Papiere indian porn

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2222 5 Hotel 1

2222 (5) Hotel 1 Ich hei?e Carola und lebe seit zehn Jahren im Hotel ?Waldhof". Meine Herrin hat mir aufgetragen meine Lebensumst?nde und meine Arbeit zu schildern. Hier ist mein Bericht. Wie befohlen beginne ich mit der Kleidung: Wie alle M?nner trage ich einen Keuschheitsg?rtel mit einer Schutzhose und halterlose schwarze Str?mpfe. Als Schuhwerk tragen wir flache schwarze Pumps. Unsere Oberbekleidung besteht aus einem wadenlangen weiten schwarzem Rock und einer wei?en Bluse. Die Bluse ...

1 year ago
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Der Flaschengeist Teil 3

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webs...

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Ein M dchen zu Sein Teil V

Ein M?dchen zu sein V --------------------------------------------------- Was bisher geschah: Es war ein ganz normaler Arbeitstag f?r den Elektrotechniker Sven, als ein Systemfehler den Teilchenbeschleuniger anlaufen lies. Ein Systemfehler mit schwerwiegenden Folgen denn am n?chsten Tag musste Sven feststellen, dass er sich ver?ndert hatte. Ein s??es, 11 J?hriges M?dchen blickte ihn aus dem Spiegel an. Wirrungen und Verwirrungen erwarteten Sven, der inzwischen den Namen Sonja tr?gt. Vom Jugend...

3 years ago
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De haut en bas Part 4 Fin

Bonjour, Toute cette histoire est un pur travail de fiction. Toutes ressemblances avec certaines personnes ayant exist?es sont purement fortuites. Vous voulez nous faire un feedback : [email protected] ou [email protected] Vous voulez rejoindre la plus grande communaut? fran?aise de TG caption et TG story? Envoyez- nous un mail avec une histoire (minimum 2 pages) ou une TG caption ? [email protected] ou [email protected] avec les noms des transform?s : Arnaud et Alex. --- La propositi...

4 years ago
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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 7

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 7 Par Loulou Note: cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. Chapitre 25 - M?tamorphose Comme maintenant tous les matins, Sam se r?veilla dans le lit de son cousin et la nuit avait ?t? encore une fois merveilleuse. Il sourit et l'embrassa pour le r?veiller. "Chris, c'est d?j? lundi, il faut se lever." Chris ouvrit p?niblement les ye...

1 year ago
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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 8

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 8 Par Loulou Note: cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. ***** Chapitre 29 - La Nouvelle Fille de l'Agence Le soir venu, Samantha rentra chez elle et attendit impatiemment Kathy. Quand elle arriva, elle trouva Sam si adorable dans son ensemble rose bonbon qu'elle ne put r?sister ? la tentation de la caresser. Comme Chris...

4 years ago
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Nur Geil

Im Hausflur begegnete mir mal meine Nachbarin, sie ist schon etwas reifer, deshalb aber keineswegs unattraktiv, sie strahlt einfach dieses Frauliche aus, kein Mädchen mehr. Wie ich anhand ihrer Einkaustüten sah, war sie auf dem Weg zum Supermarkt, da mein Auto derzeit etwas fahruntüchtig ist, fragte ich frecher Weise, mit einem sympathischen Lächeln, ob sie mich mitnehmen würde. Sie freute sich, da das Einkaufen an sich, ja eher langweiliger Natur ist, halt ein notgedrungenes Unterfangen. Ich...

1 year ago
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Les grandes vacances d Arnaud

------------------------------------------------------------------------ Les grandes vacances d'Arnaud ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapitre 1 : la rancune de Maria Dans l'avion qui volait en direction d'Alicante, en Espagne, Arnaud ?tait sur son ordinateur. Il r?digeait un rapport pour son patron. - Arnaud, tu ne peux pas d?compresser un peu? Je te rappelle que nous sommes en vacances! Alex pous...

4 years ago
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Trois petites histoires de TG

L'?trange voyage de Julie de Granlac Julien occupait un emploi aux archives, pour l'?t?. Il n'y avait pas beaucoup de travail, parce que qu'il n'y avait pas beaucoup de visiteurs et le jeune ?tudiant en histoire ?tait un peu d?moralis? par l'atmosph?re fig?e des lieux. ?a lui donnait l'impression que tous ces t?moignages du pass? ?taient venus mourir en s'?chouant dans ces rayonnages, o? ils n'int?ressaient plus personne. Enfin, presque plus personne. Lui, Julien, adorait fl?ner parmi tous ces tr?sors oubli?s. Sou...

2 years ago
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High on Laura High

Author's Note: (i) This wasn't written chronologically, so bits of it are incomplete. It's okay, though, because it's light on actual plot. (ii) While there are occasional uses of strong language and passages with strong sexual undertones, there are no sex or masturbation scenes yet. For now, the story is a slow-burn. If people respond well, I'll try to post additions, which would eventually include a more graphic Part Two. (iii) The original story was written with the narrator's...

1 year ago
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D terminisme naturel III

D?terminisme naturel III Les jours se suivaient, et Marc s'accommodait peu ? peu ? son r?le de secr?taire. Il pouvait regretter de n'?tre "que" secr?taire, ses dipl?mes auraient du lui offrir une bien meilleure situation, mais il devait admettre qu'il assumait avec difficult? ses t?ches pr?sentes. Il r?vait ? d'autres ambitions professionnelles, r?vant de devenir le bras droit d'Amandine, mais revenait ? contre-c?ur sur terre quand la jeune M?lanie lui faisait reprendre son travail pour corriger des erreurs. Surtout q...

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culotte port eacute e culotte tach eacute es colla

Je m'appelle isabelle, 40ans, parisienne, et j'adore porter des petites culottes tendances, strings, bas, collants, chaussettes en pensant que je vais pouvoir les envoyer à des hommes. Rien que d'y penser, et hop, cela inonde ma culotte d'un délicieux nectar ... C'est un moyen pour moi d'avoir un rapport aux hommes basé sur le fantasme, l'érotisme : de votre côté je vous imagine déjà en train d'ouvrir l'enveloppe avec ma petite culotte, de la regarder, de la toucher, de la renifler, de la...

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culotte culotte mouill eacute e culotte port eacut

Je m'appelle isabelle, 40ans, parisienne, et j'adore porter des petites culottes tendances, strings, bas, collants, chaussettes en pensant que je vais pouvoir les envoyer à des hommes. Rien que d'y penser, et hop, cela inonde ma culotte d'un délicieux nectar ... C'est un moyen pour moi d'avoir un rapport aux hommes basé sur le fantasme, l'érotisme : de votre côté je vous imagine déjà en train d'ouvrir l'enveloppe avec ma petite culotte, de la regarder, de la toucher, de la renifler, de la...

1 year ago
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A Remedy for Rewendy

"I just... can't speak to girls," complained Jack Rewendy, whizzing past a jewelry store with great momentum, his companion struggling to keep up the pace. "To be fair, I can't speak to men either. I just don't have any intention of forming any sort of intimate relations with them." A wry smile appeared on his stubbled face. The strong wind swept a brown strand of hair into his face, which he promptly put back to its place on top of his head. The red-haired guy following Jack...

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Der Geist von Halloween

Vorbemerkung: Ich schreibe keine Geschichten, ich erz?hle nur von meinen Phantasien... Heute versuche ich mich erstmals, etwas in meiner Muttersprache zu schreiben. Ich versuche zeitnah eine englische Version nachzulegen. Inspiriert wurde ich von folgender Comicsequenz 504719679, habe allerdings auf Grund pers?nlicher Pr?ferenzen die homosexuelle Komponente entfernt. Wer Schreibfehler findet, darf sie behalten. Ich gel...

4 years ago
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Trois moments de la vie de Camille

Cette histoire est inspir?e d'une histoire vraie. C'?tait un 28 avril. C'?tait un samedi apr?s-midi. Deux personnes arriv?rent sous une pluie battante ? l'?cole Delacroix, prot?g?es sous un parapluie rouge et blanc. La femme ?tait jeune, ? peine 30 ans. A c?t? d'elle, une petite fille de 5, 6 ou 7 ans, peut-?tre, dont la natte brune rebondissait ? chaque petit saut qu'elle faisait pour ?viter les flaques et dont le cir? vert pomme contrastait avec le gris des murs. Brune aussi ?tait la m?re, avec des yeux bleus ...

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Bangkok aller simple

Bangkok, aller simple. J'attendais ce voyage avec impatience. Nous sommes dans l'avion pour la Tha?lande, avec ma petite amie Chlo?, sa tante St?phanie et sa m?re Sandrine. Je tiens la main de ma copine. Elle est moite. Je sais que Chlo? est morte de peur, m?me si elle ne le montre pas. Oh, elle n'a pas peur de l'avion, enfin, je ne crois pas. En r?alit? c'est le but de notre voyage qui l'angoisse. Chlo? va subir une op?ration de changement de sexe. Elle va devenir une v?ritable jeune femme. En effet, m...

2 years ago
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D terminisme naturel 5

Marc ?tait dans un ?tat second en pr?parant le caf? r?clam? par Amandine. Il ?tait sous le choc de l'exp?rience qu'il venait de vivre. Etre autoris? par la femme de ses r?ves ? lui donner du plaisir en caressant et en l?chant sa douce intimit?, c'?tait mieux que ce qu'il s'?tait autoris? en imagination. La situation ?tait de plus terriblement excitante, lui dissimul? sous le bureau de sa d?esse, elle essayant de faire abstraction du plaisir pour essayer de travailler. Et mon dieu, c'?tait donc ?a un orgasme f?minin? Cette onde ?lectr...

3 years ago
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Die St ckelschuhe Episode 2 Der Fluch der St ckelschuhe

Die St?ckelschuhe Episode 2 - Der Fluch der St?ckelschuhe © 2006 / 2017 Lydia Lighthouse Es war genau drei Monate und siebzehn Tage her. Doch schon am ersten Tag war ich mir nicht mehr sicher gewesen, ob es ein Traum gewesen war, oder nicht. Beide M?glichkeiten bereiteten mir jedoch gleich viel Unbehagen. War es nur ein Traum, in welchem man mich am vorherigen Tag in eine Frau verwandelt, mich vor einer Kamera benutzt und genommen und anschlie?end wieder zur?ck in meine ...

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Die St ckelschuhe Episode 3 Ein Leben auf hohen Abs tzen

Die St?ckelschuhe Episode 3 - Ein Leben auf hohen Abs?tzen © 2009 / 2017 Lydia Lighthouse Mein Herz machte einen Sprung, als die altmodische T?rglocke ihren schweren Klang verlauten lie?, der dumpf durch die m?chtige Eingangst?r drang. F?r mich war es der Moment, mit welchem ich mein bisheriges Leben beendete. Zum Umkehren war es l?ngst zu sp?t. Zu sehr hatten die Erlebnisse der letzten Tage und Monate meine Sicht auf die Dinge beeinflusst und ver?ndert. Sie hatten jenen Teil meiner Seele, d...

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Forgiveness part one

Forgiveness Leah's Story. By Kyorii. Part 1. This is a stand-alone story in two parts and can be read as such, however to gain full enjoyment from it I would recommend that you read 'The Model maker' and its Prequel 'Trish' first to gain a greater insight as to the past of some of the characters, I hope that you enjoy the story. Chapter 01 Brother. A young woman is sitting at a...

1 year ago
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La th rapie

La th?rapie Depuis toujours, Marc, 14 ans, n'avait connu que sa m?re Elise ?g?e de 39 ans. Elle l'?levait seule depuis la mort de son mari mais ne manquait pas d'argent. Elle avait toujours dit qu'elle n'aurait plus de compagnon, tellement affect?e par la perte du p?re de Marc, et basait tous les espoirs de r?ussite en son fils. H?las depuis plusieurs mois, celui-ci semblait renferm? et parlait de moins en moins. Lui qui, petit, ?tait si enjou?, sa gait? avait disparu petit ? petit avec la pubert? et il s'enfer...

4 years ago
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Julie s story

Julie's story By Kyorii Chapter 1 - Jason Have you ever gotten that feeling that something was about to happen? Well I have and I've had it for some time now. It's strange, but for the last few days I keep having the feeling I was being watched or observed. It's quite creepy, as I'm not even a particularly interesting person, I'm just a cleaner. I've been to the shops on the way back from work and have just...

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La Condamn e

Tous les personnages de cette histoire sont fictifs, majeurset ?g?s de plus de 18 ans. Toute ressemblance avec des faits ou personnages ayant exist? ne serait que pure co?ncidence. Il s’agit ici de fantasmes. ? Ceci est l’histoire de mon avilissement, de ma descente aux enfers, de mes d?sirs d’humiliation et de d?gradation. Je m’appelle?Samantha Endersson; ? 45 ans je suis une femme pulpeuse, une chevelure ch?tain qui tombe en larges boucles jusqu’au milieu de mon dos, une bouche aux l?vres ourl?es, un visage fie...

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Hirst Hall German

Hirst Hall (German)Anmerkung des Autors: Dies ist die deutsche Fassung des englischen Originals von Hirst Hall. Hirst Hall hat mich von Anfang an so in seinen Bann gezogen, dass ich Surtea einfach um die Erlaubnis bitten musste, dieses meiner Meinung nach meisterlichen Werkes, in die deutsche Sprache ?bersetzen zu d?rfen. Leider sind meine Englischkenntnisse sehr bescheiden, so dass dies keine 100% ?bersetzung wird. Aber ich denke, zu 90% werde ich es hinbekommen, zumal Surtea die ?bersetzung v...

2 years ago
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End of game for Christeen

Fin de partie pour ChristeenCe soir c’est une grande f?te chez John. Son esclave Christeen va avoir quarante ans. Tous ses amis sont invit?s. Mais si la f?te est belle, elle est aussi inattendue. Christeen va annoncer ? tout le monde que son contrat d’esclave s’ach?ve ?galement ce soir. Non pas que John soit lass? des services de cette belle femme, d?sormais parfaitement bien entra?n?e ? subir tous les s?vices et ? innover dans le monde du SM, mais simplement parce que c’est la fin d’un contrat ? dur?e d?termin? sign? il y a qui...

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ASTROPRISON © 2014, 2017, 2020 By Anthony Durrant As I was watering my front lswn, I saw a small shuttlecraft drop down from the sky and touvh down on the grass nearby. Two people in black uniforms hurried toward me, then grabbed me by my arms and forced them back behind me. One of them said: "Cngratulations, Erik the Black! We've caught you at last: your days as a fugitive from the stars are now over. You will be taken to the Astroprison, where you will serve out your...

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Die Zauberin Spiegelbild german

******************************************************** Die Zauberin ? Spiegelbild(das Gegenst?ck zu ?Die Zauberin? (Sollte ich jetzt wohl zu ?Die Zauberin ? Hasso? umtaufen)********************************************************I BegegnungEs war nicht mein Tag...Heute hatte ich das Haus verkauft. Dort in Raukfurth war ich die letzten Jahre zu Hause gewesen. Und jetzt hatte ich es verkauft - weit unter Wert. Wie unversch?mt der H?ndler gewesen war; allein daf?r h?tte ich ihn schon verfluchen solle...

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Die wahre Geschichte von Tanja

Die wahre Geschichte ?ber Tanja by Thomas Ich habe nun lange ?berlegt ob ich die ganzen Geschehnisse der letzten Jahre zu Papier bringen soll oder es lieber f?r mich behalten. Nachdem nun aber einige Jahre vergangen sind, m?chte ich auch euch diese Dinge nicht vorenthalten. Vielleicht findet der eine oder andere ja auch Spa? daran. Um mit der Geschichte beginnen zu k?nnen, m?ssen wir einige Jahre in der Zeit zur?ck gehen. Ich war damals 24 Jahre alt und Single. Ich genoss mein Leben mit einem ...

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Die wahre Geschichte von Karina German

Die wahre Geschichte ?ber Karina by Thomas Ich habe nun lange ?berlegt ob ich die ganzen Geschehnisse der letzten Jahre zu Papier bringen soll oder es lieber f?r mich behalten. Nachdem nun aber einige Jahre vergangen sind, m?chte ich auch euch diese Dinge nicht vorenthalten. Vielleicht findet der eine oder andere ja auch Spa? daran. Um mit der Geschichte beginnen zu k?nnen, m?ssen wir einige Jahre in der Zeit zur?ck gehen. Ich war damals 24 Jahre alt und Single. Ich genoss mein Leben mit ...

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Hotelsklavinnen Hotel Slaves

                                                          Hotelsklavinnen Teil 1, Freitag Lass mich erst mich selber vorstellen, ich bin ein Mann in bester alter und Eigent?mer und Gesch?ftsf?hrer von einem gr??eren mittelst?ndischen Unternehmen mit Sitz in dem s?dlichen Teil von NRW.  Ich lebe im Moment alleine als ich mich vor guten 5 Jahren von meinen Frau getrennt habe, wir passten lange nicht mehr zusammen und am Ende wurden der Ehe nur zu einen Qual f?r uns beide.  Vor ein par Jahre war ich au...

4 years ago
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Nouvelle demeure nouveaux voisins

Nouvelle demeure, nouveaux voisins Our First New Home Coulybaca / Vulgus ? ? Le texte de Vulgus ?tant particuli?rement long, j’ai pris la libert? de le couper en plusieurs parties afin d’en faciliter la lecture. Chapitre 1?: Notre premi?re orgie chez nos voisins ? Je me tenais avec mon ?poux sur l'entr?e de notre nouvelle maison savourant l'instant o? nous allions p?n?trer pour la premi?re fois dedans. C'?tait une belle grande maison, situ?e dans une banlieue haut de gamme. Elle ?tait b?tie de pierres et de briques ...

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Rum nien Zyklus German

Rum?nien-Zyklus I - Der Unfall1 Der alte Laster traf sie v?llig unvermittelt. Eben noch waren sie dabei, Witze ?ber die verfallene H?userstruktur von Chiajna, einem Vorort von Bukarest, zu rei?en, als der Wagen in sie hineinkrachte. Die drei Teenager wurden in dem alten Taxi herumgeschleudert, das Fahrzeug drehte sich zu Dreiviertel um die eigene Achse und kippte auf die Seite, bis es endlich liegenblieb.Peter, Tim und Mark waren drei 15j?hrige Sch?ler aus xxx, die einen Urlaub in Osteuropa gebucht hat...

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La soumission de Candy

La soumission de Candy Chapitre 1Ce n'est pas parce que vous ?tes parano que personne ne vous en veut. Je me suis toujours un peu m?fi? de mes semblables et, quand j'ai cr?? mon entreprises de conseil, j'ai trouv? tout naturel de mettre en place tout ce qu'il fallait pour surveiller mes employ?s. Enregistrement t?l?phonique, copie automatique des emails re?us et envoy?s, etc.N'ayant pas que ?a ? faire, je ne passais pas tout mon temps ? ?couter les conversations et lire les ?changes de courriers. Et surtout, en respect d...

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Viols l universit Les premi res proies

Viols au lyc?e 1 – Les premi?res proies High School Rape Club – I Coulybaca / Black Demon ? ? ? ? ? Prenant place dans leur planque favorite au fond du lyc?e, ils surveillaient pour s'assurer qu'aucun prof ne s'approchait les emp?chant de terminer leur derni?re cigarette. Ils n'?taient pas vraiment volontaires pour fr?quenter le lyc?e, mais c'?tait toujours mieux que le centre de d?tention qu'ils avaient d?j? tous visit?s. Cependant ils devaient admettre d'?tre surveill?s, cependant le lyc?e s'av?rait aussi un excellent v...

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Eva eine unendliche Geschichte

Disclaimer: Die folgende Geschichte enth?lt erotischen Inhalt mit SM-Hintergrund. Sie ist f?r Leser unterhalb von 18 Jahren nicht geeignet. Ich bitte euch: Legt die Geschichte weg, wartet bis ihr 18 seid, dann k?nnt ihr sie lesen. So gut ist sie auch wieder nicht, dass man sie gerade jetzt lesen m?sste;o)Dieses Werk ist Ergebnis einer Fiktion, die dargestellten Personen sind frei Erfunden jede ?hnlichkeit mit real existierenden Personen ist rein zuf?llig.Herkunftsnachweise: *Das Zungeschnalzen kommt ...

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Margarethes Geschichte story in German

Margarethes GeschichteDer Richter klingelte mit seiner Glocke. ?Die Angeklagte habe zu schweigen! Noch ein Wort von ihr und sie wird wegen Missachtung des Gerichtes bestraft.? Margarethe, die M?llerstochter schwieg nicht. Sie verk?ndete ihre Unschuld. Der Richter zeterte: ?Die Angeklagte werde peinlich befragt. Zuvor erhalte sie ?ffentlich auf die blo?e Haut drei Mal die Dutzend Schl?ge mit Rute, Stock und Peitsche wegen wiederholter Missachtung des Hohen Gerichtes. Der Henker walte seines Am...

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Stories of Patriarchy French

HISTOIRES DU PATRIARCAT INTRODUCTION : UN MONDE NOUVEAU Dans un univers parallèle au nôtre, ou, qui sait, dans le nôtredans quelques années, le Patriarcat a été rétabli.Du moins, c'est ce qui est dit officiellement. Mais en fait, jamais, au coursde l'histoire connue, les femmes n'ont été maintenues dans uneposition aussi inférieure : non seulement le droit de vote leura été très vite retiré, puis peu à peu tousleurs autres droits, mais elles sont considérées toute leur viecomme des mineures...

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Young Girls Should Not be Taught Physics

Young Girls should not be taught Physics Authors Note: I've never written a story before. It sure is fun. Let me know if you enjoyreading it as much as I enjoy writing it. The physical structure is: Day 1: Classical Physics Day 2: Relativity Day 3: Quantum Mechanics Day 4: String Theory Day 5: Unified Theory Each day Mr. Jefferson teaches one lesson to each of his high school grades.If you are a teacher, you won't be surprised to learn his first week is thehardest. Thanx All...

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A Fair Wager

Fair Wager "Don't laugh too hard, okay Rich? Does this... um... fit your criteria for 'dolled up?'" I was feeling kind of desperate for his attention at that moment, standing at the top of the staircase leading from where my big sis's room door was open. I mean, I was humiliated myself in front of him by wearing her clothes. The least Richie could do was look at me and laugh in my face about it. Gloat over how he won another stupid bet between us. Or tell me to knock it off and we...

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La T te Qui Pla t a Fetish

[ ver 1.3 Most of the French is obvious or soon implied. Longer or more difficult wording is translated in square braces like these. Until after the cop flirted, this is all true --- I did change the names and ages of those involved. Mich’s behavior over the bill is also true. If all you want is the hot scenes, skip to == Police == ] Sirens screaming made us all paranoid and put worries of arrests in our guts. Is four people in a two-seater sports car illegal? This happened some years ago...

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The Greatest Show On Earth

June 1999 " I think tonight's finally going to be the night." Said Eddie. "I can feel it." "And it's your birthday too of course." Replied Fred, "All girls put out for a guy on his birthday." "Why do you always have to spoil things by saying stuff like that? "Whined Eddie. "Me and Susan love each other, we just wanted to take the relationship slowly. We believe the physical act of love needs to be matched on an emotional level for it to be truly perfect." "Bullshit."...

2 years ago
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De Minimis Non Curat Lex

There was a young lawyer called Bex, Whose chest was quite flat for her sex; When charged with exposure She replied with composure, "De minimis non curat lex." The limerick sits neatly printed on the wall in our bedroom. The trifles aren't all that small any longer – two pregnancies have taken care of that. Still, they are fairly moderate in size. They were at their absolute peak just when the babies were born. Also on the wall, on either side of the framed limerick, are two...

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Lavender Ghost StoryChapter 2 Bob and The Frighteningly Large Marshmallow

The streets of Lavender town became crowded as they rode through the town square and turned South, away from the omnipresent Tower. The old Victorian style homes that the town's populace had dwelled in for the last five hundred years had been decorated for the upcoming event. Carved Jack'o lanterns sat on their wide verandah's, small bits of ragged white cloth had been done up to resemble ghostly figures and hung from the branches of the twisting leafless trees, and everywhere, strings of...

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The Accidental GigoloChapter 4 The Accidental Dominant Part One

"All right, you bitches, let's get to work." I received no answer from the girls. That was as it should be. The less trouble they gave me, the less abuse they'd get. Because right now, as I pulled my gloves tightly onto my hands, I was ready to take the misery of the last week out on every single one of them in turn. I honestly don't remember when I'd decided to name all of the gas-powered machines in Laura Stone's garage. I'd obviously been angry at something, and found that it was...

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Adventures of Me and Martha JaneChapter 9B

One morning in early October, soon after starting my 8th-grade school year, I approached Tony at breakfast and told him I needed to draw from my savings. At first he didn't want to hear about it; the account had only recently begun to show real progress. I told him I needed to buy a new bike and a front basket for it. When he discovered that I needed the bike because I had signed up to be a morning news carrier for the Commercial Appeal, his eyes lit up. It was the first time I'd seen him...

2 years ago
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Refuge Robledo Mountain 2 Chapter 16

I left Tomas alone for a few days. He went to the village and rode along the river with Jesus and others he’d picked from the files. He was getting a feel for the land where he was going to be responsible for growing crops. The day before the election, Tomas asked to see me after breakfast. I asked Clara to send a coffee service up to the terrace and Tomas followed me upstairs. We sat down at a table enjoying the early morning sunshine. As I poured our coffees I asked Tomas what was on his...

1 year ago
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Every Woman Has a Price3 Hard Sell

“Jesus, Elizabeth, you look like haven’t slept in a week.” Darlene was normally relieved when a second waitress showed up to take on the suppertime load. Elizabeth didn’t look like she was going to be able to handle it. “I slept fine.” Elizabeth muttered. “Hi Carlos. Hi Davy.” “Lizzie!” The cook cheered. Davy just nodded. Shedding her winter coat, she cut through to the break room. Darlene plastered on her smile and took out a tray of burgers to their waiting customers. It was during the...

2 years ago
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SpaceChapter 28

Miss Lime was in better shape but I unexpectedly found an embryo. I compared the size to a chart and figured it was one of the men that raped her. I got the med unit to dislodge the cells from her uterus. She did not need this knowledge. Gail was in as bad a shape as Mom. June was young but I found the onset of juvenile diabetes which took a while to repair. Hal would interface with each of them but not let them know that they were tapped. I slept in late Sunday morning and even found the...

3 years ago
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Retreat Robledo Mountain 3 Chapter 11

Tom and I were becoming bored. The Segundos were all doing their jobs well. Cattle were being delivered on time, and the herd continued to grow. The land along the river was being cleared and prepared for planting, while early harvesting in the greenhouses had already started for some of the crops, like tomatoes. Building activities were continuing at a furious pace, with the fences, roads, water retention buildings, and School/Community Center all in different stages. We spent quite a bit...

2 years ago
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Pokemon My Sister Gardevoir

Vor 13 Jahren.. Als Kind lebte Emilia zusammen mit ihrem Vater hoch oben auf einem Berg in einer gemütlichen, kleinen Hütte. Ihre Mutter starb als sie gerade einmal das Laufen gelernt hatte und so störte sie sich nicht wirklich daran, dass nur sie und ihr Vater zusammen dort lebten- sie konnte sich ja nicht mal mehr an ihre Mutter erinnern. Nur die wenigen Fotos die Papa von ihr hatte erinnerten sie daran, dass sie überhaupt eine Mutter hatte. Nach dem Tod ihrer Mutter musste ihr Vater...

4 years ago
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Ein Tagebuch von 1832

Alles in allem war dies ein beschissenes Jahr, und als ein schweres Paket von der Anwaltskanzlei Holland, Scharz und Jacobs ankam, erwartete ich das Schlimmste. In dem gepolsterten braunen Umschlag befanden sich zwei Dinge. Das erste war ein altes, in Leder gebundenes Tagebuch mit einem abgewetzten Band darum, das den Deckel geschlossen hielt, das zweite war ein dicker Umschlag, auf dem mein Name, Melissa Gordon, in ordentlicher (wenn auch altmodischer) Handschrift stand. Der Brief darin war...

1 year ago
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Lisa und Kelly

Mit unzufriedener Miene musterte Lisa ihr Spiegelbild. Heute geht alles schief. Sie hatten einen neuen Pickel neben der Nase entdeckt und ihre Lieblingsbluse war offensichtlich eingelaufen. Sie zwickte unter den Armen. Ihre Jeans schlottern ihr um die Beine und zu allem Überfluss sahen ihre Haare unmöglich aus. Sie fluchte leise und zog sich zum vierten Mal das Zopfgummi aus dem Haar. "Schrecklich..."! murmelte sie. "Mit dem Pferdeschwanz sehe ich aus wie zehn. Vielleicht sollte ich sie besser...

1 year ago
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Geschichten einer besonderen Ehe

Ihr wollt meine Geschichte wissen? Ihr sollt sie hören. An meine Kindheit kann ich mich nicht mehr richtig erinnern. Immer wieder bin ich von zu Hause ausgerissen, gefangen worden und wieder ausgerissen. Nur um der Hölle meines Elternhauses zu entkommen. Mein Vater hat mich geschlagen und meine Mutter hat zugesehen. Weil sie zu betrunken war um mir helfen zu können. Irgendwann bin ich aufgewacht und war in dieser Besserungsanstalt. Mein Vater hat mich her gebracht und bekam einen Umschlag. Der...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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A girl named Joe part two

On the Monday, following Joes' arrival in Cocoa Beach He dressed in a set of the panties and bra and hose the air force provided and put on a sleeveless dress with a lace collar and the rather frumpy brown shoes. Everything fit, but Joe felt like a damned fruit in the anachronistic women's clothing. Joe cleaned up the dirty dishes and gave the apartment a good holystoning the night before, specifically because he knew Lt. Burns was due to drop by. That was why he kept all the dumpy...

3 years ago
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Training of a Husband Part 4

Dear friends, I am once again sorry for being absent for a very long time and keeping you waiting. Actually, I was so busy in my new role as a house wife that I couldn’t write. I was under the training of my mistress Sunita mam after our marriage. She wanted me to become perfect in my new role and when I was trained to her satisfaction, then only she allowed me to publish the next part of my story. For new readers, I would like to present a brief summary of my story. I, Mrs. Deepali Sunita Roy...

2 years ago
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She Got the After Dinner Special

Em had watched all the action. It had taken place deliciously between her legs on the sofa in the man’s hotel suite. She was still tingling all over with the excitement and ecstasy of it all. Em had been half-lying, half-seated on the deep sofa. This position had afforded her a full view. He had first stripped her to her panties. They were little white bikini-cut lace ones through which the attractive darkness of her bushy mound was plainly visible. Her short midnight blue cocktail dress had...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 178 Weekend at Bernie rsquo s Emily rsquo s

Molly is damn smart, but how in the hell did she get involved in with Emily or her mom? Where am I going anyway? “Emily needs you. Only you can help her,” Molly said quickly. “Hurry. Drive fast, very fast. You can be there by ten with no stops, eleven if you have to take bathroom breaks.” Yeah, I can see needing to take a bathroom break to take a shit, but the piss tube in the car takes care of the more urgent needs. At the gas station I loaded up on snacks, junk food, and drinks for the...

3 years ago
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Sex in Theater 2

Sex in theater 2 hello dosto.i am jashan . my dick size 6″ 2.5″. Lo main fir ek baar hazir hu apni storyko pura krne k liye sex at theater with sonia, agar meri pichli story padho ge to aur bhi mja aaega padhne ka. And main un ko thanks kehta hu jinho ne meri stories padhi aur mujhe meri id pr reply kiya. Age bhi umid krta hu k mujhe meri storis par aise he response milte rahe. My id is hai. So agar koi bhi ladki bhabhi ya sexy aunty mujhe se sex krna chahe to mujhe mail kr skti hai. but near...

2 years ago
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My Husband and the Topless Waitresses Chapter 2

As we left the bar I could feel my pussy juices running down my inner thighs. I was walking fairly fast as I was desperate to get Tom, my husband, back to our hotel room. I needed to cum again and soon. Tom had his right hand on my cute arse as we walked. His hand found the bottom of my dress which he lifted up enough so that he could slide his fingers between my legs and feel how wet I was. We looked at each other, smiled with a glint in our eyes as we turned left out of the bar. To get back...

3 years ago
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DanicaPart 11B

Danica returned to her room in the main complex of the Forge with a heavy heart. She knew that another task awaited her, this time without companions to stand with her. Celes revealed that she planned to return to Zoraster's complex that day. She had left some things half finished, and wanted to get back to them. She also felt saddened by the breakup of the Companions of the Forge, and knew that staying here would remind her constantly of that loss. When Celes left, Danica sat down to talk...

2 years ago
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Fingerbating and the Beta Path

For me, masturbation has become a way of life. Its my religion and i am a very observant worshipper. I come to the altar of porn at least twice a day and worship by wanking my little baby penis as i lust over pornography on several screens. As my relationship with porn grows, i enjoy taking on new fetsishes and ways of masturbating. Recently i have gotten very deep into small penis humiliation and have learned to better accept my tiny penis. As part of this acceptance I have realized what a...

1 year ago
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The Debt

Sara was just sixteen when her father took her to a big house on the hill. When they went in he told her "I need you to help daddy. I am in trouble and only you can save me." Sara told him "Yes, daddy I will do anything for you. I love you so much." They were taken to the library and a very powerful man sat there. "I have brought my daughter and she is willing to help me out of my trouble." The man stood and looked at the daughter. "Undress her. I want to see what I am getting. Strip her naked...

4 years ago
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presser to wife with stranger

और मैं अपमी बाकी सहेलियों को भी विनती करूंगी कि वो भी अपने अनुभव कथन करें। मेरा नाम रजनी है, 32 साल की हूँ, मेरी शादी 10 साल पहले हुई थी। वैसे तो मैं एक छोटे शहर से हूँ लेकिन शादी के बाद अपने पति के साथ मुंबई में रहती हूँ। मेरे पति रमेश एक कंपनी में सुपरवाइज़र हैं। हम लोग मुंबई में एक चॉल के एक कमरे में रहते हैं। यह बात करीब नौ साल पहले की हैं, हमारी शादी को करीब डेढ़ साल हो गया था। जैसे कि हर शादीशुदा जोड़े का होता है, शादी के पहले साल में सेक्स के अलावा कुछ भी नहीं सूझता, मेरे पति को और...

3 years ago
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The Reclaiming

You woke up with the biggest stiffy. Under the covers, you couldn't keep your hands off me. I woke up after you. A flood of sexy text messages was waiting on my phone. You were now whispering in my ear about what a good girl I had been this weekend. I felt it, and it pulsed in my hands. We had plans. We were not alone. We got up. We got ready. We left for a spring. One we hadn't been to. In the car I played with your hair. You absolutely love it when I play with your hair. ...

2 years ago
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Should Have Stayed in Bed

Bill was a nice guy. Everyone said so... all the girls thought he was cute as. But cute wasn't exactly what he hoped for... at least sometimes. Today was a big day, presentations... possible promotion. But well... Bill, he's having one of those days. This is a work of adult fiction. No resemblance to reality should be inferred or expected. Copyright KLS 2007. Should Have Stayed in...

4 years ago
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Cooking With Mom Part IV

The night after Mom fucked Greg, his Dad and me I was talking to Greg about me and him having some fun with Mom together. Since the following Friday was a Holiday and Mom would have the day off we decided to make a plan for Thursday night. When Mom got home that night I had dinner in the oven, wine chilling and I had just rolled a joint. Greg had put some music on and Mom was very surprised when she saw all that had been done. She had had a hard day at the real estate office and she was...

1 year ago
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FamilySwap Emma Starletto Katie Morgan The Dominate One

What would happen if four families each contributed one member to create a new family? In this episode of Family Swap, Katie Morgan and her swap hubby Will Pounder are thinking of taking their swap kids Emma Starletto and Nathan Bronson on vacation. While they’re discussing the possibilities as a swap family, Emma’s ideas get more and more sexual. When Emma eventually leaves to go to her room, Katie puts out there that Emma is a total sexual deviant and will probably be trouble....

3 years ago
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Rachel s Shaved Pussy Pt 2

And on top of everything else, the feeling in the suddenly naked flesh between my legs seemed to be heightened a thousandfold. The touch of my panties on it was enough to set me going, and I wondered if I would ever be dry again. Not that this bothered me unduly; I wanted to be moist and ready for sex whenever, because from now on, I would be having it a lot more. Besides, I didn’t feel like juicing up was dirty any more. With my smooth pussy, it would always be slick and spicy, and a quick...

2 years ago
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Hard Times

Princess Amelia von Heiden trudged up the dry riverbed. Strands of red-orange hair fell into her face, which she blew away with a huff. Her plate armor weighed her down, and her long, padded skirt caught on every thorny plant in her path. She sighed. This was not how she had planned on traveling.“Princess,” Harper called from yards behind Amelia, out of breath. “Slow down.”A rock dared to bar Amelia’s progress. She stopped and kicked it aside before peering over her shoulder. “Someone has to...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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Road TripChapter 25

Bobby said, “What didya bring me?” “Just like a kid,” I said. “Never happy that I made it home alive.” The Spur broke out in laughter. And then somebody said, “Well ... what Did you bring him?” “Would a band truck be enough?” I said. Bobby set a plate of double biscuits and gravy in front of me. I commenced to empty it. “I bought Tommy a bunch of five’s and two’s,” I said, referring to drumsticks. “No? you’re not happy with presents for your brother? “I brought George some new strings,”...

2 years ago
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Dianas Verderben

Dianas Verderben Der Weg vom braven Girl zur perversen Schlampe Er hatte die Macht über sie. Es hatte lange gedauert, aber er nun hatte er den Weg gefunden. Den Weg zur ihr, den Weg in sie. Er war ein Teil von ihr und sie ein Teil von ihm. Keine Fragen mehr - nur noch Antworten. Kein zurück mehr - kein zögern. Das Spiel kann beginnen... Diana war sechs Jahre alt, als sie mit ihren Eltern und ihrer zwei Jahre jüngeren Schwester aus Polen nach Deutschland kam. Zwar verbanden sie noch einige...

4 years ago
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Jack And Jill The Second BookChapter 19

As I watched Jack drive away, I wished there was something I could have done to make him feel useful. I don't have any brothers or sisters, but I knew how much they cared for each other. June had commented on our mating rituals; I knew that Jack and Mary had their own set of brother-sister dances. That whole thing in the kitchen the other day, when she was trying to make it sound like it the the most natural thing in the world to walk in on us without knocking and then making comments while...

3 years ago
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Young Tranny Ch2 First BBC Fuck in an Arcade

2. Rebeca”s First BBC Arcade FuckIntroduction: These stories are about the genesis of Rebeca, my CD slut alter-ego. They are about the same person featured in “My TV Adventures,” but they chronicle the earliest encounters and adventures. Most of the stories in the “My TV Adventures” are about an experienced TV slut in ‘her’ adult life (30’s and older) while these stories are about me/her in the 19-29 years old timeframe. Enjoy, and remember, these are as much fun for me to write as anyone...

2 years ago
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In The Army Now Part 2

The next morning, the first thought through my head was what the hell did I do? I wasn’t quite sure if it was a dream or real. As soon as I tried to move and the soreness in my ass and jaw screamed at me, I knew it was real! I started to get out of bed when I felt cum dripping out of my ass, it was definitely real! It was Saturday morning, which meant we had a half day today, but definitely not an easy day. We had an hour of drill followed by a fifteen mile march. I smiled to myself, the idea...

Gay Male
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Her name is Joan. She is 28 years old, 5’ 6” tall, and weighs 110 pounds. She has short blond hair and green eyes. Her lips are full and her teeth are very white. She has long legs and a very flat stomach. Her body is athletic with well defined muscles, but still extremely feminine. While her tits are not large, they are very round and very firm. From her neck down, her body is completely hair free. She had laser hair removal under her arms and between her legs. She even had the fine hair that...

Oral Sex
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Boston Solutions IncorporatedChapter 22

Claudia entered the office pushing a stroller. Irene looked over at the stroller and cooed, “Isn’t she cute.” “Thank you,” Claudia said with the kind of pride in her child that only a mother can achieve. Magus came out of his office and looked in the stroller. He frowned and shook his head in dismay. He said, “She’s a Gerber baby.” “That’s a bad thing?” Claudia asked. “She’s going to grow up to be a beautiful woman. You know how I feel about that,” Magus said. Shaking his head, he said,...

4 years ago
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First 3some with my wife

So my best friend and I had set up to have a 3some with my wife. Long story short, he backed out. Needless to say it was in instant buzz kill. Know I tell you that to tell you this……One night Jessica (names have been changed) and I went down to the bar that we always go to on Friday night. Once we got in we found Rich, a good friend of mind and one she got to know from the bar (he was a good looking average looking white). We sat at the bar with him and as soon as we sat down, the shots started...

2 years ago
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Fun Continues With Melissa The Cook And Padma Gets Involved Too

This is in continuation from my previous story. Obviously things were now quite at a different level between me and Melissa. When my wife would be away traveling, she would pretty much hang around at my flat almost all the time and we would have lots of sex. I must say I was happy and couldn’t complain. My wife would come back from her office travels all extremely horny and we would have great sex for a few days, during which time Melissa would keep out of the way. In December however, due to...

1 year ago
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The Way of WarChapter 45

The dock at Toulon gave the impression of organised chaos with dock officials rushing here and there trying to sort out cargos for either unloading or loading the ships that arrived or departed. Shaun had taken a room at a seedy hotel near the docks and had been there for two days waiting for the Iona Star. A harassed dock official had informed him it was anchored in the roads awaiting its turn to enter the port, which was supposed to be a day ago. It had taken him four days to reach...

3 years ago
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My First Fuckbuddies Pt 3

I'm Jonah,a H.S. freshman, and I'm in the middle of a sexual awakening. First I had awild encounter with my P.E. classmate Harry. Now the weekend has arrived, and my cousinEd is on his way. Ed is two years older than me, and has an amazing body. We play video games, and he lets me massage his back. Harry had been avoiding me at school, so I was totally pent up.Ed, and his mother were heading up for the weekend as a bit of a break for my aunt. We have a nice country home as apposed t their...

1 year ago
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Time Travelling Gloryhole Indian Edition

Story by PriyaThe Time: 1950The Place: Pakistan/India borderAshana was a young Hindu woman running for her life. She was a 19 year old Hindu living on the Pakistani side of the newly formed Pakistan/India border. The Pakistan side being the Muslim side, and the Indian side being the Hindu side. There was alot of tension before, but now that everyone was moving, v******e had exploded everywhere in both countries as people moved to their perspective sides. Most of the cities and towns along the...

4 years ago
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A Fantasy Finally Fulfilled

A Fantasy Finally Fulfilled Every since I was in my teens I have always had this fantasy about having a black lover, even then, I watched porn of huge black guys fucking white girls and was so aroused and fascinated by these interracial couplings, the contrast between the shiny black body of the stud and the milky white body of the girl coupling with pure lust, I know in real life its not always like that but it still fascinates me and gets me very wet and horny. The opportunity to turn this...

3 years ago
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Weight Loss ProgramChapter 9 Overnight

I guess I might have been moping through dinner, despite Shirley's kiss. For some reason, it just didn't seem genuine to me; I kept receiving this feeling of disdain from Shirley with regard to my obvious shortcomings as a cook. After dinner, it turned out that Shirley was indeed serious about shopping. In addition, she managed to take over the "boss" position in our relationship. To drive in the point, Shirley insisted that they both dress me, and then I would dress both Wendy and her....

3 years ago
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Ashley teaches Kirsten a lesson

All I wanted to do was watch some porn, some good old girl on girl action but of course my internet would be down on the day I was so horny. I could order it on TV but if it came on the bill there would be a long discussion with my parents about sex, puberty and all that good stuff. I mean I was 17, I had heard the sex talk over a hundred times I knew all the basic stuff like use condoms, birth control etc. I was sexually active because who the hell in Orange Country at the age of 17 wasn't?...

1 year ago
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FamilySwap Aaliyah Love Liv Revamped Shark Time Of The Month

What would happen if four families each contributed one member to create a new family? In this episode of Family Swap, Liv Revamped and her swap brother Juan Loco are doing an arts and crafts project for shark month. The swap siblings have made shark mouths, which opens up all kinds of possibilities for fun flirtation. When swap parents Aaliyah Love and Damon Dice walk in on the craft time, they find Juan and Liv “biting” each other’s privates with the mouths. Aaliyah and...

4 years ago
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A Summer threesome in the spring

A little bit about Summer. She's 23 year old short haired brunette, tall and skinny. She's about 5' 10" tall and about 105 lbs. She is also some what of a shy woman. Even though she is skinny I think as a very nice body. More about her as the story goes on. Months after the store visit Summer gave Jenn a call. They had exchanged phone numbers as we were checking out. Anyway Summer told Jenn that her boyfriend broke up with her a month & a half ago. She went on to say that she hadn't...

3 years ago
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A New Erotic Experience for the Husband

Ravi took the elevator for his apartment at the twenty first floor. As he punched the keys another white European women entered the lift, wearing a wet bikini. She punched the eighteenth floor and started rubbing her wet hairs with the towel hung over her shoulder. Ravi gawked her curvaceous body and watched her ample ass barely covered by the tiny bikini bottom.“You must be a regular swimmer,” he commented.“Ahmm… No… Swims sometimes when I am free,” she smiled.“But your perfect body tells me...

4 years ago
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Green Mask in A Spell Gone Right

A truck full of dynamite. Well it's not how you would do it but to each his own. You're actually quite annoyed with the stocking-wearing thugs pouring into the newly made hole in the side of the bank. A visiting diamond exhibit like this could usually be counted on to bring out the upper crust of thieves. Here you are in the pouring rain watching amateur hour in the street below, the sensors in your masks heads up start running the plates on the truck. "Come on guys, you used your own truck?"...

3 years ago
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re cream inside the pie

Back in '07 I was fucking this chick named Diane. She was the first chick that let me blow my load inside of her. This chick in Florida wanted me to do the same thing, but I sent it down her throat instead.Anyways, I had her over at the place where I had Snaggle Tooth, and it was a nice summer eve. She came over with a 12 pack and after we finished most of them, it was post time. Sadly, she wouldn't suck my cock in fear that i would send my load into her belly. She even threatened me and this...

2 years ago
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7 November 2008Chapter 4

Dan and Tina took a shower together then slipped into the pool. She wrapped her legs around his waist and holding onto his shoulders, walked her around the pool. “You look so sexy with your short auburn hair all slicked back and water beads trickling down between your breasts. “I can see why they keep the pool water so warm so a guy’s cock won’t shrivel up,” he joked and she laughed. Her green hazel eyes sparkled with love for her man. “Thank you, Dan, for being my husband and I will always...

3 years ago
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The Prisoner Part 3

And there she was, Jennie Connelly, still tied up with her legs spread apart totally naked. She was gorgeous, stunning legs, long and smooth, and a fantastic round arse. She had a gorgeous skinny back and as Stephen’s eyes roamed up to her strong neck, bent forward. Her head was hung in front of her, and the long golden hair was forming a veil in front of her face. Then as Stephen stared at her back, he saw her body convulse from the waist. The sinister vibrator was still inside her and the...

1 year ago
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My Favorite Student

Exams were done. Another graduating class had been sent off into adulthood. Now, I had about two months of summer to not deal with students. Don't get me wrong. I loved being a teacher. But summer vacation was always something I looked forward to. As I packed up stuff in my room, I thought about some of the seniors I had this year. There were always some very lovely ladies in my classes and while I very subtly watched them I never actually did anything with them. That didn't stop me from having...

3 years ago
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CindyChapter 44

"Is it gonna hurt you if I hug you again? Last night was the first night we've been apart since November. I missed you." "I missed you too, little love. Only way I could go to sleep was drugs." She smiled. A little kiss. Then 'serious Cindy'. "They tried to kill us. ME! You stopped 'em." "Ain't no way somebody's ever gonna hurt you while I'm in a position to stop 'im," I said. A soft kiss. "You proved it, baby. Like I didn't already BELIEVE you..." Her brow knit into...

2 years ago
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A new student part 2

As we walked back to my apartment, which was only a couple minutes away, I couldn't help but stare at her. She'd just called me out about my interest in her and she seemed to be totally in charge of this situation, which is better than most girls I get the pleasure of fucking these days. It's always, "Um, well we can do this if you want." But Alice took charge. I liked it. We entered my apartment and she walked in and took a look around. She untied her coat and let it fall to the floor. She...

2 years ago
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Domination Fantasy Explored Part 2

You’re in the shower washing up. I’m relaxing on the couch basking in the physical and emotional euphoria of an amazing experience. Tonight has been fucking fantastic so far. But the night’s still young, there’s plenty of opportunity for more fun. And I could really use a drink. We’ll just have to play the rest by ear. With that settled, I join you in the bathroom. You’re taking a hot and relaxing shower, the steam is thick and heavy. I watch your silhouette through the shower curtain as you...


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