Rapid Wg indian porn

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The Grand Rapids Blues

Graciously edited by Barney R. Tweaked by me; all mistakes are on me. I will admit it. When I found out I was so angry that if she said anything else, I would have punched her in the mouth. My day started out great. It was a Monday, and I had a meeting with my division manager and the company president to discuss a possible promotion. I had applied for an open position to take over our Grand Rapids, Michigan division. If I got it the promotion would be to division manager. I had heard...

3 years ago
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Californie Partie 2 sur 3

Le vol dura des heures, et pourtant Maxime n'en pouvait plus d'excitation. Une heure environ avant d'arriver, il se rendit aux toilettes, et se changea pour prendre sa tenue habituelle - jean, baskets blanches, queue de cheval -. Il se sentait ? l'aise ainsi. C'?tait ainsi qu'il comptait vivre aux USA. Galvin lui avait dit que tout ?tait pr?t pour lui, et qu'il n'avait plus qu'? arriver. Son logement, son contrat de travail. Un v?hicule l'attendait ? l'a?roport et devait le conduire ? l'embarcad?re puis jusq...

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Paris Partie 1 sur 3

Ce jour-l?, Maxime Lamothe eu 17 ans pour la premi?re fois de sa vie. Bien s?r, il avait eu 16 ans, aussi, et 15 ans avant ?a. Mais ces ann?es-l? ?taient encore porteuses d'espoir. Il avait attendu, attendu, mais il s'?tait jur? que si ??a? ne changeait pas, il irait voir quelqu'un. Au cas o?. C'?tait maintenant. - Ecoutez, jeune homme...je ne vois rien d'anormal. Votre taille ne devrait...plus tellement changer. Vos parents ?taient d?j? petits eux aussi, apr?s tout. Mais c'est vrai, g?n?ralement...enfin....-...

2 years ago
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Stories of Patriarchy French

HISTOIRES DU PATRIARCAT INTRODUCTION : UN MONDE NOUVEAU Dans un univers parallèle au nôtre, ou, qui sait, dans le nôtredans quelques années, le Patriarcat a été rétabli.Du moins, c'est ce qui est dit officiellement. Mais en fait, jamais, au coursde l'histoire connue, les femmes n'ont été maintenues dans uneposition aussi inférieure : non seulement le droit de vote leura été très vite retiré, puis peu à peu tousleurs autres droits, mais elles sont considérées toute leur viecomme des mineures...

1 year ago
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Tubing with the family

“What the heck is that?” She said reaching beneath her. John flinched as she grabbed hold of his hard cock. “Oh my, do you have a boner?” Lindsey asked her dad. “Oh, I’m sorry sweetie.” He replied. “Don’t think anything of it, it was just all that bouncing around in the rapids.” Lindsey tried to moved but slide back to Johns lap. “Eeew, make it go away. It’s totally poking me.” Tubing with the family. Inspired by this storie Tubing by lolitest11 Posted Tue 17th of July 2012 Edited By...

3 years ago
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Le Retour partie 3 sur 3

Maxime resta tr?s longtemps dans un demi-coma. Ou, tout du moins, il le pensait. Des images allaient et venaient. Des personnages apparaissaient devant lui. Il ne pouvait pas voir leur visage, mais il les entendait parler. Parfois en fran?ais, parfois en anglais. Il se sentit avoir froid. Puis chaud. Puis froid ? nouveau. Et faim. Et chaud. Plusieurs fois il voulut ouvrir ses yeux, mais il n'y parvenait pas. Lorsqu'il ouvrit enfin ses yeux, il ?tait dans une chambre d'h?pital. Toute blanche, toute...

2 years ago
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The Winner

The Winner I had been gambling since I was a kid; and I like to consider myself goodat it. I can remember playing card s w ith my friends at school for small amountsof money. It was very unusual for me to lose. Some kids even ran a book onme. Which I took a cut of. I found gambling to be a good way to make money,and with things been tight at home my parents turned a blind eye to it. Asa kid I picked up the name Lucky. I don't know about luck. I don't even thinkI have got it. Most great...

4 years ago
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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 7

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 7 Par Loulou Note: cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. Chapitre 25 - M?tamorphose Comme maintenant tous les matins, Sam se r?veilla dans le lit de son cousin et la nuit avait ?t? encore une fois merveilleuse. Il sourit et l'embrassa pour le r?veiller. "Chris, c'est d?j? lundi, il faut se lever." Chris ouvrit p?niblement les ye...

4 years ago
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Histoire d un fan de transformation partie 1

Cette histoire a ?t? faite avec l'aide de Xavier (dit Chlo?) Cyrille et Aur?lie (vous pouvez trouver ces histoire sur fictionmania). Vous voulez m'envoyer vos critiques, m'envoyer des captions, vous avez les m?mes go?ts que moi ou tout simplement vous voulez me transformer, envoyez moi un mail ? Chapitre 1 Par quoi commencer? Tellement de choses se sont d?j? pass?es. Assis nu sur cette chaise, mes pieds pendouillent. Tout est devenu si grand, si mena?ant. Tout semble m'?chapper maintenant. Si j'essa...

3 years ago
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Mes fr res et Mes s urs

Mes fr?res et... Mes s?urs! Pr?sentation Je m'appelle Margaux. J'ai seize ans. Je vis dans une famille recompos?e de quatre enfants. J'ai deux grands fr?res et deux petites s?urs. Avec moi, vous direz que cela fait cinq. Mais non. C'est cette ?tranget? que je vais vous raconter. Le r?cit qui suit est ?crit ? partir de mes souvenirs, du journal intime que j'ai tenu depuis mon enfance et des informations que j'ai collect?es aupr?s des diff?rents protagonistes que vous allez rencontrer. Peut-?tre que certains d...

3 years ago
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Nat and the Haemophiliacs

Nat and the Haemophiliacs (c) 2008-2010 by Trismegistus Shandy This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Feel free to repost or mirror it on any noncommercial site or mailing list. You can also create derivative works, including adaptations to other media, or new stories using the same setting, characters and so forth, as long as you mention and point to the original story and release your own adaptations or...

3 years ago
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End of game for Christeen

Fin de partie pour ChristeenCe soir c’est une grande f?te chez John. Son esclave Christeen va avoir quarante ans. Tous ses amis sont invit?s. Mais si la f?te est belle, elle est aussi inattendue. Christeen va annoncer ? tout le monde que son contrat d’esclave s’ach?ve ?galement ce soir. Non pas que John soit lass? des services de cette belle femme, d?sormais parfaitement bien entra?n?e ? subir tous les s?vices et ? innover dans le monde du SM, mais simplement parce que c’est la fin d’un contrat ? dur?e d?termin? sign? il y a qui...

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La verite sur les contes Les 3 petits cochons

La v?rit? sur les contes : les 3 petits cochonsIntroductionsIl etait une fois, dans un petit village occidental au moyen age, un jeune homme de bonne famille qui avait obtenu la charge d'assistant inquisiteur. Sa famille avait longuement oeuvr? pour obtenir cette nomination. Cela avait cout? assez cher mais avec la chasse aux h?r?tiques, il etait possible de rapidement se rembourser en prenant sa part sur les biens confisqu?s par l'?glise. Ce jeune homme brun, ? la chevelure non maitrisable, aux gros sourcils,a...

1 year ago
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Le petit ami de ma fille 2

Que dirais-tu de me montrer cette jolie petite soit que tu portes sous ce ce petit chemisier et sans attendre ma réponse il déboutonna un par un les boutons de mon chemisier dévoilant les contour de ma poitrine où la couleur de mon soutien-gorge rouge vif était apparentEt le pire fut quand je sentis le creux de sa main absorber mon sein droit assez fortement , et là malgré ma colère je ressentis une grande bouffée de chaleur dont je ne pouvais pas dire si elle était causée par la honte et...

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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 2

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 2 Par Loulou Note : cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. Chapitre 8 - Le Nouveau Travail de Sam M?me s'il attendait ce jour avec impatience, la nervosit? de Sam augmentait plus vite que les minutes avan?aient. Ce lundi n'avait rien de comparable aux autres, c'?tait le premier jour de travail avec Jessica. Sam ?tait tellement ner...

1 year ago
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Profane Rituals The Ritual

PROFANE RITUALS - THE RITUAL The big, black, stretch limousine in which we travelledseemed to glide over the shiny black surface of the wet street as it wendedits way through the city, towards the waterfront. All the luxury vehicle'swindows, with the obvious exception of the windscreen, were opaque black, denyingpassers by any opportunity to see into the interior of the cabin, and the privilegedfew who travelled in there. This was just as well, considering those who wereactually occupying that...

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SAGN Chapter Seventeen The Kiss of an Angry Girl

SAGN: Chapter 17- The Kiss of an Angry Girl Gatehouse of the Grove, Phar' Naqua: Day 445, 0056 hours Five words. They were only five words, but in those words were packed both her salvation and her damnation. Five words that she expected to hear at some point and yet when she did hear them they still seemed unreal to her. Singh's words exploded in Darcy's consciousness and hung in the air like a parachute flare blazing into incandescent light without warning. They were so heavy...

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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 4

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 4 Par Loulou Note : cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. Chapitre 17 - Nouveau look Assise ? son bureau, Jessica se demanda comment Sam serait habill? ce lundi matin, elle trouvait qu'il avait un gout tr?s s?r pour coordonner ses v?tements. Il avait tellement chang? depuis trois semaines qu'elle se demandait si c'?tait bien le m?me ...

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Amis d enfance

Amis d'enfance. Quand j'y pense, c'est ?tonnant que Christian et moi soyons si proches. Nous n'avons rien en commun. Christian est tr?s sportif, il est grand, viril et muscl?. Il est le type m?me du beau mec qui fait craquer les filles. Je ne sais pas combien de copines il a connu... Je les ai pratiquement toutes rencontr?es, mais j'ai renonc? ? les compter. De mon c?t?, j'?tais plut?t petit et malingre. Je cachais mon visage encore enfantin derri?re de grosses lunettes qui faisaient de moi une caricatu...

3 years ago
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De haut en bas Part 3

-- Les ouvri?res -- La fin de journ?e arriva, Cyndie et Chantal purent allez se changer dans le vestiaire des ouvri?res. Le vestiaire ?tait crade et il y trainait une forte odeur de femme en sueur. Les autres ouvri?res les regardaient avec total indiff?rence. Cyndie et Chantal ?coutaient les conversations des autres : l'une d'elle raconta ses probl?mes de surendettement, une autre de ses crises de d?pression tandis qu'une autre racontait vulgairement ses histoires de cul o? elle se faisait sodomiser. B...

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The Slave and the Pony Boy

The small search party peered over the edge of the rock outcropping at the western end of the rapids on the Colombia River and looked down at the small encampment below. A pirogue of a fur trader was stretched out above the river line, having been portaged around the rapids earlier in the evening. It would go into the river in two days after the two men by the campfire below had recovered fully from having taken it out of the water above the rapids and carried it around the obstruction. Mighty...

4 years ago
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Love By The Side of The LakesChapter 3

Wednesday, August 20th I woke up with a start. "Will, Abby, Wake up!" I heard the tent rattle and shake. I opened my eyes. It was daylight. Joe demanded again, "Will, Abby, Wake Up! Are you guys awake?" "Yes, Joe. I'm awake." I said. Abby stirred. "I'm awake Joe." She said. "Good morning Abby." I said. "Good morning Will." Abby replied. We dressed and packed our things that we brought in the tent last night. I could hear a gentle rain dripping on our tent. This rain just...

1 year ago
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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 8

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 8 Par Loulou Note: cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. ***** Chapitre 29 - La Nouvelle Fille de l'Agence Le soir venu, Samantha rentra chez elle et attendit impatiemment Kathy. Quand elle arriva, elle trouva Sam si adorable dans son ensemble rose bonbon qu'elle ne put r?sister ? la tentation de la caresser. Comme Chris...

3 years ago
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Hugo Chapitre 4 5 Face au Miroir

Chapitre 4: Face au miroir ********* Vendredi 6 f?vrier Hugo s'habilla, alla chercher son eau comme chaque matin, se lava, comme d'habitude, puis se pr?senta ? 10h comme pr?vu. Julia ?tait seule. Elle avait l'air tr?s excit?e de le voir. Il devait lui dire. - Aur?lia! Aur?lia! - Coucou, Julia! - Ohhhh, comme tu es bronz?e! Je suis trop contente de te voir! Alors raconte la Guadeloupe! C'?tait bien! - Oui, c'?tait super! Mais je dois te di...

2 years ago
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Terreur T n rife

Terreur ? Tenerife Coulybaca / Vulgus ?  Bien que cette histoire de Vulgus soit d?une seule traite, j?ai pr?f?r? la couper en plusieurs parties afin d?en faciliter la traduction et la lecture.  Chapitre 1 : Notre h?ros et sa femme Jenny profitent de leurs vacances ? T?n?rife, ils explorent tout d?abord les lieux consacr?s aux touristes? Puis sur le conseils d?autres vacanciers ils vont s?int?resser aux lieux plus interlopes ?.. Ils vont rapidement d?chanter ! ?. Le long voyage depuis l'Angleterre ?tait termin?, et ...

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From Society Girl To Slave

From A Society Girl  From A Society Girl To A Slave Anonymous     Chapter I   All the inhabitants of the villageof Kronink in Scotland know the castle of Kelingtonwhich stands majestically a few miles outside of the village, and which neverfails to draw all the visiting tourists who are struck by the mysterious charmof its old-fashioned towers looming at the horizon and surrounded by the thickvegetation of an immense park. In that castle lived Lord Kelington, the heir of an oldScottish family...

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The Perilous Adventures of Isabel and Moira

THE PERILOUS ADVENTURES OF ISABEL AND MOIRA By Sailor 861 Isabel Metcalfe's nipples and pussy were still singing their sexy songs whenshe and husband Peter arrived home from their bondage weekend at Hotel Balmoral,near Cape Wrath, Scotland, with best friends Moira and Graham MacPeak thatsummer in 1975. Married just 1½ months, Isabel's sex life had takenstellar leaps forward in quality, duration and frequency since she arrivedhome in early June with her ankles chained following an alien...

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Phileas Fogg A Memoir Pt 23

The train, on leaving Great Salt Lake at Ogden, passed northward for an hour as far as Weber River, having completed nearly nine hundred miles from San Francisco. From this point it took an easterly direction towards the jagged Wahsatch Mountains. It was in the section included between this range and the Rocky Mountains that the American engineers found the most formidable difficulties in laying the road, and that the government granted a subsidy of forty-eight thousand dollars per mile,...

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P Fogg A MEMOIRPart 28

THE TRAIN, on leaving Great Salt Lake at Ogden, passed northward for an hour as far as Weber River, having completed nearly nine hundred miles from San Francisco. From this point it took an easterly direction towards the jagged Wahsatch Mountains. It was in the section included between this range and the Rocky Mountains that the American engineers found the most formidable difficulties in laying the road, and that the government granted a subsidy of forty-eight thousand dollars per mile,...

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A Wooden Heart

A Wooden Heart       This tale is re-working of an old fairy story and no doubt you will soon recognise it as you read on.   ***   Prequel     Granny Fay knew when she was going to die. As a witch it was natural for her to know. Her family were aware that she knew, but she had never told them when it would happen. At least, not until her dying day, (which coincidentally fell upon All Hallows Eve). ...

2 years ago
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Cand viata bate filmul

Cu ceva timp in urma, un prieten de familie mi-a povestit o intamplare pe care a trait-o vara trecuta in concediu, impreuna cu sotia lui. Pentru ca a citit si i-au placut fanteziile erotice publicate de mine pe site-ul asta, m-a rugat sa scriu eu povestea lui si s-o postez aici. Am acceptat pentru ca mi s-a parut foarte interesanta experienta traita de el, cu atat mai mult cu cat atinge o latura destul de sensibila si de controversata a sexualitatii. Marturisesc ca nu mi-a fost deloc usor,...

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Cand viata bate filmul

Cu ceva timp in urma, un prieten de familie mi-a povestit o intamplare pe care a trait-o vara trecuta in concediu, impreuna cu sotia lui. Pentru ca a citit si i-au placut fanteziile erotice publicate de mine pe site-ul asta, m-a rugat sa scriu eu povestea lui si s-o postez aici. Am acceptat pentru ca mi s-a parut foarte interesanta experienta traita de el, cu atat mai mult cu cat atinge o latura destul de sensibila si de controversata a sexualitatii. Marturisesc ca nu mi-a fost deloc usor,...

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Sex in trei

Buna, ma numesc Denisa, sunt studenta, am 20 de ani si sunt maritata de un an cu Alex. Sotul meu are 26 de ani si este Sales Manager la o multinationala din Bucuresti. Locuim intr-un apartament cochet si ne intelegem de minune ; ne iubim la nebunie si nu ne refuzam unul altuia nicio dorinta care sa ne faca placere sau care sa ne faca sa ne simtim bine. Facem sex in fiecare zi, cateodata si de mai multe ori pe zi, am experimentat toate fanteziile sexuale care ne-au trecut prin cap si pot spune...

4 years ago
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Sex in trei

Buna, ma numesc Denisa, sunt studenta, am 20 de ani si sunt maritata de un an cu Alex. Sotul meu are 26 de ani si este Sales Manager la o multinationala din Bucuresti. Locuim intr-un apartament cochet si ne intelegem de minune ; ne iubim la nebunie si nu ne refuzam unul altuia nicio dorinta care sa ne faca placere sau care sa ne faca sa ne simtim bine. Facem sex in fiecare zi, cateodata si de mai multe ori pe zi, am experimentat toate fanteziile sexuale care ne-au trecut prin cap si pot spune...

3 years ago
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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 10

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 10 Par Loulou Note: cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. ***** Chapitre 41 - Totalement Samantha Dans les affaires que lui avait offertes Jessica, Samantha d?couvrit des choses toutes plus jolies les unes que les autres. Des robes, des jupes, des chemisiers et pleins de tops et chaussures... il y avait m?me des sous-v...

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Les tromperies de C dric

Les tromperies de C?dric par Aur?lie et Chlo? "- Tu veux que je t'aide C?dric?!? Mais comment oses-tu mater ce cul de cette petite pouffe juste devant mes yeux? Je commence ? en avoir marre de toi C?dric, s?rieux..." "- Allons ch?rie, je regardais ? peine... Et tu sais bien que je n'aime que toi!" C?dric tentait de s'excuser mais au fond de lui, il se foutait compl?tement des remarques de sa femme. Ce n'?tait pas ?a qu'il l'emp?cherait de mater le cul des petites jeunes ? peine majeures. C?dric et son ?pouse, Mar...

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Dark Canyon

I'd just picked up two new propane tanks and had headed down the dock when I heard the Volkswagen. You know the sound, distinctive and always the same regardless of whether it is a bug or a van. Reaching the boat slip I turned in headed for the back of the houseboat ,with a glance over my shoulder at the VW van. It had just come to a stop, its passage revealed by the drifting dust cloud of powdered Utah sandstone. As my eyes focused, I saw a blonde step back from the driver's door and push it...

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A Lady s

A Lady's by Nefertari CHAPTER 1- ANNIVERSARY "The eternal feminine draws us onward" Goethe The cab headed downtown, then west, windshield wipers flapping, a cold rain falling. From my current prospective, it seems like another lifetime in another world. I was a young accounting clerk in my first real job on the way to an important company social function that Friday evening. The firm had always been involved in importing and exporting and was easily the oldest commercial...

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B atrice les d buts

B?atrice : les d?butschapitre 1 : R?solutionsJe m'ennuie. Plus je reflechis et plus j'en arrive ? la meme conclusion, vraiment je m'ennuie.Et encore cela ne traduit pas ma pens?e brute, ce serait bien plus grossier.Je traine mon ennui partout ! en classe, bien que j'y aille de moins en moins ? cause du sport.C'est vrai que je me d?brouille pas trop mal au tennis et que j'obtiens quelques resultats qui fontque plusieurs personnes ont mis?s leurs espoirs sur moi. Drole d'id?e et droles de gens.Eux aussi m'ennuient ...

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My Very Nice Niece

My Very Nice NieceThe bedroom door creaked open slowly. Julie, my teen niece stood there in her dress. Her white cotton blouse, normally fastened meticulously to the neck, was now open showing the uplift of her lively breasts which had grown adequately since I'd last seen her to a nice tight stretch across her chest. Her short grey skirt was cut well above her knee showing a nice spread of long teenage leg.'I thought you'd like some coffee, uncle.' she said smiling with the tray in her hands....

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My Very Nice Niece

My Very Nice Niece By: A. W. Chohan The bedroom door creaked open slowly. Julie, my teen niece stood there in her dress. Her white cotton blouse, normally fastened meticulously to the neck, was now open showing the uplift of her lively breasts which had grown adequately since I had last seen her to a nice tight stretch across her chest. Her short grey skirt was cut well above her knee showing a nice spread of long teenage leg. ‘I am sure you would like some coffee, uncle.’ She said smiling...

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Mon week end chez Monica

Chapitre 1 Sur la sc?ne, une brune voluptueuse faisait valser ses ?normes seins nus au son de la musique disco. Sans beaucoup de gr?ce, en fait, mais le public n'en demandait pas tant. Moi non plus, il faut l'avouer : plut?t timide en de tels endroits, j'?tais terr? dans un coin sombre de la salle, les yeux riv?s sur le spectacle de la danse scabreuse, sans oser regarder les autres clients, mais sans chercher pour autant ? cacher la formidable ?rection que provoquait en moi la danse des chairs, sur la sc...

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Viols l universit Les premi res proies

Viols au lyc?e 1 – Les premi?res proies High School Rape Club – I Coulybaca / Black Demon ? ? ? ? ? Prenant place dans leur planque favorite au fond du lyc?e, ils surveillaient pour s'assurer qu'aucun prof ne s'approchait les emp?chant de terminer leur derni?re cigarette. Ils n'?taient pas vraiment volontaires pour fr?quenter le lyc?e, mais c'?tait toujours mieux que le centre de d?tention qu'ils avaient d?j? tous visit?s. Cependant ils devaient admettre d'?tre surveill?s, cependant le lyc?e s'av?rait aussi un excellent v...

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Legaturi periculoase I

Aceasta povestire se bazeaza pe fapte si intamplari autentice. Personajele sunt reale, insa le-am schimbat numele cu unele fictive pentru a le proteja adevarata identitate in spatiul public. Este istoria erotica si sentimentala a unui bun amic si eu am incercat s-o scriu asa cum mi-a relatat-o el, cat mai exact cu putinta. Enjoy it!………………………………………………………………………..Buna, ma numesc Radu, sunt brasovean, am acum 30 de ani si va voi povesti intamplarile prin care am trecut in ultimii ani si care mi-au...

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A Ride To Remember Chap 2

Tony’s Dad, I don’t remember his name, packed us all in his car, and took us to a pub for dinner.  It was only about a mile and a half away, but a bit far to walk with Ryan.  Typical pub food; steak, salad, and chips, sausages, and chips, fish and chips, etc. Probably not the best for you, too much fat, but bloody tasty.When we got home, we put Ryan in the spare bed in my room again and played cards. But we packed them away early, as we had a big drive the next day.  Again, I offered to have...

First Time
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Sex education for my curious niece

Sex education for my curious niece I came home late last night from a party and had a hangover and a big morning wood in my shorts from the teasing I got from one of my friend’s wife who was exposing her assets to me in the party , but I didn’t take advantage of that as I was completely drunk at that time. I am Rajesh, 30 years old and had come down to my elder sister’s place for the weekend. I cursed myself to let go of a golden opportunity to fuck a hot MILF.The guest bedroom door opened...

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Hugo Chapitre 5 5 Trois femmes et une corde

Chapitre 5: Trois femmes et une corde Derni?re semaine Le lendemain, Hugo se r?veilla avec une douleur sourde ? l'anus et aux pieds. Il se souvint imm?diatement de ce qu'il avait fait, de tout ce que ceci signifiait. Il eut une envie de pleurer, mais qui fut tr?s vite compens?e par le souvenir du plaisir qu'il avait ressenti, si bien qu'il d?cida qu'il n'y avait rien de honteux ou de mal ? ce qu'il avait fait. Il sentait comme un monde s'?crouler en lui pour rena?tre ? nouveau. ...

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The Ya Ya DildohoodChapter 9

I arrived home, immediately pouring myself a stiff scotch. I paced nervously, periodically glancing out of the window. I could only imagine what was happening to Andrea. Nearly two hours had passed since I had left the restaurant. The scotch was beginning to have an affect on me dulling my thoughts, muddling my ability to think about what had happened let alone anything else. "Time to take a nice long, cold shower." I thought to myself, heading upstairs to the bathroom in order to do just...

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D terminisme naturel 5

Marc ?tait dans un ?tat second en pr?parant le caf? r?clam? par Amandine. Il ?tait sous le choc de l'exp?rience qu'il venait de vivre. Etre autoris? par la femme de ses r?ves ? lui donner du plaisir en caressant et en l?chant sa douce intimit?, c'?tait mieux que ce qu'il s'?tait autoris? en imagination. La situation ?tait de plus terriblement excitante, lui dissimul? sous le bureau de sa d?esse, elle essayant de faire abstraction du plaisir pour essayer de travailler. Et mon dieu, c'?tait donc ?a un orgasme f?minin? Cette onde ?lectr...

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A Maiden Gamble Part XI

A Maiden Gamble Part XI By Sydney Michelle Chapter Twenty-Five Tomas garnered a door card from the desk, waved off a bellman, and approached Sharon smiling. "Key to paradise, Hon. No kids, no phone, no worries. Just you, me and Willy makes three." Sharon smiled wanly, slipped under her husband's arm, slid an arm around his waist and snuggled his shoulder. "Hey, cheer up! You just pulled off a new project without a hitch and even made a profit." They stepped on the...

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Sylvie 1

Happy new year! Bonne et heureuse Ann?e 2008! I am sorry to write in French, but my English is too bad. Si quelqu'un aime ce r?cit et souhaite le traduire pour que d'autres personnes en profitent: libre ? vous! Merci ? toutes et ? tous pour vos r?actions si positives ? mes premiers r?cits. J'ai ?t? tr?s amus? par vos remarque concernant "Ma fille Manon", parce qu'en ?crivant cette histoire, je me suis pos? exactement les m?mes questions que vous: quels sont les sentiments de Manon? Je vais donc tr?s ce...

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Inside The Mind of Dr Agnes O Brien

PrologueI enjoy writing fictional stories that are based on characters created by others.? For example I am currently working on a BDSM Library serial based on the AMC TV series ?Mad Men?.? In the past I have written stories like "Candy Among the Christians" revisiting Voltaire’s novel ?Candide? and the opera by the same name by Bernstein.  "Constanza's Submission"?was inspired by the ?Abduction from the Seralio? by Mozart.? At another site I have written stories based on Lupus Pictures'...

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Reformation 2127

Reformation 2127 Masturbation: Prohibited   Reformation: 2127 by Tanya Simmonds Part 1 ? The Origin of the New Order  On January 1st,2125, the Western World became a dictatorship - the female gender had become totally dominant over all males.It had been developing for a very long time; the suffragettes of the early 1900?s; the Women?s Liberation Movement of the 1970?s; by the late 1970?s the World bore witness to the female standing in one of the most powerful positions on Earth and...

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Fervour of the Past Complete Story

[NOTE: I though it wise to put this story in one place for ease of reading, especially when it's set in the same setting as my upcoming story. This version contains additional editing to grammar/spelling, prose and consistency.] Fervour of the Past by Tegeli PART I: Corset CHAPTER 1 The old tramp freighter wheezed from the relief of completing the long voyage over turbulent seas. I was more than glad to get off. While I splurged my last funds on a private cabin, it had...

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Sex in trei II

Buna, sunt Denisa si, daca am vazut ca v-a placut atat de mult prima parte a povestii mele voi continua acum cu partea a doua, asa cum v-am promis. Voi incerca sa reiau firul intamplarilor de la momentul in care am incheiat prima parte a povestirii, asa cum mi le amintesc eu acum. Pentru cei care vor fi citit doar aceasta a doua parte, le recomand s-o citeasca neaparat si pe prima, intitulata « Sex in trei », asta pentru intelegerea coerenta a actiunii si pentru integrarea corecta in atmosfera....

3 years ago
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River RatChapter 48

A couple days later, Al drove Karin, Crystal, and Scooter up to Lee's Ferry for the Park Service trip. Two motor rigs from different companies were rigging on the ramp when they arrived. "You three have fun," Al said. "Just plan on washing that gas smell off when you get back." The trip was unusual in a number of ways. It was very cheap for a Canyon trip; the motor rig companies provided the rafts at essentially cost, which was gas, food, trucking the rafts to the put in and take out,...

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Les f minisatrices Episode 2

R?sum? de l'?pisode 1: Nicole Nicolas avait quinze ans. Il ?tait un petit d?linquant sans projet d'avenir, au grand d?sespoir de sa m?re. Sa vie fut boulevers?e le jour o? il rencontra Agathe et ses s?urs D?borah et Alexie. Par amour pour Agathe, il accepta petit ? petit toutes ses fantaisies: du port de petites culottes f?minines ? un travestissement plus complet. Doria, la m?re d'Agathe, proposa ? la m?re de Nicolas de s'occuper de lui, ce qui impliquait une f?minisation plus pouss?e, y compris avec l'utilisation d'...

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Alexia en mission

Alexia en missionChapitre 1 : recrutementBim Bang Bam Boum Bim Bang Bam Boum !Une jolie petite main fine se tend vers le t?l?phone pour arr?ter la sonnerie de cloche ?manant du t?l?phone pos? sur le chevetd'une chambre de la r?sidence universitaire de l'universit? de lettre de M. .- Ho la la ! Il est d?j? l'heure de se lever ! Vivement les vacances !Un second bras surgit de sous la couette pour proc?der ? un long ?tirement, pr?c?dent une la belle frimousse d'Alexia.La petite brune, 1m57 pour 42 kg, majeure depuis peu, ...

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my sissy summer with aunie Maye

It was Auntie Mayes soft hand from behind that coaxed me forward into my new temporary upstairs summer bedroom as my eyes took in that fascinating sight of such exciting lovely and sexy feminine lingerie and girlie outfits that completley covered her pink guestroom bedspread! In addition I couldn't help but to also notice, those five lifelike looking rubber dildo cocks that had been carefully layed out sideways across the lower shelf of the high headboard just below the long narrow mirror above...

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Medieval Justice Chapter 1

Converted from "3934_01.txt" on 13-Nov-2005 by AscToHTM 5.0 Medieval Justice Time: middle ages By Ivan Bulley Chapter 1 A girl's school: Somewhere in EnglandThe curtains were drawn in the head mistress' office. In the dimmed lighting, faint drops of sweat on the foreheads of three teenage girls went unnoticed. Outwardly they seemed calm and even slightly arrogant. The headmistress of the girls' school stared at the delinquents. This time she would make certain that their punishment would...

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Letters from a Friend in Paris letters 14

While Fred and I were lounging in the delightful shade on the terrace, a neighboring young gentleman, a connection of the family, called to ascertain the particulars of the marriage day. Seeing Fred, he came up to us and stated his errand, and so he and Fred went off to consult with Mamma. I saw dear Louisa looking out from an upper balcony of the house, apparently intensely gazing at some object in the distance. I called to her and she turned for an instant, shaking her hand at me, as much...

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Encounter in the Lab Part Three Re transmitted

Introduction: (Because of a technical error in an earlier posting, this chapter is re-transmitted)This story continues the Encounter in the Lab series. Carol Thompson is a beautiful, mature Senior Libratory Technologist in a major North Carolina hospital. Unfortunately, she suffers from a Hypersexual Disorder that has completely changed her life, forcing her to find men devoted to satisfying her relentless hypersexual drive. Although this chapter is a stand-alone, the reader is encouraged to...

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Encounter in the Lab Part three

Introduction: This story continues the Encounter in the Lab series. Carol Thompson is a beautiful, mature Senior Libratory Technologist in a major North Carolina hospital. Unfortunately, she suffers from a Hypersexual Disorder that has completely changed her life, forcing her to find men devoted to satisfying her relentless hypersexual drive. Although this chapter is a stand-alone, the reader is encouraged to read the earlier chapters to more fully grasp Carols condition. As noted in the...

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Dot s Island

DOT'S ISLAND By Sailor861 Dorothy (Dot) Cochrane, 42, of Glasgow, Scotland, got out of bed this morning,showered, dried herself then strapped and locked her lubricated,10-in.-long,3-in.-diameter stainless-steel dildo deep inside her pussy, slipped into herthree-piece business suit and rushed off to work – annoyed. As usual, the first, faint grey light of a cold March Monday morning felldimly on the Scottish industrial city skyline and Dot did not want to go toher dreary office job at...

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Driving in Snow Ch 35

This work is an exploration of some possibilities of the spiritual and psychic side of sex. There is a good deal of sex in this work but it always occurs in a spiritual, synchronistic and loving manner. The spirituality expressed in this work reflects my present view of how the universe actually works. ************************** For those who wish to read this chapter without having read the earlier ones, here is a very brief introduction. I still recommend that you read the earlier...

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I Raped Little Red Down by the River

This story is about how a raped a little red haired girl named Lucy. Before I raped Lucy, I had never even thought about doing anything that might get me into serious trouble. A series of unlikely events lead to my actions, maybe it was destiny. I still can't figure it out. I shouldn't have done it, but couldn't stop myself. It was the most exciting sex filled night of my life, let me tell you about it. It all started over a year ago. It was early spring, my wife and I had spring...

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A cette époque, j'avais 18 ans, je m'étais bien rendu compte que je n'étais pas attiré par les filles. Au contraire, j'étais émoustillé par les hommes, quand j'en voyais dénudés à la télé ou plus rarement dans la vie de tous les jours....Et je fantasmais sur d'autres, comme mon prof de sport que je trouvais charmant, le petit copain de ma grande soeur que j'essayais d'espionner dans la salle de bain quand il restait dormir à la maison...et également mon oncle Damien, le petit frère de mon père...

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Hugo Chapitre 1 5 La pi ce au bout de l escalier

Chapitre 1 : La pi?ce au bout de l'escalier Samedi 1er Mars. Prologue. ?a n'?tait plus possible. ?Hugo, repose ceci imm?diatement, et calme toi.? Cela faisait presque 10 fois qu'elle devait r?p?ter cette phrase. ?Je ne veux pas ranger ma chambre! C'est HORS DE QUESTION! JE NE VEUX PLUS T'OBEIR! GROSSE PUTE!? Hugo avait 12 ans. Ses yeux verts lan?aient des ?tincelles, et ses jolies boucles n'en ?taient pas moins venimeuses. Il causait grand soucis malgr? son jeune ?ge. Col?rique, capricieux, agr...

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Hugo Chapitre 3 5 Malaise

Partie 3 : Malaise L'a?roport arriva tr?s vite. Il faisait tr?s chaud. Et il pleuvait. Ils se pr?cipit?rent dans le hall sous des rideaux de pluie, puis vers le bus qui les conduisait ? leur h?tel de Basse-Terre. Au bout de 10 minutes, Hugo d?testait d?j? cet endroit, il se sentait suer de partout, ? moins que ce ne soit l'humidit?. Au bout d'une heure, il tomba litt?ralement amoureux du paysage fantastique de l'ile. C'?tait la basse saison. Les h?tels ?taient en partie vides, et le leur n'?chappait pas ? la r?gle. Ils ?ta...

4 years ago
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Bangkok aller simple

Bangkok, aller simple. J'attendais ce voyage avec impatience. Nous sommes dans l'avion pour la Tha?lande, avec ma petite amie Chlo?, sa tante St?phanie et sa m?re Sandrine. Je tiens la main de ma copine. Elle est moite. Je sais que Chlo? est morte de peur, m?me si elle ne le montre pas. Oh, elle n'a pas peur de l'avion, enfin, je ne crois pas. En r?alit? c'est le but de notre voyage qui l'angoisse. Chlo? va subir une op?ration de changement de sexe. Elle va devenir une v?ritable jeune femme. En effet, m...

2 years ago
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Le monde de Sophie

Le monde de Sophie.Chapitre 1 : Contrari?t? et petits bonheursPutain de projet ! Tout le monde est en retard, pas moyen de faire respecter un d?lai ? quiconque dans cette soci?t? et ?videmment sur qui celava retomber ? Et bien ce sera sur moi ! Pourtant ce n'est pas faute d'avoir pr?venu et r?p?t? qu'il y avait un risque ! C'est trop tendu cot?d?lai depuis le d?but ! Tendue comme moi d'ailleurs ! J'ai bien besoin de vacances ! Heureusement qu'on est vendredi !Sophie etait en train de pester interieurement tout en r...

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Parler?! Raconter vite?! Dire ce qui m’est arrive parce que tout ? l’heure je sens qu’ils vont venir et que ce sera mon tour. La fin du chemin d’une pute.La rencontre C’?tait il y a ... Je ne sais m?me plus pr?cis?ment. J’ai perdu le lien, le sens m?me du temps qui est pass?. Dix ans?? Je dois avoir environ 36 ou 37 ans maintenant. Peut ?tre? J’?tais un jeune ing?nieur, un jeune cadre, r?cemment sorti d’?cole. J’ai trouv? un travail imm?diatement, tr?s correctement pay?, ? Lyon, dans le centre ville. Une grande entreprise intern...

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"A Most Wicked Headmaster" by Jay Merson.Copyright Jay Merson. The right of Jay Merson to be identified as the author this book has been asserted in accordance with section 77 and 78 of the Copyrights and Patents Act 1988. Downloaded from: http://www.dombooks.co.uk           The little slut was simply delightful. Her crisp white school blouse pulled tightly around her slim waist and harshly under the swell of her ample breasts. At the open neck and front, the blouse buttons were pulled under...

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Chapter V Lesbian Love sodomy

Great Lesbian Love and sodomyChapter V --- ---Other stories to read: http://bisoumidomi.unblog.frAfter this meeting with Michelle and Mark, we often spent evenings together. Sometimes I came alone or with the elected if it accepted the moment. Throughout this period I confess I papillonnais a girl to another. Finally, rather than admit I had in reserve several lovers, and that depending on the mood I was choosing one or the other. Each may not know the existence of others .. Not necessarily,...

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Auntie s Dog Days

Chapter 1 Jimmy Martin was kicking a small rock along in front of him as he slowly walked down the street with his twin sister, Amy. The two kids had gone over to the local playground for the afternoon, but, finding no other children there, they were reluctantly ambling back to their uncle's house. Because their parents had gone on a company-sponsored three-week Caribbean cruise, the children were temporarily staying with Uncle Paul and Aunt Alice, and they were bored...

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by HammertimeBen and Paul slid the canoes from the back of Paul's pickup and down to the edge of the river. Liz was unloading the supplies from the back of the truck. They were about to embark on a two night trip down the river, a trip that Paul and Liz had taken many times before. It was a first time for Ben and he wasn't at all sure about doing it. Being on water wasn't one of his favorite things. The idea of white water ahead made him wish he had just told them no again.Ben and Paul were...

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Sweetness Chapter 1 (1) It started with an accident. I mean that; I did not want one of my many secrets getting out, but you can't plan everything. In my case, I didn't plan on rolling my SUV. It was a Thursday and it was early, too early. I had just left the golden arches and with a fresh cup of piping-hot coffee, I was ready to start my work day. The sun wouldn?t make an appearance for a while yet; when you own your own company, you start early and stay late, and I almost...

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Les grandes vacances d Arnaud

------------------------------------------------------------------------ Les grandes vacances d'Arnaud ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapitre 1 : la rancune de Maria Dans l'avion qui volait en direction d'Alicante, en Espagne, Arnaud ?tait sur son ordinateur. Il r?digeait un rapport pour son patron. - Arnaud, tu ne peux pas d?compresser un peu? Je te rappelle que nous sommes en vacances! Alex pous...

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Alice Loves Anal 3

Alice learned oral sex quite quickly. She learned to relax her throat and gulp rapidly to ingest her patron’s spunk almost without losing a drop. It was even more enjoyable when he ate her cunt while she sucked cock. Not only that but Alice learned that her lord and master, Lord James Elton liked it when she acted like a little girl getting a fancy treat for being a naughty little girl. She seductively giggled and moaned when he slid his fingers into her cunt and suck hard on her...

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Mrs Shepard goes to the doctor s

Chapter One – Karen and Larry: Karen Shepard, an attractive but shy, somewhat self-conscious divorcée in her mid-thirties, had a personal problem. It was a by way of an intimate and embarrassing matter, and it troubled her no end. She was not in the least enthusiastic about going to see a doctor and discussing her quandary, especially as she had only just taken up residence in a new home in the country, and didn't know any of the doctors in the nearby town at all. Back home, in her...

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Mrs Shepard goes to the doctors

Introduction: Karen has an embarrassing problem, and is obliged to consult a seductive doctor to resolve it MRS SHEPARD GOES TO THE DOCTORS Chapter One Karen and Larry: Karen Shepard, an attractive but shy, somewhat self-conscious divorcé,e in her mid-thirties, had a personal problem. It was a by way of an intimate and embarrassing matter, and it troubled her no end. She was not in the least enthusiastic about going to see a doctor and discussing her quandary, especially as she had only...

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A man and his maid Part 3

Chapter IIIDuring the ten minutes grace that I mentally allowed Alice in which to recover from the v******e of her struggles, I quietly studied her as she stood helpless, almost supporting herself by resting her weight on her wrists. She was to me an exhilarating spectacle, her bosom fluttering, rising and falling as she caught her breath, her cheeks still flushing, her large hat somewhat disarranged, while her dainty well-fitting dress displayed her neat comely figure to its fullest...

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amant de meserie capitolul 2

17 ianuarie 2007 – 12 iunie 2007 O lipoveanca de 28 de ani pe care am intalnit-o pe mirc. Era 17 ianuarie. Locuia intr-un satuc din judetul Tulcea, in care comunitatea lipoveneasca era majoritara, Jurilovca. Fizicul sau era bine proportionat, rotund pe alocuri,exact asa cum imi inchipuiam ca poate fi femeia perfecta in viziunea mea. Avea ceva specific, o frumusete pe care o poti intalnii doar la rusoaicele autentice. Rosul pe care il observi in obrajii lor, il avea si Corina. Sanii sai erau...

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Encounter in the Lab Part Three Re transmitted

"Come on!" she murmured. "Ring, dammit!" She restlessly resumed her tapping on the table top, glancing at her replacement, Jill Owens, working on a specimen at the far end of the room. Jill was the Supervisory Lab Tech for the "three to eleven-thirty shift," replacing Carol as supervisor. There was always a thirty-minute overlap between the shifts, allowing hospital supervisors and workers to update their replacements on department activities and on-going actions. Just then the...

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Encounter in the Lab Part three

"Come on!" she murmured. "Ring, dammit!" She restlessly resumed her tapping on the table top, glancing at her replacement, Jill Owens, working on a specimen at the far end of the room. Jill was the Supervisory Lab Tech for the "three to eleven-thirty shift," replacing Carol as supervisor. There was always a thirty-minute overlap between the shifts, allowing hospital supervisors and workers to update their replacements on department activities and on-going actions. Just then the...

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Tania s Training

?Tania's Training? by Richard Stryker © Copyright R. Stryker 2005. The right of R. Stryker to be identified as the authorof this book has been asserted in accordance with Section 77 and 78 of theCopyrights and Patents Act 1988. Author's Website ? where you can find a lot more readingrelating to Greg Dawson and other adult stories: http://stryker.a1adultebooks.com/ Originally Published By: A1AdultEbooks at http://www.a1adultebooks.com/site.php PREFACE Continuing the extracts from the...

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Rh aan Dreams of Desire

This is the time of dreams. The dreams shared by most involve travels and tales led in far distant lands; where they become kings, merchants or a hero or heroin of such legend that generations unborn will remember them. Some do make such dreams happen, seeking out their own destinies. It is from these folks that true changes, good or bad emerge. For even the darkest hearted villains do have dreams of their own; just different in how they manage or desire to achieve them. But this...

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Love At Home

LOVE AT HOMEBy: Londebaaz What a misery, dad was only 42, healthy as a work mule and looking great in all manly sense but now he was no more for the last 3 months due to a road mishap. Mom was still in a shock but remembered and had planned this get together in his memory one last time. A small gathering [dad and mom’s close friends and confidants] had gathered for a late lunch. I don’t think anyone felt comfortable to see mom so taut and downed but she kept sipping her favorite vodka...

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Love At Home A Heavenly Match

A match made in heaven, A story scripted by Mysticism. By: A.W. Chohan A delicious story of natural sex, great expressions and daring verbiage. What a misery, dad was only 42, healthy as a work mule and looking great in all manly sense but now he was no more for the last 13 months due to a road mishap. Mom was still in a shock but had planned this get together in his memory one last time. A small gathering of dad and mom’s close friends and confidants had gathered for a late lunch. I don’t...

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Pitching A Tent 2 The Fallout

"Now Entering Pisgah National Park"The sign signaled the end of our seven-hour road trip, and I was excited to stretch my legs. The back seat of George's car was not meant for people as tall as me, and my legs were getting numb.Under normal circumstances, I probably would have thrown a fit and demanded to at least spend SOME of the trip up front. George was three inches shorter than me, and Colin was easily six or seven. It didn't make sense to have my gangly ass back there. So why didn't I...

Love Stories
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Brenda and Connie Ch 10

The next morning Linda woke up first. As soon as she was aware where she was, a huge smile took over her whole face. Determined to make the most of whatever time she had left with Walter she slipped down in the bed to take Walter’s cock in her mouth to wake it up. Apparently despite being still asleep, Walter’s cock quickly sprung to attention in response to Linda’s ministrations. Walter was dreaming, an erotic dream, actually a wet dream, indeed a wetter dream than the usual. He woke up with...

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Dave s Australian OdysseyChapter 29 They Get Closer

Wednesday Week 11 Dave didn't disappoint Gail in the morning, ensuring that she had a long leisurely lovemaking session as soon as the alarm woke them up. She sighed with pleasure as she felt her orgasm roll over her and then felt Dave climaxing inside her. Reluctantly, after laying in his arms for a while longer, she got up and went to the ensuite, as Dave passed her a towel. When she came out, Dave had his shower and by the time they were both dressed there was plenty of time for Dave to...

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Knocking Up Mary AnnChapter 7 Gilligan Triumphant

Gilligan had been watching the events below with much interest. He became a little worried when he saw Ginger and the Skipper tie up Mary Ann. They couldn't be working for the pirates, could they? But when he saw Mary Ann give the Skipper a blow job he relaxed. They were just going to have fun. Gilligan had blown the Skipper many times, and he watched Mary Ann with a critical eye. Gilligan was sure that he was better. Still, Gilligan had never had any sexual encounter with a woman until he...

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La Bandera Bella

Cecilia drove her white Ford Mustang around the dilapidated neighborhood looking for Paul's apartment, regretting her procrastination. She had put off retrieving the tutorial program from Paul for two weeks. Now, she was stuck driving around this neighborhood of over-flowing dumpsters and dirty shirtless kids right before the car show. She worked for a car accessory company called KZ's Dynamics, a self-important name to be sure. Mostly, she went to events for the company, modeling for their...

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A fall afternoon behind the bushes

The blower was being operated by a young Hispanic man with whom I had had an encounter during the early part of summer. I had been doing some gardening work in the upper part of my large yard behind the barn and thought that I was alone. Above my property was a townhouse development that had fallen into foreclosure and was vacant. While crawling around shirtless and in loose work jeans the jeans slipped down over my hips exposing my ass and it felt good having the sun on my body so I...

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Aaron s Animals

Aaron's Animals Judy: Aaron Hansen was under the dinner table, his head forcefully burrowing intoher crotch. Judy closed her eyes and stretched her thighs so high and wideapart that they ached. She wanted to make sure that his wonderful mouth hadfull access to her dripping snatch. Her hands held his hair in a death grippulling him in deeper while his tongue danced over her engorged clit. Her assbounced loudly up and down on the seat. Aaron replayed the fantasy in his head several times during...

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Family Issues Complete Redux

Family Issues Chapter 1 - Innocence and Acquiescence Your life is a story, a narrative pieced together over time, expanding, evolving. It is the only thing that is truly yours, the very essence of what it is to be you. It is not however, your only story. Each decision that you have made throughout your life, from the most mundane, to the grandest, has taken you down a path, branching away from what could have otherwise been. This is where the full scope of your life becomes...

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