Knebeln indian porn

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Pony durch Lotto

Meine Freundin und ich hatten schon lange unsere Vorliebe für Gummi und Rollenspiele im Ponyplaybereich entdeckt. Nur waren unsere finanziellen Mittel leider eher bescheiden, sodass wir die aufwändigen Anzüge, Hufschuhe und Masken nur sehnsüchtig im Internet betrachten konnten. Zu einem einfachen selbstgebauten Zaumzeug und einem Pferdeschweif zum Anhängen hatte es dann doch gereicht. Doch ein Tag sollte alles ändern.Christina (meine Freundin) hatte im Lotto gewonnen und dabei ganze 30.000 Euro...

3 years ago
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Das Erbe 3

Die Heimfahrt ***************************** Wir verabschiedeten uns von Verena und w?nschten uns alle, dass wir uns bald wieder sehen w?rden. Etwas zittrig gingen wir auf die Stra?e. W?rden wir nicht doch als Freaks angemacht werden? Der Taxifahrer aber bemerkte gar nichts und redete uns die ganze Zeit nur als "junge Damen" an. Offensichtlich gingen wir als M?dels ganz gut durch. Inzwischen recht selbstsicher gingen wir in unser Hotel. An der Rezeption wollten wir unsere Zi...

3 years ago
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Tinna Trollop

Tina sitzt, leicht verloren, auf dem Barhocker, am Tresen des Strip-Clubs; „NICK NAGLER NACKTCAFFE“. Sie lässt, wiederholt, die Spitzen ihre langen Haare auf ihren, beinahe Nackten, Popo tippen, das leichte prickelnde Piksen, jagt ihr einen wohligen Schauer über ihren Rücken, sie gibt sich dem erregenden Gefühl hin. Geniest es mit jeder Faser ihres sinnlichen Körpers. Sie geniesst jeden Augenblick ihres Lebens, mit jeder Faser ihres geschmeidigen Körpers. „No Pain no Gain!“ Die kraftvoll...

4 years ago
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Heimlich schleicht der junge, braunhaarige Menschenkrieger in das feindliche Lager. Eine handvoll Kumpanen folgen ihm. Sie haben ein ganz bestimmtes Zelt als Ziel, das einer hübschen Elfenkriegerin und ihrer Begleiterinnen. Das Zelt ist unbewacht. Aus dem Inneren dringen leise die Geräusche schlafender Frauen. Die Menschen öffnen vorsichtig das Zelt und treten ein. Drei weibliche Elfen liegen zusammengekauert auf einem Teppich. "Da ist sie" flüstert einer der Menschen "die in der Mitte." Sie...

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FragebogenName: Fitschi 41Geschlecht: MannAlter: 32Augenfarbe: BraunHaarfarbe: Dunkel BlondGröße: 196cmGewicht: 92kgPenis: 28 x 7Bist Du dominant: unterschiedlichBist Du sadistisch: neinBist Du devot: neinBist Du masochistisch: neinWen würdest Du suchen?:FrauenBist Du rasiert: JaWie rasierst du dich: NassWie oft rasierst du dich: täglichBist du gepierct: neinBist du tätowiert: neinRauchst Du: neinWelche ist deine Lieblingsstellung: Doggy,ReitenWo hast du am liebsten Sex: unter der DuscheWo...

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Der M auml nnerhimmel Teil 2

Der Männerhimmel... FortsetzungErinnert ihr euch noch? Josef und Charlotte hatten sich ein neues Dienstmädchen / Haushaltshilfe engagiert und sie gleich am ersten Tag „getestet“ und für GUT befunden. Gleich nach dem Frühstücksfick auf dem Frühstückstisch am nächsten Morgen beauftragt Josef seine Charlotte, mit der Neuen zu deren Wohnung zu fahren und ihre persönlichen Sachen abzuholen. „Komm, Melli, wir holen Deine Klamotten aus Deiner Wohnung. Zieh Dir was über, Mantel, so wie ich, reicht“...

3 years ago
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Mein Fragebogen

Mein FragebogenName:ChrissGeschlecht: MannAlter: 18Augenfarbe: GrauHaarfarbe: BlondGröße: 188 cmGewicht: 94Penis: 14x3,5Bundesland: Nordreihn Westfalen, Krefeld Bist Du dominant: neinBist Du sadistisch: neinBist Du devot: Sehr/StarkBist Du masochistisch: nur leicht Welche sexuelle Gesinnung hast Du?: Bi/mehr SchwulWen würdest Du suchen?: MännerBist Du rasiert: JaWie rasierst du dich: NassWie oft rasierst du dich: 1 mal die WocheBist du gepierct: neinBist du tätowiert: nenRauchst Du: neinWelche...

3 years ago
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Mein Fragebogen

Geschlecht: Mann Alter: 36Augenfarbe: BlauHaarfarbe: Braun Größe: 190 cm Gewicht: 99 kg Penis: 16x4 Schuhgröße: 45Familienstand: Single Bundesland: BWBist Du dominant: manchmal Bist Du sadistisch: nein Bist Du devot: manchmal Bist Du masochistisch: nein Welche sexuelle Gesinnung hast Du?: Hetero, aber TS / DWT interessiert (sollte aber feminin sein)Wen würdest Du suchen?: Frauen, Shemale, DWTBist Du rasiert: Ja Wie rasierst du dich: Nass Wie oft rasierst du dich: alle paar TageBist du gepierct:...

4 years ago
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Mein Fragebogen

Mein FragebogenName:TorstenGeschlecht: MannAlter: 41Augenfarbe: BraunHaarfarbe: BraunGröße: 167 cmGewicht: 89 kgPenis: 14x3,5Bundesland: Thüringen , Bad TennstedtBist Du dominant: neinBist Du sadistisch: neinBist Du devot: leichtBist Du masochistisch: neinWelche sexuelle Gesinnung hast Du?: BiWen würdest Du suchen?: Männer/FrauenBist Du rasiert: TeilweiseWie rasierst du dich: NassWie oft rasierst du dich: 2x die MonatBist du gepierct: neinBist du tätowiert: nenRauchst Du: neinWelche ist deine...

2 years ago
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Als der Wecker klingelte, dauerte es eine ganze Weile, bis Maike sich aus ihrem Traum reißen konnte. Denn wie so oft hatte sie von ihrer Leidenschaft getraumt. Maike wünschte sich nichts sehnlicher, als das dieser Traum einmal in Erfüllung gehen könnte. Aber bis jetzt war an ein Ausleben der Gefuehle nicht zu denken. Bis auf die Aktionen mit ihrer Schwester. Aber das stand auf einem anderen Blatt. Ihre Schwester provozierte sie nur, wenn ihre Gefuehle ein Ueberdruckventil brauchten. Sie wachte...

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Der Ehevertrag

Es war in einer Zeit als Ehen noch arrangiert wurden. Als die auserwählte Braut denjenigen zu heiraten hatte, der um sie warb. Als die Frau noch kein Recht auf ein „Nein“ hatte. In dieser Zeit wuchs ein kleiner Wildfang zu einer jungen Dame heran. Bei ihrem Vater auf dem Land hatte die Schöne alle Freiheiten genießen können. Doch nun mussten sie in die Stadt ziehen. Als Handwerker konnte der Vater in der Stadt mehr verdienen. Vom ersparten Geld kaufte der Vater eine Ziege und ließ ein schönes...

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Das Tor 12

Sobald wir den Saal verlassen hatten, wurden uns Augenbinden angelegt. Weiche Kissen dr?ckten sanft auf die Augen und wurden von einem elastischen Band um den Kopf gehalten. Ich konnte absolut nichts mehr sehen. Wir wurden hinaus gezerrt. Da ich in meinen Ballettstiefeln kaum gehen konnte, st?tzte mich einer der M?nner massiv. Naja, ein wenig mogelte ich schon. Eigentlich ziemlich viel. Die letzte Zeit hatte ich viel in hohen Abs?tzen zugebracht, teilweise auch in extrem hohen. Ich fa...

4 years ago
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Yvonne by PonytailGirl This is a translation into German language based on the original "Cammy" by Guy Faux. Pictures by DovSherman. Gespr?che mit anderen Leuten waren f?r mich nie einfach. Selbst in Unterhaltungen mit Freunden und der Familie stotterte ich fast durchgehend. Die Leute meinten, ich sei bescheuert und lie?en mich "links liegen". Dieser Umstand machte mich ungl?cklich. Die Wahrheit ist, dass ich ein gemeinschaftlich denkender Mensch bin und echte Freunde haben wollte ...

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Der Keller 4

Beinahe h?tte ich wieder angefangen zu weinen, so verzweifelt war ich. Die anderen verstanden nicht warum nichts geschah. Wie kam ich nur an die Schl?ssel? Ich musste mir etwas einfallen lassen. Ich brauchte ein Hilfsmittel. Das einzige Werkzeug, das hier verf?gbar war, war ein Zweig. Nur waren die Zweige des Baumes in unerreichbarer Entfernung. Wir mussten zur?ck an eine Stelle, wo ich einen Zweig greifen konnte. Ich wollte losgehen, aber ein Ruck an meinem Hals hielt mich zur?ck. W...

3 years ago
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Die Puppe Teil 2

Die Puppe (Teil 2) "Eine Begegnung" Nach einer ganzen Weile erreichten wir endlich unser Ziel. Madame deMontrose lie? mich wieder auf den Sitz zur?ck, damit ich die Gelegenheit nicht vers?umte die prachtvolle Allee und den Anblick ihres Anwesens zu betrachten. Der Wagen hielt vor einem riesigen Herrenhaus, wobei die Reifen ein knirschendes Ger?usch auf dem groben Kies machten. Auf der gro?en Treppe vor dem Haupteingang stand eine Gestalt, ich konnte aber nur deren Umrisse in der Abend...

4 years ago
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2222 4 Arbeitswelt

2222 (4) Arbeitswelt W?hrend Frauen aufgrund ihrer Ausbildung jede Art von Erwerbst?tigkeit offen steht gibt es f?r M?nner nur die M?glichkeit einfache und untergeordnete T?tigkeiten auszu?ben. Welche T?tigkeit sie aus?ben und wo sie es tun wird von ihren Herrinnen bestimmt. Die Jungm?nner verlassen mit Vollendung des 12. Lebensjahres die Schule und werden, so es ihre Besitzerin f?r richtig h?lt, in den folgenden zwei Jahren in speziellen Ausbildungsst?tten auf ihre Arbeitsstelle vorbereitet. Dies...

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2222 5 Hotel 1

2222 (5) Hotel 1 Ich hei?e Carola und lebe seit zehn Jahren im Hotel ?Waldhof". Meine Herrin hat mir aufgetragen meine Lebensumst?nde und meine Arbeit zu schildern. Hier ist mein Bericht. Wie befohlen beginne ich mit der Kleidung: Wie alle M?nner trage ich einen Keuschheitsg?rtel mit einer Schutzhose und halterlose schwarze Str?mpfe. Als Schuhwerk tragen wir flache schwarze Pumps. Unsere Oberbekleidung besteht aus einem wadenlangen weiten schwarzem Rock und einer wei?en Bluse. Die Bluse ...

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Aus Marc wird Marcy 3

Oben im ?berhitzten Wohnzimmer angekommen, streifte Biggi ihre Pumps von den F??en. "Puh, ist das warm!" Dann zog sie ihren Pullover aus und beobachtete aufmerksam Petras Reaktion. Oben nur noch mit schwarzem Spitzen-BH bekleidet, lie? sie sich aufs Sofa fallen. "Du hast recht." Petra zog ihre Bluse auch aus und setzte sich zu Birgit. "Sieht echt super aus, dein BH!", machte Birgit ein Kompliment. "Tja", lachte Petra, "kein Sonderangebot!" "Darf ich mal", und schon strich B...

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Gemeinsamer Besitz

Gemeinsamer Besitz I. Schon vor der Hochzeit gab es die Erkenntnis, dass sich hinter der strahlenden Fassade seiner Verlobten eine Frau mit starkem Willen verbarg, die auch entschlossen war, ihren Willen durchzusetzen. Johannes wollte Katy dennoch heiraten, denn er liebte sie abg?ttisch. Au?erdem musste er sich eingestehen, dass es so das Beste sein w?rde, wenn sie in der Ehe die Hosen anhatte und sie sich damit die endlosen Diskussionen ersparten, die er von fr?heren Beziehungen ...

2 years ago
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Die Hoffnung ist eine Fata Morgana German

Wir fuhren gen Norden. Wie ?blich zu dieser herbstlichen Jahreszeit Ende September am Nachmittag, die Sonne ging bereits unter, war es ungem?tlich und windig. Seit zwei Stunden, wir passierten gerade die D?nische Grenze bei Flensburg, sa?en wir nun schon im Auto und seit knapp einer halben Stunde ohne Unterhaltung. Davor tauschten wir Oberfl?chlichkeiten und Belangloses aus. Nur ich kannte das Ziel der Reise und den Zweck. Es war f?r uns beide eine Reise ins Ungewisse.Geplant war ein langes Woch...

3 years ago
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Zum Cuckold erpresst German

ZUM CUCKOLD ERPRESST    (Multi Fetisch)   ? 2012 by MasostudKapitel 1: Ein gro?er FehlerSeit Ende meines Studiums als Lehrer f?r Altgriechisch und Latein lebe ich, Matthias Steigleder, mit Gabriele, die ein Jahr j?nger als ich mit meinen 28 Jahren ist, zusammen und habe sie vor knapp drei Jahren geheiratet, nachdem sie ihr juristisches Staatsexamen bestanden und eine Anstellung in einer bekannten Anwaltskanzlei gefunden hatte.Wir leben in einem Haus mit Garten in einer gehobenen ...

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Die Beste Valerie

Zusammenfassung: Er ist ein erfolgreicher Bundesligaspieler und hat zudem ein seltenes Hobby. Er verf?hrt und unterwirft Frauen, um zu sehen, wie weit er ohne Zwang mit ihnen kommt. Als er die hochbegabte Valerie kennen lernt, wei? er genau: Die will er haben. Egal ob er bereits eine Sklavin hat. Als sein Versuch seine alte Sklavin loszuwerden nicht von Erfolg gekr?nt wird, beh?lt er beide. Eine scharfe Konkurrenzsituation entsteht, welche beide Sklavinnen zu unvorstellbaren Leistungen an...

2 years ago
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Business Trip German

Sie war sch?n und sie war rothaarig. Das gen?gte, um in mir ein unb?ndiges Gef?hl des Verlangens zu erwecken. Aber ein ganz spezielles Verlangen.Ich sah sie zum ersten Mal, als ich eine Gruppe von ausl?ndischen G?sten meiner Firma in ein altes Gasthaus f?hrte, wo w?hrend des Essens und Trinkens mittelalterliche Darbietungen stattfanden. Die Kellnerinnen waren wie ihre m?nnlichen Kollegen in mittelalterliche Kleidung geh?llt, so wie sich G?ste die Arbeitskleidung von Wirtshauspersonal im 15. oder 16.Jahrhund...

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In den Faengen der Mudschaheddin

I n  d e n  F ? n g e n  d e r  M u d s c h a h e d d i nKey-words: Male-Dom, military battle, war crimes, kidnapping, slavery, non-cons. breeding, scatology, serious, body-modific.,rtorture, abuse. GERMAN language.Roman von masostud ? 2010 by Masostud Provided by bdsmlibrary.comSummary: Begeistert zieht Panzerkommandant Sergei in den sowjetischen ?Befreiungskrieg? gegen die afghan. Mudschaheddin. Er wird aber gefangengenommen und verschleppt. Zum Tier degradiert erlebt er die hasserf?llte Rache ...

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Die Zauberin Spiegelbild german

******************************************************** Die Zauberin ? Spiegelbild(das Gegenst?ck zu ?Die Zauberin? (Sollte ich jetzt wohl zu ?Die Zauberin ? Hasso? umtaufen)********************************************************I BegegnungEs war nicht mein Tag...Heute hatte ich das Haus verkauft. Dort in Raukfurth war ich die letzten Jahre zu Hause gewesen. Und jetzt hatte ich es verkauft - weit unter Wert. Wie unversch?mt der H?ndler gewesen war; allein daf?r h?tte ich ihn schon verfluchen solle...

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Die Zauberin german

********************************************************Die Zauberin - Eine Fantasygeschichtea fantasy story about a man who fall into the hand of a sorceress and learn to esteem her power********************************************************1Vor kurzem hatte ich die Stadt verlassen. Mit nichts als meiner zerlumpten Kleidung auf der Haut. Nicht, das ich in den letzten Jahren wesentlich mehr besessen h?tte. Aber als Tagel?hner bekam ich viel zu selten Arbeit um mir etwas vern?nftiges leisten zu k...

4 years ago
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Das Treffen

Das TreffenAuf dem Weg zum Bahnhof, ?berpr?fte sie noch einmal pflichtbewusst ihr Outfit. Er hatte es sich so gew?nscht, als sie sich zu diesem Treffen verabredet hatten. Lange hatte sie gez?gert, und dann doch endlich zugesagt. Vor Monaten hatte sie sich endlich getraut sich anzumelden. Lange hatte sie gez?gert. Die Sklavenzentrale. Allein der Name war schon respekteinfl??end. Irgendwann kamen sie ins Gespr?ch. Dieser unbekannte Dom und sie. Viele Mails sp?ter, nach vielen intensiven Gesp...

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Sommerferien in Oberbayern GERMAN

1. Kapitel Wir wollten an diesem wundersch?nen Sonntagnachmittag mal wieder etwas Aufregendes erleben. Deshalb hatten wir uns in unser Auto geschwungen und waren - zun?chst auf's geratewohl ins Blaue gefahren. Das es dann so aufregend werden sollte, hatte sich keiner von uns beiden gedacht. Aber der Reihe nach. Wir, das sind Sabine und ich. Wir beide sa?en also in unserem Auto und fuhren ?ber die Landstra?en. Sabine  hatte  -  dem Wetter angemessen  -  ein  leichtes Sommerkleid an. Wie ?blich hat...

4 years ago
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Hallo,diese Geschichte beinhaltet Themen im Bereich S/M. Wenn Sie dieses Themen nicht m?gen, dann lesen Sie nicht weiter. Eine vervielf?tligung dieser Geschichte ist nur unter Angabe meiner Person statthaft. Ansonsten darf und soll diese Geschichte allen frei zug?nglich sein!Ich bitte, auf jeden Fall, um einen Kommentar, wie euch die Story gefallen hat. Ich ziehe daraus meine Lust und Freude weiter zuschreiben. Es ist mir daher sehr wichtig, das aufjeden Fall Kommentiert wird, auch Kritik ist OK. W...

2 years ago
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Tasha im Schl chterclub

Tasha im Schlächterclub Tasha, eine 34-jährige Frau, von Beruf Sekräterin, unverheiratet, ein schlanker Körper, lange Beine, wohlgeformter Hintern und eine herrliche überdimensionale Oberweite. Nach Büroschluss wollte sie das beginnende Wochenende mit einem kurzen Barbesuch einleiten. In Ihrer Stammbar saß sie am Tresen, genoß einen Cocktail, als ein gutaussehender Mann, Mitte 40, sich neben sie setzte, einen harmlosen Smalltalk begann, sie zu einem weiteren Cocktail überredete, und dann...

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Die Rache

Die Rache (BDSM Hardcore) von anonymThema: F/Vergewaltigung/Fesselung/sado-maso/Folter/BruesteSeit fast 3 ? Jahren bin ich dabei diesen Plan ausreifen zu lassen und ihn zu perfektionieren.Immer wieder habe ich Kleinigkeiten gefunden, welche alles zunichte machen k?nnen.Immer wieder war die Angst gr??er als der Mut.Nun war es aber soweit, zu lange musste ich warten und zu lange wurde ich gedem?tigt.Wenn ich mich kurz vorstellen darf, ich bin Sven, 24 Jahre alt und Leiter einer Werbeagentur die ...

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Ein Wochenende German

Ein Wochenende Erstes Kapitel Es war Freitagnachmittag gegen drei Uhr als Peter, von der Arbeit kommend,das Haus betrat. Ein wenig müde nach einer anstrengenden Arbeitswoche,freute er sich jetzt auf ein paar ruhige Tage zusammen mit seiner Frau. DieKinder waren am Morgen zu den Großeltern gefahren und werden erst Sonntagabendzurück sein. So hatten Charlotte und er das Wochenende mal für sichallein. Sie hatten sich vorgenommen richtig auszuspannen und die Zweisamkeit zu genießen.Er hatte...

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Unternehmert chter

Diese Geschichte habe ich vor Jahren mit einem anderen Autor zusammen "verfasst", erweitert und verbessert. ich wünschte ich hätte noch Kontakt mit ihm, damit er sehen kann, dass seine komplette Geschichte hier gelesen werden kann und auch gelesen wird. Ich habe für diese Veröffentlichung damals sein Okay gehabt, also kann ich heute diese Geschichte präsentieren. Für den sehr unwahscheinlichen Fall, dass er es nicht mehr möchte, darf er mir gerne Bescheid geben. Aber so lange habe ich das Recht...

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Nach geraumer Zeit habe ich mich entschlossen, doch wieder mal eine Story zu posten. Achtung, ziemlich hart, nicht für zarte Gemüter!Roman von MasostudRoman , © 1991 by Masostud bis -----------------------Menschenraub in ArabienGay, M/mm, S&M, Pony-Play, Slavery, breeding, interracialSadomasochistisch-perverse Sklaverei im 20. JahrhundertPrivatdruckVorwort:Jedes Jahr verschwinden in Deutschland an die zehntausend Personen beiderlei Geschlechts; auf das Vereinte Europa gerechnet sind es mehr...

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Wie ich zu Gott Fand 2

Dann wartete ich.Um viertel nach acht checkte ich mein Handy, dann fing ich doch an, die Wohnung ein wenig aufzuräumen, das Geschirr wenigstens in die Spülmaschine zu räumen und die leeren Pizzakartons in die grüne Tonne. Um halb neun ein erneuter Blick auf das Handy, dann hatte ich das Bett gemacht, und fing an, noch schnell den gröbsten Dreck aufzusaugen.Um neun öffnete ich ein Bier, ließ mich in meinen Herumhäng-Sessel fallen, warf einen resignierten Blick auf das Handy und drehte den...

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Menschenraub in Arabien GERMAN

Roman von MasostudRoman , ? 1991 by MasostudMenschenraub in ArabienSadomasochistisch-perverse Sklaverei im 20. JahrhundertPrivatdruckVorwort:Jedes Jahr verschwinden in Deutschland an die zehntausend Personen beiderlei Geschlechts; auf das Vereinte Europa gerechnet sind es mehr als f?nfzigtausend. Zwar tauchen knapp 90% der Vermissten ?ber kurz oder lang wieder auf, aber wo bleibt der Rest? Entweder werden sie tot aufgefunden, sind verungl?ckt oder durch Verbrechen zu Tode gekommen, ein Teil...

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FamilientraditionenUSABen hatte die Ranch erst vor einem ? Jahr erworben und gleich modernisieren lassen. Er wollte daraus ein Paradies machen. Ein Paradies, in dem er schalten und walten konnte, wie er wollte. Er wollte einflussreiche Personen mit gleichen Interessen hierher einladen. Personen aus Politik, Wirtschaft, Showbusiness und Sport. Woher sollte er wissen, dass dies viel schneller vonstatten ging als er es sich in seinen k?hnsten Tr?umen ausgemalt hatte. Noch vor wenigen Tagen war er J...

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Liar Ch 03

The hours following the kiss, Gabe found himself staring up at the ceiling thinking of all the reasons he should stay the hell away from Sloane. In case he should forget, Dean’s loud snoring provided him with reason number one. Growing up with the Bennett brothers, he knew how overprotective they were with their only sister. With the drama she saw from all the girls her brothers brought through the house, it didn’t surprise him that she didn’t date much. He knew all too well that it wasn’t...

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Neighbor Terri

As Tim climbed the stairs to go brush his teeth and get the flavor of cum out of his mouth yet again, he reflected on how he got into this situation. When Terri moved in with the next door neighbor, he noticed those big tits like any other man would. They were huge and bullet shaped, and looked like they belonged on the front bumper of a ’57 Cadillac, full and pointed and jutting out proudly. At 29, she knew how to work her assets too, drawing attention away from her poor complexion and...

1 year ago
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Devine plan II

It seems like a divine plan II "WTF just happened? What was that? It should have been a grand embarrassment and then sayonara," A turned on Toby thought to himself. Chuck had answered his doubts with, "Be a brave sissy. It's not so hard; no one but Kelly will see those gorgeous legs enshrined in your oh-so- soft and supple pantyhose. And, yes, the toenail polish is necessary. You do not want to leave room for doubt. You will demonstrate to your hateful wife that you can no longer...

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Collection Day

It was a muggy Manitoba day where the dust from passing vehicles created small sweat rivulets on exposed flesh. The air was thick and close prompting me into a Tee shirt and shorts, as a young boy of f******n you know the kind of outfit, arm and leg opening so large they make you look like a stick figure. The weight of my newspaper delivery bag had taken its toll on my shoulder and legs as I neared the end of my paper route, it was a large two story brick house set apart from the others on the...

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Kushina s Transformation

After the birth of Naruto which took Kushina 10 months to give birth to. Misfortune began to follow from the release of the Kyuubi all the way to the death of her husband. It seemed that Misfortune was bound to follow her..... Unbeknownst to her a mysterious transformation was about to take place.

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Varigoth, cloaked in Kvikne fox fur, Falningjoen shoulder plates, and Grontjonnan chain belt, stomped his foot fiercely on the ground. The land was a softly rolling hill: a patch of old growth trees with peaceful oak leaves, green and alive on the tree and brown and rolled up into a soft cover on the ground, an open meadow with stout grass blades soaked in droplets from the low clouds that tore through the landscape in torn, raggedy shapes, and a blood alter stone inscribed with runes and...

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I Loved This Girl 8211 Passion At Its Best

I rang the bell and a woman of 26 years of age opened the door. Heard a sound inside the house “ulla vaa da”… “ come in “.. Then the woman who opened the door smiled at me and said please come in. I entered inside and there was my friend kritika sitting with a baby of her sisters. Yes, the woman who opened the door was her sister. I and kritika have been very good friends for years. She once said that she had a sister in pune and would visit some time. Now she was in Pune and I went to see her....

3 years ago
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Dost Ne Maa Ko Choda

Hello friend’s mera nam Sunny hai or main iss ka bahut bada fan hun or maine iss site pe apne life k 2 real incidence bhi share kiye hain. mujhe bahut hi acha response mila hai dono hi incidence pe isliye main apke liye or bhi incidence jo ki sache hain or maine khud dekhen leke ata rahunga. Last story me maine apko bataya tha k kaise 1 bar fir Harsh uncle ne mummy ko choda. jinhone ne meri pehle ki stories nahi adhi plz padhen apko wo zarur pasand ayengi. Main 19 sal ka hun or ludhiana me...

2 years ago
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strip poker for fun

Rina and I are both finishing 1st year at university, so we are 19. I looked at Rina; a tall slim classically pretty sexy with blue eyes, shoulder length hair and long legs. She is slightly taller, if certain little bids are telling the truth, interested in me.”Put your coat in the closet and I’ll put this in the kitchen,” she said, “we’re going to sit in the den; go down the stairs and turn left, first door on your right.”I went down the half flight and entered the room.”Hi,” a voice...

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John sat on his porch, smoking a joint as he watched the young girls walk by. Friday meant the teenage disco down the road and a bit of idle purving. He reckoned they were all around sixteen or s*******n, and the parade of tight asses and young tits was better than watching the news. He wondered why girls didn’t dress like that when he was young, but then everyone thinks that.He was really waiting for his sister Anna, who was going to the disco and planned to change in his house. His parents...

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Ingrams Associates 5 Personality FlawsChapter 3

Eric left around 3am. April drifted off with a small smile on her face, after setting her phone alarm to get her up in time so she could shower, dress, and be in her little convertible and back up to the Pub ready to be picked up by Rachael for their weekend getaway. As it was, she barely made it. The traffic out of London was heavier than she imagined, and she got back to the pub just in time to dump her bags, grab a backpack she’d already stuffed with clothes, transfer her toiletries, hit...

4 years ago
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The Earl s ManChapter 18

Led by the Tampico, my new flagship for trading with Westland, the fourteen ships sailed with a cargo destined largely for Port Tampico. The ships carried carpenters, stonemasons, stonecutters, miners, cattle, pigs, and chickens. The livestock was from Granada and North Africa, so they were already used to hot weather. The cargo included another five hundred mounted archers, the same number of horses for Ocanizl, swords and crossbows for Ames, 5,000 Welsh bows, 200,000 silk bowstrings, and...

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AfterglowChapter 10 The Verdict

Felicity called the next morning. She was already on my mind. The next day was the hearing—Jackie texted me to remind me—and I was torn about going. Obviously I wouldn’t go into the courtroom, but even hanging around in the hallways seemed uncomfortable. I didn’t want to run into Robert, Roger or Landon. And I hated the idea of being in any kind of proximity to Dan. I wanted to call Felicity and see if she wanted to go. Clearly Rose couldn’t. But I was procrastinating, partly because I was...

2 years ago
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7 The Patriots Ch 01 02

CHAPTER ONE ‘You’ll be fine,’ Laura assured her as she squeezed her in a tight hug. ”kay,’ Ellia stuttered through her tears. She had no idea how she was going to manage all alone in Italy. ‘Why don’t you ask Micah to hang out? He’s American right? At least he speaks English.’ ‘I assume he speaks English,’ Ellia reminded her. She had worked with him for two weeks and had never heard him string together more than three words in either English or Italian. ‘Besides, American is bad. I don’t...

1 year ago
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Cissy and His Dildo

When I first moved in with Barbara, it was simply to split the living costs. She was a lesbian and wasn’t interested in anything other than a casual friendship. But that didn’t stop me from fantasizing about her. I did have one secret that I tried to keep from her. I love to wear women’s clothing. I sometimes even fantasized about being a transvestite. But my female clothes wearing was done alone and no one knew of my passion. Until that one special day. There were many times that I masturbated...

4 years ago
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Beth s Erotic AdventuresChapter 4 Playing with the kids

Lisa awoke to the feel of lips kissing her inner thigh, opening her eyes she looked down at her father who knelt naked beside the bed. "I think your daddy would like to make love to you," said Beth from her position beside Lisa "that's if you would like him to." "Ooo yes please daddy, will you" asked Lisa as she gazed at his erect cock. Marcus smiled at his wife and daughter, "If you really want me to baby." Marcus smiled at the two most beautiful women he had ever seen, he was...

4 years ago
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Goan Nudist Beach Leads To Wild Sex With Girlfriend

Hello girls and guys. I am Shivang back here with another incident. I received great response through mails for all of my previous stories and a heart-felt thank you to all my readers for the love you shared with me. I am writing this story after a few months, excuse to my busy schedule in these months. I am Shivang,23 from Mumbai; 6’2 in height with a few extra kilos and my tool measuring a bit above 6″. Here I am with an incident which took place just about a month back. My partner here is my...

3 years ago
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Webcam Sex with Wife

A few times a month my wife indulges my fantasies and lets me undress her on webcam. Last night was one of those nights. She was really into it. As I setup the webcam on a tripod, she got into her sexy read lingerie. I logged into and I like a bit of both. On RealCoupleCam, I can watch other couples who are also getting naked. On ShufflePeople, I like watching the faces of others when suddenly they're staring at my wife's beautiful body as I fondle...

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The Blind DateChapter 22

Debra got up, and greeted Bipasha and Celia, who came along, I guess Bipasha had picked her up. So much more comfortable than taking the subway. She ushered them in, and upon seeing me, a big smile and they greeted me with a kiss on the mouth. I still was not completely used to Tom’s ‘little’ sister, kissing me and seeing me naked. Sure she is certainly old enough, but I knew her since she was little, when Tom and I were high school friends. “Make yourself comfortable ladies, as you can...

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My stepdaughter is driving me crazy part 16

It's bedtime and I’m making my way to my airconed bedroom. Nadine and Katia are already sitting on my bed, cuddling and watching something on a phone screen. I’m lying down on my side of the bed, Nadine in the middle and Katia on the other side. Lights off. I’m lying on my back. Suddenly I’m overcome with worry. Is anything going to happen today? Will Nadine make an advance? What will Katia do? I’m trying to calm down. Trying to breathe normally. Some time passes. Nothing happens. Both of...

4 years ago
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David s Life Book I I Dreamed of Djini and So Much MoreChapter 3 Cold Djinn Kiss

She'd been a human centuries before, but an unfortunate condition left her dying at a very young age. A Djini servant learned of this and let her Djinn's clan know. Djinn were created long ago, but rarely created new life through natural reproduction. They could, though, take a young innocent soul and convert it into a new Djini. There was need for a new Djini to be made available to a powerful human, and it was decided a new Djini would be best in this case. The Clan King came to the...

2 years ago
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Susans Curiosity

Sue was a very pretty girl, but she had never made a real effort to get to know other girls, or get a boy friend, much to her parent’s "not-really-caring-ness". She lived her life mostly on the internet, and made a healthy living of it doing surveys for big companies, and playing games. She stayed in shape by exercising every few hours or so, or playing with her friends, and every week, she would go and swim the at the local beach, sometimes even on her own if no-one else wanted to. Over...

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Lucky Jim 2 Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 41

Thirty-nine months later, Raúl stood next to me at the remodeled, upgraded, and enlarged refinery in Cienfuegos. It’s now twice the size of the Havana refinery. As he and I both reached for the valve wheel, a hush fell over the huge crowd gathered to witness the opening of the refinery. I had to jerk the wheel on the valve slightly to get it to move, but once it began turning, Raul joined me and the crowd began applauding and cheering. Oil from the first “official” tanker to dock here began...

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Look Into My Eyes Part 5

You really, really should read Parts 1 to 4 first you know...)I had been contacted a few times by Chris wanting another session of the four of us, and I must admit I was keen to have another go at Mary. It was just a matter of arranging a time for the four of us to be together. It didn’t take too much organisation; we often had dinner parties together, so we agreed on an evening, just as we had many times before, but this time Chris and I had a rather special agenda. A day or two beforehand I...

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NubileFilms Riley Reyes Morning Desire

Brad Sterling makes coffee in the morning as he contemplates dressing and leaving, but Riley Reyes has other ideas. She struts into the kitchen wearing nothing but sexy lingerie and a smile. Brad accepts the gift Riley is offering with a kiss before he turns Riley around to remove her bra and fill his palms with her full breasts. Then she sinks to her knees and pops Brad’s hardon from his boxers so she can start sucking. Her deep throat BJ is enthusiastic and passionate, especially when...

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Shoe store experiences Dan

I was price-labelling new stock in the back room of my uncle’s shoe store while he dealt with a customer, a bald man about his age, wearing a smart blue suit. When I finished the pricing, I carried some of the stock out to the front to put on display. I noticed the customer was leaving empty handed and my uncle said the guy thought the shoes were too expensive. They were an Italian patent leather slip-on and not cheap. My uncle told me that, if the guy should come back while he was away from...

Gay Male
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JapanHDV Mary Hayakawa Finds a guy on the street to fuck

Mary Hayakawa has the biggest clit around, and she knows it. And today she is going to go to the streets to find some random dude to suck on that huge clit of hers. It is a little cold this morning and she is dressed in very short jean shorts and a low cut top that shows off her cleavage. She thinks that this outfit will get her some attention and hopefully someone will follow her back to her room where she can have them suck on her pussy. After a few attempts she has not had any luck but she...

4 years ago
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Felicity Ch 03

Monday, November 25, 2013 Felicity Ch. 03: Helen It’s odd how people bond sometimes. I am a man rapidly approaching middle age and my best friend for the last few years has been a lesbian. I am nearly fifteen years older than she is, only seven years younger than her father, four younger than her mother. That I was her best friend there was no doubt as it was me she called at three AM on a Saturday morning to come bail her out of jail. Her former lover’s new girlfriend had taunted Helen at...

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Bi Teen Lust Part 1

All I could think of lately was having a cock deep in my ass. I don’t know where the idea came from, but I was consumed with the desire to be taken from behind…hard. I always considered myself to be straight, and I certainly dated my share of pretty girls in high school. I enjoyed having sex with girls. They were soft and smooth and smelled good.So, why was I all of a sudden fantasizing about cock up my ass? And what was I going to do about it? I figured that maybe if I tried it one time,...

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My son, Dale, got drunk at a high school party and his best friend, Troy, brought him home. I was only wearing a thin robe, but Dale needed help up to his room, so Troy and I both dragged him up the stairs and plopped him on his bed. As I undressed Dale, I was surprised to see his cock hanging outside his boxer shorts and draped over one of his thighs….it was fucking huge. Troy laughed at my reaction to Dale’s big dick, then we both went downstairs to the kitchen so Dale could sleep it off. In...

2 years ago
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A guy and his 39 Physical

Bowing low to Jake she stated, "For all that you have done Master Jake, anything that me and my brothers can do for you wouldn't be enough. We of the Jinn realm owe the Ever Last Master so much. The fact that our power can help you fills our hearts with great joy!" Leaning close Amira whispered, "I would still love to have you filling me Master Jake!" Jake blushed then nodded. Rasmir came up and bowed low to both Jake and Amira, "You should listen Master Jake. We of the council are...

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You re Gonna Get It

You’re Gonna Get It!“You’re gonna get it”That’s all the text message said but I knew I had crossed a line and I was suddenly feeling apprehensive. My husband and I had been teasing each other via text message all day while we were out on various errands and most of the banter was light joking back and forth but I knew what I said had just poked a bear and I almost regretted it. My husband had been teasing me about how many I was going to receive for my spanking tonight, 10, 15, 25, it was...

3 years ago
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1st Sex Meri Girlfriend Ke Sath

Hi i am Lalit, male 21, living in Delhi, main engineering ka student hu aur haryana main hostel mein rehta hu. Agar Delhi ki koi ladki ya aunty mujhse friendship ya dosti karna chahe to mujhe meri email id par mail kar sakte h. Meri email-id hai aap mujhe apne sujhav dene ke liye bhi mail kar sakte hai. Mujhe aap sabki mails ka intejaar rhega. Ab main apka aur time na waste karte hue apni kahani pe ata hu. Ye kahani meri aur meri gf Shubhani(name changed) ki hai. Waise to Shubhani meri school...

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The Education of AlcaeonChapter 5

“So, this is what it’s like to bugger a boy, is it? Not bad,” Alcaeon laughed as he sodomized a youth named Polygonus. The catamite didn’t seem reluctant, either, but then he was paid to be kept and used by men. It was his job. Being fucked by another youth was unusual, but hardly unpleasant. For the past three years, he had been a trollop and he had accepted this life as his own. It wasn’t often that he got to really enjoy it this much, though it was generally a pretty good life. He kept...

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The Slaver Gets His Wish 9

Chapter 9 The Auction My original plan was to finish out the evening with midnight horseback riding, but banshee was falling asleep on her feet. As she dressed, I paid the bill and said my goodbyes to my fellow trainers. Upstairs, the main restaurant was already closed for the evening. When we got to the limo, I could see that Joey had fallen asleep sprawled across the front seat. Joey said nothing about the absence of Loreena. At the house, banshee gave him a peck on the cheek,...

2 years ago
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20th Anniversary Threesome

I gave up on the threesome idea years and years ago. Lynn shot it down right out of the gate when we were young, and it din't bother me at all. Who would have thought a month before or 20th anniversary she'd give in.Now Lynn is going to be 50 soon, and she is ridiculously hot. These pics are from last week right before we got to Florida.Just a smoke show. So, anyway, the threesome.We are talking with friends a few weeks ago about a couple who just broke up. Our friends didn't know this couple...

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Black guy holiday fuck

Deciding we needed a holiday, my partner and I booked up to take a trip to Jamaica. The resort looked amazing, 5 star and total luxury. When the time came we both couldn’t wait. After a long journey we eventually arrived at the resort. It was every bit as good as the brochure said it would be, and our suite was beautiful. Our first few days were spent relaxing between the pool and private beach enjoying the sunshine and cocktails. I took great pleasure in stripping out of my bikini top to...

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Dry Spell

It was the start of summer and it was dry, a dry spell for both rain and pussy. I was in my mid teens and just started driving and was looking for ways to make money to buy a car. The pussy dry spell was really bad. I had had sex with two different girls two different times. So I had a taste of what I wanted and my desire to wet my cock again grew with each day. I thought that getting a car would open the door to a flood of new pussy. The bad part was that my neighbors had moved, I did a lot of...

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Like Mother Like Daughter

As he exited the conference center following the welcoming dinner he notice a fine set of buns a few feet ahead of him. He didn’t recognize them and was pleasantly surprised when the owner turned back to check him out. The attractive woman smiled and then slowed to allow him to catch up. He guessed her to be in her middle forties, her fit physique and broad smile made her appear much younger. He had just turned thirty. She had a deep resort tan and a well maintained body for a woman of her...

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CHAPTER 16The resort guest periods were staggered intentionally to provide days separating the leaving of one group and the arrival of the next group. Every three groups had a full week separating groups. The free days were used for maintenance, upkeep of equipment, and solitude for a****ls and staff alike. Sylvia was a keen woman regarding human nature and the interactions of groups of people and the need for periods with reduced stress and more free time for energizing batteries, so to speak....

4 years ago
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You push me against the wall the moment I step through the door. Our mouths find one another in the pale yellow light of the moon. Your touch is desperate and hurried. We haven’t seen each other in a week - yet it feels like forever. You rip at my dress, untying the belt and letting it all fall to the floor in a heap of overpriced polyester."This is new," You say, with an approving smile."You like it? I had you in mind when I brought it."I finger the lace of the black chemise lingerie and...

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Perchance to Dream

Jenny was practically vibrating she was so excited. She’d been dating Eric for a little over a year. He was the one … She was sure of it. On the anniversary of their first date, he showed up at her office dressed in the exact clothes he had been wearing that night. They went to the same restaurant, ordered the same meal. Back at his place, he’d rented the movie they had gone to see. Everything was perfect. It was more than perfect, because this time they made love on the soft shag rug in...

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The WaifsChapter 12

Don groaned, raising his hips in time with her movements, as Lessa slowly rode up and down on him. The lights in the Captain's cabin were low, just enough to give Lessa glowing highlights around her brown hair and tanned body. To Don she looked otherworldly, and he wished the wall behind her was gone, her body outlined against the vastness of space. Lessa would outshine any star or constellation. Don could feel the pressure building in him, and his warrior bride must have sensed the change...

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Abominable Avengers

It had been trying times indeed. The Red Hulk, formally General Thaddeus Ross had gone on a murderous rampage of every person who was either a rival to his power or one of his many listed enemies whether they had been real or not, even powerful beings like the Wendigo and Emil Blonsky the Abomination had been defeated and killed and only with the combined efforts of Thor and the Incredible Hulk had they finally brought Ross down. Sealed and imprisoned he was no longer a threat to anyone, but...

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Secret Fantasy Part 1

Introduction: While this story is based on what actually happened, I did change names and embellished it some. Wed been married for about ten years when I discovered my wifes secret fantasy. We have sex often and I thought we talked pretty openly about sex. I mentioned a friend had some adult videos, and asked if shed like to watch with me, she said sure. So I made arrangements with a friend, Tom. Tom lent me his VCR and several adult movies for the weekend. At the time, VCRs were very...

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The Boy s Story Chapter 10

"How is the feeling now?" he asks me and I say it is getting stronger and he says "Same" but he decides to wait some more until it feels very strong. I know when it is strong for both of us he will want to play with my arse again and because of the feeling I am looking forward to it because I know it pleases him." Chapter 10 After watching porn for about 15 minutes he decides that the feeling is strong enough and I have to agree with him.. My eyes are not focussing properly and I feel like I am...

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I was at home only on Christmas day with my roommate Pooja. We went out in the evening for sometime to do some purchasing as Pooja had arranged a small gathering at home. She had invited five of her friends two girls and three boys. We were chatting while round of drinks were going on with food items. We had included almost all the subjects in our chat including sex topics also. I could feel the heat in the atmosphere when I found one of the couple fondling each other. I also started feeling...

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A Game of Gods Players Welcome

The Universe is without form and void: thus it has been created by AO and OM, and into it they have made 8 lesser deities, The Great Gas Pump, Sarenrae, The Ebon Dragon (TED), The Over-Toddler, Charon, Dog, Mystic X, and Olok, from these 8 would arise all things, and one day there would be sapient life, to worship the gods and occupy their attention, but for now there was a universe to build for it to inhabit, and it held only a handful of concepts, without even true patterns to their...

1 year ago
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Me and Becky Later That Day

After school on the day that I had my first girl on girl encounter with beautiful Becky I was at home alone in my bedroom. My parents were out of town for the weekend and I had the house to myself. I had a phone call from a guy that I had been seeing for a while. He said that he really wanted to get together that night. I knew what he wanted, usually I wanted it too, but I was still too wrapped up in what happened in the shower today, So, I blew him off. I was so confused. I really like guys...

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Moving to the Sexworld

Imagine an alternate universe where casual & free sex, sexuality, & nudity are everywhere, where all people are at least bi, where there are almost no sexual taboos, where everyone's a nympho or satyriac, and where almost all interpersonal interactions have some form of sexual content, and it has ALWAYS been this way. Now, imagine that this world comes into contact with ours, and a way is found for people to move from one to another. Now imagine that relations between the two worlds normalize,...

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Kate s Transformation Part 2

It had been almost a month since Kate had moved to the big city and started her program. She had been handling it somewhat well. The workload was heavy, but manageable. She worked harder than most of her peers though. For one, she was afraid that she would fall behind if she didn’t. But the main reason was mostly because she knew she wouldn’t be able to cope with the loneliness if she didn't keep busy. She found it exceedingly hard to make friends. She just didn’t fit in. The girls in her...

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Mirror ImageChapter 8

Cathy, at Dahlgrin's bidding, had sneaked into Carmine's room early the next morning, packed a small suitcase with the housekeeper's clothes and brought it to her room where it disappeared into the mirror. Simultaneously, a letter appeared in Carmine's handwriting. Quietly, while the others still slept, Cathy went downstairs and placed it on the kitchen table, then returned to her own room. She tried to sleep but could not, her body and mind exhausted from the horror and sexual orgy of...

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April s FoolChapter 2

April’s moans had subsided to a whimper as I filled her up for the second time tonight. I slowly lowered my body and snaked my hands around her lithe frame into a sweaty and passionate hug. I kissed her tasting the salty sweat of her upper lip. I slowly raised myself up and let my dick slide out of her wetness. Rolling over I grabbed a small towel the hotel provided and slid it underneath her hips removing the pillow that was just there. Then I slid up tight to her and spooned up to my...

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REPO INC. This is one of my first stories and I hope you like it. I write all of my stories either from the male point of view or from a voyeuristic point of view. I usually never like the result when I write from the female point of view as, for me, the result is never satisfactory. However, if any of you (no matter of male or female) has a talent for writing from a female point of view, please feel free to write this story from the female point of view. Just post it under „REPO INC. Female...

2 years ago
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Old and teen with fathers consent

I had fallen asleep at the table, I was so drunk, but then we all were, even my parents, but they were holding their liquor better, in fact it was the older ones who did.It was late and the music was loud, but that did not stop me dozing off, with my head on the table, a typical pose for a girl who has crashed-out.I was woken by my mother, 'Come on you need to go to bed', she said laughing, she was blasted too, but having a ball.'I will take her down', came a sober offer, my dads friend, Bill,...

3 years ago
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Meeting my baby part 1

I am standing on the kerb outside the airport. I made it, after a long flight I finally made it and here I am. My suitcase stands next to me and I wonder if I brought enough clothes. “Bring something to wear for when we go out” she said. And I did, I packed several outfits for that actually, ranging from somewhat slutty to classy. “Oh my god what have I gotten myself into..”, that thought crosses my mind as I look around to find a taxi. It has crossed my mind several times on the way here, but...

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Touching DreamChapter 7

Randy is hunched and heaving and bloody, but he is here, and if the splintered door beneath his feet is any indication, he is more than capable of finishing the job he started in Dream. Will gropes desperately for the last threads as they fade out of reach. Janelle leaps up, marble-filled sock in hand, swinging it at Randy's head. It connects, splitting open, marbles flying everywhere, spilling and bouncing and rolling. The force of the blow makes Randy stagger a step, but he regains his...

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Contents are copyrighted by Cheryl Lynn 06/05/04 Contains adult material and should not be read by anyone under the age of 18. Paulette is a fictional story about a young man ensnared by his step- mother, aunt, and grandmother. Forced by a hired nanny to become a sissy for the delight and entertainment of his step-family. Paulette By Cheryl Lynn Paul, his Stepmother, Grandma, and Aunt Miriam sat quietly as the solicitor read the last will and testament of his father, John. "In...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Zoey Foxx G279

Everyone focuses on how amazing Zoey’s butt is, but nobody pays attention to how talented her legs are as well. She starts off her FIRST GANGBANG by jerking off Scotty and Randy simultaneously with the insides of her legs. Scotty also won “Guess the V” this week, so he gets to take the first dive into Zoey’s pink butterfly. She told us she likes guys to spit on her (and in her mouth), so Scotty makes sure to lube her up naturally first and spit on her hole before going...


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