Präsentation indian porn

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Dominante Bekanntschaft 5 Die Pr auml sentation

Dies ist die Fortsetzung von Dominante Bekanntschaft 4 : Erste Woche Teil 2SonntagIch wache früh auf. Das gibt mir Zeit noch etwas zu lernen. Um kurz vor neun Uhr gehe ich zur Wohnung von Anna.Sie öffnet mir wieder im Pyjama. Wie gestern gehen wir ins Bad und es folgt eine gründliche Spülung bei mir. Zum Schluss gab es noch eine Ladung Schmiere hinein, damit es sich schon gut verteilen kann. Damit nichts tropft bekomme ich wieder die Latexhose. Diesmal ist in ihr auch ein ausblasbarer Plug am...

2 years ago
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Hazienda eine Sklavin im Folterstudio german

HaziendaDiese Geschichte ist reine Phantasie. Sie hat keinerlei realen Hintergrund!PrologIrina war Ende 30, 170 cm gro?, schlank, mit den f?r Russinnen typischen wohl geformten gro?en Br?sten. Ihre kupferfarbenen Haare reichten bis auf ihre Schultern. Sie hatte wunderbar lange Beine und eine atemberaubende Taille. Irina h?tte gl?cklich sein k?nnen, aber sie brauchte Geld, viel Geld. Sie hatte in Kiew eine Absprache mit einem lokalen Mafiaboss nicht einhalten k?nnen und der forderte nun eine Summe vo...

4 years ago
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Californie Partie 2 sur 3

Le vol dura des heures, et pourtant Maxime n'en pouvait plus d'excitation. Une heure environ avant d'arriver, il se rendit aux toilettes, et se changea pour prendre sa tenue habituelle - jean, baskets blanches, queue de cheval -. Il se sentait ? l'aise ainsi. C'?tait ainsi qu'il comptait vivre aux USA. Galvin lui avait dit que tout ?tait pr?t pour lui, et qu'il n'avait plus qu'? arriver. Son logement, son contrat de travail. Un v?hicule l'attendait ? l'a?roport et devait le conduire ? l'embarcad?re puis jusq...

2 years ago
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Abh ngigkeiten

Krk Abh?ngigkeiten von Patrizia Panther [email protected] Krk?Bringen Sie mir noch einen Kaffee!?KrkWie hei?t das magische Wort mit zwei T?, dachte Janina bitter l?chelnd.Krk?Aber flott!?KrkGenau das, wie hatte sie das nur vergessen k?nnen!Janina stand seufzend von ihrem Schreibtisch auf, schlenderte zur Kaffeek?che und goss eine weitere Tasse Kaffee ein, wie sie es in der letzten halben Stunde bereits zweimal getan hatte. Sie lie? sich Zeit und steckte sich eine Zigarette an, die sie l?ssig ...

4 years ago
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Famille Vendue

Famille Vendue        By chabaLa vie r?elle et nos fantasmes constituent deux mondes distincts et qui doivent toujours le rester. Texte tr?s cru et histoire tr?s hard (violence / inceste). Merci de passer ? autre chose si vous n’?tes pas certain d’avoir envie de lire ce genre de r?cit. Commentaires bienvenus/comments welcome sur [email protected] 1 - La capture.Le monde d’Evelyne s’?tait effondr? il y a deux semaines. Deux semaines depuis leur enl?vement et le d?but de l’ignoble dressage. Et demain, on leur ...

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Une escale pas banale

Juliette et Gabriel venaient d'arriver à l'aéroport de Casablanca. Une très longue correspondance dont ils auraient bien pu se passer. Mais malheureusement, pas d'autres options. Les vols directs pour leur destination étaient complets…. Comble du désagrément, leur billets leur avait coûté plus cher! Mince consolation, lors de leur enregistrement à l'aéroport de départ, leur compagnie aérienne leur avait offert un accès VIP à leur salon. Un petit prélèvement de salive pour leur offrir un service...

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Bestellt und Geliefert

Diese Geschichte handelt von einen jungen Mann, der von seiner Schwester in die weibliche Rolle gedr?ngt wird, weil er als IT Spezialist keinen Job hatte. Sein Lebensweg f?hrt ?ber Liberec nach Budapest, und dann passiert etwas in seinen Leben, was theoretisch m?glich ist, in Europa, er wird entf?hrt von skrupellosen Verbrechern... Stichw?rter: TV, gro?e Liebe, unfreiwillige GaOP, Versklavt als Zofe und... Bestellt und Geliefert ( Katrin*2012) Teil1 Einleitung War es wi...

4 years ago
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Der Flaschengeist Teil 29

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webs...

3 years ago
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Mes fr res et Mes s urs

Mes fr?res et... Mes s?urs! Pr?sentation Je m'appelle Margaux. J'ai seize ans. Je vis dans une famille recompos?e de quatre enfants. J'ai deux grands fr?res et deux petites s?urs. Avec moi, vous direz que cela fait cinq. Mais non. C'est cette ?tranget? que je vais vous raconter. Le r?cit qui suit est ?crit ? partir de mes souvenirs, du journal intime que j'ai tenu depuis mon enfance et des informations que j'ai collect?es aupr?s des diff?rents protagonistes que vous allez rencontrer. Peut-?tre que certains d...

2 years ago
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Paris Partie 1 sur 3

Ce jour-l?, Maxime Lamothe eu 17 ans pour la premi?re fois de sa vie. Bien s?r, il avait eu 16 ans, aussi, et 15 ans avant ?a. Mais ces ann?es-l? ?taient encore porteuses d'espoir. Il avait attendu, attendu, mais il s'?tait jur? que si ??a? ne changeait pas, il irait voir quelqu'un. Au cas o?. C'?tait maintenant. - Ecoutez, jeune ne vois rien d'anormal. Votre taille ne tellement changer. Vos parents ?taient d?j? petits eux aussi, apr?s tout. Mais c'est vrai, g?n?ralement...enfin....-...

3 years ago
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Le Journal de Thomas

Le Journal de Thomas. Cette histoire est racont?e principalement ? partir de l'extrait de deux journaux. Celui de Thomas, et de Nicolas. Journal de Thomas - 31 Ao?t Aujourd'hui, je suis arriv? en ville pour le rendez-vous avez l'agence. Ils avaient trouv? pour moi une location parfaite. Ni trop loin de la boulangerie, ni loin du bus qui m'am?nera au lyc?e pour les cours. Mais je devrais pr?ciser qu'il s'agissait d'une colocation. Et quelle colocation! Il s'agit d'une grosse et vieille maison, je...

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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Part 1

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 1 Par Loulou Note: cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. Introduction - Samuel, Christopher et leurs Mamans Erica Porter et Susan Merrill ?taient deux s?urs tr?s proches, d'environ 40 ans, qui vivaient seules en faisant de leur mieux pour ?lever correctement leurs fils. Susan ?tait divorc?e de son mari, Richard Bennet, depu...

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Alice et sa maman

Alice et sa maman Par BMC (byBforbeMformyCforcunt)R?sum?. St?phanie est inqui?te, elle s'absente pour le week-end et a du confier sa petite fille ador?e, Alice, ? son voisin inqui?tant monsieur Pr?dat. Qui est vraiment monsieur Pr?dat, Thor de son pr?nom; qu'elle ne connait pas tr?s bien? Un type bien et incompris ou un pervers. Qui est vraiment St?phanie? Une maman aimante et attentionn?e ou une m?re indigne et une tra?n?e. Qui est Alice? une gentille fille ou de la graine de salope en train de germer pr?te ? entamer une desce...

4 years ago
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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 6

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 6 Par Loulou Note : cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. ***** Chapitre 23 - Un matin enchant? Sam eut toutes les peines du monde ? ouvrir les yeux et de plus, il avait une affreuse migraine. Il regarda autour de lui mais pas moyen de se rappeler comment il ?tait venu jusqu'? sa chambre. Quel jour d?j?? Ah oui, samedi... il a...

3 years ago
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Hugo Chapitre 1 5 La pi ce au bout de l escalier

Chapitre 1 : La pi?ce au bout de l'escalier Samedi 1er Mars. Prologue. ?a n'?tait plus possible. ?Hugo, repose ceci imm?diatement, et calme toi.? Cela faisait presque 10 fois qu'elle devait r?p?ter cette phrase. ?Je ne veux pas ranger ma chambre! C'est HORS DE QUESTION! JE NE VEUX PLUS T'OBEIR! GROSSE PUTE!? Hugo avait 12 ans. Ses yeux verts lan?aient des ?tincelles, et ses jolies boucles n'en ?taient pas moins venimeuses. Il causait grand soucis malgr? son jeune ?ge. Col?rique, capricieux, agr...

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Das Spiel des Lebens

Das Spiel des Lebens (Ka-Do *2012) I Einleitung Schon so lange ich denken kann habe ich immer davon getr?umt ein M?dchen zu sein. Wie oft habe ich mir heimlich Kleider von meiner Mutter oder meiner Cousine angezogen und bin damit zu Hause herumgelaufen. Niemals w?re ich so weit gegangen mich als M?dchen auf die Stra?e zu wagen. Nat?rlich w?re ich lieber ein M?dchen gewesen, war es aber leider nicht. Durch das gro?e Internet fand ich die M?glichkeit mit anderen Transvestiten zu kommunizieren. Au...

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Hirst Hall German

Hirst Hall (German)Anmerkung des Autors: Dies ist die deutsche Fassung des englischen Originals von Hirst Hall. Hirst Hall hat mich von Anfang an so in seinen Bann gezogen, dass ich Surtea einfach um die Erlaubnis bitten musste, dieses meiner Meinung nach meisterlichen Werkes, in die deutsche Sprache ?bersetzen zu d?rfen. Leider sind meine Englischkenntnisse sehr bescheiden, so dass dies keine 100% ?bersetzung wird. Aber ich denke, zu 90% werde ich es hinbekommen, zumal Surtea die ?bersetzung v...

3 years ago
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Ein ultimativer Job

Diese Geschichte ist pure Phantasie ohne jeden realen Hintergrund!Ein ultimativer Job PrologAnita war Ende 30, schlank, mit gro?en, nicht mehr ganz festen Br?sten. Sie hatte zwei Kinder zur Welt gebracht, die jedoch bei ihrem geschiedenen Mann lebten. Sie jobbte, wenn sie Geld brauchte als Serviererin in einem Schnellrestaurant und verdiente sich gelegentlich ein gutes Taschengeld, indem sie sich f?r eine SM - Website misshandeln lie?. Sie war nicht die J?ngste, hatte nicht die tollste Figur und ...

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2222 7 B rohelfer 1

2222 Sekret?r 1 Nach Beendigung der Schule schickte mich meine damalige Herrin zur Weiterbildung als Sekret?r. Ich lernte den Umgang mit dem Computer, die englische und franz?sische Sprache, perfektes Styling und das Gehen im Fesselrock. Die Ausbildung schloss ich mit "Sehr Gut" ab. Mit Beendigung der Ausbildung wurde ich im Internet inseriert. Das Inserat lautete: abzugeben: Jungmann, 15 Jahre, 174 cm, 72 kg, blond, blaue Augen, gesund geschult: Sekret?r, PC, Englisch, Franz?sisch, ...

2 years ago
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Horror Urlaub im S djemen German

Horror-Urlaub im S?djemen (German)Sehr harte S&M- Short story: Tags: FemDev., slavery, non-consent, abuse, debauchery, pet-play, slaughtering, interracial breeding, canibalVon: ?2011 masostud, die Rechte verbleiben beim Autor.Vorwort: Der S?djemen, der sich vor seiner Wiedervereinigung mit dem eher westlich orientierten Nordjemen (gegen?ber von ?thiopien am Roten Meer gelegen) nach dem Abzug der ungeliebten Briten hochtrabend als ?Demokratische VOLKSrepublik Jemen? (gegen?ber von Somalia am Golf ...

3 years ago
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Alexia est malade

Alexia est maladeL??t? se terminait. Les vacances s??taient bien d?roul?es. Alexia ?tait partie s?amuser une dizaine de jours en bord de mer avec une bande d?amies avant de profiter ensuite du bon air de la montagne. Elle en avait profit? pour parfaire son bronzage qui sous des latitudes plus au nord perdait de son ?clat pendant ses longs mois d??tude. Elle ?tait rentr?e en forme et ne s??tait pas m?nag?e donc ? son retour. Elle avait d?cid? de terminer ses vacances ? faire la f?te avant de devoir se reconcentrer sur ses ?tudes. Ce ...

4 years ago
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Was darf es denn sein junge Frau

Was darf es denn sein junge Frau? 0Elli war auf einem Wanderurlaub mit ihrer Freundin, die draussen wartete, und beide hatte Appetit auf etwas Leckeres. aeh, eigentlich wollte ich nur ein paar Frikadellen haben. Aber sie haben so leckere Sachen hier. Elli deutete auf zwei Schweinehaelften die an einem Haken an der Wand hingen. Alles von Tieren aus der Umgebung hier? Der Metzger laechelte. Natuerlich. Alles was hier verkauft wird stammt aus der Gegend und wird selbstverstaendlich auch hier...

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Jeu de Main Jeu de Vilain 2

Elizabeth - Hey...Pat...Patricia - What do you want Elizabeth...Elizabeth - Do you want to come to my home tonight...Patricia - For doing what...Elizabeth - Well...My little neighbour his living with me for the next nine days...Patricia - And whats the point with your neighbour...Elizabeth - He never done it...Patricia - Never done it...He never had sex...And how old his he...Elizabeth - Two time seven...Plus an half...Patricia - His u******e...You cannot do that...Elizabeth - I already gone...

3 years ago
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Der Flaschengeist Teil 30

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webseiten, ...

3 years ago
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Auf gute Nachbarschaft

Wer meine Stories liest, wird schnell feststellen, dass ich versuche, um den wichtigen Teil eine Geschichte zu packen. Ich finde zwar auch Geschichten toll, wo es schnell zur Sache geht. Aber hier ist es mal wieder etwas mehr Text geworden. Kommentare sind ausdrücklich erwünscht! Diese Story ist frei erfunden! Mögliche Ähnlichkeiten mit Namen und Orten sind rein zufällig.Ich war erst vor ein paar Tagen in meine Wohnung im Hamburger Randbezirk gezogen. Nach der Trennung von meiner Ex musste...

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Der Flaschengeist Teil 12

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webs...

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Die St ckelschuhe Episode 2 Der Fluch der St ckelschuhe

Die St?ckelschuhe Episode 2 - Der Fluch der St?ckelschuhe © 2006 / 2017 Lydia Lighthouse Es war genau drei Monate und siebzehn Tage her. Doch schon am ersten Tag war ich mir nicht mehr sicher gewesen, ob es ein Traum gewesen war, oder nicht. Beide M?glichkeiten bereiteten mir jedoch gleich viel Unbehagen. War es nur ein Traum, in welchem man mich am vorherigen Tag in eine Frau verwandelt, mich vor einer Kamera benutzt und genommen und anschlie?end wieder zur?ck in meine ...

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Die Forschungsreise

Die Forschungsreise (Katrin *2013/ 2014) Teil 1 Einleitung Die Schule war vorbei und ich hatte mal wieder Semesterferien. Mein Studium besch?ftigte sich mit den Mythen und Sagen der verschollenen Mysterien, die sich um die Mayas rankten. Das hatte mich schon immer fasziniert und aus diesem Grunde, hatte ich an einem verregneten Sommertag einen Termin in der B?cherei unserer Hochschule. Die blonde Bibliothekarin kannte mich inzwischen als B?cherwurm und begr??te mich, wie immer, wenn ic...

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Zuchtstuten Teil 3

Teil 3: Die Mutterstute und der JunghengstDie drei waren völlig vertieft in ihr geiles Spiel, als sie plötzlich eine Stimme hörten: „He, was ist denn hier los? Eine Orgie? Ohne mich?“Das war Marc!Den hatten sie vollkommen vergessen. Zumindest die Frauen, denn Thomas hatte schon die ganze Zeit mit seinem Erscheinen gerechnet und dies auch bewusst einkalkuliert.Vanessa schrie entsetzt auf. Sie versuchte, aufzustehen, aber Thomas hielt ihre Hüften fest umklammert. Sie konnte nicht einmal ihre...

4 years ago
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Der Flaschengeist Teil 38

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webseiten, ...

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Amis d enfance

Amis d'enfance. Quand j'y pense, c'est ?tonnant que Christian et moi soyons si proches. Nous n'avons rien en commun. Christian est tr?s sportif, il est grand, viril et muscl?. Il est le type m?me du beau mec qui fait craquer les filles. Je ne sais pas combien de copines il a connu... Je les ai pratiquement toutes rencontr?es, mais j'ai renonc? ? les compter. De mon c?t?, j'?tais plut?t petit et malingre. Je cachais mon visage encore enfantin derri?re de grosses lunettes qui faisaient de moi une caricatu...

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Sylvie 1

Happy new year! Bonne et heureuse Ann?e 2008! I am sorry to write in French, but my English is too bad. Si quelqu'un aime ce r?cit et souhaite le traduire pour que d'autres personnes en profitent: libre ? vous! Merci ? toutes et ? tous pour vos r?actions si positives ? mes premiers r?cits. J'ai ?t? tr?s amus? par vos remarque concernant "Ma fille Manon", parce qu'en ?crivant cette histoire, je me suis pos? exactement les m?mes questions que vous: quels sont les sentiments de Manon? Je vais donc tr?s ce...

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Dominante Bekanntschaft 6 Die Entscheidung

Dies ist die Fortsetzung von Dominate Bekanntschaft 5 : Die PräsentationMontagDie Nacht war schrecklich. Ich hatte die gesamte Nacht einen feuchten Traum nach dem anderen und bin immer wieder wach geworden. Das Verlangen den Druck einfach abzuwichsen war groß. Doch es fühlte sich nicht richtig an und ich untersagte es mir.Ich machte mich zu Arbeit fertig und ging dann auch arbeiten. Ihr Brief ging mir nicht aus dem Kopf und auch das Angebot von Lady Carmen. Als ich von der Arbeit nach Hause kam...

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Kaiser Friedrich II und Isabella

Die Hochzeit von Kaiser Friedrich II. und Isabella von BrienneDiese Geschichte ist nicht frei erfunden, sondern erzählt eine historisch gelegte Begebenheit! Die erwähnten Personen haben tatsächlich gelebt (siehe die Anmerkungen am Ende).Die Hochzeit und die Ereignisse in der Hochzeitsnacht haben wirklich stattgefunden. I. Die Verlobung Palermo, 1223Friedrich II. mit seinem Falken. Aus seinem Buch De arte venandi cum avibus („Über die Kunst mit Vögeln zu jagen“), Süditalien zwischen 1258 und...

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Der Flaschengeist Teil 6

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webs...

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Priya Mami I Love You Too

Hi dosto, Areeb is back with a new story.Jase ji ap sb logo ne meri phle story ko psnd kiya hai I hope apko ye story b utne hi achhe lgegi, aur apko logo k feedbacks b aynge. So mae apne story pr aata hu without wasting your time.Ye story meri aur meri sb se choti mami ki hai.Ye story thodi long hai pr believe me story apko psnd ayge because this tym maena apne ak ak incident lkha hai.Ap sb patients k sath read kre nd imagine kre pure story ko. Yr baat around one month phle ki hai jb mae apne...

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An Unexpected Life In Pink

An Unexpected Life In Pink By Chlo? Cameron Synopsis - A fairly successful young man dates a woman who upon discovering his most intimate secret, encourages him to take time off work and move in with her while dressing and being seen as a late teen girl and, in certain situations, an even younger girl in a beauty pageant. During a several week period, he experiences a lot more than he bargained for, as he also becomes involved with several men, each who view her differently. Working h...

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Rahel Erziehung einer Jungfotze

Rahel - Erziehung einer Jungfotze (Teil 1 - 27) =============================================== by Alphatier, © 2014/2015*         *kopieren, ausdrucken, reposten ist alles erlaubt Entgleist       Alles begann, als meine Frau mir vor drei Monaten heulend erklärte, dass es aus ist. Einfach so hatte sie plötzlich mit ihrem kleinen blauen Sportrucksack in der Küchentür gestanden und mich mit einer Mischung aus Schuldbewusstsein, Vorwurf und Selbstmitleid angesehen, während ich nur zitternd am...

2 years ago
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Fiesta Antes de continuar con el relato perm?teme comentarte algo, al principio cuando empec? a escribirlo ten?a toda la intenci?n de que fuera simplemente un relato corto, sin embargo, como te dije anteriormente, mi imaginaci?n tiene la virtud de una vez despertada, volverse incontrolable. De esta manera, comenzaron a surgir un mont?n de situaciones y fantas?as que no quer?a dejar de contarte. Ten?a entonces dos alternativas, recortaba el relato y dejaba tan solo los hechos esenciales, o lo divid?a al men...

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The Sain School Showcase

The lights were on, the stage was set, the audience mulled into the auditorium, murmuring and laughing, talking about what they expected to see tonight. The Sain School for the Technically Gifted was one hell of a place after all. It provided special resources to people with special talents, promoting the young and brilliant to the forefronts of scientific and technical advancement. The audience was composed of friends and family members of the student's who would be showing off their...

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Slavery 2030

Slavery 2030 Part 1 With good intentionsFrom the author of Slavery 2020.Slavery 2020 saw a society still coming to terms with conscription. 2037 sees One Britain One Economy. With the needs of the many far outweighing those of the few, production, Spending Targets and the Economy are paramount.  Daniella Peterson Public Relations Executive BAe Factory 3 ( Oxford) Tuesday 15 September 2037 9.45amOne Britain One Economy. Citizens of the United Kingdom need to remind themselves of that. We retire...

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Johanna 12

Howard Fletcher had gotten me the leading breast cancer specialist in New York. His expertise and skill meant that my lumpectomy was minimally invasive. I went back to work on Wednesday, the very next day after the surgery and had a full workday.The small incision healed quickly and I began to feel better. Things returned to normal except that I had my apartment myself now that Jerry had moved out. I was surprised by how little I missed him. I was still tired all the time and after a long day...

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Seems Too Good To Be True Chapter 3

You will want to read this story in order for it to make sense. (Undercover Tour and Diamond Tours may also help you make more sense of the storyline though they are not TG oriented) As much as I don't wish to send readers away, I do want you to know that if diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story most likely not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Several...

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Scouting Report Kyle D Martin

SCOUTING REPORT KYLE MARTIN (SENIOR, PENN STATE), WR PROPERTY OF THE DENVER BRONCOS FOOTBALL CLUB CONFIDENTIAL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Club Grade for Position (WR): 1/40 Grade Level: Elite/Franchise Projected Draft Rank for Position (WR): 1st Taken Projected Overall Draft Rank: Top 10 pick. At present, our First Round Draft Position is 12. Projected Picks Prior to 12: 1. Washington Redskins DT 2. Detroit Lions OT 3. Kansas City Chiefs OG 4. Seattle Seahawks QB 5. Oakland Raiders...

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Hindsight 20 20 Book 2Chapter 23

As I was reading the paper, I saw an ad for a government surplus auction that was taking place all day Friday, at some warehouse just outside of the city. I thought that they might have some stuff that I could use for my new house, so I borrowed Annie's car for the day, and drove to the auction. I was looking for some office furniture and other odds-and-ends. The warehouse was huge and it actually consisted of three side-by-side warehouses. There were many people there, but not as many as I...

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Miss Callahan Ch 16 17

Chapter 16My office feels unusually quiet as I continue to stare at my computer screen, not really reading anything. It’s the same thing I’ve been doing all morning.In the past, I’ve always been able to work through any personal turmoil I'm going through. But with this situation, I can’t seem to parse out the personal from the work because it’s all intertwined.It doesn’t help that I got so little sleep last night. By the time I got done finalizing the exploration questions with Jackie and...

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Miss Callahan Ch 10

“You can’t be serious.”“Oh, but I am, Ems,” Lauren says as she looks at her reflection in the car mirror and fixes some hair that has fallen out of her band. “I’m very serious.”She looks over at me with a playful smile, which starts to turn more serious as her eyes rake down my body, settling on my still-bare tits.“I think maybe you’ll need a shirt on to go back into the office,” she says as she leans into the backseat for my folded blouse.“You’re the one who took it off me in the first place,”...

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A Loser Rebounds Ch 14

Although ‘dumped on’ as she called it, Addison did what Andy expected of her and said she’d go, to allow her lover to accept a post in Australia to gain experience as an international operator. The wedding was held in the garden of Addison’s parents in Lincoln Park and followed by a sit-down meal in their huge 1930s-built house where the sliding doors between the dining-room and living room were opened and a temporary table brought in to easily seat the forty-eight guests. Andy was proud of...

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Wie üblich am Sonntag morgen stand ich mit einer Tasse Kaffee am offenen Fenster. Es war warm und die Sonne schien mir ins Gesicht. Unten auf dem kleinen Fussballplatz waren zwei junge Männer mit nackten Oberkörpern am Spielen, ich schaute Ihnen bereits eine Weile zu. Nach seinen Muskeln zu urteilen, ging der schwarzhaarige Lockenkopf - Typ Latin Lover - regelmässig ins Fitness, während der Blonde - Typ nordischer Naturbursche - zwar grösser, aber auch deutlich schmaler war. Eher noch mit einer...

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Hindsight 20 20 Book 2Chapter 22

I hung out with Doug and Jill. I also went back and gathered up all of my pictures, so that, at the end of the month, I could have them sent to my new house. Doug dropped me at the airport early enough to catch my flight, and he told me that, in the near future, he may need me to play best man. I congratulated him, told him that I was happy for him, and was sorry that his parents wouldn't be around to meet his beautiful wife and their grandchildren. He came around and did the man hug thing...

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coworker pee

I was speaking at a conference that was being held in Orlando in late March last year. I would be presenting at one of the more popular sessions and it was expected that there could be as many as 1,000 attendees. Given the importance of the event I asked Kaye our corporate contract PR person to travel with me as she would be able to help fine tune my messaging given the meetings and discussions we would have in advance of my presentation. Although young at 27 she was not only very talented in...

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Parting of the Ways Part 5 College Troubles and epilogue

Chapter 14 The military foursome were going to miss out on their fall semesters, with Scott barely returning in time to start his first semester in late January. The group staying in Winnisimmet were saddened to see the four heading west leave back in June, it was the first time since 8th grade that the group had been separated for any length of time. It was the start of the group becoming their own people, but for the 14 it was still a tough revelation to them. Jaimie and Miles...

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A New PastChapter 66 King

“Let’s remember who acted illegally in this situation,” I said, looking directly at the host, Larry King. Billy had orchestrated this interview largely due to Larry’s direct but non-confrontational interview style. “Let me restate that,” he said quickly. “China has accused you of an illegal act of aggression against them. How would you characterize the events?” “I would say that the Chinese government, or individuals illegally using the power of that government, undertook activities...

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Ankita K Sath Mera Pehla Experience

By : Avinash73 Hello friends, this is my 1st story on ISS. My name is Raj and I am from Lucknow and doing also from Lucknow. So aap logo ko bore na karte hue sidha mere 1st sex experience par aata hu. Ye baat kuch mahino pehle ki hai jab hamara February me new semester start hua tha mere class m 2nd year m 1 nai ladki kisi aur college se aai thi jiska naam tha Ankita kuch reason hoga but wo dekhne m bhut sunder thi and uska figure mujhe xactly to nahi pata par mere experience k hisab se...

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It s All about Image

A Power Broker Story Prologue: Autumn 1987 - England Smoke drifted lazily into the air from the end of Gerald Knebworthy's huge Cigar. Before him, a select group of his brightest students, all mellowed by several glasses of good brandy, eager to share with him the conclusions of their private project. It had started as a post-grad joke, three years ago- "Write a business plan to create an organisation which will be the most powerful organisation in the world within 30 years." Paul...

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AnimeCon Harem Pt 04

Outta luck after all, huh. Raven locks of hair swept down over one of the scene girl’s eyes, and Kelly blew that fringe of her bangs up with an annoyed puff of her lip. Fuck.She resentfully kicked at one of the discarded pamphlets littering the main lobby as she surveyed the aftermath of AnimeCon’s first day. The skylights had long since fallen dark and the tempestuous sea of convention attendees, once hundreds thick, had since dwindled down to bare dregs. Scattered groups still wandered about,...

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Die Dame vom Empfang

Die Dame vom Empfang © 2011 / 2017 Lydia Lighthouse Es war zum M?usemelken, dachte Paul, als er die zweite Absage am heutigen Tag ?ffnete. Was sollte er denn noch tun, um einen Ausbildungsplatz zu bekommen. Sein Abitur war zwar nicht das aller Beste, aber mit einem Zweier-Schnitt doch grundsolide und wirklich nicht allzu ?bel. Au?erdem hatte er sogar das eine oder andere Praktikum vorzuweisen - etwas, womit wohl nur die wenigstens Sch?ler aufwarten konnten. W?hrend es sich alle ande...

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Dark Passage

The White House ‘My Fellow Americans,’ the President of the United States of America began his televised address to the country, ‘since September 11th, 2001, Christians and Jews around the world have lived under the threat of annihilation by Islamic extremists bent on global domination. These terrorists, while certainly not representative of the main currents in Islamic teachings, have nevertheless managed to expand their ideology of hatred to vast segments of the global population. Despite...

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Class Reunion

Chapter 1 It was fast approaching the Winnisimmet High School reunion season. The biggest reunion was the fabled class that graduated John Finn, Melanie Lopez, Willie Pena, Paul Douglas, Katie Eliza, and Juan Alvarez. Those six people had played key roles in changing the face of Winnisimmet in just over six years and were all anyone talked about. Each had their own reason for gossip. Melanie adopting her nephew was a heated debate as some saw it as wrong while others saw it as being...

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Sisters By Karin Roberts What is it about sister's one moment they are fighting like cat and dog the next you would be hard pushed to break their bond with half a ton of dynamite? I first met Allie in a pub, I was out celebrating a friend's 21st birthday, to be honest it was actually her sister I met first. I walked to the bar and shouted up a round of drinks 3 vodkas and coke 4 pints and a bottle of cider. "Hey meat head stop jumping the queue." I turned to my left an...

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Hindsight 20 20 Book 2Chapter 24

When I got back from my run and swim, Annie had already left, but Shawna was still here, in the kitchen drinking coffee. She said that Annie was going to work and would be moving in her stuff that night. We went in to her office to talk, before meeting with two congressmen in the afternoon. When I got back to the house, Annie was home and she was in a very good mood. "Susan Hager and I spoke with Craig today. He asked us to fly back to Nashville for a follow-up interview on Friday. I asked...

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Hollywood Tales Part 3 Finale

Talk ended as Jennifer called to ask where Brice was and invited the duo to dinner. She happily greeted the duo as they entered, with Lola all but running over Lee as she saw the 24-year-old. Lola was teased by Jennifer about being calm around her idols, with Lee blushing as she didn't know what to say to her. Jennifer had Lola go check on little Lee, then sat Lee down and explained, "She sees in you what she is going to be. She loves your body, is jealous that your breasts are growing...

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A New PastChapter 30 New Ventures

“What do you mean ‘the French got the process?’” Colonel Conright asked. We had finished the bachelor party in Vegas, and then had come back to the offices in Stanford. Mike Keller had called us Sunday evening to let us know that three rented SUVs had arrived cross-country at the lab compound and spent several hours cutting through the wall of the shed. They had then managed to blast the safes free from their mountings and manhandle them out of the building and into the vehicles. They left...

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Author's Note: I'm a big fan of Kate's terrific forced fem stories featuring the "Sissy Mister" store, so this is my attempt at writing something along those lines. However--because it's me--it's different, so while some elements may seem familiar to readers of those stories, I've tried to treat them primarily as loose inspirations. The biggest difference is that while forced fem stories focus on the humiliation aspect--and this story has plenty of that!--I quickly realized that the...

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Righting Wrongs

Special thanks to Digger for suggesting some of this series Prologue Kenneth Eaton was the youngest child of six, growing up on large farm in central California. His older brothers were all, "Masculine manly men" as they loved to say. Kenneth, however, wasn't. He was smaller, skinnier, and weaker. They favored their father, Kenneth favored his mother. Genetics weren't on his side. She was shorter, skinnier, and had barely any musculature. She was frequently called a, "Waif",...

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Its All About Image

ITS ALL ABOUT IMAGE A Power Broker Story. An entertainment for Adults only. By James Anderton. The following story is for the entertainment of ADULTS ONLY, and contains descriptions of explicit sex. If you are not an adult, or reading sex stories upset you, do not read any further. ————————————————- Previous stories in the POWER BROKER Series are: A Crude Business The Ambassador’s wife Vengeance Ambition Also by James Anderton For Love of France ————————————————- PROLOGUE: AUTUMN 1987 –...

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Bikini Beach A Friend In Need 2019 update

I admit that my story work seems to have been getting longer and longer, primarily due to the way I have tried to embellish the tales with as much detail as possible to place the reader right there in the story. If this is getting to be too much, I would like to hear from you. There are a couple significant names used in this story. See if any of you can figure out just how they may apply to anybody in RL. True to form for me, you just know I'm going to say that this story utilizes...

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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 68

The next morning was pretty smooth. We each took a fast shower, and Deana was making breakfast as dad and I loaded up her luggage into the truck. And the drive to Burbank Airport was uneventful. They shared a kiss, and soon we were boarding the plane.Linda sat next to me and held my hand tight, this was actually the first time she had ever flown, and she was a bit nervous. But she was also excited, and spent over an hour just watching out the window. After an hour or so I moved back to Holly...

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Overlooked Bride Ch 01

Bianca White whose acclaimed creative mind matches her blonde beauty suffered many young women’s unspoken nightmare – being left a little short of the altar. The almost handsome Joe the fiancé turned scumbag by dumping Bianca after falling into the arms a sauna ‘hostess’ eight days before the wedding. Perhaps understandably, Bianca became a little upset when Joe said he was rescheduling their wedding and then calmly explained the bride would be Rosa, top earner at her mother’s Gentleman’s...

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Kolchak The Nylon Stalker Adonis Afloat

KOLCHAK: THE NYLON STALKER. (Based upon characters created by Jeff Rice. ) By Way Zim. CASE ONE; ADONIS ADRIFT. Aug 10th, 2005. Cleveland, Ohio. Journal of Karen Foster Klein; I write this entry feeling several ways foolish but somewhat wiser from the experiences of the past 2 weeks. Perhaps it was my own hubris, the way in which a decrepit old man had assumed the role of a young woman; without major crisis. Karen...

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Executive assistant Sharon

Sharon Stits and Nikki Summers were two mid-level executives in a large PR firm who were locked in a fierce rivalry from which only one woman would emerge victorious. Brunette, gorgeous, and in their early fourties, both women were on a collision course for the top of the corporate ladder.Sharon had a reputation for wielding her incredible sexuality as a weapon against rival women who got in her way. With her firm 36C tits and long, exquisite legs, which were always dressed in short, tight...

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To Dress with Spirit

TO DRESS WITH SPIRIT "You know the locals say it's haunted," said my quirky friend Elena as we turned into the long carriage drive which led to the country house hotel in which I'd gained an internship. Her eyes were laughing as she said this, and I pinched her arm jokingly. "Pull the other one." We were both too worldly and rational to believe in ghosts. I'd heard the rumours about the hotel when I talked to people about the internship opportunity, and of course I'd dismissed...

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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 68 Stacy and the Club Infinity

Mark I sat in the conference room at Darwin Architectural Group with Greg, Sean, and Elsa. They were all grinning. Sean explained, “You’re the first client to see this new system. It’s like the fly-through we showed you several times of the house on the large laptop, but this is like a hundred times more realistic. For one, it’s big screen TV, and then we added music given the kind of venue, and some of the avatars actually move around the screen giving the feel of a movie. We can create...

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Opening Earth Part 3Chapter 18

Day 1: When Doug finally woke up at the ranch, the morning started out with breakfast. Bashira, who had a long day yesterday, slept through breakfast. After thanking Betty for a wonderful breakfast, Doug called Secretary of State Charles Boyd. “Good morning, Doug. I let the President’s Chief of Staff Aaron McCaul know about what happened yesterday, and he said he would inform the President. Aaron and I decided you would be busy so we should wait until you contacted us to see if you needed...

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Kerrie ch 01 First Tattoos and the Biker Bar

Kerrie tugged at the bottom of her tiny white half-top, trying to keep it from riding up any higher than it had to. It was no use. Mark insisted she buy it two sizes too small and she was lucky it covered as much of her as it did. Mark opened the front door of the bar. The loud music and cigarette smoke hit her like a fist. "Come on, honey. We're right on time." Kerrie took a deep breath and walked in just ahead of him. She wrapped her arm around his, trying to make herself...

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Kerrie ch 01 First Tattoos and the Biker Bar

Introduction: Mark returns from 6 months in Thailand and begins turning his wife into his sex toy. Tattoos and piercings are a big part of his new fetish, Chapter 01 – First Tattoos and The Biker Bar Kerrie tugged at the bottom of her tiny white half-top, trying to keep it from riding up any higher than it had to. It was no use. Mark insisted she buy it two sizes too small and she was lucky it covered as much of her as it did. Mark opened the front door of the bar. The loud music and...

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Neighbours 3

Authors note: This won't make much sense if you haven't read Unexpected Consequences and the first two chapters of Neighbours. I apologise for the delay of this chapter, too many other things demanding my time! To those of you who have enjoyed my stories and know this plot: read on and enjoy! She picked up the phone on the third ring. "Claire speaking." "Hello Claire, this is Tanya Darlington. I wonder if you have a few minutes for me?" "Tanya! Good to hear from you again,...

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Aunty With Her Clients

Hi All This is Lyra, writing something of this sort for the first time. Please bear with me if u find something wrong with my narration. Would be happy to receive your feedback on this on Earlier i used to read such stories on net and used to think ..these are all fake fantasies of people…till i happened to shift to Mumbai and got involved with the so called “elite” or the “upper” or the rich class. Since then I have seen (not literally) quite a few erotic incidences happening in real world…...

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The Kiss

Chapter 1 If there was a more apt two word definition of "enigma," it was the words "Marc Townsend." On the one hand, we have a man of slight build, about 5" 5" tall, 25 years old but looking like he was barely old enough to have left school and with unremarkable features - not unattractive but, equally, not traditionally attractive either. On the other hand, he was already earning a six-figure basic salary with generous bonuses on top at a successful digital marketing agency...

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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 21

The next morning I got up and took a three mile run, then after showering I picked up the phone and called Mr. Cummings. After some small talk, he said that he read the adventure and loved it. He had been wanting to get more games with cultural references from other countries. And he was already in talks with a translator to convert it to Japanese. Which then prompted my main reason for calling him. “Look, I belong to a group there that meets on Thursday at Kadena Air Base. And I started a...

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Wendy s Weekend

‘And this is my wife Wendy,’ my husband Jamie said as a tall, athletic man with short, greying hair turned to greet me. ‘Hi Wendy, I’m Andy. Pleased to meet you.’ The man smiled, extending his hand. I shook it smiling back at my husband’s new Boss, noting the sharp suit, white shirt, highly polished shoes and Mediterranean tan, as if he’d deliberately modelled himself on a cover from Fortune Magazine. ‘Nice to meet you too, Andy,’ I replied, turning on the charm, holding his hand perhaps a...

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Wendy s Weekend Part 1 A Desperate Situation

“And this is my wife Wendy,” my husband Jamie said as a tall, athletic man with short, greying hair turned to greet me. “Hi Wendy, I’m Andy. Pleased to meet you.” The man smiled, extending his hand. I shook it smiling back at my husband’s new Boss, noting the sharp suit, white shirt, highly polished shoes and Mediterranean tan, as if he’d deliberately modelled himself on a cover from Fortune Magazine. “Nice to meet you too, Andy,” I replied, turning on the charm, holding his hand perhaps a...

Wife Lovers
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Beeline 0280 Prisoner of Lust

Prisoner Of Lust By Theodore Stickles PAULA'S UNLEASHED PASSION Paula had always known that one day, the lust-starved prisoners that shecounseled would not be able to resist her voluptuous body. So, as the prisoner grabbed her and forced her to undress, releasing hisaching member, she shouldn't have been so shocked. He squeezed and fondled her bare breasts ... pinching her nipples hard... savouring the flavor and feel of a woman's flesh ... rubbing hishard, erect penis against Paula's trembling...

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Becoming Susie Q Part 1

Becoming Susie Q Chapter 1 - The Bar It was a night like any other, the same faceless strangers in the crowd all searching for the same thing, something more, anything more. Leo Fitzgerald had long since given up his search for "the meaning of life". In fact he had allowed himself to become quite complacent with the way his life was. It was a different bar, party, and girl every night. He was, in essence, the eternal frat boy living on daddy's money. "Yo, Leo!" yelled a man from...

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The Invitation

The Invitation It was a typical Friday evening on the Northern Line; crowded and hot, which in turn lead to the strong smell of sweaty bodies. However Jenny Forrest was completely oblivious to these distractions as she stood in the swaying carriage on her way to the flat in Highgate which she shared with her boyfriend Tony. She was feeling excited and was anxious to tell Tony about the unexpected encounter as she strolled along Bond Street window shopping during her lunch break. She...

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Miss Callahan ch 03

Chapter 3It’s usually pretty easy to tell how a pitch is going once you start. Sometimes you know how it’s going to go just based on how the clients greet you and what room they put you in. If they’ve come into the meeting with a preexisting idea of their agency of choice, the pitch doesn’t even really matter. And that can be really fucking maddening.This is one of those cases where it’s obvious how it’s going. The moment we walked into the lobby of the building, a young, 20-something woman...

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Can t Pick Your FamilyChapter 28 Taking Chances

Deirdre watched Joey as he shifted up. The BMW convertible was at cruising speed now, 65 mph. The soft top was closed as it was still early in the morning and the air was a bit chilly. Joey was outwardly calm in spite of what was riding on today's interview. "So what's the schedule for today?" she asked to make some conversation. "I'll deliver my talk at their lunch seminar. I guess Carol will use the time before that to grill me a little more. She said one of her students will show...

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My House My RulesChapter 26

Pete found his twelve naked pixies setting the dining area table with a carnivore's wet dream. Allison had ordered two inch thick New York Strips, and grilled them to a rare perfection. The steaks sat on platters heaped with sautéed scallops drizzled in clarified garlic butter and steamed lobster tails. If you could name a veggie appropriate to any of the entrees, it was on the table. White wine, red wine, hard lemonade, pilsners, and plain old iced tea were on the counter. Champaign chilled...

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Hindsight 20 20 Book 2Chapter 48

I worked, and trying to be more social, visited friends for the next week. Doug and Jill invited me to a big party that some of their friends had invited them to attend. It turned out that I was the plus one. When I arrived, I saw many people who I knew. I got some kisses at midnight, and shortly thereafter, went home alone. It was a new year with a new job in a new location. Before I started 1984, I desperately wanted something that was not new. New Year's Day was a Sunday, so Monday was...

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An Immodest Proposal

Chapter 1 ‘I saved you a seat,’ called out Chandra as she saw Vanessa walk into the classroom. ‘Thanks.’ Vanessa walked quickly to the desk that Chandra had indicated, put her backpack down between her own seat and her friend’s, and sat down with a relieved sigh. ‘The prof here yet?’ ‘Not yet.’ Vanessa reached into her bag and pulled out a pen and a pad of paper. A guy sitting behind the two co-eds leaned forward and said, ‘So… D’you girls believe stories they tell about this class?’ ...

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Running into Coverage Ch 05

The common trend for this is a one, Estragon. Thank you x … I seem to have lost count! As always, your thoughts, comments and feedback is always appreciated. Enjoy M **** Pendicon Field was packed to the brim with raging fans as they waved crimson banners and silver flags, chanting cheers and toasting beers. The Cougars were playing the Lions and it was expected to be a bloodbath. The underdog of the season managed to creep up to third in the division, making them only two games behind the...

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The Greatest Lie Chapter 17

The Greatest Lie, Chapter 17 You Can't Go Home Again By Alexandra Rios [email protected] This chapter of my novel is the conclusion of my novel, which I have posted here serially over the past six years. It uses strong language and depicts explicit sex, including forcible rape. This is a work of imagination and research. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. If you are underage or offended by this content, please do not read on. If you...

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Hollywood Tales Part 2

The fun lasted until John's phone rang. Nora Biggs needed to urgently talk to John about the movie as it was about to become a major issue with the media. She didn't elaborate, but saw John rush to Boston to talk to her in the office via video-conference. Nora was blunt, telling him, "Woody Demille is up to his old tricks, only this time he went a step further and got a lawsuit brought against us. We are being sued for copyright infringement for copying a story that Woody had written...

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Beginning of the End Becoming Cathy 2

I guess it's the waiting that creates the space for me to rise to that great height from which I Invariably fall, eventually, enevitbley, crashing once again into a great pit of failure and humiliation. The rising expectation, the mounting fear, The building hope, the increasing trepidation, All fuelled by an ever-growing desperation driven incessantly onward by that little knot Of truth buried deep inside that, if ever allowed to erupt into reality, will alter the very essence of how my...

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No Joking Matter Part 5

The girls talked about the show throughout the week and actually wrote out plans for what they thought should happen, especially little things that would help build Denise's character. They were mostly left alone by the others while Nathan and Phillip kept anyone at bay who might get too close to the trio. It was hard not to shake their heads at them portraying boys as brutes but had to smirk as they clearly had two boys join Denise's character and her future girlfriend, a new character...

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Harry Potter and sisters Black Part 1

I first Read this story 3 days ago here on this page but it was not completed, so my OCD kicked in and i looked for the rest. So i am in no way a writer and this is not my story, however i though it would be nice to post it here for those like me who go crazy with unfinished workl can sleep easy. I hope you all enjoy it as much as i did.Thanks you OldWolf who is the first person i see post it and from what i can see is the original writer.Harry awakens with a groan. He feels the back of his...

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Junior YearChapter 15 Don rsquo t You Want to Share the Guilt

This morning Rachel had big news. How did I know it was big news? My first clue was she was actually waiting on us when we came down to stretch. The second clue was when she began to fidget and bounce up and down. It was all I could do to ignore her as I prepared to run. Her excitement had Duke and Buster frisky, and they were tearing up the backyard as they played. I finally stood up and picked up my Bo staff. “What are you so happy about?” “I came in fourth at regionals – that qualifies...

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