Schmal indian porn

4 years ago
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Ich werde Mutter Teil 1

Irgendwie kann ich es noch gar nicht glauben ... ich bekomme ein Baby und werde Mutter! Ich bin so gl?cklich ... auch wenn die Schwangerschaft nun wirklich nicht die angenehmste Zeit ist. Aber jedes Mal wenn ich sp?re wie sich mein Baby bewegt k?nnte mein Herz zerspringen vor Gl?ck Und das obwohl ich vor f?nf Jahren noch ein Mann war! Ich f?hlte mich schon mein ganzes Leben weiblich und wollte immer ein M?dchen und sp?ter eine Frau sein ... aber das es einmal so weit kommt ... das h?tte ich ...

2 years ago
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Eine pikante Wette

Eine pikante Wette © 2001 / 2017 Lydia Lighthouse Es gibt einige Dinge, die beginnen ausgesprochen harmlos. Zuerst sind es kleine Dinge - unbedeutend und belanglos. Dinge, ?ber die man sich keine allzu gro?en Gedanken macht - denen man vielleicht ein paar fl?chtige Momente seines Lebens widmet, ?ber die man sich ansonsten aber nicht sonderlich den Kopf zerbricht. Manchmal jedoch sind es eben die kleinen Dinge, die unversehens ein gewaltiges Eigenleben entwickeln. Was als simple ...

3 years ago
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Der verlorene Koffer Eine pikante Wette Episode 2

Der verlorene Koffer Eine pikante Wette - Episode 2 © 2002 / 2017 Lydia Lighthouse Es war kein Geheimnis: Ich flog nicht gerne. Das hie? zwar nicht, dass ich mich beim Anblick eines Flugzeuges mit diversen Panikattacken l?cherlich machte, aber aus irgendeinem Grund hatte ich eine Abneigung gegen das Fliegen entwickelt - oder besser gesagt, gegen gro?e Passagiermaschinen. Kleine Sportflugzeuge hingegen machten mir nicht das Geringste aus. Wenn man sich dem kleinen Flieger auf die Sei...

3 years ago
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Tante Hilda

Tante Hilda Nach der letzten, wirklich schmerzhaften Trennung von Julia war es vor allem Tante Hilda, bei der ich Trost und W?rme fand. Die entfernte Verwandte meines allzu fr?h verstorbenen Vaters lebte allein in einem Haus am Stadtrand. Sie lebte recht gut von ihrer Witwenrente und von dem Verm?gen, das ihr Henry hinterlassen hatte. Das Leben hatte den Beiden keine Kinder verg?nnt, und so kam es schon fr?h dazu, dass Tante Hilda in mir einen Ersatz f?r entgangene Mutterfreuden s...

4 years ago
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Die St ckelschuhe Episode 3 Ein Leben auf hohen Abs tzen

Die St?ckelschuhe Episode 3 - Ein Leben auf hohen Abs?tzen © 2009 / 2017 Lydia Lighthouse Mein Herz machte einen Sprung, als die altmodische T?rglocke ihren schweren Klang verlauten lie?, der dumpf durch die m?chtige Eingangst?r drang. F?r mich war es der Moment, mit welchem ich mein bisheriges Leben beendete. Zum Umkehren war es l?ngst zu sp?t. Zu sehr hatten die Erlebnisse der letzten Tage und Monate meine Sicht auf die Dinge beeinflusst und ver?ndert. Sie hatten jenen Teil meiner Seele, d...

4 years ago
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Gemeinsamer Besitz

Gemeinsamer Besitz I. Schon vor der Hochzeit gab es die Erkenntnis, dass sich hinter der strahlenden Fassade seiner Verlobten eine Frau mit starkem Willen verbarg, die auch entschlossen war, ihren Willen durchzusetzen. Johannes wollte Katy dennoch heiraten, denn er liebte sie abg?ttisch. Au?erdem musste er sich eingestehen, dass es so das Beste sein w?rde, wenn sie in der Ehe die Hosen anhatte und sie sich damit die endlosen Diskussionen ersparten, die er von fr?heren Beziehungen ...

2 years ago
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Bebe in LaLa Land 1

STARTING OVER -or- I CAN'T GO BACK TO YESTERDAY, BECAUSE I WAS A DIFFERENT PERSON THEN "Ladies." The Drama teacher clapped her hands to call the class to order. The girls had all been working in small groups to this point. "Ladies, please!" She clapped again and the girls all became quiet and turned their attention towards the teacher. "Thank you, ladies. I want to introduce a new student who has just moved here from Worcester, Massachusetts. This is Miss Bianca Foley." The girls...

3 years ago
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Ein Urlaub der keiner werden sollte

Ein Urlaub, der keiner werden sollte... ( Katrin...2017) Teil 1 Einleitung Als ich nach getaner Arbeit meinen Arbeitsplatz verlie?, wusste ich damals nicht so genau, was mich im Leben noch so erwartet. Mein Urlaubsantrag war genehmigt worden, von der Gesch?ftsf?hrung und auf die Sp?tteleien, meiner Kollegen, wegen meines femininen Aussehens, reagierte ich schon lange nicht mehr. In meinen Gedanken fragte ich mich immer, was w?re eigentlich, wenn die w?ssten dass ich ein Transvestit, mit T...

3 years ago
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Das Spiel des Lebens

Das Spiel des Lebens (Ka-Do *2012) I Einleitung Schon so lange ich denken kann habe ich immer davon getr?umt ein M?dchen zu sein. Wie oft habe ich mir heimlich Kleider von meiner Mutter oder meiner Cousine angezogen und bin damit zu Hause herumgelaufen. Niemals w?re ich so weit gegangen mich als M?dchen auf die Stra?e zu wagen. Nat?rlich w?re ich lieber ein M?dchen gewesen, war es aber leider nicht. Durch das gro?e Internet fand ich die M?glichkeit mit anderen Transvestiten zu kommunizieren. Au...

2 years ago
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Bebe in LaLa Land 16

EXAMINING LIFE -or- CURIOUSER AND CURIOUSER "Have you heard from Nancy since her rehab began?" Dr Shapiro had moved two comfortable chairs over to the window out of which John liked to look during his sessions. She was sitting in one and John sat in the other. "No. They took her phone away. She can't make any calls until the last week." "Are you worried about her?" "Very. Nancy was always so smart and so driven. I never would have thought it was possible for this to happen to...

4 years ago
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Tiffany s Deal Chapter Three

Tiffany's Deal By Michele Nylons Chapter Three - The Turn "Is that the real reason I'm here!" Tiffany's mood shifted from bliss to outrage at the mention of Lyle and Tina Brinkman. "What do they want? I'm not even sure that they didn't set up Raffe and make up that bullshit about him peddling girls online," Tiffany struggled to get up out of Stephen's lap. "Settle down Tiffany. Listen to me. Listen to me," Stephen let go of her and helped her to her feet. He tried to...

2 years ago
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Hazienda eine Sklavin im Folterstudio german

HaziendaDiese Geschichte ist reine Phantasie. Sie hat keinerlei realen Hintergrund!PrologIrina war Ende 30, 170 cm gro?, schlank, mit den f?r Russinnen typischen wohl geformten gro?en Br?sten. Ihre kupferfarbenen Haare reichten bis auf ihre Schultern. Sie hatte wunderbar lange Beine und eine atemberaubende Taille. Irina h?tte gl?cklich sein k?nnen, aber sie brauchte Geld, viel Geld. Sie hatte in Kiew eine Absprache mit einem lokalen Mafiaboss nicht einhalten k?nnen und der forderte nun eine Summe vo...

3 years ago
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Jimmy s Dem tigung

Jimmy hatte den Bus schon wieder verpasst. Egal wie schnell er es versuchte seine Schulb?cher zu packen und sich von seinen Freunden zu verabschieden, es war zu sp?t. Es war fast als ob der Fahrer es genoss zu wissen, dass er 4 Kilometer in der K?lte zu Fu? nach Hause laufen musste.Seine einzige Jacke war d?nn. Es war ein Geschenk zu Weihnachten, das er vor 2 Jahren erhielt. Sie passte nicht mal ?ber seine Schultern und an seinen ?rmeln war sie viel zu kurz. Es war ihm peinlich sie zu tragen.Seine Jea...

4 years ago
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Tabea und Cristina

Tabea und CristinaVorwortHallo, ich hei?e Tabea und bin jetzt 33 Jahre alt. Ich habe zwar keine Modelma?e, bin aber recht h?bsch. Ich bin 1,72 m gro? und habe schulterlange blonde Haare.Cristina ist 1,77 m gro? und 27 Jahre alt, sie hat blondes taillenlanges Haar und einen K?rper, der wohl seinesgleichen sucht. Ihr herausragendes Merkmal ist f?r mich nicht ihre K?rpergr??e, sondern ihr umwerfendes L?cheln. Und wenn ich sie ?FETTE SAU‘ nenne muss ich rennen und hoffen, dass sie mich nicht f?ngt bevor sie ...

2 years ago
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Horror Urlaub im S djemen German

Horror-Urlaub im S?djemen (German)Sehr harte S&M- Short story: Tags: FemDev., slavery, non-consent, abuse, debauchery, pet-play, slaughtering, interracial breeding, canibalVon: ?2011 masostud, die Rechte verbleiben beim Autor.Vorwort: Der S?djemen, der sich vor seiner Wiedervereinigung mit dem eher westlich orientierten Nordjemen (gegen?ber von ?thiopien am Roten Meer gelegen) nach dem Abzug der ungeliebten Briten hochtrabend als ?Demokratische VOLKSrepublik Jemen? (gegen?ber von Somalia am Golf ...

4 years ago
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Fumikos perfider Plan

Fumikos perfider PlanProlog: VorbereitungenFumiko war zufrieden. Es hatten sich 17 M?dchen auf ihre Anzeige gemeldet, von denen mindestens 10 in die engere Auswahl kamen. Wie jedes Jahr bereitete sie eine kleine, sehr private BDSM-Show f?r solvente Kunden vor und suchte ?blicherweise ?ber Internetanzeigen nach unverbrauchten Modellen. Die Show sollte dieses Jahr in ihrer Heimatstadt Tokio stattfinden, jedes Jahr wanderte die Show um die Welt, die kleine und ?berschaubare Anzahl von G?sten blieb all...

2 years ago
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Die Zauberin Spiegelbild german

******************************************************** Die Zauberin ? Spiegelbild(das Gegenst?ck zu ?Die Zauberin? (Sollte ich jetzt wohl zu ?Die Zauberin ? Hasso? umtaufen)********************************************************I BegegnungEs war nicht mein Tag...Heute hatte ich das Haus verkauft. Dort in Raukfurth war ich die letzten Jahre zu Hause gewesen. Und jetzt hatte ich es verkauft - weit unter Wert. Wie unversch?mt der H?ndler gewesen war; allein daf?r h?tte ich ihn schon verfluchen solle...

3 years ago
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Der ehrenwerte Pastor German

Der ehrenwerte PastorDienstag Die 15-j?hrige Karola lag in der Badewanne und genoss das hei?e Wasser. Sie war mit ihren Freundinnen Eislaufen gewesen. Es gab einen kleinen See unweit des elterlichen Hauses. Etwa 250 m lang und 70 m breit war er nur. Im Sommer nutzen sie und ihre Freundinnen ihn zum Baden, im Winter zum Eislaufen.Karola ist eine wahre Augenweide. Lange schlanke Beine. Fester Po und stramme Schenkel. Und was f?r Br?ste. Mit den Ma?en 86-57-88, bei einer Gr??e von 1,65 m, ist sie schon ...

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Das Kostuemfest

Das Kost?mfest(german/deutsch) M/f, MMFF/f, reluctant, bondage, anal, toys, costume, modification, spanking, bestiality, humiliation, exhibitionSynopsisKatrin ist der Meinung, ihr Leben l?uft an ihr vorbei: Nur Arbeit, w?hrend andere Leute spannende Sachen erleben und auf rauschende Feste gehen. Da ist nat?rlich ihr Beziehungspartner gefragt, der die undankbare Aufgabe erh?lt, wieder etwas Glanz in die gemeinsame Freizeitgestaltung zu bringen. Eine n?rgelige Freundin ist das letzte, was er...

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AliceDDR - 1980Alice, eine wundersch?ne 22-j?hrige Frau, mit den Traumma?en 92 – 58 – 94 und h?ftlangem honigfarbenem Haar. Ihre gro?en, runden und vollen Br?ste wippen elastisch auf und ab, wenn sie grazil an einem vorbeischreitet. Ihre Haut ist leicht gebr?unt, ganz glatt und seidig weich. Mit ihren 1,84 m ist sie f?r eine Frau ?berdurchschnittlich gro?. Wenn man ihre Beine anschaut, kommt es einem vor, als w?rden sie nie enden, so lang sind sie. Mit ihrer Schuhgr??e 40 hat sie f?r ihre K?rpergr??e ehe...

2 years ago
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Wie alles begann

Wie alles WIRKLICH begann - unter der Erde.1945. Fr?hjahr, aber kein wirkliches. In der ausgesprengten H?hle tief in den Bergen, in der sich die drei M?nner ein letztes Mal treffen, ist davon nichts zu sp?ren. Beton, eine Reihe trostloser Strahler an der Decke, Maschinenteile, Kisten mit Dokumenten.Gerade hatten sie gelost, nun weiss jeder der Drei, wohin seine Reise geht.Der Mann im tadellosen Anzug zuckte die Schultern. "Gut, ich werde mich also den Siegern im Westen stellen... Vielleicht ist d...

3 years ago
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Helga und Maria GERMAN

Helga und Maria Ehepaar und Tochter werden von dem sadistischen Arbeitgeber des Ehemannes und Vaters gefoltert.   Teil 1: Marias erste Sitzung. Nachdem der Brand im Studentenheim gel?scht war, wurden die ausw?rtigen Studenten in Hotels evakuiert. Die Studenten, deren Eltern in der N?he wohnten, wurden gebeten, dort solange zu wohnen, bis das Studentenheim wieder bezugsfertig war. Maria fuhr also zu dem Haus ihrer Eltern, dass nur knapp eine Stunde von der Uni entfernt im Gr?nen am Rande de...

2 years ago
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Sklavenalltag bei der Russenbande

Sklavenalltag bei der RussenbandeDie PennerDie Geschichte spielt in einer gr?sseren Stadt, Berlin, Hamburg oder so, und erhebt wirklich keinen Anspruch, wahr zu sein, nicht einmal, ann?hernd so passiert zu sein. Samstagnacht, 2.00 Uhr. Ein j?ngerer B?rsianer, korrekter Haarschnitt, gepflegt, gut gekleidet, arrogant, vorlaut, Vegetarier, Nichttrinker, Nichtraucher, ist mit seinem Auto auf dem Heimweg von einer After-Work-Party. Er hat eine kleine Panne, sein angeberischer Jaguar will nicht mehr. V...

4 years ago
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Ausl nderhure German

"Also dann, Monika, meld dich bei uns!", sagte mein Vater und meine Mutter umarmte mich und k??te mich auf die Stirne, "Pa? gut auf dich auf, mein Engel!"Dann fiel die T?re ins Schlo? und ich war endlich allein. Wie lange hatte ich doch auf diesen Moment gewartet! Seit mir mein Vater zu meinem 18. Geburtstag eine eigene Wohnung versprochen hatte, habe ich immer wieder daran denken m?ssen. Und jetzt war es nun soweit.Ich ging vom Vorzimmer an den Pappkartons vorbei in mein Wohnzimmer und warf mich ...

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Schwestern k nnen so gemein sein german

Schwestern k?nnen so gemein sein...von minskiDer folgene Texte ist eine pure Fiktion. Einzelne dargestellte Aktionen oder Praktiken k?nnten von einigen als obsz?n empfunden werden. Sie sind nicht zur Nachahmung in der Realit?t empfohlen und reine Fantasie."NEIN - du kleines Luder!" Mit offenem Mund starrte Anna ihre kleine Schwester Silvia an. "Was denn - das machen heutzutage viele Frauen, da ist gar nichts dabei." Silvia verschr?nkte die Arme vor der Brust. Das mit dem Luder war nun echt die H?h...

1 year ago
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Azubine silvia german

Azubine SilviaLeise klopfte es an der T?r, so leise dass ich es wahrscheinlich ?berh?rt h?tte, h?tte ich es nicht erwartet."Herein!""H... Herr Minski, ich sollte zu Ihnen kommen...""Ja, ja, komm rein."Steffi kam etwas z?gernd in mein B?ro. Die 18-j?hrige Auszubildende hatte ihre Nervosit?t vor F?hrungspers?nlichkeiten noch nicht  wirklich abgelegt, obwohl sie ansonsten ein ziemlich patentes M?del zu sein schien, das sich durchaus durchzusetzen wusste.Ihre dunkelroten Haare wallten hinter ihr her, als sie...

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Suse wird erwachsen

Suse wird erwachsen Inhalt I. Der Vertrag............................................................................................................... 1 II. Der erste Abend....................................................................................................... 2 III. Der Abend geht weiter............................................................................................ 6 IV. Der erste Tag...

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Die Rache

Die Rache (BDSM Hardcore) von anonymThema: F/Vergewaltigung/Fesselung/sado-maso/Folter/BruesteSeit fast 3 ? Jahren bin ich dabei diesen Plan ausreifen zu lassen und ihn zu perfektionieren.Immer wieder habe ich Kleinigkeiten gefunden, welche alles zunichte machen k?nnen.Immer wieder war die Angst gr??er als der Mut.Nun war es aber soweit, zu lange musste ich warten und zu lange wurde ich gedem?tigt.Wenn ich mich kurz vorstellen darf, ich bin Sven, 24 Jahre alt und Leiter einer Werbeagentur die ...

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Evelyn s Exekution

EVELYN´S EXEKUTION Im November 1944 war es der Gestapo nach wochenlangen vergeblichen Bemühungen gelungen, endlich den Aufenthaltsort von Evelyn Petschnik, einem Mitglied des im Untergrund agierenden Widerstands gegen Adolf Hitler, zu eruieren. Um fünf Uhr morgens läutete es an der Wohnungstür von Evelyn. Sie war erst spät von einem Widerstandstreffen in ihre kleine Wohnung zurückgekehrt und schlief tief und fest. Als niemand öffnete befahl der SS-Offizier Heinz Offer die...

2 years ago
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Sense Sense  by The Qmoqdedicated to JadeTiger, with thanks to Suchaminx for proof-reading  Chapter 1 - Sense of Discovery To cut a long story short, I married him a year and a bit ago, we fucked like rabbits for three months, every touch from him was electric, and then it cooled. I got used to it. When we were together in the bedroom, his touch still got the same physical response from me, everything clicked and twitched and goosebumped and shivered, but the emotional response wasn?t...

4 years ago
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Demut durch Schmerz in German

DEMUT DURCH SCHMERZ Marc Winter (Pseud.) [email protected] Story Code: M/f+, historical, humiliation, torture, heavy Zusammenfassung: Als bester Freund des Zaren hatte Protokoff alle Rechte in MütterchenRussland. Als Folterexperte des Landes hatte er auch eine sadistische Ader,besonders wenn es um die Befragung von Frauen ging. Sein Vorgehen war es, dieVerdächtigen zu brechen, dann redeten sie meist schon mehr als er wissenwollte - Toilettensklavinnen bevorzugt. Pech für die beiden...

3 years ago
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Ein Wochenende German

Ein Wochenende Erstes Kapitel Es war Freitagnachmittag gegen drei Uhr als Peter, von der Arbeit kommend,das Haus betrat. Ein wenig müde nach einer anstrengenden Arbeitswoche,freute er sich jetzt auf ein paar ruhige Tage zusammen mit seiner Frau. DieKinder waren am Morgen zu den Großeltern gefahren und werden erst Sonntagabendzurück sein. So hatten Charlotte und er das Wochenende mal für sichallein. Sie hatten sich vorgenommen richtig auszuspannen und die Zweisamkeit zu genießen.Er hatte...

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Schulmatratze Hannah

Disclaimer: Diese Geschichte dient weder der Verherrlichung von Mobbing noch derer Vergewaltigungen! Diese Geschichte dient ausschließlich der Unterhaltung gedacht! Jede Parallele zu real existierenden Personen ist rein Zufällig! + + + Hannah saß mit ihrer Freundin Isabell auf der Wiese des kleinen Waldschwimmbads. Beide waren seit einigen Monaten 18 und gingen in die 13. Klasse. Hannah hatte dicke, schulterlange blonde Haare, war schlank und hatte einen runden Po, feste C-Brüste und...

4 years ago
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Sex unter Freunden

Flo unterhielt sich mit seinem Kumpel Ben: „Mara die neue Schülerin hilft mir mit den Bio Sachen.“ Ben hörte nicht richtig hin er starte auf eine der Schülerinnen, mit einem enorm kurzen Rock. Also fragte er: „Hmmm wer?“ Flo sah die lüsternen Blicke seines Kumpels und sagte: „Mara, die Freundin von Sabrina und Kim. Und das Mädchen, was du anstarrst, ist übrigens Anastasia die Tochter von Frau Kaiser.“ Ben lies von ihr ab und sagte, ja jetzt wundert mich nichts mehr. Am Nachmittag klingelte es...

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Das Leben als s er Sissy Sklave

Justus war ein durchschnittlicher Junge mit etwas längeren schwarzen Harren, der gerade zu übers Wochenende zu Marie wollte. Die beiden waren schon seit der fünften beste Freunde und unzertrennlich. Etwas beneidete er sie für den Reichtum ihrer Eltern, die ihr mit 18 ein Leben in einer eigenen Wohnung ermöglichten, obwohl sie im Moment nie viel verdiente. Als er bei ihr klingelte öffnet Stella die Tür. Stella war eine gute Freundin von Marie, mit schmalen Brüsten, kleinem festen Po, braunen...

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Bitte Papa nicht reinspritzen

Sie war immer sehr schüchtern gewesen, besonders gegenüber Fremden. Daher war es für ihre Mutter eine ziemliche Überraschung, als sie ein Gespräch mit dem älteren Ehepaar anfing, das neben ihr saß, als das gecharterte Fischerboot auf dem Weg zur See war. Es war schön zu sehen, wie sie sich mit unbekannten Leuten unterhielt, auch wenn die alt genug waren, um ihre Großeltern zu sein. Wenn sie es nur schaffen könnte, sie dazu zu bringen, mit ein paar netten jungen Männern zu sprechen! Cassidy war...

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The School of Hard Cocks

Notes on setting: The story occurs in Summer 2002. Much later than that creates plot problems of "social media" and phones with cameras that would make their Summer program an international scandal. The school being founded much before 1997 would make it difficult to represent as an economically viable or socially acceptable enterprise. The other essential element of the setting is that it is not some "Miss Millicent's Forced Feminization School for Wayward Boys" that...

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Geld regiert die Familie

Mein Name ist Mike Müller und bin 20 Jahre alt. Ich bin 1.83m groß und sehr schlank. Mit meiner Akne bin ich nicht gerade ein Blickfang für die Frauen. Dennoch hatte ich bereits drei, mehr oder weniger ernste, Beziehungen. Die längste davon hat gerade mal ein knappes Jahr gehalten. Seit einigen Monaten hatte ich allerdings kein Mädchen mehr in meinem Bett. Wenn ich mir nicht regelmäßig einen von der Palme wedeln würde, hätte ich inzwischen Eier wie Bowlingkugeln. Wie viele Jungs in meinem Alter...

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Cocklust Ch 21

When I logged on to my computer, I found my naked pictures were gone—at least from where Johan had posted them.  In fact, as far as I could tell, Johan’s alias had disappeared from the site.  My DMCA complaint seemed to have worked: Johan must’ve gotten suspended if not completely banned.I felt a hint of relief, but I knew it was too soon to let down my guard.  I was dying for Chad to come back to me.  If I was going to make things right, I’d need to make sure no other copies of those pics were...

Gay Male
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Niki Comes of Age Part 3 of 4

The next days passed with some semblance of normality. Niki recovered from our misguided anal adventure and she had a whirlwind week of study prep and soccer practice. I had stumbled onto some consulting work for an old friend and hardly had any free time. Our nightly foot massages resumed and life was good. Niki had spoken with Heather midweek and reported that her grandma was not doing well and her mom still didn’t know what was going to happen. It was Friday evening and I was making...

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My Life as a Rat

Many thanks to BlackRandl1958, GeorgeAnderson, Todd172 and Bebop3. “Good morning, my darling.” His voice woke me in in that insufferably cheery way. The bastard. “Sleepy again? Don’t worry, I’ve made you a nice, strong cup of coffee. Just the way you like it.” Asshole. “Fresh orange juice.” I hated him. “Fresh Croissants. They are still warm.” One of these days I was going to kill him. “I’ve managed to make a latte art heart on your Cappuccino. To express my love for you.” I’d do it...

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Princes of MannsboroughChapter 18

Thule woke with the sun hitting him in the face. The alarm clock's display was lost in direct sunlight, so he had to stagger over to his desk to find out that it was just past six thirty. He groaned. Five and a half hours of sleep were not enough, not after yesterday or, for that matter, the whole week. He should go back to bed. But, there was too much to do and his tossing and turning would only serve to wake Sveta. He decided he would rather have an hour or two to get things done before he...

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Paradigm ShiftChapter 3

I had to travel to Houston in the middle of the week to see one of my company's hot marketing leads about their private network's security. To my surprise, our boss announced that Cameron Ryan, one of the women in my work group, would be accompanying me. I had seniority and was better at selling our kind of consulting work, but she had more know-how about VPN or private network security approaches and weaknesses that clients like that used. In theory, we were an unbeatable team. Cameron...

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SongbirdsChapter 8

I stood in the wings and watched Greg, Carrie and Kellie take their places on the opposite side of the stage. Kellie waved at us but Greg and Carrie seemed to studiously ignore us. I wondered if it was a pre-game ritual like the former NHL goalie who used to puke before each game. I was about to comment when the lights went on and Trio took the stage. The Fleet Center had been sold out but since it was more than an hour before the main event was scheduled to start, the arena was one-quarter...

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Carree Loves Billy Carree Sets the DateChapter 4

I went back to the living room and sat on the backs of my legs in front of Bills prone figure on the sofa. He was sleeping heavily, and as I had done many times, I just watched him in his peaceful state. Apparently his olfactory senses told him he was not alone in the room as he rustled and his eyes opened. "G'mornin' Peaches," he said through a little smile. "Hi," was all I answered. My eyes were asking him "the what" and "the how" of the situation as he smiled broader knowing...

2 years ago
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Can You See Me Now Chapter 4

He wouldn't have known she sent her message, except for the fact that he'd forgotten to disable the chime. When it went off, he was in the middle of searching for a white pickup in a remote part of an unpronounceable province in Afghanistan. The pickup was loaded with terrorists who had killed a number of civilians in a revenge attack, and then mortared a U.S. patrol sent out to find them, before fleeing. The weather prevented helicopters from looking for them, but infra red didn't care if...

4 years ago
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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 35 Melbourne

As we reached the dining car, one of the attendants told us that the meal service wouldn’t be starting until seven; but we were welcome to wait in the lounge car, and enjoy a drink or two before dinner. We made our way down to the lounge car, and took our seats at a table near the bar. I ordered gin and tonics for the girls, while I asked for a half strength bourbon and coke. We sipped our drinks, and talked about the upcoming week in Melbourne; wondering how the new songs might work out,...

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CondominiumChapter 12

About six-thirty that evening I was into another scallop wrapped in bacon and talking with Jean Power and Chris Hanson about real estate trends in the city. The party was well underway. To my surprise, someone lifted my left arm – still holding the empty toothpick, and slipped in next to me in an intimate way. I got a kiss on the cheek. "Kristi! You made it." She gave me a megawatt smile that made my insides melt into a pasty mash of puppy love. Kristi looked beyond beautiful or...

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Not having been there for over five years brought back memories. It was an all-new orchestra, with a new conductor, Herbie must have retired or passed on. After getting everyone settled, I walked up and introduced myself and met the new conductor, Harold Watson, better known as Hal. He was aware of who we were and had a large number of our music ready for us. There was no live singer this evening, just a nice meal and dance music. I sat between my wife and my daughter. “Daddy,” Rose said...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 17 Saturday Morning Lessons

Saturday, April 2, 2005 The sound of a door slamming and feet running along the hallway outside my bedroom door woke me far too early on Saturday morning. A few seconds later, the running feet returned, and the same door was opened and then slammed again. It was my sisters' bedroom door. A radio came on and was turned up very loudly, and I got the message that it was time for me to get up and be debriefed. God knows how I would describe my date to Carol. I got dressed, then still sleepily...

3 years ago
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BecChapter 24 Early Friday Evening

I climbed into the front bus and handed Professor Greenall the letter from Dad. Then I dropped myself into an empty seat two rows behind her and propped my science book open on my lap. The letter basically said that Dad gave permission for me to ride on the college booster buses to and from the game and made Professor Greenall my chaperone for the bus rides. It’s one of the downsides of being a kid. There are so many stupid rules you have to keep following to do anything interesting. I mean...

4 years ago
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Sweet CarolineChapter 16

We left for Stockton, after going online and filling out an application for O’Hara and O’Hara Real Estate, LLC. We had multiple tasks, first to get to Stanford and get the papers to take to The University of the Pacific. I knew it would take longer to find a parking space at Stanford, then the time it would take for Caroline to pick up her transcript ... so I dropped her off in front of the Administration building. I found a place to park and just like I thought, she was out and raring to go...

4 years ago
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BohicaChapter 6

“Christina Sarah Green! You get your fanny down here right now!” I shivered in my bed, knowing all too well what was coming next. I had lived this moment countless times over the last decade since it happened. It was early morning, my dad had just left for work, and I had been out on a late date and gotten home after 1 in the morning. My purse was lying on the floor next to the dining table where I thought I had placed it the night before. It was dark when I had come in, and it had...

4 years ago
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Road Trip Jim Mellon s Erotic Journey Across AmericaChapter 8 Tennessee

In another few months, all hell would break loose in the Arkansas wildlife refuge I camped at overnight: the various hunting seasons would begin. Rabbits, squirrel, ducks, geese, deer, and even chipmunks beware! The hunters are coming! The hunters are coming! In absolute stillness, I stood with a small empty envelope in my hand, alone on the banks of the White River in Arkansas, as I watched my late wife's ashes drift slowly away from me on the surface of the water carried by hidden eddies....

2 years ago
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A Tale Of ImmoralityChapter 6 A Taste Of Doom

One might say I learned a lesson. Of sorts. When we returned from St. Kitts, Lou's company had not turned its back on us. There was a signed contract on my desk. Lou went with the most expensive and ambitious of the joint venture ideas I had come to present. Alex was proud. I just groaned. I told him I would not work on it if it meant meeting Lou again. His eyebrows rose. But he never asked. I was faithful to George for the rest of that year. And beyond. That sounds more heroic than it...

2 years ago
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Stepsister 8217 s Skillful Mouth 8211 Chapter Three

When Nathan Warner woke up the next day, there were little men with booster rockets aimed at each other across the broad span of his brain. They were firing them one by one. His mouth tasted like an Alabama election, it stank. His body was bruised slightly and his skin was stinging, as if he had a sunburn. She was gone. He got up and went rummaging around for aspirin. Five tablets down, with water, and a second glass lull for a gargle; “I wonder if that dame ever sleeps?” he...

1 year ago
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Rache eines geh rnten Ehemanns

Ich hatte gerade meinen Abschluss in Informatik an einer renommierten Universität gemacht. In der kleinen Stadt, in der ich die meiste Zeit meines Lebens gelebt hatte, gab es damals jedoch fast keine Jobs auf diesem Spezialgebiet. Deshalb musste ich dorthin gehen, wo es eine Arbeitsmöglichkeit gab. Ich hatte einen Cousin in der nächsten größeren Stadt, also rief ich ihn an. Ich erklärte das Problem, dass ich eine Unterkunft brauchte, während ich auf Jobsuche war. Er sagte, ich könne gerne bei...

1 year ago
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Kein Safeword

I have published this story on another site before. Ich habe diese Geschichte bereits auf einer anderen Webseite für erotische Fiktion veröffentlicht. Ich stelle sie hier erneut ein, um zu erfahren, ob mein Stil zu CHYOA passt. Alle Personen sind 18 Jahre oder älter. Es war spät. Andere würden vermutlich sagen, es war schon wieder früh. Ich hatte mit den Jungs in unserer Stammkneipe das Spiel angeschaut. Der Sieg an diesem Freitagabend sicherte dem Club die Europa League Teilnahme und welch...

1 year ago
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Der Handwerker

Der Handwerker Ich bin der erste, der zugibt, dass es nur Glück war. Ich hatte schon seit Jahren mit Aktien spekuliert, mit mehr oder minder Erfolg. Doch plötzlich, für mich völlig unerwartet, schossen meine Papiere durch die Decke. Ich starrte ungläubig auf mein Portfolio und irgendwann, als es mir unheimlich wurde, verkaufte ich. Wie sich herausstellte, war ich gerade noch rechtzeitig ausgestiegen. Wenige Tage später kam der Crash, aber da hatte ich meine Gewinne schon realisiert. Beim...

1 year ago
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Neu Stiefschwester

Paul saß gerade auf dem Sofa und schaute Fernsehen. Seine frisch verheirateten Eltern waren alleine im Urlaub, nur Katherina seine neue Stiefschwester war da. Jetzt stand sie in der Tür. Katharina trug eine Feinstrumpfhose, einen ihrer knappen Röcke und eine Bluse, darunter vermutlich einen ihrer Schwarzen Spitzen-BHs. Ihre dunklen Haare vielen wellig über ihre Schultern. Paul seufzte. Seit er seine neue Steigschwester kannte stichelte sie gegen ihn. Sie grinste und setzte sich neben Paul. Ohne...

4 years ago
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After the ChangeChapter 5

I woke up at the first sign of sunlight. I suppose it was around 5:30 or 6:00 but I had no way to tell for sure. One of the things that didn't make the change, as far as I knew, was clocks. I noticed when I was getting undressed for bed that my watch was missing. Everything in our home had been electric or battery powered and neither of those sources of power were available. I know that clocks were made centuries before either of them were used so it was possible that there was someone in...

3 years ago
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Great Fuck With Bestfriend 8217 s Mallu Ex Girlfriend

Hey guys and girls! I am new to ISS. I am a 23-year-old guy from Coimbatore, with a 6-inch long gun. Let me jump straight into the story without boring you all. One of my good friends broke up with his girlfriend after a 3 years long relationship due to the long distance and also because she was a bitch basically. She is a 23 years old mallu girl with an amazing body. Any guy would easily get turned on seeing her skin tone and her curves. So, once I received a random snapchat message from her...

3 years ago
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Dear Sweet Mother

'KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK' Robert heard as he lye in bed. "Open up, you sleepy head!" Robert heard and knew who it was; he ran to the front door and saw that it was Julie, his current girlfriend. As he peeked through the curtains he saw that she had wore a see-through top and the smallest mini skirt he had ever seen in his life. He flung open the door and grabbed her chunky body in his arms. Her blonde hair covered his face as he kissed her neck and his hands grabbed her 38-inch ass. "You...

4 years ago
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My First Encounter With Ghayathri During School Days

Hello All, This is Kavin aged 29 from Chennai. I have been reading sex stories here over the years but never thought of posting it. But now I am ready to share few incidents that happened in my life. This is my first story posted here. So I am looking forward for feedbacks – good / bad & would like to post better stories henceforth. Share your feedbacks or if you need to get in touch to I was working in software in reputed MNC from Chennai. But right now I am into business and getting decent...

1 year ago
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Stephanie s Tale

Stephanie carried the empty glasses to the kitchen and placed them next to the sink to be washed. Mr. Franklin was known to sometimes present extravagant gifts as a reward if things went exceptionally well, and she was sure he would be pleased with her help as he seduced Ms. White. As she returned to the back bar, Stephanie smiled at the pleasant soreness left by Ms. White's mouth and fingers. "How'd it go?" Peter asked. "Very well. I think Mr. Franklin will be pleased. He asked for the...

2 years ago
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Will Black

Will Black was a 42-year-old, quiet, well-mannered accountant sitting at his desk. He had just been promoted to senior partner in the firm. He was quite proud of himself. It had taken a lot of sacrifice but he was there now. Perhaps he thought, he could maybe start to relax a little.Will is single, never really had a girlfriend. Career man of sorts, but a loner regardless. He lived alone in a condo overlooking the river in the city centre. Quite nice but also very private. Not that Will had...

3 years ago
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Sugar Part 3

There were seven of us in the kitchen; Robbie and me; my brother Charlie and his wife Rose; my parents, and for some inexplicable reason, Scott. I wished he would leave. I’d been saved from talking to him by Mom’s interception but I knew Robbie could sense something was up and Scott was making me feel highly uncomfortable. He leaned against the fridge, sipping champagne and gate-crashing on what should have been a family catch-up.I say ‘catch-up’ but it was more of an interrogation. I don’t...

4 years ago
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Subway series 2 Thanks for the Memories

You've just stood for five minutes in a cafeteria line to get today's version of an allegedly healthy meal -- wilted brown lettuce and tuna that came from a fish tossed onto the boat by its picky peers because it lacked taste. That and a lukewarm cola from the don't-call-it-Coke machine are going to set you back $4.50, if the unsmiling mouthbreather at the cash register ever finishes her interrogation. That all? For here or to go? Cash, charge or on account? On account of you're driving...

2 years ago
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Cheerleaders are very Practical

College cheer leader Sammie believes she has no option but to take on two judges at once to make sure her team wins the regionals.... Samantha, Sammie Green, always got what she wanted. Always had. Always will. Right now she wanted to win, even more than trying to get inside her new team mate, cute Morgan’s bra and licking her unknown mystery arsehole, some good things you had to work a little bit for, but Sammie was confident of Morgan’s lush titties being all hers as she grabbed her fetching...

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Chorley slut Catherine

So, I want to tell you all about a woman I met while on a business trip to Chorley. Her name was Catherine, and what a slut she was, well is. I had finished my business meeting and stopped at Costa to finish my paperwork and do a few emails. I was sitting at a table for six people and was fairly spread out. I noticed a woman with her tray and looking for somewhere to sit. I collected my papers and offered a place to her at the other end of the table. She sat down and took her coat off. It was...

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The Bus to Slavery

The Bus to SlaveryThe Bus to Slaveryby Razor7826 Part One ?I still can?t believe that Mom andDad are really gone.?? Theresa Mosleysighed as she rested her head against the window of her sister?s car.? The country landscape sweptby. Sharon Mosley turned towards the backseat.? ?We?ll get through this, littlesis.? The key is to just go on with yourlife.??  The younger woman started to cry asshe looked her sister in the eye.? ?I...I can?t do this.? I think I?m going totake this semester off.? The...

2 years ago
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A Series of TabooChapter 26 Snowed In

story:[wife, inc, mother, son, non-con, BBr] Inspired by my captioned pic: Snowed In “Keep it down!”, she whispered. “You’re going to wake up your roommate.” It was 2am and she was standing with her son in his dorm room. His roommate lay sleeping in his bed a few feet away. The only light came from the hallway on the other side of the door. “Come on, Mom. Come back to bed. It’s not like you haven’t cheated on Dad before.” The pause only confirmed that his...

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Master Pc the James Olsen Saga Part IIChapter 17 Head Fake

“OK, gentlemen, our agent is in place,” Agent Friday said to the men and women in the conference room. “By making Jim Olsen focus on his wife, we’ve been able to distract him from the real threat, in this case, Cheri Langston. That’s called a ‘head fake.’” “We get it, Joe. What’s next?” “We wait. By now, Cheri should have put the file we gave her on the target’s home computer, or if she hasn’t, she will have by tomorrow. Then, if he hires her as his assistant, we’ll be able to infect his...

1 year ago
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Steven Universe Serving A Higher Authority

"...Pearl?" "Yes, my Diamond?" "How are the newest Gem batches coming along?" "" "Pearl." "...not good, my Diamond. We're doing our best with what we have, but by spreading our resources so thinly, the resulting Gems can barely hold their physical forms for more than a few seconds." "Hm. Irritating." "Yes, my Diamond." "Have the Peridots given any suggestions to fix this?" "Besides using more resources per Gem? I'm afraid not, unless we could somehow use...

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Finalityirishmik60 It's a new year, 2158 has now become a note of the past. 2169 now brings to the present. Wife, two daughters, one son, dog and cat. A mortgage, two car payments, the regular 9 to 5. Life hasn't changed much. The same old grind. The Government has allowed me three wonderful children and a wonderful wife. The dog and cat both have learned the proper tab on the floor to step on that allows them into the backyard. A similar tab near the door on the outside acts the same way to...

Straight Sex
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First Kiss 9 Fawn 2

B.t.V.S. – First Kiss 9 – Fawn #2 Dawn looked down at the bl**d pooling on the bathroom floor. Her bl**d. She put the letter opener down on the counter with a shaky hand as more bl**d spilled from her cuts. She sat down on the bathroom floor, then curled into a ball and started sobbing. She had needed some kind of release from the pain she suffered daily. Everyone around her was always happy, cheerful, and totally ignorant of the turmoil in Dawn’s heart. She needed a different kind of pain to...

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20 YearsOf Infidelity Chapter Four

(((((Yet another chapter re-written.))))) Monday morning Jason was bouncing in his seat with excitement at going to the south of Spain. His excitement extended to other things as soon as his dad left for work. We hadn't had sex since Friday afternoon with Jason's dad staying home for the weekend. We watched from the living room window until my husband's car backed out of the driveway. Not wanting to wait any longer Jason stripped his shorts down and pulled me to sit on my knees as he plunked...

2 years ago
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Aunty Got Fucked After Seducing For Six Years

Hi Indian sex stories readers, get ready for eject your cum and girls keep extra panty with you because shayad story padneke baad aapke panty poori gili ho jaayege Now I will come to story, story ka heroine Ashwini (name changed) 5.3 fig ek dum solid I will describe her parts in the story now the story starts here.. Jab mai 12th std me pad raha tha tab se muje o aunty ko chodneka man karta tha the story is about me and aunt we both tried seducing for six years and then started our regular...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 12 December 14 15

December 14 Because we were getting closer to Christmas break and the end of the semester, and had so much homework from our classes, Katie and I hadn’t gotten together after school this week. We also had extra rehearsals for the band’s winter concert on the 19th. We had plans to make up for all that on Saturday. Katie and I were both extremely horny as the week progressed but we had promised each other not to masturbate. We planned to have a week’s worth of climaxes in one day. I woke up...

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River Shed

When I was twelve I lived in the suburbs of a large city in the U.K., on the edge of the countryside not far from the river.On warm summer evenings I would go with friends to the old lock where there was a pool where we could swim in relatively safely and the water was deliciously cool on those warm evenings. There were always a lot of people about, families, courting couples, teenagers and c***dren of my age. There were also a small number of single men who we k**s “knew” to be gay, though...

3 years ago
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The experiment

Introduction: A secret govenment project A short story of how a govenment worker finds love. It all began 3 years ago, I was working on a top secret military weapon, I am benny lava and I was the lead engineer in operation crazy hindu, and I was tasked to create a jet pack system to be given to all soldiers as basic equipment. And after 2 years of development my team had created a prototype. Due to the nature of operation crazy hindu we couldnt just give the jet pack to anybody to run...

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Slut wife dont tell her husband part 2

Please read "slut wife but don't tell her husband before reading this. Any and all comments are greatly appreciated. I love getting your ideas for further parts of the story too. Sarahs husband was called into his bosses office and asked if Sarah had a job, the answer was no, he earnt enough for her to stay home. Then he was asked if she had ever done any secretarial work, the answer was yes, she used to be a secretary. The boss then asked him If he thought Sarah would like to become 1 of...

2 years ago
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A Fat Girl Seduced Me

Hi friends, This is my 1st time I am writing this kind of thing in my life. This is 100% true incident which happened with me. Let me introduce myself 1st. I am male 24 from Ahmadabad and my name is Jimmy. I am a Christian boy. before some 2-3 years I was doing chatting on yahoo chat rooms. At that time I met a girl whose name was (Krishna) name changed for hiding identity. She buzzed me to chat with me and I did chat with her. It was good friendly chat. We asked about our studies, our family,...

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Trent the Traitor

Judas Iscariot, Brutus, Benedict Arnold, Aldrich Ames: some of the most hated names in history. Of all the villainous types, traitors are the most universally despised. No one wants to see redemption for a traitor; they want to see them dead, ideally in the most cruelly ironic way possible. Traitors are the lowest of the low, the worst of the worst. Trent Michael didn't think that was fair. They were just guys, trying to make their way through life like everyone else. Life was hard. Sometimes...

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War in Two Universes Book 6Chapter 17 Jason rsquo s castle Gromelikine Final Preparations

Greetings and welcome sire and your illustrious team. I see we have a Zaos, Lisirra, I believe and three of our old friends, the Ordreg. Welcome back to your home and your castle on Gromelikine. You are all looking well. I am Percival Jones the butler and factotum or some might call me the vizier of the palace. Sadly since your encounter with the Ghoul in the Azayal Palace, it has given Vizier a bad name. We have an extensive staff at your disposal. I suggest you make use of you time here to...

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P I and Magic Book II The Gods ReturnChapter 17

I had a bad taste in my mouth. I must have made a face, because Mirwanna asked me if something was wrong. "Just my taste buds acting up. This is the third time this has happened since Shabasonti did her little thing with me, at the Fount of Chaos," I answered sourly. "If this is all that happens to you, consider yourself lucky," Vostich told me as he shoveled a spoonful of vegetables into his mouth. "Well, I still get a partial numbness to my face, and of course there is taste, which...

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Hippolyte and JaneChapter 6

Author’s note: [ and ] delineate mind-to-mind dialog. We spent a couple of hours at the job, but Hippolyte and Janos recovered all of her arrows and took all of the loot that they could find from the corpses, all 35 of them. Most of the money was in coppers, but there were nearly 200 of them and there were four silvers. We also took all of the spears because of the bronze points—they had to be worth something just from the salvaged metal. Hippolyte added a couple of spears to Janos’...

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Vulcan s Wrath

"Why are the Gods so angry with us?" Olivia screamed into the deafening roar around us.“We will all die before the day is out.” Clenched fists, she screamed again at the heavens.I wondered why I was there too, to make money I suppose; the city had been shaken by the gods for weeks, now hardly any buildings of note were undamaged. The city elders wanted surveyors to advise them and I planned to make my fortune. Now, standing in the bedchamber of the daughter of a rich merchant, with the god...

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Agent Johnson rubbed his eyes. It had been a long day, and was about to be an even longer night. He downed his third cup of coffee as he opened the door to his and Agent Heffner’s office. “Find anything new, Janet?” He asked, closing the door behind him. Agent Heffner sighed as she dropped the papers she was reading. “Nothing but this disc.” She presented the DVD to Agent Johnson, the words ‘Fuckland: Commercial’ written in sharpie across it. “Well, let’s see what kind of hell we’re dealing...

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Roman Holiday

Roman HolidayorA Connecticut Yankee in Caligula’s Courtby [email protected] 1“Brandi!” shouted Diana with exasperation in her voice.  “Come over here!”Diana shook her head in disbelief at what she had just seen.  But as the captain of the lacrosse team, she had to do something about it.  She couldn’t afford to let something like that happen in a game.  It could get a player kicked out of the game which would be bad for the team.  And this year, Saxbury College had a very good...

4 years ago
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The Apprentice

The Apprentice Michael Mandrake Copyright July 2009 All Rights Reserved The damn alarm clock rang and I turned over to shut it off. Time is seven o’clock and I had to get up after having a long night. I wish I could stay in bed with my lovely girlfriend Sasha; light brown eyes, long black hair, elongated cocoa colored body with curves in all the rights spots. I got stiff just looking her legs poking from underneath the sheets; her candy red toenails leaning against my footboard, Jesus, I was...

Gay Male
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Maine uncle ki gand me ghusaya

Ye kahani aaj se karib 8 din pahale ki he mere ghar ke pas ek uncle aur anty rahete he uski umar karib 55 sal ki he aur anty ki 50 ke aas pas hogi vo bahut khubsurat thi uske boobs kafi bade the vo subah ko sirf gawn pahanti thi aur me subah jab bhi uske ghar jata to uske boobs ko hi dekhta rahata tha aur uske jukne ka intejar karta taki muje uske boobs dikhai de uske do ladake he vo dono america me rahate he yaha par sirf uncle aur anty hi rahate he anty agar koi chij lani ho to muje hi bulati...

3 years ago
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Double Secret Part 2

I have always been into girls. Having turned sixteen, it wasn’t long before Amy and I started to experiment. We experimented with boys at first, but then we slowly but surely started to tease and excite each other. We were two months into boys when Amy asked whether I masturbated. Of course I did and I told her as much. Then she dropped a bombshell and asked if I would like to masturbate with her, on the same bed one evening.I thought about it for a while and decided that I was up for it. We...

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Wife swinging turned into cuckold part 3

It had been a month since the whole wife swapping had happened and we didnt discuss much about it, sex i can say got better and she was more passionate in doing it. But lately it kinda faded away again. I came from work one afternoon to be greeted by a very happy Adriana. She pecked me on the cheek and hurried to check on dinner. "Are we having guests over?" i asked? "Yeah, i invited John and Roxana over for dinner, i had told John I make a perfect steak and he...

4 years ago
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Ann and the HandymanChapter 93

Sophie slowly propped herself up. I helped her take her bra and top off, freeing her firm young tits. She looked from Lena to me with a puzzled look on her face,"What do you mean, a proper fuck. Didn't we have sex just then? It was really nice Lena. I can't remember the last time I came like that." Lena smiled at her and said, "Thank you gorgeous, but that was only half a fuck." Lena went over to a drawer unit and pulled out two strap-ons. Sophie's eyes widened in surprise and wonder...

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Not Enough Skill RPG 2

Not Enough Skill 2 Authors note: Heavily sex themed, magic-transform, that sort of thing - exactly what I usually write and I ain't gonna change it and become sweet and sentimental. It's been a while since I had the bug to write, been extremely busy and I don't get paid to do this but since quite a few people liked it and it apparently had more than 10,000 views I thought "why not", and I've got some spare time today so I thought I'd write a part 2. If you enjoy it let me know, if...

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Our Makeshift BDSM Dungeon Part 2

My wife and I enjoyed our shopping outings at the adult store, conveniently located a mere 2 miles away, with other shops within a reasonable drive. It was to the point now that she did not even wait for me to accompany her, she was happy to shop alone. My wife had a knockout body to start with.....a statuesque figure of 6 feet, 165 lbs. and a full, firm 38DD chest. A pure delight viewing her in sexy lingerie, or even nude, she upped the stakes in her slave attire. In a harness or any other...

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