachel Crossing The Line Part XIII

November 29th, 12:02 PM A few thousand thoughts were running through my mind after catching that news story about Tang Dettings. The bastard definitely got what he deserved, whether he fell down some stairs or was helped. Of course I knew in my heart he hadn't fallen and that's where Brad must have gone after Krystal and I had gotten home last night. The look on his face when he saw how that asshole had beaten Krystal was one I'll never forget. I think after the initial shock...

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My wife and I are fucked by friends

My wife, Nell and I took our trailer caravan to a campsite in France and became friendly with a French married couple, Jacques and Monique, who also had a trailer caravan. We were sitting on chairs in in their caravan awning and drinking wine when Monique, who spoke excellent English (unlike her husband who could not speak it at all though she translated for him whan necessary) said that she and Jacques were naturists and go to a nudist beach and would like Nell and me to go with them. Nell...

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Anal Sex in the Dunes

'Maspalomas' is a name that conjures imagery of sex. Beautiful sand dunes dotted with couples doing what nature intended, 'Fucking', but with the added spice ingredient, other men watching, and waiting, hoping and praying, their juices stirred by the copulating female, warmed by the Sun, excited by the cock, for their turn to plant their seed into her belly, mouth, and anal canal.I used to come here as a girl and see the men do it, and when my parents allowed me to wander I would see men shoot...

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Nick Watches Jenny

Since my wife Jenny confessed to me about her cravings and urge to suck strange cock when I wasn’t available, some elements of our sex life have actually heightened. It is strangely hot to have her recant the details of her “Blow and Go’s” while she worships my own cock. I am sure that most have seen Jenny’s photos posted on various porn and swinger sites. For the unlucky few that haven’t seen her, Jenny is a 5’ 10” fair skinned 55 year old blonde with natural D-cup tits and drink coaster-sized...

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A Cinderella Spell Chapter 3 Dancing the Blues Away

A Cinderella Spell - Chapter 3, Dancing the Blues Away "Beth." "BETH!" "ELIZABETH VICTORIA BENNET!!!" shouted my Mam from downstairs. I sat up in bed and wiped the sleep from my eyes. Whatever's wrong it must be urgent for her to use my full name including a middle name I didn't realise I had. "WHAT?" I shouted back. "DON'T "WHAT" ME YOUNG LADY," she shouted back up again. "YOU'VE GOT TO BE FITTED FOR THREE DRESSES THIS MORNING BEFORE YOU TURN UP FOR PRACTICE AND YOU'RE...

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Bisexual Relationships Part Two Revised

-Madison's POV- I awoke to find Sara lying on the other side of the couch.  I looked at the clock, and I realized we had been asleep for about twenty minutes.  I tapped her on the shoulder and whispered for her to get up. "That was FUN!" she said excitedly.  I rolled my eyes, though I had to agree. "We gotta do that again sometime."  I said. "Well, my parents won't be back for the rest of the weekend.  Maybe we can."  she replied. I sighed.  We stared at each other.  "Does...

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Lust in a cold climate

It was just before my 17th birthday when I met Paul (my future husband) while he was out walking with my cousin Alan in our local park. They were both 5 years older than me. I was physically well developed and quite aware the effect my body had on the opposite sex. I must admit I was secretly thrilled (and still am) when men and boys ogled me and would (and still do) flaunt myself to them quite shamelessly. The evening I first met Paul we kissed and intimately fondled each other while Allan...

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Wife pays the car note

Well we got are car from a used card lot. All was fine and going great at the time. Well a few months go by and i lost my job. We had money comeing in from something else but we were short on the car note. About 7 months of this and ducken the car company calls a tow truck shows up. My wife begs the guy not to take the car so he calls the lot owner and the owner said to leave the car but for us to by at the car lot a 6 pm. well 6 rolled around and we drove up to the car lot. We walked into the...

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She taught me

Ka dei ka janmiet ba pyngngad bha jong u bnai december ha ka snem 2005. Ka bneng ka la beh er khriat ha ki jaka shit jong ngi, ha ki thain ri war, tangba la kumno kumno ka dang syaid bha ia ki nong sor. Nga klet ban iathuh, nga la don palat 24 snem ha kato ka janmiet bad nga wan na ka ing ka sem kaba donburom hapoh shnong poh thaw. Nga la pyndep ia ka jingpule jong nga ia ka BA na Lady Keane College, Shillong ha ka snem 2003, bad mynta nga hikai ha ka Upper Primary School ha la shnong.ngi ia...

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Betrayed Wife s Revenge

Betrayed Wife's Revengeby Rajah Dodger {[email protected]} (c) 1997, 2009This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License (by-nc-sa). In jurisdictions where the Creative Commons license is not recognized, United States copyright and Berne Convention provisions apply; all rights reserved to Rajah Dodger except that electronic not-for-profit reproduction rights are explicitly granted with the stipulation that this authorship and...

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A Clear Conscience IV

I told Fay that we couldn’t have sex anymore now that Lanie was back, and she agreed, but we still remained friends, and luckily for me, Lanie and Fay seemed to really hit it off when I introduced them. But my conscience was still filled with guilt, and everyday, I felt as though I was the scum of the earth, and so I treated Lanie as nicely as possible, and didn’t try to do anything with her until she was ready to jump back into our old routine. That night my Dad and step-mom were going...

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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 67

“Son, that was some race. We heard what Parkman’s jockey said. You did the right thing holding Cheyenne back, then letting him run away with the race after they’d tried to run him down like that. You’d think Sam Parkman would know better by now,” Eli said as he and Joe stood beside Little Eli when their picture was made. “Did you win big again, Dad?” Little Eli asked, knowing by his smile that he did. “We all won big on that race. I already have another big bet placed on the last race...

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Author's note: there is a chapter "Author's notes" at the end of this one, I believe it's worth a read. I hope you enjoy this (long) story, and if you have feedback and/or ideas, please leave a comment, I love to hear what you think! **Caution: The story contains strong language and is sexually explicit. Mature audiences only.** Introduction Thursday, July 2nd. The last week of school is ending and the graduates of UvH, the University of Hoorn, are awaking from their drunken stupors as the...

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Step by Step 1 Amy s Awakening

“...Sultans of Swing by Dire Straits...” “Right!” I replied, grinning at Jake’s self satisfied expression.”Let’s see how good you are with this...” It was a perfect Saturday morning and we were playing ‘Name that Tune’ as my stepbrother Jake drove the two of us northwards through the Yorkshire countryside in our mother’s car on our way to the seaside cottage Mum and Dad had rented for a week’s break. Dad had a late business commitment so he and Mum were going to join us a day later on the...

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Something for All

"This is perfect for Benjamin!" you say it over and over on the way back to your Fraternity House. Once in your own room a wicked thought comes to mind. Looking at the bottle of potion you rationalize that Ben might not take the liquid willingly. Then too he might drop or break the bottle making your trick just a forlorn foolish purchase. Instead you look around for something to hide and also spread the potion into different decanters. A beer can, bottle of Ben's hair gel, Mouthwash, yes...

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Mother s Day

He stood in the window and watched the young girl walk down the street. She was so much like her mother at this young age. She had an adult body but she was a c***d. He watched her ass as she walked and her tits as they pushed against her tight t-shirt. His cock got hard as he thought about undressing her like he had her mother. He remembered seeing her mom's huge tits the first time he stripped her naked. Her huge globes filled his huge hands as he rubbed them and played with her nipples. He...

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All AloneChapter 2 Back to the Grind

You know, it's funny how you can have people all around you, but you can still feel lonely. As I drove towards my home, I got that lonely feeling all over again. Once home my children surrounded me, but I still felt alone. My first and most important reason for living was gone. My bed was empty, much like my heart. Not only did I feel numb, I felt as though I'd lost an important part of myself. I rather felt that I wasn't running on all eight cylinders. In fact, it felt as if I was barely...

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Sarah and I Part 3

It had been 2 weeks now since Sarah had suggested trying anal and it hadn't left my mind for a second. We did have a few quickies over those weeks, when mum was late from work or nipped out to the store. When I say quick, I mean quick - which barely gave time for oral; but it wasn't less hot, and certainly wasn't getting old. It was a Friday evening and our mum was busy making dinner in the kitchen. I was spread out across the sofa and Sarah was sitting in her usual spot on the arm chair. She...

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Sleeping with mom

God, Kevin, your mom gave me a serious boner!” Lying on the upstairs carpet with her ear to the air vent, eavesdropping on the group of teen boys in her downstairs family room, Jackie Stuffer’s heart jumped when she heard Chuck say that. “Was he really talking about me?” She wondered. She was hoping to overhear one or more of the boys talk dirty, but she really wasn’t expecting a frank discussion about herself. Her hand moved down below her nightshirt to her panties, and she gently rubbed her...

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Andreas big cock lust

Andrea was the most depraved and fun woman I have ever been with. For seven years, we pushed each others sexual boundaries constantly. It got to a point where our sexual urges were getting us in increasingly dangerous situations, and although we would periodically swear off our swinging lifestyle and talk ourselves into living a 'pure' life, the rest of the time the pendulum swung to the other extreme.Filed away in my mind are all the great memories of our debauched times together. I also have...

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