Lippenstift indian porn

2 years ago
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Andy 1

"Ich kann doch nicht deine Jeans anziehen!" sagte ich entr?stet. "Jetzt stell dich nicht so an", sagte Biene. Sie hie? eigentlich Sabine, aber jeder nannte sie Biene. Bienchen durfte man nicht sagen, da wurde sie sauer. "Das ist eine ganz normale Jeans." "Ja, f?r M?dchen." "Quatsch. Sie ist normal geschnitten, hat keine Stickereien oder so etwas." Ich schaute bedenklich. Meine Hose war nicht mehr zu retten, das war deutlich. Es war cool eine alte Jeans zu tragen. Aber meine war zu a...

3 years ago
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Andy 10

Ich befand mich in einer merkw?rdigen Situation. Ich hatte zuhause nur M?dchenkleider an, w?rde sogar die ganzen Ferien als M?dchen bei meiner Mom leben, und konnte ihr doch nicht erz?hlen, dass ich als M?dchen babysittete. Oder konnte ich? Ich wusste nicht wie. Ich ging ins Bad und schminkte mich ab. An meiner neuen Frisur konnte ich nichts machen. Zudem gefiel mir, was Mom so aufwendig gemacht hatte. Das war deutlich besser als die Per?cke. Nicht nur rein optisch, sondern auch vom Trageko...

3 years ago
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Andy 13

Ich habe die Bilderseite erweitert. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Am n?chsten Morgen hatte ich ein Problem, das nur M?dchen vor einem mehr als gut gef?llten Kleiderschrank haben: Was sollte ich anziehen? Schlie?lich siegte die Neugierde. Ich hatte das Schulm?dchen Outfit noch nicht angehabt. Es war eine authentische Uniform, wie sie irgendwo in England in einem Internat getragen w...

2 years ago
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Andy 14

Vor der Geschichte ein paar Worte in eigener Sache. Es wurden mehrfach Fragen an mich gerichtet, ob ich Andy weiter mache, nachdem ich "Die Wette" gepostet hatte. Wie man sieht, es geht weiter. Ich habe bereits drei weitere Folgen geschrieben, die aber noch Korrektur gelesen werden m?ssen, und das dauert leider - vor allem, weil das im Gegensatz zum Schreiben ?berhaupt keinen Spa? macht. "Die Wette" war nur ein wenig Ablenkung, um mich wieder zu motivieren ;-) Andy wird weitergehen, ...

2 years ago
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Die neue Freundin

Der Regen prasselte mit aller Wucht gegen mein B?rofenster. Bis vor ein paar Tagen war es noch ein sch?ner goldener Herbst, aber jetzt war alles grau, kalt und nass. Ein richtiger Herbst halt. Der Klingelton meines Handy riss mich aus den Gedanken. Es war Roman, Studienfreund, bester Kumpel und manchmal auch Saufkumpan. "He Alter", h?rte ich Roman sagen, "du weisst schon noch, dass wir nachher zur Afterworkparty gehen, und heute kannst du dich nicht dr?cken." Ich war jetzt seit einen...

3 years ago
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Der Flaschengeist Teil 9

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webs...

1 year ago
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Der Tag der s en Rache

Diese Geschichte baut auf einen von mir bereits eingestellte Geschichte ("Das Klassentreffen") auf. Bitte lest erst diese damit ihr die Zusammenh?nge besser Versteht. Es ist keine Fortsetzung von "Das Klassentreffen" sondern aus einer anderen Sicht geschrieben bzw. mit einen anderen Ausgang. Vielen Dank an "Madeleine la Belle" f?r die Unterst?tzung. Der Tag der s??en Rache war gekommen. Endlich. Nein, eigentlich war ich gar nicht so aufgew?hlt wie es sich anh?ren mag, denn ich wusste ja ...

4 years ago
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Ein M dchen zu Sein Teil V

Ein M?dchen zu sein V --------------------------------------------------- Was bisher geschah: Es war ein ganz normaler Arbeitstag f?r den Elektrotechniker Sven, als ein Systemfehler den Teilchenbeschleuniger anlaufen lies. Ein Systemfehler mit schwerwiegenden Folgen denn am n?chsten Tag musste Sven feststellen, dass er sich ver?ndert hatte. Ein s??es, 11 J?hriges M?dchen blickte ihn aus dem Spiegel an. Wirrungen und Verwirrungen erwarteten Sven, der inzwischen den Namen Sonja tr?gt. Vom Jugend...

3 years ago
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Der Flaschengeist Teil 30

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webseiten, ...

2 years ago
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Simon und Simone Teil 2

S i m o n & S i m o n e Mein Leben mit meiner weiblichen Seite Teil 2: DIE REISE NACH BERLIN (Vielen Dank an Skinner, dessen Idee(n) diesen Teil der Geschichte nicht ganz unwesentlich vorangebracht haben) Als ich am n?chsten Morgen aufwachte, bekam ich einen Schreikrampf. Bis jetzt war ja alles gut gegangen, niemand und vor allem nicht meine Tante hatten etwas von dem gemerkt, was sich wirklich zwischen mir und ihrer besten Freundin abspielte. Ich war f...

2 years ago
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Mein Zweites Leben 1

Pr?ambel: This story was written by me alone. It is intentionally in German for 2 reasons: 1. There are not that many TV/TG stories in German language. 2. I am too lazy to write it in English. If you like it and want to translate it into another language, feel free to do so, but keep a reference to the original one. The story, the persons and many of the institutes in it are fully fictional, any similarities to living persons or institutions are totally incidental. Mein z...

1 year ago
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Mein Zweites Leben 2

Mein Zweites Leben (2) - Die Schule Die ist die Fortsetzung von Mein Zweites Leben (1) ( =1382959938277653391). Ich empfehle, zuerst den Anfang zu lesen. Die Schule Ich halte kurz an, als ich die Einfahrt passiert habe. Vor mir liegt ein gr??eres Anwesen mit einem Haupthaus und zwei Nebengeb?uden, alles in freundlichem Wei? gestrichen. An der Seite ein kleiner, gut gef?llter Parkplatz, den ich dann auch vorsichtshalber ans...

1 year ago
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Der Wille von starken und h bschen Frauen

Der Wille von starken und h?bschen Frauen Es war einmal ein arroganter, eingebildeter und sehr ?berheblicher Macho. Dieser betrachtete alle M?dchen und Frauen nur als Popp-Objekte! Frauen haben dumm zu sein, grosse Titten aufzuweisen und sollen grossen Spass daran haben, M?nnern einen zu Blasen und ihre s?ssen Muschis von grossen Schw?nzen verw?hnen zu lassen. Eines Tages aber trafen die M?dchen und Frauen, die es satt hatten, sich st?ndig auf ihre Br?ste und ihren Po glotzen zu lassen, den Ent...

4 years ago
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F lk

Ich musste dieses Referat heute fertig kriegen, doch ich konnte mich einfach nicht konzentrieren. Das kannte ich ?berhaupt nicht, sonst fiel mir es leicht, konzentriert zu arbeiten. Das zeigten auch meine guten Noten. Ich fing an zu glauben, dass es daran lag, dass ich mich selbst zu sehr unter Druck setzte. Schlie?lich war es nicht mehr lange bis zum Abitur. Und zu meinem achtzehnten Geburtstag. Letzteres war wohl eher der Grund, gr?belte ich. Mein Geburtstag war schon heute, aber ...

3 years ago
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Die Wette

Anmerkungen: 1 - Das ist meine erste Geschichte, die ich auf Deutsch schreibe. 2 - Obwohl ich sehr intensiv Deutsch lernte, und 3,5 Jahre in Deutschland lebte, ist Deutsch nicht meine Muttersprache. Ich mache Fehler wenn ich schreibe. So, bitte, sei verst?ndnisvoll. 3 - Es gibt Sex, aber meine Geschichten sind geschrieben, um zu erkunden, wie Leute auf eine Geschlechtsumwandlung reagieren. 4 - Diesmal geht es um Menschen, die besser werden wollen. 5 - Die Geschichte findet zur ...

2 years ago
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Een ander perspectief

by Minds_Eye©Het was een lang, saaie dag geweest het kantoor. Ik had me de hele dag bezig gehouden met allerlei klusjes die niet echt dringend waren, en waar ik me dus wat halfslachtig vanaf had gemaakt. Een beetje duf daardoor kwam ik thuis, en daar kreeg ik een behoorlijke verassing voor mijn kiezen.De gordijnen waren dicht. Ik stapte binnen en mijn blik viel op de mooi gedekte tafel. Kaarslicht, wijn glazen, tweedelig bestek...Ik kreunde zachtjes in mezelf. Niet van genot, maar meestal als...

3 years ago
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Der Ladendieb 5

Nach kurzer Fahrt kamen sie zu einem Mehrfamilienhaus. Richard stieg aus. "Ich habe mein Smartphone. Ihr braucht nicht zu warten", meinte er. "Gut. Aber wir warten trotzdem. Jetzt beeile dich", sagte Tina. Richard klingelte. Kurz darauf wurde ge?ffnet. Er ging ins Treppenhaus und suchte die Wohnung. Sie war im zweiten Stock. Er klopfte. Die Dunkelhaarige ?ffnete. Sie trug einen eleganten bodenlangen, blauen Morgenmantel. "Komm rein", sagte sie, "wie ich sehe, hat dich deine...

1 year ago
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Aus Marc wird Marcy 4

Als Petra und Birgit fr?h am n?chsten Morgen den Keller betraten, schlief Marc noch fest. Er bemerkte weder das helle Licht noch ihre Unterhaltung. "Lassen wir ihn schlafen?", fragte Petra. "K?nnte man, aber wir m?ssen doch nachher weg. Das Mittel in der Spritze wirkt zwar noch, aber Wasser lassen muss er in den n?chsten Stunden. Notfalls macht er sich in die Hose", dozierte Birgit fachkundig. "Und was jetzt?", krauste Petra die Stirn. "Ganz einfach, im Krankenhaus setzt man einen Ka...

4 years ago
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Ich werde Mutter Teil 1

Irgendwie kann ich es noch gar nicht glauben ... ich bekomme ein Baby und werde Mutter! Ich bin so gl?cklich ... auch wenn die Schwangerschaft nun wirklich nicht die angenehmste Zeit ist. Aber jedes Mal wenn ich sp?re wie sich mein Baby bewegt k?nnte mein Herz zerspringen vor Gl?ck Und das obwohl ich vor f?nf Jahren noch ein Mann war! Ich f?hlte mich schon mein ganzes Leben weiblich und wollte immer ein M?dchen und sp?ter eine Frau sein ... aber das es einmal so weit kommt ... das h?tte ich ...

3 years ago
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Die Dame vom Empfang

Die Dame vom Empfang © 2011 / 2017 Lydia Lighthouse Es war zum M?usemelken, dachte Paul, als er die zweite Absage am heutigen Tag ?ffnete. Was sollte er denn noch tun, um einen Ausbildungsplatz zu bekommen. Sein Abitur war zwar nicht das aller Beste, aber mit einem Zweier-Schnitt doch grundsolide und wirklich nicht allzu ?bel. Au?erdem hatte er sogar das eine oder andere Praktikum vorzuweisen - etwas, womit wohl nur die wenigstens Sch?ler aufwarten konnten. W?hrend es sich alle ande...

2 years ago
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Die St ckelschuhe Episode 1 Gesucht und gefunden

Die St?ckelschuhe Episode 1 - Gesucht und gefunden! © 2003 / 2017 Lydia Lighthouse Es geschah an einem Fr?hlingstag, so wie man ihn sich am meisten w?nscht. Die Sonne schien und es war angenehm warm. Zwar lie? eine k?hle Briese hin und wieder sp?ren, dass es bis zum Sommer noch ein wenig hin war, aber dennoch wurde es zu einem der sch?nsten Tage seit Monaten. Einen Tag, auf den die sonnenausgehungerten Menschen nur gewartet hatten - und das an einem Wochenende. Folglich lie? sich ...

3 years ago
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Die St ckelschuhe Episode 3 Ein Leben auf hohen Abs tzen

Die St?ckelschuhe Episode 3 - Ein Leben auf hohen Abs?tzen © 2009 / 2017 Lydia Lighthouse Mein Herz machte einen Sprung, als die altmodische T?rglocke ihren schweren Klang verlauten lie?, der dumpf durch die m?chtige Eingangst?r drang. F?r mich war es der Moment, mit welchem ich mein bisheriges Leben beendete. Zum Umkehren war es l?ngst zu sp?t. Zu sehr hatten die Erlebnisse der letzten Tage und Monate meine Sicht auf die Dinge beeinflusst und ver?ndert. Sie hatten jenen Teil meiner Seele, d...

3 years ago
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Gemeinsamer Besitz

Gemeinsamer Besitz I. Schon vor der Hochzeit gab es die Erkenntnis, dass sich hinter der strahlenden Fassade seiner Verlobten eine Frau mit starkem Willen verbarg, die auch entschlossen war, ihren Willen durchzusetzen. Johannes wollte Katy dennoch heiraten, denn er liebte sie abg?ttisch. Au?erdem musste er sich eingestehen, dass es so das Beste sein w?rde, wenn sie in der Ehe die Hosen anhatte und sie sich damit die endlosen Diskussionen ersparten, die er von fr?heren Beziehungen ...

3 years ago
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Ein Urlaub der keiner werden sollte

Ein Urlaub, der keiner werden sollte... ( Katrin...2017) Teil 1 Einleitung Als ich nach getaner Arbeit meinen Arbeitsplatz verlie?, wusste ich damals nicht so genau, was mich im Leben noch so erwartet. Mein Urlaubsantrag war genehmigt worden, von der Gesch?ftsf?hrung und auf die Sp?tteleien, meiner Kollegen, wegen meines femininen Aussehens, reagierte ich schon lange nicht mehr. In meinen Gedanken fragte ich mich immer, was w?re eigentlich, wenn die w?ssten dass ich ein Transvestit, mit T...

2 years ago
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Der Seitensprung in eine Katastrophe

Der Seitensprung in eine Katastrophe (Ka-Do 2017) Teil 1 Einleitung Es war mal wieder einer der verregneten Tage. Ich surfte im Internet, auf einem sogenannten Dating Portal und bastelte an meinem Profil. Am Anfang ?berlegte ich noch, ob ich die Wahrheit schreibe oder nicht. In diesen Portalen wei? man ja nie so genau, was einen erwartet. Eine Weile brauchte ich schon f?r meine ?berlegungen und dabei half mir zwischendurch ein kleiner Schluck Rotwein. Nach dem vierten oder f...

2 years ago
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Eine Fahrt ins Blaue

Eine Fahrt ins Blaue (Katrin*2012) 1.Einleitung Manchmal kommt man in seinem Leben auf dumme Ideen. So, war es damals, als ich der Idee nachhing, einen Sommerurlaub, als Transvestit oder Frau zu verbringen mit einer Fahrt ins Blaue. Zu dieser Zeit war ich noch jung, z?hlte 23 Lenze und hatte noch Rosinen im Kopf. Mein Auto, das ich besa? war relativ alt und es war schon ein gewisses Risiko, damit auf gro?e Fahrt zu gehen. Es sollte Quer durch den Osten Deutschlands gehen und dann nach ...

4 years ago
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Mein neues Leben als spanisches Zimmerm dchen Maria

Mein neues Leben als Zimmerm?dchen Maria Bevor ich wieder zum Dienst in meine Apt.-Anlage muss, m?chte ich mal kurz meine Entstehung, die Erschaffung eines Zimmerm?dchens, der Maria, schildern. Eigentlich fing ja alles damit an, dass mir diese spanischen Zimmerm?dchen in ihren kleinen gr?n-gestreiften Kittelchen mit Sch?rze und kleinem H?ubchen so sehr gefallen haben. Immer, wenn sie fr?h um 8:30 Uhr zur Arbeit kamen (das war vielleicht jedes Mal ein Gegacker und ein Kichern) habe ich sie ...

2 years ago
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Die Zeitreise

Die ZeitreiseIn einer anderen Welt:Anna hatte die Geschichte von einem guten Freund geh?rt und dar?ber gelacht. F?r wie naiv hielt der sie?Eine Zeitreise in das Mittelalter, das war nat?rlich v?llig unm?glich, der wollte sie veralbern.Sie hatte die Maschine gesehen und glaubte es nicht! Diese Plastikkapsel sollte jemanden in die Vergangenheit bringen? Unfug.Dann hatte dieser Typ, Hans nannte er sich, ihr einen Handel angeboten. Sie w?rde das Kost?m, dass er f?r sie aussuchte, anziehen und...

2 years ago
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Abh ngigkeiten

Krk Abh?ngigkeiten von Patrizia Panther [email protected] Krk?Bringen Sie mir noch einen Kaffee!?KrkWie hei?t das magische Wort mit zwei T?, dachte Janina bitter l?chelnd.Krk?Aber flott!?KrkGenau das, wie hatte sie das nur vergessen k?nnen!Janina stand seufzend von ihrem Schreibtisch auf, schlenderte zur Kaffeek?che und goss eine weitere Tasse Kaffee ein, wie sie es in der letzten halben Stunde bereits zweimal getan hatte. Sie lie? sich Zeit und steckte sich eine Zigarette an, die sie l?ssig ...

3 years ago
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Ein Wochenende German

Ein Wochenende Erstes Kapitel Es war Freitagnachmittag gegen drei Uhr als Peter, von der Arbeit kommend,das Haus betrat. Ein wenig müde nach einer anstrengenden Arbeitswoche,freute er sich jetzt auf ein paar ruhige Tage zusammen mit seiner Frau. DieKinder waren am Morgen zu den Großeltern gefahren und werden erst Sonntagabendzurück sein. So hatten Charlotte und er das Wochenende mal für sichallein. Sie hatten sich vorgenommen richtig auszuspannen und die Zweisamkeit zu genießen.Er hatte...

4 years ago
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Octavia von Erika Zimmermann Etwa zwei Tage nachdem ich bei Octavia war, sp?rte ich zum ersten Mal etwas wie eine Macht, die mich zu steuern suchte. Dass dies mit meinem Besuch bei Octavia zusammenhing, konnte ich mir allerdings erst zusammenreimen, nachdem ich bereits einige seltsame Erlebnisse hinter mir hatte. Mein Name war und ist eigentlich immer noch Ernst Schmied. Die meisten nannten mich Ernie. Ich verdiente damals meine Br?tchen noch als Zeitungskurier. Um drei Uhr morgens...

3 years ago
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B A G Hotel Rafael

B.A.G.-Hotel Rafael Es war im Herbst als ich zu der Messe musste. Meine Sekret?rin hatte es vers?umt mir ein Zimmer zu reservieren. So irrte ich verzweifelt durch die Stadt und musste feststellen, dass ?berall alle Zimmer ausgebucht waren. An einer T?r sah ich auf einmal ein Schild: BAG-Hotel Urlaub ihrer Tr?ume. Ob die wohl ein Zimmer noch frei haben? Ich ging rein. In der Eingangshalle kamen mir einige gut aussehende Frauen entgegen. Komisch wie interessiert sie mich ansahen. An der ...

2 years ago
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Die Forschungsreise

Die Forschungsreise (Katrin *2013/ 2014) Teil 1 Einleitung Die Schule war vorbei und ich hatte mal wieder Semesterferien. Mein Studium besch?ftigte sich mit den Mythen und Sagen der verschollenen Mysterien, die sich um die Mayas rankten. Das hatte mich schon immer fasziniert und aus diesem Grunde, hatte ich an einem verregneten Sommertag einen Termin in der B?cherei unserer Hochschule. Die blonde Bibliothekarin kannte mich inzwischen als B?cherwurm und begr??te mich, wie immer, wenn ic...

4 years ago
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Miss Hessen 2014 landet im Bordell der Yakuza

Der Anfang Hallo mein Name ist Katharina… und ich bin mit gerade 18 Jahren in einem Japanischen Bordell der Yakuza gelandet . Alles fing damit an das ich mich in etwas reingesteigert habe was ich mittlerweile bitterböse bereue. Ich war hübsch ja und viele sagte das ich sogar bildhübsch sei und so war es natürlich für mich Normal das meine sehr konservativen Eltern insbesondere mein Vater mit großen Argusaugen wie ein Schießhund über mich wachte, dass mir ja kein junger Mann auch zu nahe kam…...

4 years ago
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A New Apartment

After leaving college I found myself working for a small firm of about 20 employees, I was initially based in their main office and within a few months was offered a promotion. Unfortunately the promotion would mean moving to a town about 2 hours away for a couple of months. Part of the deal was that I would get the use of an apartment the company owned. When I told my girlfriend she wasn’t too happy, although with a wedding being planned she was looking forward to the pay rise.We decided...

1 year ago
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An Uncontrollable Moment

We are at our hotel, there is no time to waste, I am so hot for you. I am almost naked, my stockings torn, I have no panties. You are almost naked, I have stripped you bare, your hardness is before me. Our bodies pressed against each other you begin to finger me gently to get a rise out of me. You slide two fingers into my now soaked pussy coating your hand with my heat and fluid. My hand finds its way down your smooth chest until I reach the band of your blue briefs placing my hand inside...

1 year ago
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Baby Love

You’ve been antsy all day, wanting to leave work. Kissing me goodbye this morning while I was still sound asleep before you left for work just wasn’t enough. Ever since we found out that we’re expecting him, you haven’t wanted to leave my side. Working a few hours a day while I’m at home with my now big belly seems to drag on forever, day in and day out. But it’s time to go home and you say your goodbyes quickly and race out the door. It doesn’t take you ten minutes to get home, and you run up...

2 years ago
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Coming Onto MomChapter 4

Joan tried to avoid contact with her son. She found herself looking at him when he was occupied with something, remembering how his cock had felt, how he had fucked her. She wanted him to grab her and fuck her again, throw her to the floor and ram his cock up her cunt. But she didn’t make any move that would encourage him. She felt ashamed of her wanton behavior. But her shame failed to make her desire any less. There was a hunger between her legs, a hunger she couldn’t deny. She wanted her...

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Sanguine Rise

Vampires, creatures of extraordinary beauty and strength, blood drinkers of fairy-tales and nightmares. Capable of not only literally tearing a person limb from limb but extremely hard to kill as well unless one knew how. Silver and wooden stakes being the best options. Garlic was just a bullcrap myth created by Hollywood. Contrary to popular belief, vampires could handle the sun just fine, instead of being lethal it only weakened them. Another turn on the myth is that vampires were the living...

3 years ago
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Mr Archer Ch 2

The next day Michael woke in his flat as he normally did, alone. He stretched and wondered sleepily why he had slept so well and why he felt so damn good. And then it all flooded back. The images and emotions of those minutes in his office yesterday afternoon. In his office! And with the naughty, sexy Juliette. Christ though he was terrified someone had heard them, or had guessed what was going on. Luckily his office was on the third floor and looked over the top of some trees, part of the...

2 years ago
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My son rsquo s Girlfriend and the Refugees Chapter 2

About a week had passed since I saw my son’s girlfriend Lucinda on her knees taking multiple Muslim cocks. The guilt of not telling my son weighed heavy on me but the thrill of seeing her being a total slut was blowing my mind and I decided to keep it to myself, besides my son was happy and telling him would only destroy him. It was precisely 5pm on Friday and everyone was leaving the office. I kept a look out for her and eventually I spotted Lucinda jumping into her car and heading for the car...

4 years ago
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Heart of the MountainChapter 3 Lair of the Beast

“Watch out!” Iden shouted, his boot dislodging a rock. It rolled down the steep incline towards Isabelle, picking up more loose stones as it went, until it had formed a kind of miniature rockslide. She dodged out of its path, taking cover behind a nearby boulder, the stones clattering against it as they cascaded down the mountainside. “Careful where you step!” she yelled back, peeking out to glare at him. They were really far up now. Iden had seldom seen the clouds from above, they created...

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May s New Equipment

May's New Equipment by Regal The built-in alarm turned the television on and caused May to open her eyes. It was seven a.m. and a Monday. A horrible combination. Moaning, she got up and made her way to the bathroom. She did not want to go to work today. She certainly did not want to see Kevin, not after that disaster last night. Maybe she could call in sick. She sat down on the commode as she normally did, but this time something didn't feel right. Still half-asleep, she...

4 years ago
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BFF SecretsChapter 2

The following days were back to normal for the girls, but the hormones of young teens does not lay dormant for long. By the time Friday came, they were scheming to earn detention again. Teasing the daylights out of Mr. Hodgins seemed a great way to start the weekend. Christen and Helen got detention easily enough, but the moderator that day happened to be a female teacher. There being no fun in that, the coeds used the time to complete their homework, leaving the weekend free. The bus ride...

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The Sunspot

Craig was waking up on a Tuesday morning, luckily he had the day off because the boss called him last minute to work on Saturday at the construction site. The job was nearing completion and they needed to cram in some finish work to get it done. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes he walked past the mirror naked as he never wore clothes to sleep. At 5’11’’ and 180 lbs anyone could see he was in great shape from all the physical labor of the job and an active lifestyle. Short cropped black...

4 years ago
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Chronicles of my Hot Wife

We were spending the night with my good friend Jay. My wife, Mellonee,and I decided to sleep in his room with him. Actually my wife just kind of blurted out, "Hey why don't we just all sleep in the same room?" Jay and I just both looked at each other and said, "OK." Jay and I didn't think anything of it and when we got into his bedroom, he started to make a pallet on the floor and he said "You guys can have my bed. I'll take the floor."Immediately Mellonee said "No way Jay! This is your house...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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Southern Kinfolk Part 2

I began my last year of high school in the fall, traveling each way for what seemed like hours on a bumpy school bus. I made some friends, mostly female since to the good old boys I was just a Yankee nerd. One girl in particular had her eyes on me, a buxom blonde, whom I later found out was in her first year. She was on the bus when I got on each morning and openly gave me the come on. I never sat next to her but on the way home she sometimes planted herself next to me. Her name was Sonja,...

2 years ago
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For Old Times Sake Part 2

For Old Times Sake, Part 2 Ashley took her time driving home. She needed to compose herself before she got there and had to face Adam. Thoughts of what Shaun had just done to her kept playing over and over in her mind like her brain was stuck on “auto-repeat”. Adam greeted her at the door with a chaste peck on the cheek. “How was your day, honey? You look a little stressed. Why don’t you go take a hot bath? I‘ve got some files to work on in my office anyway, so take your time.” “Work”, she...

2 years ago
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Mate Ch 03

Peter I was walking to my appointment with Ola, giggling at the thought of how surprised he would be. This week I had much more interesting things to talk about than how dull and meaningless my life was. And this once I did not know what he would say and what he would think. I was humming the goofy sitar-theme of ‘Winds of Change’ (Animals), since this time I was not coming for my weekly fix of comforting sameness. The sitar, the didgeridoo drone of my shades, birds bright in the sky like...

2 years ago
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Chloe Gets Caught

Part 1 As a real estate agent, Jay had a lot of leeway with his time at work. After his 11 AM appointment, he had nothing else on his schedule. After he had left the house earlier, his wife Ann had called him on his cell to tell him that Chloe was not feeling well and she, Ann, had allowed their daughter to stay home from school. His wife made mention that if he was in the neighborhood he should look in on their 13-year-old. Using that as an excuse to get an early start on the weekend, Jay...

1 year ago
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Sophie s Ice Cream and Blowjob Stand

Nowadays, ice cream stands are getting more and more sophisticated, offering dozens of different flavours with strange and exciting names like ‘Death By Chocolate’, ‘Strawberry Strangulation’, and ‘Chunky Choke Cherry’. But I have discovered a really special stand near the Canadian coast where the special of the day truly does involve a certain amount of choking and gagging, at least for the pretty blonde server girl. I had driven by the place many times on my vacation, but never stopped. But,...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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My Time in Dorset

If the training course I was on had been boring the week before, it was ten times worse that second week with the loss of my two ladies. It also seemed to go ten times slower but eventually I was on my way to Dorset. I had talked on the phone regularly to both Natalie and Isla and my anticipation was high during the three hour drive. Not for the first time I found myself reliving the few intense days that we'd spent together. When I first joined them for breakfast I had little idea what was...

4 years ago
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My First Time

When I was fifteen I did alot of baby sitting. One of my favorite customers were the Wilsons. They seemed like the perfect family. Mrs Wilson, Lisa, was a good looking woman, in her late thirties, about 5 foot 6, 125 pounds, big brown eyes and blonde hair. Mr Wilson was a very good looking man, tall, smart, broad shoulders. I must say I had masterbated many times using Mr Wilson. They had two great k**s. So this night went as normal, the Wilsons went out and I played with the k**s till they...

4 years ago
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A Home for Christmas

Renee Pryor placed the star at the top of the tree just so, then looked down at the smiling face of her daughter. As always, Brianna was beaming back at her mother with her eyes wide, the brown eyes sparkling with life and intelligence. Even though she had just turned 4, Renee was considering starting Brianna in kindergarten in the fall, because the girl was already reading and already knew her numbers. Renee felt that holding her daughter back a full year until she was legally old enough...

3 years ago
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The Anonymous Pics Prequel

As I left the house, Stefan was waiting in the car. He looked sort of normal. Strangely, it was the most normal I have seen him look lately.“I have some whiskey at home. We could maybe watch a movie or something?” he said.I was silent, still in shock from what I witnessed just a few minutes before. Stefan was backing out from our driveway, and I felt panic reaching record levels as the car moved away from the house. The front door was closed, and I knew what was going on behind it.‘Would the...

2 years ago
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I met Jason on XHamster well over a year ago now. One day whilst sorting through my messages and weeding out those, whose mannerisms seemed to arrive fresh from the Stone Age, reading one conversation after another, then closing and deleting them, I then got to this one that just said “Hello” and I thought to myself “Grrrr, not another poor attempt to get my attention” but I couldn’t help clicking on the profile to take a look. There was nothing special about it, but for some reason I stopped...

2 years ago
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A Very Special Hen Night

The white long sleeved blouse felt smooth against her skin and as she raised her hand to ring the bell, she experienced a moment of doubt. This was the day before her wedding and Jane had spent weeks preparing for her special day. Everything was in order, the flowers, the caterers, the reception, and that dress, it had all been meticulously planned and more than once she had considered throwing the whole thing in. Geoff didn’t seem too fussed over the preparations, no matter what she proposed...

1 year ago
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Suburban Submission Tv shows Edition

Your name is Jack Pine. You've always been a smooth guy who got what he wanted. Sadly for a lot of your friends and coworkers that included their wives and daughters. So after being basically ran out of town you find you self in a new neighborhood. But this is your chance for a fresh start, new neighborhood, new environment, and new milfs and young woman to seduce. As you finish unpacking you notice the family next door and goes to introduce yourself. The neighborhood you move to will help...

2 years ago
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A Cell Phone Made Me Pregnant Ch 3

A Cell Phone Made Me Pregnant- Chapter 3A fantasy created by International writers Satinlvr_mwf, CurtB, Julie Van and Wunderboi.Our story thus far…The heroine, Suzi Recreant, has just returned from a rather successful follow-up expose` for the Rhino News Network. RNN, of course, is a subsidiary of Rhino Multimedia, or RMM, which is in itself a subsidiary of Rhino Electronics, all of which is owned by a Mr. Oskar Botha. More information about Rhino can be found in the series titled “Out of...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Kenzie Taylor Anal Angels

Alluring anal aficionado Kenzie Taylor fingers her cunt and lets her big boobs hang out of strappy black lingerie. She gives Jax Slayher a sopping blowjob and spreads her cheeks for his big black cock. He slides his pole up her ass for an intense interracial buttfuck. Jax clasps his hand on Kenzie’s throat to choke her. He shoves his prick in her pussy and plugs her bunghole with a long black dildo for a full-filling dick/dildo DP. Kenzie’s pink sphincter gapes! Ass-to-mouth...

3 years ago
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My Wife s Best Friend 1

I probably should have done something to stop the girl, of course, but I was rather flattered. Here was this young woman with long, blonde hair and a nice tight figure, acting as if she wanted ME of all people. Melissa was as tall as me, thin as a rail, with long legs and small breasts. Her blue eyes were strikingly piercing, as if they could look into your soul, and her smile, framed by full, kissable lips, was worth every joke I told her. Beyond how she looked, she was fun to hang out...

3 years ago
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Teasing Maid Lead To Wild Sex

Hello, Indian sex story readers, this is Anish from Mumbai. A little about me- I am 18 years of age. I Like to stay fit, I have a muscular body and look pretty much good. (not boasting lol). I am straight. You can mail me at- And as everyone says – don’t mind my grammatical mistakes you can always correct me in the comments section. :D As you’ve read in the summary section, this is my encounter with my maid. A little description of hers, her name is Piya, she is white and must be in her mid...

3 years ago
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Sal the Super the Nookie King of the BronxChapter 17

It was one of those nice fall mornings when everything seemed so crisp and clear. The street washing truck had just turned the corner after spritzing the curb and Sal caught the subtle hint of diesel lingering in the dry air. He heard the Glickman sisters chattering about a pumpkin sale taking place at the Catholic Church at the bottom of the hill and "Such deals you wouldn't believe!" Sal was not one much for pumpkins and stuff like that. He did like the thought of them and the certain...

1 year ago
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Fucking A Hot Young Chick

Hey, it’s me Sharma with another real experience that happened just yesterday. As you all know, I am not into committed relationships anymore, I am always searching for sex partners through various apps and Xvideos. I hope you guys know that Xvideos have a platform for this too. So, coming back to the story. The heroine’s name is Pragya and she was from Indore. She had made her profile on Xvideos and she was from Indore, 21-year-old despo. Our chatting started with a normal Hi and Hello....

4 years ago
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A Ball With MotherChapter 4

“Mother,” Sally said that afternoon, “I don’t see how you can stand it.” “Stand what, honey?” Marla was wearing a housedress, but she was naked underneath except for a pair of panties. She was amused to see her daughter running around after her morning bath wearing only a pair of panties. Amused, but delighted, too. She loved to watch those tight tits of her daughter, that saucy ass cupped in the tight panties. Bob was still in the bath, and she and Sally were in her bedroom, with Marla...

1 year ago
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NewSensations Lilian Stone Lilian Is Very Special To Her Husband

Beautiful redhead and big tit shared wife Lilian is seductively waiting in her sexy lingerie while stud Zac looks her over and explains her husbands instructions. But his only job today is all about Lilian as he slowly leads her from one kiss to his hard cock slowly fucking her pretty face and mouth. Once she is spread wide his cock slides right inside her wet pussy for hot passionate fucking and Lilian gives back to Zac sliding his cock between her huge juicy tits stroking it until he cums all...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Alecia Fox Rebecca Black Anal 3 Way

Cute in bookish glasses, blonde Alecia Fox struts and flirts with thickly hung Erik Everhard, showing off her long legs. Sculpted blonde teen Rebecca Black bends over on a leather couch so Alecia can enjoy some lesbian pussy play. Alecia shoves a clear dildo up Rebecca’s puckering asshole, stretching Rebecca’s sphincter. Erik joins the crazy teens, licking Alecia’s pearly clit. He gives her a tasty rim job. Alecia masturbates while Rebecca spreads her ass cheeks for...

3 years ago
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The Dramatic Saga of Peter Q KleeshayChapter 8

The hallway was crowded, as it always was between classes. Megan was standing at her locker with the usual entourage. Since she had been the one most affected by Pete's nefarious actions, she had taken charge of that particular situation. "Chad, you and a couple others go over to Carla's at lunch and see if Pete is still out. I don't want the little bastard getting away. I'm going home and check on all those zombies at my house, anyone want to come with me?" Before anyone could...

1 year ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 120

Ekaterina and her translator were gone by the time Adam finished showering. He had taken his time because he knew he had to head straight to Daystar for another scene with, well, someone. He couldn't remember her name, only that she was a famous gymnast before turning to porn. Shelly and Melody were waiting for him though. "Pulled another one out of the fire for me," Melody remarked. "Thanks for coming over. This girl is pretty far down on the pecking order. Today is the only day...

1 year ago
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Maddison s Panties 2 1

Drew apologized and started to back out of the little girls room that still had pink paint on the wall with stuffed animals on her bed. Maddison eventually uttered, “Aren’t you going finish what you started daddy?” Drew was puzzled, “oh you mean the laundry” as he started to pick up more articles of clothing scattered about her messy room. “No” Maddison yelled, I want you to finish what you really doing before I came home. I’m not an idiot daddy, I see the way you look at me when I’m...

3 years ago
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Always Finding TroubleChapter 11

The three of us were up, showered, and dressed early. John called down to see if we were up and came down with Kenisha. "My bags are in the lobby, what's for breakfast? Want to eat with everyone else?" "Yes, let's do that and afterward go up and get the reports before I leave for the airport." As we were having our coffee before the food came, John said, "Chuck, you are now a Major in the Marshal Service. Congratulations. You'll enjoy the pay increase. I had a choice of bringing...

4 years ago
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The Shoot

Becky sat alone in her dressing room. Adjusting her clothes, she leaned towards the mirror, checking her makeup. She touched up her lipstick, then leaned back, lighting a cigarette. Sighing, she looked at her watch. According to plan, there were a few minutes before the start of the shoot. She felt a bit weird in her costume - basically just some lingerie, a pair of silk stockings and high-heeled shoes. Was she having second thoughts? Not really. She looked forward to getting it over with. And...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 418

How romantic. A woman meets a man in a bar... They talk; they connect; they end up leaving together. They get back to his place, and as he shows her around his apartment she notices that one wall of his bedroom is completely filled with soft, sweet, cuddly teddy bears. There are three shelves in the bedroom, with hundreds and hundreds of cute, cuddly teddy bears carefully placed in rows, covering the entire wall! It was obvious that he had taken quite some time to lovingly arrange them...

2 years ago
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Uncle Bob And Me

All characters and terms including boy and lad refer to people age 18 and over. My Mum had gone away for the weekend with her mates which meant me and her boyfriend had the house all to ourselves. He’s brill, my Mum’s boyfriend. He’s like a mate. He’s in his 40s but he’s well cool. Anyway, it was Saturday and we had a great night in, lots of cans, a spliff…brilliant. Round about 11 o’clock I said, “Right. I’m off to bed. See you in the morning, Uncle Bob.” I always called him Uncle Bob.

4 years ago
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Mom s Anniversary Fuck From Son

It is just the beginning of summer and high school vacation is finally here. My parents’ anniversary is just a day away. But in the afternoon, my parents had a big fight about the fact that my dad’s co-worker who supposes to be on a business trip to a convention is on a sick leave and my dad had to take his place in this short notice. Tomorrow will be my parents’ big night out to celebrate, but now my dad has to be out of town. Mom was so furious she slammed the door on dad as he leaves the...

4 years ago
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Sibling Seduction Ch 21

Her boyfriend left for work early in the morning, and when she woke up at around 10, she found her mind going straight to her pussy. She was hornier than ever! How did her brother do this to her? She completely understood why Amy let Jeff do whatever he wanted to her – his cock was addictive! She was going to go fuck him. Right now. Bonnie rolled out of bed, pulling off her shirt and pushing down both her shorts and her panties. She walked into the guestroom, naked, where she found her brother...

1 year ago
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Wife goes to a motel bar to pick up guy to bring back to the room to fuck

We had planned on going out that weekend. It had been a couple of weeks and we were both hot for my wife to get a good fucking by a strange cock. We had made out like mad just thinking about how good it was going to be. As always the anticipation was just about as hot as the real fucking. Taking somewhat of a chance we decided to go to a town only about 30 miles from home. As a rule we drove further than that so as not to run into someone we knew. Still, even if we did run into someone we knew...

3 years ago
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Damn You

In my derelict heart that is cool with emptiness and loud with echo’s that go hand in hand. There’s a story waiting to be told. It’s a story of summer. It’s warm and full of the sort of smiles that save themselves for fiction and if we’re lucky, we get our happy ending too. Damn You “Behave!” you say with a smile, and it’s one of those smiles that make you feel that it was created purely for you. “What?” I respond, with a smile that ‘was’ created just for you and we both know what.

3 years ago
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The Plane Girl

Recently I was on an evening flight from an airline’s northern hub to the southern hub. As is the norm these days, it was packed. I had managed to get a window seat toward the front, but unfortunately not first class. This sexy girl sat down in the middle seat next to me, cute and really friendly, when she got settled, she turned to me and introduced herself as “KD” and asked if she could raise the armrest, I agreed, so she raised it allowing her hot thigh to rest against me. I thought that...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Halle Hayes Big Booty Babe Halle Hayes Shows Off Her Anal Skills

Halle Hayes gives Manuel a taste of the Darkside as she lets him have his way with all her holes. Ebony beauty Halle is looking hella hot in her fishnets with a skimpy blue dress underneath as she teases us with her stunning curves. She wastes no time as she slides off her fishnets and pulls down her top while heading upstairs to the bedroom. Halle stops on the landing to show off her amazing rack and qtr take off her panties so she can play with her pretty little pussy. Once in the bedroom,...

2 years ago
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It 8217 s My Destiny

Hi friends I am harry again with my new experience …friend if u have liked my previous stories plz message me on planet Romeo I’d harry_brar120 and plz leave a feedback for this story as well in the comment section as well as on PR ….one thing I want to tell u I don’t write any fake story and am always looking for new experiences so that can write a story on it …’s a hard task and only ur comments will encourage me to grow … Now coming on to the story …as u all know I am a slutty bottom gay...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Door to Door Prostitution

It was a weekday afternoon and Kenneth was working in the office when the door-bell rang. Jennifer, his wife, hurried out of the kitchen, brushing her fingers through her hair, to open the front door. It was a new job for Kenneth and a new home for both husband and wife in the dormitory town of New Chaldon. They were still making new friends and acquaintances, and for Jennifer, even now, each new knock on the door brought a new surprise. Who could it be? More neighbours introducing themselves?...

2 years ago
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Love Amongst Tragedy

Donovan Powers watched her silently from beside a cottonwood tree. He looked on as she ran her hand slowly across the engraved name on the smooth granite gravestone. It was as if Linden Sealy couldn’t believe he was gone. Neither could Donovan. At first, only a single tear formed in her eye, spilling over to streak down her pale cheek. After only a moment, more tears followed the first. Suddenly, the sky opened up, mixing ice cold rain with her tears. She raised her face to the harsh...

1 year ago
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r/GirlsFinishingTheJob/, aka "Reddit Girls Finishing The Job"! If you’re on Reddit frequently, then you know that there’s no shortage in supply of hot NSFW subreddits for you to check out and enjoy. One such subreddit is /r/GirlsFinishingTheJob and it’s absolutely amazing if you ask me. Sure, I might be The Porn Dude and I might like to just go to a porn site straight away, but if you’re looking for something specific and you’re into community posting, then this place is much better than what...

Reddit NSFW List
2 years ago
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Mom s Laptop Part 2

My son, Toby, was masturbating when I walked past his room. The door was wide open. He lay naked on his bed, stroking his cock and looking at his cell phone. I walked in and said, “You know, you should close the door when you do that… whatcha watching?” Moms wonder about these things.He didn’t look at me, but held up his phone where two women were kissing and not just kissing, they were slurping each other’s tongues. The video moved back and showed them both to be naked, boobs pressed together....

1 year ago
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On a whim

100% fiction! Life had never been easy. Childhood had been rough and over time my , dad and I all grew our separate ways. Between the cheating, the drug use, and the fights, I just had to escape, so I disappeared on a bus when I was 18 and didn't talk to them for 4 years. Life was an adventure, all over the world falling in and out of love. There were times when I even ended up with other guys or with couples. None of them lasted long but every one was left one good note. Life is too short to...

4 years ago
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The Struggle

Copyright© "Ouch!" the big woman yelped as my cock stabbed her squarely between her pussy and her anus. I backed off a little, struggling to keep from dropping her. We had been walking home in the dark when she said "Gol darn it, honey, I'm too horny to wait 'til we get there. You gotta put yore pole in me NOW, dammit! I wanna get fucked!" So I dragged her down the next dark alley and into a small setback between buildings, where I unzipped my pants and whipped out my charger. I...

3 years ago
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Caitlyn s Treatment Ch 05

‘That’s a pretty bra.’ ‘Oh, thank you. It’s …it’s new.’ I felt a little funny telling him I’d worn my new bra for the appointment, but hey! He’d asked. I think John knew I was still sort of nervous – despite drinking all that special water that Kim gave me when I first came in – and was trying to calm me down. ‘And the panties? They…’ He flipped up the back of my pleated skirt, which made me giggle, and could see the blue polka dot panties. ‘Yup. A match. Very nice.’ I still felt pretty...

3 years ago
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Tinder Date Turned To Sex Date

Hi Reader, ye story hai meri n meri tinder date ki kese mene usko pta ke choda. Aapko apne baare mae bata dun. Mera naam yetish hai.. Meri height 5’8” hai aur lund 6 inch ka meri average body hai and fair hun. Ab baat krta hun iss story ki heroine ki , uska naam tanu hai ..vo ek damast phataka h, thodi sawali but figure ek dam jordar 34-26-34 and and uske hair mast lambe Mae ek mumbai MNC mae kaam krta hun. Ek din office mae beth ke bore ho rha tha, toh ese hi beth ke tinder pe ladkiyan...

3 years ago
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Honor s Folly

I hope everyone enjoys this story. It came out of nowhere when I was trying to finish a chapter of another story. Please tell me what you think of it, constructive criticism is appreciated. Remember to take a second or two and vote! –~~– Honoria Balcolmbe chewed nervously at her manicured fingernails. For the millionth time, she wondered how she found herself in her current situation. She was in a posh poker room at some ritzy casino on the Vegas strip, sitting off in the corner while her...

3 years ago
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Preteen Exploration V2

Introduction: This is the edited version – to insert better paragraphs. Enjoy! I was 12, in my first year of secondary school. I was 46, slim build, and twinky look. Blonde hair, blue eyes, and an awakening 5 erect penis I was just figuring out the joys and pleasures it had to offer, the same as every normal boy. I was always quiet, in a family of 8, quiet was the best option I didnt mind I read, listened to music, played Lego, and met up with my best friend Mark. Mark was also twelve, we were...

1 year ago
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Birthday Cruise Part Two

Anne and I stood in the starboard side hallway on Deck 10, champagne glasses in hand, staring silently at the door to Room 1002. I didn’t want to go there, but Anne insisted. “What if they tell someone about us having sex on the sundeck?” she asked with a tinge of remorse in her voice as we rode down the elevator. As the euphoria of the moment faded, the craziness of what we’d just done hit Anne like a ton of bricks and she was nervous that we were going to get kicked off the ship. “They...

2 years ago
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Vivian and Tanya s Forest Romp

This was Written for Enjoy!Vivian and Tanya are friends from work. Vivian is Asian American with a big firm set of breasts and a luscious ass. She has jet black hair and is very exotic. Tanya is a Russian blonde. Her rack is very similar to Vivian’s. She has an athletic build and her ass is every bit as large, round and juicy as Vivian’s. Vivian and Tanya had been working out together lately at the local fitness club. They had worked up a glistening, sweaty...

2 years ago
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Summoning My Succubus Mother

By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: This one off story was commissioned by a fan! Mom was off for her book club. “Goodbye, Henry,” she said as she gathered her things, purse, and her book “Bye, Mom,” I said, my heart pounding. She swept to the door wearing her usual pair of tight jeans and a knit sweater. My friends all drooled over my mom. I hated how fit she was. How she dressed like she was in her twenties and not her forties. “Have a good time.” She favored me a smile. “You, too....

4 years ago
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Ana comes back home after a date

Ana came back home very late that Tuesday evening.She did not even kiss me hello when she entered home. She went directly to the kitchen, opened the fridge and took a cold water jar.As she sipped the jwater, I reached beneath the hem of my wife's skirt and touched her smooth fresh shaved pussy. My fingers quickly found her swollen labia. I broke the seal of her pussy and a flood of sticky liquid quickly covered my hand."Can you feel it, honey?" Anita moaned as I sank two fingers deep inside her...

2 years ago
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Astra s Lover

I had been dating Jack for quite some time. We would kiss every now and then, but nothing more. I knew he wanted more, but I wasn't sure. I was really nervous about ANYONE seeing me naked. I decided I should give him something. So the night before a date we had planned, I stayed up and watched a lot of porn. I was going to give Jack a blowjob. After our date, Jack walked me up to the door."This was really fun, Astra. We'll have to do it again sometime." I could feel my face turn red as his kiss...

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