The United Kingdom Of Zoo (A Fake BBC Documentary Series)s2e18 - Kristen (37) Housewife From Birmingham free porn video

Series 2, Episode 18: Kirsten
It’s a beautiful day. A brief montage of life in King’s Norton in the suburbs of Birmingham. Scenic views of narrow boats crawling along the canal, of Tudor style buildings and ancient pubs. We come to rest on a very nice house in a tree lined street right on the edge of town. It’s warm and sunny, and the trees are still. Birds chirp.
In one of those houses, we watch as a casually dressed, pretty young woman with flowing red hair, tidying up an elegant kitchen as her tween-age children finish their breakfasts and put on school blazers.
She has a nice figure, tall and slim, her body in proportion. Her blue blouse is open far enough for us to see that her breasts are a good size but spaced wide on her chest, with an almost unnatural gap between them. Baggy jeans and tied with a belt in such a way as to show off her round arse and long legs.
She speaks with a strong Brummie accent, pleasant and loud, and through a wide and genuine smile that never leaves her face.
In close-up, away from the kids - “Hello. My name is Kristen Martins. I’m 37 years old. I’m married with 2 children, and I live in beautiful King’s Norton – and it’s my fantasy to have sex with a big dog!”
Back to that lovely house – this time the outside as she skips from house to Lexus. The kids are already in the back. Kristen’s long hair flows in the light wind...
“I’ve been happily married for 15 years now, Katie is 12 and Jake is 11, and they keep me very busy ... My husband works in engineering and splits his time between here and Dubai...”
Then we see her dropping the kids off at school.
“So once the kids are dropped off, I have a lot of spare time on my hands. I’ve always been faithful to him, but things can get very boring and frustrating for a woman of my age...”
Then she’s meeting up with other mothers for a morning coffee, a gossip and lots of laughter. All without sound as we’re listening to her delivering her story in voice-over.
“I like to get together with the girls and have a gossip after school drop-off - we’ve always been a rowdy bunch. We like to joke about who’s having affairs, who’s going to get divorced, et cetera ... One time we spent the whole morning session joking about all going back to one girl’s home for a lesbian orgy, but, unfortunately they were all joking.” Cut back to Kirsten in close up, twisting her face up. “Not really – an all girl orgy, with that lot, doesn’t appeal ... I love cock too much!” She laughs.
We cut to individual shots of her friends laughing and sipping at coffee. They range from the yummy-mummy type to the ‘she needs to skip desert’ type – no models, but none of them are unattractive either. This seems to be the bitchy group that looks down on everyone outside the inner circle.
“But we didn’t ever do it, it was just a joke ... But I thought about it for weeks afterward. I like to think the other girls were all thinking the same thing. Some of the things I thought about them doing to me ... I’d blush if I said them out loud. Then one day last year, the morning after your second or third show, we start joking about who would have sex with a dog...”
We’re back on Kirsten now, laughing and looking around the table, waiting for her turn to say something.
“And everyone joked that I would be most likely because my husband was away and I was always complaining about being horny, and not having any kind of release.”
Cut to Kirsten sitting on her bed, still fully dressed, reaching into her bedside draw, under a gossip magazine to retrieve a sex toy. She now speaks direct to camera.
“And for my birthday they clubbed together and bought me this...” She holds up an 8 inch long, sleek latex dog dildo. A small tube leads away from it to a little air-ball pump. Kirsten is half blushing, half smiling. “I think they thought they were being funny, I’m sure they didn’t expect me to use it ... They kept asking me, with a laugh and a wink-wink, if I had used their present yet ... They had no idea. I use it daily. It’s the best sex I’ve ever had. Better than my husband even ... If the real thing is half as good as the toy, you won’t be able to get the smile off my face.”
What if the real thing is better?
Kirsten breaths hard, as if the concept hadn’t even occurred to her. “Well, if that’s the case, maybe hubby can stay in Dubai and I’ll just buy a dog to look after me all the time!!”
She sits there, holding the extremely life-like doggy dildo infront of camera, her mind drifting – no doubt thinking what we’re thinking – that she should her take off those jeans and put that latex cock where it belongs!
So, tell us what actually turns you on about having sex with a dog?
“It’s just so wrong. Very very wrong. And so dirty...” She smiles. “It’s just – it’s something I shouldn’t do. I know it’s wrong. I know I shouldn’t do it ... But, what the hell, you only live once, right?”
She’s positively gushing with excitement. Looking forward to what’s coming next, enjoying just talking about her passion out loud. “Since they got me that bloody dildo I’ve become a little bit obsessed ... I’ve watched, like, EVERY video online - women being mounted by dogs, women sucking dog cocks, the Mexicans, the Russians, the Amateurs, the pros ... It always looks incredible. I want to do it so much – to have one in my mouth, or in my pussy...” She giggles as she speaks. She clearly means every word she says. “I’m not crazy about dogs, actually ... Just the idea of having sex with one. Having a real dog cock inside me ... I can’t wait to meet my special lover...”
Outside in the street, a new dog approaches. We haven’t seen him on the show before ... A German Pointer. He’s a magnificent specimen, tall and powerful, with mottled brown and white markings. Big head, long legs, strong body. He looks like the kind of dog you wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of – but plenty of women would want to get on the underside of...
Walking alongside him, looking very pleased with himself, is a twenty-something chap. This is Greg. Scruffy hair, a couple of days beard growth, casually dressed. He speaks with a friendly, almost overly helpful tone, over the top of various shots of the dog from an assortment of angles.
“This is Samson ... Samson is a 6 year old German Pointer ... I bought him because my girlfriend was into dog-porn and we both wanted her to try it. She trained him up then left me when she found out I was letting him fuck other girls ... So we’re both free and easy now, available ... Looking for love. Or lust in his case.”
Back to Kirsten in her loungeroom. “When my husband is coming back from overseas, and I know we’re going to have ‘coming home sex’, it’s the most excited I ever feel ... Right now – I feel more excited than that ... Nervous, excited, and a bit scared.”
So would you like to meet your mystery lover?
She smiles broadly and nods her head like crazy. “Would I ever...”
The door opens behind her and the scary dog pulls Greg into the room. Greg doesn’t try hard to stop him.
Kristen almost jumps for joy when she sees him. “Oh wow, he’s a handsome one!” She gasps. She crouches down to welcome the beast. Ruffling his big head as he tries to lick her hands and wrists. His tongue making contact and her gasping/giggling a little. “Oh, geee, if that tongue makes my arm tingle, what’s it going to do to my pussy!?”
She stands up, apparently super-keen to find out what it’s going to do to her pussy, because she’s unzipping her trousers right away. Pulling them down and stepping out of them. Following them with her knickers, giving us the briefest flash of her orange/red pussy. Then realising that she’s undressed from the bottom up she laughs and removes her top so that she’s standing in just her bra. Cleavage giving us an indication of some decent boobs packed in there.
Samson is looking up at her, but as soon as he gets a whiff of her pussy he steps into her, head between her thighs, tongue onto and over her pussy lips. She shivers and staggers back a little, then squats slightly, opening her thighs to afford better access for the dog. The dog follows up and licks up at her cunt some more. Tongue hot over her lips, wet between them, strong inside them. Dancing over her clit.
“Oh fuck yes, fuck ... Oh my God...” She gasps as she leans back against the couch to offer even easier access to her pussy – and Samson takes the invitation, licking deeper and harder. She’s bucking, her upper body spasming and shaking as the dog’s tongue performs magic tricks on her clit. She’s grabbing at her boobs, squeezing them through the bra, then pushing a hand into the bra to squeeze the tit and pinch the nipple ... Then, with her temperature rising and her body shaking, she peels the bra up and over her boobs – giving her fingers easy access to her nipples, which she pinches and twists as the dog continues to lick hungrily at her cunt ... And then it happens... “FFUUUUCCCKKKK! Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuuuuuccckkk!” She squeals, almost dancing away from the huge dog on jelly legs. Possibly a record on the show for the fastest orgasm ever.
She pushes Samson away, putting a hand down between her thighs, holding her pussy – giving herself a chance to recover. A huge smile on her face. Then talking right into camera, calmly with a smile, “Fucking awesome orgasm ... Dog tongue ... Thoroughly recommended!” And she gives a thumbs up. “If that’s the foreplay – the sex is going to kill me!”
She finishes off removing her bra, which has been wrapped tight around her chest, above her boobs, the whole time – without any pressure her boobs are full and round. Perhaps a little saggy after breastfeeding her children, but still in decidedly good shape. She plays with her erect nipples whilst she considers what’s coming next.
“Is he ready to fuck me now?” She asks, then, “ ... Or do I have to ‘warm him up’ first?”
Greg takes a quick look under his dog’s belly, reaches under and grabs his shaft in its soft furry sheath, and gives it a few quick jerks – a little burst of movement. He looks back at the redhead and smiles. “Yeah, he’s just about ready ... He could probably use a little bit more foreplay if you’d like to play with his cock first.”
Kirsten smiles and nods. “Yeah, I’d like that...” And then she’s on her knees beside the dog. He’s already trying to mount her shoulders, from infront, from behind, back infront, as she struggles to take hold of his cock. We catch a few glimpses of the purple lipstick tip of his cock as he jumps around, he quickly manages to place his paws on her shoulders, from infront, and shuffles his back legs up toward her, almost making her overbalance backwards.

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