Schneiden indian porn

2 years ago
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Das Tor 11

Unser neues Haus lag g?nstiger als das Alte. Man konnte durch die Hintert?r auf Feldwegen zum Wald kommen. Radfahren war uns nach wie vor nicht m?glich, und so schoben wir die R?der, um sie f?r den R?ckweg benutzen zu k?nnen. Die Strecke kam mir so lang vor wie nie. Auf kurzen Wegen st?rte mich der Keuschheitsg?rtel wenig, aber diese lange Wanderung war etwas ganz anderes. Es rieb an allen m?glichen Stellen bei jedem Schritt. Der bald einsetzende Schwei? sorge zwar anfangs wie eine Art Gl...

3 years ago
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M nnerrock

Die Idee zu der Geschichte hatte ich durch die Seite Es ist alles ist reine Fiktion, keinerlei reale Geschehnisse / Personen. -------- Ich hatte einen freien Tag und nutzte ihn zum Einkaufen im Main-Taunus- Zentrum. Ich brauchte ein Geburtstagsgeschenk und streifte ziellos durch die Kaufh?user und Gesch?fte. Ich fand nichts passendes. Da vor mir schien etwas Ungew?hnliches zu passieren. In einem Modegesch?ft fiel mir eine m?nnliche Schaufensterpuppe auf, die einen Rock anha...

2 years ago
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Altered Fates Gl ck und Glas Teil 1

Altered Fates: Glueck und Glas, Teil 1 by T:M in 2005 Achtung: In dieser Geschichte gibt es Szenen mit expliziten sexuellen Handlungen. Au?erdem wird geflucht, und das nicht selten! ***Prolog*** Eigentlich war alles wie immer: Ein typischer Samstag Vormittag. Das "Venice", ein kleines Eiscafe, welches nach 22.00 Uhr auch eine ganz passable Szenebar abgab lag am Rande der malerischen Altstadt, direkt neben der Rossmann-Br?cke, dem Markenzeichen des Ortes, welche ?ber einem ...

3 years ago
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Der Dachboden 3

Der Dachboden 3 Panik ergriff mich. Die Situation war aussichtslos. Es gab im Haus kein Werkzeug, mit dem diese Fesseln zu ?ffnen w?ren. Und selbst wenn der Bolzenschneider noch hier w?re, wie sollte ich ihn mit den fixierten H?nden benutzen? Mit den Plastikbindern konnte ich meine Arme noch etwas bewegen. Die d?nnen Teile schnitten zwar bei Belastung in die Haut, aber dank der Handschuhe war es nicht so schlimm. Ich musste Grinsen. Diese Fessel war richtig bequem. Nichts dr?ckte, nichts ...

2 years ago
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Der Dachboden 8

Hinweis: Die Klassifizierung 'G' ist evtl. missverst?ndlich. In diesem Kapitel gibt es Bondage im Zusammenhang mit Sexspielzeugen und pseudo- sexuellen Handlungen. Sex im eigentlichen Sinn ist es nicht. Wer's nicht mag, sollte nicht weiterlesen. Der Dachboden 8 Er war da! Ich hatte ihn nicht kommen geh?rt. Allerdings waren hier auch kein nackter Holzboden, sondern Teppich. Oh je, das war eine Schwachstelle in unserem Plan. Wenn es so leise blieb w?rde Tante Lieselore im Babyfon n...

2 years ago
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Der Keller 5

Ich hatte kein Problem mit einem anderen Namen. Eine kleine Abwandlung, und ich war Nicole. Das gefiel mir ausgesprochen gut. Ben war auch schnell mit einem neuen Namen da. "Ich fand Sarah schon immer toll." Wenig sp?ter hatte sich Julian etwas ausgesucht. Wie sein richtiger Name wieder etwas ungew?hnlich: Alina. Mir gefiel es sehr gut. Anscheinend war ich der Einzige, der seinen alten Namen abwandelte. Nein, doch nicht. Denn Max meinte, "Menno, kann ich nicht einfach bei Max bleiben? K...

4 years ago
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Gr fin Donatelle Mimi und Lord Perry

Gr?fin Donatelle, Mimi und Lord Perry Als der Verk?ufer im Antiquit?tenladen Gr?fin Donathelle den magischen Ring an den Finger steckte, f?hlte sie die Kraft des Ringes. Sie l?chelte den Verk?ufer an, als dieser ihr noch einmal die Macht des Ringes erkl?ren wollte. "Glauben Sie mir, junger Mann, ich kenne die Eigenschaften des Ringes. Ich habe ihn seit Jahren gesucht." Gr?fin Donatelle verlie? das Antiquit?tengesch?ft in der Innenstadt, um noch ein paar Eink?ufe zu machen. Heute war der Tag Ihrer Rache und ...

4 years ago
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Andy 17

Mit einem Schrei wachte ich auf, in Schwei? gebadet. Nur eine Minute sp?ter war Mom bei mir im Zimmer. "Andrea, was ist passiert?" Ich brauchte einen Moment, um wirklich wach zu werden. Mir war ganz komisch zumute. Langsam beruhigte sich mein Herz, das eben noch wie wild gepocht hatte. "Mir- mir geht es wieder gut. Nur ein Albtraum." "Das muss aber ein schlimmer Traum gewesen sein. Willst du ihn mir erz?hlen?" Ich nickte. "Ich war mit Biene zusammen und wir k?ssten uns. So inte...

3 years ago
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Auf Umwegen

Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum der Autorin die auf dieser Seite den Nicknamen "Mia_chan" ;"Mia" benutzt. Die geschichte ist frei erfunden und ?hnlichkeiten mit realen Personen/Orten sind nicht beabsichtigt und rein zuf?llig. Die Geschichte darf nur mit ausdr?cklicher (schriftlicher) Genehmigung auf einer anderen Seite ver?ffendlicht werden. Firmennamen und Produktnamen geh?ren ihren jeweiligen Besitzern und werden nur verwendet weil sie allgemein verwendet we...

3 years ago
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Der Flaschengeist Teil 2

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webs...

1 year ago
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Der Dieb

Der Dieb Es war nebelig an diesem Sonntagmorgen in London. Gerald war extra fr?h schon wach um Leute abfangen zu k?nnen die in die Messe wollte. Er pers?nlich h?lt zwar nicht viel von der Messe, allerdings nehmen die Leute generell immer viel Geld dort hin mit. Zudem passen sie nicht sonderlich gut darauf auf. Die perfekte Gelegenheit um die eine oder andere Geldb?rse entwenden zu k?nnen. Es werden zwar auch andere Diebe ihr Unwesen treiben, aber er als Einsamer Wolf wird kaum erregen a...

4 years ago
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Ganz in Wei

Ganz in Wei? "Was Du immer willst. Eine Hochzeit in wei?; mit allem Drum und Dran; wom?glich auch noch mit wei?er Kutsche und wei?en Pferden; findest Du das nicht ziemlich kitschig? Und was das kostet. Meinst Du wirklich, dass wir das n?tig haben, um unsere Liebe zu beweisen?" "Also mir w?rde das gefallen. In der Kirche mit viel Blumenschmuck anschlie?end in feierlicher Ball mit Brauttanz, Hochzeitstorte und und Allem was dazugeh?rt. Nat?rlich ein wundersch?nes Brautkleid." "Ach herrje, darauf ha...

4 years ago
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Der Ladendieb 1

Unsicher sah sich Richard am CD-Regal um: kein Spiegel, kein Verk?ufer. Kurz vor Gesch?ftsschlu? keine Kunden mehr. Die Gelegenheit in diesem Laden war g?nstig. Ein schneller Griff und schon war die CD unter seiner Bomberjacke verschwunden. Richard schlenderte weiter. "Was machen Sie denn da", rief pl?tzlich eine junge Frauenstimme. Erschrocken blickte sich Richard um. Dort stand Angela, die 20j?hrige Verk?uferin. Ihre gr?nen Augen schienen ihn zu durchbohren. "Oh, ich, ich.....", stotter...

3 years ago
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Aus Marc wird Marcy 1

Petra wachte auf. War da nicht ein Ger?usch unten an der Haust?r? Sie machte Licht und sah zum Wecker: halb drei. Jetzt h?rte sie wieder etwas. Ihr Blick in die unber?hrte H?lfte ihres Ehebetts lie? auch kaum einen Zweifel aufkommen, wer sich unten an der T?r zu schaffen machte. Ihr Mann Marc war nach einj?hriger Ehe am Ende. Alkohol, Berufsstress als erfolgloser, selbstst?ndiger Vertreter, dauernder Ehekrach: Petra stand es bis zum Hals. Schon wieder besoffen, dachte sie. So ging's jedenfa...

1 year ago
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Aus Marc wird Marcy 2

Marc konnte nicht schlafen. Er ruckte an den Stricken, vergeblich. Pl?tzlich h?rte er drau?en Motorenger?usche. Eine Autot?r schlug leise, dann betrat jemand das Haus. Marc lauschte angestrengt, konnte aber kaum etwas h?ren. Wer war das? Wenn das nun jemand war, der ihn kannte und jetzt so sehen w?rde! Marc verhielt sich jetzt mucksm?uschenstill. Er hatte jedes Zeitgef?hl verloren, langsam wurde es auch ungem?tlich kalt. Insgeheim war er deshalb ?ber seine zwar sehr damenhaften, aber doc...

2 years ago
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Rebecca Das Institut

Rebecca: Das Institut Vorspann ========== Hallo. Mein Name ist Rebecca. Wenn Ihr nun denkt, dass ich eine Frau bin, muss ich Euch leider entt?uschen. Wenigstens im Sinne, wie sich die meisten von Euch eine Frau vorstellen. Ich bin transsexuell. Aber ich bin auch 1,93m gro? und wiege 110kg. Einen starken Bartwuchs habe ich auch und eine tiefe Stimme. Meine Chance jemals als halbwegs akzeptable Frau durchzugehen tendiert Richtung null. Ich bin 29 Jahre alt und mein Leben scheint ve...

4 years ago
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Tante Helga

Tante Helga Ich stehe vor dem Spiegel und begutachte meinen nackten K?rper. Na ja, ganz nackt ist er nicht. Tante Helga zwingt mich, einen Keuschheitsg?rtel zu tragen, der mein Glied sehr eng einschlie?t. Meistens nehme ich das kleine Kunststoffteil kaum mehr wahr, nur morgens ist es mir sehr unangenehm. Nicht nur, wenn die Morgenlatte wachsen will sondern gerade, weil Tante Helga ihre drei Sissies jeden Morgen zum Abmelken l?dt. Die Vorfreude darauf l?sst meinen Liebling jeden Morgen fas...

2 years ago
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Eine Fahrt ins Blaue

Eine Fahrt ins Blaue (Katrin*2012) 1.Einleitung Manchmal kommt man in seinem Leben auf dumme Ideen. So, war es damals, als ich der Idee nachhing, einen Sommerurlaub, als Transvestit oder Frau zu verbringen mit einer Fahrt ins Blaue. Zu dieser Zeit war ich noch jung, z?hlte 23 Lenze und hatte noch Rosinen im Kopf. Mein Auto, das ich besa? war relativ alt und es war schon ein gewisses Risiko, damit auf gro?e Fahrt zu gehen. Es sollte Quer durch den Osten Deutschlands gehen und dann nach ...

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Die Hoffnung ist eine Fata Morgana German

Wir fuhren gen Norden. Wie ?blich zu dieser herbstlichen Jahreszeit Ende September am Nachmittag, die Sonne ging bereits unter, war es ungem?tlich und windig. Seit zwei Stunden, wir passierten gerade die D?nische Grenze bei Flensburg, sa?en wir nun schon im Auto und seit knapp einer halben Stunde ohne Unterhaltung. Davor tauschten wir Oberfl?chlichkeiten und Belangloses aus. Nur ich kannte das Ziel der Reise und den Zweck. Es war f?r uns beide eine Reise ins Ungewisse.Geplant war ein langes Woch...

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Joe und die Neue Zeit German

Joe und die ?Neue Zeit?von blumchen100 1. Virginia?Bitte nicht, Sir, bitte nicht mehr schlagen, bitte, bitte nicht mehr. Ich verspreche, ich tue es nie mehr wieder, nie mehr! Ich werde gehorchen, gehorchen, ganz bestimmt! Ich verspreche es, ganz bestimmt!?Ein heftiger Schluchzer erschuetterte den wohlgeformten Oberkoerper der nackten Frau, wobei ihre melonengrossen festen Brueste aufregend zitterten. Sie kniete vor dem Mann und hatte ihre Haende in flehender Geste wie zum Gebet gefaltet. Dann...

4 years ago
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Menschenraub in Arabien GERMAN

Roman von MasostudRoman , ? 1991 by MasostudMenschenraub in ArabienSadomasochistisch-perverse Sklaverei im 20. JahrhundertPrivatdruckVorwort:Jedes Jahr verschwinden in Deutschland an die zehntausend Personen beiderlei Geschlechts; auf das Vereinte Europa gerechnet sind es mehr als f?nfzigtausend. Zwar tauchen knapp 90% der Vermissten ?ber kurz oder lang wieder auf, aber wo bleibt der Rest? Entweder werden sie tot aufgefunden, sind verungl?ckt oder durch Verbrechen zu Tode gekommen, ein Teil...

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H rigkeit german

Dies ist eine wahre Geschichte. Beim Schreiben wurden ein paar Punkte leicht ver?ndert, um die Geschichte zu verdichten und fl?ssiger lesbar zu machen, aber in den wesentlichen Elementen entspricht das Geschriebene dem Erlebten. * * *DIE BESTIMMUNGWenn ich gewusst h?tte, dass dieser Besuch mein Leben dermassen einschneidend ?ndern w?rde, h?tte ich vor Angst wohl kehrt gemacht. Aber in meiner jugendlichen Naivit?t klingelte ich p?nktlich, und wurde nach einer kurzen, aber bemerkbaren Wartezeit eingelass...

2 years ago
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Mansurs Rache

Mansur’s Rache Synopsis (17. Jahrhundert, T?rkenkriege, ein Kloster im Donautal) Nach blutiger Schlacht im Angesicht des Klosters beschliesst der siegreiche Emir Mansur der Pr?chtige an den Bewohnern des Klosters grausame Rache zu nehmen. In der Arena des grossen Klosterhofes, vor rachedurstigen Kriegern, erdulden die Nonnen und Novizinnen subtile Varianten muselmanischer Folterkunst.Die Schlacht  In den fr?hen Morgenstunden des strahlenden Fr?hlingstages hatten die t?rkischen Truppen unter M...

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In den Faengen der Mudschaheddin

I n  d e n  F ? n g e n  d e r  M u d s c h a h e d d i nKey-words: Male-Dom, military battle, war crimes, kidnapping, slavery, non-cons. breeding, scatology, serious, body-modific.,rtorture, abuse. GERMAN language.Roman von masostud ? 2010 by Masostud Provided by bdsmlibrary.comSummary: Begeistert zieht Panzerkommandant Sergei in den sowjetischen ?Befreiungskrieg? gegen die afghan. Mudschaheddin. Er wird aber gefangengenommen und verschleppt. Zum Tier degradiert erlebt er die hasserf?llte Rache ...

4 years ago
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Fumikos perfider Plan

Fumikos perfider PlanProlog: VorbereitungenFumiko war zufrieden. Es hatten sich 17 M?dchen auf ihre Anzeige gemeldet, von denen mindestens 10 in die engere Auswahl kamen. Wie jedes Jahr bereitete sie eine kleine, sehr private BDSM-Show f?r solvente Kunden vor und suchte ?blicherweise ?ber Internetanzeigen nach unverbrauchten Modellen. Die Show sollte dieses Jahr in ihrer Heimatstadt Tokio stattfinden, jedes Jahr wanderte die Show um die Welt, die kleine und ?berschaubare Anzahl von G?sten blieb all...

2 years ago
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Part One   RonaldoTeil 1 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? -1- Schon auf dem von flackernden Pechfackeln beleuchteten unterirdischen Gang hallten Ronaldo die Schreie der Hexe entgegen.?Arrghhhh niiicht aaaiiieeee!!!? eine dunkle, rauchige Stimme, das konnte nur die Schankdirne Pamela sein, eine der ersten auf der langen Liste der Verd?chtigen.? Eine kribbelnde Erregung erfa?te ihn und kurz tauchte die Szene in der d?steren, verr?ucherten Sch?nke in seinen Ge...

3 years ago
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K nigin Kristinas peinliche Befragung German

K?nigin Kristinas peinliche BefragungEnde Mai 1280, in einem fiktiven europ?ischen K?nigreich.In der Folterkammer der Burg bereitete der Henker grade seine Instrumente vor. Er kontrollierte die Stricke an der Streckbank und drehte mehrmals das Rad. Das ausgetrocknete Holz knarzte schrecklich. Sein Gehilfe ?berpr?fte Zangen und den Schraubenstuhl.Die Fackeln in den eisernen Beh?ltern warfen ihr flackerndes rotes Licht auf die dunklen Mauern des Kellers und die schrecklichen Instrumente. Dann kam der ...

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Das Abitur German

Das AbiturAls ich von der Abendschule zur?ck nach Hause kam weinte ich. Ich hatte den letzten Test wohl ordentlich vermasselt. Der Test war sehr schwer gewesen. Doch ich brauchte unbedingt das Abitur, oder ich w?rde meinen Job verlieren. Mein Chef hat mich f?r ein halbes Jahr vom Dienst freigestellt, und das bei voller Bezahlung. Er wollte sichergehen, dass ich gen?gend Zeit zum Lernen hatte um mein Abitur nachzuholen. Mein Mann sah mich als ich die K?che betrat und er fragte mich, warum ich...

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Die Zauberin german

********************************************************Die Zauberin - Eine Fantasygeschichtea fantasy story about a man who fall into the hand of a sorceress and learn to esteem her power********************************************************1Vor kurzem hatte ich die Stadt verlassen. Mit nichts als meiner zerlumpten Kleidung auf der Haut. Nicht, das ich in den letzten Jahren wesentlich mehr besessen h?tte. Aber als Tagel?hner bekam ich viel zu selten Arbeit um mir etwas vern?nftiges leisten zu k...

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Der Club German Deutsch

Der ClubDer Club war richtig gem?tlich. Auf dem mit dicken Teppichen bedeckten Bodenstanden im Halbkreis gem?tliche rote Sessel, etwa 30 an der Zahl sch?tzte ich. Allewaren um eine etwas erh?hte, kreisrunde B?hne mit etwa 20m Durchmesserangeordnet, so dass es nur vordere Sitzpl?tze gab. Zwischen den Sesseln standenauf niedrigen Glastischen Gl?ser, Getr?nke ? unter anderem f?r jeden eine schonge?ffnete Flasche Dom Perignon ? und Knabbergeb?ck. Ich machte es mir gem?tlichund genoss erst einmal ein Glas von ...

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Helen Teil 1 German

Helen sah ihren Sohn ungl?ubig an, starrte dann wieder auf das Testament ihres vor 2 Wochen verstorbenen Ehemannes, den sie einmal sehr geliebt hatte. Ihre Gedanken jagten sich, was sollte sie nur tun? Ihr Mann hatte sich das Leben genommen, er kam nicht mehr mit ihren vielen Seitenspr?ngen zurecht. Nun wusste auch Tim davon. Er schien seine Mutter regelrecht zu hassen. Zu hassen daf?r, dass sie Schuld am Tode seines Vaters war, wegen ihrer vielen Seitenspr?nge.?Tim, das kannst du unm?glich ernst ...

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Annas Abrichtung

Annas Abrichtung - Teil 1([email protected])Die folgende Geschichte ist beinhaltet die detaillierte Darstellung unterschiedlichster erzwungener sexueller Handlungen. Sie ist als eine Fantasie f?r Erwachsene und darf nicht von Minderj?hrigen oder solchen Personen gelesen werden, die sich durch solche Darstellungen verletzt f?hlen. Ich weise ausdr?cklich und aus meiner vollen ?berzeugung darauf hin, dass ich solche Handlungen in der Realit?t als verabscheuensw?rdig empfinde und die strafrechtliche V...

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Helga und Maria GERMAN

Helga und Maria Ehepaar und Tochter werden von dem sadistischen Arbeitgeber des Ehemannes und Vaters gefoltert.   Teil 1: Marias erste Sitzung. Nachdem der Brand im Studentenheim gel?scht war, wurden die ausw?rtigen Studenten in Hotels evakuiert. Die Studenten, deren Eltern in der N?he wohnten, wurden gebeten, dort solange zu wohnen, bis das Studentenheim wieder bezugsfertig war. Maria fuhr also zu dem Haus ihrer Eltern, dass nur knapp eine Stunde von der Uni entfernt im Gr?nen am Rande de...

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Schwarzer Samt Deutsch German

?Das traust du dich nicht Schwarzer Samt?Das traust du dich nicht!?Sie hatte Recht. Sie h?tte Recht gehabt. Aber ihr Tonfall war einfach ein wenig zu schnittig und herausfordernd gewesen. Und wie sie da stand in der Umkleide des Tenniscenters, und halb in dem engen Top steckte, die H?nde in den ?rmeln feststeckten, da ?berkam mich etwas. Seltsames. Sie hatte mich durch den Squash-Court gejagt und nach Strich und Faden abgezogen. Wir hatten geduscht, und wie sie so war, zu hastig und impu...

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Part One   Schwestern  ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????  Unschuldig und st?rrisch waren sie, wie alle zuerst unschuldig und st?rrisch waren, bevor er ihnen die Werkzeuge zeigte und erkl?rte. Es machte ihm immer besonderes Vergn?gen und er sah es als eine Art erregendes Vorspiel, seinen Opfern? genau und ausf?hrlich auszubreiten, was sie erwartete. Er liebte es mit ihnen zu spielen, wenn sie zur?ckwichen, wenn sich ihre Augen entsetzt weiteten, w...

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Part One   Xenia?Teil 1?Vielleicht finden wir deine Xenia unter denen, die heute gekreuzigt wurden?? Von der Seite sah Lucius seinen alten Freund Crassus leicht mitleidig an: ?Wenn sie bei den rebellischen Sklaven war, dann haben wir sie mit gro?er Gewissheit gefa?t und wir finden sie hier an der Via Appia oder in einem meiner Verliese.?Schon von weitem sahen sie die Reihe der aufgerichteten Kreuze.?Nicht nur dass ich f?r diese geile Schlampe ein halbes Verm?gen bezahlt habe und dass sie ...

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In den H nden der Geheimpolizei german

Dienstagsfolter In den H?nden der Geheimpolizei Vorwort Ich bin von zwei inzwischen guten Freunden aufgefordert worden, ihre Erlebnisse einer breiteren ?ffentlichkeit mitzuteilen, und komme dem hiermit gerne nach. Es handelt sich um zwei Mitglieder der Geheimpolizei, die aus Sicherheitsgr?nden dazu verpflichtet wurden, ?ber ihren Berufsalltag strengstes Stillschweigen zu bewahren. Sagen wir also einfach: Die Geschichten spielen in irgendeiner fiktiven Diktatur, in der Schergen der St...

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Rohrstockv tzchen story in german

SKLAVIN, SKLAVIN,Maso/Sub sucht ihren Herren und Eigent?mer.Feste Beziehung: gepr?gt von naturveranlagter Dominanz und Submission. Beide wissen, dass diese Veranlagung ihr Leben haupts?chlich bestimmt. Beide sollten den Wunsch haben, dass die Sklavin als 24/7-Besitz langfristig in das Eigentum des Herren ?bergeht. Alle Rechte und Pflichten fallen an ihn als offizieller Eigent?mer der Sklavin. Mein jetziger Name ist EDYTA. Meinen neuen Namen wird mein Eigent?mer festlegen. Er hat das une...

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Montagsfolter german

When I saw the first time the cartoons of Robert, Damian, Quoom, Archimboldo (which I still adore), in my fantasy the scenes b Montagsfolter (deutsch) Gl?cklich ist, wer Hobby und Beruf verbinden kann. Sie kommen am Montagmorgen etwas sp?ter in die Zentrale, weil sie Wochenenddienst gemacht und sogar ?berstunden bis sp?t in die Nacht geleistet haben. Aber es war auch zu sch?n gewesen! Allerdings nicht f?r ihr Opfer, eine dunkel gelockte, sehr ansehnliche junge Frau. Nun ja, jetzt nicht mehr seh...

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Replacing his Girlfriend

He turned around and didnt see his best friend. He saw something completely different. I couldnt blame him nor could I understand quite how he was feeling. Im sure part of him thought it was a joke, I wouldve had our roles been swapped. My first reaction wouldve been to laugh had my best friend stood before me in his sisters clothes, wearing a wig which had been used as part of a cross-dressing day at school for charity. He didnt, perhaps I shouldve given him more credit. What are you doing?...

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The Clarks

"Hannah can you please come down here and help me prepare for dinner?!" called Jane Clark from the kitchen. As Hannah trudged down the stairs she passed her brother laying on the sofa, "Why couldn't Ben help you with dinner?" Hannah asked her mother, entering the kitchen. "He's only just come in from college and he deserves to sit down for a minute," Jane replied, "and anyway, it's a girl's job to help out her mother in the kitchen." Hannah detested her mother's opinions, which...

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Rite of PassageChapter 1 The anticipation of Alison

It was nearly spring, and I was rapidly approaching my 16th birthday. I was growing more and more anxious as the day approached. Not only would it be my sweet 16, but I would have finally come of age and be eligible for marriage... almost. Only one thing stood in the way, my Rite of passage. The Rite was a law and a religious decree, "No girl may be considered eligible to marry unless she has undergone the Rite of passage and been sanctified into womanhood within the first fortnight of her...

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Ted 2

This is continued from TedSteve's firm grip on my hand sent a wave of electricity through me. I saw the look on Ted's face. I knew that something was up. I looked at Ted and said that we' have to blow-up the airbed. My little three bedroom house had one as a den. We'd put Steve in there on the airbed. Steve asked if he could have a shower. I got fresh towels and soap. There was a new tootbrush and deoderant for him. When Steve closed the bathroom door, Ted said,"Wait! Push your...

2 years ago
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I Think You re Right Ch 2

Chapter 2 A week later, Shaun lay on Amanda’s bed while she rode his cock. As sexy as his girlfriend looked, his mind was on her mother and the scene that would play out with the doctor later that day. As the possibilities entered his mind, his urgency increased. He rolled Amanda over and began pounding her hard. She buried her face in his shoulder, biting his muscles to muffle her screams. This time when she came, he came with her. He fell on her body shortly after.“Oh my god,” she said. “That...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Sex With A Beautiful Doctor

Hello people. This is Raj again with a new and a real story. This happened between me and a doctor who is now my family doctor. Her name is Reena(name changed). She is in her early 30’s, married and has a 5-year-old son. Her figure is just to die for. Being a mother she has maintained herself perfectly. She is an ENT in a private hospital where I met her for the first time. I had some problem with my ear and so I had scheduled an appointment with ent. I was waiting for my turn and there was my...

2 years ago
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Muh Boli Bahen Ko Anjan Bnkr Seduce Kiya 8211 Part I

Hello friend, I am yogesh. Mai Meerut se hu, 24 year ka handsome or shy boy. Aaj m ek aise kahani btane ja rha hu jo apko btayegi ki agr ladki ko sex krna ho to wo bhai k sath b kr leti h. To dosto aj se 1 saal pehle mujhe fb pe ek ladki mili jiska naam tha Manisha. Uski umr 22 saal or figgure 30-28-30. Ek dum mast thi ye mujhe jb pehli baar use dekha tb pta chala. To jb maine use friend request send ki usne msg kra who r u? Maine kaha tumse dosti krna chahta hu. Usne kaha mujhe jante ho. Maine...

2 years ago
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The Unexpected Domme Pt 2

 The day that her husband left for work again out of town, Ben was standing at the back door of Jenny’s house waiting anxiously. Jenny knew he was out there and made him wait. This new feeling of control, of dominating Ben was exhilarating, and she didn’t feel guilty because she was giving him sexual experiences he would not get with any girl in school. When she finally let him inside, he was beaming with pride.“I didn’t touch myself, Miss Jenny, but I sure wanted to. I ache something awful...

3 years ago
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Wife Turns A Trick

Having been married for quite a few years and with adult children around the house, it's fair to say that our sex life had got a little monotonous. It should be said though that it was now a case of quality rather than quantity nevertheless a little more, a little more often would not go amiss!In adding a little spice around the bedroom one of the things I liked to enjoy was hearing from my wife Julie what her fantasies were. We didn't chat about them over a cup of tea and she only told me...

2 years ago
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Another Changed Life Ch 04

Thanks for all the comments and votes so far. Those on the last chapter made me giggle – I dunno about the ditto thing, but glad you liked it! Unless I get totally carried away, I think there is one more chapter of this story to go. * * * * * * Throughout lunch and dinner service I was so relieved and so happy I was singing to myself, not even caring that the other staff were laughing about it and speculating on why I was in such a good mood. When Mark came through the kitchen on occasions...

2 years ago
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Sex With Colleague

This is sex story about the sex with my co-worker in Delhi; the name has been changed to protect the identity. It was when I started working with a multinational company, I met Riya, from the very first meeting, I found her to be an open minded hot girl who liked to joke and flirt. In some time our flirting reached the next level and we were talking about sex and other things and one day she surprised me by asking me if I would watch an erotic movie with her, I happily agreed and we ended up...

4 years ago
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She rsquo s back for one day only maybe

A few weeks ago ,with the weather set fair as it has seemed to be this year , I was preparing for a day sat in garden ,cricket on radio ,sun on my cock . My mobile chirps up a text message , my ex wife name on it , not heard from her for nearly a year as our family are grown up and we have no need to talk , not that I have wanted to . Message reads “ i am stuck in Weymouth and can’t find anywhere to park , do you know anywhere ?”. It was a Sunday, the weather is hot , foreign travel is banned,...

4 years ago
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The days are seemingly endless. Donna works 10 hours a day. She goes to school three nights a week. Being a single mother is difficult. She lays in her bed and stares blankly at her ceiling. She wonders if this is how the rest of her life is going to be. Laying in bed alone, letting work and school occupy her life. She is 40 years old and a single mother of one. Donna is 5'0 with blonde hair and strikingly beautiful blue eyes. She takes care of her body and keeps in shape. Her legs are shapely...

1 year ago
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Lunch Special

You and the stranger both like gay. Stranger: hey You: Hi! Stranger: asl? :3 You: 17 You: m You: English and Spanish. Stranger: 17 M to ^^ You: And California. Stranger: Florida here You: I keep getting confused about the L! Stranger: :P Hows it going? You: Pretty good. You: What brings you to Omegle this fine day/ You: ? Stranger: Nothing, just bored, and pretty horny to ^^ Stranger: What about you? You: Boredom. I'm using this to avoid...

4 years ago
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The ministers wife

Introduction: Me and The ministers wife breaking commandments My name is Matt, for the past 5 years I have had the greatest youth minister at my church, I just graduated and Ive just ruined my friendship with him forever. When Darrel first arrived at our he brought along his beautiful wife, Autumn. She is about 57 golden brown hair, hazel eyes and a gorgeous body. Since then she has had two kids but maintained a gorgeous figure and since she doesnt believe in breast feeding she has maintained...

2 years ago
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10 Years Ago a Sad Anniversary

This is the story of how God left his unmistakable fingerprints on our lives once again, something he’d been doing a LOT of since the time shortly before the birth of our son, Ryan. Ten years ago, 12/11/2005 to be exact, I was awakened around 4:00am by the phone call that no parent ever wants to receive. My wife awoke me, calling from the hospital room where she was staying overnight to be with our son, Ryan. She choked out tearfully, ‘Something has happened with Ryan, and you need to get here...

4 years ago
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My Bitch sister part 2

My sister the bitch (pt 2) (Sorry it's long) I couldn't upload it as "My sister the bitch pt 2"WARNING THIS STORY HAS ADULT CONTENT YOU MAY NOT APPROVE OF.I NEITHER CONDONE OR PARTICIPATE IN SUCH ACTS. IT IS JUST A STORY.Everything was going great at home since mom initiated the nude policy.My sister and I rarely fought, quite the opposite we kissed and had a variety of sex often.We also listened to mom most of the time. We may have whined a little about our chores but the rewards far...

4 years ago
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Teenage Adventures Chapter 1

Timothy reached over and rung the doorbell again. He'd been standing in front of Ms. Alsover's front door for almost five minutes now, and just decided not to wait any longer when he heard a faint call from within the house. It sounded like Ms. Alsover, but he was unable to make out any words, so he leaned his head down, opened the letterbox and called: "Ms. Alsover?"Now he could hear her voice clearly. It sounded weak but urgent. "Please come around the back, Timothy".Quickly, he walked to the...

3 years ago
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Salt Pepper Ch 05

One night Salt lay in bed thinking about the past week. Her mother had actually broke down in tears, surprising Salt, who expected her to scream. Her mother’s pitiful existence had pretty much burned out any scintilla of emotion she had, so this display pierced Salt’s heart. But how much could she care about a mother who she might see twice a week? Rumors were rife in school. Rumors about Salt and jail, but nobody really knew what happened. Salt was back in school, after all, so how could the...

2 years ago
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Meri Chudai Ki Dastaan 8211 Part III 8211 Main Chud Rahi Thi 2

Bahut se log aise hai jo samajhten hain maine apni chudai ke baare me likha hai to koi bhi mujhko chod sakta hai. Bahut se ladke aise hai jo kisi bhi keemat par mujhe chodna chahten hain. Un sabhi ko main yahan batadun ki maine meri apni chudai ki kahani likhi hai aur unhone padhi hai to iska ye matlab nahi hai koi bhi mujhe chod sakta hai ya main kisi se bhi chudwa lungi. Khair, meri jindgi ki kahani hi aisi hai ki har koi garam ho jaata hai. Main un sab se kahna chahti hun ki sapna dekhne me...

2 years ago
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Summer Discoveries No 5 Catan s Masquerade

Jack and Steph had been happily married for more than twenty years. As with all marriages, there had been highs and lows, but seeing friends and acquaintances struggle in their marriages in recent years helped them realize the fundamental strength of their marriage. They loved one another without question, and, unlike many couples they knew, they enjoyed - and made a point of - spending time together. Their sex life, like their marriage, had experienced ups and downs, with the vicissitudes that...

Wife Lovers
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Joy of Their YouthChapter 10

Cindy had felt herself getting very very horny in the two or three days before she called her father-in-law, Chuck, and asked him if he'd come over to her house the next morning and help her with a problem she had. Chuck knew that Cindy wanted more than just "help" and he asked her if she'd meet him for brunch first and if she'd dress the way she would if she wanted to seduce the guy she was meeting. Cindy's reply was "Yes, sure I'll meet you and you're saying I only need to dress...

1 year ago
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Sissy and Daniel

Sissy and Daniel: Sissy’s story My mom and my dad were always on business trips. Going around the world, and when they do they leave me and my 16 year old brother Daniel alone. “Sissy, your 18 years old. We can trust you to guard the house. We have nothing to worry about.” My mother would announce every departor. Tho there are many, and I mean many, trips my parents go on there will always be one (hopefully more) I will never forget. My mom and dad were going to China, and wouldn’t be home for...

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Lady in Red Book 2 The Rise of the Warrior Chapter 2

"I remember how upset you were when you entered the hotel that day in New York," recalled Lisa. "Luckily, just about an hour before you arrived, Steve had explained to all of us exactly where the bear crapped in the woods." "It was everything I could do just to get Gwen to leave the cab," added Charlotte. "I had never seen her so depressed and upset. I was pretty worried about her mental state." "I was a mess when Charlotte finally convinced me that I had responsibilities to the...

2 years ago
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Aunty Ki Help Ki

Main rajeev hu or meri age 23sal hai or mera lund 8.5inch lamba or 3inch mota hai. ye meri Iss pe pehli kahani hai. Ye ek real story hai meri or rekha aunty ki jo ki married hai. Unka rang gora hai wo figure 39 30 42 hai. Ab main kahani shuru karta hu Rekha aunty ke pati ki night duty lagi hui thi or jahan unka ghar hai wo thoda sunsan area hai to uncle ne rat me mujhe unke ghar rukne ko kaha to mere mummy dady ne bhi han kar di. Ab sham ke 7 baje main aunty ke ghar gaya to uncle bhi the...

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The Kendall Chronicles Part 3

Greg traced his fingertip up a trail of juices on the inside of my thigh and slipped his finger into him mouth. “Mmmm, that tastes nice. Sit on the counter.” It was more of an order than a statement. I quickly moved onto the counter with my legs dangling off the edge. Greg stood in front of me and placed a hand on each knee and spread my legs. He leaned forward, kissed me and said, “Slide your ass over here.” while pulling me forward. Greg knelt down between my legs and placed one of my legs...

Straight Sex
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fucking my wifes friend

this is a true story which happened about 15 years ago and the pictures below are the woman in question, we moved to a fairly small village in Essex and had no friends after a while my wife Lynn said she was getting friendly with one of the mums at the school and one day i came home from work walked into the kitchen where my wife and a woman were standing drinking tea my wife introduced her new friend as Sue, the first thing i noticed was she was fucking ugly with really bad skin but that didnt...

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Linda s a ion

Linda’s a*****ion Chapter Eight It was Tuesday when I received the packet from Carol. She is a married woman that wanted to realize her fantasy of being k**napped and ****d while in our city this weekend for a three day convention for her job. There really is no convention it is just something she told her husband so she could get away. I received her...

1 year ago
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TeamSkeetLabs Leana Lovings Lacy Tate Fluffers

What’s up, Team Skeet fans? We love our Labs series, as it’s a fun chance to experiment and bring you new ideas. This time, we wanted to revisit a previous super successful experiment in its initial iteration –– Fluffers! In this episode, Leana is a fluffer who loves her job and never fails to keep everyone on set hard and ready to perform. Peter and Lacy rely on Leana to ensure everything goes well and each scene can get shot quickly. But what happens when a fluffer gets too involved and just...

2 years ago
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“Alright, alright… I’m awake.” Sam said in a low, morning voice. “It’s already 8:45 AM!” His father shouted from across the hall. “Come on, you heard your dad.” Mom said in a much lower voice. Mom exited the room, and went to wake up Katie, Sam’s older sister by 1 year. Sam and Katie were really close at childhood; puberty separated them a bit but they still talked all the time. And Katie was a very attractive 19-year-old, she acquired the same incredible genes her mother had. She had a...

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Daddy s Friends Turned Me Into a Fucktoy

I am home from college for the holydays; I bought along my best friend, Lynn Payton. She is a stunning blue eyed blonde with a DD rack, almost as big as my own E-cups, the guys can't take their eyes from her! In college I was having trouble paying for my expenses, dad has lost his old job and is in a quite inferior one now; he can't send me all the money he used to. But Lynn had the perfect solution. She started working as a stripper in a nearby city and soon she had convinced me to do it...

4 years ago
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High School Senior Party

As soon as the lunch bell rang I headed toward my sister Mikayla's class. I needed to ask her a favor. I spotted her with her back to me talking to her friend, Taylor. I overheard their conversation. "So it's going to be this Friday night at Ashley's place. Her parents are gone." "This Friday?" My sister sounded distraught. "I can't. My parents are going to be gone overnight. I have to be home with my brother." "He's like 14, right?" "I know but my parents don't like for him...

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Torturing the Girls Next Door

Chapter One: Michelle?No, no, no! Please, no, no! Please, please! Not with that! Please, Master, I beg you!?One of the two middle-aged women bound in my dungeon pleaded with me as I approached her helpless body with my electric baton humming in my hand. Her nude, sweating body trembled with trepidation as I took slow, threatening steps towards her. She wrenched her handcuffed wrists and tugged at the chain fixed to the ceiling that stretched her arms tightly above her head. She tried to take...

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Fourth of July

I thought I would share one of the most memorable sexual experiences from my youth. I was fresh out of high school for this one. Several times every summer I would visit my grandparents for a day or so. This particular summer I had spent more time than usual with my cousin after we had fun in the woods over a family thanksgiving. It was the week of the fourth of July and we were at a local campground for some community festivities. After hours of building the sexual tension we were at the beach...

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The back story of Kim from the bar

Well, Here's a new one for you. I met Kim right during the middle of my run as a bartender. I was in full stride by that time, fucking everything I could anytime I could. To be honest I don't really remember much about Kim herself, other then that she was a College student, and lived on campus. She showed up at the bar one night with some friends and I managed to convince her to call me. She actually did! Anyway, As I was in my prime, I was already fucking 3 or 4 other girls at the time. The...

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The Vampire s Lover

Vampires. They're the lords of the night, the stalkers of the living. Each one was an irresistible pale beauty with powers far greater than any creature who lurked in the darkness. With one simple gaze they can trap you in their lustful spell and turn you into a mindless puppet. They held the strength of ten men and the speed of a cheetah. For countless Centuries, Vampires reigned dominion over lands, towns, and kingdoms. Villages have paid them tribute in exchange for safety. They were truly...

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Same Blouse

Same Blouse By shalimar There are times when Gabriel and I go out to those dance clubs that we score with the girls. Other times one of us gets the action while the other gets to see the girl leave alone or with another guy. Sometimes neither of us gets the brass ring. Tonight was one of those losing nights. The thing that I don't understand with him is that he is so good looking that all the girls should be falling all over him, and I would be considered an excellent consolation...

1 year ago
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A true holiday love story

My story began in 2001 when I went on holiday. When I was there I visited my friend (more like my brother), that is helping his friend out in the shop and next to that shop there was a jewellery shop, from my first visit came out a god from that shop, well I guess he was working there, this god was so irresistible and so loving type of person, and that was the time when I have ever seen a boy like that before, And I loved that boy to the point where I didn’t move my feet from there, and it has...

3 years ago
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My favourite Barmaid

Occasionally I like to go out alone to a friendly pub, not far from home. It's a very typical English pub in all manner of ways and serving traditional ails. Good food served on plates, none of your overrated restaurant type and in winter, a roaring fire to greet you as you walk in. The staff are amiable, and when the place is full of visitors, my pint is always pulled. The best time is usually lunch when there are few people about as it's a country pub, so I get to talk to the staff and pass...

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BernieChapter 5

Bernie immediately stood up and stepped away "Ian!" He barked. Ian moved forward, thrusting Jackie's legs further apart. He quickly positioned himself, then grasped his big hard cock he pressed it against Jackie's awaiting sex. Jackie felt the blunt head of his cock. Startled, her eyes flew open, "Bernie" she called her eyes searching. "Sorry Jackie" Bernie sneered, "I just watch," he said "Ian does the fucking!" Jackie looked confused, then her eyes widened and she gasped,...

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Charlie Zero s Last ditch AttemptChapter 7

That the nights that followed were long and lonely, as there was little he could do to avoid being alone, and while it had proved to be a tough challenge when he had drunk himself silly and had the luxury of the prostitutes beside him—that same challenge that he thought he could work his way around without forces higher than himself getting involved in what he originally thought to be very common and innocuous crimes, this challenge of loneliness now seemed less threatening, since he was no...

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Big slut from small town

I was your typical small town girl, pretty naļve, and with two options open to me after high school: work a crummy job and live with my parents, or marry a local boy and make lots of babies. Neither appealed to me, so at 19 I moved to the big city for fun and adventure. After six months I had a cheap little studio apartment and a job as a waitress in a run-down diner. It wasn’t so bad; the food was excellent, the tips were good, and we got one free meal a day. Connie, the...

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Unexpected Gym Buddy

After a hard days’ work and a long rail commute home, it was a bit of an effort trying to get motivated and head along to my local leisure centre to work out. Spending far too much time sat down in an office means too little exercise as it is, so the gym is an evil necessity in my book.Begrudgingly I drove to the gym and headed to the changing room to get out of my suit. I opened the door of the male locker room, the familiar smell of multiple deodorants lingering in the air and the sound of...

4 years ago
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My Brother s Girlfriend Pt 2

Following the text I recieved from Megan I became very nervous, but excited.I'm imagining the way she would feel brushed up against my skin with her tight ass. I feel down below the covers and realize how wet I am. Slowly I begin to tease my clit with my right hand and reach up to grab my left breast with my other hand. I come to the realization I need to orgasm but not by myself.I dial Megan's phone number.. "Hello?""Hi Megan, it's me.""Happy Birthday!! Did you get my text?""Yes I...

3 years ago
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The Loneliness In Her Eyes

Another day in the life of Natasha. Another tick on the calendar. That’s all there was to it. Gone were the days when she would wake up with excitement wondering what life had in store for her. Those were the days before she got married to a drab software engineer who was never satisfied with his life and managed to live by making those close to him more miserable than he was. That ended in disaster. She was a marketing executive. Just 2 years back she was the star of the company always...

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I Just Stealthed a Straight Guy

This literally just happened 30 minutes ago. I got this text message on my phone saying “I’m hosting now” and thats all it said. I had no idea who this was or where they got my number but i’m thinking it was this straight guy that I talked to off craigslist who wanted me to fuck him. Sure enough, when I got there it was him.However, before I got there, he told me that I “must bring my own condoms”, which to me made me think… hmmm if he doesnt have any condoms there then i’m sure to breed this...

2 years ago
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Uma Aunty In The Kinkiest Of All

Hi all I am back with my story again thanks for the earlier feedbacks any divorcees girls aunties widows can contact me in Bangalore on anyone can contact me for sex chat full secrecy guaranteed. The sizes of my aunty are 36-30-30 we were sitting in the balcony and chatting about all our encounters and getting turned on we were sitting nude in the balcony as it was dark we no one could see us and slowly were kissing each other and cuddling each others body and our saliva was dripping on our...

3 years ago
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Sexy Lady On Bed With Me

Hi, I am Rohit from Delhi; I am submitting my experience with a sexy lady first time. I am an engineer. I am working with a private firm as service engineer. I travel a lot. Sorry guys I am making you boar. My email address is & . Please send me your feedback or any lady want to get satisfy just send me a mail. Everything will be top secret between two of us. So now comes to story; I was working with a hospital as a biomedical engineer. This incident happened with me last year in the month of...

4 years ago
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Cfnm mother in law

This is a story about being exposed completely naked in front of my mother in law. My name is Jack and my mil lives with me and my wife. My wife works nights and i work days, while my mil stays home and takes care of the place. There are plenty of chances for cfnm encounters, she is going to see me naked its just a matter of time. I know she enjoys looking at naked men and would most likely get a good laugh at finding me naked. Question is how is it going to happen? Laundry day, skinny dipping,...

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The Seventh SensePart 6

///CLASSIFIED TOP SECRET/// THIS DOCUMENT MAY NOT BE COPIED OR DISSEMINATED TO ANY ENTITY WITHOUT DIRECT AUTHORIZATION OF THE SECRETARY OF HOMELAND SECURITY Exhibit 8, excerpts from the transcript of interrogation of Ms. Olivia Tiffany Clarke, SSAN[redacted] formerly a member of the St. [redacted] convent. Interrogation conducted at [redacted] by Special Agent [redacted] of the United States [redacted]. Interview conducted on 25 April [redacted]. Vocal emphasis expressed through italicized...

2 years ago
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Ted Who Chapter 6

We got back into town after the six-game road trip and I could hardly wait to call Sandy. I'd started all six games and gotten 26 plate appearances. For the 26 trips, I had two hits, two walks, and was hit by a pitch once. There'd been no obvious cringing at the plate, no bailing out -- I didn't even feel stressed about the pitch that hit me on the left shoulder, even though it missed all the elbow padding and stung like a sonuvabitch. So I didn't feel spooked at the plate. But -- two...

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Busted Axle RoadChapter 52

"God, is she going to be in there all day again today?" The Inside Hollywood producer that Jennifer thought of as "Weasel-face" actually had a name; it was Lenny. The cameraman, who she thought of as "Greaser", tried to use a tough-guy image to overcome a name of Sherwin. "Yeah, is this going to be the most interesting footage since Snake River Canyon, or what?" he snorted. Both Lenny and Sherwin were lounging on a bench in the shade of a small tree in the parking lot across from...

1 year ago
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MomsBoyToy Sarah Taylor Stepmoms Valentines Day Toy

Sarah Taylor is throwing a Valentine’s Day party when her stepson Nathan Bronson joins her on the couch. With touches and body positioning, Sarah makes it clear that Nathan can have anything from her that she wants. Nathan is clearly uncomfortable, but he also wants his stepmom as badly as she wants him. Later, Sarah is putting up her decorations when Nathan asks if she needs help. She tells Nathan she’s usually really good at blowing, which creates an awkward situation. It gets...

3 years ago
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Late For DinnerChapter 78 Just One Thing

Kathy held the front door as Daddy carried Becky inside. She was so worn out from her big theatrical debut that she could barely keep her eyes open. Daddy had wrapped her in his raincoat because she had refused to wash following the juicy finale to her evening in the spotlight. He took the sleepy red head upstairs and set her astride Kim, who waited on all fours to convey her mistress to bed. "Giddy up, liddle horsey," Becky commanded as she wearily slapped her "pony" on the...

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And then one night

‘It’s your birthday,’ he whispered in her ear, his fingertips sliding up her arm. The thin strap of her new, white dress was slipping off her shoulder. His lips were brushing against her shoulder, pushing the soft material lower down her arm. ‘Yeah..’ she whispered. Her eyes were closed. She didn’t know if she wanted to go through with it. She didn’t know if she was ready, but she loved him. And her body was shivering. And his breath against her skin was driving her insane. That was enough,...

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TRANSFORMATION By Annie James Prologue, Allan's voice seemed to come out of a fog. The words, "It's a boy!" registered on my confused senses. Slowly the mist began to clear. A man's face, fuzzy at first, began to take shape. My eyes struggled to focus as the face moved closer. Lips touched mine, ---- gently, as a man kisses a new mother. The faint pressure of lips ceased and as the head drew back a second person spoke, crisply and clearly. "You will have to leave now, Mr....

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Reunion at last

When they had reconnected on Facebook a few months ago it seems as if no time had pasted at all. They picked right back up at the flirty fun relationship they had before. It was always nice to have someone who you just clicked with. Hanging out, having drinks, going to movies and the sex was awesome too. So when they started talking on Facebook it just seemed natural that their sexual sides would play back into the relationship. The first time Mark asked Cindy to make a video of her...

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