The United Kingdom Of Zoo (A Fake BBC Documentary Series)S11: E15: Marnie Coburn (43), From Blackburn free porn video

We start this week’s show with a drone shot, flying over endless terraces streets of old homes. Black roofs, barely a solar panel in sight, narrow streets crowded with parked cars...
Then we cut to ground level in one of those narrow streets, seeing the cars parked on the pavement on either side, giving just enough room for another car to squeeze through. Terraced two-story houses line either side of the street, behind small walls that protect about a meter of concrete rather than a garden.
Dimple cheeked, fake-boobed, former pornstar Renae Russell, steps into frame with a handsome blue-grey Weimerana by her side ... Renae is a comic book artists idea of a woman – slim legs, a peach of an arse, an impossibly slim midriff, and bolt-on fake 36D tits so tight that they almost shine - topped off with head of long brunette hair hanging half across that pretty face of hers. She wears too much make-up and she’s virtually bursting out of her mini-dress, whilst teetering on stacked high heels ... She sweeps her hair out of her face as she begins to talk direct to camera in her squeaky Lancashire accent.
“Hello, and welcome to The United Kingdom of Zoo. I’m your host, Renae Russell ... And this is my co-host Logan. This week, we’re up in my home-town of Blackburn, up in the north-west of England, to meet a surprisingly unexperienced girl, who’s keen to expand her horizons – all the way to the United Kingdom of Zoo...”
We cut to the inside of one of the terraced houses behind Renae ... A very cluttered, lived-in living room. A woman sitting on the couch looking very nervous. Not sure if she should be looking at the camera, or at Renae and Logan who are waiting to our right. She’s carrying a little extra weight, looking a little frumpy rather than fat. Her long auburn hair is combed out straight, parted in the middle.
We get a better look at her when we cut to the close-up. Her round jaw, almost lipless smile, wide spaced eyes, freckles. She’s not attractive, nor is she ugly ... She’s simply very plain and anonymous. She introduces herself in a broad Lancashire accent (broader than Renae’s, and much deeper), stuttering a little over her words. As she speaks, we can see her teeth aren’t the best in the world, off-white, slightly twisted. “My n-name’s M-marnie ... M-marnie Coburn...” She takes a long nervous breath, then smiles again – getting herself comfortable on camera. “I’m f-f-43 years old and I’m from B-blackburn.” She looks around, off camera, as if she’s trying to decide if she still wants to do this. “And, I want to have sex with a dog.” There’s no stutter in this last statement, but it is followed by a relieved smile.
We cut to Renae, sitting opposite her guest, with Logan at her feet. She strokes his head and rubs under his chin as she conducts her interview, nodding and smiling along as Marnie replies.
“I-I’ve always had a p-problem wi’ connectin’ wi’ p-people ... I-I f-find it d-difficult t-to m-make f-friends. P-people c-can be c-c-c-ruel...” She pauses, taking a breath and gathering herself. “S-sorry I g-get a b-bit n-n-nerbvous around s-s-sssstrangers...” Another breath, a slightly embarrassed look.
Renae calms her, her squeaky accent clear and full of fun, sounding completely at odds with the nervous northern stutter... “Don’t worry about that, sweetie ... This is all about being relaxed and having lots of lovely lusty fun...” Her dimpled smile - friendly and relaxing - appears to be having a calming effect on her guest.
We wait a moment whilst Marnie collects herself, then continues. “I’ve been d-diagnosed with Asperger’s, sssso it’s ssssometimes hard for me to be,” she holds up fingers to signal air-quotes, “ ‘normal’ ... When I meet ssssomeone I like, like, I just ssstart talkin’, and I d-don’t ssstop ... So I’ve n-neveerrrrr ‘ad a b-boyfriend, like.”
“No one special...?” Checks Renae.
“N-no one at all ... I’ve never even b-been kissssed...” She looks embarrassed about this. Then makes it an even bigger deal – emphasising, “Fffforty-three year old and I’ve never b-been kissssed.”
“So...” We can almost see the cogs turning behind Renae’s big brown eyes, “ ... You’re still a virgin?”
It’s hard to imagine that a woman could get through to 43 without having sex. Marnie isn’t unattractive, she’s not in any way repulsive, plain - yes, but not ugly. Her body could be tighter, she could do something better with her hair ... But again, not horrible enough to actually scare men off.
Marnie looks almost as amused as embarrassed. “Yeaah ... Sssssad isn’t it...?” She smiles. “I’ve given up on m-m-men ... B-but I like animals. I’ve always liked animals ... Dogs, and horses, and donkeys ... And pigs ... I like them all...”
Renae, “Oooohhh ... Yeah ... And now you want to have sex with one?”
“Yeah...” She hum-giggles a bit, an excited noise. “I want to give my virginity to a doggy ... A big doggy!”
Renae leans in, “You know, since you started talking about animals, you’ve stopped stuttering. I think they really calm you down.”
“Yeah...” Confirms Marnie. “I love ‘em. I really love ‘em. They don’t scare me, or make me nervous ... That’s why I’m here today...” She smiles again, showing off her bad teeth again.
We pan over to Renae and close-in as she looks into the camera with that bright white smile, leaning forward to show off her cleavage as she completes her show intro, “Alright then ... My guest is clearly ready, so it’s time to let our star at her – and let this lovely lady open the door to a land of acceptance and joy...”
We cut to a few minutes later, with Marnie standing by her couch – now stripped down to a little black semi-transparent negligee that shows off her soft body and might look sexy on a tighter figure. She has the body of an older woman. Naked, she doesn’t appear to be carrying too much fat, but she’s got virtually no muscle tone to her. Her boobs droop a little, her belly is rounded, her hips wide. The negligee splits at the front giving us a clear view of her dark bushy pussy.
She’s standing awkwardly, moving a little from side-to-side, with an uncomfortable looking smile, as she waits for her co-star to arrive...
We cut to the door to watch as Logan enters – the big Wiemeraner bounding into the room and making a bee-line toward our guest...
Marnie flinches a little as the big animal rushes over, rears up and places his front paws on her shoulders. He’s almost as tall as her, and she’s clearly a little daunted – leaning back but taking his weight- her head back as far as she can lean it from his big mouth ... She puts her hands out and begins to stroke/pat/hold him from his head, down his neck, spine and flanks as he leans on her.
His mouth is almost level with hers, and she’s looking into his eyes – lost for a moment...
“Oh, he’s HhhhhhhUuuuuGE!” She comments, “And so heavy!”
She relaxes her neck a little, letting her face move back toward him ... And he immediately licks at her – dragging his wide, soft tongue over her mouth, leaving a wet trail behind. She looks stunned – shocked, then a little amused ... Then as he moves to lick her again, she opens her mouth and lets his tongue slop into her mouth this time. A couple of licks – angling her chin forward and closing her eyes, her tongue out to meet the dog ... And then pushing him away and straightening up to catch her breath – letting out a little giggle of amazement.
“Your first kiss...” Comments Renae, giving her a clap. Marnie looks over the dog to our little brunette slut and gives her an extra wide smile, clearly happy with her first kiss.
She quickly drops to her knees infront of Logan, leaning forward onto hands and knees and turning to face him rather than to offer him her rear end. As she turns away from us, we get a very clear shot of her wrinkled pink pussy lips. Wet and welcoming. She’s about as ready to fuck a dog as any woman has ever been. This bitch is keen.
She crawls after him as he walks around, turning around to make sure he can’t get behind her ... A playful bitch! She’s watched a ton of dog-porn and she wants to make sure he’s really ready to fuck before they get started.
He tries to get behind her a couple of times, but she turns away from him, delaying the moment ... Then he changes tactics and moves in toward her face.
She’s smiling as she opens her mouth and sticks her tongue out – offering it up for him to lick again ... And he does ... His big tongue meeting hers in a very sloppy moment. Flapping over her nose, cheek, and jaw at the same time, splatting his hot saliva all over her face ... She giggles but keeps her tongue out for the second and third strokes ... She likes this!
Angling her body down so that her head is lower than his, her arse up in the air, the negligee slipping up her back - and then tipping her head up again, chin out, so that he can lick down at her – letting him take control – a few extra tongue strokes deep into her mouth ... Which she hold open as she tries to suppress gags, coughs and laughter – all the time trying to keep a straight face ... She REALLY likes this!
He steps away, wagging his tail stub and heads around behind her again to see if he can find that pussy ... As he moves away, we see her waiting with her mouth open and eyes closed, waiting for another ‘kiss’ ... Still lost in the moment, like a girl in love...
She only realises he’s moved on when his cold, wet nose touches the cleft of her arse-cheeks ... And she instinctively rocks forward onto her hands, bending her arms as she raises her arse for him. “OOoooohhhh!”
She reaches back with one hand and grabs a butt-cheek, spreading it away from the other, opening up her arse-crack and exposing both arsehole and pussy ... Letting the big dog lick at her most private spots ... And lick he does ... Big, warm tongue slipping and sliding right up her crack – from pussy to arsehole, pussy to arsehole, pussy to arsehole – over and over...
And she moans, “OOooooohhh myyyyyy Gaaaawwwd!” as she experiences a tongue on her parts for the first time in her life ... And it’s such a huge, warm, wet tongue too!
She pushes her arse backwards toward him, pulling her butt-cheeks wider from the other – giving him everything ... And he continues licking – a hungry, hungry beast, keen to lick her until all the flavour has gone. We get a perfect close-up angle of his big tongue as it slides up the groove of her rear end...
Then he drops down lower to the floor, his front paws forward, his barrel chest on the floor, so he can angle his head and lick up to her cunt – working more on that than her arsehole.
We cut to a close-up of the incredulous look on her face ... Her breathing laboured, and making little whimpering noises that confirm she’s having fun ... She never imagined that anything could feel this good ... She’s close to heaven and he hasn’t even started fucking her yet!
She leans further forward, the loose negligee bunching up under her arms as it uncovers her back ... She puts her weight onto her forehead and stares right at the floor, bringing her other hand down to her other arse-cheek, spreading her cheeks and thighs even wider, giving the dog complete access with his magical tongue ... Then, as she realises that he’s altered his angle has now got easy access to her pussy without her arse being spread, she brings her hands back down under her body to squeeze and rub her boobs, now hanging free of the negligee.
“Oh Go-oo-ooodd!” She moans, her face to the floor, hair hanging down and hiding it – as the dog continues to lick her ... She’s shaking, losing control ... Turning her head to the side so that her weight is supported on her temple, ear and shoulder, her head over at an angle. “Ooooohhhh ... Oooohhhhhh ... OOoohhhhhh!” She moans over and over ... Pleasure building inside...

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