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3 years ago
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Urlaub Zuhause

Ein paar Worte vorweg. Letztens hatte ich wieder einmal die Ehre auf die kleinen Kinder eines Freundes aufzupasssen - Babysitting. Selbst kleine M?dchen haben schon ein ausgepr?gtes Shopping-Gen, und so war ich zu einem virtuellen Einkauf am Computer verdammt. Beim Aufr?umen der nicht unerheblichen Bildermengen danach kam mir die Idee zu dieser Story. F?r eine SWI reichten die Bilder nicht, aber hier sind ein paar als Ansch...

1 year ago
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Poker 2

Den ganzen Sonntag dachte ich dar?ber nach, was ich nur machen sollte. Mir fiel nichts ein. Am Abend ging ich zum dritten Mal mit dem Teddy schlafen. Ich hatte mich schon richtig daran gew?hnt. Aber irgendwie schien es mir nicht richtig, nur in der Unterhose zu schlafen. Ich zog einen Pyjama an. Mit klopfenden Herzen ging ich am n?chsten Tag zum Bus. Ich musste dem Fahrer meine Monatskarte zeigen. Mit gro?en Augen sah er mich an. Das gab mir einen guten Vorgeschmack auf das B?ro. Ich ar...

3 years ago
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Die Puppe Teil 1

Die Puppe (Teil 1) Prolog November 1957 Wir sitzen in einem kleinen Caf? in M?nchen. ?ber ein halbes Jahr wohne ich nun schon bei meiner Tante Vivienne. So lange schon? Vertr?umt blicke ich in den gro?en Spiegel auf der anderen Seite des Raumes. Das Spiegelbild zeigt mir zwei Damen in den Enddrei?igern, eine junge Dame Anfang zwanzig und ein h?bsches M?dchen gerade achtzehn Jahre alt geworden. Das bin ich. Zumindest sehe ich aus wie ein h?bsches M?dchen: Eng anliegendes dunkelblaues C...

2 years ago
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Altered Fates Gl ck und Glas Teil 2

Altered Fates: Glueck und Glas, Teil 2 by T:M in 2006 Achtung: In dieser Geschichte gibt es Szenen mit expliziten sexuellen Handlungen. Ausserdem wird geflucht, und das nicht selten! Und noch ein kleiner Hinweis: Die ersten zwei Abschnitte sind bei allen Teilen der "Gl?ck und Glas" Geschichten identisch, da die Geschichten das Geschehen aus verschieden Perspektiven beschreiben und nicht aufeinander aufbauen. So kann jeder Leser, ganz gleich mit welcher Geschichte er auch...

4 years ago
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Claudia 3

Vorwort Dieser Teil hat etwas auf sich warten lassen. Es waren schon ?ber 80kB geschrieben, da ging es auf einmal nicht mehr weiter. Ich dachte mir, warte ein wenig, dir wird schon eine Idee kommen. So verging schnell viel Zeit, und die Geschichte kam durch andere Ereignisse in den Hintergrund. Aber einige nette Leser lie?en nicht locker. Nichtsdestotrotz fand ich immer noch keine Fortsetzung. Dann habe ich alles weggeworfen und von vorne angefangen. Wegen des schlechten Wetters ...

1 year ago
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Andy 12

Mom war am Ausbessern von Kleidern, Kn?pfe ann?hen und solche Dinge. Ich setzte mich zu ihr. "Mom, kann ich dich etwas fragen?" "Sicher." "Ich habe noch nie von deinem Bruder etwas geh?rt?" Sie legte die Bluse weg uns seufzte. "Irgendwann musste dieses Gespr?ch ja kommen. Ich h?tte mir nur gew?nscht, es w?rde sp?ter sein." "Warum?" "Ganz einfach, du bist zu jung, um einiges zu verstehen." "Zu jung? Ich bin f?nfzehn!" "Und das ist f?r manches zu jung. Zum Beispiel bei Filmen, da...

3 years ago
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Andy 18

Ich wei? nicht, wie ich nach Hause gekommen bin. Ich wollte eigentlich nachdenken, aber mein Kopf war leer. Immerhin hatte ich es irgendwie bis hierher geschafft. Ich hatte immer dar?ber gel?chelt, wenn Mom eine Siesta machte. Nun brauchte ich dringend selber eine. Ich ging in mein Zimmer, zog nur die Schuhe aus, und legte mich ins Bett. Eine Stunde sp?ter f?hlte ich mich besser. Es gab so viel nachzudenken, ich wusste ?berhaupt nicht, wo ich anfangen sollte. Sollte ich ?berhaupt die P...

4 years ago
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Night Skies Hotel XIII Humanity s Birthright III Twilight s Sword

Synopsis of the Night Skies Hotel Universe: Centuries ago, two world- spanning civilizations made first contact via technology that enabled access to multiple realities. Each civilization was unique in the sense that a single sex dominated it - Terra's Patriarchy by males, and Gaia's Sisterhood by females. Gaia was the more artistic of the two, had closer links to nature and was more advanced than Terra in some of the sciences, such as biology and physics. Terra, on the other hand, had...

3 years ago
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Es h tte schlimmer kommen k nnen

Ich stand in der leeren gro?en Halle. Vor nicht allzu langer Zeit ging es hier gesch?ftig zu, nun war alles still. Au?er den Ger?uschen, die ich selbst verursachte. Und die klangen merkw?rdig laut, obendrein mit einem Nachhall, der schon fast ein Echo war. Wehm?tig betrachte ich den feuchten Boden. W?rde hier noch gearbeitet, h?tte ich auch noch einen Job. Nein, nicht hier. Aber wenn so ein gro?er Betrieb geschlossen wurde, dann hatte das Auswirkungen. Warum war es eigentlich nass hier? Das ...

4 years ago
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Andy 24

"Nanu, bist du alleine?", begr??te Mom mich. "Nein, Bernd ist oben in meinem Zimmer." "Wie geht es ihm?" "Er scheint schlimme Zeiten hinter sich zu haben." "Ja, das hat mir der Psychologe schon erz?hlt. Aber wie geht es ihm jetzt? Der Psychologe war sich nicht sicher, wie Bernd darauf reagieren w?rde, wenn er einen anderen Jungen in einem Rock sieht." "Er hat erst einmal nichts dazu gesagt. Aber er scheint ziemlich empfindlich zu sein, wenn es um feminine Kleidung geht." "Kein ...

4 years ago
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Der Flaschengeist Teil 19

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webs...

4 years ago
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Der Flaschengeist Teil 20

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webs...

4 years ago
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Der Flaschengeist Teil 25

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webs...

2 years ago
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Ein halbes Jahr im Leben eines Detektivs

Auf meinem Schreibtisch t?rmten sich die Rechnungen. Es war ein Fehler gewesen, in dieses B?ro zu gehen. Es war sehr Schicki-Micki, und viel zu teuer. Ich hatte mir mehr davon versprochen, Auftr?ge von einer besseren Klientel. Und ich wollte diese ?berwachung von Ehem?nnern loswerden, denn das war fast ausschlie?lich mein t?glich Brot gewesen. Im Auto stundenlang vor einer Wohnung zu sitzen war nicht unbedingt das, was ich mir als Detektiv ertr?umt hatte. Meine Sekret?rin war ich mittlerweile lo...

1 year ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 16

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 16 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...

2 years ago
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Mein Zweites Leben 1

Pr?ambel: This story was written by me alone. It is intentionally in German for 2 reasons: 1. There are not that many TV/TG stories in German language. 2. I am too lazy to write it in English. If you like it and want to translate it into another language, feel free to do so, but keep a reference to the original one. The story, the persons and many of the institutes in it are fully fictional, any similarities to living persons or institutions are totally incidental. Mein z...

3 years ago
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Der Flaschengeist Teil 38

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webseiten, ...

1 year ago
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Aus Marc wird Marcy 4

Als Petra und Birgit fr?h am n?chsten Morgen den Keller betraten, schlief Marc noch fest. Er bemerkte weder das helle Licht noch ihre Unterhaltung. "Lassen wir ihn schlafen?", fragte Petra. "K?nnte man, aber wir m?ssen doch nachher weg. Das Mittel in der Spritze wirkt zwar noch, aber Wasser lassen muss er in den n?chsten Stunden. Notfalls macht er sich in die Hose", dozierte Birgit fachkundig. "Und was jetzt?", krauste Petra die Stirn. "Ganz einfach, im Krankenhaus setzt man einen Ka...

4 years ago
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Ich werde Mutter Teil 1

Irgendwie kann ich es noch gar nicht glauben ... ich bekomme ein Baby und werde Mutter! Ich bin so gl?cklich ... auch wenn die Schwangerschaft nun wirklich nicht die angenehmste Zeit ist. Aber jedes Mal wenn ich sp?re wie sich mein Baby bewegt k?nnte mein Herz zerspringen vor Gl?ck Und das obwohl ich vor f?nf Jahren noch ein Mann war! Ich f?hlte mich schon mein ganzes Leben weiblich und wollte immer ein M?dchen und sp?ter eine Frau sein ... aber das es einmal so weit kommt ... das h?tte ich ...

1 year ago
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Curiosity. By Tanya H. I'm not gay, I'm curious. At least that's what I was telling myself as I walked into the club, well known as a rainbow bar and a place I'd never been in before. I'd never been this curious before. My name's Dave by the way, I'm 27, average height, build and looks, single for the last three months - since Donna moved down south to further her career. Inside it was like any other night club I'd ever been in; the music was too...

4 years ago
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Die St ckelschuhe Episode 2 Der Fluch der St ckelschuhe

Die St?ckelschuhe Episode 2 - Der Fluch der St?ckelschuhe © 2006 / 2017 Lydia Lighthouse Es war genau drei Monate und siebzehn Tage her. Doch schon am ersten Tag war ich mir nicht mehr sicher gewesen, ob es ein Traum gewesen war, oder nicht. Beide M?glichkeiten bereiteten mir jedoch gleich viel Unbehagen. War es nur ein Traum, in welchem man mich am vorherigen Tag in eine Frau verwandelt, mich vor einer Kamera benutzt und genommen und anschlie?end wieder zur?ck in meine ...

4 years ago
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Tante Helga

Tante Helga Ich stehe vor dem Spiegel und begutachte meinen nackten K?rper. Na ja, ganz nackt ist er nicht. Tante Helga zwingt mich, einen Keuschheitsg?rtel zu tragen, der mein Glied sehr eng einschlie?t. Meistens nehme ich das kleine Kunststoffteil kaum mehr wahr, nur morgens ist es mir sehr unangenehm. Nicht nur, wenn die Morgenlatte wachsen will sondern gerade, weil Tante Helga ihre drei Sissies jeden Morgen zum Abmelken l?dt. Die Vorfreude darauf l?sst meinen Liebling jeden Morgen fas...

3 years ago
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Ein Urlaub der keiner werden sollte

Ein Urlaub, der keiner werden sollte... ( Katrin...2017) Teil 1 Einleitung Als ich nach getaner Arbeit meinen Arbeitsplatz verlie?, wusste ich damals nicht so genau, was mich im Leben noch so erwartet. Mein Urlaubsantrag war genehmigt worden, von der Gesch?ftsf?hrung und auf die Sp?tteleien, meiner Kollegen, wegen meines femininen Aussehens, reagierte ich schon lange nicht mehr. In meinen Gedanken fragte ich mich immer, was w?re eigentlich, wenn die w?ssten dass ich ein Transvestit, mit T...

3 years ago
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Das Spiel des Lebens

Das Spiel des Lebens (Ka-Do *2012) I Einleitung Schon so lange ich denken kann habe ich immer davon getr?umt ein M?dchen zu sein. Wie oft habe ich mir heimlich Kleider von meiner Mutter oder meiner Cousine angezogen und bin damit zu Hause herumgelaufen. Niemals w?re ich so weit gegangen mich als M?dchen auf die Stra?e zu wagen. Nat?rlich w?re ich lieber ein M?dchen gewesen, war es aber leider nicht. Durch das gro?e Internet fand ich die M?glichkeit mit anderen Transvestiten zu kommunizieren. Au...

2 years ago
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Die Sammlerin The Collector

Die Sammlerin (Teil 1 - 4)===============================================by Alphatier, © 2014/2015"Mein Ziel ist es, den Besuchern die wunderbare Komplexität des menschlichen und tierischen Körpers lebensnah aufzuzeigen. Hierbei soll das Plastinat auch an die eigene Sterblichkeit erinnern, indem es gleichsam augenzwinkernd zu den Betrachtern spricht: Ich war, wie Du bist: lebendig Du wirst sein, wie ich bin: tot Jedoch kannst Du auch sein, was ich bin: ein Plastinat."- Gunther von Hagens...

3 years ago
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Sabina II Freundschaften halten nicht ewig

Die 31 j?hrige rotblonde Sabina hatte ihren Ehemann betrogen. Als ihr Mann Sven dahinterkam, zwang er seine Frau sich ihm zu unterwerfen. Mit striktem Sex- und K?rpertraining erzog er sie zur gehorsamen Sklavin. Doch nachdem er Sabina von einem Hund hat nehmen lassen und sie zwang Pferdesperma zu schlucken hatte sie Rachegef?hle. Wird Sven die Angelegenheit aus der Hand gleiten? Wen die ganze Geschichte interessiert, der findet sie in der Story Sabina und ihr neues LebenDanke f?r das positive F...

1 year ago
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Austauschsemester von Smaragdvenus Ich war verzweifelt ... jetzt war ich 4 Wochen in Rom und musste mein WG- Zimmer schon wieder r?umen. Das Geb?ude hatte einen Wasserschaden und musste komplett saniert werden. Anscheinend war das Fundament und Mauerwerk in Mitleidenschaft gezogen worden und alle Mieter mussten sich was Neues suchen. Ich wollte unbedingt nach Italien f?r mein Austauschsemester und Rom war wirklich ein Traum. Meine beste Freundin Vanessa hatte auch dort einen Platz bek...

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Hazienda eine Sklavin im Folterstudio german

HaziendaDiese Geschichte ist reine Phantasie. Sie hat keinerlei realen Hintergrund!PrologIrina war Ende 30, 170 cm gro?, schlank, mit den f?r Russinnen typischen wohl geformten gro?en Br?sten. Ihre kupferfarbenen Haare reichten bis auf ihre Schultern. Sie hatte wunderbar lange Beine und eine atemberaubende Taille. Irina h?tte gl?cklich sein k?nnen, aber sie brauchte Geld, viel Geld. Sie hatte in Kiew eine Absprache mit einem lokalen Mafiaboss nicht einhalten k?nnen und der forderte nun eine Summe vo...

3 years ago
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Menschenraub in Arabien GERMAN

Roman von MasostudRoman , ? 1991 by MasostudMenschenraub in ArabienSadomasochistisch-perverse Sklaverei im 20. JahrhundertPrivatdruckVorwort:Jedes Jahr verschwinden in Deutschland an die zehntausend Personen beiderlei Geschlechts; auf das Vereinte Europa gerechnet sind es mehr als f?nfzigtausend. Zwar tauchen knapp 90% der Vermissten ?ber kurz oder lang wieder auf, aber wo bleibt der Rest? Entweder werden sie tot aufgefunden, sind verungl?ckt oder durch Verbrechen zu Tode gekommen, ein Teil...

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Vom Regen in die Traufe German

Vom Regen in die TraufeDie Leiden eines Kriegsgefangenen Roman von ?Masostud?? 2011 by Masostud Erstes KapitelDie Ostfront des ?1000-j?hrigen Reiches? war im Winter 1943 auf 1944 de-facto am Zusammenbrechen. Immer mehr Bataillone l?sten sich entweder durch Fahnenflucht oder durch die K?lte und den Verpflegungsmangel oder schlicht und einfach durch Einwirkungen der russischen Armee auf. Ich ahnte den Zusammenbruch des 3. Reiches und wollte nicht zu den Verlierern geh?ren, daf?r war mir mein erst 20 j...

2 years ago
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Horror Urlaub im S djemen German

Horror-Urlaub im S?djemen (German)Sehr harte S&M- Short story: Tags: FemDev., slavery, non-consent, abuse, debauchery, pet-play, slaughtering, interracial breeding, canibalVon: ?2011 masostud, die Rechte verbleiben beim Autor.Vorwort: Der S?djemen, der sich vor seiner Wiedervereinigung mit dem eher westlich orientierten Nordjemen (gegen?ber von ?thiopien am Roten Meer gelegen) nach dem Abzug der ungeliebten Briten hochtrabend als ?Demokratische VOLKSrepublik Jemen? (gegen?ber von Somalia am Golf ...

4 years ago
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Was darf es denn sein junge Frau

Was darf es denn sein junge Frau? 0Elli war auf einem Wanderurlaub mit ihrer Freundin, die draussen wartete, und beide hatte Appetit auf etwas Leckeres. aeh, eigentlich wollte ich nur ein paar Frikadellen haben. Aber sie haben so leckere Sachen hier. Elli deutete auf zwei Schweinehaelften die an einem Haken an der Wand hingen. Alles von Tieren aus der Umgebung hier? Der Metzger laechelte. Natuerlich. Alles was hier verkauft wird stammt aus der Gegend und wird selbstverstaendlich auch hier...

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MelinaMelina lie? sich im weichen Leder der R?ckbank des Mercedes zur?cksinken. Sie hatte schlechte Laune und war ungl?cklich. Au?er ihr war nur noch der Chauffeur im Auto. Es ging Richtung Schottland, zum l?ndlichen Anwesen ihres Onkels. Sie trug einen fast knielangen rosafarbenen Rock, eine wei?e Bluse und Sandaletten, ebenfalls in rosa.Melina ist 1,76 m gro?, hat blonde, bis unter die Schultern reichende Haare und eine tolle Figur. Mit ihren Ma?en 88 – 58 – 90 ist sie ein echter Blickfang und ihre K...

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Kathy und Betti Watson German

Kathy und Betti WatsonKapitel 1Betti Watson f?hlte ein hei?es Kribbeln in ihrer jungfr?ulichen Muschi, als sie ihre schmalen H?ften auf dem Sofa hin und her bewegte. Ihr blaues Bikini-H?schen schmiegte sich eng an ihre hei?en, geschwollenen Schamlippen. Das seidene Material rieb angenehm an ihrer M?se. Das Gef?hl war schockierend gut, sogar besser als das in ihren Brustwarzen, die bereits steif waren. Es war schrecklich f?r das M?dchen, so zu f?hlen, besonders, weil es in der Wohnung ihrer besten Freu...

3 years ago
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Zwei kleine Fotzen

Eine nach der AnderenEiner der Samstagnachmittage an denen ich allein zu Hause sa?. Um nicht wieder so einen einsamen Abend zu verbringen beschloss ich in das Cafe um die Ecke zu gehen. W?hrend ich meinen Kaffee trank sah ich der H?bschen am Nachbartisch zu. Ihre blonden Haare hatte sie zu einem Pferdeschwanz gebunden. Sie war etwa 1,60 gro? schlank aber mit ganz netten Br?sten. Meiner Phantasie freien lauf lassen dachte ich ?Komm zu mir?. Also h?tte sie mich geh?rt stand sie auf, lief in meine Richt...

2 years ago
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K ein Abschied

K -Ein AbschiedDie letzten TageDies ist nun mein langsamer, aber endg?ltiger Abschied. Die nachfolgenden Zeilen schildern nicht ganz einen chronologischen Ablauf, das kriege ich nicht mehr auf die Reihe.  In den letzten Wochen und Monaten habe ich mehr und mehr meine Eigendemontage betrieben. Ich hatte f?r mich Szenarien entworfen bei denen selbst hartgesottene Sadisten sicher dankend abgelehnt h?tten. Letztendlich habe ich jedoch, wie immer, meinen  Willen durchgesetzt. Es ist eben die gro?e Ku...

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Das Kostuemfest

Das Kost?mfest(german/deutsch) M/f, MMFF/f, reluctant, bondage, anal, toys, costume, modification, spanking, bestiality, humiliation, exhibitionSynopsisKatrin ist der Meinung, ihr Leben l?uft an ihr vorbei: Nur Arbeit, w?hrend andere Leute spannende Sachen erleben und auf rauschende Feste gehen. Da ist nat?rlich ihr Beziehungspartner gefragt, der die undankbare Aufgabe erh?lt, wieder etwas Glanz in die gemeinsame Freizeitgestaltung zu bringen. Eine n?rgelige Freundin ist das letzte, was er...

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Die Negerhure german

NegerhureEndlich! Endlich war das Wochenende da! Die ganze Woche ?ber hatte ich im Friseurladen meiner Chefin Haare geschnitten, gef?rbt, Dauerwellen gelegt und mich die ganze Zeit ?ber schon auf das Wochenende gefreut. Nun also, war es endlich soweit!Es war Samstag Nachmittag und ich machte mich bereit um in die Disco zu gehen. Klar, ich wollte auch etwas abtanzen, aber in erster Linie wollte ich mir wieder mal einen Kerl aufrei?en und mich endlich wieder mal so richtig durchficken lassen. Nein, i...

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Ausl nderhure German

"Also dann, Monika, meld dich bei uns!", sagte mein Vater und meine Mutter umarmte mich und k??te mich auf die Stirne, "Pa? gut auf dich auf, mein Engel!"Dann fiel die T?re ins Schlo? und ich war endlich allein. Wie lange hatte ich doch auf diesen Moment gewartet! Seit mir mein Vater zu meinem 18. Geburtstag eine eigene Wohnung versprochen hatte, habe ich immer wieder daran denken m?ssen. Und jetzt war es nun soweit.Ich ging vom Vorzimmer an den Pappkartons vorbei in mein Wohnzimmer und warf mich ...

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Die Rache

Die Rache (BDSM Hardcore) von anonymThema: F/Vergewaltigung/Fesselung/sado-maso/Folter/BruesteSeit fast 3 ? Jahren bin ich dabei diesen Plan ausreifen zu lassen und ihn zu perfektionieren.Immer wieder habe ich Kleinigkeiten gefunden, welche alles zunichte machen k?nnen.Immer wieder war die Angst gr??er als der Mut.Nun war es aber soweit, zu lange musste ich warten und zu lange wurde ich gedem?tigt.Wenn ich mich kurz vorstellen darf, ich bin Sven, 24 Jahre alt und Leiter einer Werbeagentur die ...

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Melanie und ihre geilen Schwestern

Sie war meine erste richtige Freundin. Melanie hatte sich mir an den Hals geworfen. Eigentlich war ich eher mit saufen und kiffen beschäftigt, aber die Vorstellung eine Freundin zu haben, die ich ficken konnte machte mich geil. Ich hing wie jeden Tag mit meinen Kumpels am Flussufer ab als irgendwann Nicole, ein Mädel aus unserer Clique, die Cousine von Melanie, mich fragte wie ich denn ihre kleine Cousine finden würde. Ich meinte nur naja geht so, wobei ihre Titten ja schon recht gross waren....

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Zum Vertragsabschluss nach Dubai Teil 1

Zum Vertragsabschluss nach Dubai Teil 1 Es war einen Monat nach meinem Ausbildungsende. Ich hatte B?rokaufmann gelernt, war 19 Jahre, hie? Manuel und dachte, jetzt liegt mir die Welt zu F?ssen. Ich habe wirklich gedacht, jetzt kann ich alles und bin der perfekte Verk?ufer und Gesch?ftsmann. Das lies ich auch gern raush?ngen. Ich war sehr gro?spurig, lies in jedem Moment mein "Wissen" raush?ngen und hatte auch gern mal macho-hafte Z?ge. Und das, obwohl mein ?u?eres nicht gerade dem gleich kam. B...

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Rolltreppe abw rts

Berlin - Tiergarten. Gestern noch hat sich meine Stimmung in einem Gesamttief befunden, nicht dass ich Geld- oder Gesundheitssorgen, Beziehungs- oder Familienprobleme hätte. Das nicht. All dies wäre ja (bis auf die Gesundheitsprobleme) zu lösen gewesen, einfach umziehen beispielsweise, neu anfangen, sich neuen Umständen ausliefern. Nein, die Lage ist in den letzten Jahren schlimmer, aussichtslos geradezu gewesen. Ich habe mich maßlos zu langweilen begonnen, tagaus, tagein derselbe Mist....

1 year ago
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Sex com—the world’s most hotly contested and sought-after domain name of all time. I’m not even exaggerating for effect. It’s true. In fact, there was so much competition for this domain name that the legal battles for its ownership were investigated and reported by journalist, Kieren McCarthy, and ended up filling the pages of an entire book called, published in 2007.I won’t bore you with all of the details regarding the controversy and history behind the most desirable domain name...

Porn Pictures Sites
3 years ago
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Martha and the Bard

... Then will I swear beauty herself is black And all they foul that thy complexion lack. Shakespeare, Sonnet 132 I'll never forget the first time I met Martha. I had never seen a woman so ... so beautiful, so well-proportioned, so words-failing-me-ly amazing to look at. I had also never seen anyone with skin that dark. Martha was the color of fresh-brewed coffee. Not mocha, not tan, not any variation on the theme. She was black. Totally, completely black. It's not a criticism. It's...

1 year ago
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Turtoring The Thompson rsquo s

The Thompson’s were the couple directly behind me. Although they’ve lived there for a few years I really didn’t know too much about them and nothing like the couple before them. Not regulars by any means but here and there we’d play together, the wife had the most wonderful big clitty. Anyway I was messing around out back pulling weeds when a voice came through the fence asking if I had a tool of sorts, I don’t remember now what it was. Even if I did recall the odds are I wouldn’t know what it...

3 years ago
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Grasping the Moment

Izetta’s eyes close in near-bliss. His hand sweeps across her lovely, caramel-toned, rounded hip and continues on towards its target. With a little thrill she notices just how closely Alphonse is watching her response. How she loves an attentive lover and this man is solely focused on her pleasure. His brown eyes study her face, as though drinking her in. He lies mere millimeters away, their faces almost touching. As his adventurous hand begins its delicate probing of her pussy, Izetta can’t...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Kate Dee Busty And Thick Hottie Kate Dee Is Cumming For You LIVE

Kate Dee is eager to get out of her tiny little bikini so you can admire and worship her beautiful all natural big tits and ass right in your face. Kate would love to feel your cock in between her breasts as you titty fuck her getting oil and cum all over her soft skin. Maybe you want to bury your face in that big juicy ass while she twerks. Kate is not shy and wants to do whatever she can to please you and make you cum… but you have to help her cum too! Would you prefer her bent down in...

2 years ago
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Luellas Libido

Luella’s libido had reached dizzying new heights over the last week. The myth of the female sexual peak in the early 30’s shouldn’t necessarily be scoffed at. It began on her 30th birthday, she’d been having a roaring time, out with the girls, all dressed up, dancing, drinking bright blue cocktails. Then it hit her, a full on, slap your face, arousal that left her cerise knickers sodden and with an overwhelming urge to touch herself. The obligatory snake of the Ladies queue made her restless....

4 years ago
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Cafe FunPart 2

Andreea and her boyfriend, Steve, had just left a café where they had just had some fun. She had given him a great blowjob, and he had made her come like never before while there were five men there. They had not been able to see them, but they had both known that the men knew what they had done. Steve wanted to go to the gym now, and she told him that she would go to their apartment and sleep. So they parted ways. Now she was thinking about the five men in the café, especially the one whom...

4 years ago
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Love Of My Life Loosing Her Virginity

Hi, after a long gap, I’m back with another real sex story. This is Vicky steve here to share with you all the best experience I have ever had in my life which happened to weeks ago. You can give your feedback at The heroine of this story is the love of my life, she is the best thing that happened to me (as this isn’t a website to start a love story I’ll come to the point). Me and my girl planned for a weekend day out for a long time(we both live in different cities so…) and one fine day...

3 years ago
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Graduation and beyond

Graduation and beyond This story happened when I had just graduated from high school, I also had just turned eighteen. I was very happy to graduate since I didn't always have a pleasant experience while in school. I never really fit into any of the in crowd groups, instead I was more of the type that mostly fit into the background. Of course I had my share of getting picked on, I was not built for sports, I wasn't six foot plus in height, and I certainly was not the biggest kid on...

2 years ago
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Holiday Short Stories

----------------------------- I stumbled down the street my guts feeling as if they were being ripped apart, the night street lights hardly providing adequate light, the worst thing was my hunger had grown to monstrous new heights. Where was that idiot of a wife of mine? I'd starve to death before she ever got here. Further down the street, I saw a diner one of those 24 hour joints. I stumbled in taking the booth nearest the door, looking around I saw that there weren't that many...

2 years ago
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My niece Kaley It s only rape if she remembers it

I have had a very interesting relationship with my niece since she was about seven years old. I was about seven years old when Kaley was born. We were very close during childhood and we were more like brother and sister than uncle and niece. I started to notice that Kaley had an awesome butt at about the time she turned seven. I loved when she would come over and my parents would babysit, this always meant that I would have some time to “play” with my favorite niece. My favorite thing to do...

1 year ago
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Reluctant Convert 2

Reluctant Convert ? by: Suzi4th Part 2 David woke to bright sunlight and a gentle stroking of his forehead. It took him a moment to register that he was not in his own bed but next door in Sally's, in her father's house, and that Mr Adamson was stroking his forehead. He was sitting in the same chair as last night and David blushed a deep red as he remembered all that had happened. Mr Adamson smiled at him as he stirred and tried to move his hands and found he could not, that...

2 years ago
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Pure Lust 8211 We Lost Our Age And Had An Affair 8211 Part 2

First of all, I wish to thank all the readers who took an extra step in coming forward and expressing your thoughts on mail. To get a look at my first sex story, “Pure Lust – We Lost our age and had an Affair Part 1” You can comment or if you want any sexual casual encounter or discrete phone relationship which some of my viewers currently having you can contact me on This is the continuation of the first part so do please have a look at it, after our first encounter I started developing a...

2 years ago
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black mailed cd

I am a part time mostly closet crossdresser. I don't consider myself gay or bi and have a gf. I particularly like to be teased and embarrassed. Mostly I get this by dressing up and going into the intranet chat rooms. Lately though I've found a way to get a little live and safe action. Basically I lock my car with the keys inside and have to go get the second key hidden somewhere. The first time was at a park and I was dressed in a summer dress, wig and platform shoes, pretty uneventful, people...

3 years ago
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Playing with a Cougar

It was the end of a long week, and I was ready to finally relax. No one told me working life could be so hard.My name is Solomon. Yes, I know the cliché, did your mother think you would be clever or wise? My mother always had a thing for biblical names, don't ask me why.Anyway, back to my story. I am twenty-three years old. After years of college and university, I finally started working in a prestigious accounting firm as a junior clerk. It's long, tedious work, but the pay is good.I decided...

3 years ago
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A summer vacation with twins

While at college, my nieces met another very attractive set of twins - Tina and Gina.  During summer vacation, my nieces invited them to our parent's summer home for a week of partying. Tina and Gina were the same age as my nieces and also fashion model material with long blonde hair.  When they first arrived, I greeted them with a friendly handshake and a brief hug.  I noticed that Tina's eye contact and handshake lingered a little longer and her hug seemed a little friendlier.  I brushed...

1 year ago
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OnlyGolddigger Haley Reed Sexy Haley Reed is a gold miner and she deserves a facial

There is certainly a hot woman taking selfies at the lake. Haley Reed is busy at her mobile phone probably posting her recent shots on her social media pages. This blonde is wearing a red tank top and short shorts. You can already see her white buns peeking out of her shorts and that makes her the one that you want to hook up with if she is willing. That is why a businessman wearing a suit approaches her as he is trying to have a conversation. With a few smooth talk and cracking jokes, he made...

3 years ago
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The house of Warrior Empress Toya part2

The whole night was spent very restlessly as most of the women where crying and all I could do was keep reliving the horror of the attack upon my village and what I witnessed here and was subjected to myself at the hands of the Empress.   It must have been the middle of the night as the moons was bright and the sky full of stars when screaming began and several guards came into the room.   The guards began to drag people regardless of age or sex into the middle area of the room that had a...

1 year ago
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My ex wife 0

This took place back in 1978. I was just retired from active duty in the USN, married and fucking a lot of women. My wife at the time was pretty straight laced and to my knowledge, did not fuck around when I was away on cruises at sea. Not that I didn’t encourage her to do that. She loved to fuck, but insisted she could always wait for me to fuck her when I got home. Well, the inevitable happened and she caught me fucking another woman in our shower, and we split up. No divorce, just a...

4 years ago
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A Council of Perfection

Arnie Miller was an anachronism, a successful regional newspaper editor with his feet planted firmly in the middle of the 20th Century. Unreconstructed, he smoked and drank alcohol in the office despite both being illegal or against company rules. He wore a creased suit, his tie loose and his hair ruffled. He was rude and played the “nobody is as busy as me” card.‘What’ya got, Charlie?’He spoke like an American cliché despite being English Westcountry born and bred. It was all bluster really....

2 years ago
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Audition NoticeChapter 8

I decided to take my girl out to dinner. After we ordered and ate, I took her by the hand. "Michael, what is it?" she asked apparently seeing a serious look in my eyes. "There is something I haven't told you. My Dad suggested I not tell you, but I find it necessary," I said clearing my throat. "Michael, you're worrying me ... just tell me?" "I ... don't need to work," I started out by saying. "I think you told me this before," she said. "What I mean to say is, I have no...

4 years ago
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The House Guest

It started with a simple ?Hey dad, I made a new friend today!? from my 21 year old son, Josh. This was no surprise from a guy who can?t even gas up his car without some chick slipping him her number. What was a bit of a surprise was when he asked if I would let her use the spare bedroom for a few months. He explained that she was here for college but had been asked to leave the home where she was staying with some friends of her family, something about one too many women in the house. Well,...

2 years ago
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The Devolution of DeannaChapter 4

Never had a shower felt so good. Deanna cleaned her entire body thoroughly and not because Kelsey told her to do it but because she wanted to feel clean. She felt so dirty after sucking four dicks. She wanted to mentally shut out the feel of each penis in her mouth and the taste of each boy's jism. She especially wanted to eliminate the feel of a penis down her throat. It was like she could still feel it in her. She washed harder. "What's taking you so long?" Kelsey yelled. Kelsey's...

4 years ago
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Satakshi With Me In My Car 8211 Part II

When satakshi bent to hug me, I felt an unusual and sensual warmth of her boobs pressing over my left arm..I was extremely excited. Had it been in my dream, I would have stopped the car and gone mad doing her vastra haran, but this was real and I knew I had to be slow and tell her that I was not a wolf waiting for her to come close. I was enjoying her hot breaths on my neck . I asked her slyly..”would you also hug me completely when I i stop driving and let me have u completely in my arms?” and...

3 years ago
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My Journey To The World Of Desires Part 4

I had not learned anything from my previous relationships. I did not find a reason why she decided to leave me or even humiliated me. It did not take me more than a month to recover. In new school I actually made Girl Friends, and not girl-friend. I suppressed my desires completely and continued to become friend. Boys did not care about what I appeared but girls did. I found it was very tough lying a girl. I concentrated on making them expressive than expressing myself. I watched pornography...

4 years ago
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Watch The Colours Change

There were twelve inches between them, give or take. She was curled in the passenger seat of his Audi, facing his way and just looking at him. Tyler didn’t know how long he could take it. He looked at everything except her. The streetlights lit up the dust on the dashboard. He’d switched off the car but the digital clock still glowed in the dark. He watched it until he had to blink. He swallowed hard. He shifted in his seat and leaned his elbow on the space where the window met the door. He...

Straight Sex
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From Lonely Unfilled Housewife to Perverted Slut Chapter 2 re posted

True Story, Cheating Author's info Gender: female Age: N/A Location: N/A Originally Posted Sat 28th of January 2012 Report No persons involved in sexual acts or even witnessing the same are included in this series under the age of consent. A person under the age of consent may be mentioned in passing but he or she as the case may be is only casually attached or included in this series as a casual informal non-participant in any fornication of any nature. This version was modified by...

3 years ago
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Must Read

The Sheriff in a small town walks out in the street and sees a blonde cowboy coming down the walk with nothing on but his cowboy hat, gun, and his boots, so he arrests him for indecent exposure.As he is locking him up, he asks "Why in the world are you dressed like this?The Cowboy says, "Well it's like this Sheriff .. I was in the bar down the road and this pretty little red head asks me to go out to her motor home with her. So I did.We go inside and she pulls off her top and asks me to pull...

2 years ago
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My Kind Of Snow Sports

Last winter I went to a famous ski resort for a weekend with some of my friends from the school and we spent wonderful time there. It was my first time trying to ski and I must admit that I found it quite impossible. Although our teacher spent lots of time and energy on me, I finally decided to quit before I break my backbone. So I decided to do what I do best and started searching for fun. I spent some time at the restaurant, then the internet cafe and then the pub. I was working my gay radar...

2 years ago
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Ana needs more than my own dick

During the last years, I had noticed that my sensual Ana began to feel a need for her to actually be satisfied by more than one man. I could do a nice job by myself; but her voracious appetites sometimes were at the edge on nymphomania. I knew she could service more than one dick and I wanted to see her just get fucked by another throbbing cock. We talked about the possibility a few times, considered how to go about it and decided that we would just know when the time was right. Some months...

2 years ago
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Story Seven Cum Slut Abused

After arriving home from my uncles I spent a long time taking a hot bath. My ass ached and I was feeling an ache in my jaws. I had no idea how many cocks had stretched my lips and ass at the theater last night. I clearly remembered how my ass and throat were used by Bernard and his beautiful 14-inch black cock. I remembered how he told me he now owned me and I agreed fully. I would do anything for him and his big black cock. I finished my homework and fell asleep dreaming of being used by a...

1 year ago
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Trucker Tails Ch1 What the Hell is a Lot Lizard

Not that I have a girl in every port but, as a long-haul truck driver, I have met a few ladies over the years that I have the pleasure to visit once in a while when I pass through their towns. Suzy is one of these ladies. She lives in Albuquerque and I met her at a bar a couple of months ago when I had to layover one night waiting to deliver my load the next day. There’s a bar across the street from the truck stop where I parked for the night. I went in just to have a couple of beers to wind...

2 years ago
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Revenge On Bullies Is Finally Complete

Hello and welcome back! I hope you are enjoying my stories. This is the part where the revenge on my bullies comes full circle. Sit and back and enjoy reading this sex story. Note: Do follow all my stories in order to comprehend this sex story better. Damn, that was one kinky sex with my mom and sister (my wives). Kitty and Lola made me the horny wolf. That day, we had more threesome sex and I slept with both of my wives in our marriage bed with both cuddled up with me inside the white blanket....

4 years ago
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Circus investigation

First off, i did not write this story, but i found it on the internet a while back and figured id send it here I found this story to be entertaining, and if you are into bestiality it is VERY erotic Enjoy ——————————————————————————————————————————- Welcome to Rome, Wisconsin, a rather quaint little town that normally wouldnt draw anybodys attention. Unfortunately for the residents of this small community, it seemed to be a magnet for unusual happenings. The small town has been a host to a...

4 years ago
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Finding a friend

The race wasn’t nail biting, after the first few laps of intense action and the usual knockouts at the first corner of the race, there had been little for the Ferrari clad Misty to cheer about, probably out of boredom, her similarly clothed boyfriend had begun an argument with the couple next to them. The couple were British and American, their accents noticable over the noise of the spectators but and were dressed in matching silvery gray tops and black jeans. The silvery satin shirts had...

3 years ago
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Meant To Be Ch 01

I wrote this a few years ago, before the others I’ve submitted, so you may notice a difference. Honestly, I’m not thrilled with the writing. Part real, part fantasy, part what-could-have-been, part unrequited or the-one-that-got-away…I don’t know. I just know it’s a story I felt compelled to write and one that continued to roll around in my head and heart long after it was finished, so I’m letting it out into the world. Because my emotional attachment to this story exceeds my usual connection...

2 years ago
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My First Sex Guru

Hi reader and this is Swetank and I am sharing my first pleasant real incident with you before that I would like to introduce myself very handsome 26 years old and my height is 5’11 very fair attractive athletic body dream boy for any girls for doing sex. I’m software Engineer by my profession working in Bangalore and my native place is Bihar and now let’s come to the story. This the story when I was merely 18 years old at that time and I did not have much idea regarding these things. I went to...

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I ll never be in a realtionship again

OK so in 2008 your narrator met a guy through a friend. We met up for the first time at a party and I have to admit he was the nicest guy, very nice, no, too fucking nice. His name was Richie, he had done well in life, came from a nice family and I don't know what happened to me over that period of a year, but by 2009 I found myself walking down the isle and actually getting married to Mr Too Fucking Nice. At that time I thought I was doing the right thing, even my Mum took me aside on the run...

2 years ago
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Will And Tess Excellent AdventureChapter 11

We rented a car at the airport in Honolulu and enjoyed the lengthy drive across Oahu to Turtle Bay Resort, the home of the SBS Open and the first stop on the year's LPGA Tour. Our suite in this expensive hotel was going to run close to $450 a day, and that kind of money could make even Tess swallow a little hard. But the tournament golf course was right there, walking distance from our rooms. And the Pacific Ocean was right outside the bedroom window. Well, it was on the other side of the...

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SRU Winning the Pot

I originally started writing this as just a short quickie, but I couldn't resist adding more detail, so it ended up becoming twice the length that I'd originally planned. I know that it ends fairly abruptly, but I already have plans for future sequels. SRU: Winning the Pot By Morpheus Jerry let out a deep sigh as he looked around the living room at his odd collection of house mates. All of them were there at the moment, all five of them there, six counting himself. For...

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Runaway Chapter 03

David waits until the Walkers leave the area before he starts to ask around about someone he can talk to in law enforcement in Texas. He’s very careful about who he asks and how he asks them because of his concerns about what he suspects from the records he’s read. On a Tuesday evening in mid December Jerry Fasthorse, the police officer who lives down the street, drops in to talk to David. He says, “I found a contact for you. To talk to them we have to attend a meeting near Albuquerque on...

3 years ago
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The Airplane Ride HomeChapter 7

Jamie lay in bed next to her snoring husband. With the affection borne of 30 years of marriage, she reached over and lightly stroked his arm. Theirs was a good marriage. Early on, they had struggled, working hard to build their import/export business and to get to know each other. The business was doing very well. Their marriage was sound. Their sex life was adequate if not exciting. They had sex at least once per week. She smiled as she added a mental caveat: more if they were drinking....

1 year ago
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Best Friends

Arriving home a week before ‘The Blast of 2007’, we were hit with 25” in an unpredicted snowstorm. It was massive, fatal, and of monumental proportions for our area. Seeing as we are in the southern region and the temperature never gets below 35 usually, nobody expected it, not even my parents who used to live in Michigan. Not starting my new job in my native town of Berkshire, I had called three friends I grew up with. One was engaged to a guy I didn’t know, another was almost married with a...

Erotic Fiction
1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Blair Williams Gina Valentina Size Matters

Client Gina Valentina is tiny compared to her statuesque masseuse Blair Williams. In fact, she’s so much smaller in size, she isn’t sure if Blair will agree to take her on as a client. Gina’s isn’t crazy to think her size matters to Blair. It certainly matters, in a good way. The sexy blonde masseuse is transfixed by Gina’s petite body and her dark beauty. She watches lustily as Gina gets naked and climbs onto the massage table lying face down. Blair plays with...

4 years ago
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Ai Kawaii at my disposal

Ai I introduced to my readers over one month ago, leaving you wonder how my story will get wet and hotAi and I shared some wine to celebrate my marginal victory at the board, I take my prize in the night!Ai is my fine friend playing the game of Go - I call her Ai Kawaii - as Kawaii means Cute in JapaneseAi and I play in my Go-dojo a 'Jubango': ten game match at the rate of one game every Saturday eveningAi is unlucky - or lucky? - to lose first game by only one point - to comfort her I offer Ai...

2 years ago
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Hot Mother in Their Grasp

The high school boys, all 18 years or over, had certainly got the gorgeous, blonde, mature mother under their control now, and there was just nothing she could do about it. By threatening her on just one occasion, they had led her into a scenario of situations where they had been able to enjoy the wonderful fruits of her body endlessly, and on each occasion the sexy wife and mother had eventually given in until she was literally crying out for more.And it was easily understandable why the young...

1 year ago
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Tough Treatment

Carlton Adams, Carl or 1 ton to his rugby friends was a pro rugby player and had just completed qualifying as a sports physio, dietitian and trainer when he crashed a friends Harley. Taking a girl for a ride, a speeding car had run them off the road, the girl had minimal injuries but Carl had rolled with the huge bike sustaining back and leg injuries. After 12 weeks in hospital he was wheeled to the physio unit to start work on walking and regaining mobility. His assessment was a shock, in...

Adult Humor
4 years ago
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Mrs Lambfinger of the 9th Grade

1977... the year Skynyrd crashed, Star Wars came out, and I had an 9th grade math teacher named Mrs. Lambfinger. Horrible name, I know, and it was that much worse that her first name was Pamela and sort of rhymed (Pamela Ramyerfinger), though I only thought of her as Mrs. Lambfinger. No. Not quite true. I thought of her in many different ways. I sometimes thought of her unbuttoning her top for me, button by button, to reveal-- well, I'm not sure now how my fantasies played out, since they had...

4 years ago
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Dost ki biwi ko chuda

May Karachi ka rehnay wala houn. Yeh story bilkul sachi hay. Mera Aik jokay defence may rehta hay. Meri us ki dosti 5 sal pehlay hi hoi thi kissi aur dost ki waja say. Actually wo meray dost ka dost tha aur mera bhi acha dost bun gia.May na computer hardware maintenance ka course bhi kia hay aur may installation bhi janta tha. Aik din meray dost jis ka nam Shahid tha call ki aur kaha us ka gher ka computer nahi chal raha. May aker dekh loun. May na us sa kaha ka ma dosray din 10:00 a.m. Tuk...

1 year ago
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The Spirit of PolandChapter 17

Felek did not so much wake, as stop trying to sleep. Movement had started throughout the camp, some unknown signal starting the morning process despite the darkness. Trying not to let out a groan, he pushed himself up into a sitting position. Ruta rose beside him, arm falling away from his chest without protest. Someday, he thought, he'd actually get to be with her in bed again, not just have her cuddle his clothed form. She blinked, hand going to her eyes. "They're crusty," she said....

1 year ago
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Lead Me Not Into Sexual Temptation Part 2

Shadows were enveloping the bedroom when Hope began to stir. As she stirred, she bumped into a hard body, causing her eyes to fly open. Looking around the unfamiliar room, she tried to gather her thoughts and then it hit her – she had just committed adultery. She felt guilt rip through her at the thought of being unfaithful to her husband of ten years. Suddenly Hope began to giggle as she realized that she was completely naked except for her platform sandals. Her husband would have been...

4 years ago
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My Mother Brother Uncle Fucked Me

Hi all and I am Leena I’m a big fan of ISS but I am not that fluent in English where my mother tongue is Telugu Language and this is a story it happened when I was fourteen years. I hailed from a rural place from a middle class and myself, father and mother used to stay. I am medium height with long hair, fair and big eyes. All my village people will say I am the most beautiful girl. My uncle used to visit sometimes on occasions like festivals or for any functions at home. I used to wear shirt...

4 years ago
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The Shed Club part 6

Once again, please be kind. An extract from the end of part 5.... To the right of us, all the way across the floor and over a chair, was a ton of spunk, several obvious long lines where he'd spurted, and a load down near us where he'd presumably finished. "He hit the window", Jackie proudly announced. She had finished the wank, I later found out, and had obviously done a very good job. I looked across and saw one of the girls pointing at the net curtain where the cum had...

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