Wand indian porn

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Das Treffen

Das TreffenAuf dem Weg zum Bahnhof, ?berpr?fte sie noch einmal pflichtbewusst ihr Outfit. Er hatte es sich so gew?nscht, als sie sich zu diesem Treffen verabredet hatten. Lange hatte sie gez?gert, und dann doch endlich zugesagt. Vor Monaten hatte sie sich endlich getraut sich anzumelden. Lange hatte sie gez?gert. Die Sklavenzentrale. Allein der Name war schon respekteinfl??end. Irgendwann kamen sie ins Gespr?ch. Dieser unbekannte Dom und sie. Viele Mails sp?ter, nach vielen intensiven Gesp...

2 years ago
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Horror Urlaub im S djemen German

Horror-Urlaub im S?djemen (German)Sehr harte S&M- Short story: Tags: FemDev., slavery, non-consent, abuse, debauchery, pet-play, slaughtering, interracial breeding, canibalVon: ?2011 masostud, die Rechte verbleiben beim Autor.Vorwort: Der S?djemen, der sich vor seiner Wiedervereinigung mit dem eher westlich orientierten Nordjemen (gegen?ber von ?thiopien am Roten Meer gelegen) nach dem Abzug der ungeliebten Briten hochtrabend als ?Demokratische VOLKSrepublik Jemen? (gegen?ber von Somalia am Golf ...

3 years ago
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Tante Hilda

Tante Hilda Nach der letzten, wirklich schmerzhaften Trennung von Julia war es vor allem Tante Hilda, bei der ich Trost und W?rme fand. Die entfernte Verwandte meines allzu fr?h verstorbenen Vaters lebte allein in einem Haus am Stadtrand. Sie lebte recht gut von ihrer Witwenrente und von dem Verm?gen, das ihr Henry hinterlassen hatte. Das Leben hatte den Beiden keine Kinder verg?nnt, und so kam es schon fr?h dazu, dass Tante Hilda in mir einen Ersatz f?r entgangene Mutterfreuden s...

2 years ago
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A Mistake

So a girl is trying to talk you and your wife to swing. This is very bad advice. Don’t start swinging. In fact the girl that you are talking about reminds me of the girl that first invited us for a threesome only to ditch me. Like all guys I thought swinging would mean getting all the strange pussy that I wanted. So for a year or so I tried to convince my wife Barbara to give it a try. I guess I finally convinced her because for my birthday Barbara offered to set us up with a threesome. We...

Group Sex
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Im Pornokino auf dem Weg zum Dreier

Dies ist eine Geschichte über den langen Weg zum ersten richtigenDreier. Mit allen Zweifeln, Bedenken und Hemmungen die dabei so aufkommen. Marie und ich (Lukas) haben uns vor etwa 2 Jahren auf einer Abi-Feierkennengelernt. Diese Feiern werden jährlich gegeben und eingeladen sind alle, die irgendwann mal auf unserem Gymnasium Abitur gemacht haben. Normalerweise gehen diese Feiern sehr feuchtfröhlich von Statten. So auch dieses mal. Lange Rede kurzer Sinn, wir sind an diesem Abend im selben Bett...

4 years ago
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harry 09

The first Potions lesson of the new term was an interesting affair. Six Gryffindors had scored the required E to study it at NEWT level, and we made our way down to the dungeons along with five Ravenclaws, two Hufflepuffs and three Slytherins, Gerry Stebbins looking rather disappointed once he realised Mary wasn’t there. I knew that Charlotte had only just scraped into the class, but she was clearly thrilled to notice Remus had also made the grade. Severus Snape made a beeline for Lily...

3 years ago
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Helga und Maria GERMAN

Helga und Maria Ehepaar und Tochter werden von dem sadistischen Arbeitgeber des Ehemannes und Vaters gefoltert.   Teil 1: Marias erste Sitzung. Nachdem der Brand im Studentenheim gel?scht war, wurden die ausw?rtigen Studenten in Hotels evakuiert. Die Studenten, deren Eltern in der N?he wohnten, wurden gebeten, dort solange zu wohnen, bis das Studentenheim wieder bezugsfertig war. Maria fuhr also zu dem Haus ihrer Eltern, dass nur knapp eine Stunde von der Uni entfernt im Gr?nen am Rande de...

4 years ago
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Harry Potter and the Curse of Emerald Witch Part V

PART V *Gasp!* Heather quickly sat upright in her bed, panting heavily. She was completely drenched in sweat from head to toe. The amulet beneath her night dress was glowing brighter than ever, pulsing and pounding like a beating heart against her chest. She placed her hand on her chest as she tried to catch up with her breath. For a moment she thought she was hyperventilating. Then, she thought she was dying. "Oh no," gasped Heather. "No, no, no!" She thought she'd never get...

2 years ago
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Ein M dchen zu sein III

Ein M?dchen zu sein III --------------------------------------------------- Was bisher geschah: Es war ein ganz normaler Arbeitstag f?r den Elektrotechniker Sven, als ein Systemfehler den Teilchenbeschleuniger anlaufen lies. Ein Systemfehler mit schwerwiegenden Folgen, denn am n?chsten Tag musste Sven feststellen, dass er sich ver?ndert hatte. Ein s??es, 11 J?hriges M?dchen blickte ihn aus dem Spiegel an. Nach anf?nglichem Schock kam Sven zu dem Schluss, dass dieser neue K?rper durchaus seine ...

1 year ago
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Fervour of the Past Complete Story

[NOTE: I though it wise to put this story in one place for ease of reading, especially when it's set in the same setting as my upcoming story. This version contains additional editing to grammar/spelling, prose and consistency.] Fervour of the Past by Tegeli PART I: Corset CHAPTER 1 The old tramp freighter wheezed from the relief of completing the long voyage over turbulent seas. I was more than glad to get off. While I splurged my last funds on a private cabin, it had...

2 years ago
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Tanja Teil 1

Tanja - Ankunft in Toronto Mein Name ist Franz. Ich habe vor zwei Wochen meinen Master in Computer Science gemacht. Einen Arbeitsvertrag habe ich auch schon. Allerdings will ich noch einmal vier Monate nach Neuseeland reisen. Eigentlich war geplant, dass mich meine Freundin begleitet. Leider haben wir uns vor vier Wochen getrennt. Egal, dann fahre ich alleine, dachte ich. Eigentlich ein guter Plan. Nur habe ich ziemliche Flugangst und nach Neuseeland fliegt man eine Weile. Von...

4 years ago
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Die Beste Valerie

Zusammenfassung: Er ist ein erfolgreicher Bundesligaspieler und hat zudem ein seltenes Hobby. Er verf?hrt und unterwirft Frauen, um zu sehen, wie weit er ohne Zwang mit ihnen kommt. Als er die hochbegabte Valerie kennen lernt, wei? er genau: Die will er haben. Egal ob er bereits eine Sklavin hat. Als sein Versuch seine alte Sklavin loszuwerden nicht von Erfolg gekr?nt wird, beh?lt er beide. Eine scharfe Konkurrenzsituation entsteht, welche beide Sklavinnen zu unvorstellbaren Leistungen an...

2 years ago
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Das Beste aus 10 Euro

Das Beste aus 10 EuroEndlich Samstag. Heute wollte ich mal wieder in mein bevorzugtes Pornokino fahren und ich hatte etwas Besonderes vor. Also war ich früh aufgestanden, um mich dann ausgiebig und großflächig zu rasieren. Untenrum natürlich. Dann noch ordentlich duschen und mich komplett einzucremen. Und los ging es.Das Pornokino öffnete samstags um 10.30 Uhr morgens und schloss um 23.00 Uhr. Nach einer Stunde Autofahrt kam ich um 11.30 Uhr dort an. Also rein durch den Sexshop und in den...

2 years ago
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Harry Potter Kapitel 23

Harry Potter und das Zauberbuch der Wünsche - Kapitel 23 - Für diese Story sind alle Charakter über 18!Für ein besseres Verständnis der Geschichte empfehle ich die Vorriegen Kapitel zu lesen.Als Lavender Brown an diesem Samstagmorgen aufwachte, strahlt ihr ein warmer, heller Sonnenstrahl direkt ins Gesicht. Noch einmal umgedreht, wollte sie eigentlich noch ein bisschen weiter dösen, doch dann fiel ihr wieder der Termine ein, den sie auf keinen Fall verpassen konnte. So glitt sie mit den Beinen...

4 years ago
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harry 19

________________________________________ It was a nice garden, the garden at Malfoy Manor. At one time the bushes were elegantly crafted topiary, a menagerie of fantastic creatures in fanciful poses, but they had been untended for a year and now they looked just like bushes. Just here or there you could see a shadow of a dragon, the wing of a swan. It was like looking at clouds. The grass had grown up too, long blades that got between your toes. It was half wild but then that was good. It...

2 years ago
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FBMO Club For Black Men Only

(subbi42© gefunden bei literotica.com und leicht abgewandelt)So hatte ich mir mein Leben nicht vorgestellt, als ich von zu Hause in die Großstadt in eine eigene Wohnung wegzog und endlich frei sein wollte. Schnell waren meine Ersparnisse aufgebraucht und vielfach vergeblich hatte ich mich um einen Job bemüht. Jetzt stand mir das „Wasser bis zum Hals" und meine Lage war mehr als verzweifelt. Ein Job musste her, egal was auch immer. In dieser Stimmung sah ich in der U-Bahn als ich einstieg ein...

1 year ago
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Das Tagebuch

Netzfund ...eine der geilsten Geschichten, die ich je gelesen hab!Patricks Tagebuch - erster EintragHeute stand wieder einmal das Schwimmbad auf dem Programm; ich liebe es über alles, weil ich da so viele sehen können, wie stark ich bin.In der Umkleidekabine war ich leider allein; dafür war die Männerdusche gut besetzt. Ich mache mir immer einen Spass draus, entweder in der Kabine oder in der Dusche meine Badehose auszuziehen und die anderen mit meinem riesigen Ständer in psychische Krisen zu...

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Slut in the box

In the cut throat world of stage magic, Scarlet was at the sharp end. Huge competition for gigs ensured that magicians guarded their own secrets jealously and envied any competitor whose act was more cutting edge than their own with a passion.None were more jealous and envious than Francisco the Magnificent. He’d already gone to great lengths to conceal that he was really plain old Frank Potts, descended from a long line of slate miners. His rise to the pinnacle of his profession he owed to a...

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Rum nien Zyklus German

Rum?nien-Zyklus I - Der Unfall1 Der alte Laster traf sie v?llig unvermittelt. Eben noch waren sie dabei, Witze ?ber die verfallene H?userstruktur von Chiajna, einem Vorort von Bukarest, zu rei?en, als der Wagen in sie hineinkrachte. Die drei Teenager wurden in dem alten Taxi herumgeschleudert, das Fahrzeug drehte sich zu Dreiviertel um die eigene Achse und kippte auf die Seite, bis es endlich liegenblieb.Peter, Tim und Mark waren drei 15j?hrige Sch?ler aus xxx, die einen Urlaub in Osteuropa gebucht hat...

4 years ago
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The Society Party Crashers

WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or...

3 years ago
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The Society Party Crashers

1The Society - Party Crashersby The TechnicianBDSM, Slavery, Public Nudity, Public Bondage, Public Flogging, Public Spanking = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Twin sisters in rural England crash the wrong party with very interesting, life-changing effects."The Society" stories are not a sequential series of stories but rather a collection of separate stories that are all set in the world inhabited by members of The Society.  Each story or series stands on its own although they do rely...

2 years ago
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Down on the Farm 07

All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and...

3 years ago
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Down on the Farm 07

Nicole arrived at the farm at exactly eight o’clock. At Annabelle’s direction, she parked her car at the house and stepped out naked. She left her small purse and the yellow and white sundress on the floor in front of the passenger seat.“So, my naked little cowgirl,” Annabelle asked, “did you drive all the way naked?”“Yes,” Nicole replied, “and my car wasn’t parked right next to the back doors of the apartment. It was at the back of the parking lot.” She took a deep breath and then said, “Maybe...

2 years ago
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Harry Shagg s Privet

Disclaimer: I don’t own or make any money form this story DO NOT LIKE GRAMMER MISTAKES TO BAD NO ONES PERFECT I REALLY ENJOY CONSTRUCTIVE CRITISEM BUT DAMN GIVE A MAN A BREAK Harry James Potter sat in his tiny bedroom at # 4 Privet Dr. counting the days until he could go back to Hogwarts school of Witch craft and Wizardry he marked another day down and sat contemplating as to why Lord Voldemort has not moved out into the open. Rolling over Harry fell into an uneasy...

4 years ago
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DanicaPart 14B

Danica awakened when the first rays of light fell upon her face. She found Tonda asleep sitting on the couch next to her. Danica's legs draped over the dark-skinned woman's lap, and Danica smiled when she saw Tonda's hand lying over her mound. Danica tried to get up without awakening Tonda, but this proved impossible. Tonda rose drowsily and followed Danica to the door. Danica opened the door to reveal only the slightest hints of light filtering through the clouds. Must have been a chance...

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Cuckold in Afrika Afrikanische Tr auml ume

Afrikanische TräumebyQueenofSpadesLifestyle©Ich spürte wie sein Atem immer schwerer wurde und wusste, dass es Zeit war ihn zu bitten herauszuziehen, aber ich schwieg. Stattdessen legte ich meine weißen Hände auf seinen pechschwarzen Po, damit er sogar noch tiefer in mich eindringen kann und flüsterte ihm in sein Ohr: „Komm in mich. Komm in meine weiße Pussy!" Seine Stöße wurden auch sofort immer intensiver und sein schwerer Atem verwandelte sich in ein wahrnehmbar lautes Stöhnen; plötzlich...

3 years ago
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Brash the Dragon and the Schrodinger SnareChapter 2

I was standing in a corridor. The floor was felt green carpeting and the walls were narrow and tall. It was an old house, like. Super old. Musty too. I sniffed at the air as I walked forward, looking around curiously. Hey! I was also not in my human form! I was in my dragon form – a small, cat-shaped, cat-sized, black scaled dragony ball of cuteness that bore zero resemblance to a cat. Well, not really a ball. But Dad always called me a ball of adorable, so some kind of ball-ness was...

4 years ago
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Suhara of Curses Chapter 7 Aura

Jaux was wearing a new silver anklet today. Ace students were allowed to leave the Lyceum on open days without requiring an escort. However, they were not allowed to bring another student along with them, even if the student was their novi. Jaux had to stay behind while Frey went out to collect some rare supplies. Frey was still a bit paranoid from yesterday's incident, so she gave Jaux one of her old magical charms. Whenever the anklet was charged up with enough magic, a protective...

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Punked By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers "He is so fucking dead," said Donnie as he opened his locker at the gym. "No fucking way," screamed Dean. "He's way out of control now. We've got to think of something good to get him back." "I think we're better off just leaving here in our towels," said Donnie, holding up a shirt. "You'll lose your membership, and they're not letting you out of here like that," said Dean, taking the clothes from the locker. "Just walk out...

3 years ago
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Frenemy Switch Part 2 Complete

Frenemy Switch - part 2 of 2 - by Switch-guy - version 1 *************************************** This story builds on the Three-Some Switch story arc. The order of the installments is: 1) Three-Some Switch 2) Three-Some Switch Back Story 3) Three-Some Switch Back Story Pt 2 4) Three-Some Switch part 2 5) Frenemy Switch part 1 6) (This one) Frenemy Switch part 2 These stories are available from: http://fictionmania.tv/searchdisplay/authordisplay.html?word=4275 I ask one...

4 years ago
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Tatianna s Treasures

TATIANNA’S TREASURES!ByANNE GRAYPROLOGUE –?Oh come on Amy, work with me here.  I cannot put you on display for the private grand opening until you’re down to at least nineteen inches!?Amy, of course, had no choice in the matter but Tatianna liked to talk to herself as she worked the laces of the heavily boned, white kid leather, bondage corset.  Since it was taking her quite some time to get the beautiful twenty four year old girl properly fitted she was carrying on a regular one-sided...

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The Unfortunate Experiences of Mike Cross

The Unfortunate Experiences of Mike Cross by Hikaro edited by Trismegistus Shandy Part 1 "Mike," somebody said. I was so groggy that the voice sounded like it was coming from everywhere and nowhere at the same time. I pulled my blanket over top of my head and tried to drown out the sound, but it wasn't working too well. Why wouldn't they just let me sleep? "Mike," the voice said again. It sounded so sweet, so pleasant that I wanted to reach in my shorts and play with myself. I'd...

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New Harry Potter Adventure s Chapter 10 The Battle of Hogwart s

Chapter 10 Voldemort deeply inhaled the cold, stinging air as he turned to face the thousands of his supporters behind him. A few of the Death Eaters gasped in awe at the impressive sight of him. Voldemort was stood high above them on a giant stone, with the impressive castle of Hogwart’s behind him and the large, full moon casting an angelic glow on him. Draco stood just below Voldemort on his right side on a smaller boulder as Voldemort raised his wand in the air; commanding silence....

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New Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 10 The Battle of Hogwarts

Introduction: Harry finally meets his destiny in the final battle for his life. This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, or have any affiliation with the author. Chapter 10 Voldemort deeply inhaled the cold, stinging air as he turned to face the thousands of his supporters behind him. A few of the Death Eaters gasped in awe at the impressive sight of him. Voldemort was stood high above them on a giant stone, with the impressive castle of Hogwarts...

2 years ago
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K ein Abschied

K -Ein AbschiedDie letzten TageDies ist nun mein langsamer, aber endg?ltiger Abschied. Die nachfolgenden Zeilen schildern nicht ganz einen chronologischen Ablauf, das kriege ich nicht mehr auf die Reihe.  In den letzten Wochen und Monaten habe ich mehr und mehr meine Eigendemontage betrieben. Ich hatte f?r mich Szenarien entworfen bei denen selbst hartgesottene Sadisten sicher dankend abgelehnt h?tten. Letztendlich habe ich jedoch, wie immer, meinen  Willen durchgesetzt. Es ist eben die gro?e Ku...

3 years ago
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A different Way Kapitel 1 Erwachen

Die folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum der Autorin 'Janoko'. Die Geschichte ist frei erfunden und ?hnlichkeiten mit realen Personen sind nicht beabsichtigt. Die Geschichte darf nur mit ausdr?cklicher (schriftlicher) Genehmigung auf einer anderen Seitever?ffentlicht werden. ©2008 - 2011 Janoko ---------- A different Way Kapitel 1: Erwachen Es war ein Morgen wie jeder andere auch, der Wecker klingelte um halb Sieben und meine Wenigkeit tastete schlaftrunken nach ...

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Allan In Wonderful Land

Allan In Wonderful Land Disclaimer: Any characters, events or whatever depicted in this story and the real world is purely coincidental. That very thought is too silly an too scary to contemplate. As to it's maybe copying a certain story by the author, Lewis Carroll, so what? This is a satire, a parody and just a silly comedic story, so get over with it and yourself at the same time. The use of the word, "fanny," in this story does not indicate a particular part of the female anatomy...

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Full Metal ProphylacticChapter 15

I had dismounted the Ma Duce earlier, and for this particular dash or disaster sort of operation, I grudgingly agreed that our Dillon-clone mini-gun was really the right tool now for the job. We had dozens, maybe hundreds of company and battalion sized groups of shambling things in our path, and try as Barry might, he couldn’t hope to run them all over under its wheels. Dottie had wanted to give the barrels a spin anyway, and we’d conducted a brief dry-run earlier to familiarize her with the...

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Mean Girls Torture Club

The pic was the deal breaker: he was about to meet the wrong girls. So they'd set up a date. They had sent Sarah, the youngest of them with the innocent face and the curly, semi-long, strawberry-blonde locks. She'd met him, her tattoos carefully hidden by long sleeves, at a cafe downtown. She had used all the skills learnt in high school drama classes beguiling him. Her guise made her look perfectly innocent, save maybe for her long, black-painted nails. She'd led him through an empty...

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Mean Girls Torture Club

They'd found him through an online Christian dating site. Nineteen years old, a virgin in spite of being drop dead gorgeous. They loooved hot virgins. Said he was looking for the right girl to have his first time with. Real clean cut and innocent, though this hadn't stop him from sending a nude pic complete with his lovely erect penis when "Candy" had asked for it.The pic was the deal breaker: he was about to meet the wrong girls.So they'd set up a date. They had sent Sarah, the youngest of...

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DanicaPart 16B

Danica quickly gathered up the magic items she thought she would need for her and Celes. She had constructed a false window in her room of the new outpost and carved runes on it allowing her to use it as a rift to nearly any location she knew well. This was something she planned to do in her other houses scattered through the world when she found the time. She and Celes then sat on the bed, with Telanor sitting in a chair across the room from them. "Your job is to keep your eyes open for...

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Die Wette

Anmerkungen: 1 - Das ist meine erste Geschichte, die ich auf Deutsch schreibe. 2 - Obwohl ich sehr intensiv Deutsch lernte, und 3,5 Jahre in Deutschland lebte, ist Deutsch nicht meine Muttersprache. Ich mache Fehler wenn ich schreibe. So, bitte, sei verst?ndnisvoll. 3 - Es gibt Sex, aber meine Geschichten sind geschrieben, um zu erkunden, wie Leute auf eine Geschlechtsumwandlung reagieren. 4 - Diesmal geht es um Menschen, die besser werden wollen. 5 - Die Geschichte findet zur ...

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harry 01 0

Please consider this a replacement of the sixth book, since it was begun well before the release of the Half Blood Prince. I will not be changing this to accommodate the HBP plotline, since I feel that the Order of the Phoenix leaves a greater degree of flexibility for fan-fiction writers. Thank you to all of the readers who have supported me throughout the writing of this piece. I cannot express my gratitude enough to all of you who have made me the Number 1 Favorite Author, and this...

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Holly Potter And The Army Of Darkness Pt 7

I do not own the rights to any of the characters that appear in my little story. Now I do not claim I can tell a story nearly as well as J.K. Rowling (if I could I'd be a millionaire). The best I can do is all I can offer. I hope that you will be entertained. Holly Potter And The Army of Darkness Story Kim West ...

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Vom Regen in die Traufe German

Vom Regen in die TraufeDie Leiden eines Kriegsgefangenen Roman von ?Masostud?? 2011 by Masostud Erstes KapitelDie Ostfront des ?1000-j?hrigen Reiches? war im Winter 1943 auf 1944 de-facto am Zusammenbrechen. Immer mehr Bataillone l?sten sich entweder durch Fahnenflucht oder durch die K?lte und den Verpflegungsmangel oder schlicht und einfach durch Einwirkungen der russischen Armee auf. Ich ahnte den Zusammenbruch des 3. Reiches und wollte nicht zu den Verlierern geh?ren, daf?r war mir mein erst 20 j...

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Der Club German Deutsch

Der ClubDer Club war richtig gem?tlich. Auf dem mit dicken Teppichen bedeckten Bodenstanden im Halbkreis gem?tliche rote Sessel, etwa 30 an der Zahl sch?tzte ich. Allewaren um eine etwas erh?hte, kreisrunde B?hne mit etwa 20m Durchmesserangeordnet, so dass es nur vordere Sitzpl?tze gab. Zwischen den Sesseln standenauf niedrigen Glastischen Gl?ser, Getr?nke ? unter anderem f?r jeden eine schonge?ffnete Flasche Dom Perignon ? und Knabbergeb?ck. Ich machte es mir gem?tlichund genoss erst einmal ein Glas von ...

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Serap 12 Sex bis an die Grenze

Serap 12 Liebe Leser! Wenn Ihr die ganze Geschichte von Serap, Jutta und mir verstehen wollt, dann lest Kapitel 1-11. Ansonsten viel Spaß!!!!…..................Ich packte mir Serap und flüsterte Ihr zu: „Du schläfst heute bei mir!“ Das glückliche Paar wird schon etwas mit der leeren Wohnung anzufangen wissen. Wir verließen die Party und machten uns auf den Heimweg.Eigentlich hatte ich gar keine Lust nach Hause zu fahren und Serap ging es genau so.Jutta war zwar auch zu der Party eingeladen,...

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harry 02

Harry and Ginny walked hand in hand back toward the castle as other students who had been run inside by the storm began to filter back out onto the grounds. Harry noticed that Parvati was standing on the steps to the castle along with a group of girls acting very much like they were gossiping. What concerned Harry was that they seemed to be doing so while gesturing in his direction. As he got nearer to them he heard one of them say “but he does have his broom.” “Is there a reason why I...

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Harry Potter and the real ending

Harry awoke with a gasp, his body ached but he was surprised to find he was on silk sheets, which wouldn't have surprised him half as much, if he wasn't expecting not to wake up at all. Voldemort cast the killing curse at him, it should have destroyed both himself and the horcrux living within him. Perhaps this is the afterlife he thought to himself, if it was it was a drab one at that. Dark curtains partially covered a large dusty window which let in a trickle of light for Harry to see...

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Cub Scout MotherChapter 2

Light filtered faintly through the curtains, faithfully reproducing the lacy intricacy of the cloth in soft swirls of shadow across the carpet and rumpled bed. Bette Jean stared at it through slitted eyes. Her head ached and the inside of her mouth felt dry and tasted brown. There was a heavy weight across her thighs. Heavy and warm and confining... Another weight pinned her breasts. A soft snore rasped thick breaths into her armpit. Her eyes flew open and the breath caught in her throat as...

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harry 01 1

NOTE: With the exception of any original characters my mind may create, no one else belongs to me. All characters and places belong to the brilliant J.K. Rowling. That said, this is my first fan fic so be kind, or honest, whatever you want. Read, Review, Enjoy! A hot wind swept down Privet Dr, lending no relief to the sweltering mid-summer heat. While most slept soundly in their homes comforted by their cool air machines, one teenager remained awake, abandoning the stuffy air in his...

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Harry Potter and the Classroom Orgy

“What were you two doing up there?” Harry asked. “Nothing” Ron answered guiltily. “Oh come on you to we’ll be late for McGonagall’s class.” Hermione said in a breathless voice. They all went out the portrait hole and continued on to Transfiguration. Harry still curious as to what Ron and Hermione had been doing. They arrived at Transfiguration just in time and they quickly took their seats. McGonagall walked in and called everyone to order. “Today we are going to learn how to transfigure a...

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Tara 4 AntsChapter 14

The couple didn’t expect to be spending the night in a comfortable bed. However, neither complained, as the availability of washing facilities was not to be scoffed at either. “We need to fix up a better bathroom in the cave,” Bette commented as she stood under the rain like shower coming from the top of the shower cubicle. “Ditto, I am rather partial to a good shower even if that pool is warm. Sharing my bath with flickers isn’t my idea of fun,” Gazza replied. “Petal and Basil will...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 5

The next morning was her first experience of the regular routine at Hogwarts. Up early to get ready and dressed, then off to breakfast at the Great Hall. She had slept only a few hours and was utterly exhausted, stumbling down the stairs with the rest of her house. But as she approached the Great Hall, her stomach began to growl. Barely had she taken her seat when a wonderful breakfast appeared on the table - like no other she had ever had. Fried tomatoes - she hadn't known that people fried...

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Modelagentur 1 Besamung

Ich war 26 und hatte mich gerade als Fotograf selbstständig gemacht. Das Geschäft war nicht leicht, aber ich konnte mir immerhin ein kleines Studio leisten unter anderem, da ich mir ein netten kleinen Nebenverdienst angelegt hatte. Ich war permanent auf der Suche nach neuen „Models“ und hatte auch gleich wieder ein Interview mit Melissa. Ich bereitete alles vor, richtete die Videokameras aus, räumte ein wenig das Studio auf und ordnete die Kissen auf dem Sofa als es schon klingelte. Vor der Tür...

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Ankes neue Wohnung Teil 1

Mürrisch öffnete ich die Beifahrertür des Autos meiner Freundin und stieg aus. Mir schlug eine kühle, feuchte Herbstluft entgegen, welche einen krassen Gegensatz zum warmen Fahrgastraum des Autos war. Meine Freundin liebte es, die Heizung zu dieser Jahreszeit hochzudrehen und so wurde ich auf der halbstündigen Fahrt durch Berlin schonend durch gegart. „Ganz schön Trist hier“, hörte ich meine Freundin sagen, die nun ebenfalls aus dem Auto gestiegen und neben mir erschienen war. Wir standen nun...

4 years ago
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Mein erstes Mal

Die nachfolgende Geschichte ist so passiert – lediglich die Namen und der Ort sind geändert worden, um die Personen zu schützen.Ich war 18 Jahre alt und schon seit einigen Jahren für die Wasserrettung ehrenamtlich tätig. Unser Verein hatte eine Übereinkunft mit der Stadtverwaltung, dass wir in einem Schulschwimmbad Dienst machen, wenn es für die Öffentlichkeit geöffnet war – was zwei Mal die Woche abends für einige Stunden der Fall war.Mit hat es immer Spass gemacht, dort meine Zeit zu...

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Dienstm dchen

Seit ?ber 24 Stunden war ich nun schon in diesem bl?den Flughafen Terminal und mir fiel die Decke auf den Kopf. Es gab einfach nichts zu tun. Praktisch jeder Zeitvertreib kostete Geld, und das war mit meinem Taschengeld nicht drin. Ich hatte schon ein wenig in meine Reisekasse gegriffen, aber ich konnte nicht alles ausgeben, bevor die Reise richtig begann. Es sollte zu einem Sprachurlaub gehen, nach England. Eigentlich w?re mir Amerika viel lieber gewesen, aber das war viel zu teuer. V...

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harry 07

Finally the door opened and his heart leapt into his throat. He was supposed to protect Cho last year, and had turned on her instead. If she really was orchestrating some grand scheme against the others from behind bars, then he hated to think what she had planned for him. Feeling cowardly for his thoughts, he straightened up and put on a smug face. After all, he would be the one getting to leave after they were done here. They sat her at the small table and shackled her to the chair,...

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Ein M dchen zu sein Teil VI

Ein M?dchen zu sein V Inhalt Was bisher geschah Die Geschichte Die Pr?fungen Personae Dramatis Sonja Viki Anna Maria Tatjana Carolin Heike Chris Frau Margarete Schneider Frau Dr. Piefenschlick Herr Wieland Was bisher geschah Es war ein ganz normaler Arbeitstag f?r den Elektrotechniker Sven, als ein Systemfehler den Teilchenbeschleuniger anlaufen lies. Ein Systemfehler mit schwerwiegenden Folgen denn am n?chsten Tag musste Sven feststellen, dass er sich ver?ndert ...

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Lost in Space Kapitel 1 Fynlane in Flammen

Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum der Autoren 'Janoko' und 'Ironhide' Die Geschichte ist frei erfunden und ?hnlichkeiten mit realen Personen/Orten sind nicht beabsichtigt und rein zuf?llig. Die Geschichte darf nur mit ausdr?cklicher (schriftlicher) Genehmigung auf einer anderen Seite ver?ffendlicht werden. Die Geschichte ist mit freundlicher Unterst?tzung der world-of-hentai.to-Community entstanden ©2010 Janoko und Ironhide ---------------- Lost in Sp...

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building harry s harem part 2

He just walked through the corridors for an hour before he got a bit bored. He stopped outside a girls toilet, wanting to see if he could grab anyone else. Inside he heard some giggles. Maybe about 5… he slipped the door open a crack and saw all the stalls were open and there were 5 first years standing around the sinks, talking to each other. He smirked and pushed his wand through the gap. “stupefactus.” He muttered under his breath. A wave of red light spread out and hit the group, knocking...

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harry 08

**** The Sirius Black fan club was unofficially led by a fifth-year Ravenclaw named Elvira Vablatsky, who had been one of the first to latch onto Sirius – or attempt to – in about second year. She was a statuesque blonde girl with a pretty face and a keen mind, but her infatuation with Sirius made her a laughing stock with the rest of the school. Due to my spending a tidy amount of time in the Ravenclaw common room with Bea, I knew her reasonably well and as a result she tended to use me...

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The State of Grace

PROLOGUE PROLOGUE ??????????? The State of Grace was a new colony, formed after the second civil war of the UnitedStates had almost destroyed everything.? The State was lenient as far as laws go.? Many of the more frivolous laws were removed from the books, especially ones that were based in the theocratic form of government that eventually led to the war.? Prostitution was legal but heavily regulated and as long as all of the adults involved were consenting, they could do just about...

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harry 30

Chapter 31 – A Dangerous Game ~~~***~~~ The third staircase on the climb up Gryffindor tower locked into place. A few of the wizards in the portraits against the wall stirred, but most just continued sleeping. Even though she was exhausted, Hermione’s heart pounded faster and faster the closer they got to the Gryffindor common room. On their climb out of the dungeons, she explained everything that had transpired. Snape cursed Harry’s reckless behaviour. “He’ll get them all killed...

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Graell s Quest The Rise of Mordred

Graell's Quest - The Rise of Mordred Blink and move. Something as simple as a blink and a move; how long had it been? Frank flexed a bicep. He chuckled, immensely pleased by the sudden renewed simplicity of moving. The laugh echoed, there was something eerily disquieting about the sound of that chuckle, a low and evil, vaguely maniacal undertone, completely missed by Frank, because chuckling was a regained capability too. He was quite pleased by the way it sounded. What else...

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PART 1The evening felt like it would never end. Harry was busy patrolling the halls of Hogwarts, a shiny ‘Head Boy’ badge attached to his robes.After winning the war, Harry decided to return to Hogwarts to complete his last year. He had been told he could skip it by the ministry, they would award him all of the NEWTs that he asked for. It had been a tempting thought, though then Harry knew that he wouldn’t have felt like he really earned his NEWTs. So, he decided to return to school.Ron didn’t....

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Hermione s New Tastes

Hermione trembled, both at the thought of the possible consequences, and due to pleasurable pain being caused by her fingers pinching her nipples through her nightgown. She desperately needed another’s touch. It’s not as though I’d be hurting anyone, Hermione reasoned to herself. And realistically it was true; no one would be any wiser. Not a soul was aware that she had the ability to travel a few hours back in time, so it would be ridiculous to think that someone would suspect a misuse...

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Mein erstes Mal am Gloryhole

Hallo.. nach langer Überlegung bin ich dazu gekommen mal mein erstes Gloryhole-Erlebnis aufzuschreiben und ihr mit euch allen zu teilen. Ich versichere euch, dass tatsächlich alles genau so passiert ist wie ich es euch jetzt erzählen werde.Das Ganze geschah vor ca. 2 Jahren, im Sommer 2015. Ich fand schon immer die Gloryhole Videos extrem erregend und hatte schon ewig die Phantasie das mal selbst machen zu wollen, aber wie das nun mal mit Phantasien so ist, erfordert es in der Regel eine Menge...

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Kathy s Young Mouth

  Kathy’s Young Mouth Chapter 1 Kathy Andrews hadn't had time to change her clothes after school. Her father, Mike Andrews, had picked her up at the gate at three o'clock, his sailplane trailer already hooked to the ten-year-old family camper. Kathy waved goodbye to her girlfriend, Janie, and stepped up into the converted bread van. Kathy stayed in front with her father. His whole life, since her mother had died, revolved around glider competition, and the sexy daughter loved to...

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The Rental

As we approached the small, nondescript building standing among other nondescript buildings in a nondescript neighborhood, thoughts raced through my head. Was I ready to go through with this? With everything that it entailed? With so many possibilities?And how would our interactions with the owner be like? Would it be embarrassing? After all, there was really only one reason for us being there, at that nondescript building in a nondescript neighborhood.When we arrived, the door was locked. We...

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Reality Jump Chapter 6

Charles followed Lilly quickly down the corridor after leaving Erika passed out in a puddle of cum in the shower. “So what are we going to?” Charles asked as he walked behind Lilly. Hey hair was still damp from the shower and her clothes ruffled from the previous night. “This class covers the ways we can control our familiars, so please try to go along with it!” Lilly had an agitated tone to her voice as she went down the corridor and turned to a door. “Before we go in here, I want to...

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building harry s harem part 1

There was a giggle down the hall and he looked up and mouthed ‘thank you’ to the sky before slowly heading over. He looked down a long corridor and his grin got bigger when he saw Ginny talking with Hermione and Lavender Brown. Slowly, he crept over and stunned them before they noticed he was there. He tied them up and created a portkey, grabbing the rope holding them all together and activating it. The group appeared in a well furnished house, and with a wave of his wand he levitated them...

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A Horseshoes LuckChapter 10

Andrew had the party up and moving two hours before the sun had come up. He had explained he wanted to be away and well ahead of the caravan as quickly as possible. Waylon was very unhappy about what had happened and the changes this had caused in his manning of the run. He would make it, it was just a thinner margin of error now. Andrew set the order of march by taking point. Aston followed behind at thirty to forty feet back. Brena and Ledger rode close to the rear of the wagon. Ledger and...

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Delta OriginalChapter 26 Warrior Queen

Lee had found herself in a sticky situation. When Justin went to vault over the box he was standing in front of, he placed both hands on the lid and then halted. They all heard the ‘click, click’. He looked down to find the lid lifting up under his hands. “No,” screamed Jahn again. “They are my boxes, you can’t have them,” he yelled in frustration and sent an immobilising spell at Justin. Justin blinked out of the way and reappearing in front of Kim, ready to protect her. She stepped up...

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Edging to the limits

I must admit, I was impressed as soon as I set my eyes on him.His wrists were bound tightly together with a piece of rope that was fixed to the ceiling through a single brass loop. His feet were drawn back toward his buttocks with another piece of rope pulled through the brass loop, keeping them firmly in situ. He hung like this, suspended in the air, his body forming a lopsided "U" shape. His knees were his lowest extremity at around 3 feet from the floor. He was clothed only in a pair of...

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Setting up Lucy Conclusion

"Hi honey, I'm home." He said, walking into the bedroom. Looking around the room, he wondered why Lucy was doing her housework so late in the day. "Hi, baby." Lucy said, looking up at her husband and smiling. She knew immediately what he was thinking. "You caught me, I slept all day." She said quickly. "I haven't been feeling very well, must be some sort of bug going around. She stood up and faked a little wooziness for Howard, then sat down on the edge of the bed. "I'm...

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The Love Doctor Chapter 2

Judy looked at me through her spread knees. She was a smoldering fire just waiting for that one little burst of fresh air to fan her into a full-blown conflagration. And I was about to blow her fire to life."Tell me, Judy. Tell me what you want. But this time, use your words," I said.She knew exactly what I meant. She knew that I didn't want the sweet and pure and mannerly Judy. No, I was after the horny, wanton, slut that I knew she was hiding inside. I wanted her to tell me in the most...

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Darren s Dilemma Chapter 14

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Fourteen Another Testy School Day By Suzie Q Haff I awoke to hear little bell chords and other gentle fairy sounds in my ears and realized it was the disk. Jana turned me to face her and took the earphones out. Jana gently kissing me: "I," Kiss, "Love," Kiss, "you. I do not want to get up. I would rather stay here and kiss you into oblivion!" Darla: "Yea well, I have an English paper for a final and you have to go make the ladies of our little community...

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Sleeping Beauty 1

Long ago in a legendary kingdom, two monarchs bargained for a way to unite their kingdoms. King Stefan was tall and wiry, with black hair, brown eyes, and a smart beard. While his best friend, King Hubert was short and stocky; his head shaved and eyes green. King Stefan was married to a slender blonde with blue eyes. She was considered the most beautiful woman in the land. Her body had curves in all the right places. Her breasts were bountiful. One night in the royal bed chambers, the two men...

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Urlaub in D auml nemark

Und es war einmal ein Urlaub in Dänemark…….. Lange hatten wir uns schon auf die schönsten Tage des Jahres gefreut und sehnlichst erwartet. URLAAAAAAUUUUB. Und nun waren diese lang erwarteten Tage endlich gekommen. Wir packten unsere Sachen und verstauten diese in unser Auto und machten uns auf den Weg zum Treffpunkt. Am Treffpunkt angekommen warteten auf uns schon Diana und Sven. Wir begrüßten uns, und die Mädels quasselten sofort miteinander was alles mit genommen wurde. Wir warteten nur noch...

2 years ago
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"No!" Sam shook his head. "I am NOT going to play with you! I'm just here to watch you. Now, go to your room, and do something there. I'm gonna put on a movie and watch it in the living room. Let me know when you want to eat, and I'll make something for you then." "But can you play, please, just for a little bit?" "Sorry- no..." Sam watched as his niece Amanda walked back to her room, disappearing around the corner with a dejected look on her face. Something important had come up,...

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harry 04 0

Note: As always, Read, Review, Enjoy! Harry pulled quickly away from Ginny, wanting to make it look as if he hadn’t intended to get caught. Hermione opened her mouth to speak, but couldn’t find words powerful enough to express her feelings at the moment. Instead, through clenched teeth she said, "Harry Potter, you had better just stay away from me right now." She turned and walked with false calm out of the room. He let out the breath he’d been holding, glad that she hadn’t tried to...

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Price of Betrayal 4 Tanya Learns Her Limits

Introduction: Part 4 When I got home at five till six, my hands were shaking, I was so excited, and I actually dropped my keys on the floor as I was putting them on the table by the door. The house was deathly quiet, and I just as quietly went to my room and changed into my leathers. Then I prepared her room for the aftercare I knew she would need. Barefoot, I made my way to the dungeon. Tanya was right where she should have been, and the first thing I noticed was that she was already...

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Eine Wette und ihre Folgen Teil 191

Teil 191 Die Weihnachtstage Ich ?ffnete unsere Haust?r und nach dem Schlie?en zog ich meine Warme Jacke und die Schuhe aus. Durch meinen angeheiterten Zustand, hatten die Schuhe einen Freiflug quer durch die Stube gewonnen. Mein Mann hatte hier bereits meine Nachtsachen bereit gelegt und Klaudia hatte keine Lust mehr, ihre Sachen ordentlich hinzulegen. Man k?nnte diese Methode auch Kraut und R?ben nennen. Die Stube sah aus, wie ein Schlachtfeld, als ich Schritt f?r Schritt den Weg nach ...

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Mud MagicChapter 5 A Visitor

Author’s Note: A very special thanks to my lady love and two faithful beta readers – MisterWildCard and John998 – for their invaluable feedback and encouragement. This chapter somehow was quite a slog to put together and I couldn’t have done it without you. Also, as usual, thanks to my editor bikoukumori for a splendid editing job. What would I do without you, my friend? “I think a toast is in order,” Thurguz said, grinning. He raised his wine glass into the air. “To a job well...

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Harry Potter The Boy who Fucked

Harry Potter: The Boy who Fucked - Chapter 1: A Muggle Encounter Harry Potter woke with a start, saturated in cold sweat and shaking. His nightmares involving a recollection of his parents' deaths and the other horrible things he had seen throughout the last 6 years in the Wizarding world had began to occur more often; around three times a night. Groping his bedside table for his glasses, Harry swept them on and muttered 'Lumos'. A small orb of light appeared at the tip of his...

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Harry Potter The Boy who Fucked

Introduction: Harry Potters 6th year at Hogwarts becomes a little more exciting. NOTE – This is supposed to take place at the beginning of the Sixth Book. A few things are changed, more prominently the beginning. Ill do my best to get all the details correct! Enjoy. Harry Potter: The Boy who Fucked – Chapter 1: A Muggle Encounter Harry Potter woke with a start, saturated in cold sweat and shaking. His nightmares involving a recollection of his parents deaths and the other horrible things he...

2 years ago
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My dad and I built my first and only cubby house when I was five. It changed my life. The cubby was the scene of much fun and laughter, and eventually became the location for intensely fun activities. I was lucky to be very smart from a young age, and so I learnt a lot by helping dad build my cubby. Many of those things learnt were quite unexpected. My father is methodical, just not very practical. He is an accountant, which hardly imbues carpentry skills in any shape or form. Therefore, by...

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Zirkul auml r

Zunächst mal: Es handelt sich bei Nachfolgendem um eine frei erfundene Geschichte, und ich bin kein Befürworter von Inzest. Eigentlich sollte es gar keine Story werden, war mehr als Fingerübung für den Starter eines Rollenspiels gedacht. Nach zweieinhalb Seiten wusste ich allerdings, dass es auch damit nichts werden würde. Kein Rollenspieler verzeiht einem eine solche Eröffnung, und ich war noch nicht mal halb durch die Geschichte. Als ich kurz vor Ende den Anfang nochmal las, fiel mir auf,...

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The TV Hostess

The Logic stories are three interrelated tales that begin with the actions of a monstrous, selfish, immature man, continue with an Eastern European immigrant who wishes to weaken and destroy his adopted country and end on a pony ranch in the Texas Hill Country.  This particular story is expanded from a short vignette found in The Logic of My Anger: A Sociopath’s Tale of Vengeance.  The TV Hostess is a woman who is the face of a low-budget, morning television show in Boston.  She is kidnapped,...

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Ein M dchen zu sein IV

Ein M?dchen zu sein IV --------------------------------------------------- Was bisher geschah: Es war ein ganz normaler Arbeitstag f?r den Elektrotechniker Sven, als ein Systemfehler den Teilchenbeschleuniger anlaufen lies. Ein Systemfehler mit schwerwiegenden Folgen denn am n?chsten Tag musste Sven feststellen, dass er sich ver?ndert hatte. Ein s??es, 11 J?hriges M?dchen blickte ihn aus dem Spiegel an. Wirrungen und Verwirrungen erwarteten Sven, der inzwischen den Namen Sonja tr?gt. Vom Jugen...

1 year ago
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Jenny Blondie

Diplomatisches Korps Arbeite doch für einen Diplomaten hatte sie gesagt. Ein leichter Job, repräsentative Aufgaben, viele schöne Auslandsaufenthalte und gute Bezahlung. So einen Mist hatte sie erzählt. Jetzt Stand ich vor diesen Zweimeter hohe Holzwand - Einfache Büroarbeit für einen Botschafter hatte ich mir anders vorgestellt. “Mach schon Blondie. Alle warten auf dich.“Brüllte der Ausbilder. Ich schaute ihn verzweifelt an und versuchte mich an seinen Namen zu erinnern. Dann denke ich mir auch...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 62

Dawn was still some hours away when thirteen students exited the school. With Dumbledore still motionless in the infirmary, and Dolores Umbridge missing and unaccounted for (officially, that is; Harry and his friends knew that at very moment the poor women was being subjected to horrors that were both unspeakable and richly deserved), it was somewhat easier for students to engage in illicit activities without fear of detection. The squib Mr. Filch was long gone, and his animagus mother was...

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Chad The Babysitter Part 18

Today was an important day for Suzy as her father had been taken into rehab and we were due a visit from a social worker to hopefully agree her permanent residence, hence to say she was extremely excited.We had a bit of a rush getting Tams off to school but promised her a treat when she gets home and once she had gone Suzy and I had a quick clean up to freshen the place up, “What shall I wear daddy?” she asked and as we didn’t know who was coming I suggested erring on the side of caution and...

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Die Rache des Zuh lters

Ich bin die 39jährige Polizistin Sandra König; viele würden sagen daß ich bildhübsch bin, ich habe schwarze, gut schulterlange Haare die ich meist zu einem Pferdeschwanz zusammen gebunden habe, schwarze Augen, ein sehr hübsches Gesicht, eine Handvoll Brüste mit kleinen Nippeln und Vorhöfen, eine Wespentaille, einen knackigen Po und unheimlich lange, schlanke Beine und das ganze verteilt sich auf 1,82 bei 66 kg. Vor 1 1/2 Jahren habe ich mich von meinem Mann getrennt, unsere Zwillinge Brigitte...

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Who s a Fairy 3 4 Charming

Who's a Fairy? 3-4: Charming By Ron Dow75 Chapter Three: Princess Charming The made-up Alfred was dressed in his sister's clothes, brown wedge sandals, black tights, a short black-and-white plaid skirt, a green blouse, costume bracelets and necklaces, and gold earrings, and night makeup. There was even a brunet extension attached to his hair. At 12, he knew he made a fairly convincing girl. He looked at Clover, the green haired fairy who looked his age. The way she was...

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