The United Kingdom Of Zoo (A Fake BBC Documentary Series)S14E02: Florence Dillon (57), From Cardiff free porn video

We begin this week’s show in the full car park of a large NHS hospital. Infront of us, an imposing multi-story white walled structure, with a thousand square windows lined up, side-by-side and one above the next. Clearly built to some glorious 1960’s design, it looks dated and boring.
A big caption appears, filling almost the whole screen, “CARDIFF, WALES.”
The caption fades, and we turn our camera to the side and see the faded blue frontage of an overhanging structure, a cover for the drop-off point outside the rear of the hospital. There’s a row of large dumpsters to the side of the entrance, and then there’s a chunky man in casual clothes – he looks like he belongs next to a line of dumpsters ... He also looks very familiar ... Because he’s the one and only, filthy fat fuck, Dennis Baxter ... And by his side, sitting patiently with his hindlegs spread and his junk on display – the romantic hound himself, Romeo.
As the camera closes in on him, Dennis begins his introduction, “‘Ello there ... Welcome to ‘The United Kingdom of Zoo’ ... I’m Dennis Baxter, your host, and this is Romeo, your filthy fucker ... Or your fucker of filthy females! This week, I’ve brought young Romeo over to Cardiff in the saaf of Wales – to meet a lady who says she always used to look down on perverts – but now ... Wants to be one...”
We cut to a series of clips of an older nurse going about her business in the hospital. She’s approaching the end of middle-age with long straight blonde hair beginning to grey. Not the best-looking woman by a long stretch, with teeth so big that is seems to make it an effort just to close her lips over them. She very pale, with red freckles over her nose and cheekbones. That said, her uniform fits well, suggesting a reasonably slim body and a decent sized chest.
As we watch her going about her business, we hear her introducing herself in a tired sounding voice-over. “My name’s Florence Dillon. I’m a 57-year-old theatre nurse from Cardiff ... And ... I want to have sex with a dog.”
We cut back to a shot of Florence standing with our host outside the hospital. She talks to him, but can’t help but keeping on looking down at his big beast, fighting off a smile every time he moves or makes a sound.
Dennis leans in, very friendly, “Alright my dear ... Why don’t you tell us where these naughty thoughts of yours come from...?”
“I could do that, yeah...” She smiles, taking a moment to compose herself for the cameras, “Erm ... I’m no spring chicken ... I’m not getting any younger, but as the other girls here keep telling me, you’re not until until you feel old!” She nods as if she’s speaking words of wisdom. “So I like to try new things. Go new places ... And throughout the pandemic, we were all locked down, and couldn’t try anything new ... And I found myself watching a lot of telly, and videos, and I just noticed that I was watching a lot of porn, and a lot of it had animals in ... And to be honest, I’ve never had any interest in bestiality before ... I don’t even like dogs that much ... I’m actually quite scared of them ... But they do say you should face your fears!” She nods again, once again she clearly thinking she’s being clever.
“So ... Obviously, I’ve watched your show, and the girls here gossip about it sometimes, and you hear all these different opinions ... And some of the girls think it would be fun ... And others think it’s scary, or disgusting ... And I’m looking around all these young things and thinking, oh for fuck’s sake, if you’re going to talk about it all the time, why not just bloody do it?!” Again the nod. “So I thought, I’ll go on the show and then if it’s fun, maybe I’ve got a hobby for when I retire ... Maybe get my own dog...” She pauses, thinking, then adds, “ ... And invite some of the girls here to try it if they want...” Maybe I won’t wait until I’m retired!”
We fade out on a shot of her smiling at the thought of her retirement – and a life of bestiality parties.
We fade back in and we’re in a large, sterile looking room. Our guest is casually stripped out of her uniform, looking up and down the room as she answers an off-camera question. Every word has a slight, metallic, echo (due to the room being sterile and full of metal furniture). “Er ... I think it used to be a storage space, but they converted it into an emergency mortuary at the start of the pandemic ... I don’t think it’s ever been used because we got away quite lightly here...
It’s hard to reconcile the talk of mass deaths with the sight of our nurse removing her clothes – revealing her aging body – pale flesh, sagging bottom and boobs in comfortable, but hardly sexy underwear. She’s in decent shape for a woman of her age, but being 57 years old, that means she’s still not that great to look at.
“It’s the only room I could get the keys to ... And no-one comes down here at the moment ... So we should have plenty of time to have some fun...”
The camera moves to Dennis, who looks out at the viewers at home and comments, in a gravelly whisper, “This is one of the strangest settings we’ve worked in, but to be fair, this is a show about women having sex with animals – so we can’t be too fussy about where we film, eh!?”
Then we’re back on Florence as she removes her bra and lets those heavy old tits drop several inches, the nipples pointing almost down at the floor. She grabs them and gives them a little squeeze, looking into the camera. “These are my girls ... They might not be the best to look at, but we’ve had a lot of good times together!!” She laughs.
Then she’s slipping her panties down – showing off a neatly shaven pussy. Not a hair in sight. It’s not what we were expecting, and on an older woman, with pale, sagging skin, it looks a little strange ... But once again, we’re not complaining...
She turns to face us, full frontal nude, and holds her hands out. “Well ... That’s all I’ve got to offer...” She looks over at the dog in our host’s grip, taking a breath, calming her nerves. “What’s HE got to offer me...!?”
“Why don’t you get daaan on the floor, and we’ll find out...” Smirks Dennis, unhooking the dog’s leash.
The big dog covers the space between the doorway and our guest in a few short bounds and she recoils visibly as he pushes up against her legs, trying to hide her fear as he moves around her like he owns her. He’s sleek, but he’s heavy, and there’s not much Florence can do to resist his advances.
His long tongue is hanging out of his pointed mouth, and he’s giving us a dumb doggy smile - excited about what’s to come ... Looking at his hard breathing bitch as she stares at him. She’s tense – excited but scared ... Ready, but nervous as he begins to sniff at her crotch ... Pushing his snout between her thighs.
She barely moves, other than the deep breathing and a slight shake ... Letting him sniff, allowing his first few experimental licks at her thighs and over her little bush of pussy hair ... Looking up at the ceiling so she doesn’t have to look at him.
“Don’t worry, love...” Calls Dennis from behind the camera, “He’s a lover, not a biter...”
She nods, trying to relax as the dog moves around behind her – sticking his nose up into the gap under her bum-cheeks and between her thighs – snorting and licking at her pussy from behind ... And this time, making contact, which makes her jump ... In a good way... “Ohh!” – cracking a little smile as she staggers forward a few inches – the sound of her feet on the floor and her gasp, the skittering of the dog’s paws, all echoing softly.
She bends forward a little, her soft boobs hanging loose – pale, soft belly bunching like a little tyre around her middle, bending her knees and sticking her bum out toward him...
Giving him a little more access to her honey pot ... Letting him lick at those fleshy lips ... Making her gasp...
There’s pussy licking, and there’s the licking that parts the pussy lips, and then there’s that rare angle that lets the dog’s tongue snake straight inside the woman – which is rare, but feels extremely good ... And that’s what we’ve got here ... She gasps, her body jerking, old titties hanging down and swinging, as the beast sinks his tongue three inches inside her pussy, over and over ... Slimy underside, warm upper, taking her on a very quick journey from fear to pleasure.
She calls back over her shoulder toward our host, in a shaky voice, “Ooohh, he’s bloody good...”
In fairness – it’s not the dog, it’s just the luck of the angle ... Her stance, her height – but we’re not telling her that ... Why spoil her (amazing) first impression?
Her thighs shake as she bends her knees a little more, leaning forward and putting her hands on her knees – sticking her pussy further back ... The dog still licking, but his tongue now slopping over her pussy rather than deep inside it ... And whilst it’s a different feeling, she’s not complaining ... With a forceful Doberman’s long, warm tongue dragging over her clit – why would she? She gasps a “My God!” as she lets him lick her over and over.
The whole time this is going on, she is sinking lower and lower into a crouch, angling forward, hands on bent knees, titties swinging, head back, mouth open, gasping ... Pushing her arse out toward the dog’s raised head ... Getting lower and lower, until she finally drops forward to the floor – hands off her knees to break the fall, ending up in a perfect four-point stance...
There’s virtually no pause between her hitting the floor and him losing interest in her snatch, moving forward and rising up and over her behind – her facial expression changing from ‘ready’ to ‘oh shit’ as his paws scrape over her back and down her sides, pulling him onto her ... Pushing up against her sagging buttocks ... Already beginning to pump despite his dick still being inches from her pussy...
She grunts from the paws rather than the weight, clearly feeling the pain of them snagging the soft flesh around her waist, and beyond that – realising that she’s about to be penetrated by a dog that still scares the shit out of her ... Bracing herself against the inevitable...
He continues to pump and prod at her rear end, the tip of his cock poking from his heavy sheath as he stabs at her, waiting to slide forward as soon as he feels the cool, wet embrace of human pussy that he’s been raised to love.
His chest against her back, head dropping down close to her shoulder and the side of her head, she turns her head away – not wanting his mouth that close to her face ... Out of sight, out of mind ... Trying to think of his cock rather than his teeth ... And then suddenly raising her head again, looking forward with wide-eyed shock as he finds his target...
He’s inside her, and he’s not waiting around to see if she’s happy about it ... Pounding into her like a maniac. Holding tighter around her, closer to her, as his arse bounces up and down over hers – driving that growing cock in and out of her hole ... Quickly changing her expression from one of fear, to shock, to amazement ... Eyes getting ever wider – mouth too ... Letting out a long, loud, echoing squeal of shock and delight.

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