Vail indian porn

2 years ago
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To Reign in HellChapter 5

It might have been a coincidence that when we found Jane’s husband, at their house, no less, the children were at their grandparents’ and he was home having a lengthy “discussion” with Bishop Orvin Lane and his twin sons, Heber and Mosiah Lane. I highly doubted it, of course. It was just too convenient in terms of the bishop no doubt taking advantage of Jane’s absence and it was probably Lane’s idea to have the children absent, too. In any case, when Jane and I arrived out of thin air, we saw...

4 years ago
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The AdvocateChapter 10

We dress. Dezi dropped the slip back over her head and let it settle around her. Dave said. “We definitely have to get you something else to wear.” She smiles, he pat’s her on the butt and off we go to breakfast. The dining room is crowded with hotel guests and travelers of all sorts. Dave points out groups and single men for Dezerea to shoot her sparkly beaver at. She obeys him without the slightest resistance and is quite poised as she does it. The men seem to appreciate the morning...

4 years ago
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Cousins Removed a New BeginningChapter 12

The next day It was Friday and Jan hadn’t turned her alarm off. It woke us up at an ungodly hour, she texted one of her employees and we fell back asleep. When I woke a second time, it was after ten and the smell of bacon was coming from the kitchen. I realized too, that I had no clothes with me besides what I had worn the night before. I pulled my boxers on and cracked the bedroom door. “Are we alone?” “Good morning sleepyhead. Just us.” I padded out to the kitchen, rubbing the sleep out...

2 years ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 67

A sleep-addled voice answered the phone when Courtney dialed. “Hey, Babe,” Ryan Boatwright said blearily. “Ryan,” Courtney said in a tight voice. She couldn’t imagine why someone would be asleep in the middle of the afternoon. “Are you home?” “I think so,” the actor replied. She heard the bedsprings squeak through the phone. “Yeah, I’m home. Wanna come over?” “No, I do not want to come over,” Courtney said. “Do you remember the huge favor you owe me?” “Favor?” the young man asked. “For...

3 years ago
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Brittany and Jon First AnnversaryChapter 3

Three voices said, "Oh?" "Yes, if she had been on her period there could have been some blood, uh, spilling out." "If she was at the end and horny as well as drunk than yes I could see someone doing that," Jane said as she glanced at her husband with an embarrassed look, Jon continued, "That may not explain how the guy first entered her though. It was almost like he hit a barrier and pulled back than jammed it through." Kyle said, "It might have just looked that way, but he, um,...

4 years ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 70

The next few weeks flew by for the group. The women had all made inroads at their jobs and were being given more challenging assignments; Phil spent hours on the phone with his investment brokers as he freed up money to purchase the house and spent days away from the apartment as he hammered out the final agreement (and he was thankful that June was the break-even date on the apartment complex – the month when all of the expenses he would incur during the year were covered); Scott and Lisa...

3 years ago
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Brainwave of HorrorChapter 2 Intrusion of the People Snatchers

They're coming. The Taggert girl and I are huddled in the dark under one of the tables in Conway's chemistry lab, but that won't help for long. They're surrounding us, searching for us. And soon... they'll find us. And then... I'll kill myself before I give into them. They're THINGS! Things in human costume. And I... will not become one of them. Even if I have to... even if... I squeeze my hand around the knitting needle I hold to reassure myself. I took it from Cecilia's desk...

2 years ago
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My InheritanceChapter 14 A Quiet Day

We were in Aspen with Christmas less than two weeks away. It was the first time I had been in the Aspen house since I inherited it from Uncle Bert except for the brief time I spent looking for the love letters. Remember, the nun in Santa Fe told me about them. Those letters were a clue to the formula that was my treasure hunt. Wanting to get Andy and Lisa out of the way so I could be alone with Mary, I sent them to Vail to retrieve some things from my house there. While they were gone, Mary...

4 years ago
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Laura s Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 281

"Mmnngggg... oh god, yes! Just that way! Unngghh!" Sara groaned. She was on top with her palms planted on the mattress on either side of Laura's head, her own head thrown back, eyes shut, lips parted, her breath hard and quick, her moans long and laced with fierce sensual pleasure. Laura, on her back, held the strap-on dildo secure with one hand and with the other eagerly fondled Sara's magnificent dangling breasts, first guiding one swollen, glimmering dark nipple into her mouth,...

2 years ago
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John s DilemasChapter 5

The rest of the trip home was charged with the sexual energy. They were both filled with anticipation. As soon as she walked into the apartment Sue looked up Larry’s phone number and dialed it as she told John to get on the extension. “Hello Larry ... this is Sue.” “Sue ... what a great surprise ... how are you? I’ve been thinking about you a lot since last night.” “Me too Larry ... but I have a couple of questions for you baby. Does Claire ... play around too ... do you and she ......

4 years ago
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The Return of Father JuanChapter 10

The Golden Rule Do unto others as you would have them do unto you I still didn't know where this was going, but a picture of a plaque with the Golden Rule emblazoned on it flashed before me. "Jim, whether you realize it or not, you have been adhering to the golden rule. This rule is embedded in the hearts of man. God could have said it more succinctly if he had only five commandments. The first four commandments would pertain to him, and then replace numbers five through ten with the...

3 years ago
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Illegal Illicit and IntoxicatingChapter 5

Intimacy between two people, no matter their ages, is impossible to miss. It’s not the same as familial affection. When there’s attraction, you enter the personal space of the other with ease; bodies closer. There’s touching, gentle touching. Fingers brush arms, hands rest on backs, and spontaneous hugs are frequent and linger longer than friendly hugs. It’s impossible to miss the expression in eyes as you look at the other person. There’s softness and love at times, excitement at other...

3 years ago
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Illegal Illicit and IntoxicatingChapter 15

Life with Rachael settled down, albeit into a strange world. In this world, I was having frequent and often inventive sex with a teenager who exhibited an unrestrained enjoyment and enthusiasm. In fact, I was having more sex than I’d ever had in my life, and I absolutely loved it. It was illegal, illicit, and utterly intoxicating. July was passing too fast. I received a phone call from Detective Johnson letting me know charges were dropped after the two young men were threatened with...

4 years ago
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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 26

A week after the marshals returned from their last trip, Eli rode across the river to Tulsa with Little Eli and the other boys and girls. The young’uns thought they were almost grown now, getting to ride the big high stepping horses all the way across the river with him and going to the post office at Perryman’s. He gave them enough money to buy some candy and even some gum, for the first time in their lives. The boys saw some baseball bats, gloves, and balls and each of them wanted baseball...

2 years ago
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A Wedding Story Chapters 6 7

Earlier that morning when Valentina Mangione answered her front door and was greeted by Gabby and a stunningly beautiful woman in tow. Valentina assumed she was a friend of Gabby's but for some unknown reason was never properly introduced. Gabby, Mrs. Mangione's son's fianc?e said she had just picked her friend at the airport and thought they would drop by to say a fast hello. Gabby knew Mrs. Mangione was by herself as her husband Roco and sons recently left for a two-week fishing vacation ...

2 years ago
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Bobs Tube

BobsTube! Are you tired of seeing the same old porn stars with fake tits being fucked by the same muscular studs? Are you craving to jerk off to something different? is where you should be right now. I don’t know who the fuck Bob is, but that motherfucker sure knows his porn as this XXX tube is bursting its banks with an incredible selection of some of the hottest porn on the planet. There is simply nothing you won’t find here; mature MILFs giving sloppy blowjobs to horny studs,...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Les f minisatrices Episode 2

R?sum? de l'?pisode 1: Nicole Nicolas avait quinze ans. Il ?tait un petit d?linquant sans projet d'avenir, au grand d?sespoir de sa m?re. Sa vie fut boulevers?e le jour o? il rencontra Agathe et ses s?urs D?borah et Alexie. Par amour pour Agathe, il accepta petit ? petit toutes ses fantaisies: du port de petites culottes f?minines ? un travestissement plus complet. Doria, la m?re d'Agathe, proposa ? la m?re de Nicolas de s'occuper de lui, ce qui impliquait une f?minisation plus pouss?e, y compris avec l'utilisation d'...

5 years ago
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De haut en bas Part 2

Bonjour, Toute cette histoire est un pur travail de fiction. Toutes ressemblances avec certaines personnes ayant exist?es sont purement fortuites. Vous voulez nous faire un feedback : [email protected] ou [email protected] Vous voulez rejoindre la plus grande communaut? fran?aise de TG caption et TG story ? Envoyez- nous un mail avec une histoire (minimum 2 pages) ou une TG caption ? [email protected] ou [email protected] avec les noms des transform?s : Arnaud et Alex. -- La livraison...

2 years ago
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D terminisme naturel 5

Marc ?tait dans un ?tat second en pr?parant le caf? r?clam? par Amandine. Il ?tait sous le choc de l'exp?rience qu'il venait de vivre. Etre autoris? par la femme de ses r?ves ? lui donner du plaisir en caressant et en l?chant sa douce intimit?, c'?tait mieux que ce qu'il s'?tait autoris? en imagination. La situation ?tait de plus terriblement excitante, lui dissimul? sous le bureau de sa d?esse, elle essayant de faire abstraction du plaisir pour essayer de travailler. Et mon dieu, c'?tait donc ?a un orgasme f?minin? Cette onde ?lectr...

2 years ago
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The Accountant

Le nouveau comptable Jour J-7 Alexandre "Oui, maman. J'ai tout pris..." "D'ailleurs, je n'ai pas grand chose ? emporter. Tout rentre dans mes 10 cartons". "Je sais mon ch?ri, avec ton p?re on t'aidera ? t'installer. On trouvera tout ce qu'il te faut chez IKEA. Ca te convient?". "Oui merci maman, papa, m?me si leur style ne me plait pas trop". Sans attendre la r?ponse de ma m?re, mon p?re s'emporta, "Oh Alex, tu ne vas pas te plaindre maintenant, non?". "Non ne t'?nerve pas, ?a sera super. M...

2 years ago
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Eacute vangeline vierge d eacute flor eacute e

Les aventures d’Évangeline, vierge défloréeCette histoire fût créée par moi et un Français, avide de sexe et bien cochon. Pour ceux et celles qui désirent apprendre comment faire un bon texte érotique enligne, prenez la peine de lire ce fantasme. Je vous assure qu’il saura alimenter l’appétit sexuel. Bonne lecture,MoniqueSynapses :Ce beau Français se rend au Canada pour des aventures bien coloriées. Sa deuxième journée lui permet de faire rencontre avec Évangeline, une jeune fermière...

4 years ago
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Les f minisatrices Episode 3 Michelle

R?sum? de l'?pisode 2: Yvette Nicolas se lia d'amiti? avec Yvette, la bonne, qui s'av?ra ?tre en r?alit? le mari de Doria. Yvette lui raconta son histoire, ce qui encouragea Nicolas ? accepter sa f?minisation et sa nouvelle vie. Agathe, sa petite amie, lui faisait d?couvrir de nouveaux aspects de l'amour. M?me sa m?re semblait accepter, et m?me appr?cier cette situation. Petit ? petit, Nicole rempla?ait Nicolas, et ses doutes semblaient ?tre oubli?s. Jusqu'au jour o? Michelle, la petite amie de D?borah, la s?ur d'Agathe, ar...

3 years ago
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Un secret de famille

Un secret de famille. Je m'appelle Michel, j'ai trente-deux ans. Je suis employ? dans un grand magasin. Aline, ma femme, travaille ? mi-temps au m?me endroit que moi, et nous ?levons nos deux enfants. La banalit? affligeante de ma vie m'a sans doute pouss? ? me passionner pour les secrets de famille de mes amis, au point de parfois ?tre tr?s indiscret. J'avais l'impression qu'ils avaient une vie ?tonnante en comparaison de la mienne. La seule "originalit?" de ma famille ?tait le fait que mon p?re soit beauco...

3 years ago
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L ile des vierges

L'ile des vierges Forestier Malgr? la fatigue de la journ?e, j'avais de la difficult? ? dormir. La pleine lune illuminait notre baraque, et cela r?veillait en moi trop de mauvais souvenirs. Cette pleine lune qui r?gentait la vie sur cette ile damn?e! Tout avait pourtant commenc? par une id?e si brillante! === ?tant le troisi?me fils d'un comte -- ne vous trompez pas, malgr? le titre de noblesse, nous ne vivions pas riche -- mon avenir n'?tant pas des plus brillants. Mon fr?re ain?, bien entendu, succ?derai...

2 years ago
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TabooTube aka is a very special porn tube. Why, you ask? Well, they’ll make you think that incest porn is the best you ever watched. The porn tube delivers you the best incest porn in high quality for absolutely free. Imagine watching a twisted old stepdad fucking his stepdaughters like a bitch, a horny stud licking his mother’s pussy, naughty sister brother scenes and more. The action extends beyond fantasy, and you will see some pretty hardcore and kinky scenes at Taboo...

Incest Porn Sites
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Les f minisatrices 5 Alexie

R?sum? de l'?pisode 4: Doria Nicole, en poursuivant sa f?minisation, d?couvre de nouveaux aspects de Doria, la m?re d'Agathe. Elle d?couvre les origines de ses go?ts ?tranges, mais aussi le fait que Doria fait partie d'une organisation importante de femmes dominatrices. Pendant les vacances, Nicole est troubl?e de d?couvrir qu'elle attire les gar?ons... Mais elle finit par se faire violer par l'un d'entre eux, et d?couvre ainsi certains aspects plus difficiles ? vivre de sa nouvelle f?minit?. Mais elle n'en e...

4 years ago
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L enfance D Alex Partie 1

Note de l'auteur: vous trouverez dans ce chapitre et dans les suivants, quelques tranches de vie de l'enfance d'Alexandre. Ces petites histoires, qui se d?roulent entre 10 et 15 ans environ, permettront d'accompagner Alexandre dans la d?couverte de sa vraie personnalit?. L'enfance d'Alex - Partie 1 Arriv?e... La nouvelle maison ------------------------ Victor Martis n'?tais pas m?content de quitter cet appartement qui commen?ait ? ?tre trop petit pour eux trois... Il savait qu'Alexandre serait ...

4 years ago
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La nouvelle

Il est 9 heures ce lundi matin, la journée s'annonce délicate, je croule sous le travail, après une semaine de vacances rien d'étonnant.Mon chef vient me voir accompagné d'une très belle jeune personne, je ne la connaissez pas, mais sa beauté m'éblouit et je tombe sous son charme. Mon chef m'annonce que je devrai, en plus de mon travail, la former à mon poste et aussi à tous les autres postes. J'avais deux jours pour la former avant qu'elle parte dans un autre service.Sa voix est douce et...

2 years ago
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RedPorn xxx

Red Porn! What’s better? Watching a big assed whore bouncing on a cock, or when she struggles to fit three more cocks in her slutty mouth? Well, few things are even remotely appealing than the chance to see Kendra Lust with a huge dildo between her legs or Lisa Ann moaning with pleasure as she roughly rides a massive black dong.Anyway, enjoying porn is dependent on finding a good site. For who wants to keep watching the same old shit with boring actors in some uninspiring scenes? I don’t even...

Free Porn Tube Sites
4 years ago
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Nouvelle demeure nouveaux voisins

Nouvelle demeure, nouveaux voisins Our First New Home Coulybaca / Vulgus ? ? Le texte de Vulgus ?tant particuli?rement long, j’ai pris la libert? de le couper en plusieurs parties afin d’en faciliter la lecture. Chapitre 1?: Notre premi?re orgie chez nos voisins ? Je me tenais avec mon ?poux sur l'entr?e de notre nouvelle maison savourant l'instant o? nous allions p?n?trer pour la premi?re fois dedans. C'?tait une belle grande maison, situ?e dans une banlieue haut de gamme. Elle ?tait b?tie de pierres et de briques ...

4 years ago
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Female POW3 Afghan captivity

???????????????????????????????????????????????????? Female POW 3:?? Afghan? Captivity?????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? by [email protected]   DISCLAIMERS:? This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is purely coincidental. This story includes fictional descriptions of rape, torture, and bondage. If these descriptions are likely to offend you, DO NOT READ THIS STORY.? If you are under twenty-one...

4 years ago
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Famille Vendue

Famille Vendue        By chabaLa vie r?elle et nos fantasmes constituent deux mondes distincts et qui doivent toujours le rester. Texte tr?s cru et histoire tr?s hard (violence / inceste). Merci de passer ? autre chose si vous n’?tes pas certain d’avoir envie de lire ce genre de r?cit. Commentaires bienvenus/comments welcome sur [email protected] 1 - La capture.Le monde d’Evelyne s’?tait effondr? il y a deux semaines. Deux semaines depuis leur enl?vement et le d?but de l’ignoble dressage. Et demain, on leur ...

2 years ago
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Tube Kitty! The simple fact about tube sites is that they source their videos from other sites which means that their major challenge is to try and standardize their videos quality which at times they fail at terribly, but some try. Well, has fairly tried to bring you the best but what really makes the site stand out besides from its massive collection of videos is its diversity.Trust Tube Kitty to bring you the most exotic fetishes and kinks plus porn featuring these genres; gay/...

Porn Aggregators
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Rec Tube is not your typical porn or webcam site. Instead of live cams, the site hosts thousands of webcam videos from your favorite cam models for your fapping pleasure. They grab videos from some of the sexiest models and put them under one roof, providing you with a platform to watch the erotic videos. Judging from what I’ve seen, your porn watching experience just got a significant boost.Site design and navigationThe site’s design looks like that of a typical webcam site; simple yet...

Free Cam Girl Video Sites
2 years ago
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Sexe avec mon coquine belle m egrave re

OK je avais 19 ans et je voudrais donc à peu près ne importe quoi et baiser tout ce qui femelle avec une impulsion.Ma famille ne était pas à court d'argent, mais le compromis est que je ai perdu mon père, la plupart du temps par des engagements de travail. Et quand maman en avait assez de lui je lui ai perdu trop. Elle a fait ses valises et est parti.Je ne me plains pas, beaucoup d'argent a elle bénéficie, mais ils ne remplacent pas une famille et on devient égoïste. Je suppose que son singe...

2 years ago
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Mon week end chez Monica

Chapitre 1 Sur la sc?ne, une brune voluptueuse faisait valser ses ?normes seins nus au son de la musique disco. Sans beaucoup de gr?ce, en fait, mais le public n'en demandait pas tant. Moi non plus, il faut l'avouer : plut?t timide en de tels endroits, j'?tais terr? dans un coin sombre de la salle, les yeux riv?s sur le spectacle de la danse scabreuse, sans oser regarder les autres clients, mais sans chercher pour autant ? cacher la formidable ?rection que provoquait en moi la danse des chairs, sur la sc...

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L ducation de Dominique 4

Le dimanche, ? 14 heures, je sonnais ? la porte de la demeure de Marie. Quelques secondes plus tard, ce f?t sa maman qui m'ouvrit, troubl? voire g?n?, je bredouillai un bonjour et je p?n?trai dans la maison. Elle m'invita ? me d?barrasser et elle constata que je ne portais pas d'entraves. Contrari?e en me voyant ainsi, elle m'indiqua que Marie arrivait, elle finissait de se pr?parer, je la suivis au salon et elle se dirigea vers un secr?taire, ouvrit un tiroir et revint vers moi avec une paire de menottes...

2 years ago
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Donk Party! Well, let's see what this "party" is all about! Porn stars take it too far with their fake moans and not to mention, the surgically remodelled sin slits. Sometimes you will need that authenticity to have a real hard on lest you get a fake one too. Times like these, a good dose of amateur content will do you good. What of watching a fresh-faced girl being fucked on camera for the first time or hot young wives cheating on their husbands with their out of shape neighbors? Who knows,...

Porn Link Sites
3 years ago
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D terminisme naturel 4

Marc eut une nuit agit?e, pleine de r?ves. Il se trouvait allong? sur une plage, accompagn? de toutes les filles du bureau, y compris Amandine, qui bronzaient ? ses c?t?s. Elles portaient toutes de jolis bikinis qui mettaient en valeur les avantages de chacune. Le superbe bikini noir d'Amandine lui correspondait totalement. Une pi?ce ? la fois ?l?gante et sexy, qui sublimait son magnifique corps et soulignait son statut de femme de go?t appartenant ? un milieu privil?gi?. M?lanie, pas de surprise, avait un min...

2 years ago
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Alice et sa maman

Alice et sa maman Par BMC (byBforbeMformyCforcunt)R?sum?. St?phanie est inqui?te, elle s'absente pour le week-end et a du confier sa petite fille ador?e, Alice, ? son voisin inqui?tant monsieur Pr?dat. Qui est vraiment monsieur Pr?dat, Thor de son pr?nom; qu'elle ne connait pas tr?s bien? Un type bien et incompris ou un pervers. Qui est vraiment St?phanie? Une maman aimante et attentionn?e ou une m?re indigne et une tra?n?e. Qui est Alice? une gentille fille ou de la graine de salope en train de germer pr?te ? entamer une desce...

4 years ago
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Viols lors de la croisi re inaugurale French

Cruise Ship Captives Omar - Viols lors de la croisi?re inauguraleCruise Ship Captives Couylybaca / Black Demon       Le paquebot de luxe 'Islands of Pleasure" allait partir pour sa premi?re croisi?re, un long p?riple de Charleston aux Bahamas. Cette sortie initiale servait ? tester le navire au plan commercial. Naturellement comme il s'agissait d'une premi?re sortie au d?part de Charleston les passagers ?taient pour la plupart des autochtones. Les dates des croisi?res futures d?pendraient du succ?s de ce voy...

2 years ago
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Christ Version bleu Histoire en fran ais

Christ - Version 1 Par TFancred. Dimanche D'aussi loin que je me rappelle, j'ai toujours ?t? le plus grand de ma classe. D?j?, ? la petite ?cole, je d?passais mes camarade d'une bonne t?te. ? l'?poque, je ne peux pas dire que j'?tais particuli?rement studieux. On pourrait dire que je pr?f?rais l'?ducation physique ? l'?ducation elle-m?me. Ce n'est qu'? la fin de mes ann?es de licey que j'ai d?cid? qu'il serait peut-?tre temps de me reprendre en main. Bon, ma situation n'avait rien de catastrophique, mais je devais ...

2 years ago
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Wanne fap at Hentai Cloud? The best thing about the hentai niche is the lack of limits. Unlike in ‘normal’ porn, here the mind is the only limit, and I absolutely love the drawings. I know many of you love many more aspects of hentai and in my usual kind spirit (I don’t mean to brag, but I just did), I have discovered a destination that brings you incredible hentai content.If you want to see futanari teens getting their assholes fucked, anime lesbians licking clits and scissoring, cute toon...

Hentai Streaming Sites
3 years ago
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Christ Version rouge Histoire en fran ais

Christ - Version rouge Par TFancred Dimanche D'aussi loin que je me rappelle, j'ai toujours ?t? le plus grand de ma classe. D?j?, ? la petite ?cole, je d?passais mes camarade d'une bonne t?te. ? l'?poque, je ne peux pas dire que j'?tais particuli?rement studieux. On pourrait dire que je pr?f?rais l'?ducation physique ? l'?ducation elle-m?me. Ce n'est qu'? la fin de mes ann?es de licey que j'ai d?cid? qu'il serait peut-?tre temps de me reprendre en main. Bon, ma situation n'avait rien de catastrophique, mais je devai...

3 years ago
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D eacute pucel eacute je suis devenue Claudia

Dépucelé, comment à 15 ans je suis devenue Claudia: - De façon cachée voir même très cachée depuis ma petite enfance je mettais de temps en temps les fringues de ma soeur à son insu. - Alors que j'étais encore scolarisé, avec un voisin de mon age nous nous retrouvions dans une grange pour jouer avec nos sexes, mais ça n'allait pas plus loin. c'était en quelque sorte notre éducation sexuelle. J'ai aussi, tel que bon nombre d'entre vous jouer au docteur ou au papa et la maman avec une voisine....

4 years ago
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Les amours de Gabriel

J'ai toujours eu de la chance d'?tre n? dans cette famille. C'est ce que tout le monde me disait, partout. Mon p?re, pharmacien, en Normandie, avait une bonne situation, et ma m?re travaillait comme cadre dans une banque. Bref, n? avec une cuiller en argent dans la bouche. Mon p?re ?tait quelqu'un de tr?s amusant, r?veur. Il aimait bien jouer ? cache- cache avec nous, et savait faire des choses extraordinaires avec son visage, tirer sur sa peau ? l'infini comme de l'?lastique. Ma m?re ?tait assez grosse, et je me ra...

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Hugo Chapitre 1 5 La pi ce au bout de l escalier

Chapitre 1 : La pi?ce au bout de l'escalier Samedi 1er Mars. Prologue. ?a n'?tait plus possible. ?Hugo, repose ceci imm?diatement, et calme toi.? Cela faisait presque 10 fois qu'elle devait r?p?ter cette phrase. ?Je ne veux pas ranger ma chambre! C'est HORS DE QUESTION! JE NE VEUX PLUS T'OBEIR! GROSSE PUTE!? Hugo avait 12 ans. Ses yeux verts lan?aient des ?tincelles, et ses jolies boucles n'en ?taient pas moins venimeuses. Il causait grand soucis malgr? son jeune ?ge. Col?rique, capricieux, agr...

4 years ago
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Bless Me Father Part 1 Confession

Bless Me Father Part 1: Confession By Deane Christopher As much as Daniel Parker hated having to go to confession growing up as a young lad, he, as the priest he had become, hated hearing confessions even more. Like Jesus at the Garden of Gethsemane, every Saturday, during the celebration of the morning mass, Father Dan would beseech the Almighty to let this cup pass. However, though he did so grudgingly, each and every Saturday afternoon, Father Dan, following in the footsteps of the...

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Mais qu est ce que tu fais dans ma chambre

Mais qu'est ce que tu fais dans ma chambre! Je pensais ?tre tranquille ? la maison et voila que ma s?ur rentre du lyc?e en avance. Elle me trouve dans sa chambre avec une de ses culottes en train de me masturber. Je suis p?trifie, je ne sais pas que faire. Tu es vraiment une salope! Tu d??gueulasse toutes mes culottes! Je reste la sans bouger et la je vois ma s?ur sortir son t?l?phone portable et me prendre en photo. Ne sois pas si timide je suis que tes copains vont appr?cier. Non ?coute mon...

4 years ago
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Alexis devient Anne

Alexis devient Anne "Je sens qu'on va se plaire ici Alexis! Je suis vraiment contente de m'installer avec toi dans cet appartement et que l'on puisse enfin vivre ensemble, sans nos parents! " "Oui, c'est le d?but d'une nouvelle vie Jessica! " Alexis enla?a sa copine dans ses bras et l'embrassa langoureusement tout en lui touchant d?licatement les fesses. Sa copine, Jessica, de son c?t? caressait sa poitrine muscl?e, excit?e de ressentir contre elle le corps si viril de son petit ami. Comment p...

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Eric Erica en francais

Eric Erica (en francais)Eric, 18 ans depuis trois semaines, bon c?ur mais incurable r?veur et incorrigible romantique, ne faisait rien de sa vie. Rien de rien, incapable de se fixer ou de fixer son attention, archi largu? au lyc?e, non pas stupide mais jamais pr?sent, toujours r?fugi? dans son monde imaginaire. Eric ?tait diff?rent. Cette diff?rence, son p?re, ancien officier reconvertit dans l’industrie et sa m?re, une catholique bigote, tous deux issus d’une stricte bourgeoisie conservatrice, ne l’admettaient pas e...

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Punishment 2015

Punishment 2015 Stephen "It couldn't be… and yet for a brief moment I thought it was. Thegirl I had dreamed about…the girl that had figured in my every eroticfantasy. At school she had been head girl; three years above me and probably a millionlight years away from ever looking my way. Head girls don't talk to lowly 5 th .Graders, I wonder if in fact if they ever see them? Not that I am not worthy of a look. Even though I would never say it throughmodesty, I am good looking although only five...

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Histoire d un fan de transformation partie 1

Cette histoire a ?t? faite avec l'aide de Xavier (dit Chlo?) Cyrille et Aur?lie (vous pouvez trouver ces histoire sur fictionmania). Vous voulez m'envoyer vos critiques, m'envoyer des captions, vous avez les m?mes go?ts que moi ou tout simplement vous voulez me transformer, envoyez moi un mail ? Chapitre 1 Par quoi commencer? Tellement de choses se sont d?j? pass?es. Assis nu sur cette chaise, mes pieds pendouillent. Tout est devenu si grand, si mena?ant. Tout semble m'?chapper maintenant. Si j'essa...

4 years ago
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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 6

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 6 Par Loulou Note : cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. ***** Chapitre 23 - Un matin enchant? Sam eut toutes les peines du monde ? ouvrir les yeux et de plus, il avait une affreuse migraine. Il regarda autour de lui mais pas moyen de se rappeler comment il ?tait venu jusqu'? sa chambre. Quel jour d?j?? Ah oui, samedi... il a...

4 years ago
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SHAGA tudier sur le terrain

S.H.A.G.A. - ?tudier sur le terrain CHAPITRE 1 Un mauvais coup - Tr?s bien, Alexandre! Prochaine question, que signifie S.H.A.G.A.? - Trop facile, c'?tait... Je fermai les yeux pour mieux me concentrer - Syndrome Humain d'Alt?ration G?n?tique Acquis... - FAUX! - Comment, faux? - Acquis, c'est pour le Sida! Le SHAGA, c'est artificiel. D?courag?, je laissai retomber ma t?te sur mon bureau. - Je n'y arriverai jamais! L'examen est demain et je n'arrive m?me pas ? me rappeler d'une des questio...

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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 7

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 7 Par Loulou Note: cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. Chapitre 25 - M?tamorphose Comme maintenant tous les matins, Sam se r?veilla dans le lit de son cousin et la nuit avait ?t? encore une fois merveilleuse. Il sourit et l'embrassa pour le r?veiller. "Chris, c'est d?j? lundi, il faut se lever." Chris ouvrit p?niblement les ye...

1 year ago
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Dans le Murs Part 3

Dans le Murs – Part III Synopsis: Colin has been gripped by the lure of filmmaking with the JOKER organisation, has met and made love to the captivating Anne-Marie. Selection of students at l’ecole has been completed and a start is about to be made with the film. Now read on. Part III - Filming Begins After thanking all those involved we made our goodbyes to Claude-Yves and Anne-Marie and drove, via a nice little cafe, back to the studio. We had arranged that I should become a semi-permanent...

2 years ago
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Ah, Sene Porno (not "seneprono")! Are you into ebony babes from Senegal? Are you looking for a porn site with a perfect collection of African women getting down and dirty? Do you love the sound the sound of an African woman’s booty clap as she is fucked by a dick as big as her fucking arm? If your answer to the above questions is yes, then you might like what SenePorno is offering, basically, the hottest porn from Senegal and Africa in general. If you prefer your pussy black with just a hint of...

Black Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Le Retour partie 3 sur 3

Maxime resta tr?s longtemps dans un demi-coma. Ou, tout du moins, il le pensait. Des images allaient et venaient. Des personnages apparaissaient devant lui. Il ne pouvait pas voir leur visage, mais il les entendait parler. Parfois en fran?ais, parfois en anglais. Il se sentit avoir froid. Puis chaud. Puis froid ? nouveau. Et faim. Et chaud. Plusieurs fois il voulut ouvrir ses yeux, mais il n'y parvenait pas. Lorsqu'il ouvrit enfin ses yeux, il ?tait dans une chambre d'h?pital. Toute blanche, toute...

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A love of boss

A love of boss ... 1 of 31 ... Submit by: belle_ame Author: Bilitis A love of boss ... 1 31 ... Bilitis Chapters 1-3 In the real Christine, who has been my model; to Evelyn who both helped me in my difficult times, Natacha At my tender without which life would be so different. To all those and all those who try to overcome the difficulty of loving 'differently', despite the prejudices and who do not give face still many obstacles on our path. 1. A new chief of staff The news was finally...

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Draft Dodger On The Rag A Bunny s Tale

DRAFT DOGER ON THE RAG - A BUNNY'S TALE By: Deane Christopher Copyrighted: 2000 *********************************************************************** **** Draft Dodger on the Rag - A Bunny's Tale is the direct result of three different ideas coming together to form the bases for a single story. It all started with a suggestion from Mindy Rich for me to use some or all of the photos that she had posted on the Original Fictionmania from the made for TV movie A Bunny's...

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Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist 1 Practice Makes Perfect

Several years ago I wrote the story "Heels" which told the tale of a man and a magical pair of stiletto heel pumps which allowed the gentleman the ability to change into a fully functional female on a purely elective, part-time basis. Well, as fate would have it, another pair of those rather unique high heels has come into the possession of yet another young man. In a serialized, five part Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist (TAG), I have tried to explore how an avowed heterosexual...

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Heels The Ultimatum Chapter 6 Road Trip

Heels: The Ultimatum 6 - Road Trip By Deane Christopher Copyrighted 2003 Synopsis of Chapter 5: Kelly's Seduction What Gale did not know, and probably would never come to discern, was that the heels had used those lesbian couched fantasies of hers to fabricate a shadow, or if you will, an auxiliary libido, a libido that was heavily tinged with the pure essence from which manly desires arise. Whenever Dennis was operating as Kelly, Gale's shadow libido would kick in;...

1 year ago
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Cam Archive! I know all of you horny fuckers love cam shows. I mean, everyone I know does. I also know beating it to recorded videos of your favorite cum dumpster having her pussy smashed can get a little monotonous. Well, especially for you since you don’t get to see plenty of pussy. Oh, you do, but only the recorded ones. What I’m talking about here is a real fleshy pussy, you know, the one that can get your dick wet. How do you losers go for months without pussy, though?Anyway, back to cam...

Free Cam Girl Video Sites
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City of of Dreadful Night

Lo, thus, as prostrate, "In the dust I write My heart's deep languor and my soul's sad tears." Yet why evoke the spectres of black night To blot the sunshine of exultant years? Why disinter dead faith from mouldering hidden? 5 Why break the seals of mute despair unbidden, And wail life's discords into careless ears? Because a cold rage seizes one at whiles To show the bitter old and wrinkled truth Stripped naked of all vesture that beguiles, 10 ...

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Histoire d une poup e Partie 1

Pour nous contacter : Cyrille ([email protected]) Aur?lie ([email protected]) ------------------------- M?MOIRES D'UNE POUP?E ------------------------- UNE ?TERNIT? DE PLASTIQUE Mod?le ? Lola ? Cyrille r?ajusta son badge sur sa blouse blanche. Il regarda bri?vement les membres de son ?quipe d'ing?nieurs. Tous ?taient assis sagement derri?re lui, et attendaient qu'il parle. Cyrille pensait ? toutes les heures de travail acharn? que ces gens avaient fourni, sous sa direction. Ils s'?taient donn...

2 years ago
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Special Bond Long Weekend at the Lake Chapt 28 35

Long Weekend at the Lake ___________________________________ No institution or agency may use this work for other than the intended purpose – to provide personal entertainment. All characters are fictional. This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. It’s called ‘My Right of Free Speech.’ If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading such material . . then please, PLEASE, go someplace...

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Rika the Redheaded Russian Rancher

As she swung gracefully onto the saddle, there was no doubt this woman was at home there. Her weathered skin, sturdy clothes, and confident expression marked her as a range hand. Only the different clothing style and horse tack told you that this was not the western United States. Wisps of curly dark red hair could be seen straggling out under the wide-brimmed hat and her steely-blue eyes took in all they surveyed. She was just over thirty years of age and she had grown up on a horse, herding...

2 years ago
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Booty Expo! If you are ready for an ad hoc booty call, then you will be interested in what Booty Expo has to offer. There are loads of black and brown beauties with fucking ample asses that will make you drool and leave your cock rock hard and thumping. Call them sweet pear-shaped asses, bubble butts, big black butts, apple butts or whatever the fuck you call them; you are guaranteed to find the kind of delicious nastiness only ebony girls can offer. Because ultimately, what is tastier than...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Les f minisatrices pisode 4 Doria

R?sum? de l'?pisode 3: Michelle Le secret de Michelle avait ?t? d?couvert par ses parents. Son p?re r?agit avec une grande violence, et sa m?re, apr?s avoir d'abord ?t? horrifi?e par la f?minisation de son fils, d?cida de totalement soutenir son enfant, et de divorcer de son mari brutal. Nicole et Michelle se rapproch?rent durant ces ?preuves et les deux gar?ons f?minis?s devinrent tr?s amis. Nicole rencontra ?galement pour la premi?re fois Sylvie, la gyn?cologue qui fournissait son traitement hormonal. Apr?s une ?trange consult...

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bais sa kin

elle sais mettre en valeur dans ses leggings (que je sais savourer quand elle ce baisse pour ramasser quelque chose ...) qu'elle porte tout le temps au travail, elle porte le plus souvent un t-shirt assez moulant un leggings et une chemisier par dessus son haut. C'est une femme assez attirante, souriante et joyeuse de vivre, de ce que je sais a en discuter avec elle, elle était marier avec un homme un peu plus jeune qu'elle avec qu elle a eu 3 enfants, mais la situation c 'est tendue et elle...

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Junior Golf

Junior Golf This is a sequel to "Golfing with Mom" and the "Ladies Invitational." That being said, a quick synopsis reveals that Danny, now living as Didi will be enrolled in the summer golf program at his/her mother's country club. Didi's new best friend and neighbor Sandy loves golfing with her new BFF Didi and can't wait for the golf program to start. Sandy had enlisted Didi to attend her own soccer camp the week prior. Sandy was the outstanding soccer player and Didi was more than...

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A Visit To The Adult Book Store

Back when I was dating, I pretty much was open to anything that gave me the opportunity to try something different and had the possibility of a new sexual adventure. I had been dating my guy for a few weeks and so far it had been a tame relationship in as far as what we did for sexual excitement. We had talked about our sexual desires and exchanged stories of some of our sexual adventures. My boyfriend was a little surprised when he heard what types of things I have done. He was about to find...

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CHAPTER 52C: HOLIDAYS ON THE ISLAND: ARRIVALAnthony meets the plane as it comes to a stop at the Rodriguez hanger. He has the customs official, the estate car and a rental van. We congregate around the luggage and kennels as they are removed from the cargo area of the jet. We have the dogs on leash and it is again clear that the noise and movement of vehicles is making them nervous. But the customs process in scary easy and quick on this little island, especially with two known representatives...

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Blog with success

Blog / success Y a-t-il un vrai homme, qui jouirait de transformer une ?me soeur encore englu?e dans une enveloppe masculine dans la femme de ses r?ves? Je serais vraiment partante, si un vrai amour et le contexte le permettent. Is there a true man who would enjoy to transform his soul mate still emprisoned in her male body in the woman of his dreams ? I am really ready to go all the way if there is true love and if the context makes it possible. Qui prend ma vie en main ? Jan ...

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Second Season

Second Season The Continuing Story of Michelle and Aunt Jane by Tigger Based on the Characters and Situations presented in "Seasons of Change", by Joel Lawrence, Copyright 1989 and reposted by Karen Mitchell in the summer of 1996. No part of Mr. Lawrence's original work has been changed in the writing of this story. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction intended for the entertainment of adults in localities where it is legal for them to enjoy this...

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The Story of Julie

This story is a fictitious story that was written by a Master with feedback from a slave.? It is being written to help excite all its readers.? Enjoy!!We will speak in the morning. As you retire for the night, you are placed in a rubber suit that zips up on the side. Only your head is outside the suit. A hood is placed over your head and attached to the suit. The opening to your mouth from the hood has a tube attached to it to allow for breathing and feeding. Your mask remains on and ear plugs...

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Daniel Defoe s Girl Friday

Girl Friday Adapted from "Robinson Crusoe" by Daniel Defoe By Maryanne Peters Chapter XIV He was a comely, handsome fellow, perfectly well made, with straight, strong limbs, not too large; tall, and well-shaped; and, as I reckon, about twenty-six years of age. He had a very good countenance, not a fierce and surly aspect, but seemed to have something very womanly in his face. He had all the sweetness and softness of a European in his countenance, too, especially when he...

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Our Honeymoon Every Woman Should Have 8211 Part 1

I am Garima. I am going to narrate my honeymoon experience with you.Even if I say that it is true, most of you will not believe. So it does not matter. I am youngest of three siblings. The eldest one is sister and there is one brother Rahul between two sisters. Our family was / is very rich. Though my father was a reputed successful real estate developer and builder he was very conservative. My elder sister got married while she was only in school. I did not want, I wanted to be free like a...

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Slut City

SLUT CITYParents’ conversation about their daughter going to school "Dave! Is it really necessary that our daughter wear that school dress? I mean.....look at her school uniform.....does it look like any decent school's uniform?? Mrs. Whittaker said to her husband.He calmly said, "Honey, what's wrong with that dress? And you have already seen lots of girls wearing such skimpy and revealing dresses on streets so what does it make any difference if our girl wears her school uniform?" "Yeah,...

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memory of my youth In English and French

I grew up in a city on the outskirts of Paris where there were a lot of Muslims and my mother was a social worker who formed a fully liberated couple with my father ...In short she had lovers and fuckers with the full agreement of my father, and as part of her work and to have peace in this work she quickly agreed to make love and fuck with Algerians and Moroccans whose social files they followed, and they quickly treated her like the white whore that she became for them, so satisfied by them...

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tre la nouvelle femme de chambre II chapitres 3 et 4

3 Marie venait juste de me transformer en femme de chambre sans se douter que j'?tais un gar?on. Elle m'entra?nais maintenant derri?re elle ? travers les couloirs de l'h?tel vers la premi?re chambre dont nous devions nous occuper. Je trottais ? ses c?t?s, heureuse de savoir depuis longtemps d?j? marcher avec des talons. Mon esprit vagabondait en se souvenant de mes premi?res exp?riences de travestissement. Je dus vite revenir ? la r?alit?. En l'absence de St?phanie, Marie devait revenir l'apr?s-midi pour finir de netto...

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Alexia est malade

Alexia est maladeL??t? se terminait. Les vacances s??taient bien d?roul?es. Alexia ?tait partie s?amuser une dizaine de jours en bord de mer avec une bande d?amies avant de profiter ensuite du bon air de la montagne. Elle en avait profit? pour parfaire son bronzage qui sous des latitudes plus au nord perdait de son ?clat pendant ses longs mois d??tude. Elle ?tait rentr?e en forme et ne s??tait pas m?nag?e donc ? son retour. Elle avait d?cid? de terminer ses vacances ? faire la f?te avant de devoir se reconcentrer sur ses ?tudes. Ce ...

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Viols l universit Les premi res proies

Viols au lyc?e 1 – Les premi?res proies High School Rape Club – I Coulybaca / Black Demon ? ? ? ? ? Prenant place dans leur planque favorite au fond du lyc?e, ils surveillaient pour s'assurer qu'aucun prof ne s'approchait les emp?chant de terminer leur derni?re cigarette. Ils n'?taient pas vraiment volontaires pour fr?quenter le lyc?e, mais c'?tait toujours mieux que le centre de d?tention qu'ils avaient d?j? tous visit?s. Cependant ils devaient admettre d'?tre surveill?s, cependant le lyc?e s'av?rait aussi un excellent v...

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Moody Fragments a Memoir about Relationships

I am awake now. The long green curtains are still drawn yet I can see behind them that it is daylight now. Morning. Early.I am naked and lying on the top of the covers of the double bed - her bed.I move my head slowly to the left and see that she is still asleep with her long, thick and curly chestnut hair splayed out on the pillow. She is naked too.I run my eyes, feeling kind of like a voyeur and a little guiltily, over the exposed flesh of her body which is half-turned towards me.Her head is...

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Hotel Trap

Hotel TrapBy  Sonya EsperantoE-mail:  [email protected]’s Note:(Note: this story clarification is about 6 to 8 pages long and the actual story starts after 5 pages but please please do put up and bear with me.  Thank you ;)  Trust me reading this bit too, is worth it.)This is the second story to my Lovecraftian Horror-Sex Story Anthology-Trilogy (with Witness to Horror  being the first story).  Like my previous story,  this story too is adapted and borrows a lot,  but not much...

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The Shaws

The Family Shaw.This wicked tale is set mostly in the North-West of England and starts in January 1820. This was not a good time to be poor in England, and a great, great many people were poor. Mad King George 111 died on the 29th of the month and his son became George 1V. The extent of civil unrest in the, newly, United Kingdom at that time was very much greater than is commonly realised and in the 12 months either side of January 1820 a total well in excess of 100 citizens would die and many...

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The Punishment chapters 29 Epilog

THE PUNISHMENT A man is unjustly accused of rape. His trial ends in a hung jury. To correct this "miscarriage of justice," a coven of witches punishes him by turning him into a girl and raping him multiple times, and then enacts spells forcing him to become a prostitute, while still remaining a man inside. But s/he manages to build a life with dignity and purpose, and eventually with love and happiness. Warning ... Contains limited descriptions of violence and rape. Table of...

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The Delta Phi Sorority House

THE DELTA PHI SORORITY HOUSEChapter 1There was an air of anticipation that prevailed throughout day at the Delta Phi Sorority House, which is only by its voting members.  The hierarchy from National had flown in for the very important meeting that was to take place that evening.  The Deltas of the State University Chapter had voted to have a top secret meeting this evening to alter their charter slightly.  To gain sanction from the National Delta Phi Sorority three of National's most prominent...

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Purely Tempted

I ask you, if this were to happen in your life, what would you do? One exceptionally warm August evening and I had time on my hands. The thought of taking a drive offered at the least a cooler breeze and the possibility of some adventure. My adventure came all too once, when I stopped to check out a traveling carnival and letting the Devil tempt me, I went to see the sideshow. Friends of a feather, I met an ole school chum, as he too traveled alone and had sought the carnival for some sort of...

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The Secret Words

The Secret Words R. PearleDowntown, just past midnight. Amidst the lights and glitter of bars and restaurants, Kelsea had a little too much to drink? ?After three drinks? Impossible! She awoke into darkness. At least sleep provided dreams; in consciousness, Kelsea hadn’t the slightest where she was. Her fragmented memory provided minimal clues: walking down the strip with Tara, heading toward the parking lot on the outskirts of downtown. They’d planned to stay ‘til one, but after a few drinks,...

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Walden and Bayard crouched low in the grasses beyond the crumbling stone wall outside Carmarthen Abbey. The young squire's leather skull-cap kept slipping down over his eyes each time his jaw turned and stretched wide to gnaw off another bite from the mutton-shank he held in his greasy, dirt-stained hands. Bayard, Knight's Yeoman to Sir Setheryn of Tye Gwyneth, elbowed the heaving rib-cage of the young squire crouched beside him sharply, the politest gesture he could manage in his present state...

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Hugo Chapitre 5 5 Trois femmes et une corde

Chapitre 5: Trois femmes et une corde Derni?re semaine Le lendemain, Hugo se r?veilla avec une douleur sourde ? l'anus et aux pieds. Il se souvint imm?diatement de ce qu'il avait fait, de tout ce que ceci signifiait. Il eut une envie de pleurer, mais qui fut tr?s vite compens?e par le souvenir du plaisir qu'il avait ressenti, si bien qu'il d?cida qu'il n'y avait rien de honteux ou de mal ? ce qu'il avait fait. Il sentait comme un monde s'?crouler en lui pour rena?tre ? nouveau. ...

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Chrysalis of Gor Part II

This story is based on the "Chronicles of Gor" novels written by John Norman. I claim no rights to these characters, ideas or specifics listed here. This story is a work of fan fiction. Chapter Seven First Hand, Fifth Day of the Month of En'var Two Years Ago "Wake up, you lazy slaves!" the voice yelled. I heard shuffling and quickly got to my feet, my eyes still closed. My head ached and the noises...

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Boiler House

Boiler House Synopsis: The Eyrie is an aerial palace that serenely floats its rich and pampered inhabitants high in the atmosphere of its home world. But every slave aboard knows the terrible price of any failure to please the Eyrie Lords, whatever outrageous service might be asked. Below the High Eyrie’s gardens and glittering halls is the hell of the Boiler House. The Eyrie is maintained in its aerial position by the unremitting labour of naked girl-slaves working sixteen hours of every day...

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Bawdy Tales Pt 01 The Monk Story

Introduction In the late Middle Ages the Black Death, the greatest and most deadly outbreak of infectious disease in history, ravaged Europe, eventually killing between one third and a half of the population. The disease, which is caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, was carried by fleas living on the rats that were found in ports and on board ships, and humans were infected by the bite of a flea. Transmission may also occur via the respiratory route in droplets containing bacteria...

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the story of Pornographic film

Early years: 19th centuryImages from early Austrian erotic movies (about 1906, first image showing Am Sklavenmarkt) by photographer Johann Schwarzer and his Saturn Film companySee also: History of erotic depictionsProduction of erotic films commenced almost immediately after the invention of the motion picture. Two of the earliest pioneers were Frenchmen Eugène Pirou and Albert Kirchner. Kirchner (under the name "Léar") directed the earliest surviving erotic film for Pirou. The 7-minute 1896...

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