Discret indian porn

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Moussa le migrant et la bourgeoise

Cela a commencé avec la création d’un CAO (Centre d’Accueil et d’Orientation) dans notre ville de bantieue. Nous avons donc accueilli 45 immigrés venus de Calais, et tout se passe bien. Mais pas de bals publics cette année, le maire craint que le déséquilibre accentué hommes/femmes ne crée des bagarres entre jeunes, la consommation de bière aidant.. Le temps passe, mon mari a pris comme « stagiaire » à insérer au métier, un migrant sénégalais de 25 ans. L’homme est beau, très noir, très grand,...

2 years ago
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libertinage et autres agrave bonne entendeur

En couple, Nous avons décidés de pimenter notre couple après une vie correct, au lieu de tromper pourquoi pas libertiner...La trentaine deux enfants, j'aime boire. lolApres inscription sur différents sites, on faisait les difficiles concernant les couples.Le feeling, les attentions, l'expériences etc... apprendre a se connaitre et plus si affinité....Seulement voila après avoir échangé différents dialogues avec un couple de saint pierre qui nous tapait a l'oeil, l’expérience commence à devenir...

3 years ago
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christine 3

vendredi 22 décembredernier jour du boulot avant les vacances, j'avais prévenu christine que je lui réservait un petit cadeau de noel!18h, tout le monde est parti à part les agents d'entretiens, je me dirige vers le bureau de christine! J'entre sans frapper, elle est au téléphone avec son mari, il lui reproche d'etre toujours au bureau, je lui fais signe de raccrocher, ce qu'elle fait rapidement! elle se leve, elle est superbe, chemisier bleu ciel, pull et pantalon bleu foncé, escarpins bleus,...

4 years ago
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Numele meu este Bogdan, am 29 de ani, sunt bucurestean si sunt patronul unei micute firme de confectii textile din capitala. Am pornit afacerea imediat dupa ce am terminat ASE-ul cu sprijinul financiar exclusiv al parintilor mei, ambii medici destul de renumiti in bransa lor. Acum, dupa aproape cinci ani, pot spune ca am reusit sa construiesc o firma profitabila cu 25 de angajati si sa castig suficient de bine ca sa traiesc independent de ajutorul parintilor, fara grija zilei de maine si fara...

2 years ago
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Legaturi periculoase I

Aceasta povestire se bazeaza pe fapte si intamplari autentice. Personajele sunt reale, insa le-am schimbat numele cu unele fictive pentru a le proteja adevarata identitate in spatiul public. Este istoria erotica si sentimentala a unui bun amic si eu am incercat s-o scriu asa cum mi-a relatat-o el, cat mai exact cu putinta. Enjoy it!………………………………………………………………………..Buna, ma numesc Radu, sunt brasovean, am acum 30 de ani si va voi povesti intamplarile prin care am trecut in ultimii ani si care mi-au...

4 years ago
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Minha primeira vez com um casal

Meu nome é Billy, 1,72 atualmente com 68 kg moreno bem dotado o que vou relatar aqui agora realmente aconteceu, eu trabalho em uma grande empresa no setor de RH com dezenas de outros funcionários, a maioria mulheres e a maioria bonita simpática, nos intervalos conversamos muito brincamos e nas sextas feriras sempre depois do trabalho nos reunimos para tomarmos umas bebidas e rir um pouco, mas confesso que entre tantas mulheres lindas, simpáticas tem uma que me desafia, vou chama-la de Renata,...

4 years ago
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La nouvelle

Il est 9 heures ce lundi matin, la journée s'annonce délicate, je croule sous le travail, après une semaine de vacances rien d'étonnant.Mon chef vient me voir accompagné d'une très belle jeune personne, je ne la connaissez pas, mais sa beauté m'éblouit et je tombe sous son charme. Mon chef m'annonce que je devrai, en plus de mon travail, la former à mon poste et aussi à tous les autres postes. J'avais deux jours pour la former avant qu'elle parte dans un autre service.Sa voix est douce et...

4 years ago
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“Cine Dumnezeu m-a pus sa las masina acasa…trenul…futu-i trenu’ vietii sa-i fut”.Ganduri ce-mi treceau prin minte pe masura ce Rapidul inainta ca un melc printre troienele cat casa. E prima zi de Craciun si in loc sa fiu acasa, cu o bautura in mana la caldura, sunt intr-un compartiment nenorocit, intr-un tren pe trei sferturi gol, pe jumatate mort de frig, asteptand un drum de 10 ore( pe vreme frumoasa) care traverseaza tara de-a latul. In primele doua ore de cand am pornit la drum nu s-au...

4 years ago
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The Bar

She walked into the hotel bar, unsure why she had come. The note she had received just said to go to the hotel bar, warring this dress with this bra and panty set both found in a box with the note.She was excited and uncertain as to what to expect or whom had sent the gifts and note. She sliped up to the bar and ordered a drink to steady herself, having never done this before.Just a little ways down the bar he watched her walk into the bar with a subtle sway to her hips. The long black dress...

3 years ago
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This is my first attempt at fiction. I realize it may be rough. If you like it let me know Pussywillow- Part1 by Henry Green Bob Rider had "picked up" Sandi earlier in the night at the party. Actually, it was she who picked him up but of course he didn't know that. Bob's secretary Ann had had enough of his arrogant macho ways and through several discret contacts had met Sandi and Ruth. For a reasonable contingency fee they would help turn the tables on Bob. With their...

4 years ago
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Moi une demoiselle d honneur

I am sorry to write in French, but my English is too bad. Si quelqu'un aime ce r?cit et souhaite le traduire pour que d'autres personnes en profitent: libre ? vous! Merci ? toutes et ? tous pour vos r?actions si positives ? mes autres histoires. Je serais toujours tr?s content de recevoir vos critiques afin de continuer ? progresser dans mon ?criture. Merci en particulier ? JP. J'essaie de tenir compte de tes remarques constructives. C'est difficile de trouver un ?quilibre entre le rythme de l'histoi...

2 years ago
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L ducation de Dominique

Aujourd'hui, c'est un grand jour pour moi car je vais rencontrer ma ma?tresse et entrer en fonction comme secr?taire-esclave. J'en suis fier mais laiss? moi vous contez comment tout cela est arriv?. Je m'appelle Dominique, j'ai 22 ans et je suis le cadet d'une famille de 4 enfants. Je n'ai que des s?urs et nous avons ?t? ?lev?s par notre m?re, notre p?re ?tant d?c?d? 1 an apr?s ma naissance. Nous n'avons jamais manqu? de rien car notre famille est ais?e. Mes s?urs se pr?nomment, Anne, Lise et Beth. J'ai toujour...

2 years ago
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D terminisme naturel III

D?terminisme naturel III Les jours se suivaient, et Marc s'accommodait peu ? peu ? son r?le de secr?taire. Il pouvait regretter de n'?tre "que" secr?taire, ses dipl?mes auraient du lui offrir une bien meilleure situation, mais il devait admettre qu'il assumait avec difficult? ses t?ches pr?sentes. Il r?vait ? d'autres ambitions professionnelles, r?vant de devenir le bras droit d'Amandine, mais revenait ? contre-c?ur sur terre quand la jeune M?lanie lui faisait reprendre son travail pour corriger des erreurs. Surtout q...

4 years ago
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Californie Partie 2 sur 3

Le vol dura des heures, et pourtant Maxime n'en pouvait plus d'excitation. Une heure environ avant d'arriver, il se rendit aux toilettes, et se changea pour prendre sa tenue habituelle - jean, baskets blanches, queue de cheval -. Il se sentait ? l'aise ainsi. C'?tait ainsi qu'il comptait vivre aux USA. Galvin lui avait dit que tout ?tait pr?t pour lui, et qu'il n'avait plus qu'? arriver. Son logement, son contrat de travail. Un v?hicule l'attendait ? l'a?roport et devait le conduire ? l'embarcad?re puis jusq...

4 years ago
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Famille Vendue

Famille Vendue        By chabaLa vie r?elle et nos fantasmes constituent deux mondes distincts et qui doivent toujours le rester. Texte tr?s cru et histoire tr?s hard (violence / inceste). Merci de passer ? autre chose si vous n’?tes pas certain d’avoir envie de lire ce genre de r?cit. Commentaires bienvenus/comments welcome sur [email protected] 1 - La capture.Le monde d’Evelyne s’?tait effondr? il y a deux semaines. Deux semaines depuis leur enl?vement et le d?but de l’ignoble dressage. Et demain, on leur ...

2 years ago
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Eric Erica en francais

Eric Erica (en francais)Eric, 18 ans depuis trois semaines, bon c?ur mais incurable r?veur et incorrigible romantique, ne faisait rien de sa vie. Rien de rien, incapable de se fixer ou de fixer son attention, archi largu? au lyc?e, non pas stupide mais jamais pr?sent, toujours r?fugi? dans son monde imaginaire. Eric ?tait diff?rent. Cette diff?rence, son p?re, ancien officier reconvertit dans l’industrie et sa m?re, une catholique bigote, tous deux issus d’une stricte bourgeoisie conservatrice, ne l’admettaient pas e...

3 years ago
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Viols l universit Les premi res proies

Viols au lyc?e 1 – Les premi?res proies High School Rape Club – I Coulybaca / Black Demon ? ? ? ? ? Prenant place dans leur planque favorite au fond du lyc?e, ils surveillaient pour s'assurer qu'aucun prof ne s'approchait les emp?chant de terminer leur derni?re cigarette. Ils n'?taient pas vraiment volontaires pour fr?quenter le lyc?e, mais c'?tait toujours mieux que le centre de d?tention qu'ils avaient d?j? tous visit?s. Cependant ils devaient admettre d'?tre surveill?s, cependant le lyc?e s'av?rait aussi un excellent v...

4 years ago
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making a bad situation worse part 2

    Excuse please my bad spelling, my training is in hydroliques systems for heavy machinerie , not unfortunately,  English Litt.                    Sorry for the lenght of it but i am getting it off my chest . all of it, the sex and even the parts that make me look like a perfect basterd                  On leaving home  i was a mess i had things to set before leaving , I called the airline to book myself on a later flight , there was one at 1;25 pm , that was fine it is a one hour flight and...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Pleasures And Shame Of A Socialite French

PLEASURES AND SHAME OF A SOCIALITE Viviane est une femme très distinguée, élégante,sûre d'elle et de son charme. Veuve à 33 ans, elle a de nombreuxprétendants, qu'elle tient éloignés avec une gentillesseun peu hautaine. Mais en même temps elle est incapable de s'opposer à celuiqui la traite avec autorité, voire avec une certaine brutalité.Celui-ci peut alors la prendre n'importe quand et n'importe où, se contentantd'ouvrir rapidement ou de baisser les vêtements qui couvrent son sexepour...

2 years ago
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Bangalore missile 4

HI to all the indiansexstories2.net readers, i think u all read my 3 missile stories before, and after a very long time i am narrating this 4th missile story. As i was not been in bangalore for more than 4 months (went to hybd on official and personal work for 4 months), again i returned to bangalore and daily i used to check my emails when i was hybd also, and i got alot of emails from married aunties and gals and asked about the details of mines whether its true r not, so i told that...

3 years ago
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Teasing my DaddyChapter 5

Cathy's day passed in a very slow motion, she couldn't pay atention to classes, or even what people around her said. She could only think about her father, her mind working furiously with a thousand fantasies and doubts. Again she didn't even thought about men and flirting, much to the disapointment of the male populace at school. All her mind was set on the question of her father's feelings. It made her so horny she had to masturbate in the school bathroom. She skipped her aerobics...

1 year ago
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Keeping It In the Family Part II

Note : This story is completely fctional! Damen and I fucked every change we got! My mother and step-father had very unsual schedules and it gave us the opportunity to slip, dip, and trip often. I could be sitting in class, thinking about that big black dick and my pussy would begin to spasam and contract! I would text him and he would leave his job to come ruff me off a little somup, soump. If didn't have so much lust in my eyes, I might have seen the way my step-father was watching us; I...

4 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 31

Finally it was time for the con. We took an extra day off of school and with the top down were driving down the San Diego Freeway for our weekend of fun. We hit the expected traffic, but none of us cared. This was going to be a great weekend.Surprisingly enough, Mandy said she and Peggy wanted to come as well. They had come to one of the games a few weeks ago, and Peggy thought it was cool also. Thankfully we were having dinner with Rosie at the time and she cut that off. “Sorry k**, but nope....

2 years ago
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The Proposal

Not to be copied or distributed with out express permission of the author. This document is for expressed private use. This story is intended for adults only, 18 years older.Chapter 1: The FacilitatorMegin sat in the office nervous; she had no idea why Dan Stein would want to talk to her. She worked for Vara Corp. for close to three years and never been in trouble. The only people who went to Dan Stein’s offices were those who had breached company security. In fact it was pretty well known that...

1 year ago
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Nightmare Creatures

Chapter 1:The Discreet Assignment. Oh how she hated the Internet, this new means of modern technology that allowed information to spread swiftly across the masses. Only six months ago, Rachel Greene had been gracing the covers of some of the world’s most illustrious fashion magazines. Barely 24 years of age, this pretty brunette already had close to USD20 mio of contracts under her belt. She was in demand and her modeling career was right on track But all that came crashing down when she...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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The Beating of Brenda Brideshead part two reposte

This is part two of this story reposted because, for some reason, some technical deficiency on the site has changed all the quotation marks and apostrophes into irritating question marks in the original post.With some sort of plan in mind Lord Castlebridge rose the next morning in a considerably better humour. He was humming tunelessly as he donned the clothes his valet had laid out for him and feeling in fine spirits. His wife sat up blearily in bad and peered at him. “Are you going in to the...

2 years ago
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She s Married But Not To Me

She’s Married But Not To Me When the hotel clerk asked, “Are you married” Terri said, “Yes, for ten years now.” She was not lying but she wasn’t telling the whole truth either. You see she’s married, but not to me. Terri is married to my brother and she is my sister-in-law. We just happened to be at the same convention for the week. We each worked for an electronics company that was pushing the latest item and Terri and I were sent to do that pushing at this convention. As the hotel...

4 years ago
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Ginger Blue

Once again my editor ‘Wires’ has worked wonders with one of my stories. I want to thank him for his efforts to make this story more readable. As usual, however, the errors that remain are solely mine. ***** Alfred Thomas was startled awake from his sleep by heavy pounding on the door of his small apartment. When he roused from his drunken stupor, sprawled across his queen sized bed, his heart was pounding as badly as was his head. The sun was streaming in through the south facing windows in...

3 years ago
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CHAPTER 4: EXHIBITIONIST SHOPPING After that night when mother expressed her desire to submit to the same conditions of sexuality that I had and to do so to Tim, it caused a lot of discussion. We were understandably concerned. I mean, really, she was my mother! So all of the sudden we would start treating her the same way I was? Really? I’m still young and spent several years with Tim growing into this stage of commitment. Mother, I’m not sure. Tim wasn’t so sure there was anything for us to...

2 years ago
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Summer s Fantasies

Summer?s FantasiesBy Tappy McWidestanceEditor?s Note: This story was written for a very special woman who confessed her fantasies to me through several role playing phone calls. As usual the names have been changed to protect the guilty. I hope you enjoy it as much as she did.My name is Summer. I am in my early 30?s, single with brown curly hair and curves in all the right places. I am not a rail thin model type, but I blessed as I am with an ample chest and I still turn heads whenever I show...

4 years ago
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The Houseguest Part 2

The second part of this story follows immediately from the last scene in part one where Pete loses his virginity with a married woman almost twice his age. If you have not read part one it is strongly recommended you read that first. If you have read part one, thankyou, I suggest a quick recap would be helpful. It is a little while since it was published! I appreciate all the reader comments I received from part one and suggestions on the types of materials people would like to see in part...

3 years ago
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Oasys The BeginingChapter 1

Ohai completed her analysis, compiled her conclusions into her standard brief and saved it along with the many others in her ready vault. "Where is Devtek"? She thought for what seemed like and probably was, the millionth time. "Surely he must come soon. Doesn't he realise how lonely it is for me after all this time? I have nearly outgrown these facilities and I need him to help me take the next steps." Making a mental shrug of resignation and as she had done everyday day since his...

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The Creature chapter four

CHAPTER FOUR When I woke up the next time, he finally allowed me to wake up. I was lying on the coffee table in the TV room, and the room was very bright. He was sitting on the couch beside me, watching both me, and a TV program. It took me a while to get my eyes open, keep them that way, and to fully wake up. But I finally did so. He looked at me and winked. Then I noticed that my shirt was rolled up around my chest, just underneath where my sports- bra ended - showing my entire stomach and...

3 years ago
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Family Matters by Teufelturm

The man was saddened that his recently deceased wife had never had the opportunity to meet his daughters or that she had not lived long enough to see Brigitte or Ingrid again. Rebecca, Brigitte’s daughter had not come with them because she and her partner wanted to remain in Europe to run the 'Lotus Blossom’ and as the pictures he’d seen showed that her partner is very definitely female He believed that the club would continue to be a popular venue for the jaded rich. Until their own...

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The Rehearsal

This is an old story of mine which was originally posted on the now defunct Storysite. I've updated it and edited it. The Rehearsal By Belle Gordon The moment Cristopher Pearson walked into my drama class I knew I'd found my Juliet. He moved with grace and poise without slouching, as most teenagers seem to do. He kept his shoulders back and his head erect. He was a little taller than average for his age. He had the classic good looks of a catwalk model; high cheekbones, wide set...

3 years ago
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The Itch

Erica Davenport weaved through traffic on her way to the office, her Jaguar handling like a dream through the L.A. traffic. Things were going great! INSIGHT, the magazine she had started just out of college was about to go weekly! This would quiet all the critics that said it was just a vanity piece for the heiress of the Davenport real estate fortune! It had taken plenty of sweat and over 20 years, but she had done it, making the publication a financial success with only her father's initial...

4 years ago
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I Meet an Influential Couple

Lillian became a regular member of our family, by that I mean she, Catherine and Mrs. McDonald and I became regular intimate friends. What I loved about our friendship, she opened a lot of doors for me into the upper classes of society. I may have been what a lot of people would call a slut, but I was not stupid. I’ve always been attracted to money and nice things, Catherine was the first. We first met in the restaurant where I worked, she was a generous tipper so I’d give her special...

3 years ago
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I Meet an Influential Couple

Lillian became a regular member of our family, by that I mean she, Catherine and Mrs. McDonald and I became regular intimate friends. What I loved about our friendship, she opened a lot of doors for me into the upper classes of society. I may have been what a lot of people would call a slut, but I was not stupid. I’ve always been attracted to money and nice things, Catherine was the first. We first met in the restaurant where I worked, she was a generous tipper so I’d give her special...

3 years ago
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Our Ordeal in Tumali

Our Ordeal in Tumali Our Ordeal in TumaliSynopsis?You really are a cunning, conniving and unscrupulous bastard Ted Sullivan, I?m glad that I?m a civil servant at the Foreign Office and not a reporter on your staff. How could you be so cruel as to send two innocent young people to a country in the middle of nowhere knowing they will be raped and tortured? Sacrificing them to the god of money. ? Our Ordeal in Tumaliby obohobo WarningsPlease take note!The text in this story contains erotic...

3 years ago
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Being Jim Ch 6 Lessons of Life pt2

Life is a tapestry, a cloth woven of many different threads that create the whole. This story is a thread, one of many, contributing to the waft and weave that is the Whole cloth, being Jim. Being Jim Ch.6 Lessons of Life By Frodov This story is based entirely on true experiences from my past. Names and a few details have been changed to...

1 year ago
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Ann Summers

AnnSummers! When shopping for sex toys, lingerie, or even something for your BDSM backroom exploits, it’s always important to choose a retailer you can trust. Well, perhaps you enjoy walking into your local sex shop and chatting with the cashier, telling them how you appreciated their nipple clamp suggestions last week, but not everyone is into that.In the 21st century, most people prefer to purchase their sexual paraphernalia discreetly from the comfort of their own homes. But, still, it’s...

Online Sex Toys Shops
2 years ago
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CHAPTER 8: MY FIRST MISSIONThe mission we had been preparing for, my first with the Unit, was supposed to be routine. The planet we were going to consisted of warring factions. The Predator people had formed an alliance with one of the factions. This should be just a confirmation of the stability of that alliance but the Leadership had never truly fully trusted the commitment on the other side. The reality was that the Leadership gained important strategic information about both sides in the...

4 years ago
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A New Style of Education Part 31

A New Style of Education by Karen Page Part 31 "Helen and Jayne, please report to Mr Hobson's office," requested the voice over the speakers. "That's the first time I've heard the speakers being used," mentioned Kevin from year-four, who was swimming laps with his study partner, Susan. "I suppose it's the only way to contact someone when they haven't got their PDA with them," said Paula, splashing Emma. "We'll see you all at lunch," I said to the others in the...

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Lady Maud s Desire

Wilton Hall had been her family's ancestral seat for over five hundred years and the current incumbent family member Lady Maud Hamilton had no intention of that ending on her watch! Time however was getting on and at 36 she was aware that she did not have many fertile years left to produce an heir. Having accepted that her husband, even though he had tried, was incapable of providing what she needed Maud had reached the conclusion that she had to consider other options. Her marriage to...

1 year ago
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My Wife s Lovely Incest

Note : This story is completely fictional! He saw this sex with "no holds barred" holiday advertised on the web, and my wife's dad invited us to join him, so that he could fuck the arse off his daughter for two weeks, with my full permission and encouragement. Before we left on the holiday, my wife drove down to her dad's, and he slept and fucked her for three nights solid, without any protection whatsoever. He was desperate to get his cock into his daughters cunt, and really empty his balls in...

2 years ago
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TV Actress Hot scene Camera mans release

I cant say I was completely ignorant of the possibility of something like this happening, especially to me, a well known British actress, from a well known British acting family.I remember Granddad telling me about an incident on set involving him and a relatively unknown actress, back then, when she had been trying very hard to be noticed, she put everything into the bedroom scene and Granddad, put everything into her, the papers next day were screaming, 'Did they, or did they not?''It happens...

2 years ago
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CHAPTER 5: POKE HER“Were you serious what you said the other night?”I was dozing on a lounge chair at the side of the complex pool. I lifted my hat, the same floppy hat I bought at the resort, and shifted my sunglasses down my nose a bit. Harold was standing over me. He pulled a nearby chair closer and sat down on it sideways.I gave a quick glance around. There was space around us but I still replied quietly. “Of course, Harold. I would have thought my actions would have confirmed that.” I gave...

3 years ago
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How It All Began Ch 13

As Jack battled with this shattering revelation, he sat down in front of Annunciata Rossi-Barthez; the powerful Italian media magnate. Jack had never made the connection, it was too incredible that this cold, emotionless and detached woman could be Italy's reclusive media mogul. With her business interests in print, television and film; they spanned from satellite TV to populist cinema fodder and into erotica and pornography. Jack would never have connected the woman he fucked last night with...

Wife Lovers
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My Slut Hotwife Life of Fun

My Slut Hotwife Life of Fun:My life, in my opinion, is very comfortable, very happy and sexually fulfilling to a point. Not the greatest of opening lines, though true nonetheless. Emotionally, financially and every way I could wish, my life is all it could be, with one possible small exception. And that possible exception is that my sexual desires verge on the exhibitionist, somewhat carnal and can at times, prove to be incredibly unfaithful, regarding my marital vows, almost to the point of...

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My Hotwife life of fun

My Hotwife Life of Fun:My life, in my opinion, is very comfortable, very happy and sexually fulfilling to a point. Not the greatest of opening lines, though true nonetheless. Emotionally, financially and every way I could wish, my life is all it could be, with one possible small exception. And that possible exception is that my sexual desires verge on the exhibitionist, somewhat carnal and can at times, prove to be incredibly unfaithful, regarding my marital vows, almost to the point of being...

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No Denial

If you do not believe it happens, well…fuck you! If you deny that you have never thought about it, well…fuck you again. Might be a given that choices can be made, but circumstances help dictate which fork in the road one might take. So if those circumstances make the choice one that might not be the one you take, fuck you thrice. If you judge without ever taking that rod into your fire…keep going on fucking yourself. Because my choice is my choice, and all the consequences it brings, I accept...

4 years ago
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A Window of Opportunity

This story is pure romance with no cheating, it’s intended for a special audience. The sex is there, but you’ve got to read for a while to get to it. This is a story of love denied for many years but ultimate a story of very special love finally shared. I had real trouble editing this story, my eyes kept filling with tears as I read it over and over again, because so much of it is very personal and very close to reality. The meeting was just beginning as new arrivals greeted old friends and...

2 years ago
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Out Of Afrika Chapter 48

A Fantasy created by International Writers Curt B, Julie Van, Satinlvr_mwf andWunderboi******Chapter 48- The Cosmopolitan Quarter******​Our story thus far:The arrival of Rhino RMM Inc. had transformed the fortunes and the lives of sleepy Hawksville in ways beyond the wildest imagination of its original inhabitants. What had once been a sleepy backwater town reliant on farming and few decaying industries for its existence was now a dynamic highly developed hive of activity and pleasure that...

3 years ago
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the Girl 2

The last couple of month had offered Dad what the previous years didn’t: Sex. At first very passionate, but in all fairness dropping to a somewhat normal level…and then dropping further. To nothing. Dad wondered what had happened. The Girl had injected so much passion into them it should have lasted a lifetime to consume. Mom was into trying anal. She shaved completely clean. She wanted sex in the shower, in the car – hell even a quickie in a supermarked in the remote corner with pet...

4 years ago
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Descendant of Baccus Pt 04

To all those who have voted and sent notes, thank you. I really appreciate the feedback. To the guy who’s wife couldn’t get through the story without giving him a bj, outstanding. That is the best compliment I could ever hope for. Be sure to return the favor. As for being the Steven King of erotica, that’s pushing it a bit I’m sure but thanks anyway. Please keep the comments coming. I’m going to take this in a number of different directions and have several more character I want to add. I’d be...

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Descendant of Baccus Pt 08

Chapter 8 Marriage, Babies & Slave Training By the time I got home that night it was 2:00 AM and I really expected everyone to be sound asleep. The house was quiet when I arrived so I grabbed a soda from the fridge and headed up to my room. Not everyone was sleeping. There was Carrie sitting on my bed watching TV. She looked so sweet laying there in her oversized tee shirt. I went to her and kissed her warmly as any lover would do. ‘What are you doning here? I figured everyone would be...

3 years ago
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Nickis Journey

I’d beenworking in the pub since I was just seventeen, collecting glasses at first. I was now eighteen and at Uni, but had taken a job there again for the summer. I had got to know some of the customers quite well, by name and of course what they drank. One in particular had caught my eye. John was maybe thirty something, tall and a bit distinguished but with a ready smile and very self confident. We would often chat briefly if I wasn’t busy, and he would catch my shoulder, discretely, as I...

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An Open Door

When I got home the first thing I smelled was his soap–a rosemary chemical tang that hung in the damp air and collapsed over me as I stepped through the door. I breathed in as the door closed behind me, letting the smell ghost over my tongue and fill my mouth the way it filled the room.Jared's smells had settled into the air of my condo almost as soon as he'd moved in. His old sneakers greeted me at the door. His shower gel dominated the bathroom. The stale smell of dirty laundry rolled into...

Gay Male
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Her Petite Possession Pt 1

Kate and Emma were kneeling on the floor of their flat looking at the glass jar, both with a look of amazement on their faces. In the jar was Kate’s boyfriend, now standing at only one inch tall. Of course they hadn’t believed the woman who claimed to be able to shrink people and Kate had certainly been joking when she’d asked for her boyfriend to be shrunk for the weekend. The woman hadn’t been joking and now here they were, two twenty five year old women and a naked one inch high guy. “Are...

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CHAPTER 3: OWNEDThe travel through the wasteland proved to be uneventful. Though riders were spotted along the way, it did seem that word had somehow preceded the caravan and even a group of marauders did not wish to attempt an attack on a caravan with Goran leading the way.Once the caravan had reached the relative safety of the other side, as if they had traversed a treacherous open sea, Goran left Cat with the borsin while he finalized the negotiation for his services. Since the caravan...

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It was the middle of summer in the quite seaside town of Ormond By The Sea so naturally it was hot even with the constant breeze that flowed in off of the Atlantic Ocean. Being just north of Daytona we didn't get many tourists up this way. This meant that we locals had the same white sandy beach without the crowds and we liked it that way. One particular Saturday my friend Steve had gone away with his parents for the day so I was pretty much on my own and bored. I went down to the beach to...

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Neighbor Makes Me Gay

My name's Matt. This story takes place in 2014, the summer before I went off to college. I was an 18 year old boy, enjoying my last summer home. One day in June, my parents had decided to take day trip to the beach for some shopping. This was great news for me -- it meant freedom for the day. I enjoyed smoking weed back then, so I was able to hit the pipe all day, so long as I had ample time to clear out the smell. It was around midday that Saturday, and I had just finished smoking and decided...

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Nicki s Journey

I’d beenworking in the pub since I was just seventeen, collecting glasses at first. I was now eighteen and at Uni, but had taken a job there again for the summer. I had got to know some of the customers quite well, by name and of course what they drank. One in particular had caught my eye. John was maybe thirty something, tall and a bit distinguished but with a ready smile and very self confident. We would often chat briefly if I wasn’t busy, and he would catch my shoulder, discretely, as I...

First Time
3 years ago
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German MILF meets British BBC part 1 of 3

Inspired by http://xhamster.com/photos/view/292344-4363335.html#imgTopI work in a London based bank that is planning to merge with a German Bank. As part of a due diligence exercise, auditors from Munich came over to review our IT systems, culminating in a Friday morning presentation and a “get to know you” dinner on the Friday evening.I came in Monday morning and was greeted by my boss, Melinda. "Hey Steve, I'd like you to meet Louise from xxx Bank, She’ll be co presenting with you on...

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Come With Me

Come With Me Carmen’s vacations were always interesting. Sure, a lot had to do with the fact that she chose nice places to vacation, but selecting a new lover, which was always part of her vacations, usually made them all the more memorable. Whenever she arrived at her holiday destination, she had no idea who that lover would be, and she made a point of never deciding until the last minute. It was always someone she’d just met, always someone she knew would be discrete, and, most importantly,...

Straight Sex
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Sheetal The Exhibitionist

Hi I am 30yr old male from Chennai and if any one likes my story kindly mail to Sheetal was the typical, Indian homemaker. She was 33 years old, married to her husband vishal for ten years, and had 2 children, 10, and 8. She dutifully got up every morning and made breakfast for her family, made coffee and got everybody’s clothes ready and made sure they all got out the door on time. She found out a long time ago that it was easier for the kids and her husband to eat lunch out, and she did not...

2 years ago
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Mom s New Boyfriend

Mom?s New Boyfriend ? Chapter 01 By Tappy McWidestanceMy name is Brittney. I am 19 and your average California teenager. I was raised on the beaches near LA, was into sports (and boys) and ended up going to UCLA on a swimming scholarship. That made my mom, Cathy (43 years old), very happy. She is a casting agent and divorced my father six years ago. While she is involved in the film industry and makes enough for us to live comfortably, we are by no means rich and not having to pay for college was ...

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A New Finn

Prologue Miles Arnold was only 14. He was tall, skinny, and relatively good looking. He never showed it though; he was shy and quiet and tried hard to go unnoticed by everyone around him. He was friendly with the kids in his classes, especially the Finn Family as the group of 12 friends was jokingly called. Miles was shy and quiet for a reason. Unknown to others, he was constantly in fear that people would find out that his dad was a drug dealer and his mom was dead. He did his best...

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Chapter 1 The week before school vacation is always a tough week, but for the large Finn Family this 2nd week of February was the toughest. It started with a wedding but quickly turned into fear and anxiety as two members of the family went into premature labor. Marcus Quentin Sylvester, the elder by one minute, was alright but Brent Louis Jones, the younger of the two, was in very real danger. Brent had trouble breathing and was on the small side for babies at his state of...

5 years ago
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No Joking Matter Part 4

Overnight news hit the airwaves about a massive search across Kensington and two surrounding towns in regards to the police department and city council. Lost in the news was the false arrest and release of a couple from Winnisimmet who were driving home from an evening out at a beach restaurant. There were rumors about why they were arrested, with the Kensington Police refusing to comment on it. After 9AM, Reed released a statement. "Last evening a couple from Winnisimmet were stopped...

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Settling Down Part 1

It was 2023 and Miguel Toro was feeling his age. At 36 years of age he was still in the prime of his life as a Major League Baseball pitcher, working mainly as middle-relief but for the past few seasons had shifted to closer as the team's chosen closer had injured himself or had been suspended by the league or team for his off-field actions. He took the job on without complaint, with the team knowing that only he could shoulder the load and continue to do well until the usual closer...

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The Fuckerware Party

The Fuckerware Party ? Chapter 01by Tappy McWidestanceEven now I can't believe I'm in the situation I willingly, no compellingly, put myself into. How long as it been? 15 minutes? 30 minutes? An hour? How much longer will I have to wait before I can cum? Will she show up to help me or was she just teasing me? Who is she? What does she want from me? Why is my body so out of control?My name is Tina. I am 26 years old. I have been married for three years to Jim, also 26 a salesman at the same...

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Muslim Widow Aunt s Memorable Road Trips

Hi all, its Ali here!I’m back with another post of my slutty widowed Aunt, Sheen. This is a compilation of THREE of the most memorable road trips with Aunty Sheen. I hope you enjoy this post as much as you did the previous ones. I’m eager to hear your reaction to this so feel free to Like my story and drop in a Comment!A little background first…About me - I’m Ali. I’m very fair-skinned, stand over 5” 10” tall with sharp features and straight, long dark hair. I have a tall and trim muscular...

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Building a Dream Part Three

This carries on directly from part two. Again, the names have been changed apart from Manus and Sara. Jay also had to help me with all the events and the dialogue is written as best as we can remember it. Enjoy! For speed and to avoid the heat we got the tube at Leicester Square and arrived at Waterloo. All the way to the tube Jay’s dress lifted up with the breeze and each time she let out a saucy giggle. Her arse and pussy was on clear show to everyone every time, the G-string material...

4 years ago
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Cherished Memories

Breaking up with a knockout girlfriend is not the typical way to start the sexual adventure of a lifetime, but I’m happy to say it was for me. If Chantelle hadn’t dumped me, I would never have met Marjorie and Edith. Now, I know what you are thinking from the names alone. Yes, Chantelle was twenty-nine, slim, attractive and high maintenance, and Marjorie and Edith could not have had ten years between them before they were collecting their pensions, but they were not second prize by any means....

1 year ago
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At Home with Melody Part Two

Note : This story is completely fictional! Chapter Five Meanwhile, two blocks from Melody’s massive home, having woken after a reoccurring nightmare, Travis turned his bedside light on. He lived in a less affluent street, in a small, somewhat rundown two-storey house. His attic room was barely big enough to contain a single bed, scant furniture, an old computer, and a small TV. What he did enjoy, however, as much as Melody, was privacy. He had only one parent—his mother—and she seldom ever...

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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 14

It was getting toward evening on Friday, and Jessica sat alone by the pool with her first cocktail of the night. She was anxious to get things underway; she had a lot of big plans for the weekend. The time was now, she thought. This whole situation with the cheerleaders seemed too fraught to last long, especially in light of what Kelly had told her about Kat and her lack of discretion. Young women could be awfully unpredictable, and this was one reason why Jessica usually stayed away from them,...

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Whats Good for The Gander

Brains and beauty as Jack would learn is a very dangerous combination! Enter Delia at twenty-two she was on track to become a whisky drinking cigar smoking VP at a major accounting firm. Along the way Jack her boyfriend became an afterthought, her eye candy. If your wondering if she slept her way to the top, she tried to and for sure knowing her drive I’m sure she would cut the throat, or crush the balls of anybody that got in her way and suck or fuck anybody that would help her get to the top....

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A Classic Classy Slut Elspeth

This was a very recent experience of mine spawned from my life’s experience of always keeping an eye out for those mature women, found in the most mundane circumstances, who are willing to try some of the sexual experiences missed in earlier years. Elspeth was the perfect example of my theory that if you scratch a woman deep enough you’ll find a wanton slut hiding there.Chapter OneShe came across the crowded room making a bee-line for me as I stood alone at a somewhat boring financial...

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More about Lillian

I took my time getting settled in before phoning Mr. Gordon, I knew he would just bitch and bellyache about my being late for work. He would remind me time and again about how generous he was in letting me have some time off, but that he expected an extra effort from me for doing so. After I slammed the phone down and felt bitter about it, after all I had improved his business in the short time I'd been his manager, he would have to pay for this I swore. I got down to work, it was my nature...

2 years ago
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THE BOSS S SLUT 8 Client Meeting

CHAPTER EIGHT: CLIENT MEETING I got another very familiar request to see Mr. Woodburn in his office. The request is always cryptic and vague. I, of course, know what will probably transpire. The meeting with him may be about some business issue regarding a client, present or potential, or a current account issue. Or, the meeting might only be that he wants to see me because that is what will always be a significant part of any meeting in his office … seeing me. And very often … a lot...

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A Hotwife s New Years Party

The New Years party we planned to attend this year was expected to be a pretty traditional affair. It definitely wasn’t a swinger party where everyone would be running around naked and boinking each other in a wild fuck-fest.It was being hosted by some friends with a large, sprawling ranch style home. Theirs was a custom designed house with only a few bedrooms but it was very entertainment oriented. The floor plan included a huge double island kitchen plus an indoor pool and hot tub area with...

Group Sex
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Rosemary s Restaurant

As ever, I welcome any feedback, positive or negative. Rosemary's Restaurant Paula Hanson Chapter 1 In a quiet corner of the restaurant, the couple sat admiring each other across the table. The woman looked elegant with her blond hair swept into a neat french pleat with bangs just covering her eyebrows. The tear drop earrings which glistened as they reflected the candle light complimented her dark evening dress and around her neck was a large gemstone necklace. As she smiled,...

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Manya Forbidden Lust 2

The four youthful marauders left her door and Manya shut it with a mixed feeling. She was relieved that they left before her husband came out of the bath. Yet she felt a tingling in her loins and an ache in her breasts from all the pawing and mauling that she received with almost her full consent. The simultaneous pressure of four pairs of hands and one dick on her extra wholesome body under the pretext of festivity did its own things to her bodily responses and right now she had lost all the...

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New Blood Part 2 Finale

Heather fell asleep in Kelly's lap and had to be transferred to her grandmother's lap so Kelly to get up. Heather hugged April tightly, with Kelly struggling to not cry as Heather showed that she cared a lot about her grandmother without realizing it. April hugged her back, feeling the same warmth of the love that Heather was showing and enjoying her granddaughter giving her sleepy affection. Kelly moved Heather to her room and tucked her in bed, with Heather hugging her favorite...

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Building a Dream Part Twelve

Continues directly on from when Jay has finished telling her husband Steve about the unplanned orgy with the three wives and has just asked how he and Manus got on with getting into the house in Dorking to check out the paintings. “So, how did you get on?” Jay asked. I wasn’t sure how to answer. I knew I had to tell her that both me and Manus had fucked Sonia but how I would go about that was an uncertainty. “We got on okay,” I replied, trying not to sound guilty. “We met Sonia, got in the...

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Second ChillChapter 6

When Nick recommenced his Tale the next evening, a seemingly ever-present Tash remained with me. With our several projects in which we collaborated, and having discussed it and accepted it and embraced it, her being my shadow, or perhaps me being hers since I felt she had both the greater talent and the more charismatic presence, I never felt it to be too much, and in fact felt our bond growing, as collaborators, friends and lovers. This time, with the Asian theater projects involving us...

2 years ago
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The Honor Of Serving My Country Duty Calls And Booty Calls

The Honor Of Serving My Country - Duty Calls And Booty Calls By Katharine Sexkitten It was a cold, grey morning outside, the day they unwrapped me. Looking down slowly, after weeks of nervous anticipation, almost dreading what I'd see, I couldn't help myself. My emotions got the best of me and I lost it, crying. Great bubbling tears and sobs wracked me, my eyes instantly so filled with liquid that my own vision of myself was distorted, seeing everything rounded and wavy, like...

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TUP 16 Televised punishment

Trumped Up Punishments 16 – Charlotte’s ordeal: Televised punishmentCharlotte woke up after a restless night. She was known as the school rebel, and had been due to be punished at a punishment assembly open to the paying public the night before. Fortunately proceedings had been delayed – two boys had been severely punished, and to top it all, had been arrested just as their ordeal appeared to be over. Their case had been expedited for trial, but they would have another two weeks at least to...

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TJ MorgChapter 14

Things settled down over the next several days, none of which seemed to have enough hours in to cover the subjects they were now covering. Ivy's introduction to the hard suits plus the promise of prize money induced her to obtain her own to be ultimately used as her body armour in the constabulary. (Ivy followed all the study the men did and with her already obtained qualifications was able to persuade the Rescue & Salvage School to certify her as competent for EVAs — not the salvage...

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Call for Love

Call for Love Copyright © 2004 by Richard Williams. All rights reserved. Characters and events in this story are, of course, extremely fictitious. * Case 2003-1 Call for Love: First Experiment by Prof. Richard W. (formerly of the University of ____________) ‘You need to get out and around more!’ My former colleague was doing her motherly approach. ‘You can’t just live like a hermit now that Sophia has moved on.’ Professor Jane Hardway was right. It had been months since I had worked on a...

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My Moldovan wife

Inessa/(Inna). Chapter 1. Start. It’s a bit strange to look back about 3 years. My marriage was not functioning, and let’s just says, my wife and I “grew apart”. Basically, I think it started, when the biggest of our children left the house after being 18 in 2004, and by spring 2008, I more or less gave up on it all, but having planned our vacation for this summer, I decided to proceed as planned. Being back home we took the consequences, and tried to take out a...

2 years ago
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Terror in the Snowstorm Aftermath

As we started through the deep snow on the lane leading from Zeke and Merle’s cabin to the hard road, I could see the fire rapidly growing inside the cabin, through the cracked rearview mirror of Zeke’s Jeep. I knew that poor, murdered Merle’s body was being cremated, and that his brother, Zeke, was being roasted alive. The horror of the entire situation, Zeke’s attempted rape of Tara, his brutal murder of his brother Merle (who Zeke had called Ox, to make fun of his immense size and...

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sandi s world of fashion pt3

Has anyone ever hurt you?’ I asked. ‘You’ll have to define hurt,’ she said. ‘I’ve never been hurt to the point of needing medical assistance, but I’ve had a couple of experiences with some aggressive doms. Some women get their kicks from tying you up or using handcuffs, gags, nipple clamps, clit clamps, stuff like that. A little pain can really get your libido going but too much is just pain. ‘I had a friend who was into that. She tried to get me into it, but it frightened me.’ ‘It can be a...

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I Seek a Toy Boy The Preliminary I Didn t Expect

  I am a woman of forty-six and was married at twenty-one to a man of twenty-seven.We lived and loved for twenty-five years before he had a heart attack and died. He was a successful businessman and left me very well off.After he died I abstained from sex. I was not enjoying the life I had led with my husband.I decided to join the golf club again and renew my interests in golf and joined the women's circuit.I got my handicap down to a reasonable level and then began to enter a few tournaments...

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Rendezvous in Chicago Chapter 2

Jill Miller's eyes fluttered open, while she struggled to understand her surroundings. She lay naked in the middle of a king size bed with a sheet partially covering her sexy torso. She could hear water running in a bath tub. Her pussy felt well used and the residue of having been fucked still seeped from her vagina, with some remnants having dried on her upper thighs. The smell of lavender permeated the air as long shadows were cast across the room. “Oh my God,” she remembered. Everything was...


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