The United Kingdom Of Zoo (A Fake BBC Documentary Series)S10:E16: Zara Vudovic (49), From Colchester free porn video

We’re in darkness, then there’s a heavy clicking sound as a switch is flicked, and our regular bedroom set lights up. It’s as grim and depraved as ever. That stained mattress, the rusty bed frame. No sheets, no blankets, no pillows – just that dirty fucking bed – sitting in a pool of light, in the middle of a concrete floor.
We hear a door open off camera, and then the slight, muffled, “In here...?” – then, the same voice adds – “Okay...” – and we hear footsteps approaching – flat, slight slapping sounds – bare feet on concrete.
We pan the camera around to see who’s coming ... This week it’s a real mum-body – wide through the hips and loose bellied, with boobs that look like they will head south as soon as her lacy red bra comes off. She’s lacking muscle tone, but she looks strong all the same, and there’s something in her stride that suggests confidence in herself.
By this year’s standards she’s a 5 out of 10, bordering on 6. However, you should understand that whilst she is poor quality by this the standards of Series 10, in previous years she would have rated better than a lot of our guests – we’ve simply moved the bar up this year ... We hope you’ve noticed!
We cut to a close-up as she approaches -
Her hair is un-styled, if that’s possible – a thick mass of brunette hair, cut short in what appears to be a home-cut. Her face is harsh, a pointed nose, dark eyes ringed from a lack of sleep. Imperfect skin, and to her credit no attempt has been made to cover up those imperfections with make-up. She clearly doesn’t care what she looks like, or what anyone else thinks of her. She looks tired...
Approaching our camera she begins to speak before she reaches her mark, introducing herself in a croaky Euro-accented English, she’s not from around here...
“Hello ... I’m Zara Vudovic ... I’m 49-years-old nurse from Colchester in England, originally from Croatia ... And I deserve to have sex with a big dog!”
We cut to Zara sitting on the bed, kneeling actually, her knees spread wide. She’s smoking a cigarette, and appears to be completely relaxed with her body, not caring at all that she’s hardly the most attractive guest we’ve had on the show. She talks to us about why she’s here today as we cut from camera to camera – checking her out in close-up, then cutting to wider shots, and checking out her soft tits in her bra, or the spider legs of pubic hair escaping the gusset of her panties...
“I’ve been in England for nearly 20 years now working for the NHS ... And is a very good life compared to back home. There’s money here. Nice peoples. Jobs. But even in a good place, you see how life is, and how you want life to be, and is not always the same.”
She takes a long, contemplative, drag on the cigarette... “I got married, I had children ... They are good. My husband is good. But I’m not having fun in life. I go to work, I see people die. I work with the geriatrics ... I see them, no time left for them, and they get older and weaker and die ... And then the Covid-19 happens, and more die, and we have less fun in life ... And I just want to enjoy my time!”
In close-up now, as she turns her mind to what she would enjoy... “I have always like the dogsex. I watch many videos. Sometimes at work, we watch UK of Zoo on break-time ... Or we stream on our phone, and we laugh at it, but I’m always turned-on watching.”
Another long drag on the cigarette. “And sometimes we joke about it ... We say ‘If I was on the show I’d do this ... Or I’d do that ... I always say I would never, ever, suck a doggy penis ... And they all bet me I would ... And we make it a big joke, but after I go to the toilet to touch myself thinking about it, all I want to do is try it for real ... You know?”
She pauses, then adds, “So, I think, after the lockdown ... I’m going to have fun from now on. I do what I want to do!”
“What does your husband think of that?” Asks Ozvik from off camera.
She blows smoke out, then answers, “He wants me to be happy ... And I think he likes the idea too ... I think he really wants to see the show when I am on.”
“In that case...” Begins Ozvik, wrapping up the interview segment of our show. “ ... I think it’s time for you to put that cigarette out and give yourself a really smokin’ experience!”
This makes Zara smile and chuckle a little – she takes a last little drag on the cigarette and then casually stubs it out on the mattress. We’re worried that it might set the material on fire, but there’s so much dogspunk soaked into this thing that it’s probably fireproof!
We fade out on that cigarette stubbing, then fade back in as our dog-of-the-week, Tyson the Rottweiler, pads around on the floor infront of our guest. She leans forward, hands on the edge of the bed, her bra gone and her tits hanging down and swinging as she watches intently, almost smiling – more fascinated by the shape of things to come ... Or should that be, the shape of things to cum!
She barely looks away from him as she comments, “Scary!” – with more admiration in her voice than fear.
He turns and makes his move, leaning back, then lurching forward, launching himself up onto the bed, making the whole thing rock and the springs squeak under his weight. Zara leans back and pulls away to the side of the bed, flipping over so that she is sitting on her arse – holding one arm out to keep the beast at arms-length until she’s ready...
She adjusts her position so that her legs aren’t under her, her knees out on either side of the beast as she strokes his head and the sides of his powerful neck. Half looking away from him to note that, “He’s not so scary ... Is he?” with a half giggle. “Just a big boy...”
He ignores her comments and drops his head down between her thighs – pushing forward and burying his cold nose in her snatch – sniffing and licking at her pussy. She lets her head fall back on the headboard, trying to control her breathing as she brings her hands up to her sagging tits, and lets her legs fall wider open, letting the beast get at her big pussy lips, and between.
Tyson is eager to please – and keen to taste all that she has ... His long tongue, warm and wet, slides over her pussy again and again, slotting between her pussy lips and slipping up over her clit ... The wetness, pressure and perversion of it driving our guest immediately to the edge of an orgasm... “Aaahhhh Goodddd!” she gasps, the sensations hitting her hard – and much sooner than she could have hoped. She squeezes her soft tits, fingers digging into flesh as she pulls them up and apart against her ribs – trying to maintain control of her excitement. Turning her head toward the camera and trying to talk, struggling to get the words out, “Girls ... This is better than we thought it would be-EEEEeeeeeee!!!” She says, most likely to the nurses she works with, but possibly to all of our female viewers.
She drops her head forward, looking down at him as he licks at her – watching his tongue flash out over her pussy ... Playing with her tits whilst he licks her ... Breathing hard...
He stops and looks up at her, and she quickly takes one hand and slaps her pussy, trying to get him back there ... But he doesn’t understand her instruction...
“Oh God, don’t stop now, doggy!” She gasps, putting her hand on the top of his head and trying push it down between her thighs ... He does as he’s told, dropping down and licking her a few more times, but that’s all ... The frustration is clear on her face as she looks back to our camera and notes that, “I guess doggies are like men ... Don’t always finish the job but still worth having around, ha!”
There’s a short pause as the dog stands infront of her, and she looks at him, her fingers still working her boobs as she thinks about what’s just happened. She looks back at the camera, confirming what she was thinking about. “He almost made me cum ... Almost...” A pause. “So close!”
They face off for a few more seconds, the dog looking at the lady; the lady playing with her boobs and looking at him. Then she suddenly blurts out, “Okay ... I want to fuck now ... I want him to fuck me hard!” There’s a trace of a smile on her face, confirming that she’s definitely into this, and keen to continue.
We cut to a few seconds later, with Zara assuming the position on hands and knees, soft titties hanging down and swinging as she shifts her weight and turns to look over her shoulder to see if the dog is showing any interest in what she’s offering...
She makes the offer even more obvious – dropping her shoulders, her weight on her forearms and elbows, letting her tits brush the filthy stained mattress, sticking her arse out toward him ... Wiggling it from side-to-side ... Making kissing sounds with her mouth ... Asking for it... “Come on ... Fuck me ... Fuck me, boy ... Come on...”
Tyson has never been the kind of dog to turn down a willing bitch – and he’s not about to start today ... Padding forward on the soft mattress, his big body rolling from side-to-side as he comes up behind her. He doesn’t pause to sniff at her or check it out any further, just rearing up over her arse – front legs either side of her, paws scrabbling for grip, catching the front of her thighs and pulling himself over and closer to her – his belly soft on her butt, his cock already lined up with her waiting snatch...
Pumping at her ... The lipstick tip of her member prodding and stabbing at her ... Hitting her pussy lips, sliding up and over them ... Repositioning on the soft bed, then trying again, this time sliding down and under, hitting her inner thigh ... Jerking around behind and under her ... And the whole time she’s adjusting her position, trying to lower her pussy to meet his low stabs, raise it for the high shots...

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