Hfo indian porn

3 years ago
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Der Pokerabend

Es war Samstag in Köln. Am Abend war ich mit meinem Schatz verabredet. Wir kennen uns nun schon eine ganze Weile. Er hat meinen Horizont sehr erweitert.Was wusste ich vorher von Dreier, Deep Throat oder auch Sandwich, um nur einige Dinge zu nennen. Ich liebe ihn, ohne Wenn und Aber und ich freute mich auf einen wieder mal geilen Abend, der allerdings völlig anders verlaufen sollte, wie ich vermutete.Ich ging in der City shoppen, wollte mir was Neues für den Abend kaufen. Neue Schuhe, wie sollte...

3 years ago
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Armin und Lea Teil 7

Beide Familiengruppen genossen es, den anderen zuzuschauen und dabei untereinander selber Sex zuhaben.Armin fand es einfach nur supergeil, wie ihm die Mutter seiner Freundin seine Eier lutschte und an seinem Schwanz saugte, während er dabei zusah wie seine Freundin auf ihrem Opa einen wilden Ritt vollführte. Dann wurde sein Blick magisch von dem wilden Gestöhne der anderen Gruppe angezogen. Auf dem Bildschirm sah er, wie die Inge vom Bruder, der Schwägerin und dem eigenen Mann hart rangenommen...

4 years ago
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Meine Fickmama Fortsetzung www

Teil 6Da Wochenende war konnte ich mich mal wieder ausschlafen, gegen 10 UhrKlingelte mein Handy und Heidi war dran.„Guten Morgen mein Süßer, kommst du heute zum essen! fragt Heidi mich„Ja so gegen zwölf Uhr kann ich da sein, antworte ich.Nach dem Frühstück räume ich endlich mal wieder meine Bude auf packe die schmutzige Wäsche für Heidi in einen Korb. Wie versprochen bin ich gegen Zwölf bei Heidi, die mich heißersehnt erwartet. Sie hat sich für mich deftig herausgeputzt, aus ihrem weißen...

3 years ago
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Beatrice die kleine Schwanznutte Teil 2

Teil 1 = https://de.xhamster.com/stories/beatrice-die-kleine-schwanznutte-teil-1-717716Beatrice wird eingerittenIhr Chef hatte zwischenzeitlich die Wohnung ganz betreten, ging von Tür zu Tür, zum Schluss auch in ihr Schlafzimmer. Ohne Hemmungen öffnete er Türen, Schränke, Schubläden. Beatrice wurde es ganz heiß, denn sie bewahrte im Schlafzimmer ihre ganze Ausstattung auf: Dessous, Kleidung, und vor allem auch Sextoys. Ihr Chef fing an, die Schubläden ihrer Kommode herauszuziehen, griff in die...

4 years ago
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Zuchtstuten Teil 3

Teil 3: Die Mutterstute und der JunghengstDie drei waren völlig vertieft in ihr geiles Spiel, als sie plötzlich eine Stimme hörten: „He, was ist denn hier los? Eine Orgie? Ohne mich?“Das war Marc!Den hatten sie vollkommen vergessen. Zumindest die Frauen, denn Thomas hatte schon die ganze Zeit mit seinem Erscheinen gerechnet und dies auch bewusst einkalkuliert.Vanessa schrie entsetzt auf. Sie versuchte, aufzustehen, aber Thomas hielt ihre Hüften fest umklammert. Sie konnte nicht einmal ihre...

2 years ago
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Ein halbes Jahr im Leben eines Dedektives

Auf meinem Schreibtisch türmten sich die Rechnungen. Es war ein Fehlergewesen, in dieses Büro zu gehen. Es war sehr Schicki-Micki, und viel zuteuer. Ich hatte mir mehr davon versprochen, Aufträge von einer besserenKlientel.Und ich wollte diese Überwachung von Ehemännern loswerden, denn das warfast ausschließlich mein täglich Brot gewesen. Im Auto stundenlang voreiner Wohnung zu sitzen war nicht unbedingt das, was ich mir alsDetektiv erträumt hatte.Meine Sekretärin war ich mittlerweile los, weil...

4 years ago
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Ein hei szlig es erstes Mal

Mit 18 war ich ein ziemlicher Skater, so mit Schlabberklamotten und hattemein Board quasi immer dabei. Klar hab ich auch öfters gewichst, aber meistallein. Immer mit den Gedanken bei geilen , älteren Männern, irgendwie niebei Mädels oder Frauen. Es waren auch nie die Jungs in meinem Alter,sondern Männer die ich beim Schwimmen oder im Saunabereich des Sportstudiogesehen habe. Allerdings traute ich mich nie einen ersten Schritt zumachen. Meine Angst vor Ärger oder Zurückweisung war zu groß.Es war...

4 years ago
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Die beste Freundin meiner Frau 3

Ich drückte mit meinen Schwanz gegen ihr Loch. Langsam, ganz langsam gelang es mir, meinen triefnassen Schwanz hineinzudrücken. Puh, das war ganz anders als ihre Fotze. Eng und trocken. Wie ein Schraubstock umfasste ihr Schließmuskel meinen Schwanz. Ich sah, wie Anna eine ihrer Hände zwischen ihre Beine nahm. Offenbar streichelte sie sich den Kitzler. Ich drückte langsam weiter und steckte bald bis zum Anschlag in ihrem Arsch. Was für ein geiles Gefühl.„Okay", meinte Anna, „jetzt kannst Du...

2 years ago
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Der Flaschengeist Teil 3

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webs...

4 years ago
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Der Flaschengeist Teil 11

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webs...

3 years ago
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Fick im Heu

Fick im Heu Es war ein wundersch?ner Sonntag Nachmittag und ich und mein Freund George verbrachten den Tag am Land, bei seinen Eltern. Er hatte mich ihnen vorgestellt, weil wir nun doch schon seit fast einem halben Jahr ein Paar sind. Bis jetzt glaube ich, dass seine Eltern mich ganz gern haben. Aber ob das wohl auch noch so sein w?rde, wenn sie mein kleines Geheimnis herausfinden w?rden? Denn was George ihnen verst?ndlicherweise verschwiegen hat ist, dass ich in Wahrheit eine S...

3 years ago
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Ein halbes Jahr im Leben eines Detektivs

Auf meinem Schreibtisch t?rmten sich die Rechnungen. Es war ein Fehler gewesen, in dieses B?ro zu gehen. Es war sehr Schicki-Micki, und viel zu teuer. Ich hatte mir mehr davon versprochen, Auftr?ge von einer besseren Klientel. Und ich wollte diese ?berwachung von Ehem?nnern loswerden, denn das war fast ausschlie?lich mein t?glich Brot gewesen. Im Auto stundenlang vor einer Wohnung zu sitzen war nicht unbedingt das, was ich mir als Detektiv ertr?umt hatte. Meine Sekret?rin war ich mittlerweile lo...

5 years ago
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The Chameleon 5

CHAPTER 5 Ivy watched Lyla/Max shoot the ad. Today they were shooting a shampoo ad for Pantene. Every time she saw her act, she was stunned. She still couldn't believe Max had perfected the Lyla's persona. It's like he was her. She beneath all that latex skin suit it was a guy. Max really was talented. Now that she had admitted to herself she had feelings for him, she felt thrilled and excited again. She had been in relationships before but this was entirely...

4 years ago
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The Chameleon 7

AUTHOR's NOTE : Hey guys! I know I'm late. But here's the next chapter. For all those who are reading this, I request you to please let me know what you think of the story by leaving reviews or comments. CHAPTER 7 "Fine," Mr.Rover said smiling, "let's begin." That was 2 months ago. When he said 'Let's begin' Jake thought he was going to teach him how disguise like a woman. But all he makes him do is exercise. Starting early morning 5 AM with jogging, then skipping, yoga and...

3 years ago
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The Chameleon 8

CHAPTER 8 "I'm coming with you," Jake insisted. "No, you're not," Anika said. Max had already shed Sylvia McCord's body and had worn Anika Wallis's body. "I can help." Jake still had the mask on, on which he had been practicing the make-up sessions. He looked weird with girl head and a boy body. "Jake, stay here. You'll be safe," Anika said typing quickly on the computer keyboard. She was trying to pinpoint Ivy's location by tracing the phone call she just got a while...

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Das Spiel des Lebens

Das Spiel des Lebens (Ka-Do *2012) I Einleitung Schon so lange ich denken kann habe ich immer davon getr?umt ein M?dchen zu sein. Wie oft habe ich mir heimlich Kleider von meiner Mutter oder meiner Cousine angezogen und bin damit zu Hause herumgelaufen. Niemals w?re ich so weit gegangen mich als M?dchen auf die Stra?e zu wagen. Nat?rlich w?re ich lieber ein M?dchen gewesen, war es aber leider nicht. Durch das gro?e Internet fand ich die M?glichkeit mit anderen Transvestiten zu kommunizieren. Au...

4 years ago
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Endstation f r Schweinchen

"Endstation f?r "Schweinchen"(C) 2014 by Masostud Vorgeschichte: Der homophile Tom  begibt sich ?sehenden Auges? aus purer Geilheit in die F?nge eines sehr dominanten Mannes, der sich Mike nennt. Als es zu sp?t ist, muss er feststellen, dass er in die H?nde eines skrupellos sadistischen Menschenh?ndlers geraten ist, der seine ?Handelsware? nach den W?nschen des k?nftigen K?ufers zurichtet. Dabei wird er von seinem ebenfalls versklavten Luke als willigen und total h?rigen Luke unterst?tzt.Im Verlauf seiner...

2 years ago
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Hirst Hall German

Hirst Hall (German)Anmerkung des Autors: Dies ist die deutsche Fassung des englischen Originals von Hirst Hall. Hirst Hall hat mich von Anfang an so in seinen Bann gezogen, dass ich Surtea einfach um die Erlaubnis bitten musste, dieses meiner Meinung nach meisterlichen Werkes, in die deutsche Sprache ?bersetzen zu d?rfen. Leider sind meine Englischkenntnisse sehr bescheiden, so dass dies keine 100% ?bersetzung wird. Aber ich denke, zu 90% werde ich es hinbekommen, zumal Surtea die ?bersetzung v...

4 years ago
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Was darf es denn sein junge Frau

Was darf es denn sein junge Frau? 0Elli war auf einem Wanderurlaub mit ihrer Freundin, die draussen wartete, und beide hatte Appetit auf etwas Leckeres. aeh, eigentlich wollte ich nur ein paar Frikadellen haben. Aber sie haben so leckere Sachen hier. Elli deutete auf zwei Schweinehaelften die an einem Haken an der Wand hingen. Alles von Tieren aus der Umgebung hier? Der Metzger laechelte. Natuerlich. Alles was hier verkauft wird stammt aus der Gegend und wird selbstverstaendlich auch hier...

4 years ago
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Mistress Turned

Kaum f?nf Minuten waren nach seinem Anruf vergangen und schon war ich in der befohlenen Position. Viel Kleidung musste ich eh nicht ablegen, wenn er mich auf dem Zimmer anrief, nur ein String und ein T-shirt, achtlos in die Ecke geworfen und seltsamerweise nahm das Anziehen mehr Zeit in Anspruch- die schwarzen Stiefel, die schwarze Ledermaske, sie zog ich in Hektik an. Und dann war es nur ein wenig Akrobatik: die Spreizstange zwischen die Beine gekettet, und dann auf allen Vieren die...

4 years ago
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FamilientraditionenUSABen hatte die Ranch erst vor einem ? Jahr erworben und gleich modernisieren lassen. Er wollte daraus ein Paradies machen. Ein Paradies, in dem er schalten und walten konnte, wie er wollte. Er wollte einflussreiche Personen mit gleichen Interessen hierher einladen. Personen aus Politik, Wirtschaft, Showbusiness und Sport. Woher sollte er wissen, dass dies viel schneller vonstatten ging als er es sich in seinen k?hnsten Tr?umen ausgemalt hatte. Noch vor wenigen Tagen war er J...

2 years ago
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Sklavenalltag bei der Russenbande

Sklavenalltag bei der RussenbandeDie PennerDie Geschichte spielt in einer gr?sseren Stadt, Berlin, Hamburg oder so, und erhebt wirklich keinen Anspruch, wahr zu sein, nicht einmal, ann?hernd so passiert zu sein. Samstagnacht, 2.00 Uhr. Ein j?ngerer B?rsianer, korrekter Haarschnitt, gepflegt, gut gekleidet, arrogant, vorlaut, Vegetarier, Nichttrinker, Nichtraucher, ist mit seinem Auto auf dem Heimweg von einer After-Work-Party. Er hat eine kleine Panne, sein angeberischer Jaguar will nicht mehr. V...

2 years ago
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Second Serving

Copyright © 2005 All Rights Reserved Author can be contacted at [email protected]   Second Serving To the outside world, Tony and his wife, Angela, appear no different fromany other happily married couple living in an unremarkable, respectable suburbof a modern city in Britain . No debt collectors call. No ear-splitting, late-nightraves pierce the midnight air. No inter-neighbour disputes disrupt the peacefulcalm of the street. They leave together for work every weekday promptly atquarter to...

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The Meeting

I was asked to write a fantasy about a upcoming visit, in which my slave andmyself will be bottoming to a Domme. My slave has played with her before; thisis my first time playing with her. The fantasy took on a life of its own andbecame this story, it has six parts and part 6 has two versions. The Meeting Part 1: Greywolf and tana have a unique relationship, even for people in this lifestyle.Most the time he was her strong, loving, caring, sadistic Master; while shewas his adoring, caring,...

3 years ago
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Big Boy

Big Boy ? revised 6/2005 By P Let me know what you think ([email protected])   Zack had heard the rumors more than once and had dismissed them out of handeach time. Urban legends, he had snorted in utter disbelief. Every season,it was said, a football player or two from some team or other disappeared uphere after their game against Rocky Mountain State. He couldn't help but laugh.Somehow, the alleged victim was never a well-known player or even a name playerwhom anyone remembered...

2 years ago
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Predator and Prey

PREDATOR AND PREY It began with the advert in the contact section of one of the more popularfetish magazines. Male submissive, rubber fetishist required by demanding dominatrix. Serious applicants only. Must be healthy and willing to undergo extensive and rigorous training in rubber immersion and submissive slavery. Box 4994 Since an early age this had been his ultimate fantasy. He'd spend endlesshours fantasising about being overpowered by an imperious domina and forcedto serve her. He...

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Sun Showers

Sun Showers By RopeBinder and Angie Part I...By Angie It was such a beautiful Monday that she took the day off and worked in hertiny yard. Yard work finished, she thought about a show but decided to washher car, as long as the sun was out. The recent rains had kept her from washingit all month. Dressed in cut-at-the-thigh cutoffs and a tiny, cropped T-shirtshe scrubbed away not noticing the man who had pulled his car up across thestreet. He sat in his car and watched the small blonde girl...

4 years ago
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Review this Story

Review this Story Thisstory has been edited by Chksng19. Any errors in grammar, punctuation orspelling are either an intentional part of the story or the result of MadLews mucking about with the text after it was properly edited Authors Notes: This is a work of fiction and all characters are entirely fictional.If you see yourself in this story you are sitting entirely too close tothe monitor. The fictional characters in this story are all at least 18 years old,even Larry. Some may feel the...

2 years ago
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CYBERPARTNERS BY M.M. The weather was a real bitch; I had plans togo out today and spend all day outside of these walls, but the rain justwouldn't stop. Wind was pretty strong, too, filling my apartment with scentof soggy soil. TV? No, not tonight, I spend too much time in front of itanyway. So, I decided to surf a little; the net is always an interestingplace. After checking some interesting and some dull sites I ran my browserto a chat command; I wanted to find a new chat room; one I...

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Rape at Sea

RAPE AT SEA I have been in the US Navy for 24 years and am considered a crusty old sailor.At 43 years old, I am twice the age of a lot of the men as the military ismade up of mostly 18 to 24 year olds. I am a Master Chief Petty Officer whichis the highest rank an enlisted person can achieve. When the Navy announcedthey were going to allow women on combat ships, I was mad as hell. Being ?oldschool? I felt a war ship was no place for females. Having just returned froma 6 month deployment which...

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Fantasy Mission Part 1

This story is pure fantasy (obviously). I am responsible for the original posting on literotica.com.—————————————————A classified mission, no details given when it was announced and barely more once things got underway. Usually we found out something, some morsel of information, but this time, nothing. No location, no timeframe. So I had no idea what to expect when we touched down, but as soon I stepped outside I was filled with a sense of relief and wonder. Nothing but sandy beaches, palm...

3 years ago
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Mrs Wild 2 Mrs Davis Short Red Skirt Part 1

Mrs Davis, a week earlier, was a senior Biology teacher at a prestigious school. She had all the men eating out of her palm, and was in a secure relationship.Working in an all-boys school and being in a male-dominated staff room, she had used her pretty face and womanly curves to keep the boys well behaved in the lessons and gained promotion after promotion.For the past few months, she had enjoyed an affair with her boss, which had given her another promotion, as well as some excitement with...

4 years ago
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The Creators Chapter 1 Redux

Chapter One: The Life Giver BRANDON My twin sister is dead, but she’s not gone. Death is a tragedy in the village of Towerhead, but it’s not a rarity. Farming accidents, disease, famine, natural disasters, you name it, it kills people in Towerhead. So eight years ago, when the oxen-pulled carriage ran my sister into the dirt, it was a tragedy, but it wasn’t an anomaly. I had seen this play before; the townspeople rushing to the accident, the driver sitting in shock, the wails and screams...

2 years ago
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9 Mrs Wild Anne Bust Treatment

In-room 202, Anne was all cosy in bed. It was over an hour ago, that Jason, who she had been having an affair with, had left her alone in that hotel room. With thoughts of the great sex that she had with him that evening, Anne started to drift off into a deep sleep.As Anne was drifting into a deep sleep, an alarm was going off in room 225. The older lady in that room was not in a deep sleep, her alarm was one for her to start work for the evening. She got up from a brief rest in her bed and...

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The Line in the Snow

Special thanks to Jack Murtagh for his exceptional, insightful, and annoying editing. Here’s to you, white man. ;D Disclaimer for Tolkien nerds: I never read Tolkien, it’s a coincidence. The last snowflakes had fallen, and the tread of leather boots through snow should have turned the single road running through Jinnsfjur to a muddy slush. It had largely remained its pristine white however, as the inhabitants of the village now only ventured outside when they needed to. That was, aside from...

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The Night Manager ReduxChapter 6

Although it was a perfectly good office building, full of glass and chrome, efficient in the new way of easy access for the actual residents but requiring cautious security checks of visitors, Daniel had always felt his father's office was a trap for him. In it, he could not escape the Roper legend, which seemed to demand of him adventurous financial risks, startling new roads to wealth, and the casual greed all the employees assumed was his legacy. Nearing thirty, he sensed the...

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The Future of Miss PowersChapter 2

“Mr. McClellan?” The teacher looked up from his desk where he was making a few notations in his notebook, about where he had gotten in the class that day. He wasn’t a ‘one size fits all’ type of teacher. Some classes seemed to get some material faster than others. Rather than marching forward according to a teaching plan, he paced his classes according to the ability of the students to grasp the material. As a result, he could get one class more than a week ahead of the others until they had...

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Vengeful VirginChapter 12 Jimmy s Delightful Dream

"What did she say, Julie? What did she do when she saw the pictures... the video?" The two friends were in a booth in a coffee shop away from the usual hangout and Sherry leaned close to find out about last night. Julie whispered the details, downplaying her own love for Don and perhaps exaggerating her sister's reluctance to the ménage a trios while her friend listened and giggled at all the right moments. "But what about you. Sherry? When are you going to let your Dad see you...

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Maxine s New Life Ch 09

Yes, I was suicidal on Sunday. But then I always am after that kind of Saturday night. By Monday I was myself again. The only difference was that I had done some good with my ill gotten gains, so I felt a lot better about myself, a lot sooner than usual. I also had lost the death wish by the time I woke up on Monday. Since I no longer wanted to meet with Ivan in the middle of the night, I checked my security system. The wide angle camera I had installed on the post at the entrance to my drive...

2 years ago
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Body of a Man Mind of Machine The Series

Just a reminder: Light of Hellfire has been published, and the updated version, Hellsteel, features all new characters, monsters, and themes, and has an overall much deeper storyline. You can find it on Amazon. I've also published stories from my previous account, The Man of Sin and My Dear Sweet Slave. Buy a copy today! Body Of A Man, Mind Of A Machine Chapter One: Somalia, one of the poorest and most chaotic countries in the world, sits at the Horn of Africa, when at...

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Body of a Man Mind of Machine Chapter Seven

“Hey, we just got a call. Apparently, a woman spotted two people that fit the profile of our culprits,” Madison said, stepping into the temporary office of the two FBI agents. “Did she give any details?” Mason asked. “As well as matching the photos that have been put out on the news and in the papers, she said that the woman had a scar on the corner of her forehead that looked very recent, maybe two weeks old. She also said that they didn’t arrive or leave the restaurant by car,...

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Body of a Man Mind of Machine Chapter Four

Chapter Four: The room was quite large and well lit, with the walls made of yellow marble and the floors decorated with intricate tiles. Adrian was sitting on a bench on one side of the room, facing a maze of velvet rope walkways, leading to a series of counters. The room was filled with people, but only a fraction of them were talking. Adrian assumed the building was a bank, but that was all he could do, because he did not know how he got there. He couldn't remember how he had...

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Body of a Man Mind of Machine Chapter One

Chapter One: Somalia, one of the poorest and most chaotic countries in the world, sits at the Horn of Africa, when at one time it was a beacon of the worldwide shipping economy. It now suffers from an ongoing civil war, between the struggling government and the Islamist group Al-Shabaab. In the capital city of Mogadishu, piracy thrives in the chaos as people struggle to survive the violence and turmoil. In essence, it is perfect for someone with certain needs. A strange sound to...

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Thick The Legend of the P A W G Part 3

It was a few months after TwerkFest, and Brooke was back at work at her job. The usual things happened at her job. The male gaze. She flaunted it a bit more, even though she and Mark were somewhat a thing. Her usual customers even returned. She looked at the four that showed up at TwerkFest in South Padre that day. She saw their distinct faces.“What’s up, Brooke?" Jaden said.“Or should we say, Miss New Booty?" Kevin replied, with a smirk.Brooke smiled and shushed them.“How you doing, Kevin? I...

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Thick The Legend of the P A W G Part 1

It was a warm Friday night in Houston, Texas. Brooke Ashford was working her normal shift. She was diligent when she came to her job and a good worker. The only thing is, it was only a job to her.  Her job happened to be a server at a bar/restaurant. Brooke was an attractive woman with a curvaceous body that did not go unnoticed at all."Can I get you guys something?" Brooke said to a table with a group of four guys. She noticed them checking her out, top to bottom."Beer.""Yeah,...

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Speeding Ch 02

‘Baby, do I need to pick anything up on the way home?’ Reid was getting used to making this call. He could hear her rustling around the kitchen before she answered, ‘We could use cereal, Bisquick and eggs.’ After they hung up, she laughed at herself. She couldn’t believe how happy she was living with Reid. Sure, she hadn’t spoken to her brother in more than two months, but otherwise things were good. She’d fallen into a good groove with Taylor, allowing her friend more time in the shop while...

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Fisherman s Point

Tom inherited the Fisherman’s Point cottage from Polly, his great aunt. At the time, Tom and Karen were living in a small garden flat in Shepherd’s Bush. Karen was working as a marketing executive for a package holiday company. Tom was working as a freelance journalist, although what he really wanted to do was try his hand at writing a novel. The cottage was not large. It had probably started life as a fisherman’s cottage sometime in the early part of the 18th century. Polly had given it a new...

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Speeding Ch 01

Kendall Mathison was going to be late. Again. Calculating the time from the stop light on Aspen, she was fifteen minutes away from her brother’s law firm. Of course, she was supposed to be there in five minutes. Kyle was going to be pissy. Awesome. As soon as the light turned green, she stomped on the accelerator, throwing her red BMW into the stream of traffic as quickly as possible. She sped down the road, weaving through traffic until she saw the lights in her rear view mirror. Well shit,...

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Ceciline Part 3

I scrawled my signature in the allocated spaces. I felt oddly relieved, knowing that this was the end of a very long, and very bad marriage, but at the same time was frightened about what lay ahead of me. It had taken a child for me to realise that I had been in denial for years about the state of my marriage and after eighteen years realised things weren’t going to get any better. I had to get out of the bad relationship not only for myself, but for my infant son, Bobby. Sure Mark, had been a...

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Kallens lust chapter 2

(A/N: So lets get right into the next chapter. This part takes place before the wedding of Empress Tianzi. You know, the whole incident with Kallen and Lelouch talking and Kallen accidentally crashing on top of them before theyre both interrupted by C.C about the stupidest of things, before Kaguya interrupts them with something a little more important. Thats pretty much the timing for this. Enjoy). Disclaimer: I do not own Code Geass ——————————————————————————– Code Geass R2 episode 7 ...

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Our cuckold wedding part three

I was very excited about having to be naked all of the time; the thrill that I get from Jen seeing me naked was out of this world and even though I am not allowed to see or touch her naked body, I get a lot of pleasure seeing her in her sexy lingerie.And I was secretly hoping that I will get to clean her out again after her black lover has fucked her.I woke at eight fifteen and went to the kitchen to make coffee, naked of course.I had a cup before I sent Jen a text to see if they were awake or...

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Our cuckold wedding part three

I was very excited about having to be naked all of the time; the thrill that I get from Jen seeing me naked was out of this world and even though I am not allowed to see or touch her naked body, I get a lot of pleasure seeing her in her sexy lingerie.And I was secretly hoping that I will get to clean her out again after her black lover has fucked her.I woke at eight fifteen and went to the kitchen to make coffee, naked of course.I had a cup before I sent Jen a text to see if they were awake or...

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Code Forbidden Fruit

At Ashford Academy in Area 11 Lelouch groaned as he tightly gripped her two buns on each side of her pink hair in an almost painful way. One of her hands was on his base massaging it while the other was cupping and massaging his balls. “Oh God, Euphie” Lelouch gasped. His Half-sister Princess Euphemia li Britannia smirked with his cock inside her mouth as she kept sucking and bobbing. She just loved the taste of Lelouch’s cock, it has such an “exotic” manly taste, not like her personal Knight's...

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sissybloke my life as a kennel doggy boy

sissybloke doggy slave ( just internet search "sissybloke" to find me. i live in the UK , near London.Master Bruce has ordered me to write my story. He has brought a laptop in to my kennel and told me to share my story with the World.Master Bruce watches me take his dogs up my arse hole, that's the biggest turn on of all, for him. He usually comes in around ten o clock. That's somewhere around the fourth dog, as they have been waiting all night to fuck em, so I'm pretty well in heat,...

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Family life

This happened about twenty years ago. First off, I should explain that I genuinely had no inclinations towards young girls or my own daughter. I mean, as a married man who owns a profitable company, why would I put that at risk? However, sometimes circumstances develop that can very quickly spiral out of control.Our daughter, Emily was only sixteen but was already the same size as her petite mother. I was the founder and managing director of an IT company in Ashford, Kent, which is that little...

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Another virginal notch on the bedpost

A little background; My name is Alan and in the late 1970s I was a Corporal in the British Army based in Northern Ireland. My unit had a winter R&R program where groups of ten soldiers were sent to Scotland for a week's skiing in the Cairngorm mountains. My group consisted of a male Sergeant plus myself, four other males and four females. The R&R was centred on a farmhouse about three miles outside Aviemore.The large farmhouse was a B&B run by a lady called Anna. To save money, the...

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Tee Time

“Hey, Jim,” the retired educator had a delightful expression. “How about the Bobcats?”“Just another example of Black excellence,” the co-owner smiled at the skinny, octogenarian.“I’ll drink to that,” the woman whose dark dyed hair was pulled back into a chignon lifted her bloody mary.“Alright, Ruth, ladies,” he acknowledged the others at the table. “I gotta check on something real quick. Excuse me for a moment?”The woman had been referring to Asheboro-Semmes Regional High School’s boys’ golf...

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362 Life s a dad loss hellip but 2

It was next day, they had slept like babes, awoken with the sound of geese as the formation flew over , noisily on there way to feed, She went off to the toilet, he to the kitchen morning wood neatly hidden, to make toast and tea, he peed in the downstairs loo, returning with the tray which he set on the bed, to her call of come here please Terry, I need you, I can`t use the paper… unabashed he did what was necessary then flushing, then returned to the marital bed. In silence they ate and...

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Wicked step mother Part 14

For Crispin and Stancia the weekend was manic for they were moving into their new house on Monday. Admittedly it didn't all have to be done at once since they hadn't finished selling the old house but even so it was busy. Fortunately they had plenty of help in the form of their new neighbours who were also close friends Come Monday they oversaw the loading of the van and set off behind them. Since they could go on more minor roads they were able to overtake the larger vehicle and beat it to the...

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261, THE DATE THAT CHANGED MY LIFE(THE ORIGINS OF MY FETISHES?)Well, here I was, just off a flight from Cyprus, just back from a six-month military detachment, 21 years old, bronzed 6 foot 4 tall, and still growing, suntanned, hair bleached blond, and on leave for 21 lovely days. There was a group of about 200 of us and we were ready for home. Unusually we were on leave from the airport, and we each had a lumpy army suitcase, and a bulky kitbag. We were instructed not to wear our UN berets,...

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DARK CARNIVALA STORY OF HORROR AND RETRIBUTIONFICTION BYAMANDA WRIGHTERWhat Happens at the Carnival Stays at the Carnival…Prologue The clown was sweating buckets. Man, it was bitchin’ hot today. He wiped his brow with his shirt sleeve, not caring that he was smearing his awful makeup. The show was over for the night anyway, but he still had one last thing to do before he could call it quits. The pig needed to eat, and it was absolutely his favorite part of the day. He crept into the tent at...

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Maryton by WendyH It always disturbed Ralphie Lawrence a little bit when he encountered an Outsider. It was a fairly uncommon occurrence, but certainly not unheard of. In this day and age, it was not possible to be completely isolated from the outside world, but the people of the town of Maryton did what they could to ensure that intrusions were minimal. He remembered vaguely something about a people called the Amish, and knew there were some similarities. He knew Maryton...

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Sukky Foxxe Glamour and fast cars

Glamour and fast cars.The months were slipping away, already if was early summer. The movies that Sukky was in mounted up. She was making a fortune, but didn’t have the time, or energy to spend it. This work agreed with her, she had never had this type of job satisfaction before! Sukky looked forward to going to work every day, and every night to, if there was a party to go to. Monika had replaced Claire as her assistant, she was ultra efficient. Sukky gave her a small percentage of her “bonus”...

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Sukky Foxxe auctioned and gangbanged

The AuctionSukky’s week off with Joe flashed by. Although Sukky was not working, he was. They spent as much time together as they could. Sukky had missed him, more than she realised. They had both known when she was offered the contract, that there would be times like this. It was still painful. Sukky had to get the Eurostar on Sunday afternoon. She had scripts to read, on the train. Sukky boarded the train in Ashford, and bid a tearful farewell to Joe. Sukky sat back in the seat as the train...

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Transitioning To College 4

In this concluding chapter in the story of Taylor's unusual strategy to get into Northwestern University, the pretending becomes so much more. Saturday night as a guest at a wedding becomes a date with fate. TRANSITIONING TO COLLEGE --- By Nina Adams Part 4 Chapter 12: It felt almost foreign to get ready for school Monday morning. I wore baggy jeans and a Nirvana long-sleeve jersey. I made sure there was no leftover makeup on my face and I removed the polish on my...

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Mothers Special Gift

Mothers Special Gift By: Malissa and Gang 5/12/2013 Happy Mother's Day Being the middle child of five boys wasn't easy, having five boys wasn't easy on my mother either. But at sixteen I knew how much she'd always wanted a daughter. And over the last few years I'd found myself wanting to give her that special gift, I just didn't know how to go about it. I was afraid to mention it to anyone, especially not my brothers who were very much stereotypical Males. My mother on the other...

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South of Bikini 2 To Save an Old Friend

Alex and Emily continue their Recon mission to 1917 Hartford. After which Sand Dollar takes a trip to the North Atlantic. What manner of choas will a will a thirty-five foot rogue wave cause for Alex and her crew? South of Bikini: Onward Episode 9 "To Save an Old Friend" 1310 hours, The Roland Demmit House, Hartford, Connecticut, April 18th, 1917 "That's us!"...

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Ceciline Part 3

I scrawled my signature in the allocated spaces. I felt oddly relieved, knowing that this was the end of a very long, and very bad marriage, but at the same time was frightened about what lay ahead of me. It had taken a child for me to realise that I had been in denial for years about the state of my marriage and after eighteen years realised things weren't going to get any better. I had to get out of the bad relationship not only for myself, but for my infant son, Bobby. Sure Mark, had been a...

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512 swappsies Geralds s story

512 swappsies Geralds`s storyHe needn`t have worried, she had been sitting on the bench waiting for the rest of the passenger to evaporate, expecting, like natural selection that ‘her stud of the week’ would be the last remnant, the last, very lost looking soul. She advanced towards him a rare beauty dripping sex from every pore a tall blonde, with an hourglass figure all legs and tits, with a smile like a dream! Gerald could not believe his eyes, she was a stunner, and knowing his mate Ernest...

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Angel of the Morning

Angel of the Morning By Cassandra Morgan "The redder the better," Shannon Michaels thought, pursing her lips in front of the round make-up mirror on her vanity. She smiled as she applied the Revlon tube to her lips. It was a deep red, far bolder than she normally wore. but Coco had told that was good, that a girl needed for her makeup to be bold enough to make a statement. She put a second coat on and turned her head to the left, then to the right. She blew herself a kiss from her...

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A Plumber s Tale

Chapter 1 I met Chelsea at university. We were both in the Business School, and we shared several classes, including accounting. She was pretty, shapely, confident and she presented herself well. I wouldn't have tried to ask for a date had she not been so friendly. I eventually decided she wanted me to ask her, so I did. It took her most of our first year to train me to function socially to her satisfaction, and by the mid-point of our second year we were sleeping together regularly. By the...

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I awoke to the wonderful feeling of being fellated, my next thought was who? I tried to remember what day it was whilst a soft pair of lips and an extremely flexible tongue teased and tantalised my erect cock until finally I opened my eyes. "Morning Ruth." "Morning Dad," Ruth replied before going back to the wonderful task she'd undertaken. You can call me Paul, no one else does, but that's as much as you'll get from me when it comes to personal details. Until recently I'd lived with...

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Most Valuable Player

The din of the crowd around alley five dropped to almost a whisper as the tall, long haired blonde picked up her ball and advanced to the foul line. The championship for the Blackwood County Mixed Winter League had come down to one final game between the Ashford Rockets and the Clayville Bluejays. With only the bottom half of the tenth frame left for the Rockets to bowl, the score was still too close to say for certain which team was going to walk away with the trophy. All eyes were on Dana...

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Janet s Return

Janet and I divorced last summer, ending a romance that began in junior high and a fabulous twenty-five-year marriage that produced two wonderful children. At the end, something happened and I didn't know what. All I knew was she insisted we divorce and I had no choice except to agree. She kept the big house in the suburbs and I bought a swinging bachelor pad in the city, which seemed appropriate since I was forty-seven, reasonably good looking, in excellent condition and health, and made...

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Duty and Duplicity Book 5 of Poacher s ProgressChapter 7 Distractions Interaction Satisfaction Reactions

Otto looked up in surprise as I strode into my office in the Fortezza Nuova. “I did not expect to see you until the end of the month, Colonel.” I could see he was disconcerted, annoyed even, by my earlier than expected return, and I sought to assure him of my confidence in his abilities. “Believe me Otto, I was extremely loth to leave Florence. Although you are more than competent to manage the impending inspection I deemed it a politeness on my part to be present when Duke Leopold arrives...

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Big Game Hunting in AlabamaChapter 4

Both Bill and Judy Owens seemed like nice people and we formed a friendship as well as a business relationship that night. We exchanged business cards, so we had the necessary contact information. Jo planned to phone Judy as soon as we had a copy of the contract with Laughing Hog Dance Hall. Judy said that she would compose a “Boiler Plate” contract that we could use with other people who wanted our services. We did our usual hog hunting on the following days until Friday afternoon. We were...

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Faster Than a Speeding BulletChapter 7

Vivian asked Tag if he wanted a date for the coming Saturday, but he turned her down. There was a public dance being held in the Hawthorn Armory on that day, and Tag had already committed to taking Jane. Prior to that, though, was the upcoming game with Baylor. Hawthorn's Tigers had the home-field advantage throughout the Championships; in other words, they did not have to make any bus trips. The Baylor team showed up just after noon and were fed lunch in the Hawthorn HS cafeteria. Some of...

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Ascension Of The Alpha Male Turbulent TimesChapter 3

Ann awoke slowly. The steady beating of Jim's heart was the first thing she heard as her mind began its ascent towards full wakefulness. The gentle lighting of the aquarium provided just enough light for her to see the rugged face of the powerful and handsome Jim. Her mind brought up a memory from her teenage years with astonishing clarity. As a young girl she woke up one morning to find her mother seated near her bed gazing at her face. When Ann had asked her mother why she had been...

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Ascension Of The Alpha Male Turbulent TimesChapter 4

With careful planning and methodical execution, the team of AIs that Vyagar had assigned to the job had been making steady progress in their mission to remove nuclear weapons and improperly handled radioactive waste from the planet. They were transporting it to a large crater on the moon for temporary storage. The employees of the seven large conglomerates that Dale had established prior to the plague had been among those that Vyagar had sought to protect with the nanomedics. Most of the...

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CecilineChapter 3

I scrawled my signature in the allocated spaces. I felt oddly relieved, knowing that this was the end of a very long, and very bad marriage, but at the same time was frightened about what lay ahead of me. It had taken a child for me to realise that I had been in denial for years about the state of my marriage and after eighteen years realised things weren't going to get any better. I had to get out of the bad relationship not only for myself, but for my infant son, Bobby. Sure Mark, had...

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Dun and Dusted Part 3 Book 7 of Poacher s ProgressChapter 9 In the footsteps of Kali

Next morning at 9.30 a.m Huck’s groom Akram arrived with the gig. He deposited Mimi at Mattencherry Palace, where she was met by two elegant young Indian females dressed in brightly coloured saris. Akram then drove me into Cochin where we visited a score of temples, the majority dedicated to either Vishnu, Shiva, Khrisna, or the elephant-headed god Ganesh. At each venue, I would show a Temple priest or Guardian the sketch of the Ankh, and Akram would ask if such a design decorated their...

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Dun and Dusted Part 3 Book 7 of Poacher s ProgressChapter 17 The truth the whole truth and nothing like the truth

Two days later Krish and Lillian Armityge arrived at the temple but were shown to their accommodation before I had chance to speak to them. The following morning, after a solitary breakfast in the guest bungalow, I was escorted by a Nubian, whom I knew as Mahmoud, to an annexe off the throne- room. The Armityges and Eloise were already seated around a rectangular table, Eloise at the head with Krish to her left and Lillian to her right. I was placed at the foot of the table, with Mahmoud and...

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Ori WarOri royal guards

During the reign of the first emperor of the Ori he conquered the Kennet people. He had already overrun the people to the south and they had mages. The only way he won against the Kennet was because he fought in single combat against their best warriors. The Kennet people bent knee and swore an oath to follow and they did. They became his most trusted warriors. Even after his death they knelt for the next emperor. After three centuries the emperor asked for volunteers for his royal guards....

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Desire and Despair Book 3 of Poacher s ProgressChapter 5 Our Friends in the North

The house was silent when I returned from depositing Becky and Zinnia at Bloomsbury Square, and as I let myself in I noticed the butler Worcester, obviously only now made aware of my arrival, struggling to button up his waistcoat as he hurried along the passage from the kitchen. "Your pardon, Sir. We did not expect you home until later this evening. I took the liberty of granting the staff leave of absence until seven, as the two French ladies will not be returning home until eight, or so...

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Desire and Despair Book 3 of Poacher s ProgressChapter 8 Bath

I had not visited Bath before, and when I saw the elegant and gracious buildings which make up the greater part of the city I was most impressed. The Crescent and The Circus are rightly considered jewels in Bath's crown, but the Roman baths and the Abbey church have also much to recommend them to the historian, and lovers of antiquities and architecture. Rob Crawshay drove Matilde, Molly March and me to Bath. I had given the staff at Queen Street three weeks holiday, save Rob who would...

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Desire and Despair Book 3 of Poacher s ProgressChapter 10 Brussels

I still had a residue of anger in me when I appeared at breakfast next morning. Mimi, Matilde, Violette and Rob were seated around the table in the dining room and looked up as I stalked in. Thanks to my restless night I had overslept, something I hardly ever do, which had added extra fuel to my ire. "Good Morning, Jacques. Did you sleep well?" Mimi's voice was bright, and her smile equally so. "Well enough; how did you sleep last night? " I heard the gruffness in my voice and Mimi...

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First Do No Harm Winter JenningsChapter 16 Bespoke

That night, Felicity and I checked into the Beverly Wilshire around eleven. Thank you, Carmen. I felt wrung out. I’d gone from a sugar high — copping Bolton’s digital data — to just plain scared. Felicity was nervous too, but she hadn’t been personally involved in the Macklin case like I had. Mostly she was enjoying the sights — Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, this hotel. I went to sleep, forgetting to let Vanessa and the kids know where I was. I woke up with the faintest, faintest notion of...

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Desire and Despair Book 3 of Poacher s ProgressChapter 22 More Weddings More Pleasure

I used another two of the sovereigns from my money belt to obtain seats for Samuel and myself on the night mail coach to London. "Do I continue to call you 'Samuel', or should I revert to your former name of Patrick?" I asked as we made our journey south. "I was born Samuel Braithwaite, and feel I should honour my birth parents by retaining the name. However, I owe much to my adoptive parents and should also honour their name." He pondered silently for a second or two. "Then there is...

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Desire and Despair Book 3 of Poacher s ProgressChapter 23 Just Desserts

A week after the wedding I asked Molly March if she would like to be adopted by me and Caroline. If she agreed it would take place in March when, according to her reckoning, she would be fifteen years of age. Molly gazed at me with those luminous violet eyes and I saw tears form. "Shall I be your daughter then, Master Jack?" The wonderment in her voice caused me to swallow the lump forming in my throat. "Yes, but I would no longer be Master Jack but father, and Caroline would be your...

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Death and Damnation Book 2 of Poacher s ProgressChapter 9 Annette Blanchard

A warm beam of sunlight played on my face, and under its benign caress I swam slowly up from a deep sleep. For a moment I could not recall where I was, but then realised I was lying in the four-poster bed in Annette’s boudoir. It was the most comfortable bed I could ever recall being in. The thick luxurious mattress, stuffed with eider down, was both supportive to my body and yet comforting. I sat up. The pillow next to mine was rumpled, and on pulling back the sheet saw the unmistakable...

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Death and Damnation Book 2 of Poacher s ProgressChapter 12 A change of heart

I awoke early next morning. A soldier usually awakes at first light but here at the château I would just turn over and return to sleep. However this morning I had plenty of work to do, and plenty on my mind to think over. I got out of bed, trying not to disturb Annette and quickly got dressed. "Why are you up so early, my love?" Annette spoke sleepily from the bed. "I have many trips to make to the sawmill at Wallers, besides which I have promised François I would help in the stables:...

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Death and Damnation Book 2 of Poacher s ProgressChapter 16 Down to the sea in ships

The barge Princess Caroline made a brief stop at Westminster Bridge steps, allowing Patrick and I to disembark, from where it was but a short walk along Whitehall to Horse Guards. On entering Colonel Slade’s office I was pleased to see both Krish Armityge and Zinnia Teazle present, as I had little opportunity to speak to either of them before having to rush off to Bristol. I looked forward to picking up the latest news concerning Caroline Ashford from Krish, and of my sister Rebekah from...

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Death and Damnation Book 2 of Poacher s ProgressChapter 22 New beginnings

As the carriage rumbled along the road to Lille I saw that Matilde was still silently weeping. I pulled her to me and kissed her. She snuggled into me, glad to have a comforting arm around her, and gradually her tears stopped. "I'm sorry to be such a melancholy travelling companion, Jacques, but I am already missing Blanchards, and Mimi and Chloe." "As do I, but we must look to the future. I know you will be welcomed in London, and in no time at all you will be making new friends." I...

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The winter came and went with little fanfare, only one bad snowstorm made the two-hour travel to Ikuno's cave impossible for close to a month. When he finally made the trek, the oni attacked Kal like a feral animal upon arrival, shredding his clothes and throwing him on the bed in her haste to get him inside her. Ikuno felt horrible for her actions afterwards, apologizing over and over for her loss of control until Kal began laughing, telling her that if she hadn't already been naked when he...

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TRC Oni and the Farmer Ch 12 Male x Monster Girl

Ikuno!" Kal yelled above the howling wind, "Do you know of any caves nearby that we can wait this out!" "If there are, they aren't on this trail!" she called back from just ahead of him. "What about if you made us one the way you made your pool!" he yelled. "I can't!" she answered partly turning to look at him, "Using magic during a… Kal!" she shouted as she saw him slip on a particularly smooth rock slickened further by the rain. falling too quickly to catch himself she...

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