The United Kingdom Of Zoo (A Fake BBC Documentary Series)S14, E09 - Vanessa Moore (34), From Manchester, With Jenna free porn video

We begin this week’s show with a shot of a collection of impressive, modern tower blocks. Each has a different style, format, and color. From browns, to greys, to whites. Lots of windows and lots of balconies.
We move along a new, black-topped road, toward the towers, noting the lack of old buildings, and the lack of greenery (a few freshly planted trees and a flower bed, nothing more).
There’s an ornamental sculpture up ahead at the side of the road – it looks like a stack of cubes twisted around at different angles, with the same letters printed on all four sides of each block. Spelling, from top to bottom, TOMORROW.
It’s not the biggest sign, and we can see that someone is standing behind it – because there’s a beautiful arse sticking out on one side (wrapped in a tight black mini-skirt that barely qualifies as a belt), and some cleavage (in a low cut leather-look bodice that really pushes it together) at the front ... As we get closer, she steps out so we can see her...
It’s our bleach blonde, big jawed, fake boobed, former Playboy Playmate – the all-American dog-fucker, Jenna McCartney.
She smiles at our camera as we get closer, then launches into her intro in that mid-western American accent of hers, “Hello, and welcome to Salford Docks in Manchester ... I’m your host, Jenna McCartney, and this – is ‘The United Kingdom of Zoo’.”
We cut to a close-up, “Domestic violence is the most horrendous thing that most women will ever have the misfortune to face ... Here at the United Kingdom of Zoo we take this extremely seriously – because the only thing that should ever pound on a woman, is a big fucking dog! Here at the United Kingdom of Zoo we believe in revenge – and this week’s guest, is here to get some ... Revenge, that is...” She pauses, then smiles, “ ... And a bit of a pounding from a nasty fucking dog too...”
She turns to look back toward those towers, and we cut to inside one of the high-rise apartments...
We meet this week’s guest standing infront of the sliding windows that lead to the balcony that looks out over the streets we were just filming from ... Standing there, her back to the window, facing us with her arms out wide and welcoming, she looks like a girl who could be a lot of fun...
She’s a fuller figured lady, not fat – but not slim, with a great chest (barely hidden beneath a low-cut cami-top), with a round face, an open-mouthed smile, big blue eyes, and neatly styled brunette hair, pulled back from her face and tied behind her head – a loose fringe left hanging down over one eye.
She manages to force words from her wide smile, almost gushing as she introduces herself, “Hello ... I’m Vanessa Moore ... And you’re not!” She laughs a little, leaning forward to show off her beautiful cleavage. “And don’t you wish you were?!” She laughs a little more. “I’m a 34-year-old, single mother of two, from Manchester.”
We cut to a two shot of Vanessa standing next to our American host, still backed by that big window. The curvy brunette and the dynamite blonde make an interesting pair...
Jenna nods and smiles as our guest tells us her story...
Breathing deep, trying to cover up the pain of her back-story, she begins - “I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life ... I’m really not a good judge of men, or I do something that attracts the wrong ones ... I keep picking the bastards ... I’ve had one abusive relationship after another ... My last partner used to beat me if I even talked to another man, and, well, I had the last laugh because this place was his, and now it’s mine, and he’s doing time...” She laughs a little ‘victorious’ laugh, then continues, “And after him, I just decided I’d had enough of it. I’m not taking it anymore ... I’m done with men.”
“It’s a pretty big leap from being done with men, to starting up with dogs...” Jenna’s statement hangs in the air like a question.
“Yeah ... I suppose it does seem like a gap ... But ... I DO like dogs ... I DO think it’s sexy to see a woman having ‘relations’ with one ... So this isn’t some wild, out of nowhere move.” She pauses, thinking, then adds, “ ... But I’ve never wanted to do it myself. That’s never been a fantasy of mine. It’s like watching lesbian porn – I enjoy it, but I’ve got no interest in doing it.”
“Okay then...” Smiles Jenna, warming to her guest. “ ... So how do we get from ‘I like to watch it’ to ‘I want to do it’?”
Our guest sighs, “Ahh ... Like I said, I’ve had really bad luck with men ... I’ve been beaten, and abused, and used by just about every man I’ve ever been with ... So I want to make a break from that life ... My old life ... And I want to start a new one ... I tried to think of something that was completely ‘not me’, and I was reading an article about women in relationships with dogs, and I thought, that’s definitely ‘not me’, and then I thought, doing what I’ve always done obviously isn’t working, so why not try to it ... And then I thought, I want the whole world to know that I’m someone else ... And that’s what brought me here.”
She holds her hands up – suggesting that there’s nothing more.
Jenna nods, “Well, if you want to change your life – this is a great way to do it ... My life has turned upside down since the first time I did it ... I was famous and successful before I started, but I was never happy ... Now ... I’m the happiest bitch on the planet!” She gives Vanessa one of her extra bright smiles, flashing all of those big white teeth. Then she adds, “And it’s a great way to thumb your nose at all the men who ever abused you...”
“Yeah...” Responds our guest. “Who needs men...?” – she smiles back, “ ... All I need is a dog ... Do you have one for me?”
We cut to the door of the apartment as it opens, and this week’s star enters ... Grey and solid ... Our American bulldog, Cooper, sidles into the room, his paws clicking on the boards as he looks around, tongue out – quickly spotting what he’s come here for today...
We cut back to the other side of the room to see our guest – and she’s already naked ... Looking back at the dog with a focused look on her face – like what-have-I-got-myself-into?
She steps forward toward the dog and drops down to her knees on her hardwood floor – catching his head as he goes straight for her crotch ... Trying to push past her hands, but she gets a good grip – taking control.
She holds his head, lifting it so she’s looking into his big dark eyes – and calmly making a deal with him... “I’ve made a lot of mistakes ... Please don’t let yourself be one of them...”
Then she leans forward towards him and allows him to lick at her mouth - letting her lips part a little so that his long tongue can swipe over her teeth ... She brings her hands up from his head to her breasts – just holding them, nothing more...
Relaxing and letting her teeth part so he can lick deeper inside – bringing her tongue up to meet his ... And then flicking it out whenever he backs away, teasing him to come back for more ... Smiling a little each time he starts licking again, moving her hands around, brushing her palms over her nipples – then moving to fingers on nipples.
She tries to keep him occupied with kisses, but he has other things on his mind ... A certain smell wafting up to him from between her thighs – dropping his head and trying get at it. She lets go of her lovely tits and tries to steer his mouth back up toward hers, stealing a few more almost reluctant licks from him ... But he keeps trying to move away...
Our American host advises/confirms that, “He wants to lick your pussy...”
And after a couple more licks on her lips and tongue, she lets him head south again ... Sighing, “Ooooh okaaaaaayyy!” and feigning reluctance as she shifts to the side, raising one knee in the air to open up her legs and offer him easy access to her pussy...
He drops his head down between her thighs and sniffs, then licks at her pussy ... The first contact makes her back jerk, her head flicking up and a surprised smile flickering over her face before she looks back down to watch him lick, quickly bringing a hand down on the back of his wide head ... Caressing the fur rather than holding him in place...
She lets his tongue slip and slide over her well-trimmed pussy, dragging those soft pussy lips around – gliding over the hood of her clit. She spreads her legs a little wider and angles her pelvis toward him to ensure he’s able to continue without any impediments. “Oooohhhh ... Why did I try to stop you? Oooohhh...”
She keeps watching him as he continues to lick ... Slopping his tongue over her again and again ... Slicing a wet path between her pussy lips, soaking her pink slot. The end of each stroke passing over her clit, sending shivers through her body, making her jerk and shiver. Arching her back and closing her eyes, letting his tongue overwhelm her.
Spreading her thighs wider, opening herself up, shivering, arching, tensing, sweating ... And then arching her back as the heat of her orgasm floods through her groin, up into her belly and chest – arching her back and shivering as it flows through her body ... She half cries out, but the sound catches in her throat as her eyes roll up into her skull...
She shakes and then collapses flat on her back, almost unconscious from the sheer intensity of the moment...
Cooper stops licking her pussy – seeing her almost knocked out, he seems to decide she needs to be revived, and stumbles up from between her legs to her head, where he starts to lick at her face, trying to bring her back ... But getting no reaction for the moment...
Cut to a few minutes later, Cooper has moved over to his owner now, and she is making a fuss of him, stroking the sides of his wide head and powerful neck, offering him little kisses of her own...
Our guest shuffles over the smooth boards on her knees, recovered from her orgasm and ready to go again – she moves up behind the dog, and as Jenna fusses with his head, she begins to stroke down his sides.
The American looks up at her, “All better now? Ready to have some more fun?”
Vanessa looks back at her and nods as she runs her hands down his sides and reaches down under him... “I think I’m ready for my next mistake...” – smirking as her hands slips over his belly and find his sheath, fingers around it, stroking against it – rubbing...
The muscular dog is in heaven – his mistress fussing over her head, giving him little kisses, laughing and smiling and making him feel good; the new bitch behind him stroking his heavy cock. Giving him those special feelings ... He knows he’s about to have some real fun now ... It almost looks like he’s smiling. His tail up and wagging infront of our girl...
She shuffles closer behind him, letting her pussy rub up against his rear end, trapping his tail over his back, her pussy pressing up against the base of the tail and his arse ... Bending forward to improve her reach – rubbing his dick, pinching the sheath between her fingers ... Looking at Jenna as she continues to kiss and rub the dog’s head. The girls sharing a moment as well as the dog.
“I can feel it getting hard...” She breaths.
Jenna looks up, smiling, and confirms, “Not long now ... You just keep doing that and he’ll let you know when he’s...” – before she can finish the line the dog pulls away from her, twisting around and pulling out from between the women, quickly moving around behind our host...
He rises up, his front paws on her back – trying to push her forward onto her hands ... Making her laugh... “No, you stupid mutt ... Go for the naked one ... Not meeee!” – she twists and grabs him, pulling him to the side, away from her, almost like she’s showing him our naked guest...
At the same time, Vanessa leans forward, assuming the classic four-point doggy position – two hands on the floor, wide, her arse pushed back, her big tits hanging down and swinging ... Cocking her head back and calling, “C’mon boy ... I’m right here...”
Jenna calls for her to turn around – and she begins to crawl around on the spot ... This movement alone is enough to alert the beast. Turning this way makes her arse wiggle, crawling makes her look more bitch-like to him ... And he makes a break from behind Jenna, to run around behind Vanessa...
He tries to mount her from the side, before he’s even behind her ... Clearly very excited and ready to get started ... But she shrugs him off, and continues to twist and turn, lining herself up with him as much as he lines himself up with her ... And then he’s up again, rising to plant his big paws on her behind, pushing forward over it, legs dropping down her sides...
She yelps, surprised, possibly hurt, but still sounding happy at the mount...
She leans forward a little more, dropping to one elbow and forearm, arching her back, and sticking her solid arse out toward him, then reaching back under her body, between her thighs ... She’s not wasting any time – she knows what she wants...
He keeps pushing forward ... His paws slipping on the floorboards ... The movement making her rock, her big boobs swinging under her as he finds the right position, all the way over her arse so that his big chest is resting on her back - and then he’s right into his thrusting flow ... Pumping his cock toward her pussy, the tip sticking out of his sheath by an inch, hard and pointed and ready to punch between her wet lips...
She’s not waiting for him to find the gap – raising that hand to spread herself open for him – giving him the easiest target any dog could ever want.

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