Dominanz indian porn

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Rebecca Das Institut

Rebecca: Das Institut Vorspann ========== Hallo. Mein Name ist Rebecca. Wenn Ihr nun denkt, dass ich eine Frau bin, muss ich Euch leider entt?uschen. Wenigstens im Sinne, wie sich die meisten von Euch eine Frau vorstellen. Ich bin transsexuell. Aber ich bin auch 1,93m gro? und wiege 110kg. Einen starken Bartwuchs habe ich auch und eine tiefe Stimme. Meine Chance jemals als halbwegs akzeptable Frau durchzugehen tendiert Richtung null. Ich bin 29 Jahre alt und mein Leben scheint ve...

3 years ago
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Trixie oder die WG german Deutsch

Kapitel 1: KennenlernenEine Woche nach ihrem Geburtstag w?rde Trixie endlich diesen Albtraum hinter sich lassen. Vor einigen Jahren hatte sie sich in Miroslav, einen Serben, verliebt. Dieser war st?ndig in Geldnot gewesen und Trixie hatte deshalb in ihrer Firma, wo sie f?r die Datenverarbeitung zust?ndig gewesen war, Rechnungen manipuliert und so sehr viel Geld unterschlagen. Als das Ganze aufflog verschwand Miroslav nach Serbien und hatte nichts mehr von sich h?ren gelassen. Trixie durfte die Sup...

3 years ago
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Der Seitensprung in eine Katastrophe

Der Seitensprung in eine Katastrophe (Ka-Do 2017) Teil 1 Einleitung Es war mal wieder einer der verregneten Tage. Ich surfte im Internet, auf einem sogenannten Dating Portal und bastelte an meinem Profil. Am Anfang ?berlegte ich noch, ob ich die Wahrheit schreibe oder nicht. In diesen Portalen wei? man ja nie so genau, was einen erwartet. Eine Weile brauchte ich schon f?r meine ?berlegungen und dabei half mir zwischendurch ein kleiner Schluck Rotwein. Nach dem vierten oder f...

2 years ago
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Zur Hure erzogen

?So gehst du mir nicht aus dem Haus!?, klingt mir die Stimme meiner Mutter noch in den Ohren. Dabei hatte ich doch ohnehin einen Rock an, der knapp ?ber dem Knie endete. Aber wenn man eine Hure sein soll, ist das nat?rlich viel zu lang. ?Sollen die Leute denken, dass du eine Nonne bist??, schimpfte meine Mutter. Sie w?re mit so einem langen Fetzen nie aus dem Haus gegangen. Als stadtbekannte Nutte wusste sie, was sie ihrem Ruf schuldig war. Und sie wollte nur das Beste f?r mich. Und das war, d...

4 years ago
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Luzufers heimt ckischer Eros

Key-words: FemDom, Oral duty, cunnilingus anilingus, dirty, golden shower, consensual bugging & sex, cheating, pregn,. Luzifers heimt?ckischer Eros Von MASOSTUD ? 2010 by Masostud Alle Rechte vorbehalten / all rights reserved.  Inhalt/ Summary: Martin k?mpft um seine Arbeitslosigkeitsunterst?tzung, denn er f?hlt sich von einer hinterlistigen Frau ruiniert, deren Rache seine Existenz vernichtet hat. Aber zuvor muss er seinen ungew?hnlichen Werdegang mit sexuellen Perversionen bekennen.VORWORT: Das ...

2 years ago
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Abh ngigkeiten

Krk Abh?ngigkeiten von Patrizia Panther [email protected] Krk?Bringen Sie mir noch einen Kaffee!?KrkWie hei?t das magische Wort mit zwei T?, dachte Janina bitter l?chelnd.Krk?Aber flott!?KrkGenau das, wie hatte sie das nur vergessen k?nnen!Janina stand seufzend von ihrem Schreibtisch auf, schlenderte zur Kaffeek?che und goss eine weitere Tasse Kaffee ein, wie sie es in der letzten halben Stunde bereits zweimal getan hatte. Sie lie? sich Zeit und steckte sich eine Zigarette an, die sie l?ssig ...

3 years ago
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Rahel Erziehung einer Jungfotze

Rahel - Erziehung einer Jungfotze (Teil 1 - 27) =============================================== by Alphatier, © 2014/2015*         *kopieren, ausdrucken, reposten ist alles erlaubt Entgleist       Alles begann, als meine Frau mir vor drei Monaten heulend erklärte, dass es aus ist. Einfach so hatte sie plötzlich mit ihrem kleinen blauen Sportrucksack in der Küchentür gestanden und mich mit einer Mischung aus Schuldbewusstsein, Vorwurf und Selbstmitleid angesehen, während ich nur zitternd am...

2 years ago
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The kidnapping of Scarlett Johansson

DER REIZ DES VERBOTENEN Bisher hatte er immer zu den Verlierern gezählt. Doch das sollte sich jetzt ändern, auch wenn er nur einmal in seinem Leben seine ihm innewohnende Dominanz und Perversion auf sexuellem Gebiete würde ausleben können und danach vielleicht weggesperrt werden würde. Doch s i e würde ihm nicht entkommen, das hatte er sich geschworen. Seit er seine Arbeit als Beleuchter am Set des Filmdrehs zu "The Avengers" aufgenommen und Scarlett Johansson zum ersten Mal in ihrem hautengen...

3 years ago
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Der Sklavinnen Vertrag

Der Sklavinnen-Kurs, im Folgenden als Vertrag , ist ein sorgfältig recherchiertes und geplantes Trainingsprogramm, mit dem die Kandidatin herausfinden kann, welche sexuelle Identität sie hat und wo ihre sexuellen Grenzen im Zusammenhang mit einer liebevollen und fürsorglichen Ehe-Beziehung, und gibt beiden Parteien die Freiheit, diese Grenzen so weit wie möglich innerhalb der Grenzen der Beziehung auszudehnen. Für die Zulassung zum Programm gelten folgende Voraussetzungen: Die Kandidatin muss...

3 years ago
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Beispielhafte Biologie

Ich war immer der Verlierer gewesen. Die Mädchen machten sich über mich lustig und übersahen ihn seit Jahren. In der der Pubertät begann ich zu wachsen, großartige Zeit. Heute hat das Schicksal eine Überraschung für mich im Köcher. Meine Rache wird nicht kalt sein – sie wird die heißeste, die es je gab. Frau Schöne, die Lehrerin begann die Stunde mit: „Wie ihr vielleicht wisst, heute haben wir Sexualkunde.“ An der Tafel war eine Kreidezeichnung, die das Eindringen von Spermien in ein Ovum...

4 years ago
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Spielzeug f r Dimitri

„Wen haben wir denn da? Carmen das Flittchen.“ Ich bleibe abrupt stehen. Gerade bin ich aus meinem Mini geklettert. Im Büro hat es heute mal wieder länger gedauert. Jetzt ist es schon 21 Uhr. Es ist dunkel in der Tiefgarage unter dem Apartmenthaus, in dem ich wohne. Gerade einmal die Notbeleuchtung funktioniert. Schritte kommen auf mich zu, schwere Schritte. Schritt von mehreren Männern. „Du hast dir aber heute lange Zeit gelassen“, sagt der Rädelsführer. Sein ukrainischer Akzent ist nicht zu...

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die Grundidee ist: Die Schöne und das Biest. ein hübsches Mädchen kommt an wiederliche, deutlich ältere Versager die sie und ihre Liebe benutzen: von diesem Kontrast soll die Geschichte leben... Anna schlenderte durch die Stadt. Das Zwinkern der Männer registrierte sie schon nicht mehr - es war Alltag wenngleich auch ein unangehnemer, aber Anna hatte die Gabe dererlei Auszublenden oder schlicht zu akzeptieren. das sie hübsch war stand außer Frage und wer hübsch war der durfte sich auch nicht...

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Aufatmend liess sie sich in den gepolsterten Sitz fallen. Endlich. Der Tag hatte nicht enden wollen, und die leeren Büros waren schwer auf ihrer Stimmung gelegen. Aber nun sass sie im Zug und in weniger als zwei Stunden würde sie wieder bei ihrer Familie sein. Sie seufzte. Eine Karrierefrau zu sein hatte auch seine Nachteile. Zum Beispiel den, am letzten Tag des Jahres kopfüber nach München aufbrechen zu müssen, während Freunde und Angehörige sich in ihrem Ferienhaus in Garmisch aalten, und mit...

2 years ago
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Dicke Frau durchs Netz kennen gelernt

Seit langem suchte ich im Netz eine offene Partnerin.Ich bin sehr devot und habe dies auch zwischen den Zeilen definiert. Aber nicht gradheraus.Eine dicke Frau, sehr dick, schrieb mich an "Du gehörst mir". Ich hatte zwar sigalisiert, dass ich es mollig mag, aber so richtig dick wollte ich es nicht und sie hatte ein Foto ihres Körpers drin, der schon heftig fett war. Aber ich war spitz und machte ein Treffen aus. Wir wohnten auch nah beieinander, keine 15 Km trennen uns. Also was hate ich zu...

3 years ago
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Der Pokerabend

Es war Samstag in Köln. Am Abend war ich mit meinem Schatz verabredet. Wir kennen uns nun schon eine ganze Weile. Er hat meinen Horizont sehr erweitert.Was wusste ich vorher von Dreier, Deep Throat oder auch Sandwich, um nur einige Dinge zu nennen. Ich liebe ihn, ohne Wenn und Aber und ich freute mich auf einen wieder mal geilen Abend, der allerdings völlig anders verlaufen sollte, wie ich vermutete.Ich ging in der City shoppen, wollte mir was Neues für den Abend kaufen. Neue Schuhe, wie sollte...

4 years ago
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Vom Ehemann zum Cuckold

Markus (42, 183,85 kg) ist seit knapp 10 Jahren mit Ela (36, 168, 64 kg) , glücklich wie beide betonen.In den letzten beiden Jahren schlich sich dennoch sexuell etwas die Langweile ein. Wie viele andere PaareIn einer längeren Beziehung war das grosse Begehren abgestumpft, 1 x wöchentlich höchstens verkehrte man miteinander und war irgendwie froh, wenn es wieder vorüber war.Bis zu dem Tag, als Ela von einer Freundin erfuhr, dass sich ihr Liebesleben schlagartig verbesserte, nachdem die Eheleute...

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Meister T Hilla Liebesbrief an Fee

Meister – T – Erziehungsplattform Mann – Frau – Sissi – Paare Frau und Mann Aus dem Leben eines MeistersHilla Liebesbrief an Fee - zur "Hochzeitsnacht"Hilla und das Art Nouveau vs. Gothic - Leipzig 2017 - Das Hochzeitskleid von HillaHilla schrieb diesen Brief vor unserer Hochzeitsnacht an "Fee". - Tage später flüsterte sie mir dieses "Geständnis" Nachts ins Ohr. Wir vertrauen uns alle, und so sagte ich zu Hilla; "Danke für Dein Geschenk" zur...

2 years ago
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Cuckold in Afrika Afrikanische Tr auml ume

Afrikanische TräumebyQueenofSpadesLifestyle©Ich spürte wie sein Atem immer schwerer wurde und wusste, dass es Zeit war ihn zu bitten herauszuziehen, aber ich schwieg. Stattdessen legte ich meine weißen Hände auf seinen pechschwarzen Po, damit er sogar noch tiefer in mich eindringen kann und flüsterte ihm in sein Ohr: „Komm in mich. Komm in meine weiße Pussy!" Seine Stöße wurden auch sofort immer intensiver und sein schwerer Atem verwandelte sich in ein wahrnehmbar lautes Stöhnen; plötzlich...

2 years ago
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Ein halbes Jahr im Leben eines Dedektives

Auf meinem Schreibtisch türmten sich die Rechnungen. Es war ein Fehlergewesen, in dieses Büro zu gehen. Es war sehr Schicki-Micki, und viel zuteuer. Ich hatte mir mehr davon versprochen, Aufträge von einer besserenKlientel.Und ich wollte diese Überwachung von Ehemännern loswerden, denn das warfast ausschließlich mein täglich Brot gewesen. Im Auto stundenlang voreiner Wohnung zu sitzen war nicht unbedingt das, was ich mir alsDetektiv erträumt hatte.Meine Sekretärin war ich mittlerweile los, weil...

4 years ago
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Der Ehevertrag

Es war in einer Zeit als Ehen noch arrangiert wurden. Als die auserwählte Braut denjenigen zu heiraten hatte, der um sie warb. Als die Frau noch kein Recht auf ein „Nein“ hatte. In dieser Zeit wuchs ein kleiner Wildfang zu einer jungen Dame heran. Bei ihrem Vater auf dem Land hatte die Schöne alle Freiheiten genießen können. Doch nun mussten sie in die Stadt ziehen. Als Handwerker konnte der Vater in der Stadt mehr verdienen. Vom ersparten Geld kaufte der Vater eine Ziege und ließ ein schönes...

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Lena Teil 2

Lena (2. Teil) Kapitel 1 Gabi und Lena erinnern sich und werden Freundinnen Gabi war schon am Vorabend gekommen und hatte im G?stezimmer ?bernachtet. Sie wollte eigentlich Zeit haben, um mit Lena ?ber Vergangenheit und Zukunft zu sprechen, aber Lena war eine ?berarbeitete Hausfrau und Mutti. Gabi hatte dazu den Ansto? gegeben, um Lena in diese Situation zu man?vrieren. Lena, das Fabelwesen, ehemals ein Mann, kastriert, mit dem beringten Schwanz und dem grossen Busen, der jetzt die "...

3 years ago
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2222 2 Schulsystem

2222 (2) Schulsystem Bis zu meinem 4. Geburtstag wurde ich, wie die meisten Jungen den ganzen Tag zu Hause gelassen. Kurz nach dem 4. Geburtstag ging ich von Montag bis Freitag von morgens 09.00 bis nachmittags 16.00 in den Kindergarten. Meine Mutter und die in ihrem Haus lebenden M?nner waren somit tags?ber von der Pflicht sich um mich zu k?mmern entbunden und ich lernte die ersten Schritte in die Welt der M?nner. Der Kindergarten Wie in allen Kinderg?rten so wurden auch i...

3 years ago
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Ein halbes Jahr im Leben eines Detektivs

Auf meinem Schreibtisch t?rmten sich die Rechnungen. Es war ein Fehler gewesen, in dieses B?ro zu gehen. Es war sehr Schicki-Micki, und viel zu teuer. Ich hatte mir mehr davon versprochen, Auftr?ge von einer besseren Klientel. Und ich wollte diese ?berwachung von Ehem?nnern loswerden, denn das war fast ausschlie?lich mein t?glich Brot gewesen. Im Auto stundenlang vor einer Wohnung zu sitzen war nicht unbedingt das, was ich mir als Detektiv ertr?umt hatte. Meine Sekret?rin war ich mittlerweile lo...

3 years ago
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Octavia Chapter 6

Octavia chapter 6 by Ricky Zimmermann Als sie mich aus der Handtasche fummelt, gl?cklicherweise ohne mir eine Laufmasche an deren Verschluss zu verpassen, befinden wir uns in einem Raum, der verd?chtig nach mittelalterlichem Turmzimmer einer Burg aussieht. Ich nehme die gerundeten W?nde und das Spinnrad in einem der vier Erker wahr, die so etwas wie die Ecken eines Kreise bilden w?rden, wenn es dann so etwas g?be. Die einzigen Fenster befinden sich in diesen Erkern. Wobei bei zwei dieser Bal...

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Tante Hilda

Tante Hilda Nach der letzten, wirklich schmerzhaften Trennung von Julia war es vor allem Tante Hilda, bei der ich Trost und W?rme fand. Die entfernte Verwandte meines allzu fr?h verstorbenen Vaters lebte allein in einem Haus am Stadtrand. Sie lebte recht gut von ihrer Witwenrente und von dem Verm?gen, das ihr Henry hinterlassen hatte. Das Leben hatte den Beiden keine Kinder verg?nnt, und so kam es schon fr?h dazu, dass Tante Hilda in mir einen Ersatz f?r entgangene Mutterfreuden s...

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Die Hoffnung ist eine Fata Morgana German

Wir fuhren gen Norden. Wie ?blich zu dieser herbstlichen Jahreszeit Ende September am Nachmittag, die Sonne ging bereits unter, war es ungem?tlich und windig. Seit zwei Stunden, wir passierten gerade die D?nische Grenze bei Flensburg, sa?en wir nun schon im Auto und seit knapp einer halben Stunde ohne Unterhaltung. Davor tauschten wir Oberfl?chlichkeiten und Belangloses aus. Nur ich kannte das Ziel der Reise und den Zweck. Es war f?r uns beide eine Reise ins Ungewisse.Geplant war ein langes Woch...

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Ich w nschte es w re eine Liebesgeschichte

Ich w?nschte, es w?re eine Liebesgeschichte.Patrizia Panther Based on a true story.Wann immer Sie mich beobachten, schauen Sie hinauf. Und wann immer ich Sie beobachte, tue ich das von oben herab. Selbst wenn Sie sich hinter dem Vorhang des Lehrerzimmers im ersten Stock verstecken und auf den Schulhof hinunter schauen und sich unbeobachtet f?hlen, sehen Sie nicht wirklich auf mich herab, sondern haben ein schlechtes Gewissen, bei dem, was Sie tun. Wo immer Sie sich befinden, Sie sind irgendwie u...

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Lehrk rper german Story

Geschichte – LehrkörperTeil 1Ich kramte in meiner Handtasche, um nach meinem Autoschlüssel zu suchen.  Der Parkplatz lag bereits im Halbdunkel des anbrechenden Abends. Jetzt, mitten im Herbst, wurden die Tage sehr schnell viel kürzer. Auch die Bäume warfen zunehmend das bunte Herbstlaub ab und der Wind schichtete an Büschen, Bordsteinen und Hauswänden die Blätter zu imposanten Haufen auf.Endlich bekam ich den Schlüssel zu fassen und zog ihn aus meiner Tasche. Ein kurzer Druck auf ihn und mein...

4 years ago
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Family business

Kapitel 1?Willst Du zu Hause geschult werden? Ist es das was Du willst?? fragt Georg seine 17 j?hrige Tochter. ?Deine Mutter und ich haben das oft genug mit Dir diskutiert, denke ich!??Nein, Sir.? Antwortet Jamie mit Tr?nen in den Augen.?Dann gehorche unseren Regeln, oder dies ist genau das was ich tun werde.? Knurrt Georg ver?rgert. Einmal mehr war seine Tochter einige Stunden zu sp?t aus der Schule nach Hause gekommen, etwas  was ihn wirklich ?ber alle Masse ver?rgert. Er tolerierte keinen Ungehorsam vo...

2 years ago
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Rohrstockv tzchen story in german

SKLAVIN, SKLAVIN,Maso/Sub sucht ihren Herren und Eigent?mer.Feste Beziehung: gepr?gt von naturveranlagter Dominanz und Submission. Beide wissen, dass diese Veranlagung ihr Leben haupts?chlich bestimmt. Beide sollten den Wunsch haben, dass die Sklavin als 24/7-Besitz langfristig in das Eigentum des Herren ?bergeht. Alle Rechte und Pflichten fallen an ihn als offizieller Eigent?mer der Sklavin. Mein jetziger Name ist EDYTA. Meinen neuen Namen wird mein Eigent?mer festlegen. Er hat das une...

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Die traurige Vampirin

Die traurige Vampirin Die traurige Vampirin von Patrizia Panther [email protected]  Claire bahnte sich ihren Weg durch die Party, schl?ngelte sich teilnahmslos durch die Gesellschaft und taxierte ohne spezielle Hoffnung die Menschen um sich herum. Sie wusste nicht, wieso sie hier war, es erschien ihr ein guter Weg zu sein, ein wenig der Zeit totzuschlagen, von der sie unendlich hatte. Sie musste ein wenig dr?cken und schupsen, denn wegen ihres unscheinbaren Auftretens wurde sie oft ?...

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Mein weg zur Transenhure

Der Weg zur Transenhure Ich war tatsächlich ein Spätzünder in Sachen Sex. Vielleicht kurz zu meinem Äußerem Ich bin 171cm groß bin mit 62 Kilo eher schmal, aber mache zumindest regelmäßig Sport Ich habe kaum körperbehaarung und Bartwuchs braune Augen und eher zartere Gesichtszüge. Mein kleiner Freund misst im schlafen Zustand etwa 5 cm steif fast 10cm. Erst mit 18 hatte ich mein erstes mal. Ich hatte schon immer komplexe weil mein Penis immer deutlich kleiner war als der meine Schul- und...

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Hannah lief mit den Akten unter dem Arm in Richtung des Büros von Daniel Anders. Sie trug einen engen grauen Rock und eine nylon Strumpfhose sowie High Heels mit Riemchen und eine weinrote Bluse. Sie trug einen Pony der Rest ihrer braunen Haare fielen ihr wellig, knapp über die Schultern. Sie Klopft an der Tür. Mr Anderson bat sie herein und sie schloss die Tür. „Schließen sie bitte ab.“ Mr Andersen war Mitte dreißig und hatte einen braun, blonden Seitenscheitel. Hannah schloss die Tür ab und...

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Geschichte einer christlichen Ehefrau

Mimi legte ihre Hand zwischen ihre Beine und streichelte sich sanft, stöhnte sanft vor Wonne und beinahe Glückseligkeit, ihre Schamlippen wurden prall und feucht. Das Chatten mit Mu auf ihrem Laptop füllte einen wesentliche Teil ihres Tagesablaufs. Sie hatte versucht, sich dagegen zu wehren. Gelegentlich hatte sie es geschafft, einen ganzen Tag lang nicht an Geschlechtsverkehr mit einem Araber denken zu müssen, von dem sie geträumt, sich danach gesehnt und sich dabei zu ihrer eigenen sexuellen...

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Simones Abenteuer

Es ist Samstag und Alex hatte seinen Tag so geplant, dass er seine Freundin Simone Abends, als Überraschung, von der Arbeit abholen konnte. Sie ist 27 Jahre, hat brünettes, schulterlanges Haar und hat eine tolle Figur. Schon seit längerem arbeitet sie in einer Triumph Filiale in der Innenstadt und immer wenn es zeitlich machbar ist, holt er sie dort ab. Doch als Alex an diesem Abend Simone abholte, kam sie ihm total aufgelöst entgegen. Schluchzend vergrub sie ihr Gesicht in seiner Schulter und...

1 year ago
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Kein Safeword

I have published this story on another site before. Ich habe diese Geschichte bereits auf einer anderen Webseite für erotische Fiktion veröffentlicht. Ich stelle sie hier erneut ein, um zu erfahren, ob mein Stil zu CHYOA passt. Alle Personen sind 18 Jahre oder älter. Es war spät. Andere würden vermutlich sagen, es war schon wieder früh. Ich hatte mit den Jungs in unserer Stammkneipe das Spiel angeschaut. Der Sieg an diesem Freitagabend sicherte dem Club die Europa League Teilnahme und welch...

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Armin und Lea Teil 8

Am nächsten Morgen saßen Armin und Lea sehr früh am Frühstückstisch. Dann tauchte auch Jochen auf, er begann sofort an Armins Freundin herum zufummeln. Die haute ihm aber lachend auf die Finger. „Nichts da, die Schule ruft und außerdem müssen wir erst noch bei mir zuhause vorbei, Ich brauche doch noch meine Schulsachen“ machte Lea Jochen klar, dass es heute Morgen keine sexuellen Spielchen mehr gab. „Und wenn ich euch fahre, dann spart ihr mindesten eine halbe Stunde“ bemerkte Jochen, der schon...

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On the Road to Being a Sub

For several weeks I had been corresponding with a guy on a gay site. I am not new to sucking cock but this took things to a whole new level. It started out that he wanted to meet and have me suck his cock dry. This of course sounded good to me and I agreed we should meet. I am 67 and retired so I am fairly flexible but for some reason he was always seeming to put me off but he kept the conversations going. Perhaps that was a good thing because as we talked more he seemed to bring out some...

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Legacy of a LegendChapter 20

The gates of Whiterun lay behind us. We had spent a day and a half getting ready to go back underground, and I thought it was time well spent. I’d made some slight improvements to our armor, even finally getting Lydia a Blades sword to match her armor. She was so happy with that present we had to delay our preparations for an hour while she thanked me properly. I had also taken some of the things we’d found in Alftand to Dragonsreach and learned their enchantments. That enabled me to use the...

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A true story about my horny elderly neighbor 85 yr

I am living this right now. I enjoy being neighborly and helping my 85 year old neighbor, I gleefully help Mary by mowing her lawn with a smile, fixing things for her, reaching stuff in her attic and just helping her out anytime I possibly could. Mary is very adoring of me. We live pretty rural. I would see her peeking at me out the window while I'm mowing, I would sometimes go naked under my thin coveralls so I could stay cool in the humidity. I suspected she got a glimpse of that on that...

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The 25 Year Itch Chapter 17 The Final Chapter

“Have a good journey and let’s keep in touch,” I said to Maggie as we saw her train approaching the platform.  I was trying to stay strong, and I wondered if she could hear that my voice was quivering.“As in, you want me to let you know that I’ve arrived safely and then just check on how we both are every day, or keep you updated on what I’m doing?” Maggie looked a little sad as she spoke, which was something at least.  Up to this moment she had appeared rather too happy with events.We had...

Wife Lovers
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Fucked My Mausi While I Attended A Marriage

Hello all ISS readers, I am a 18 years old boy,,,, I thought to share my real life experience with you so here it goes … generally mausi is sister of our mother but I have 4 more mousi which were not my mother’s sister, since they far away relatives my mother told me to call all 4 of them mousi… And so I did. Now it was summer season and we had to attend an relatives wedding..We reached at wedding venue ..Since wedding was to be done late night, I was getting bore. I went to my friends and...

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A Birthday to Remember

I was driving home one Friday afternoon from a hellish week at work. It was simply one crisis after another all week long and I barely had time to breathe. As I was driving home I realized that I hadn't thought at all about my birthday, which was tomorrow. I was turning 30 and was a little nervous. You know, wondering if things were going to be different somehow. Little did I know. My name is Dave. I'm 6'0' tall 175 lb. and have short brown hair. I'm very active, so I am...

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Fucked Mom With Her Invitation When Dad Not At Home

Hi all, this is yuva (name changed), this is my first story. Please forgive for the mistakes. Let’s come to the story, my age is 21 and my mom age is 42. It all started while surfing internet, unknowingly landed into incest sex stories. In the beginning, I only read it for fantasy, later on I became addicted. Then on, my intentions changed about my mom and I was waiting for every chance to see her skin. (mom name: radha , boob size:36 , fair complexion , height:5.5) Let’s come to the main...

3 years ago
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A Hard Lesson Learned

My name is Walter Brown, I'm fifty-one years old, five nine, one hundred sixty pounds with slightly balding dark hair. I've been divorced now for almost eight years. I've been a consulting engineer for a major oil company for over twenty years. My wife, or I guess I should say ex-wife and I were married for almost twelve years, she being a couple years younger than I. I'm not really sure but maybe that's what started our decline. She loved to flirt whenever we were out in a crowd no matter...

1 year ago
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My Classmate Becomes My Sex Mate

Hi guys my name is Arjun 25 years old I am from chennai this is my first time I am writing a story.Read it and if you have any suggestion and comments you cam mail me Let’s start our story it happens in my college days in my class there was a girl name Priya fair and good looking but she has sexy shape than any other girl in our college her size was 34-24-34 she has a fine bubble ass every boys in our college will always looks at her ass and her boobs I always had sexual feelings for her from...

3 years ago
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The Italian Affair

It was in the Italian city of Livorgio that Arabella’s father had his annual business trip, Arabella always tagged along to explore the new bits of Italy. “Father? Do you mind if I go out?” “Not at all Arabella, just be back by six.” At just the ripe age of 17, Arabella set out to find something new and adventurous. In a pink pea coat and gray cloche hat, she began to wander the orange cobblestone streets. She passed several small stores which sold anything from antiques to packaged water....

4 years ago
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Bodyguards II Stolen SecretsChapter 6

I caught the shuttle from the airport to the Crowne Plaza Beijing, near the Forbidden City, and got checked in without too much hassle. I'm not usually a patron of five star hotels, but the room rates were about what I'd pay for a three star in the US and it was centrally located with many English speaking staff members. I first checked in with the American Embassy, then started trying to stir up a very large hornet's nest. Starting at the Ministry of Foreign Trade, I began inquiring into...

3 years ago
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Like a rocket man

Al and Dawny had been friends for some time now. They met on harmless flirty social media site and had hit it off from the outset. They often confided in each other about events in their lives and future plans. Dawny often thought about Al and would wonder if he was o.k since they lived in separate parts of the U.K.After some careful thinking Dawny thought it was time for them to meet up and hang out for the weekend. She mentioned it to Al who seemed keen and they both agreed to meet half way...

1 year ago
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Life of the Party

I was about 17 when my parents let me go to that high schooler’s party. A brown-haired blue-eyed beauty, they were sort of reluctant to let me. But, in the end, I convinced them that it would only have a bunch of girls watching movies all night. But, I had conveniently forgotten to tell them that there would be more than just girls and movies. It was a co-ed party, with plenty of boys, dancing, the works. The party started at 8:00, so I had them drop me off at 7:15, to help “set up”. I stashed...

First Time
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Best Friends Explore Each Other

I am here to share my next experience which I had with my best friend in this sex story. Let us call her Geetha, myself Suresh from TN, now working in Bangalore.This happened before two years, I was then 21 studying my final year of the degree.It was my study holidays. I was in my hometown while roaming in my hometown I crossed Geetha house. I thought to meet her at that time. Without calling her number. I just went to her house door and ringed the door bell. Geetha opened the door and she...

1 year ago
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Schedulesby Abe Froman (c) 2006The following story is a work of fiction. It contains scenes of an adult nature, so if you are under 18, stop reading now. This story contains explicit sexual language and fantasies involving the mental and physical control of others. If you are offended by such activities, do not read any further. This is purely a fantasy. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead is purely coincidental.This story is written for and dedicated to Miss Porcelaina Valeriana....

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The shout from her loud shrill voice almost pierced my eardrums. I got up and closed the lounge door. Another mother and daughter row! A few minutes later silence descended followed by the sound of footsteps on the stairs. It was my wife. The door burst open and she stepped in. “Do you know what your step-daughter has done now?”I raised my eyes to the heavens. “What?”“Only gone and had more body piercings?”“On her navel?”“No, down there.”“Down where?”“Down there!” she said pointing to her...

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Horse WhispersChapter 9

The truth of the matter is that the little gift that I was given by Robert was a goodbye gift. I had totally forgotten that his Birthday was on the horizon and it was not until about two days before that I remembered. I had always been good at drawing so in my spare time I drew a few pictures for him as a present. Mr Rice was very kind in letting me take time off to get the job done. I took Ruth's Ambition into a field and spent time making about six drawings of her from different angles....

3 years ago
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Uncle Gave Permission To Fuck His Wife 8211 Part I

Hi I am Raj. I am from Kerala working as a software engineer now in Cochin. This story happened 9 years ago when I got my first job in Trivandrum. I was not familiar with that town, so my parents arranged my stay with a distant relative of my dad. His name is krishnan. He lived with his wife Uma and son rahul. He was working as a manager in a five star hotel and wife was housewife. rahul was studying on 9 th that time. Now coming to aunt Uma, she was around 40 that time. her boobs are more...

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Send in the ClonesChapter 5 Past Pushing into the Future

Two weeks after moving the entire clan and establishing their own living area, we were able to get our questions across to them and they were going to show us one of the ancient underground facilities. It would be more than a week walking but we did have the ground sled that could take 16 plus driver and shotgun. Our concern was that 18 exploring unknown might not be safe. The kids solved the issue of course. Rhad asked why we didn’t just start walking as large a group as we wanted and leap...

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Cousins a Tale of Teenage Incest Part 3

Copyright, 2012, Patricia Steel ([email protected]) Do whatever you want with this story, only keep my name attached, please. Please report any and all orgasms arrived at through reading and masturbating to these words. I love knowing that I am deliberately manipulating your mind into an erotic state. This story is to be considered "Fiction" although it has its basis in "Fact". This is not to be considered a true tale of underage sex, statutory rape, or molestation, as these events...

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Tabatha s Prison

Tabatha’s Prison Chapter INathan Baxter, who ran Greenville County Women’s Prison, was proud of his record.  In his thirties, he had risen to captain in the Imperial Guard and had been assigned this small single-block prison to run.  Under his tenure, almost every woman that had been released from Greenville Gaol had described it as the single worst experience of their lives, something that Baxter was proud of and the IG was impressed with. Greenville County Women’s Prison was a building almost...

1 year ago
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A Royal Screw

This is a story told to me by one of my neighbours, an old man called Charley, who told me this tale in the year 2000 during the 55th anniversary of VE day. We were watching the celebrations on his television – we had an open bottle of Glen Morange between us. It was when Queen Elizabeth, along with the Queen Mother and Princess Margaret came out onto the balcony of Buckingham Palace. The commentator started to talk about the day fifty five years before when King George with his queen and two...

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My Roommates

By: Danyguy Hello ISS Readers, I am a regular reader of this site. I am Dany, I am going to share with you, my experience with hostel roommates which started 6 years back. We met in the hostel when studying in engineering college in chennai.I was a little guy when I joined college, but my roommates are average college students. I was sharing hostel room with Anand and Rajeev in first year. Being roommates, we started as friends.we go together to play cricket, shopping, mess etc. We are afraid...

Gay Male
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Ready for some football

It was opening weekend of college football season. I had a few friends over to watch the games and drink some beers. My wife loved having the guys over, she would flirt with them all day long and I could tell it turned them all on, but this year was going to be different. I took my wife off to our bedroom and stripped her down. She was confused and asked what I was doing. I proceeded to tie her hands and feet to a chair. I tied her up in a way that her pussy would be easily accessible. I placed...

1 year ago
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HotwifeXXX Braylin Bailey Married Braylin Finds Her Deep Passions

Beautiful and petite blonde wife Braylin has heard enough from her friends on their satisfying experiences with big cock stud-for hire Brad. So her husband has decided to hire Brad, to treat Braylin and help her find her inner happy slut. First is seeing how she can handle a much bigger and fatter cock in her mouth, and then seeing how her tiny tight pussy takes Brad’s throbbing cock balls deep. Braylin now feeling free fucks his cock hard and gets his meat to explode a nice hot load...

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Mom s Rape CureChapter 7

"Boo, come get this bastard and take him below," Jody ordered, sticking his head through the hatchway. He let his eyes roam over the naked flesh and the puddles of sperm. "You fucked out yet, Boo?" "Yeah, Jody," Boo grinned broadly. "For a little while. I blew and blew, Jody. She's sure got a soft pussy, Jody, and she took all my cock in it, too. Aw, boy, I feel good, Jody!" He got up, weaving slightly, unaware of his nudity. Suzy could hear them talking when Boo went on deck. It...

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Servicing my roommates

I was startled awake by the sound of my bedroom door creeping open and someone sliding into bed with me. One hand tussled my hair and the other found my hard morning wood and began to slowly stroke it up and down. Suddenly, I was intensely aroused. There was a tongue probing deep in my mouth and he pressed his body and incredibly hard cock against my naked body."Rick, I have work in an hour," I protested."Just some quick fun," my roomie said.I pushed him hard onto his back and kissed down his...

Gay Male
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One servant three sisters

It is a story on sex life of Sambhu, Sambhunath Chawda from Chhatisgarh. He is from a very poor family, his father and mother both were working as hired laborer. They were total 8 members in their family. So it was difficult to run the family with such a little earning. The education of the children was a dream for the parents. Sambhu being the eldest among all the siblings, at the age of 18, in search of earning he had come to Kolkatta with a distant relative. Initially he was engaged with a...

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TalentChapter the Fifteenth Opening Shot

It wasn't early enough, the first of the frosty nights had reclaimed the neighbourhood and the red, orange and yellow leaves from the day's breezes lay in sugary piles on the side of the driveways and the street. My windows were misted and I had to start the blowers even though the engine hadn't warmed up enough. I was chilled anyway and shivered and blew as I backed the car out of my drive. It was dark, the street lamps were spaced far enough apart that they illuminated the area in small...

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And the prize is

My boyfriend plays on a soccer team that lost a lot of games this season.  The guys have a banquet dinner where prizes are handed out for most improved player, most valuable player, and so on. This season the guys didn't do so well and had a huge losing streak.The banquet is held in the basement of my boyfriend's business.  There is a bar, and couches, and a couple of big screen TVs.  There is food set out, drinks are passed around, and usually everyone has a good time. It would not be usual...

Group Sex
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I’m not unobservant. Though she was girlish,dressed feminine, looked pretty with her sweet smiley face I knew there was more to her but I was never sure. We were always friendly. She worked weekends at the pizza place. I tended to eat more pizza than I wanted. The pepperoni slices I threw in the bin ! Stephen,married, China born, who knew her well from somewhere, says to me, ‘You want to know what she thinks of you ?’ I realized I did talk about her a lot. ‘Tell me what’s downstairs.’ ‘Tell...

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My young niece came to visit

My niece Kristy was in her very early teens and was smart past her age, physically developed and could talk as an adult. She was always my favorite because of her mature ease. She stood some 5’9” with long brown hair. She was young in the face, with a cute little body tiny tits and tight butt. I loved her tomboy figure to a point I thought I might be a little gay. I saw her often in her summer swimming suit. She did not look very old, mostly because she was a teen, she was tall, slim, and...

3 years ago
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The Warmth

Anabel will never forget where she was the first time The Warmth hit. She was 25 years old and interviewing for a Staff Writer position at her hometown's local newspaper. The editor who was interviewing her was an old acquaintance from high school, Tony. Anabel doubted that Tony even remembered her as they never ran in the same circles and he probably had enough football concussions to mess up his memory anyway. The asinine quality of the interview questions backed up her hypothesis. "So," Tony...

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The Royal GeniesChapter 3

Harson woke up in the morning spooning Sofia, his erect cock and balls rubbing against her bottom cheeks. The prince opened his eyes, and memories came flooding back to him of the previous night's events. He'd released some sort of powerful being, a "genie", she'd called herself, who had sworn to fulfil his every desire. He'd lost his virginity to her, before taking the virginity of his young sister. Harson pulled away from his sister, and looked down on her. Large amounts of his cum...

4 years ago
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Confession Part 1

I don't know what started me having the absurd fantasies about Gina--certainly nothing comes to mind when I think back to it now. We were just a normal couple: we were dating for a year before we moved in together; then lived together for two years before I asked her to marry me; then married within a year of that. There was never any doubt that we were in love, but there was no need to rush. We had our whole lives to spend together.The wedding was a grand affair in the Surrey countryside,...

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All characters are over 18Béa was sexy femboy when she found a wild runaway boy. She decided to take care of him and raise him like her little brother. Together they discovered and revealed their feminine side and grew up into beautiful transvestites girls. Discovering each others body and transforming together they soon became lovers, living perfect life together until zombies attack the city. Béa was transformed into zombie but Lilly changed her back by having sex with her. Now more zombies...

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Jack and JillChapter 54

I grabbed on to Jill and pulled her mouth to mine. She tried to pull back with an "Uuhhmmmphff" but I persisted and kissed her. There was a foreign taste in her mouth. Something I could live with. I wasn't quite ready to give a blowjob to the next guy I met, but I could thank Jill with a kiss after she'd given me one. When she realized I was OK with it, she gave up the struggle and joined in. "I didn't think you'd want to kiss me after that." "I didn't kiss you after that. I...

4 years ago
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One day in detention

Maisie was 16, a very pretty girl, 5"5 with long wavy blonde hair, deep blue eyes and a cute little body. She had 32C firm breasts, and was a virgin but was always pleasuring herself when on her own in the house. She hated school so much; the only thing keeping her awake at school was the cute teacher in her biology class. Although she knew he was way too old for her, around his mid forties, she could easily tell that he used to be amazingly sexy when he was younger.His name was Mr. Smith, he...

First Time
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Becky and Her DadChapter 3

Liz had a sister who was the single parent of a sixteen year-old girl. At the beginning of the long summer vacation, Daffy and Sara came to stay. The reason became obvious the moment Sara could be seen from the side. Her belly was markedly swollen: I’d say she was in her fifth month. Her mother was clearly not happy at the prospect of becoming a grandparent at the age of 35. After a fairly long journey, both women were glad to be able to enjoy having a meal cooked for them. For Liz and...

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Pati ki behen randi

hi.i m husband is raja.he is a maderchod.he has fucked me very hard and good.we live in ahmedabad.we r only two in our we fuck anytime any day.ham akser raat main nange rahate the.aur kabhi bhi chudai kerne lagate the.raja ki sis thi rani.rani four years se US main thi.woh kuch dino k liye hamare yahan aayi thi.un dino serdi thi.raja apne office main the aur main rani se baaten ker rahi thi. rani-bhabhi tumhari life kaisi chal rahi hai? roja-rani mujhe roja hi bolo na.ham dono...

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Love Uncertain Chapter 3

On Sunday morning I had gotten up early and left the house quietly, not wanting to wake Jessica. She usually likes to sleep in on Sunday. I went out for a run in the cool of the morning. It is my favorite time of the day, when everything is quiet and still. I got back home and made my way quietly up the stairs and started down the hall to my room. When I neared Jessica's door, I noticed that it was open just a few inches. Out of curiosity, I tip toed to the door and peered in. Jess was just...

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Most of the Time Swinging Is Bullshit

These stories are fictional. While the stories were inspired by real events, none of the characters are representations of real people. Any similarity to persons, either living or dead, is purely coincidental. 1. Jen There are two big problems for an over fifty man who marries an under thirty woman. First, you don’t want to act like “Mr. Know It All,” and second, you are always a little afraid your performance may not always be as good as it was when you actually were thirtyish. I met...

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Liam to Lina II The Summer

Liam to Lina II, The Summer It was the second last day of school before the summer break. Liam said hello to his sister Emily as he arrived home. Today it was her turn to cook. He knew their mother would not be home for about another hour so he went into his room and closed the door. Just a week before, 15 year old Liam had competed at his school's womanless pageant and finished a very close runner up. Liam and the winner, Kurt, had wowed the crowd and the judges with convincingly...

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The difference between sex and love is that sex relieves tension and love causes it. Love is grand; divorce is a hundred grandMahatma Gandhi was what wives wish their husbands were: thin, tan and moral.In Brighton she was BrendaShe was Patsy up in Perth,In Cambridge she was Candida,The sweetest girl on earth.In Stafford she was Stella,The pick of the bunchBut down on his expensesShe was Petrol, Oil and LunchIt is impossible to love and be wise.Love your enemies in case your friends turn out...

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First time anal play

I've never been one to touch my ass in a sexual way. It always felt odd sticking a finger in my ass in the shower. But I've always been a bit curious about recieving anal from someone, be it a guy or a girl with a strap-on.Today I decided I wanted to know what it felt like to get penetrated. Unfortunately I don't have any sex toys, lube or anything dick shaped laying around. After some digging around I found a mini wooden baseball bat about 12 inches long and 1 inch thick. Sounds like a...

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Vacation With Benefits Part 3 Hollywood Heat

"George, I'm tired of this shit. Carrie's 21 now, and she's getting tired of it too." "Chris, as the agent for your client, you need to tell her what's in her best interest, even if she doesn't think it is." Christina Hooper sat across a conference room table from Judson Marsh, the chief of programming for the Kids Network. Carrie Thorwald was the star of their biggest show, "Totally Carrie", and after 6 years of playing a high schooler, it was getting old in more ways than...

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My Sister s SlaveChapter 3 Uncle Joe and our 18th Birthday party

For the next month Kara and I were inseparable, I was her sex toy, she would find a boy or a girl, and some grownups too that was willing to pay to have sex with me, and even pee on me. I do not know where she found them. I knew Kara was very popular but these kids were not from our school, and the grownups, I never seen them before. One was a black couple. Their names were Dwayne and Stephanie. Both in their 40s. Kara drove me to their house on a Sunday evening. We got out of the car, Kara...

3 years ago
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Jessicas Number Part 2 of 4

Introduction: 10 years after the Gender War came the National Femal Culling Agency or NFC for short with this agency all women were forced to register for the National and state meat lotery and wait for there number to be called. Jessicas Number Story: #4 Copyright 2004 Written: December 14 2004 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed By: Ay-Wun Please send any comments about this story to([email protected]) ********************************************************************* Part 2 of 4 – 10 Years...

2 years ago
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His Lucky Charm IIChapter 18 Outmatched

New Year's Eve, 1865 The New Year's reception at High Matcham was the highlight of the social year for most of the Northern Berkshire gentry, and Priscilla Marsden-Smith was very careful in her preparations. The appropriate dress was always a concern, but even more so in recent years as the income from her husband's possessions had dwindled away. This was only in part due to bad harvests. As she was also woefully aware, her husband Lucius spent more and more of their income on Laudanum;...

2 years ago
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The Moulding of a Submissive Transvestite Part One

Chapter One: The First Meeting Preface. This is a full account by David, a closet submissive mature bisexual male transvestite of the first meeting with a mature bisexual assertive male she met online via Skype video chat by the name of Geoff. By day David, 45, 5ft 8, bald under the wig, not fat, but not skinny, is a quiet unassuming post office worker, at night and weekends he transforms into a very classy Transvestite called "Jak" The meeting is set for Friday evening, it is...

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The Knock

It was all she could do not to watch the clock. She paced back and forth through the house, a not-so-easy feat due to the black leather heels he had told her to wear. They went well with the lace lingerie he provided but they were foreign to her. Not anything like she was used to. Allyson was more of a casual girl and it was Max’s laid-back spirit that attracted her to him. He was easy to talk to and kept her laughing. Everything about them was easy and natural which is what had Allyson so...

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Becky Part 1 Broken Hearts and Broken BonesChapter 6 Unfair Advantage

I couldn’t sleep on Thursday night. Every time I drifted off into a dream, Becky Finklestein would show up and make it a nightmare. Sometimes she was Wonder Woman, flexing her pecs in that red and gold halter top. Sometimes she was Supergirl, with every impossibly cut muscle visible under her blue tights as bullets bounced off her harmlessly. Once she was the Hulk, but with orange freckles instead of green skin. And bigger. Her eyes burned with anger as her muscles exploded out of her purple...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Riley Reid Melissa Moore 10 31 2017

Riley Reid and her “porno twin”, Melissa Moore, are about to rock your world. Flash Brown’s, too! In addition to their looks, the girls are incredibly similar in all sorts of ways: insatiable sexual desires, bi-sexual, size queens, black cock sluts, cum sluts…the list goes on and on. They’re going to start with some hot lesbian action before Flash Brown (and his 11-inch slab of black meat) enter the room. Then it’s a full-blown fuck fest! Flash starts with...

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Pacts Gods and FamilyChapter 29

The location that I had in mind was, of course, an adult theater, though I had never actually used the glory holes there. Even so, I was well aware of them and I had often fantasized about whom I might fuck there ... or who might suck me off. This particular place was entirely gender-blind ... that was, it didn’t matter if one wanted to have gay, straight, or lesbian sex. Both kinds of encounters were perfectly acceptable at the Royal Studio, which was the furthest thing from a “studio,” of...

2 years ago
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Double Debut One has to win and fuck the loser

Please don’t copy and or redistribute the story in anyway without the consent and the person of the author and the main character herself. This Work Is Completely Fiction. I am not gay or bi-sexual what so ever. I’m straight and loves ladies. I’m expanding my writing to become a better writer. This story is about wrestling and male on male sex. Hope you enjoy this story and make yourself cum while reading. -------------- It was a cool summer evening and it was a good night for some good private...

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A Well Lived Life 2 Book 1 BethanyChapter 23 A Board Meeting

August 1, 1986, Chicago, Illinois I sprang from my chair and ran through the kitchen to the foyer. I pulled Jessica into a tight hug and kissed her deeply. She molded her body to mine and squeezed her arms tightly around me as we continued to kiss. “Do I get a turn?” Kara giggled, coming up behind me with Jesse. I broke my clench with Jessica and took Jesse from Kara so that she could greet Jessica the same way that I had. They broke the kiss, and Kara took Jesse back from me. “Let’s get...

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The Monks Habit

I was driving along this country lane when I saw this Monk walking the same way. I stopped the car and asked him if I could give him a lift. He said bless you my son but if you have the time I'm heading to the old Monastery over the hill. I said I thought it was not used anymore and was deserted, he replied as he got into my car that I was right, but he was the caretaker, and lived in it alone, and that he'd been into town to order some timber for repairs that need to be done. He also...

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Super Secretary 2

Super Secretary By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Part 2 Alan spent the rest of the day following instructions and typing memos. At three o'clock, he walked down to security and waited there while Chuck was on the phone. He could see all the facility's workers checking him out before finally Chuck called him over. "Miss Cummings, place you thumb here and hold it until you hear the beep please." Chuck positioned Alan's hand the way he wanted it. "Sure," said Alan. When...

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Jack and DeniseChapter 10

Jack had been studying hard all week. His Algorithm final was Thursday morning and he desperately wanted to do well. He had gotten together with Denise Tuesday night and they had studied for a few hours. Denise had gone home around ten when she could no longer keep her eyes open. Jack had offered to let her sleep in his bed while he slept on the floor, but she declined. Jack was looking forward to spending some quality time with her on Friday night, but for right now he had other things on...

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