The United Kingdom Of Zoo (A Fake BBC Documentary Series)End Of Series 4 Special – Rocky Retires free porn video

We’re on a pretty grimy old terraced street in the grim northern city of Gateshead. The houses are wall-to-wall, narrow and double story. Brick walled, with a front door and a single window on the ground level, two windows on the upper level, and an almost pointless one-meter front ‘yard’, before a low brick wall and then the pavement. The side of the road is nose-to-tail with parked cars.
Walking toward us, the familiar figure of our hostess, Charley. It’s a lovely day (by the standards of Gateshead), and she is dressed very nicely in a strapless white mini-dress, the tops of her fake boobs curving perfectly, not jiggling too much as she walks (partly because the dress is holding them in place, partly because they are filled with pretty solid saline bags). Her chest tattoo, baring the words “WORLD’S GREATEST DOGWHORE”, and the chain of little dog’s paws running up her leg and disappearing into her skirt mid-thigh, leave little to the imagination about this woman.
She speaks as she approaches. “Four years ago, we introduced the world to a new star… A star who with his first television appearance changed entertainment, and sexual depravity forever… I’m talking, of course, about a very special Rottweiler, named Rocky…”
We cut away from Charley, to a selection of images… A big black Rottweiler, all powerful and scary, approaching various woman – being welcomed with hugs and smiles; those women on hands and knees being mounted by this magnificent beast; a series of shots of him fucking women hard; a series of shots of them holding him afterward – posing for post-fuck pictures. We note that in the later clips he looks a little heavier, and a little slower.
Charley continues speaking over the top of this montage. “Men dream of watching him fuck their girlfriends and wives, and women dream of being fucked by him… He was the first dog ever to have sex with a woman on television… And he was the first dog I ever had sex with as part of my legendary doggy-gang-bang… But – having made eight appearances on the show over the years, and having spawned one of the best dildos on the market, it’s time for our beloved Rocky to retire… All good things must come to an end…”
We cut back to Charley in the street as she reaches a familiar front door, knocks on it, and waits for the answer… After a couple of seconds, the door opens and we see the short, ‘safe’, friendly figure of Pablo, owner of the nation’s favourite dog… He greets Charley and invites her inside. She shakes his hand and lets him lean in to kiss her cheek as she enters. Both Charley, and Rocky’s owner Pablo, do their best to make this look spontaneous, but neither of them are actors - and it’s obviously staged.
In the small living room, we find Charley already sitting on the couch, with Rocky sitting at her feet, looking back and up at her. Pablo is on the other end of the couch.
“You’ve had Rocky for a long time… How long has he been active with women?” She asks.
Pablo speaks, as usual, with a hesitant drone, like he’s never quite sure if he should be saying what he’s saying out loud. “Erm, I’ve had him about 9 years, and he’s been active for about 6 of them.”
“And in those 6 years, how many women has he had sex with?” Asks Charley.
Pablo pauses, doing numbers in his head. “I think he’s done 7 o r 8 on the show, but he’s probably had about 50 on and off the show. He had had a few before we came on the show, but once we’d been on a few times we started getting recognized in the street – and you’d be surprised by how many women around here want to do it ‘off-camera’”.
The look on Charley’s face suggests that she’s not at all surprised. She continues. “And what are your plans for once he’s finished working on-camera?”
Pablo smiles, a little shyly, “Oh, I’m sure Rocky will still have plenty of admirers… He’s got a few girlfriends who come round regular, like. He’ll still see them, and if he doesn’t perform that well, I’m sure they’ll forgive him.”
“And yourself, Pablo?” Asks Charley. “I think the fans at home, and myself, we’ve all grown to love you a little through the show.”
“Oh, I’ll be fine. I still get some of Rocky’s sloppy seconds, I’m happy with that.” He smiles.
Charley turns away from Pablo, to the camera, and address us directly. “Of course, we couldn’t let Rocky fade away into retirement without giving him a proper send-off… So with Pablo’s permission, I’ve invited a couple of his biggest fans to help the big boy go out with a real bang!”
She rubs the Rottweiler’s neck and flank again, leaning forward and pursing her lips to let him give her a quick lick on the face.
We cut to a car winding its way through the streets of Gateshead. We’ve got a couple of GoPro cameras in the car so we can see the occupants as they follow sat-nav instructions from an iphone. There’s one camera covering the pair of them, and another catching a close-up of each.
They look a lot alike – both slim, both pretty without being stunning, both blonde (although one seems slightly more natural than the other). The biggest difference between them is that the driver is a good twenty years older than her passenger.
The driver speaks first, in voice-over, with a close-up highlighting her sharp features, thin lips and slightly yellowed teeth. Her accent has a hint of Yorkshire in it, but it’s only slight, suggesting a good upbringing or a lack of pride in her heritage. “My name is Mary Hemdale, I’m 44 years old, and I work in hospital administration in Leeds. I’ve been married to Robert for just under 20 years, and we have one daughter, Melinda, who is the apple of his eye… For now.”
We cut to the other passenger. She’s got softer features than her mother, fuller lips. A little puppy fat… Her accent is stronger, but the tone is softer, “I’m Melinda Hemdale, I’m 18 year old, and I’ve just left school. Mum and me have always been very close. Dad used to be in the army and was always stationed overseas, so growing up Mum was all I had… We’re very… Close.”
Back to Mum, “We’ve always enjoyed a close relationship and we’ve never kept secrets from each other.”
Back to daughter, “Mum’s always treated me like a grown-up… So when the United Kingdom of Zoo” started, even though I was only 14, she let me watch it…”
Mary, “We used to watch the show together, right from the first episode… We thought it was fascinating. It wasn’t ‘sexy’. I don’t think either of us were turned on by it, or anything like that, but there was something unmistakably hypnotic about it – watching all those women doing something that was just so far outside of my range of experience.”
Back to Melinda, “I used to ask Mum, did you ever try that? And then, ‘would you ever try that?’… I didn’t want to do it myself, but I wanted to know all about it. I was desperate to meet someone who had tried it.”
Mary, “We became huge fans of the show… We’ve driven all over the country meeting former guests – tracking them down at work, or at home, from what we saw on the show…”
As she speaks, we see still shots – selfies and group pictures of Mary and Melinda posing with various former guests of the show. Familiar faces, often in familiar locations. There are even a few shots of them with dogs and owners from the show.
Melinda takes over, “We’ve met about half of them, and we’ve even met some of the dogs… Meeting Carol and Rebel was the best. Standing next to a dog that we had seen on the show – knowing what he could do… I don’t know about mum, but that was the first time I actually thought about what it would be like to be on the show ourselves…”
Mary’s turn, “We once drove up here, and drove all over the place trying to find the right street – but they all look the same. We probably drove straight past it.”
Melinda says, “Rocky is definitely our favourite dog. He’s so scary looking, but such a good boy…I even bought Mum a Rocky dildo for her birthday… And she bought me one for my next birthday! It’s amazing… It’s funny to think that some nights, after the show, I’m sure we were both having sex with Rocky in our rooms – only a few feet and a couple of brick walls apart!”
Mary, “My husband jokes that the only way we could be bigger fans of the show, would be if we appeared on it… He pretty much dared us to apply… And when Mel turned 18 there didn’t seem any excuse not to… So we did…”
Melinda, smiling, “When we applied, in the ‘additional information’ section, I put ROCKY’S NUMBER ONE FAN, and mum put ROCKY PLEASE!... We’re so happy to be in Gateshead today… We can’t wait to meet our hero!”
Cut back to Pablo’s council house in Gateshead. In the entrance hallway, looking at the front door. There is a knock, then Pablo leans in and opens the door. Mary and Melinda are framed in the doorway, two shining blonde lights, with beaming smiles, against the drab background.
Their faces suggest complete joy at meeting Pablo, and his posture suggests a little shyness and embarrassment at being the subject of such attention. They both say hello and give him hugs and kisses on the cheeks. “I can’t believe we’re actually here…” Etc.
Both ladies are dressed casually in jeans and t-shirts. Melinda is a few inches taller than her mother having inherited her father’s height. Neither appears to be wearing a bra under their t-shirts, and both are spotting attention grabbing hard nipples. Melinda, being a teenager, has the firmer pair, Mary’s sagging just a little more.
We cut to the living room… Mother and daughter entering and their faces lighting up even brighter – Melinda almost jumping in the air and clapping as they see Charley sitting on the couch with Rocky at her feet. It’s hard to tell if they are excited about meeting the human host or the canine talent.
Both Charley and Rocky rise to greet them. Rocky’s tail wagging and Charley grinning broadly.
“Well, hello there ladies…” Says Charley in a welcoming tone.
She moves over to them and gets a hug from each, accompanied with kisses on cheeks all-round. The ladies are clearly happy to see the host of their favourite show – but from the way they look past her, they are obviously very keen to meet Rocky…
We cut to a shot of Mary crouching down to stroke, then hug the dog, letting his head go to the side of hers, his chin resting on her shoulder. Patting him firmly and commenting that, “He’s so solid…” Melinda behind her, clearly waiting her turn with great anticipation.
Then cut to a shot of Melinda on her knees infront of Rocky, him shoving and pushing against her, clearly happy to meet another female… Three at the same time is a record for him… As she fusses over him, he rises up and plants a big paw on each of her shoulders, bringing his face level with hers. She’s amused by this and leans in to let him lick her face. She can’t resist stroking his belly, low down by his sheath, as he licks at her.
We cut away from this to the two ladies sitting on the couch, Rocky has jumped up between them and is enjoying being stroked, cuddled and generally fussed over as the pair talk to Charley, who is sitting on a chair opposite them.
“So,” starts Charley, “A mother-daughter combination, something we’ve never had on our show before… Why did you two want to appear together?”
The Hemdale’s look at each other, deciding who should tell the story. Mother gets the vote.
“We’ve always been fans, and when we decided to apply, my husband joked that we’d have more chance getting on as a mother-daughter pair, than as individuals… So we thought we’d give it a shot. I mean, if either of us got on separately, the other one would be so jealous…”
“But what about doing this right infront of each other?” Asks Charley. “Won’t that be a little embarrassing?”
Again, they look at each other, little smirks, then mother speaks again. “We figured that if either of us got on the show, we’d see everything in graphic close-up anyway… So we may as well be in the same room.”
Melinda chips in, “If I’d got on by myself I would have still wanted mum here, just for support… This way we get to support each other.”
“Have you two ever done anything, erm… Intimate… Together before…” Asks Charley.
Again, then exchange glances, then mother speaks. “Not ‘together’, but… Sort of… Infront of each other… When we applied, we thought we needed to be comfortable doing this… So… I’m so embarrassed…” She hides her face in her hands, suppressing smile as much as her shame. Composes herself, and looks up again. “We used our Rocky dildos at the same time, infront of each other…”
“And how was that?” Asks Charley, becoming quite the interviewer.
This time, it’s Melinda that answers after a quick look to make sure it’s okay for her to answer. “It was a bit strange at first… Playing with myself infront of Mum… But once we both got started it was very erotic. We both just sort of lost ourselves in the moment and I know I had probably my best orgasm ever…”
“And what does your husband think of all of this? I understand it was his idea.” Checks Charley.
This time Mary talks without checking with her daughter. “I don’t want it to sound too strange… He suggested it because he knew we were fans – but it wasn’t like he wanted us on the show, it was more of a dare than a request. I don’t think he expected us to actually go through with it.”
“Did he know about your mutual dildo session?”
Now the women look at each other again for a few seconds, almost unsure how to answer. Mother takes responsibility, again, half hiding her face with one hand. “Yes… He was there… We figured he’d see everything on tv… So there was no harm in him seeing it live.”
Melinda smiles nervously as her mother answers.
Charley continues her probe. “And how did it feel for you – having your father watching you masturbate with a doggy dildo?”
Melinda shrugs. “Like I said… I think I had my best orgasm ever… I think having daddy there made it a little more intense – like, it’s only a toy, but I really shouldn’t be doing this… Fucking myself with a dog toy, pretending it’s the real thing, with my dad right there…” She indicates where Charley is sitting to show that her father was only a few feet away from the action.
Charley ends the interview with her traditional big question. “If this goes well… And you both enjoy having sex with this magnificent beast… Do you think it will change your lives?”
Mary first – “I don’t think so… We’re not here because we want to have sex with a dog… We’re here because we want to have sex with Rocky… And it’s not like we can take him home with us.”
Melinda nods, then adds her answer, “Yeah, I agree… But I think once we’ve done this we’ll probably be more likely to try other things…” She looks from Charley to her mother, as if she’s not sure she’s said the right thing.
“For example?” Asks Charley.
“Erm… Like… Maybe sharing a guy… One of my boyfriends or something.”
Mary looks a little shocked. “You’ve never suggested that… I’m not sure what your father would think about that…”
Melinda shrugs, possibly wishing she’d kept her mouth shut… But at this precise moment Rocky decides to interrupt, letting out a short growling bark – clearly getting bored sitting between these women with no action taking place.
“I think Rocky would like to get started!” Says Charley. “Perhaps you two could help each other undress…” And she sits back to watch the show. For all the craziness of the last few years, Charley has never seen a mother and daughter undressing each other before having sex with a dog!
We watch as Mary leans around Rocky, takes the bottom of Melinda’s t-shirt and slowly pulls it up over her head – Melinda stretching her arms up and letting the top just peel off her young body. As expected, she’s not wearing a bra and her firm young boobs look quite delightful in the open. Not big, perhaps a B-cup, but pert and firm, big nipples still very hard.
Then the reverse shot, as Melinda peels her mother’s t-shirt off. Slightly bigger boobs, but a little more floppy, similar rock hard nipples.
Jeans next, mother leaning back to allow daughter to unzip and then peel them down along long slim legs, leaving a pair of white bikini brief panties in place. Mary is in good shape for a 40 year old – not spectacular, but good enough for us!
Flip back to Mary doing the same to her daughter. Unzipping, then opening the fly, then pulling the jeans down. Melinda’s legs are smooth and young, but the jeans are tight against her slightly chubbier thighs, and they need to be wriggled, dragged off. This leaves Melinda in nothing but a black g-string.

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