- 2 years ago
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Nic kicked his snowmobile. What a time to run outta gas he thought. It was getting close to dusk and he could tell that there was a snow storm coming. As he started walking he thought to himself why can’t you just leave that girl alone! It was her own fault she chooses to live up here in the middle of the mountain miles and miles from anyone else. But Nic had strong feeling for Emiline and he needed to make sure she was well prepared for the storm.
The emergency radio back at the post said that this storm was to be the worst one this section of Montana had seen in years! Trudging through the already 3 inches of snow on the ground Nic got closer and closer to Emiline’s cabin. It took him nearly 90 minutes to get to the place where he could see the smoke curling from chimney. By this point he was starting to get really cold and the snow was starting to fall lightly around him. He knew he needed to hurry because the weather on this mountain could get nasty without any warning. Another 30 min and he would be at her front door.
Emiline was all prepared for the upcoming storm. She been into the sleepy little valley of Faminton yesterday to buy enough supplies to last her for the next 3 weeks if need be. The clerk at the store had just laughed at her and shook his head.
‘Emi, I never did understand why you went and bought that place up in the mountains when you came back to town, seems to me that a woman like you should be down here in the valley being taken care of by a good strong man.’
Emiline just smiled at the old man and patted his face. ‘Now Bruce, you know that my family has owned that cabin since before my father was even a thought in his mama’s mind. I like living up there, it’s peaceful and quite, gives a girl space to be herself, and think.’
Then she’d gathered her stuff into her jeep and went back up the mountain to her cabin. No one in the sleepy little town knew for sure what had happened to Emiline. She’d been the one they all thought was going to leave and never some back, and frankly that’s what she had intended to do. She’d gotten a modeling contract with an agency in LA and had packed her bags at 18 and left. Her parents hadn’t been very happy with her but she was done being a small town girl and thought it was time for her to live her life. Things for Emiline went great for the first few years. She was the top model at her agency and was getting flown all around the world for photo shoots. The biggest designers were calling and begging for her to come to New York and Paris to walk in their runway shows.
When she was 22 years old she had been asked to fly to Milan for one of the biggest fashion weeks ever and she thought it was time that he parents were able to come see her strut her stuff. She wanted them to be proud of her and who she was. So she talked them into coming and spending the week with her in Milan and then she would have a week off and they would tour Italy together. The day her parents were supposed to be getting on the plane there was a mud slide and it sent their car off the road as they were driving to the airport.
In an instant Emiline had lost both her parents. She’d finished up her week in Milan and the rest of her contracts and then she packed up everything she owned and moved back to her sleepy little town of Faminton and up into the family’s cabin. Emiline had been so good with her money while she was modeling that she didn’t have to worry about an income any more. She still modeled a few times a year for her favorite designers but the rest of the time she kept to herself, it’d only been 18 months since her parents had passed and she was still struggled with her grief some days.
Emiline smiled at the thought of her parents as she pulled the lid off her pot of boiling chicken. Soup was always good on a day like today, well as long as it had nice hot rolls to go with it and those were rising in the corner table. Emiline looked out her back window at the snow covered trees and felt a twinge of loneliness…how she wished she had a man to curl up with at times like this.
OK curling up with a man wasn’t exactly what Emiline had on her mind, she smiled to herself. Someday this cabin would be warm, not from the fire or the food but from the heat off of her body as she pressed into a man. As she smiled at the thought of sweat trickling down her own bosom she thought she heard a knock at her door. Her smile quickly disappeared, who in the world would be knocking on her door on a day like today, she had no neighbors and today no one should have been on the mountain skiing. She grabbed her shotgun, checked to make sure it was loaded and walked over to the door. She opened the door and leveled her gun at the man standing on the other side.
‘Emiline! Put that damn gun down it’s just me.’ Nic said and then he fell through the doorway.
Emiline struggled to pull Nic into the cabin and then she pushed the heavy door closed and locked it. What in world was that man doing up here today. Well, she didn’t have time to worry about that right now because he looked really cold. She unzipped his parka and started trying to get him out of his wet coat. She struggled a little but finally got it off then she took off his boots and his heavy overalls. Next she did her best to drag him closer to the fireplace. Not that there was a great distance for her to cover, but she wasn’t a very big woman and Nic, well Nic was 6′ 3′ and a very well build man. She final just grabbed the rug he was on and pulled with all her might.
After she had gotten him in front of the fire place she stood looking at him and started to notice that his clothes were drenched with sweat, not wonder he fell and passed out, he must be freezing. She decided the best thing would be to get his wet things off of him and get him covered with some of her heavy quilts until he got warm, then she’d figure out a way to dry out his clothes.
She started with his sock, all 3 pair of them, then his pants and his long-john bottoms. As she pulled them off she caught herself staring at his crotch, the urge to reach out and caress his member surged through her body. She resisted her bad girl temptation and walked around to stand above his head. As she stood near his head she let her dirty little mind wonder. She began to imagine sitting on his face and having him devour her pussy. She let out a soft moan at the thought and shook it off…what was wrong with her. She needed to finish getting his clothes off of him, first she pulled off his heavy sweatshirt and laughed at what she saw next. He was wearing a long-sleeved tee-shirt from their high school.
Nic had graduated the year before Emiline, he was the captain of the football team and a pretty damn good running back. He wasn’t only a good football player but he’s also had his own band and the fact of the matter was that in high school Emiline had wanted Nic to notice her, but he was too busy with the other girls. She shook her head free of her memories and continued to undress the man. She finally pulled off his undershirt and noticed his abs. She just couldn’t help herself at that point, she knelt on the floor next to him and ran her fingers over his chest, counting each ab as she went up and down his chest. She started at the top of his slightly hairy chest and then counted them as she slid her fingers down his body. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, wait a minute 7 & 8 and by the time she got to the last two another muscles was starting to stir and so was Nic! He grabbed her hands, and she let out a small yelp.
Nic woke up and looked at the woman kneeling next to him. She had on a soft grey sweater that hugged her breasts and all her curves just right. He looked up at the woman kneeling next to him
‘Emi! What are you doing?’ He finally asked.
Emiline was so startled, ‘Um…….. checking for a heartbeat,’ she stammered. Heartbeat she thought to herself, that was the first thing you could come up with was heartbeat, that’s just stupid.
h really,’ jested Nic and he put his strong hang over her left breast ‘cuz I’m pretty sure that this area could be a better spot to be checking for a person’s heart to be beating.’
‘Nic, what in the world do you think you’re doing touching me there!’ She said, but she didn’t attempt to move his hand. The fact of the matter was that Emiline was enjoying the feel of Nic’s hand on her breast. Looking at his face she was pretty sure that he’d figure out what she was thinking and she stood up. ‘I’m going to go get you a few blankets so that you can warm up. You were freezing when you got here.’
Nic watched her walk into what he assumed was her bedroom. The jeans she was wearing hugged her hips and thighs and outlined the curve of her butt just perfectly. He didn’t need any blankets, he could have been warmed up just fine if she had stayed where she was a few minutes more. Emi returned carrying 3 King sized quilts, she set them down next to Nic and then grabbed a few pillows off of the couch and brought them over to put under his head. Then she spread the first quilt over the top of him, and hung his clothes up near the fireplace.
‘Let me know if you need another quilt in a few minutes,’ she said ‘I have to finish making dinner.’
She turned around walked across the room to the stove and flipped on the radio on and began finishing her dinner. As she worked Nic got up off the floor with the quilt wrapped around him and went to sit at the table. He studied her as she worked. She was completely lost in the music and what she was doing and he was enjoying the swaying of her hips with the rhythm of the music. She bent over and put the baking sheet full of rolls into the oven and set a timer then went back to finishing her soup.
When the timer went off she grabbed a pot holder and bent over to grab the tray out of the over. As she stood up to put the tray on the counter her hand shook, she went to grab the tray with her other hand but she forgot she didn’t have a potholder in that hand. She screamed and dropped the tray onto the counter, Nic bolted out of his seat and ran toward her. He turned on the cold water in the sink and grabbed her hand and stuck it under the faucet. Looking down at her he saw that she was biting her lower lip and there were tears in her eyes. Nic pulled her hand out from under the water.
‘You’ll be ok Emi, it’s just a little burn, and you probably won’t even get a blister.’ He said sweetly, and then he took her hand and kissed it. ‘There all better,’ he said.
She still had tears in her eyes but at least now she was smiling. Nic couldn’t resist anymore. Hanging onto her burned hand he took his arm and slid it around her waist and in one swift movement he pulled her in close and set his lips onto hers. He kissed her, first slowly and innocently and then as she melted into him it became more passionately. Nic pulled away unsure of how passionate their kiss was getting.
‘No don’t stop now’, Emiline cried out!
Nic laughed at her plea. He hadn’t expected her to react that way. She was looking up at him with pleading in her eyes. It wasn’t that Nic didn’t want to keep going, he just wanted to be sure it was something she wanted to do. He kissed her again, slowly. Teasing her with his tongue and kissing her lips more and more passionately he swung her around so that she was leaning against the island in the center of the kitchen. As their bodies began to heat up with the anticipation of whatever would happen next Nic reached down and slid Emiline’s sweater up and over her head to reveal her perfect round breasts nestled inside of a slate colored bra with lace.
Then he lifted her into his big strong arms and carried her back over in front of the fireplace and then placed her on her feet next to the hearth. Then he took the 2 extra quilts she had brought out earlier and laid them on the floor and then he picked Emiline back up and gently lay her down on top of them. He knelt beside her, kissed her gently and cupped her covered breasts in his hands, then he slipped his hand from her chest down the sides of her body to her small waist and then on down towards her hips and then slid his finger over the button of her jeans with one hand he quickly disassembled it. Then he moved and grabbed ahold of the bottom of her jeans and slid them off of her body to reveal a matching slate colored lacy thong. Nic stood up and walked to the end of the blanket and knelt back down, then beginning at her feet he began to kiss every inch of her body. First he started at her left ankle, then her knees, then up her the inside of her thighs and right when he was almost at her pussy he stopped. Emiline had been holding her breath as he had been moving up the left side of her body, when he stopped she’d let out a tiny cry.
Nic had a huge smile on his face, she was enjoying what he was doing, and he was enjoying the anticipation that he knew was building in her body. He moved and went back to her right leg and began again. Ankle, knee, and slowly up the inside of her right thigh and then to the top of her thong. He slid his tongue around the waist band of her thong and she grabbed ahold of the quilt and let out a soft moan. His hands hand moved slowly as he removed her panties from her body.
Then beginning on the right side of her pussy, which was already starting to drip with anticipation, with her legs spread completely open he breathed heavily on her body and began to slide his tongue around her pussy. He used his fingers to push back the small piece of skin covering her colitis , then using his tongue in a flicking motion he because to play. Her breathing starting to get heaver and she was telling him how much she was enjoying what he was doing. When she was almost to her climax he climbed on top of her and began to slide his hard penis into her now very wet pussy. Slowly stoking her, maximizing her pleasure and then harder and harder until she thought she’d explode she hit her climax, screaming out in pleasure, the pulsating of her vagina cause him to release.
Nic stood up and told Emiline to get on her knees. He stood before her and slid his now soft penis into her mouth. As she began to suck, she use her hands massage his balls. She slid the tip of his penis into her mouth and then ran her tongue around the crown of the head. Then she slowly slid his member into her mouth and slid it back out. She stopped smiled up at him and ducked down and started to show some love to his balls. She slid her tongue around the 2 sacks hanging below his impressive member. While she was sucking on his balls she used her fingers to draw figure eights on his perineum. He was begging her to keep going. She moved again and still caressing his balls with her hands she slipped her lips back over the top of his shaft. Her tongue massaged his frenulum, slowly and then a little faster and then she slowed it back down again. She was watching the intense pleasure play across his face and he started yelling that he was coming and as he came she drank in his spray.
Emiline lay back down on the quilts and Nic crawled in behind her. He caressed her body, amazed that he had waited so long to be with her.
After a while Emiline heard Nic’s stomach growl and she laughed. She reached behind her and patted his chiseled butt and scooted out of his arms. She crawled up off of the floor, grabbed one of hisshirts and walked back to the kitchen to finish preparing their dinner.
Nic threw on a pair of pants and a shirt and they sat at her kitchen table to eat. While they were eating Nic told her how he had ran out of gas on the way up the mountain. When they were finished eating Nic offered to help with the dishes. Nic washed and Emi dried the dishes and put them away. Looking at the clock, Nic decided he should probably figure out how to get back to main ranger station.
Emi had an extra truck that she could loan him so that he could get back down the mountain, but neither of them realized how back the weather had gotten while they were
making love earlier. Nic walked over to open the door to see how much snow had fallen since he had gotten there a few hours earlier. When he opened the door the snow was up to his knees. He slammed the door shut and turned around to look at the beautiful woman standing next to the fire place. He shrugged as he looked at her, ‘Guess we’re snowed in’ he said grinning.
They spent the next few hours talking about what had happened to Emi since she had left for LA and about his life. She could see he was tired and although cuddling next to the fire place in the main room was nice the bed in her room was a lot more comfortable, and there was a fireplace in there too, it just needed a fire. Emi asked Nic if he could start a fire in her room. He raised a suspicious eyebrow at her and she laughed as she explained that she meant in the fireplace. While he was getting the fire started Emi dug through her drawers and found a black silky nighty to pull over her head. She headed into the bathroom and got ready for bed. When she walked back into the room he had a good fire going and as he turned around to see her, she could see that she had started a fire too. They crawled into the sleigh bed and Nic pulled her in close. They made love, slowly and passionately.
Around 6 am Emiline woke up and noticed that the room was very cold. She could still feel Nic behind her, which was good because that meant she wasn’t dreaming. She crawled out from his arms and added more wood to the fireplace in her room, she went to put on a silk robe from her closet and when she tried to flip the light switch she discovered that the electricity had gone out while they were sleeping. She found the robe anyway, put it on and walked out of the room to close off the rest of the doors in the house, to keep what heat they did have from the fireplaces in the central areas.
It was really cold and what she needed right now was a good soak in the big claw foot tub in her bathroom. She was very happy that her water heater ran on the corn heater she’d had installed last year. As soon as her bath was full of hot steamy water she slid off her robe and climbed into the water. Nic must have heard the water shut off because within minutes of her relaxing she heard him walk into the room.
He pushed her forward in the tub and climbed in behind her and then pulled her body back up close to his. They didn’t say anything to each other just sat in the heated water an enjoyed the feel of each other’s naked bodies. After a few minutes Nic slid Emi forward and grabbed a bucket from the side of the tub and began a slow process of washing her long hair. Nothing felt sexier to Emiline than they man running his hand through her wet hair. When he was done she climbed out of the tub and he watched her towel off and brushes her long blonde hair and then braided it. She knew he was watching her, but she refused to turn around and catch him. She enjoyed the fact that he was drinking in her body with is eyes. It would just make the rest of their time together more enjoyable, then she left the room.
After taking a shower Nic walked out of the bathroom and leaned against the wall watching her sway to the music while she was making pancakes and frying bacon. With determination he walked across the room to where she was standing. He turned off the gas burners and decided to turn her body heat back on. He pulled her nighty off of her body and then lifted her naked body onto his. She wrapped her legs around his waist and he pressed her body against the cabinets. He kissed the tip of her nose, then each one of her eyelids, and finally brought his lips to hers.
He carried her over to the table slid her into the middle of it and climbed onto of her. He began kissing her neck and suckling on her breasts while his fingers played inside her pussy like a guitarist plays a melody on his instrument. Nic climbed off her and pulled her body towards the end of the table until her ass was almost ready to fall off the table. Then he got down on his knees with a wicked little smile on his face and used his lips to massage her colitis, Emiline moaned softly.
She was an utter bitch and spread rmours about people she ound a threat, now the tables have turned and she is the slave to her two victims and passed around like a commom whore amongst her family. First Sandra, Then her older brother then her father then her little brother. What will she do when nothing is in her...
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-- Learning From Emilie --Early one Saturday morning I was standing at the bathroom sink in our government quarters brushing my teeth. My father had awakened me earlier than usual, getting ready to go on an overnight guard duty assignment. Once he'd left, I decided to go ahead and get up early, get cleaned up, maybe go out for a nice motorcycle ride.There was a movement at the open door and I turned my head, toothbrush still in my mouth, to see my stepmother Emilie walk into the bathroom. ...
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(All characters presented are 18 or older, all participants have given enthusiastic consent, all sizes are completely ridiculous, all sex acts are over-the-top and fantastical.) Handling Emil By Veronica Divine The phone rang once. I groaned, stirring from dreams as deep as the blue eyes I had been dreaming about. The phone rang twice. I sat up and gave the phone two middle fingers. The phone rang again. “FUCK!” I shouted, lunging myself across the silk sheets to pick the damned thing up....
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Nicole went home aroused, and remained aroused through bath, dinner and bedtime. That night, she resisted the temptation to masturbate. No, she told herself. She wouldn't masturbate anymore. She would leave that to her father... and Joy's father. Fingers or tongues, she wouldn't mind anymore. Let them use what they like. Let the urge and desire build up till Saturday, when she would be going to Joy's house again. What if her father wanted to use his cock in her cunt? The very thought of...
They talked over the scene that Nicole was to act out. It was supposed to be a scene in a flower garden with a grass lawn. Nicole realized that she must do what they wanted her to do. It was too late and improper to refuse to act now. Joy said, "It's hot outside. Why not we do it in her bed room?" Joy's father agreed, "Yes, the bedroom can be used as a garden with the bed as the grassy lawn." So, they all went up to the bedroom which, Martha had said, would be Nicole's and her...
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Danica awakened when the first rays of light fell upon her face. She found Tonda asleep sitting on the couch next to her. Danica's legs draped over the dark-skinned woman's lap, and Danica smiled when she saw Tonda's hand lying over her mound. Danica tried to get up without awakening Tonda, but this proved impossible. Tonda rose drowsily and followed Danica to the door. Danica opened the door to reveal only the slightest hints of light filtering through the clouds. Must have been a chance...
"Little rose, you have gained admittance to a place that interests me. Tell me now how you managed to gain entry," Zoraster said while bringing a finger to his chin and adopting an expression indicating impatience. Danica felt magic swirling around her and wondered how Zoraster had activated it. It didn't really matter though, because she knew it for what it was — a spell of truth detection. "I joined them in their bed, though I imagine you know that much." "Indeed, I believed that...
Danica only knew she'd lost consciousness when the old woman awakened her. "Get yerself up. We're off ta the healers again. Garthak worked ye over good." Danica didn't protest, because the moment she fully awakened, she was painfully aware of the burning and stinging in all her most sensitive parts. Danica stood and followed the old woman out the door. She hesitated when she realized she was still stark naked and spattered with dried cum. "There ain't no time to be fiddlin' with...
The play continued much the same for the remainder of the two days. She served like a perfect little girl, and he took advantage of her innocence often. Danica found that she often offered enough resistance to get the belt — once even enough to get a violent fucking of her mouth, followed by a hard fucking of her tight ass. Danica woke up sopping wet, and went to bed filled with cum. "It is time for me to go again," he said as he gathered up his things the second afternoon. "Come give me...
Zoraster called Danica to her duty the next morning. She went to the viewing room, and saw that Camilla was already in Marlena's room. Anger flooded through Danica so strong that she felt her ears burning hot. Camilla touched Marlena and spoke in a low sultry voice. Danica couldn't quite make out what Camilla was saying, but when Camilla reached down and laid her hand over Marlena's nether lips, Marlena's reply sounded out loud and clear. "Get your hands off of me, you sick bitch!"...
The next morning, once she shook away the disorientation of awakening in an unfamiliar place, Danica immediately noticed the dull ache in her bottom as she rose. She clenched her cheeks tight, wincing slightly as she walked to the chamber pot. She squatted to empty her bladder, wishing that she had thought to bring a seat with her to cover the pot. The ache was nothing that would distract her terribly once she was fully awake, and the memory of the pleasure that had caused it made Danica...
When Danica awoke the next morning, she took a quick bath and pulled on a comfortable blouse and skirt. Just as she prepared to leave, she looked at the bed with a sigh. Brandon had been in rare form the previous night, in a mood to be gentle. Danica was amazed at just how soft his touch could be, and at the depth of the release that the slow lovemaking had given her. Danica shook the thoughts out of her head, realizing that they were a bad idea. If she started getting even closer to...
Danica arrived in her rooms back at Zoraster's complex and immediately left for Marlena's room. She knocked and heard Celes bid her to enter from somewhere inside. Marlena lay on the bed, covered by sheets, and Celes sat next to the bed looking worried. Celes had placed several of her scented candles in the room and lit them, filling the air with a light, relaxing scent. Marlena lay very still, and she looked pale. "What's wrong Celes?" Celes gave Danica a grave look and stood,...
Danica returned to her room in the main complex of the Forge with a heavy heart. She knew that another task awaited her, this time without companions to stand with her. Celes revealed that she planned to return to Zoraster's complex that day. She had left some things half finished, and wanted to get back to them. She also felt saddened by the breakup of the Companions of the Forge, and knew that staying here would remind her constantly of that loss. When Celes left, Danica sat down to talk...
Danica relaxed upon returning to the home where she was staying. When she entered, she found Rekhmire and an older servant who prepared the food playing a game similar to chess. Danica sat down to watch, although she was almost as interested in watching Rekhmire's lap below the table as in observing the game. She did pick up a few hints about how the game differed from chess as she watched, however. The older servant soundly trounced Rekhmire, and then returned to the kitchen to prepare...
Danica awoke that morning to Celes shaking her. She came to very slowly, the exhaustion, which had drained her completely, reluctant to release her. Seeing Danica rousing, Celes asked, "Are ye alright dearie? I've been tryin' ta wake ye fer hours now. Ye've been sleepin' like the dead." "I'm alright," Danica replied, moving to sit up. She made a face, feeling her panties and dress sticking to her skin. "Let's get them off ye dearie," Celes urged, and helped Danica out of the...
Danica came back to consciousness slowly, her vision swimming. She had no idea where she was. She started awake when she realized she couldn't move. She glanced around and noticed she was strapped — nude, and spread eagle — onto some sort of strange angled table. It supported her down to her buttocks on a hard board and held her legs wide open on two stirrups attached to wooden supports angling down from the rest of the table. Shackles held her hands above her head, and a belt around her...
Celes came the next morning to work with Danica. By mid-afternoon, Danica had mastered the spell. Celes cast a dispell over the room once Danica cast the Armor of Dispelling around her. Danica smiled wide when she found that her rings worked perfectly and that she could cast spells upon herself without them fizzling in the magic-eating enchantment cast upon the room. Celes concentrated and released the dispelling magic. Danica then relaxed the shield of her spell as well. "There — now ye...
When Danica regained consciousness, she could see the faint light of dawn filtering through the partially open doorway of the tent. She rose groggily to her hands and knees, her muscles protesting every movement. She managed to rise to her feet, and found that she felt stiff, but well. She touched her face and scowled when she felt the pattern of the stiff canvas floor's weave imprinted in her cheek. After taking a few minutes to wake up and drink down a healing potion, Danica felt much...
"I still don't see why you didn't tell her everything," Celes said when she saw Danica's eyes open. Wincing and holding her aching head, Danica replied, "If she knew about Zoraster, she'd come. I want her and Darkniciad protecting my family. This is my fight — our fight — Celes. I have to stand on my own for once. I got into this without Devan's help, and I'll get out of it the same way." "Isn't that just a little stubborn and irrational?" Celes asked. Tam answered the...
Thunder whinnied and stamped as he was led to the mare in heat. Still, he had done this many times before, and so allowed himself to be led up to the breeding stand by Nicolette Bower, whose father helped him settle into place. The mare snorted as the large dick penetrated her vagina, and the stallion began to thrust in and out. He was a magnificent creature, 4 years old, strong, and fast. His fur was dark brown, heading to black on his “socks” on his lower legs, and his mane almost...
Nicolette had a dream she was fucked by the stallionThunder whinnied and stamped as he was led to the marein heat. Still, he had done this many times before, andso allowed himself to be led up to the breeding stand by Nicolette whose father helped him settle into place. The mare snorted as the large dick penetrated her vagina, and the stallion began to thrust in and out. He was a magnificent creature, 4 years old,strong, and fast. His fur was dark brown, heading toblack on his “socks” on his...
Upon awakening, Danica began to rearrange things in her new rooms. She tracked down a large servant and asked him to move the larger items such as her kiln, chamber pot, and one of the tables from her lab. He seemed rather stunned and pleased when Danica gave him a few coins for his trouble. He quickly agreed to find a craftsman to hook up the vent pipe for her kiln, and returned shortly thereafter with someone. She gave him a few coins as well when he completed his work. Danica then moved...
Over the next several days, Danica, Celes, and Darius carefully detailed the path their work would take. All the while, Celes thoroughly searched the lab, confirming that the wand was not in the room. At night, they explored the house. Each covered the ground the other had the night before, just to ensure they didn't miss anything. They found nothing of any magical interest within the house. It appeared that anything related to the Art was relegated to the workshop and Darius' private...
Danica cast the fertility detecting spells into the ring, planning to give the ring to Andrea as soon as possible. She found that casting even those relatively simple enchantments exhausted her. I've been working too hard. I need to take a break. More of Danica's purchases arrived late that afternoon. She wearily put away the kitchen utensils and clay working tools just in time for her new desk to arrive. A few coins persuaded the porter to take the desk to where Danica wanted it. A few...
The companions worked on the details of their plan until nightfall, and then went to their rooms. Mara joined Bear and Janelle, while Nara followed Brandon and Cheron. Danica shared the night — and her body — with Terran. The next day, everyone sat down to hammer out the final points of their plan. By midday, Danica felt that they were ready. Everyone gathered his or her equipment and prepared to head into their most dangerous confrontation yet. Under cloak of invisibility, the group...
As the day progressed, Danica grew more at ease by the moment. Despite being men and women of power, those assembled in the common room proved beyond any doubt that they were not absorbed in the trappings of that power. A stray thought from Marlena caused Danica to cover her mouth and stifle a laugh. The illusionist was speaking with Vladamir and Cheron, and Danica had little doubt that Marlena would be missing from the room they shared this night. Cheron was very persuasive, and it seemed...
Danica awoke with a smile on her face that had been there since she had fallen asleep the night before. The reason for the smile lay nestled up against her. Danica's smile spread even wider as she looked down at the beautiful young woman in the bed with her. Between the horror of Camilla's death and the sadness of Marta's passing, Danica was desperately in need of close companionship, and Andrea had obviously sensed it. For the past three days, she had visited with Danica whenever...
With a final stroke of her magical pen, Danica completed the last rune. The strain of maintaining the Reflection's Servant spell long enough to complete the final few runes was starting to tell on her, and so Danica released the magic to sink back into her real body once more. Stretching to work out the kinks in her muscles, Danica rose up off the bed with a groan. She was weary, but smiling. Two weeks had passed in the real world, but Danica had been working for far longer in the confines...
Meckataur's demonic servants openly watched Zoraster this time as he crossed the weed-choked broken flagstones in the courtyard of Nightmare Castle. The task Zoraster came to offer the demon was something any number of his servants could have performed, but would serve to slake the hellspawn's thirst for elven blood. More important was the opportunity to see the fruit of Meckataur's loins, demons that would serve as nearly unstoppable generals in the devil's building horde. Barely free of...
Celes was in the room when Danica awoke early the next morning, "Ye've grown strong in yer art dearie," Celes said. "Not strong enough. It was a near thing many times," Danica said, and then told Celes the story of what had happened. Celes let out an explosive breath when Danica finished her tale, "Whoo — so many powerful spells so quickly. Dearie, yer lucky. Drawin' on that much power coulda left ye unable ta defend yerself in the slightest." "I was overconfident," Danica...
After Danica spent an hour sitting on the hard bed reading, Unas returned and apologized for the delay. One of his goats had escaped, forcing him to track it down and round it up. He took Danica to a smaller mud brick building behind his dwelling, bringing out a saddlebag and a purse that Danica immediately recognized as magical. He also handed her a small box containing earrings. Inside the box Danica found a note explaining that the earrings would work as a tongues spell, allowing her to...
Danica heard the chime announcing a visitor immediately upon stepping from her bath. She quickly dried with a towel and pulled on fresh clothing just as Zoraster appeared in her doorway. It took a great deal of self-control not to show evidence of her surprise when the Archmage paused with a look of irritation at the doorway to her room, pulling an ornate wand of ivory from somewhere within his robes before proceeding. "I will have the obelisk now," he said to her. Danica gestured to...
Danica heard a knock on her door not long after she had risen from her bed the next morning. She answered it and saw it was Celes. She opened the door wide and let the woman in. Danica grabbed her up in a hug once the door closed. "I was worried. I haven't heard from you in so long." "I'm fine dearie," Celes said, breaking the hug after a few moments. "I was jus' about business an' away." "I'm so glad you're back," Danica said with a smile. "I want to show you something,"...
Danica saw a tray on her bed when she returned to her rooms. She ignored it, slipping out of her robe and into a bath. She didn't waste any time, she simply washed and then dressed. Once she was dressed, she picked up the two healing draughts and jar of salve on the tray. She put them in pockets of her robe, followed by the skin she would use to flush Marlena's depths, and then picked up the note on the tray. The note read, You of course understand that you shall reveal nothing to Marlena...
Danica awakened the next morning from another vivid dream, once again in a damp nightdress. She remembered that for a long time at the beginning of the dream, she had simply teleported around talking with people whom she knew in various places, using a teleportation device. This had gone on for what felt like hours, with no apparent rhyme or reason. The dream had ended with her returning to share another evening of intense, passionate lovemaking with Andrea. Danica dressed and considering...
Danica spent most of the remainder of the week in her lab. She delved into her library, testing spells she knew, learning new ones from various volumes, and carefully comparing their effects. Her every thought turned toward determining what magic would best suit the item she wished to create. The research for this item followed a very similar path to the last one, so she was able to use much of what she had done previously to her advantage. She felt prepared to begin at the end of the...
Danica managed to compose herself after seeing the amulet around Andrea's neck. She even managed to forget about it for a short while as their lips and tongues roved over each other's bodies. When she awoke the next morning, she sought out Celes and asked her to come to her chambers to tell her of what she had learned. "Well, Dearie, I'm for fearin' that any lass ye lay with inside these walls is more'n likely gonna end up wit' one of them things 'round 'er neck. Ye arouse intense...
Danica stayed in town through most of the next day. She made a large number of purchases, requesting delivery of the items to her quarters at the Training Grounds, and then transporting them through the portal to her quarters in Zoraster's complex. Danica returned to her studies. Her first goal was to learn a dangerous and powerful spell — Disintegration. The spell was an ancient — and for many centuries lost — magic. Darkniciad had rediscovered it some years before, and like all too many...
When Danica awoke, she was back in her own chambers. The first thing she saw was Celes leaning over her, looking worried. "Are ye alright, Dearie? Am I needin' ta get ye to the healer?" she asked, when she noticed Danica starting to come around. "No, I'll be fine," Danica replied groggily. "Physically at least," she added, remembering what had caused her to pass out. "Zoraster sent for me, an' told me ta get ye back to yer chambers, but he dinna say what was wrong with ye, an'...
Danica awoke the next morning and returned to her chambers in the complex atop the hill. She had dreamed about a beautiful woman, created in her mind from the glimpses of what Celes really looked like. The dream image of Celes had slid her whole hand nearly to the wrist inside Danica, stretching her and making her come hard. Danica had used her toy to let off the pressure before she got up to leave, too aroused to think straight until she climaxed. The dream sparked a memory in Danica as she...
Danica spent the remainder of the day relaxing, trying to forget her anger at Zoraster for his deliberate taunting of her. She worked in her lab studying some notes from her spell research. She felt nearly ready to try to create her first original spell. The next day, she spent a great deal of time at the scrying pool observing and exploring Omark's slave house. Open doorways and corridors dominated the building, and she saw no evidence of magical protections in most places. Only his...
Danica wandered onto the grounds, feeling out of place in the midst of the military order of the place. Everyone but her seemed to be heading somewhere, exactly where they were supposed to be going, in a perfectly coordinated march. She paused when she found a group of about twenty engaged in a training exercise. One man, obviously of some rank, observed two men dueling with heavily padded staves atop a pair of stumps well-rooted in the ground. They pummeled each other with the staves, each...
Gaeaye sat dangling her shapely legs in a pristine brook, her lush body covered only by her dark hair, which would have hung down to her knees if she were standing. The scent of flowers — every flower known in the world — filled the air. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the trees surrounding the stream. Birds sang in those trees, and a fawn drank a few feet away from Gaeaye, untroubled by her presence. No man or god could have conceived a place more serene and peaceful. Yet her face was...
Danica awoke and tried to come to grips with the truth. Celes was gone when she regained consciousness, as was Zoraster. Danica felt her Art burning inside her. She shuddered as she cast a spell for the first time in so long, a simple telekinesis cantrip that brought a glass of water from the bedside table to her hand. She drank down the water and filled her cup a second time. All the while, her mind raced as it tried to wrap around the knowledge that every ounce of lust and need she had...
Zoraster granted Danica her new freedom the next day. She spent the day exploring the other buildings and the grounds. She discovered — to her surprise and delight — that there was an even larger library on the grounds. There she selected a pair of thick volumes on illusion and took them back to her room before continuing her tour. There were dorms for servants, barracks for soldiers, individual private residences for some of the master wizards, and a temple to the dark gods — all on the...
Nichole finally made it home. Tired and dirty, she heeded a shower and a nap. She undressed and stepped in the shower. At first the water stung on her back where was all scratched up, but then it was relaxing. She decided a bubble bath before her nap would be good She started the water for the bath and added the bubble bath. Once the bath was full, she stepped inside. She wasn’t in her bath five minutes when the doorbell rang. “Delivery!” A man’s voice called out....
When Danica finally had no tears left to cry, she stood and shuffled into her lab, hoping to stifle the memories in study. She spent the remainder of the day delving into several spell books, finding many powerful spells of defense and attack she decided she would try to learn upon her return. She might never be a match for the madman Zoraster, but she was determined to try. She sent for Celes to come to her chambers the next morning. Celes arrived a few minutes later, dressed for travel and...
Danica knelt at her mother's grave, gently stroking the marker stone with one hand. Tears streamed down her face, but only the occasional sob shook her. Her mother's long illness had prepared Danica for this day long ago, as much as anyone could be prepared for the death of a parent. She laid the flowers in front of the headstone, whispering, "I love you, Mom. I'll miss you." Staring at the stone, Danica wondered, What would you think of me, if you could see me now? As if sensing her...
Danica quickly gathered up the magic items she thought she would need for her and Celes. She had constructed a false window in her room of the new outpost and carved runes on it allowing her to use it as a rift to nearly any location she knew well. This was something she planned to do in her other houses scattered through the world when she found the time. She and Celes then sat on the bed, with Telanor sitting in a chair across the room from them. "Your job is to keep your eyes open for...
Danica awoke sore the next morning. The muscles in her legs, chest, and tummy all burned with a dull ache. Occasionally, a stab of pain would shoot up from her loins to spread through her chest. Those stabs even made her breasts ache for a few minutes when they hit her. "Never again," Danica muttered as she rose from her bed; though she revised the statement in her mind, Never again so many times with a cock that big, she thought. Thinking about the night before caused her body to...
Danica went to Cheron's room that night at the appointed time. Cheron kissed her and whispered, "Playtime," into Danica's ear before leading the redhead to Janelle's room. Cheron knocked softly, and Janelle opened the door to let them inside the room. Cheron didn't waste any time, moving to undress Danica the moment the door closed behind them. Janelle pulled off her own clothes while Cheron undressed Danica. In short order, both women stood naked, their bodies pressed together in a...