The United Kingdom Of Zoo (A Fake BBC Documentary Series)S11:E03: Madison Hayles (22), From Huddersfield free porn video

We start this week’s show with an establishing shot of a large, angular glass fronted building with the words “HUDDERSFIELD LEISURE CENTRE” standing on the front of its roof.
As we pan along the front of the building, we come to rest on a slutty-looking brunette with a hefty looking blue-grey Weimaraner. It’s the last of this year’s three hosts, our perverted pornster – Renae Russell ... Her long brunette hair hanging loose, down to the shoulders of her white mini-dress – which is tight enough to show off her fake tits, which barely move as she steps into frame.
She introduces the show direct to camera in her squeaky girly accent, “Hello, and welcome to another edition of ‘The United Kingdom of Zoo’ ... I’m your host, Renae Russell, and this week, I’ve brought my big bad doggy to Huddersfield in Yorkshire, to enjoy some healthy activity with a nasty little slut who wants to have some special exercise time...”
The brunette turns and begins to walk the dog up toward the entrance of the leisure center. We get a good opportunity to admire her arse in that short skirt, doing our best to look up it and check if she’s even bothered with panties today ... She half-turns back to us, a knowing smile on her face as she points toward the building – “She’s in there...” Then toward her own behind, “ ... Not here...”
We cut to a wide shot of the interior of a large leisure pool - young children splashing around in the water – older swimmers racking up the laps ... And on the pool deck, walking along the side of the water, pointing at swimmers and shouting safety instructions at rowdy teenagers – a slim woman with long ginger/orange hair, squeezed in a black polo-shirt that hugs tight enough to her body for us to see she has a dynamite tight body.
We cut to a close-up of her ... That mass of long, smooth, orange/ginger hair is pretty impressive up close - parted down one side of her head and swept over one side of her round face, then flowing down over her shoulders. The face itself is strange combination of pretty big green eyes, a large nose and thick lips, that somehow works – possibly because of her youth and the good condition of her skin. She wears a bratty, over-confident expression as she introduces herself in a harsh over-loud, confident Yorkshire accent. “M’ name’s Madison ‘ayles, and I’m from ‘uddersfield in Yorkshire. I’m 22-year-old ... And, erm...” She cracks a twisted smile and confirms – “ ... I want t’ ‘ave sex wi’ a dog!”
We cut to a raised café/seating area that overlooks the pool ... Sitting side-by-side at a table, and looking out over the pool as they chat – Madison and Renae are enjoying a coffee together. There’s no sign of our dog – for health and safety reasons he wasn’t allowed into the leisure center, so he’s waiting outside in our van.
Our cameras switching from a two-shot of the two of them, close-ups of our guest, reaction shots of Renae nodding and smiling, and occasional long-shots from the other end of the pool, looking up at them talking.
“I like working ‘ere ... It’s a great place if you’re a bit pervy ... You meet so many ‘fit’ people...”
Renae smiles and joins in, “I always like to look at the girls at the pool, and the beach ... I mean, I’m not a lesbian, but women are sooo ... Sexy ... You know what I mean, right?” The look on her face suggests that she hoping her guest will indicate an interest in some girl-on-girl action as well as the impending doggy fun.
Madison doesn’t look away from the water, her face giving no indication of her preferences – we cut to the water, looking from girl to girl, their faces blurred out, but cleavage left in crisp focus, confirming that there is plenty of ‘talent’ in the water. Slim girls, big boobs. Chunky girls, bigger boobs. Then we’re back to the café ... Madison speaking over the top of the sequence, “Nahh ... Not really ... I like cocks too much to be into girls!”
Renae looks almost disappointed...
The light moment over, we’re into our guest’s story...
Madison looking up into camera and stating that, “I just really like dogs ... Really, really, really like ‘em...” She declares. Stopping and looking into our camera. Pausing, then adding, “I mean ... I like men ... Men are good fun, in bed, but ... They’re a pain in the arse afterward – they want to be told they’re great ... They get upset if you talk to someone else ... But dogs – they don’t care ... They love you, and they love your friend ... I imagine the sex is the same ... Just unconditional, enthusiastic, hard and fast ... That’s what I imagine. That’s how it looks on tv ... It’s all just so rough and dirty ... The idea of being with them is so disgusting.” She smiles, shrugging her shoulders, then adds, “I can’t wait!”
We hover on her – waiting, as if she’s going to add something more ... But she doesn’t – and we cut to:
A small laneway to the rear of the leisure center. The smooth concrete walls of the building on one side - a ten foot brick wall on the other side. A wide doorway leads out of the back of the building, and a line of large industrial garbage cans are up against the wall. There’s graffiti everywhere...
The heavy door opens and Madison steps out, leading Renae with her. Holding her hands up to show off the squalid little space, our guest says, “This is a nice private spot ... I thought we could do it here...”
Of course, in reality we have already checked this spot out – made sure the laneway is nice and quiet and we won’t be disturbed. Our sound man had even checked for sound levels, advising us that we’d likely get a nice echo, and the dog’s paws would make plenty of noise on the concrete ground.
“It’s perfect...” Confirms Renae. “A dirty little area, for a dirty little lady, to have some dirty little fun ... With our big, bad doggy...”
We cut to watch as that Weimaraner trots down the lane toward us. Head up, almost prancing, light on his feet even though he’s a solidly built beast. He rounds the corner, see Renae and our guest waiting for him and immediately begins to wag his tail, no - the whole of his body, as he approaches them, looking up and trying to figure out which one he’s going to fuck today. Either way, he’s a lucky boy and he’ll be very happy!
Madison squats and holds her arms out toward the beast – waiting for him to come up close and meeting his head and neck with her hands, digging her fingers into his short fur and ruffling against his powerful muscles. Getting a good feel for the monster.
There’s an excited look in her eyes as she fusses over him, chattering away with “Hello” and “Good boy” and the like ... There’s no fear, just a sense of fun and desire. Smiling as she leans into the dog, stroking and rubbing his beck and back, taking deep breaths, smiling again as she looks up at Renae.
Dropping forward to her knees, bending closer toward him, reaching further down his body... “Good boy ... Who’s a good boy...?” Looking up to make sure she’s doing the right thing...
Renae interrupts, “You might want to take your clothes off before you get him too excited ... The best fucking is when he’s just starting to get horny...”
We cut immediately to a shot of Madison standing up, peeling her polo shirt up her slim body – her belly is flat as a rock, her little black bra nicely cupping nice B-cup titties – small but perfectly formed. She pulls the shirt over her head, dragging her hair with it, twisting free and throwing the shirt back to Renae, who catches it and stuffs it safely into her shoulder bag. Madison tidies her hair behind her head as she throws a quick ‘Thankyou’ to Renae.
Then it’s her trousers, unbuttoned, unzipped, and slipped down smooth, toned (rather than muscular) legs. She pulls her panties down at the same time, flashing her well-trimmed, but not bald, pussy ... She’s in a rush, not looking to stretch this strip out any longer than necessary. This isn’t a strip-tease, this is a strip-to-fuck...
She turns, showing us her firm little peach of an arse, and throws her trousers to Renae as well, then reaches up behind her back to unhook her bra, removing it and handing it off to our host – who stuffs it into her shoulder bag with the rest of our guest’s clothes. Then she turns back to us, giving us a full frontal look at her in all her glory ... Her body looks as good stripped as we thought it would be when we saw it clothed...
And then Madison is back on her knees, down on the dirty concrete, next to the dog ... Stroking him, looking up at our host, who is to the side of our camera, and stating that “I just want to fuck!” as she leans forward onto her hands and begins to raise her arse – making sure this is alright... “Does he need any foreplay?”
“No ... Just get into position – he’ll take over as soon as he realises what you are doing...” Replies Renae, a light tone in her voice.
For his part, Logan is already beginning to move around to get around behind the tight young slut ... Looking up to make sure his mistress isn’t going to order him to ‘stay’. Of course she isn’t.
Madison has her palms and fingers flat on the ground, her elbows bent, in a semi-push-up position as she raises her arse – scraping her knees on the harsh surface as she makes sure she is spread and braced for action ... Looking back over her shoulder as the beast moves around behind her, giving him the dirtiest look ... Big eyes and soft lips, slightly apart ... Breathing short ... Pushing her arse back, moving it around as if she’s trying to aim it at the dog. This one is desperate for action...
The dog moves up closer behind our guest – his short, blue-grey hair brushing up against her rear end as he pushes up and over her, taking up his position on her back ... His paws pulling back infront of and around her smooth, young thighs ... Pulling himself closer as she squeals excitedly, “Ohmigod ... Ooooohhhh!” – the excitement showing on her face.
In a side-shot, taking in her slim body and little tits, the big dog on her back, thrusting and jerking – stabbing at her rear-end ... Her head up, her long hair being shook loose, partially screening her face. Her moving her head, flicking the hair away – wanting us to see her smile ... Letting out an excited little whimper as he pulls up against her and stabs harder...
Jerking at her rear, fast and loose. His hindpaws dancing around behind her, the end of his prick rubbing up against (and between) her thighs...
She holds her breath, sticking her arse back into the beast’s thrusting action...
We cut down to a low-angle close-up – watching as the hot, wet tip of the dog’s cock rubbing against her slot, making her gasp again and wriggle as he pushes it in ... Finding the way ... Stabbing into her, swelling and thrusting as the beast shuffles up.
Madison lets out a long, high-pitched and excited squeal – “OOaaaahahhhhhhhh!” – the joy and the shock of her first canine penetration almost blowing her mind. Eyes wider than ever...
She’s rocked forward on her hands as the dog hits top gear – hammering into her. All of his weight and size thumping in and out of her tight snatch. “Oh yeaaaaahhhh, come on ... Fuck meeeeeee!”
The dog’s cock sliding in and out, pumped hard – burning her, stretching her, punching her in the guts three-times a second, threatening to split her clit in half ... It’s all too much...
“OOoooohhhhhh Gggggoodddddd!” gasps Madison, mouth open, eyes bulging, looking dead ahead – focusing on the pain and unbridled joy of a dog pounding. Her breathing ragged, “Ooohh Goooddddddd ... Don’t stttaahhhhpp!”
The dog still thrusting – hard and fast ... He’s putting the full minute into this one – because she’s worth it! Gripping her with his front legs, pounding her with his fat cock ... Fur a blur of motion over her smooth flesh...
Low angle again – watching that thick club thump in and out of the girl’s wet hole ... Stretching her pussy lips wide, dragging them back with each backstroke, pushing them in on the thrust ... The knot at the base of his shaft beginning to grow, pushing in, then popping out ... Not big enough to stick yet...

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