Enquête indian porn

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teen big black gangbang hairy facial young te

i like to share my story with you folks out there my name is leo i live on the ouskirts of ny city im a lawyer and live in a house with my 2 great friends simone and phil the story i am about to tell you happened about 4 years ago i have to go into every detail because it is a fucking amazing story.......lets begin ... im 27 years old black male job own my house in my spare i love picking up white teen girls to take photos and hopefully fuck them on film its my own private collection iv had...

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Californie Partie 2 sur 3

Le vol dura des heures, et pourtant Maxime n'en pouvait plus d'excitation. Une heure environ avant d'arriver, il se rendit aux toilettes, et se changea pour prendre sa tenue habituelle - jean, baskets blanches, queue de cheval -. Il se sentait ? l'aise ainsi. C'?tait ainsi qu'il comptait vivre aux USA. Galvin lui avait dit que tout ?tait pr?t pour lui, et qu'il n'avait plus qu'? arriver. Son logement, son contrat de travail. Un v?hicule l'attendait ? l'a?roport et devait le conduire ? l'embarcad?re puis jusq...

3 years ago
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Mes fr res et Mes s urs

Mes fr?res et... Mes s?urs! Pr?sentation Je m'appelle Margaux. J'ai seize ans. Je vis dans une famille recompos?e de quatre enfants. J'ai deux grands fr?res et deux petites s?urs. Avec moi, vous direz que cela fait cinq. Mais non. C'est cette ?tranget? que je vais vous raconter. Le r?cit qui suit est ?crit ? partir de mes souvenirs, du journal intime que j'ai tenu depuis mon enfance et des informations que j'ai collect?es aupr?s des diff?rents protagonistes que vous allez rencontrer. Peut-?tre que certains d...

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La traite des blanches

Vous vous appelez Chloé, vous travaillez pour « l’Auvergnat » comme jeune journaliste depuis un an. Vous êtes responsable de la rubrique des chats écrasés et votre travail vous emmerde profondément. Heureusement, vous avez une amie au journal, Julie avec qui vous vous entendez très bien. Vous passez souvent des soirées ensemble, que ce soit en boîte ou chez vous autour d'un verre. Un jour, au détour d’une conversation, elle vous raconte qu’elle n'est pas loin de décrocher un super scoop, il est...

3 years ago
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La dette de Julien envers Alex

Chapitre 1 - Julien et ses probl?mes financiers "Promis Monsieur Durand, je vous promet que je vais tout mettre en oeuvre pour r?gler ce d?couvert sur mon compte le plus rapidement possible. Je suis en train de n?gocier pour un nouveau job me permettant de doubler mon salaire et en finir avec ces petit probl?mes financiers... Laissez moi juste un peu de temps!" Le banquier regarda Julien un peu rassur? mais ce m?fiait un peu. Ce n'?tait pas la premi?re fois qu'il avait convoqu? Julien ? cause de son compt...

2 years ago
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Un destin boulevers

Un destin boulevers?. R?cit d'Evan. Que m'est-il arriv?? Des mois apr?s le d?but de cette histoire sordide, je n'ai toujours pas compris. J'ai beau essayer d'expliquer que c'est une erreur, que quelqu'un m'a fait une blague de mauvais go?t, personne ne me croit. J'en suis arriv? ? douter de moi-m?me. Mes meilleurs amis, le coach de mon club de foot, et m?me ma famille m'ont trait? comme si j'?tais un monstre. Emilie, ma copine, que j'aimais par-dessus tout, m'a aussi laiss? tomber! C'est un c...

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Dans la peau d une esclave

DANS LA PEAU D'UNE ESCLAVE. Chapitre 1 – Léantos est déprimé. En cette fin du 25ème siècle, on est revenu à une vision simplifiée de la Société. Le but est de prévenir les guerres, les famines, les inégalités dans la mesure du possible. Pour y arriver, il a fallu refaire des classes sociales sur un modèle antique. C’est ce que le philosophe Tien Long, appelle « Une société en forme de pyramide. » Tout au sommet, il y le Consortium Suprême, qui nomme les Gérants des Régions. ...

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Allie et Nicole

Allie et NicoleF/f F+/f F+/f+ exhibition ados uro BDSM esclave lyc?e humiliation r?ticenceAvant-propos?:Ce conte enti?rement fictif est l’adaptation fran?aise de l’?uvre am?ricaine d’un auteur dont le pseudonyme est "Annie the slick". (http://www.bdsmlibrary.com/stories/author.php?authorid=292) Elle a publi? deux autres textes?: "Modern Maid" et "L.E.Z. – The Lesbian Sorority". Apr?s avoir contact? Annie par email, elle m’a donn? l’autorisation d’adapter son texte en fran?ais et de le publier. Si cette adaptatio...

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Les f minisatrices Episode 3 Michelle

R?sum? de l'?pisode 2: Yvette Nicolas se lia d'amiti? avec Yvette, la bonne, qui s'av?ra ?tre en r?alit? le mari de Doria. Yvette lui raconta son histoire, ce qui encouragea Nicolas ? accepter sa f?minisation et sa nouvelle vie. Agathe, sa petite amie, lui faisait d?couvrir de nouveaux aspects de l'amour. M?me sa m?re semblait accepter, et m?me appr?cier cette situation. Petit ? petit, Nicole rempla?ait Nicolas, et ses doutes semblaient ?tre oubli?s. Jusqu'au jour o? Michelle, la petite amie de D?borah, la s?ur d'Agathe, ar...

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Heather ? Capd'Any  Heather -Cap desetmana 1  Heather 2  El Cotxe 4  La Festa 5  Dissabte 8  N?ria obeeix 9  Dinar 9  Proves A 10  HabilitatArt?stica 1 10  Bellesa iSeducci? 11  Forma F?sica 1 13 Sopar 15  Nit Dissabte 16  Proves B 17  HabilitatArt?stica 2 17  Compenetraci? ambla parella 18  Forma f?sica 2 20 Proves C 23  HabilitatArt?stica 3 23  Dolor 25  Capacitat Sexual27  Sopar i Premis 31 L'ad?u. Va alPalau 33   31 de Desembre de2000  19:00 Heather  La Heather t? 23anys i ?s una bona concertista de piano i intel...

3 years ago
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Un secret de famille

Un secret de famille. Je m'appelle Michel, j'ai trente-deux ans. Je suis employ? dans un grand magasin. Aline, ma femme, travaille ? mi-temps au m?me endroit que moi, et nous ?levons nos deux enfants. La banalit? affligeante de ma vie m'a sans doute pouss? ? me passionner pour les secrets de famille de mes amis, au point de parfois ?tre tr?s indiscret. J'avais l'impression qu'ils avaient une vie ?tonnante en comparaison de la mienne. La seule "originalit?" de ma famille ?tait le fait que mon p?re soit beauco...

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Hi ! everybody. Welcome back. I am a regular reader of Andaharvasa & it is my 3nd submission of Anubhav. Humble request if you have not read the 1st and 2nd chapters, pls read and proceed to chapter. 3 so that you could understand each and every one and the situations involved without any further introduction/repeatation. Continue now.. In between about my wife: (1996): Susi- 27 years, 5’ 4” with medium standard accessories, active in sex, fully understanding supportable mind & nature; We are...

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The Witch s Curse

The Witches Curse Steve Islop should have been a very happy man as he sat in his railway carriage, looking out at the scenery rushing by, as his train sped from London towards Plymouth - but he wasn't! Most young lawyers, two years qualified out of College, would have been overjoyed at the prospect of taking up an appointment with a respected provincial firm of Solicitors in a pretty market town in the middle of Devon; but Steven wasn't like most young lawyers. Two years previously...

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Um Negocio Lucrativo Portuguese

UM NEGÓCIO BEMLUCRATIVO Geraldo AntonioLelis de Freitas UM OSimca Chambord estacionou na Pracinha do Araçatuba Clube, aquela doColégio das Irmãs, vizinha da Praça 19 de fevereiro.Carro novo, cores tradicionais de vermelho e amarelo, linha impecável,conforto até exagerado. No radio tocava Neil Sedaka, "You mean everythingto me", sucesso romântico. Olocal estava deserto. Deserto era modo de se dizer: alguns carros passavampelas ruas Duque de Caxias e Carlos Gomes. Um "biribeiro" gritou um...

2 years ago
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Die Forschungsreise

Die Forschungsreise (Katrin *2013/ 2014) Teil 1 Einleitung Die Schule war vorbei und ich hatte mal wieder Semesterferien. Mein Studium besch?ftigte sich mit den Mythen und Sagen der verschollenen Mysterien, die sich um die Mayas rankten. Das hatte mich schon immer fasziniert und aus diesem Grunde, hatte ich an einem verregneten Sommertag einen Termin in der B?cherei unserer Hochschule. Die blonde Bibliothekarin kannte mich inzwischen als B?cherwurm und begr??te mich, wie immer, wenn ic...

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Escapadinha no Douro Parte 3

Parte 3- Boa! Exclamou o J, que logo se refreou um pouco perante a minha quase indiferença.- Excelente ideia I, concordou o P, e como temos pouca roupa em cima de nós acaba num instante. Risos.- Não sei não…disse eu, tentando reverter a decisão que parecia tomada.- Qual é o problema? De qualquer forma já nos vimos todos nuzinhos hoje à tarde! Argumentou o J.Estava-se mesmo a ver onde eles nos queriam levar, mas perante tanta insistência e concordância, não seria eu a estragar o barato. Tb era...

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A aposta

Notas: 1 - Aqui n?o tem desculpa, portugu?s ? minha lingua materna, se houverem erros, s?o meus mesmo. 2 - Existe sexo, mas minhas est?rias s?o escritas para investigar como as pessoas se comportariam em uma situa??o de troca de sexo, no presente caso trata-se de se tornar uma pessoa melhor. 3 - A est?ria se passa na Alemanha, por volta da virada do s?culo, varios detalhes s?o historicamente corretos (como o fato de que 13/08/1999 era uma sexta-feira, ou que Ulm e Freiberg jogaram naquele domingo). A escolha...

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Estagiaria pega na obra

Meu nome é Giselle e isso aconteceu antes de me casar .Trabalhava em uma obra bem grande, onde era do RH. Eu não era formada ainda, só estagiaria. Em minha obra havia 550 funcionários.Numa sexta-feira, eu precisava fazer a inspeção semanal na obra, e tinha ido trabalhar com uma calça jeans colada e uma blusa vermelha de mangas largas e compridas com um rasgo nas costas que mostrava metade delas e um decote considerável. Normalmente eu não ía vestida dessa maneira pra obra, pois vcs sabe como é,...

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Miss o Marte

Cap?tulo I Mesmo com todo o avan?o tecnol?gico que o futuro trouxera, o mundo ainda n?o havia se livrado de um antigo problema... O desemprego. Eduardo estava desempregado h? v?rios meses. Algu?m que por v?rios anos conheceu oi sucesso agora enfrentava cobran?as, contas atrasadas e estava preste a ser despejado de seu apartamento. Para completar a desgra?a, sua namorada o havia abandonado. - Melhor assim - pensou ele - pelo jeito ela s? estava interessada na minha conta banc?ria. Bem que me disseram que mul...

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Sou proprietária de uma Sex shop e vendo muitos comprimidos potenciadores sexuais. Naquela manhã tinha recebido uns Cialis e uns Vigour azuis que eram muito bons, Passado algumas horas recebi um telefonema de um homem que queria saber se podia passar por lá porque queria comprar umas coisas. Dei-lhe a morada e passado uma hora ele apareceu.Era um cinquentão com ar de trolha, que me olhou com ar de comilão. - Gostava de saber o que tens aí para ter mais tesão e foder durante mais tempo. -...

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MageChapter 24

We all used our mind-cloaks as we approached the entrance to the manoir; Jukar using the amulet version which she could switch on herself, though wasn’t yet in a position to actuate her own version. At the door Arch pulled the bell-pull and we awaited an answer, which came quickly. “The Comte is not receiving visitors at the moment,” came a very snooty reply from a senior manservant. “Oh, I think he’ll be receiving us,” Arch stated flashing a blank piece of paper in front of the man and...

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MelinaMelina lie? sich im weichen Leder der R?ckbank des Mercedes zur?cksinken. Sie hatte schlechte Laune und war ungl?cklich. Au?er ihr war nur noch der Chauffeur im Auto. Es ging Richtung Schottland, zum l?ndlichen Anwesen ihres Onkels. Sie trug einen fast knielangen rosafarbenen Rock, eine wei?e Bluse und Sandaletten, ebenfalls in rosa.Melina ist 1,76 m gro?, hat blonde, bis unter die Schultern reichende Haare und eine tolle Figur. Mit ihren Ma?en 88 – 58 – 90 ist sie ein echter Blickfang und ihre K...

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Hirst Hall German

Hirst Hall (German)Anmerkung des Autors: Dies ist die deutsche Fassung des englischen Originals von Hirst Hall. Hirst Hall hat mich von Anfang an so in seinen Bann gezogen, dass ich Surtea einfach um die Erlaubnis bitten musste, dieses meiner Meinung nach meisterlichen Werkes, in die deutsche Sprache ?bersetzen zu d?rfen. Leider sind meine Englischkenntnisse sehr bescheiden, so dass dies keine 100% ?bersetzung wird. Aber ich denke, zu 90% werde ich es hinbekommen, zumal Surtea die ?bersetzung v...

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Um casal muito interessante

Dia seguinte, sol quente, e às 10 horas da manhã com nossos respectivos maridos ainda dormindo. Desço para a piscina e já encontro Marla tentanto recuperar o bronzeado perdido em muito tempo na Dinamarca . Ficamos ainda algum tempo reclamando alegremente dos nossos corpos doloridos e trocando impressões sobre a noite anterior como se fossemos amigas a longo tempo. Trocamos mil confidencias a respeito de nossas aventuras sexuais , dentro e fóra do casamento, e logo nossas risadas nervosas...

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Le Retour partie 3 sur 3

Maxime resta tr?s longtemps dans un demi-coma. Ou, tout du moins, il le pensait. Des images allaient et venaient. Des personnages apparaissaient devant lui. Il ne pouvait pas voir leur visage, mais il les entendait parler. Parfois en fran?ais, parfois en anglais. Il se sentit avoir froid. Puis chaud. Puis froid ? nouveau. Et faim. Et chaud. Plusieurs fois il voulut ouvrir ses yeux, mais il n'y parvenait pas. Lorsqu'il ouvrit enfin ses yeux, il ?tait dans une chambre d'h?pital. Toute blanche, toute...

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La femme du gouverneur

La femme du gouverneur Ch 1 Grand Prize – The Governor’s Wife! Coulybaca /Black Demon ? ? ? ? ? -???????? Quelle belle salope ! Grogna ? voix basse,  Cecil Benson, ? l'adresse de deux de ses hommes, connus en tant qu’agents de recouvrement charg?s de r?cup?rer le prix de ses services aupr?s de certains consommateurs qui r?clamaient sa protection. Ce commerce de la protection rapproch?e que dirigeait Cecil l'amenait ? fournir des gardes du corps arm?s pour les clients qui faisaient des affaires dans la banlieu...

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La mont e du d sir

Ce premier chapitre, présentant les acteurs et les circonstances des fâcheux événements qui s'ensuivront est peu chargé en véritables descriptions sexuelles, de fait l'auteur semble avoir voulu mettre en évidence la montée du désir entre deux personnes amies qui ne de prime abord ne se convoitaient ni l'un ni lautre. * C'était la dernière semaine que Chris passait avec Lisa e Dave en tant qu'invité. Il avait déjà passé deux semaines de bon temps avec eux. Dave était un grand ami...

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Viols lors de la croisi re inaugurale French

Cruise Ship Captives Omar - Viols lors de la croisi?re inauguraleCruise Ship Captives Couylybaca / Black Demon       Le paquebot de luxe 'Islands of Pleasure" allait partir pour sa premi?re croisi?re, un long p?riple de Charleston aux Bahamas. Cette sortie initiale servait ? tester le navire au plan commercial. Naturellement comme il s'agissait d'une premi?re sortie au d?part de Charleston les passagers ?taient pour la plupart des autochtones. Les dates des croisi?res futures d?pendraient du succ?s de ce voy...

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Der ehrenwerte Pastor German

Der ehrenwerte PastorDienstag Die 15-j?hrige Karola lag in der Badewanne und genoss das hei?e Wasser. Sie war mit ihren Freundinnen Eislaufen gewesen. Es gab einen kleinen See unweit des elterlichen Hauses. Etwa 250 m lang und 70 m breit war er nur. Im Sommer nutzen sie und ihre Freundinnen ihn zum Baden, im Winter zum Eislaufen.Karola ist eine wahre Augenweide. Lange schlanke Beine. Fester Po und stramme Schenkel. Und was f?r Br?ste. Mit den Ma?en 86-57-88, bei einer Gr??e von 1,65 m, ist sie schon ...

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Julie s story

Julie's story By Kyorii Chapter 1 - Jason Have you ever gotten that feeling that something was about to happen? Well I have and I've had it for some time now. It's strange, but for the last few days I keep having the feeling I was being watched or observed. It's quite creepy, as I'm not even a particularly interesting person, I'm just a cleaner. I've been to the shops on the way back from work and have just...

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Valeria CD e o amante incentivador

Valéria CD e o amante incentivador – relatoEste relato, do início da minha vida como fêmea crossdresser (cd), começa quando conheci o César num chat gay. Eu entrei com o nick Passivo procura/RJ e ele com MILITARKERFEMEA. Naquela época eu já gostava muito de usar cuequinhas bem sexies, bem cavadinhas, mas não eram calcinhas. O nosso papo evoluiu e começamos a nos comunicar numa intensa troca de e-mails diários em que César queria ser o meu amante, mas antes de mais nada me incentivou a me tornar...

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Vom Regen in die Traufe German

Vom Regen in die TraufeDie Leiden eines Kriegsgefangenen Roman von ?Masostud?? 2011 by Masostud Erstes KapitelDie Ostfront des ?1000-j?hrigen Reiches? war im Winter 1943 auf 1944 de-facto am Zusammenbrechen. Immer mehr Bataillone l?sten sich entweder durch Fahnenflucht oder durch die K?lte und den Verpflegungsmangel oder schlicht und einfach durch Einwirkungen der russischen Armee auf. Ich ahnte den Zusammenbruch des 3. Reiches und wollte nicht zu den Verlierern geh?ren, daf?r war mir mein erst 20 j...

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Vento Sobre o Mar in Portuguese

16/12/02 Sucker love is heaven sent You pucker up, our passion's spent My body's broken, yours is spent Still there´s nothing else to do Every me and every you Placebo Sala de aula. Oito horas da manhã. Aula de filosofia. O professor tinhasaído por alguns momentos, e a maioria dos alunos estava escrevendo,alguns estavam conversando e uns poucos estavam dormindo. Virgínia sentavalargada na cadeira, olhando para a janela. Um vento frio soprava lá fora,o dia estava cinzento, talvez chovesse...

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A Vida de Uma Barbie 2

A Vida de Uma Barbie 2 Didi62 ([email protected]) Se John achava que seu humor iria melhorar depois de ligar para Mary e aceitar o papel na pe?a, ele estava muito enganado. Ele n?o conseguiu relaxar nem por um minuto naquele s?bado, e a situa??o n?o mudou no dia seguinte... _ Eu n?o sei... acho que n?o quero ir... _ disse John ao telefone na manh? de domingo. _ Mas John! Voc? prometeu! _ disse Linda. John havia combinado no in?cio da semana que iria almo?ar na casa de sua namorada no domingo...

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Carmela Spanish

Carmela Transcurria el ano de 1776. Las trece colonias Britanicasen la America del Norte habian declarado su independencia, y la guerra contrala corona Britanica estaba en su momento cumbre. Mas al sur, Espana fortaleciatodo su imperio. Mayormente en su apreciada isla: Cuba. La trata de esclavos era un gran negocios para los colonos,tanto como en la isla, como en los de las trece colonias, que habian en laAmerica continental. Las grandes plantaciones de cana de azucar necesitabanesclavos...

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Sommerferien in Oberbayern GERMAN

1. Kapitel Wir wollten an diesem wundersch?nen Sonntagnachmittag mal wieder etwas Aufregendes erleben. Deshalb hatten wir uns in unser Auto geschwungen und waren - zun?chst auf's geratewohl ins Blaue gefahren. Das es dann so aufregend werden sollte, hatte sich keiner von uns beiden gedacht. Aber der Reihe nach. Wir, das sind Sabine und ich. Wir beide sa?en also in unserem Auto und fuhren ?ber die Landstra?en. Sabine  hatte  -  dem Wetter angemessen  -  ein  leichtes Sommerkleid an. Wie ?blich hat...

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Hugo Chapitre 3 5 Malaise

Partie 3 : Malaise L'a?roport arriva tr?s vite. Il faisait tr?s chaud. Et il pleuvait. Ils se pr?cipit?rent dans le hall sous des rideaux de pluie, puis vers le bus qui les conduisait ? leur h?tel de Basse-Terre. Au bout de 10 minutes, Hugo d?testait d?j? cet endroit, il se sentait suer de partout, ? moins que ce ne soit l'humidit?. Au bout d'une heure, il tomba litt?ralement amoureux du paysage fantastique de l'ile. C'?tait la basse saison. Les h?tels ?taient en partie vides, et le leur n'?chappait pas ? la r?gle. Ils ?ta...

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6 dicas para ela atingir o ORGASMO

No auge da paixão na cama, ela curva as costas e solta um gemido gritando que ecoa pelo quarto inteiro. As mãos dela estão apertando suas costas, mas o que você consegue sentir somente são as apertadas e súbitas contrações musculares dela, enquanto ela se perde em meio ao prazer.Logo após, ela sussurra no seu ouvido “Wow, isso foi incrível…”.Mesmo que isso pareça mais um sonho do que a realidade neste momento, existem alguns “botões mágicos” que você pode apertar para fazer sua parceira atingir...

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R ducation

R??ducation 1er Chapitre?: le pi?ge Cette fois, cela en ?tait trop, Patricia ne pouvait plus supporter le machisme d'Eric. Cette soir?e entre amis et les remarques d?plac?es de son mari avaient d?pass?s les bornes. Il fallait que cela change, qu'il apprenne ? mieux consid?rer et respecter les femmes. D?s le lendemain, elle se mit en qu?te d'un centre, d'une ?cole de r??ducation pour ce type de probl?mes. Elle avait appris par une connaissance que cela existait et qu'il ne fallait pas forc?ment chercher loin...

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Part One   Schwestern  ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????  Unschuldig und st?rrisch waren sie, wie alle zuerst unschuldig und st?rrisch waren, bevor er ihnen die Werkzeuge zeigte und erkl?rte. Es machte ihm immer besonderes Vergn?gen und er sah es als eine Art erregendes Vorspiel, seinen Opfern? genau und ausf?hrlich auszubreiten, was sie erwartete. Er liebte es mit ihnen zu spielen, wenn sie zur?ckwichen, wenn sich ihre Augen entsetzt weiteten, w...

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Schloss Gr nwalde

Schloss Gr?nwaldeTeil 1 – Kapitel 1-13Synopse: Gr?fin Verena von Grunwald nimmt in ihrer Verzweiflung finanzielle Hilfe von Robert Geldern an und willigt gleichzeitig in die Ehe mit ihm ein. Die zwei T?chter der Gr?fin macht er sich ebenfalls Untertan. Bei der 16-j?hrigen Komtess Tabea hilft er mit einem speziellen Serum nach. Bei der 13-j?hrigen Komtess Tamara stellt er schnell fest, dass sie eine ausgepr?gte masochistische Ader hat.Kapitel 1Tabea von Grunwald griff mit zitternden Fingern zum Telefon.?...

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L ducation de Dominique 5

Elle fini sa conversation en me disant que nous nous verrions demain ? l'?cole. Je raccrochai donc avec un n?ud ? l'estomac car maintenant, j'allais devoir affronter ma famille. Je rejoignis donc ma m?re seule au salon, elle avait une mine grave et je m'assis en face d'elle. Elle me demanda directement si j'aimais r?ellement Marie. Je lui r?pondis que oui et que je ne voyais pas ma vie sans elle. Elle rench?rit, en es-tu s?r?? Je lui r?pondis ? nouveau et avec v?h?mence que oui. Alors dit-elle, p...

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Paid For Sex With Mother 8211 Part I

This happened few years back. I got admission in Engineering degree course in a college which was situated in the city famous for ‘dancing diva’ and ‘big redlight area.” Like other first termer I was also ragged . I fully cooperated with seniors and as a result intensity of ragging was at low level for me. Further they got impressed by my physique and keen interest in sports and exercise . I did not skip my exercise . Time passed soon. We visited our natives during puja & diwali vacation but my...

2 years ago
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Alexia en mission

Alexia en missionChapitre 1 : recrutementBim Bang Bam Boum Bim Bang Bam Boum !Une jolie petite main fine se tend vers le t?l?phone pour arr?ter la sonnerie de cloche ?manant du t?l?phone pos? sur le chevetd'une chambre de la r?sidence universitaire de l'universit? de lettre de M. .- Ho la la ! Il est d?j? l'heure de se lever ! Vivement les vacances !Un second bras surgit de sous la couette pour proc?der ? un long ?tirement, pr?c?dent une la belle frimousse d'Alexia.La petite brune, 1m57 pour 42 kg, majeure depuis peu, ...

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Alice et sa maman

Alice et sa maman Par BMC (byBforbeMformyCforcunt)R?sum?. St?phanie est inqui?te, elle s'absente pour le week-end et a du confier sa petite fille ador?e, Alice, ? son voisin inqui?tant monsieur Pr?dat. Qui est vraiment monsieur Pr?dat, Thor de son pr?nom; qu'elle ne connait pas tr?s bien? Un type bien et incompris ou un pervers. Qui est vraiment St?phanie? Une maman aimante et attentionn?e ou une m?re indigne et une tra?n?e. Qui est Alice? une gentille fille ou de la graine de salope en train de germer pr?te ? entamer une desce...

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Sacrif cios

Ainda observava com estupor enquanto o caixão do meu pai descia vala abaixo. Ao meu lado minha mãe e minha irmãzinha choravam inconsolavelmente os últimos “momentos” com esse ser familiar tão especial. Ainda podia ouvir as palavras que ele me disse quando o visitei pela última vez na ala da quimioterapia do hospital: “Cuide da sua mãe e irmã, me prometa isso”. Prometi a ele e farei de tudo que for possível para honrar a sua última vontade. “George foi um bom homem, Liam, nunca se esqueça disso”...

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Suzi  SUZI....................................................................................................................................1  INICI....................................................................................................................................2  ENTRENAMENT....................................................................................................................3...

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K nigin Kristinas peinliche Befragung German

K?nigin Kristinas peinliche BefragungEnde Mai 1280, in einem fiktiven europ?ischen K?nigreich.In der Folterkammer der Burg bereitete der Henker grade seine Instrumente vor. Er kontrollierte die Stricke an der Streckbank und drehte mehrmals das Rad. Das ausgetrocknete Holz knarzte schrecklich. Sein Gehilfe ?berpr?fte Zangen und den Schraubenstuhl.Die Fackeln in den eisernen Beh?ltern warfen ihr flackerndes rotes Licht auf die dunklen Mauern des Kellers und die schrecklichen Instrumente. Dann kam der ...

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Marie German

MarieMarie, eine wundersch?ne 19-j?hrige junge Dame, wurde mit allen Attributen eines Models gesegnet. Bei ihr musste der liebe Gott ein Auge zugekniffen haben, als es hie?; Bitte anstellen, Sch?nheit, Anmut und Grazie werden verteilt. Die junge Frau musste mindestens zweimal in jeder Schlange angestanden haben, so perfekt war sie gebaut. Sie war 170 cm gro?, hatte K?rbchengr??e 75c, leicht gebr?unte Haut und schulterlanges blondes Haar. Wenn die Sonne darauf viel, glitzerten ihre Haare wie ein golden...

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Priscilla a l Illa in Catalan

Priscil?la a l'Illa 2 El Viatge 2 L?Illa 4 La Tarda 5 Priscil?la 6 Aurora i Patr?cia 7 Priscil?la i Aurora 11 Dia2 12 Dia3 15 Dia4 17 Dia5 18 Dia6 19 Dia7 21 Dia8 22 Dia 9 (tornada) 23 Priscil?la a l'Illa El Viatge 11 Agost 2000 9:00 De manera similar a fa dos anys, les tancaren per dur-les nues. Rentades i netejades de bon mat?, i vestides nom?s amb els habituals collarets a coll turmells i canells i amb els ulls embenats les condueixen el garatge. All? hi ha el mateix contenidor que l?altre cop, f...

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Divya 8211 Ek Teacher Ki Sex Story 8211 Part 7

In last part (6) you read that while returning back from back on rear seat of car headmaster made Divya to hold his cock and he fondled bare cunt. He also proposed for fuck and offered lot of money. But Divya got down at her favourite tea stall. Headmaster sadly went back to school. When Divya reached at tea stall it was around 1.15 of noon. She saw only Kaki there. She enquired and Kaki said that Usha is getting fucked inside by a police inspector and kaka has gone to bring some materials. She...

2 years ago
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Ageless Sex 8211 Part 1

Pramila was born in a remote village not having even road and electricity. But at age of 4 she came with mother and other co brothers & sisters to an Industrial town. Though father was very handsome, mother was also voluptuous but Pramila was not worth looking 2nd time. She grew, passed through convent school and graduated from women’s college. She was fortunate, immediately after graduation she got married to a handsome man, Vinod . He was engineering graduate and very lively. He was so...

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Aquela noite

Era noite lá fora. Talvez fria e chuvosa, mas não lembro ao certo. Como poderia? Só me lembro do que aconteceu dentro do quarto. Ela apareceu numa lingerie lilás, salto preto e o tempo parou. Bem, eu parei. Ela estava linda, sensual, matadora. A única luz acesa no quarto apontava pra o seu corpo. Saboreei aquela visão com paciência. Primeiro apreciei seus lindos pés, perfeitamente encaixados no salto alto fino. Subi às suas pernas e me senti convidado por aquelas coxas grossas a um banquete....

4 years ago
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Trixie oder die WG german Deutsch

Kapitel 1: KennenlernenEine Woche nach ihrem Geburtstag w?rde Trixie endlich diesen Albtraum hinter sich lassen. Vor einigen Jahren hatte sie sich in Miroslav, einen Serben, verliebt. Dieser war st?ndig in Geldnot gewesen und Trixie hatte deshalb in ihrer Firma, wo sie f?r die Datenverarbeitung zust?ndig gewesen war, Rechnungen manipuliert und so sehr viel Geld unterschlagen. Als das Ganze aufflog verschwand Miroslav nach Serbien und hatte nichts mehr von sich h?ren gelassen. Trixie durfte die Sup...

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FamilientraditionenUSABen hatte die Ranch erst vor einem ? Jahr erworben und gleich modernisieren lassen. Er wollte daraus ein Paradies machen. Ein Paradies, in dem er schalten und walten konnte, wie er wollte. Er wollte einflussreiche Personen mit gleichen Interessen hierher einladen. Personen aus Politik, Wirtschaft, Showbusiness und Sport. Woher sollte er wissen, dass dies viel schneller vonstatten ging als er es sich in seinen k?hnsten Tr?umen ausgemalt hatte. Noch vor wenigen Tagen war er J...

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Sempre tive um tesão enorme pela minha irmã, desde os tempos de infãncia ela já dava traços da vagabundinha que seria no futuro. Em meio as brincadeirinhas quando tinhamos 10 anos, ela pegava no meu pau, me mostrava a calcinha, deixava eu brincar com a bucetinha dela, tudo na maior inocencia..eu já me mostrava todo tesudinho querendo uma bucetinha. Ela ficava por horas me mostrando (e vestindo) as calcinhas que pegava na gaveta da nossa mãe, que por sinal é muito gostosa..e coisa que fui...

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Patricia Una Nova Dona al Palau in Catalan

Advertència  : Aquesta història éspura i simple fantasia i no ha de ser llegit per persones a les que pugui molestar.Més estrictament : és sexe-ficció i de cap manera representael que és el món real en que tots vivim i convivim. Sinopsis  : Una noia acabats de complir els 18 anyses duta al Palau, on rebrà l'educació que ja va rebre la sevamare. Qualificació :  M+/f+, pallissa (spanking),  joguines(toys), lligams (bondage), cinturó castedat (chastity belt), reticent(reluctant), Suau/Light...

3 years ago
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Uma lenga Grega A Greek Legend

Uma lenda grega Cap?tulo 1: O anel Eu sempre fui fascinado por mitologia grega. Est?rias de deuses, semideuses, her?is, monstros me acompanharam desde a minha mais tenra inf?ncia e mantiveram minha imagina??o ocupada. Sendo "um vagabundo", como minha m?e costumava dizer eu tinha bastante tempo para dedicar a este hobby. Na verdade eu era "um vagabundo sortudo", pois um tio havia falecido e deixado DM 500.000,00 de heran?a que eu mantinha em uma conta de investimento. Eu n?o era exatamente rico, mas ta...

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Mon oncle

En ce temps-là j'étais espiègle. On ne me tenait pas. Cependant jen'avais vu venir le coup du mariage. Mon mari et moi nous avions voulufaire plaisir et comme pour nous débarrasser on avait dit oui décidés audébut de l'été de faire la fête. De toute façon on n'y couperait pas.Tous les copains nous avons chacun invité à leur mariage. Le cercle serefermait inéluctablement sur nous. Nous prîmes cela en bonne part. Jene regrette rien hormis qu'on aurait pu attendre encore quelques années.Je...

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Die Nachhilfelehrerin

Als ich meinem Mann durch die riesige Glasscheibe des Abfluggates ein letztes Mal zuwinkte, merkte ich zu meinem Entsetzen, dass ich mich frei fühlte. Ein halbes Jahr würde er nun auf einer Großbaustelle in Brasilien verbringen, die er als Bauleiter beaufsichtigen sollte. Oft hatten wir über seine Abwesenheit gesprochen, und nun, als es so weit war, spürte ich nichts von Traurigkeit. Als er durch den schmalen Gang, der zu seinem Gate führte, verschwunden war, drehte ich mich um und genoß die...

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My Chawl 2

Hi this is suresh again i thank all the guys responded to my previvious story and as per my promise i am submitting further consequences . After the incident with geetha we continued our games in privacy in locked room with all the precaution in the world . At least twice a week we played after that both of us became nude , she had nothing to expose or hide as she was almost flat chested or had tiny round shape as if u have put small ber on her chest . Below there was no sign of hairs but she...

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Emma at SchoolPart 1

Had my parents been a normal working class folk, I would left school and gone to work but no, they were comfortably off and could afford to send me to 'finishing school' as they called it. I didn't want to go because I'd heard rumours as to how strict it was and it was a boarding school too so there would be no getting away from it in the evenings. My protests were quickly overruled. "The education you will receive there will help you find a husband that will be able to look after you...

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Ratricha Pravas Marathi Story

Hello friends, me ahe tumcha raj..punha ekda tumcha sati gheun aloy ek swanubhav. Story avadlyas mala yavar nakki kalva. Marathi kaku, vahini, mulgi konala secret relation tevayche asel tr nakki mail kara.Even fake account varun chat kela tari chalel. Tar hi gosht ahe me Raj ani eka unknown lady chi. Punyat engineering che shikshan purn karun me banglore la job karu laglo hoto. So 3-4 months made punyat yene jane chalu asayche. Asach ekda sutti sati punyat alo hoto. Pan return jatana railway...

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Carnival Night Goan Cluture Hot

By: jesolal CARNIVAL NIGHT (GOVAN’S CULTURE) **HOT** Hi ! everybody. Welcome back. it is my 7th Submission of Anubhav. Other submissions are:- Hot Jeso Moombhathi Jalaadhi Ch.1, (Hindi) Hot Jeso Moombhathi Jalaadhi Ch.2, (Hindi) Hot Jeso Moombhathi Jalaadhi Ch.3, (Hindi) Hot Jeso Moombhathi Jalaadhi Ch.4, (Hindi) Pattathi Vidhava Kush*Hot* (Malayalam) LIC benefit fucking *Hot* (Hindi) Continue now.. Jeso came to office in very happy mood and we enquired what is the matter; she explained to...

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Une soir e magique

La ville de Fort-Sépia était un endroit sans histoire. Les jours et les nuits qui s'y écoulaient se déroulaient généralement sans imprévus, et le soir ou commence cette histoire ne semblait pas faire exception à la règle. Au milieu des maisons plongées dans l'obscurité, une seule se démarquait. Ses fenêtres allumées et les silhouettes qui bougeaient, sans parler de la musique qui se faisait entendre jusqu'à l'extérieur semblaient indiquer que ses occupants ne dormaient pas. A l'intérieur, la...

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Parte 4 Después de mi muestra de sumisión, mi Dueño se alejó ordenando a su sumisa “Hecha a este a****l al porche”. Aquella, con una sonrisa burlona, se agachó y cogiéndome por el tobillo de una pata trasera, me arrastró sin miramientos por el suelo, hasta el rincón donde tenía el colchón. Allí, me tiró sobre él, sujetó la cadena al collar y a la anilla de la pared y dándome una patada en el culo, se marchó dejándome sucio y dolorido. El dolor de los pezones, me estaba pasando, pero los...

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We Swapped Mother And Sisters 8211 Part 2

I was very happy with with day’s development, fuck of Kammo at home, nudity of mother, masti with two sisters of Akbar and these medicines. I wanted to fuck mother on her own bed.When I reached home I saw my sister Raji talking with mother & kammo. It was only 5.30 of evening. “Rohan, kanha rah gaya, late kyo ho gaya..? My sister asked. I lied that while coming back I went to Akbar’s house. Mother understood and she began looking down. “raja, fresh hokar jaldi aao, mai chai nasta lati...

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In den Faengen der Mudschaheddin

I n  d e n  F ? n g e n  d e r  M u d s c h a h e d d i nKey-words: Male-Dom, military battle, war crimes, kidnapping, slavery, non-cons. breeding, scatology, serious, body-modific.,rtorture, abuse. GERMAN language.Roman von masostud ? 2010 by Masostud Provided by bdsmlibrary.comSummary: Begeistert zieht Panzerkommandant Sergei in den sowjetischen ?Befreiungskrieg? gegen die afghan. Mudschaheddin. Er wird aber gefangengenommen und verschleppt. Zum Tier degradiert erlebt er die hasserf?llte Rache ...

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Minha primeira vez com um casal

Meu nome é Billy, 1,72 atualmente com 68 kg moreno bem dotado o que vou relatar aqui agora realmente aconteceu, eu trabalho em uma grande empresa no setor de RH com dezenas de outros funcionários, a maioria mulheres e a maioria bonita simpática, nos intervalos conversamos muito brincamos e nas sextas feriras sempre depois do trabalho nos reunimos para tomarmos umas bebidas e rir um pouco, mas confesso que entre tantas mulheres lindas, simpáticas tem uma que me desafia, vou chama-la de Renata,...

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PRISCILLA’S FIRST CANINGI wrote these stories many years ago for the Spreview site. I think they’re probably still posted there, although the site has completely changed its character. Several people told me that they liked this writing.Since then, xhamster has taken everything to a new level, where I think these stories are much more at home. So I have done some rewriting and am posting them here. If appropriate, I can post the remaining 11 sections in sequence.Alex C.PRISCILLA'S FIRST...

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Um Menino Vira Menina

Part I Jessinho entrou de f?rias, e como sua m?e n?o conseguiu tirar f?rias tamb?m naquela ?poca do ano, ela lembrou-se de Ana, a sua irm?, que tinha uma filha e moravam na cidade vizinha. "Por que n?o mandar Jessinho para l?'?", pensou ela, "ele tamb?m tinha a prima que n?o v? h? anos". Um pensamento tamb?m passou na sua cabe?a, "ele tamb?m pode aprender umas coisas com ela, faz tempos que t?nhamos combinado umas coisas e agora ? um bom momento, ele est? j? com dez anos e j? come?a a olhar para as garotas da idade dele com um o...

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Dogging no cinema Porno

Confesso que não sou grande fã de assistir a filmes porno, mas a ideia não me saia da cabeça.Ir a um local apenas frequentado por homens devia ser vibrante. Saber que está a ser projectada na tela uma grande vaca a ser comida por vários gajos, e os espectadores completamente excitados. hummmmcomo seria a excitação deles ao saberem que estava ali uma mulher ao lado deles? devia quadruplicar.As minhas idas ao cinema sempre foram normais, na maioria delas, até fui sozinha. Compro pipocas e lá vou...

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La verite sur les contes Blanche Neige

La v?rit? sur les contes - Blanche NeigeLe miroir- Han ! Han ! Lord John etait en train de s'activer avec ?nergie. A genoux, derri?re une jolie femme, dans la quarantaine.Celle-ci, aux long cheveux bruns et lisses, ? la peau laiteuse, se trouvait nue ? 4 pattes sur son lit.Ces grosses mamelles, encore tres fermes malgr? une grossesse, ballotaient sous elle ? chaque coup de rein de son amant.La grosse et longue queue de Lord John, qui l'avaient aid? ? progresser dans la noblesse au fil de ses conquetes, faisaientd...

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Eu e minha esposa em uma Boate pra CasaisOlá pessoal, estou de volta pra contar algo que aconteceu na minha vida e de minha esposa que foi muito excitante. Havia contado um conto anterior onde contei de nossa transa junto com outro casal, vou nos descrever pra quem esta lendo esse primeiro.Camila é uma linda mulher, 25 anos cabelos lisos e loiros de olhos verdes, peitinhos e bundinha médios, um belo corpo com 1,73 e 53 kg uma linda mulher. Eu 26, tenho corpo atlético cabelos lisos e pretos 1,80...

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Marathi Hot And Sexy Kattha

Hi iss i am very big fan of iss and write 4 story of my friend who is CA and he don’t know how to narrate and submite here that why i put ..let me know u like or not. For non maharastirian people i traslet in English also……/… He drive was pleasant. I started from Pune at 1 pm and in June weather the sky was cloudy. Monsoon breeze was drifting slowly from southwest, as it was beginning of a rainy season, making the summer seem cooler. Fresh green grass was coming up. I was heading towards...

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Hot honeymoon of a Couple

This is the Incident of during my Honeymoon. I got Married to a Village Damsel, Jyoti, just 19 years of Age, Last Year. I will Like to Give details of Physique of my Wife, She was 19, 5' 6", Wheatish Complexion, with a figure of 36-24-34, she had a figure to Die For. If She Walks on Road, She will definitely Make the Heads Turn towards her, as she was So young, LengthyHair,Good Height, Firm Breasts and a Sleek Ass to make the heads turn. As we were engaged for 6 MONTHS before Marrige, We used...

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Comida pelos vizinhos

Quando conheci aquele casal simpático e delicioso, estava longe de imaginar as aventuras deleitosas que me aguardavam.Gostava de partilhar convoscoa melhor noite de sexo que já tive. Jacinto é o nome do homem com quem partilho o meu apartamento. Gosto dele. É um Homem trabalhador, honesto, carinhoso, etc. Mas isso para uma mulher fogosa como eu, não chega – pois ele na cama não satisfaz minimamente os meus desejos e fetiches, então encaro-o como um bom amigo apenas.Fico frustrada com os seus...

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House Party 8211 Part III

You read in first part that my decent looking wife divya fucked by three carpenters in house . In second part my parents joined party , my father fucked bahu, a father fucked his daughter and i fucked mother in both choot and gaand. It was an orgy with three ladies, my mother, my wife and wife of carpenter jatin who fucked with five males. My wife could get only one new cock that night, that of her sasur where as mother got four new cocks including lawda of son in all three holes. Now read what...

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Brewer s halting progress

After my little chat with Brewer (see Bending Brewers' mind) a few weeks past. It was a critical time, one in which he could take a real hiding or he could start down the road of committed cuckold. You can bet, I wondered what happened to him! Then my mistress updated me, it was whilst I was manicuring her toe nails. MY Mistress sent me on a two day course, to learn proper pedicure, so so she trusted me to look after her feet, to paint her nails, bright red in the way that my master Wesley...

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Anjan Aurat Ko Judwa Baccho Ka Sukh Diya

Hello friends, mai rajiv(name changed) iss ka regular pathak hu.Isme maine kafi sari desi hot sex stories padhi isliye mujhe bhi feel hua ki mujhe bhi apni story aap logo se share karni chahiye. A meri pehli story hai jise mai aaj aap sab se share karne ja raha hu. To ab der na karte huye story par aate h.Main jamshedpur se belong karta hu aur ek average physic ka ladka hu yani ki aap bol sakte hai ki na jyada mota aur na hi jyada patla. Meri height 5.7″ nd land ka size 7″ hai.A baat karib 2...

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Vingan a desejada Story writen in Brazilian Portuguese

Ela entrou no carro e j? disse "Abaixe as cal?as at? o joelho e a cueca tamb?m". Obedeci e segui o caminho para o motel dentro do carro, n? da cintura pra baixo. Achei que ela iria me tocando no caminho mas nem sinal. Ao chegar no motel, quis colocar a roupa mas ela n?o deixou. Felizmente a mo?a da recep??o n?o tinha o ?ngulo de vis?o correto, com exce??o talvez quando chegamos quando ela talvez possa ter visto pela frente do carro. Isso pode explicar porque ela parecia um pouco inquieta. Ao chegarmos na gara...

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We Swapped Mother And Sisters

First part of this story ‘Mother Swapping’ was posted in this site on 04 December 2007. I don’t remember under which ID I had posted it. I am a regular contributor to this site. I am Rohan coming back with second part of this story ‘Mother Swapping;. In the first part you read that I have fucked Rubiya , mother of my class mate Akbar. She behaved like a cheap slut and her son Akbar also fucked his own mother in my presence. Thereafter , I succeeded in fucking my own mother in my own house. In...

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Minha primeira vez com um casal Parte final

Parte final)Renata gozou feito louca em minha boca, engoli cada gotinha daquele leite quente, ela tremia e se contorcia enquanto seu marido batia uma deliciosa punhetinha, após se recuperar, Renata olhou para o marido e disse:- Deixe-me recompensá-lo!E começou a me chupar, iniciou com a língua suavemente, depois colocou a beça em sua boca passando a língua até abocanha-lo,acelerou os movimentos cada vez mais alucinadamente,segurei sua cabeça e ordenei:- Engole tudo sua safa,engole essa piroca...

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Divya 8211 Ek Teacher Kee Sex Story 8211 Part IV

Next day school opened. I was normal and both driver and conductor behaved and talked normally. In evening I told them about next school holiday .. It was just after 7 days . Now conductor became more aggressive. He used to press thighs, finding opportunity pinch choot and caress hips. 7 days passed. I reached at corner and to my surprise they came in a car. I sat between driver and conductor… “Kisi aur ko nahi maalum naa..” I was afraid that they may share me with their friends.. “Nahi rani…”...

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Silvanus Another tale set in the Stevenson universe. Chapter 1 The First Step It was a thoroughly miserable February evening on the eastern outskirts of the Northern English town of Middlesbrough, it had been raining most of the day but as darkness fell the temperature dropped and it was now sleeting almost horizontally, being blown by the strengthening wind coming in off the north sea. The front door to a large Victorian detached house opened, a woman and man...

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Angel Rising

CHAPTER ONEMy life changed at the tender age of fifteen. Just fifteen, and since then, I have never actually looked back or regretted what happened. Had my mother known, she would have raised hell, but she never found out. I certainly wasn’t going to tell her. I valued living a little more than that.I had wanted something we couldn’t really afford. It was a dress for the school party the following week. I had been begging for this particular dress for weeks, and was no nearer getting it. My...

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Tonia s first Party

Tonia was a typical student in her second year at Uni, pretty but not stunning, neither big breasted nor flat chested. She was polite, quiet, hard working and conscientious, she wasn't the brightest kid in the class but she made up for it in sheer effort and lots of patient work on her assignments but now she was finding it increasingly hard to keep up and was always studying when her friends were hanging out or partying and as a result life was passing her by. Her mother had finally...

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A Patroa

Comecei a trabalhar num armazém de ferro com 17 anos, antes de vir para a tropa, estamos de falar dos anos de 1990/91/92, ou seja era pouco mais do que um mero adolescente, franzino ainda, mas a minha mente(malandra) já A Patroa estava feita.Na altura ainda antes de ter começado a trabalhar, não tinha feito sexo com nenhuma rapariga apesar de ter 17 anos, eram só curtes, e amassos, estamos a falar de 22/23 anos atrás, eram tempos diferentes, não havia internet, nem facebook, nem sites porno e...

4 years ago
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Oh my G o d e

La femme de mon oncle traînait une mauvaise réputation. Esprit niais àvingt ans je discernais fort mal. Je ne comprenais pas ce qu'on pouvaitlui reprocher. Autrement plus jeune que mon oncle, il était indubitablequ'elle fut jolie. Je lui concédais de la classe au lieu que les autressurtout les femmes ne lui voyaient qu'un genre vulgaire et aguicheur.Une cousines usa même du terme de pute. On mettait sur le compte de lasénilité de l'oncle d'avoir choisi une pareille femme. Quoiqu'il en...

4 years ago
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Die Dame vom Empfang

Die Dame vom Empfang © 2011 / 2017 Lydia Lighthouse Es war zum M?usemelken, dachte Paul, als er die zweite Absage am heutigen Tag ?ffnete. Was sollte er denn noch tun, um einen Ausbildungsplatz zu bekommen. Sein Abitur war zwar nicht das aller Beste, aber mit einem Zweier-Schnitt doch grundsolide und wirklich nicht allzu ?bel. Au?erdem hatte er sogar das eine oder andere Praktikum vorzuweisen - etwas, womit wohl nur die wenigstens Sch?ler aufwarten konnten. W?hrend es sich alle ande...

2 years ago
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Das Abitur German

Das AbiturAls ich von der Abendschule zur?ck nach Hause kam weinte ich. Ich hatte den letzten Test wohl ordentlich vermasselt. Der Test war sehr schwer gewesen. Doch ich brauchte unbedingt das Abitur, oder ich w?rde meinen Job verlieren. Mein Chef hat mich f?r ein halbes Jahr vom Dienst freigestellt, und das bei voller Bezahlung. Er wollte sichergehen, dass ich gen?gend Zeit zum Lernen hatte um mein Abitur nachzuholen. Mein Mann sah mich als ich die K?che betrat und er fragte mich, warum ich...

3 years ago
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Helga und Maria GERMAN

Helga und Maria Ehepaar und Tochter werden von dem sadistischen Arbeitgeber des Ehemannes und Vaters gefoltert.   Teil 1: Marias erste Sitzung. Nachdem der Brand im Studentenheim gel?scht war, wurden die ausw?rtigen Studenten in Hotels evakuiert. Die Studenten, deren Eltern in der N?he wohnten, wurden gebeten, dort solange zu wohnen, bis das Studentenheim wieder bezugsfertig war. Maria fuhr also zu dem Haus ihrer Eltern, dass nur knapp eine Stunde von der Uni entfernt im Gr?nen am Rande de...

2 years ago
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Margarethes Geschichte story in German

Margarethes GeschichteDer Richter klingelte mit seiner Glocke. ?Die Angeklagte habe zu schweigen! Noch ein Wort von ihr und sie wird wegen Missachtung des Gerichtes bestraft.? Margarethe, die M?llerstochter schwieg nicht. Sie verk?ndete ihre Unschuld. Der Richter zeterte: ?Die Angeklagte werde peinlich befragt. Zuvor erhalte sie ?ffentlich auf die blo?e Haut drei Mal die Dutzend Schl?ge mit Rute, Stock und Peitsche wegen wiederholter Missachtung des Hohen Gerichtes. Der Henker walte seines Am...

2 years ago
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CONTROL --------2012 :Written by Jo AND Lyn, and we're still BESTIES, five years on. This is more than can be said for Nick and I, you will not be surprised to discover.cockSO, TO SET THE SCENE- all this is most important, and without you understanding the relationships, gentle reader,the story would have no impact whatsoever.So: I was married to Nick, with three c***dren. I was taking numerous other lovers, often in the company of my best friend, Lyn,and very much INCLUDING Lyn.Lyn and I...

3 years ago
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Divya 8211 Ek Teacher Ki Sex Story 8211 Part V

After sex with Vinay a colleague of mine at school against whom I made a complain last year at tea –stall ,he brought me to his house. I saw his wife Usha. Vinay desired to get his wife fucked by kaka of tea-stall. I just had one lesbian experience with our maid Sonia but seeing Usha , Vinay’s wife I got aroused . She looked at me smilingly. I hugged her and began kissing her passionately and simultaneously I pressed chuchi and hips. She pushed me away and without looking at me asked , “Kya ho...

2 years ago
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Minha primeira foda com o sobrinho do meu marido

Minha primeira relação sexual com o sobrinho do meu maridoEu achava que meu marido nem imaginava quais eram os meus desejos. Eu nunca tive coragem de expor isso, visto que ele não merecia ser magoado. Sempre achei que se falasse, poderia ser encarado como egoísmo da minha parte. O que eu não sabia é que eu estava sendo monitorada pelo meu marido! E a sequência dos acontecimentos, ajudará vocês a entender isso.Eu sempre acessava os sites de troca de casais, enquanto meu marido estava dormindo....

3 years ago
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Saga Sex In The Gambia

Mex returned to the Gambia for the second half of his mission the following February. This was right in the middle of the high season so the hotel was nearly full. However, there was one surprising bonus. One of the long term inmates was home on leave and Mex was given his room which had only one double bed instead of two, and had a coffee table and four easy chairs as well as a small fridge. This was very much better that the standard arrangement which was obviously designed to maximise...


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