Strumpfhose indian porn

2 years ago
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Erziehungsmassnahmen einer Mutter Teil 1

Erziehungsma?nahmen einer Mutter Kapitel 1 Manche w?rden es als pervers beschreiben - andere w?rden mich jedoch f?r meinen Mut loben. Ich komme mit beiden Meinungen zurecht, wenngleich ich pers?nlich eher zwiesp?ltig dem gegen?berstehe, was ich getan habe. Alles begann damit, dass ich wieder am Rande eines Nervenzusammenbruches war. Christian, mein zw?lfj?hriger Sohn, brachte mich wie so oft in Rage. Sein penetranter Ungehorsam mir gegen?ber lie? mich an meinen Erzie...

2 years ago
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Altered Fates Gl ck und Glas Teil 1

Altered Fates: Glueck und Glas, Teil 1 by T:M in 2005 Achtung: In dieser Geschichte gibt es Szenen mit expliziten sexuellen Handlungen. Au?erdem wird geflucht, und das nicht selten! ***Prolog*** Eigentlich war alles wie immer: Ein typischer Samstag Vormittag. Das "Venice", ein kleines Eiscafe, welches nach 22.00 Uhr auch eine ganz passable Szenebar abgab lag am Rande der malerischen Altstadt, direkt neben der Rossmann-Br?cke, dem Markenzeichen des Ortes, welche ?ber einem ...

2 years ago
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Der Dachboden 5

Der Dachboden 5 Die Situation war schon eigent?mlich genug. Ohne etwas sehen zu k?nnen, war ich extrem gefesselt. Ich konnte nichts bewegen, weder Arme, Beine, noch Kopf. Und irgendetwas ber?hrte meinen nackten Po auf h?chst erotische Weise. Nur mein eingesperrter Penis verhinderte, dass ich einen Orgasmus bekam. Trotzdem lief ein Schauer nach dem anderen durch mich. Schlie?lich h?rte es auf. Wer auch immer das machte, er oder sie musste zu Tim gegangen sein. Ich h?rte ihn durch die ...

3 years ago
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Yvonne by PonytailGirl This is a translation into German language based on the original "Cammy" by Guy Faux. Pictures by DovSherman. Gespr?che mit anderen Leuten waren f?r mich nie einfach. Selbst in Unterhaltungen mit Freunden und der Familie stotterte ich fast durchgehend. Die Leute meinten, ich sei bescheuert und lie?en mich "links liegen". Dieser Umstand machte mich ungl?cklich. Die Wahrheit ist, dass ich ein gemeinschaftlich denkender Mensch bin und echte Freunde haben wollte ...

2 years ago
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Der Keller 5

Ich hatte kein Problem mit einem anderen Namen. Eine kleine Abwandlung, und ich war Nicole. Das gefiel mir ausgesprochen gut. Ben war auch schnell mit einem neuen Namen da. "Ich fand Sarah schon immer toll." Wenig sp?ter hatte sich Julian etwas ausgesucht. Wie sein richtiger Name wieder etwas ungew?hnlich: Alina. Mir gefiel es sehr gut. Anscheinend war ich der Einzige, der seinen alten Namen abwandelte. Nein, doch nicht. Denn Max meinte, "Menno, kann ich nicht einfach bei Max bleiben? K...

3 years ago
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Gr fin Donatelle Mimi und Lord Perry

Gr?fin Donatelle, Mimi und Lord Perry Als der Verk?ufer im Antiquit?tenladen Gr?fin Donathelle den magischen Ring an den Finger steckte, f?hlte sie die Kraft des Ringes. Sie l?chelte den Verk?ufer an, als dieser ihr noch einmal die Macht des Ringes erkl?ren wollte. "Glauben Sie mir, junger Mann, ich kenne die Eigenschaften des Ringes. Ich habe ihn seit Jahren gesucht." Gr?fin Donatelle verlie? das Antiquit?tengesch?ft in der Innenstadt, um noch ein paar Eink?ufe zu machen. Heute war der Tag Ihrer Rache und ...

2 years ago
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Der auferstandene Hexenmeister Teile 1 3

Im Fr?hjahr 2003 war ich ein 22 Jahre alter Arch?ologiestudent. Ich genoss das freie, unbek?mmerte Studentenleben. Ich ahnte nicht, dass dies bald ein Ende haben w?rde. Schon immer hatten mich fantastische Sagen und Mythen mehr interessiert als die banale Wissenschaft, von der ich auf der Universit?t h?rte. Bei meinen privaten Studien war ich in einer Bibliothek auf ein mittelalterliches Buch gesto?en. Es handelte von einem gro?en Hexenmeister der damaligen Zeit. Er verf?gte angeblich ?ber ph...

2 years ago
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2222 2 Schulsystem

2222 (2) Schulsystem Bis zu meinem 4. Geburtstag wurde ich, wie die meisten Jungen den ganzen Tag zu Hause gelassen. Kurz nach dem 4. Geburtstag ging ich von Montag bis Freitag von morgens 09.00 bis nachmittags 16.00 in den Kindergarten. Meine Mutter und die in ihrem Haus lebenden M?nner waren somit tags?ber von der Pflicht sich um mich zu k?mmern entbunden und ich lernte die ersten Schritte in die Welt der M?nner. Der Kindergarten Wie in allen Kinderg?rten so wurden auch i...

3 years ago
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Der Flaschengeist Teil 9

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webs...

4 years ago
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Simon und Simone

S i m o n und S i m o n e Mein Leben mit meiner weiblichen Seite Teil 1: WIE ALLES BEGANN Als alles seinen "Anfang" nahm, war ich noch ziemlich jung und lebte bei meiner Tante. Nicht weit von ihr, nur ein paar Bushaltestellen entfernt, wohnte ihre beste Freundin Gabriele. Sie war 40 Jahre alt, sehr attraktiv, immer elegant angezogen, wirkte elit?r und galt, wie meine Tante erz?hlte, vielfach als arrogante und abweisende Totalzicke. Ich hingegen verstand mich, was vielfach Ver...

2 years ago
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Ein halbes Jahr im Leben eines Detektivs

Auf meinem Schreibtisch t?rmten sich die Rechnungen. Es war ein Fehler gewesen, in dieses B?ro zu gehen. Es war sehr Schicki-Micki, und viel zu teuer. Ich hatte mir mehr davon versprochen, Auftr?ge von einer besseren Klientel. Und ich wollte diese ?berwachung von Ehem?nnern loswerden, denn das war fast ausschlie?lich mein t?glich Brot gewesen. Im Auto stundenlang vor einer Wohnung zu sitzen war nicht unbedingt das, was ich mir als Detektiv ertr?umt hatte. Meine Sekret?rin war ich mittlerweile lo...

3 years ago
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Octavia Chapter 7 Der Zirkel der Monde der Lofn

Octavia Chapter 7 Der Zirkel der Monde der Lofn von Ricky Zimmermann Wir stehen auf dem Innenhof des Schlosses und warten auf das Auto, welches uns in das Hauptquartier des Zirkels bringen soll und ich geniesse, wie ich seit langem das erste Mal wieder mehr als nur Beine, Schuhe, Rocksaum und Bodenbelag sehen kann, wenn ich mich draussen bewege, beziehungsweise bewegt werde. Wir (das heisst Octavia als meine Unterw?sche und ich in ihrem K?rper, der von ihr kontrolliert wird, inzwischen n...

1 year ago
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Mein Zweites Leben 2

Mein Zweites Leben (2) - Die Schule Die ist die Fortsetzung von Mein Zweites Leben (1) ( =1382959938277653391). Ich empfehle, zuerst den Anfang zu lesen. Die Schule Ich halte kurz an, als ich die Einfahrt passiert habe. Vor mir liegt ein gr??eres Anwesen mit einem Haupthaus und zwei Nebengeb?uden, alles in freundlichem Wei? gestrichen. An der Seite ein kleiner, gut gef?llter Parkplatz, den ich dann auch vorsichtshalber ans...

1 year ago
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Der Geist von Halloween

Vorbemerkung: Ich schreibe keine Geschichten, ich erz?hle nur von meinen Phantasien... Heute versuche ich mich erstmals, etwas in meiner Muttersprache zu schreiben. Ich versuche zeitnah eine englische Version nachzulegen. Inspiriert wurde ich von folgender Comicsequenz 504719679, habe allerdings auf Grund pers?nlicher Pr?ferenzen die homosexuelle Komponente entfernt. Wer Schreibfehler findet, darf sie behalten. Ich gel...

3 years ago
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Ein Urlaub der keiner werden sollte

Ein Urlaub, der keiner werden sollte... ( Katrin...2017) Teil 1 Einleitung Als ich nach getaner Arbeit meinen Arbeitsplatz verlie?, wusste ich damals nicht so genau, was mich im Leben noch so erwartet. Mein Urlaubsantrag war genehmigt worden, von der Gesch?ftsf?hrung und auf die Sp?tteleien, meiner Kollegen, wegen meines femininen Aussehens, reagierte ich schon lange nicht mehr. In meinen Gedanken fragte ich mich immer, was w?re eigentlich, wenn die w?ssten dass ich ein Transvestit, mit T...

2 years ago
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Grausame Gedanken zur Dressur sch ner fetter Frauen

Betrachtungen ?ber die Dressur sch?ner DamenDiese Fortsetzngs-Geschichte ist ?brigens den Autoren "darkreal" gewidmet, deren sch?ne Geschichte ("Der Million?rsclub") hoffentlich bald eine angemessene Fortsetzng bekommt. Ich bin schon sehr gespannt?Und nun zu den Betrachtungen: Ich wohnte vor einiger Zeit in einer Ein-Raumwohnung im 6. Stock eines gro?en Mietshauses in der kleinen Stadt H.  In die gro?e Wohnung direkt nebenan ist vor 2 Wochen eine Frau mir ihrer Tochter  eingezogen. Wir Hausbewohner ...

4 years ago
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Kimberly Ab dem 7ten Lebensjahr wurde sie immer von ihrem Onkel, dem Bruder der Mutter, in San Diego, Kalifornien, in sein Hotel eingeladen worden, um dort die Sommerferien zu verbringen. Wundervolle 6 Wochen lang. Ihr Onkel wohnt in der obersten Etage des Hotels. Sie war riesig. Kim war jetzt schon so oft bei ihrem Onkel zu Besuch, aber alle Zimmer hatte sie noch immer nicht gesehen. Ein Teil der Etage war auch immer ganz verschlossen. Es war mit einem elektronischen Zahlenschloss vor...

4 years ago
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So schnell kann es passieren

G1 G1 Heute m?chte ich eine? wahre Geschichte? erz?hlen die lestes Jahr passiert ist .Nach der Scheidung meiner Mutter sie hei?t Gisela , ist 49 Jahre alt und super gebaut? BH Gr??e 100 H??? und nicht nur ihre Titten auch der Po ist prall und gro? .Sind wir in eine Norddeutsche Gro?stadt gezogen . Leider ist das Geld immer knapp. Auch ist die Wohnlage nicht gerade die beste? ein Hochhaus in einem viertel in dem die Mieten sehr g?nstig sind .Ich bin 25 Jahre? und? bekomme harz 4 Mutti hat zum gl?...

4 years ago
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Das Feriencamp

Willi betrachtete seine Zimmergenossen. Ein Mädchen im Gothic Stiel mit Schwarzen Stiefel, Netzstrumpfhose, schwarzem Minirock, schwarzen Locken und einem Pony und Schwarzem Shirt lag auf einem der Betten und ignorierte ihn. Ein Junge mit braunen Haaren unterhielt sich mit einem Mädchen, das einen kurzen Rock, weiße Sneakers, overknee Strümpfe und eine helle Bluse trug und blonde Schulerlange Haare hatte. In einer Ecke telefonierte noch ein Mädchen in leggings, die ihren großen Po betonten. Sie...

1 year ago
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Wie ich zur Cuckold Windelsklavin wurde Teil 1

Wie ich zur Cuckold Windelsklavin wurde "Das kannst Du mir nicht antun, ich liebe Dich doch - Ich brauche Dich!" Aber Maria schaute mir in die Augen und sagte, "Frank, wir sind zwar schon lange verheiratet, aber ich habe einen Mann getroffen, der mich endlich gl?cklich macht und mich beim Sex endlich zum Orgasmus bringt. Das hast Du nie geschafft mit deinem kleinen Schw?nzchen. Tom ist gut gebaut und hat alles was du nicht hast." Ich brach in Tr?nen aus und wollte Sie umarmen, doch Sie wie...

1 year ago
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Neu Stiefschwester

Paul saß gerade auf dem Sofa und schaute Fernsehen. Seine frisch verheirateten Eltern waren alleine im Urlaub, nur Katherina seine neue Stiefschwester war da. Jetzt stand sie in der Tür. Katharina trug eine Feinstrumpfhose, einen ihrer knappen Röcke und eine Bluse, darunter vermutlich einen ihrer Schwarzen Spitzen-BHs. Ihre dunklen Haare vielen wellig über ihre Schultern. Paul seufzte. Seit er seine neue Steigschwester kannte stichelte sie gegen ihn. Sie grinste und setzte sich neben Paul. Ohne...

3 years ago
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Princess The Stud Ch 05

Lila stepped out of the car and onto the curb of the now familiar street. The parting smile she gave the driver turned into a delighted grin as she realized Michael was home already! He had been working late most of this week and she’d had to wait for him the last few nights. Not that she minded. She’d been given a key after their second date and she made herself welcome. She’d even tried a few recipes the cook had given her the last few nights. Tonight was his turn. It was amazing how much...

3 years ago
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My First Threesome My First Orgy

My first threesome came after my first orgy. And I’m glad it did. While experiencing many people at the same time is great, it can also be overwhelming. You can get lost in an ocean of stimulation. It takes experience to learn how to navigate that ocean and direct its course. I had my first orgy at seventeen and became overwhelmed with the stimulation. At twenty-two, I had my first threesome and was much better prepared for the task.We did not plan the threesome. My college girlfriend, Ariel...

2 years ago
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My First ManI work from home and I am a transvestite, it is wonderful to be able to dress as I want and just enjoy life and my work as Joanne. The other day I did something I had never done before and it was so astonishing.I would often rent hotel rooms to dress and spend the night as Joanne and enjoy myself. One such night, a Monday, I was at a hotel and I felt lonely, I decided to call a friend, a long-time friend that did not know about me but who I knew had often offered me such things as...

1 year ago
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You can learn a lot in college Part II

For much of that day Gail pondered over Wendi’s question. Were the roommates now lesbians? After all they had spent the night wrapped in each other arms. The first time lesbian sex had been a remarkable experience for both girls. Gail was sure that what happened last night would not be a onetime thing. Yes, Gail wanted to do it again. She wanted to again feel the gentle caress of another woman’s hands on her breasts, the soft lips and tongue working on her nipples, the smell and taste of...

2 years ago
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The First CommandChapter 8 Jupiter Training

Miguel sent us out via the transporter pad as soon as we were in range of Freighter #12, which was acting as a transporter control system as well as being headquarters for the Jupiter area and general school ship for the prospective shipboard crewmembers like us. Our pilot had told me earlier that, once he had unloaded us, he would land the shuttle on another ship that they were using as a shuttle tender and get two days off while his alternate took the shuttle back to Earth. If there was...

1 year ago
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The Last Holiday Party

(The beginning of this story was written by someone else here, I felt it left the reader hanging so I have modified and ended it, try as I might I was never able to go back and find the Author’s name foe the proper acknowledgement) I’m Jim my wife Linda and I are in our late 20s and both work for a medium sized manufacturing firm in a small town in the suburbs of DC. I’m of average build, about 6 foot and 170 lbs. Linda is about 5 foot 7 inches and about 130 lbs. She has blond hair, blue eyes...

2 years ago
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Speaking With Your Demons21 A Caring Intervention

“All right, what’s so important that you’re taking me away from my other priorities? In case you haven’t noticed, I’m still mopping up operations. I’m talking to hundreds of curious creatures, fending off the media until I have a better grasp of where we stand, and I’m nervous about leaving that little weasel, Desttr, alone for too long.” “That’s not a very ‘accepting’ statement,” Sweizzr reminded him. “No, but I’m being honest. I still don’t trust the bugger.” Ignoring the distraction,...

1 year ago
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Good Girl Gone Bad Part 9

After my boyfriend broke up with me I went on a amazing adventure having sex with six different men in less than a week. It was a wild ride and so far I enjoyed every inch of it (if you know what I mean). Before this week I had only been fucked by three different men and now my total was nine. I knew that I would soon be in the double digits. There was no turning back. I was committed to being a slut. Each of the six men that I hooked up with wanted to fuck me again. They were all married and...

1 year ago
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Adult Theater Fun

One afternoon I had some time to waste so I decided to go to the Adult Theater in the city by me. I had been in there before a few times and had my cock sucked by some Daddy’s . Today I am standing along the back wall and watching a guy and girl getting it on when an older man comes up to me looking at me while holding and stroking his cock. It was a nice sized cock so I reached out and took him into my hand and I keep right on jacking him. He soon moved up against me and rubbed my cock...

1 year ago
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My Kind Of Party

Adele (16) came home from school one day, and went through her usual routine...set the table, do her homework, feed the dogs, and of course--massturbate. On this particular day, while she was masturbating, her brother, Riley (18) came home early. He usually wasn't home until around 6pm, but he didn't have football practice, so he decided to call a few friends, and have a party. His parents were out of town, so why not? He knew Adele was home because the table was set, so he went upstairs to...

2 years ago
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When Aliens Impregnated the World

A cool breeze blew over the desert that evening as John and Gillian shared the porch together. The sun had set, and John was sitting with his pipe dangling from his lips and a newspaper in his lap while Gillian sat across from him with her legs folded under her. "It's a wonderful evening, isn't it John?" Gillian said. Her eyes were wandering the horizon as she enjoyed herself. "It is wonderful." Said John. He sat the pipe aside for a moment and folded the newspaper. "It's even more wonderful...

3 years ago
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A Flawed DiamondChapter 33

Brock was preparing his fishing gear on Saturday morning the next time he heard from his two 'fuck bunnies'. He had shared texts with them the past couple of days, Meredith saying she missed him already and that her blood work was fine and Randi telling him that the mark on Meredith's arm was certainly not a needle mark but instead looked like a scratch and a bruise, possible from the same hand that caused the one on her breast if she was sleeping in her usual position. Brock considered...

4 years ago
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What she can t get at home

The doorbell rang halfway through the morning, and i knew exactly who was ringing it.On the other side of that door was a young, recently married woman called Tilly.I had met her on line, got chatting with her and it turned out, after a little coaxing, she was very inexperienced in the art of love making.She had only been with one man, her husband, who she had met and fallen in love with at university, and now they were both happily five years married, well educated people with their own...

1 year ago
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Visiting my first experienced ts friend Masha he

"I am willing to live 24-7 dressed" she wrote a month ago and i was surprised to hear again from her after a break of 6 months. During the last 2 years we had exchanged a few messages and she told me she would love to come to me and live with me as my sissy but it was never the right moment to meet. But this time i had no relation, enough space in the new flat, a new Job and i was missing her so much that i wrote her back she is welcome and when she will arrive."11am i will be at the main...

2 years ago
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The Boss says

Fantasy work. That I thought if this and had to share. I will keep on other story but couldn't pass on sharing this. I will do more as time goes. I run a successful business with many employees. More women then men. The men loved how there was more females then men cause then more for the them to get and not have to share. Well except for me. I get to have them all cause I am the boss. I am always a fair and respected boss with a very strong and wild sex drive I am single with no k**s and no...

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One Girl Two Guys Pt 01

Nina’s phone vibrated in her pocket as she grabbed her bag and clocked out of work. She worked at a pastry shop, and although she loved pastries, she couldn’t stand the scent for another second. She stumbled out the door and sprinted to her car. It was Friday night and she had never been more excited to get off work. She remembered her phone had vibrated and gleefully pulled it out. She knew it would be Aiden. ‘Are you still coming over tonight? :)’ She smiled to herself. Aiden was a star...

3 years ago
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Body Swap

Body Swapby The TechnicianNon-consensual Sex, Future = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =Prisoner agrees to a body swap, but it isn't what he thought.In some future time, prisoners can agree to a body swap with someone older than themselves so that they become the age they would be when their sentence is complete. Robert Voleman sees this as a way to get out of jail early to continue his predatory life. The final result, however, is not quite what he expected.This story deals with forceful,...

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Man s Sexual OdysseyChapter 34

Before Naomi put my T-shirt on, I took my pocket knife and cut the top just like Josalyn had hers cut this morning. I cut it plenty low too. I wanted to see my woman’s titties and I wanted to show her off to the store clerks and customers. When she put it on, her big bronze titties were almost shining to the world, the shirt was stretched so tight across them. Damn, I love a woman with big titties no matter what color they are, but if her titties are brown like my skin or close to it, I...

3 years ago
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I knew that I had seen her some place before. As I watched her walk around the room I racked my brain to try and remember where and when it had been. If what she said was true, and I had no reason to doubt her, I couldn't possibly have seen her someplace else. Until then she had never left California and I had never been in that state, but I still would have bet every dime I had that I had seen her before. The call had come as a complete surprise. "Hey bro, stop by mom and dad's after work...

4 years ago
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Screwing The Driver

My husband had gone on one of his trips. He had gone to visit his sister. To screw her. I was cool with that. After all I had got them screwing in the 1st place. Infact it was I who had told him to take the trip, with a new HD camera so I could enjoy the video when he got back. I love to masturbate watching him with other women. We had hired a new driver. A young lad, 20 yrs old. He was cute and my pussy wanted a virgin cock. He was my maid’s cousin and she asked me to give him the job. In...

1 year ago
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X Men Hellfire

Welcome to Hellfire. Before we begin, I just need some information. I already have your name, John, I just need your gender. So which is it?

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Lockdown Quickie

In the last week of March, 2020, I split up with my girlfriend of three years. Even though it was my decision to end the relationship, I decided to take a few months to sort out my head.Thankfully, I’d kept my small terrace house and I moved back in. My next door neighbours, David and Helen were a young couple with two kids and they’d lived there throughout the four years I’d owned my property. On moving day, David kindly helped me carry some of the larger items. In the dining room, he said how...

4 years ago
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My neighbor took advantage of my wife without her

I am 35, my wife is 26. We'd been married for about 3 years. It was my second marriage and my wife was a very horny girl.After we were married about a year, Rena told me all of her fantasies. Her biggest one was to be tied to the bed, blindfolded, ear plugs a hood over her head, total sensory deprivation. She didn't want to see, hear, or be able to move. And she wanted me to do this early in the morning and come in every hour or two and do anything I wanted to with her.She also said that she...

1 year ago
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Anna s AwakeningChapter 6

First Night — Anna He reaches in the bowl and I get a fake déjà vu sensation. It's nowhere near as slow and sensual as dream-Kevin Spacey reaching through the rose petals covered water, but I have the sensation that he's going to reach all the way through the bowl and through my clothes and touch me there. "Uh-huh," I agree. Jackie Chan is a good idea right now. Lots of funny violence, and no kisses. Ever. I can't stop thinking about what I heard earlier. I'm still a little bit wet,...

2 years ago
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A Husband s Revenge Ch 01 A husband finds o

If you think this is one of those stories about how a husband fantasizes about seeing another man fucking his wife, you should stop reading now and not waste your time going any further.I'm a normal, everyday type of husband who adores his wife and two k**s. I am your typical middle class white guy, 5'11", 175 lbs, who's not hung like a bull, but has never had any complaints either. I've got a good job in sales, and my family usually wants for nothing.My wife, Ann, and I have been together for...

3 years ago
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A Hot and Sweaty Night

Thursday, June 24, 1999The power was out.  The power seemed to always go out during a storm.  Tonight was no exception. A flash of lightning lit up the sky outside.  A crack of thunder followed instantaneously, rattling the old window in its nearly dilapidated frame.Heather reached to the nightstand beside her and accidentally knocked over a beer can—an empty beer can.  It rolled off the stand and clanged against the hardwood floor. Her hand fumbled in the darkness until she found the pack of...

4 years ago
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Backstage Pass 5 Punishment in the Little Cabin

The smaller cabin was made of logs that had originally been hewn to fit together nicely, but after years of weather, chinks had appeared. Just as well, since it had no window, just a door made of vertical boards that creaked on its hinges. The gaps in the log walls gave the only light on that side of the cabin. The doorway left ajar provided light on the other. The dim light gave a medieval feel to the cabin, like a dungeon where the cries of the tortured were confined to its musty floor and...

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My Best Friends Part 3

"Ma...siete matti? Come faccio ad uscire cos?? E se qualc.." "Stai zitta troia, ti sei dimenticata come ci si rivolge ad un padrone?" mi url? in faccia Aldo. "Questo ti vale come secondo errore, sei contenta?" Ecco, questo non me lo aspettavo. E non avevo neanche il coraggio di replicare. Ma se qualcuno si accorgeva che ero un uomo? Che figura facevo? "Adesso andiamo in garage, saliamo in macchina e ci facciamo un bel giro per la spesa, zitta e non discutere, il prossimo errore ? qu...

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A black bull at the shopping mall

It was s summer Tuesday and I was feeling so horny home alone; Victor away from town again. I had been fucked three days ago before carrying my loving husband to the airport… But now I was again horny; I needed a cock.That morning I put on some fancy stockings, a short leather skirt that barely covered my ass cheeks and a soft red top…I pulled into the mall parking lot and changed my driving shoes for some stiletto heels that would raise my ass. Then I headed into the mall. I was expecting to...

1 year ago
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Fucking a Mom and Son In Bangkok Part 1

I had read so much about sex tourism in thailand and I made up my mind I was going there! Cute women, trannys, gays..My idea of heaven! Went online, did some research and went ahead with the bookings. One fine june afternoon, I landed in bangkok. Got a taxi and drove striagt to my motel. It was a decent place, a tad run down, but it didnt really matter much to me. I wasnt there for the ambiance. At the reception was a sweet middle aged lady. I checked into a single airconditoned room, had a...

3 years ago
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Distracted at work

Like filthy stories? then let me tell you one.Back when I was working as a carpenter in a house in North London, I got to know the house cleaner rather intimately. She was a georgous, tiny 42 year old single mum and she had a filthy mind. She knew I had the hots for her and teased the shite out of me at every oppertunity. Sally (not real name)was telling me one day about how she spent her last night with her boyfriend before they split up. Cut a long story short, she was sucking him off while...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Natasha Nice Anal Explorations At The Office

Sometimes in business you end up doing things that you don’t want to do, but in Natasha Nice’s case she is more than happy to do whatever is required to persuade two well endowed clients to close a big deal. With her massive titties and love for fucking, the dark haired babe is thrilled to get herself wet and ready with her fingers before getting herself up on the desk and spreading her legs for lucky studs John Strong and Steve Holmes. It’s not long before her massive...

1 year ago
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My Hot And Sexy Physics Teacher Whom I Fucked Hard In My School Lab

Hi! This is my story about how I fucked my physics teacher. This happened when I was in my 12th grade.It was on one Wednesday, was going to school as usual.I had my lab period today.Surprisingly very fewer people were in my class.I noticed that most of them went to a competition.I had a friend called Vicky.Me and he talk sexy things about our favorite hot teachers.Our fav hot teachers were my maths,physics and chemistry mam.All of them were white as milk and curvy . Chemisty mam(Sridevi...

3 years ago
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Sultry Another Country Heard FromChapter 3

When William Banker didn't come back, Mistress Eva Hero Caretaker Coordinator went looking. Sultry stuck her head out of the office and looked for her gang. They were standing in the lobby twiddling thumbs, playing mumbley peg (also known as mumblety-peg, mumblepeg, mumble- the-peg, mumbledepeg or mumble-de-peg) with sharp knives and the lobby floor, frightening away legitimate customers, and holding Cassie Hero Caretaker of Cassandra to stop her from fleeing ... mostly that. It was pretty...

4 years ago
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Uncle Bob BluesChapter 10

I knew that having Dad for an older brother was an assignment that required more than having just any old older brother. And I expected Uncle Bob to have an extra couple of stars in his crown. Heck, having Leldon Monroe Connors for a dad was something for which I and my younger siblings would receive extras. The first time George had taken me out on a date, Dad made him sign a two page contract, as well as provide three references. One of the things in the contract was that George had to...

2 years ago
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Its The Family Bussiness

"Well if you must marry that woman then you must, I don't suppose you'd listen to me anyway but mark my words, I told him this, it won't last, for one thing, she's to old for you, her two boys are only three years younger then you and for another thing you should marry in the church, god is the word and the church is the right place, " Grace Mole droned on, Janice White yawed, god how many times had she endured her sisters story. Grace Moles only son Raymond had married Daniela Bent six...

4 years ago
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Welcome to the Club

It was once again a new school year and I was a transfer student at a brand new college. My old school was boring and too small, but this school was a new beginning. Let me introduce myself, I’m Bryan and a sophomore in college. I’m just your average guy that likes to have fun and everyone loves. Being new to campus, I knew absolutely no one and the only way to get out and meet people was through clubs and activities. This one club in particular was my favorite of them all and this is the...

1 year ago
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There Can Be Only One Chapter 8

There Can Be Only One Chapter 8 I sat at my computer, organising a new folder containing the photograph of Vicky going down on Cathy’s pussy and the Photoshop picture I had made up using mum’s and the vicar’s wife’s heads. I will have to take a few more.I figured that the best place to hide the folder would be amongst all my saved games. Since my father and eldest sister have laptops, mum let have the main computer in my room although I had to allow anyone in the house to use it if they wanted...

2 years ago
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Dare YouChapter 18

I rolled over and stretched, my body creaking as it responded to my commands. After flexing my shoulders a couple of times I looked at the alarm clock and found it was early, not ridiculously so but still before I'd normally wake up on a Sunday. I grinned as I hopped out of bed. It must be that anticipation thing again. I dashed into the bathroom for a quick shower and carried it out without really giving it much thought. My thoughts were on the up coming meeting with Kirsty's Aunt and...

1 year ago
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Me and Mom on Date Night

Me and Mom on Date Night My name is Jerry, short for Gerald, and I am 23 years old. When I was 10 I was adopted. Jim and Karen had moved in a few doors down when I was 6. My life up to that point was pretty lousy. My parents were what you might call white trash. We lived in a nice house in a nice neighborhood only because my mom had won some lottery so we bought the house, a couple of new cars, a boat and the rest, my parents blew on drugs and alcohol. I guess you could say we were white trash...

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Monster Island

You walk up a beach and see a battered sign that says "Monster Island" in some form of paint or ink. From the looks of it, it has been torn down and put back up several times, by who, is unknown. You've heard many stories about this island. Not many have come back once stepping foot on the island, although you hope to be one of the few who get to say they have. One of the rumors was that every creature on this island was savage, bloodthirsty, and would kill anything that moved. Another was that...

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The Red Dress part 1

The Red Dress - Part 1 Final installment in the adventures of a husband who buys himself a dress. Husband comes out for a charity event, wearing a red dress of course. A few months ago, my wife caught me after I secretly purchased a dress for myself. Since that fateful day, I've steadily slipped deeper and deeper into feminimity, all at the hands of my wife, Ann, and her wickedly inventive best friend, Susie. Since our casino adventure, the three of us spent more time...

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Fucked By My Daughter s Tutor

Hi to all the readers of Being a lady, I am a little hesitant in sharing my story but I think I should let you all know what has happened with me. It’s a long story, so this is the first part of my story. My name is Miss Rina Oberoi, age 42 years, height 5.2” and my vital stats are 36-30-36. I am a widow and my husband has left quite a good legacy to take care of myself and my lovely daughter Sonia. Sonia is my only daughter. She has reached the age of 20 but due to her...

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The Ballad of Zachery CarsonChapter 6

"You boys are driving Astor Manor cattle and I don't think you bought them," he yelled. "Throw down your guns, then tell the other two to do likewise and we won't have any trouble. If you don't you'll die in your saddle." The two men exchanged glances. "I'll see you in Hell first," the older one said and drew his pistol. Zach brought his rifle to his shoulder and shot twice in quick succession. He heard Paco's big Sharps buffalo rifle firing behind him and turned. One of the two...

4 years ago
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The Wild Woman Festival

I moved fast to get to the tent on time, standing in to read oracle cards at The Wild Woman Festival. Simone texted first thing this morning begging me to work my day off. She finally moved things on with the masseur working the next tent and last night saw them fucking indulgently for the first time - and second and third. Simone’s message didn’t hold back.I was in a dry spell by choice, focusing on using these weeks at The Wild Woman Festival to get stronger and fitter with daily swimming in...

Quickie Sex
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Defending Sis

Note : This story is erotic fiction only. I heard my mother and little sister Natalie talking in the living room that Friday afternoon. She was getting ready for her big date with Keith Reynolds, the captain of the wrestling team. At that time my sister had just turned 16 and was a sophomore and I just turned 18 and was a senior in high school. She was a cheerleader and very popular. I on the other hand was more into the academics but still had a good amount of friends. "Oh sweetie you look...

3 years ago
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Me my mom and my cousins

I woke up laying on my moms tit with her nipple poking me in the cheek i got up and got my clothes on then i woke her up She gets up smiles at me i smile back then she got up and got dressed. I remember she has work today and ask her " mom do you have work today?" she looks at me "yeah i do in about half an hour, sorry i have to go get going honey"  I look at her and say "okay" then i go upstairs and get in the shower. When i get out my moms already gone so i just lay on the couch and...

2 years ago
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The Eighth Warden Book 3Chapter 19

“Let’s just go up that next rise before we head back,” Corec said to Josip. “It’ll give us a better view.” “Do you really think anything’s going to change?” the guide asked. The scouting party had been in the barrens for two hours and had seen little other than scraggly bushes, weeds, and flat, dry land. “No, but we’re close enough that we might as well take a look.” They nudged their horses forward, Leena and Nedley following behind them. The Sanvari woman had accompanied the scouting...

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A Fresh StartChapter 72 Microsoft

July 1982 Being a gentleman of leisure turned out to be more work than I thought it would! First off, after we got back from the Bahamas, I had found a gym and a dojo. I had joined, and just as I had threatened my wife, I signed us up for a family plan. I just didn’t tell her about that until after I got home. Marilyn’s response wasn’t all that bad. After all, how could she complain about something so healthy, right? No, the complaint came the next morning when I woke at 7:00 and smacked...

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Wednesday: Doug: The doorbell ringing at 9:45 that Wednesday evening initiated the unraveling of my wife's deception, although she did not realize it yet. I answered the door to find myself facing a man and a woman dressed in reasonably normal business attire, although the clothing was somewhat out of style and obviously well-worn. I immediately got the idea that these two were with the police; not so much from their appearances, but from the fact that this was the week that Frank and I had...

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Rich s Valentines Gift

I have been racking my brain for weeks trying to think of the perfect Valentines Day gift for my husband Rich. He already has just about every toy for just about every hobby you can think of. It’s been a tough year and our relationship has suffered a little. I often think about the closeness we once shared and want so much to feel that once again with him. Rich is a wonderful man and I want to give him the perfect gift, if any man deserved it, it is Rich. Last night was girls night out and I...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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"...-derstand, Tris? Do you understand?" Eric's deep voice snapped Tris out of the stupor she was having. The twenty year old woman blinked thrice, her dark eyes sparking with fear and more prominently, arousal. "Huh? Wha'?" She stuttered out, a slight blush covering her cheeks and delicate nose. A swift slap to her ass caused the petite woman to squeak and jump slightly. "I said," the brown haired man said, chuckling a little, "put on your school girl outfit and the underwear I laid out for...

3 years ago
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Camming Down the Rabbit Hole Ch9

Reaching down I ran my hands over my chest, my stiff nipples jutting out causing a sharp intake of breath as their sensitivity seemed heightened. A little twist and a rub eliciting a moan before my hands continued down to my tenting panties. I was already dripping through the material, the heat emanating from my rod as my hand wrapped round it separated only by the thin material of my underwear. My second hand slipped beneath the elastic and down to cup my smooth and very tender balls, they...

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Pamela s TherapyChapter 5

One week later a pissed off looking Betty barged in to my "office" dragging a frightened looking Pamela by the hand. This could be trouble. I threw on some sweats and dragged a comb through my hair and tried to look as professional as possible while shaking in my slippers. Betty Burns had been captain of the Lincoln High lacrosse team and all state in track and field. She was tall and strong and lean and mean. I am no 98 pound weakling, at 5' 9" 160 lbs., but this blonde man hating bitch...

2 years ago
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Favors Small and GreatChapter 3

At work that morning, I didn't get a moment's peace, of course. Granted, Shelly and Kelsey were now gone, but Margret attacked me in the john and immediately went to work on my cock before I even clocked in for the day. She knew that I had little time, so she focused like a laser on sucking me so hard that I felt as if she had vacuumed up my cum into her mouth. That certainly helped, but my dick didn't have it easy from that point, either. Instead, Rosa popped in several times to check up...

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Sheriff PorterChapter 107

The morning after I was released from jail, I was back in the airplane. I rode the trike to the strip, then I towed the plane to a spot where I could take off into the prevailing wind currents. The little canary rolled out nice and got enough lift to take off in a very short distance. After two hours in the air, I settled back on the ground as gently as a butterfly. It was a great experience flying the canary. I was getting to be a confident, if not really experienced pilot. Being able to...

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ThisGirlSucks Zara Brooks Its Gargle Time

Zara Brooks is a breathtaking green eyed teen with a rocking body. Her tits and pussy are paramount, but if you’re a This Girl Sucks fan, you know we care about one thing and one thing only. THAT THROAT! It gives deep throat a whole new meaning.Zara works that dick with a purpose, her sole goal to get this guy to jizz her up. A normal suck does the trick for most, but this guy required the intense sensory trip of some gargles. Not only is the feeling amazing, but there’s just something about...

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What a way to start

My fingers dig deeply into the sheets as Dean undoes my belt buckle. A slight whimper is released from my lips as he unbuttons my jeans, pulling the fly down slowly. Releasing my semi-erect cock from its cage, he takes it in his hand and jacks it slowly as he pulls down my jeans to allow access to my hole. His tongue teases the tip of my cock for just a moment; then he breaks his contact with me to remove my jeans entirely, tossing them aside. Appreciating my lack of underwear, he leans down to...

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A TRUE FRIEND 3This is another story about my friend Barbra once again it's true as are the other stories I have recalled.It was a warm day I was at home on holiday from work for 2 weeks the wife had to work as she could not get the same time off she worked from 10 am to 4 pm 5 days a week. I had done all the jobs in the house that needed my attention even as far as getting things ready for dinner that night. Trouble was it was only just after a 10-30am bit of a boring day k**s at school till 4...

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Spirit QuestChapter 2

I awoke from the bad nightmare only to find myself lying in tall grass. At first, I didn’t realize that, while the temperature was warm, it was a lot cooler than it should have been for late August, even this early in the morning. I thought that somehow, I had landed clear of the wreckage, and miraculously survived. Having taken extensive first aid training, rather than try to get up, I instead tested each appendage for signs of injury. Fingers and toes seemed pain-free, as did wrists,...

4 years ago
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Weapons Grade

Author's note: All the victim's names have been changed in order to protect them and the legal team of HuggleBugs have asked that all of their staff be identified by first names only. Weapons Grade By Samantha Jay (c) February 2002 It first reared it's head in the form of an email sent to Prue ****, the President of HuggleBugs and was treated as junk mail. It was followed up with a letter, which was addressed to Jennifer Jane **** and by the time it got to me, it was already...

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My Daughters Best Friend Pt 1

My Daughters Best Friend Pt 1 It was around 3 in the morning and I was sitting at the kitchen table, with my legal pad in front of me, pen in my hand and my mind as blank as a Washington congressman during the winter break. I got up and opened a new box of red wine and poured some for myself. I was wearing only a terrycloth robe and my boxers. It was a full moon and enough light was coming in the window near the table that I didn’t turn the light on. I sat back down and looked at the...

3 years ago
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Fucking Dairies 8211 Wechat Ki Ladki Ko Hotel Me Laake Choda

Hello readers, I am Harsh Sinha and I live in Delhi. This is my second story about how I didi sexy my 2nd time. Any girl or aunty of Delhi if you want to do sex with me reply me I can make sure you wont regret doing it with me. Give it a try. Meri story start hoti h jbb mai darjeeling gaya hua. Mai and mere 4 friend the mere sath. Ham log jbb darjeeling pohche to hame ek hotel liya and waha thoda aaram karne ki socha.. Plan hu k aaj sbb log rest karenge and kal se ghooomne niklenge.. Mai leta...

1 year ago
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I had high hopes for Comix Harem as soon as I heard about it. After all, it’s from the same folks who brought us Hentai Heroes. And unless you’re brand new to the world of porno gaming, there’s a damn good chance you’ve already invested a few hours or a whole bunch of days into Hentai Heroes. The game is known for its high-quality art, a huge number of seducible babes, and a big, elaborate storyline. If you haven’t played it, you can check out my review here at ThePornDude, or read on to find...

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BackroomCastingCouch Dani 10 20 2020

26 year old Dani is just a little older than the average gal we get on the couch. However, she’s full of enthusiasm and she’s ready to see if she’s cut out for the adult industry. She’s a former massage therapist who says that she gave no hand jobs during her career. She’s married, though she tried to play it off on us by wearing her ring on the other finger. She’s got some beautiful BIG TITTAYS that are just fantastic… She’s smiley, she’s...

2 years ago
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Niomi s TearsChapter 10

Niomi had, over the past few months, accepted her role in life and in so doing the life had almost gone out of her. Days and nights meant nothing. Like a robot she arose, prepared meals, cleaned house and then "performed" for her son and husband which usually consisted of taking a friend, sometimes two, of theirs to bed and subjecting herself to any and every act of depravity. Only last week she had been forced to copulate with a large dog. Arora and Hyota had roared with laughter when the...

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Jess and Aaron s New Neighbor OWWH 4 Chapter 38

A little before 7 am the next morning, Brent came home from the fire station. He called out as he came in the front door. “Emma? I’m back.” He didn’t get an answer and a moment later he saw why. Emma was lying asleep on his couch, her back facing the room with Bruiser swaddled in his blanket and tucked securely between her chest and the sofa cushions. She was sleeping quietly; Bruiser was making snoring sounds reminiscent of a chain saw at idle in his living room. He walked quietly up to...

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JourneyChapter 6

"Mom," said April. "I'd like to introduce you to my pets..." "What?!?" Vee exclaimed. "April ... when will you stop bringing home strays?" "MoM!" "You surely remember what happened last time?" "That was different," said April. "They found me, I didn't find them." "You had to stay until the last one died," said Mom. "I know ... losing Simone and David was very hard on me." "I think they helped you grow up." Vee looked at Gary and Gary looked at Vee... "Grow...

2 years ago
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Chronicles of a Paper Boy part 2

by Dunchad© My evening paper round, as you probably remember was getting very interesting, and I still had it after a year of my encounter with the ladies living down the adjacent road. To my disappointment my lovely pair had gone away for the Christmas break, so as you could imagine I was Very horny from my lack of sexual activity. And I needed some relief quickly. It was the Christmas break so I was off, and it had been suggested to me that I do some tipping along my round to...

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Sex After The Movie

I wanted to see a sci-fi film where a macho dude vanquishes the tyrant who hunts him down while she wanted to go see the latest tear-jerker, feel good movie about a White House butler. She wins every time when it comes to movie choices; something that I tolerated in order to be with her. She just doesn't understand that I enjoy identifying with the macho guy on the screen who can be brutal in his own way, but only toward those who cross him. It’s because I don’t have the muscles...

3 years ago
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Cynthia Palmer s New LifeChapter 10 Humiliations

Cynful watched as Rob and the others left. She trembled with apprehension. She remembered how much Max had hurt her Friday night at the Porn shop with those nipple clamps and knew that she was in for a rough day. She knelt there on the floor with her head down like the good slave she was. Max sat there at his desk with his feet propped up on it and leaning back in his chair with his hands behind his head. He just stared at cynful as she knelt there. Finally after several minutes he got up...

1 year ago
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Wild Night in Vegas

My girlfriend and I had been together for about 2 years and needed a little spice in our life. She apted for a trip to Vegas for a few nights to celebrate my home coming from the war in Iraq. I gladly took her up on the offer and said it was great by me. We took care of all of the planning and had a romantic few days and nights in Vegas all mapped out. The time had finally come and it was a great day. We were both so excited that we couldn't even sleep the night before. We knew that this was...

Group Sex
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Dinner and a

It had been a long week and I was determined that work was not going interfere with me persueing that gorgeous hunk I had met the week before. So I looked at the number before answering the call. Not recognizing it I thought excitedly 'maybe it's HIM! Answering, with the vision of him in my mind I was rewarded by the sound of his seductive voice, "Hi, Petey?". "Yes Nolan, honey, I was hoping to hear from you" I squeeled. "Nice to hear the sound of your voice" he said. "Would you like to...

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Pantyhose wife dared

This story has been inspired by reading Chris51a’s stories. For several years my lovely wife who is now 60 and as attractive to me as the day we met has been putting herself down and denying her sexuality. We still have great sex but she is no longer as adventurous as she used to be. I am always trying to encourage her but she resists. She is partial to a glass of good wine so I decided to take her out for a meal and get her a bit tipsy as that usually loosens her up a bit. She obliged by...

1 year ago
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Daughter Swapping

Single fathers with growing daughters, is not the anomaly of yesteryear, it is more common than many think, and as I tell you my story, I think you might get other ideas, because these lonely men get to see things, and do things, that other families don't, simply because the female figure has gone, and the father is free to make decisions, and the daughter develops in the fathers eye, and appeases his sexual take as she grows and develops, would you normally see three beautiful teenage girls...

3 years ago
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The New Maid

"The New Maid" "I'm not going to any beauty salon to get a haircut, and that's it!" Lane gasped angrily as he refused his mother-in-law Gladys' suggestion as she had coffee with him and Lane's wife Cindy in their kitchen. His hair was long, past his shoulders and she mentioned that the pony-tail look was way out of style. He wouldn't get a short haircut either. So, since Lane was married to her daughter and was out of work Gladys offered to pay for getting his hair at least styled...

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