Assistent indian porn

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Die Maklerin

Alexandra Strelow stieg in ihren Porsche, verstaute ihre Louis Vuitton Handtasche auf dem Beifahrersitz neben der dazu passenden Aktentasche und startete den Motor. Trotz ihrer hochhackigen Christian Louboutin bediente sie das Gaspedal sicher. Sie war es seit ihrer Jugend gewöhnt hohe Schuhe zu tragen und bewegte sich damit nicht nur sicher und gewandt wenn sie zu Fuß unterwegs war, sondern konnte auch problemlos damit Autofahren. Jedenfalls solange es sich nicht um einen Schaltwagen...

2 years ago
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X19 oder X69 Das experimentelle Aphrodisiakum

"Was hab ich getan?" Fassungslos blickte der Assistentsmitarbeiter auf seinen Monitor. Monate hatte es gedauert, aber nun war im großen Stil die Verteilung des neuen Impfstoffes gegen den Erreger der gefürchteten Chinagrippe angelaufen. Dank der öffentlichen Nachfrage waren die Zulassungsbeschränkungen gelockert worden. Man hatte es geschafft aus einem anderen Medikament mit geringen Anpassungen schnell ein marktreifes und einfach zu handhabendes Produkt in Tablettenform zu entwickeln,...

Mind Control
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Marys Geschichte

Ich bin in einem sehr konservativen christlichen Zuhause aufgewachsen. absolvierte eine christliche High School. Dort traf ich auch meinen späteren Ehemann Ben. Wir haben sogar das gleiche christliche College besucht. In meinem ersten Jahr stellten wir fest, dass Abstinenz viel einfacher zu moralisieren ist als zu praktizieren. Wir haben früher als geplant geheiratet. Ich habe das College abgebrochen und einen Job als Sekretärin angenommen, um beim Einkommen zu helfen. Die Zeiten waren hart,...

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Mandy soll Leihmutter werden

George Nelson war gerade dabei, die Sträucher in der Nähe des Haupteingangs der Villa zu trimmen, als er die große schwarze Limousine vorfahren sah. George beobachtete, wie sich die Tür öffnete und der Chauffeur aus dem großen Wagen stieg. Abu war der Chauffeur des Mr. Coleman und ich denke, Sie könnten ihn als seinen persönlichen Leibwächter und Assistenten betrachten. Abu ging an George vorbei und nickte mit dem Kopf, als er durch die Eingangstür ging. Abu sprach nicht viel und wirkte sehr...

2 years ago
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R mische Orgie

Adrienne schlurfte in einer Reihe mit den anderen Frauen zum Auktionsplatz. Bevor sie auf dem Platz ankamen, ließ eine Wache die älteren und unattraktiven Frauen vorbeigehen, hielt aber alle gutaussehenden Frauen auf und zwang sie, ihre Roben auszuziehen und nackt weiterzugehen. Als Adrienne die Wache erreichte, deutete er an, dass auch sie ihre Robe zu entfernen habe. Widerwillig wickelte sie sich heraus und warf sie auf den Stapel anderer Sklavenumhänge. Peinlich berührt davon, in der...

4 years ago
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Mia hatte den Mini an den rechten Straßenrand gelenkt und das Radio leiser geregelt. Malte hatte ihr den neuen Wagen erst letzte Woche vor die Türe gestellt und sie fand ihn keineswegs praktisch. Mia hatte den alten verbeulten Golf geliebt und mit diesem Hochglanz-Mini musste sie nun vorsichtig sein. Dabei hatte das Auto jede Menge Sensoren und Extras und piepte beim Einparken praktisch pausenlos. Natürlich war der Wagen sehr schön, aber eigentlich benötigte sie gar kein Auto. Von der großen...

4 years ago
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B ses Spiel mit Jessica Rabbit

Diese Geschichte habe ich als Thread bei "MACC'S Celebrity Fun und Disneys Prinzessinnen" begonnen. Irgendwann hat mir der Text nicht mehr gefallen und ich habe ihn überarbeitet und stelle ihn nun als neue Geschichte hier ein. Ich habe versucht das ganze als wirkliche Fortsetzung von „Falsches Spiel mit Roger Rabbit“ zu gestalten, wobei ich auf Ideen des Films zurückgreife, aber auch neue Ideen hinzugefügt habe. Ich hoffe das die Geschichte bei den Lesern gut ankommt und auch echte Roger Rabbit...

3 years ago
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Die neue Kollegin

Anna betrat zum ersten Mal das neue Büro. Sie war aus ihrer Krisen erschütterten Heimat der Ukraine gekommen um in Deutschland zu arbeiten. Nach vielen erfolglosen Vorstellungsgesprächen war Sie hier bei MindSoft als Teamassistentin angestellt worden. Ihr Job war es Kaffee zu kochen, Geschirr einzusammeln und kleinere Einkäufe durchzuführen, nichts was ihrem Studium angemessen wäre aber Hauptsache sie war nicht mehr in der Ukraine. Sie war ein hübsches Ding, langes hellbraunes Haar das ihr bis...

Mind Control
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Auf Knien

Herr Meier stöhnte und grunzte. Zu seinen Knien lag Maren und blies ihm seinen Schwanz. Maren wusste, dass sie ihre Sache gut beherrschte. Seit sie vor zwei Jahren in seine Arbeitsgruppe gekommen war, war sie ihm regemäßig zu Diensten. Schade, dass er bald in die Frührente gehen würde. Sie schaute ihm in die Augen. Darauf stand er besonders. Dieser devote Blick von unten.... Keuchend ergoss er sich in ihren Mund. Maren schluckte genüßlich seinen Saft. Das war das Beste daran. Sein Sperma zu...

2 years ago
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Der Thronfolger

Besser hätte die Geburt ihres ersten Kindes nicht laufen können. Eigentlich. Zeitungsberichten in der Boulevardpresse zufolge wurde ihr Sohn George von Herzogin Kate ganz ohne lindernde Schmerzmittel auf natürlichem Weg ins Leben gebracht. Natürlich ließ es sich nicht geheim halten: Während die 31-jährige Kate mit ihrem berühmten gleichaltrigen Ehemann und dem neugeborenen Thronfolger vor der Medienmeute auf das Anwesen ihrer Eltern geflohen war, veröffentlichten die Redaktionen weltweit...

4 years ago
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Wie ich lernte zu dienen und Schmerzen zu lieben

Damals arbeitete ich neben meinem Studium als Röntgenassistentin und machte Nachtdienste um mir meinen Lebensunterhalt zu verdienen. Mein zukünftiger Lustsklave kam damals als Patient und hatte sich bei einer Party vermutlich einen Bänderriss zugezogen. Wie vom Arzt angewiesen, sollte ich ihn röntgen und dabei passierte es mir das erste Mal: Beim Lagern für die korrekte Aufnahme musste ich seinen Fuß in eine für ihn sehr schmerzhafte Stellung bewegen und es machte mir auf einmal Spaß, ihn...

3 years ago
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Wiedersehen mit Gianna Michels

Ich kann es immer noch nicht glauben, dass ich letztens Gianna gefickt habe. Das Beste daran ist auch noch das es ihr gefallen hat. Ich würde jetzt nicht behaupten, dass sie meine Freundin ist aber doch wir haben schon eine Art Beziehung aufgebaut.Das meiste spielt sich natürlich über E-Mail ab. Das ein oder andere Mal können wir auch eine kleine Aktion über Web-Cam machen. Dabei nimmt sie gerne mal einen Dildo zur Hilfe. Klar, dass sie für mich auch das gute Ding mal in ihren Arsch steckt.Sie...

1 year ago
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Já anoitecera, tive meus pés e mãos acorrentados para que não pudesse correr, apenas caminhar com dificuldade e lentamente. Puseram-me uma venda nos olhos, em seguida escutei a voz dela: - Vamos escravo! Fui conduzido lentamente para o interior da casa. Podia escutar perfeitamente mais vozes naquele lugar. Subi três degraus e escutei sua ordem: - Pare aqui inútil! Em seguida ela retirou minha venda. Estava de pé sobre um pequeno palco montado no centro de uma sala...

2 years ago
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Lena Teil 1

LENA Kapitel 1 - Vorgeschichte Ich wurde als Christian Lennart 1962 geboren. Nach einer Handelsmatura machte ich schnell Karriere im mittleren Kader einer kleineren Firma in unserer Stadt. Ein gutes Einkommen, anst?ndige Manieren und gute Zukunftsaussichten machten aus mir einen begehrten Partner f?r die M?dchen. Eine hatte es aber besonders auf mich abgesehen: Gabi, eine 5 Jahre j?ngere mir unterstellte Mitarbeiterin, die auch ich sehr nett fand. Sie verstand es, mic...

3 years ago
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Octavia Chapter 3

Octavia Chapter 3 Die beiden Frauen fahren in ein unterirdisches Parkhaus. Ich sehe den Betonboden mit typischen ?lspuren in typischer Neonbeleuchtung und wie ich und sie, sie und ich in harmonischer Synchronit?t einen Pumps vor den anderen setzen. Der Saum ihres Kleides umspielt meine und ihre Schenkel - eben die ihrer Strumpfhose und die aus ihrem Fleisch und Blut - eigentlich f?hle ich mich gut... Ich meine kurz eine automatische Glasschiebet?re gesehen zu haben, als wir sodann mit n...

4 years ago
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Marcel of Marcelle what is in a name... door Marcel van Amoren. Hoofdstuk 1. Een beetje vertwijfeld loop ik door Utrecht. Ik zit zonder werk en dat is me nog niet eerder gebeurd. Eigen schuld natuurlijk. Thuis in mijn klein provinciedorpje had ik een goede baan, verdiende best lekker, hoefde thuis niet veel af te dragen, maar het verveelde me en ik wilde naar de grote stad. Dus op een goede dag of eigenlijk meer op een kwade dag gooide ik mijn kop in de wind en vertrok naar...

4 years ago
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Gelukkig nieuwjaar

Mijn eerste homo ervaring had ik op mijn 22. Ik werkte als verpleegkundige in een ziekenhuis en moest, ter voorbereiding op een liesbreukoperatie, een man intiem scheren. Niets speciaals. Ik ging de kamer binnen met al mijn materiaal, vroeg de man op bed te gaan liggen en te strippen. Hij was 43 en zag er best aardig uit. Zwart-grijs haar, sportief gebouwd met een brede borstkast en een mooi gespierde buik. Ik zeepte alles lekker in, legde mijn handdoek over zijn apparaat en begon te...

2 years ago
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Hoofdstuk 1. Langzaam blader ik de dagbladen door. Ik zit lekker warm in de bibliotheek en struin alle dagbladen door naar een baantje. Maar in de Hollandse dagbladen zit niemand op me te wachten. Ik heb wel een redelijke opleiding, maar verder niet bepaald een vak geleerd. Uit verveling en ook omdat ik nog geen zin heb om de kou in te gaan, pak ik een Duitse krant. Er zit een heel pak met advertenties bij, maar ze vragen van alles. Op de laatste bladzijde staan ook nog wat...

3 years ago
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2222 10 Familie 2

2222 (10) Familie 2 Dienstag Wie abgesprochen verlie? ich mit Loreen das Haus. Wir setzten Roswitha am Kindergarten und Sophia an der Schule ab. In flottem Tempo fuhr Loreen durch die Stadt bis wir im Industriegebiet waren. Hier steuerte sie auf einen gro?en Parkplatz. Ein Elektroshuttle brachte uns zum Eingang. Ich erhielt einen Besucherausweis und wurde ?ber die Firmenvorschriften belehrt. Handy, Laptop und Camera wurden in Verwahrung genommen. Loreen schlug vor das ich zun?chst e...

3 years ago
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2222 11 Familie 3

2222 (11) Familie 3 Donnerstag Wie ?blich war Carmen bereits wach und wirtschaftete in der K?che als ich schlaftrunken aus dem Zimmer kam. Ich bat ihn um einen Kaffee und ging ins Bad. Frisch geduscht kehrten meine Lebensgeister allm?hlich zur?ck. Nach dem Kaffee und einer Zigarette f?hlte ich mich fit f?r den Tag. Inzwischen waren auch die anderen ins Wohnzimmer gekommen. June und July standen in makellosen Kleidern im Wohnzimmer, April krabbelte umher und die M?dchen sa?en auf der...

2 years ago
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Rebecca Das Institut

Rebecca: Das Institut Vorspann ========== Hallo. Mein Name ist Rebecca. Wenn Ihr nun denkt, dass ich eine Frau bin, muss ich Euch leider entt?uschen. Wenigstens im Sinne, wie sich die meisten von Euch eine Frau vorstellen. Ich bin transsexuell. Aber ich bin auch 1,93m gro? und wiege 110kg. Einen starken Bartwuchs habe ich auch und eine tiefe Stimme. Meine Chance jemals als halbwegs akzeptable Frau durchzugehen tendiert Richtung null. Ich bin 29 Jahre alt und mein Leben scheint ve...

3 years ago
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Ein Urlaub der keiner werden sollte

Ein Urlaub, der keiner werden sollte... ( Katrin...2017) Teil 1 Einleitung Als ich nach getaner Arbeit meinen Arbeitsplatz verlie?, wusste ich damals nicht so genau, was mich im Leben noch so erwartet. Mein Urlaubsantrag war genehmigt worden, von der Gesch?ftsf?hrung und auf die Sp?tteleien, meiner Kollegen, wegen meines femininen Aussehens, reagierte ich schon lange nicht mehr. In meinen Gedanken fragte ich mich immer, was w?re eigentlich, wenn die w?ssten dass ich ein Transvestit, mit T...

2 years ago
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Die Forschungsreise

Die Forschungsreise (Katrin *2013/ 2014) Teil 1 Einleitung Die Schule war vorbei und ich hatte mal wieder Semesterferien. Mein Studium besch?ftigte sich mit den Mythen und Sagen der verschollenen Mysterien, die sich um die Mayas rankten. Das hatte mich schon immer fasziniert und aus diesem Grunde, hatte ich an einem verregneten Sommertag einen Termin in der B?cherei unserer Hochschule. Die blonde Bibliothekarin kannte mich inzwischen als B?cherwurm und begr??te mich, wie immer, wenn ic...

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Hirst Hall German

Hirst Hall (German)Anmerkung des Autors: Dies ist die deutsche Fassung des englischen Originals von Hirst Hall. Hirst Hall hat mich von Anfang an so in seinen Bann gezogen, dass ich Surtea einfach um die Erlaubnis bitten musste, dieses meiner Meinung nach meisterlichen Werkes, in die deutsche Sprache ?bersetzen zu d?rfen. Leider sind meine Englischkenntnisse sehr bescheiden, so dass dies keine 100% ?bersetzung wird. Aber ich denke, zu 90% werde ich es hinbekommen, zumal Surtea die ?bersetzung v...

4 years ago
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Konsequent und Unab nderlich

Konsequent und unab?nderlich Er sitzt zum x-ten Mal bewegungslos unter der W?rmehaube im gro?en Friseursalon der Freundin seiner geliebten Ehefrau. Auf seinem vorgeschorenen Haupt dr?ngeln sich festgespannt Reih' an Reih' ?ber hundert kleinste Dauerwellwickler und ziehen an seinem Schopf. Das ?berreichlich aufgetragene Dauerwellwasser zwickt unter der Einwirkung der Hitze am ganzen Kopf; auch am Gesicht haben sich einige B?chlein unter der straff aufgesetzten Plastikhaube ihren Weg hinunter gesu...

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Luzufers heimt ckischer Eros

Key-words: FemDom, Oral duty, cunnilingus anilingus, dirty, golden shower, consensual bugging & sex, cheating, pregn,. Luzifers heimt?ckischer Eros Von MASOSTUD ? 2010 by Masostud Alle Rechte vorbehalten / all rights reserved.  Inhalt/ Summary: Martin k?mpft um seine Arbeitslosigkeitsunterst?tzung, denn er f?hlt sich von einer hinterlistigen Frau ruiniert, deren Rache seine Existenz vernichtet hat. Aber zuvor muss er seinen ungew?hnlichen Werdegang mit sexuellen Perversionen bekennen.VORWORT: Das ...

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Der Club German Deutsch

Der ClubDer Club war richtig gem?tlich. Auf dem mit dicken Teppichen bedeckten Bodenstanden im Halbkreis gem?tliche rote Sessel, etwa 30 an der Zahl sch?tzte ich. Allewaren um eine etwas erh?hte, kreisrunde B?hne mit etwa 20m Durchmesserangeordnet, so dass es nur vordere Sitzpl?tze gab. Zwischen den Sesseln standenauf niedrigen Glastischen Gl?ser, Getr?nke ? unter anderem f?r jeden eine schonge?ffnete Flasche Dom Perignon ? und Knabbergeb?ck. Ich machte es mir gem?tlichund genoss erst einmal ein Glas von ...

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Ferienjob als Animateurin

Ich heiße Linda, bin 21 Jahre alt und komme aus Düsseldorf, dort studiere ich auf Lehramt und habe für die Sommersemesterferien für 6 Wochen einen Ferienjob als Animateurin in einem Hotelclub in der Türkei erhalten. Da ich mehr als gut Tennis spiele soll ich dort als Assistentin der Tennislehrer eingesetzt werden. Mein Zimmer teile ich mir mit Mandy, die bereits zum dritten mal hier arbeitet. Sie hat mir den Club gezeigt und meinte, wenn du möchtest kannst du hier viel Spaß und mehr haben. Was...

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My confessions a JOB in a REDROOM

My name is Dimitri , 23 years old and I lived in a poor East European shit-country where most of the people must work only to survive. So sorry that my English is not perfect. Because I also want to drive a nice car, to have a good smartphone, etc. , like many men, I always search for ways to earn extra money. On a Saturday evening, in a bar in the centre of the city, some unknown guy came to me and said : 'Hi , my name is Adam , are you interested in a job where you can earn a lot of money...

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Descending the Ladder

Descending the Ladder "'No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." -- Eleanor Roosevelt Chapter 1: I was a Senior VP in a billion dollar tech company and Janice started as my intern/assistant. Everything about her was mysterious. Like how did she get the job in the first place? I hadn't asked for an assistant. I didn't need any help, and most especially not from a 22 year old college drop-out. But one day, she just showed up with a form from HR. "You're...

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The Magicians Apprentice

SRU: The Magician's Apprentice By Bill Hart A heavy chorus of boos continued to rain down on the magician from the assembled crowd of children at the birthday party. Their jeers had really surprised him. But not because they booed his magic tricks, for many others had hooted at him derisively in the past and he had no doubts that others would do so again in times to come. It was just that they were so incredibly loud. How was it possible for a couple dozen kids to make that much...

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The Party at House Victoria

The Party at House VictoriaSynopsis: Lisa, headmistress and owner of Extreme Toyland visits a party thrown by longtime friend and fellow BDSM extremist Lady Victoria in Germany. While the regular kinks are served at the ground level and basement of Victoria's mansion, a select group of dear friends, including Lisa, are treated to a series of private performances in Victoria's small home theater. Three young masochists undergo the most brutal forms of degradation and torture imaginable....

3 years ago
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Super Woman s Escape Challenge

Super-Woman's Escape Challenge THE TRAP At the police station "I am sorry Super-Woman, we can't still send Belinda into prison, we don't have enough proofs yet" "But captain I know for sure she robbed the bank, I just couldn't catch her. I almost got her in the middle of the robbery. Damn!! This is so frustrating!" Then another policeman came into the office with a smile on his face holding a poster and showing it to them: "I guess being a super-heroine is not enough well-paid and so you need...

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Fiona in a Sex shop

Breaking with the norm Fiona decided to venture out dressed in some smart but sexy day gear and take a trip to the local sex shop…Fiona was looking at the rather large dildo’s on the shelf...picking them up one after the other and putting them down again with a sigh of disappointment …….scunching her lips and face to indicate some kind of uncertainty.A very polished attractive assistant was stood behind the counter and Fiona could see she was casting a look her way every now and again but...

1 year ago
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The Enjoyable Robbery

This a story I had published on a different site under a different name. Please enjoy.I approached the adult store with my girlfriend's words ringing in my head, "Pick me up something for me to play with when your not here, and don't be embarrassed, everyone visits these store". I had been with Jenny for a few months now and she certainly wasn't like any other girls I had been with before; confident, self assured and extremely sexual. She had taught me a thing or three!! Little did I know this...

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Halfway House

It was late Friday afternoon and the normal set of neighbours arrived at the Halfway house. It was more than just a house, but was two attached houses that were combined into one, and was used as a Halfway house for some ten criminals who had been let out of prison as part of their return to the community. There was the almost natural resistance by the local residents who were worried that having criminals living amongst them could cause an increase in the crime rate and be a personal risk to...

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Our Vacation

We had planned two whole weeks to travel Finland and see the sights. It was near the end of the second week and we were in the capital spending our last few days before our plane trip home when it happened. We were walking around downtown when a man with a clipboard approached us. After a semi-complicated conversation in his broken English we realized that he was asking us to be on a television show, some kind of game show. My wife seemed excited by the prospect of being on tv and I didn't...

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Admin Whore

"Court is now in session. All please stand." A woman dressed in a black robe walked behind the raised desk and sat down. She pulled a file to her and read a few seconds. She looked up at the defendant standing there in full shackles on his wrists, arms, knees and ankles. In addition, there was a glowing band around his throat. She sighed and said, "A jury of your peers has found you guilty, Eric Denton. Your numerous and heinous crimes against women have shown your total lack...

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JUAN or The Youth Health Control Program

JUAN or The Youth Health Control Program. By Angel Fouco A devious woman dominates young boys and girls and makes them fullfill her sexual phantasies. (F+/m, F+/f, F+/f+m+, M/m, M+F+/f, humil, cons) Main Characters: Ana C?rdova In?s Ju?rez, a female Doctor Mariana Garc?a, assistant secretary Juan Cuadrado Casilda Cuadrado, his sister Several others from the neighborhood Chapter 1: The health program Ana C?rdova, was a stout, short woman of around forty five years old. She was like the ruler over...

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Ruby and the Machine

Note:I realize this story is based off of "The Princess Bride" torture scene. I've always had this fantasy and needed to put it in print. I claim no copyright of "The Princess Bride" dialogue, setting, or other aspects. This is simply for entertainment.?Also, I am always looking for stories like this, if you are an author and would like to write a similar one/continuation, please do so! I would love some help getting this concept in print more, and maybe one day in an actual porno (minus the...

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   A Teachers Education, the Humiliation of Laura Hall                 Part One of A continuing Story                                By Laura                                  [email protected]                             Chapter 1Thankful the long school day was finally over and her hoard of rowdy students had departed, the diminutive yet shapely figure of the thirty six year old Laura Hall slumped back upon her seemingly forever uncomfortable wooded swivel chair behind the large desk of her...

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Diabolical Chapter Two        At first glance appearing to be no more then an oversized tube not unlike in a roll of toilet paper, it’s actually a pair of tubes, one encompassing the other, embedded with dozens of rows of chemical treated, needle sharp pins of different diameters and lengths.  The outer shell’s pins point inward, touching the inner shell, its pins pointing outward touching the outer shell.  Devised to have a half inch space between the tubes, an encircling pair of thin packets...

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The Magic Show 1

By Francis Drake Posted by JackFD, with Francis Drake’s permission. For more my Francis Drake and others go to, have fun. This story is an excerpt from a 60,000 word novel that is currently being written by Francis Drake, and is the second book in the Dragon Slave series with a working title of Preparing Rachel. In this series, a magic house built by wizards many years in the past controls the things around it. The house affects people differently. Most people approach...

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Twelve Days a Slave 8 of 13

After the woman is convicted, a “sentence negotiator” gets her sentence reduced to a public day of repentance followed by eleven days of public punishment. Following that, she is to serve one year of penal servitude. This story deals with non-consensual punishment, pain, and involuntary slavery. If such topics offend you or upset you, I would advise skipping this particular book. There are thirteen chapters to this story. The chapters can be read on their own, but the story is much...

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The Girls Encounter

A few weeks after Sugars exotic encounter in the park, she was very cock hungry, but not in a relationship at the time, the only way to satisfy her needs was to play with herself from time to time.One day she was on her way to town to look around the shops and treat herself to some new cloths. After about an hour see went into a department store that had some special offers on. Looking around something caught her eye.It was a beautiful one piece bask with a two-popper clasp under the pussy...

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A Different Kind of Magic Trick

A Different Kind of Magic Trick Mandrake the Magnificent was in a real bind. His monthly magic show was in a week and his normal assistant was going to be unable to perform due to a broken leg. How would he be able to find and train a new assistant in less than a week? Mandrake could not just cancel, as advance ticket sales for the show were through the roof at the club he was to perform at. After pacing back and forth through his house for the better part of an hour, he decided to...

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Ed Kilpatrick s Holiday in Kumar

Ed Kilpatrick'sHoliday in KumarBackground:Thanks to everyone that has contacted me over the months about my series of short stories about a fictional island state in the Gulf called, 'Kumar.'It is September 2010 and it has been a long summer and a few stories released for other websites but after a month of writers block, this latest tale has come to me so I really do hope you enjoy.As usual, this story includes the usual bondage, cross-dressing and of course lot's of veiling, which is...

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The Magic Show

The Magic Show by Jordan Holder The conference I'd been attending at the convention center was over, giving me a free evening in Vegas before my plane left the next morning. I'd already decided when planning the trip that there was no point in flying back on the red-eye, which would ruin the day anyway. So I was looking for something to do. Losing money at the casino tables or in the slot machines held no particular attraction for me, but there were plenty of shows...

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Don t Assume

Beware of Assumptions By JRD Sydney Devereaux woke up, his mouth a pasty mess. He opened his eyes and found himself on his butt inside some kind of clear Plexiglas tube. The tube ran from ceiling to floor and was centered in the middle of a metal cube almost thirty feet to a side. The tube came right out of the floor, and, judging by how solid it was when he pressed on it, he guessed it was firmly secured, both top and bottom. He thought to the night before, remembering the...

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Tales of the RAC 2 The Yards

Tales of the Restored American Commonwealth4072:  The YardsByEmily DanielsTales of the RAC: 4072: The Yards Chapter 1:  The Verdict Chapter 2: The Yards The Yards is the second chapter in the 4072 saga of the Tales of the Restored American Commonwealth.  The story begins with 4072: The Verdict.  If you would like to know more about the setting of the Restored American Commonwealth you can learn about it, purchase previous chapters and interact with characters by going to...

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Heart of Ice

Heart of Ice By: Michael Alexander?Breanne!?  A voice called down the hallway.  It was late and Breanne Erikson turned at the sound of the Entertainment Director’s urgency.  With a weary smile she nodded at William Price as her boss stepped out of his office, waving at her.        ?Hello, Mr. Price.?  Bre said.  Unconsciously she resettled the large purse over her shoulder as Price quickly moved down the hall toward her.        ?I know you’re on your way out, Breanne, but I know you aren’t...

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Wonder Woman s Sexual MisadventuresChapter 9 The Trade Mission

Two days later Princess Dianna boarded her plane and left for Wently Island. On the way her mind went over the questions of the last few days. How much Amazonium did this tribe have? What would he want for it? Could or would she agree? The only thing clear was that he had asked how far she would bend the rules and they would not be on Paradise Island. The trader had seemed fascinated by her pussy, so he would probably want to see it again. She would show it to him and even spread the lips for...

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Biker Bitch Chapter Four

Biker Bitch By Michele Nylons Chapter Four: Felony Dressing Cassie for her role had been the subject of much conversation and consternation during her training. She needed to dress in attire suitable for her to safely ride her bike and she needed to look attractive to the other bikers; but she couldn't look like 'fender fluff', she needed credibility. She and Natalie had finally decided on what she would wear. She would squeeze into black skinny jeans, she also had some tight...

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Right Place Right Time

Prologue Nigel Smith is a hardworking single dad. He is also a highly trained nurse who over the years has earned a reputation for his fairness and compassion. Sadly, in the eyes of his employers, he doesn't work long or hard enough and often has to correct his needed time off to avoid needing to hire a sitter for his daughter.who over the years has earned a reputation for his fairness and compassion Money is always tight. They live in a small flat that had seen better days decades...

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Quinn s Saga

Quinn's Saga Chapter 1 It was a pleasant early summer day in the suburbs of Madison, Wisconsin, when eighteen-year-old Quinn Lindburg came down the stairs into the living room. He saw that his two cousins, Jill, and Meg had just arrived for the summer at his home. He smiled as he watched them excitingly chatting away with his younger sister Avery. All the girls were sixteen, and they were as close as sisters. Jill had come down from Minnesota, while...

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The Chinese Physician

The Chinese Physician- Part 1:how far back can your hips go The Chinese Physician- Part 1:  Was it or wasn?t it molest? Just a note before you dive in:? This story first appeared in I?ve put most of my stories there under the handle of janeraped. Synopsis of story: Have you ever wondered if you would be turned on by a totally unappealing character?? A dirty old man?? Just because you were helpless and he was there?? Well, this fantasy story has been inspired...

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Vanessa s New Life Part 01 1

Background As I said, my name is Vanessa. I am a 22-year-old Hairdresser, long, almost Blond hair, 5 foot 1 inch tall, with a 34AA-24-35, 95 pound figure. I’m not a stunner to look at, just your average young woman. I’ve never had a great deal of luck with men, and have been on my own for a few months now (I live on my own in a little Flat). My friends say that I should be more outgoing, but that’s just not me. I live in a small town in North Wales where life is so dull and boring, and...

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Las Vegas is world famous for gambling. Secondly for all the various exhibitions, and thirdly for famous artist performances. And then the sex. Prostitution is forbidden within city limits, but in the local phone book you will find about 100 pages solely for “private dancers”. A euphemism for female entertainment anyway you like it. Just outside city limits, you will find the famous chicken farms, large legal brothels, where almost every sexual desire can be satisfied. Almost. There are...

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SLAVE WIFE TANYA: LACTATING IN LAS VEGASLas Vegas is world famous for gambling. Secondly for all the various exhibitions, and thirdly for famous artist performances. And then the sex. Prostitution is forbidden within city limits, but in the local phone book you will find about 100 pages solely for “private dancers”. A euphemism for female entertainment anyway you like it.Just outside city limits, you will find the famous chicken farms, large legal brothels, where almost every sexual desire can...

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Presto Chango

Presto-Chango by Brian Chapter One The audience watched silently, every eye transfixed to the stage. They were sitting in the lounge of a rather low-grade hotel/casino in Dead Springs, Nevada. Dead Springs had tried for years, unsuccessfully, to promote itself as the next Las Vegas. Unfortunately its name, its frightening proximity to several old nuclear test sites, and its general lack of redeeming qualities had left it little more than a sparsely visited tourist trap. ...

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Aches and Pains

ACHES AND PAINS Getting old is a pain in the arse - literally in the case of Paul Sedgewick. He and his wife, Mary, had, over the years, built up a very successful, small property development company. He had started out on leaving school as an "odd job man," and had gradually grown his business; first into designing patios and garden rooms, then to full- blown extensions, and finally, once he had accumulated a bit of capital, new-builds on small pockets of land he managed to find. As...

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Renaissance Faire Fundraising

?GOOD AFTERNOON, LADIES,? began Sarah Nilsson, speaking with the measured tone of the career politician she wanted to be. The light chit-chat amongst the Student Council representatives subdued into silence, as a dozen pairs of eyes focused on the Council President,        ?We have one issue and only one issue today: the pool.? The handful of girls who hadn’t been giving Sarah their full attention immediately did so. ?I have just been informed by Headmaster McGregor that, effective May 15,...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 480 Accountability And Clear Air

We caravanned back to where Amelia’s group had staged to try to locate me. Amelia rode with me back to Chrissy’s mom’s house in the minivan. “I don’t know if you consider us friends or just fuck buddies when you have enough time for me to scratch your itch, Thirty-Six,” I told her. “You are following your orders, and it must be a lot to process, learning that I am more than even Chrissy’s mom could comprehend. Those kids spent nearly fifty years in that hell, not knowing where they were...

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Captured and Broken

Capture and broken I sit in a dark, padded cell in a straight jacket, with nothing but a pair of scrubs on. I heard the rain outside the window. I don't know how I got here or what happened. You are wondering who I am. Let meb see, I work in the accounting field. I am very good crunching numbers like no one's business. I am 5'8, about 220 pounds. I have a stocky build from playing hockey for 8 yrs. All of the sudden, the steel padded door opened. A lantern shines in as I tried to...

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Leben 6

Truda - Fighting woman Varick - Protecting Ruler Harman - Man of the army "You did what!?" Varick was practically screaming. "I thought I warned you not to! Now that repulsive son of a bitch will be after us even more! We aren't strong enough yet to completely resist him!" Alan sighed and tapped Varick on the shoulder the man suddenly finding his voice had stopped, "Thank you now if you'll allow me to explain you'll see just why I did ok?" Varick was only glaring at...

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The Adventures of Sage Tumbleweed And the Secret Alien Agenda 1

 In Adventure One, we find our intrepid agent, Sage Tumbleweed, on the trail of the alien infiltrators plotting to exploit Earth’s resources. Galactic immigration was getting out of control. Not only that, but using humankind’s dimwitted senses against itself, the alien marauders' secret agenda included increasing the stupidity level on a global scale. Intending to hasten the devolution of the human species, the intruders' scheme to ensure rapid regression throughout every population group....

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Black Widow submits to S H I E L D

A lone personal assistant walked hurriedly through the entrance hall at Stark Industries, her heels clacking in the silent space. The massive corporation was empty this late into the night and the throng of visitors and staff that normally clogged the reception area were now long gone.The young redhead climbed the central open stairway, ascending quickly. Once she had reached the highest level she turned left, continuing along a dimly lit corridor. Every office was dark, each door closed....

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Skin The machines where all hooked up and ready to go as Dr Lowe began to check all the dials and leads once again. Although Keith Pressman was only twenty-two and had taken this job of laboratory assistant as a way of getting him through college, he knew that what Dr Lowe was up to was not legal. Sure he had the chance to leave many times, but considering he was broke and had no money, the offer that the Doctor gave him was just too hard to refuse. However, he had also sworn to...

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Bonding Chapter 2

Dee woke up early the next morning remembering what had happened the night before almost instantly, got out of bed, slipped on her shorts than her bra, and strapped her heels on as she had done for the past six months and walked into the front room. To her relief, Sam was busy in the kitchen making breakfast for them as she walked in and said. "Good morning." Sam smiled as he looked up from the skillet and replied. "You have time for a shower while I finish our breakfast. Hurry,...

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Reassigned by Life

Reassigned by Life Belladonna I had been working the same job for ten years when my boss called me into her office. I could tell by her voice that something was amiss. She told me to take a seat. I sat and awaited the painful words I somehow knew at that moment were coming. She said in the most delicate manner she could that my management position had become redundant. I took it as best as one could. I figured that I would find another job. However, after several fruitless...

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Mackintoshes Don t

Mackintoshes Don't.... Author:- Pollymeric Copyright: Pollymeric 29.3.98 - 02.10.15 Chapter 1: William was paying his first ever visit to a shop that had long featured in his dreams and had made the long journey to the capital by public transport in order to leave as few traces as possible of his trip. He had left his visit to the shop until late afternoon to reduce the embarrassment but still he dithered about on the pavement outside. The shop exterior was not quite what he had...

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Paying For College Prologue Ch 01 The Interview

PrologueMr. James was a private person. Few people knew his name or his wealth. He was also lonely, he had few friends and no sexual partners. He felt ashamed of his sexual proclivities, which were somewhat unusual. When he did allow himself to be intimate with a woman, he always regretted it. His desires were rarely fulfilled leaving his feeling empty and out of sorts.One day he was meeting with the CEO of a software company he recently acquired, and he met Maria. Maria was a college senior...

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2088 It s a Sissy World

2088: It's a Sissy World Charles Pauline - Data Processor Cindy Pauline - Charles' wife Ms. Miriam Jensdotter - Charles' Boss James Marie - Charles' work friend Ms. Marysdau - James' boss Creampuff - A Sissy Store Worker Babykins - A Sissy Store Worker Suzi - The Sissy Store Owner Butterscotch - Creampuff's Roommate Supervisor Gabriellez - Creampuff's Apartment Supervisor Janice and Roger - Passengers on the Looper Ms. Hardcastle - Milking Salon Director Nurse Hamilton - Milking...

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This story is a fantasy I just had and like to share with you. I would love to hear your comments, advice and additions to the story. Please contact me at hepburn666 [at] googlemail [dot] com .If you've enjoyed this story, please write me too - then I might write more! [Synopsis] In the years after the German reunion a lot of West-German families claimed to get estates and property from East-German villages. They stated that the claimed property dis-seized from their (grand-)parents as...

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Christine turned off the water, stepped out of the shower and dried herself, then she looked at her body in the long bathroom mirror. “Not bad, not bad at all”, she said to herself as she raised her arms above her head, turning around to look at her naked body. She was right, she still looked in excellent condition, still as attractive as she was some thirty years ago, before marriage and three children. Moving closer to the mirror and cupping her hands under her breasts, she thought that...

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Natalie s Family AdventureChapter 9

Natalie wakes once during the night to masturbate. She once again imagines herself in a gangbang and fingers herself quickly to orgasm before rolling over and going back to sleep. When morning lights come on, she showers and eats breakfast. She has no idea when The Controller will come for her, so she sits cross-legged on her bed and opens up the tablet to the Video app. Opening the Gangbang folder she selects a title she hasn’t seen before called “Valentina in the Gym”. The video opens...

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Total Woman Security 01

Krista reviewed the Summary of Activities in her HQ Office suite. She was the Managing Chief of Total Woman Security. The Field Operations Status was ‘green’ across the board, no unmanageable threats or risks. The far-flung operational field offices continually loaded their extensive raw data into the system, the analyses and conclusions were instantly accessible to the department Chiefs for evaluation and action. Krista monitored the overall comprehensive summary and could further ‘drill down’...

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THIS IS A CONTINUATION OF WHERE PART I HAS LEFT OFF.THIS STORY IS PURE FICTIONIt was a great weekend that both Victoria and I had with sex master Phil. I will never forget how hot that his dominate personality really had a great impact on me as a woman who is exploring herself sexually and professionally. I sometimes wonder if ha d not left the firm to pursue my political appointment; things would have been very different. I really cannot turn the clock back to do over my past decisions...

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The Birthday

THE BIRTHDAY By Rosemary I suppose that I had always expected it to happen sooner or later. It was a high risk game, and I had got careless. Some psychologists would argue that I sub-consciously always wanted to be caught but I don't know about that. Anyway, after four year's of avoiding detection, I had made a mistake. The funny thing about it was that I was not aware of my detection for two weeks. I went on as normal in total ignorance of the sword hanging over my head. When...

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Not Always A Bridesmaid

NOT ALWAYS A BRIDESMAID A story by Satinmaid (satinmaid@y...) under direction from Mistress Lisa (lisa_simmonds2000@y...). Part 1 - Bridesmaid I had known Jackie for far too long, almost twenty years since we were kids in fact. I don't really mean 'far too long' - as we were best friends and had been for most of that 20 years. We were so close that I probably knew she was a lesbian at about the same time she realised. It had annoyed me at first because I did fancy...

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The Sea Whore

This story was written for the enjoyment of Adults only. Please feel free to send me comments on my work, I love hearing from you. Send any comments to [email protected]. THE SEA WHORE Written by 4play Chapter 1: The Capture Johnny The day was sunny and warm as I headed east on I-10 from Tucson. I was driving my new BMW convertible with the top down. My car had been an early...

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How Humiliating

HOW HUMILIATING I had been married about four years when my life changed literally overnight. I have had, for as long as I could remember, a bit of a thing about cross-dressing; nothing extreme, just that I always made a point of reading any newspaper articles about people who cross-dressed and I remember, as a teenager, experiencing erections in the cinema whenever the film plot required a male actor to don a dress. I can't count the number of times I saw "Tootsie"! But that was as...

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The Birthday

THE BIRTHDAY By MsPriscilla (formerly "Rosemary") This is a revision of an earlier submission. I have presented some of my personal experiences in the events leading up to the actual birthday, but the events of the day are from my own imagination, and from my own desires (if only!!). xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I suppose that I had always expected it to happen sooner or later. It was a high risk game, and I had got careless. Some psychologists...

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Mandy s sickest stories Three ladies on vacation

Warning!  Do not read this story!  We mean it! The following tale is based on a roleplay between two unusually depraved females. In fact this isn?t a real story what is telling something, but a rather long and concentrated bunch of the most extreme fantasies human mind able to create. This tale hasn?t got real plot, hasn?t got sense. All described acts are about weird fetishes which were compressed into one seemingly coherent storyline, but in reality the story is secondary and neglected. ...

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The Sea Whore

This story was written for the enjoyment of Adults only.  Please feel free to send me comments on my work,  I love hearing from you.  Send any comments to [email protected].                    THE SEA WHORE                     Written by 4play                                                         Chapter 1:  The CaptureJohnny     The day was sunny and warm as I headed east on I-10 from Tucson.  I was driving my new BMW convertible with the top down.  My car had been an early graduation...

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Shamed Japanese Slaves

Shamed Japanese SlavesBy Shabbadew2002Contact me @:  [email protected]  Nervous Days and Restless NightsJunichi Muramatsu and his wife Asami both wanted the ordinary routines of life to be their destiny.  They saw themselves as a typical Japanese couple. Junichi had his teaching position at Todai University and Asami was a stay-at-home housewife.  They had friends, some savings and took a nice two-week vacation every year.  Their last vacation they went to Hawaii.  But, after five years of...

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HumbledBy ReddbunnzChapter One:  The Peeping Step DadI had just awakened with a middle of the night urge felt by many 50 something men – the urge to pee.  I, like many men my age, have developed a larger than normal prostrate, which wakes me up at least once each night.  And since I am in the middle of a total remodeling of the bathroom attached to the Master Suite in my 20 room mansion, I had to wander down the hall to the main second story lavatory.  Right past the room now occupied by my 21...

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The sex shop adventure

“Oh, I think I should get a pair of those,” my wife said with a laugh as she pointed to the handcuffs in the shop window. “Only if you want me to use them on you,” I said. We had just finished eating at an Italian restaurant in Soho, where we had consumed a bottle each of their house red. As we left Lynn had suggested we have a look around in the sex shops in the area. She had been saying for a while that we should do something to spice up our sex lives a little, and maybe we could find...

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Crazy Betby Scorpio00155 ([email protected])***Two older women who might be called cougars, make a bet that could be called perverted. Wendy bets her friend Linda that she can seduce Linda's son before Linda can. Linda tries to prove her wrong. (MF, inc)*** "You are fucking crazy!" I said in disbelief as I stared at my best friend Wendy through wide eyes."Well you've always known I was nuts Linda," she grinned back at me "but are you on or not?""Jezzus!" I blurted. "Let me get this...

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Two older women who might be called cougars, make a bet that could be called perverted. Wendy bets her friend Linda that she can seduce Linda's son before Linda can. Linda tries to prove her wrong. (MF, inc)*** "You are fucking crazy!" I said in disbelief as I stared at my best friend Wendy through wide eyes."Well you've always known I was nuts Linda," she grinned back at me "but are you on or not?""Jezzus!" I blurted. "Let me get this straight, you're betting that you can seduce my son before...

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The Punishment Chapters 19 23

THE PUNISHMENT A man is unjustly accused of rape. His trial ends in a hung jury. To correct this "miscarriage of justice," a coven of witches punishes him by turning him into a girl and raping him multiple times, and then enacts spells forcing him to become a prostitute, while still remaining a man inside. But s/he manages to build a life with dignity and purpose, and eventually with love and happiness. Warning ... Contains limited descriptions of violence and rape. Table of...

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Sally Anne s Birthday Treat

Number 13 of a series of individual stories. Sally Anne's Birthday Treat (email [email protected] Please send comments, favourite pictures etc.!!!) Chapter 1 - Shopping My wife Sally Anne and I had had many adventures with me wearing panties or fully dressed as a woman. Most of the times I dressed up there was an underlying aim of sex and being in daring and sexy situations. Sally Anne's birthday was approaching and she had decided she wanted a romantic evening...

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PANTIED - four days for a life change, by - Nicci Knox Chapter I Saturday, Early - an enforced transformation. I awoke to the vision of my wife undertaking some strange task that involved bending and stretching, and what a vision! The early morning sun, streaming in through the netted windows, caught the auburn cascade of her hair, echoing the glitter as it touched the splendid red profusion of her pubic bush and the pink freshness of her somewhat freckled body. Her firm high...

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Do You Belive in Magic

Do You Believe in Magic? By Zephyrus "This shit *sucks!*" The audience--especially the men and women sitting right by the boy-- groaned and spat disapproving comments at the haughty heckler's umpteenth interruption. And, with his whole audience in disarray, the magician on stage stopped twirling his wand around his top hat, which rested on a wooden stool in front of him, and gave a lighthearted, amused look directly at the impudent blonde boy. His body--arms crossed, face tight...

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Michelle s Story Part 5

Michelle's Story - Part 5 As they left the Smith's house and headed back to the motel for the night, the mood in the car was mixed with wonder, disbelief and excitement. The latter belonged to Michael and Emma, who now were looking forward to being closer than they could ever have imagined. They were sat next to each other on the back seat and to James, they were looking to close for his liking. He knew there was more to Michael's explanation and newly reformed friendship with Emma...

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A friend in need

A Friend in Need Kyorii The latest story starts with some unfinished Business and follows on directly from the end of the story JULIE. It is one of the several stories in the slowly expanding Stevenson universe. This story has been written to be stand-alone but If you are new to the Stevenson universe I suggest that you read at least The River and River2 (The birth of an Angel) to get an appreciation of some of the main characters within my stories. For those who know my stories...

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A Devious Plot

Author's note: One of my favourite author's writes under the name of carriep. carrie writes on this website but also on her own blog which can be found under carriep 56. Carrie is currently writing a wonderful story, in chapters, called A Very Victorian Education. While my story is different, I borrowed a couple of carrie's ideas and also wanted to use the same setting of the late Victorian era with the wonderful clothes the ladies wore. A warning to prospective readers is that...

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