Deutsche indian porn

2 years ago
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The New Sexual Awakening Part 3

Day 20"It's been 20 days since I was exposed to the Augmented formula. In that time I have had several partners both male and female. The chemicle effect seems to supress inhabition as well as exaggerating Hormonal production. The effect even overrides sexual orientation as evidenced by my liason with a confirmed Lesbian classmate. With Spring Break quickly approaching I have decided to put my study on hold. I have developed a contact lense solution to dampen the effect of Occular...

2 years ago
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Tabanca by Debbie Cybill Tabanca: unrequited love, love-sickness, in the dialect of the Windward Islands. I never did discover just why Karen called her restaurant Tabanca. But then I have only known her for about four years, since she first came to Grenada from Trinidad. She was clearing thorn bush from the steep hillside, or rather directing a crew of men in that task, when I first made her acquaintance. In the way in which one greets every passerby on the Island, she looked...

3 years ago
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Die Falle

Autor: Elana Adra Thema: Forced Fem, Pony, Operation, Romantik, Bondage Rating: X Dist.: Diese Geschichte darf von jedem der es will, auf welchem Medium auch immer gelesen und vervielfaeltigt werden, solange der Inhalt inklusive dieser Erklaerung unveraendert bleibt. Diese Geschichte darf niemals als solche verkauft werden, oder andersartig kommerziell vermarktet werden ausgenommen von der Autorin selbst. Erwachsenenchecks die im Internet gebraeuchlich sind und...

4 years ago
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Wars das

Titel: War's das? (Original-)Dateiname: war's-das.txt Geschrieben am: 2001-10-22 (da war ich wohl nicht so gut drauf *grins*) Autor(in): 'Lisa (17)' bzw. 'Katrin Elisabeth' Copyright (abgekupfert von Debbie Sanderson): "Feel free to pass it around, archive it, repost it... Please don't alter it, or charge for it. Thanks." Auf Deutsch (quasi woertlich uebersetzt): "Nimm dir die Freiheit und reiche die Geschichte herum, speichere sie, schicke sie weiter ... Bitte aendere sie...

4 years ago
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Bernhard Teil 1

Bernhard -- Teil 1 Oder : Beate Sollte Ich Heissen Autor: "Bernhard bzw. "Katrin Elisabeth" Copyright (C) (abgekupfert von Debbie Sanderson): "Feel free to pass it around, archive it, repost it... Please don't alter it, or charge for it. Thanks." Auf Deutsch (quasi woertlich uebersetzt): "Nimm dir die Freiheit und reiche die Geschichte herum, speichere sie, schicke sie weiter ... Bitte aendere sie aber nicht, und verlange fuer sie auch kein Geld....

3 years ago
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Bernhard Part 2

Bernhard -- Teil 2 Autor: "Bernhard" bzw. "Katrin Elisabeth" Copyright (C) (abgekupfert von Debbie Sanderson): "Feel free to pass it around, archive it, repost it... Please don't alter it, or charge for it. Thanks." Auf Deutsch (quasi woertlich uebersetzt): "Nimm dir die Freiheit und reiche die Geschichte herum, speichere sie, schicke sie weiter ... Bitte aendere sie aber nicht, und verlange fuer sie auch kein Geld. Danke." WARNUNG bzw. VORWORT: Gestern sah ich mir den...

2 years ago
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Ich Bin Ich

Title: Ich Bin Ich Authors Name: Katrin Elisabeth Text File Name: ichbinich.txt Male Name: Daniel Changed Name: Daniela Other Names: Tina Synopsis: Daniel wird von seiner juengeren Schwester dazu ermutigt, einen ihr nicht passenden Rock mal anzuprobieren. Aufgrund seiner eigenen Neigungen und mit Hilfe seiner Schwester entwickelt er den Mut, als Bub Maedchenbekleidung zu tragen. Wird er jedoch von Fremden als Maedchen wahrgenommen, so ist ihm dies auch...

4 years ago
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Titel: Warum? Autor(in): 'Katrin Elisabeth' Copyright (C) (abgekupfert von Debbie Sanderson): "Feel free to pass it around, archive it, repost it... Please don't alter it, or charge for it. Thanks." Auf Deutsch (quasi woertlich uebersetzt): "Nimm dir die Freiheit und reiche die Geschichte herum, speichere sie, schicke sie weiter ... Bitte aendere sie aber nicht, und verlange fuer sie auch kein Geld. Danke." Warum? ====== Warum habe ich diese Gedanken und...

3 years ago
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Titel: Maria Autor(in): 'Maria' bzw. 'Katrin Elisabeth' Copyright (c) (abgekupfert von Debbie Sanderson): "Feel free to pass it around, archive it, repost it... Please don't alter it, or charge for it. Thanks." Auf Deutsch (quasi woertlich uebersetzt): "Nimm dir die Freiheit und reiche die Geschichte herum, speichere sie, schicke sie weiter ... Bitte aendere sie aber nicht, und verlange fuer sie auch kein Geld. Danke." Maria ===== Heute ist der 18.08.2000. Meine Eltern...

3 years ago
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Triumph of my Will 2

Triumph of my Will 2 By jasmine My sisters and I climbed into Alexandra's Diablo and we had just started home when Alexandra looked at me and said, "Don't you want to date a boy? That's what most young girls want, and you are obviously not a real boy anymore." 'What a bitch and what a stupid question!' I thought. "Absolutely not. I'm not like that, and anyway, no mother lets her daughter date at my age. This is pissing me off as we ARE talking about a sexual violation that I...

2 years ago
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Wie ich zum Schwangerenschwimmen gekommen bin

Wie ich zum Schwangerenschwimmen gekommen bin Meine Freundin Petra wusste davon, dass ich mir bei ebay sch?ne Schwangerenbadeanz?ge, so genannte Umstandsbadeanz?ge und Badekappen f?r Damen ersteigert habe. Voller Stolz machte ich dann immer mit der WebCam Aufnahmen davon und schickte sie meiner Freundin. Sie l?chelte immer nur und meinte, mit meinem Bauch sehe ich wirklich aus, als bekomme ich ein Baby, Sie meinte auch, schade, dass es niemand weiter sehen kann, den ich h?tte ei...

2 years ago
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Altered Fates Gl ck und Glas Teil 1

Altered Fates: Glueck und Glas, Teil 1 by T:M in 2005 Achtung: In dieser Geschichte gibt es Szenen mit expliziten sexuellen Handlungen. Au?erdem wird geflucht, und das nicht selten! ***Prolog*** Eigentlich war alles wie immer: Ein typischer Samstag Vormittag. Das "Venice", ein kleines Eiscafe, welches nach 22.00 Uhr auch eine ganz passable Szenebar abgab lag am Rande der malerischen Altstadt, direkt neben der Rossmann-Br?cke, dem Markenzeichen des Ortes, welche ?ber einem ...

1 year ago
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Momentum by T:M in 2005 Kennen Sie diese besondere Situation? Oh nat?rlich, wie dumm von mir! Wie k?nnen sie wissen wovon ich rede, wenn ich es ihnen nicht erkl?rt habe? Ich meine diese Art von Moment, die sich ereignet, wenn einem etwas pl?tzlich in den Sinn schie?t. Etwas, dass man eigentlich schon vor Stunden h?tte tun oder denken sollen. Mir pers?nlich ist das in der Schule sehr oft passiert. Da hat man irgendwo in der Pause einen schmutzigen, durch und durch unsittlichen Witz aufg...

2 years ago
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Die Idee zu der Story kam mir, als ich wieder an dem alten Haus im wald vorbei kam. es gibt es also wirklich, im Taunus, nicht weit von Frankfurt. Langsam verf?llt es, aber man kann immer noch sehen, dass es einst sehr stattlich war. Und auch den schon lange nicht mehr betretenen Raum gibt es. Allerdings habe ich nicht mehr als einen Blick hinein geworfen, das Betreten ist viel zu gef?hrlich. Trotzdem hat der Ort eine ganz eigenartige "Ma...

2 years ago
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Das Haus am See

Autor: Elana Adra Thema: TS, Shemale, Romance Rating: X Dist.: Diese Geschichte darf von jedem der es will, auf welchem Medium auch immer gelesen und vervielf?ltigt werden, solange der Inhalt inklusive dieser Erkl?rung unver?ndert bleibt. Diese Geschichte darf niemals als solche verkauft werden, oder andersartig kommerziell vermarktet werden ausgenommen von der Autorin selbst. Erwachsenenchecks die im Internet gebr?uchlich sind und ?ber Kreditkarten funktionieren oder auf andere Weis...

2 years ago
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Professor Prick 12

Life is full of Surprises The next morning I woke first Eddie was still fast asleep, I got up and took his bathrobe and headed to have a shower. Drying myself I took some fresh lingerie from the bag I had phoned home for last night and put it on. Picking out a black lycra body suit from the back I slipped it over my head and pulled it down over my head and chest before fastening the poppers beneath my legs. Next a pair of tight blue denims fastening the zipper at the rear I completed...

2 years ago
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Ich hatte einen sehr stressigen Job, und so suchte ich f?r meinen Urlaub etwas sehr Ruhiges. Keine St?rungen und kein Handy-Empfang. Nur Ruhe. Angeln vielleicht, aber das war auch schon das Stressigste, was ich geplant hatte. Ich fand was ich suchte in Skandinavien. Finnland kam mir zuerst in den Sinn, aber dann erfuhr ich von den vielen M?cken. Norwegen schien das bessere Ziel zu sein. Und ich mochte Berge, deshalb war ich dort richtig. Ich hatte eine kleine H?tte an einem Fjord...

2 years ago
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My Dream European Vacation

If you like this story, have any suggestions on how I should continue it, or would like to make this fantasy come true for me, email me at [email protected] I was all alone in Europe, travelling by train for a couple months after graduating from college when my life changed forever. This is my story. I was on a train in Germany, headed from Amsterdam to Hamburg when the most gorgeous woman I had ever seen approached me and asked me a question in German. My only response...

4 years ago
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Ein M dchen zu sein IV

Ein M?dchen zu sein IV --------------------------------------------------- Was bisher geschah: Es war ein ganz normaler Arbeitstag f?r den Elektrotechniker Sven, als ein Systemfehler den Teilchenbeschleuniger anlaufen lies. Ein Systemfehler mit schwerwiegenden Folgen denn am n?chsten Tag musste Sven feststellen, dass er sich ver?ndert hatte. Ein s??es, 11 J?hriges M?dchen blickte ihn aus dem Spiegel an. Wirrungen und Verwirrungen erwarteten Sven, der inzwischen den Namen Sonja tr?gt. Vom Jugen...

4 years ago
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Ein M dchen zu Sein Teil V

Ein M?dchen zu sein V --------------------------------------------------- Was bisher geschah: Es war ein ganz normaler Arbeitstag f?r den Elektrotechniker Sven, als ein Systemfehler den Teilchenbeschleuniger anlaufen lies. Ein Systemfehler mit schwerwiegenden Folgen denn am n?chsten Tag musste Sven feststellen, dass er sich ver?ndert hatte. Ein s??es, 11 J?hriges M?dchen blickte ihn aus dem Spiegel an. Wirrungen und Verwirrungen erwarteten Sven, der inzwischen den Namen Sonja tr?gt. Vom Jugend...

3 years ago
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Dutch Courage 1

Dutch courage 1 By Kim Anderson Copywright 2010 World War 2 in Holland. Carrie van der Veldt has moved from Amsterdam back to her dead parents' home in Utrecht, taking her 15 year-old son Mies with her. To prevent him being conscripted as slave-labour she has disguised him as her 16 year-old daughter Mia. "If I practise hard all weekend, can I have that gorgeous red frock in Dreesmans' window, you know, the one we saw yesterday?" Carrie had to smile. It was hardly a...

4 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 35

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 35 Travelling into town had it's reasons other than to give Paula and Kelly something to do. Kelly was to meet her mom at around 3:00pm as normal. But in the time that remained, Laura followed the girls and let them decide where to go. "Paula, have you tried tying your hair back yet?" asked Kelly. "Not really. I still think it's too short," she replied. They were taking a break from window shopping and sitting on a bench. Laura was at a...

3 years ago
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Simon und Simone Teil 3

S i m o n & S i m o n e Mein Leben mit meiner weiblichen Seite Teil 3: IN BERLIN ..... In Charlottes Berliner Villa angekommen, man?vrierte Gabriele als erstes den Van gekonnt in die Garage, danach ging es gleich in unser neues Domizil. Dieses Haus war wirklich ein Traum. Dezenter, alles andere als protziger Luxus wohin man sah. Aus jedem Detail der Einrichtung sprachen Charlottes hohe Anspr?che und ihr guter Geschmack. Sie selbst brachte mich ins G?stezimmer und sagte:" Simone, ...

2 years ago
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Fly Right

Fly Right By Kathy Smith Lt. Colonel Harry Newman was an Air Force pilot. He flew the F-22 (Raptor). He was also a Flight Surgeon. It was a rare bird being a pilot and a flight surgeon. He was also, a Jew. He was so handsome; he was 6'1", blonde hair and blue eyes. He was married to Barbara Newman. She was a housewife and they had 4 children. She is gorgeous too with wavy light brunette hair and, of course, blue eyes. She is 5'7" and very skinny (she eats like a bird). ...

3 years ago
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Laura part 2

"Show me! Show me!" Nicole eagerly giggles. Also giggling happily, I take the mirror from the kitchen table and show my new friend the glittery highlights me and my other friends have applied to her eyelids. "So cool!" "Me next!" Megan insists. Giggling almost feverishly, Nicole, Suriya, Priya, Harriet and myself take our glittery make-up brushes and set about giving my best friend a make-over just as pretty as Nicole's. I giggle and laugh as we take turns applying the glittery...

3 years ago
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Trixie oder die WG german Deutsch

Kapitel 1: KennenlernenEine Woche nach ihrem Geburtstag w?rde Trixie endlich diesen Albtraum hinter sich lassen. Vor einigen Jahren hatte sie sich in Miroslav, einen Serben, verliebt. Dieser war st?ndig in Geldnot gewesen und Trixie hatte deshalb in ihrer Firma, wo sie f?r die Datenverarbeitung zust?ndig gewesen war, Rechnungen manipuliert und so sehr viel Geld unterschlagen. Als das Ganze aufflog verschwand Miroslav nach Serbien und hatte nichts mehr von sich h?ren gelassen. Trixie durfte die Sup...

4 years ago
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Ms in a Mattress

Manuscript Found in a Mattress ©2020 Titania Midsummer Author's note. The title is a riff on a short story by Edgar Allen Poe. Preface It was Sunday and she was walking past a building that had been demolished. It seemed to have been quite a big brick building, possibly two storied. Long with its short end towards the street. There were tall hedges along the side and rear boundaries. Not much view to be had, even from a top floor she thought. The tall spiked railings on the...

2 years ago
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Commander Rainey

I was sitting with my back to the door when Commander Rainey came in. My feet were up on the windowsill, the weekend’s watch roster on my lap. I’d like to say I was working on it, but really I was kind of staring into space. She tapped twice on the open door.“Come in,” I said without turning, thinking it was one of my girls.“I’m already in,” she answered. I turned to see her halfway to my desk. She waved me down as I started to stand.“Sit, sit. No need to discover military protocol this late in...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Eine Frau wird mit ihren T?chtern nach Ru?land verschleppt versklavtTag 1Ich stand gerade in der K?che als es klingelte. ?Schit?, dachte ich, nahm die Pfanne vom Herd, putzte mir die H?nde an einem K?chentuch und wandte mich um. Es klingelte schon wieder. ?Ja doch, ich komme ja schon? rief ich und ging zur T?r. Ich dr?ckte die Klinke herab. Noch bevor ich die T?r ?ffnen konnte flog mir diese entgegen. Ein stechender Schmerz in der Seite wo mich die Klinke traf. Ich taumelte r?ckw?rts und stol...

2 years ago
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Das Kostuemfest

Das Kost?mfest(german/deutsch) M/f, MMFF/f, reluctant, bondage, anal, toys, costume, modification, spanking, bestiality, humiliation, exhibitionSynopsisKatrin ist der Meinung, ihr Leben l?uft an ihr vorbei: Nur Arbeit, w?hrend andere Leute spannende Sachen erleben und auf rauschende Feste gehen. Da ist nat?rlich ihr Beziehungspartner gefragt, der die undankbare Aufgabe erh?lt, wieder etwas Glanz in die gemeinsame Freizeitgestaltung zu bringen. Eine n?rgelige Freundin ist das letzte, was er...

4 years ago
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Kimberly Ab dem 7ten Lebensjahr wurde sie immer von ihrem Onkel, dem Bruder der Mutter, in San Diego, Kalifornien, in sein Hotel eingeladen worden, um dort die Sommerferien zu verbringen. Wundervolle 6 Wochen lang. Ihr Onkel wohnt in der obersten Etage des Hotels. Sie war riesig. Kim war jetzt schon so oft bei ihrem Onkel zu Besuch, aber alle Zimmer hatte sie noch immer nicht gesehen. Ein Teil der Etage war auch immer ganz verschlossen. Es war mit einem elektronischen Zahlenschloss vor...

2 years ago
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Der Sklave meiner Sekretarin Story in German

Der Sklave meiner Sekret?rin (Muriell 2007)FF/m, Humliation, Femdom, Feet, Stockings, Socks, Spanking, AgeplayGedankenverloren stand Peter Kaiser an der Strassenecke Maximilianstrasse, Lindenstrasse und betrachtete die noble Fassade des neuen, grossen Gesch?ftshauses. Es war sein neuer Firmensitz, der vor wenigen Wochen erst fertiggestellt wurde. Es war sein Werk, sein ?Kind?. Wohl das, was man eine klassische?Juppykariere? nennen k?nnte. Peter Kaiser war mit seinen 23 Jahren bereits eine fixe Gr?...

2 years ago
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Schwarzer Samt Deutsch German

?Das traust du dich nicht Schwarzer Samt?Das traust du dich nicht!?Sie hatte Recht. Sie h?tte Recht gehabt. Aber ihr Tonfall war einfach ein wenig zu schnittig und herausfordernd gewesen. Und wie sie da stand in der Umkleide des Tenniscenters, und halb in dem engen Top steckte, die H?nde in den ?rmeln feststeckten, da ?berkam mich etwas. Seltsames. Sie hatte mich durch den Squash-Court gejagt und nach Strich und Faden abgezogen. Wir hatten geduscht, und wie sie so war, zu hastig und impu...

3 years ago
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Ausl nderhure German

"Also dann, Monika, meld dich bei uns!", sagte mein Vater und meine Mutter umarmte mich und k??te mich auf die Stirne, "Pa? gut auf dich auf, mein Engel!"Dann fiel die T?re ins Schlo? und ich war endlich allein. Wie lange hatte ich doch auf diesen Moment gewartet! Seit mir mein Vater zu meinem 18. Geburtstag eine eigene Wohnung versprochen hatte, habe ich immer wieder daran denken m?ssen. Und jetzt war es nun soweit.Ich ging vom Vorzimmer an den Pappkartons vorbei in mein Wohnzimmer und warf mich ...

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Montagsfolter german

When I saw the first time the cartoons of Robert, Damian, Quoom, Archimboldo (which I still adore), in my fantasy the scenes b Montagsfolter (deutsch) Gl?cklich ist, wer Hobby und Beruf verbinden kann. Sie kommen am Montagmorgen etwas sp?ter in die Zentrale, weil sie Wochenenddienst gemacht und sogar ?berstunden bis sp?t in die Nacht geleistet haben. Aber es war auch zu sch?n gewesen! Allerdings nicht f?r ihr Opfer, eine dunkel gelockte, sehr ansehnliche junge Frau. Nun ja, jetzt nicht mehr seh...

1 year ago
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Abenteuer in Russland German

Abenteuer in Russland Als die Ferien begannen war Manuela geflüchtet. Sie hatte schon Tagevorher gepackt, alles war am ersten Ferientag bereit gewesen. Sie wollte vonniemanden mehr etwas wissen, nur noch hinaus aus der Stadt in die Natur. Niemandsollte sie belästigen und sie hatte niemanden ein Wort gesagt. Sie hatteschon immer die Wildnis Russlands kennenlernen wollen. Ihr Russisch war sehrgut, da sie die Sprache studiert hatte. Sie hatte auch 2 Semester in Moskauverbracht. Diesmal wollte sie...

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Am Anfang war das Licht und die Hoffnung German

Am Anfang war das Licht und die Hoffnung von Rainer Drzyzga 2005 Die Geschichte einer Liebe Der Blumenstrauß in meiner Hand ist wirklich sehr schön.Gerd hat mich gefragt. Er kniet vor mir, und erwartet eine Antwort. Bis dasder Tod euch scheidet, wird der Pfaffe sagen. Was heißt das denn. Fürden Rest meines Lebens soll ich mit diesem Mann zusammen leben. Was fürein leben? Eine schöne Hochzeit wird das werden. Prunk und Pracht wirdaufgefahren werden. Und dann wird ausgeblendet. The day after:...

1 year ago
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Belles of St Mary s

Chapter 1. In The Beginning Gulfcoaston, TX, Just Before The Millennium The Visit The house was what they called a "Galveston Raised Cottage" whichwas a sort of big shotgun flat raised up on two-foot-square pillars six feetoff the ground. A long hall ran down one side of the house from front to backwith the rooms opening off the hall to the right. There was a living room,a dining room and a kitchen on the first floor and two bedrooms and a sittingroom on the second. It sat on a thirty foot...

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Johanna 5 1

The fall semester of my sophomore year of college was just as lonely as the spring semester of my freshman year. I did well at school, got to know classmates as acquaintances, but still made no friends. The longer it went on, the more I was convinced that there was something wrong with me.Halfway through the semester I went to a presentation by the International Office on Study Abroad. I was really keen to leave campus, but the cost of program seemed prohibitive. I knew Mom didn’t have the...

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Johanna 12

Howard Fletcher had gotten me the leading breast cancer specialist in New York. His expertise and skill meant that my lumpectomy was minimally invasive. I went back to work on Wednesday, the very next day after the surgery and had a full workday.The small incision healed quickly and I began to feel better. Things returned to normal except that I had my apartment myself now that Jerry had moved out. I was surprised by how little I missed him. I was still tired all the time and after a long day...

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The House of the Rising Star

Veronica was a top producer at one of the most elite brothels in Nevada. Sometimes men would wait several hours for the opportunity to see her, ignoring the propositions of less popular girls. This natural beauty had a seductive aura about her, an asset that nullified any need to flaunt or strut to get attention. She dressed conservatively for a prostitute, disdaining flash in favor of secretarial styles with a sexy flair. This perceptive saleswoman had figured out the game very well. The money...

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Daisy s Girls

Daisy's Girls. By Tanya H. Part One. Love. By the time Daisy revealed that when she looked at passing women she wasn't just admiring their hair, shoes and clothes, I'd already fallen hopelessly in love with her. Happily, I was laid back and open-minded enough, and secure enough in my own self-esteem, not to feel threatened - and she would have known that before she came out to me. After all, I knew something of her ex-boyfriends and that hadn't changed my feelings for her, so why...

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New School

“A Girls School?” I wailed “A Girls School, Mum?” “Don’t forget the apostrophe, Jimmy.” was her reply. How the hell could she tell I’d missed out an apostrophe when I spoke? She was that kind of woman. If cleanliness was next to Godliness, then grammar trumped them both. “I know it is not ideal, but this school is terminating my contract. They need the money to teach woodwork or personal hygiene or something equivalent on the intellectual scale. Jimmy, let us be honest; it is not a very good...

3 years ago
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Lost FoundChapter 10

Sunday afternoon Damian and I spent most of the afternoon with about a third of my teammates studying video, the play book and the game plan for our contest with USC in twelve days. Campus was nearly deserted. Students were home for Christmas break. The only people left on campus were faculty and a few grad students. The spirit squad and the Blue Band were home until the day after Christmas, when they would join us in California. We had to eat all our meals at the Training Table. Otherwise...

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Lost FoundChapter 57

Brian Henson joined Chip, Christian, Tanner, Damian and me Monday afternoon to work on our pass routes and timing. I was pleased Brian had taken my advice. Tanner Riggs stepped up his game a bit too when he saw Brian out working with Chip. That's fine. There's nothing wrong with Tanner being pushed to excel. I found time to talk to Chip Monday evening after class about the summer. "Hey, Chip, my brother Will was wondering what you are planning to do this summer," I said. "He and I...

4 years ago
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Female POW 2 Nightmare in BosniaChapter 3

The two nude women hung in darkness. Valkyrie could sense Bobbie's body hanging beside her; but her blindfold prevented her from seeing what was happening to her friend. Instead, the blindfold forced Valkyrie to concentrate on the agony consuming her own body. Both had been suspended head down above the concrete floor in the basement of the hotel which was Arkan's headquarters. First their arms had been bound tightly behind their backs. First ropes had been run between their elbows, pulled...

1 year ago
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Through My Eyes AgainChapter 9

I arrived at Col’s house as large snowflakes started to drift down in the still air. I could catch them on my coat-sleeve and see the individual crystals glisten in the streetlights, showing their six-pointed star structure. I knocked on the door. Col answered it and I grabbed his hand. “Look. It’s snowing.” I laughed. “Grab your coat and come outside.” Whilst he was getting his coat, I dropped my school satchel in the hall and then we were off outside. Those first few enormous flakes had...

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Through My Eyes AgainChapter 11

Our house was empty when I arrived, so I went up to my room, got out my schoolbooks and stared at them, lost in tortuous, circling thoughts that reached no conclusion. Col had believed my story – but her reaction had twisted in a completely unexpected and very scary direction. Eventually, I heard someone moving around downstairs and my mother put her head round my door. “Will! You’re back early. Is everything all right?” It definitely wasn’t, but I couldn’t talk about it with my...

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Seven Wonders of the WorldChapter 6 Czech Mate

I wound my way around Central Europe for the next four weeks. Hungary. Croatia. Slovenia. Austria. Slovakia. Little side trips into the country. Baroque concerts in palaces. Long hikes up mountains. Museums, museums, and more museums. Castles. Lots of pretty girls, but none that made me wonder about the world. Beer. Two things happened as I made my way north. The prices went up. The beer got better. About the time I left Vienna, I’d almost quit drinking wine and was drinking beer every...

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Z Facing the World and Getting Paid Chapter 14 Z writes an Ad

I’ve been seeing ads for Buy&SellOnline. For short it’s known as BS&O. (Hey, I know the ampersand is in the wrong place. But that’s what others write and say. I think it’s because of the BS part.) I went to BS&O’s website looked around a bit until I saw the “personal service” heading. WSM meant Women Seeking Men. It really meant hookers seeking clients. Many of the ads featured bra size. 125EEE? [125cm is about 50 inches] Really? If that was for real she must be ready to tip...

4 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 216 Corn Silk

It was great to have the whole casa home when we finally got rid of the camera crew and audience. We called the rest of the clan that was available and carved up the second turkey. We made extra potatoes and there were three more pumpkin pies in the prep area. We just had an early Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings and none of the extra prep time. After dinner and dishes, we all had some studying to do, but it had been such an exhausting week that people drifted off to bed pretty...

3 years ago
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River PiratesChapter 1

I was born in Pennsylvania in 1825 in that section of the state called "Pennsylvania Dutch," but my pa was German, not Dutch. He always said he was Deutsch, which most people heard as Dutch, so I guess that's where the name came from. Anyway, I was the last of 15 kids, Ma didn't last long after I was born. Pa didn't blame me, at least he said that he didn't, but that didn't keep me from blaming me. Back in Germany, Pa had been a gunsmith, but he got conscripted into the Hessian Army...

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The Good YearsChapter 35

"Hello, I'm Joyce Parsons, Kenny's wife. Welcome to our home." Joyce had her hand extended, and was shaking hands with Cindy Macklinson. If you didn't know Joyce really well, you would have thought she was calm and composed by the way she greeted our guest. I stood up and walked towards the two of them, coming up behind Joyce and placing an arm around her shoulder, pulling her back against me. I could feel the pressure as she leaned her body back into me. The actions of her body giving...

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Z New HorizonsChapter 8 Mike interviews Z

I departed, carrying my empty coffee mug and shaving stuff. I found the obvious place for my empty mug. A few early risers were already in the hot tub. I got in to soak. Nobody was talking this early in the morning. So I got what I wanted: a quiet soak. After my nice warm soak, I got out to prepare to shave my kitty. A guy from the hot tub looked interested in what I was doing. He got out and sat down on the grass in front of me. After a while, he mused, “So that’s how you ladies keep it so...

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Mind the TimeChapter 25

"Which Wendy?" Wendy said. "Ja. Which Wendy Austin are you?" "The first." "When were you born?" "1942." "Ja, fer sure," he chortled. "One hundred and what? Twenty two?" "Pretty much," Wendy said. "How about I prove it to you?" She touched him on the shoulder. They flickered ... it wasn't much but the minions were upset ... just long enough to hit the dirt and start fumbling for pistols. "Heilige Geschlechtsverkehr Scheiße. Wie in den sieben Höllen haben sie das...

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I Fell ThroughChapter 2

Day 6 I awoke to the sound of a scream! Jumping up I looked wildly around imagining all sorts of disasters. I saw the younger girl holding the blanket to her chest shaking like a leaf. "What the hell!" I burst out. She gave me a wild look. "Do you speak English?" She didn't reply. "Sprechen sie Deutsch? Parlez vous Francais?" "Where are my clothes? Who are you?" she answered. I started walking toward her. "Stop! Don't come any closer!" she screamed as she scrambled back holding...

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Brendan FallsChapter 28

I was wearing my pink short-shorts with my long brown legs stretched out, my bare feet crossed at the ankles on the dashboard in front of Mr. Davis while he drove. I was leaning against the passenger door mostly, with the seatback adjusted so I was comfortable. I had a tight white t-shirt, new like my shorts, and it hugged my body closely, showing off my flat little tummy and especially my braless breasts. My thick black nipples were obvious and I was teasing my old teacher as much as I...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 163 Firsts

"Mr. Clinton, this is Brian Frost." "Hello, Brian." Did he sound exceptionally cool? "Sir, I have been given the privilege of accompanying your daughter, Cassandra, on her first official date this Saturday." "I'm aware. She told me months ago. I suppose there isn't much I can say about it, now. What is it you wanted?" "I wanted to make sure my choice of activities would meet with your approval before I purchased the tickets. The Notre Dame Ballet Company is performing...

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CommuneChapter 22

Claire was seated at the table in the community house looking irritated. She said, “My daughter and her husband want to spend Thanksgiving with me.” “My children want to do the same thing,” Liz said. She was kind of ambivalent about the idea of spending the day with them. “Mine, too,” Bev said rolling her eyes. She doesn’t hear from them except for phone calls on holidays and all of sudden they went to come for a visit. “I can’t afford to put out a Thanksgiving dinner for them,” Claire...

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CommuneChapter 24

Jack walked towards the auditorium building with Ella and Frau Shultz in tow. Both women were dressed up in their nicest outfits. The two women were almost giddy at the idea of watching a German film. Frau Shultz hadn’t seen a German film in almost fifteen years. For her, the entertainment options had been very limited. Melissa spotted Jack and waved to him. She shouted, “Jack!” Jack waved back to her. He couldn’t help but notice that Melissa was wearing a very nice blue dress. She had a...

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The Picard ManoeuvreChapter 4

Commander Whitfield with the Gamma Ten, transporting a half-dozen scientists from as many Earth centres of learning, beat Scott home by twelve hours. They were not aware of the tensions, or the attempted use of force. They didn’t realise the increased significance of the challenge they received on making transit. Their first indication of trouble was being met by an armed security detachment. We gave them a brief run-down on the events while they’d been en route, checked that they were who...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 37

The cell was not as Harry had imagined it would be. He had expected a dark, nasty place: damp and smelly as well, with unpleasant insects crawling about. But the room would have been bright had the day not been so overcast, for the cell had large windows on three sides, giving a view of the sky and sea when the clouds permitted. The furniture was sparse: a bed, a small desk and chair along with a bookshelf was all the room contained. A gaunt, aged man sat cross-legged in a far corner,...

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Drive For ExcellenceChapter 27

My alarm woke me at 6:30 on Monday morning. The first day of school. I thought about that as I showered. I had 180 days left of high school. Next year I would be in college somewhere. I looked at myself in the mirror before I shaved. I was finally starting to look like a man instead of a kid. The blond stubble of my beard was turning slightly darker so other people could see it. I needed to shave daily now or Penny complained. Penny arrived at my house about twenty after seven. Mom and Dad...

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Enter the DarknessChapter 11 Alexa s Hegira

July, 1988 Frankfurt was a major hub of European travel during the Cold War. Bonn may have been the capital of West Germany, but it was way down on the totem pole of German cities. Hamburg, Bremen, Stuttgart, Munich, and Frankfurt were all much more bustling. I think the only attraction that made Bonn the capital after World War II was probably the fact that it was farther from East Germany than any of the other cities. Frankfurt also had a fair number of U. S. military personnel located in...

3 years ago
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Dee Does High SchoolChapter 7

So much for Mrs. Devers having some information for me that day. I spent the rest of the week -- still naked, of course, not that I minded -- waiting for some word from her, while avoiding my lunchtime friends. I knew eating with them would be like being pecked to death by ducks. They knew me too well. They'd be coming at me from every direction, trying to find out what I knew, what was going on, and I was afraid I couldn't stand up to their assault. Oh, sure, I'd see them during classes...

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Drive For ExcellenceChapter 14

Ed and Jeremy met me at the bus stop early on Monday morning. They bombarded me with questions about my visit to Penn State and what Joe Paterno was like. I filled them in on all the details of my visit. Andy finally got to hear about the team party and Johara. I left those details out when I talked about the visit with my family at dinner last night. Ed filled me in on his weekend. He flashed me his brand new driver's license. He passed his test on Saturday afternoon. I congratulated him,...

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Drive For ExcellenceChapter 15

I woke up around 11 in the morning. My knee didn't hurt too much. It had swelled up over night and was so stiff I couldn't bend it. I showered and went downstairs for breakfast. Mom greeted me with a smile when I got to the kitchen. "How are you feeling Kyle?" Mom asked. "My knee is really swelled up. I can't bend it. It doesn't hurt as much as last night." "Sit down and rest your leg. What do you want for breakfast?" I did a double take. Mom usually makes us look after...

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Erste Cuckold Schritte Deutsch German

Hallo, ich will mich mal vorstellen. Ich bin der Dirk und nun schon seit über 20 Jahren mit meiner Frau Sandra verheiratet. Somit kann sich wohl jeder denken das wir beide jenseits der 40 sind. Auch wenn man mir das ansieht ist das bei meiner Frau nicht so, sie wird grundsätzlich 10 Jahre jünger eingeschätzt. Ein Umstand mit den ich sehr gut leben kann. Es störte mich auch nie das andere Männer immer wieder mit ihr Flirten, man könnte sagen das ich das wohl mehr schmeichelnd fand. Ich konnte...

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JPG4 AV4 us

There are hundreds of good porn sites and tubes whether premium or free with loads of good porn. However, none of them is self-sufficient; am talking about the fact that others only feature a few niches of porn while there are dozens of them, erotic images only, videos only and some a mixture of both but not anywhere near good enough. I know some porn enthusiasts who wouldn’t miss a latest release as well trending erotic photos and videos even on, and that’s why I've taken it upon myself to...

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Do you want to share your sex tape on The Cuckold, pervert? Looking to get laid tonight? No? Well, how about watching your wife get fucked by some stud with a much bigger dick than yours? I figured that might be up your alley. You’re in luck, because today I’m taking a look at The claims to be The Biggest Community for Cuckold Couples. Every sex website is full of similar claims about being the biggest and the best, though, and I’m not sure yet what they’re offering. They...

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The human lineage has been around many moons, and there are a few reasons for that. There’s our intellect, love of procreation, and tool use, but society was our best weapon before any of that came into play. Together we were stronger than any of us could have been alone. If you were out in the jungle by yourself and a saber tooth tiger rolled up, you would have to kiss that ass goodbye. But if you have a crew with you, the tiger can’t kill everyone, and it knows it. More than likely, it will...

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Mein Leben als Zuh lter

Nun sind seit dem Tag bereits 7 Jahren vergangen, mittlerweile habe ich meinen eigene Stall an jungen Pferden, die für mich Tätig sind! Kurz um dank Rudolph dem alt eingesessenen Zuhälter und seiner Ausbildung bin ich jetzt sehr erfolgreich in dem Gewerbe als Zuhälter tätig… Was das angeht so macht mir keiner mehr was vor, ich genieße einen guten Ruf unter den Brüdern und bin auch viel skrupelloser geworden…was die Beschaffung von neuen Weibern angeht, sie dann einzureiten… zu brechen… bis sie...

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My fun time in Germany Part II

Note: This story is complete fictional! Never try to do it in real live! Cathy never stirred, so the girls didn't wake her to tell her where they were going. When we got back, Andrea was still on the steps reading a book. I introduced the girls and left them to talk as I climbed in my tent to try to take my nap. Unashamedly, I removed my gym shorts in full view of the girls. I heard them say something in Deutsch, and all three giggled. I took the last sip of my beer and laid back, putting my...

First Time
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Cant Resist the Urge

Ever since the first time I felt the smooth skin and stiff heat of a man’s erection in my mouth I was hooked. When I experienced the taste and scent and throbbing of a cock exploding in my mouth and the pungently salty flavor of cum that first time I knew I would love to suck men’s cocks. I was reluctant the first time and very tentatively took him into my mouth but that all disappeared very quickly. The skin was so smooth and his erection felt hot. The skin moved with my mouth’s movement and...

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Break Up To Make UP

Break Up To Make UpDisclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. Always look both ways before crossing the pond. Beware of geeks bearing gifs. An answer known is a power broken. One man’s crisis is another man’s narcissism. This...

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Survival of the Sexiest the Conclusion Roma Therapy

My name is Roma, and you will have gathered from the other stories in my Survival series that I take what I want when I want it – no holding back, no holds barred.This story has a twist on the other chapters – do I get what I want, or just get what I deserve?  Will I be fit enough to survive?A few weeks ago, my husband went away on business, and this, for me, is like a klaxon going off, accompanied by shouts of, “Playtime!”‘Who’s to be the lucky dog this time,’ I wondered and decided to call my...

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SecretsChapter 9

The photographs were laid out on the desk and the man turned to his two subordinates. "Good. But it's not enough." "He goes back to London today; word is that he will be back in seven weeks time." "Right, well we get it then. I want..." "Word is, Guv, that he will be moving here." A smile crept over the face of the aged gentleman who looked at the pictures. "I want a low-profile, and try and pick up any of these weak links. That guy, he came at the end and he's local, Kadema,...

2 years ago
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Bua Ki Beti Ko Jamkar Choda

Hello friends I am Rames.Yeh meri pehli story hai.Meri age 20 years hai aue me mumbai ka rehnewala hu.Kafi samay se me iss pe stories padhta aya hu aur aj apko apni story sunana chahta hu.Ye ghatna biljul sacchi hai jo mere sath garmiyo ki chhutoyon me ghati. First I introduce myself I am a engineering student.height 5.11″. Cock size 7 inches,body medium. Ye story us bare me hai ki keise maine apni bua ki ladki ko gaon me choda. So start with the story.Meri family me mai,mom- dad aur mera ek...

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The Tutor s Dream

Daniel sat on his bed thinking about what he had seen. His boss and sometimes lover had brought home one of his students and fucked her in the room next to his. The image of the woman and Greg stood naked in the kitchen sipping wine was burned into Daniel's mind. Greg had exquisite taste in women; his wife, Jane was a beautiful woman, but this younger woman he had brought home was more so.Daniel's right hand glided up and down his shaft, imagining the beautiful blonde riding him. His eyes...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Sexperience With Unexpected Woman

Hello dear readers… Hope you are ready to be aroused by my new unexpected yet wonderful experience. Not delaying any more… here I start my experience :) I am a male bdw ;) and I am staying with my friends in a house. As many guys have that anxiety about woman and their hidden treasures, I was also curious about them and always wanted to have some fun with woman but never got a chance. So… why am I writing this post? It’s because every one is given a fair chance, I also got mine and that too in...

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Train ki class

Hello dosto. Mera naam nilima hai, log mujhe nilu kahte hain. I am a student in B.A. first year. My age is 18+ ,, fair, slim, 5.4 height, sundar figure, 32 24 30. Mene isi saal collage join kiya he. Pahle jahan tak mene class 12 kiya wo ghar ke paas tha. Par collage bahut dur he, sabse sidha rasta train ka he collage jane ke liye. Local train me 1.20 hrs yani 80 minute lagte hain. Pahle to pareshani hui, koi sathi bhi nahi tha. Akele aana aur jana. Wapas aane ke samay office time ho jata tha....

1 year ago
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Tight Spaces

I'm in trouble. For the first time in three years I might be late for work.We're in the slowest elevator on earth. Just the two of us.I only caught a glimpse of him when he got on board on the second floor, together with some businessman who got out again promptly on the third – thankfully, because he was having a rather tense phone conversation and the secondhand embarrassment was starting to make my armpits itch.I caught his height and his skin tone and a flash of a smile when he, in turn,...

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Hayden Panettiere And Megan Fox With Count Dracula

“Hey Megan.” “Hey sweetie. How are you?” “Great. And you my love?” “Hanging in Hayden, just like always.” “Well I’m changing that tonight. We are going on a double date and I don’t care how hard you protest its happening.” “But Hayden…” “Not another word Foxy. I’m picking you up in an hour and we’re meeting our dates at the restaurant. It’ll be fun. You’re date is gorgeous.” “I’m not looking for a boyfriend though.” “I know you’re not babe. Let’s just go out and have fun. More importantly just...

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A Bargain Made A House Fallen Ch 02

Finding the prince was the difficult part. He and his aides had done a good job of covering his tracks, but that was to be expected. After all, one does not conspire to ruin a House and murder a queen and then just stand there waving and waiting patiently for retribution. Tracking him was a matter of a bribe here and a judicious use of magic there to follow the bread crumbs of information and learning, over time, how they planted their disinformation. People stick with what they think works or...

3 years ago
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Coach Trip with Jack and Dave

Dave, my ex, and our friend, the Rugby team captain, Jack, were off to watch one of the club's rivals playing in a big game, and I decided to go along with them. As there was a certain amount of alcohol expected during the course of the day, and even more after the game, it had been decided we would travel by coach, a journey of around two hours each way.It was one of those balmy, early October days when the sky was more like August, and the air was comfortably warm. I was wearing just a short...

4 years ago
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Showtime Part 2

ent. What would it be today? He could suck them both off, that would be nice - and then they could suck him off. He was partial to a double-header from a pair of good looking boys. But no, he decided. He'd fuck them today. They always made such lovely little noises when he fucked them. "I've come up with a special idea for today," he said, "There's some nylon stockings and a couple of ladies garter belts over by the window. Let's see what you look like wearing 'em." Both youngsters...

3 years ago
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Harry and the Humbler a tale of cuckolding and revenge

Harry and the Humbler, a tale of cuckolding and revenge. It was easy enough for her to let her put it on me.  She just told me she had a surprise for me and to strip and get on my hands and knees.  Over the years I’ve spent many an hour with my balls tied tightly, and many times have felt that probing tip of a plug being slowly pushed into my ass, only to be followed by increasing pressure and then relief as I closed in again around the narrow band. In other words, my wife ordering me to strip...

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My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 7 Katie s torture

Katie's Torture Continues I awake the next morning rejuvenated. I decided I can play her little game. I give her a little kiss on the back of the neck as I caress her hips. My dick is already starting to grow. It seems the longer she teases me and denies me a release the larger it gets. I get out of bed to go make coffee and my hard on is protruding from boxers. Katie starts laughing as she sees me. "I can play your little game. Are you ready to cum? Do you want my tongue or my fingers,...

2 years ago
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Jeff and ChelseaChapter 3

Morning light roused Jeff. He saw Chelsea lying on her side and regarding him. “Morning,” he said. “Morning.” “Been awake for long?” She shrugged. “Not really...” She regarded him for a long moment. “So...” “So what?” “Any regrets?” Jeff shook his head. “No. None.” “You’re sure?” “Positive. Like I said -- you’re a girl with a different kind of clit, that’s all. You have any regrets?” “Oh, Jeff ... You can’t imagine what this has done for my self-esteem. To actually feel wanted ... to...

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Independent Missionary

Rev. Saul Paul Independent Missionary Corinth, Greece Dear Mr. Paul, We recently received an application from you for service under our Board. It is our policy to be as frank and open-minded as possible with all our applicants. We have made an exhaustive survey of your case. To be plain, we are surprised that you have been able to ‘pass’ as a bonafide missionary. We are told that you are afflicted with a severe eye-trouble. This is certain to be an insuperable handicap to an effective...

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Wife Asshole Fucked By Nepali Waiter

By : Jai Hello to all the readers of ISS .I’m regular reader of ISS, After reading swapping stories I also get a plan to swap my wife but after lots of search I did not a proper couple so I plan to allow my wife to make a boyfriend but she refuse, but after lots of request she agree but not for long time only one night stand but how wife did not get faith to my close friends so she say that she will do but not here in our place out of city and away from our house I agree I waited for a week...

3 years ago
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6 December 2006Chapter 3

“I think that performance went over very well, don’t you?” Karen smiled, cuddling into Dan. “And this year’s Oscar for the best portrayal of a pissed off wife in a dramatic role, goes to ... Karen Hayward!” He joked. “It’s a good thing you don’t have a very good aim. You almost hit me with that ornament.” “You’ve got good reflexes,” she laughed. “I never did like that statue.” “Imagine if she did like eating pussy, then we would have had some quick thinking to do.” “We owe Wendy a great...

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A Friend in NeedChapter 24

The summer turned unusually hot during the next couple weeks. Traci and Mandy spent most of the day out by the pool or sitting in the cool of the shade that overlapped the deck. More often than not, they were clothed only in the smallest bikinis they could find and sometimes, nothing at all. Greg had stepped up his training since being chosen for the National Karate team. He would get up before the sun had risen and go for a four to five mile run. Then it was to the gym at the college to...

3 years ago
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Ahead of the GameChapter 7

Jeff woke up in the morning, the events of the previous evening coming back to him in a rush. He didn't want to face his mother this morning, but he knew he couldn't avoid her forever; dressing quickly he hurried downstairs to get the confrontation he was so sure would happen out of the way. When he got downstairs he forced himself to go to the kitchen, afraid of the censure he knew he would see in his mother's eyes. As he walked into the kitchen, he saw his mother standing there, her back...

1 year ago
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The wife s best friend part 2

It was Wednesday evening and I’d just got home from work, as I walked through the door the wife came up to me and gave me a big kiss, sandy called me today she said in a chipper voice, while walking back through to the kitchen, she was attending to dinner. she said she really likes her tattoo and that it’s healing well.OH, that’s cool I replied. She also asked me if I would ask you, would you mind popping round hers tonight for an hour, her washing machine is leaking from behind and she cant...

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A Get to know you photo session

Every now and then I have a little free time to burn and I’m bored, when I get a call from another aspiring model or actress to do some portfolio updates to keep their books up to date. I’ve never shot with Sue and I’ve seen some of her photos, mostly from shoulders down and I will say for a lady of her age, she would give most 19-year-olds a run for their money on her bad days. I don’t think she has any either! Anyway I tell her my rates but offer her my Test Shoot rate which is free for a...

3 years ago
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New Home 4

End of Part 3 I polished off the last of my dinner, then turned to them. “Speaking of which I’m dying to know how you two got together.” Kassie looked at Karen, returning her gaze. “Looks like my big brother wants a story and a reenactment. Feeling up for it?” “I’m up for anything as long as I can get my hands on your body. So how about it Matt? Ready for story time?” Like the incredible smooth person I am, I was only able to nod my head dumbly. We all got up, leaving out dishes on the table,...


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